Shipboard: Micrpoclimate' Coolin Sysems
Shipboard: Micrpoclimate' Coolin Sysems
Shipboard: Micrpoclimate' Coolin Sysems
G1 .61988 .
8 '8 YS "
I Air~m Approved
I Ep Date: Jun 30, 1986
Approved for public release;
17. COSATI CODES IJv SU&JET TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)
FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Microclimate Cooling Systems; Shipboard Testing of Micro-
06 1 [climate Cooling Systems; Physiological Testing; Heat Stress;
019 i ........ Commercial Microclimate Cooling Systems.
I BSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)
The Navy Clothing & Textile Research Facility (NCTRF), under contract to the Navy SciencI
Assistance Program (NSAP), evaluated the feasibility of using commercial microclimate coolin9"
systems (MCS) in high heat areas onboard Navy ships by conducting an evaluation aboard the
USS LEXINGTON (AVT 16) from 30 March to 9 April 1987. The following cooling systems wer~e
evaluated: three liquid-cooled MCS - the LSSI Cool Head, the LSSI Portapack, and the ILC
Cool Vest; and two air-cooled MCS - the Encon Air System, with and without a vortex tube.
Both air systems and the LSSI Portapack MCS were tethered. The remaining two MCS's were
portable, battery-operated, backpack systems. A control test with no cooling system was also
run. The evaluation consisted of having test subjects wear the MCS during their normal duty
and collecting physiological, subjective, and logistical data. During the test period,
environmental jonditions were relatively mtila,
j the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) did not
rise above 349C, and the average WBGT was 24 C.-Of the four systems tested, the ILC Cool Vest
was the overall favorite of theorrewmen due to i~s simple construction, low profile and ease
John A. Mvlotte 617-651-4680 V OOP
DD FORM 1473, 84 MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted. SECURITY CLASSITICATI"N OF THIS PAGE
All other editions are obsolete. Uni.aSSi leo
MLOCK 19 A3SRTCT (Continued)
of operation. Few operational dif.ficulties were encountered with this system. (U)
The results of this evaluation showed that, given adequate supports a. coercial NCB
can be effectively used to relieve heat stress onboard Navy ships; b. shipboard personnel
accept the use of 1CS as a means of relieving heat stress in high heat areas, c. personnel
overwhelmingly preferred the ILC Cool Vest; and D. the ILC Cool Vest and the Brion Air
Vortex system had the fewest operational difficulties and were the easiest to operate. (U)
Page No.
1. Introduction 1
2. Background I
4. Test Methods 9
5. Results 13
6. Discussion 19
7. Recommendations
Availability lodes
Avail anld/or
____ ___ __Dist~ Spec ia~l
1. ILC Cool Vest A-2
Table Paso
1. Introduction
The Navy Clothing & Textile Research Facility (NCTRF) conducted a study
to determine the feasibility of using commercially available microclimate
cooling systems (MCS) to reduce heat stress in I'.ot shipboard environments.
Two concepts of cooling - air and liquid - were evaluated. We tested two
portable liquid-cooled systems, the ILC Cool Vest and the LSSI Cool Bead.
Both were battery-operated and consisted of a torso vest through which a fluid
circulated. In addition to the vest, the LSSI 'ool Head contained a cooling
cap. We also tested a tethered version of the LSSI Cool Head, the Portapack,
which consisted of vest, cap, and portable cooling unit that could be carried
by the individual. Because there are no commercially available portable
air-cooled systems, the air systems we evaluated required a tether cord
attached to %i compressor. We tested an Encon Air Vest with and without a
vortex tube, which is a device in which air is spun and split into a warm and
a cold air stream. The cold air is then fed directly into the vest.
2. Background
Heat stress on land and at sea has always been a concern for the Navy.
Shipboard heat stress results both from the climatic environment and from heat
generated within the spaces, especially in the engine and catapult rooms and
numerous supply areas. Current methods of dealing with shipboard heat stress
include: improvements to shipboard lagging, repair of steam leaks, increased
use of air showers, and rotation of personnel based upon the allowable(1,2).
times dictated by the Physiological Heat Exposure Limit (PHEL) curves
Another method of providing relief from heat stress is the use of MCS's,
which provide cool air or liquid directly to the individual through a garment
worn close to the skin. There are basically two categories of MCS - liquid
system and gas systems. The liquid MCS's operate by circulating a cvoling
liquid through a torso vest and extracting heat from the body through
conduction. The heat is transferred to a cold substance, i.e., a heat sink,
by the circulation of the cooling liquid. The aommercially available
gas-operated systems consist mainly of either air drawn directly from a
compressed air source and fed into an air vest or air that has been
conditioned (cooled) before being fed into the air vest. Through convection
and evaporation, heat is transferred from the body to the cool air.
(5) Pimental, N.A., H.M. Cosimini, M.N. Savka, and C.B. Wenger.
Effectiveness of an air-cooled vest using selected air temperatare and
humidity combinations. Aviation, Sace, and Environmental Medicine 58:119-24,
(6) Shapiro, Y., K.B. Pandolf, M.N. Sawka, M.4. Toner, P.R. Winsuan, and R.F.
Goldman. Auxiliary cooling: comparison of air cooled vs. water cooled vests
in hot-dry and hot-wet environments. Aviation, Space and Environmental
Medicine 53:785-89, 1982.
Temperature of the water/ice mixture in the vinyl bag was monitored with
a thermistor connected to a Yellow Springs Instrument (YSI) junction box.
When the temperature of the mixture reached 60"F, some of the water was
drained out of the system and replaced with ice. The manufacturer recommends
that 4 lbs of ice and I quart of water be placed in the system; more ice could
be used for longer periods of work. Laboratory tests at NCTRF showed the
maximum amount of ice that could be placed in the bag was 8 lbs, but then the
bag was difficult to close. Because six lbs of ice enabled easy closing of
the bag, this amount was chosen for all tests. The ice, which was obtained
from the ship's freezer, consisted of cubes measuring a nominal I x 1.25 x
The ILC system was powered by an 8-volt, 2.6 awp-hr rechargeable gel-cell
battery and pump/motor assembly, which were also contained in the backpack.
Prior to the evaluation, batteries under an appropriate load were checked in
the laboratory with a voltmeter. The manufacturer states that the system can
be operated for up to 3 hours before changing the battery. For this
evaluation, the batteries were changed every 2 hours, or sooner if we noticed
the flow through the system had significantly decreased.
The cost of the ILC system as tested was $680 and consisted of one Model
19 vest, 2 batteries and I battery charger. (NOTE: On 1 July 1987, ILC
lowered the price of their system, which would now cost $359.) The following
quantities of systems were used in this evaluation. All items were purchased
in 1986.
Vests $525 8
Batteries $60 16
3.2 LSSI Cool Head
As depicted in Figure 2, the LSSI Cool Head I& a liquid system consisting
of a vest, head cap and heat exchanger unit (HEU). It is manufactured by Life
Support Systems, Inc., ,4ountainview, CA. The circulating liquid used in the
system is a mixture of propylene glycol and water with a freezing temperature
of -10o.5C (13*F). Liquid is circulated through the vest/cap and heat is
transferred into two frozen liquid canisters connected in series in the HEU.
The vest/cap comes in one size and is coustructed of a heat-sealed,
polyurethane-coated nylon with interior channels through which the liquid
flows. Circulation is provided by a battery-powered pump/motor assembly.
Liquid is circulated from the pump, to the cap, to the vest, to the lIU's and
back to the pump. The HEU's and the pump/motor assembly are contained in
either a backpack or portable pack (Portapack) configuration. The backpack it
worn either on the front or back of an individual and connected to the vest
with a short length of connective hose. For this evaluation, the backpack was
worn on the back. The Portapack is a separate unit that is placed on the
floor near the individual and is connected to the vest with multiples of 6- or
12-foot hoses. To compensate for the additional heat gain along the extension
hose, we tested the Portapack configuration with three frozen canisters.
The battery for the LSSI MCS's is a 6-volt, 4 amp-hr unit. The
manufacturer of this unit recommends that the batteries be charged for at
least 12 hours. Prior to the evaluation, all batteries were charged and
checked with a voltmeter. Batteries not achieving a potential of at least 6
volts were not included in the evaluation. All of the acceptable, fully
charged batteries were then tested under an appropriate load with a voltmeter.
Those units not attaining at least a 5.2-volt potential under load were also
eliminated from the evaluation. The average potentiel of the fully charged
batteries was 5.6 volts. To further assure proper operation, randomly
"selected batteries were tested in the laboratory by measuring the voltage
discharge when the battery was connected to the pump for a period of 2 hours.
After each recharge onboard ahip, the potential of the batteries was checked
again. Batteries were changed after 2 hours, or sooner if we noticed the flow
of coolant through the system had significantly decreased.
The canisters were frozen in the ship's food freezer which was maintained
at 50F + 50F. The temperature of the coolant fluid in the HEU was monitored
with a thermistor connected to a YSI junction box. The thermistor was inserted
in the HEU with the sensor portion of the thermistor in contact with the bag
containing the coolant fluid. To assure constant cooling during the
evaluation, we replaced the canisters when the coolant temperature reached
60*F. Following the test, the used canisters were returned to the ship's
When the quick disconnects from the vest to the backpack were uncoupled
during doffing, the unit leaked a small amount of fluid, causing air to
infiltrate the system. Consequently, after several uses we had to replenish
the lost fluid and purge the system of atr. The manufacturer supplied a kit
for this purpose with instructions on how to refill the system.
The average cost of the LSSI backpack system ap tested was $2511. This
included a backpack/vest assembly (fully charged), four canisters, two
rechargeable batteries, one battery charger, one refill kit and one additional
quart of recirculating fluid. The LSSI Portapack system with 12 feet of
tether cord costs an additional $603. (Note: effective July 1, 1987 the cost
of the above systems would be $2376 and $2979.) The following quantities of
LSSI system were available for use in this evaluation.
The Encon Air Vortex System Model 02-6360, depicted in Figure 3, consists
of an air vest connected to a vortex tube. It is manufactured by Encon Corpo-
ration, Houston, TX. Th, vest comes in two sizes, regular and extra large,
and is constructed of a Buna-N-coated nylon shell with a perforated interior
and an inner air distribution system for both the front and rear of the vest.
The cold air from the vortex tube is fed into the vest, while the warm sir
is directed away from the user. The temperature and flow rate of the air iutto
the vest can be inversely controlled with the control valve located on the
vortex tube. The valve cotates 1/4 turn from minimum to maximum cooling. The
system id powered by a compressed air line. The manufacturer recommends
anywhere from 80-10C psig @ 20 scfm. To insure that all systems would operate
at a constant input and that the ship would be able to supply the required
air, a pressure of 80 psig was selected for the operation of the system.
In addition to the vest and vortex cooler, this Facility supplied an air
regulator with water trap, a 5 micron filter, 50' of 3/8" diameter hose, and
the required fittings at each test site. Also, since this system was
tethered, w! had to provide a means for the user to disconnect rapidly in an
emergency situation. For this purpose, we fabricated a breakaway fitting
located at the connection to the vest. The fitting was constructed from a
commercially available ouick disconnect with the outer sleeve replaced by a
section of rubber hose. The breakaway force was set to 40 lbs by adjusting
the tension on a hose clamp encompassing the rubber hose.
0 To monitor the temperature of the air being fed into and out of the
vortex tube, we placed thermistors in the air lines of the vortex tube. Dry
"and wet bulb temperatures were measured on the vortex inlet air; only dry bulb
temperature was measured on the vortex cold air outitt (vest inlet). Figure 4
Sillustrates the location of the vest temperature measurement. Due to
expansion as the air diffused through the air vest, the air temperature
steadily decreased. Although the temperature measured in the vest supply line
wai not the exact air temperature reaching the skin surface, it did represent
the closest region to the skin that could be measured without encountering
widely fluctuating temperatures resulting from the expansion and diffusion of
the air as it entered the vest. The instrumentation for the measurement of
the wet bulb temperature of the cold air outlet would hove added another
tethered cord and/or fitting for the test subject to contend with. We felt
this would unduly affect the subject's evaluation of thn system and therefore
did not use it.
The basic cost of the Encon air vest, vortex tube and belt was $402. The
average cost of the system we tested was $625, which included air vest, vortex
tube, air lines, air filters, regulators and miscellaneous fittings. The
following quantities of systems were used in this evaluation. All items were
purchased in 1986.
Belts $6 9
6. . ". .o . .
Filters $65 8
Regulators $60 4
Another type of gas MCS that has recently become available is based upon
the heat absorption capacity of a liquified gas as it vaporizes during
depressurization. The system, marketed by Thermacor Corp., consists of a
vest, a tank of pressurized freon (R-114) and a thermally regulated
distribution system. This Facility considered testing the freon system during
the shipboard evaluation. However, we first sought guidance from the Navy
Medical Command (NMC) to determine the safety of using freon in a relatively
enclosed space. NMC did not recommend its use. Specifically, NMC objected to
the use of freon 114 within shipboard spaces because of:
c. The possibility that personnel would "sniff" the freon and lose their
4. Test Methods
Testing was conducted from 30 Mar to 9 Apr 87 on board the USS LEXINGTON
during a roundtrip cruise from Pensacola, FL to Corpus Christi, TX. A total
of 29 volunteer subjects were tested in the following spaces, which had been
designated by the ship as having previous heat stress problems.
#3 Fireroom 0800-1200 4 Auxiliaryman, Burnerman,
Messenger, Switchboard
SuW'jects were tested during their entire duty shift, which, except for
laundry and scullery personnel, was normally 4 hours. Shifts for the laundry
and scullery personnal were anywhere between 2 and 4 hours. To minimize
diurnal body temperature effects, the subjects were tested the same time each
day. to reporting for their
normal duty, the subjects
reported to our
test center where, as described below, measurement devices were attached and
-estionnaires filled out. Following pre-evaluation measurements, the
subjects donned the appropriate cooling system over their T-shirt and were
instructed in its use. (For this evaluation, subjects wore either a T-shirt
And denim trousers or a T-shirt and coverall with the top rolled down to the
waist.) They proceeded to their work space where the MCS were filled with ice
and water (ILC) or canisters (LSSI), or connected to the compressed air lines
(ENCON). The subjects adjusted the control valve on each system to their own
comfort level. Battery and cooling system maintenance was made as previously
described in Section 3. Operational difficulties were noted throughout the
test. At the completion of their duty, the subjects returned to the test
center whete they doffed the systems, completed post-test measurements, and
were verbally debriefed.
Control tests with no cooling vest were conducted on the first 14 test
subjects. However, due to the low heat load (environmental and metabolic),
control tests did not seem warranted and were not conducted on the other
subjects. The remaining test time was devoted to evaluating a larger number
of subjects and cooling systems. Table II lists the types of cooling systems
evaluated in random order by the test subjects. As is evident, there were
numerous combinations of systems evaluated by the 29 subjects. This varying
number was the result of several factorR, including time constraints for the
subjects and feasibility of using a tethered system within the space.
Further, after several tests, the air system with no vortex tube was
eliminated from the testing because it did not provide sufficient cooling. In
some instances, the feasibility using a tethered system was determined only
after one test with an umbilical; all other tethered systems were therefore
not tested on that particular individual.
Table II. Cooling systems evaluated by test subjects onboard USS LEXINGTON.
Test Total Subjects
10 LSSI ILC .- 9
Total 29
4.3 Measurements
Dry bulb temperature (DB) and wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) were
measured using a Wibget Heat Stress Monitor (Reuter-Stokes, Inc.). DB and
WBGT readings were taken at least three times during each duty shift. If
environmental conditions varied within a space, measurements were taken at
several different locations. Rectal temperature was measured with a YSI
(Model 401) thermistor inserted about 10 cm beyond the anal sphincter. Skin
temperatures were measured with YSI (Model 409) thermistors strapped to the
chest, arm, and leg. Rectal and skin temperature measurements were collected
on a portable, computer-controiled data acquisition system (Hewlett Packard
(HP) Scanner 2413A data acquisition and control unit and HP 71B computer).
Heart rate was measured from three chest electrodes (CM5 placement) with a
digital, portable heart rate monitor (Computer Instruments Corp.). Cognitive
performance was measured with an interactive, computerized, performance
assessment battery. Included in the battery were tasks for pattern
recognition, logical reasoning, reaction time, and dexterity. Periodically
during each test, subjects were asked to rate their thermal sensation on a
nine-point scale ranging from "very cold" to "very hot." Following each day's
session, subjects completed questionnaires on each cooling system, ranked the
systems in order of preference, and were interviewed. Appendix B contains
sample questionnaires.
4.4 Statistical Procedures
a. Air line set up - The setting up of the tether lines for the
*operation of the air MCS included the location of low pressure air lines, the
selection of compatible fittings, the installation of regulator and filter,
and the careful routing of the air lines so as not to disrupt the personnel on
* 12
5. Results
Even during the control tests with no cooling, rectal temperatures did
not increase by more than 0.2C (0.4*F) over the 4-hc'ir duty shifts. Rectal
temperature did not significantly differ between the control test and any of
the cooling tests, nor among any of the cooling tests. However, there was a
significant difference in chest temperature. For the 11 subjects who ran a
control test and also tested the ILC, LSSI backpack, and Vortex systems, chest
temperature was lowest with the ILC system (22.2*C), similar for the Vortex
and LSSI backpack (27.3 and 28.8*C), and highest for the control test
(33.5%c). In all cases where the ILC was compared with the LSSI backpack,
chest temrerature was significantly lower with the ILC. (Note: Because we did
not use insulated thermistors, the chest temperature may have been greatly
influenced by the cold liquid or air in direct contact with the measuring
Much of the test subjects' duties involved standing in one location
(watching gages, supervising, pressing, etc.). The heart rates reflected this
low metabolic work rate. Heart rates averaged 82-86 b/min for both the
control and the cooling tests. These were not statistically different.
For the four tasks included in the performbnce assessment battery, there
were no differences in either speed or accuracy between the control test and
cooling tests. On the thermal sensation scale, all cooling systems were rated
"slightly cool." Control tests were rated significantly higher ("slightly
The subjects' overall ranking of preference for the MCS's they tested is
listed in Table 11I. Of the 10 subjects who used the LSSI backpack, ILC,
Vortex, and LSSI Portapack cooling systems, nine rated the ILC system as their
first choice. Overall, the Vortex was the second choice, the LSSI Portapack
was third, and the LSSI backpack was fourth. Of the 10 subjects who used only
the ILC and the LSSI backpack systems, all of them preferred the ILC. When
all the data were evaluated together. 26 of the 29 subjects preferred the ILC
Cool Vest; the remaining subjects selected the Vortex System as their overall
number one choice.
LSSI Backpack #4 #2
Vortex #2 **
LSSI Portapack #3 **
Many subjects stated they would not use the LSSI backpack system under
any circumstances, or only under extreme conditions. They thought this system
was too heavy and much too bulky for shipboard use. Only two of the 29
subjects liked the head cooling. The others stated they could not feel the
cooling unless the cap was held closely against the head by significantly
tightening the chinstrap, but they found the chinstrap uncomfortable and
irritating. (Note: The two subjects who liked the head cap had very short
hair.) Several subjects complained of getting snagged by the tubes connecting
the cap to the vest. The subjects liked the way the LSSI vest fastened around
the torso (stretchy fishnet fabric with Velcro closure). Because the LSSI's
power switch and cooling control knob are on the back, they were hari to
reach. It was difficult to distinguish the "on", "cff", and "Uill" positions
of the power switch. The cooling control knob rotates clockwise/counter-
clockwise, ane it was not easily distinguishable as to which direction
increased the flow of liquid. However, as personnel become more familiar with
the system through continued use, the problem with the control knobs should be
reduced or eliminated.
Most of the subjects stated that, due to the tether cord, they 'z-ld not
use the air or the Vortex cooling systems. They did, however, like the feel
of the air cooling and the lightweight vest.
Temperatures taken both in the compressed air lines and at the outlet
entering the air vests indicated that the Incon vest with the Vortex tube
would provide substantial personal cooling. The inlet air on the Encon air
vortex system averaged 33C (91*F) DB with a dewpoint (DP) of -4*C (24*7).
The DB of the air entering the vest was never above 10*C (50*F) and in several
instances was below the 0C measurement limit of the test instrument.
The air from the ambient system averaged 36*C (97*F) DB and -5'C (22"F)
DP in the pressurized line. The Air flowing into the vest averaged 32C
(91*F) DB. As previously stated, the temperature of the air was measured just
before the air entered the vest. Since the ambient compressed air continued
to expand after iL entered the vest, the actual cooling air temperature at the
skin surface could not be determined. However, assuming that the measu:ed
vest temperature of both air systems was proportional to the temperature felt
at the skin and that the mean skin temperature of clothed individuals is
33*-35*C, then the vortex system contained up to nine times more sensible
cooling capacity than the ambient compressed air system. As discussed above,
we found the air system was not cooling as well as we had anticipated and
after four tests, we discontinued this system evaluation.
5.4 Logistics
The average time was apprnximately 1/2 hour for one person to collect,
pack and transport the ice to the test site for four subjects. Since the ice
and canisters frose at different temperatures, O0C (32*F) for ice vs -10"C
(13*F) for canisters, they were transported to the test site in sepaeate
coolera (Coleman 24 quart). The ice or canisters in the systems were changed
when the temperature of the coolant reached 15.5*C (60OF), as measured with a
thermistor in contact with the coolant. Fer the 4-hour tests, the average
change t: ne for the ILC and LSSI backpack systems was 3. 1 and 2.3 hours,
respectively. Thus the ILC system offered a 352 longer cooling time per
charge than the LSSI backpack system. Supplying ice for four people for one
4-hour duty required 48 lbs of ice (12 Lbs per person). This included the
initial load of ice plus one recharge. Supplying four people with the LSSI
canisters required, on the average, 16 canisters (42 lbs).
Because both the LS'I and ILC systems were powered by batteries, the
batteries had to be naintained on full charge at all times. The test center,
however, was not electrically set up to maintain a bank of chargers;
therefore, the batteries were recharged at seieral sites throughout the ship.
This was an inconvenience that could be avoided if the systems were to be used
on a continuous basis and a charge center could be maintained. To guarantee
that the batteries obtained a full charge, they were charged for at least 12
hours. Recharging the ILC batteries presented no difficulties. Two of the 19
LSSI batteries did not hold their charge after 12 hours off the charger (1
purchased in 1986, 1 purchased in 1982).
Table IV. Commercial Microclimate Cooling System battery changes fnr 4-hour
Change Time ILc Ccol Vest LSSI Cool Head LSSI Cool Head
(hrs) (backpack) (portapack)
0.0 - 0.5 0 4 1
0.6-1.0 0 3 2
1.1 -1.5 0 4 4
1.6 - 2.0 0 1
2.0+ *19 11 2
Relatively few difficulties were experienced with the ILC system. Those
that were encountered were minor and did not significantly affect the test.
In a few instances, the switch on the ILC unit was inadvertently shut off
after the operator either hit the switch with his hand or passed by an object
that shut off the switch. In one case, water leaked from the top of the
ziplock bag on the ILC unit when the individual bent over to work on a device.
One ILC system developed a pinhole leak in the bag. The leak was not large
enough to stop the test or prevent the subject from performing his duties.
Of the 5 cooling systems tcsted, the LSSI backpack and Portapack systems
presented the greatest number of difficulties in all phases of operation. Of
the 52 canisters brought onboard ship for the evaluation, 3 popped the
expansion seal during shipment, 2 developed leaks at the expansion seal during
shipment, 2 were severely dented during shipment, I developed a leak due to
corrosion, and 9 leaked fluid through the expansion seal during freezing.
A significant amount of time was spent trying to keep the LSSI systems
operational. In nine instances the LSSI unit ran for a period of time and
then stopped. liter the control unit -as given a significant rapping, the
system started running again. The stoppage was apparently due to an air lock
in the system which was dislodged when thb unit was rapped. Since the flow
indicator was located on the back, the subject did not realize that the unit
had shut off until after he had started to feel warm.
Although the instructions were followed, there weze five occasions when
the system was overfilled. Overfilling was not apparent until the frozen
canisters were being placed into the unite. At that time, it was extremely
difficult to close the HSU. The units then had to be bled of the excess
fluid, This procedure required time (approximately 4 minutes) and delayed
both the start of the test and the sailolr's performance of his duties. In two
instances an effort was made to close the HEU's during an overfill situation,
resulting in cracked HEU cases.
Whei. the LSSI system was tested on a subject of small build, the vest
straps hiad to be tightened so such that the flow channels in the vest were
pinched closed and tde coolant flow stopped. Although the individual
complained of lack of cooling, the crimped line was noc recognized until after
the test had been aborted. This "pinching off" of flow in the vest had been
experienced in other studies (7).
In one case, the control unit on the LSSI system stopped working in the
middle of a test. Neither replacement of the battery nor purging the system
of air bubbles restarted the unit. A new control unit was placed in service,
resulting in a testing delay of approximately 45 minutes.
On two occasions after the systems were used several times, the hasp
holding the battery on the LSSI control units failed to securely hold the
battery. Both units had to be replaced.
In two separate instances, the hoses on the LSSI Portapeck system and
LSSI backpack system were inadvertently pulled out, resulting in the delay of
a test. Due to the numerous hoses contained on the Portapack system and the
inability to visually determine whether the hoses were properly connected, the
difficulty was not immediately apparent.
Most subjects using the LSSI system complained that no cooling was felt
on the head. Some apparent causes of this were: the insulating factor of the
hair, chinstraps that were not tightened enough, and chest straps that were
pinching off flow to the cap. Those who tightened the chinstrap to feel the
cooling complained that the strap was too uncomfortable.
The LSSI system projected out extensively from the back (5"). Therefore,
several individuals had difficulty maneuvering through shipboard spaces or
could not pass through a given space without removing their backpack.
The tether cord on this system was cumbersome and frequently became
tangled and caught on objects as the individual moved to different locations.
The fittings, regulators and filters used with the system required
approximately 45 minutes' setup time for each test location. In a situation
where this system would be employed at one location all the time, this setup
time would not represent a major difficulty. There were no malfunctions of
this system during the evaluation.
commercial portable microclimate cooling systems for military use. Technical
Report No. Natick/TR-85/033L, US Army Natick Research & Development Center,
Natick, MA, 1985.
___ _ _1_
6. Discussion
a) Primary Factors
- User acceptance as determined by test volunteers' comments.
- Ability to consistently deliver cooling to an individual.
- Ease of operation.
- Simplicity of construction.
- Reliability of components.
- Size and weight of system.
b) Secondary Factors
- Logistical difficulties associated with supplying the basic
operating components, i.e., ice or canisters and batteries.
- Component failure due to possible operator error, such as,
disconnected hoses, defective batteries, inability to properly operate control
Based on the subjects' nverall preference after they had tested all
cooling systems, the ILC system was the overwhelming favorite, with 26 of 29
votes for the number one rating. The reasons stated for the high preference
of the ILC system were its low profile, simple operating characteristics, and
significant cooling. After the ILC, the next preferred system was the Encon
vortex. However, this system contained a tether cord; and because of the
hazard it posed with shipboard operatiunal components, most subjects stated
that they would not be able to work with a tether cord. The least preferred
system was the LSSI backpack system. The weight, bulkiness, and interrupted
cooling of the LSSI system were the Y asons for its unpopularity.
(3,4,5,6). Other than the required logistical support and maintenance, there
is little reason to believe that the systems would not provide adequate
cooling to individuals working in hot shipboard environments.
lecause of the low heat stress incurred during the shipboard evaluations,
we conducted a laboratory comparison between the LSSI and ILC MCS's in the
summer ot 1987 (4). Nine male test subjects were first heat acclimated and
then performed five different teets: two with the ILC Cool Vest, two with the
LSSI Cool Head, and one control with no cooling. Environrental conditions
were 43 0 C (110F) dry bulb and 45% relative humidity (WBCT - 360 C, 960F).
During the 3-hour heat exposure, subjects wore the Navy utility uniform and
walked on a level treadmill at 1.6 a/sec (3.5 mph), with 5 minutes of seated
rest every half hour. This represented a mild-to-moderate work effort. The
results from the test indicated that both cooling systems were similarly
effective in reducing physiological strain and increasing tolerance time in
the heat. Tolerance time increased from an average of 114 minutes with no
cooling to at least 180 minutes with each of the two cooling systems. At 120
minutes, when either MCS was worn, rectal temperature had been lowerAd by
approximately 0.50 C compared with the control test.
From a logistics point of view during the shipboard evaluation, the Vortex
air system was the easiest to usc. The system was also the least bulky for
the individual; it weighed only 4.4 lbs. However, because its tether cord
restricted movement somewhat, it was not the most favored system. Logistical
difficulties with the system included the need to hook up and route the air
supply line to the work station and the problem with cord entanglement. Cord
entanglement could be reduced through the use of swivel disconnects on the
hoses and also with the use of shorter hoses with more air taps in the hot
Supplying ice or canisters to the ILC and LSSI systems required a
continuous effort. Because of the remote location of the freezer, the ice and
canisters required for all subjects had to be gathered before each test
sequence. This process could be cumbersome if an entire space were to be
outfitted 'ith the cooling system. The LSSI canisters presented more of a
(5) Pimental, N.A., H.M. Cosimini, M.N. Sawka, and C.B. Wenger.
Effectiveness of an air-cooled vest using selected air temperature and
humidity combinations. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 58:119-24,
(6) Shapiro, Y., K.B. Pandolf, M.N. Sawka, M.M. Toner, F.R. Winsmann, and
R.F. Goldman. Auxiliary cooling: comparison of air cooled vs. water cooled
vests in hot-dry and hot-wet e,-.!ronme-ts. Aviation, Space, and Environmental
Medicine, 53:785-9. 1982.
burden than the ice because of the need to return the canisters to the freezer
for reuse; the melted ice could be disposed of at the test site. (Because ice
cube trays were refilled at the time of ice pickup, only one trip to the
freezer was necessary for the ILC system.) If the systems were to be used in
a routine manner during normal shipboard operation, dedicated freezers could
be located in an area more convenient to the hot spaces. This would
significantly reduce the negative impact of having to return the LSSI
canisters to a remote freezer location.
Supplying fully charged batteries for each test sequence was also
time-consuming for the test team. To maintain the batteries during this test
sequence, one test team member had to be responsible for hooking up the
batteries at the end of each test. Further, the test center did not contain a
sufficient number Of outlets to connect each charger. To support the cooling
systems in a realistic situation, a small room with adequate power and outlets
could be dedicated to the daily recharging of batteries.
The LSSI system required the most attention to insure that the system
was operating properly. There were numerous component failures during the
operation of both the LSSI backpack and Portapack systems. The primary
problems included:
Compared with the LSSI system, the ILC Cool Vest was much easier to
operate and maintain. The ILC system used reliable components and simple
methods of construction. The ILC system weighed 13.6 lbs, 20% less thar the
LSSI backpack system, and was not judged to be as cumbersome as the LSSI
backpack. Although the ILC system weighed less than the LSSI system, it
contained a larger ice reserve (6 lbs vs 5.2 lbs) and required less frequent
ice changes (3.1 hrs vs 2.3 hrs). The greater cooling capacity of the ILC
system would be a benefit in that stay times between coolant changes could be
increased. The ILC batteries were reliable and provided sufficient power to
enable the system to run for the entire test period without stopping. Other
than for the scheduled battery, ice and water changes, there was no need to
interrupt the test to refill or purge the system at any time. All of the
working components were contained inside the backpack; therefore, there were
no problems with hoses inadvertently being disconnected. The ILC system also
had the advantage of operating with ice, which could be disposed of at the
work site after it melted. Also, the cost of the ILC system was much less
than the LSSI backpack system, $680 vs $2511 (prices we paid prior to cost
reduction in July 87).
In summary, the ILC system was rated as the MCS of choice. The primary
factors contributing to this rating included:
The LSSI systems (Backpack and Portapack), on the other hand, failed many
of our primary evaluation factors.
1) The Portapack and Backpack were not preferred by any test subject and
were rated as the third and fourth choices, respectively, of the four cooling
2) They provided inconsistent cooling as a result of pinched-off lines,
air in lines, ineffective cooling cap, etc.
3) They required a great deal of effort to keep them operational.
Systems had to be refilled or purged periodically, resulting in several
overfill situations and cracked HEU's. Lines became pinched off or filled
with air, resulting in test delays to determine and resolve the problem.
4) Components were not very reliable. Canisters leaked or popped the
expansion seals; batteries and control units failed; structural components
(e.g., HEU's, hasps for batteries) broke.
5) The bulkiness of the system precluded some subjects from easily
maneuvering through shipboard spaces without removing their backpacks.
The Encon system was also rated highly in all of our evaluation factors.
7. Recommendations
* The ILC Cool Vest was chosen as the best portable system by the crewmen.
This system was also the simplest portable system tested. For efficient use
of the system onboard ship, the following support services should be made
a. Each vest will require 6 lbs of ice for each 1.5-2.5 hours of
operational time. To provide the required ice, we recommend that freezers or
ice-making machines be strategically located near the areas of MCS use.
b. Each vest will require one 8-volt battery for each 2-3 hours of
operation. The rechargeable batteries supplied by the manufacturer are
recommended for use. These batteries require 6-8 hours to recharge on a 115AC
power source. For proper recharging, a recharge location should be provided
that will allow sufficient space, outlets and power to recharge the units on a
continuous basis. A recharge center located near the MCS freezer would more
easily support the system.
c. A waist belt could be incorporated to prevent the system from riding
up in the front due to the weight of the backpack.
Although the use of the Encon Air Vortex System was hampered by the
tether cord, this system did provide ample personal cooling; and, other than
the tether cord, presented no operational difficulties. This system could be
used effectively onboard ship provided the difficulties with the tether cord
are minimized. NCTRF recommenids the following actions be taken with this
C. The use of swivel disconnects at both ends of the tether cord would
*also minimize the possibility of cord entanglement.
The results of this evaluation have clearly shown that both the ILC Cool
Vest and the Encon Air Vortex System provide adequate personal cooling and
were favorably received by the test subjects. Due to the difficulties with
the tether cord on the air vortex system, NCTRP recommends that, if a system
is required immediately for shipboard use, the ILC Cool Vest be selected as
the general cooling system. With some minor modifications the ILC system
could provide a completely adequate system for Navy use.
8. Acknowledgements
The Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility would like to thank Mr.
Richard Walchli and Dr. Scott McGirr of the Navy Science Assistance Program
for their support in the evaluation. The help f-om LCDR Greg Colegate at the
initiation of the project is also appreciated. Special thanks are extended to
LCDR Greg Moore of CINCLANTFLT for his coordination of, and his participation
during, the shipboard evaluation. We would also like to thank Dr. Jim
Driskell and Dr. Pat Moskal from the Naval Training System Center for their
invaluable assistance in providing the performance assessment battery and in
training us in its administration and interpretation. The efforts of CDR John
Scholl, MMCM William Werner, LCDR Donald Mason and Assistant Supply Officer
HMI Norma Baugh from the USS LEXINGTON were greatly appreciated. Also, a
sincere thank you is extended to the men on the USS LEXINGTON who participated
in this evaluation.
I Figure 2.
LSSI Cool Head.
MV "Note: System shown without fire-retardant covering.)
Figure 3. Encon Air Vortex System.
I r
rAir Distribution
I I (Front Back)
I B-1
Experimenter Information
In the space provided below, list the duties that you performed while you wore
the cooling vest.
Page 2
I ............. I
--------..-----. ----------I--------- I
not at all slightly moderately very extremely
1. 1 feel lightheaded.
I------------- eeeeeeee I-------
not at all slightly moderately very extrqmely
0 2. 1 have a headache.
----------- I-----------
not at all slightly
I--------- very
5. I'm short of breath.
Iaaaaaaa--------- I
I.-------------- ----------- I--------
not at all slightly moderately very extremely
6. 1y heart is beating fast.
not at all
I-------------- I------------ I------------
slightly moderately very extremely
7. 1 have chest tightness.
m.......------------- I-------------- I...................
not at all slightly moderately very extremely
Page 3
eee I --------------
------------- ee Ie-------
eee---- - eI m-------
not at all slightly moderately very extremely
14. 1 feel chilly.
Ie.-------------e I-- - -- - - -- -------------- I -- - -- - -
not at all slightly moderately very extremely
15. My skin is burning or itching.
16. My vision is blurred.
not at all
------I------ ------
very extremely
17. My mouth is dry.
at all
very extremely
Page 4
Do you have any comments that you would like to add about the cooling vests?
Page 5
Please answer the following questions as best you can. We are interested in
how YOU feel about the cooling vests on such matters as their fit, comfort,
and usefulness. There are no right or wrong answers; we simply want your
opinion, but please try to be as accurate as possible.
A.) How heavy does the vest scem to you?
------- I------------ I---------- I----------I
not at all slightly moderately very extremely
heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy
II ---------,-
--------- ---
Page 6
Please give your impression of yo ur ability to move about while you are
wearing the cooling vest.
A.) If your vest had a hose attached to it,did the hose restrict
your movement?
C.) Did the vest cause you to have any difficulty in reaching or
Please answer the next set of questio~ns in terms of how well you could
perform your job while wearin the cooling vest compared to how well you
could perform if you were noT wearing it.
After you have participated in two conditions, please rank order your
preference for the cooling vests and/or your normal clothing. Use numbers 1
and 2 (with I being the best) to represent your rank.
Note: the instructor will identify the suits in the columns shown below, and
will explain the ranking procedure.
Page 9
After you have partl~pated in 3 sessions, please rank order them, using the
numbers 1, 2, and 3 (with 1 being the best). Follow the sami! procedure as
you did when you ranked two conditions.
IWhich vest fits better? I -~ I I I
ves colsth-bst--I --
IWhich vest ioos thelihest? I I I I
I Which vest isthe liheastbuk? I I II
*1- ----------
Page 10
After you have participated in 4 conditions, please rank order them, using
the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 (with 1 being the best), Follow the same
procedure as you did when you ranked three conditions.
I Which vest fits better? I I I
Which vest cools the best? I I I I
Which vest is the lightest? I I I
I Which vest is the least bulky? I I I I II
Which vest is least restrictive? I I I I
im-I- ----------------------------------
---mm -i-- m -------
Which vest makes you feel the best?
IJi ~ ll l i i ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ i J l l i l l l J~ J
______ ________ ________