Introduction To Research
Introduction To Research
Introduction To Research
1. define research and explain its
role and functions,
Introduction to Research 2
What Is Research?
Research is defined as a careful,
systematic study in a field of knowledge
that is undertaken to discover or
establish facts or principles (Webster,
1984). It is also defined as a systematic
process of collecting and analyzing data
to find an answer to a question or a
solution to a problem, to validate or test
an existing theory.
Introduction to Research 3
Educators, health service providers,
entrepreneurs, managers, policy
makers, counselors, administrators,
teachers and students, need
information to make decisions, or
THE VALUE to perform their functions more
effectively. Research can help them
OF meet this need. Teachers need to
know what teaching approaches
RESEARCH and materials can be used to help
students learn better. Health
service providers need health-
related data in developing health
programs and in improving
delivery of health services and in
identifying interventions that will
improve the health condition of
Introduction to Research 4
The Value of Research
• As a decision-maker, a manager and administrator needs
accurate information before selecting a course of action.
When several options are available, data about the
options can help the decision-maker in selecting the best
or the better alternative that will yield a better outcome.
Introduction to Research 5
The Value of Research
Research has several functions.
a) It helps us answer questions, solve problems and make
b) It enables us to see and understand how and why a situation or
a problem exists.
c) It helps us discover new things and ideas.
d) It allows us to validate existing theories or generate new ones.
e) It helps us identify and understand the causes and effects of a
situation or a phenomenon.
Introduction to Research 6
The Role of
Research in
Improving Our
Quality of Life
Introduction to Research 8
The Role of Research in Improving Our Quality
of Life
• To illustrate, when it was found
through research that lung cancer is
associated with smoking, campaign
against smoking was intensified. As a
consequence, many habitual smokers
stopped smoking. Those who quit
smoking became less prone to cancer
and more likely to have better health
than those who continued to smoke.
Introduction to Research 9
The Role of Research in Improving Our Quality
of Life
Another example is the development of the
computer and its use in the banking system.
One development that resulted from
computerization is the automated teller
machine (ATM) which has made fund transfer,
bank withdrawal and deposit, balance inquiry,
and payment of bills much easier and faster for
the clients. The use of A TM has allowed clients
to have access to bank and other services 24
hours a day, and this has definitely made life
easier and more convenient to many
Introduction to Research 10
The Role of Research in Improving Our Quality
of Life
Uses of Research as a Scientific Process
1. determine an existing situation
2. describe a population
3. compare two conditions
4. determine the existence, degree or nature of relationship
between two or more factors
5. evaluate and compare the effectiveness of an intervention
6. predict the value of a certain characteristic
Introduction to Research 11
Development projects/programs
are designed to improve the
welfare of man. There are
development projects in
The Role of education, health, housing,
employment, business,
Research in agriculture, etc. The
development process involves
Development planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation. In
each stage of development,
research plays an important role
Introduction to Research 12
The Role of Research in Development
• Research is needed in describing and analyzing existing
social or economic problems or conditions.
Introduction to Research 14
Descriptive Research
The descriptive type of study finds answer
to the questions who, what, when and how.
This type of research describes a situation
or a given state of affairs in terms of
specified aspects or factors. What may be
described are characteristics of individuals
or groups (farmers, students, administrators,
entrepreneurs, patients,' etc.) or physical
environments (schools, business
establishments, hospitals, cooperatives,
etc), or conditions (epidemic, calamities,
leadership styles, anxiety level, sales and
profit, productivity, etc.).
Introduction to Research 16
Descriptive Research
The following examples of research topics in specific areas fall under the
descriptive type.
Introduction to Research 17
Explanatory or
Correlation Research
An explanatory study goes beyond
description of the problem or
situation. It attempts to explain the
possible factors related to a
problem which has been observed
in a descriptive study. This type of
study answers the questions why
and how the factors are related to
the problem, however, it need not
to be viewed as real "causes" of
the problem, but factors which are
associated with or may contribute
to the occurrence of the problem.
Introduction to Research 18
Explanatory or
Correlation Research
The explanatory type of study is also
called correlation research; in which
the researcher investigates
relationships between factors or
variables. Certain factors are
"assumed" to explain or contribute to
the existence of a problem or a certain
condition or the variation in a given
Introduction to Research 19
Explanatory or Correlation Research
For example, relationships between the following pairs of
variables can be studied:
1. Local government employees’ work performance and
Knowledge about the local Government code
2. Gender and Grades
3. Cancer Awareness and Compliance with medical regimen
4. Source of business capital and Financial Performance
Introduction to Research 20
Explanatory or Correlation Research
The following examples of research topics fall under the explanatory
or correlation category.
Introduction to Research 21
Intervention or
Experimental Research
The intervention or experimental type of
research evaluates effect or outcome of
a particular intervention or treatment. It
studies the “cause and effect”
relationship between certain factors on
a certain phenomenon under controlled
conditions. The subjects of the study are
randomly assigned to the experimental
group and to the control group and
both groups are exposed to similar
conditions except for the intervention.
Introduction to Research 22
Intervention or Experimental Research
• For example, one can assess
or compare the effect or
outcome of two or more
methods of teaching math
on the mathematical ability
of students , two or more
health management
practices on the recovery of
patients, or two or more
management styles on
employees' productivity.
Introduction to Research 23
Intervention or Experimental Research
The following examples of research topics fall under the intervention or
experimental category.
Introduction to Research 24
There are other
Other classifications of research.
Research may also be
Dichotomies classified as either pure
or applied, either
of Research exploratory or
explanatory, and either
(Jackson, 1995,
Mercado, 1994)
quantitative or qualitative.
Introduction to Research 25
Pure Basic vs. Applied Research
Pure Basic Research
• This type of research attempts to
describe an existing situation Examples
and/or explain certain patterns of
behavior using either or both • "Factors Associated with Tardiness
qualitative and quantitative and Absenteeism among High
research techniques. The goal of School Students"
pure research is to offer better
descriptions and better
explanation of human behavior. • “Attitudes Towards Health and
The intention is to accumulate Smoking Habits of Health Service
knowledge about a certain Providers”
Introduction to Research 26
Pure Basic vs. Applied Research
Applied Research
• While the primary aim of pure research is the formulation or the
refinement of theory, applied research aims to see an immediate solution
to a problem. This type of research focuses on variables or factors which
can be changed by intervention in order to achieve a desired goal, like
improvement of health, school achievement, or performance or increase
in revenue. An experimental study comparing the effectiveness of two
methods of improving health practices of mothers or two management
styles of bank managers can yield results that recommend a better
practice or style.
• Examples
• "The Effect of Gender Sensitivity Training on Men's Involvement in Child Care”
• “ Remedial Teaching: Its Effect on the Performance of Slow Learners”
Introduction to Research 27
Exploratory vs. Explanatory Research
Exploratory Research • Examples
• Exploratory studies are • "Domestic Violence: Ideas,
designed to describe an Experiences, and Needs of
existing problem situation Married Working Men in the
and examine the underlying City of Baguio"
factors that contribute to the • "Menopause: Working
emergence of the problem, Women's Perceptions,
the nature of which is not yet Experiences and Coping
well known. Strategies"
Introduction to Research 28
Exploratory vs. Explanatory Research
Explanatory Research
• The primary goal of an explanatory study is to understand or
explain a prevailing situation or explain a relationship between
factors which may have already been identified in exploratory
studies, and why the relationship exists. Explanatory studies
seek more specific answers to "why" and "how" questions.
• Examples
• “Relationship Between Alcohol Intake and Domestic Violence Among
Married Men in the Municipality of Alimodian”
• “Extent of Exposure to Advertising Materials and Expenditure Patterns
of Young Professionals in Northern Luzon”
Introduction to Research 29
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
• This type of research seeks to
quantify or reflect in numbers the Examples
observations on the • “ The Socioeconomic Profile of
characteristics of the population households in Upland
being studied. It measures the Communities in the Province of
number of respondents or objects Antique”
possessing a particular
characteristic. It emphasizes • “Health Seeking Behavior and
precise measurement and often Health Status of Retired School
times requires statistical analysis Teachers in Zamboanga”
of data or the testing of
hypotheses based on simple
Introduction to Research 30
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
• This type of research emphasizes verbal descriptions and explanations of
human behavior and practices in an attempt to understand how the units
or members of the study population experience or explain their own
world. To gather information, the researcher makes use of one or a
combination of the following techniques: participant observation, key
informant interview, focus group discussion, direct observation, and in-
depth analysis of a single case.
• Examples
• “ Experiences and Needs of Victims of Child Abuse Among Elementary
School Pupils in Iloilo Province”
• “ Menopause: Women’s Perceptions and Experiences”
Introduction to Research 31
There are various research methods
which one can use to study a problem
(Mercado, 1994).
The experimental method is used to
determine the effectiveness of a
treatment or an intervention, the
"cause and effect" relationship of
certain phenomena under controlled
condition. The subjects of the study
are randomly assigned to the
experimental group and to the control
groups and both groups are exposed
to similar conditions except for the
intervention/treatment. Among the
different research methods, the
experimental method yields the most
conclusive research findings .
Introduction to Research 33
• For instance, a teacher who • An agriculturist who wants to
has been using the determine what level of
traditional approach in nitrogen should be applied
teaching algebra wants to to maximize yield of rice can
test the effectiveness of the conduct an experiment to
cooperative learning determine the effect of
approach in improving different levels of applied
performance. An experiment nitrogen on the growth and
can be conducted to yield of rice.
compare the cooperative
learning approach and
traditional approach.
Introduction to Research 34
The survey method obtains data to
determine specific characteristics of a
group. The purpose of a survey is to get
a general picture of the characteristics
of a study population at a particular
time. The use of the survey approach is
appropriate for most descriptive and
correlation studies.
Introduction to Research 35
• For example, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
of Region VI has available funds for a technical assistance
project for cut flower growers in Region VI. Before the
project can be implemented there is a need to determine
first the production and marketing practices of cut flower
growers in the region. A survey can be conducted to
determine these practices.
Introduction to Research 36
The historical approach is used to
determine the growth and
development of a group,
organization or institution. The
description is based on
information about some past
aspects of the group, organization
or institution. Most of the data
used in this method are collected
from secondary sources, such as
records, documents, written
materials, accounts, etc.
Introduction to Research 37
For instance, in a study of the
history of aIl development of
cooperatives in the Philippines the
historical method would be the
most appropriate.
Introduction to Research 38
Content analysis is usually used when the
intention of the researcher is to ascertain
the quality of message or information found
in a document or in mass media. This
method is also used to test the level of
readability of certain books, e.g. textbooks
for elementary pupils, before they are
printed for distribution. Content analysis is
also used in determining authenticity of
documents and in literary research, e.g.
literary analysis and criticism.
Introduction to Research 39
• For instance, the Department of Health (DOH) would like
to know whether a brochure it plans to use to disseminate
information about. breast cancer can be understood by its
target readers. Before mass producing and distributing
the brochure, a content analysis of the material can be
done. Sample copies can be distributed to selected
individuals resembling the potential target readers of the
reading material. After asking them to read the material,
they can be given a test to determine their understanding
of the content of the brochure.
Introduction to Research 40
Science is defined as a
systematized body of
knowledge (Webster, 1984).
Research as Research as a scientific
method, involves a systematic
a Scientific way of gaining knowledge or
the process of testing ideas
Method (hunches, guesses, or
hypotheses) to see to if an idea
holds true in a given situation
or under controlled conditions.
Introduction to Research 41
Research as a Scientific Method
As a scientific method, research involves the following
1. Identification of a problem
2. Formulation of hypotheses
3. Data collection
4. Data analysis
5. Drawing of conclusions
Introduction to Research 42
Introduction to Research 43