Sarahina CI EDUC2 A2
Sarahina CI EDUC2 A2
Sarahina CI EDUC2 A2
Sarahina 02-26-23
BEED 1-2
Review the three components and write important concepts about them
Id Ego Superego
According to Freud, According to Freud, According to Freud,
The Id is a part of Id operates the pre-
the unconscious conscious and it is concerned with
that contains all the conscious mind. what is socially
urges and impulses, The ego develops to acceptable.
including what is mediate between The ethical
called the libido, a the unrealistic id component of the
kind of generalized and the external personality provides
sexual energy that real world. the moral standards
is used for Makes the decisions by which the ego
everything from and faces the operates.
survival instincts to consequences.
appreciation of art.
It operates
according to the
pleasure principle.
The primitive and
component of
Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Stages of Development
Write the description, erogenous zone, and fixation of each of the stages
Oral Stage- Initial psychosexual stage during which the developing infant's main
concerns are with oral gratification.
Anal Stage- The period in a child’s psychosexual development during which the child’s
main concerns are with the processes of elimination.
Phallic Stage - When the libido is focused on the genital area (penis or clitoris) and
discovery and manipulation of the body become a major source of pleasure.
Latency Stage- The stage of psychosexual development in which overt sexual interest
is sublimated and the child's attention is focused on skills and peer activities with
members of his or her own sex.
Fixation - Immaturity
Erogenous- Genitals
Fixation – Pleasure- seeking
Sensory Motor Stage: Focuses on the prominence of the senses and muscle
movement through which the infant comes to learn about himself and the world.
Age Range: Birth to Two
Characteristics: This is the stage when a child who is initially reflexive in grasping,
sucking, and reaching becomes more organized in his/her movement and activity.
Pre-operational Stage: At this stage, intelligence is primarily intuitive. At this point, the
child is getting closer to using symbols because they can now simulate and form mental
-Develops egocentrism (the tendency of the child to only see his point of
view and to assume that everyone has the same point of view)
Key Teaching Strategies: Give children a great deal of hands-on practice with more
complex skills such as reading comprehension or collaboration.
Concrete Operations Stage: During this stage, children are able to solve “hands-on”
problems easily. They understand that things can be changed, conserve their original
forms, and be reversed (Woolfolk, 2010).
Age Range: 7-11 years old
Characteristics: The ability of the child to link logically but only in terms of concrete
Key Teaching Strategies: Continue the use of concrete props and visual aids.
Formal Operations Stage: In the final stage of formal operations, thinking becomes
more logical.
Characteristics: Children can now solve abstract problems and can hypothesize.
Key Teaching Strategies: Give students the opportunity to explore many hypothetical
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)- The space between what a learner can do
without assistance and what a learner can do with adult guidance or in collaboration
with more capable peers.
Scaffolding- The role of teachers and others in supporting the learner's development
and providing support structures to get to that next stage or level' (Raymond, 2000).