Business Simulation Proposal
Business Simulation Proposal
Business Simulation Proposal
Business Plan
Garden designer
Submitted By:
Note: All information required in this proposal is mandatory. Provide a brief explanation under each
section. You are not required to discuss the full-fledged plans in this proposal.
1 Description of the Business Idea The idea is about garden design. Garden
design is in line with service industry
that is currently not flooded because
people are not aware of it as to require
professional skills. Many people in the
homestead are willing to do the dirty
work but many do not have the skill to
draw and design their backyard for
proper landscaping. With this idea, I
have tried to resolve and make informed
decision about the idea by use of SWOT
analysis and PESTEL. I have tried to
look at it in a wider perspective of
looking at the market position strategies
by looking at the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. The analysis
describe a lot of positive impacts as
compared to its weaknesses.
2 Industry and Market Analysis The market analysis shows that many
people want their homestead to look
good. There are very few professional
who can do garden landscaping with
professional drawings and designs.
3 Target Customers Potential Target customers are all the
home owners who wants their homestead
to have a proper garden design
4 Marketing Strategy Some of the market strategies include
proper awareness and marketing through
social media, website and events
5 Value Prepositions The available market demand for garden
design services with limited provision of
the same service in the present