LSR Self Assessments Tool - Q3

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Compliance Self Assessment to the 'Life Saving Rules' SIF Program

This 'LSR Self Assessment' is a tool targeted to eliminate that most common causes of system employee and contractor serious incidents.
Description This assessment covers the key programs and short-term actions critical to eliminate our most serious incidents. For each program, there is a checklist, which will guide you to cover all common
system opportunities and learnings from the system.
The purpose of this Compliance Assessment is:
a) Ensure that compliance is assessed in a robust and consistent way;
Purpose b) Identify strengths and weaknesses in current safety and health programmes;
c) Provide an overall view of compliance, which can be monitored over time.
d) Provide a corrective action plan and facilitate follow up on implementation actions.
Assessments should be carried out across all plants and sites on a regular basis, based on a Go & See approach and documented evidence.
Operating Units should instead define a frequency of assessment based on the local risk profile (for example every year).
Preparation for your Self-Assessment
1. Plan: Plan your assessment carefully. Allow sufficient time for go to the field and see if the requirement is effectively implemented and managed across the site.
2. Involve: Involve the right people. Assessments are best carried out by a team with a balance of skills and expertise. Ensure there is some independence of the programme being assessed.
Tips 3. Verify: Review different evidence. Seek different types of evidence, e.g. from discussions, observations, documentation, etc. Try to verify verbal evidence with other sources.
4. Be realistic: Wait before scoring. Only assign scores at the end of the assessment, once you have evaluated each question.
5. Set high standards: Take the opportunity to challenge the current programme. Gaps should be seen as priorities and opportunities.
Evaluation & Scoring
Each compliance checklist consists of a number of questions, based on key requirements and life saving rule.
Each question should be evaluated and scored (on a Yes or No Scale) and the tool will shows the progress accordingly. Any gaps, reason or obstacle because implementation is being delayed should be
recorded and explained in the 'comments' section available for that purpose.
Evidence of an effective assessment as well as action plans to close the gaps must be developed and kept as evidence for tracking in progress and for audit purposes.
YES Compliance The requirement is full implemented.
Scores NO Not Compliance The requirement is not fully implemented.
N/A Not Applicable The requirement is not applicable at the facility
Protect our most important asset—our people
o Completing these Prevention Program will reduce the risk of our operations, and help to eliminate other serious incidents, helping us to ensure a safe and healthy
workplace and let our people perform at their best.
Increase employee engagement
o Get everyone involved in this program and in other safety improvement activities. Improved safety is in everyone’s best interest…it’s an easy way to build a culture
of continual improvement—not just in safety, but in all business areas.
Reduce incident costs
o   The direct costs of incidents are large (medical treatment, property repair or replacement), but the indirect costs can be huge, including costs from:
o   Lost production
o   Overtime or temporary employees
o   Diverted management time and attention
o   Increased out-of-stocks, reduced availability
o   Legal or civil liability
o   Damaged Brand reputation

# Classified - Confidential
Life Saving Rule Percent Compliance

1. Think Smart Before You Start 33%

2. See, Say, Do Something 63%

3. Right Skills for the Task 0%

4. Contrator and Visitor Safety 57%

5. Work Permit (Authorization) 60%

6. Work at Height 86%

7. Safe Equipment 61%

8. Safe Work Energized Systems 57%

9. Confined Spaces 81%

10. Hot Work 78%

11. Hazardous Chemicals 69%

12. Safe Zones 67%

13. Forklifts / Lift Trucks 90%

14. Safe Driving 43%

# Classified - Confidential
References OR-RQ-101, Operational Requirements & ES-RQ-130, EOSH Performance Measurements WHY Questions 6
"In order to select effective corrective actions, we have to understand more than just WHAT happened, we have to understand WHY it happened…and not just the The decisions you make each-and-every day have a significant impact on whether your Percent
immediate cause, but the root causes." work and/or the work of others is performed safely. Safety is a choice, and every Compliant 33%
associate plays a critical role in making the workplace safe.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
1.1 I have ensure written safety rules and procedures that Safety rules, should always be in written form, in compliance with the KO requirements. The SOPs All Existing SOP to be 15.12.2021
clearly defines the safe operating procedures? (Safe Operating Procedures) should always be updated. There should be a control mechanism for reviewed /modified for critical
making sure that the latest updates are always communicated through the distribution chain and NO task
the latest versions are utilized.

1.2 I periodically advise employees of these rules through All employees must understand the rules and internalize them as an essential prerequisite of an 2- BBS , Safety GEMBA/Tour in 1-TNI(Skill Gap Analysis ) wlll 10.12.2021
education and training? accident free facility. The safety rules should always be seen as effective precaution to avoid place be review and updated
people from getting harm. The management should ensure that; 3-Class room training and Daily
- There is an annual training plan put in place to make sure each and every employee receives the TBT in place
essential health and safety information.
- There is a daily refreshment process through safety observations, safety tours, BBS and other
effective tools that are based on feedback & effective communication. NO
- The training methods are not only conventional classroom trainings but also includes interactive
methods and online tools to make sure the accessability to information is provided.

1.3 I make sure safety hazards are identified and corrected? One of the "root causes" of workplace injuries, illnesses, and incidents is the failure to identify or 2-Periodic inspection is in place 1-HIRA in place but need to be 10.12.2021
recognize hazards that are present, or that could have been anticipated. A critical element of any as per KORE reivwed
effective safety and health program is a proactive, ongoing process to identify and assess such 3-Investigate injuries, illnesses, 2-Group similar incidents and
hazards. incidents, and close calls/near identify trends in injuries,
misses to determine the illnesses, and hazards to be
To identify and assess hazards, the facilities should determine a task force that will: underlying hazards, their made
- Collect and review information about the hazards present or likely to be present in the workplace. causes, and safety and health
- Conduct initial and periodic workplace inspections of the workplace to identify new or recurring program shortcomings-in in
hazards. pace
- Investigate injuries, illnesses, incidents, and close calls/near misses to determine the underlying 5-Emergency Acton plan in
hazards, their causes, and safety and health program shortcomings. place
- Group similar incidents and identify trends in injuries, illnesses, and hazards reported. 6-Determine the severity and
- Consider hazards associated with emergency or nonroutine situations.
NO likelihood of incidents that could
- Determine the severity and likelihood of incidents that could result for each hazard identified, and result for each hazard identified,
use this information to prioritize corrective actions. and use this information to
prioritize corrective actions.
All actions determined should be tracked to make sure they are effectively resolved within the (condidering in HIRA)
given deadlines by the responsibles assigned.

(Human and
Performance) 1.4 I have implemented routine safety inspections, and A safety inspection is a general examination of the workplace situation at a specific point in time. Routine safety inspections, and Routine safety inspections, and
actions taken are necessary to correct identified Ensure that there is a procedure tha defines the framework of the safety inspection, in which actions taken are necessary to actions taken are necessary to
deficiencies? intervals they are to be conducted, whom to be attending, how the outcomes to be recorded and correct identified deficiencies (is correct identified deficiencies will
reported, how the actions determined to be followed up. in place) be made
Make sure there is plan in accordance with the procedure that is followed up. YES
The inclusion of employees should be provided.

# Classified - Confidential
1.5 I provide proper supervision to all employees, Stop Work Authority (SWA) is a principle designed to provide employees and contract workers SWA Policy to be prepared and 05.12.2021
encouraging them to think of the risks and empowering with the responsibility and obligation to stop work when a perceived unsafe condition or behavior implemented
them to stop the work if they see necessary? may result in an unwanted event. Supervisors and managers should promote a culture where
SWA is freely exercised, SWA requests are resolved before resuming operations. They ensure,
necessary stop work follow-up is completed. The stop work consist of several steps that can be
listed as;
1- Stop, 2- Notify, 3- Investigate, 4- Correct, 5- Resume, 6- Follow-up
1- Stop: When an employee or contractor perceives condition(s) or behavior(s) that pose imminent
danger to person(s), equipment or environment he or she must immediately initiate a stop work
intervention with the person(s) potentially at risk.
2- Notify: Notify affected personnel and supervision of the stop work action. If necessary, stop
work activities that are associated with the work area in question. Make the area(s) as safe as
possible by removing personnel and stabilizing the situation. No
3- Investigate: Affected personnel will discuss the situation and come to an agreement on the stop
work action.
4- Correct: Modifications to the affected area(s) will be made.
5- Resume: The affected area(s) will be reopened for work by personnel with restart authority.
6- Follow-up: Managers will provide the root cause analysis to the stop work action and identify
any potential opportunities for improvement.

1.6 The site is proactive to effectively implement Behaviour Technical proficiency and level of preparedness is not enough to make sure that the facility will not BBs System in place
Based Safety (BBS) program and use the BBS to change have any serious incident or fatality since the behaviours of people also play a critical part. People
the unsafe acts into safe habits? with full knowledge of risks, might have tendency to go beyond the limitation of the rules. The BBS
is a great tool to focus on the un-safe and risky behaviours and to surface the underneath reasons Yes
behind those behaviours. For Guidance on how to implement a BBS Program, follow the BBS
Guideline published in Knowlegde Sharing.

TOTAL Number of Questions 6

Number of Applicable Questions 6
Number of Compliant Questions 2

Percent Compliant 33%

# Classified - Confidential
References OR-RQ-101, Operational Requirements & BBS Guideline Knowledge Sharing WHY Questions 8
"A strong health and safety culture achieves more than just lower injury rates. Creating a positive culture – where employees actively participate in health and safety – Ensuring safety is everyone's responsibility. Every associate must feel empowered to Percent
will help us all to meet your duty of care for all employees and contractors." speak up about safety, whether it is related to your work or when observing the work of Compliant 63%
others. Even more important is to do something to prevent risk of injury or illness.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date

2.1 I create an environment where safety is everyones Safety is the responsibility of everyone, everywhere. All jobs have hazards, so in order to make 1-Safety Policy is in place
responsibility? the workplace safe and prevent or reduce hazards both the managers/supervisors and the 2-Training is in place
frontline follow safety procedures. It is the responsibility of all employees to keep themselves and 3- Safety rules are displayed at
others safe at workplace by working together to promote safety. All commercial and manufacturing specific prominent location
facilities must have a health and safety policy that fits their job process requirements and is in 4- R & R Program in place
compliance with KO health and safety requirements and international and local regulations. To
ensure that health and safety is everyones responsibility;
- Clearly state in the H&S policy that everyone is authorized and have a saying in safety.
- Through communication and regular trainings, let people understand and own the responsibility Yes
of safety.
- Ensure that all safety rules are demonstrated inside the facilities through pictograms, signs,
communication boards.
- Provide an environment where the employees are encouraged to give and receive feedback
from each other.

2.2 I create a speak-up culture that promotes safety, so that Employees often remain silent with their opinions, concerns or ideas about safety violations. They SWA Policy will be implemented 15.12.2021
when violations occur, employees feel empowered and fail to speak up because they feel their work environment is not conducive for it. They might fear
comfortable to stand up? suffering significant social costs by challenging their bosses or their colleagues. To avoid it and
create a safety environment where people are eager to speak up about what is not working;
- Clearly and unequivocally convey which behaviors are prohibited.
- Indicate that violations will result in appropriate and proportionate discipline actions and provide
examples of those actions.
- Strongly encourage reporting of known or suspected violations in safety.
- Prevent any kind of retaliation to make sure a fear culture is not to be settled among the NO
- Recognize and reward people with the focus and willingness to speak up about safety violations.
-Promote a culture of not blaming or “trying to fix the employee,” but working with employees to
understand where we can “fix the process” to be safer.

2.3 I have invested in safety and ensure resources and Ensure that safety budgets are considered in the facility business plan to be able to reinforce the Saperate Safety budget in place
people are accounted for in the facility business plan. safety culture in place and comply with the safety goals of the company. Yes
HOP 2.4 I ensure that recognizing, rewarding and reporting of The primary driver of sustainability in reducing the rate and severity of workplace injuries is 1-R & R System procedure is in
(Human and safety concerns are communicated? organizations’ focus on putting people first and effectively promoting safe behaviors and people`s place
Organizational engagement in promoting safe behaviors through communicating and reporting safety concerns,
Performance) violations and opportunities. To ensure the continuity of the feedbacks from the employees;
- Ensure there is a a reward and recognition procedure in place and employees who contribute
are recognized. Yes
-Bring employees in to help problem solve and understand risks to performing the job/tasks.

2.5 I embed that nothing is worth doing unless it is done Due to the instant changes in the processes the employees perform everyday, Impacts may occur SWA Policy will be implemented 15.12.2021
safely? that can comprimise the safe and wellbeing of the employees unless they are not managed or
anticipated. It is critical that all employees need to know that all tasks to be performed should be
perfomed in a way where there is no room for taking any accident risks, that may result with an
injury or life alteration. No
Drive a culture that does not communicate competing priorities, but the ability to meet business
goals safely.

2.6 I have a process in place to conduct safety walks and A safety walk-around is when a line manager or supervisor observes work taking place, inspects BBS and Safety GEMBA
proactively identify hazards and risks? the workplace, and discusses safety performance with the frontline based on their observations. System is in place
A walk-around is focused on the real experience of working every day. It’s designed to catch
everyday unsafe practices that can compound over time to create serious risks for a whole group
of employees. Those walks should be performed regulary and risks observed should be recorded
and included in the risk analysis and trainings for the employees.
Bring employees in to help problem solve and understand risks to performing the job/tasks. Yes
Fully support safety engagement and empowerment such as safety improvement committees.

# Classified - Confidential
2.7 I have a process to look for opportunities to eliminate or Ensure that any identified risk is assessed in order to evaluate if the hazards can be eliminated or HIRA will be reviwed and update 05.12.2021
engineer out at-risk conditions. engineer controls can put in place to reduce the risk as much as possible. Document the control NO
that are put in place.
2.8 I have a process to track and monitor actions to When the corrective and preventive actions are determined, a tracking system is needed to make CTA, MAP, LSR and any plant
completion? sure all those actions are completed within the given deadline by the responsibles and as they are safety observation is being
determined. The action plans should be recorded, the follow up mechanism should include the tracked and monitored
involvement of the management and the representatives of the frontline and the status should be YES
communicated wtihin each update.

TOTAL Number of Questions 8

Number of Applicable Questions 8
Number of Compliant Questions 5

Percent Compliant 63%

# Classified - Confidential
WHY Questions 5
Employees, including contractors or sub-contractors, should have the right skills and qualifications to safely perform the work and tasks they have been assigned. Having the right safety training, skills, competencies, and capabilities is critical, and will Percent
keeps people safe. Employees, including contractors or sub-contractors, should have the Compliant 0%
right skills and qualifications to perform the work and tasks safely.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
3.1 I have defined all roles and responsibilities in a a. The job description form is prepared by the HR department and needs to be filled by the direct JD's are avialble for the 05.12.2021
facility/department/organization with a standard job manager/supervisor of the position. The definitions in the content must be informative, clear and departmentwise however safety
description form that includes all tasks a roles needs to explaining all the tasks the employee needs to perform. JD need to be incopaorated
perform in order to meet the expectations of the role? b. The task definitions should also include the prerequisite skills, technical competencies,
experiences, certifications and trainings required by local legislation, by KORE standards and by
international health and safety managements systems the bottler, facility, operation unit is NO
c. The scope of the tasks listed should not only be limited to periodical and repetitive ones but also
the non-periodical and ad-hoc tasks the employee need to do should also be included.

3.2 I make sure for each position the The skills, experience, trainings and competencies that are directly or indirectly related to safety Sytem will be made for each 10.12.2021
competency/skill/training/certification prerequisites are for each position, especially the ones that are facing the hazards and risks must be classified as position
classified as "must have" and "can be "must haves" and "can be added/acquired/learned/developed later". To give an example, a valid competency/skill/training/certific
learned/added/improved later" and talent acquisition driving certification from an authority is a "must have" for a forklift operator but a "defensive driving ation prerequisites
department has the lists for each position? training for forklifts" can be given after the hiring and during the orientation/trial period. This needs
to be also given/embedded to procurement processes for tendering services that require certain
skills to be performed in a facility and requires safety focus for the nature of the job or task. An
example for this stage can be given as contracting pallet repairing operations to be performed
inside the facility. For this specific operation, the contractor employees to perform the job must No
now how to effectively use the required PPE, if a nailing gun to be permitted, they need to have
the certification/training records/experience to safely use the gun, know and be aware of risks
affiliated with pneumatic energy usage and safe usage and maintenance of compressors.


3.3 I ensure that a Training Development Plan is At a minimun the Training Development Plan should be develop by levels and must consider: Training development Program 10.12.2021
implemented for all employees to carry out their tasks 1. Risk Assessment and Perception is in place but tracking system is
safely? 2. Dangerous Work not in place to ensure 100%
3. KORE Requirements content coverage of respective
4. Internal and external training to perform dangerous work employee
5. New training content to attend Call to Action NO

Ensure that employees receive safety induction before starting their work.

3.4 I have implemented a "job/task cycle analysis" where The job cycle analysis is a process where the employee and the direct manager/supervisor is JOB cycle analysis for the safety 30.11.2021
each employee goes over the safe operating procedures having an interactive dialog and goes over the safe operating procedure of each task the critical task will be preapred and
of the tasks they are responsible from with their direct employee is assigned for. The goal is to ensure that the employee is aware of all the risks of the ensured by direct manager or
managers in a pre-defined period not is set wider than 6 task, know the methods to eliminate, restrict, isolate and control them and complete the task each supervisor
months? time safely. The job cycle analysis should not only focus to routine operations but also non-routine NO
effects need to be involved where any seldom risks not to be excluded.

3.5 I make sure all the risks and focus points mentioned in The risk analysis file is a living document that includes all the risks that exists in the facility. The competencies, skills and 10.12.2021
the job descriptions are also included in the risk analysis competencies, skills and awareness required for safety are counter measures to manage those awareness requirement for
process of the facility? specific risks. That is why both risk analysis process and job descriptions should be in-line and specific job are incoparted in
matching. HIRA to be ensured and JD will
be prepared accordingly

TOTAL Number of Questions 5

Number of Applicable Questions 5
Number of Compliant Questions 0

Percent Compliant 0%

# Classified - Confidential
References ES-RQ-110, Contractor and Visitor Management Requirements & ES-RF-110, Contractor and Visitor Management Guidelines WHY Questions 7
"Unless we take steps to make sure our Contractors perform work safely, they may be expose to the highest risk, with a least oversight in our operations. But we care We are responsible for the safety of EVERYONE in our workplace, including Contractors, Percent
about the safety of everyone performing work for us…and it’s our responsibility to make sure they don’t endanger themselves or anyone else." Vendors and Visitors. Take actions to confirm that our system ensure the same safety Compliant 57%
controls and apply the same requirements to mitigate risks for everyone is our

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
4.1 I have established a process to ensure that contractors Some sites do not have access to the contractors qualification´s records, as they remain in the Procedure is in place to ensure 25.11.2021
and sub-contractors have the qualifications, headquarters of the bottler. It is important that the site can verify the competencies and training of that contractors and sub-
competences, experience to prequalification and contractors and ensure that no untrained substitutes enter the site. That the person is trained and contractors have the
capabilities to perform the work expected while adhering does not only trust the reputation of the company that is hired. qualifications, competences,
to Company, site and local regulatory requirements? Note: *Competence of Contractors and all Sub-contractors. experience to prequalification
Consider to ask and review skill assessment test. and capabilities to perform the
SELECTION Safety orientation & induction to site's safety rules are not considered as a contractor training to NO work expected while adhering to
demonstrate competency. Company, site and local
regulatory requirements but
100% implementation to be

4.2 I have established procedures to manage and control Some incidents happen when contractors and subcontractors show up and start work before
contractors, subcontractors and visitor access to the anyone at the site even knows about it, especially if it’s a high hazard task as Work at Height,
facility, work areas, and other site areas to minimize their Electrical Work, etc. Or because of overconfidence those contractors and subcontractors have
access and protect the facility people and property? already been working for the site for some time/project.

Make sure contractors and subcontractors can't walk inside facilities without check- in and have
the properly access and permissions to the areas they have to visit/work.

Ensure that the contractors have the properly permissions to the following access dangerous
-Electrical Station (High Voltage, Medium Voltage, Low Voltage)
-Fragile Surfaces
-Outside Building Areas
-Chemical Cage
ACCESS -Compressed Gas Areas (ammonia room, boiler room, etc.)
CONTROL -Trailer parking lot and docking stations. Yes
-Waste water Treatment Plant
-Confined Spaces

Controls might include:

-Badge access, visitor logs, host/point of contact, escort, controlled check in / entry locations, etc.
-Controlled entrance through security, with safety instructions at entry or immediate notification of
the site contact (this means training Security on how to handle contractors).
-Signs indicating that ‘All visitors must check in at Security’.

4.3 I have validated that every contractor or subcontractor Set clear safety expectations before work begins. It’s their job to do the work and do it safely…but System in place but 100% not
worker that enters the plant receive and understand a it’s our job to ensure they know what we expect. implemented
safety orientation prior to begin the work?
Implement management practices and controls in accordance with the stricter of Company
requirements or applicable legal requirements related to management of contractors and visitors.

The safety orientation at minimum must consider:

-The site safe practices.
PRE-ENTRANCE -Understand what permits are required before starting work-at-height, confined space entry, hot
SAFETY work, or other high hazard task. YES
INSTRUCTIONS -Conduct a pre-work risk assessment to identify hazards and necessary controls.
-Know to stop and contact their host if the work scope or conditions change.
-Understand the consequences if they don’t meet site's safety expectations.
-Emergency procedures.

# Classified - Confidential
4.4 I have conducted risk assessments as necessary to Risk assessments must identify the occurrence of and controls for ‘Dangerous Work,’ as well as
identify the environmental, safety, and health risks related other risks, hazards and controls. Including if other contractors companies are working in the
to the presence of, and work performed by, contractors, same area/project.
subcontractors, and visitors, to identify the controls The contractor should be involved together with the operation to the assessment of the risk for the
RISK required to manage these risks? tasks to be performed.
The site has to document a pre-job safety review with the contractors involved in dangerous work
to include safety expectations, review of the hazards and controls to be utilized, emergency
procedures and incident reporting.

4.5 I have ensured that all responsible for overseeing Define roles and responsibilities for them and ensure the adequate training on those. Training will be imparted to all 15.12.2021
contractors and subcontractors work, including the plant responsible for overseeing
manager, have the training and capabilities for the Plant Manager, Contract Managers and Site Contacts must have a good appreciation of the safety contractors and subcontractors
management of contractors and subcontractors? risks linked to the contract that they manage, and the precautions required. They may also work, including the plant
CONTRACTOR understand: manager for the management of
MANAGEMENT • The local contractor management process; contractors and subcontractors
• Their individual responsibilities within that process; and NO
KNOWLEDGE & • Any relevant legal requirements.
Area Owners (and other relevant managers and team leaders) must also understand the
contractor management process.

4.6 I have implemented inspections and BBS routines to Verify that contractors are working safely. Build in routines to make sure that someone is making
make sure that someone is making regular observations regular observations of the contractors and giving feedback to them.
of the contractors or subcontractors and giving feedback
to them, stopping the work when I observe uncontrolled -Document routine inspections of contractors to ensure compliance while work is performed (i.e.
risk? monthly for routine work and/or weekly for nonroutine/project work).
-Make sure everyone at the site knows it’s their responsibility to observe the safety of contractors
and let the site host know of any unsafe work.
-Talk with employees in advance if contractors will be working in their area and enroll them for
BBS & OTHER -Schedule walkthroughs (without telling the contractors what the schedule is).
INPECTIONS -For roof work, make a plan—can you observe from below, or do you have to observe from the YES
-Let the contractors know in advance that they will be observed, make sure they see you
observing, and give the contractor supervisor ongoing feedback (positive or constructive).
-Coordinate and promote Safety Review Meeting with contractors to talk about safety.
-Review if work permits are filled out correctly and cross-check that the people performing the job
is the one authorized in the permit.

4.7 I have established a process to perform and document an 1. All employees, contractors and subcontractors must promote compliance with requirements, Evaluation Procedure to be 30.11.2021
evaluation of each contractor's performance and instructions and processes for all Contractor Activities. established for Short term
compliance at the completion of work, or annually for service contractors however
long-term contractors? 2. All Coca-Cola Company organizations should commit to the relevant disciplinary measures system is in place for regular
UNSAFE BEHAVIORS defined locally in the event of non-compliance. contractors
3. Disciplinary measures may not exceed the limits established by labour laws and regulations in
each country of operation.

TOTAL Number of Questions 7

Number of Applicable Questions 7
Number of Compliant Questions 4

Percent Compliant 57%

# Classified - Confidential
WHY Questions 10
"Health and safety regulations require some type of formal documentation, often in the form of a work permit. A "permit" is an employer-created and signed document Work authorization or a work permit is more than just a person signing a form: it is a Percent
that details the safeguards in place to protect an employee who's been assigned a particularly dangerous job function." comprehensive discussion, documentation, an evaluation and understanding of the risks, Compliant 60%
verification of controls in place, and authorization to start, resume, or hand-over a task

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
5.1 I have implemented a process to conduct a pre-risk Document the pre-risk assessment Pre risk assessment system is in 30.11.2021
assessment prior to each specific 'Dangerous Work’ to As a minimum, the pre-risk assessment must cover: place but Emergency response
identify hazards and controls to be utilized during the •Scope of work to be performed. process in case of an
work? •Description of the steps to perform the task. emergency to be incoporated
•Contact or host person of the project or task.
'Dangerous Work' includes at least the following: •Names of the persons involved in the task (including, roles and responsibilities).
•Work at Height, •Hazards by each step associated with the tasks to be performed.
•Electrical Work, • Mitigation controls of the hazards identified in each step.
•Confined Space, • Permit to work required to perform the task.
•Line Breaking Work, • Emergency response process in case of an emergency during the task. No
•Hazardous Energy Work, • Verify if the contractor needs to use a GFCI or RCD connection to avoid the risk of
Critical lifting, and any other identified by a general risk electrocution in wet locations.
assessment in place. • If there are more contractors on site working in the same area, the risk assessment should
•Groundworks and Excavation include the different activities they are undertaking.
•Critical lifting, and any other identified by a general risk
assessment in place.

ASSESSMENT 5.3 I have designated the team who is competent and The competency and capability should be evaluated through their qualification, years of working A designated team will be 10.11.2021
capable for carrying out the pre-job risk assessment? experience, technical knowledge on the (subject, KORE & regulatory requirements, HIRA etc.) defined and their competency
and capability will be evaluated
on the basis of their work
NO experience, technical knowledge
etc. for the performing the pre
job risk assessment

5.5 I have ensure that employees and contractors that All personnel involved in high hazard tasks must be trained, competent, and capable to perform Emergency response procedure 30.11.2021
perform dangerous have appropriate training & their roles. They must also understand: for dangerous activity to be
capabilities? prepared and to be ensure in
• The local permit-to-work (PTW) process; PTW during the task
• Their individual responsibilities within that process;
• Any relevant legal requirements; and NO
• Confirm that emergency response procedures are in place as part of the work permit and
Note: Safety inductions provided by the plant are not a substitute for formal safety training.

5.6 I have checked and verified that each task requires a Develop safety instructions for each type of dangerous work and how to handle the PTW process Rescue team and Emergency 05.12.2021
permit to work is performed in line with the related permits in the facility. response plan for Dangerous
safety instructions? activity to be incopaorated in
Define clearly the roles and responsibilities of the persons involved in the PTW process: exsiting procedure
1. Permit issuer
2. Permit authorizer
3. Workers performing the task/job
4. Supervisor during the work
5. Rescue team
WORK Include the instructions to be followed during each step of the dangerous work: No
(PTW) 1. Planning
2. Before Dangerous Work Starts
3. During Dangerous Work
4. After Dangerous Work
5. Suspend Dangerous Activity
6. Emergency response procedures

# Classified - Confidential
References ES-RQ-135 Fall Protection & Prevention Requirement, ES-RQ-110, Contractor and Visitor Management Requirements. WHY Questions 14
"Roof work, skylights and other fragile surfaces are often overlooked during site risk assessments, either because the work is not common, or because people don’t Working at height refers to any work where a person could potentially fall and injure Percent
recognize skylights as potential hazards. Even when the hazard is identified, people may not be aware of the controls available to manage the risk." themselves. Special authorization, controls and safety instructions must be followed to Compliant 86%
effectively prevent serious injuries and fatalities from falls from height.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
Review your Fall Protection & Prevention program and update if needed to make sure there is an effective system to: Dasna
6.1 I have designated a Fall Protection and Prevention leader This may be the site supervisor, site safety leader, or it may be someone else at the site who
and ensured that the program leader has completed regularly deals with contractors and others that perform work-at-height, and has the time and
training (internal and external) to understand the ability to conduct risk assessments and implement improvement programs.
principles of fall protection and oversee the program?
DEFINE A LEADER The Fall Prevention and Protection Leader needs to understand the KORE Fall Protection YES
Requirements, ES-RQ-135, local legal requirements about Fall Protection and Prevention, and
any recent internal or external audit or assessment findings.

6.2 I have documented and communicated the location of fall Fall hazards can include but are not limited to:
hazards and work at height at the site?
-Skylights and other “fragile surfaces”
-Unprotected roofs
-Unprotected pits
-Wall or floor openings
-Elevated walking/working surfaces 1.2 meters (> 4 feet)
-Wet floors
- Rail car/tanker car access points
- Standing over the top of a Truck for loading/unloading
-Use of non approved lifting devices (not secure forklift baskets/cages)
-Other hazards that present a fall hazard to the employee and/or contractor.

IDENTIFY AND Create/update the site’s Fall Protection risk assessment—go through the entire facility to identify
COMMUNICATE where there is the potential for work-at-height. Include routine tasks, but also think about Yes
FALL HAZARDS maintenance or other tasks that may not occur very often, like changing lights or roof repair.

-Document the location of each skylight and fragile surface

-Include roof work
-Identify all areas where there is a difference of level (Hazards not removed must be visibly
marked, guarded, padded or otherwise protected and clearly communicated)
-Identify if proper drainage is provided to avoid pooling water on the floor.

6.3 I have verified that controls are in place to effectively Use the Fall Protection Requirements, Guidelines, and Solutions Guide to select the best
prevent falls? combination of control measures for each fall hazard.

Control measures for each fall hazard:

• Hazard Elimination—redesign the equipment or job to eliminate the need for work-at-height.
• Fall Prevention—platforms and rails, or fixed guards to create a physical barrier to prevent the
• Fall Protection—fixed or portable certified lifelines and anchorage points to use with a harness YES
and lanyard.
•Administrative controls—training, warning signs, permit systems are all examples of
administrative controls.
6.4 I have verified the correct lifting devices and fall protection If your control measures are fall protection equipment, ensure the correct lifting device is used. Clear safety rules for the use of 30.11.2021
is available to conduct a work at heights and proper SOP (There have been examples of unsafe use of a forklift to reach high points, that lead to falls.) each fall protection equipment to
for these are developed? The correct ladder is chosen depending on the work to be conducted (height, location) be made
Lanyards & Body harnesses are provided and that these fit the users correctly.
For routine activities (as loading and unloading trucks) make sure the anchorage point is over the
head of whoever is attached to it. NO

Document clear safety rules for the use of each fall protection equipment.

6.5 I have created an action plan for each fragile surface, or The plan should address any other work-at-height situations that are not already adequately Assessment and Safety MAP is
task involving roof work, identify the control, who is controlled, too. Update the plan accordingly. in place
responsible for implementing, when, and how it will be YES

ACTION PLAN 6.6 I have executed & follow up the action plan? Make sure that the Fall Protection and Prevention Leader and the site Leaders follow up the
action plan to ensure its execution at time and provide the resources needed. YES

# Classified - Confidential
SURFACES I have verified that skylights must have either active fall Communicate clearly to all employees, contractors and subcontractors about:
protection (PFAS tie off with lanyard, harness, and -Skylight location
designated anchor point) or passive fall protection (guard -Skylight system protection (active fall protection (PFAS tie off with lanyard, harness, and
rails or skylight screen) when work is performed in designated anchor point) or passive fall protection (guard rails or skylight screen) when work is
proximity? performed in proximity.)

6.8 I have implemented access control to the roof or fragile Note: Evaluate if a local legal requirement required to keep the roof access unblocked without any
surfaces for employees, contractors, and subcontractors locks or barriers at all times for fire brigade access.
ensuring that only authorized, trained & protected people
access them? To access roof and fragile surfaces, only authorized persons with the correct training must be
If work at roof or near fragile surface will be carried out, ensure there are proper controls are in
ACCESS place, such as anchorage points, physical barriers or warning sings at the edge of the roof or
CONTROL fragile surfaces. YES
Ensure access to the roof is controlled (guards, locks, etc.)
Many times the activities that involved work at height in these surfaces is carried out by
contractors and subcontractors. VERIFY AND ENSURE that only licensed and trained contractors
and subcontractors are authorized to access them.

6.9 I have implemented a process to conduct a pre-risk A work at height is considered a High Hazard Task. Therefore, a pre-risk assessment must be PTW system is in place
assessment prior to start a work at height to identify any performed prior to start the work. This pre-risk assessment must be applied no matters is the work
PRE-RISK potential risk and establish mitigation controls to prevent is perform by contractors, subcontractors or employees. Ensure that all the persons involved in
the risk of falling? the work have knowledge and comprehension of what the pre-risk assessment establishes.

6.10 I have established a permit to work program to control, Ensure that only authorized person can issue a Work at Height Permit. Ensure that the
monitor and document working at heights? authorization of the permit occurred after verifying the conditions of the work at the field.

Work from heights permitting:

1. A new permit must be issued when Work extends beyond the authorized duration (e.g. 8 to 12-
hour shift) and when the conditions of the work change (environment conditions, new area, new
workers, etc.).
2. Working at a height of more than 4 feet / 1,2 meters, where fixed platforms and standard
railings are not available, requires a permit.
PERMITS TO 3. Working within 15 feet / 5 meters of an unprotected edge of a roof or other work in proximity
(<6ft / 1,8 meters) to an unprotected excavation, pit, fragile surface, etc., requires a permit. YES
4. Work where personnel remain on the ladder, within the confines of an aerial device, or tied off
to a designated engineered anchorage point, do not require a work permit unless the site’s risk
assessment and procedures dictate otherwise.
5. All tools and work materials are secured to prevent them from dropping.
6. People conducting the work at height are fit physically before and during the job.

6.11 I have ensure that Emergency Rescue Procedures are in Avoid generic rescue plans from work permits. Emergency rescue procedure to 10.12.2021
place for each work at height and the emergency • Emergency response services such as rescue and first aid brigades can be part of the rescue be made and training will be
equipment is fit for purpose? plan as long as when all the elements and resources are available and ready in the specific place provided for the same
the activity develops.
EMERGENCY • To be considered effective, the rescue plan must have the pertinent actions to have the affected
RESCUE person/persons on the floor in less than five minutes in the event of a fall. NO
PROCEDURE • Never expose rescuers to greater uncontrolled risk.
• No work permit can be authorized without an effective rescue plan. People that validate work
permits are responsible for the review and effectiveness criteria of the same.
• All personnel involved in the activity must know and understand the rescue plan.

6.12 Are Employees, Contractors, and Subcontractors that All personnel involved in high hazard tasks must be trained, competent, and capable to perform
perform work at height appropriate trained and their roles. They must also understand:
• The local permit-to-work (PTW) process;
• Their individual responsibilities within that process; and
KNOWLEDGE & • Any relevant legal requirements. YES
Note: Safety orientation or inductions provided by the plant before access IS NOT a substitute of
the formal work at height safety training.

6.13 I have implemented an inspection and preventative Ensure that all surfaces, equipment and PPE used by employees, contractors and subcontractors
maintenance program for Fall Protection equipment? to work in height tasks are in good conditions to operate and use it safely.

Serious accidents have occurred in the workplace due to bad conditions of PPE or lack of properly
PPE. All PPE, tools, anchored points, lanyards, life line, etc., must have an inspection and
maintenance program. This apply also to contractors and subcontractors equipment. Those
inspections must be performed per qualified people with the competencies to evaluate the correct
functionality of the equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

An inspection program and routines of the equipment that they can use inside the facility needs to YES
be done previous to put them in use (scaffolding, ladders, manlift, etc.)

All anchor points are listed, fit for purpose, tested regularly and all employees tie themselves over
work that is performed above 4 feet / 1,2 meters.


ROUTINES # Classified - Confidential
6.14 I have implemented inspections and BBS routines to Verify that contractors and subcontractors are working safely. Build in routines to make sure that BBS System is in place
make sure that someone is making regular observations someone is making regular observations of the contractors and subcontractors and giving
of the contractors, subcontractors or employees that are feedback to them.
performing work at height and giving feedback to them?
-Make sure everyone at the site knows it’s their responsibility to observe the safety of contractors
and subcontractors, and let the site host know of any unsafe work.
-Talk with employees ahead of time if contractors will be working in their area and enlist their help.
-Schedule walkthroughs (without telling the contractors what the schedule is).
-For roof work, make a plan—can you observe from below, or do you have to observe from the
-Let the contractors and subcontractors know in advance that they will be observed, make sure YES
they see you observing, and give the contractor supervisor ongoing feedback (positive or

Suggested Frequency of Observation or Supervision: Every 2-3 hours.

TOTAL Number of Questions 14

Number of Applicable Questions 14
Number of Compliant Questions 12

Percent Compliant 86%

# Classified - Confidential
References ES-RQ-160 Hazardous Energy Control Requirement, ES-RQ-185, Machine Safeguarding Requirement WHY Questions 18
"Everybody deserves to work in a safe workplace free of known health and safety hazards. This includes proper machine safeguarding, safe electrical installation & Equipment safety devices and controls are put in place to keep you and others safe. Percent
portable tools, proper handling of compressed gases and material handling equipment in proper conditions." Compliant 61%

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
7.4 I have conducted an initial determination of applicable A trained person should conduct the initial evaluation to determine the areas and outlets that ELCB list will be reviewed, 15.12.2021
equipment and areas requiring ground fault or residual require GFCI / RCD protection. Keep evidence of the competencies of the person doing it. updated and provided to the
current protection? A list of areas is most appropriate to provide evidence of compliance. Communicate to all area mentioned area if not avaiable
personnel about these types of protections, how they should be used and tested to verify proper
Ensure install GFCIs/RCDs/short-circuit protection on all operation.
circuits or equipment as follows:
-In the presence of moisture.
-When insulation is subject to damage. No
-When extension cords and portable equipment are in
-On all outdoor applications.
-With portable RCDs connected directly into the electrical

7.9 Are the employee, contractors or subcontractors All personnel involved in the use and/or inspection of safety guard & interlocks must be trained, Machine gaurding training is 12.12.2021
appropriately trained and competent in the correct way to competent, and capable to perform their roles. being conducted but 100%
use and inspect the safety guards and devices?  They must also understand: coverage to be ensured
-The machine hazards.
-The correct function and location of the safety devices. No
-The frequency of the inspection and how to inspect the different safety devices.
-How to act in case that a safety device does not work properly.

7.10 Are the employee, contractors or subcontractors All personnel involved in the use and/or inspection of electrical portable tools and extension cords Training will be provided to the Sandeep Nirwan 30.12.2021
appropriately trained and competent in the correct way to must be trained, competent, and capable to perform their roles. Contactor employee working in
use and inspect the GFCI and electrical portable tools They must also understand: wet location on the following
and extension cords? -The electrical hazards working in wet locations. topics:
-The correct used of proper electrical portable tools and electrical cord extensions. -The electrical hazards working
-The frequency of the inspection and how to inspect the tools. NO in wet locations.
-How to act in case that portable tool or GFCI outlet does not work properly. -The correct used of proper
electrical portable tools and
electrical cord extensions.

7.11 I have ensure that all contractors/temporary workers that Serious accidents have occurred in the system by contractors who perform routine and non- ELCB list will be reviewed, 12.12.2021
perform work inside the facility in wet areas have the routine work at the plant and make use of unprotected outlets in wet areas or in activities that updated and provided to the
proper GFCI/RCD protection? involve the use of water, for example, hydro-washing machines. Make sure the No mentioned area if not avaiable
contractor/temporary workers understands the concept of GFCI / RCD protections well and verify
that they are used correctly in the field.

7.12 Are the employee, contractors or subcontractors All personnel at the facility have to be aware of compressed gas hazards. Training is being provided, but 12.12.2021
appropriately trained and competent to understand Gas leak detection alarm should be known by everybody that works or visit the site, to be able to 100% coverage to be ensured
compressed gas hazards? act in case of an emergency.
Personnel in charge of service and provide maintenance to compressed gas systems must be
trained, competent, and capable to perform their roles. Note: Safety orientation or inductions No
provided by the plant before entering the facility IS NOT a substitute of the formal compressed gas
management safety training.

7.13 Are the employee, contractors or subcontractors All personnel involved in the use and/ or inspection of material handling equipment (racks, 100% coverage of material Amandeep/ 15.10.2021
appropriately trained and competent in the correct way to automated storage systems, pallets, cranes and hoists, lift assists, pallet jacks, carts and trucks, handling training to be ensured Rishi/ Balwant/
material handling equipment? lift tables and automatic guided vehicles) must be trained, competent, and capable to perform their Arun Kashyap
They must also understand:
-The equipment hazards. No
-The correct used of material handling equipment.
-The frequency of the inspection and how to inspect the equipment.
-How to act in case that the material handling equipment does not work properly.

7.15 I have implemented an inspection and preventative Serious accidents have occurred in the workplace due to bad electrical power tools/ electrical Program for power tools 15.11.2021
maintenance program for electrical systems, equipment, installations conditions or lack of properly PPE. All the electrical installations, PPE, tools, power inspection is in progress.
tools and PPE? tools must have an inspection and maintenance program. This apply also to contractors
Ensure that all tools, power tool, electrical cords and PPE equipment and a inspection of the equipment that they can use inside the facility needs to be done
used by employees or contactors to work in electricals previous to put them in use. NO
tasks and activities are in good conditions to operate and Expected inspection routines for electrical systems: bonding and grounding survey, infrared
use it safely. assessments, shortcut circuit assessment, PowerStation maintenance.

# Classified - Confidential
References ES-RQ-160 Hazardous Energy Control Requirement, ES-RQ-120 Electrical Safety Requirement WHY Questions 14
"All the hazardous energies in equipment must be isolated, locked and tagged before any type of intervention (operation, minor services, cleaning, maintenance, etc.). Energy isolation separates people from hazards such as electricity, pressure, and Percent
Implement mitigation controls to avoid the risk of injuries due to contact with hazardous energy control." accidental start-up of energized equipment. Compliant 57%

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
8.1 I have identified and established Hazard Boundaries If an arc flash is not conducted, follow safety distances of local electrical requirements or industrial Arch flash boundry has been 30.10.2021
Distances (arc flash boundaries) for all energized electrical standards (NFPA) to establish the hazard boundaries. Document the source where you made with temporay coluored
equipment to be worked on (serviced, repaired, setup, get the information. taping, however permanaent
etc.). It is important that the established Hazard Boundaries are communicated to the employees and matrking with appropiate paint is
authorized workers that will service the equipment. NO in progress.
Post visible labels/signage to communicate the electricity exposure risk, and provide required
tools and PPE for working on different types of electricity sources, all in-line with KORE
Requirements and (if conducted) a facility-specific arc flash assessment.

8.2 I have Implemented documented procedures for the 1. Conduct and document an initial assessment of the workplace to identify tasks, machinery and System is in place, left area that 30.11.2021
control of hazardous energy for each applicable piece of equipment that need to be serviced/intervened/maintained and identify the hazardous energies is tetra line will be done.
equipment and for each type of activities that can be involved. (Note: The assessment should include maintenance work in which the removal of safety
perform in the equipment (regular operation, cleaning, devices is necessary, and any work in which the employee must place any part of the body into a
change of format, maintenance, minor services and non- hazardous zone of equipment or point of operation). Clearly define and document when LOTO is
routine circumstances, (blockage, etc.) applicable and if not which other controls are put in place, that provide an equivalent level of
individual protection.

2. Equipment Hazardous Energy Control Procedures must cover each applicable piece of
equipment and the following, but not limited to:
• Labels identifying the energy source, voltage and process controlled.
• Steps for shutting down and isolating energy.
• Steps for the placement and removal of lockout or tagout devices.
• Steps for verifying the effectiveness of lockout/tagout devices (attempting to power on
equipment) prior to beginning work on the isolated machine/equipment.
• Steps to maintain continuity of lockout/tagout protection during personnel changes.
• Methods to ensure each individual working on the same equipment has their own lock, key,
and/or tag during group lockout/tagout.
• Methods, including a permit program, that must be followed for line breaking and other No
situations for which it is not feasible to develop equipment-specific hazardous energy control
• E-stops are to be used for emergency use only, not for routine equipment operation or shut-

3. Plant shall designate the team who is competent and capable for carrying out the risk
assessment. The competency and capability should be evaluated through their qualification, years
of working experience, technical knowledge on the (subject, KORE & regulatory requirements,

4. There should be a process in place to ensure that any changes in an equipment and process
should be reflected to SOPs and trainings.

8.3 I have assessed each filler, palletizer, depalletizer & • Observe the operators and maintenance personnel while operating, clearing blockages/ LOTO system is in place, but 30.12.2021
stretch wrappers and other major piece of equipment to jams, and doing major maintenance. Evaluate the use of digital means to observe (i.e. remote assessment needs to be
verify if lock-out/tag-out is followed every time? If you find camera or equivalent) ensured.
any issues, conduct a root cause analysis and execute a
corrective action plan to make sure it is followed every • Ask the operators and maintenance personnel about any challenges they have with
IDENTIFY AND time. lock-out/tag-out on those pieces of equipment, and any reasons they might not always follow the
MANAGE procedures. This has to be a two way conversation to ensure that the procedure is accurate,
HAZARDS feasible, and adequate. From a feasibility perspective are there any obstacles to actually
performing lockout tagout (e.g. disconnect is not located at the same level as the operator, or local
disconnect is not provided for motor drive and/or no ability to isolate energy for specific parts of No
equipment for certain tasks requiring full system lockout for every task, etc.) that may require
equipment modification?

• Talk with supervisors to understand any issues they know of, and to make sure they are
consistently giving positive feedback when people follow lock-out/tag-out, and stopping the work
when people don’t.

# Classified - Confidential
8.4 I have ensured that at any time that a part of the body or The most common examples of this routines are in palletizers, depalletizer or stretch-wrappers to ONE LOCK, ONE KEY, ONE 15.12.2021
the whole body needs to access the hazard point of the clear bottles, cardboards, stretch film, etc., any time that an employee or contractor need to go TAG per each person involved
equipment, prior to access a lock and a tag is used to inside this equipment (part or full body), a lock and a tag must be placed on the equipment for in the machine's intervention will
avoid a re-starting or release of energy? each employee or contractor involved to prevent the sudden movement and the equipment to re- be provided and LOTO training
start. ONE LOCK, ONE KEY, ONE TAG per each person involved in the machine's intervention. will be given to the persons
Assess how many people is need during the changeovers, troubleshooting, to established who NO
needs LOTO training, and provide the proper LOTO devices to fulfill the task.
Only authorized employees are allowed to perform tasks that would require the removal of
machine guards or tasks requiring Lock-Out/Tag-Out.

8.5 I have evaluated vehicle and forklift maintenance • Potential energy: controls to make sure that raised forklift forks, or vehicles don’t come down Forklift maintenace operation 10.12.2021
operations and procedures and will make any updates unexpectedly. will be reassessd as per
needed to incorporate hazardous energy control? • Vehicle chocks or procedures to make sure that vehicles don’t move unexpectedly. hazardous energy control and
• Maintenance and inspection of Electrical Vehicle charging stations and connections. the following pointswill be
• Hydraulic energy: controls to make sure any hydraulic hose won't get loose and spill any oil included in the hazardous
during the service. energy control procedue format:
• Driver control: controls to prevent anyone drives the vehicle during maintenance work. 1) Potential energy
2) Vehicle chocks or procedures
to make sure that vehicles don’t
move unexpectedly.
3) Maintenance and inspection
of Electrical Vehicle charging
stations and connections.
4) Hydraulic energy: controls to
NO make sure any hydraulic hose
won't get loose and spill any oil
during the service.
5) Driver control: controls to
prevent anyone drives the
vehicle during maintenance

8.13 I have implemented an inspection and preventative Serious accidents have occurred in the workplace due to bad electrical power tools/ electrical Program of inspection of power 30.11.2021
maintenance program for electrical systems, equipment, installations conditions or lack of properly PPE. All the electrical installations, PPE, tools, power tools of contractors is in
tools and PPE? tools must have an inspection and maintenance program. This apply also to contractors progress.
BBS AND OTHER Ensure that all tools, power tool, electrical cords and PPE equipment and a inspection of the equipment that they can use inside the facility needs to be done
used by employees or contactors to work in electricals previous to put them in use. NO
tasks and activities are in good conditions to operate and Expected inspection routines for electrical systems: bonding and grounding survey, infrared
use it safely. assessments, shortcut circuit assessment, PowerStation maintenance.

# Classified - Confidential
References ES-RQ-105 Confined Space Entry Requirement, ES-RQ-110 Contractor and Visitor Management Requirements WHY Questions 16
"Many workplaces contain areas that are considered "confined spaces" because while they are not necessarily designed for people, they are large enough for workers to Working safely when required to enter a confined space requires a great deal of planning, Percent
enter and perform certain jobs." preparation, training, risk assessment, authorization and supervision prior to even thinking Compliant 81%
"Confined space entry is a not frequent activity that happens at the facilities, however, is a high dangerous activity, that requires strong safety controls." about entering the space.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
9.2 I have conducted and documented an initial assessment Examples of specific hazards associated with the entry into each of the confined spaces: oxygen Risk assessment has already Risk assessment will be 10.12.2021
of the workplace to identify each confined space and the deficient space, presence of flammable vapors, toxic vapors, entrapment, energy releases, being done for all the confined conducted by trainined person
specific hazards associated with entry into each of the exposure to chemicals, things that can fall on people, mechanical equipment, thermal hazards, space but the specific hazard of for specific hazard and their
confined spaces? noise, fall hazards, content that may engulf you. each confined space associated control measures will be taken
is not included in risk based on the specific risk.
A trained person should conduct the initial confined space assessment/inventory. Keep evidence assessment.
of the competencies of the person doing it. Following questions will be used
A list of confined spaces and locations of them with their potential hazards associated with to conduct the assessment:
working in them is most appropriate to provide evidence of compliance. The site has to considered a. Is this space a confined space
all confined spaces at the premises, and the ones that are outside the premises that have (Large enough to enter and
relationship with the site operations (examples wastewater drainage connection with the city perform work, has limited or
sewer). restricted means for entry and
The assessment may be either a stand-alone document or included as part of a more exit, it is not design for
comprehensive risk assessment. The assessment must be updated whenever processes, continuous occupancy);
equipment or facilities are added or modified in such a way that can create or change the risks b. Reason for entry?
PRE-RISK and hazards associated with the entrance into confined spaces. Must be reviewed at least c. What are the characteristics
ASSESSMENT annually to verify that it is current. No of the CS?,
Consider the following questions to conduct the assessment: d. What are the possible
a. Is this space a confined space (Large enough to enter and perform work, has limited or atmospheric hazards?,
restricted means for entry and exit, it is not design for continuous occupancy); e. What are the possible
b. Reason for entry? physical hazards?,
c. What are the characteristics of the CS?, f. Ventilation?,
d. What are the possible atmospheric hazards?, g. Other considerations (lighting,
e. What are the possible physical hazards?, noise, radiation, rescue
f. Ventilation?, operations).
g. Other considerations (lighting, noise, radiation, rescue operations).

9.7 I have ensured that only authorized person can issue a The selection, training & authorization of Permit Issuers is critical. The following steps can be 1. List of personsfor issuing 10.12.2021
Confined Space Entry Permit? taken in count to the selection of the permit issuers: Confined Space Entry Permit to
Ensure that the authorization of the permit occurred after 1. Selection: Sites must select candidates with appropriate background & profile; be prepare and training to be
verifying the conditions of the work at the field and prior to 2. Training: Sites must provide training on the local PTW process and on the risks & controls provided.
enter to the confined space and that is communicated to relevant to the type of permit they will issue; 2. We will maintain and display a
those involved. 3. Assessment: Sites must assess practical competency through observation of permit issuance; register of Permit Issuers (PIs),
4. Authorization: Sites must document final authorization following an interaction with the relevant showing who is authorized to
PERMITS TO Plant Manager. issue which type of permit.
(PTW) The site must maintain and display a register of Permit Issuers (PIs), showing who is authorized to
issue which type of permit.
Confined space entry can be performed only if a company trained Entry Supervisor authorizes the
entry verifying all controls are in place.

9.13 I have established a rescue plan and have the proper Prior to the issuance of each entry permit, the Entry Supervisor will ensure that effective A generic rescue procedure is A specific type of rescue 10.12.2021
equipment available? procedures and the necessary equipment and rescue providers are in place readily available, given in the work permit system. procedure will be made for all
functioning properly to complete the following actions without endangering rescuers or other It needs to be specific for each confine space. Following actions
If the site provides internal rescue services, facilitate an personnel: type of confine space will be included in the plan:
annual simulated rescue practice with participation from *Retrieve an Entrant in the event that the Entrant is unable to leave the confined space under 1) Retrival of entrant when he is
the entire onsite rescue team. their own power; and aunlable to the leave the CS on
*Retrieve an Entrant, or provide respiratory protection in accordance with the Respiratory its own or:
Protection Requirements, within 3 minutes of an indication that the atmosphere in the confined 2) Provide respiratory protection
space does not meet the minimum acceptable air quality requirements. equipment winth in 3 min of an
*At a minimum, these procedures and equipment must include: indication that the atmosphere
-Use of a full body harness with D-ring attached to a retrieval line for each Entrant involved in a in the confined space does not
top or side entry over 1.22 meters (4 feet) from the bottom of the confined space; No meet the minimum acceptable
-Identifying and ensuring availability of Rescuers capable of providing the necessary services; air quality requirements.
and *At a minimum, these
-Means for the Attendant to instantly initiate rescue and emergency procedures as soon as the procedures and equipment must
Attendant determines that Entrants need to escape from the space. Attendants may assist with include:
non-entry retrieval, but may not leave the confined space or enter it (if trained to do so) unless -Use of a full body harness with
relieved by another Attendant. D-ring attached to a retrieval line
for each Entrant involved in a
top or side entry over 1.22
meters (4 feet) from the bottom
of the confined space;
-Identifying and ensuring
availability of Rescuers capable
of providing the necessary
# Classified - Confidential services; and
-Means for the Attendant to
instantly initiate rescue and
emergency procedures as soon
References ES-RQ-170 Hot Work WHY Questions 9
Many aspects of maintenance and engineering work involve Welding, Burning, Cutting, Grinding. When these activities are carried out in direct contact or in close Hot work including spark-producing work activities (such as burning, welding, cutting, Percent
proximity to flammable or combustible substances there is the risk of explosion, fire and the production of toxic substances, with the potential consequences of serious brazing, soldering, or grinding) must be performed in a manner that prevents exposure of Compliant 78%
injury, ill-health and or damage to property and the environment. ignition sources (e.g. hydrocarbons or flammable materials). 

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
10.6 Provide documented training for Hot Work Permit Authorizers, Fire Watches and other affected Training on hot work to be 30.11.2021
I have documented Training and Competence Records personnel to perform their responsibilities regarding Hot Work. provided to external contractor
for either internal employees or contractors carrying out At a minimum: employees
hot work? 1. Training for Hot Work Permit Authorizers must cover:
• Hot Work Requirements, including the Hot Work permit system and precautions for Hot Work
outside Designated Hot Work Areas;
• Fire Extinguisher selection and inspection to ensure that the appropriate type is selected and
ready for service;
• If applicable, site automatic sprinklers or other automatic extinguishing systems to be able to
determine whether they are in place and functional; and
• The site High Hazard Areas and specific Hot Work precautions for these areas.

2. Those carrying out and supervising hot work must understand the fire safety procedures that
are in place. In particular, they should be aware of:
• How to activate the alarm, where to evacuate during an emergency, and how to contact
assistance or the fire authorities.
Training for Fire Watches (‘working’ or ‘non-working’) must cover:
• Their responsibilities as outlined in these Requirements;
INFORMATION, • Selection and use of fire extinguishers; and
INSTRUCTION • The site emergency action plan and means of initiating emergency response. No
• Working’ Fire Watch: assigned when there are only ordinary combustibles present and there is
no unusual fire hazard near the Hot Work site. The fire watch works near the hot work site during
the Hot Work and for 30 minutes afterward and may also assist with the job.
•‘Non-working’ Fire Watch: assigned for Hot Work in Hot Work High Hazard areas and other
situations in which the risk assessment identifies a high potential for fire or for undetected sparks
to smoulder. The ‘non-working’ fire watch is a dedicated fire watch who remains in the immediate
work area during the Hot Work and for 30 minutes afterward and does not perform any other work

3. Ensure that contractors understand and follow site requirements regarding Hot Work, in
compliance with the Contractor and Visitor Management Requirements

10.9 When Hot Works are carried out by contractors, I have 1. All employees and contractors must promote compliance with requirements, instructions and Contractor evaluation for long 15.12.2021
implemented a process to perform and document an processes for all Hot Work Tasks. term contractor is beong done,
evaluation of each contractor's performance and but needs to be done of short
compliance at the completion of work, or annually for 2. All Coca-Cola Company organizations should commit to the relevant disciplinary measures term service provider.
long-term contractors? defined locally in the event of non-compliance. No Disiplanery matrix for non-
adherance of safety systems to
3. Disciplinary measures may not exceed the limits established by labor laws and regulations in be preapred and implemented.
each country of operation.

# Classified - Confidential
WHY Questions 13
"Chemical hazards and toxic substances pose a wide range of health hazards (such as irritation, sensitization, and carcinogenicity) and physical hazards (such as Hazardous chemicals are substances in solid, liquid or gas form that can cause harm to Percent
flammability, corrosion, and explosibility). In order to ensure chemical safety in the workplace, information about the identities and hazards of the chemicals must be people or the environment if an exposure occurs. Chemicals can be toxic because they Compliant 69%
available and understandable to workers." can harm us when they enter or contact the body. The hazardous classification is
determined by criteria set out by legislation and are identified by properties such as toxic,
corrosive, irritant, asphyxiant, carcinogenic, flammable, and radioactive.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
11.2 I have ensured that safety data sheets are available for 1. Obtain and maintain a safety data sheet (SDS) from the manufacturer for each hazardous some of the SDS are not Those SDS will be converted in 20.12.2021
substances used and the information provided is being material onsite. available in local language. local language to easy
used? 2. Review the SDS or information at least every five years, and update as necessary. understanding for all
3. Ensure SDSs are accessible whenever personnel are present at the workplace. NO
4. Ensure SDS are in local language.

11.8 I have developed SOP for chemical transfer operation to • Develop and maintain standard operating procedures for loading and unloading hazardous High level control for overfilling 15.11.2021
be carried out in a safe way? materials. Label or placard transfer areas to show all potential hazards of materials to be is In place, alarm needs to be
transferred and the required controls, such as “Flammable. No Smoking” for flammable liquids. installed
• Provide controls to prevent unauthorized connections or use of incompatible materials.
• If transferring flammable liquids, provide fire controls in compliance with the Company’s
Flammable Liquids Requirements. No
• Provide controls to prevent overfilling, such as high-level alarms and automatic pump
disconnects on receiving tanks.

11.10 I have ensure that there is a periodically training to all Provide training for all employees on the Hazardous Chemicals Program. Include at minimum the Training is being imparted but 15.11.2021
employees on the hazards of chemical used and the following topics: 100% coverage to be ensured
measures to avoid any risk of being exposed/harmed? 1. Where to locate an SDS.
2. Contents of an SDS and how to read it.
3. Hazard communication label requirements.
4. How to protect from hazardous material exposure.
5. Basic spill response and associated PPE requirements.
6. Disposal of all chemicals in accordance with safety data sheets and operating procedures.
Provide retraining
1. Every three years.
2. When an employee has not worked with hazardous materials in 12 months.
3. According to change management procedures.
4. When there is a knowledge deficiency.

# Classified - Confidential
WHY Questions 3
The simple definition is avoid being in harm’s way and it is also knowed with the term “line of fire”. Injuries occur when the path of a moving object or the release of Working in a Safe Zone ensures people are positioned in a safe space to protect them Percent
hazardous energy intersects with an individual’s body. Three major categories of line of fire incidents are caught-in or between incidents, struck-by incidents, and from being hit, crushed, caught, or having things dropped from overhead. Compliant 67%
released energy incidents. Awareness is the first line of defense.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date

12.1 I have created awareness on individuals to recognize Working “in the line of fire” of moving equipment (e.g. cranes and other vehicles) and energized
when they are exposed or create a hazard zone (line of equipment (e.g. rotating, electrical or pressurized machinery) is unsafe as this can impact you.
fire), putting themselves or others in risk, to reinforce to
stay in a safe zone? Make sure that the person carrying out the work follow the next rules:
1. Ensure all safety precautions are in place with the supervisor or the person in charge of the
work when working near moving or energized equipment.
2. Follow all instructions of the person guiding the equipment movements.
3. Ensure and confirm with the person in charge that it is safe to enter and/or work in a restricted
4. Take precautions for all pedestrian and vehicle traffic when positioning vehicles and equipment, Yes
(make sure that the driver of a moving vehicle sees you at all times).
5. Ensure that all dangerous work is restricted and cordoned off for unauthorized persons.
6. Ensure that a proper pedestrians walkways layout is designed to ensure safe zones in traffic
zones and moving vehicles.

12.2 I have performed and documented a job site walk-down to Recognize and avoid areas where barricades and hazard signs are installed. A heat map, considering people 30.12.2021
identify potential risk conditions? Pay close attention to personnel and objects above, below and in the immediate work area during experience/competencies and
I have implemented control measures to manage the risk any task evaluation. risk conditions to show where
according to the permanent hazard zones (confined Prepare a heat map, considering people experience/competencies and risk conditions to show the major gaps are in the
spaces, work at heights, hot work, electrical work, line where the major gaps are in the operation and where to focus. operation and where to focus
breaking, etc.), and temporary hazard zones will be prepared
(excavations, construction works, new line installation, KEY POINTS TO KEEP IN MIND DURING THE JOB SITE-WALK- STAY ALWAYS IN A SAFE
movement of crane, etc.)? ZONE:
Working at Heights
• Establish a drop zone, an area below any work being performed at heights. Drop zone size
depends on work scope and potential for falling tools and equipment. Keep the drop zone clear of
• If work at the structure base is unavoidable, inform the worker above. Make sure work stops.
Secure tools and equipment prior to working below.
• Materials should never be dropped from above. Use special devices to provide tools and
equipment to workers above.
• Stay clear of equipment actively being worked. Never position yourself or vehicles in close
proximity to them.
Vehicle/Heavy Equipment
• Use parking brakes and wheel chocks for any vehicle or equipment parked on an incline.
• Use always pedestrians walkways. Establish a clear layout for moving vehicles in truck No
loading/unloading areas.
• In areas where pedestrians walkways are not feasible, establish clear controls and
authorized personnel to walk around loading/unloading vehicles.
Tensioned Lines
• Be aware and stay clear of tensioned lines such as cable, chain and rope.
• Use only correct gripping devices. Select proper equipment based on size and load limit.
• Be cautious of torque stresses that drilling equipment and truck augers can generate.
RISK Equipment can rotate unexpectedly long after applied torque force has stopped.
ASSESSMENT Objects with Fall Potential
(Line of Fire/ • Not all objects may be overhead; be especially mindful of top-heavy items and items being
Safe Zones) transported by forklift or flatbed.
• Be aware of stowed/staged material. Piles of pallets should always be stable.
Objects with Roll Potential
• Secure objects that can roll such as tools, cylinders and poles.
• Secure rolling stock using approved binders; apply parking brakes or use chocks to prevent
Pressurized Cylinders and Lines
• Safety standards for compressed cylinders include chaining all cylinders upright and
installing caps when not in use.
High-Pressure Hydraulic Tools

# Classified - Confidential
12.3 Ensure that the supervisor or person in charge of the Routinely check and verify that all the activities in your area that might cause a "hazard zone" are
work understand and guarantee that the follow controlled, the risks are minimized and proper warning signs and communication are provided.
precautions are in place.
• Confirm that access to areas posing danger are restricted and that barriers are put in place.
• Ensure that only authorized personnel is working in a restricted zone.
• Confirm that signaling methods and communications are agreed on and understood by
• Ensure that the site is properly lit and/or that high-visibility clothing is worn
• All tasks are carried out safely and all line of fire hazards identified are eliminated or controlled.

Note: Below you may find examples of Hazard Zones listed but not limited to:

• Caught-in or between - A construction worker is standing between a wall and an excavator.

When the excavator spins around the counterweight pins the worker against the wall. Another
example would be a worker placing his hand too close to a rotating gear and gets it pulled into the
• Struck-by- A pedestrian struck-by a moving vehicle or an object falling from a higher level
striking a worker below are examples of struck-by incidents.
• Released energy- A pipe releasing hot steam from a valve that is being removed or a flame Yes
shooting out of a malfunctioning engine are examples of released energy.
• Electric hand tools which could kick back if they jam .
• Torque wrenches or other levers used to apply force.
• Chains or slings under tension.
• Loads that could fall or tip as restraints are released.
• Fluids (hydraulic, air, water) when a tap is opened, or a fitting loosened.
• Shards flying when hitting brittle materials with a hammer.
• Mobile equipment.

TOTAL Number of Questions 3

Number of Applicable Questions 3
Number of Compliant Questions 2

Percent Compliant 67%

# Classified - Confidential
References ES-RQ-175, Lift Trucks Requirements, ES-RQ-215 Traffic Routes, ES-RQ-110, Contractor and Visitor Management Requirement, Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs); WHY Questions 10
Ensure the safety of people using powered moving equipment, and the people operating in the environment around them is key to prevent incidents in our sites. Pedestrians are very vulnerable to impacts with Lift Trucks and Vehicles. Incidents that Percent
involve Pedestrians being struck by Lift Trucks or Vehicles often result in serious injury or Compliant 90%
even death.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Responsible Date
Review your Lift Trucks program and update if needed to make sure there is an effective system to:
13.1 I have conducted traffic-flow risk assessment to Assessments should consider all risks, e.g. overturning, collisions, foot injury to operators, loads
segregate Pedestrian, Lift-Trucks and Vehicle Traffic as or operators falling from the PIT. Assessments should be up to date and reviewed with a with a
much as possible? As well to Identify and minimize High certain frequency. High Collision Hazard Areas should only be in use where currently not possible YES
Collision Hazard Areas? to eliminate them. Risk assessment should include an evaluation of safe stopping distance to
determine safe forklift speeds.

13.2 I have developed and Executed actions plans to address Action plans should be developed & progressed to address gaps.
risk identified in the risk assessment? Yes
13.3 Is a process in place to review and ensure that all PIT and Reviews should consider space, segregation, restricted visibility, etc. Structural supports and Review is being done to ensure A process of review for the 20.12.2021
pedestrian routes/flows are in good condition to minimize racking should have physical protection, unless risks are insignificant. Action plans should be all PITs and pedestrian are in condition of pedestrian will be
risks? developed & progressed to address gaps. good condition. However, it is made and action plan for
Routes should be of appropriate construction, have appropriate markings, be well lit, free from not being recorded for the addressed gaps will be
obstructions, spills, etc. and be clear and understood for employee, contractors and condition of pedestrian and no developed.
subcontractors. action plan is being made for The review will consider space,
IDENTIFY AND NO identified gaps segregation, restricted visibility,
COMMUNICATE Verify the Lift Trucks Minimum Requirements according to Global Safety Guideline RTM. etc. Structural supports and
HAZARDS racking should have physical
protection, unless risks are

13.4 I have provided sufficient lighting and other visibility PIT and pedestrians routes should be adequately lit to enable good visibility for drivers and others
controls for safe pedestrian and vehicle navigation during who might be in the area.
operational hours? Provide lighting and other visibility controls (e.g. high-visibility vest) for safe pedestrian and vehicle
navigation during operational hours. Implement engineering controls where possible to prevent
pedestrians and vehicles interaction where visibility is not adequate. Where engineering controls Yes
are not possible, implement administrative controls (e.g.
wearing high-visibility clothing or vests).

13.5 Are “Blind” intersections been minimized to avoid the risk Installing physical controls (e.g. bollard, gate) or administrative safeguards (e.g. mirrors, stop
of crash or pedestrian injuries? signs, sounding horns, marked crosswalks) at blind turns and intersections. Yes
13.6 I have provided and established system control to ensure Establish controls to ensure that trucks/trailers cannot move (or be moved) during
safe PIT access to all delivery vehicle during loading/unloading and that the trailer is safe for the lift truck to enter following the scenarios in
loading/unloading operations? Table 1 of ES-RQ-175 Lift Trucks Requirements.

Establish practices to ensure that load/weight is distributed in safe manner for transport. Ensure
that the trailer is not loaded beyond its rated capacity.
Visually inspect the floor and walls prior to driving a lift truck into a trailer. Reject the trailer if it is
LOADING AND not structurally sound.
PRACTICES Secure portable dock plates so they do not move when a lift truck drives over them.
Require the lift truck operator to visually inspect all components of the protective system (e.g.
chocks, jacks, restraint device) before loading/unloading the trailer.
Require the lift truck operator to visually inspect all components of the protective system (e.g.
chocks, jacks, restraint device) before loading/unloading the trailer.

13.7 Are all PIT operators appropriate trained and authorized Provide initial training includes both classroom and practical training, and evaluation of skills by a
to use PIT? qualified, designated forklift trainer who has knowledge, training and experience to train operators
Ensure PIT applicant and operator are physically able to and evaluate their competence.
perform all duties. Provide documentation/certification/license to lift truck operators who have successfully completed
Are all employees are trained with traffic rules, the right of training, evaluation and demonstrated competency.
way, the traffic related risks? Provide lift truck operators training for each piece of equipment or attachment prior to independent
use. Yes
Document annual refresher (classroom or online) training.
Document an evaluation of skills conducted at least every three years.
Document retraining and evaluation of skills in the event of a collision, near miss, accident, or
observation of poor operating practices.

# Classified - Confidential
13.8 I have a process to make sure that contractors, and It is very common for contractors and subcontractors to walk or be in places where there is PIT
subcontractors understand and follow site requirements traffic. Make sure they correctly understand the flows between vehicles and pedestrians, use
regarding the operation of lift trucks and pedestrian rules? crosswalks, wear visible clothing and have access to these areas when strictly necessary.

ACCESS IMPORTANT: Only provide access to contractors to areas

where is PIT Traffic when is strictly necessary.

13.9 I have established strict behavioural norms for pedestrian Define clear behaviours for PIT operators and pedestrians and make sure through observation
movement, lift truck movement and vehicle movement to process that they are and following it:
avoid complacency? -PIT operation,
-Use of PPE (safety shoes, high-vis clothing and head protection),
-Use of seat belts,
-Safety distance rule application, Yes
-Disabling PIT before leaving it,
BBS AND OTHER -No distracted driving or distracted walking,
INSPECTION -Mandate and enforce strict adherence to pedestrian use of walkways
ROUTINES -Reporting all incidents and near misses.

13.10 I have implemented inspections and BBS routines to Verify that Lift Trucks drivers and pedestrians are working safely. Build in routines to make sure
make sure that someone is making regular observations that someone is making regular observations of the them and giving feedback to them.
of the Lift Trucks Drivers & Pedestrians and giving yes
feedback to them?

TOTAL Number of Questions 10

Number of Applicable Questions 10
Number of Compliant Questions 9

Percent Compliant 90%

# Classified - Confidential
References WHY 30
"In Coca-Cola, we believe that work in a Road Safety Culture is one of the highest expressions of respect for life and is part of our conviction that ‘Zero is Possible’. Road Traffic injuries are consistently the main cause of deaths.

Number Requirement Guidance on Assessment and Evidence Expectations SCORE Comments / Notes Actions Date

Safe Driving Management for Distribution/Transportation (APPLY TO OWN EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS & SUB-CONTRACTORS)
14.1 I have defined roles and responsibilities for own A single person should be assigned as Program Owner of Safe Driving Program in your facility. 1) A single person is assigned A standard job description 30.12.2021
employees defined and these are understood by Roles & responsibilities should be defined for drivers and those who manage vehicles and drivers as Program Owner of Safe will be prepared which
everybody? and be understood. Driving Program in our facility.
will have a defined roles
2) Documented roles and and responsibilities for
responsibilities not available for each position including
drivers and those who manage drivers and those who are
vehicles managing vehicles and

14.2 I have defined roles and responsibilities for contractors, A single person should be assigned as Program Owner of Safe Driving Program in your facility. For forklift balwant is the A standard job description 10.12.2021
sub-contractors and contractors/sub-contractors Roles & responsibilities should be defined for distribution/transportation contractors and be program owner and for trucks will be prepared which
understood them? understood. Himanshu is the program owner
Each contract should have an appropriate Contract Manager and documented agreements
will have a defined roles
defining roles, responsibilities, selection of drivers, guidelines and rules from TCCC to be and responsibilities for
mandatory followed. distribution/
NO transportation contractors

14.3 Do I ensure and maintain evidence that all drivers, All drivers, whether direct employees, contractors, subcontractors, must have passed formal Defensive diveving training has Defensive driving training 15.12.2021
whether direct employees, contractors, subcontractors, training in defensive driving provided by competent personnel, which includes at least the been provided to company own coverage to be done for external
have passed a formal defensive driving training provided following topics: drivers from external competent third party truck drivers
by competent personnel as part of their induction prior to *Theoretical Content and approval confirmation test third party
joining their role? *Practical drive test
Keep evidence to demonstrate the competency of the entity or facilitator that provide the Safe
Driving Training.
The training must be according to the type of vehicle the pesron is going to drive.

14.4 I have developed a process to evaluate the potential Methods of evaluation should reflect contract categorization in terms of risk. Results should be An evaluation process will be 20.12.2021
contractors for safe driving and fleet management used to inform next steps. developed for transport
capability? If capability is insufficient, contractors should only be used if no better contractor is available, BUT contractors and a catgorization
additional preventive controls and actions are taken to ensure shipments can be done safely. in terms of risk will be
A corrective alignment plan must be in place to close identified gaps vs TCCC expectations. NO established.
CONTRACTORS 14.5 I have defined road safety requirements for These should include compliance with KORE requirements and guidelines set out in 'Road Safety Road safety requirement for 09.12.2021
transportation/distribution contractors? Standards' available in KS KORE. transportation contractor will be
NO prepared and included in
transporter agreement

14.6 Is road safety taken into account when awarding the Contractor proposals for managing road safety should be compared. A contract should be issued Safety clauses including 15.12.2021
contract? prior to work starting, clarifying responsibilities and requiring compliance to TCCC requirements. contract insurance, maintenance
Include in the contract insurance, maintenance scope, vehicle's specifications, and driver's scope, vehicle's specifications,
qualifications. No and driver's qualification will be
included in transporter

14.7 Are there adequate arrangements for management of Units should ensure main contractors have adequate arrangements to select & manage the sub- Presently all the transporter
sub-contractors? contractors they engage. contractor are directly
Sub-contractors should not be engaged without the prior approval of the Contract Manager from contracted under company,there
bottler. is no sub contractor.

#Classified - Confidential
14.8 Do 3rd party drivers receive a Safety orientation before Orientations should include site-specific hazards, emergency procedures and relevant S&H rules. TBT and driver councelling is Specific Safety orientation for 30.11.2021
being allowed to enter Coca-Cola sites (production plants, The identity of drivers should be checked as they enter to the site, to control access and check for being done for truck drivers truck drivers include site-
PRE-ENTRANCE Distribution Centers, Warehouses, Copackers, etc.)? orientation. specific hazards, emergency
SAFETY Establish a frequency when the drivers have to receive the safety induction no more than one year NO procedures and relevant S&H
INSTRUCTIONS in compliance with the Contractor & Visitor requirement. Ensure the guards know how to verify rules will be started.
that the drives comply with this.

14.9 Do employees, contractors or sub-contractors driving on License checks should be done for all employees driving on company business.
company business hold valid driving licenses? An additional assessment should be applied in countries where licenses do not provide
confidence in basic driving competency.
Unit must demonstrate how prevents the possible risk of driving a vehicle by unauthorized
personnel through trainings reinforcing rules and consequences if unauthorized personnel drive a
vehicle used for business purposes. YES
Ensure the driver has the correct type of license according to the type of vehicle the pesron is
going to drive.
DRIVER Verify if local regulation has an expiration date for licenses.
14.10 I have developed a process to ensure that drivers are Assessments or medical tests should be done under the supervision of a health professional and
frequently assessed for "fitness to drive'? repeated at least every 3 years or less if that is decided by the operation or local regulation.
Same rule is applicable for driver contractors and subcontractors and evidence of those tests
should kept as evidence for audits and performance evaluations by bottler or Corporate.
Take into account fatigue and well sleep logs YES

14.11 I have implemented a process to ensure that all existing A. 2-3 Wheelers motorbikes should have: We are ensuring the minimum
vehicles are equipped with Coca-Cola mandated safety 1. Define the specific PPE for motorcyclists: proper protective PPE for a motorcyclist to wear safety devices as per CCI
features? includes a helmet, heavy-duty jacket and pants or a riding suit, over-the-ankle boots,full-fingered guidelines.
gloves and eye protection (safety glasses or goggles, or a face shield (as part of the helmet)).
2. Define a plan to reduce or eliminate the use of motocycles as far as possible.
B. Passenger light vehicles (sedans, pick ups, vans) should have seatbelts on all seats (3 point
seatbelts), side-mounted wing mirrors, all lights in good conditions and tyres manufactured to
industry standards and in good conditions.
C. Distribution trucks should have:
1. Seat belts (3 point seatbelts) for each of the passenger seats (preferably made in a visible
2. Front mirrors (rear-view mirrors) and windshields in good condition.
3. Concave mirror with arm for truck lid (when apply, to give visibility in front of the truck).
4. All lights in good condition.
5. Tyres (rubber) in good condition.
6. Safety stripes painted on the fenders (bumper, front and rear) in alignment with local
legislation. Yes
7. Safety reflective tapes on doors, sides of the truck, and on sliding pull out steps (color will be
according to local regulations).
8. Cones or pennants for use during loading and unloading (to safeguard integrity of the crew
from other vehicles).
9. Redundant system for reverse maneuver. Highly recommended including all 3 elements, but
VEHICLES AND at least two of those (Reverse maneuver assisted by a crew member only, is not acceptable):
• Reverse camera, reverse alarm, proximity sensor rear.
10. Sliding steps (Anti-skid Pull Out Steps).

14.12 I have developed a procces to ensure all new vehicles New passenger vehicles should have head restraints for all seats, front airbags, reversing aids,
meet TCCC minimum requirements? and a 4-Star safety rating. In addition, new trucks >3.5T should have frounder-vehicle bumpers. YES
And 3 point seatbelt for third passenger.
14.13 I provide H&S equipment and PPE as necessary, and Equipment should include that for dealing with emergencies.
verify its condition and proper use? PPE should confirm to recognized external standards, and maintained in good condition. YES
Riders of MTTWs should wear at least helmets, eye protection and reflective vests.
14.14 I have a process to ensure that all vehicles are Vehicle & tyre maintenance should be done through a combination of visual checks by drivers and Regular maintenance and 15.12.2021
maintained in good and safe working condition? planned & breakdown maintenance (as per manufacturer instructions and as per local regulation) inspection is being done for all
by competent technicians. NO trucks but not seperatley

14.15 I make sure that a risk assessments is carried out for all Assessments should consider all risks & activities to identify opportunities related/associate with Risk assessment is in place butit Risk assessment will be done 10.12.2021
activities involving vehicles & driving and established Organization-Vehicle-People; included on public roads and Coca-Cola facilities/sites. does not consider the areas which will include the areas with
proper controls to the risks identified? Take into consideration to assess and identify the areas with a high rate or probability of with a high rate or probability of a high rate or probability of
occurrence of accidents and / or robberies. occurrence of accidents and / or occurrence of accidents and / or
Types of routes, lenght, conditions of the roads, etc. robberies. robberies.
Assessments should be up to date and reviewed at least every 2 years. Action plans should be
NO Types of routes, lenght, Types of routes, lenght,
developed & progressed to address gaps. conditions of the roads, etc conditions of the roads, etc
Document all designed controls for each risk identified.


Classified - Confidential
RISK 14.16 I make sure that risk assessments and procedures 3rd party Contractors should be evaluated for safe driving capability prior to contract award. Evaluation criteria for safe 30.11.2021
ASSESSMENT adequately address 3rd party Distribution/Transportation driving capability for third
party contractors will be
NO prepared and

14.17 Is use of motorized 2 and 3 wheelers (MTTWs) also Company has no owned 2 and 3
assessed in terms of risks (Organizational-Vehicle- YES wheelers
People) and are strictly controlled?
14.18 I have required behaviours defined and confirmed that In addition to local traffic rules, behaviours should cover distraction, medications, alcohol, drugs, Clear communication flow to 05.12.2021
those are followed? seat belts, uses of PPE if required, inspection of vehicles, and reporting of incidents, violations, report any incident, violation and
and changes in health status. health status change will be
NO prepared and implemented
Establish clear communication flow to report any incident, violation and health status change to
manage it accordingly.

14.19 I have defined and applied local rules for driving hours & The suggested rules (except if local laws permit something different) are: However trips of each vehicle Driving hours and rest period will 10.12.2021
rest periods ? 1) Max. 60 working hours per week; are recorded But the continous be defined and needs to be
2) Max. 6 working days per week; and rest of min 10hrs cannot be tracked
3) Min. 10 hours continuous rest per day. defined.

Consider to answer the following questions: NO

Are the number of working hours of the drivers controlled? Is the analysis of the day effective?
(Non-conformities 100% registered, daily analysis or per trip is consistent, adequate records,
domain and control of the information), Are actions taken daily or after each trip to reduce the
incidence of violations and risks of prolonged fatigue?

14.20 I ensure that all employees driving on company business Training should include local rules & SOPs, emergency procedures, reporting of vehicle faults, Specific Safety orientation for 05.12.2021
receive basic awareness training on safe driving? hazards & incidents, use of S&H equipment. The training should be repeated at least every 3 truck drivers include site-
years. NO specific hazards, emergency
procedures and relevant S&H
rules will be started.

BEHAVIOURS 14.21 I confirm that frequent drivers and riders of MTTWs Training should include hazard awareness and defensive driving/riding techniques, and include Company has no owned 2 and 3
COMPETENCY receive training in "defensive driving?" practical training. It should be repeated at least every 3 years. YES wheelers
ROUTINES 14.22 I evidence that the operation effectively monitor Compliance should be monitored, e.g. through inspections, and observations. Non-compliances Compliances is being monitored
compliance with the defined road safety requirements, should be raised immediately with the driver and appropriate action taken. YES through DMC
guidelines and CTA's?
14.23 I confirmed that the unit regularly review safe driving Both lagging & leading indicators should be collated, entered into official metrics platform and A process of reviewing 30.11.2021
performance among transportation contractors? reviewed. Contract Managers should hold regular meetings with longer-term providers (e.g. >12 contrator's performance will be
month contracts) to review performance. If this is below expectation, appropriate action should be NO developed. The frequency of
taken. review will be annually for long
term contractors

14.24 I have a process in place to ensure that serious collisions Analyses should identify causes & contributing factors, and corrective & preventive actions should
(Defined as major vehicle crashes in KORE ES-RQ-130 be implemented. (Major vehicle crashes as defined in KORE ES-RQ-130 EOSH Performance
EOSH Performance Measurements) are reported to Measurements) For fatalities, the most senior local manager of the Contractor should be YES
TCCS and managed appropriately? requested to share the analysis in person with TCCC management.

14.25 I evaluate compliance with Contractor management Managers & team leaders should monitor compliance, and hold accountable those who do not
procedures is monitored effectively? follow procedures. Compliance should also be checked through routine inspections. YES
14.26 I confirm that the unit has a process to carry out regular Audits should be done by a competent team and not be lead by the rogramme Owner. A competent team for auditing 25.12.2021
internal audits of its programme for managing the Internal audit program for
distribution/transportation contractors? managing
NO contractors will be developed
and it will be conducted on a

14.27 Is compliance with vehicles & driving requirements Managers & team leaders should monitor compliance, and hold accountable those who do not
monitored effectively? follow procedures. Compliance should also be checked through routine inspections and
behavioral feedback sessions.
Define a mechanisms to:
a) verify if speed limits are respected. And how speed limit incidents will be managed.
b) Ensure all drivers are not under effects of any drug or alcohol. YES
c) Ensure the prohibition of the cellphones is fullfilled.
d) Keys are removed from the switch and brakes is on when the vehicle will be left without
supervision. And before going inside the vehicle againg do a 360° inspection of the vehicle.

14.28 Are serious collisions reported to management and Analyses should identify causes & contributing factors. If appropriate, corrective & preventive
analyzed? actions should be implemented. (Serious collisions are those with severity > first aid OR a vehicle YES
CHECKING AND having to be towed from the scene.)

Classified - Confidential
14.29 Is safe driving data collated, reported and regularly Data should be entered into SHE-PM by the relevant function. Both lagging & leading indicators Data will be entered into SHE- 10.12.2021
reviewed by local management? should be reviewed PM by the relevant function and
NO both the lagging and leading
indicators should be reviewed

14.30 Does the unit carry out regular internal audits of its Audits should be done by a competent team and not be lead by the PO. A competent team for auditing 25.12.2021
vehicles & driving programme? the Internal audit program for
NO contractors will be developed
and it will be conducted on a

TOTAL Number of Questions 30

Number of Applicable Questions 30
Number of Compliant Questions 13

Percent Compliant 43%

Classified - Confidential

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