than newspapers, because you can read many newspapers for free on their
websites. The Internet is quicker to bring news and information out. It can
Many students lose marks in writing because they don't develop ideas. They have take years for a book to be published and reach the bookstore. The
good ideas, but don't write enough about each one in the game of dominoes, you information is often out of date. For me, the Internet is easier to use, because
keep playing until you cannot continue. you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library or in
a big set of encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come
Keep writing until you can't continue! (And then start a new paragraph!)
Many people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers Finally, lets add some transition words and markers like "First", "Another point is
because it is cheaper and quicker. As well as that, it is easier to use. that..," "Furthermore,.." etc. Let's also not repeat "The Internet" every time.
Many people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers because it is cheaper,
Bad! The writer put two ideas together - "cheaper" and "quicker." He or she didn't quicker and easier to use. First of all, the Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you
explain how the Internet is cheaper and quicker. And is the Internet really "easier to can read many newspapers for free on their websites. Secondly, it is also much quicker to
use"? The ideas are good, but the development is weak. bring news and information out. It can take years for a book to be published and reach the
bookstore. The information is often out of date. Another important point is that the Internet is
Develop Your Ideas easier to use, because you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library
or in a big set of encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come
Let's develop the sentences. instantly. [116 words]
The Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you can read many
newspapers for free on their websites. Practice writing definitions for the following ideas:
Television, Room, Calendar, Pie Chart, Love, Honesty, Disease, Child Labour, United
The Internet is quicker to bring news and information out. It can take years
Nations, Arvind Kejriwal, God.
for a book to be published and reach the bookstore. The information is
often out of date.
Based on the article overleaf, write your own argumentative paragraphs on the
For me, the Internet is easier to use, because you can find information following topics:
more quickly and easily than in a big library or in a big set of
encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come 1. Television is better than newspapers for young people to gather news and
instantly. information.
Eg. Because it can present visual information….
Add a Topic 2. Smaller cars are better than big cars for those who live in the cities
Now all you need is a topic sentence. 3. There are several reasons why there is corruption in public life…Firstly…
Many people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers 4. There are several ways citizens of a country could fight corruption in public life
because it is cheaper, quicker and easier to use. The Internet is cheaper and among individuals. First of all,