IELTS Technology Vocabulary
IELTS Technology Vocabulary
IELTS Technology Vocabulary
The subject of ‘Technology’ frequently comes up in the IELTS Speaking exam. You
may be asked to talk about something you own, your favourite websites, how
technology has impacted on education etc. You’ll need to show the examiner your
ability to express yourself using as wide a range of vocabulary as possible.
Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below and pay attention to the
phrases in bold. Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check the
meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.
Describe an item of technology you have that is very important. You should say:
and say how different your daily life would be without it.
"Examiner: What do you think are the important things people need to
learn when they start using computers?
Alejandro: Well … there are things like how to use the Internet …
how to enter a web address … how to navigate websites … that kind
of thing but it’s also important to know how to back up your files in
case your computer crashes … and all about Internet security.
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