The Role of The Family For Building New People in Vietnam Today

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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 319-327

The Role of the Family for Building New People in Vietnam Today
Dr. Luu Mai Hoa
Nha Trang University, Vietnam
Email: [email protected]

A bstract
The family, as a cell of society, is an indispensable element and plays a particularly
important role in the development of society, directly contributing to the construction
and development of human resources and thereby, promoting both productive forces
and production relations to develop together. In this article, the author will clarify the
role of the family in building a new person - an intellectual resource for the
development of the country in Vietnam. The reason the author studies this problem is
to affirm that family is the first school that teaches children lessons about being human.
At this first and special school, each person is greatly influenced and influenced by the
process of personality formation and development as well as the individual's physical
and intellectual development which is the source of training high-quality human

Keywords: role; family; build; new man, Vietnam

Introduction order to do that, there must be attention in

Talking about the family, perhaps many people educating the young generation, there must be a
in society understand that the family is the cell harmonious combination between the three
of society and is one of the basic organizations educational environments of family - school -
to implement the policies and guidelines of the society. In which, the family has the most
government. Family is the place where people important and prerequisite role.
are born and raised, where the young generation
is taken care of both physically, intellectually Research Methods
and morally. It is the first educational To research and present the research results in
environment and plays an important role in this work, I use basic research methods such as:
determining the formation of their personality, Logic and history, analysis and synthesis,
preserving and promoting the fine traditional synthesis and generalization, and sociological
culture of the nation, fighting against social survey. At the same time, I also use some other
evils, creating human resources to serve the specific scientific research methods such as
cause of national construction and defense. The approach, comparison and contrast. Each
family is not only the place where people are method is suitable for each specific content and
born, but besides that, it is also the first school, related issues.
directly responsible for educating people about
morality, lifestyle and lifestyle for each person. Results and Discussion
This is a heavy responsibility but the glory that History of family appearance
family must shoulder. In order to fulfill that role As a form of community organizing social life,
and fulfill that responsibility, family must not the family is one of the earliest categories in
only have a good filter for the human human history and has undergone a long
quintessence, but also have a good filter even development process. Stemming from the need
with its own tradition to be able to remove the to preserve and maintain the species, from the
negative influences, barriers to find the need to rely on each other for survival, forms of
compatibility point between tradition and gathering between men and women, forms of
modernity and reconcile it. community organization of family life have
The development process requires building emerged.
human resources with good standards of Family history began when people hunted and
physical, intellectual, moral and aesthetic. In gathered together, lived together in caves, so the
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family at this time was primitive: it was a husband and wife is respected. Children are
collective family - a group of people. At this level, loved, respected, cared for more physically and
it is not possible to determine exactly who is the mentally by their parents, which is also the
true father of the children born. So, naturally, the foundation for the family to build and form a
mother is the standard that determines the new human personality.
relationship with her children. In other words, the
characteristic of family relations in this period is The position and role of the family in society
the matriarchy. Society is formed by many families, where each
In the middle stage of primitive communal family is happy and harmonious, the whole
society appeared the Punaluan family, that social community exists and operates smoothly.
means close friends, this is a more advanced The common purpose of the social change
form of family than the blood family, in which movement is primarily for the benefit of each
the sexual relationship between brothers and citizen, each member of society and each
sisters sister was canceled. The feature of the family.
Punaluan family is that a certain number of Therefore, the family's position in society is first
sisters of the same mother or beyond are all and foremost considered a cell of society, the
common wives of common husbands (except for basic organization, and the smallest social
their brothers) and “Those husbands no longer structure and institution. In the social structure
call each other brothers, but calling each other system, there are many different parts such as
Punaluan, meaning close friends, can be said to ethnicity, class, gender, and many large and
be the same association” (Marx & Engels, 2004, small institutions such as the state, branches,
p. 67). and unions. But the institutional structure of the
Towards the end of the age of ignorance and the family is diverse and rich, in the process of
transition to the age of barbarism formed the advocacy both complying with the general laws
couple's family (dual family). The marriage and mechanisms of society, and according to its
relationship in the family during this period was own regulations and organizations.
done in the form of marriage in pairs, for a long Family is the bridge between all family
or short time and could be broken easily at the members and society. Much information about
request of one party or the other. society affects people through the family.
When the tyranny of men was established, Society (state, agency, friends...) will fully and
removing the matriarchy, the patriarchal family comprehensively perceive a person when
type appeared. The form of patriarchal family knowing his or her family situation. Many social
marks the transition from couple marriage to management contents are not only through the
monogamy. In order to ensure the wife's operation of social institutions, but also through
sincerity, ensuring that the real children come the activities of the family to influence people.
from the father, the wife is forced to submit to The obligations and social rights of each person
the absolute power of the husband. The are performed with the common cooperation of
patriarchal family is a family consisting of family members. Thereby, the individual's sense
several generations of descendants, with the of citizenship is enhanced and the attachment
same father and all of their wives and children between family and society has authentic
living in the same house, cultivating the land, content.
eating and dressing on the basis of common Family is a loving nest that brings happiness to
reserves, their surplus products. each person throughout life. In the family,
From the above outlines, we can see that individuals are provided with material
material production has always been the basis protection and spiritual education, children have
for determining the formation of family types in the conditions to be safe and grow up, the
history. But the existence and development of elderly have shelter, workers are restored to
the family is not only based on the single factor health and comfort. morale. There, every day,
of material production, but also on the basis of the sacred and deep relationships between
love. Love is the fundamental basis of marriage husband and wife, father-son, brother-sister take
and a stable family life. A stable marriage and place, who are of the same mind, sympathize,
family life is the cradle that nurtures and ensures and support each other throughout life. Only
long-lasting and growing love. It is on the basis when they are at peace in the family and
of such love of voluntary and progressive friendly in society, can individuals truly feel
marriage that the relationship in the family has secure in labor and creative work.
changed: the status of a woman is respected, The impact of family on society is also reflected
equality between men and women, between in the fact that the family is relatively
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independent in its relationship with society, development of the society. the social
because family and family relationships are also production resulting from it, “completely new
influenced by other factors such as religion. , men will be needed” and in turn that social
tradition, law. Therefore, despite the changes in production "will create new men", which will
society, the family still preserves and preserves make the members of the that society, capable
many traditional elements in family relations, of making full use of its comprehensive
including both positive and progressive factors. development capacity. Therefore, according to
negative, backward. Institutions such as politics, them, developing production for the prosperity
law, religion, and philosophy can all change of society, for a better life for each member of
according to objective economic conditions. the social community, and human development
The family also plays a particularly important is a unified process to increase social
role in preserving and promoting the national production, and moreover, they consider the
cultural values, the traditional values of the close combination of production development
family, the lineage is passed on to the young and human development as “one of the most
from generation to generation. such as: respect powerful measures to build a communist society
from above and below, love and care of children in which the Its first phase is socialist society”
towards their parents, love and responsibility of (Doat, 2014, p.59).
parents towards their children, faithfulness of Absorbing the ideas of Marx, Engels, and V.I.
husband and wife etc. have contributed a lot to Lenin has contributed to enriching research
the stability and social development. perspectives on human beings, especially
theories on the issue of building a new socialist
New people human. Lenin paid attention to the awakening of
In history, the human problem has been raised workers and workers in the struggle against the
by many political and ideological theories. capitalist order. They are increasingly aware of
Because people are always the goal, the driving the value of personal dignity, true freedom, and
force for the development of society. Humans their own strength to overthrow the old society
are not only the creative subject of the material and build a new one. Leading the construction
production process, the leading factor, the factor of socialism for the first time in the world, under
that plays a decisive role in the productive extremely difficult circumstances, but Lenin had
forces of society, but also the true subject of the great confidence in the creative force of the
development process. historical development. masses. Therefore, Lenin emphasized that the
So far, there is no specific definition of a new work of building socialism urgently required,
person. But with the necessary and necessary training new workers, having a communist
qualities for people in today's society, it can be outlook on life and morality, knowing how to
said that people are the ones who can meet the organize and manage economic and cultural life.
requirements of social development and new chemistry. They will become active and
progress. self-conscious creative subjects of people who
The new man - is a person who is fully work for themselves and for society, not as hired
developed in the main aspects constituting the workers for the exploiting class as before.
qualities and abilities that are human: “rich in Lenin also pointed out that building a new man
patriotism, with a sense of mastery, and with is a regular process associated with the level of
civic responsibility; have knowledge, health, economic and cultural development of each
good labor; live with culture and love; true stage of communism. We can't have the
international spirit” (Communist Party of mindset to switch directly from the old
Vietnam, 2011, p. 66-77). working attitude to working in the spirit of
Marxism-Leninism considers man as the leading communism, without any remuneration,
factor, the factor that plays a decisive role in the without placing any conditions on demanding a
productive forces. Each generation of people reward, self-consciously feeling doing for the
always inherits the productive forces created by public good a kind of labor that has become the
the previous generation and uses them as a need of a healthy body. Therefore, while
means of new production. Thanks to that greatly praising and promoting the communist
transfer of production, people have formed a labor attitude of the advanced collectives in the
relationship in human history. Engels asserted famous article “The Great Initiative”, Lenin
that the more production develops, the more the reminds us to pay attention to the legitimate
socialization of production increases, the interests of the advanced collectives. workers
collective and planned production is carried out in the transition from capitalism to socialism.
by the force of the whole society and the new We believe not only in revolutionary
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enthusiasm, but on the basis of revolutionary optimism, have high intellect and education;
enthusiasm, through the stimulation of people have health, tolerance, generosity. It is a
legitimate personal interests, we build a new, person who has the spirit and ability to master;
highly productive social labor attitude. Since have scientific - technical knowledge, be
then, V.I. Lenin has pointed out that in order to sensitive to new things; has a creative spirit,
build a new man , it is not possible to rely on dares to think, dares to do, is a virtuous and
subjective aspirations but to have talented person, both pink and professional.
organizational measures and necessary material Thus, the new Vietnamese man is a man who
premises. The whole system of dictatorship of carries the worldview and human perspective of
the proletariat must be used, and the Marxism-Leninism, a person imbued with Ho
construction of the material and technical Chi Minh's socialist humanistic thought (Doat,
foundations of socialism should be promoted, 2014, p. 112).
to create socio-economic foundations for the Concepts about people, standards about people
formation and development of a new social in each period, each historical and social
human being. tenet. situation are different. Must rely on the
Stemming from the theoretical basis of conditions and material and spiritual factors that
Marxism-Leninism about human beings, Ho Chi previous generations have created to improve
Minh always considered the human issue and the situation within defined limits to suit their
human liberation the central issue in his entire own needs. In the current international
theoretical system. For Ho Chi Minh, the integration process, the country needs to build a
construction of a new society is associated with new human being with the following criteria:
the construction and development of a new Health is the first criterion. First of all, if man
socialist human being, considering it a lofty goal wants to exist as a human being, he must work.
of the revolutionary cause and the construction But, in order to work, people must, first of all,
of a new society. On the basis of absorbing the have good health. “Health, in a narrow sense, is
views of Marxist theory about man, Ho Chi a factor that belongs to the human organism, so
Minh advocated building a new socialist child. it is the foundation, the basis, the premise of
According to Ho Chi Minh, a new person - is a other factors and criteria. In a broad sense,
person who is fully developed on the main health is also a prerequisite and foundation for
aspects constituting its qualities and capabilities, other people's qualities such as morality,
that is: physical development - health; personality, intelligence, etc. It is not possible to
intellectual development - knowledge; develop promote other people's qualities if health is
aesthetic capacity, develop morally - spiritually. lacking or too weak. In today's conditions for
These contents were presented a lot by Ho Chi people to be both the goal and the driving force
Minh in his speeches, articles, talks and in of economic and social development, people
different documents. Among those new human must be high-quality people in many aspects, in
criteria, Ho Chi Minh paid special attention to which health is one of the dark aspects.
building a new morality - revolutionary morality necessary and essential. Along with the
for the new class of people who were both development of industry and commerce, people
"pink" and "specialized". Ho Chi Minh and the entire social life are forced to operate
considered them as the necessary qualities of the according to the rhythm and intensity of
new Vietnamese people, the root of all jobs, the industry. That requires people of the industrial
foundation for the victory of the revolutionary age to be physically healthy, in terms of muscle
cause, ensuring the sustainable development of strength, and at the same time to be mentally
the nation ethnic. The most basic standards and physically healthy. The health of each
required of the new Vietnamese people person is also the basis and foundation for the
according to Ho Chi Minh are people who have health of the community and the nation. “Every
the spirit of mastery, have cultural and scientific weak person means the whole nation is weak,
knowledge, have professional qualifications, every healthy citizen means the whole country is
and have moral qualities. Chinese revolution to healthy” (Minh, 1995, p.212).
the country, filial piety to the people; Love The second criterion of the new man in the
people; Need, thrift, integrity, righteousness, current international integration period is
impartiality and international spirit. Being a passionate patriotism. “Patriotism is the red
person with a noble purpose and lifestyle, a thread that runs through the entire history of
strong political will, a political opinion, always Vietnam from ancient to modern. Here the
striving for national independence and essence of Vietnam manifests itself fully, most
socialism; people have revolutionary faith and concentratedly, more than anywhere else.
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Patriotism has become a social and human promptly disseminate and propagate guidelines,
philosophy of the Vietnamese people…” (Giau policies and laws; bringing to each family
(1980, p.100-101). The patriotic spirit was cultural, literary and artistic values, educating
present in the Vietnamese people from a very the good and the beautiful, improving the
early age, as a spiritual weapon. sharpness, people's understanding and aesthetic level,
bravery, character, vitality and enormous preventing the penetration of cultural venoms,
resources of the nation, always honed and reactionary, depraved publications. Strengthen
forged through the wars against foreign the leadership of the Party, correct and improve
aggression, against natural disasters, to build the effectiveness of the State's management of
and protect the country powerful, large, it cultural and artistic activities; supplement
surmounts all dangers and difficulties, it engulfs necessary policies and laws and strictly enforce
all the scumbags and robbers” (Minh, 2000, them” (Communist Party of Vietnam, 2005, p.
p.171). Thus, from the perspective of 427).
Traditional, passionate patriotism is an inherent The Resolution of the 5th Plenum of the Central
characteristic of Vietnamese people, and it is an Committee (Session VIII) on building an
indispensable criterion of Vietnamese people in advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with
all times; it is the foundation criterion for other national identity also determined, to: "Preserve
criteria and is also one of the necessary and promote the good morality of the Vietnamese
conditions in the integration condition q family. Emphasize the role of role models of
international today. parents. Appreciate building a cultural family.
Building a close relationship between family,
Family for building a new person in the school and society…” (Resolutions of the Party
process of international integration Central Committee 1996 - 1999, p. 170).
In order to build a new human being in the These views were thoroughly grasped at the
period of international integration, our Party Ninth Congress of the Party in 2001, that:
affirms: "Combine and bring into full play the "Highlight the responsibility of the family in
role of society, unions, schools, families, building and fostering its members to have a
individual labor collectives and collectives cultural lifestyle, making the family real the
population in taking care and fostering to form home of each person and a healthy cell of
new people. The family is a cell of society, a society. Promote the movement "All people unite
loving cradle that nurtures a person's life, an to build cultural life"; prevent the restoration of
important environment for life education and customs and overcome superstitions that tend to
personality formation. State policies must pay spread in society".
attention to building a prosperous, harmonious The 10th Party Congress, 2006, continued to
and progressive family. Raising awareness of affirm: "Promoting the fine traditional values of
family obligations towards all classes” the Vietnamese family, adapting to the
(Communist Party of Vietnam, 2007, p. 140 – requirements of the process of industrialization
141). and modernization. Building a prosperous,
With these views, the Party not only affirms the equal, progressive and happy family is truly
role of the family in building a new lifestyle and everyone's nest, a healthy cell of society, and an
lifestyle for the young generation, but also important environment for shaping, nurturing
points out that it must be a lifestyle: a sense of and educating children's personality people,
ownership, a sense of responsibility citizen; preserve and promote good traditional culture,
have knowledge, good health and good labor; create human resources to serve the cause of
live with culture and gratitude; rich in patriotism national construction and defense” (Communist
and genuine international spirit... These are the Party of Vietnam, 2006, p. 103-104).
correct, creative and highly dialectical The 11th Party Congress, 2011, continued to
orientations of the Party on the issue of building supplement and concretize the Party's views and
a new human being and the role of the family in policies on the role of the family in building a
building a way of life new, new way of life to lifestyle and lifestyle for the young generation.
form a new person. The document of the XI Congress writes:
The National Midterm Conference (Term VII) “Humans are the center of the development
of the Party, in 1994, continued to supplement strategy and at the same time the subject of
the Party's views and policies on strengthening development. Respect and protect human rights,
the role of the family in building a lifestyle for associate human rights with the rights and
the young generation. . The conference interests of the nation, the country and the
affirmed: “Strengthen the mass media to people's right to mastery. To combine and bring
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into full play the role of society, family, school, These correct views are the basis for
each labor collective, mass organizations and Vietnamese society to have great changes, the
residential community in taking care of building Vietnamese family has changed and developed
Vietnamese people rich in patriotism, with good very clearly in terms of structure, family
intentions. mastery, civic responsibility; have structure, type of family and about the role and
knowledge, good health, good labor; live with function of the family. The "multi-generational"
culture and love; true international spirit. families have been gradually reduced, replaced
Building a prosperous, progressive and happy by the two-generation family - the nuclear
family is truly a healthy cell of society, an family.
important environment, directly educating According to a report by the General Statistics
lifestyle and forming personality” (Communist Office in 2014, about 65% of Vietnamese
Party of Vietnam, 2007, p.76 – 77). families are in the nuclear family. Nuclear
By the 12th National Congress in 2016, out of family helps each family member have their
the 6 key tasks to be performed in this term, own space, experience, satisfy their privacy
there are 4 tasks related to people issues, of needs, respect freedom and equality among
which 2 are related to capacity development for family members. Every member of the nuclear
employees. People. That shows, the issue of family has the opportunity to develop a career.
people, building and developing people has been Moreover, with the development of the
focused by our Party more than ever. Right in economy, many young couples have financial
the first task, on strengthening the construction control, so they have the need to enjoy and the
and rectification of the Party, our Party nuclear family will help satisfy those needs. In
emphasized the need to "Focus on building a the nuclear family, special attention is paid to
contingent of cadres, especially those at the gender equality, with the responsibility for
strategic level, who are capable and qualified. taking care of children, grandparents, and
and prestige, up to the task” (Communist Party parents equally. When the nuclear family
of Vietnam, 2016, p.217). In the third task, the consisting of husband and wife and children
Party demanded to continue to effectively from a young age until starting a separate
implement three strategic breakthroughs, family is established, it creates opportunities
including “developing human resources, and conditions for independent thinking,
especially high-quality human resources...” orientation for members, and promoting
(Communist Party of Vietnam, 2016, p. 218). creativity. creativity, initiative, flexibility and
With the view that human resources are the dynamism of the individual when approaching
most precious and important capital, in the fifth social issues as well as personal life.
and sixth tasks, our Party has determined to According to a report by the General Statistics
“attract and strongly promote all resources and Office in 2014, about 65% of Vietnamese
creativity of the people. Care to improve families are in the nuclear family. Nuclear
material and spiritual life, well solve pressing family helps each family member have their
problems; strengthen the management of social own space, experience, satisfy their privacy
development, ensure social security and human needs, respect freedom and equality among
security; ensure social security, improve social family members. Every member of the nuclear
welfare and reduce poverty sustainably. family has the opportunity to develop a career.
Promoting the people's right to mastery, Moreover, with the development of the
bringing into play the strength of national economy, many young couples have financial
unity”; at the same time, must “promote the control, so they have the need to enjoy and the
human factor in all areas of social life; focus on nuclear family will help satisfy those needs. In
building people in terms of morality, the nuclear family, special attention is paid to
personality, lifestyle, intelligence and working gender equality, and the responsibility for
capacity; building a healthy cultural taking care of children, grandparents, and
environment” (Communist Party of Vietnam, parents is divided equally.
2016, p.219). However, the nuclear family also has many
The concretization of requirements in human problems such as divorce, domestic violence in
construction and development, including human the family of two generations also tends to
capacity development, has shown the Party's increase. In multi-generational families, family
correct awareness of the urgent requirements of members are closely monitored, so each
reality and of the Party, the globalization and person's emotions are suppressed, and acts of
international integration process today. domestic violence are somewhat limited. At the
same time, due to the encouragement and
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sharing of grandparents and parents, conflicts Secondly, developing human and human
were promptly resolved. In the nuclear family, resources for the process of international
when there is a conflict, the couples resolve it integration requires urgently improving
themselves, and when the conflict reaches its knowledge and skills for workers so that they
climax, they choose the path of separation and can master the production process and be able to
divorce, pushing the innocent children to lose apply science and technology. science and
their love. parental love. Each person's technology into production and life. But in order
personality is influenced by three factors: for international integration to follow the goal of
family, school and society. In which, family is a rich people, a strong country, a just,
the beginning and the decisive factor. democratic and civilized society, the most basic
Therefore, all disturbances in the family thing is the ideology, morality, lifestyle, and
(divorce, domestic violence, social evils...) elements of the quintessence of Vietnam.
affect the formation of the child's personality national traditions, clans, families, and basic
and future. values of Vietnamese culture.
In the current development trend, the issue of Therefore, the process of international
employment and economic income in the family integration in our country must be carried out in
is always concerned by families, because they parallel with the process of building and
want to assert their independence and do not developing an advanced Vietnamese culture
want to live dependently. Therefore, both imbued with national identity in which the
husband and wife are engaged in economic family plays an important role. In guiding
worries, leading to less and less family meals, members to well implement regulations in the
and not much time to take care of children, locality where the family lives, actively
parents and grandparents. It is the lack of care participate in the movement of building a
that makes the emotional bond in the family cultural family, a cultural residential area, and
become fragile, it only takes a small impact to educating generations in the family, through
break. speech, walk, dress, lifestyle, behavior and other
In order for the family to truly promote its role, family activities.
it deserves to be a healthy environment to Thirdly, along with the socio-economic
nurture and educate a new human personality, development in recent years, we also have to
and to create human resources to serve the cause face challenges, with the negative effects of the
of national construction and defense in the market economy. The opening of the period of
period of national reunification. When it comes international integration helps us to receive the
to international integration, each nuclear family achievements of science and information
now needs to know how to promote its strength technology, creating opportunities for each
through effectively recognizing and expressing individual, family and society to develop
the family's roles. together, but we also have to face challenges. a
Firstly, in the period of international integration, series of social evils, but one of the causes
people are both the goal and the driving force of leading to family members suffering from social
development. Family is both the starting point evils is the lack of inspection, supervision, lack
and the return point of all policies and laws. of care for each other in the family.
Therefore, the fact that family members fully Therefore, in order to maintain social order and
understand the guidelines and lines of the Party, safety and prevent evils, in addition to the
policies and laws of the State will be one of the efforts of the authorities, the family plays an
conditions to help the implementation of important role in protecting its members against
policies and laws of the Party and State. The evils society, making a great contribution to
state is highly effective, ensuring political and ensuring security, maintaining social order and
social stability, maintaining security, order and protecting family happiness. At the same time,
safety for society. To do so, the family first closely coordinate with functional agencies,
needs to promote its role in educating its organizations and social organizations in
members to be aware of and responsible for enhancing crime detection and denunciation in
strictly complying with the Party's guidelines order to ensure security, social order and safety.
and lines, and the State's policies and laws; At Fourthly, Domestic violence has been happening
the same time, families need to build at many different levels, causing many broken
institutions, moral values and traditions of each families, many women and children have to run
family in order to strengthen relationships and away from home, affecting the health of people.
close supervision among family members. to family members, increasing disease status, losing
avoid the seeds of social evils. jobs, increasing costs of care, health
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rehabilitation and many other indirect socio- words, gestures, and actions child's good. Each
economic costs. family is really a home, always keeping the
Effective prevention and prevention of domestic family fire, the family meal is really cozy,
violence must begin with each individual in the emotional, full of joy, a good land to nurture the
family. To do so, in each family, it is necessary to children to develop comprehensively physical,
determine appropriate principles of conduct to mental, physiological and personality. There is a
ensure the exercise of each individual's rights, dialectical relationship between the new person
equality among family members, and members and the family. The basis of building a new
always respect, care, share each other. At the person is based on a progressive family, and
same time, they know how to create conditions when a new person develops comprehensively, a
for members to study, raise awareness and more progressive family will also be built. In the
understanding of policies, documents and laws period of international integration, the country is
related to family life such as: Law on Marriage in dire need of more intellectuals and skilled
and Family; Law on Child Protection, Care and workers who have the courage and ambition to
Education; Law on Domestic Violence dedicate themselves to the Fatherland and the
Prevention and Control; The Law on Gender people's happiness. The role of the family in
Equality, etc., is the only way to ensure the rights nurturing and educating that human resource
and responsibilities of family members against becomes even more important.
patriarchal and outdated ideology, which is the
deepest cause of domestic violence. Conclusion
Fifthly, In the current international integration In the current process of international
conditions, the development of the market integration, the issue of human construction
economy has had a significant impact on family and development is a living practical issue,
institutions and family education issues. affecting the development foundations of
Therefore, in order to gradually create social mankind. Developing a new human in a
stability and sustainable development, family comprehensive way is always a goal
education must be respected by nuclear families. throughout all policies of the Party and State in
In particular, the content of moral education, the process of national construction and
because in any situation, morality holds a development, is a noble humanistic ideology in
particularly important position in human life, social management. It can be said that high-
above all other human qualities. Lack of quality human resources are influenced by
morality, people easily lose direction of action, family decisions. Because the family is the
easily violate the standards of society. Along with place where the personality, moral thought,
moral education, families also need to promote lifestyle, health and intelligence of human
their role in educating their children on labor resources are formed. In other words, education
skills and career orientation, because with the in the family is an extremely important
development of the market economy, changes foundation, the first bricks to build the
have been made. Positive change for the personality of a person, a generation. This is
country's socio-economic development, people's the best environment and conditions to educate
living standard has been improved significantly, children with feelings, ethics and responsibility
productivity has developed strongly, society has towards themselves and towards others, which
appeared many new jobs with high and stable other educational institutions can hardly or
incomes and requires people from outside. cannot do.
Besides health, diligence must have knowledge
and modern labor skills. References
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behaviors, and remind them to criticize their
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