Child and Adolescent Development

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Free Let Review Project – Prof.Ed.

Child and Adolescent Development – Interpret theories and findings elated to child and adolescent development along
the biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions.

Basic Concepts
 Growth
 Pertains to physical change and increase in size
 Can be measured quantitatively
 Indicators of growth are height, weight, bone size and dentition
 The growth rate is rapid during the
 Prenatal c. Infancy
 Neonatal d. Adolescence

 Slows during childhood

 Minimal during adulthood

 Development
 Involves increase in complexity of function and skill progression
 The capacity and skill of a person to adapt to the environment
 Pertains to the behavioural aspect of growth
 Maturation
 Consists of changes that occur relatively independent of the environment
 Usually considered to be genetically programmed-the result of heredity
 Zone of proximal development wherein the child acquires new skills and information with the help or
assistance of an adult peer
 Heredity
 The process of transmitting biological traits from parents to offspring through genes, the basic unit of
 Environment
 Refers to the surrounding condition that influences growth and development
 Theory
 Ideas based on observations and other kinds of evidences which are organized in a systematic manner
 Used to explain and predict the behaviours and development of children and adults
 Ethological Theory
 Views development in terms of evolutionary concepts
 Attachment
 Refers to the emotional bond to another person
 Lasting psychological connectedness between human beings
 An innate human survival mechanism
 A control system that achieves these specific goals:
 Helps the infant maintain proximity (closeness to the caretaker)
 Provides the young child with security as base from which to explore the world
 Helps the child regulate his/her emotions
 John Bowly focused on how attachment difficulties were transmitted from one generation to the next
 Psychosexual Theory
 Sigmund Freud’s theory of personality development that focuses on the changing seat of sensual pleasure
of the individual
 Psychosocial
 Erik Erikson’s theory of personality which focuses on the individuals interactions with the society
 Ecological Theory
 Eric Brofenbrenner’s theory of development in which the process is a joint function of the person and all
levels of the environment
 Sociohistoric-Cognitive/Linguistic Theory
 Lev Semanovich Vygotsky’s belief that the child is socially dependent at the beginning of his cognitive
 Development is concerned as dependent on social interaction

Environment System
The Microsystem- the setting in which the individual lives
The Mesosystem- relations between the Microsystems or connections between contexts
The Ecosystem- when experiences in another social setting in which the individual does not have an active role
influences what s/he experiences in an immediate context
The Macrosystem- involves the culture in which individuals live
 Culture refers to the behaviours patterns, beliefs and all other products of a group of people that are passed on
from generation to generation
The Chronosystem- the patterning of environmental evens and transition over one’s life-span includes sociohistorical


1. Freud’s Psychosexual Development Theory

1 Oral Birth to 1 ½ y/o Center of pleasure: mouth ( major source of gratifications and exploration)
Primary need: security
Major Conflict: weaning
2 Anal 1 ½ to 3 y/o Source of pleasure: anus and bladder (sensual satisfaction and self control)
Major conflict: toilet training
3 Phallic 4 to 6 y/o Center of pleasure: child’s genital (masturbation)
Major conflict: Oedipus and Electra Complex
4 Latency 6 y/o to puberty Energy directed to physical and intellectual activities
Sexual impulses repressed
Relationship between peers of the same sex
5 Genital Puberty onwards Energy directed towards full sexual maturity and function and development of
skills to cope with the environment

2. Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Theory

1.Infancy Birth Trust vs. Learn to trust others Mistrust, withdrawal, estrangement
8 mos Mistrust
2.Early 1 ½ Autonomy vs. Self control w/o loss of self- Compulsive, self restraint or compliance
Childhood to 3 Shame and esteem Wilfulness and defiance
y/o Doubt Ability to cooperate and
express oneself
3.Late 3 to 5 Initiative vs. Learns to become asserted Lack of one self-confidence
Childhood y/o Guilt Ability to evaluate one’s Pessimism, fear of wrong doing
behaviour Over-control and over-restriction
4.School 6 to Industry vs. Learns to create, develop and Loss of hope, sense of being mediocre
Age 12y/o Inferiority manipulate Withdrawal from school and peers
Develops sense of *Those who ignore , rebuff, deride their
competence and preservance effort are strengthening feelings of
*Parents, teachers who inferiority
support, reward and praise
children are encouraging and
helping children develop their
sense of industry
5.Adolesc 12-20 Identity vs. Coherent sense of self Feeling of confusion, indecisiveness and
ece y/o Role Confusion Plans to actualize one’s possible anti-social behaviour
abilities *When the adolescents fail to develop a
*Seeking to find an identity, sense of identity, he/she experiences role
adolescents try on many new confusion or “negative identity”
roles. If they experience
continuity in their perception
of self, identity develops
6.Young 18-25 Intimacy vs. Intimate relationship with Impersonal relationships
Adulthood y/o Isolation another person Avoidance of relationship, career or
Commitment to work and lifestyle commitments
relationships *Failure to establish close and intimate
*Center to intimacy is the relationship results to a feeling of
ability to share with and care isolation
for others.
7.Adultho 25-65 Generativity vs. Creativity, productivity, Self-indulgence, self-concern, lack of
od y/o Stagnation concern for others interests and commitment
8.Maturity 65 Integrity vs. Acceptance of worth and Sense of loss, contempt for others
y/o to Despair uniqueness of one’s own life
death Acceptance of death

3. Havighurst’s Developmental Stage and Tasks

1. Infancy vs. Childhood  Eat solid foods
 Talk
 Walk
 Control elimination of wastes
 Relate emotionally to the others
 Distinguish right from wrong through development of conscience
 Learn sex differences and sexual modesty
 Achieve persona independence
 Form simple concepts of social and physical reality
2. Middle Childhood  Learn physical skills required for games
 Build healthy attitudes towards oneself
 Learn to socialized with peers
 Learn appropriate masculine or feminine role
 Gain basic reading, writing and mathematical skills
 Develop concepts necessary for everyday living
 Formulate a conscience based on a value system
 Achieve personal independence
 Develop attitudes toward social groups and institutions
3. Adolescence  Establish more mature relationships with the same-age individuals of
both sexes
 Achieve a masculine or feminine social role
 Accept own body
 Establish emotional independence from parents
 Achieve assurance or economic independence
 prepare for an occupation
 Prepare for marriage and building of family
 Acquire skills necessary to fulfil civic responsibilities
 Develop a set values that guides behaviour
4. Early Adulthood  Select a partner
 Learn to live with a partner
 Start a family
 Manage a home
 Establish self in a career or occupation
 Assume civic responsibilities
 Become part of a social group
5. Middle Adulthood  Fulfill civic responsibilities
 Maintain an economic standard of living
 Assist adolescent children to become responsible, happy adults
 Relate one’s partner
 Adjust to physiological changes
 Adjust to aging parents
6. Late Maturity  Adjust to physiological changes and alterations in health status
 Adjust to retirement and altered income
 Adjust death of spouse
 Develop affiliation with one’s age group
 Meet civic and social responsibilities
 Establish satisfactory living arrangements

4. Sullivan’s Interpersonal Model of Personality Development

1. Infancy Birth to ½ yrs Infant learns to rely on caregivers to meet needs and desires.
2. Childhood 1 ½ to 6 yrs Child begins to learn and to delay immediate gratification of needs and desires.
3.Juvenille 6 to 9 yrs Child forms fulfilling peer relationship.
4. 9 to 12 yrs Child relates successfully to same-sex peers.
5. Early 12 to 14 yrs Adolescent learns to be independent and forms relationship with the members
Adolescence of the opposite sex.
6. Late 14 to 21 yrs Person establishes an intimate, long lasting relationship with someone of the
Adolescence opposite sex.

5. Piaget’s Phases of Cognitive Development

A. Sensorimotor Birth to 2 years Sensory organs and muscles become more functional
Stage 1: Use of reflexes Birth to 1 month Movements are primarily reflexive
Stage 2: Primary circular 1-4 months Perceptions center around one’s body.
reaction Objects are perceived as extension of the self
Stage 3: Secondary 4-8 months Becomes aware of external environment initiates acts to
circular reaction change the movement
Stage 4: Coordination of 8-12 months Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities
secondary schemata
Stage 5: Tertiary circular 12-18 months Experiments with methods to reach goals. Develops rituals
reaction that become significant
Stage 6: Invention of new 18-24 months Uses mental imagery to understand the environment
means Uses fantasy
Preoperational 2-7 years Emerging ability to think
*Children use symbolism ( images and language) to
represents and understand various aspects of environment
Pre-conceptual stage 2-4 years Thinking tends to be egocentric
Exhibits use of symbolism
Intuitive stage 4-7 years Unable to break down a whole in separate parts
Able to classify objects according to one trait
C. Concrete Operations 7-11 years Learns to reason about events between here-and-now
*Can understand the basic properties of and relations among
objects and events in the everyday world
*Able to solve concrete (hands-on) problem
D. Formal Operations 11 + years Able to see relationship and to reason in the abstract
*Becomes more scientific in thinking
*Capable of systematic, deductive reasoning

6. Kohiberg’s Stages of Moral Development

Level I: Pre-Conventional Authority figures are obeyed
(Birth to 9 years) Misbehaviour is viewed in terms of damage done.
Stage 1: Punishment and A deed is perceived as “wrong” if one is punished; the activity is right if is not
Obedience Orientation punished
Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist “Right is defined as that which is acceptable and approved by the self.
Orientation When actions satisfy one’s needs, they are “right”.
Level II: Conventional Cordial interpersonal relationships are maintained.
(9-13 years) Approval of others is sought through one’s actions.
Stage 3: Interpersonal Authority is respected.
Stage 4: Law and Order Individual feels “duty bound” to maintain social order.
Orientation Behaviour is “right” when it confirms to the rules.
Level III: Post-Conventional Individual understands the morality of having democratically established
(13+years) laws.
Stage 5: social Contract It is “wrong” to violate others’ right
Stage 6: Universal Ethics The person understands the principle of human rights and personal conscience.
Orientation The person believes that trust is a basis for relationship.
7. Gilligan’s Theory Of Moral Development
I. Orientation of individual Concentrates on what is best for self
survival Selfish
Transition Dependent on others

Transition 1: From Selfishness to Recognizes connection to others

Responsibility Makes responsible choices in terms of self and others
II. Goodness and Self-sacrifice Puts needs of others ahead of own
Feels responsible for others
Is independent
May use guilt to manipulate others when attempting to help
Transition 2: From Goodness to Decision based on intentions and consequences, not on other responses
Truth Considers needs of self and others
Wants to help others while being responsible to self
III. Morality of Non- violence Sees self and others as morally equal
Assumes responsibilities for own decisions
Basic tenet to hurt no one including self
Conflict between selfishness and selflessness
Self-judgement is not dependent on other’s perception rather than on
consequences and intentions of actions

8. Fowler’s Stages of Faith

Pre-Stage: Infant Trust, hope and love compete with environmental inconsistencies or
Undifferentiated Faith threats abandonment
Stage 1: Intuitive- Toddler-Pre- Imitates parental behaviours and attitudes about religion and
Projective Faith schooler spirituality
Has no real understanding of spiritual concepts
Stage 2: Mythical- School-Aged Accepts existence of a diety
Literal Faith Child Religious and moral beliefs are symbolized by stories
Appreciate other’s view points
Accepts concepts of reciprocal fairness
Stage 3;Synthetic Adolescent Questions values and religious beliefs in an attempt to form own
Conventional Faith identity
Stage 4: Late Adolescent Assumes responsibilities for own attitudes and beliefs
Individuative- and Young Adult
Reflective faith
Stage 5: Conjunctive Adult Integrates others perspectives about faith into own definition of truth
Stage 6: Adult Makes concept of “I’
Universalizing Faith

Principles of Growth and Development

1. Nature and Nurtute
 Development is influenced by both heredity (nature) and environment (nurture),
 The nature (heredity) is responsible for many of our physical characteristics such as hair and eye
color, facial features and to some extent the height and weight.
 Many of our characteristics can be influenced by the environment (nurture).
2. Growth and development is continous process.
 As a child develops, he or she adds to the skill already acquired and the new skills become the basis for further
achievement and mastery of skills.
 Most children follow similar pattern.
 Also, one stage of development lays the foundation for the next stage of development
3. Development proceeds from the head downward.
 This called the cephalocaudal principle.
 This principle describes the direction of growth and development.
 According to this principle, the child gains control of the head first, then the arms and then the legs.
4. Development proceeds from the center of the body outward.
 This is the principle of proximodistal development that also describes the direction of development.
 This means that the spinal cord develops before outer parts of the body. The child's arms develop before the
hands and the hands and feet develop before the finger and toes.
5. Development depends on maturation and learning.
 Maturation refers to the sequential characteristics of biological growth and development.
 The biological changes occur in sequential order and give children new abilities. Changes in the brain and
nervous system account largely for maturation.
6. Develop proceeds from simple (concrete) to the more complex.
 The children use their cognitive and language skills to reason and solve problems. For example, learning
relationship between things (how things are similar) or classification is an important ability in cognitive
7. Growth and development proceeds from general to specific.
 In motor development, the infant will be able to grasp for an object with whole hand before using only the thumb
and forefinger.
 The infant’s first motor movements are very generalized, undirected and reflexive, waving arms or kicking before
being able to reach or creep toward an object.
 Growth occurs from large muscle movements to more refined movements and to more refined (smaller) muscle
8. The individual rates of growth and development.
 Each child is different and the rates at which individual children grow is different. Although the patterns and
sequences for growth and development are usually the same for all children, the rates at which individual children
reach developmental stage will be different.
Directions: Read and analyze each item and select the correct option that answers each question. Analyze the items
using the first 5 items as you sample. Write only the letter of your choice in your answer sheet.
1. Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Manuel’s class. What concept best
describes the quantitative increased observed by Dr. Escoto among the learners in terms of height and weight?
A. Development C. Learning
B. Growth D. Maturation
Option A: Is not the correct answer because development refers to the systematic and orderly changes in
organisms’ experiences.
Option B: The best answer because it refers to the quantitative changes or the observable changes in
Option C: An incorrect answer because it refers to the portion of development that is the result of experience and
the interaction with the environment
Option D: Not the correct answer because maturation refers to the unfolding of traits potentially present in the
individual because of heredity

2. Which situation best illustrates the concept of growth?

A. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months.
B. A high school student gets a score of 85 in a mental ability test.
C. An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in teaching different subjects.
D. An elementary grader has learned to play piano.
Option A. This is the best answer because it refers to the progressive increase and continuous advancement
of the child from birth to maturity
Option B. Is not the correct answer because it does not refer to any increment or increase in human beings
Option C: An incorrect option because it refers to the development of learning as a result of experience
Option D: Cannot be considered because it refers to a skill

3. Which statement below best describes development?

A. A high school student’s height increase 5’2’’ to 5’4’’
B. A high school student’s change in weight from 110 lbs. to 125 lbs.
C. A student had learned to operate the computer
D. A student’s enlargement of hips
Option A and B: Both options cannot be considered because these refer to the quantitative and continuous
changes from birth to maturity
Option C: Is the correct answer because development is the process in the life of a human being by which
the individual’s potentialities unfold and appear
Option D: Cannot be considered as the correct answer because it refers to the increment of the bodily parts

4. What concept can best describes Francisco’s ability to walk without a support at age of 12 months because of the
internal ripening’ that occurred in his muscles, bones and nervous system development?
A. Development C. Learning
B. Growth D. Maturation
Option A: This is refer to the qualitative increase in human functioning through the life span
Option B: Is not the correct answer it refers easily measurable and sometimes obvious features of human being
Option C: An incorrect option because it refers to the acquisition of the knowledge, emotions, values and skills
Option D: This is the best answer because it refers to the state of the body and its readiness for the

5. Teacher Jesus is now 69 years old has been observing changes in himself such as the aging process. Which term refers
to the development change in the individual?
A. Development C. Learning
B. Growth D. Maturation
Option A: Not the best answer because this pertains to the continuous qualities that occurred in our development
in our advancement from birth to maturity
Option B: Is not a correct answer because this refers primarily to the physical changes such as increase in
height, weight and size
Option C: An incorrect option because learning refers to the change in behaviour as a result of some form of
Option D: This is the best option because maturation refers to the state of the body and its readiness to

6. Manuel, a five year old boy can hold his pen and write his name with his right hand. Which term describes Manuel’s
A. Development B. Growth C. Learning D. Maturation

7. Which of the following theory can help Miss Samson determine the readiness of her learners by administering a
readiness test?
A. Conditioning Theories C. John Bowly
B. Cognitive Development Theory D. Ethological Theory

8. Mr. Francisco was very much worried about the thumb-sucking of his son. A friend him says that certain behaviour
among infants. Who presented that notion that certain behaviour like thumb-sucking is normal behaviour?
A. Sigmund Fred C. John Bowly
B. Erick Erickson D. Urie Bronfrenbenner

9. A move new born infant move his whole body at one time instead moving part of it. Which of the following principles
is illustrated by this behaviour?
A. Development proceeds from specific to general.
B. Development proceeds from general to specific.
C. Development follows an orderly patterns.
D. Development follows a general pattern.

10. Train up a child in the way he should be; when he grows up he will not depart from it”. Which principle supports
A. Development is determined by the heredity.
B. Development is determined by the environment.
C. Early development is critical than the late development.
D. Early development is less critical that late development.

11. Which theory of psychosexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother’s
attention and affection?
A. Oral C. Phallic
B. Anal D. Latency

12. Angela focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play consume most of her energy. Which stage of
psychosexual illustrates her behaviour.
A. Oral B. Anal C. Phallic D. Latency

13. Which of the following is likely to be developed if infants are shown genuine affection?
A. Trust B. Autonomy C. Initiative D. Industry

14. Christian develops an integral and coherent sense of self. He seeks answer to the question. “Who am I?” Which of
the following is Christian likely to develop?
A. Initiative C. Intimacy
B. Identity and Role confusion D. Autonomy

15. Ms. Cruz uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons to preschool learners. What stage
in the cognitive theory of development explain this?
A. Sensorimotor C. Concrete operation
B. preoperational D. Formal Operation

16. Connie develops concepts necessary for everyday living, builds healthy attitudes towards oneself, and achieve
personal independence. These are among the attributes of an individual in what particular stage.
A. Infancy and early childhood C. Adolescence
B. Middle childhood D Early adulthood

17. Some children are more active than others, as everyone knows-extremely high levels of activity or hyperactivity are
considered problematic. How may a teacher help a child who is hyperactive?
A. Make him the leader of the class
B. Transfer him to another class.
C. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interest.
D. Allow him to spend longer at the playground until he gets tired.

18. Marivic gets jealous whenever she sees her father showing love and affection to her mother. Which of the following
is she showing according to Freud?
A. Complex C. Electra Complex
B. Phallic D. Oedipus Complex

19. In Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, which of the following statements would illustrate Edward who is 11
years old?
A. Able to see relationship and to reason in the abstract.
B. Unable to breakdown a whole to separate parts.
C. Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities.
D. Experiments with method to reach goals.
20. Violeta goes with her mother at school.She enjoys the workplace of her mother. Which of the following ecological
theories is illustrated by the situation.
A. Microsystem C. Exosystem
B. Mesosystem D. Macrosystem

21. Danilo wants to seek independence by separating from his family. He had just finished his tertiary level. In what
Levinson’s season of adult development is manifested by Danilo/
A. Early adult transition C. Transition
B. Entrance to adult world D. Setting down

22. Anna believes that authority is respected. She is now in what particular level in the moral development theory of
Lawrence Kohlberg?
A. Social contract C. Interpersonal concordance
B. Law and order orientation D. Universal ethics orientation

23.What level has a four year old learner like Maryann reached when she acquired new skills such as putting the same
shapes and the same colors together?
A. Development C. Zone of proximal development
B. Maturation D. Learning

24. Which of the following principles can be the basis of the growing realization of the significance of the early
childhood education?
A. The young children are capable of doing many things at an early stage.
B. The child should be seen and learn.
C. The first five years of the child are the formative years of the child.
D. The childhood experiences can be interesting and challenging.

25. Which of the following learner’s characteristics will affect most of the learners learning in the academic areas?
A. His affective characteristics C. His psychomotor characteristics
B. His cognitive characteristics D. His socio-emotional characteristics


Directions –Enhance your test taking skills by answering the items below. Write only the best answer.

1. Which one of the following is true about human development.

A. Human development considers both maturation and learning.
B. Development refers to the progressive series of changes of an orderly coherent type toward the goal of
C. Development is the gradual and orderly unfolding of the characteristics of the individuals as they go through
the successive stages of growth.
D. All of the above.

2. What do you call the qualitative increase in terms of height and weight as observe by school physician during the
physical examination of students?
A. Development C. Learning
B. Growth D. Maturation

3. Mrs. Alvarez conducts research on the psychosocial domain of development. In what particular area of child’s
development is Mrs. Alvarez most likely to be interested with?
A. Perceptual abilities C. Emotions
B. Brain wave patterns D. Use of language

4. Which of the following is the correct order of psychosocial stages proposed by Sigmund Freud?
A. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage
B. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage
C. Oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency stage, phallic stage
D. Anal stage, genital stage, latency stage, phallic stage

5. What’s the best description of Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory of human development?
A. Eight crises all people are thought to face.
B. Four psychosocial stages in the latency period
C. The same number of stages as Freud’s but with different names
D. A stage theory that is not psychoanalytic

6. In Erikson’s theory, what is the unresolved crisis of an adult who has difficulty establishing a secure, mutual
relationship with a life partner?
A. Initiative vs. Guilt C. Intimacy vs Isolation
B. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt D. Trust vs Mistrust

7. Erikson’s theory, what is the unresolved crisis of an adult who has difficulty establishing a secure, mutual
relationship with a life partner?
A. Sensorimotor C. Concrete operational
B. Preoperational D. Formal education

8. Which of the following provides the best broad description of the relationship between heredity and environment
in determining height?
A. Heredity is the primary influence, with environment affecting only in severe situations.
B. Heredity and environment contribute equally to development.
C. Environment is the major influence on physical characteristics
D. Heredity directs the individual’s potential and environment determines whether and to what degree the
individual reaches that potential.

9. What is the correct sequence of prenatal stages of development.

A. Embryo, germinal, fetus C. Germinal, embryo, fetus
B. Germinal, fetus, embryo D. Embryo, fetus, germinal

10. When a baby realized that a rubber duck which has fallen out of the tub must be somewhere on the floor, he is
likely to achieved what aspect of cognitive development.
A. Object permanence C. Mental combination
B. Deferred imitation D. Goal-directed behaviour

11. Which of the following will be Freud’s description of the child’s behaviour if he has a biting, sarcastic manner?
A. Anally expulsive C. Fixated in the oral stage
B. Anally retentive D. Experiencing the crisis of trust
vs mistrust
12. What is Freud’s idea about a young boy’s guilt feelings brought about by jealousy of his father’s relationship
with his mother?
A. Electra complex C. Phallic complex
B. Oedipus complex D. Penis envy complex

13. When a little girl who says she wants her mother to go on vacation so that she can marry her father, Freud
believes that she is voicing a fantasy consistent with ?
A. Oedipus complex C. Theory of the mind
B. Electra complex D. Crisis of Initiative vs guilt

14. Which of the following can best describe the preschoolers readiness to learn new tasks and play activities?
A. Emerging competency and self-awareness
B. Theory of the mind
C. Relationship with parents
D. Growing identification with others

15. Erikson noted that when preschoolers eagerly begin many new activities but are vulnerable to criticism and
feeling of failure, they are experiencing what particular crisis?
A. Identity vs role confusion C. Trust vs mistrust
B. Initiative vs guilt D. Efficacy vs helplessness

16. What stages of Piaget’s Cognitive Development does a person belong to when he can understand specific logical
ideas and apply them to concrete problems?
A. Preoperational thought C. Concrete operational thought
B. Operational thought D. Formal operational thought

17. What is the best explanation of Piaget’s concrete operational thought to describe the school-age child’s mental
A. A child can reason logically about things and events he or she perceives
B. A child’s ability to think how he thinks
C. Can understand that certain characteristics of an object remain the same when other characteristics are
D. Can understand that moral principles may supersede the standard of society.

18. Elisa who is in between 9 and 11 years of age are most likely to demonstrate moral reasoning at which
Kohlberg’s stage?
A. Pre-conventional C. Post-conventional
B. Conventional D. none of the above

19. According to Kohlberg, a dutiful citizen who obeys the laws set down by society is at which level of moral
A. Pre-conventional stage one C. Conventional
B. Pre-conventional stage 2 D. Post-conventional

20. Joy, who is low achieving, shy and withdrawn , is rejected by most of her peers. Her teacher wants to help Joy
increase her self-esteem and social acceptance. What can Joy’s teacher suggest to her parents?
A. Transfer her to a different school.
B. Help their daughter improve her motor skills
C. Help their daughter learn to accept more responsibility for her academic failures
D. Help their daughter improve her skills in relating to peers.

21. What is the most accurate definition of the puberty stage?

A. Rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence.
B. Stage when sexual maturation is attained.
C. Rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that ends childhood.
D. Stage when adolescents establish identities separate from their parents.

22. Fifteen year old Marie is preoccupied with her “disgusting appearance” seems depressed of the time. What is the
best thing her parents can do to help her get through this difficult time?
A. Ignore her self-preoccupation because their attention would only reinforce it.
B. Encourage to “shape up” and not give in to self pity.
C. Kid her about her appearance in the hope that she will see how silly she is acting.
D. Offer practical advice, such as clothing suggestions, to improve her body.

23. What can be the best comparison of the behaviour of a 17 year old girl to that of her 13 year old brother?
A. She is more likely critical about herself.
B. She tends to be more egocentric
C. She had less confidence in her abilities
D. She is more capable of reasoning hypothetically.

24. According to Erikson, what is the primary task of adolescent?

A. To establish trust
B. To search for his identity
C. To be more intimate with others
D. To establish integrity
25. What is the main source of emotional support for most young people who are establishing independence from
their parents?
A. Older adolescents of the opposite sex
B. Older sibling
C. Teachers
D. Peer groups

PART II – Analysing Test Items

1.B. 16. B
2. A 17. C
3. C 18. C
4.D 19. A
5.D 20. C
6. A 21. A
7. C 22. D
8. A 23. A
9. B 24. C
10. B 25. B
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. B

PART III – Enhancing Test Taking Skills

1.D. 16. C
2. B 17. C
3. C 18. B
4.A 19. C
5.A 20. D
6. C 21. C
7. C 22. D
8. A 23. D
9. C 24. B
10. A 25. D
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. B

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