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Research article
Keywords: Sewage sludge management is torn between a desire for pollution prevention and reuse of a valuable resource.
Land application Reconciling these interests in sustainable management is a challenge for researchers. This study focuses on how
Energy recovery research on sewage sludge management practices has evolved and scrutinizes how this research is interlinked
with concerns and societal issues such as contaminants, economic efficiency, and legislation. Based on published
academic papers on sewage sludge management between 1971 and 2019, this study found four trends in research
Resource recovery
Biosolid management focused on sewage sludge management: a decreasing interest in disposal (landfilling and sea dumping), a
dominant interest in land application, a growing interest in sewage sludge as product, and a stable interest in
energy recovery. Research on disposal focuses on increasing sludge volumes, legislative changes, and economic
challenges with an interest in waste co-treatment. Research on land application concerns nutrient use and
contaminants, mainly heavy metals. Research on sewage sludge as a product focuses on the extraction of certain
resources and less on use of sewage sludge specifically. Research on energy recovery of sewage sludge focuses on
volume reduction rather than contaminants. Two-thirds of the papers are detailed studies aiming to improve
single technologies and assessing single risks or benefits. As management of sewage sludge is multifaceted, the
narrow focus resulting from detailed studies promotes some concerns while excluding others. Therefore, this
study highlights potential gaps such as the combination of nutrient use and disposal and energy recovery and
nutrient use.
1. Introduction closely related to the goal of “[z]ero hunger” (SDG2) through the use of
renewable fertilizers in food production, and energy recovery through,
Sewage sludge is waste from wastewater treatment, a process for example, anaerobic digestion can help ensure “[a]ffordable and
designed to lessen risks to health and the environment. Sewage sludge is clean energy” (SDG7). Sewage sludge could contain unwanted sub
also a potential source of agricultural nutrients (i.e., fertilizers) and stances that reflect consumption habits, infrastructure design, business
energy through anaerobic digestion and combustion. Combining these practices, and atmospheric deposition (Kirchmann et al., 2017; Sharma
goals to manage sustainable sewage sludge is difficult and controversial et al., 2017). However, disposal of sewage sludge could threaten “[l]ife
(Hamlin, 1980; Mason-Renton et al., 2019). For example, although the below water” (SDG14) and “[l]ife on land” (SDG15), making environ
United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) promote a sus mentally safe management of sewage sludge a challenging requirement.
tainable society, managing sustainable sewage according to SDGs is That is, many SDGs need to be considered simultaneously even though
challenging. Central to sanitary infrastructure is the requirement to they might be incompatible.
guarantee “availability and sustainable management of water and In 2017, 45 million tons of dry sewage sludge (MtDS) production was
sanitation for all” (SDG6) and “[g]ood health and well-being” (SDG3), reported on a global scale (Gao et al., 2020). Besides population growth
but using rather than disposing waste requires disconnecting human in Europe, implementing the urban wastewater treatment Directive
production from natural degradation to “[e]nsure sustainable con (1991) resulted in an increasing sewage sludge production. For instance,
sumption and production patterns” (SDG12). Nutrient recycling is in 1992, the European union produced 5.5 MtDS, while in 2010, this
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Bagheri).
Received 19 May 2022; Received in revised form 15 September 2022; Accepted 27 September 2022
Available online 20 October 2022
0301-4797/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
number increased to 10.1 MtDS (Garrido-Baserba et al., 2015), with an analyze potential trends in research on sewage sludge management
estimation to exceed 13 MtDS by 2020 (Kelessidis and Stasinakis, 2012). practices and the impact of such trends and interests. Specifically, this
In China, the average annual sewage sludge production had a growth paper attempts to answer two research questions:
rate of 13% from 2007 to 2013, and 6.25 MtDS production was reported
in China in 2013, while the estimation for 2020 reaches almost 40 MtDS − What are the interests and trends in research on sewage sludge
(Lishan et al., 2018). management practices?
Recent reviews of sewage sludge management research showed an − What are the potential issues with research focusing on specific
increased scholarly focus on nutrient recycling and, more specifically, sewage sludge management practices?
extraction of specific nutrients (Harder et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2017).
Harder et al. (2019) state that “[r]oughly since the mid 2000s, efforts This study thus offers a broader perspective of motivations and
towards nutrient extraction have intensified” (p. 27) and that these ef concerns in research on sewage sludge management, rather than a re
forts align with a general trend towards thermal treatment. Parallel with view of different treatment technologies and the evaluation of their
this trend, research on thermal treatment of sewage sludge has increased performance and sustainability. By identifying and discussing which
(Gao et al., 2020; Schnell et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2017), revealing that concerns that are connected to various management practices, as well as
challenges associated with sewage sludge management can be addressed which concerns that are excluded by researchers, this study exposes gaps
with thermal treatment: in research toward a more sustainable sewage sludge management
where a multitude of issues are included.
The quantity and diversity of organic pollutants can be enormous. All
this increases the time of preparation, analysis and of course cost of
2. Methods
whole process of management. [ …] Therefore dealing with sewage
sludge which is processed with high temperature is simpler. (Michał
Narrative reviews have been accused of being biased towards the
Cieslik et al., 2015, p. 13f)
interest and theoretical standpoint of the researcher (Tranfield et al.,
The trend towards thermal treatment of sewage sludge and nutrient 2003). To address this issue, this paper is based on a semi-systematic
recycling could be seen as an example of SDGs being addressed simul review that opens up a variety of literature (Snyder, 2019). The re
taneously (Shaddel et al., 2019) as thermal treatment can destroy view is organized according to the following steps: i) material collection,
organic contaminants, recover energy, and recycle nutrients. On the ii) category development, iii) qualitative evaluation and categorization
other hand, researchers’ increased focus on thermal treatment might of the collected material, iv) quantitative evaluation, and v) analysis of
exclude other important aspects like economic costs, local circum the results.
stances, and final disposal, and generate a narrow focus on specific
nutrients like phosphorus (Ekman Burgman and Wallsten, 2021). 2.1. Material collection
Controversies arise due to difficulties related to whether sewage
sludge is seen as a resource, which pollutants are seen as dangerous, and The material was collected by searching the Scopus database with
how these pollutants should be managed (Ekman Burgman, 2022). the search string [“sewage sludge” management OR biosolid* manage
Therefore, the search for sustainable pathways for sewage sludge man ment]. The semi-solid byproducts of wastewater treatment plants are
agement and use must go beyond the reliance on science and innovation called biosolids (if used in agriculture) in North America and sewage
as politics inevitably play a part in how society will approach the sludge in Europe (Goldfarb et al., 1999; Oberg and Mason-Renton,
problems associated with sewage sludge management (Bengtsson and 2018). Both terms were chosen so all published articles regardless of
Tillman, 2004; Oberg and Mason-Renton, 2018). However, research on regional context were considered. The search encompassed the years
sewage sludge management often lacks the value of using a more 2018–2019, resulting in 463 articles (Table 1). To keep the number of
comprehensive transdisciplinary approach, one that examines the per articles in a practical range and choose periods with sufficient distance
spectives of many stakeholders (Bergendahl et al., 2018). Increasing the to capture trends, the subsequent sampling followed approximately
number of perspectives, however, increases the complexity. When re 10-year periods. The aim was to expand the historical overview until the
searchers attempting to develop comprehensive decision support tools first available published paper on the Scopus database for the given
for sewage sludge management encounter this complexity, models tend search strings, which was found to be published in 1971. Since the
to become very local (Bertanza et al., 2016) or to have difficulties number of articles before 1990 was small, quantitative comparability
including the perspectives of many stakeholders (Chamberlain et al., was limited. Therefore, all articles published between 1971 and 1990, a
2014). total of 197 articles, were grouped together to have a similar number of
Apart from reducing complexity by focusing on certain issues, re papers as in other periods. Therefore, the final selection of included
searchers are also entangled with society through economic and political material was limited to peer-reviewed articles written in English
changes (Jasanoff, 1990). As economic, political, and material condi matching the search string 1971–1990, 2000–2001, 2009–2010, and
tions limit waste management and constitute certain logics (Gregson and 2018–2019. The final material selection is detailed in Table 1.
Forman, 2021; Holmberg and Ideland, 2021; Sjöstrand, 2014; Zsuzsa
Gille, 2009), it should not be far-off to assume that trends and interests
in research on sewage sludge management reflect concerns of other
actors in society. One manifestation of this is legislation as it limits what
is considered desirable technological outcomes while being influenced Table 1
by research and technological innovation. Details on material collected from the Scopus database as basis for this study.
As the management of sewage sludge as a resource is a challenge in
Years Number of articles for Number of articles Removed
many societies (de Boer et al., 2018; Moya et al., 2019; Nedelciu et al., “sewage sludge” for “biosolid” irrelevant articlesa
2019), it provides an excellent example of how to critically discuss a
2018–2019 341 95 27
circular economy (cf. Corvellec et al., 2021) and potential conflicting 2009–2010 123 91 27
objectives between pollution prevention and resource use (Johansson 2000–2001 146 41 35
et al., 2020). Thus, scrutinizing how researchers’ interests evolve could 1971–1990 156 1 40
provide insight beyond academia to disclose how concerns are excluded Total 766 228 129
when focusing on specific management practices. This paper in a
Papers out of scope or duplicates were identified and removed during the
vestigates how the interests of scholars has evolved to identify and evaluation process.
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
2.2. Category development categories during the evaluation. Hence, a set of categories was devel
oped with clarifying descriptions (when needed). This iterative process
This study uses a content analysis based on an inductive process to allowed the authors to itemize the main concerns and motivations in
develop categories (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005). The focus was on the sewage sludge management research and the methods used to address
researchers’ motivations and methods in a broad perspective. This these concerns.
approach prevents a too narrow focus on a specific aspect that often Recycling valuable resources while protecting the environment is the
entails the exclusion of other inseparable aspects of sewage sludge center of sustainable sewage sludge management. To fulfill this, not only
management. Therefore, the abstracts of the collected material were technical feasibility and maturity are important, but legislation, social
targeted as they contain the essential parts of the papers and allow for acceptance and cost also play important roles (Harder et al., 2019;
the evaluation of many scientific articles from a wide range of disci Shaddel et al., 2019). Although this definition gives no priority to one
plines (Truffer et al., 2022). In the cases where categorization by ab resource over others, resource depletion, climate change, population
stract was impossible, the introduction was also included in the growth, and urbanization increase the stress on some resources.
evaluation. Currently, the common practices in sewage sludge management are
The categories were developed during the evaluation of the material, grouped in land application, incineration, and landfill, and anaerobic
where a sample of 40 abstracts was read individually by the three first digestion is known as the most common route for energy recovery from
authors of this paper and then categorized as problem framing, moti sewage sludge (Medina-martos et al., 2020; Ross et al., 2021). To discern
vation of the paper, and main management practice. Each author’s interests and trends in research on sewage sludge management and
categorization was compared and discussed to develop a common un compare them with ongoing management practices, the focus of the
derstanding of the categories. Next, all abstracts were evaluated ac evaluation in this study was on management practices mentioned in the
cording to the developed definitions of the categories. If some changes collected material. To do this, dominant practices were identified, ac
were made during the inductive process of categorizing the material, cording to criteria described below and shown in Fig. 1.
abstracts were read again and adapted to the latest standard of Fig. 1 shows the final categories and their detailed subcategories,
Fig. 1. Main categories and subcategories used for coding the collected material.
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
2.3. Quantitative evaluation and result analysis dumping of sewage sludge and the surrounding challenges. The second
practice is land application, where sewage sludge is taken as a compound
The material was organized in a spreadsheet where each abstract was resource utilized in land applications. The third practice is sludge as a
coded with 1 for the category or categories of concern used to motivate product, which aims to use specific resources in the sludge by extracting
the paper, the type of study, and country of origin and coded with 0 for them from the rest of the material mix. As shown in Fig. 1, the practice
those that did not mention these. This method shares similarities with sludge as a product is represented by the category “sludge as a product,”
the approach applied by Truffer et al. (2022). The coding was aggre which is a combination of the sub-categories “sludge-based material,”
gated into a matrix where the number of co-occurrences between cate “fertilizer production,” “nitrogen,” “phosphorus,” and “phosphorus
gories was quantified. This method tracks how often concerns are plant availability.” The fourth practice is energy recovery, which con
mentioned together and how these co-occurrences change over time. cerns both the recovery of the material’s energy content and the
The strongest co-occurrences, which are used in the results section, are reduction of sewage sludge volume. Fig. 2 shows the share of studies in
shown in more detail in Table A2 . As the evaluation categories mainly different periods concerned with the four dominant practices. This in
aimed to understand researchers’ motivations and concerns, specific dicates how the practices vary over time.
treatment technologies were not analyzed. As an understanding of Although the interest in energy recovery from sewage sludge has
different treatment technologies was necessary during the evaluation of stayed relatively constant over the periods, the other practices show a
the categories energy recovery and sludge as a product (including larger variation over time. Disposal shows a declining interest over all
sub-categories), the treatment technologies were analyzed after the periods and is of no further interest in the most recent period
initial assessment. This analysis was conducted by searching the titles of (2018–2019). Land application creates the overall highest interest in
the concerned articles for certain keywords. Details and results of this research but with a declining interest. Almost 49% of the studies deal
title analysis are given in Table A3. Citation data, which shows how with land application in the period 1971–1990, but the interest drops to
often a paper has been cited, were also added to indicate where scholarly 31% in the period 2018–2019. Sludge as a product has a growing in
attention is focused. terest in the research community. The interest in sludge as a product was
The co-occurrence of categories, their strength, and their changes only noted in 3% of the studies in the period 1971–1990 but grew over
over time were used to synthesize the results and itemize trends in the years to 22% in the period 2018–2019. Although climate change is
sewage sludge management research. The correlation between practices mentioned in the SDGs and can be seen as a main driver for societal
and other categories of concern responds to the second research ques transitions, climate change mitigation was only relevant in 3% of the
tions, where the existence or absence of correlations reflects potential total studies. None of the dominant practices mentioned above show any
issues. particularly strong correlation to climate change (always below 10%
3. Results and discussion The practices in sewage sludge management research vary not only
over time but also by country. Fig. 3 shows how the interest in the
The results section is divided into two sub-sections, each addressing practices varies between countries during the two latest time periods
one of the research questions. In the first subsection (3.1), the main (2009–2010 and 2018–2019), as only these periods offer a broad spatial
sewage sludge management practices and their variation over time and variation of research articles. Whereas certain countries (e.g., Australia,
country are presented. This is followed by a discussion of each of the Brazil, United States, and France) are mainly interested in conducting
practices. The second subsection (3.2) has no further subdivisions. Data research in land application and have a low interest in sludge as a
used in the results section are either shown in the figures (Fig. 2–Fig. 6) product, other countries are dropping the interest in land application in
or in Table A2 (data on co-occurrences of categories) and Table A3 (data favor of an interest in sludge as a product. In some of these countries, the
from the title analysis). For maximum transparency, all 975 analyzed interest in sludge as a product is already larger than the interest in land
articles with their categorizations can be found in the supplemented application (e.g., China, Germany, and Poland). For all periods, disposal
spreadsheet for further analyses or evaluations. plays only a minor role in all countries (<8%). Energy recovery is more
consistent (11–19% of the studies in most countries). Only Canada,
3.1. Interests and trends in research on sewage sludge management India, and Germany show an even higher interest in energy recovery
practice (21%, 21%, and 32%, respectively).
Sewage sludge characteristics and socio-economic factors have a
From the evaluation of research articles, four dominant practices strong influence on the strategies in sewage sludge management. For
were identified in sewage sludge management. The first practice is example, some scholars have highlighted the influence of economic
disposal, which covers studies that concentrate on landfill or sea
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
Fig. 3. Comparison between the practices “land application,” “sludge as a product,” “energy recovery,” and “disposal” in the countries with the highest numbers of
total articles. The data are based on articles from the two periods 2009–2010 and 2018–2019 as these periods offered the broadest data variation by country and
“sludge as a product” had already gained significance.
development on the implementation of advanced technologies (Gao directional, but mutually constitutive where science and policy evolve in
et al., 2020; Raheem et al., 2018) and of population density (land parallel (Sundqvist et al., 2018) and thereby shape new understandings
availability) on land application or incineration (LeBlanc et al., 2008). of what is sustainable. While studies on ocean dumping could promote
Moreover, legislation and interpretations of involved actors in sewage disposal as a viable technology in one time (M.Leschine, 1988), this can
sludge management have been mentioned (Ekman Burgman, 2022; be fiercely debated and expose diverging worldviews underlying sci
Kelessidis and Stasinakis, 2012; Oberg and Mason-Renton, 2018). entific debates in other times (Mason-Renton et al., 2019). Studies on
Although the geographical differences of practices in sewage sludge disposal are thus related to balancing management costs with potential
management are to some extent tracked in this study, the sources of the pollution, indicated by the strong to “economic considerations” (30%)
differences might be hard to identify. As the study is based on scientific and “heavy metals” (24%), see Table A2 for more details. A discursive
literature (peer-reviewed articles written in English, which include the shift away from the emphasis of cost reduction would therefore reduce
relevant keywords), the results are limited to countries with scientific the interest in landfill and ocean dumping.
output. Future studies should focus on specific regions in order to pro The decrease of studies concerned with disposal, however, does not
vide knowledge about effects of local conditions on sewage sludge necessarily reflect managerial practices. In reality, disposal by land
management. In the following subsections, each of the four practices filling is involved in sewage sludge management in several countries
will be described in more detail, including correlating categories, which (28% in the USA in 2021, 14% landfill in China in 2013, and 7% in EU,
are often mentioned in combination with each practice. 2016–2018) (Eurostat, 2021; Gao et al., 2020; U.S. Wastewater Treat
ment Factsheet, 2021; Yang et al., 2015) either as the main disposal
3.1.1. Decreasing interest in disposal (100% in Malta) or supplementary for other processes such as inciner
In the first period (1971–1990), 14% of the total studies looked at ation (12% in the Netherlands) (Eurostat, 2021). Despite the importance
landfilling or disposing of sewage sludge. In later periods, as shown in of disposal either as the main management practice or as the destination
Fig. 2, the percentage of studies that looked at landfilling or disposing of of separated pollutants of extraction processes, this has evidently been
sewage sludge had decreased, with no studies in the last period phased out over time in sewage sludge management research.
(2018–2019). This decline can partly be explained by the introduction of
the European Sewage Sludge Directive in 1986 (86/278/EEC) (Council 3.1.2. The dominance of land application
of the European Communities, 1986), which promotes the land appli Land application gathers most interest by the research community in
cation of sewage sludge as a recovery strategy. In the United States, the every period. However, the interest in land application is slightly
US EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule (USEPA, 1994) fulfilled a similar pur decreasing, from 49% of the total studies in first period (1971–1990) to
pose by promoting land application of sewage sludge and regulating its 31% in last period (2018–2019). It should also be noted that the interest
disposal. Finally, the European Landfill Directive from 1999 (99/31/EC) varies highly between countries (Fig. 3). To find the reason behind such
(Council of the European Union, 1999) limits the landfilling of organic a trend, data were evaluated by tracking the correlation between the
wastes like sewage sludge. This is supported by the evaluated data where category “land application” with other categories (Table A2). Interest in
30% of the studies with an interest in disposal were concerned with land application was found to correlate with interest in “legislation” and
“legislation”, which is higher than for studies of other management “heavy metals.” In 1971–1990 and 2000–2001, 6% and 20% of studies,
practices. More details on this are summarized in Table A2. respectively, were interested in “legislation” and “land application.” In
Legislative changes should not be considered the only reason that 1971–1990 and in 2000–2001, 38% and 43% of studies, respectively,
researchers have lessened the focus on landfill and other disposal stra were interested in “heavy metals” and “land application.”
tegies. There is a relation between policy and science which is not one- During the time when several regions in the world promoted land
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
application of sewage sludge by legislation (the 1980s and 1990s), and nutrients in fertilizers and fodder are some of the mentioned po
research on land application of sewage sludge received the highest in tential products that can be made from or with the help of sewage
terest (49% of the total studies between 1971 and 1990). In the sludge. This interest was found in 3% of the studies in the first period
following period (2000–2001), the interest in land application dropped (1971–1990) and grew to 22% in the last period (2018–2019) (see
to 37%. It should be noted that relevant legislations such as the Euro sludge as a product in Fig. 2). As sludge as a product is a compound of
pean Sewage Sludge Directive in 1986 (86/278/EEC) (Council of the the evaluation categories “fertilizer production,” “nitrogen,” “phos
European Communities, 1986) and the US EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule phorus,” “phosphorus plant availability,” and “sludge-based material,” a
(USEPA, 1994) included regulations about contaminants. Therefore, the more detailed evaluation is possible. In the first two periods (1971–1990
legislations can both stimulate the research on land application as a and 2000–2001), the interest was mainly in “nitrogen” and “sludge-
management practice and increase the awareness about risks of based material.” In the two later periods (2009–2010 and 2018–2019),
contaminants. the interest in “nitrogen” decreased and the interest in “phosphorus”
Almost 43% of land application studies have no contaminant-related increased somewhat and the interest in “sludge-based material”
concerns, and about 58% of these studies do not mention other non- increased even further (Fig. 5). The rising interest in “phosphorus” in the
contaminant challenges of sewage sludge management. That is, 25% two later periods can be explained by the sharp rise in phosphorus pri
of land application studies focus purely on the beneficial aspects of land ces, its addition to the EU critical raw material list, and stimulation of
application. In contrast, 57% of land application studies raise concerns recovering fertilizers from sewage sludge in the EU fertilizer directive
about contaminants. Land application also has a close connection to (Boer et al., 2019; Cordell and White, 2011; Desmidt et al., 2015).
contaminants. All the contaminant categories listed in Fig. 1 have their Data evaluation reported in Table A2 reveals that the correlation of
strongest correlation to land application, and among them the highest categories shows that the early interest in “nitrogen” was connected to
emphasis is on “heavy metals.” Another indication is the relatively high land application of sewage sludge (61% of all studies with interest in
number of review and risk assessment studies covering land application “nitrogen” also had an interest in land application). In contrast, the in
and contaminant categories. terest in “phosphorus,” which mainly arose in the two later periods,
The interest in contaminants in sewage sludge broadened over the shows a correlation of only 8% to land application. Sludge as a product
periods studied. Whereas research in the first period (1971–1990) (including all subcategories) also shows a declining connection to land
mainly focused on “heavy metals” (26%) and to a lesser extent on application in the given studies (i.e., 20%, 48%, 34%, and 6% of studies
“organic contaminants” (6%) and “pathogens” (4%), research in later with interest in sludge as a product also have an interest in land appli
periods mainly focused on other contaminant groups such as “pharma cation for the four respective periods). Therefore, the resource recovery
ceuticals,” “microplastics,” and “flame retardants” (Fig. 4). from sewage sludge goes from using sludge in land applications to
Although land application of sewage sludge is the dominant practice extracting specific resources for the use in products. Similarly, the
in the EU and USA in general, academic studies have still raised ques connection between the sludge as a product category and “heavy
tions about the uncertainties of land application and validity of limit metals,” as the contaminant with the highest interest in land application,
values on contaminants as a safety measure (Bauer et al., 2020). The decreased (40%, 32%, 31%, and 22% of studies with interest in sludge as
effect of contaminants due to land application and different tolerance a product also have an interest in “heavy metals” for the four respective
levels due to risk acceptance can be identified in the ban on land periods). This trend could indicate a transition from research on using all
application of sewage sludge in some countries; e.g., the Netherlands resources in sludge in land application to research on products con
and Germany (for wastewater treatment plants with treatment capac taining specific extracted resources.
ities >50,000 population equivalents) (Fijalkowski et al., 2017; Schnell This trend is supported by analysis of the titles of articles related to
et al., 2020). The rise of emerging contaminants and the constant nutrients (“nitrogen,” “phosphorus,” “fertilizer production,” and
concern regarding heavy metals trigger a decreasing interest in land “phosphorus plant availability”). The analysis shows that the connection
application. This trend is concurrent in academic interest in increasing of nutrients and land application decreased from 47% to 29% of the
resource extraction to address resource recovery and pollution preven studies over the whole study period, whereas extraction and recovery of
tion in sewage sludge management. nutrients played no role in the first two periods but played a role in 20%
and 31% in the last two periods, respectively (Table A3). A wide variety
3.1.3. The trend of sludge as a product of technologies and methods, such as incineration, wet air oxidation,
Sludge as a product started with an interest in specific resources that microwave pyrolysis, acid leaching, and biological aerated filters, is
can be extracted from sewage sludge and used in products. Sludge-based mentioned either to transfer sludge to a product or to improve the
carbonaceous materials, lightweight aggregates, adsorbents, catalysts, characteristics of sludge-based products. 24% of research concerning
Fig. 4. Diversification of interest in contaminants. Share of total studies in Fig. 5. Growth of interest in sludge as a product. Share of total studies in
specific periods (number of studies in each period is shown in Table 1). specific periods (number of studies in each period in Table 1). *Phosphorus plan
*Antibiotic resistant material. availability.
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
Fig. 6. Share of study types in the evaluated research articles over periods. 3.2. Potential issues with the focus of research
Explanation of the categories in Fig. 1. Undefined articles did not fit into the
other five categories of study types. Fig. 6 shows the share of study types in the evaluated studies: 67% of
research on sewage sludge management has applied detailed methods
sludge as a product focused on ash-based products and 14% on struvite that, according to this study’s definition, focus on a single or group of
extraction. contaminants or technology in a single scale (mostly lab scale) with one
Various resources with the potential of recovery and reuse have been or few methods. Although research is often conducted on a small scale
identified in sewage sludge such as nutrients, proteins, polymers, and and needs a detailed level, the share is remarkable as the keyword search
construction materials (Stamatelatou and Tsagarakis, 2015). One of the included the term “management” to focus on studies with a more holistic
weaknesses of deriving products from sludge is the focus on single re approach, including various challenges of sewage sludge management
sources while the fate of other possible resources is unclear. Therefore, that are inseparable. Whereas disposal has only 35% of the detail level
sludge used as a product can overlook the sustainability aspects of using studies, land application and sludge as a product have detail level
the whole resource potential of sewage sludge (Ekman Burgman and studies of 67% and 74%, respectively. Also, 74% of detailed studies on
Wallsten, 2021). On the other hand, the practice also raises contradic energy recovery focus on technology improvement and waste charac
tions when different actors are involved in sewage sludge man teristics. These results indicate fragmented thinking within sewage
agement–i.e., there can be different interpretations of which resource is sludge management research.
important (Ekman Burgman, 2022). Another weakness is that the The evaluation of studies and the shifting correlations of the prac
implementation of advanced extraction technology requires tices indicate fragmented themes in sewage sludge management
cost-intensive processes as sewage sludge management demands inno research with an increasing separation of the themes. This can, for
vative and cost-efficient technology and adding new technology to example, be seen in later periods, when the interest in resources is more
sewage sludge treatment requires clear economic benefits (Raheem separated from land application, which clearly differentiates products
et al., 2018). In addition, the lack of a market for sludge-based products from the land applications (see 3.1.3). The importance of economic
adds more uncertainty with respect to its economic viability (Oladejo considerations and disposal of residues has diminished, and concerns
et al., 2019; Samolada and Zabaniotou, 2014). However, economic regarding contaminants have been narrowed to a few groups as these
considerations have diminished as an explicit motivation for research as aspects are undeniable in the reality of sewage sludge management. The
less than 3% of the studies that focused on sludge as a product different foci of certain countries with regard to management practices
mentioned “economic considerations” while it remains an undeniable indicate geographical fragmentation of research topics (Fig. 3). There
issue of sewage sludge management. Finally, the given studies fail to fore, the geographical fragmentation and the use of detailed studies can
consider the fate of extraction residues of sewage sludge management, narrow sewage sludge management research. Detailed studies reduce
and studies from the most recent period do not mention disposal. concerns, which are studied simultaneously, whereas the narrow
perspective generated by the reduction of concerns demands more
3.1.4. Constant interest in energy recovery detailed studies.
Although energy recovery from sewage sludge received a constant
interest over the analyzed periods, energy recovery differs from the 4. Conclusion
three other management practices. Energy recovery is mentioned in
10–18% of the studies (Fig. 2). Energy recovery was mentioned sparsely By tracking concerns and motivations of different management
in combination with the three other management practices–i.e., <8% of practices investigated in academic studies over 50 years, this study has
each of the three other practices are mentioned in combination with identified four main practices in sewage sludge management: (i)
energy recovery in all the studied periods. None of the contaminants disposal that seeks to overcome economic and legislative challenges of
seem to be highly connected to energy recovery, and the highest landfilling, (ii) land application that considers sewage sludge as one
connection was made in only 8% of the studies on energy recovery that compound resource with land application as the main recycling strategy,
included organic contaminants. Instead, studies on energy recovery in (iii) sewage sludge as a product that has extractable resources that can
sewage sludge management looked at the “reduction of organic matter” be separated from the contaminants, and (iv) energy recovery from
(33%), “co-treatment” (13%), mostly studies between 1971 and 1990, sewage sludge, mainly by anaerobic digestion. The importance of
and “increasing sludge volumes” (8%), mostly studies between 1971 and sewage sludge disposal and economic considerations has declined in
1990 and between 2018 and 2019. The correlation data of energy re research, although the need for disposal and economic feasibility of any
covery in combination with the respective category in all studied periods practices in sewage sludge management is still present. Although land
is shown in Table A2. application of sewage sludge has the highest share in research, this in
The correlations between energy recovery and other categories do terest has been declining, a trend that is connected to a significant
not give a clear picture of trends in energy recovery. An analysis of the concern regarding contaminants. However, sludge-based products
titles of articles marked with energy recovery shows that about 50% of through extraction technologies have gained interest in sewage sludge
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
management research. To some extent, the above-mentioned trends in analysis; Investigation; Methodology; Resources; Project administration;
research are related to changes in legislation and the global economy (i. Validation; Writing - original draft; Writing - review & editing. Torben
e., the recent increase in phosphate rock price). This confirms an Bauer: Conceptualization; Data curation; Software, Formal analysis;
interaction between research focus and external conditions in sewage Investigation; Methodology; Resources; Validation; Writing - review &
sludge management practices. The majority of researchers address their editing. Linus Ekman Burgman: Conceptualization; Data curation;
targets with a methodology that is limited to one or a few aspects of Formal analysis; Investigation; Validation; Methodology; Writing - re
sewage sludge management. Therefore, they are often unable to survey view & editing. Elisabeth Wetterlund: Supervision; Funding acquisi
relevant concerns and aspects of the entire sewage sludge management tion; Writing - review & editing.
process. Single focus studies can waste recoverable materials through
disposal, cause environmental consequences of land application of
sewage sludge, can neglect remaining recoverable material and residual Declaration of competing interest
disposal when sludge is used as a product, and can attend to energy
recovery without considering contaminants and the fate of the rest of the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
sludge. Implementing advanced treatment technologies and the devel interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
opment of sludge-based products require clear economic benefits, the work reported in this paper.
although economic considerations have declined to zero in sewage
sludge management studies. Data availability
Moreover, the use of detailed study results at the practical level of
sewage sludge management are questionable. The thermal treatment The whole dataset of analyzed articles with their categorizations is
trend with the potential of resource extraction from sewage sludge ash available as supplementary data.
(see Introduction) has been tracked in a quarter of the studies focusing
on sludge as a product. Although this trend was introduced as the future Acknowledgement
pathway of fulfilling various sustainability goals simultaneously, it can
be the result of a narrow perspective. This study helps researchers get a The work has been carried out under the auspices of Graduate School
broader view of the concerns and highlights the gaps within and be in Energy Systems, financed by the Swedish Energy Agency (P46028-1).
tween the trends towards sustainable sewage sludge management. Economic support from the Swedish Research Council Formas, within
the national research program Sustainable Spatial Planning, is also
Credit author statement gratefully acknowledged (dnr. 2018-00194), as is support from Bio4
Energy, a strategic research environment appointed by the Swedish
Marzieh Bagheri: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal government.
Table A2
Co-occurrence table showing selected categories of the evaluation and how much they co-occur with other categories (2–6 strongest co-occurring categories shown). If
the number of total articles was above 35, the data are given for each period, otherwise only as a total. The last column (avg citation) shows how often articles in the
given category were cited on average.
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
Table A2 (continued )
1971–1990 2000–2001 2009–2010 2018–2019 total avg citation (in total)
Table A3
Title analysis table showing how often certain keywords were found in the titles of articles within a category or several categories.
Categories of chosen articles Number of Keywords used for title analysis Percentage of positives (partly divided in
articles time periods)
Nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Fertilizer production, 77 combust, thermal, incinerat, ash, pyrolys, total: 21%, 1971–2001: 0%, 2009&10: 20%,
Phosphorus plant availability) gasificat 2018&19: 29%
amend, compost, biosolid, agricultur total: 34%, 1971–2001: 47%, 2009&10: 35%,
2018&19: 29%
extract, struvite, recover total: 22%, 1971–2001: 0%, 2009&10: 20%,
2018&19: 31%
Sludge as a product 155 combust, thermal, incinerat, ash, pyrolys, total: 24%
amend, compost, biosolid, agricultur total: 27%, 1971–2001: 27%, 2009&10: 31%,
2018&19: 20%
extract, struvite, recover total: 14%, 1971–2001: 0%, 2009&10: 14%,
2018&19: 19%
Energy recovery 155 combust, thermal, incinerat, ash, pyrolys, total: 26%
anaerobic, digest, mesophil, thermophil, total: 46%
biogas, ferment
The keywords have been truncated to capture all the mentioning form of the words.
M. Bagheri et al. Journal of Environmental Management 325 (2023) 116412
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