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Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

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Eco-innovations and sustainability in solid waste management: An indian

upfront in technological, organizational, start-ups and financial framework
Rena a, b, 1, Shraddha Yadav a, c, 1, Shubham Patel a, c, Deepak J. Killedar c, Sunil Kumar a, *,
Rakesh Kumar a
CSIR – National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra, 440 020, India
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, 201 002, Uttar Pradesh, India
Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, 452 003, India


Keywords: Technological interventions and eco-innovative solutions are necessary to cope with the adverse environmental
Bioproducts impacts of waste accumulation. The notion to consider “waste as a resource and recycling of the same for getting
Circular economy the value of the waste” has truly transformed the approach towards solid waste management (SWM). Techno­
logical eco-innovations rely on the automation of waste segregation, collection, route optimization, digital apps
for creating communication (enhanced efficiency by 40–85%) and treatment technologies. The regulatory
Resource recovery
Smart technologies framework with amendments in rules, new policies, schemes, smart city missions are responsible for the
implementation of “Tech-innovations” at the ground level and has shown societal benefits. India has significantly
shown progress in sustainable development goals (SDGs) score from 50.93 to 60.23 (year 2000–2019). The
innovative and sustainable waste management practices in India have increased contribution to renewable en­
ergy (approx. 2554 MW/annum), 15-billion-USD business opportunity by the circular economy, 25–30% resale
profit from processed E-waste, increased co-operative collaborations, trailblazing start-ups, improved SDG
3,7,8,9,11,12,13, improved market for green products and services, brilliant institutional and regional in­
novations addressing the issue of climate change. The present article critically reviews the exemplary eco-
innovations (technological and non-technological) including resource recovery and viable technologies for
SWM in India. The review also illustrates the lacunae (in awareness, bioproducts adoption and advanced tech­
nologies), recommendations based on findings and future research areas. The paper can also assist researchers,
entrepreneurs and the policy makers for improving the status of SWM in India as well as other developing
countries with the same societal and economic status.

and 4.54 kg per capita. Global waste production is predicted to rise to

3.40-billion tons per year (TPY), which is nearly 1.69 times the current
1. Introduction rate of 2.01-billion TPY (Kaza et al., 2018; The World Bank Group,
2020). Indiscriminate and assorted disposal of waste is a major problem,
Solid waste (SW) has become a matter of serious concern in the resulting in economic and environmental consequences. The landfilling
present scenario for any nation as mismanagement of SW hinders the of SW contributes to 2% of global greenhouse gases (GHGs) and emis­
path of sustainable development. Environmental Protection Agency sions triggering climate change (Ramachandra et al., 2018). Several
under the “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act” elucidate SW as countries have committed both at the national and international levels
any garbage or debris that results from civic activities, industrial, to combat climate change by ratifying Paris Climate Agreement in 2016.
commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, sludge generated from EU set the target of decreasing their 80–90% emissions by 2050 to
the sewage treatment plant, drinking water supply treatment plant, air alleviate future impacts of climate change (European Commission,
pollution control activity, and other materials which are tossed out by 2019). A need for sustainable mitigation of adverse environmental im­
the users (EPA, 2019). Globally, 0.74 kg (kgs) of waste are generated per pacts due to mismanaged SW led to the discovery and adoption of
capita on an average, however, the generation rate ranges between 0.11

* Corresponding author. CSIR-NEERI, Nehru Marg, Nagpu, 4400 20, India.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Kumar).
Both the authors are having equal contribution and are the first authors.

Received 23 February 2021; Received in revised form 6 October 2021; Accepted 14 October 2021
Available online 26 October 2021
0301-4797/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

Abbreviations 29. MoEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change

30. MoP&NG Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
1. AD Anaerobic Digestion 31. MP Madhya Pradesh
2. BMW Bio-Medical Waste 32. MRF Material Recovery Facility
3. C&D Waste Construction & Demolition waste 33. MSW Municipal Solid Waste
4. CBMWTF Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility 34. MT Million Ton
5. CDM Clean Development Mechanism 35. MTPA Million Ton Per Annum
6. C-MET Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology 36. MW Mega Watt
7. CRT Cathode Ray Tube 37. NGO Non-Governmental Organization
8. DF Dark Fermentation 38. NPL National Physical Laboratory
9. EPA Environmental Protection Agency 39. PCB Printed Circuit Board
10. EPR Extended Producer Responsibility 40. PET Polyethylene Terephthalate
11. E-waste Electronic waste 41. PPP Public Private Partnership
12. GHGs Green House Gases 42. PW Plastic Waste
13. GPP Green Public Procurement 43. RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
14. GPS Global Positioning System 44. RFID Radio Frequency Identification
15. GSM Global System for Mobile communication 45. SATAT Sustainable Alternate Towards Affordable
16. HUL Hindustan Unilever Limited Transportation
17. HW Hazardous Waste 46. SBM Swachh Bharat Mission
18. ICT Information and Communication Technologies 47. SDG Sustainable Development Goals
19. IMC Indore Municipal Corporation 48. SPCB State Pollution Control Board
20. IRC Indian Road Congress 49. SS Swachh Survekshan
21. Kg Kilograms 50. SW Solid Waste
22. KLD Kilo Litre per Day 51. SWM Solid Waste Management
23. KWh Kilo Watt Hour 52. TPY Tons Per Year
24. LCD Liquid Crystal Display 53. TSDF Treatment Stabilization and Disposal Facility
25. LED Light Emitting Diode 54. ULB Urban Local Bodies
26. MeitY Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology 55. UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
27. MNRE Ministry of Renewable Energy 56. WtE Waste to Energy
28. MoA Ministry of Food and Agriculture 57. XGN Extended Green Node

eco-innovations right from the generation to the disposal of the waste. ii) Critical review on India (A developing Asian nation) in terms of
Eco-innovation in waste management is a conceptual and operational eco-innovative steps taken towards technological, organizational,
model that entails a set of novel solutions to the policies, treatment financial, and green products and services related to SWM.
technologies, resource efficiency, and market approach that contribute iii) Illustrating eco-innovations pertaining to the treatment of
to the green development (considering both social and environmental different solid waste streams at the national and regional level are
impacts of the development) (Hermosilla, 2009). Other aspects of highlighted and dedicated start-ups are listed that are key players
eco-innovations are the management approaches that reduce environ­ in SWM and ensure the circular economy.
mental burdens. Ambiguity exists in defining this concept as in many iv) To showcase the efforts of India (2000–2020) towards the
types of research and reviews the term eco-innovation is interchange­ accomplishment of the United Nation’s SDGs and the potential to
ably used with green innovations, environmental innovations, and sus­ set a benchmark for other developing nations with similar social,
tainable innovations. The two most important drivers of eco-innovations economic, technological, and geographical backgrounds.
are market pull factors and regulatory frameworks to impede the
adoption of sustainable environmental technologies. Adoption of 2. Review approach
renewable and clean technologies, waste to wealth approach, recycling,
and resource recovery, digital technologies, new market opportunities The article employs the literature review method: first to identify
are reported as significant contributors to environmentally sustainable global best performers in terms of eco-innovation and their practices in
innovations benefiting both nature and nations (Ali et al., 2020; Hojnik brief; second to identify the eco-innovative steps of India towards the
and Ruzzier, 2015). A significant effort in innovations related to SWM decarbonized path and sustainable SWM (Latest 20 years scenario). The
was witnessed globally with the USA at the top followed by India, UK, review gathers information at different levels: national, regional, and
Taiwan, Brazil, Nigeria, Italy, Japan, China, Canada, Germany, Mexico, institutional levels and consolidated it to draw a sustainable solution for
Egypt, and Australia (Nwachukwu et al., 2017). The number of studies the diverse waste stream. Following.
on eco-innovations in developing nations is few compared to developed
nations (especially European nations) and requires attention (Jo et al., (i) The top-tier journals were referred to with the help of Google
2015). scholar, research gate, the web of science, etc. The Pub-med
The objectives of the present study include the following: search is based on mesh words like solid waste management,
innovations, best practices, circular economy, eco-innovations,
i) To showcase the glimpse of global best performers for eco- and resource recovery.
innovations (developed nations) with exemplary innovative (ii) The data on the latest technologies, innovations, and best prac­
technologies and concepts along with their theme benefits. It tices for SWM is collected from published newspapers (The
affirms the international importance of eco-innovation in SWM Hindu, The Times of India, Down to Earth) articles and Swachh
for environmental sustainability. Bharat Urban official YouTube videos.

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

(iii) The global and national statistical data and literature are gath­ the UK (Cunningham and Leary, 2019). Table 1 highlights the ongoing
ered from issued reports of Eurostat, European Commission, eco-innovative practices in the world and best-performing nations in
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Official web­ terms of eco-innovations (Eryigit and Ozcure, 2015).
sites of Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Food Pro­
cessing Industries, Ministry of Statistics and Program 2.2. Indian scenario of solid waste generation and management
Implementation, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Min­
istry of Finance, Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate The trouble of SW is more pronounced in Asian countries, in which
Change, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Ministry of Pe­ China and India are at the top. Together both countries share 36% of the
troleum & Natural Gas, Swachh Bharat Urban, Smart City global population and 27% of global municipal waste (Smith, 2019). Out
Council, and the World Bank. of 50 large dumpsites in the world, 17 are present in Asia (UNEP, 2017)
which is a major GHG creator and disrupts the climate. India with a total
The chronology of the eco-innovations dealt with in the present re­ population of 1.35 billion stands at the second position in terms of
view is shown in Fig. 1. population in the world (The World Bank, 2019). Its growing population
coupled with accelerating industrialization and urban growth prompted
2.1. Global advancements in eco-innovations a spiralling level of civic and industrial waste (MoSPI, 2020). Based on
the concept of SWM rule, a campaign named “Swachh Bharat Mission
Several countries recycle (Australia, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, (SBM)” was launched in India in 2014 (Chandra et al., 2016). This
Korea, and Slovenia) more than one-third of the municipal waste. This campaign further insisted the government to develop a sound and
contribution led to a reduction in landfilled MSW from 61% to 42% innovative SWM system to achieve environmental sustainability (Ghosh,
between 1995 and 2017. Some European countries (Switzerland, Ger­ 2016). In 2016, the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change
many, Finland, Sweden, and Belgium) no longer landfill municipal (MoEFCC) reported 62 million tons (MT)/annum of municipal solid
waste and recovered many useful materials from the waste stream waste (MSW) in India (MoEFCC, 2016), which is expected to reach about
(OECD, 2020). Slovenia is among the few member nations that make 150 MT by 2030 (Sawant, 2016). Table 2 shows the current status of
‘Green Public Procurement (GPP)’ (i.e., procurement of goods, services MSW, plastic waste (PW), E-waste, hazardous waste (HW), biomedical
with minimum environmental and social impacts throughout their waste (BMW), and construction and demolition waste (C&D waste) in
life-cycle) mandatory and is one of the role models for increasing India.
recycling rates. The perceptible thrust is also observed in the concept of India is amongst the 24 members of “Mission Innovation”- A global
circular economy in which resources recirculate at a high value, initiative to combat climate change by global clean energy innovation
avoiding primary resource demand and minimizing the residual waste (Mission Innovation 2020). Additionally, India aims to create an extra
and emissions (Mutz et al., 2017). From literature studies, it can be carbon sink of 2.5–3 billion tons of CO2 equivalent by 2030 through
concluded that “Circular Economy with Resource Recovery” and further expansion of the forest cover (Kolsepatil et al., 2019; Sethi,
“Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)” emerges as a driving force 2018). Innovative and smart management of waste helps in India’s
adopted by most of the nations to bring green sustainability (European commitment to achieving SDGs (United Nations, 2019). The innovation
Commission, 2019). EPR is a custom approach, where the responsibility sector in India is still in the budding stage, and there is a huge scope of
of the post-consumer stage of a product lies in a producer, typically for large-scale innovations for additional reduction in carbon emissions.
separate collection, re-use, recycling, storage, and treatment (MoHUA, Some of the steps that are major contributors of eco-innovations in India
2019b). Austria already banned landfilling of biodegradable MSW in are shown in Fig. 2.
2009. The food waste collection system of Milan (Italy) was recognized For promoting innovative solutions, the Ministry of Urban Devel­
as a global best practice for food waste. Sweden turned up as a very good opment (MoUD), Delhi, India launched schemes that financially support
performer in waste recycling which employs economic taxation system industry-oriented projects, enterprises, and start-ups focused around
to stimulate repair and reuse and is the front-runner in GPP along with SWM (MoUD, 2017). Technological intervention, such as composting,

Fig. 1. Flow diagram representing the order of review from topic identification (eco-innovation) to critical findings of the study (environmental sustainability and
circular economy).

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

Table 1
A glimpse of Eco-innovations and Circular Economy implementation in solid waste management at a global platform.
Sl. City (Nation) Innovative Concepts and Technologies Theme Benefits Citations

1 Shanghai A green account with strict supervision and automatic Made it possible to collect 5690 tons/day of recyclable waste in October Xiao et al. (2020)
(China) exchanging kiosks, 2019
The Combined-Network Scheme Points can be redeemed through the green account online platform in the
form of parking tickets, food, beverages. These innovative features help
in cutting MSW management costs.
2 Kamikatsu Zero waste accreditation system and An Increase in awareness for reuse and recycle, increase in material Zero-waste
(Japan) Kuru-Kuru shop, recovery rates, and promotion through businesses thus fulfilled zero Academy (2003)
Electric composter waste goal’s achievement.
3 Germany Leaf plates for replacing plastic disposable utensils, Use of leaf plates instead of plastic plates reduces the plastic waste APK AG Press
generation, and they are eco-friendly and hence easy to dispose of, Release, 2020;
New cycling® technology, The technology enabled the selective separation of polymers in mixed Brian (2017)
plastic waste and also ensures the circular economy of plastic waste,
The green dot on packaging accepted by recyclers, Increased recycling efficiency,
Progress program for waste management with ICT Resource efficiency,
development and Green Fund Disbursed to mitigate climate change
4 Austria Circular economy of plastic packaging, Increased recycling rate to ~34% Van Eygen et al.
“Buy Aware” initiative - the first web portal Sustainable consumption (2018)
5 Slovenia Regional Centre for Waste Management, Increased resource productivity from waste, Reduction in GHGs European
emissions Commission
Toilet roll from packaging, Increased recycling rate and Collected 90% of bio-waste (2019);
Packaging free vending machine, Cunningham and
Pay as you throw scheme, Leary (2019)
Circular economy actions,
Separate collection system
6 Belgium European Regional Development Fund program for Circular economy model proved beneficial in material recovery from Cunningham and
promoting the circular economy, waste Leary (2019)
Marshall Plan 4.0 for promoting circular economy It ensured that the waste is utilized fully before reaching the landfill.
Already complying with 50% recycling target of 2020.
7 Denmark Re-Match Artificial Turf Recycling, Clean and recycle the old artificial turf, European
The pool of green enthusiast, Recycle clothes to new products Commission
Danish Green Investment state loan fund, Promotes circular economy and public participation (2019a)
Eco-Innovation Programme More efficient use of the resource
8 USA GW Drier by G3 Enterprises Novel drying technology for converting liquid foods and other related European
biomaterials into powders, flakes, or sheets with added value Commission
Monitor Waste with One Plus System Ultrasonic trash sensor to sort waste (2019b);
9 France RECYOUEST technology Recycling of filamentary thermoplastics European
R3D3 Bins Collects beverage cans in separate compartments and compressed to Commission
reduce waste volume (2019c);
Energy transition for green growth act and National Circular economy Green Creative
low carbon strategy (2020)
10 Poland BIOMASSER® BSX14 Developed for converting non-wood wet biomass without its drying to European
produce renewable biofuel in the form of briquettes using a briquetting Commission
machine (2019d)
11 Italy National plan on food waste (since 2014), Reduce and reuse food waste, better management of waste and Cunningham and
rationalize resource consumption, Leary (2019)
Budget to promote Industrial revolution 4.0 and Improved waste management
circular economy
SuperDreckskëscht- a trademarked banner and Help companies to change their business model from linear economy to
Fit4Circularity schemes- helps enterprises for circular economy
sustainable development

waste to energy (WtE) through anaerobic digestion (AD), incineration, 3. Advanced management tool: digital technology-based
thermal cracking, pyrolysis, plasma gasification is being practiced in innovations in India
India on a large-scale (Beyene et al., 2018; Vanlalmawii and Awasthi,
2016). The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows any nation The technological intervention and collaborative collaborations
(under Kyoto protocol with an emission-reduction goal) to implement an serve as a backbone for the SWM system and result in a feasible model of
emission-reduction project in developing nations (Mok et al., 2014). It management. This advanced management tool helps SWM system to get
also helps in achieving the objectives of sustainable development, which modified at each stage with the time and results in more economic and
encourage the recovery of energy from MSW and earn carbon credits in environmentally feasible options. The ratification of the fourth indus­
the country (Unnikrishnan and Singh, 2010). The circular economy trial revolution upshots the management system as facilities like
concept is getting prominence in the country as waste management is a collection systems, online tracking of vehicles, online staff attendance,
15-billion-USD business opportunity in India (Khan, 2020). Central and easy payment, data transfer, etc. become possible (Periathamby, 2017).
State Governments played a crucial role in establishing basic waste The outcome of the fourth industrial revolution is the fusion of digital
management infrastructure, rules, policies, schemes, programs, etc. technologies in the waste management system. Digitization in the waste
Parallelly, Municipal Corporations, Non-Governmental Organizations sector has become increasingly interesting and is a driver of innovations
(NGOs), and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) are indulged in activities, such and opportunities (Sarc et al., 2019). For sustainable waste management
as awareness programs, campaigns, and Survekshans (surveys) (Patel the mobile apps setups much better communication between author­
and Solanki, 2018). ities, companies, civilians, and other stakeholders, recyclers, collectors,

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

Table 2 the packaging is also helpful in the identification and classification of

Current Status for MSW, PW, HW, BMW, and C&D waste in India. individual items for more precise sorting (McKinnon, 2017). India too
Sl. Waste Generation status Adapted from has joined the industrial 4.0 revolution for the management of enormous
No. stream waste and addressed the losses in SWM sectors through ICT as shown in
1 MSW 55MTPA and increases at a rate of EAI (2020) Fig. 3.
5% Some of the initiatives in this area taken by India are listed in this
2 PW 9.3 MTPA20 kg/capita (By, 2022) TOI (2019a) section.
3 E-waste 5.2MTPA (ASSOCHAM) Balde et al. (2017)
4 HW 9.44 MTPA of HW from 66,914 (Devi, 2017; CPCB,
industries in the country (in 2019) 2017a; CPCB, 2019b)
3.1. Swachhta applications (apps) and smartwatch
5 BMW 550 TPD (for 2018) which will reach Down to Earth (2019)
775.5 TPD by 2022 –ASSOCHAM
6 C&D 100 MT (2005–2012) as estimated in BMTPC (2018). The (MoUD, India) introduced an app called Swachhta App, which is
waste the “Ready Reckoner”-2018, a complaint redressal platform for citizens of 4041 towns and cities of
India. The app allows the user to give feedback and also file complaints
regarding the cleanliness in their respective area. To ensure timely
etc. Sensor-based bins are employed for the collection of trash which can
resolution of the complaints, the government has set a time limit for the
itself detect the amount of waste and trigger the Global System for
authorities to respond. Complaints relating to garbage vehicles have to
Mobile Communications (GSM) modem which continuously sends alert
be addressed within 12 h; dead animals and garbage dumping-related
messages to municipal authorities. This facility thus helps the concerned
complaints should be addressed within 48 h and 12 h, respectively.
authorities to make arrangement to replace the bin. An additional
Other than the Swachhta App, many local bodies and municipal cor­
feature like an ultrasonic sensor-based motor is also present which as­
porations have come up with own version of Swachhta App like Indore
sists the automatic closing of doors in the dustbins (Murugaanandam
(Madhya Pradesh (M.P.)) city introduced Indore 311 App for filing
et al., 2018; Shukla et al., 2017). A spatial smart waste management
complaints relating to cleanliness, Delhi came up with Swachh Delhi,
system is implemented in Malaysia to manage garbage and optimizing
Khandwa with Swachh Khandwa app, and many others (NDTV
the collection system. Smart Recycle bins are also introduced with the
Convergence Limited, 2017b; Smart City Indore, 2020; Municipal Cor­
aim to sort the waste for recycling. The efficiency of resource recovery is
poration Khandwa, 2020; NDTV, 2016). The government also intro­
greatly influenced by the sorting mechanism deployed by the material
duced the Swachhta Helpline 56:1969 across the country, which not
recovery facility (MRF). To extract clean fractions, different technolo­
only files the complaint but also answers any queries the citizens living
gies are involved in sorting plants, such as screening, air separation,
in the urban part have regarding cleanliness (India Customer Care,
ballistic separation, film grabber, magnetic separation, eddy current,
2020). Some of the apps like google toilet locator, where is a public
manual sorting, and sensor technology. The introduction of robotics
toilet, SBM Urban toilet locator help the user to search for nearby toilets
(automatized segregators) and artificial intelligence technology in
based on their locations using GPS. These apps not only tell the user
sorting comes out as transforming innovation to more efficient sorting
about the toilet location but also guide the user about the route to reach
with less human intervention. The use of radio frequency (RFID) tags on
there (Financial Express Online, 2019). Digitization also helps in staff

Fig. 2. Thematic areas of Eco-innovations related to waste management for sustainable development of cities (Adapted from European Commission, 2019).

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

monitoring through “Smart-watch”. The concept of using smart wrist­ 4.1. Advanced treatment technologies for renewable fuels (waste to
watches helps in marking the attendance of workers directly from the energy)
watch itself. The watches are also equipped with GPS, which helps in
locating the position of the workers in real-time from the control centre Different treatment technologies are opted as per the compositional
(Hindustan Times, 2019; Rediff Real-time News, 2018). property of different waste streams. Biological treatment is most feasible
for an organic portion of MSW whereas, inorganic fractions like plastics,
3.2. Smart-tech based waste collection in indian cities metal, paper, etc are subjected to either recycling for valuable products
or thermal and chemical treatment for sustainable management (Minde
The litter bins of streets are also replaced by sensor-based semi-un­ et al., 2013; Vaish et al., 2016). Mixed MSW appeared as a looming
derground bins in City of Jabalpur (India), as the garbage piles beyond concern for India due to its high generation rate and composition (EAI,
90% of bins capacity, an automated alert message is sent to the con­ 2020). Indian MSW comprises mainly biodegradable (~50–60%) fol­
cerning authority to get them emptied. Fifty such bins are installed in the lowed by inert (~30–40%) and plastic (~8–10%) (Balasubramanian,
city (Smart Cities Council of India, 2017; Smart Bins for Smart City- 2018). Mixed MSW has been used to generate heat energy, electricity,
BioEnable, 2016). The idea of smart-bins was also practiced in other Refuse Derived fuel (RDF), compost, or other useful elements (Mani and
smart cities like Pune (Maharashtra), Indore and Bhopal (M.P.), (Smart Singh, 2016). The action of obtaining energy in the form of heat and
Bins for Smart City- BioEnable, 2016). The municipal corporations have electricity from MSW is referred to as Waste to Energy (WtE). In 1987,
modified their collection vehicles with the installation of GPS and con­ the first WtE plant based on combustion technology was set-up in
nected them with the centralized control centre. The authorities can Timarpur-Okhla (Delhi) with a designed capacity of 300 tons per day
check the real-time location of their vehicles and can keep an eye on (TPD) by the Ministry of ‘non-conventional energy sources’ (Shah, 2011;
whether the vehicle is moving in its desired path and collecting waste or http://www.towmcl.com/). At present, 2554 MW (MW) of renewable
not. Indore, Bhopal, and Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) are some of the cities energy have been contributed by the waste sector (0.23%) out of
where the vehicles are equipped with GPS (NDTV Convergence Limited, 1096081 MW added in the country during the year 2019–20 (MNRE,
2017a; Smart Net-NIUA, 2017). After collection, the waste is transported 2019-20). “Niti Aayog” (a government body) has proposed a target of
to ultra-mechanized transfer stations having dedicated compactors for constructing WtE plants having a gross capacity of 511 MW. To achieve
organic waste, weigh-bridge facilities, and details of vehicles are logged this target, “National Thermal Power Corporation” invited tenders to
in logbooks. The dry waste is sent to MRF for the maximum recovery of develop 100 WtE plants in the country (Bandella, 2019). For com­
recyclable or reusable products. The recovery sites are currently getting mingled type of waste, chemical recovery approach is more suitable,
automated to diminish the health risks due to harmful exposures for however, the biological conversion is optimum for an organic portion
workers (or rag pickers). The first-of-its-kind automated MRF’ with an (Singh and Leena, 2019). Amid the available thermal-technologies,
automatic sorting system and conveyor belt arrangement was installed incineration and RDF are most feasible for the combustion of unpro­
in 2019 at its trenching ground Devguradiya (Indore). The estimated cessed or least processed MSW (NITI Aayog, 2017). Pellets of RDF can be
cost was around 2.6 million-USD and more efficient than manual sorting prepared from the non-recyclable wastes having a calorific value of
(IMC, 2020; TOI, 2019b). around 1500 kilo-calorie/kg for energy recovery. As per the planning
commission report of 2014, a total of 29 RDF were installed up to 2014
4. Sustainable technological eco-innovations for solid waste and the number of RDF plants increased to 45 in 2018 (NITI Aayog,
management in India (regional and institutional steps) 2014; Ghosh et al., 2018). Similarly, up to 2018, 5 incineration plants
were installed (Sambyal et al., 2019; Jabalpur Smart City Limited, 2019)
The protection of the environment in terms of decreased waste and 53 WtE plants are under various stages of construction or tendering
generation and reduction in GHGs emissions by new ideas, new opera­ with a plan to produce a collective 405 MW (Gupta et al., 2019). The two
tions, new processes and new products justifies the word “Eco-in­ more technically viable alternatives are pyrolysis and gasification, but
novations”. The two major themes of eco-innovations viz., eco-efficiency they prove to be costly for countries like India (NITI Aayog, 2017).
and resource efficiency ensures environmental, economic, and social Despite the failure of India’s first WtE plant (Timarpur-Okhla, Delhi) due
sustainability. The change in the SWM system favours the country’s to the poor quality of incoming feedstock, a new and well-planned plant
commitment to achieving SDGs (United Nations, 2019). The SWM which had single boiler-single turbine combination and had provisions
approach has moved to ‘Integrated solid waste management (ISWM)’, for firing CH4 gas generated from bio-methanation plant which was set
which resulted in cutting the amount of waste for disposal by the up in 2006 with a gross capacity of 2050 TPD (Shah, 2011). The 16 MW
reception of financially-effective and environment-friendly techniques plant is based on ‘reciprocating forward feed grate’ technology and
(i.e., Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) (Sahu, 2019). ‘Rankine steam cycle technology’ for power generation. It was lodged
under the CDM by offsetting 262,791 TPY of CO2 (expected) and claims
zero-emission state-of-the-art pollution control technology. This project
cost nearly 45 million-USD to exercise 748,250 TPY of RDF in contrast to
the incineration plant of Rostock, Germany (set-up in 2009), having an
RDF processing capacity of 230,000 TPY at the cost of 120 million-USD
(Shah, 2011).
The ‘Indian Railways’ Mancheswar Carriage Repair Workshop,
Bhubaneshwar (Odisha), came with another innovative idea to tackle
the problem by heterogeneous catalysis of non-ferrous scrap waste,
including PW and E-waste into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, gases, carbon
and water by their patented technology “Polycrack Technology” (ET
Government, 2020). The plant is having a capacity of 500 kg/day with
an installation cost of 0.23 million-USD and maintenance costs of 0.013
million-USD per annum as per the news article of the Financial Express
(Prasad, 2020).
Fig. 3. Losses in the efficiency of different aspects of SWM without the India makes considerable efforts towards decentralized energy gen­
implementation of ICT (Efficiency loss in %) (Adapted from Institute of Char­ eration through AD technology. The generated bio-energy (biofuel) is
tered Waste Manager (Rogoff et al., 2018). used as a cooking fuel, transportation fuel and to generate electricity

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

(Surendra et al., 2014; Rupf et al., 2015; Lohri et al., 2017). To 4.3. Bioremediation of legacy waste
contribute in energy security the ministry of renewable energy (MNRE)
has promoted three categories of AD plants viz., family-type AD plants, In the present scenario, many cities of India are taking steps towards
community size AD plants, and large-scale AD plants to increase the the closure of these dumpsites with the help of biomining and biore­
renewable energy share and also fulfil the 7th goal of SDG. A large mediation techniques in which existing waste is used to convert into
number of policies, subsidies, schemes to support the set-up and oper­ compost and other recyclables are extracted. At present, bioremediation
ation of decentralized AD plants have been implemented in India and biomining are practiced at many places such as Dimapur (Naga­
(Breitenmoser et al., 2019) that have led to some success story of land), Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh), Indore (M.P.), NOIDA (U.P.),
bio-methanation plants (AD plants). Vadodara (Gujarat), and is planned to execute in few more cities of M.P.,
To improve the production system, different technologies like pres­ Tamil Nadu and Assam (CPCB, 2019a).
sure swing adsorption system, carbon capture system, and valorisation The cost for bioremediation and biomining of any dumpsite depends
of digestate are practicing in the country (MoHUA, 2019a). It is the most upon its size; however, the onsite cost ranges between 5.28 USD-9.24
viable biowaste treatment technology (SDG 11 & 12), which produces a USD per cubic meter irrespective of capital cost. In constraint geogra­
valuable by-product (digestate or biofertilizer) to enhance soil quality phy or at the places where waste is already stabilized and has a very little
(SDG 2) (Breitenmoser et al., 2019). Agricultural biomass showed the organic fraction for bioremediation and biomining, a technique named
tremendous potential to satisfy a part of the energy demand (in the form as capping of legacy waste is now being practiced. Ambikapur- A town in
of biofuel) of the country due to the growing agricultural sector and Chhattisgarh is a perfect example of managing their legacy waste by this
proportionally waste quantity (Rena et al., 2020). Looking forward to method (Swachh Survekshan, 2018; Ahluwalia and Patel, 2018).
the estimated 32 MT potential of CBG in the country, the Minister of Flowchart describing the process deployed in both the techniques is
Petroleum and Natural Gas MoP&NG in 2018 declared 5000 CBG plants shown in Fig. 5. The very first step in the process of bioremediation is the
would be set up by 2025 under the scheme “Sustainable Alternative excavation of legacy waste, loosen it and forming windrows for drying of
Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT)” (MoP&NG, 2018; Akshay leachate by the action of sunlight. The wastes are required to be stabi­
Urja, 2019). lized by the action of air and by addition of bio-culture. The dried and
The Bio-methanation plant of Punjab (at Fazilka) converts 20 tons of stable wastes are then screened into different size fractions after which
paddy straw into biogas daily and emerged as a smart solution to stubble they are utilized for different purposes. Bioremediation is the process of
burning in North-India. The company named M/S Sampurn Agri converting the toxic waste into non-toxic or stable form whereas bio­
installed a plant with an investment of 2.24 million-USD and it generates mining on the other hand is the process of extracting metals and other
1 MW of power per hour for 8 h a day (Sampurn Agri, 2017). Three solid materials from the waste.
anaerobic reactors are present in the unit and daily produce approxi­
mately 3000 m3 of biogas with CH4 and CO2 content in the range of 4.4. Plastic waste to tar roads, mushrooms, gatta, paper, and construction
50%–55%. Apart from the biogas generation unit, it consists of a material
hydrogen sulfide scrubbing unit, grid feeding, power generation unit
and bio-fertilizer production unit (Chandra et al., 2016). Jatropha bio­ The, 2018 ‘World Earth Day’ was celebrated with the notion of
diesel is also helpful in partially replacing oil demands, which are pro­ ending plastic pollution to save the earth (Taneja, 2018). PW comprises
duced by Dark Fermentation (DF) and transesterification technology. 8% of total SW and 60% of generated waste can be recycled. Imports
This technology has gained tremendous attention in India (Kumar and from other countries also contribute to the rising level of PW in the
Sharma, 2011). Many states have adopted to use a blend of biodiesel country (TOI, 2019a; Science X network, 2019). The
(biofuel) and diesel, which reduce visible smoke, the release of PM and Non-biodegradability of PW persists as a significant hurdle towards its
CO2 emissions. Jatropha biodiesel is most preferable due to economic management. The urgency of the issue has led the Government, NGOs
benefits and immense business opportunities. India launched a biodiesel and companies to adopt sustainable solutions. In India, nearly 18 States
mission for achieving the target of a 20% biodiesel blend in gasoline and Union Territories have taken the initiative to ban plastic products to
(Datta and Mandal, 2014). reduce the quantity of waste (MoHUA, 2019b). Recycling of PW and its
alternate use as per IS 14534:1998 are mostly opted (CSIR-NPL, 2016)
whereas, PW Management rules, 2018 (amendment) had emphasized
4.2. Organic waste to wealth (compost, decorative products, and food the automated registration system for producer/importer/brand owner
supplement) dealing with plastic and also EPR (MoEFCC, 2018).
Innovations in India, namely, show new ways of handling the PW
The notion of waste-to-wealth is being adopted by most of the crisis. Plastic waste (PW) especially polyethylene has been considered as
industrialized countries which serve the dual benefits of effective waste a potential feedstock for energy production (Phanisankar et al., 2020). A
management and resource security. Studies show that only energy Chennai-based company ‘Paterson Energy’ came with the innovative
extraction is not economically viable, different useful products could be idea “Vertex” of thermo-chemical depolymerization of PW. A low-cost
developed from available technologies. A total of 209 composting plants fuel from a plastic plant was set-up by the company, which turns 150
was operational or under trial run in 2018, excluding 207 vermi­ tons of PW to industrial fuel. This technology incorporates the conver­
composting plants (Gupta et al., 2019). However, to manage waste at the sion of plastic to vapours; it is then cooled and condensed to make a
source itself, decentralized composting methods, such as bin compost­ high-grade diesel variant of industrial use with zero sulphur content
ing, box composting, pipe composting, earthen pots, and movable (Paterson Energy, 2020). Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) has
composting machines, have been promoted by the Government (C. started plastic scrap waste to fuel plant based on reverse polymerization
Zürbrugg et al., 2003). Ujjain, a city in the Indian state of Madhya technique, which produces 3000-L crude oil from 8 tons of waste per day
Pradesh is famous for its temples and hence a lot of temple wastes like (Puloria, 2019). This crude oil consists of 2600-L of diesel, 180-L petrol,
flowers, incense sticks etc. were generated. Temple waste named as and 200–300 kg of carbon black (Warsi, 2017). Different catalytic
nirmalaya is collected in nirmalaya kund constructed in temples by depolymerization process results in a significant proportion of
Ujjain Municipal Corporation and then converted to incense sticks, hydrocarbon-fuel from PW (Rajendran et al., 2020).
rangoli colors and manure. Fig. 4 shows some innovations which boost Co-processing of PW into cement kilns at high temperatures is
the capability of India to derive wealth from organic waste. another most opted technology for tackling PW. The cement factories in
The cost incurred and the area requirement for conventional tech­ Indian state of Madhya Pradesh (M.P.) also received grants from envi­
nologies is presented in Table S1. ronmental agencies, including the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB),

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

Fig. 4. Innovations pertaining to the sustainable management of organic-waste (biowaste) in India. (Adapted from Swachh Bharat Urban, 2017; SWAAHA, 2020;
Swachh Bharat Urban, 2018; Agarwal, 2017; Ministry of Food Processing Industries, 2018).

Fig. 5. Flowchart describing the biomining and bioremediation technology. (Adapted from CPCB, 2019a (http://www.toxicslink.org/docs/LegacyWasteBiominin

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

to carry out trials of using PW as supplementary fuel (Poddar and Par­ 2013). Also, National Metallurgical Laboratory Jamshedpur developed
anjpe, 2015). The current Indian cement capacity of 378 MT/annum two exclusive PCBs recycling technologies (in March 2011) for 90%
requires 54 MT/annum of coal as fuel. However, if 5% PW (equal to 5.2 recovery of metals from E-waste with zero emission of toxic gases and
MT/annum) is used as supplementary fuel with coal, then it will solve harmful effluent (Chatterjee, 2012). In order to promote the green tel­
the whole problem of PW (Mohanty, 2017). ecom sector and to reduce the potential hazards, C-MET, Pune also
The best ever-consistent use of waste plastic is in road construction. developed ‘Lead-free X-ray absorbing coating materials for CRT TV’ to
Till now, 10,000 km (km) of the road is constructed using this plastic-tar replace hazardous CRT glass shell with phospho-silicate glass composite
technology and will require 10 million-tons of PW to lay down a 4.6 which is environment friendly (World Wildlife Fund, 2014). “Use waste
million-km multilane road that criss-crosses the country. (Basu, 2018). to treat waste” based on this hypothesis, the Indian Institute of Tech­
Paper-plastic bags concept is another innovative effort to cut PW. nology (IIT) Madras took action to stop the growing menace of E-waste.
The process includes a collection of plastic garbage, its cleaning and Under this technique, the LCD/LED (liquid crystal coated polaroid) is
processing, then mixing it with pulp up-to 20%. This project was named used as an electrode material for “Microbial fuel cells” (Mohan, 2017).
REPLAN, i.e., reducing plastic in nature project, which aims to provide E-concrete, E-hollow bricks, and E-solid bricks are formed by partial
significant relief to the existing problem of PW (The Hindu, 2018). substitution of aggregate material by E-waste resulting in environmen­
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (NPL, Delhi) patented the tech­ tally sustainable green building material. Researches show that 15%
nology of utilizing plastic bags and bottles for manufacturing tiles, replacement is optimum for better compressive strength (Raut et al.,
which can be used in designing structures such as toilets or rooms. With 2018).
the investment of 0.42 million-USD, the recycling unit was set up and a
monthly capacity of 0.5 million tiles/month (NBM&CW, 2019). This 4.6. Recycling construction and demolition waste
solution for managing PW is environmentally sustainable and helps in
constructing green structures (CSIR-NPL, 2016). This technology pro­ Construction and demolition wastes are generally the wastes
vides a cost-effective and way of producing wealth from wastes in the deriving from construction and demolition activities which include
form of products such as yarn, paver blocks, roof blocks, etc. (Ministry of materials like concrete slabs, gravels, iron bars and other forms of
Science and Technology, 2019). reinforcement, wooden materials, tiling materials etc. Slum rehabilita­
tion and the introduction of new housing schemes by the government
4.5. E-waste into valuable entities like the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana are further increasing the C&D
waste generation in India. It has been predicted that out of the total SW
India is one of the top 5 E-waste producing countries in the world generated in India, construction waste accounts for about 25–30%,
besides China, the US, Japan and Germany. The “Global E-waste which is a clear indication that C&D waste is a matter of rising concern
Monitor 2017 Report”, categorized E-waste into 6 components: tem­ for India (Shrivastava and Chini, 2009). C&D waste is voluminous,
perature exchange equipment, screens & monitors, lamps, large equip­ heavy and difficult to handle & transport. The government norms
ment such as washing machines, electric stoves, etc., small equipment related to the C&D waste in India was introduced in the year 2016. C&D
such as calculator, radio sets, etc. and small IT and telecommunication waste is mostly recycled and reused for the construction material itself.
equipment. Approx. 95% of E-waste is handled by the informal sector C&D waste is the waste generated during demolition, renovation and
and the rest by the formal sector (Joon et al., 2017). The legislation construction of buildings, roads and bridges. It consists of soil, sand,
pertaining to E-waste management has been placed in the country since gravel, brick and masonry, concrete, metals, woods and others. The
2011, and then it was revised in the year 2016. The global best practice waste is dumped into pits, trenches, etc. and then compacted for back­
of EPR to take-back of the end-of-life products was strengthened by the filling or to raise elevation; Direct use – Materials like wooden frames,
E-waste management and handling rule 2016 (MoEFCC, 2011; Lahiry, unbroken bricks, iron rods, ceramics, etc. are recovered and sold to the
2019). The ‘Producer Responsibility Organization’ (PRO) was set up in secondary market for construction of temporary structures; and other
support of EPR (Wath et al., 2011). According to the Ministry of Elec­ applications include as a filler material, decorative wall chips, pavement
tronics and Information Technology (MeitY), a total of 312 authorized blocks, roofing construction, etc. (Angal et al., 2012). Still, the upcycling
dismantlers/recyclers were present in 2019 (MeitY, 2019). A major (reintroduction of C&D waste into the built environment as a
portion of the E-waste is unscientifically recycled by the informal sector value-added product) market is hindered by many barriers. As per
in the country, and over 3000 units are engaged in recycling activities studies, the impeding factors responsible for unsuccessful circular con­
that are distributed all over the country. The collection of waste and struction concept could be a lack of standards for C&D waste recycling,
disassembly of the products for their useable parts, modules, etc. is re-use, certification, segregation, and lack of balance between supply
generally performed by rag-pickers (Chatterjee, 2012). and demands (Ray and Rahaman, 2016). To enhance the investment in
However, formal sectors employ sustainable technologies for effi­ C&D waste management solutions, the law should be formulated, which
cient recovery of metals, like bioleaching, bio-recovery, hydrometallurgy, bound the companies/producers to meet specific targets for
and Pyrometallurgy (Pradhan and Kumar, 2012; Awasthi et al., 2019; re-use/recycling (Ghaffar et al., 2020). C&D waste can also be used in
Yunus and Sengupta, 2016). The resale price of processed E-waste at the road construction, Indian Road Congress (IRC) has permitted the use of
plant is 0.10–0.13 USD/kg for shredded plastics, 0.18–0.29 USD/kg for processed C&D waste and issued IRC: 121–2017 “Guidelines for the use
metallic scrap parts, 0.91–1.04 USD/kg for aluminium parts and of C&D waste in road sector” (BMTPC, 2018). The recycling units are
0.013–0.26 USD/kg for Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) glass to the traders or categorized based on mobility in which the stationary unit consists of an
manufactures. However, nearly 25–30% of the marginal profit is re­ assembly of crushing, sieving, and washing, which are mounted on a
ported in the business (Arya and Kumar, 2020). “Centre for Materials for permanent structure. The processing capacities of these units range from
Electronics Technology” (C-MET) came out with technology by getting 100 TPD to 2000 TPD or even higher (CSE, 2019). The mobile units
active engagement of the authorized/formal recycler M/s. E-Parisara consist of integrated systems the same as a stationary unit but, are fixed
Private Limited (Bangalore) (Anand et al., 2013; Chatterjee, 2012). This on a truck or vehicle. It is available in different sizes and with varying
technology enables us to extract 150 g (gm) of gold from one ton of capacities (limited up-to 1000 TPD). The mini crusher is the optimum
discarded PCBs. The ‘gold extraction’ process includes pulverizing the technology for small towns and cities for converting C&D waste into
E-waste to paste. As per the concentration of gold, different methods secondary finer material with capacity up-to 5TPD (Angal et al., 2012).
such as solvent extraction, electroplating, or cementation are adopted to The first processing facility in India was started in Delhi in 2010, which
isolate gold. The technology costs about 10-USD per gm of gold, which is was based on a pilot project initially under a public-private-partnership
not much cost-effective, but no alternative is available in India (Mitra, (PPP) model (An agreement between the public and private sectors to

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share responsibility for efficient services is termed as PPP (The World nanotechnology, photocatalysis, and membrane bioreactor (Capoor and
Bank, 2011) having a processing capacity of 500 TPD. Later, the capacity Bhowmick, 2017). IMAGE (Indian Medical Association Goes
of the plant was increased to 2000 TPD. To keep in check the trans­ Eco-friendly) plant for BMW is a CBMWTF of capacity 40 TPD in Kerala
portation costs and other costs involved with the processing plant, Delhi to reduce the adverse effect of BMW. It was set up with the view to
Government established two more smaller capacity plants in other parts consider environmental sustainability, techno-economic feasibility, and
of the city, having a capacity of 500 TPD (at Shastri Park) and 150 TPD operational viability with minimum impacts on humans. The plant
(at Rani Khera) in 2017–18 (Singh, 2019 a). specializes in the treatment of waste such as bandages, linen, and
The second plant in India was set-up in Ahmedabad (Gujarat) in different infectious waste. This effluent treatment plant has a daily ca­
2014, which was also based on the PPP model similar to that in Delhi. pacity of 450 kilo-litres for disinfecting all the effluent from the BMW
The initial capacity of the Ahmedabad processing plant was 300 TPD, treatment facility. There is a vast green belt developed around the area
which, after its successful operation was increased to 600 TPD in 2016 (IMAGE-IMA, 2018). Phyto-remediation also could be an option for
and then to 1000 TPD in 2018 (NITI Aayog, 2018). treating the ash and other effluent waste from the treated BMW as it
contains heavy metals, its potential should be explored in developing
4.7. Extended green node and combined treatment approach for HW and countries like India (Liu et al., 2018).
5. Regulatory, social, and producer-end eco-innovations for
Blooming industrial sector results in the inevitable production of waste management in India
HW. It is presumed that 10–15% of the waste produced by industries is
HW, out of which 2–5% solid HW (Kothwale, 2020). HW is corrosive, The imposition of environmental regulations and policies by the
reactive, ignitable, toxic and infectious in characteristic, causes a serious government has been prominent drivers in the adoption of Eco-
threat to human health and the environment when improperly treated, innovation by organizations. The regulations and policies that seek to
stored, transported and disposed of. Nearly 88 incinerators, 74 common cut waste production, environmental pollution, GHG emissions, and
disposal facilities, 188 recycling units using indigenous HW, 21 recy­ climate change cause a 3-fold probability of organizations engaging in
cling units using imported recyclable waste, and 2 scientific landfill sites eco-innovations and create revenue also (Munodwafa and Johl, 2019).
in Gujarat have been reported in the country (Khanna et al., 2020). The
Gujarat state initiated the novel concept of common “treatment stabi­ 5.1. Solid waste management rules, schemes, policies
lization and disposal facility (TSDF)” for the industrial sector to address
the issue of HW. The safe treatment of HW under TSDF is ensured by The Government of India (GoI) has undertaken numerous initiatives
employing different technologies like recycling, pre-treated landfill sites in the direction of waste management since 2000 (MoEFCC, 2000). The
for disposal, stabilization and solidification in cement. Well-equipped latest SWM Rules, 2016 laid emphasis the identifying the diverse source
incinerators with emission control devices, neutralization of hazardous of waste generation, user fee and spot fine charges, standards for dioxins
compounds in waste and using optimum post-treatment technologies are and furans, energy from waste, cradle to grave analysis for solid waste,
other essentials parameters (Karthikeyan et al., 2018). The ‘Extended promotion of bio-compost, sanitary pads management, and introduction
Green Node’ (XGN) undertakes an online tracking system for transport of PPP and EPR in waste management (MoEFCC, 2016). There are
and disposal of HW. Gujarat considered waste as a resource, thereby; use several policies, strategies, action plans, laws and bylaws as shown in
HW as an alternate fuel to co-process with other natural fuel/fossil-fuels Table S2. for environmental protection.
in cement kilns (Karthikeyan et al., 2018). Earlier in 2015, it has been,
reported that Gujarat alone is having 8 TSDF out of 27 TSDF (Ahuja, 5.2. Missions and awareness programs for clean India
2015). India is having 42 Common TSDF at present in 18 states/UTs.
Management of HW in the country is conventionally done through In 2014, for ensuring waste management, sanitation, and hygiene,
common and captive scientific landfilling, incineration, recycling, and the Prime Minister of India, propelled a campaign known as the “Clean
remaining stored at occupier premises itself (CPCB, 2019). Statistics India Mission,” famously known as SBM, as a salute to Mohandas Kar­
show the engagement of total of 1949 recyclers for different types of HW amchand Gandhi on his 150th birth commemoration (Desai and Roy,
products. Similarly, India was the first country to start taking measures 2018). It has two sub-division; SBM-Gramin and SBM-Urban coordi­
for the safe disposal of BMW. The composition of BMW comprises nated by the secretary (Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation,
10–25% hazardous substance and 75–95% non-hazardous substance Ministry of Jalshakti). SBM centres around regions like the cleaning of
(Dinesh et al., 2010). The BMW rules, 2016, emphasized the establish­ streets, roads, and also the infrastructural view for sanitation was
ment of ‘Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBMWTF)’ incorporated (MoHUA, 2017). This is one of the biggest ever cleanliness
(Bio-Medical Waste Management (BMWM) Rules, 2016). Colour-code is drives of India, which covers 4041 towns and cost near about 10,600
assigned to different categories of BMW like red bags for plastics, a white million USD for 5 years (Ghosh, 2016).
container for sharps, a blue cardboard box for glass articles, and then Between 2014 and 2019, the mission accomplished target of: a) at
sent to a registered recycler (Siddiqui and Ansari, 2019). The country source segregation in 77% of wards (total no. of wards is 86,228), b)
was having 198 CBMWTF in operation and 28 are under construction. total waste processing increased from 18% to 60%, c) door to door
The different new technologies viz., thermal technologies which include collection increased from 13% to 96% of wards, d) “Ready Reckoner” for
treatment of BMW at different temperature range i.e. low (93 ◦ C–177 ◦ C) sanitation worker’s safety released, e) Water + protocol for restricting
- microwave and autoclave; Medium (177 ◦ C–54 ◦ C) - reverse polymer­ the discharge of untreated wastewater into water bodies, f) Identifica­
ization and depolymerization; High (540 ◦ C–8300 ◦ C) - oxidation, tion of 1500 location points for the use of PW in road construction in
plasma pyrolysis, induction-based pyrolysis, laser based pyrolysis for collaboration with national highway authority of India (MoHUA,
infectious waste, sharps, plastics, dialysis waste, HW, chemotherapeutic 2019c).
waste, chemotherapy waste, and low-level radioactive waste (Datta and Different aspects of cleanliness, rules implementation, and innova­
Mandal, 2014); Chemical, irradiative and biological technologies like tive approach of smart cities of India towards SWM are assessed with the
chlorination, Lynntech’s technology, ozonolytic, UV radiation and help of Swachh-Survekshan (SS). It is an annual survey regarding
electron beam technologies are being practiced. Among biological cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation in cities and towns across India. It
technologies, bio-converter and phytoremediation of ash generated after was launched as a part of SBM. In the urban locality, SS is carried out by
combustion are the potent solution for the decontamination of BMW. the MoUD, GoI, and by the Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation in
Some of the emerging technologies are promession, alkaline hydrolysis, rural areas (MoUD (SS_2016), 2016). It is the world’s biggest cleanliness

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

survey in which 4370+ cities are to be covered. It is absolutely digital recycling floral waste to aromatic sticks (Help Us Green, 2019; UNEP,
and paperless survekshan. It is to spread awareness amongst society 2019).
about the importance of making cities and towns a clean place to live in.
It acts as an assessment tool for the level of cleanliness and active 6.2. Emerging start-ups
implementation of the cleanliness mission in an innovative manner
(Tomar, 2018). The smart city concept has gained perceptible thrust in According to Scarpellini et al. (2012), the eco-innovations are also
India wherein cities are adopting technologies and smarter treatment related to companies, start-ups, and open market-oriented firms. Com­
methods to sustainably manage their waste (Sethi, 2015). Conventional panies enhance the understanding of the concept within the society and
practices of SWM are transformed with the support of missions like promote innovative approaches towards environmental sustainability.
“Smart City Mission” and “Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban The start-ups devoted to the SW recycling system of India are enlisted in
Transformation” in the country (NIUA, 2019). The Smart Cities of India Table 3 along with their working specialization. These start-ups depict
has shown significant transformation in mainstream practices which are the business opportunities in the SWM sector and transform the present
efficacious door-to-door collection to achieve “Bin-free” status (CAG, management system with their innovative ideas (Singh, 2020).
2018), at source segregation to minimize waste for disposal, and
ultra-mechanized transfer station (having its Biomethanation plants, 7. Financial eco-innovations
also known as green transfer stations) (TOI, 2017; MoHUA, 2019a).
Another awareness activity example is of the ‘Khadi and Village In­ The focus of Eco-innovation on the environment also makes it an
dustries Commission’ showcased their innovative idea of paper plastic ideal catalyst in the transition from a linear economy to a closed-loop,
bags at its flagship Khadi India outlet on the occasion of “Swachhta circular systems of production and consumption—i.e., the “circular
Diwas” in 2018. The experiments related to these handbags were con­ economy” (Munodawafa and Johl, 2019).
ducted at the ‘Kumarappa National Handmade Paper Institute (Jaipur)’
of the Rajasthan state. (Vishnoi, 2019). 7.1. Circular economy inclusion in waste management

5.3. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) The inclusion of circular economy in the waste management process
revamps the traditional “take-make-dispose” model to a regenerative
The responsibility of both producers and consumers is stressed in model. CE helps to redesign and to retain maximum value as possible
different rules and policies. The advantages of the typical EPR tools (like from products, parts, and resources (Kolsepatil et al., 2019; Sethi, 2018).
quotas, product ban, deposit refund, product charges, and refund sys­ In other words, it is the resource recovery efforts from waste that is
tem) in the country are: the reduction in waste disposal costs for ULBs, practiced by most of the developed and developing nations (Diaz, 2017).
environment-friendly product design, infrastructure development, and Moreover, this concept can help India to make an additional value of
less emphasis on natural resources for packaging of products. The 218 billion USD by 2030 and 624 billion USD by 2050 considering the
related laws make it mandatory to collect back and recycle PW, lead- current development scenario (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016).
acid batteries, mercury-based lighting, MSW for some packaging, sani­
tary pads, and electronic waste (E-waste) especially (Agarwal, 2020). 7.2. Public-private-partnership (PPP)
India first introduced EPR to manage waste in 2012. It extended the
responsibility to plastic manufacturers after the Plastic Waste Manage­ For transforming the services provided by local government PPP
ment Rules 2016 were notified in 2016. The new EPR rules are going to comes out as a potential alternative for SWM. The government plays role
affect the entire plastic industry, estimated to comprise more than in provides investment capital, transfer assets, social and political re­
40,000 processing units, 85–90% of which are small and medium-sized sponsibility, and environmental awareness (Quium, 2011). The private
enterprises. The rule additionally recommends the setting up of an sector contributes to commerce, operations, and innovations in order to
auditing agency to certify every kilogram recycled/processed by the end manage the project (Zaidi and Nasreen, 2016). Indonesia (Asia) is a
destination. The extended producer responsibility rules though lack perfect example depicting public-private cooperation as in Bali after 4
clarity about the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) role and indicators for years of citizen’s campaign against plastic bags, an official memoran­
state-level advisory boards to monitor for effective EPR enforcement and dum to phase out plastic bags by January 2018 was signed by the
implementation (Scroll, 2020). governor. Similarly, Germany, Switzerland, and Luxemburg of Europe
banned or levied plastic bags by public-private agreement (MoHUA,
6. Product and services innovations 2019b). In India to enhance the accountability and the level of service
through NGO and private sector participation in SWM services, the
6.1. Procurement of green innovations by manufacturers Supreme Court of India has recommended the participation of PPP in
MSWM under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 of
Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) initiative of green packaging to­ the Government of India. Based on fact in recent years, In India, there
wards waste minimization at the source is a commendable step. Polymer have been upshots of PPP projects in the Municipal Solid Waste Man­
optimization, modification in packaging like removing stiffeners, and agement (MSWM) sector shown in Table S3 which offers a range of
switching to flow-wrap packaging saved more than 2765 tons of poly­ services in the MSWM sector.
mer in 2018. The company also ensures 100%, reusable, recyclable, or
compostable packaging by 2025 which is a model initiative for EPR 8. Scientific contribution of the study
practice in the country (Hindustan Unilever Limited, 2018). Corporates
like Starbucks, Bisleri, and Coca-Cola have taken up responsibility in The SDG score of India towards the accomplishment of 17SDGs has
Mumbai (Maharashtra) to collect plastic bottles and recycle them significantly increased from 50.94 (year 2000) to 60.23 (year 2019) out
(MoHUA, 2019b). Earlier the flower waste that came out of temples was of 100 (Sachs et al., 2020). India is also amongst the top 3 global leaders
dumped directly into rivers. Realizing the importance of this organic of innovation (2020) in the central and southern Asia region. The
waste, some cities of the country began to practice the conversion of country ranked 3rd among the lower middle-income countries after
flower waste to valuable products, such as aromatic sticks, rangoli Vietnam and Ukraine and 48th (out of 131) in Global Innovation Index
colors, compost, dyes, food products, sugar syrup, rose water, and pig­ ranking of 2020. The above rankings can probably relate to the coun­
ments (Waghmode et al., 2018). ‘Help Us Green’ is one such foundation try’s efforts in the incorporation of Eco-innovative solutions for sus­
of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), which brought the ‘flower cycling technology’ of tainable development and pollution reduction (Cornell University et al.,

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

Table 3 for bioproducts, less engaged formal sector in waste management, 100%
Thirty-two recycling start-ups of India, related to solid waste management with segregation at source, monitoring regulations and norms. According to
their working sector. which following recommendations are made:
Sl. Name of Start-ups Working sector in Waste Management
No. i. More emphasis on start-ups with financial empowerment will
1. Attero Recycling Electronic-assets management boost resource recovery, sustainable solutions growth and in­
2. Cashify E-commerce platform for reselling used gadgets crease the chances of employment.
3. Namo E-waste Efficient management, disposal and recycling of E- ii. 100% Segregation at source and awareness in towns, rural lo­
cality and small cities of India by following practices of best
4. Citizengage Helps communities and businesses to use their
waste at the source performers like Indore (M.P.), Ambikapur (Chhattisgarh), and
5. Recykal Provides cloud-based solutions for waste Alappuzha (Kerala).
management and recycling industries iii. Technologies such as automatic segregators, robotic sorting, eddy
6. Saahas Zero Waste Provides end to end waste management solutions current sorting, and optical sensor sorting can enhance segrega­
7. ExtraCarbon Collection of recyclable waste from homes and
commercial areas
tion efficiency at recovery facilities and still needs to be paced up
8. Antariksh Waste Smart bins and apps for smart cities in India (TOI, 2016; Bhushan et al., 2018; CAPAM, 2020).
Ventures iv. Collection network connecting every ward in small localities
9. Shanya EcoUnified PW to colourful floor tiles (Saleem, 2016).
10. Kabadiwala Segregation of waste and organizing waste sector
v. The functionality of WtE plants with proper input of segregated
11. Ishitva Robotic Effectively sort dry waste to convert recyclable
Systems waste into repurposed products. feedstocks. Emission monitoring of WtE plants and disposal
12. Hasiru Dala Waste management solutions for apartments, norms related to by-products from plants are also needs to be
corporate offices, and at events and also helps to improvised (The Hindu, 2019; Simrin, 2019; Ahluwalia and
maintain urban gardens. Patel, 2018).
13. GEM Enviro Collects polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste
vi. Commercialization for clean fuel (like HCNG and Hydrogen)
Management from factories, offices, hotels, and institutes, and
recycles them into products such as T-shirts, caps, production as that of Ashok Leyland (Delhi) (Rena et al., 2020;
and bags. Prashanth Kumar et al., 2019).
14. Paperman 250 waste paper marts across the city to help vii. Increase in the engagement of the formal sector in waste man­
citizens clear trash at their doorstep.
agement (Conner, 2019).
15. Vital Waste Waste recycling solutions to residential
communities, schools and corporate offices in viii. The market for bio-products (compost, bioplastics, etc.) needs to
Kolkata. be promoted and adopted on a large-scale in the country (Agar­
16. Plastics for Change Creates a fair-trade system for PW recycling. wal, 2019; Ahluwalia and Patel, 2018). The concept “best out of
17. Eco Recycling Manage end of life E-waste in a formal manner waste” (either in the form of bioenergy, bio-products, or other
using environmentally sustainable technologies.
value-added products) has led to the development of the market
18. Karma Recycling Systematic collection, recycling, and dismantling of
E-waste. for it, but this market is still in its infant stage. More awareness
19. Earth Recycler Recycling solutions for corporate offices, about the benefits of using organic compost should be spread, and
educational institutions, and residential technical consultation should be provided. A legal mandate is
necessary for chemical fertilizer industries to sell organic
20. Synergy Waste BMW treatment
21. Binbag Authorized recycling of E-waste ix. The waste streams like HW, BMW, menstrual waste, and fecal
22. Bintix Door-step collection of recyclables sludge waste need special attention in terms of the legislative
23. Raddiconnect Cost-free collection of clean recyclable trash from framework and technological interventions.
doorstep and transports recyclers in Mumbai.
x. The best technology that comes out as the most profitable is AD
24. EnCashea Online platform for users to sell their scrap
25. Carbon Master Bottled bio CNG brand Carbonlites. and composting for organic MSW. The country, thus, requires a
26. Plant Shredders PW to floor tiles greater number of Bio-CNG and Jatropha biodiesel plants for an
27. Rexaw Recycling Recycling PW, tetra pack, other packaging, environmentally sustainable future.
laminated paper, steel, and washing drum.
xi. C&D waste plants need to be constructed in each smart city of the
28. GSM Plastic PET bottles to PET bales and flakes
country to get the utmost benefit.
29. Green Worms Collecting and managing dry waste from industries, xii. There is a need to implement these innovative practices at the
municipalities, commercial establishments and country level.
30. Phabio Enterprises Sustainable solutions for plastic pollution
31. Bare Necessities Uses reusable glass jars wrapped in cloth scraps
9. Conclusions
from the tailor and paper scraps from the printer.
32. Loopworm Produces a protein-rich diet for poultry farms and The paper elaborately provides insightful data on current eco-
fisheries by using food waste innovations and in turn can assist policy makers, organizations, re­
Adapted from: ASAR,2020; RaddiConnect (2016); SAAHAS, 2018; Recycling searchers and entrepreneurs in improving eco-innovation performance
Start-up, 2020 in waste management sector. The adoption of Eco-innovations has truly
modified the SWM system in different localities of India. Innovative
2020). Steps in the different sectors of SWM led India to move ahead practices have resulted in a low carbon footprint, less waste to landfill
towards the waste management SDG as shown in Table 4. sites, land reclamation, less pollution, conserve the natural resource, and
Adapted from United Nations, 2020 a strengthened economy. The inclusion of the fourth industrial revolu­
(Refer: NOTE 1 of Supplementary file for Notations). tion has minimized the health risks, increased citizen interaction and
business opportunity. The non-technological eco-innovations (regula­
tions, schemes, policies, missions, rules, EPR, PPP, start-ups company,
8.1. Future research prospective financial feasibility) act as the major drivers for sustenance of techno­
logical eco-innovations. The position of India is exemplary among
The challenges and barriers in shoot-up eco-innovations are identi­ developing countries and other countries having the same economies
fied i.e. lack of awareness among public and producers, lack of market and climatic conditions should adopt these practices to achieve clean

Rena et al. Journal of Environmental Management 302 (2022) 113953

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