Dua' Qunoot - Islam For Universe
Dua' Qunoot - Islam For Universe
Dua' Qunoot - Islam For Universe
Dua’ Qunoot
Dua’ Qunoot
Dua’ Qunoot – Mashari Rashid Al-Afasy
This is the complete translation and transliteration of the dua from the
famous qunoot done by Mashari Rashid Al-Afasy. It also includes the
Arabic text making memorizing the dua easier.
O Allah! For You is all Praise – You are the Light of the Heavens and the
Earth and all that is in them; and for You is all Praise – You are the
Guardian of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in them; and for
You is all Praise – you are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and all
that is in them.
O Allah! You are the Truth, Your Promise is True, Your Speech is True,
Your Meeting is True, Paradise is True, the Hellfire is True, the Hour is
True, the Prophets are True and Muhammad is True.
ْ َ رنَا َو َما أ%ْ د ْمن َا َو َما أَخ% فا ْغ ِف ْر َلن َا َما َق
د ُمI ا أَنْتَ ا` ُ َق% س َر ْرنَا َوما أ َ ْع َلن َ
% م ِ يَا َرnسoا
ب ْ َاحم ِ َح ْوزَة
ْ ين َو َ ش ِر ِك
ِ دI م ْر أ َ ْعدآ َء الI َو َدm I ا
ْ ُ `لش ْر َك َوا
َ ِ`ال َع َا.
O Allah! Raise the standing of Islam and the Muslims. O Allah! Raise the
standing and the Muslims, and degrade the standing of Kufr and the
Kaafireen, and Shirk and the Mushrikeen. Destroy the enemies of the
Deen, and protect the lands of Islam, O Lord of the Worlds.
O Allah! Grant Victory to Your religion, Your book, and the Sunnah of
Your prophet, and Your monotheist slaves.
و ُمGيا َقي.
Allahumma inna nas’aluka bi anna lakal-hamd, laa ilaha illa ant, wahdaka la
shareeka laka, al-mannan, ya badias-samawaati wal-ardi, ya dhal-jalali wal-
ikraam, ya hayyu ya qayoom.
% ا; ََح ُد، َ أَنْتd إِل َه إd ُ/ك أَنْتَ ا%َ َش َه ُد أَن
لذي َل ْم% الص َم ُد ا ْ نا ن%َسأ َ ُل َك ِبأَن
َ ن
We ask You – by virtue of bearing witness that You are Allah, there is no
God worthy of worship but You, the One, the Self-Sufficient, Who begets
not, nor was He begotten, and there is none who is comparable to Him. –
[we ask You] to grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere. O
Allah! Grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere. O Allah!
Grant victory to Islam and the Muslims everywhere.
َ َض َع ِف
m G أَنْتَ َر،َmاح ِم
ْ ُ `ب ا
ْ ست ِ الر،
Ilayka nashku da’fa quwwatina, wa qillata heelatina, wa hawanana ‘alan-naas, ya
arhamar-rahimeen. Anta rabbul-mustad’afeen
To You we complain of our weakness, our failure, our shame before the
people. O Most Merciful! You are the Lord of the weak and oppressed.
And You are our Lord, to whom will you entrust us? To a distant person
who will treat us with enmity, or to an enemy You have made over us. If
You are not angry at us, we would not care, for Your pardon is greater for
We seek refuge in the Light of Your Face for which darknesses shine, and
with which the affairs of this life and the Hereafter become good, from
Your anger or displeasure fall upon us. You have the right to admonish
until You are pleased, and there is no power and no might except in You.
O Allah! Roosiya came with her army and iron, with her oppression and
arrogance, she came to challenge You and deny Your Messenger, and to
slaughter the weak and oppressed believers in Sheeshan.
ْم أَنْجِز% الل ُه،م أَنْجِزْ َل ُهم ِ َما َو َع ْدتَ ُه ْم% الل ُه،م أَنْجِزْ َل ُهم ِ َما َو َع ْدتَ ُه ْم% لل ُه
ل ُهم ِ َما َو َع ْدتَ ُه ْم ِفي ِكت َا ِب َك.َ
O Allah! Bring about what You promised them. O Allah! Bring about
what You promised them. O Allah! Bring about what You promised them
in Your Book.
ْ م أَنْ ِز ْل ن% الل ُه،ن َا نَن ُْش ُد َك َع ْه َد َك َو َو ْع َد َك%م إِن% لل ُه
َ أَنْت،َص َر َك َوتَأ ِيي َد َك
ِ َو ِب َك يُ َق،ير ُه ْم
ات ُلو َن ِ ِ َ .
ُ عضي ُد ُه ْم َوأ َ ْنتَ نَص
Allahumma innana nanshudu ‘ahdaka wa wa’dak. Allahumma anzil nasraka wa
ta’yidak, anta ‘adeeduhum, wa anta naseeruhum, wa bika yuqatiloon.
O Allah! We seek Your protection and Your promise. O Allah! Bring down
Your help and support, You are their helper and supporter, and for You
they will fight.
Our Lord! Pour upon them patience, make them steadfast, and grant
them victory over the Disbelivers.
َ ِ َغالnَْص ْر ُه ْم ف
َو إِ ْن،ب َل ُه ْم ِ َوا ْك ِف ِه ْم ِب َما،كر َل ُه ْمI م َم% الل ُه
ُ شئْتَ إِ ْن تَن ْ
ْصر ُه ْم ِم ْن َب ْع ِد َك
ُ لذي َين% خذُ ْل ُه ْم فَ َم ْن ذَا ا
ْ ت.
O Allah! Plot for them, and suffice them with what You please, if You
support them then nobody can overpower them, and if You forsake them,
then who will be able to support them after You?
O Allah! Plot for them, and suffice them with what You please, if You
support them then nobody can overpower them, and if You forsake them,
then who will be able to support them after You?
ِ ش ال َع
d ،ِ ظيم % ُ َر/ اdِ إِل َه إd ،الحليم
ِ ب ال َع ْر َ ُ ال َعظي ُم/ اdَِ إdِلا إ
ِ ب ال َع ْر
ِ ش ال َك ِريم ِ ب ا; َْر
G ض َو َر ِ الس َما َو
G ت َو َر % ب G ُ َر/ اdِإل َه إ.
La ilaha illAllahul adhimul-haleem. La ilaha illAllahu, rabbul-arshil-adheem. La
ilaha illAllahu rabbus-samawaati wa rabbul-ardi wa rabbul-arshil-kareem.
There is no God but Allah, the Mighty the Forebearing, there is no God
but Allah, Lord of the Mighty Throne, There is no God but Allah, Lord of
the Heavens and Lord of the Earth and Lord of the Noble Throne.
I ِفيm
ِم أَنْج% الل ُه،الشيشان َ ؤم ِن
ِ ُ ` ِم َن اm ْ ُ `م أَنْجِ ا% الل ُه
ْ ست
َ َض َعف
ِ َكm
ُ ُِ يmسن
وسف َ س ِن
ِ اج َع ْل َها َع َليْ ِه ْم،
O Allah! annihilate them with Your authority and power, O Allah! Let all
they have done be done to them. O Allah! show us their black day.
م ْرI َو َد،ار ُه ْم ِ ْ َوخَر،قْ َج ْم َع ُه ْمI َو َمز،ش ْم َل ُه ْم َ م% الل ُه
َ ْتIشت
َ َب دي I
ا َك َة% اض الفَت
َ َوا; َ ْم َر،َم َرةI اصير ا` ُ َد
َ م أَنْ ِز ْل َع َليْ ِه ُم ا; َ َع% الل ُه،سلِ َحت َ ُه ْم
ْ َأ
O Allah! Disperse their gatherings and shatter their unity, demolish their
houses, destroy their weapons. O Allah! Send upon them destructive
hurricanes, and fatal diseases.
ِ ص
اغ ِري َن َ ل ًة% أ َ ِذ،َmش ِر ِك
ْ ُ `صارى َوا% ِ عِبْرةً ; َ ْمثَالِ ِه ْم ِم َن اليَ ُه.
َ ود َوالن َ
Allahumma ahsihim adada, waqtul-hum badada, wa la tughadir minhum ahada,
waj’alhum ibratan li amthalihim minal-yahudi wan-nasaara wal-mushrikeena
adhillatan saaghireen
O Allah! Count them and kill them selectively, and do not leave a single
one of them, and make them an example for their likes among the
yahuudi, nasaara, and mushriks, humiliated and abased.
ش ُرو ِر ِه ْم
ُ َونَ ُعوذُ ِب َك ِم ْن،ا ن َْج َع ُل َك في ن ُُحو ِر ِهِ ْم%م إِن% الل ُه،
O Allah! We want Your help against them and seek Your protection
against their atrocities.
ِا ْه ِز ْم ُه ْم،َاب
َ َهَا ِز َم ا; َْحز،الس َحاب
% ُم ْج ِر َي،َاب ِ الل ُه ًمّ ُمن ْ ِز َل
َ الكت
ي يَاG يُ ْعجِزُون ََك يَا َق ِوd ُه ْم% فَ ِإن،ب ُق ْد َر ِت َك ِ َوأ َ ِرنَا ِفي ِه ْم َع َج،َوزَ ْل ِز ْل ُه ْم
َ ائ
ُع ِزيز
َ .
O Allah! You are our Helper, and You are our Victor, and You are
Sufficient for us, and the Best Guardian.
َ ِ`س ِا
m َ أَهْلِ ِه ْم،
O Allah! Break free the shackles of our prisoners and the prisoners of the
Muslims. O Allah! Break free the shackles of our prisoners and the
prisoners of the Muslims. O Allah! Break free the shackles of our
prisoners and the prisoners of the Muslims, and return them safely to
their families.
ِ ج ُل ٍة إِ َلى َر َح َم
ات َك ِ اج ٍة َعا ِ ج ُل ٍة إِ َلى َر َح َم
َ ُه ْم ِفي َح%م إِن% الل ُه،ات َك ِ عَا،
ِ حم
ات َك ِ رح َما َ ُن َيا ر
َ فَأَنْ ِز ْل َع َل ْي ِه ْم َر،حي ُم ِ حم
ْ ات َك َيا َ فأَنْ ِز ْل َع َل ْي ِه ْم َر
ِ رح َما َ ُن يَا ر
حي ُم ْ يا.
Allahumma innahum fi hajatin ‘ajilatin ila rahamatik, Allahumma innahum fi
haajatin ‘ajilatin ila rahamatik, Allahumma innahum fi haajatin ‘ajilatin ila
rahamatik, fa anzil alayhim rahamatika Ya Rahmanu, Ya Raheem, fa anzil
alayhim rahamatika Ya Rahmaanu Ya Raheem.
O Allah! They are in urgent need of Your Mercies. O Allah! They are in
urgent need of Your Mercies. O Allah! they are in urgent need of Your
Mercies, so send upon them Your Mercies. O Most Merciful, O Most Kind,
so send upon them Your Mercies O Most Mericufl, O Most Kind.
اد ِه
ِ آذ ِه َو َم ْن َعا َدا ُه ْم فَ َع
ِ َم َم ْن آذَا ُه ْم ف% الل ُه،
O Allah! Whoever has harmed them, then harm him, and whoever has
shown enmity to them, then show enmity to them.
There is not God but You, Glory be to You, Truly we have been of the
دG يُ َرd م% الل ُه،سماؤ َُك ْ َ ستْ أ َ د% َوتَ َق،ل ثَن َاؤ َُك% َو َج،ار َك ا
ُ َج%ن َا َعز%م ِرب% لل ُه
سبْ َحان ََك َو ِب َح ْم ِد َك
ُ يُ ْهزَ ُم ُجن ْ ُد َكdأ َ ْم ُر َك َو.
O Allah! Your allies are strong, Your praise is glorified, Your names are
sanctified. O Allah! Your command cannot be repelled, and Your armies
cannot be defeated.
َ الق َر َد ِة َوال
ٍق%ل ُم َمز% ْق ُه ْم ُكIم َمز% الل ُه،خن َا ِزي ِر ِ ان ْ ِه ْرهُ ِم ْن إI َم ط% الل ُه،
ِ خ َو
ِ س
وء ُ ا نَ ُعوذُ ِب َك ِم ْن%م إِن% الل ُه،ًnس ِبي ِ ت َْج َع ْل لِ َكd م% الل ُه
َ اف ٍر َع َل ْين َا
ِ َ َو َج ْه ِد الب،اء
َونَ ُعوذُ ِب َك،ءn ِ ش َمات َِة ا; َ ْع َد
َ َو،اء ِ الش َق
% َو َد ْر ِك،اء ِ ض َ ال َق
ِ اء َوا; َ ْد َو
اء ِ ال َوا; َ ْه َو ِ م ِ ْن ُمن ْ َك.
ِ ِق َوا; َ ْع َمnْرات ا;َخ
Allahumma la taj’al li kafirin alayna sabeela, Allahumma inna na’udhu bika min
suu’il-qada, wa darkish-shaqa’, wa shamatatil-a’da’, wa jahdil-bala’, wa na’udhu
bika min munkaratil-akhlaqi wal-amali wal-ahwa’i wal-adwa’.
O Allah! Do not grant a disbeliever any way to harm us. O Allah! We seek
refuge in You from a bad decree, being overtaken by misery, the gloats of
the enemies, and the pains of afflictions, and we seek refuge in You from
the disliked manners, deeds, desires and diseases.
ِ َل ِف% ويُذ،يه أَه ُْل طَا َع ِت َك
يه ِ ِفG يُ َعز،ش ٍد
ْ م ِة أ َ ْم َر ُر% ُ ;م أَبْ ِر ْم لِ َه ِذهْ ا% الل ُه
ِ ل َوn
ْك ِرا ْمoا َ يَا ذَا،ير ٍة
ِ الج ِ َ
َ بص.
Allahumma abrim li hadhihil-ummati amra rushd, yu’azzu fihi ahlu ta’atik, wa
yudhallu fihi ahlu ma’siyatik, wa yu’maru feehi bil-ma’ruf, wa yunha fihi anil-
munkari ala baseeratin, ya dhul-jalali wal-ikram.
O Allah! Let us see the good as good, and bless us with following it. And
show us the falsehood as falsehood, and bless us with staying away from
it, with Your mercy, O Most Merciful!
هي*ئ َل ُه ال ِبطَانَ َة َ َ وَاجْ ع َْل عَمَ َل ُه ِفي ر،م َوف* ْق ُه لِ ُهدَاكD الل ُه
َ ِض
َ َو،اك
ِ و.
ِ َا^ ْكرِام
O Allah! Enable our Imam to act by what You love and what pleases you,
and lead him by his forelock to righteousness and piety. O Allah! Grant
him Your guidance, and be pleased with his deeds, and grant him a
َ * ِة نَ ِبيDسن
ك َ لِ ْلعَمَ ْل ب ِِكتَا ِبc
ِ وَات*بَا،ك
ُ ع َ سلِ ِم
ْ ُ ?ةَ أُمُو ِر اgَُو َوف*قْ جَ ِميعَ و
And enable all the guardians of the Muslims to act by Your Book, and
follow the sunnah of Your prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
O Allah! Whoever wants to harm us and our lands and the Muslims, then
keep them busy with their own troubles, and return their plots to their
own necks, and make their plans the cause of their own destruction.
ِ خ *در
ِات َ سلِ ِم
َ ُ ? اc ِ دنا َوبVِ
ْ ُ ?د اVِ ِ خ َل إِلى ب
َ ك بِمَ ْن أ َ ْد
َ ْع َلي
َ مD الل ُه
َ م ْن أَعَا
ن ِ ك بِمُ َه *ربِيها و
َ َبائعيها َو َ مD الل ُه، ارِهاDان ِعيهَا َوتُج
َ ْع َلي ِ َص
َ و
O Allah! Destroy those who brought to our land and the land of Muslims,
drugs and intoxicants. O Allah! Destroy who brought them. O Allah!
Destroy those who spread them and who make them and who trade in
them. O Allah! Destroy those who smuggle them and sell them and help
to distribute them.
ِ ن َل ْم تُ ِر ْد
هدَا َي ًة ِ ن َل ْم تُ ِر ْد
ْ ِم إD الل ُه،ًهدَايَ ًة َل ُه ْم فَا ْل َعنْ ُه ْم َلعْنا ً َكبِيرا ْ ِم إD الل ُه
ً ِم َن ال َعذَابِ وَا ْل َعنْ ُه ْم َلعْناc ِ نا آ ِت ِه ْمD َرب.ً َل ُه ْم فَا ْل َعنْ ُه ْم َلعْنا ً َكبِيرا
ِ ْ َض ْعف
ا•خ َر ِة
ِ دنْيا َوG في ال،ًك ِبيرا،
O Allah! If You do not want to guide them, then grant them a great curse
and damnation, if You do not want to guide them, then grant them a great
curse and damnation, if You do not want to guide them, then grant them
a great curse and damnation in this world and the next.
ز َِل وَا?ِحَ َنgD وَالوَبَاء وَال *ربا وَالز*نا وَالزVغ َ ْم ا ْرفُعD الل ُه،
َ ا الDعن
َ اص ًة َو
ع ْن D خَ هذَا َ ،َ مَا ظَ َه َر ِمنْهَا وَما بَطَن،•
َ ع ْن بَ َل ِدنَا ِ َسو َء
ِ َ الف ُ و
َ اح ِم
m ِ ِبر ْح َم ِت َك َيا ِأر َح َم الر،َmسلِ ِم
% ْ َ
ِ ائ ِر ِب
ْ ُ `د اn ِ سَ
َ ا ِب ِع% ص ْح ِب ِه والت
m َ م ٍد َو َعلى آلِ ِه َو% ُم َح.
And all praises are to Allah Lord of the Worlds, and send Your prayers,
peace and blessings on our Prophet Muhammad and on his family,
companions and followers.
م آميـــــــــــــــــــن% م آميـــــــــــــــــــن ال ّلـ ُه% م آميـــــــــــــــــــن ال ّلـ ُه% ل ّلـ ُه
Allahumma Ameen. Allahumma Ameen. Allahumma Ameen.
Islam for universe says: 01/01/2014 at 10:26 pm
walaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
2. umar says: 03/04/2017 at 2:20 pm
SalaamuAlaikum. Please can I get the Text of dua qunoot By sheikh
Abdul rahman sudais