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Reptiles crawl or move on their bellies or on small short legs.

Most reptiles are carnivorous and

REPTILES they swallow the prey whole. They mostly eat insects, mollusks, fishes, birds, frogs, mammals, or
sometimes other reptiles.
Different reptiles tend to live in different areas. The majority of reptiles live in temperate and tropical
Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrate animals. Most of the reptiles lay eggs and their skin is
climates. The common characteristics of reptiles if they have a backbone or spine, it means they're
covered with dry hard scales. Their body temperature changes along with the external temperature. They
vertebrates. They're cold-blooded or ecothermic. They have dry and scaly skin. They have lungs for
rely on heat from their surroundings to warm up themselves, that's why they're called cold blooded.
breathing. Most reptiles can survive for a long time without food.
Reptiles crawl or move on their bellies or on small short legs. Most reptiles are carnivorous and
Let's study about types of reptiles. Alligators and crocodile, they have been living on earth for
they swallow the prey whole. They mostly eat insects, mollusks, fishes, birds, frogs, mammals, or
millions of years. They eat a range of different animals such as fish, birds, turtles, and even deer.
sometimes other reptiles.
They can see well at night and have reasonable vision underwater. Alligators have wider u-shaped snouts
Different reptiles tend to live in different areas. The majority of reptiles live in temperate and tropical
while crocodile front ends are more pointed and V-shaped. Crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal
climates. The common characteristics of reptiles if they have a backbone or spine, it means they're
in the world.
vertebrates. They're cold-blooded or ecothermic. They have dry and scaly skin. They have lungs for
breathing. Most reptiles can survive for a long time without food.
Snakes, snakes are found on all continents of the world except Antarctica. They have flexible
jaws that allow them to swallow larger prey. They eat eggs, birds, ants, frogs, lizards, and other snakes.
Let's study about types of reptiles. Alligators and crocodile, they have been living on earth for
Some examples are python, anaconda, black mamba, viper, and cobra. The Barbados thread snake is the
millions of years. They eat a range of different animals such as fish, birds, turtles, and even deer.
smallest snake and the largest snake is the great anaconda.
They can see well at night and have reasonable vision underwater. Alligators have wider u-shaped snouts
while crocodile front ends are more pointed and V-shaped. Crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal
Turtles and tortoises, they belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world. They're easily
in the world.
recognized by their bony cartilaginous shell. This acts like a shield to protect them from other predators.
Some turtles can even tuck their head inside their shell for additional protection. They eat beetles, fish,
Snakes, snakes are found on all continents of the world except Antarctica. They have flexible
fruit, and grass. They have an incredibly long lifespan. Tortoises dwell on land while turtles live in the
jaws that allow them to swallow larger prey. They eat eggs, birds, ants, frogs, lizards, and other snakes.
water some or nearly all of the time.
Some examples are python, anaconda, black mamba, viper, and cobra. The Barbados thread snake is the
smallest snake and the largest snake is the great anaconda.
Lizards, lizards are found almost all over the world. They eat ants, spiders, cicadas, termites,
small mammals, and even other lizards. Chameleons have very long tongues which they rapidly extend
Turtles and tortoises, they belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world. They're easily
from their mouth. Some chameleons have the ability to change color. Geckos have unique toes it makes
recognized by their bony cartilaginous shell. This acts like a shield to protect them from other predators.
them very good climbers. Iguanas have a row of spines which run down their back and tail. Iguanas can
Some turtles can even tuck their head inside their shell for additional protection. They eat beetles, fish,
punch its enemy with its tail. Komodo dragons are meat eaters and can be very very aggressive.
fruit, and grass. They have an incredibly long lifespan. Tortoises dwell on land while turtles live in the
water some or nearly all of the time.
Scientists classify reptiles into four major groups or orders. These four reptile orders are
following; Crocodilias about 23 species, crocodiles, caimans, garios, and alligators. Sphenodonita, 2
Lizards, lizards are found almost all over the world. They eat ants, spiders, cicadas, termites,
species, Tuataras from New Zealand. Testudines, about 300 species, tortoises and turtles. Squamata, about 7
small mammals, and even other lizards. Chameleons have very long tongues which they rapidly extend
900 species, lizards, snakes and amphisbaenids.
from their mouth. Some chameleons have the ability to change color. Geckos have unique toes it makes
them very good climbers. Iguanas have a row of spines which run down their back and tail. Iguanas can
punch its enemy with its tail. Komodo dragons are meat eaters and can be very very aggressive.

Scientists classify reptiles into four major groups or orders. These four reptile orders are
following; Crocodilias about 23 species, crocodiles, caimans, garios, and alligators. Sphenodonita, 2
species, Tuataras from New Zealand. Testudines, about 300 species, tortoises and turtles. Squamata, about 7
900 species, lizards, snakes and amphisbaenids.


Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrate animals. Most of the reptiles lay eggs and their skin is
covered with dry hard scales. Their body temperature changes along with the external temperature. They
rely on heat from their surroundings to warm up themselves, that's why they're called cold blooded.

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