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AFCEC-TR-74-6 Voluze II 0, 0/jOO4
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Civil Enginoering Corrosion Control, Final Report - May 1972
Volu~e III - Cathodic Protection Design to Nov 1974
_____________________________ AFCEC-TR-74-6 Vojy~e
LeNksH. test,P.E. The linchan
Thomas F. Lowicki, P.E.
The Air Force Civil Engineering Center
Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC) FM. 197S
Tyndall AFB FL 32401 ,3. Hi"oR of PAGES
MM; jaCV NIOW1 & &A W UO~me hrm
j 4N~U Mcj I. XZCIRmTT CL.ASS (el Me. tEout)
m otE)
9400 by
US Dompeftat of ComAWK*
$SpiftIrind. VA. 22151
s report is published in three volumes, Vol I - Corrosion
Control - General, Vol II - Cathodic Protection Testing Methods
and Instruments, Vol III- Cathodic Protection Design.
RIACY an rovw"
;C,~WWM eWde
11 a wflfyby *h A
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tL report is specifically written for Air
personnel but can be useful to all Agencies Force
of the Civil Enginevrinj
Federal Govern-
ment. It covers mainly Real Property and Real Property Installex
Equipment. It deals with corrosion and corrosion control of
buried and submerged metal structures. Causes an1 theory of
corrosion, material selection, protective coatings, and cathodic
protection application are included. The information contained
heroin will be usefull for solving all corrosion problems en-
countered on real ro rty and roal ropert installd aulEmont.
0 13 wesnIIToN OF i ov 0313 O9SOLEIucZf~E
mI I N II II 1E]
Ini IIIpIIl I __n___m___n_._, , , nmu u m n n~um m= mpms ,., .,.._
This report sumarizes work done between May 1972 and Nov 1974.
Thomas F. Leicki was Project Officer. The major portion of
the information in this report was compiled by the Hinchuan
Company under Investigation Engineering Project IE 16-72-1,
control number F33615-72-C-0400 from sources listed in the
acknowledgemmts section of this report. The authors contrib-
uted the remainder of the information for this report.
cntt3Cic Pro~i
e-cflilon Testinit Methods and Instruments
and CatioE 7roe-ton Desiyn.
I'arula.raph Page
Introduction----------------- I1
Criteria for Protection ------------------
Precautions for Cathodic Protection Pesijj.I
* Appendix A Glossary- --------- 205
Appendix B~ Department of Transportation
Regualations --------- 209
Appendix C ilcectromio Live Series 223
Appendix D Galvanic Series 224
Appendix E Typical Goverinmen t ~ u i
for Selection of P1ijpe ---- 227
L ILten~ I tndcrtroaid Ltorrosiut. .ourvivy
Ch ec1a Iis t --------------------- 231
L 1
3 ,tjuipotential Lines 10 .
Automtic Potential Control 11"ctifier
Simplilicd IDin.ram for ,ulti-Cireuit Constant
Titaniun Anodes
23 T;,pical Silver - Silver Chloride Probe Reference Electrode 51
A ser ,ly ror use withi Plantinized Titanium Probe Anode
24, Typical Platiaized Titanitm Probc Anode Assembly 52
25 Cable Connection to Structure 54
26 Cable-to-Structure Connection where Thermit Wfeld 5
27 Connection to Lead Sheath Cable 56
28 Typical Rectifier Resistor Circuit 57
29 ttagnesiure Anodes. 62
30 Crrent Efficiency of Magnesiun Anodes 65
31 ':inc Ribbon Anode for Protection of Pipe Inside Casing 74
32 Typical Buildiig Underground tleat and Waterlines 76
33 Impressed Current Point Type Cathodic Protection for 77
Aircraft Hydrant Refueling System
34 Galvanic Anode Type Cathodic Protection for Coated Under- 73
ground Sewage Lift Station
35 Zinc Anode on Reitforced Concrete ?lock 79
36 Radiant Heat or Snow-Helting Piping 80
37 Cathodic Protection of foundation Piles 81
4 38
3 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection for Existing '12
On-Grade Storage Tank
- I ~Impressed Current Cathodic Protection with 'iorizontal $3
Anode for On-Grade Storage Tank-New Installatioa *
r@izoiat 14 ,11 at~~ii i.~r
Obstrtictircts 3n:mcutog
orfionta3 :!a a.si1
Anode Tis tal-ttio&.17
7 horr.,It lu J, !'oId 1
-J 179
7.2. T)'pic3l Vec-tic:1l tflstallation - ItTSCRC! Anode s
74 Typical VerticalI histallatioa for Tmprc.,;s Current17
~ IU
11 Special Sizes or _inc Anodes roi- Iie in Frcsh 14ater or'
Stan'iartl SiZes o^2ii!c Aniodes for Use in .Sea Water 7
Sections o th''., r't ,ort :ia'e been prepareJ from oz- teiaI foila(.
!i %...- C.. * "Corroion Control" (1 August 1:62) :ai,
,e ,i' IIpres;ed Current Cathodic Protection S'stems w.ta
Durco Anodes, edited by i.illiaMi T. Bryan, The Duriron Coampaniy,
Inc., :)ayton, Ohio, 1970. In addition, the. following sources
"mvc provided data- found ii ta'lfes and figures, sometimes
revi.el or updated:
Figure Source
29 AF.I S-9, Ch. 4 (1 August 1J62)
1 INTRODUCTION. Cathodic protection is a common and
effective means of mitigating or preventing corrosion. It
is generally used together with coatings, test stations
bonds, and insulation. It is certainly not a "cure-all
Its economics and feasibility mus' always be carefully
studied.. An in-depth discussion of cathodic protection is
presented here, including design and related corrosion con-
trol of buried or submerged structures.
4 - oE Lu
0E E I-
0 o.2 0
010 (D*. U- in
- 0
E~ (D 0
E -c
(more negative) potential. A galvanic cell (the power
sour,") is thpreby established in which the protected struc-
ture is the cathode and the less noble metal, the galvanic
anode. Current produced by the galvanic potential between
the two metals flows through the electrolyte from anode to
cathode. The system is designed so that sufficient current
will flow from the anode to suppress all local action cur-
rent on the surface of the protected structure. Galvanic
anodes corrode at a rate proportional to their emitted cur-
Galvanic anodes are usually either magnesium or zinc. Poten-
tial between such anodes and protected structitre will never
exceed one volt.
1.2.2 Impressed Current Svstems. Impressed current
cathodic protection uses external D.C. power to develop a
potential between anode and protected structure to force
current from the anode into the electrolyte (Figure ib).
The anodes, consisting of conducting material which dis-.
charge current (usually at a low rate), are connected through
insulated wires and external power source to the structure to
be protected. Impressed current flows out of the anode into
the electrolyte (the anode corrodes). It passes through the
electrolyte and is received by the surface of the protected
structure which Is now cathodic. An impressed current sys-
tem does the same job as the galvanic system. However, the
impressed current system is not limited by a low natural
voltage (approximately one volt) between anode and protected
Impressed 6urrent anodes are commonly high-silicon cast Iron
or graphite. The external power source may be any conven-
iently available provided it is continuous. Rectifiers aoe
most often used for this purpose, However, motor-generator
sets, gasoline engine generators, batteries, thermoelectric
cel: , solar cells, fluid turbines, and wind-d'iven genera-
tors have been used.
2 CRITERIA FOR PROTECTION. Different methods and cr1-
teria are available to determine effectiveness of cathodic
protectita. Proper criteria are both valid and practical
to use for the gIven structure. Electrica] criteria are In
most g~neral use for submerged and underground structures,
because they are generally most practical to evaluate for
installed structures.
2.1 Visual Criteria. For readily-accessIble str1U~r.t3,
visual inspection may be used. If the structure' shows visl-
ble signs of' corrosion - corrosion products, pitting, crack-
ing, thinning or other deterioration - then ad(quat-, prot,'c-
tion has not been achieved. This method is obvious but ;,n-
erally very impractical and, ror that reason, is not in in-
eral use.
k variation of structure inspection is the use of "coupons"
if structure metal electrically connected to the structure
at various points. These coupons are usually installed in
the electrolyte at extreme or critical locations where cor-
rosion is most likely (areas of low resistivity, where con-
centrations of corrosives exist, etc.) The coupon is
weighed and stamped with the weight prior to installation.
After a given period (a year or more), the coupon is re-
moved, weighed and visually analyzed -r effects of corros-
ion. From the condition of the coupons, the structure's
state is approximated. While this method is more feasible
than removing an entire structure for examination, coupons
are still relatively impractical for general application.
t .l'rated. :.- ethoJt pr.:i1or, ,-.-Ue1ei 1 d,.nl :1 (over-
prote ctio~n) '-an 3ometln.8 dam;jo u' .vt;tl,P0 or, s1tr.', Uvt,, and
must b, l!: . . C.t,..n ;oi. ' ' i*olm(: p1l (h1ii;hl: a, . or
highly " ke.L_ r.e ) , intnt'fe, :iwW1,11 t'ilcti v" cathodet p.-
tection. Frcau ;Iis to connid,vt, aue
aol.fld h.orr Jn more.
3.1 Interference with Other Structures.
Cathodic protection sometimes causes undesirable
effects on structures not intended to be protected.
Current is received in one area and discharged in
another in travelin!,, back to Its source. Curront pickup
areas where interference current is received arc' actually
eathodically proteered. Current disc;at-ge areas where cut,-
rent passes from metal ourfacr-, to soil or watV.* corrode.
When pipe is joined by m,,chanical, nonconduct;ini, ,-oupling-s,
a compliuvted proble m results If current bypanse., these
joints. Figure 2 illustrates a typical current flow
In Jesigning cathodic protection with miniml interference
problems, the me:,lt important single factor is location of'
anodes with ise.pect to tho unprotf.cted tntructure. Figiro 3
illustrates the -f,'ect o!' a point ,,node on various pipint.
configurations. Anole and forelgn structxrc.- are shown.
Cathode is remote and does not aff.. ct anode field. It Is
assumed that ,the electrolyte is homogeneous. If the anod,.
is alone with no other structure In the electrical field.
the pattern of equipotential line.-, surrounding the anode in
concentric ci.-cles (as when a pebl.le ia dropped into a pond
oS still water). Potential is hihhest af; the anode and drops
off in all directions.
if another stmcltur.: cronses I. s :ield of equipotetitial
lines (Zoncentric circles), the potential gradien;t between
lines causps current to flow In the strmicture away from the
anode in both directions, towni,.,t the larre&st diameter ,-qut-
potential 'tircle a: indicated by :rrows on Fimul' 31).
After passing, beyond the large.t circ, '-,rent bek~itrs to
discharge into tlh.e electrol'yte to rettri to thr. cathlodr..
As inicated in Ft "tvce 3c, the farthev from the anod,-
structure cro--es through equipot(,.titl lines, the smaller
the ;gadi'nt and thp less the( ctur-ent flow on it.
The cathode field i." similar to that of the anod,, with .Ito
equipotcntial lines, except that iurrntit flown tova'ld the
cathode. Also, unlike the anode which at!ts lfk, : point
structure, the cathode is frequently a long: pipe ,'r cnble,
with equipotentlil lines that are elon;atei eltp,-1 (It,.-ure
Id). If the foreign structure i,; close to the cathud.,,
current flows alon!, both structu'o, in the ,ame fIIre-1Lon.
9 -1
U, EqupctenticI Lines-
Around Anode b) G radi ent'Ca uses ow Away
From Grade
d) Flow Toward
Negative Cathiode Connection
The U scussion so far assumes anode,. cathode, arid rore2gn
st;ruclure In approximately the same horizontal plane. The
vortii:al plane is introduced with deep anodes. These anodes
-v-e pl"aced below the earth's surface at a depth of 50 f'e(.,
* mc]'e so that their field of influence will be farth,.r.
.Iway I'rom most buried structures. If a deep aaod in assumed
t.o be a point, Ito field of influence io a concentric nphere.
Nearby well casings, structural steel piling:, etc. can easily
be ins;ide this field of influence; and the potential gradient
will cause curre.nt flow (Figure !).
Figure 4
away from the anode on the o.,,sest pipe when anode location
is off-center. This anode can :oe moved to the 450 diagonal
for minimum effect.
Figure 6 shows two parallel pipelines, one of which is
cathodically protected. Current flow directions are indica-
ted by arrows. Current flows away from the close anodes in
Figure 6a. By moving the anodes out farther, -current flow
in the unprotected pipe is reversed as in Figure 6b. At
some anode-to-pipe distance between those shown, current
however, it is usually not practical to 1ocate a point where
less than 5% of the anode current is on the unprotected struc-
ture. The anode should b. placed on the far side of the Yal-
ance point so that current flows toward the point of cathode
Figur 5
it 13-
+ ectifier
-- 4 00
F rnStructure
r b)
Figure 6
3.1.2 'Mtigation;.-Tests iust be made on all struc-
tures adjacent to a-cathodic protection system to determine
effects and design mitigation. (Usually a bond can be in-
stalled to drain current back to its source.)
Pipe-to-soil potential and current flow are measured at many
locations before cathodic protection is turned on. Then
measurements are repeated at exactly the same points with the
system operating. The algebraic difference between on and
off readings is the effect of cathodic protection. The loca-
tion showing greatest pipe-to-soil potential change in the
positive direction is called the "critical" or "control"
point. This is often at the point where protected and unpro-
tected pipes cross each other. Mitigation can usually be
accomplished by installing a bond between the unprotected
structure (at location of natural discharge) and protected
structure (as close as possible to the negative connection).
Mechanically Jointed pipes must not be bonded into a cathodic
protection system unless all Joints are shorted across so
that they carry current. If the "critical" point is cor-
rected by this method to its original otential (reading be-
fore cathodic protection was turned onT, other test points
on the same structure will automatically be corrected. Some-
times, magnesium anodes are Installed at the "critical"
point. This will usually only correct the local area d1.rect-
ly opposite the anodes.
When bonding structures together, it is necessary to drain
only sufficient current or slightly more than enough to
"clear" the "critical" point of exposure. The amount of cur-
rent drainage is mutually agreed upon by representatives of
owners of structures a'ftel. cooperative testing. Bond resis-
tance, to accomplish drainage, is often obtainable by trial
arid- error, as was noted in paragraph 1.2.2.b. If long con-
ductors are necessary, preliminary tests can be made to com-
pute total bond resistance, including all connections, etc.
The method and relationships for this computation are shown
in Figure 7. Subscripts for couplings (R3 ,1, for example)
indicate location of voltage reading and current drain
(voltage read at point 3, current drain at position 1).
Current drained at "I" is rectifier output; at "2", it is
the current flow through the bond. Two sets of readings are
taken. For the first, voltages are read at locations 2, .3
and 4 with the rectifier on and off. For the second, volt-
ages are read- at the same points with the bond in and out of
the circuit. Couplings for each location are then calculated,
equaling voltage change between on and off readings divided
by rectifier drainage current (RtA R 3 1 R4.l) or voltage
.chann~e. with bond- ln anti out 41-vgide b "Au.iwr
(R2 ,2 3,2
A' do 0r''PiPeline
Protected Pipeline-AF
or 12 • R3 I II E2 4" V2
a R3 , 2 (E2 4-V2) - R2 , 2
R3,1 11
Figure 7
ii 16
The Interference effect of the rectifier equals R3lJat
critical point "3r. The protective effect of the 6ond
equals R3 219.. When these quantities are equal, the Inter-
isfoened:a is overcomei. Therefore, the bonid current T2
To. AC. Fbww tgy
v IV
-Norgtive to Stract,-re
+ pwsit;. to
Fipir It
efficiency; and a.1Ptng characteristics (selenium loses its
efficiency as time passes). However, it is prone to power
surge failures and will not be deperdable, unless combined
with a selenium circuit and speclal protective devices.
Sililcon and selenium are compared in paragraph 4.l.l.d(7)-.
(3) Circuit Breakers. Circuit breakers are another
basic element of rectifiers. They provide protection from
overload and a convenient on-off switch. Thermal, thermal-
magnetic and magnetic types are used, although magnetic
circuit breaker, have found widest acceptance. Circuit
breakers are located on each A.C. supply line. Where more
than one direct current feeder is used, separate fuses are
lised In each branch circuit.
(1) Single Phase Bridge. Single phase bridge
rectifiers are mosc commonly used in cathodic proteotion.
(This is because th iy are cheaper and more easily adjusted
than center tap units. A diagam of this circuit is shown
in Figure 9b. It contains four cells. (If any one of
these fails, or changes resistance, the other three fail.)
Current always passes through two rectify-ing elements. One,
on its way to the load, and one, on its return. At any
time, two diodes are conducting current wkile two are block-
ing current. The result ii full -wayeD.C, output, one-half
of'the A.C. wave rectified by each pair of diodes. Because
Of diode arangement, current always flows through the load
in the same direction (positive (+,;to hegative (-)) in
Figure-- 9b).
(2) Single Phase Center Tap. This circuit, shown
in Figure 9a, contains only two rectifying elements.
However, its transformer is heavier and less sensitive to
adjustment than bridge units. Full-wave output, as in the
bridge circuit, is obtained. However, only half the trans-
former output is applied to the load, as seen in the dia-
gram. This type is more efficient than bridie w red-units.
However, it is also more expensive, physically heavieb, and
more bulky.
(3) Three Phase Bridge. The three-phase bridge
rectifier, diagramed in Figure 10b, operat(s like three
single phase bridges, except each bridge shares a pair of
diodes with one other bridge. There are three transformers
producing secondary voltages which reach their peaks at dif-
ferent -times. This "out-of-phase" o eration produces D.O.
output with less A.C. ripple - only .5%,
(4) Three-Phase Wye. This circuit, shown in Figure
lOa, produces only half-wave rectification. The three-
phase Wye contains only three diodes, oach connected to a
transformer. The three trans'ormevsproduce A.C. voltage
out-of-phase with each other. This type rectifier is prac-
tical only for low D.C. voltages.
c. Special Rectifier Type-, Rect-fiers have been
developed with special characteristics, differing from
standard circuits. Some are monitored to maintain constant
structure-to-electr'olyte potential or constant current out-
put. These and other special units are discussed. hera.
(1) Constant Curren- Rectiiiei% A constant current
rectifier uses- automatic control to maintain constant direct
current output over varying load resistance. This is gener-
degree proportional to the amount of D.C. This lowers pat-
in effect removing part of the core from the
I 23
A.C'. Input
I Stacks
I Transformer
A.C. otu
Figure 10
circuit and lowering resistance to current flow through the
gates. A Small deviation in D.C. input power can result in
a large change in A.C. output power. Figure 11 shows a
schematic of a constant current rectifier.
(2) Automatic Potential. Control Rectifier. An
automatic potential control rectifier uses a reference elec-
trode installed near tha structure and a saturable iveactor
or silicon controlled reactors (SCR) to maintain constant
structure-to-e2lectrolyte voltage. This voltage 'difference
is the input to a control circuit which compares actual
voltage with the pre-set desired voltage. The controller
then varies rectifier output through SCR's or saturable re-
actor, if necessary (Figure 12).
A a nI
lnput Am
o Figure -12
11ov AC
• sili onDiode Resistor
Figure 4'3
,T T M 97..,
Rectifiers are availab.e with all A.C. voltages used in in-
dustry. Input voltage has no effect on rectifier efficiency,
but it may affect installation and operating costs. Recti-
fiers are built which can operate on two different A.C. in-
puts, such as 115 and 230 volts. If existing power lines
are to be used, they must be compatible with rectifier in-
Out voltage.
Table 1
Economical A.C. Supply Voltages (Reference 18)
Sudih rectifiers conform to Safety Standards for -Class I
Orbup D hazardous locations.
(6) Lightning Arrestors. Lightning arrestors on
input and/or output are frequently specified option. They
are standard on many rectifiers containing silicon diodes
because of potential destruction from surges. These arrest-
ors prevent damage to rectifier and other circuit compon-
ents in lightning areas by conducting the high current until
it subsides. Lightning arrestors may be of several types
including arc-gap, or rare gas.
(7) Selenium Stacks or Silicon Diodes. Rectifying
elements are made from semiconductor c;ystals into -which
other elements ("impurities") have diffused. Diffusion is
controlled so that the resulting crystal has increased re-
sistance to
in current flow in one direction and decreased re-
the other.
the more heatin; of the piate. Also, heating is produced
by reverse current leicage. Therefore, 1the more voltage ap-
plied to a stack, the more heating from reverse current.
Fiur 14
Thre xm
eatursmay er
intluded atuadeou
cotios bauacer'ds ta-s
ators 4..1.2
can L~e Thermoelectric
considerea wfereGenerator.
po-wers notThermoelectric gener-
available and cur-
rent requirements are small. Heat is converted directly in-
to electrical power. This is accomplished through a group-
* of thermocouples arranged electrically in series and ther-.
mally in parallel (a thermopile-). One end is heated by the
burning fuel; the other is cooled by fins. Heat flux results
Kfrom _th -Ateznp ara- gzdU in the therrnovile, and v-lectri-
rcty is produced through the therma'c6idples._ Thermoelecti--c
generators ar'e presently available in sizes,from 5 watts
through approximately 500 watts.* Their price is prohibiltive
Per many appliclatins. In ordecr to achieve desired current
ouatput, they may be arranged- in series, parallel, c~r ~mi
tIon sattxp3. They: are sometimes installe:.d at I.,lte
c =
* , - ....... - --- - - L = q" -- • ? .
locations along
from. the lin e. pipeline rights-of-way and powered 'by fuel.
Chemical Properties Percent :b. Weight
Impregnant - -. 5 max.
Ash -1.5max.
Moisture and volatile matter 0.5 max.
Water soluble content 1.0 max.
A1l corroslon produots from graphite anodos are jra ,,s. Oxy-
gt-n, chlorine, atad carbon dioxide are producei: at the anode
surfac(,. In fresh water or soil, carbon dioxide and ox:.en
are produerd. In .-Jawater, the main gaz formed I. .Thlorine
with .esoser amournts of oxygen rud carbon d I' t?,i
gase. formed do not diffuse -away from the arndv throui th-
No. 8, 7-Strand-I4MWPE
E -1,
Colusnd Gro~liteAnod2,
(Plain or Type-N-.A.)
electrolyte, the g_..3es will displace moisture or water in
the anode vicinity, effectively insulating the anode from
the surrounding media. Anode resistance then becomes Veryj
large and remains at a high value as long as the anode is
.... operated.
This naterial .has been used for over 50 years, in engifieei. rig..
equipment pumps, valves, and special products for. '.
the chemical industry. The cast surface is readily and: con-
tinually oxidized with-a-thin flm of silica (Si02 ), develop-
Ing a pas3ve surface, which further retards corrosion, de-.
creasing the deterioration rate from approximately 20 lbs./
ampere-year to less than 1.0 lbs./ampere-year.
Where gases of the halogen family are generated and in intim-
ate contact with the anode for an extended period of time,
however, the film does not prevent attack. Localized cor-
rosion and pitting occur with time. This is particularly'
applicable to chlorine, which is very aggressive and readily
developed during electrolysis of water containing relatively
low concentrations of chloride ion.
This observation resulted in the developmerb of a modified
high-silicon iron alloy resistant to these aggressive condi-
tions. Nominal compositions are identical except the im-
proved alloy (high-silicon, chromium-bearing cast iron,
HWocWI) containis about 4.5% chromium. This element,.along
with silicon, forms a more passive and stable film, resis-
tant to chlorine under aggressive conditions. HSCBCI anodes
have replaced. the silicon alloy for cathodic protection use,
and are presently the only ones commercially available.
4 2.3 Mh-Silicon.Chromium-Bearing Cast Iron
in M 110HSU= i99 i5' as1R properties that are conuon
ioril7etals. They are dense and homogeneous, assuring uni-
formity throughout. They cannot absorb moisture and become
soft, losing electrical conductivity. Typical composition
is given in Table 2.
Table 2
in n.
Chromium 4.50
Carbon 0.95
MAnganese 0.75
Iron Remainder
Table 3 lists some of the more important mechanical and
physical properties. HSCBCI anodes have higher strength
mki nonmetallic
them subjectanodes; however,
to fracturve their
from, very
severe lcw elongation
mechanical or
therml shock.
Table -3
Mechanical and Physical Properties of HSCBCI Aodes
Tensile Strength (1/2" dia. bar), psi 15,000
Compressive Strength, psi 100,000
Hardness, Brinell 520
Density, gr/ml 7.0
Melting Point, 1F 2,300
Specific Resistance, micro-ohms-cms (200 C) 72
Coefficient of expansion, 320 to 212'F 7.33 x 10-6
Table 4
Standard Anodes HSOBCI
Nominal Each Area General
T Size Lbs. Sq.Ft. Application Special Features
B l"x6O" 12 1.4 Fresh water Each end enlarged
tanks, to 1-1/2" dia.
With cored open-
C l-l/2"x6o" 25 2.0 ing for joining.
Open box Uniform 1-1/2"
coolers dia. with cored
requiring opening both
lengths ends for join-
than 5 ft. ing.
CD 1-I/2"x60" 26 2.0 Groundbed One end only en-
with back- larged to 2"
fill. dia. with cored
opening for
CDD 1-I/2"x60" cable connection.
26 2.0 Groundbed Each end enlarged
'with back- to 2" dia. with
fill per- cored openiig
mits join- for cable con-
ing in nection.
D 2"x60"r 44 2.6 series.
Groundbed Uniform 2" dia.
without with cable con-
backfill. nections on one
D 2"x60" 60 2.8 Mild saline end only.
Each end enlarred
or deep to 3" dia. with
well with- cored oprnin .
out back- for joininr.
J 311136f fill.
80 2.5 Severe )no ,-nd oily: or-n-
ground, ].arg:ed to '"
deep well dia. with cored
or seawater optiinj for
backfill. ion.
113x60" 4.0
110 Severe
grounddeep On,. ,-nd
larced onl%, -
to h"dia.
well or sea wit~h cor,:d open.-
water with- lti. Pot' crtbic*
SM 4 -1/2"x60" 220 out backfill conn,.-ti un.
5.5 Seawater wli Unntm, i11-/0"
high current ,t1.wlth co, ,
discharge por opn.liv , ea,'
anode. p'tjlj. Veln11io.
I.WO nabl1, Coll-
i 1 rl,
, oii , "I4
rr(l ' 1
Table .5
SpecialAnod-es- HSCBCI
Weight Area
Nominal Each Sq. General
Type Size Lbs. Ft. Application Special Features
BW 1-I/8"x9" 1 0.2 Elevated Lightweight flexible
fresh water assembly with con-
tank. tinuous cable.
FC 1-1/2"x9" 4 0.3 Dist.system Cored opening each
in ground end for Joining
trench, anodes in series.
G 2"x9" 5 0.4 Underground Inside configuration
cables in permits single cen-
ducts. ter cable to anode
B-30 1"x30" 7 0.7 Telephone or Cable connection end
electrical l-I/2"dia.(Half of
ground rod. Type B Anode).
C-30 1-1/2"x30" 1.0 Dist.bystem Cable connect-ion end
12-1/2 for more 1-1/2" dia. (Half of
difficult Type C Anode).
CD-30 I-i/2"x30" 13 1.0, Dist.system Cable connection end
for more 2"dia. (Half cf
difficult Type ODD Anode).
M-30 2"x30" 30 1.3 Dist. system Cable connection end
for more 3" dia. (Half v,
aggressive Type M Anode).
K-3 3"x3" 6 0.25 Small heat "Button" anode with
exchangers integral cast bolt
and like for attaching to
structures strdcture using
with limit- suitable gasket.
ed mounting area.
K-6 6"x2-I/2" 16 0.5 Ship hull, "Button" anode with
lock gate, integral cast bolt
heat for attaching to
exchanrers, structure using
or any suitable gasket.
other struc-
ture with large
flat surface.
K-12 12"x3-7/16" 53 1.0 Ship hull, "Button" anode with
lock ate-. intezral cast bolt
heat ex- for attaching to
changers, structure using
or any other suitable gasket.
with large
rlat surfacr.
- 7
1N~ " ;'v~ j~
No. 8 -7-Strand
lnsu1ated Copper cc_
Cost- Epoxy Kesj'rj Cap
* Two Jythylene
Compression Wasbers
Seal ing Compounid
-Coulked Lead'
Tinned Wires
PolyehylemTwo Polyethylene
Caulked Assemby ~ on Wshers
SpecfiedS"a Compoimd
Figure 18
Button Type Anode
Steel Strop
.H lIi
!~ull Liner
"0 Ring, Rubber Cable
/__ r Stuffin%Tube
Figure 19
K No. 8,
7-Strand Copper Cable
wi th HMWPE I nsul ation
Figure .20
-~~ -, - -- 'V ~
Interface Sealant
00External Seal on Anode
!i*Ust-ance Across- Cable
Anode Should be No Washer, 1/4" Thick
More Than 0.01 Ohm
Maximum 11
Potting Compound
Caulked Lead
Figure 21
L 47
The anode-to-cable connection is the weakest point of any
impressed current anode, and requires careful workmanship
and quality materials. A representative number of any anode
shipm should
.t be carefully inspected- ard tested. Sels
shouldibe wel-bonded and of speciied maie als. Anode-to-
cablercsistanc hould be below theanmi'eimum value stated
above. Occasionally, spectrographic analyses of the alloy
should be made.
Anode-to-cable connections may or may not be made andinsu-
lated by the anode casting manufacturer. If not made by him,
th casting manufacturer assumes no responaibility for their
, .2.4 Aluminum. Aluminum anodes are sometimes used
for cathodic protuetionof the interior of water storage
tanas. Thr main advantages are lower initial cost and
li ,Int weight. The corrosion products of the anode do not
contaminate potable water. The deterioration rate of alum-
inum is 6.5 pounds per ampere-year. Commercially-available
anodes are not over 75 percent efficient and are consumed at
a rate of 9.0 pounds per ampere-year. This high consumption.
rate is undesirable and, because of it,.- HSCBCI anodes or
raphite anodes are being used instead of aluminum. Alumi-
nm anodes are generally used only where a one-year or so
1'e Is required (icing conditions in unheated tanis, etc.)
n addition, alloying is extremely critical, making this
n oxiaimpractical for most applications.
-Electrcal ?Poier-
m ent na
(7) -(8)- (9)(2 ()
1~Gland - Packi~ng
2.Extension - Electrode
3. Assembly - Elemeht
4. Sleeve - Pilot
5. Sleeve. - insulator
6. Lug - Terminal
7. Washer - Plain, 3y'8, - N1. PL,BRS.
$8, Wahr - Lock, SPlit 3/8 -CAD. PL. STL.
9. Nut - Hex, Lt.Jam - 3/8 - 16 UNC-2 B, NI..PL.BRS.
10. Head - Universal, T/C
Figure 23
Covei Electrical Connections
with Insulating:Grease
The rmocoulde,.
Condulet Terminal.
H Wrap with One Layer
Pipe Ipe Tape
Structure WallI
- atiniz Lth
[- -
Standard Fitti.n
for Anode Mounting 4
K6 -- 6
~15' I
Teflon Sleeve
ills 20" -,
Figure 24
(However, sometmes it is advantaireous to use overhead pole
lines or "cable racks" on adjacent structures.) For that
reason, high quality insulation must be used. This is es-
pecially critical on "positive" cables (those which are con-
nected to the positive terminal of the rectifier and lead
from it to anodes) because any break which would allow cur-
rent to pass out of it and into the electrolyte will mean
cable failure. A further discussion of cable insulation is
found in paragraph 7.7.1.
~Hot Coal-Tor Copper
/ Cable
Conductor ThermitWeddEal
to Structure
Figure 25
trouAxtrMi, 54
Wire Stripped of Insulation
Silver-Bearing Conductive
Epoxy Cement iu.t Pipe to
Connector Interface and
Cable to Connector
Wire Stripped
of insulation
Plateoat Thermit Weld and
Solder Joint with Col;-
Copper Conductor, Insulation Stripped Off,
Solderad to Lead Tab and Coated with Hot
Lead Tub
I ' Min.-0
Pi pe
Figure 27
From Positive Terminal
~ of Rectifier
PoieHeader Cwabltohno
Copper plit Bot UesiWtor
ul s atBox Tr
Figur 28
1" x 1" x 4
"Carbonaceous" bankfill material is usually used. This
material is most often coke breeze (essentially finely divi-
ded, low resistance carbon part.:cles). Typical physical and
chemical specifications for impressed current anode backfill
are given in Table 7. This material is used with both
HSCBCI and graphite anodes.
Table 7
Physical Analysis
100% to pass a 1/2" screen
35% to pass a 3/8" screen
20% minimum to remain on 1/8" screen
Chemical Analysis (by9.5
to 14.7%
Volatile Matter 3.0 to 3.14%
Fixed Carbon 78.22 to 78.110%
Ash 18.6%
Sulphur 1.20%
Resistivity shall be a maximum of 50 ohm-centimeters on a
dry basis not under pressure.
'i.4 Advartat,,e. of' Impressed Current Cathodic Protection.
TmpressedJ !urrent cathodic protection has several advantage.
ov(r galvanic anodes. (Advantages of galvanic anodes are
disc 1sed in paragraph 5.4.)
displacement and/ - changes in fluid flow characteristies.
.,-- .-
Table .9
Chemical Analysis of Magnesfum Anodes (High Potential)
Element Rercentage
luminum 6 0 aimum
Manganese 0.5 - 1.3%
Copper 0.02% Maximum
Iron 0.03% Maximum
Nickel 0.001% Maximum
Other Metallic Elements 0*.05% each Maximum
0.30% total Maximuwm
Magnesium Remainder
corrosion than the standard alloy. The lower potential of
standard 6 percent aluminum, 3 percent zinc:, magnesium
alloys is due partly to self-corrosion and' partly to the
lower potential of the intermetallic compounds of magnesium
with aluminum and zinc.
b. Anode Efficiency. Theoretically, pure magnesium
has an electrochemical equivalent of 8.8 pounds per ampere-
year or 1000 ampere-hours per pound. Pure magnesium is im-
possible to produce; the commercial:l. "pure '" r-oduc t achieves
much lower Vaiues of ampere hours per pound (Figure 30).
As discussed in paragraph 5.1.1.a, alloying can improve
this efficiency.
- - -I -(LawE ffkt¢, -e- ) ;, -
- -
F Hig3
fo ansumaoe s
Table.. 10,
Stuncl~rd Size. for T ih o1
Welj'ht P557.qv 3 gel e
Stte Inches 4t., UI. Tnahes,
x x8 1 525 x 1.5
9 3 x : 14 27 5,i25x 0
10 1.5 x 1.5 x 70---
16 1 Y.2
4: x 12
x.60 32
-- 7.5 X 18
'17: x 17 ?45 7. x2
17 - x :.28 --
-2 x.:20-1/3 68 8.5 x 28
*5)Z -- --
7 -7xi a0 l7. x 2L
;, Lx-.: 16
h 100
10 x 2,
!tc: Corf rnate~ral: reular core for soil .nol -s is a
,1.vv, :un pitch, .rola-ound strip 3/8 Inc. ID,
" I-n. OD.,.
Connetin, wire: rejular connectin; :ir' for o!1
aznodt . is a 10-ft, lenj~th of singiv-strani No. 12 AV G IN
1.;r. copp.-v wire, siler-szoldeired t.. the corle with the
j -,c
sald :aginst moisture. Special connecting wires
!-L "ths othcP than 10 Tt. are a valable.
Table 11
Macn(.sium (-taridar3Alloy) Modes
Standard Size for Use in Water
Do_. Siz, Inches Type of Core
77 7 .5 4!6 3/4'; da2., -XI-anized pipe core,
flush fnds.
50 7 x 7 x 16 Threaded 3/4" dia. galvanized pipe
extending I" both ends, flush
ends obtional.
50 7 x 7 '-: 11 I/2" dia. galvanized eyebolt core.
8 x3/" dia. ' Ivanizel pipe core,
flush ends.
50 8x 6 1/2" dia, galvanized eyebolt core.
!0r 7 x 7 x 32 3/4 " da. ga Ivani2ed pipe core,
flush ends.
100 7 X 7 x 32 1/2" dia. ga]i'anrnzed eyebolt core.
100 8 x 32 3/k" dia. galvanized pipe core,
flush ends.
100; 8x 1/2" dia. "/alvanized cyebolt core.
Table 12
Magnesium (Stanard lloy) Anoden
Stanlard Sizes for Use in Condensers and Heat Excharnerls
Lb. Size Inches Type ot Core
1 7*x~ W 3/4'" bolt -
241 2 x 9 x 18 1/4 x.2" straps
114 Itx 9 x 18 1/2 x 2" straps
60 7 x 9 x 18 3/4" bolt
Wei.;ht Haet nesium
- '
(Stand Elongated Anode,-,
Lb. Size, Inches Wt Lb. Inches
T- . - T 3 x 15.5
3 2.35 x 10.5 10 4 x 1A
5 2.63 x 14 14 1.5 x 18
9 2.49-x 28 37 5 x 33
17 2.86 x 40 "U 5 x 46
?2 3.75 x 414 C"; 6.5 x 50
50 4.58 x 16 120 7 x 52
[1 67
Is_ 2 - ~ ~
S 0
(.~ ii~
.4ngne&e(Higi Potential). High mga
ese alloy slzuv for suii or water (Vackaod for soil only)
are given In Table 14.
'Nbie 14
afn.:;iutm (High-Pqotintial Alloy) Anodes
~W, ,Ight r'or Use In Soil or Water
] Ocbed smz,
Lb. '".Inl-ea Wt. zLbe Inches
r, X-. x 4., x 12
5 3.75x3.75 x 7.5 17 6 x12
9 07 5 x 2.75 x26 35 6 x 31
9 3.75 x 3.75 x .25 27 6 x 17
37x 3.75 xl 36 x,21
1 2.75 X 2.75 i l 50 6x 46
3.75 x 3,75 x 21 42 6.5 x 26
1, 2.75t 2.75 x 60 6x-55
17 3.75 x 3.75 t26 45 6.5 x 29
20 2.5 x 2.5,x- 59.25 70 5 x66
24 4 .5 A 4.5 x 23 60 7x 30
10 .5.55.5 x 21 74 x 28
tO 3.75 x 3.75 x 59.25 105 6.5 x 66
.x 5.5 x30
g45 100 8 x 3P-
x16 100 12 x 25
.n 4.5 x 4.5 x 60 ---
?f" : Core matcrial: regular core is galvanized 20-gauge
6i,-fora;,-d steel strib. Anodes than 24" have 9-gauze
Conneetinir wire: regular connecting wire is 10-ft.
length of solid #12 AVG IV insulated copperwire, silver-
soldered to th(. kore with joints sealed a ainst moisture.
Special wires ur other lengths are available.
(5:) Ribbun: Aples. 3tandard alloy majgiest-m
ano-t's are available for use in proteotine buried conduit,,
,': ",bl. , :,r, %n "'1 a where mort! o.n7fnnioflal :'!aapeo'
vould be impractical. These anodes are available ih coils
of 200 and 10X) feet. They consist of a oee of 10 PatAge
steel vim surrounded by standard alloy mneslum 3/8" x
5.1.2 Zlnc. Zinc anodes are comercially available
in weihits fr"=-" pounds to 250 pounds in plate, bars,
ribbone, and rods, Tor anoder Installed in the earth, pro-
-pared baekr'1ll should be.used.
a,. AlloyIn. There are two basic alloys in cimon
use. One is used ffor protection in coil or rresh water;
-the other, tor marine uses.. Typical specirioations for
theme two types are shown in Tables 16 and 17.
Metals which arp considered INpwities in zinc anodes are:
iron, lead-, a6d copper. Iron is the most d&trlmental.
Since iron -h=s a limited solid solubility in zlinc of "pprox-
Impply 0.0011 peri~nt, any iron In e-xcess or this percent-
age precipitates out as discrvte particles. These partl"alev
of iron are catholic to the surrounding zinc and. serve as
centers or self-corrosion. The corrosion pLoduct of this
self-corosion, zinc hydroxide, ,deposits on the Iron, form-
In. a dense adherent coating. This- coatInr cat .pread dur-
in.- anoie operation frem tke original iron ,particle ceitter
until the enti-re anode surface is coated with adherent zinc
hydoxlde zoatln(• Zinc hydroxild is not ele-tricall1 non-
ductlve. Therefoe the anode becomes Ineffective because
It is insulatei from the electrolyte by built-up corrosion
Addition of other metals
sll-ht peroentaGes such 16as and
(Tables aluminum
17) anl. cadmium
increase In
tolerance for.iron, decrease the tendency to V'orm Insulatin-
films,-, and provide for easier production.
b. Anode Efficiency. Zinc has an electrochemical
equivalent of 23.5 pounds per ampere-year or 372 ampere-
hours per pound. However, zinc operates at an efficiency
of 90 percent or better or an actual electrochemical ,.quiv-
alent of 354 ampere-hours per pound. The self'-corro I.on ,f
zinc anodes is approximately,5 to 10 percent Under -mo;t
conditions, ireGardless of current output.
c. PoteniAals. Open circuit potential of zinc 1.1
-l,10 volts to a copper-copper sulfate halfCcell In moi. 1
sol4s and waters and backfills. The drivln, potential of
zinc with rete'ence to iron is 0.25 volt based on a pola-1-
zation potential of -0.85 volt for steel relativc to ioppe'--
copper sulfate. Where zinc anodes are eonsldered foo- a
cathodic protection design, a driving 'potentlal of O./5
volt should be used to arrive at the number of anoles re-
quired. If a higher driving potential is -used, an
Table -6
;!h"!,o Anilytgis of 'Uh, no d
for andPi~es
Sol Vate 'n
C~vaaii P0.003 lAxiinum
Zln003 Naxinm=
1 Se~zf'iations-: ASW B-1-48467 wTp
ldad~in .2
Iron. 0 .005 Maximum
Lead 06 aim
0.005 Maximum
SV~j~~n 0. 125- "Maximzum
7In c Remainder
Spcf~int miL-A-18001H or Astm b4,18.61, type i
incufi,,ippt nmberof hod iii -be the re-suli; and the re-
rjul1 ?"-'3 t..ovrmtut? will.1 riot W!a~tanr4
-The rel&i e potenr4l of xteeL. an zine In water has 'beon
found to revezrso at temperatures Above V4tO*, 'Zinc anodes
for Ateel proteutot shouald bi' avoiddxto watee aiytemn
above this temperature-, beooase- Increased corrodiOn o* Ontoc.-l
may r-esult.
Bwf _t11. ZInc anodes are g-al fetd -by-
nonuniforu environmient, because of lo6w driving potential.
The, relatively, low dr*ivlng potential1 betwen zinc. and' steel
* requivr a loing slender shape to obtain, low anode..-to-earth'
z'esisiance., ti-nth !zicanodes -increases-the possibil-
ity of' large soil z'epistivty variations along Its Ie gth.*
Variations in A~oil resistivity produce Variations in cur-
* rent flb* which In turn cause uneven anode deterioration,
Zinc anodes should'bi isal-led in pr'parei backfill In
order 'to obtain me~re uniform' current. flow,"0
In additioni, ;inc anodes installed bare are- mvE subject to '
production of -Various Ooreosion produvtu, 'Zinc ions prow-
luced durine, the corrosion of a zinc node are deposited at
varius dstandes, from the sUrface o1' the an'e IfOxen
carb n itsI, or phosphate" Ions are present in the media, a
dense adherent poating of-high clebtri~a-l r'esistance for=3-
near the surface, effectively insulating the anode Ctoom the
surroundinc, media. This stonis corrodsion of' the anode and
resulting protective current. However, rost zinc anodes are
installed below the water table and in soils-with no free
carbonates or phosphates,, ltthat passivity does not Usually
occur. Sulfatb ions reduce the tendency f'or foimation -of
the high resistant film 'ol cogrosiop products.,
SolIs containing gypsum generally produce most coinsistent
anode behavior. Baakfills base4 on th1s- are recommended ~
4for undergroundi use. Two typical specifications are:;
Element Fcnar
HrateT, gypsum 57
Bentonite 25 50
Sodium sulfate 5 --
e. Sizes . Various sizes o-' bare zinc anodes are
available in the two Alloys. Most anOdes for.undergroiind
use are available-bare or packaged In low resistance back.;.
(1 in'T-t, ±oim. Mid, dreh Wter Al1o*', Anode 41iea
ro~aeapi or freh waiter p4c~t&n ~e.ivr
jTavle- It.
SO-ech e inhS 3a W O-Ore
l Sizes of Zinc, Andd efor Wk
PeJc Size, fnh&ng nche ,
1 2x2 6to 66
2. x3 -6tao66
4.2 4x4 6 -to,6 o
6.-5 5 x5 't4b
12.8 7 7 vi to 3
21 9 x9 -to24
23.4 q X 0 - 9t624
R'610x10 9 to2 4
Vote: A varity of cores are available -fith the d Iffe -
ent sizes.
()-Ribobon Ano~1s. Ribbon Arlodcs6 are available In
both alloys,. T hese are useful for proteztIng ptpeline Iv-
teriors, for cp-n1 pipe exterirs-insid'e casin, §,Figuire
31'). Por tank and d~ict 'Intet'iors,.
slzie is 5/8" k, 7/8"1 weighing, 1.2 -poun~ds' pei foot. Cor6 is
1/10" diameter ,galvanized wij~e.
5M.f6ot.,~tls; nod
The i
Tvo sizes are aiaila'dle fori-fr6Ah, water or underground ilse.
larger ighvaingbl in6 500-Coof6t.o The;sanodersize is
oi§, ande izeis11/32" X,1/.2
in 000ft. egi'
a-.2 lb
perfoo. Cre~fr oth-sizes is 1/10" diameter
- ~~glvanized6 wi... l.pz oo.Te~ale oe
ZN-CFi 0 11
_P0 CA M
Becawse ralvanlc anodes generate their own-power, they re-
(fell ti-# ,:.t,-mirc I. pMw-r iKirc.. Ttln me an' theyv:a,, od.e,,
oe u:;ed where rectit'ers are dilr'icult or Impossible to
power, such .as in remote regionsi.
There ar -soietimen cost advantaCes to Malvanic anodes. The
systems are nimpler than Impressed current, and galvanic
anodes can sometimes be texoena
cathodic protection is usually capitalized. Both installa-
tion and maintenance costs are low. There are no monthly
power costs. In addition, rights-of-way or easesent costs
are minimal with this type installation.
I I So between Heat
and Water Pi pes
I Pbsitve Cable
Positive Cable
Negative Cable
Boiler Room
---- Water Pi pe
Figure 32
24 (12 per side) 2"x60"
High-Silicon, Chromium-
Bearing, Cost Iron Anode Bed
Anodes, Spaced 10. 50
H-,'drant Refuelin&,
Rectifier -loi
Entrance170 Packaged
*Tube I _B 'Mognesium Anode
J.J* 5 Req'd
1 Req'd
No. 12 TW Wires D
Thermrit Welds
Sttel Surfaces
Coated whith To Anode
Coal-Tar Epoxy
i U H
Pumping Chamber{
Concrete Foundation
Figure 34
Reinlforced Concrete Steel Reinforcemerit Welded to Support
Deck Eye and Structural Steel
& ______ _:7
A" "
Zinc Anode
Rubber Stopper
Figure 35
Plan View Building
RciirNegative Positive
Cabl eCable
- A
Basemtent WallI
Figure 36
* AC 1Wu
Typical -Massive
Reinforced Concrete A
Thermit Weld _
Negative Lead To~ Anode
to Tank
Appro ' 51
Header CubleAnd
Fi~, 38
SWeiAnode - Installed
Negative Cable Horizontally
To Tank /
Anode Header
Rectifier Tank
- Grade
Anode ;edrCable
Figure 39
( -L
> > z
-DE 0
zo G
0 C, U- z
-~0 LULL
D ~ Ciec 0 C
6-- 0 0 Z
L 'A - (
IL, :) 0. (1 & u
0i - .A
c Da 0u i84
Thes units are w"'ely used for cooling purposes, often in refineries.
Corrosion conditions are very aggressive. Space is limited between coils,
and anodes 1-1/1" daxO long nave been successfilly used. They
can We joined together to produce lengths 7-1/2 feeilo'
Figure 41
1.3150 do. steelcow'Mduns
on suppot
4ulzond ank wly - ied Isodemw'
>1 -
7' ~7
Anodes CAbl4
miss 11 id
Figure 44
0o Mae
Figure 45
Nor Dock
* Rectifier
e ctfe
'Section ".A-A"
Figure 46
- 1-
Tank Capacity:
Negative Lead Positive Anode
Welded. to Tank Header Cable
Watertight I*
Cord Connector
- + Weld
% igid-Galvanized
%%h Conduit to
Seto -A
Tank Floor
Rectif ier
_ _
Anodes Mounted
+ On Tank Floor
Storage Tunk
Pit Floor
o 0_
0 0
Anode Lead
Iloo.-mo untecas
TLQ- Test Hole
Station with -Shunt for
Cuiisl Meaiaeuitewnt A
Conveni en? 4
Hoist Cylinder \,J
"Caile Positiv
Air and
Water Lines
Figure .52
An Important aspect of design ror either galvanc or impres-
sed current cathodic protection is the current required to
n.ote.t the ctra-ure. it is important to realize that struc-
tur, current requirements are best determined by actual field
tests whenever po~sible. Calculations based on estimated cur-
rent densities t(so many mllliamperes/ft 2 ) and surfce areas
are at best approximate. (Table 22 gives surface area per
length of some standard size pipes and estimated current den-
sities for various environments.)
Actual current requirements depend 6n many factors including
number of points of current impression (attentuation), distri-
bution of coating holidays, and homodeneity of electrolyte.
These factors vary greatly from structure to structure and
are difficult or impossible to predict. Only where current
requirements cannot be determined in the field should calcula-
tions be used, and then it mst be remembered that the results
are only a rough estimate.
Table 22b may be used as a rough guide for expected current
lenaities required for cathodic protection. This list is for
bare steel. To arrive at a current density for coated steel,
the percentage of uncoated metal should be determined or esti-
mated and the proper factor applied to the tabulated current
densities. Numerous exceptions to the table will be found
to exist in practice, and it is emphazized that these figures
should not be used in ths- design of a cathodic protection
system without field test confirmation.
Table 22
a.) P1pesurace Area
Outside Area,
sq. ft. per
Pipe Size Uin. ft. of
Inches Pice
3 0.916
11 1.178
6 1-.734
8 2.258
10 2 .182
12 3.34
14 3.67
16 4.19
18: .1171
20 5.24
24 6.28
30 7.85
b.) EStimated Current Densities for Bare Steel Structures
Environment per sq. ft.
Heutral soil or water (pH 7) O.4 to 1.5
Well-aerated, neutral soil or
water (pH 7) 2.0 to 3.0
-ca ":ater
fresh water (velocity above
5 ft. per see.) 9.0
3.0 to 10.0
to 25.0
Wet soils 1.0 to 6.0
Heated, int soil or moist concrete 3.0 to 25.0
Highly-acid soil 3.0 to 15.0
Anaerobic soil with active sulfate-
reducing bacteria, initial
requirement 6.0 to 42.0
Fresh water that Is relatively
still 1.0 to 6.0
!resh water that is highly
turbulent and, contains much
dissolved oxygen 5.0 to 15.0
Hot water 5.0 to 15.0
Mildly acid or alkaline solution in
process tanks, depending on
turbulence and temperature 1.0 to 25.0
Brine tanks 8.0 to lO.O
1 Taken from AFM 88-9 Chapter 4 "Corrosion Control" -
original source unknown.
Fixtures, brackets, and available mountings which could be
used for mounting cathodic protection appurtenances should
be noted. If the installation iS to be connected to a
buried pipeline, simplest location from the construction
Viewpoint should be noted and property owner's name and ad-
dress determined.
EcOnomics include inittal operating, maintenance, and re-
placement costs. Based on current requirements, the cost
per ampere-year is estimated. This frltre, combined with
the analysis of system feasibility, deteimines whether gal-
vanic or impreesed current cathodic protection should be
7.1.4 Notify Oprators of Other Structures in the
Area. The operators or any other structures 3n W ME
,should be notified of tentative plans for impressed current
cathodic protection. This notification should also include
the local corrosion coordinating cogmittee, if there is one
in the area. The notification procedure is primarily .of im-
portance in underground and submerged Installations. How-
ever, process equipment, tanks,. etc., may also become
desi&n. This quantity is made up of the total resistances
of all anodes used. Since each anode-to-electrolyte resis-
tance is parallel to the others, the more anodes ,used the
lower the "effective" anode-to-electrolyte resistance, and
the lower the total circuit resistance becomes.
b. Weight or anode required to give the desired life.
This can. be estimated-from approximate anode deterioration
rates and efficiencies (Table 23). These values vary de-
pending on electrolyte and other conditions.
Table 23
Approximate Anode Deterioration Rates
Detero ton Rate- Efficioncy
Anode Material (lbs./aw.-year) bercent)
Steel .... 50
Craphite 2 50
Magesium 8.8 50
Zinc 23.5 .90
c. Special backfill around anodes (other than soil)
is often advantageous. This should be carefully considered
because it does add extra cost to an installation which may
or may not be Justified,
d. Resistance of positive and negative cables is a
portion of total circuit resistance which adds to power
costs. On. the other hand, money spent on catle which is
larger than necessary is not wisely used.
e. Vulnerability to physical damage must always be
considered. Anodes, cables, connections, etc. must all be
reivefully placed to minimize this possibility. -Cathodic
",.o L tion must operate continuously to be effective. Dam-
ige ,o components not only interrupts protection, but also
means costly repairs,
7.2.3 Measurements and Other "Job-Site" Data.
a. Electrolyte resistivity should be measured.
This is usually done by use of field instruments or soil
box. It is an important item in the computation of
anode-to-electrolyte resistance, and may affect anode
b. Chemical analysis and/or other information on the
electrolyte into which anodes are to be placed should be ob-
tained. This information is used as ,a guide in the selec-
tion of the proper alloy anode, and special precautions to
be taken with the installation. Anode life can be extended
by using the anode suited for its environment.
c. Physical characteristics of the site Where the
system is to be installed must be studied and -understood.
This will insure a long life with trouble-free operation
because with this information the design can be tailored to
the specific situation.
measurement, location
of dimensions, of thedata
operational other
on structures, verification
existing anodes, general
data relating,to coatings, unusual features, etc.
7.3.1 Electrolyte Resistivity. Electrolyte resistiv-
ity my be measured in the Tleld or by laboratory analysis
of a sample. The data are used to coaute anode-to-electro-
lyte resistance, number of anodes required, and estimated
anode life. If the electrolyte is soil, electrolyte resis-
tivity measurement will also help establish the most favor-
able location to install anodes. In the field, electrolyte
resistivity can be measured by the 4 pin vibroground mithod.
Swole of vatexchemicals, or soil can be tested in a
"soil box.*
7.3.2 Chemical Analysis. A partial chemical analrysis
of the electrolyte is often helpful to indicate corrosivity.
pH, presence of sulfates, and any other applicable factors
may be determined by field or laboratory mthods.
engineer should first find out, by consultation with the
owner's representative, whether or not cathodic protection
is being used. If it is, he should then conduct tests with
the other parties in order to determine any effect to his
own structure.- If cathodic protection is not now being
used in the area by other organizations, consultation with
representatives of these groups will determine their inter-
est and willingness to cooperate. Occasionally, it is pos-
sible to design "cooperative" or "Jointly-owned cathodic
protection systems. This possibility should be investigated
and may become practical if other companies are interested
in cathodic protection. Considerable savings may result by
sharing installation and operating costs.
anode 2urrcnt passing through backfill may become negligible
with-o.h ct to volta,, drop through soil. Thus, a back-
filled anode's resistance may be considered lower than that
of a bare anode because it is effectively longer and of
greater diameter.
Rv - )O K
Rv = Electrolte to anode resistance
(ohmsi. single
C> vertical
anode to remote reference
= Electrolyte resistivity (ohm-centimeters)
L = Anode length (feet)
K = "Shape Function", a function of anode length/anode
radius which can be obtained from Table 24
L/d = Ratio of length to diameter of anode (any units)
Table 24
The Shape Function (K)
HSCBCI or Graphite Anodes)
LdK L/d K
.'6-"o =3
6 .0150 25 .0224
7 .0158 30 .0234
8 .0165 35 .0242
9 .0171 40 .0249
10 .0177 45 .0255
12 .0186 50 .0261
14 .0194 55 .0266
16 .0201 60 .0270
18 .0207
b. Resistance of Vertical Anode Group (One Row).
The total anode-to-electrolyte resistance for a group of
vertical anodes, connected in parallel and equally spaced
in one row is expressed as follows:
Rn 1 Rv+ £0.
n S
Rn = Total anode to electi-olyte resistance for a group of
vertical anodes equally spaced and in one row (ohms).
(A remote cathode is assumed.)
n = Bumber of anodes
Rv =Anode-to-electrolyte resistance of single vertical
anode to remote reference, (ohms).
= Electrolyte resistivity, measured with pin spacing
equal to S,, (ohm-centimeters).
Table 2
Paralleling 1actor, P
n P n P
3 .00289 14 .00168
4 .00283 16 .00155
5 .00268 18 .00145
6 .00252 20 .00135
7 .00237 22 .00128
8 .00224 24 .00121
9 .00212 26 .00114
10 .00201 28 oo1o
30 .001
c. Resistance of Vertica.i Anode Group (Two or More
Rows). An anode group composed of two or more rows of
vertical anodes, separated by a distance substantially
larger than that between the anodes within a single row, has
a total resistance approximately equal to the total parallel
resistance of all the rows.. The usual formula for parallel-
ing resistances (j ='IJ kJ+ + ...) is used.
Rv = = e
Table 26
Adjusting Factors 'rorTParallel Anodes
No. of
Anodes in
Parallel 5 -0. 15' 20' 25'
2 0.652 0.576 0.551 0.53) 0.530
'3 0.586 0.460 o.418 0.397 0.384
4 0.520 0.385 0.340 D.31; 0.304
5 0.466 0.333 0.289 0.267 0.25'
6 0.423 0.295 0.25. 0.231 0:219
7 0.387 0.265 0.224 0.204 0.192
8 0.361 0.243 0.204 0.184 0.172
9 0.332 0.222 0.185 0.166 0.155
10 0.311 0.205 0.170 0.153 0.142
11 0.292 0.192 0.158 0.141 0.131
12 0.276 0.180 0.143 0.132 0.122
13 0.262 0.169 0.139 0.123 0.1'4
14 0.249 o.16o 0.131 0.116 0.107
15 0.238 0.152 0.124 O.1O9 0.101
16 0.2206 o.144 0.117 0.103 0.095
17 o..218 0.138 0.112 0.099 0.091
18 0.209 0.132 0,i07 0.094 0.0:86
19 0.202' 0.127 0.102 0.090 0.082
20 0.194 0.122 0.098 0.086 0.079
22 0.182 0.114 0.091 0.079 0.073
04 0. Cl O.lO6 0.085 0.074 0.o67
26 o.f6. 0.100 0.079 0.069 0.063
28 0.152 0.0911 0.075 0.065 0.059
3o 0.145 0.089 0.070 o.o61 0.056
Approximate anode-to-electrolyte resistance values for single
anodes are quickly and easily obtained from the following:
Rv = 0.0018Y
10-foot for a vertically installed 60" anode in a
column of backfill, one foot in diameter.
Rv = 0.0022> for a vertically installed 60" anode in a 7
foot column of backfill, one foot in diameter.
Rv = 0.0047Y for a vertically installed 2" x 60" anode,
without backfill.
Rv = 0.0050y-'for a vertically installed 1-1/2" x 60" anode,
without backfill.
R = Anode-to-electrolyte resistance for a single anode, in
Y Resistivity of electrolyte (ohm-centimeters).
b. Anodes in aWater Tank. The following is a
formaa leveloped by E. R. Shepard for a single cylindrical
R m..24-2log d
R- resistance, (Ohms).
9P- water resistivity (ohm-cm).
L - anode length (ft.)
d = anode diameter -(same units as D).
D = tank diameter (same units as d).
a - equivalent diameter factor from curve in Figure .53
times diameter of anode circle.
F 109
i = current output (milliamperes)
C = a constant (50,000 for zinc; 150,000 for magnesium,)
f = anode size factor, obtained from Table 27
y = structure potential factor, obtained from Table 28
= electrolyte resistivity (ohm-centimeters)
This equation assumes a .bare or very poorly coated struc-
ture, electrolyte resistivity above 500 ohm-centimeters,
and distance between structure and anode of 10 feet. For
well-coated structures, structure-to-electrolyte resistance
is greater, making anode output current less. For a well-
and structure,
120,000 then, constant "C" becomes 11O,000 for zinc
for magnesium.
•,Table -27-(Reference 21,)
Gamlei Anodle 3ze lractor- f
3tardard Ano~es
Anode Weight Size Factor,
3 packaged ) .o,.531
5 packaged) 00
9 padekaged, 0.71
17 packaged 1.00
32 packaged_ 1.06
'50 packaged-anode dimension 8 in dia.x 16 in) 1.09
50 packaged-anode dimension 5 in x 5 in x 31 in) 1.29
ng Anoes
9 (2.75 in x 2.75 in x-20 in DaW r 6in x 31 in)
6ll 1.01
10 1.5 in x 1.5 in x 72 in backfill 4 in x 78 in) 1.71
18 2 in x 2 in x 72 in-backfil1 5 in x 78 in) 1.81
40 f3.7 in x 3.75 in x 60 in backfill 6.5 in x66in) 1.66
20 2.5 in x 2.5 in x 60 in backfill 5 in x 66 in)
42 3 in x 3 in x 72 in backfill 6 in x 78 in)'
Extra Lona Anodes
15 (1.6 in dia. x 10 ft backrilled to 6 in dia. 2.61
20 (1.3 in x 20 ft backfilled to 6 in dia. ) 4.28
25 (2 in dia. x 10 ft. backfilled to 8 in dia.) 2.81
Table 28 (Reference 28)
Structure Potential Factor, y
Structure-to-Electrolyte Structure Structure
Potential (Volts, Relative Factor, y Factor, v
to Copper-Copper Sulfate) (Magesium) (ZincL
-0.7o 1.l4
-0.80 1.07 1.20
-0.85 1.00 1.00
-0.90 0.93 o.80
-1.00 0.79 o.4o
-1.10 0.64 0.00
-1.20 0.50 0.00
For a groundbed of more than one vertical magnesium anode,
total current output is a multiple, not linear, of single
anode output. The multiplying factor is a function of anode
number and spacing as well as size. Table 29 (reference
22) gives values of this factor for vertical 17-pound pack-
aged magnesium anodes. This table can be used to approxi-
mate current output values for other size magnesium anodes
as well as zinc anodes.
111 i,
[ /
I' *
02 020 I 40 6U VU
Figure 54
Two practical methods of determining total anode-to-electro-
lyte resistance by direct measurement can also be used for
impressed current syrrems.
soe "Deep Well" installatlons. However, "packaged" anodes
My be the .answer to some problems. In addition, backfill
always requires additional inspection care during installa-
tion because it should be tested before being used, care-
fully tamped, and distributed uniformly around anodes.
Packaged anodes should be carefully inspected because anode-
to-cable connection is hidden from view.
7.5.1 Imo. essed Current Anode (HSCBCI or Graphitel
Backfill. Caronaceous backrill (paragraph 4.j.4). suit-
able for use around Impressed curent anodes..
breeze (crushed coke or flake graphite. The can
) coke be coke
must orig-
inate from coal, or be recalcined petroleum coke. Flake
graphite isusually more expensive than coke breeze, but may
be best to use for "Deep Wells" because the particles tend
V~o --
lip over each other,.
For ,a three-phase rectifier the equation becomes:
lac -a Ede x- Ide (3-phase)
1 Table 30
Concentric Strandid opper Single Conductors
Dlrect tial Service Suitably Insulated
Overall 3LiMM
Diameter Approx. maximum Allow.
Not Weight Maxinim D.C. D.C.
Including Not.Inc. Breaking Resistance Current
Size Insulation Insulation Strength 0 200C Capacity
Tr 007b4ZI OJ 0 1 2
12 0.0915 20.16 207 1.6200 20
10 .o.116o 32.06 329 1.0200 0
8 o.146o 50.97 525 0.6400 45
6 o.184o 81.05 832 O.4030 65
4 0.2,r0 128.90 1320 0.2540 85
3 0.2600 162.50 1670 0.2010 100
2 0.2920 204.90 2110 0.1590 115
1 0.3320 258.40 2660 0.1260 130
1/0 O.p730 325.80 3350 0.1000 150
2/0 0.4190 410'.90 423Q 0.0795 175
3/0 0.4700 518.10 5320 0.0631 200
4/0 o.5280 653.30 6453 0.0500 230
250 MC1 0.5750 771.90 7930 O.0423 255
7.7.1 Insulation. Some manufacturers have labeled
this "cathodic protection" cable. The original product was
'po1yethylene (PE) insulated and polyvinylchloride (PVC)
Jacketed. The latter was not intimate or a close fit to the
former. Therefore, moisture entered cable to anode connect-
ions, causing rapid failure. This is not a problem with
single extrusion cable insulation.
uaterials give excellent .service unless they are exposed to
liquid hydrocarbons (gasoline, etc.).
In deep groundbeds, where conventional cable instilation rmy
be subject to degradation from chlorine, economics sometimes
justify use of more costly materials. The highly inert
fluorocarbons plastics, such as fluorinated ethylene propy-
lene (FEP), tetrafluorethylene (TFE), and polyvinylidene
fluoride (PV72), are used both as a primary insulation and
outer jacket, respectively, by different cable manufacturers-.
The outer jacket of these more exotic materials is about 10
mils per side. The primary insulation, usually a cross-
linke& extruded polyalkene, is about 30 mils per side. A
thin outer jacket is subject to mechanical damage during
installation. Even these sometimes fail.
-One newly developed insulation used for deep g-oundbed in-
stallations consists of an outer jacket of high-molecular
weight pol, %thylene (40 mils) and a primary insulation of a
copolymer )-.-CTFE (ethylene and monochlorotrifluoroethylene,
20 mils). This combination shows promise, but has not been
fully proven in the field.
Type TW insulation, which may consist of a variety of mater-
ials, is adequate for certain applications - test wires,
galvanic anode connections, above-grade rectifier wiring,
etc. - where cables are not exposed to the electrolyte or
'igh pos' -;ive voltages.
Th"ee leads are spliced into a header cable going to the
:positive rectifier teminal, For military installations,
this cable is to be 7-strand copper cable with WPE insula-
tion; size is No. 2 or larger, depending on current require-
ments. This cable is especially important,. being a major
component of the circuit. In addition, it is subject to cor-
rosion and rapid failure at each cable insulation or splice
insulation defects.
V = MKm
M = 0.0876 12 R, and Km LP
H 0%
- c c4ri944:(
. rU-MiC
D -tt
n I ot r-tmo
Hl H
nc-H 0 oi
m 0 0
PI %,, i - r-i i 0,~(V.~0 l (MM o
tOk Q H00- -. - U riO 0 L- -v w
~~)La H
ca I H
*t-I~~~~Lr LtC-\JH
00 0-0 00 0 M
-H 1 A (* 4* r4 c;* ;6(-c ;c
0 OC ~~ Cr)CUC\0JCo o - 0, HHHH0n
HFtlCr- 0., M 0) H WO tOOOOt (y HO OOOOOOO-) Q
o kO %. C\ --. H CO*l * - * C* Y * C\ * \ ... k .- r- H H . *0
t00000rN0000000000000 00
0.15 = Estimated annual charges (dollars)
Note: This factor will vary. However, the following
estimate is used here:
0.02 .... Depreciation
0.06 .... Interest
0.04 .... Taxes and Insurance
0.03 .... Operation,and Maintenance
Total annual costs will equal the sum of the annual cost of
losses and the annual cost of fixed charges / (I - V 4 F,).
7.8 Connections and Splices. The designer must not
allow any more connections-an splices in cathodic protection
D.C. wiring than absolutely necessary. This is because all
systems are basically low voltage and increased resistance
will increase power costs and reduce protection effectiveness.
Also, wiring is often bu.:ied or submerged in an electrolyte
where even the smallest pinhole in insulation will mean rapid
failure, and repairs are difficult because of inaccessibility.
splices other than ;hose indicated on drawings should be
allowed without permission frog the engineer.)
ejOver-all depth of tank
shell height
pipe diameter
(h) Shape of tank Ellipsoidal,
both top and
Jil All internal surfaces are ncoated
j Design"for maximum
current density 2 ma./sq.ft.
(k) Electric power available 120/t4Ophase
single VAC,
1"' String-type HSCBCI anodes are used
m Design life 10 years
n Water resistivity 4000 ohm-cm.
(o Tank water will not be
subject to freezing
(p) Assumed dfterioration rate 1.0 Iba41hp-yr.
q Anode efficiency (assumed) 50%
(2) Compuitations.
(a) Area of wetted surface of tank
bowl (Figure 7-55)
Top section (T)
AT = 2lrx (approximate)
r = 28 ft.
x = 10 ft.
AT-- 2 x 3.1416 x 28 x 10
AT = 1760 sq. ft.
Center section (C)
AC = 2T7rh
r =28 ft.
h = 11 ft.
AC =2 x 3.1416 x 28 x l
AC)= 1935 sq. ft.
AB = r2
r = 28 ft.
a = 14 ft.
AB = 2 x 3.1416 x 28x 142 + 282
AB = 3900 sq. ft.
Figure -55
Therefore j
AT 176o sq. ft.
AC- 1935 sq. ft.
AB - 3900 sq. ft.
T - 2.0 x 7595
IT = 15,190 ma. or 15.2 amp.
Y = 10 yr.
S = 1.0 lb./amp.-yr.
E = .50
I = 15.2 amp,
W =1 0 x 1.0 x 15.2
W = 301-b..
(f) Minimum weight of riser anode material.
Y -l10yr.
3- 1.0 lb./amp.-yr.
I - 3.62 amp.
E - 0.50
x 3.62
l.0 ..
W - 10x0.50
W - 72.4 lb.
(g) Radius of main anode circle.
r = (DN) (V'+ N)
D - 56 ft.
N . 10 (assumed)
r = 56 x 10
Figure 56
mcd HC3C nodes *shows
kta omay
the maxim recesmded current discharge
I per @A*" for varios -type suedes to In-
sure tea year sulm life. Using, type
k smodel, 3 suedes per string-will be required.
The manufacturer does net recoimd mr
tha 2 typ sueodes per string assembly be-
cause of their fragile nature. Therefore, the
bsst choice of suede for the si suede
strings is type C or type CDD. Type CDO is
recommeuded becamse the lead-wire connect ion
will bie protected longer by the thicker wall
of the enlarged cads. Two type CDD smedes
per string will provide a curreut capacity of
2 Imus x 10 striugs a 20 sups. These auedes
will be spaced as shown in figure 57.
Technical Dota -Commonly Used HSCBCI Mnodes
Anode Wegt Anode Max Max Current
Type.. Size (Lfis)-- Discharle (amps) Deasit, aps~t
FW* 1 l/8"9O.D. x 1 0.025 0.1
3/40I .D. x 9"#
FC* 1 1/2"1 x 9"1 4 0.07S 0.25-
G-2 2"O.D. x 1 1/4 5 0.100 0.25
1.1. x 9",
3*, 1 x 60"0 12 0.50 0.36
2 ---
xmgo (3 nom2m
where -,
P w 4000 ohm-cm.
D-56 ft.
L = 2 x S :ft. - 10 ft-.
a - 44 x 0.275 = 12.1 ft. (0.275 --
equivalent diameter factor from -urve
Figure 53).
R - 0.012 x 4000 log 56/12 .1
R - 48 log
R - 3.19 ohm.
. - - -I- I
having a radius of 8 ft. in a mannenr illus-
tratedin Figxre_ 56. For smiler diameter
tarkz, stub anodes may not be required.
(1)- Current division -between main and stub anodes.
1. Area of tank bottom protected by stub
anodes (Figure 57)i
2, 2
As -'(r2 - rl 2 )
r2 = 13 ft. (radius of protected segment)
I - 2.5 ft. (radius of riser)
A3 i3-.i4l6 (*t - 2.52)
As = 3.1416 x 163
As = S12,1 sq. ft.
2. Maximum current for stub anodes.
Is = 2.0 x S12I
is_= 1024 ma. or 1.02 aup
3. Maximum carrent for tank bowl = 15.2 amp.
4. Maximum current for main anodes.
Im = 15.2 r 1.02
Im = 14.2 amp.
(m) Rectifier voltage rating.
1. Electrical conductor to main anodes.
Wire size #2 AWG, 0.159 ohm/l00 ft.,
estimated length 200 ft.
(R) x .159 = .032 ohm
3. Voltage drop througjh main anodes.
E - IR
r where
I - 14.2 amp.
R * 3.03 ohms
Ba 14.2 x 3.03
E -43.0 volts.
4. Total voltage drop in main anode circuit.
ET * 0.45 + 43.0
ET * 43.45 or 4S volts
o 4000 ohm-cm
D - 56 ft.
L-5 ft.
a a 16 x 0.275 4.4 ft.
I - 0.012 x-4000 log 56/4.4
R a 48 lol 12.73
R - 48 x 1.105
R 10'.0S ohms
KL/d i 0/1 60,
Fi -factor fra.. curve- Figue f 0.65
&AM~std) 10.0o8X 16.865 .57T ohm-
(p) Voltage drop instab akmedo circuit.
1. cosductor to stub anodes.
- Electrical,
ire size 02 Ago* .15O ohimsfl0 ft,$,
estited4 lsogth 200 ft.
(R) a- (200/1000), x 15 .032 ohtm
2. Voltage. drop. in- stub-amoe. feeder .
1' 1102 Map.
R *.032 ohs
E a1.02 ir .032
E .033 'volt.
3. 'Votage drop in anode suspension,
conductors.* Estimated length 50 ft.,
#2 AMG, A1S91 ohms(11000! ft.*
(R) a (50/1000) x .159 a 4008 ohm
E a IR
I a 1.02/10 a 0.102 amp.
R - 4008 ohm
E 1.02 x .008
E negligible.
Voltage drop through- stub anodes.
E IR 1
-1 ampn
R 857 ohmks
E 1.02 x 8.50
E *8.74 volts
5. Total voltage drop in stub anode circuit.
ET'= .033 + 8.74
ET =8.77 volts
6. Since the stub anode voltage is below the
45 volts calculated for the main tank
anode circuit, the necessary current adjust-
ment can be accomplished through a variable
resistor in the stub anode circuit.
E = 80 volts
I = 1.02/Z or 0.51 amv.
R 80/0.51
R = 156.9 ohms
Ohmic value of resistor,
156.9 - 8.57 a 148.3 ohms
Wattage rating of resistor,
(1.022 x148.3 =154.2 watts
R = E/I
E 43.45 volts
3.62 amp.
R" 12.0 ohms.
(s) Riser anode design.
1. Type iW (1 1/8" x 9") string type anodes
cannot be used in the riser because the
maxima anode current discharge of 0.025
amps per anode would be exceeded. The
best choice of anode for flexible riser
string is type G-2 (2" x 9") high silicon
Cas iron anode.
2. Number of units required.
R = 0.01;e loz[ n/d
T a 4000 ohm-ca.
D S ft.
d =2 in or .166 ft.
R a 12 ohms
L m 0.012 x 4000 log 5/0.166
L =48 x log[ 30.1
L * 48 x 1.479
L * 5.92 ft.
Number of units = S. 2XI0.75 - 7.9
or 8 umits
Number or units required = 115/3.75 = 30.7 or
31 units.
f 4000 ohm-cm.
D - 5 ft.
d - 3 in. or 0.1" ft.
L - 31 x 9 in. - 279 in or 23.25 ft.
R -= 0.012
4 g x 4000 log 5/0;1"
R = .1
R - 3.05 ohms.
L/d ratio for the riser anode string is
279/2 or 139.5; thus no fringe factor cor-
rection is applied.
(t) Voltage drop in riser anode circuit.
E = IR
I = 3.62 amp.
R = .032 ohm
E 3.62 x .032
E = .116 volt.
3. Voltage drop in riser anode suspension
cables. Wire size #2 AWG, .159 olhm/1000 ft.,
estimated length 130 ft.
(R) = 130/1000 x .159 = .02 ohm
E = IR
I - 3.62/ - 1.81 amp. average
R - .02 ohm
E - 1.81 x .02
E - 04 volt.
4. Voltage drop through riser anodes.
1 m3.62 amp.
R ohms
E : x 3.05
E " 11.04 volts.
The mearest comercially available resistor
size'seeting the above requirements is a'
7S0-watt, SO-ohm, 3.87 amp. resistor.
This rbeostat is ten inches in diameter and
Three inches in depth and fairly expensive.
This rheostat will not fit into most recti-
fier cases. In addition, the power consumled
by the rheostat is considerable. This power
creats substantial heat that may damage com-
poneats within the rectifier case unless
adequate ventilation is provided. The pro-
blems associated with using a large rheostat
can be eliminated by using a seperate recti-
fier for the riser anodes. Although initial
cost may be slightly high, power savings will
be substantial and danqe by heat will be
(v) Sizing rectifier for riser.
1. Requirements.
0DC current output a 3.62 ap
Anode circuit resistance - 3.10 ohms.
DC voltage required - IR a 3.62 x 3.10
ER a 11.22 volts.
2. Rectifier rating. Standard ratings for a
rectifier in this size class is 18 volt, 4
(w) Rectifier rating for bowl.
1. DC side. Voltage output as previously de-
terined', 80 Volts. Current rating is 15.2 amp.
The nearest commercially available rectifier
meeting the above requireaents is a 80 volt,
16 a"p.
(x) Wire sizes and types.
All positive feeder and suspension cables
(rectifier to anodes) shall be #2 AWG, HMWPE
insulated copper cable. To aboid complication,
the negative rectifier -able (rectifier to
structure) shall be of the same size and type
(Figure 58).
(y) Discussion.
flan W
x3 tWeon owLo
Figure 58
3. This design points out the disadvantages of
achieving corrosion control through cath-
odic-protection without the aid of a pro-
tective coating. When the interior of a
tank is coated, the current requirement is
reduced from SO to 80 percent.- On ikrge
tanks without coating, larger size and more
ex isive \snodes, wir sad rectifier units
-00tbeiused. In addition. the power COD-
smed by the uncoated tank is far greater.
These additional costs will usualy exceed
the cost Of a quality coating system over
a ten year period. Corrosion above the
water line of z water storage tank is usu-
ally severe because of the corrosive nature
of condensation. For this reason, protective
coatings must be used above the water line
on both large and small water storage tanks
to mitigate ,corrosion.
2. For further assistance and guidance in the
design of cathodic protection systems for
elevated cold water storage tanks, see
Figures 59 and 60.
3. HSCBCI was selected for this particular
design purely for illustrative prupioses.
It does not mean that this material is
superior to other types of anode material.
Other acceptable anode materials include
aluminum and platinized titanium.
4. For this design, silicon cells should be
specified for the rectifier protecting the
bowl and selenium cells should be specified
for the rectifier protecting the riser.
Silicon cells operate more efficiently at
high DC ,output voltages than selenium cells
do but requi-Te elaborate surge and overload
protection. This protection is not economical
in the low power consuming units. A guide
for selection of rectifying cells is as follows:
Use silicon cells for single phase rectifiers
operated above 72 volts DC or three phase
rectifiers operated above 90 volts DC. Use,
newer non-aging selenium for single phase
rectifiers, operated below 72 volts DC' or
three phase rectifiers operated below 90
volts DC.
b. Elevated Water Tank (Where Ice is Expected).
Impressed current cathodic protectioa is designed for an
elevated water tank shown ii Fiure 61. The tank is already
built , and zrremt requirement tests have been made. Anodes
will not be*iuspended from tank roof because heavy ice (up to
2-feet thick) covers the water surface during winter. The
weight of this ice could.not be tolerated on anode cables,
so another method is employed. BUtton anodes wiUl be oit-ed
oA the floor of the tank and Lightweight platinised titanium
anodes will be suspended in the riser from the tank bottom.
Figure 59
Slouglag Type Irmsdting
rre bp Clip
02, MWE
FigU%" 60
48 Riser Pipe
Figure 61
(2) Computations; b
i ( ') Mnimu. weight 017 button anode material
~required for tank.
Y 15 yr.
S 1.0 lb/amp.-yr.
1 7.o amp.
E 0.50
W !x
15 1.0 X-7 .0
W 210 1b.
Y = 15 yr.
S = 1.32 x 10-5 lb./amp-yr.
I = 1.0 amp.
E = 0.50
w = 15 x 1.32 x 10-5 x 1.o
W = 3.96 'xio-11lb.
(d) Number of riser anodes.
Platinized titanium wire 0.1-in. dia., 3 ft.
long, with .001-in. thick platinum over
titanium will be used for each anode. The
weight of platinum on each anode is
8.8 x 1O-5 lbs.
TeakCppr w
Tk 1 0Pipe-Welded to Angle
* Water-Tight Seal
u Ao Anode Cable
Anle Mounting
Figure 62
, 145
(e) Location of anodes f(Figure 62)
Button anodes are mounted on base of tank
at a distance of 1/4.the tank diameter
(6 ft.)-from the center. They are mounted
on metal angles and plates welded to the tank
bottom; polyethylene insulation is,required
to separate anode from metal mounting.
Riser anodes are suspended in the center of
the riser pipe, spliced to a No. 4 cable.
The top anode is placed 1 ft. from the tank
base. The remaining four anodes are spaced
at 4 ft. intervals..
Each button anode has its own Nq 8, 7-strand!
copper cable (HMWE) run in conduit to a re-
sistor box mounted at eye level on a tank leg.
The riser anode's one No.. 4, 7-strand cable
is run in conduit to the resistor box. If
required to obtain proper current output, a
resistor will be installed in the riser anode
circuit at the time of rectifier sizing. The
rectifier will be sized once the anodesare
installed, and mounted at eye level adjacent
to the- resistor box.
c. Aircraft Multiple Hydrant Refueling System.
Galvanic cathodic protection is designed for a standard air-
ciiaft hydrant -refueling system shown in Figure 63. This
design is for a system not yet installed.
(1) Design data. -
Table 22.
6w Coated Hymt16
9-Lb. Pbckoged,
Magnesium 960W
Volvo 30 DefuelingHeadeor
IDo' 18'-
* F )90 I
* a" Refueling Header 6" Defueling'Return .
Pump and Control House -~1010 Supply Line
Figure- 63,
(a) Total outside area of POL piping serving the
hydant refueling area.
Y = 15 yrs.
S = 8.8 lb./amp.-yr.
E = 0.50
I = 0.73 amp.
V = 15 x 8.8
x 0.73
W = 193 lb.
l i6,
It should be noted that the 193 lb. arrived
at above is based upon an output current of
0.73 amp. for the full designed life of the
cathodic protection system, 15 years.
Strictly speaking, this is not the case be-
cause the current outpot following a new
installation ts much less due; to the high
coating efficiency. The average current
requirement at first may be ai low as 0.015
ma./sq. ft. of pipe.
(e) Current output of a single 9-lb. packaeged,
"high current" magnesium anode.
C = 120,000
f = 0.71
y = 1.00
i = 5000 ohm-cm.
i = 120,000 x 0.71 x 1.00
i = 17.0 milliamperes
Since the structure Js well-coated, the
anode spacing is relatively great. There-
fore the "Multiplying Factor for Magnesium
.Anode Groups" is not used.
(V) N mb~er' of a -id (n-ij.-J
I = 726 milliamperes
i = 17.0 milliamperes
A = 7260/43
A = 169 sq.ft.
2. Division of anodes.
Laterals 4991/169 .30 anodes
Header 1859/169 - anodes
Supply and
return lines 410/169 - 2 anodes
d. Steel Gas Main. Impressed current cathodic pro-
tection is desizned for the 6-in. welded gas main shown in
Figure 64. This pipeline Is not constrmcted, so measure-
ments may not be made.
(1) Design data.
(2) Computations.
A = 11,800 x 0.1
A = 1180 sq.ft.
I = 1180 x 2
T = 2 60 ma. or 2.36 amp.
.- ..
. ....
..... ....
... ....
.'" 5 .= - . .... .. ... . . . . . . .. ...
Distribution System
Insulating Joint
Figure 64
(d) Ground Bed Design.
1. Anode x 84 2in.),
10 in,. size, in. X LJ in.20 (backfilled
spaced feet apart.
-;R =2 ohms
Ry = 5.110 ohms
) = 2000 ohi-eir.
S = 20 ft.
P, a function of n (Table 25), and n,
the number of anodes, will be determined
by trial and error.
Rearranging the equation for n,
n Rv
n R
t ()Of P)/30
n : 10
n = _ 5. 40
2 -I00 P
Try n - 4 anodes, I,
P =.0028
4. j, 5.4o
4 - 5.40
4 3.15 (close)
Try n - 3 anodes,
P = .00289
3 5.40
3 3.16
This-is closest possible. In order to: keep
total resistance below 2.0 ohms, use 4
4. Actual resistance.
Rea2ranging gives
y =IE
v 240 lb.
S 1.0 lb./amp.-yr.
E 0.50
2.36 amp.
Y 2 X5 = 50.9 yeas.
1.0 X 2.36,50, Yas
It should be noted the expected ground bed
life greatly exceeds the design requirement
of 15 -ears. This is ,brought about -by the
additional anode material required to estab-
lish a .2-ohm ground bed.
(h) Resistance of DC circuit.
1. Groundbed-to-soVI resistance, 2.0 o.ns maX'.
2. Resistance of groundbed feeder conductor.
(Length 500 ft., type DUPE, size #2 AWG).
Conductor resistance
- 0'.159 ohm/1000 ft.
R = 500/1000 x0O.159
R = .07.9
3. Total resistance of DC circuit.
I = 2 36 amp.
R = 2.08 ohms
E = 2.36 x 2.08
E = 4.9 or 5.0 volts.
To allow for rectifier atring. film forma-
tions, and seasonal chan es in the soil
resistivity, it is constierei good practice
to use a multiplying factor of 1.5 to
establish the rectifier voltage rating.
E = 5.0 x 1.5 - 8.o volts.
4. Thie commercial size rectifier the
above requirements is 115-volt, single
phase, selenium, full wave bridge type unit
having a DC output 6f 8 amp. and 8 volts.
1 U,
$ LU
- u
1. Steam conduit.
Y -15 yr.
S w-2.0 lb./amp.-yr.
I = 17-.2 amp.
E 0.50
w 15,x2.0 x 17,2
W - 1032 lb.
= 1000 ohm-cm.
L = 7,0 ft.
K = 0.0189
Rv = 1000 x .0189
- -~-70
- rsia
Sectlon Length (ft.) Suxrface.Area (sq.ft.)
1 1700 3560 + 6220 - 9780
2 500 780+ 1310=2090
3 1125 177P + 3540 -5310
4 350 550 + 920 110
56 400
275 630 720 160
430 ++ 1050- 1150
2., Area of conduit protected by one anode.
A 21 48o/41
A -524 sq.ft./anode
3. Division of anodes.
Section 1 9780/524 =1 anodes
Section 2 2090/524 =4 anodes
Section 3 5310/524 = 10 anodes
Section 4 1470/5211 = 3 anodes
Section 5 1680/524 M 3 anodes
Section 6 1150/524 = 2 anodes
(4) Rectifier Location. Locate rectifier in front
of administration building as shown. Rectifier
will be sized after anodes are installed.
f. Gas Distribution System. Galvanic cathodic pro-
tection is to be designed for a gas distribution system in,
-_a-housing area -shown in Fiaure 66.
(1) Design data.
Average soil resistivity,'4500 ohm-cm.
Design for 90% coating efficiency, based
on experience.
(C Design for 15-yr-life.
Design for 2 ma./sq.ft. 6f bare pipe,
e) Packaged type magnesium anodes will be
(f) Insulating couplings are used on all
service taps. The mains are electrically
isolated from all other metal structures
in the area.
(g) All pipe was precoated at the factory and
wrapped with asbestos felt. The coating
was tested over the trench for holidays
and'defects corrected. The coating is
considered to be better than 99i5% perfect
at the time of installation.
-1 -zto
DLU .iz'
BoumemoIutrn Ave.a
Pipe Areai
Y =15 years
S = 8.8 lb./amp-year
I = 1.084 amp.
E = 0.50
W = 15 x 8.8 x 1.084,
W = 286 lbs.
It should be noted that 286 lb. is based on
an output current of 0.85 amp. for the full
design life of 'the cathodic protection system,
15 years. Strictly speaking, this is not the
true condition, because current output follow-
ing a new installation is much less due to the
high coating efficiency. The average cur,ent
requirement at first may be as low as 0.03
ma./sq.ft. of pipe area. *
(. )-Current output of a single 17-lb. standard
,pa.kaged rtkneslum-anoi.c to ground.
C - 120,000
f - 1.00
S -1.00
= 4500 o.m -&'
i = 120,000 x 1.00 x 1.00
I 26.7 milliamperes
Since the structuI4 is well-coated, the anode
spacing is relatively great. Therefore the
"Multiplying Factor Ior Mai'aesium Anode GoeZYup)"
is not used.
i = 1084 milliamperes
I = 26.7 milliamperes
n I084
n i.6 (!xsse 411 anod'es)
A - 5415/41
A = 133 sq.ft./anode
2. Divisioir of anodes.
Pipe Size Pipe Area Pipe Length Numbei of Sbacinc
in. sq. ft,.ft. Anodes ft.,
Design life, 5 Yr.
Use HSCBCI anodes.
Alternating current Is available at 115 volts,
single phase.
(2) Computations.
(a) Interior area of tank.
AT -26'r 2 * w'dL
-= 1.92 ft.
j = 3.83 ft.
L = 12 ft.
AT w 2 x 3.1416 x (t 92)2 + 3.1416 x 3.83 x 12
AT - 167.5 sq. ft.
(b) Maximum protective current required.
I - 167.5 x 5
I = 858 ma. or 0.84 amp.
(c) Minimum weight of anode aterial for 5-yr. lif
Y = 5 yr.
S = 1.0 lb./amp.-yr.
I = 0.84 amp.
E = 0.50
W 5 x 1.0
0.50 x 0.84
w =8.4 lb.
Siue go.
(e)~~Fiw Re-tnc67ands
id im by 9-/
in. r n~ eCu-Lhn. 4 b.e.
apl 1icain. on fto
or.5 banprpr-
-1 103.2 x log 37
R =10 .5 ohm
This re-2stance must be corrected by the
fringe factor since the _are short anodes.
The fringe factor is 0.4 from curve in
Figure 54 ror an I/d - 9/1.5 - 6.
R - 102.5 x o.48
R - 49.2 ohwr.
(f) Rectifier rating.
1. E -IR
, ..165 _
(1) Design data.
~a fTank diam~eter 12 ft.
Tarnk length 40 ft.
, Design for 80% coating efficiency,
based on experience.
(d) Dislip for 15-year lire.
*e_ Current requirements 0.7 amp.
Packaged, 1,7-lb. standard, wajnesium
aaodes will be used.
(g) The tank is adequately insulated ,'or-eirn .3tr1etures.
(2) Computations.
(a) Minimum weight of anodes required foo tank.
Y = 15 yr.
S = 8.8 lb./amp.-yr.
I = 00.77 ap
E = 0.50
W = 15 0.50
x 8.8 x 0.7
w .= 184.8 lb.
(b) Number of magnesium anodes
_ 184.8
= = 10.8 (,ise 12 anodes for
- synunetry).
Anodes are placed as shown ii Figure 68.
A 40'
J_ I
Secion A-A
Figure 66
Corrosion coordinating committees have been organized to In-
clude areas of concentrated underground struICtureS. Anyone
designing and/or installing cathodic protection is expected
to notify the committee in his area even though iidividual
operating companies have been notified.
I. M7
mutual corrosion problems. This should be done well in ad-
vance of the time work forces actually arrive at the area,
so that:
1. Arrangements can be made to install test leads
on the lines.
2. Special coating applications, to increase inter-
nal resistance between structures, can to planned.
3. A general knowledge of any special problems
peculiar to an ar'ea can be gained, and cooperative solutions
kinr 6,w~
A""k 'MAW"N'-M
S~~e~~lltombi@a L-.Nevei ipw R ,, I.
Hir Own Pipe Sot ±'m
[7 17
All 6*
L~.q I
j 1
H ,si~ I 8~
-- -- -- - - L
p.' I a
A..~-.Zi 0
* I!
' Figure 72
179 1 1
At least 2% of OW alvane vod.- installatlo nt In
the aetURl hMdllft of matertal, and earthork. Thi must
be #Mft-ftlly 0.lamed, 11' a jot, Is to I.- done
and prW.-rty demaes kept to a w ti . The type a1 'prn-
tity or mechanized equipfmt, and Ia)unt of labor best. ed
for Installation is detexmined by economics of cont vs.
spe@3*1 right-of-way conditions (seesalbilIty, etc.), wid
property owwers' or base personnel's attitude toward a pi'o-
Sect, Ifbase personnel ae, In general, hostile towtard .. x-
eavatlon, fence cutting and the movement of heavy m,,.lntzd I -d
t. 180
foracklling. Ir t&p work is done by hand, soil can be
aInto the ditches and boles with potato hoes.
After ali earthwor" has been completed, and one or two soak-
* Ing rains have penetrated the ground (several weeks later),
the bai'kf.tll Irun-i all trencheiu and holes ::hould 1M. ,.leui.,!
up and leveled off. Since this is actually the completion
of the Job, it In also a good time to settle any outstandin-
damage claims property omers may have submitted.
Namgesium anodes are available in almost any size or shape.
Many am also obtainable in the packaged form. (A omplet-
unit, reay to Install - with lead wire attaChed ant s.t-
rounded by especially prepared backfill material.) Th..*td-
vantages oi these should always be carefully welhcd aitu1n',
any special size anodes which might require rield asembJy
and/or backfill. Currently, packaged anodes are widely iv:'c*I
for underground applications.
Aloo, mz t "atlable
:, i: in the form of rols which can
I;( welded Lo-.:,her. Backfill should always be tised with
opt on"
" opt ol,* Tb,' ,. b,'
"anl "bv~
b: "dohb;.,, 1:-,u.'",
t-, pr-n .rt •
... : ... -- , ~Xz OSa ,.f one ct- tsr':
payrer.;i madle, rhe easement; ~cm:
~r '.enti7e, o~erccr~anls can b--
~ ~e
p310.7!. 71at-Oe1ntS Of~ zecvi-t. avallablity obtazh:..
- ~
.. ... ~ t r he "fi"vnn up" of eaet.
sometimes installed without backfill, and satisfactory ser-
vice in reported. These can be "Jetted" in, using water
HSCBCI anodes are more fragile than graphite (at least par-
tiilly due to the fact that smaller diameter rods are often
substituted for thicker Graphite anodes). Therefore, they
must be paddcd when hauled. Coke breeze or other carbonac-
eous backfill m-terial ia much easier to use when packaged
in sacks. Even though it costs more when purchased this
way, savings in handling labor, waste, and special equipment
often will be the deciding factor. It should be remembered,
however, that sacks (especially burlap) deteriorate rapidly
when stored with coke breeze in them. Furthermore, there
seems to be no advantage to covering this material if it is
kept outside, but "skidding up" is advisable.
Z urrotuided by e.ither carbonaceous or soil backfill. Wher,
;"Lckr1II is uei, the ditch or hole is first excavated.
Th, . :inodcs are centered in the excavat ton. while backfill
Is .*t.ef'illy taunod around them. In some types of soil,
:'1. h ts swampy areas and quicksand, it ma:y not be possible
-o -s:- ,carbonaceous backfill. Packaged anodes containIng
tarbo,.a-,eous backfill imy then be used and the complete pack-
00.. e(':node s-urroanded by backfill) placed In an excavation.
,"duct"or- "naae" anodes are oftc-i, pulled Into empty
,. -. au tz. ],, this way,, they are in position to supply
.. o-ite piot .ction to buried cable sheaths in adjacent
.... CI anodcs must be handled with care becau3e they are
"..remely brittle. They must not be throen, ropped or
iled. The anode-to-cable connection Is critical. Pullin!.
-,nod e ads to place this .onnection in tension !annot be
b.. t Anode leads and ':nnectin- caLles _-annot be
,ilwed to contat sharp edges of tools cr obstruc tions.
" connections or seals which seem to b,,-= damaged should not
i .e used before consulting
(1) Vertical Soil the supplieLo.
Installations. Foi- typiz-al in-
"..tnodle equipme.nt
holes. or hand tools can be used to auger vertical
rlypical vertleaI ariode Uistallation In soil is shamin
Fisure 73. This method, using anodes, Is pre-
ferrei fe most installations. However, In swampy areas and
quicksani where It my be Imossible to use backfill, pack-
aged anoles ray be useS (Plure 74).
(2) Horizontal Soil Installations. S anodt-s
are often installed horiZontally even though anode-to-noli
resistance is somewhat higher In this position (Figure 75).
In this manner they can be placed In a low-resistance soil,
and/or rock formations can be avoided. Strings of "duct"
anodes whenbe ducts
systems can placed
trenches to form
available for distributed
them. anode
rem or Soil
-wEGro e elSmff
Lscwi Inuaf HMWF
Na. It, 7-Strand Copper Amde
€"-"Eps:y EncapkAion
5'10* *
Figure 73
• !8I
Exhstior Suil Snckfill
80 LightwalI Tubin,
'PhWood or Metd I
Tubing, Crimped I
Figure 74
*1 '
u E ~ ~ L
It '"a
V 0
H _ 18
necessary to extend the casing beyond fifty feet below the
surface, every, effort should be made to pull at. ieast the
top fifty feet of the casing out. If this is not possible,
the casing above the anode string can be coated to reduce
current discharge. Plastic casing can also be used for this
upper portion. Finally, prior to the installation of the
anodes., the casing ,-n be separated at the fifty-foot lev,-.
with dasing-,cutters or dynamite. When the well is ready,
the drilling rig is used to lower in the anode string.
Type 1 HSCBCI anode, 2" X 60" with enlarged heads and epoxy
cap, is
most suitable for deep groundbeds. Because of the
inaccessibility of the anodes, individual anode leads shoull
extend to the surface. Thus, difficulty with one lead or
anode connection
groundbed., Whein would not ten
more -than lead Anodes
to failure of thethe
are used, entire
bundle becomes rather bulky. In this case, not more than
two anodes may be spliced to a single header. TO reduce the
number of wires, No-. 8, stranded copper wire with HMWPE inst-
lation is suggested.
Anodes should not be sUspended from lead wires as prolonged
stress may lead to difficulties. Instead, anodes should b,
fastened to a 1" support pipe as shown in Figure 77 usin]
steel banding or large hose clamps. Not more than three
anodes should be attached to eadh section of support pipe.
Sections are Joined together with pipe unions.
Gases liberated by electrolysis -of the electrolyte in the
groundbed should be vented. They form an insulatingbarrier
and decrease anode current output. Gas blocking results In
a gradually increasing resistance that eventually can cause
the groundbed to become ineffective.
One or more plastic vent pipes from the bottom anodc to t-he
surface will aid in dissipating gases to the atmosphere. A
combined vent and support pipe system is shown in Figures
76 and 77. This method of support is only temporary i.n
nature (the metal section will corrode) and therefore 'an be
used only with backfill. For a permanent type support-vent
pipe system that can be used in backfill or water-filLed
deep groundbeds, the total system of brackets and pipe
should be made of plastic.
FbI ~-Mwit ructre
7.. L. o
Ca~iBreee Peforated 3V4" Steal Pipe
Eno,,sj Water for /le Holes. Drilled Every 6"
- (See Figure
Le .dCouI es
Friction loped to Pipe
(See Figure )
4" W.-Iding Cap.
Atd. Wt. to -.uide
Anode. S--rincDE N D
Figure 76
- M'tic
j1 Sipa Slipped Onto 3/414 Hipoe.
Ured with4 Soinle Steel SA.
,i OS con ec n4 .
, con ect
Iroti t
-dean, astM
1/4* Wes Every-**
a) b) * 1
1. Jaoiits. o' " pipe are attached to the string
and the entire aosembly lowered. After th'x striing Ias
reached bottom, the lowerir-w pipe is removed Joint by Joint..
To Insure.- r-nioval of the loweing pipe from the anode 9tr'ing,
the eonn,+ction should be made with a left-hand thread or a
hand- iht! thread.
2. it is also possible to attaeh a pulley to the
top of the ano-- string and lower -the strinZ with the dril-
ler's bo.le cable. Clothesline is then attaThed to the end
"i' the oab!-,, and the cable retrieved. The l.o-r-..rpipe, -"
honew -P, matkes it possIblc to turn or manipulate the anoie
tr-in :, ?hould it become fouled on the way down.
ickfll nu is recOmmended to lower anodi. to rroundf Vesis-
,.P. A dlurry of flake grvaphite has proven the most w r
V.ter in the hole will not aff,7,t b-.llinZ because
.'.!1 t'. will snttle throike the water and urt ,.and the
,.olri. About a cup of liquid hou-chold AeterPent should bc
i,.itxed with tht slurrPy to increase the aUction. If I
.'*?]fill is inixed in a slizhtly elevated rank,,- i. may easily
be piped into. the too of the hole.
Thmwll head my ,terminate above or below ground. For above
',ounr. termination. four feet of casing should protrude above
iw-. tirface.. A vented cap should be screwe4 onto the top of
r -ifl ., for access. Anode leads should terminate in a
,; top of I;he well head. For below ground termina-
, oi, place a steel cap over the well to prevent earth sett!-
i,, auove it. Anode leads should be run thrcu ;h an under-
* .tt,. conduit to a terminal box at some *,onvenient location.
1%, tall the is close a:? possible to the well head.
orlotc n, utility pglu .tn be loc.tul next to it; if necessary,
tb& t.ectifitr can be installed on thr. well head itself. An
i.ioulated copper -:able is then run from the po-11tive tor:inal
,. the rectifier to- the anode lead terminal box..
(it) Marine, Water Tank, and Process Equipment 1
-nIetallation. In most marine, water tank and process equip-
nr .it installations, HSCTCI anodes ae suspended- in the solu-I
tilon at some distanc., from the *,athodioall,: proteo.ted struc-
tteo. However, button anodus are bolted onto the plates of
zr-tal. Here it is necessary to appl: coatin; and/or a dielec-
Vrti. pad between anode and structure metal.
barled cables and connections ust be placed deep enough
below giide so thbat the ponsibility of ritage from cointru'-
Sfatink-r,. erct., will be miaimized wo feet In usually'
zsatisfactory Further protectioni tromu piyical davri m to
buried cables can be provided by placing treated-boardi, or
concretei sdibe over and/or around them,
Insulated cables,, suspended lb water or chemicals, murt We
0aovIded with brackets to prevent we failiire or insdla-
F tion due to movement. 'They mustt 3ecurely fastened In
turbulent areas, and kept out or Llow streamt where trash
-could foul them.
a.Rectifiers. Rettflers can. %beattached to poles,
with thz'odgh b6lts for lare units, and -lag scrovit; for
smiller ones. Units must be installed -to standar'ds or
local power companies and/or electrical inboectorue. It 1,
best'to get informtion on this before beginning to wire ire
a ukit., Meter sockets are usually furnished by the power
coftany, but nufst be --iiL-ed in. by the electrician connecting 2
the rectifier. Sometimes the power company wires down t~m
pole to the meter socket, and in other cases to the top of
the pole only. In some localities,, all wiriing must be con-
tained In conduit, -while -exposed- wiring is- permissible- in
others.. The. following are advantages to uqing conduit whi th
poinst toward long life and trouble-free operation:
(1) Posibility of damage from vandalism or animals
(2) -Safety - reduceo the changes, of children beint,
hurt- when tampering with exposed wires, and provides con-
nection to ground for switch boxes, meter case,, and rectU-
fier case.
cale(3) Reduced possibi-lity of weathering damage to
"jLight wall"' conduit is easy to bend in the f1ield anti 1-rei
satisfactory service. A separated Ius-.ed nwitch at tho'A.C.
inlet 'side of the rectifier should also be inlcluded, ror*.
additional overload and fault protection. (See Figure 7,
showing rectifier, fused switl~h and clettric me-ter.)
:When installai..-on work has becit complotcd at a r~ectii1~tv
site, it ri5 important to thoroughly clean up jthe area.,
* Trash must be removed, backfill Opmoothed up, loose stoneC
removed, etc. It is good practice to "mound up" loose
backfill soil over trenches,, If It has not been tamped.
Most of the fill will then settle back down into' the-ditch.
It is helpful to contact proper~ty owners upon completion,
to be-certaii they are satisfied with the appearance of the
job. Final cle~an-up will be necessary after the soil has
settled. Any damage claims should also be paid at the save
Figure 78
S,-hedulln:- rectirlzr In:tallation is importait, speially
where larFr' numbers of rectifiers are involved. Wher polo-
~~ ~ ied a3 soon as lozzble Mlc
easement payinents have been made, a Crew of three to fout*
men sets out to install ,rectifier poles and nejative reutu.,
leads. This has the dual advantage of beginnIng work.on
the property owners t land while their agreement and reim-'
bursement is still fresh in mind, and also pinpointlnC, th6
location for power company personnel so that they may
promptly proceed with any nenessary or unforeseen probiens.
After poles -have been set, 'the same drew now ntrenithen,-?.
by additional manpower, tools, and/or other- eqiiipmnt ma.
begin installation of groundbedu With their asociated
-cables and connections., One crew should: be able to -om-
plete a 25 to 35 anode rorutidbcd'In a working day. Upoii
completion of SrOundbe-dS, -test of pipe-to-roundb, d r'c!;-
tance wil mae4-it possible to size rectifiers a'd have
theM shipped promptly. At this time, power companieb can
also be given a --asonably accurate estimate of the electrI-
cal load.
Upon receipt of rectifier units, a crew of two -or three men
can mout and connect rectifiers. If large .ectifier units
are belng used, It may be best to divide this work betwe,a'n
two Groaps of people - one of which simply hangs units on,
the poles, while the other actually does the electrical
Typical installations are shown in Figures 79 and 80.
Pole-! , .Irectifiers are also typical of those mounted j
on bull. S walls. In less stable areas and/or for extrir..-
ly he.' units,, floor-mounted (oz. slab-mounted) rectifiers
may be used. A diagram of a mounting slab is ,,iven in
rFigure 8AL
10.7 Bonds Between Structures. In almost "in catho lc
protection 7system, It is necessary to make conne :tions b.-
tween isolated structures. These may be:
1. Sections of line vviarated by insulating jotntF.
2. Completely separate piping systems.
3. Separate pipelines, or piping systems, conneeted
to a common cathodic -protection unit.
The basic components of such bonds should bo:
1. Cables from structures involved.
2. Resistor for the control of current flow (ir
cables have a lower resistance value than that required for
current drainage).
3. Calibrated shunt, ammeter, or other eurrent flow
measuring deVice.
- Galvunized W eat~pOo
IL isting Grade
A.C. 1npu
jD.C. O tu
Side (Front)
fJunct So fsitive Leads to Anodes
ota doPoetdStutrs(ee to FiGure', 7-81 for
Mounting on Concro-;Ie Pbd)
Figur w5
1 Ulr
No. 6 Insulte
Suit Rectifier 81
Wlh.eni instal-l!iig bonds, it is advantae'aus to use cablcsn
'heavier than the-nUmber 10 through, i commonly empioyed as
tes leads, even though resistance or, current-carryitqrg
capacity may not be critical. This because larger size
cables are less susceptible to physical damage during exca-
vat-1on ilnd othf- -r uting, maintenance. Also,, they are usu-
ally ve±'y important factors in 4aintaining, protective poten-
tials,. while at the same tim6- not numrouiq4s enough to noti-c-
ably affect installation costs. 'No. 4 cables are re-com-
mended. for military, use. Bonding cables should always be
marked immediately, as they are installed, to avoid confu-
sion and unfiicessary testing later on. This
can' be done by color coding, metal tags attached to the
wires, marks on the test box panel, or combinations of these.
maintaining cathodic protection systems is
A guide f.'o,
AFM-1885-5 " "Maintenance and Op6irtion of Cathcddic Protection
systems'" "( Hovember 1965).. :An. effetdive maintenance sched-
tile should be establlshed' for all cathodic protection instal-
latlfotns, based o, this manual. A rPeommended schedule,
after the Initlal' installao n- check., atA six-month inspec-
Uions,. Ss:
I. -Keep a record of all rectifier outputs
(volt3, amperes) monthly, and report any varia-
tions because these mayr ind!tcate system mal-
2. Once a:. e r, ,base personnel should make a cathodic
protection bate survey, taking structure-to-
blectrolyte and any other necessary measurements
(eas. current output of galvanic anodes).
Rectifiers should be adjusted as needed at this
. omanoff., Melvin, "Underground Corrosion", National
Bureau of Standards Circular 579, April, 197.
2. Mearns, R.B., "Some Recent Developments in the Study of'
Cathodic Protection", Gas, December, 1947.
3. Romanoff, Melvin, "Corrosion of Steel Pilings in Soils"
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standarddr,
Vol. 66a, No. 3, July-September, 1952.
4. Sudrabin, L.P., "Foundation Piling Corrosion, Mechanisms
and Cathodic Protection", Materials Protection, OctobocL,
1963. .
5. DeMarco, R.C., "Protection of Undergroand Steel in-a
-h1i,- -Corirosive Area", aterials Protection, February,
201 "
-. . . . .,
-Bondurant, D.L., ed., Proceedings of- the Annual Applachian
Underaound Corrosion Short Course, west Virinia University
Bulletin No. 103 (171M, 9 (197).
Bogart, L.G. Vande, "Combating Corrosion in Industrial
Process Piping", Technical Paper No. 408, Crane Company,
Chicago, May, 1939.
Brasunas, S. , NACE.Basic Corrosion Course, Natioual
Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, 1970.
Bryan, Wm.T., ed.,, Designing Imressed Current Cathodic
Prctection Systems with Durco Anodes, The -riron Company,
Inc., 1970.
Godard, H.P., et al., The Corrosion of Light Metals, John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 19b.
Shrier, L.L., Corrosion, Vols. I & II, John WVI.ey & Sons,
New York, 1963.
Siknko, N.Jf. %nd R.A. Plan, Chemistry, Nv'-Graw,-Hi11 Book
Company, lvi.,9 New York, 196W
Speller, Frard: IJ., Corrosion: Causes and .PrevF.ntiori, 3d ed...
M'cGiaw-Hill B3ook Company, Inu., 'few York, 1951, -p. 686.
.1ine Eelitr , D. Eatth Conduction Effe-t.3 in Transmission
Syrstemns, D.Vi +ostranil Company, Inc., ~ YorKc, 19719 ,,*
(*Definitions from NACE Standard RP-01-69)
A The taking up of one substance at the surface
ofanter. The tendency of all solids to condense upon
their surfaces a layer of any gas or solute wbich contact
such solids.
Concentration cell. An electrolytic cell in which a dif-
ference in electr-oyte concentration exibts between anode
and cathode, producing corrosion.
Galvanic cll, A corrosion cell in wbicb anode and catb-
ode are dissimilar conductors, producing corrosion because
of their innate difference in potential.
Mill scale The heavy oxide layer formed during hot fabri-
cation oreat-treatment of metals. The term is applied
chiefly to iron and steel.
Polarization, The de'.iaticon from the openi circuit potent-
=Iso~faneectrode hesulting frolL the passage of current.
*Rflrncee~trodeL A device whose open circuit potent-
=nin contat under similar conditions of measurement.
*Reverse-current switchs A device that prevents the rever-
sal. of 31re77t current tbrough a metallic conductor.
*Strasy current Current flowing through paths other than
77e intended circuit.
*Stray current corr~sion. Corrosion resulting from direct
curent flow through paths other than the it~tended circuit.
*Structure-to-.eleet~ e ot (also st.ructure-to-soil
otetiT~~ipet'o-sOe poltn al). The voltage differ-
nce between a buried metallic structure and the electrom-
lyte which is measured with a reference electrode in con-
tact with the electrolyte.
*Structure-to-structur Voltalge. (also structure-to-strucb-
iire poetal). The difference in voltage between metallic
structures in a common electrolyte.
'Jolt-ap~uo An electromotive force, or a difference in elec-
,YodfepoTentials expressed in volts.
Title *9 Transportation
Chapter 14tesardoiis Mterials Rgpalations- 1oard, Depart.
snt of Tiftes rtation.
(Docket No. OP dt., 192.4)
Part 1924rasportation of Natural eM other gas b~y pipe-
ui: Minimum 'Federal safety stAnards
[Subpart, 1-Rliquirements for
192.51 Sope. Corrosion Control
eludinig, as a minimum, soil resistivity messuregaritg and
tests for corosion accelerating bacteria, tbt a coTOS'.
ive environmenat does not exist. Howver, within 6-umnths
after an installation made- pursuant to the preoeding aen-
I C? te opertori
torioil potential measurements
tests, incloding pipe-
with regoedt to eithera
continuous reference, electrode, ozr' n electrode -Using close
spacing, not to exceed 20 feet, iuAd si±1 reitiity meal-!
,.remernts at potential profile peak loc tonts -to adequ-
ately evaluate tbe potentia-l profile along tbe entire pipe-
line. If the tests made indicate that -a oorrosiv, con;-
diton exists, the pipeline must be catbodically protected
in accordande wit pargrapb '(e) (2) of this section.
(c)An operator'need notccompiy with paragraph (a) of
;idis section, if the operator 'can demonstrate by tests,
ir-itigation, or experience
or a copper pipe line,
F.L e~ envirofment does
not exist; or
(2) For a temporary pipeli-, --, an operating priod of
service not-to exceed 5-yesr- -,4onid installation corro-
sion during the 5-year period of service of'the pipeline
will not be-detrimental to-public mafety.
(d)Notwithstanding tbe- provisions of paragraph, (b) or
%c)of this section, if A-jVipeline is externally coated,
it must be cathodicall , pk~tectid in accordance witb pa-
.zraph: (ai) (2) of this 'section,
(r)Ai.uminum may not be installed in a buried or subserg-
* ad pipelinie if that aluminum is exposed to an envikrment
with a natural pH in ezessA of 8, unless tests or epr
ience indicate its suitability in tbe particular eviron-
* ment involved.
192.457 External corrosion control: buried or submerg-
e~d pipelines installed before August 1, 1971.
(a)Except for buried piping at compressor, regulatorg
end- measurinig stations, each buried'or submerged trans-
mission line installed before August 1, 1971, that ha an
effective external coating must, not later than Augus't 1,
1974, be catbodically protected along the entire area tbat
is effectively coated, in accordance with this subpart.
For the purposes of this subpart, a pipeline does not have
an effective external coating if its catbodic protection
current requirements are substantially the same-as if it
were bare. 'The operator shall make tinsts to determizii the
cathodic protection current requirements.
(b) Except for cast iron or ductile iron, each of the
following buried or submerged pipelines installed before
August 1, 1971, must, not later than August 1, 1976, be
cathodically protected in accordance with this subpart in
areas in which active corrosion is found:
Dare or-eineffectively costed teft- Ulines.
R e pipes at oinwwee
o , regulator', and
(3) r or oiated distribuUm 11m. 2be operator shab
dever tbe ae ofa ow b electrial sur-
! -4 -ot oor sm
~me'ty, leek listor
brother'A,meen. s, b7 leak detection
(0) e purp
F l of ',tbi* 'bpat, active oorrosieuts
resiut in a o002tioa that is dierln al to public safety.
192,.45 External corrosion control: exau!.nation of bur-
ied pipeline wKben exposed.
wemwver an operator has kmled"e that any portion of a
barled pipelie is exposed, e exposed, portion must be ex-
-sainid for evidence of extrnal corrosion if tbe pipe is
bd'e, or if the coating is deteriorated If extermal cor- found, remedial action must be taken to the ex--
text required by 192.83 and the applicable paragraphs of
X92.4859 192.4M, or 192.4489.
192.-61 External corrosion control: protective coating.,
(a) Each external protective coating, wbetber conductive
o insulating, applied for the pOrpoqe of exterial corro-
sion control maust-
(1 Be applied on a properly prepared surface;
2) Haie sufficient adhesion to the metal surface to
ef resist under-film migration of moisture;
t3~Be sufficiently ductile to resist cracking;
Have sufficient strength to resist damage due to
handling and soil stress; and
(5)Have properties compatible with any supplemental
cathodic protection.
(b) Each external protective coating which is an elect-
rically insulating type must also bave low moisture ab-
sorption and high electrical resistance.
(c) Each external protective coating must be inspected
just prior to lowering the pipe into tbe ditcb and back-
filling, and any damage detrimental to effective corrosion
control must be repaired.
(d) Each external protective coating must-be protected
from damage resulting from adverse ditch conditions or dam-
4(e)from supporting blocks.
If coated piope is installed by boring, driving,, or
otber similar method, precautions must be taken to minimize
daae to the coating during installation.
192;.63- Rternal corrosion control: catbodic protection.
(a) Each cathodic protection system required by this sub-
pert must provide a level of catbodic proteotion tbat come-
in with one or more-of the applicable criteria contained
Appendix D of this subpart. If none of these criteria
is applicable, the cathodic protection system must plovide
a level of cathodic protection at least equal to that pro-
vided by compliance with one or more of these criteria.
(b) If aphoteric metals are included in's buried or sub-
merged pipeline containing a metal of different anodic pot-"
(1) The amphoteric metals must be electrically isolated
from the remainder of the pipeline and catbodically pro-
* ected: -orI
(:) .ie entire buried or submerged pipeline must be cath-
odicalA! protected at a catbodic potential that teets the'
requirements of Appendix D of this part for amphoteric met-
(c) The amount of cathodic protection must be controlled
so as not to damage the protective coating or the pipe.
V ?ii4
able for the prevention of atmospheric corrosion. An oper-
ator need not comply with this pargraph, if the operator
can demonstrate by test, investigation or experience in
the area of application, that a coo sive atmosphere does
not exist.
(b) Pipelines installed before August 1, 1971. Not later
than August 1, 1974, each operator having an above-ground
pipeline or portion of a. pipeline installed before August
,1971 that is exposed to the atmosphere, shall-
(1) Determine the areas of atmspheric corrosion on the
(2) If atmospheric corrosion is ,found, take remedial
measures .to the extent required by the applicable para-
graphs of 192.485, 192.487, or 192.489; and
(3) Clean and either coat or Jacket the areas of atmos-
pberic corrosion on the pipeline with a material suitable
for the prevention of atmospheric corrosion.
192.481 Atmospheric coTros.ion control: monitoring.
After meeting the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b)
of 192.479, each operator sball, at intervals not exceeding
3 years, reevaluate its above-ground pipelines or portions
of pipelines that6 are exposed to the atmosphere and take
remedial action wherever necessary to maintain protection
against atmospheric corrosion.
24 5
general corrosion is small, the corroded pipe may be re-
paired. Corrosion pitting :so closely "-uped as to affect
the overall -strength of .the pipe is considered general cor-
(b) Localized corrosion pitting. Each segment of trans-
mission line pipe witb localized corrosion pitting to a do-
ree where leakage uigbt result must be replaced or repair-
or the operating pressure must be reduced commensurate
with the strength ofin the
ing wall thickness
pipe, based on the actual remain-
the pits.
(a) After July 31, 1972, each operator shall maintain re-
cords or maps to show the location of cathodically protect-
ed -piping,. cathodic protection facilities, other than unre-
corded galvanic anodes installed,before August 1, -1971, and
neighboring structures bonded to the catbodic protection
(b) Eacb of the following records must be retained for as
long as the pipeline remains in service:
i :,it.)
(1) Each record or sap required by paragmpb (a) of this
(2) Records of each test, suzvey, or inspection required
by this subpart, in sufficient detail to demonstrate the
adequacy of corrosion control miasures or that a corrosive
coldition does not exist. h
Appendix D-Citeria for Catnodic Protection and Determine-
tfl n of Heasurepents
1. Criteria for cathodic protection-A. Steel,, cast iron,
and ductile iron structures.
with A negativeto (cathodic) voltage
a saturated of at least
copper-copper 085half
sulfate volt,
cll. Determination Of this voltage must be made with the
o and IV ofcuurent
tective applied, and in accordance ith sections
tbis appendix.
,(2) A negative (cathodic) voltage shift of at least 300
millivolts. Determination of this voltage shift must be
made :with the protective current applied, and in accordance
with sections II and IV of this appendix. This criterion
of voltage shift applies to structures not in contact witb
metals of different anodic potentials.
(3) A minimum negative (cathodic) polarization voltage
shift of 100 millivolts. This polarization voltage shift
must be determined in accordance with sections III and IV
of this appendix.
(4) A voltage at least as negative (cathodic) as that
originally established at the beginning of the Tafel seg-
ment of the E-log-I curve. This voltage must be measured
in accordance with section IV of this appendix.
(5) A net protective current from the electrolyte into
itbe s-ructure surface as measured by an earth current tech-
nique applied at predetermined current discharge (anodic)
points of the structure.
B. Aluminum structures. (I)Except as provided in sub-
paragraphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph, a minimum negative "
(acathodIvontage shift of 150 millivolts, produced by the
application of protective current. The voltage shift must
be determined in accordance with sections II and IV of this
2) Except as provided in subparasraphs (33 and (4) of
this paragraph, a minimum negative rcathodic polarization
voltage shift of 100 millivolts. This polarization volt-
age shift must be determined in accordance with sections
III and IV of this appendix.
(3) Notwithstanding the alternative minimum criteria in
subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph, aluminum; if
catbodically protected at voltages In sExcess of 1.20 volts
as measured with reference to a copper-copper sulfate half
cell, in accordance with section IV of this appendix, and
compensated for the voltage (IR) drops other than those
across the structure-electrolyte boundary, may suffer cor-
rosion resulting from the build-up of alkali on the metal
surface. A voltage in excess of 1.20 volts may not be used
unless previous test results indicate no appreciable cor-
rosion will occur in the particular environment.
(4) Since alurinum may suffer from corrosion-under-bigh
p4 conditioni, and since application of cathodic protection
tends to increase the pH at the metal surface, careful in-
vestigation .or testing must be made before applying catbodic
protection to stop pitting attack on aluminum structures in
Anvironments with a natural pH in excess of 8.
C. Copper structures. A minimum negative (cathodic) po-
-iiri7tion voltage shift of 100 millivolts. This polariza-
icn ,.oltage shift must be determined in ccordance with
sect-ions III and IV of this appendix.
D. Metals of different anodic potentials. A negative
kcatbodic) voltage, measured in accordance with section IV
of this appendix, equal to that required for the most anod-
ic metal in the system must be maintained. If ampboteric
structures are involved that could be damaged by high alka-
linity covered by subpara gapbs (3) and" (4) of paragraph B
of tbhis section, they must be electrically isolated with
insulating flanges, or the equivalent.
II. Interpretation of voltage measurement. Voltage (IR)
Iror ocber than those across the structure-electrolyte
t.ouzi:ry must be considered for valid interpretation of the
voltage measurement in paragraph A(l) and (2) and paragrapb
B(l) of section 1 of this appendix.
III. Determination of polarization voltage shift. The
polarization voltage shift must be determined by interrupt-
ing the protective current and measuring the polarization
decay. When the current is initially interrupted, an im-
mediate voltage shift occurs. The voltage reading after
the immediate shift must be used as the base reading from
which to measure polarization decay in paragraphs A(3), B
(2), and C of section 1 of this appendix.
IV. Reference half cells. A. Except as provided in paraA
graphs B and C of this section, negative (cathodic) voltage
must be measured between the structure surface and a sat- !
urated copper-copper sulfate half cell contacting the elec-
B. Other standard reference half cells may be substituted
for the saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell. Two
commonly used reference half cells are listed below along
with their voltage equivalent to -0.85 volt as referred to
a saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell:
(1) Saturated KCI calomel half cell: -0.78 volt.
(2) Silver-silver chloride half cell used in sea water:
-0.80 volt.
C. In addition to the standard reference half cells, an
alternate metallic material or structure may be used in
place of the saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell if
its potential stability is assured and if its voltage equi-
valent referred to a saturated copper-copper sulfate balf
cell in established.
(FR Doe. 71-9221 Piled 6-29-71; 8:48 ai)
195,1 Scope.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section,
this part prescribes rules governing the transportation by
pipeline in interstate and foreign commerce of hazardous
materials that are subject to Parts 172 and 173 of this
chapter, petroleum, and petroleum products.
(b) This part does not apply to-
(1) Transportation of water or any commodity that is
tranported -in. a gaseous state;
(2) Transportation through a pipeline by gravity,
(3) Transportation through pipelines that operate at a
stress level of 20 percent or less of the specified mini-
mum yield strength of the line pipe in the system; and
(' ,Except for Subpart B of this part, transportation of
petroleum in rural areas between a production facility and
the point where the petroleum is received by a carrier.
Section 195.416 (f) and (;) applies to all corroded"-pi-
that if foud.
farm and buried puMpi .station pipin before April 1,
1973, as to,the need for catbodic protection, and. cathodic
pretietien shall'be provided wbere neeessmry,
this protection
tltat for,the
is exposed to each component in its
atooephere, pipelibe system :
i 4
223 A .
N!'avlJvo Potxntial
;vSarumte'd ao1
) -3
r1;p7o., ~I94v.)2:. ~
v1.~- (t -,MV
TABIE D1 (Continued)
Nickel W6t1
Stainlt-ss,, ste-!l type '416, 18% Cr,
l'tc' .? to 1
12% 4P, 3%No (attive) o.,18
Staii'Jess stez 1 type 410,
13% Cr (%passive) rI
Titanium (:onrnerai) 01
Silver i.I
Titanium (hirgh purity from ivdide) d
Stainless stea'l type 3011
18% Cr,8 1 (passlve)oB
Hastellc'y C0.8
lbMonel Q.08
i1% Nit 3% 1-'0 passivel - O*o5
Basedi on
of flow 13
potential. measurements in it~a viatoer;vKoti
., -mperature 25 0 C. (t'!0F.)
13f. per sec.;
ik,,atlve 1.ctential1 to Saturated
Me'tal1 Cop22cr-Copper Suilfate electrode
~4.lfli!Th (At*hd~Sy1.01
I., 10.47~
1 ~).25
h ~~~
I~ ;~o~c~ib .-
LdI'valilo poten-
~~ i. . 1 k Oil 1,ve141. LL '11J2" -i: It .i 'Ci.LOsLonl in
at- *. iWernd
Ae L
-woual, th spc' Ilytm .p)tis.The values
at' F. 1w e1)'rl< )6' y*Ja. 1. Jti- tc ;hla r-
U"Er TMI -F 'U
221 '
aination indicates that the pipe is in good condition and
that i~t Is free of split seoamq and other defects tbat would
cause, leakage., If it is to be welded, steel pipe. that baa
not been manufactured to a listid spbeification must also
paps the iieldability, tests prescribed in paragraph II-B of
(d) Steel pipe tbat bae not been&previously used may be
used as- repilacement, pipe, in 'a se6ment-of -pipeline,it it
hias beenmanufactured prior to:November 12: 1970, in aicor-
dance with tbe same ~specification- asW the pipe- used'in con-
structing that segment of pipeline.
Ce) New steel -pipe tbst -baae 'beeu cold expanded, ta
comply with the maiidatory providgions of API 'Standard 5LX.,
Cp st Iron or Ductile Iron Pipe.
(ja) N~ew cast 'iron, or new ductile iron pipe, is qialified-
for use under this part if it fa
bnmnfctured in aco-
ordance wiih a listed'spe~ificiation.
(b) Used cast iron or used ductile irozi pipe ii quali-
Lied for use under this part if inspection -shows that- the
isounidt and allows6 the makeup of tighbt joiiti and-
1l) It has been removed from an ,existing pipeline that
operated at the'same or higher pressure;, or
(2) It was manufactured in -accordauce wifth -alse ise
specif_4 cation.
?astiz- Pipe.
(a) Vew plastic-pipe is qualified, for use under tbis
part if--
(1): it is manufactured in accordance with a list spec-
ification;, and
(2) 'Itis resistant to chemicals with whicb contact may
be anticipated.
(b) Used plastic pipe is qualified for use under this.
part if-.-
(1) It meets the requirements of a listed specification;
be)antis esisan to chemicals with wbich. contact may
- ThL~&A
,must be made for each 100- lengths of pipe.i On p-ipe A in..
cbes or less in diameter, at learnt' one test -wlimat be
made for each 40O0 lengths of Ib.Te veld must be teot-
D. Tengtbs
less...If sbetotets each
forto b
pip-nt ar ko ,,,the-miimu length regt -Uyb ae
1s2to0 len~igh. ..... t e ac y
set, oftets f~poreie
be etabisbebyp~rfr' glenhis t ots Tst otan
KNew Construction
I. Meeting with A/E or owner.
A. Description of facilities to be constructed.
1. What is included?
a. Gas
b. Water
c. Buried electrical and grounding-system
* d. Buried communicat-ons or uignal
e. Tanks
f. Piling
S. Bulkheads
b. Building structural members
i. Other
2. Materials to be used and where?
a. Steel
b. Cast Iron
v. Lead
d. Concrete
e. Copper
f. Aluminum
g. Other
3. Construction methods specified.
a. Coatings - Types?
b. Insulation between structures?
c. Are special fills being used?
d. Road and Tilroad casings?
Aii they insulated?
e. Type pipe Joints - weld, flange, dresser, other?
f. Type grounding connecting cables?
,g. Layout of structures (distance between those of
varying materials, etc.)?I
b. Roadways - Will deicing alts leach down into
buried structures?
i. Lawns - Their location. Is it objectionable to
install above grade test stations, etc. in or
near them?
j. Pavement - will
facilities Its location andunder
be-placed What buried
B. Get complete drawings of all facilities.
1. The following are usually included:
a. Electrical
b. Mechanical
c. Communications
d. Fire Protection
e. Piling
f. Fuel systems
g. Storage tanks
2. Be sure they are the latest.
3. Ask to be kept advised of any changes.
C. Ownership of Facilities.
1. Gas, water, power, telepbone, et, - Whieb a"e to
be included in projectc? Whicb are "utility Wn-
2. Where does utility's ownership and plant's juris-
di"-ion begin?
3. Will the utility install insulation?
D. What life does the owner expect from his facilities?
How many years?
L. What does a corrosion failure cost? (Each type
r Are any facilities extremely critical? (no failures
of any kind to b, tolerated because of cost or aS-
G. Ts direct current being used anywbere in this plant
or nearby?
1. Get complete information on where and why.
2. Wiring diagrams and schematics.
3. Method of grounding..
N. Are any abandoned facilities located in the vicinity?
(Metal pipes, etc. might be used as groundbeds.)
Are they connected or to be connected to anything
I. Field Tests
A. Soil Resistivity
If site is uniform, take 5' and 10' (usual depth of
buried structures) readings at suitably spaced grid.
(20' to 100' readings may be required.) Do not ex-
ceed 100' spacing with Vibroground instrument. If
route of piping or structure known, follow route.
Take readings of fill, if any.
B. Soil pH
Take pH at same places resistivity, if soil is moist.
C. Soil Samples and/or Water (steam riser etc.)
Take samples for sulfides and sulfate ?and pH) at re-
presentative grid locations. (Min. = 6)
D. Stray Currents
Using 2 copper sulfate cells, take soil potential
profile reading in a rosette pattern as necessary.
III. Consulting
A. Contact Corrosion/Maintenance Engineers of operators
in area.
1. Oil Transmission Pipelines
2. Gas Transmission Pipelines
3. Gas Distribution Company
4. Telephone Company
5. Water Department
6. Electrical Power Company
7. Manufacturing Plants in area
8. Coirosion Coordinating Comittee
9. Railroad (do nearby railroads have signal systems?
Electrical Propision- AC or DC?)
B. Data to get ftwm those contacted in A.
1. Failure and o-brrpson experience.
2. It catbodic. protection being used?
Rectifier locations?
o3.Personnel to contact for coordination tests-
names, addresses and telephone numbers.
4. Place and time of Coordinating Comittee meeting.
5. In stray current a problem? Its source?
What structures have been affected?
6. Are deicing sIts used in streets?
7. Are underground structures coated?
Wbicb ones?
T~rpe Coating?
Get drawings and/or other location information on
all structures in the area.
Mark tbose otected and 'locations of rectifiers.
9. Are other nw facilities planned for this area?
Utilities, pipelines, etc.
10. Will these new facilities be coated and/or cathod-
ically protected?
11. Is it objectionable to use impressed current cath-
odic protection?
Existing Structures
1. Meeting with A/E or owner.
A. Find out what facilities are to be covered by this
investigation. Also get data on -all others in area.
1., Look for the following:
a. Gas
b. Water
c. Buried electrical and grounding system
d. Buried-communications or signal
e. Tanks
f. Piling
g. Bulhheads
h. Building structural members
i. Other
2. What materials have been used and where?
a. Steel
b. Cast iron
c. Lead
d. Concrete
e. Copper
f. Aluminum
g.Other -
3. Construction 66tbods-used.
s. 'Coatings - TJ,,?
b. Insulation between itructures?
e. Are special fills being used?
'd. Road and riilroad casinga?
Are they insulated?
e. T pe pipe joints - weld, flange, dresser, otber?
f. Type grounding connecting cables?
Layout of structures (distance between those of
varying materials, etc.)?
b. Roadways - Will deicing salts leach down into
buried structures?
Lawns - Their location. Is it objectionable to
install above grade test stavions, etc. in or
near them?
j. Pavement - Its location and type. What buried
facilities will be placed under it?
k. Have test wires been installed on buried struc-
I. Idere can connections to buried structures be
made? Exposed-valves, sections of pipe, etc.
2. Get complete drawings of all facilities.
1. The following are usually included:
c. Communications
d. Fire protection
e. Piling
f. Fueil systems
g. Storage tanks
2. Be sure they are the latest.
7. Ask to be kept advised of any changes.
4. Test station locations.
5. Test station wiring diagrams.
6. Insulation joint locations.
7. Insulation joint types.
C. Ownership of Facilities.
1. Gas, water, power, telephone, etc. -Which are to be
included in project?
Which are "utility owned"?
2. Where does utility's ownership end and plant's
jurisdiction begin?
3. Will the utility install insulation?
4. Are utility companies using cathodic protection?
5. Have the utility company's made any tests or in-
vestigations on the systems covered by this survey?
D. What life does the owner expect from his facilities?
flow many years?
1,. What does a corrosion failure cost? (Xach type
7. Are any facilities extremely critical? (I!* failures
#fi kind to 'be, tolerated because of goat or be-
G. Nav any corrosion failures been expekienood?
2. When (dates)?
3. Vbere?' (Mark On drawings)
#. What was their appearance,?
NNave other failurts occurred?
(iuveStigste to be sure they were not really 'cr-
L Is direct current being used anywbere in tbis plaut-
or nearby?,
I 1. Get complete information on where and why.
'2. Wiring diagrams and soemtics.
3. ethod of grounding!
J. Are any abandoned facilities'located in tbe vicinity?4
(Metal Vipen, etc. ight be used as groundbeds.) Are
tbey connected or to be connected to anything else?
K. Are additional facilities planned? (Iimediate or
long range)- If so-* get information.
1. ?ype and methods of construction.,
2. Probable location.
3. How itill they be connected to existing facilities?
4, Will direct current be uped?
11,I Field Tests
A. Soil Resistivity
If-site is uniform, take 5' and 10' (usual depth
of buried-structures) readings at suitably spaced
grid, (20' and 100' readings may be required.) Do
not exceed 100' spacing with Vibroground instrment..
If route of piping or structure known, follow route.
Take readings of fill, if any.,
B. soil PH
Take pH at same places resistivity, if soil is moist.
C. Soil Samples and/or Water (steam riser etc.)
Take samples for sulfides and. sUlfate Zand pH) at
representative grid locations. (M5in. a6)
D. Structure-to-Soil Voltage (at descretion of engineer).
1. Thorough test of bare structure requires one over
structure 'and one on each side every 25.
2. Coated Structure-less frequent.,,
E. I.R, Drop (get at least one onevery structure.)
1. Always test external circuit resistance.
2. Correct readings if necessary.
'3. Be sure to indicate polarity of all readings.
P. Voltage betweeit structures. Test voltage between all
tetallic structures. (Be sure to indicate polarity
-of eacb readii,)
G. Insulatint Joint- Test resistance of a11 known and-
look for others.
1. Use four connectionz-(two on each side of joint)
witb D. C. Method. A
.0 Mechanical' pipe Joi'-ts.
L, Test each piping system to find if mec wnal
Joints exist.
2. Test representative number of mechanical joints to
determine quantitative resistance per joint.'
35. Be sure to use four point :contact metbod witb di-
rect current..
I. Electrical and codmunications cables in duct.
i. All, electrical tests at each manbole.,
a. As in D, E, end F (above),.
L. Be sure to test voltage between all cables in
multiple run duct systems.
2. Visually inspect a11 hardware in each manhole.
a. Brackets
b. Bonds ofcbe
c. Condition of cables
d. Not6 material of each component and its condition
e. Note fastening methods and insulation between
compobnnt_ - -
J. St:ay Cudient Investigation
16 Stray currents will be indicated by abnormal struc-
ture-to-soil voltages and/or IR drop. (Either
steady or fluctuating.)
2. If stray current is suspected, investigate:
9. Any possible source of direct current in area.
b. Operating cathodic protection.
Have its
3. lish on any turned
affe ct source
suspected off and on to estab-
structure. ,'
4. Get additional IR end voltage readings to estab-
lish circui;.
K. Current reauirement tests (for cathodic protection).
At least cursory current requirement tests should
usually be conducted if there is any chance of using
cathodic protection at the site.
1. Test using artificial groundbed for both magnesium
anode and impressed current design.
2. Extent of testing will be determined by scope of
work laid out by client. (Is all design data to be
included witl, this survey?)
L. Existing cathodic protection.
1. Visually inspect all equipment.
2. Test to determine protection being afforded and
possible interference to other structures.
3,. Get operating record.
4. Find out when installed and turned on.
M. Miscellaneous - Note any other corrosion problems.
(chemical, water, atmospheric, etc.) which could use
,fuzrtber detailed staft.
f:4*1phn Oopz
-"a Transmission ftpelin..
5.Watei Deparfiaint
Electrical 1-wr Company
7. Hanufacturi!O"Pats in r
8.* -CoVrosion COOr~tinating -Committee
9-Rail*Oa4- (DO nearby railivads bay. signal sBystems?
Electrical PrOpulsion. - AC or DO?)
C. Data tO gst from those contacted-in B..
Pilure adcorrosion experience,,
1s cathodic protect-lon bi*ng used? Type? Recti-
fier Locations?
3. Personnel to contact for -coordination tests -- names,
addresses and-telephone numbers.
4. Place and tine 'Jocoordinating Committee sting.
5. Is stray current a problem?
Its source?
What structures have been affected?
6. Are deicing salts used in street*?
7. Ave underground structures coated1?
Which ones?
Ty*pe Coatig?
8.Get drawings and/or other -location information on
all structures in the area. Mark those protected
and locations of rectifiers.
9. Are other new facilities planned for this area?
Utilities, pipelines, etc,
10. Will these new facilities be~ coated and/or cathod-
ic~lly protected?
*11. 18 it objectionable to use impressed current cath-
~. A
s ed.|
eUt-, .actor.
. 42
, u......................................... 10.6,29).3)
anorinu................ 424.2.4
•ibbon 5 1 le(5)
duct -8 4.2.3a
Installation ........... o...... 10.6.2a
packaged44O*4~@4**4# .............................
Backf iU1, arnoft 7-5
Ourrent 3.1.2
K. .
hh dic -vrotection
Ci enjs0q-(;tts
o . ..... ................. 1-.2
To ....... 5...................... 2
JIscription ........ , .. 1
opflwwa,tObOm cooler . ~ ... ****. 0****.* 6
• tank spors ,- 6
senig tor .................. .................... 3
t~ai ft
*.e... taio . .....
*.* .. **000r*.**e* 6
) Coatints
* applicationi .... *... ... ... . .... ... .. .~0.*** 10.1.1
Installation, cathodic protection .... ......... 10
Insulation, flange .0.
PH . o. . . .o. . . . . .. . . 0 0 - . . . .o - 3.3
efficiency ..............
. .... .............. 1.a2)
Reference electrode, silver-silver chloride 4.2.6
19.;i stan- -i
,oaril....................................... 4.1.4
"Q i n!li d . ... ...... 00 0 .l .l a(2 ), 4 .l
.ld (7 )
wter '.7.4.2b(1), 8
Zinc .......... ..
.... .... .o.....o.....
. . .......
. ..... 5.1.2
. 265 I