25, - Measuring of Shapes Gapoy, Mike Renz B.

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QUESTIONS Skewed or Skewed to the Right

7. has longer tail to the left compared to a
much shorter right tail. (Negatively
Write T if the statement is TRUE and write F if
Skewed or Skewed to the Left
the statement is FALSE.
1. A histogram is one way to depict a 8. It is the number of times a variable
frequency distribution. T takes on a particular value. (Frequency)
2. VARIABLE is the number of times a
9. It is used to graphically summarize the
variable takes on a particular value. F
distribution of a data set. (histogram)
3. Relative frequencies are particularly
10. Karl Pearson's coefficient of skewness is
useful if you want to compare
defined in terms of mode as:
distributions drawn from two different
sources (i.e. while the numbers of
observations of each source may be
different). T 11. Karl Pearson's coefficient of skewness is
4. A Graph is used to graphically
defined in terms of median as:
summarize the distribution of a data set.
5. Over each interval is placed a bar
whose height represents the frequency
of data values in the interval. 12. This



1. It is a measure of symmetry, or more

precisely, the lack of symmetry. A method is based on quartiles. The
distribution, or data set, is symmetric if it formula for calculating coefficient of
looks the same to the left and right of skewness is given by: (Bowleys’s
the center point. (skewness) Coefficient of Skewness
2. Distribution tapers more to the right than
to the left. (Positively Skewed or 13. ___________ is based on deciles or
Skewed to the Right Distribution) percentiles of the data. The Bowley’s
3. Distribution tapers more to the left than coefficient of skewness is based on the

to the right. (Negatively Skewed or middle 50 percent of the observations of

data set. It means the Bowley’s
Skewed to the Left Distribution)
coefficient of skewness leaves the 25
4. Shows the degree of asymmetry, or
percent observations in each tail of the
departure from symmetry of a data set. (Kelly’s coefficient of
distribution. (Measure of skewness) skewness)
5. Skewness can be positive or negative or 14. Formula for based on Percentile,

zero. When the values of mean, median

and mode are equal, there is no
skewness. (Nature of Skewness)
6. has a longer tail to the right compared

to a much shorter left tail. (Positively 15. Formula for base on Deciles,


Calculate the first coefficient of skewness for

the following data.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
9, 10, 12, 12, 13


If the coefficient of skewness of a

distribution is 0.32, the standard deviation is
6.5 and the mean is 29.6 then find the mode
of the distribution.


The Scores of students in a Math test is

given in the table below.

Find Kelly's Coefficient of Skewness.


The following data shows the distribution of

maximum loads in short tons supported by
certain cables produced by a company:

Find Kelly's Coefficient of Skewness.


To calculate the Bowley’s coefficient of

skewness, we must first form the following



Solution: Mode = 9

Mean = 7.96

Standard Deviation = 2.98

The formula for ith decile is

= (7.96 - 9) / 2.98

= -0.34

Answer: sk1 = -0.31

where N is the total number of observations.


First Decile (D1)

Solution: Using the formula for the first
coefficient of skewness, the mode can be

determined as follows:

0.32 = (29.6 - mode) / 6.5 The cumulative frequency just greater than or
equal to 4.5 is 66, the corresponding
2.08 = 29.6 - mode class 10−20 is the 1st decile class.
Mode = 27.52

Answer: 27.52  I =10, the lower limit of the 1st decile


11-15  N=45, total number of observations

Solution;  f=6, frequency of the 1st1�� decile
Let X denote the scores in Math Test.
 F<=0, cumulative frequency of the class
previous to 1st decile class
 h=10, the class width

The first decile D1 can be computed as

Ninth Decile (D9)

The cumulative frequency just greater than or

equal to 40.5 is 41, the corresponding
class 50−60 is the 9th decile class.

 l=50, the lower limit of the 9th decile

Fifth Decile (D5) class

 N=45, total number of observations
 f=5, frequency of the 9th decile class
 F<=36, cumulative frequency of the
class previous to 9th decile class
 h=10, the class width

The ninth decile D9 can be computed as


The cumulative frequency just greater than or

equal to 22.5 is 26, the corresponding
class 30−40 is the 5th decile class.

 l=30, the lower limit of the 5th decile

 N=45, total number of observations
 f=12, frequency of the 5th decile class
 F<=14, cumulative frequency of the
class previous to 5th decile class
Kelly's coefficient of skewness
 h=10, the class width
The fifth decile D5 can be computed as

As the coefficient of skewness Sk is greater than

zero (i.e., Sk>0), the distribution is positively
16-20  l=9.75, the lower limit of the 1st decile
 N=60 total number of observations
Let X denote the maximum load.  f=5, frequency of the 1st decile class
 F<=2, cumulative frequency of the class
previous to 1st decile class
Here the classes are inclusive. To make them  h=0.5, the class width
exclusive type subtract 0.5 from the lower limit
and add 0.5 to the upper limit of each class.
The first decile D1 can be computed as

Fifth Decile (D5)

The formula for ith decile is

where N is the total number of observations.

First Decile (D1)

The cumulative frequency just greater than or

equal to 30 is 36, the corresponding
class 10.75−11.25 is the 5th decile class.

 l=10.75, the lower limit of the 5th decile


The cumulative frequency just greater than or  N=60, total number of observations

equal to 6 is 7, the corresponding  f=17, frequency of the 5th decile class

class 9.75−10.25 is the 1st decile class.  F<=19, cumulative frequency of the
class previous to 5th decile class
Thus  h=0.5, the class width
The fifth decile D5 can be computed as

Kelly's coefficient of skewness

As the coefficient of skewness Sk greater than

zero (i.e., Sk>0), the distribution is positively
Ninth Decile (D9)


Here, we can see that N = 100 and class

interval, h = 100.

The cumulative frequency just greater than or

equal to 54 is 56, the corresponding From the cumulative frequency column, we can

class 11.75−12.25 is the 9th decile class. see that the 25th observation belongs to the
class 400-500.
For this class, the frequency f = 18, cumulative
frequency of previous class, CF = 13 and the
lower limit for this class, L = 400.
Thus, we can write
 l=11.75, the lower limit of the 9th decile
 N=60, total number of observations
Putting, the values, we get
 f=6, frequency of the 9th9�ℎ decile
 F<=50, cumulative frequency of the
class previous to 9th decile class
 ℎ=0.5, the class width

The ninth decile D9 can be computed as

From the cumulative frequency column, we can
see that the 50th observation belongs to the
class 500-600.
For this class, the frequency f = 35, cumulative
Putting, the values, we get
frequency of previous class, CF = 31 and the
lower limit for this class, L = 500.
Thus, we can write

We know that Bowley’s coefficient of

skewness is defined as

Putting, the values, we get

Thus, the Bowley’s coefficient of
skewness is -0.05

From the cumulative frequency column, we can

see that 75th observation belongs to the class
For this class, the frequency f = 27, cumulative
frequency of previous class, CF = 66 and the
lower limit for this class, L = 600.

Thus, we can write








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