Rare Earth Elements 1
Rare Earth Elements 1
Rare Earth Elements 1
Editor: Daniel CW Tsang Decarbonization of economy is intended to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy sources and emissions
from them. One of the major components of decarbonization are “green energy” technologies, e.g. wind turbines
Keywords: and electric vehicles. However, they themselves create new sustainability challenges, e.g. use of green energy contrib-
Green energy utes to the reduction of consumption of fossil fuels, on one hand, but at the same time it increases demand for perma-
Energy supply
nent magnets containing considerable amounts of rare earth elements (REEs). This article provides the first global
Critical materials
Decarbonization measures
analysis of environmental impact of using rare earth elements in green energy technologies. The analysis was per-
Environmental sustainability formed applying system dynamics modelling methodology integrated with life cycle assessment and geometallurgical
approach. We provide evidence that an increase by 1% of green energy production causes a depletion of REEs reserves
by 0.18% and increases GHG emissions in the exploitation phase by 0.90%. Our results demonstrate that between
2010 and 2020, the use of permanent magnets has resulted cumulatively in 32 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent of
GHG emissions globally. It shows that new approaches to decarbonization are still needed, in order to ensure sustain-
ability of the process. The finding highlights a need to design and implement various measures intended to increase
REEs reuse, recycling (currently below 1%), limit their dematerialization, increase substitution and develop new elim-
ination technologies. Such measures would support the development of appropriate strategies for decarbonization and
environmentally sustainable development of green energy technologies.
⁎ Corresponding author.
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: I. Makarava, School of Engineering Science, Department of Separation Science, LUT University, FI-53850 Lappeenranta, Finland.
⁎⁎⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: Saeed.Rahimpour.Golroudbary@lut.fi (S.R. Golroudbary), Iryna.Makarava@lut.fi (I. Makarava), Andrzej.kraslawski@lut.fi (A. Kraslawski).
Received 25 January 2022; Received in revised form 17 March 2022; Accepted 31 March 2022
Available online 4 April 2022
0048-9697/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
Table 1
Summary of investigation on the environmental impact of rare earth elements used in green energy technologies.
Reference Objective of study Methodology Supply chain scope Environmental Impact Geographical
Mining Processing Manufacturing Recycling Energy Water Emissions
used for simulation. The main variables including flow, stock and auxiliary Survey (USGS) data sources (Gambogi, 2021). Therefore, the model covers
variables are presented in Table S1 and parameters together with all data two periods: the historical (1996–2020) and the future one (2020−2030).
required to run the model are available in Table S2 and Data S1 (#2, #4, Growth rate of the estimated primary production of REEs is based on future
#5 and #6). Fig. S4 provides details of the dynamic model and used data demand by 2030 (Hagelüken, 2014; Wang et al., 2020a).
sources. We divided the variables of the dynamic model into two groups in- The second stage of the model comprises all manufacturing streams
cluding endogenous and exogenous variables to specify the model bound- where REEs are applied. The focus of environmental analysis in this phase
ary. Endogenous variables affect and, at the same time, are affected by is on production of permanent magnets for wind turbines and EVs applica-
other system components and parameters, while exogenous variables are tions.
not directly affected by the system. Groups and types of all variables are
presented in Table S1. 2.2. Mathematical formulation
The model is composed of two main parts: (i) extractive stage which in-
cludes mining and processing of REEs and (ii) production stage of The model consists of two types of equations (state and rate) for quanti-
manufacturing permanent magnets applied in wind turbines and EVs. It ex- fying the stocks and flows in given systems. Results from the model are next
amines environmental impact of each process including energy consump- used as inputs to geographical distribution equations.
tion, water use, CO2, CH4, SOx, NOx, CO, VOC, PM2.5, N2O, POC, BC, and Stocks (state equations) in the mass flows of the model can be used to
PM10 emissions. analyze the environmental performance of countries involved in mining
In the first stage, REEs containing minerals are extracted, then sepa- and processing stages, as well as global green energy production over
rated, processed and transformed into chemicals. It should be noted that time. Flows (rate equations) correspond to the production of REEs,
the various types of deposits have particular characteristics of size and manufacturing of products, energy consumption, water use, and related
grade. For example, carbonatites tend to be medium to large tonnage and emissions.
high grade, whereas alkaline rock deposits are generally larger tonnage Eq. (1) corresponds to the global stock of REO (GRs(t)) over the period
but lower grade, tending to have higher proportions of heavy REE. Mineral “t0-t” where“t0” is the initial year and “t” is the final year. TMa−i (t) repre-
sands are low grade and REE minerals are by-products; ion adsorption de- sents the annual production rate of REO from mining by country “i”
posits are small and low grade but relatively rich in heavy REE (where i= 1,2, …,12) including Australia, Brazil, Myanmar, Burundi,
(Goodenough et al., 2016). Also, multiple stages are used for separation China, India, Madagascar, Malaysia, Russia, Thailand, US, and Vietnam;
of the individual REE, e.g., selective oxidation can be used for Ce, and REEa−ji(t) stands for annual production of element “j” (where j= 1,2,
also for Pr and Tb, which have a potential +4 oxidation state, whilst selec- …,15) including Cerium, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Gadolinium,
tive reduction works for Eu, Sm and Yb because they have a potential +2 Holmium, Lanthanum, Lutetium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Samarium,
valency (McNeice and Ghahreman, 2018; Strauss et al., 2019). In process- Terbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, and Yttrium, in country “i” (Eq. (2)).
ing, for example, the bastnäsite will be dissolved in acid and then subjected Z t
to counter-current solvent extraction using immiscible organic and acid sol- GRs ðtÞ ¼ ∑12 15 12
i¼1 TM a−i ðt Þ−∑ j¼1 ∑i¼1 REE a−ji ðt Þ dt þ GRs ðt 0 Þ (1)
vents (Xie et al., 2014). The selective oxidation/reduction, fractional crys- t0
tallization, fractional precipitation, ion exchange or solvent extraction are
used for REEs purification (Kavun et al., 2021; Laatikainen et al., 2022; REEa−ji ðtÞ ¼ βji TRs−i ðtÞ ð2Þ
Makarova et al., 2020). The exact steps of separation process depend on
the composition of the initial REE concentrate as well as the desired prod- where βji is a coefficient of element “j” processing by country “i” and TRs−i
ucts. The exact steps of separation process depend on the composition of (t) is the total REO stock in country “i” in year “t”.
the initial REE concentrate as well as the desired products. Historical data Eq. (3) describes the global stock of rare earth element “j” in country “i”
for the global mine production of rare earth oxide (REO) are available for (REEs−ji(t)) in the time period “t0-t” by a time integral of REEa−ji(t) as an-
the period between 1996 and 2020 from the United States Geological nual production of element “j” in country “i” minus REEa−jk(t) (Eq. (4))
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
gives the annual rate of element “j” used in global manufacturing output “k” which represent all sources of energy: fossil fuel, natural gas, petroleum,
(where k= 1,2, …,10) including magnets, battery alloys, metal alloys, cat- coal, non-fossil fuel, nuclear, renewables, and biomass.
alysts, petroleum, polishing powders, glass additives, phosphors, ceramics, The total cumulative and annual amount of water consumed in stage “n”
and other products. αjk is coefficient of element “j” used for production “k”. of REEs supply chain can be given by Eqs. (9) and (10).
Zt Zt
REEs−ji ðt Þ ¼ REEa−ij ðtÞ−REEa−jk ðt Þ dt þ REE s−ji ðt0 Þ (3) TW Sn−i ðtÞ ¼ TW an−i ðt Þdt þ TW Sn−i ðt0 Þ (9)
t0 t0
REEa−jk ðtÞ ¼ αjk REEs−ji ðt Þ ð4Þ TW an−i ðt Þ ¼ REEa−ji ðtÞ ∑4w¼1 υn,w (10)
Eq. (5) describes the global stock of product “l” (GPl(t)) in the time pe- where, the cumulative amount of water directly linked to the mining or pro-
riod “t0-t” by a time integral of REEa−jk(t) as the annual rate of element cessing of REEs (n=1,2) in country “i” in year “t” is shown by TWSn−i(t).
“j” used in the global manufacturing output “k” minus REEa−jl(t) (Eq. (6)) TWan−i (t) is annual water use for REEs mining in country “i” which is cal-
representing the annual rate of element “j” used in product “l” (where l= culated based on REEa−ji(t) and water sources used for procedure “w” (w=
1,2, …,20) including magnets for wind turbines and electric vehicles, 1,2,3,4 including water cooling, water mining, water process, and water
NiMH batteries, metallurgical alloys, catalysts for fluid cracking, automo- reservoir) in stage “n”.
bile catalytic converters, glass altering, glass colorizing or decolorizing, The life-cycles of emission rates from energy sources are adapted from
glass absorbing ultraviolet light, yttrium aluminum garnet laser, cathode the GREET model (Wang et al., 2020b) and previous studies (Jin et al.,
ray tube displays, fluorescent lamps, other color light applications, elec- 2018). GHG intensities are calculated by using IPCC AR5 100-year Global
tronic applications, ceramic glazes for color control, ferrites for oxygen sen- Warming Potential values (Stocker et al., 2013) of 1 (CO2), 36 (CH4), and
sors, chemicals containing REEs, military weapons, delivery systems, and 298 (N2O). We applied Eqs. (11) and (12) to estimate the total and annual
satellite systems. δl is coefficient of element “j” used in product “l” and Djl emissions of each life cycle stage of the green energy supply chain.
(t) is global demand of element “j” for using in product “l”. In Eq. (11), TGSn−i(t) is the cumulative emission “g” (g=1,2,3, …,11 in-
The growth of the rare earth metals market is driven by the growing use cluding CO2, CH4, SOx, NOx, CO, VOC, PM2.5, N2O, POC, BC, and PM10) in
of products intended to mitigate the climate change and global warming., stage “n” in year “t” and TGan−i (t) corresponds to the annual emission “g”
e.g. hybrid cars, electric car batteries, and wind turbines. Therefore, our in stage “n” in country “i” in year “t”. In Eq. (12), ϱg, n(t) is the rate of emis-
projection scenarios for REEs rely on the compound annual growth rate of sion generated in stage “n” in year “t”.
REEs demand until 2030.
Zt TGSn−i ðt Þ ¼ TGan−i ðtÞdt þ TGSn−i ðt0 Þ (11)
GPl ðtÞ ¼ REEa−jk ðtÞ−REEa−jl ðtÞ dt þ GPl ðt 0 Þ (5) t0
TGan−i ðtÞ ¼ REEa−ji ðtÞ þ REEa−jk ðtÞ ϱg,n ðtÞ (12)
REEa−jl ðt Þ ¼ δl Djl ðtÞ ð6Þ
Considering all mass flows over time, the environmental assessment 3. Results and discussion
(energy, water and emissions) is given in an identical form in the model.
Every stage in the REEs supply chain consumes energy obtained from differ- 3.1. Trends in REEs production
ent sources. There are three initial steps for mineral processing: mining,
beneficiation, and separation of an element. After separation, metals are Annual growth rate of REEs global consumption is expected to reach
produced by molten salt electrolysis and metallothermic reduction 4.4% between 2016 and 2026 (Wang et al., 2020a). Fig. S1 presents geo-
methods. During the mining of REEs, energy consumption is mainly associ- graphical distribution of REEs global reserves for top suppliers and by
ated with the use of mining machines and equipment. The industrial pro- type of deposits in 2020 – about 120 mt. More than 250 mineral species
cesses used are complex and require large amounts of electricity. are identified to contain REEs. However, few of those are considered eco-
Although all rare earth minerals are generally open-pit mined, energy re- nomically exploitable, e.g. silicates, fluorocarbonates, oxides and phos-
quirement for crushing and grinding varies depending on (i) their hardness phates. The highest proportion of the global REE reserves (95%) has been
and the gangue minerals associated and (ii) the chemical form that they ex- identified for Bastnäsite, Monazite, Xenotime or Ion-adsorption clay de-
tract (Peiró and Méndez, 2013). In the production stage, the manufacturing posits in China. We focus only on minerals with the highest concentration
of permanent magnets containing REEs is analyzed separately. Total cumu- of REEs (information on quantities and type of minerals for each country
lative and the annual amount of energy consumed in each stage are calcu- is presented in Data S1 (#1 and #2)). The results shown in Fig. S1 suggest
lated using Eqs. (7) and (8). that the US and Russia have the most diversified spectrum of REE-
containing minerals. US ranks 7th in reserves and 2nd in mining while
Russia occupies 4th place in reserves and 7th in mining.
TESn−i ðt Þ ¼ TEan−i ðtÞdt þ TESn−i ðt0 Þ (7) Fig. 1 presents geographical distribution of cumulative primary produc-
t0 tion in 2010–2020 of five the most significant REEs used in the production
of permanent magnets, i.e., Nd, Dy, Tb, Pr, and Gd. Fig. S2 shows geograph-
TEan−i ðtÞ ¼ REEa−ji ðt Þ ∑8m¼1 φn,m (8) ical distribution of cumulative primary production of other REEs including
Yb, Ce, Y, Tm, Ho, Sm, Lu, La, Er, and Eu in the given period. The results
In Eq. (7), TESn−i(t) corresponds to the total cumulative amount of en- illustrate an increase in primary production of all elements between 2010
ergy consumption in country “i” in year “t” for the period 2010–2030, and 2020 – light rare-earth elements (Ce: 1.5 times, Er: 4.3 times, Ho: 3.4
n=1,2,3 represent mining, processing and production stages of the green times, La: 12.1 times, Nd: 1.6 times, Pr: 1.6 times, Tm: 9.3 times, and Y:
energy supply chain and TEan−i (t) is annual energy consumption in stage 4.1 times) and heavy rare-earth elements (Dy: 2.6 times, Eu: 4.4 times,
“n” in country “i” in year “t”. In Eq. (8), REEa−ji(t) is the amount of mass Gd: 2.3 times, Lu: 2.1 times, Tb: 1.4 times, Sm: 1.8 times, and Yb: 1.3
of element “j” in country “i” in year “t”, and φn, m is the energy required times). REEs never occur individually and they are accompanied by other
per 1 T of REEs flow in stage “n” from each energy source m= 1,2, …,8 elements in various minerals.
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
Fig. 1. Global cumulative primary production of rare earth elements by country in the period 2010–2020. a, Neodymium. b, Dysprosium. c, Terbium. d, Praseodymium. e,
Based on reports of 48 exporters and 75 importers in the United Nations fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
Commodity Trade Database (UNCOMTRADE), Fig. S3 shows the distribu- (PHEV) in 2020. The installation of public electric vehicle charging stations
tion of REEs suppliers and the position of countries in international trade. has been increasing exponentially from 30 thousands in 2011 to 1.2 million
Detailed information on quantity and value of exports and imports of in 2020. The number of BEV, FCEV, and PHEV globally is about to reach 8.2
REEs is presented in Table S3. The result shows that in 2020 exports and im- million, 35.2 thousands and 4.4 million, respectively. China dominates
ports of REEs reached around 131 kt (USD 1.22 billion) and 118 kt (USD with around 36% share of the market of EVs followed by Europe (20%),
1.53 billion), respectively. the United States (ca. 14%), and other countries (ca. 30%) in 2020. It is es-
timated that until 2027 EVs production will increase to 44% and 29% in
3.2. Use of REEs in green energy technologies China and Europe respectively. Detailed analysis of mass flows shows that
the annual growth rate of permanent magnets will grow to 6–9.5% between
Fig. 2 shows geographical distribution of wind turbines (Fig. 2a) and 2020 and 2030 (Keilhacker and Minner, 2017; Trench and Sykes, 2020).
different types of EVs (Fig. 2b) in 2020. BP Statistical Review of World En- The results indicate that the amount of primary REEs available for the
ergy revealed that 1590.19 terawatt-hours of global electricity was gener- global production of permanent magnets is about 24 thousand tonnes (kt)
ated by wind turbines in 2020 (Looney, 2020). The installed wind power in 2020 and will reach around 50 kt in 2030. However, the estimates ob-
capacity has been increasing by more than 50 GW each year and the cumu- tained from our model suggest that there is a need for 83 kt of those ele-
lative installed wind power capacity amounted to 651 GW at the end of ments based on demand for magnets production in 2030. So the primary
2019 (Jung and Schindler, 2020). production of REEs fails to meet the demand. The findings highlight that
REEs play an important role in the production of wind turbines, due to the contribution of other supply sources, such as extraction from waste
the increasing power per tower with turbines that have become taller, and recycling can be very important. However, recycling alone cannot
larger, and lighter, and the application of preferred more efficient configu- bridge the gap in the supply of critical materials needed for the develop-
rations of magnet-based technologies, such as gearbox or direct-drive per- ment of the above discussed technologies. Therefore, we should consider
manent magnet synchronous generators. Although, several technologies recycling as one of the core principles of circular economy (Rahimpour
are currently being developed that intend to reduce the use of REEs in per- Golroudbary et al., 2020). It will be essential to develop an effective
manent magnets, according to the IEA they will remain far from being com- recycling system, invest in the development of recycling technologies and
petitive with the existing wind technologies even until the next decade dedicated infrastructure for collecting, dismantling, and separating prod-
(Bobba et al., 2020). Therefore, we focus on magnet-based technologies ucts containing rare earth elements. Moreover, we need to consider other
in this study. complementary solutions such as substituting materials, introduction of
Wind power corresponds to 4.1% of electricity generation (coal 39%; new technologies, and more efficient use of materials.
natural gas 27%; nuclear 19%; hydropower 7%; biomass 1.5%; petroleum After 2030, it is expected that the amount of spent magnet-based prod-
and gaseous hydrocarbons 1% and geothermal, solar and other <1%) ucts for EVs will considerably increase and after 2040 the same phenomena
(Lampert et al., 2015). Fig. 2a shows that the biggest fraction of wind tur- will consider wind turbines. Therefore, there is a growing gap between
bines can be found in China (28.4% with cumulative installed capacity of available recycled magnets and steadily growing demand for REEs.
wind power 237 thousand megawatts) and the United States (21.2%, Hence, mining remains necessary to meet the demand for minerals needed
with 105 thousand megawatts). in decarbonization process.
Global sales of EVs rose by 43% in 2020 in comparison to 2019. It is es-
timated that in 20 years there will be around 500 million EVs. (Raw 3.3. Trends in environmental impacts of REEs mining
materials for a truly green future, 2021) To meet this demand, we will
need more critical raw materials such as REEs. Fig. 2b shows the distribu- In this study, the dynamic model is used to evaluate REEs global flows
tion of charging stations and the stock of battery electric vehicles (BEV), and their environmental impact in 2010–2030. The total annual energy
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
Fig. 2. Geographical distribution of green energy technology including wind turbines for energy supply and electric vehicles as consumers in 2020. a, Distribution of wind
turbines and leading countries based on wind energy capacity. b, Distribution of charging stations and stock of battery electric vehicles (BEV), fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV)
and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV).
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
Fig. 3. Environmental performance of primary production of rare-earth elements in the mining stage between 2010 and 2030. a, Global energy consumption, in petajoules
(PJ). b, Global water consumption, in million cubic meters. c, Annual global carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by country, in thousands tonnes CO2. d, Global methane (CH4),
sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter with sizes smaller than 2.5 μm (PM2.5), nitrous
oxide (N2O), particulate organic carbon (POC), black carbon (BC), and airborne particulate matter with sizes smaller than 10 μm (PM10) emissions through mining of
REEs in 2020, in tonnes.
and water consumption, as well as the trend in emissions related to the thousand t CO2 in 2030. Detailed calculations show that China, being the
REEs global primary production are given in Fig. 3. major polluter among the REEs mining countries, releases 138.9 t of CH4,
Results presented in Fig. 3a indicate an increase in global energy con- 132.6 t of SOx, 60.8 t of NOx, 33.2 t of CO, 9.8 t of VOC, 4.2 t of PM2.5,
sumption for the primary production of REEs from 2.55 petajoules (PJ) in 1.3 t of N2O, 0.9 t of POC, 0.4 t of BC, and 9.9 t of PM10.
2010 to 5.47 PJ in 2030, which corresponds approximately to a 2.14- The analysis shows that global GHG in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2
times growth within 20 years. An identical trend can be seen in Fig. 3b eq) emitted by REEs mining has increased by 94% (152.97 kt CO2 eq) in
for water consumption in the primary production of REEs. It starts from 2020 compared to 79.01 kt CO2 eq in 2010 and it is estimated to reach
0.42 million cubic meters (m3) in 2010 to reach 0.91 million m3 in 2030. 169.49 kt CO2 eq in 2030. China emitted 88.06 kt CO2 eq, followed by
The results highlight the issues raised in the Carbon Disclosure Project the U.S. 23.90 kt CO2 eq, Myanmar 18.87 kt CO2 eq, Australia 10.69 kt
(CDP)(CDP, 2013) on criticality of sustainable water management. CO2 eq, and other countries 11.44 kt CO2 eq. China has the highest share
The results show that energy consumption is growing in all REEs pro- of GHG emissions in REEs supply chain due to its the largest share of
ducers. For example, in China it increased from about 2.4 gigajoules (GJ) primary production. To keep global average temperature increase well
in 2010 to 2.8 GJ in 2020 and is estimated to reach 3.2 GJ in 2030, and below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, many regions in China are establish-
in the United States from 60.9 megajoules (MJ) in 2012 to 771.1 MJ in ing carbon neutrality targets, but this trend is the most noticeable in
2020 and is expected to reach 854.4 MJ in 2030. The same trend can be ob- the power and transport sectors or industries that heavily contribute
served for the use of water, e.g., China water consumption grew from about to GHG emissions e.g., magnesium production. However, it does not
0.40 million m3 in 2010 to 0.47 million m3 in 2020 and is estimated to concern the REEs industry itself yet (Liu et al., 2021; Rahimpour
reach 0.52 million m3 in 2030, and in the United States water consumption Golroudbary et al., 2022).
increased from 0.01 million m3 in 2012 to 0.12 million m3 in 2020 and is
expected to reach 0.14 million m3 in 2030. 3.4. Trends in environmental impact of REEs processing
Fig. 3c shows annual CO2 emissions generated by mining of REEs. In
Fig. 3d, there are presented the emissions (CH4, SOx, NOx, CO, VOC, We use a dynamic model to evaluate the global environmental impact of
PM2.5, N2O, POC, BC, and PM10) generated by the mining of REEs in processing of 15 REEs (Fig. 1 and Fig. S2) in 2010–2030. Energy and water
2020. In particular, it is estimated that CO2 emissions from REEs mining used in processing of each element, as well as emissions generated along the
will grow in China by the factor of 1.3, from 71.5 kt CO2 in 2010 to 92.5 process are presented in Fig. 4.
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
The result indicates that global energy and water consumption during emissions in the processing stage) – 2286.8 t of CH4, 2180.5 t of SOx,
the processing of REEs is 22 times higher than that in mining. The results 1001.6 t of NOx, 546.0 t of CO, 162.2 t of VOC, 72.6 t of PM2.5, 21.4 t
presented for energy consumption, Fig. 4a, and water analysis in Fig. 4b of N2O, 15.2 t of POC, 6.4 t of BC, and 0.2 t of PM10. We can also
show an increase (81%) of the consumed energy and water for processing learn that global GHG emissions from the processing stage of REEs in
of REEs in 2020 when compared to 2010. The estimates for 2030 show con- 2020 amounted to around 3.08 mt.
sumption of energy and water as 121.89 PJ and 20.24 million m3 respec- The results of simulation of environmental emissions from the mining
tively. According to Fig. 4b in 2010, the highest consumption of energy and processing of REEs for 5 years interval between 2010 and 2030 are
and water in the processing stage is attributed to Ce (30.81 PJ and 5.12 mil- available in Data S1 (#7 and #8).
lion m3) and Nd (12.22 PJ and 2.03 million m3). In 2020, annual trend It is important to note that there exist several routes of bio-accumulation
shows that in addition to Ce (46.8 PJ and 7.76 million m 3) and Nd of REE in plants, animals, and humans resulting from mining or processing
(19.40 PJ and 3.22 million m3), also La (8.31 PJ and 1.38 million m3) of REEs. Several activities in the primary production of REEs such as cut-
and Y (6.97 PJ and 1.16 million m3 ) are considered the highest con- ting, drilling, blasting, transportation, stockpiling, and processing can cre-
sumers of energy and water in the processing stage. When comparing ate dust containing REE, other toxic metals and chemicals. Therefore,
2030 and 2010, it is estimated that energy and water consumption environmental degradation (air, soil and water) may occur together
will increase for Ce by 1.8-times, for Er by 6.2-times, and for La by with negative impact on human health of hazards encountered in
15.5-times. waste disposal areas. Moreover, REE mining poses a serious challenge
Fig. 4c presents the annual trend of CO2 emissions from the processing due to the considerable amount of radioactive elements in minerals,
of REEs in years 2010–2030. The results show that CO2 emitted during the such as thorium and uranium (García et al., 2020). It shows that the
processing of Ce, Nd, Pr, and totally for other elements (La, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, mining and processing of rare earth elements, if not carefully controlled,
Dy, Y, Er, Ho, Tm, Yb, and Lu) increases from 0.91, 0.36, 0.09, 0.27 to can create serious environmental hazards. For example, during the pro-
1.64, 0.69, 0.18, 1.07 mt CO 2 in years 2010–2030, respectively. duction of one ton of rare earth oxides it is necessary to treat 1.4 tons of
Fig. 4d illustrates the global amount of emissions (CH4, SOx, NOx, CO, radioactive wastes in solid, liquid, or gaseous form (Talan and Huang,
VOC, PM2.5, N2 O, POC, BC, and PM10) generated by the processing 2022). The problem of the radioactive waste is one of the reasons why
of REEs in 2020. Detailed calculations show that the global Ce process- new policies addressing safety of mining activities of rare earth ele-
ing corresponds to the highest amount of emissions (47% of total ments are urgently needed.
Fig. 4. Environmental impact of processing rare-earth elements between 2010 and 2030. a, Global energy consumption, in petajoules (PJ). b, Global water consumption, in
million cubic meters (m3). c, Annual global carbon dioxide (CO2) emission by element, in million tonnes CO2. d, Global methane (CH4), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides
(NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter with sizes smaller than 2.5 μm (PM2.5), nitrous oxide (N2O), particulate organic carbon
(POC), black carbon (BC), and airborne particulate matter with sizes smaller than 10 μm (PM10) emissions through processing of REEs in 2020, in tonnes.
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
3.5. Trends in environmental impacts of magnets production a result of the global production of permanent magnets between 2010
and 2030.
In this section, a detailed analysis is presented of emissions related to The results of simulation for 5 years interval between 2010 and 2030
the production of permanent magnets in years 2010–2030. Production are available in Data S1 (#9).
process comprises strip casting, hydrogen decrepitation, jet milling,
and electroplating. As shown in Fig. 5a, pollution related to global 3.6. Rebound effect of green energy
warming and ecotoxicity is increasing rapidly by taking into account
the production of magnets for wind turbines and EVs. The environmen- A bi-directional positive reinforcing causal relationship between renew-
tal analysis of manufacturing magnets shows an increase of GHG emis- able energy consumption and economic growth has been demonstrated in
sions from 2.4 billion CO2 eq in 2010 to 5.4 billion CO2 eq in 2030 for previous research studies (Pirlogea and Cicea, 2012; Zafar et al., 2020).
the transportation sector and from 499.6 million CO 2 eq in 2010 to We discovered that the rapid development of green energy technologies
1.1 billion CO 2 eq in 2030 for energy generation. The ecotoxicity of causes a rebound effect as shown in Fig. 6. On the one hand, the number
magnets' manufacturing is estimated to grow from 16.9 billion Compar- of produced EVs and installed wind power capacity have increased between
ative Toxic Unit equivalent (CTUe) in 2010 to 37.4 billion CTUe in 2030 2010 and 2020 (Fig. 6a) triggering technological progress and production
in EVs manufacturing and from 3.5 billion CTUe in 2010 to 7.7 billion diversification. As a result, REEs prices (except Lu) have decreased sharply
CTUe in 2030 in wind turbines production. Subsequently, Fig. 5b in 2020 compared to 2011 (e.g. by 53% for Yb, 76% for Tb, 78% for Pr, and
shows the impact of magnet production on water acidification and eu- 82% for Dy), reducing the price of wind power by 71% in 2010 (Fig. 6b and
trophication. The results indicate that permanent magnets production Data S1 (#3)). On the other hand, lower prices of REEs elements led to the
in EVs manufacturing emitted 18.7 mt SOx in 2010 and is estimated to increase of demand for them for EVs (from 8 kt in 2010 to 18.5 kt in 2020)
reach 41.6 mt SO x in 2030 while in wind turbine manufacturing the and wind turbine production (from 1 kt in 2010 to 7 kt in 2020), as shown
amount of sulfur oxides emitted grows from 3.8 to 8.5 mt SOx in 2010 in Fig. 6c. The results given in Fig. 6d show annual GHG emissions from
and 2030, respectively. The same trend is observed for eutrophication, mining and processing stages of REEs, as well as the production of magnets
in the unit of nitrogen equivalent (N eq), which increased from 26.3 to applied in wind turbines and EVs. The calculations indicate that every 1%
58.2 million N eq in EVs manufacturing and 5.4 to 11.9 million N eq increase of green energy production causes roughly a 0.18% depletion of
in wind turbine manufacturing. Fig. 5c represents the projected rare-earth elements reserves and 0.90% increase of CO2 eq. It means, cumu-
emissions of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic components in the latively 32 billion t CO2 eq of greenhouse gas emissions in the period
unit of human toxicity impacts (CTUh) and CH4 and NOx emissions as 2010–2020, globally.
Fig. 5. Environmental effects of the production of permanent magnets applied in electric vehicles and wind turbines between 2010 and 2030. a, Global warming and
ecotoxicity b, Accidification and eutrification c, Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic component emissions, ozone depletion and smog pollution.
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
Fig. 6. Rebound effect of the transition to green energy based on the use of critical materials and their environmental impact between 2010 and 2020. a, Annual green energy
production. b, Annual price of rare-earth elements and wind power (the price for thulium is not available). c, Consumption of rare-earth elements applied in green energy
technology. d, Global greenhouse gas emissions from mining and processing of rare-earth elements and from the production of magnets.
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
the sustainability issues, shifts environmental problems from one place to —review and editing. Eveliina Repo: Writing—review and editing. All au-
another and moves them forward into the future while no attempts are thors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
made to mitigate the most urgent issues. This finding highlights the need
to design and put in place various measures intended to increase REEs
reuse, recycling (the current rate is less than 1%), limit dematerialization, Data and materials availability
increase substitution and develop new elimination technologies (e.g. an en-
gine without permanent magnets). Such actions would support an environ- The authors declare that all data supporting the findings of this study
mentally sustainable development of green energy technologies. can be found in the article and/or its Supplementary Information files.
4. Conclusions
Declaration of competing interest
S.R. Golroudbary et al. Science of the Total Environment 832 (2022) 155022
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