NS and ES
NS and ES
NS and ES
1. Coordinates and controls the workings of the components of
the body (Control center for all body activities)
2. Like a communication network that transmits information by
electrical signals called neurons or nerve cells
3. Responds and adapts to changes that occur both inside and
outside the body
(Ex: pain, temperature, pregnancy)
Neurons - basic cell of the NS that carries impulses or action
potential from one part to another
3 Parts:
1. Cell Body (Soma) – controls the growth of the nerve cell
2. Dendrites- short-branched fibers that carry impulses towards
the cell body
3. Axon- long, thin fibers that carry messages away from the cell
General Organization of the Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Consists of the brain and spinal cord
Where interneurons receive and pass on messages
brain – control center
spinal cord – relays sensory and motor information to and
from the brain to other parts of the body
Organs of the nervous
system can be divided
into two groups:
The central
nervous system
(CNS) is composed
of the brain and
spinal cord. These
neurons cannot
regenerate if
Brain – moist and spongy
consists of 10 B neurons
controls everything a person does
produces wave of electrical impulses that differ in length and
Brain Protection
1. skull
2. meninges
3. cerebrospinal fluid
Parts of the Brain
1. Cerebrum- large upper region
controls activity and thought
has 2 sides: left and right hemispheres
2. Cerebellum-beneath the back of the cerebrum
coordinates muscle movement
3.Brain stem-below the cerebellum at the base of the skull
controls heart beat, breathing and blood pressure
Medulla-controls breathing , heart beat and swallowing
Pons-regulates breathing and controls eye movement
Midbrain-eye movement
Thalamus-smaller part of the brain that process info from sense
the relay station of senses
Hypothalamus-regulates body temperature, use of water, blood
pressure and release of chemicals
Spinal Cord
Rod of tissue that runs down and back to the brain
Protected by the spinal column and with 3 meninges and
cerebrospinal fluid
Peripheral Nervous System
Made up of cranial and spinal nerves
Spinal nerves-carry motor and sensory signals
Cranial nerves-carry info into and out of the brain stem
Connects the CNS to the organs and limbs
1.Somatic NS-responsible for the actions that a person can
controls voluntary movements
2.Autonomic NS-controls involuntary responses
Ex. Muscle movement to digest food, heartbeat, breathing
a. Sympathetic- prepares the body for action and stress; fight or
Ex. Inc heart rate and breathing, sweating
b. Parasympathetic-helps the body conserve E;
restores the body to normal or relaxed mode
Ex. Rest ; digest
• The peripheral
nervous system
(PNS) is made up
of peripheral
nerves that
connect the CNS
to the rest of the
body. These
neurons can
regenerate if
• 31 pairs of spinal
• 12 pairs of cranial
• PNS can be
subdivided into 2
• (1) Autonomic
– Cranial & spinal
nerves connecting
CNS to heart,
intestines, glands
– Controls
• (2) Somatic
– Cranial & spinal nerves connecting CNS to
skin & skeletal muscles
– Oversees conscious activities
Organization of Nervous
Nervous System