HSS DesignManual 1
HSS DesignManual 1
HSS DesignManual 1
All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the
written permission of the publisher.
The information presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recognized
engineering principles and is for general information only. While it is believed to be accurate, this
information should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent
professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability, and applicability by a licensed
professional engineer, designer, or architect. Anyone making use of this information assumes all
liability arriving from such use.
Pam Braun
Bob Brown
Tim Arnold
John Simon
Craig Wehrmann
The committee thanks the former and current Steel Tube Institute’s HSS directors for their guidance,
support, and contributions to making this publication a reality.
Joseph Anderson
Mark Bula
HSS Design Manual, Volume One
Section Properties & Design Information
Table of Contents
Tolerances ..................................................................................... 21
Introduction to HSS
The Steel Tube Institute (STI) was formed in 1930 when a group of manufacturers joined forces
to promote and market steel tubing. Their goal was to mount a cooperative effort to improve
manufacturing techniques and inform customers about their products’ utility and versatility.
This remains the basic motivation for the Institute’s efforts today.
STI is evolving constantly to best meet the needs of a sophisticated and competitive
marketplace. It is dedicated to the betterment of the industry, member companies, and those
who use and count on its products.
A hollow structural section (HSS) is a steel section with a hollow tubular cross-section. HSS steel
members typically are circular, square, or rectangular sections, although other shapes, such as
elliptical, are available. This manual will focus on the four American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) specifications predominantly used in the United States for structural and
architectural applications: ASTM A1085, A1065, A847, and A500. See the “Understanding HSS
Material Specifications” section of this manual for more information.
Three manufacturing methods are predominately used to make HSS in North America:
In the weld-round, form-square process—the most common—a single flat steel strip (shape 1
in Figure 1) is moved through a progressive set of rolling stands (shapes 2-6) until a round tube
is produced (shape 7). ERW is used to create a continuous longitudinal weld (shape 8). After the weld
bead is removed, the weld seam is cooled and the tube passes through final sizing and shaping rolling
stands that cold form it into round (shape 9), square (shape 10), or rectangular (shape 11) sections.
2 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
weld-square process
process shapes
Electric resistance welding (ERW) is the most common welding procedure for tubes. As the
name implies, heat for welding the butted edges together is generated by steel’s natural
ERW is the mosttocommon
resistance the flowwelding procedure
of an electric current forusing
tubes. As the name implies,
high-frequency induction.heat
is the
butted edges together
confined is generated
to a narrow band along bythe
edges natural
of theresistance
strip. Duringto the
the flow of ana electric
process, special setcurrent using
of rolls
high-frequency induction. The heat is confined to a narrow band along
directly under the electrodes squeezes the aligned edges together while they are at weldingthe edges of the strip. During
the process,
heat to aproduce
special the
set weld.
of rollsIt directly undertothe
is important note electrodes squeezes
that no filler materialtheisaligned
added in edges together
the welding
they areThe at welding
base metalheatessentially
to produce the weld.
is forged It is important
together to createto note that no bond.
a metallurgical filler material
This keeps is
addedthe in material
the welding process. The base metal essentially
at the weld line consistent with the balance of the tube.is forged together to create a metallurgical
bond. This keeps the material at the weld line consistent with the balance of the tube.
The ERW process extrudes a small amount of metal (weld flash) on both the inside and outside of
the tubing.
The ERW processThis weld flash
extrudes is removed
a small amountfrom the outside
of metal with aon
(weld flash) cutting
both or
inside tool
and immediately
outside of
after welding. The inside flash will be left in unless the customer requires
the tubing. This weld flash is removed from the outside with a cutting or planing tool immediately its removal.
after welding. The inside flash will be left in unless the customer requires its removal.
The third manufacturing process, submerged arc welding (SAW), is used to produce larger HSS
The third with perimeters generally
process, SAW,larger thanto48produce
is used inches. larger
Two identical pieces
HSS sizes, withofperimeters
flat strip (shape 1
48 3) are placed
inches. in a presspieces
Two identical brakeof andflatformed into identical
strip (shape halves
1 in Figure (shape
3) are 2) ofinthe
placed a press brake
finished tube size. Next, a backing bar is tack welded to each leg of one half-section
and formed into identical halves (shape 2) of the finished tube size. Next, a backing bar is tack welded (shape 3).
Then the two sections are fitted together (shape 4) and welded using the SAW process to
to each leg of one half-section (shape 3). Then the two sections are fitted together (shape 4) and
complete the square or rectangular section (shape 5). The SAW weld is a partial joint
welded using the SAW process to complete the square or rectangular section (shape 5). The SAW weld
penetration, single-V-groove weld with a groove depth of 80 percent or more of the material
is a partial joint penetration, single-V-groove weld with a groove depth of 80 percent or more of the
thickness. If a complete joint penetration weld is required, A1065 supplemental requirement S2
material thickness. If a complete joint penetration weld is required, A1065 supplemental requirement
should be requested.
S2 should be requested.
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 3
• • Weld-round,
Square (1¼” x 1¼”form-square and form-square, weld-square processes
up to 22” x 22”)
• (ASTM(2”
Rectangular A500,
x 1” A1085,
up to 24”A847):
x 12”)
• Round (1.66” up to 20” diameter)
• o wall
Nominal Square (1¼” x 1¼”
thicknesses (fromup to 22”
1/8” x 22”)
to 7/8”)
o Rectangular (2” x 1” up to 24” x 12”)
SAW process (ASTM A1065):
o Round (1.66” up to 20” diameter)
• Square (12” x 12” up to 50” x 50”)
o Nominal wall thicknesses (from 1/8” to 7/8”)
• Rectangular (12” x 8” up to 60” x 48”)
• • SAWsections
Tapered processare possible
(ASTM using this method
• Nominal wall thicknesses (from 3/8” to 1”)
o Square (12” x 12” up to 50” x 50”)
Tubes larger than those listed previously can be produced for structural applications under
Rectangular not(12” x 8”inup
covered tomanual.
this 60” x 48”)
Contact the Steel Tube Institute for
o Tapered sections are possible using this method
o Nominal
AND thicknesses
TS (from 3/8” to 1”)
When the
Tubes material
larger thanspecification
those listedASTM A500 was
previously canfirst
be adopted,
produced the
forspecifications and technology
structural applications for
material steel coils used
specifications to produce
not covered pipe manual.
in this and tubesContact
allowed the
for aSteel
wide Tube
range Institute
of thickness
tolerances. Because of this, A500 has a thickness tolerance of plus or minus 10 percent. When steel mill
technology improved and coil thicknesses became more predictable, HSS could be manufactured with
more precision. In response to the actual wall thickness being slightly less than the nominal wall
History of HSS and TS
thickness, the Steel Tube Institute recommended and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
When the material specification ASTM A500 was first adopted, the specifications and
technology for manufacturing steel coils used to produce pipe and tubes allowed for a wide
range of thickness tolerances. Because of this, A500 has a thickness tolerance of plus or minus
10 percent. When steel mill technology improved and coil thicknesses became more
predictable, HSS could be manufactured with more precision. In response to the actual wall
thickness being slightly less than the nominal wall thickness, STI recommended and the
concurred that a 7 percent reduction in the nominal thickness should be used for all structural
calculations. Why 93 percent and not 90 percent? Some tolerances are built into the design
specification for the other non-HSS shapes. Multiplying the nominal thickness by 0.93 for purposes
of design brings the reliability of HSS in line with that of wide flanges (WF), angles, tees, and others.
This 7 percent reduction was first included in the 1997 Specification for the Design of Steel
Hollow Structural Sections. It was issued as a separate specification and was a supplement to
the 1993 Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Specification for Structural Steel. Section
1.2.2 requires that the design thickness be taken as 0.93 times the nominal when the actual
thickness of the walls is not known. The same language was used in the 2000 LRFD for Steel
Hollow Structural Sections, but it was altered in the 2005 Specification for Structural Steel
Buildings (AISC 360-05) to require the reduced design thickness for sections produced using the
ERW process. While this language is more specific, it did not change the practical application of
the design thickness.
Tubes and pipes were referred to as TS sections through the 1993 2nd Edition Manual of Steel
Construction LRFD. The term “hollow structural sections” and HSS designation were adopted in
the 2000 3rd Edition Manual of Steel Construction LRFD. The term change from TS to HSS
coincided with the introduction of the 0.93 wall thickness factor. Therefore, the 0.93 factor
applies to HSS and TS.
Two new specifications are available today: ASTM A1065 and ASTM A1085. Both specifications
require more stringent wall thickness tolerances, and ASTM A1085 also includes a mass
tolerance. Therefore, HSS produced under A1065 and A1085 will have wall thicknesses
much closer to the specified nominal thickness. This allows the designer to use the full nominal
thickness for member and connection design calculations. This is reflected in the design
property tables included in this manual.
Exposed steel can be specified as architecturally exposed structural steel (AESS) when a more
refined look is required than standard steel construction practices can provide. Specifying steel
as AESS results in a range of requirements regarding the tolerances and finishes of the
fabricated and erected steel. These requirements can significantly impact a project’s cost and
schedule. Consequently, it is critical to determine if AESS requirements are necessary. Even if
steel is exposed, it should not necessarily result in the AESS designation. The viewing distance,
desired level of finish, and overall desired look come into play when deciding if AESS is
necessary. In fact, the more industrial look of standard steel construction may be preferred.
(See the “Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel” section of this manual for more information.)
Structural steel often is lighter, more airy, and more elegant than a concrete structure. Steel
members, including HSS, are relatively easy to curve horizontally and vertically, allowing the
steel to adopt most any form desired. By choosing consistent outside dimensions of the HSS
members framing into one another, flush connections can be made, even for complex
connection geometries. Steel castings also can be used at connections. Custom geometries can
be created using castings, resulting in seamless, curving geometries at steel connections. These
connections allow for a continuous, flowing structure, especially when used to connect HSS.
The closed nature of HSS gives the members a smooth look and allows for flush external
dimensions. Lattice construction—with HSS members connected to one another without
stiffeners, gusset plates, or other visible connections—can enhance design appearance. This
type of construction can be difficult and cost prohibitive with open structural sections.
It is not always possible to hide braced frames from public view behind walls, elevator cores, or
mechanical areas. Due to the popularity of glass facades, braced frames often are in plain sight,
and the aesthetic nature of HSS make them a popular choice.
Closed HSS result in structural advantages over open shapes, such as wide-flange members.
They are especially efficient in supporting compression loads, providing a high strength-to-weight
ratio that is important for columns, braces, and truss members. In addition, HSS
efficiently resist twisting along their length. These qualities, combined with their aesthetic
appeal, make HSS members a sound choice for exposed, curved (both horizontally and
vertically), and long unsupported members. Other member types are likely less economical and
may require stiffeners or other reinforcement.
Because steel columns require a smaller footprint than do concrete columns, they allow for
more floor space, which is especially important in retail stores. Square HSS columns are
commonly used in large, one-story retail spaces. HSS columns are well-suited to the tall height
requirements of such spaces, are easily painted, and do not require wrapping to protect
shoppers from sharp corners. As an example, in a warehouse-type store a typical HSS column is
HSS8x8x1/2 (weighing 37.7 lb/ft) extending 25 feet to the roof. A concrete column would need
to be 20 inches x 20 inches,USES
ksi concrete, to provide the same strength, taking up
significantly more floor space. A W12x65 (with a footprint of 12 inches square) can be used, but
it is 800 pounds heavier per column than the smaller, 8-inch-square HSS column.
requirements of such spaces, are easily painted, and do not require wrapping to protect
shoppers from sharp corners. As an example, in a warehouse-type store a typical HSS column is
Jumbo HSS, meaning(weighing
HSS8x8x1/2 HSS with37.7
a perimeter between
lb/ft) extending 25 feet64toand 88 inches,
the roof. are column
A concrete available,
wouldand HSS
can be made
to bewith higher-strength
20 inches steel6to
x 20 inches, using ksiprovide
concrete,more freedom
to provide in the
the same use oftaking
strength, tall and/or
heavily loaded columns.
significantly more floor space. A W12x65 (with a footprint of 12 inches square) can be used, but
it is 800 pounds heavier per column than the smaller, 8-inch-square HSS column.
Torsion (orJumbo
twisting) is another
HSS, meaning HSSarena
with a in which HSS
perimeter are especially
between efficient.
64 and 88 inches, With their
are available, andclosed-section
quality, HSS can provide up to 200 times the resistance to twisting compared with
can be made with higher-strength steel to provide more freedom in the use of tall and/or a
wide-flange section
heavily with
loaded similar depth and weight. A typical commercial building exterior beam
is shown in Figure 1. The exterior wall can impart a twist on the supporting beam, requiring the
Torsion (or twisting) is another arena in which HSS are especially efficient. With their closed-
of kickers and
quality, HSStheir connection
can provide plates.
up to 200 timesUsing a closedtosection
the resistance twisting(Figure 2),with
compared the atwist
can easily wide-flange
be accounted forwith
section in the design
similar depthand
weight.can be eliminated.
A typical commercial building exterior beam
is shown in Figure 1. The exterior wall can impart a twist on the supporting beam, requiring the
installation of kickers and their connection plates. Using a closed section (Figure 2), the twist
can easily be accounted for in the design and kickers can be eliminated.
Figure 1:1:Typical
Typical exterior
exterior beam
beam condision
condition (WF) (WF)
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 7
alsoalso function
function wellwell as supports
as supports for exterior
for exterior walls,
walls, as girts,
as girts, or stud
or stud wallwall reinforcement
reinforcement where
necessary. TheyThey
necessary. work wellwell
work within curtain
within walls,
curtain either
walls, as exposed
either as exposedelements or asorpart
elements of the
as part of the
mullion providing
mullion strength
providing but but
strength cladclad
in some way.way.
in some In several signature
In several projects,
signature HSS HSS
projects, trusses or or
space frames
space combined
frames combinedwithwith
glass supports
glass (some
supports clad,clad,
(some some exposed)
some havehave
exposed) been used,
been used,
allowing large
allowing glass
large surfaces
glass to maximally
surfaces allow
to maximally lightlight
allow intointo
the the
8 8 HSS
Guide: V. 1: SECTION
Properties & DESIGN
Information I STEEL
Fire Protection
Hollow structural sections (HSS) are highly efficient sections, as they are capable of carrying
heavy loads with relatively thin elements. But this inherent advantage has a drawback: Steel
gains heat and softens relatively quickly during a fire. An unprotected steel member can lose its
ability to carry load in as little as 15 minutes in a standardized fire test. Accordingly, building
codes may require some form of fire protection for structural steel.
Fire protection measures fall into two main categories: passive and active. Passive protection
consists of some type of protective coating that is present for the life of the structure. Active
protection typically involves sprinklers or standpipes that aide in extinguishing or controlling a
fire to protect life and property.
The International Building Code (IBC) requires that buildings be designated as one of five
primary types. Structural steel buildings typically are categorized as Type I or Type II, which
correspond to buildings with non-combustible elements. IBC Table 601 provides required fire
ratings for each primary element in a building; those ratings indicate the minimum number of
hours each element must be able to survive a standard fire. Type IA, which encompasses taller or
more essential structures, requires a three-hour rating for a primary structure and a two-hour
rating for floors and secondary members. However, about two-thirds of structural steel
construction requires no fire protection, as Type IIB (most one-story and many two- to four-story
structures) is not required to be rated.
In the United States, the architect historically has been responsible for specifying fire protection
measures for an entire building, including structural elements. But recently some in the AEC
industry have pressed for the structural engineer to take a larger role in choosing the
appropriate form of fire protection. Even if the architect takes the lead in specifying
fireproofing, the structural engineer should understand the available options and
contribute to the discussion.
Sprayed Fire-Resistant Materials (SFRM)
The most common method of protecting typical steel framing is by spraying fibrous material
onto the members. This solution is relatively cost effective and easy to install. Gypsum-based
and cement-based materials are available. Cementitious materials often are made lighter by
including perlite or vermiculite fibers. The designer should specify the appropriate Underwriters
Laboratories (UL®) assembly, which details the type of material and the required thickness for a
given construction configuration. Particular inspection requirements also should be clearly
specified. Inspections should include one thickness test per specified amount of floor area, as
well as density testing to ensure that the installer has not entrained too much air.
A code change implemented in the 2009 IBC requires that spray-applied fireproofing in
buildings taller than 420 feet have a minimum bond strength of 1,000 psf. This change may
entail using a more expensive medium-density material, rather than standard low-density
material, so that it is easier to achieve the 1,000-psf bond strength throughout the structure.
A common misconception in the industry is that there is no fire rating for HSS beams spanning
horizontally. Engineers operating under this misunderstanding either have changed to another
shape or adopted the fire-resistive material thickness required for an equivalent HSS column section.
This is a conservative practice because only three sides of the beam are exposed to fire, not all four
sides as with a column. In 2009, Intertek Testing Systems successfully completed fire testing of a series
of HSS beams resulting in approved assemblies, as required by the International Code Council (ICC).
Although this listing does not appear in the current UL Fire Resistance Directory, Intertek is a fully
accredited testing agency approved by the ICC. Testing was done to the UL 263 and ASTM E119
specification requirements. The test reports are available through the Steel Tube Institute and
through Intertek’s SpecDirect website by searching W.R. Grace & Company Monokote® MK-6®/HY®.
Board Fireproofing
When the appearance of spray-applied fireproofing is undesirable, some type of board can be
used as an alternative. A common solution for columns involves multiple layers of gypsum
wallboard, which simultaneously insulate the column from fire and provide a clean finished
surface. Cementitious boards also are used where gypsum may not be appropriate, such as in
wet areas. The UL directory contains information for various types of board fire protection.
Intumescent Paint
Steel tubes often are featured prominently in signature elements, such as long-span roofs. In
these highly visible areas, applying a thick coat of fiber or several layers of gypsum board might
compromise the architectural vision. In such cases, intumescent paint is an excellent option, as
it mimics the appearance of painted steel while providing fire protection by expanding to many
times its initial volume when exposed to heat. Intumescent paint can meet any required fire rating; a
higher rating simply requires additional coatings. While intumescent paint provides an elegant
architectural finish, it is cost prohibitive to use it in many scenarios.
Concrete Fill
Steel tubes offer an attractive finished surface when used as columns, but externally applied
fire protection detracts from the appearance and increases the overall size of the column
assembly. Filling a steel tube column with concrete greatly increases its thermal mass by
slowing heat gain. The concrete also adds redundant structural capacity, so as the steel softens
in a fire, the concrete core can assume the load.
Water Fill
Steel tubes offer a unique and often underutilized method of fire protection: Their closed cross
sections can be filled with water. This atypical solution has been used in high-profile projects in
the United States and Germany, including the 64-story U.S. Steel Tower in Pittsburgh, PA.
Three types of water-fill systems are available to the designer: dry, non-circulating, and
Dry systems are filled with water by fire pumps only in the event of a fire, reducing the
possibility of corrosion and leaks. Non-circulating systems require venting to prevent an
explosion as water heats rapidly during a fire; these systems can be as effective as concrete
fill, but they do not add structural capacity. Circulating systems often do not require pumps,
as the heat from the fire causes circulation of the water. For both circulating and noncirculating
systems, measures must be taken to prevent corrosion and, if the columns are
exposed, to prevent freezing.
AESS can be accomplished via two discrete paths—through geometry or through finish—or
through a combination of these two extremes. Exposed steel that will be viewed from a
distance should generate its expression on a macro scale through geometry rather than finish.
Steel that will be in close proximity to the public needs to be detailed on a micro level, including
finished edges, sealed joints, and removed markings.
As a result, it is important to determine the intent of the AESS and only specify the COSP
requirements applicable to the intended expression. Not all exposed steel should be detailed
using all the requirements of AESS, which can include tighter tolerances, cleaner finishes,
higher-grade surface preparation and painting, and more stringent welding and bolting
procedures. In many cases, additional COSP specifications can be included when the full range
of AESS improvements is not needed.
Section 10 of the COSP includes a list of additional requirements when AESS is specified,
including fabrication tolerances, delivery of materials, and erection requirements. Specific
identification of AESS members, tolerances that are more or less restrictive than the COSP,
Section 10, and requirements for a mock-up must be specified in the contract documents. A
mock-up panel or inspection components may be required to set acceptance standards prior to
Fabrication tolerances for squareness of sides, twist, and straightness are included in Section
10 and generally are about half of standard tolerances. Fabrication requirements also cover
weld finish. During production of hollow structural sections (HSS), the weld flash on the
outside face of the tube is removed, creating a smooth surface. Section 10.2.8 of the COSP
states the seams of HSS are acceptable as produced and shall be oriented away from view.
Therefore, AESS requirements do not call for special treatment of the HSS seam weld unless
required by the designer. Note that the surface of an ASTM A53 pipe may be different than a
section produced to an HSS specification, and large tubular members may use a helical weld
as opposed to a linear seam weld. These visual effects should be considered when selecting
and editing an HSS specification.
The COSP, Section 10 requirements might not ensure the desired look of the AESS. While the
COSP covers fabrication and erection tolerances, it does not always fully describe all features
important for the completed structure’s appearance. To assist designers in communicating the
desired appearance of AESS and to allow contractors to bid and build appropriately,
the Steel Liaison Committee of the Structural Engineers Association of Colorado and the Rocky
Mountain Steel Construction Association, with input from contractors, architects, and
fabricators, have developed additional guidelines. The guidelines were published as a
supplement to the May 2003 issue of “Modern Steel Construction,” by AISC, and they include a
sample board, a cost matrix, and a sample specification. The article and other valuable AESS
information are available on the AISC website (www.aisc.org/aess).
The sample board includes small pieces of fabricated steel representing what generally can be
expected from AESS members when compared with steel fabricated to standard practices. The
samples show expected finishes and the appearance of small defects on bare steel and steel to
which typical coatings have been applied. The physical samples let the designer view features at
various distances to determine which ones are important to include in the specification.
The cost matrix includes the range of cost premiums associated with AESS line item
specifications. To better understand the premiums associated with AESS, designers can budget
AESS projects while achieving the desired look of AESS.
The sample specification includes both fabrication and erection techniques potentially useful
with AESS, as well as editor’s notes regarding guidance on its use. The specification provides
common language to address appearance issues for AESS and is coordinated with the cost
matrix line items. The main elements of the specification include reduced fabrication and
erection tolerances (generally by a factor of two), uniform 1/8-inch gaps between steel
elements at connections, grinding and contouring of welds, requirements for surface
preparation and painting or galvanizing, and removal of mill marks and piece marks. Specific to
HSS, the specification covers the wall tolerance of curved HSS sections and the closure plate
requirement at open ends of HSS members.
All three of the manual’s sections have one main purpose: to facilitate communication among the
architect, engineer, and contractor to achieve a cost-efficient product by setting expectations
and acceptance criteria agreeable to all parties.
Through Modern Steel Construction, AISC provides valuable guidance on AESS via articles
written by experts in the field. Back issues at www.modernsteel.com/backissues contain many
articles and project profiles centered on AESS. Three articles in particular offer sound advice:
“The Three C’s of AESS” (December 2011), “The Art of Exposing Structural Steel” (December
2011), and “A Categorical Approach” (April 2008).
The requirements for AESS apply to all types of structural sections, including HSS. In general,
HSS sections have tighter dimensional control when compared with wide flange and are
resistant to twisting during handling, delivery, and erection. Consequently, it generally is easier
to manage the more restrictive AESS tolerance requirements for HSS as compared with
other standard steel shapes. Connections can be especially challenging for AESS structures and
often are a focal point. Steel castings at connections work well with closed sections such as HSS
members, creating a smooth transition between attached elements that yields a monolithic
structural appearance that is well-suited for AESS. One manufacturer of such products used
largely in the structural marketplace is Cast Connex®.
• HSS can resist higher compressive forces without buckling when compared with open
structural sections with a similar cross-sectional area and depth.
• HSS are superior in biaxial bending capacity when compared with open structural
sections with a similar cross-sectional area and depth.
• HSS can resist much higher torsional forces than similarly sized open structural sections.
• HSS have much better bending capacity when designing for relatively long, unbraced
Due to their symmetrical shape in both axes, HSS members do not display a significant disparity
in the strength of each axis, as is the case with some open-section members. Even a tall, slender,
rectangular HSS’s weaker axis typically is stronger than that of an open section. As a result, in
compression, where the weak axis buckling controls the design capacity of a member, HSS
members almost always will be stronger in compression than other sections of similar weight.
Additionally, because of their superior strength, HSS compressive members need much less, if
any, bracing. For example, large warehouse structures often are designed with roof members
spanning large distances between tall vertical trusses. These vertical trusses typically consist of
wide-flange chord members and single- or double-angle web braces. If a designer were to use HSS
vertical chord members, the number of bracing members (and thus their connections) could
be significantly reduced while maintaining the same compressive capacity (Figure 1a and 1b on
the next page).
Figure 1a:WF
andL L Figure
Figure 1b:
1b: HSS
HSS members often are used as the brace(s) in a braced frame system to resist lateral loading
HSS and/or
due to wind members often are used
earthquakes. HSS as
an brace(s)
efficient in a braced
bracing frame
choice forsystem
severalto resist lateral
reasons. Most loading
due to
lateral loads arewind and/or earthquakes.
bi-directional, HSS are an efficient
thus the load-resisting system mustbracing
workchoice for tension
in both several reasons.
and Most
lateral loads are bi-directional, thus the load-resisting system must
compression. HSS members efficiently resist both tension and compression loads. This tension work in both tension and
and compression
HSS often
membersnegates the need
efficiently to provide
resist an “X”and
both tension bracing, unless itloads.
compression is needed
This tension
for higherandload resistance capacity
compression or drift requirements.
often negatesOther shapes
the need with lower
to provide compressive
an “X” bracing, unless it is needed
resistancemembers and, therefore,
or drift requirements. require
Other “X” bracing
shapes for load
with lower compressive
resistance in each direction.
capacities HSS braces also
might be tension-only can improve
members the efficiency
and, therefore, of the
require “X”structure
bracing for as load
whole. Not only caninan
resistance HSSdirection.
each brace resist
bracescompressive loads, the
also can improve it also can help
efficiency ofresist gravity as a
the structure
loads. Anwhole.
example Notofonly
would be abrace
an HSS horizontal
resist truss.
lateral compressive loads, it also can help resist gravity
loads. An example of this would be a horizontal truss.
Often braced frames and trusses are placed at the exterior of a building, due to architectural
constraints. braced frames
However, and trusses
the exterior façade are
oftenplaced at the
is open exterior
to view withof a building,
curtain due to architectural
wall systems or
windows. If this is the case, an HSS brace can provide an aesthetically pleasing form whilesystems or
constraints. However, the exterior façade often is open to view with curtain wall
simultaneously If this is the
performing case, anfunctions.
structural HSS brace can provide an aesthetically pleasing form while
simultaneously performing structural functions.
A closed section has far superior torsional strength than its open counterpart. In fact, the
torsionalAresistance of anhas
closed section HSSfar
is about 200torsional
superior times greater than
strength theits
than resistance of an openInsection
open counterpart. fact, the
of similar weight and depth.
torsional resistance of an HSS is about 200 times greater than the resistance of an open section
of similar weight and depth.
HSS members can easily be curved to a wide variety of radii. When a member is curved, the
loading on
HSSthe membercan
members induces
easilytorsion, which
be curved to aan HSSvariety
wide is fullyof
capable of resisting.
radii. When a memberTorsion also the
is curved,
can be induced into a member if the loading is eccentric to the centerline of that member.
loading on the member induces torsion, which an HSS is fully capable of resisting. Torsion also
can be induced into a member if the loading is eccentric to the centerline of that member.
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 15
This is the case in an edge member where the exterior wall is loading the slab that the member
supports. If an open section is used in this application, or in other torsional-loading conditions,
the designer must specify stiffeners and/or kickers, which will increase the cost of the structure
and not be as aesthetically pleasing.
Applicaons * * x *
beam, brace)
* x x
Seismic Force
* x
x *
Corrosion *
* = Preferred x= Acceptable
ASTM A1085
Approved in 2013, ASTM A1085 is a newer specification for HSS fabricated via the electric
resistance welding (ERW) process. ASTM A1085 raises HSS performance through improved
manufacturing requirements. Tubes are produced with peripheries of 88 inches or less and a
specified wall thickness between 0.148 inch and 7/8 inch. (See the “Introduction to HSS”
section in this manual for more detail.) Because of the tighter tolerances and the inclusion of a
mass tolerance in ASTM A1085, designers can design members and connections using the full
nominal properties.
ASTM A1085 has a single minimum yield strength of 50 ksi, regardless of the shape. In
addition, the yield strength is capped at a maximum of 70 ksi. This will result in a lower Ry
value (an over-strength factor used in seismic design) than that given for A500 and A53 (see
the “Seismic Design Using HSS” section in this manual). A1085 also has a Charpy V-notch (CVN)
requirement of 25 ft/lb at 40° Fahrenheit, which guarantees a higher level of toughness
compared with HSS without a CVN requirement. Steel with improved toughness is required for
use in structures subject to cyclic loading, such as bridges. A1085 also has separate
supplemental requirements for a more stringent CVN requirement and heat treating, if
required by the designer.
ASTM A1065
ASTM A1065 is a specification for larger tubes typically used for tall columns or members with
large loading requirements or long spans. A1065 sections are produced using the submerged
arc welding (SAW) procedure, in which two equally sized plates bent into C shapes are welded
continuously. Using this procedure, a truly tapered section can be achieved. Tubes are
produced only in square and rectangular shapes (no circular shapes) with a periphery of less
than 200 inches and a specified wall thickness of less than 1 inch.
ASTM 1065 comes in two grades, 50 and 50W, both with a minimum yield strength of 50 ksi.
Grade 50W is manufactured with enhanced atmospheric corrosion resistance. CVN testing
can be specified using supplemental requirement S1 for members to be used in a cyclically
loaded structure.
ASTM A847 is a specification for tubes made with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance
primarily for use in exposed conditions. The minimum yield strength for A847 tubes is 50 ksi,
and it can be produced in circular and rectangular shapes.
ASTM A500 has been produced since the early 1970s. It is produced with the seamless method
or, more commonly, the electric resistance welding (ERW) method. Tubes are produced in
square, rectangular, or circular shapes with a periphery of 88 inches or less and a specified wall
thickness of 7/8 inch or less.
ASTM A500 has four grades, A through D, with Grade C being the most prevalent in the current
marketplace, although Grade B also is specified often. Most mills produce a dual-grade B/C
product, so it is in the designer’s best interest to design to a Grade C because it has a higher
yield strength and thus provides greater efficiency at the same cost. Each grade has a yield
strength that varies for rectangular and circular shapes. Grade D requires heat treatment.
A500 Tensile,
ANDand Elongation Requirements
Reprinted with permission from ASTM A500/A500M—13, copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete standard can be obtained from ASTM International, www.astm.org.
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 19
As discussed, ASTM A500 (and A847) permit the wall thickness to be under the nominal wall
thickness by as much as 10 percent. As a result, HSS manufacturers in North America
consistently produce HSS with wall thicknesses less than the nominal thickness; therefore, the
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) requires, per AISC 360, Section B4.2, that the
design wall thickness shall be 0.93 times the nominal wall thickness for A500 and A847. This
reduction applies not only to the calculation of section properties, but also to the HSS wall
thickness (t ) used in a design calculation, such as for a connection.
A500 is used mostly in structural applications for primary structural members (columns, beams,
and braces), as well as for secondary members, such as stair stringers, girts, and handrails. A500
also is used in the manufacturing industry.
Originally A500 was a specification for rectangular tubes, but now it includes circular sections
as well. In the past, designers would specify ASTM A53 for their circular sections. Designers will
find more benefit in A1085 and A500 for circular sections, as they have higher strength-to-weight
ratios and tighter outside dimensions (OD), wall thicknesses, and straightness tolerances.
ASTM A252 is a specification for welded and seamless pipe piles for use in foundation
applications. It can be used alone or with concrete filling as a composite section. It can be made
in three grades, with Grade 3 being the most common in the current marketplace.
ASTM A252 sections can be made by the seamless, ERW, flash weld, or fusion welded process.
The seams of the welded pipe piles can be straight seam, helical-butt, or helical-lap.
ASTM A53 is a specification intended for mechanical and pressure applications and should not be
specified for structural applications. Round HSS are widely available in pipe sizes (i.e. 6.625” OD
throughout the United States in the A500 material and are a more cost effective solution.
For example, tubes with yield strengths of 100 ksi are available by special order from some
producers. These tubes follow most of the properties of an A500 section, with the exception of
the yield strength. A500 shapes can be used in cyclical applications by requesting that CVN
testing be performed to a customer-specified level.
Design professionals always should be aware of possible tolerances when detailing structural
members. This section will outline the tolerances that designers need to account for when
specifying a hollow structural section (HSS). Typically these tolerances affect the production,
fabrication, and erection.
Production tolerances usually are specified in the material specification and are the
responsibility of the tube producer. These include, but aren’t limited to, the squareness of a
rectangular tube, its wall thickness, and the corner radius.
Fabrication and erection tolerances for all steel members are specified in the AISC 303 Code of
Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (COSP). Values presented in this manual are
from the 2010 Standard.
When compared with other section types, HSS generally have tighter tolerances for depth and
cross-sectional dimensions. These tighter tolerances can lead to easier and more cost-efficient
Outside Dimensions
All outside dimensions should be measured a minimum of two inches from the end of
the member.
Round sections
▪ ±0.5% for OD less than 1.9 inches
▪ ± 0.75% for OD greater than 2 inches
Permissible Variations in Outside Flat Dimensions
for Square
PERMISSIBLE and Rectangular
Permissible Variations in Outside Flat Dimensions
for Square and Rectangular Structural Tubing
Specified Outside Permissible Variations Over and Under
Large Flat Dimension Specified Outside Flat Dimensions A
in [mm]Outside Permissible Variations
in [mm] Over and Under
Large Flat Dimension Specified Outside Flat Dimensions A
2½ [65] or under
in [mm] 0.020
in [0.5]
Over 2½2½
to [65]
3½ [65 to 90], incl
or under 0.025
3½[90 toto
[65 140],
incl 0.030
Over 3½Over 5½[90
to 5½ [140]
to 140], incl 0.01 times large
0.030flat dimension
A Overvariations
The permissible 5½ [140]include allowances 0.01
for times large
convexity andflat dimension
concavity. For
rectangular tubing having a ratio of outside large to small flat dimension less than
A The permissibleA variations include allowances for convexity forand concavity. For
for squarevariations
tubing, theinclude allowances
permissible variations convexity
in small flatanddimension
concavity. For be
rectangular tubing havingtubing
rectangular a ratiohaving
of outside
a ratiolarge
of to small
outside largeflattodimension
small flat less thanless
dimension 1.5,thanand
identical to the permissible variations in large flat dimension. For rectangular tubing
for square tubing,
1.5, and permissible
for square
a ratio
of outside large
in small
thetopermissible flat dimension
small flat dimension
small be
flat of
dimension to the
1.5 to 3.0shall be
permissible variations
inclusive, tolarge
the the flat dimension.
permissible variations For
variations rectangular
in smalllarge
flatflat tubingshall
dimension having
For a ratio
1.5 times oftheoutside
large to small permissible
flat dimension
having a ratio in the
of outside
variations range of
in large 1.5
to small to 3.0 inclusive,
flat dimension
dimension. the permissible
in the range
For rectangular tubingofhavingvariations
1.5 to a3.0ratio in
small flat dimension shall
outside thebe
large 1.5small
to the permissible
dimension smallvariations
in greater flat 3.0,inthe
than large
shall flat dimension.
be 1.5
permissible times theFor
rectangular tubing
in smallhaving variations
flat dimension in
a ratio ofshall large
outside flat
be 2.0 dimension.
times tothe
small For rectangular
flat dimension
permissible tubing
variationsgreater having
in largethan a ratiothe
of outside
permissible variations
dimension. inlarge
smalltoflatsmall flat dimension
dimension shall be greater than 3.0,
2.0 times thethe permissible
permissible variationsin
in small
large flat dimension. flat dimension shall be 2.0 times the permissible variations in large flat
Reprinted with permission from ASTM A500/A500M —13, copyright ASTM International, 100
Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete standard can be
Reprinted with permission
obtained from
from ASTM
withASTM A500/A500M—13,
permission from ASTM
International, copyright ASTM
www.astm.org. —13,International, 100 International,
copyright ASTM Barr Harbor Drive,
West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete standard can be obtained from ASTM International,
Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete standard can be
www.astm.org. obtained from ASTM International, www.astm.org.
Footnote A in the above table allows exceptions for the permissible variations in
Footnote A the
in small flat dimension.
the above table These
allows have been
exceptions calculated
for the below
permissible for convenience.
variations invariations
the smallinflat
‘H’ is the A
largerin the above
outside table allows
dimension; ‘B’ exceptions
is the for
smaller the permissible
outside dimension.
dimension.the These have
small flatbeen calculated
dimension. below
These havefor convenience.
been calculated‘H’ is the
below forlarger outside dimension;
‘B’ is the smaller outside dimension.
‘H’ is the larger outside dimension; ‘B’ is the smaller outside dimension.
Large Outside H/B < 1.5 1.5 ≤ H/B ≤ 3.0 H/B > 3.0
Large Outside
H ≤ 2.5 in H: H/B < 1.5
± 0.020 in 1.5
H: ±≤0.020
H/B ≤in3.0 H: H/B > 3.0
± 0.020 in
2.5 inH<≤H2.5 in in
≤ 3.5 H:H:±±0.025
0.020inin H:H:±±0.025
0.020inin H:H:±±0.025
3.5 3.5inin H:H:±±0.030
0.025inin H:H:±±0.030
0.025inin H:H:±±0.030
3.5 in
H <> H
5.5≤ 5.5 in H: ± 0.030
0.01H in H: ± 0.030
0.01H in H: ± 0.030
0.01H in
H > 5.5 H: ± 0.01H H: ± 0.01H H: ± 0.01H
22 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
22 HSS
Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
• A1065
The wall thickness should be measured at the centers of the flats for rectangular sections and
Wall Thickness
away Tolerance
from the weld seam for circular sections.
Wall Thickness Tolerance
The thickness
The wall wall thickness
• A500/A847: should
should±10% be measured
be measured at theatcenters
the centers
of theofflats
the for
for rectangular sections
sections and and
fromfrom the weld
the weld seamseam for circular
for circular sections.
• A1085: -5% and +10%
•• A1065:
A500/A847: ±10%±10%
-0.01 inches and +0.03 inches
to• the-5%
A1085: and
large +10%
wall +10% tolerance for A500 and A847, AISC 360 Specification Section
A1065: -0.01
B4.2 requires inches and +0.03 inchesto be the nominal wall thickness multiplied by 0.93.
• A1065:the design
-0.01 wall
inches thickness
and +0.03 inches
Due to thetolarge
the large wall thickness
wall thickness tolerance
tolerance for A500
for A500 and A847,
and A847, AISC AISC 360 Specification
360 Specification Section
B4.2 B4.2 requires
requires the design
the design wall thickness
wall thickness to betothe
the nominal wall thickness
wall thickness multiplied
multiplied by 0.93.
by 0.93.
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 23
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 23
Mass Tolerance
Mass tolerances shall be calculated assuming the density of rolled steel is 0.2836 pounds per
cubic inch (lb/in3) and outside radius of corners are two times the wall thickness.
A1085: -3.5 percent and +10 percent of theoretical weight of the piece
Length Limits
▪ Length of 22 ft and under: -1/4 inch and +1/2 inch
▪ Length over 22 ft: -1/4 inch and +3/4 inch
Straightness Tolerance
A500/A847/A1065/A1085: permissible variation shall be (1/8”) * L/5
▪ t≤0.4 inch: corner radius 1.6t to 3.0t
▪ t>0.4 inch: corner radius 1.8t to 3.0t
The twist in a tube shall be determined by holding one end of the tube on a flat surface,
measuring the height that each corner on the bottom side of the tube extends above the
surface and calculating the difference in heights of the corners. Measurements shall be
taken two inches from the ends of members.
• A500/A847/A1085
Permissible VARIATIONS
Variations in TwistIN
andSQUARE ANDStructural
Maximum Permissible Variations
Specified Outside
in Twist per 3 ft of Length
Large Flat Dimension
[Twist per Meter of Length]
in [mm]
in [mm]
1½ [40] and under 0.050 [1.3]
Over 1½ to 2½ [40 to 65], incl 0.062 [1.6]
Over 2½ to 4 [65 to 100], incl 0.075 [1.9]
Over 4 to 6 [100 to 150], incl 0.087 [2.2]
Over 6 to 8 [150 to 200], incl 0.100 [2.5]
Over 8 [200] 0.112 [2.8]
Reprinted with
Reprinted with permission
permission from
from ASTM
ASTM A500/A500M—13,
A500/A500M —13,copyright
Harbor Drive,
Harbor Drive, West
West Conshohocken,
Conshohocken, PA
from ASTM
ASTM International,
International, www.astm.org.
• A1065:
A1065: twisttwist
shallshall be less
be less thanthan
per per three
three feetfeet of length
of length
Fabrication and
FABRICATION ANDErection Tolerances
COSP represents the industry standard. If a project requires more stringent limitations, the
COSP represents the industry standard. If a project requires more stringent limitations, the
project design team is responsible for specifying them accordingly.
project design team is responsible for specifying them accordingly.
Fabrication Tolerances
Fabrication Tolerances
Section 6.4 of COSP covers the fabrication tolerances that apply to all structural steel members,
regardless of COSP
their covers
section type.the
tolerancestolerances that
include, but areapply to all structural
not limited to, thosesteel
below. of their
Note that theresection type.tolerance
are tighter The tolerances include,for
requirements but are not limited
architecturally to, those
exposed listed
Notein that
are 10, as discussed
tighter toleranceinrequirements
the section, “Architecturally Exposed
for architecturally exposed structural
Structural Steel.” in COSP Section 10, as discussed in the section “Architecturally Exposed
steel included
Structural Steel.”
• If both ends are bearing (e.g., one end has a base plate and a roof beam bears on the
• If boththe variation
ends in overall
are bearing (for length shall
example, onebeend
less has
thana or equal
base toand
plate 1/32a inch.
roof beam bears
on the other), the variation in overall length shall be less than or equal to 1/32 inch.
• If the length of the member is less than 30 feet, the variation shall be less than or equal
• If1/16
to the inch.
length of the member is less than 30 feet, the variation shall be less than or equal
to 1/16 inch.
• If the length of the member is greater than 30 feet, the variation shall be less than or
• If the
length of the member is greater than 30 feet, the variation shall be less than or
to 1/8 inch.
equal to 1/8 inch.
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 25
Cambered trusses—Variation in camber at each specified panel point shall be less than ±1/800
of the distance to that point from the nearest support.
Trusses (no camber)—Variation from zero at each panel point shall be less than or equal to
±1/800 of the distance to that point from the nearest support.
Erection Tolerances
Section 7.13 of COSP covers erection tolerances that apply to all structural steel members, regardless
of their section type. The tolerances include, but are not limited to, those listed below:
Individual column piece—Variation of working line from plumb line shall be less than or equal
to 1/500 of the distance between working points.
• A column adjacent to an elevator shaft must have a displacement less than one inch
from the column line in the first 20 stories. Above this level, increase by 1/32 inch for
each story up to a total of two inches.
• An exterior column shall have a displacement of less than or equal to one inch toward
the building or less than or equal to two inches away from the building for the first 20
stories. Above this level, increase by 1/16 inch for each story up to two inches toward
and three inches away from the building.
Once the availability has been identified, designers may access contact information for mills
producing the tube if procurement is necessary.
Each HSS producer will update information several times a year to provide a snapshot of the
current and near-future marketplace.
The guide covers American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A500, A1085, and A1065
and might be expanded in the future.
HSS Properties
tables in this section provide the dimensions and properties for hollow structural sections (HSS).
Effort was made to include all shapes available in the United States; however, inclusion in these tables
does not imply that a section is commonly produced or stocked. Please refer to the “Section Selection
Guide” in this manual for more information. HSS Properties
It isThe
highly important
tables that special
in this section carethe
provide bedimensions
taken in selecting the appropriate
and properties section
for hollow properties
structural for the
material being specified.
(HSS). Effort was made to include all shapes available in the United States; however, inclusion in
these tables does not imply that a section is commonly produced or stocked. Please refer to the
following are assumptions
Selection made
Guide in this in the
manual forgeneration of section properties given in the tables:
more information.
It is highly important
• Design that special care be taken in selecting the appropriate section properties
for the material
▪ For specified.
ASTM A500, design thickness = 0.93* nominal thickness. Tables with shading are
based on the reduced thickness.
The following
▪ are
For assumptions
ASTM A1085made in theA1065,
and ASTM generation ofthickness
design section properties
= nominalgiven in the tables:
• Design Thickness
• Order of shapes
o▪ For For square
ASTM A500, design thickness
and rectangular, = 0.93divisible
thicknesses * nominal bythickness.
16 are listed first, then gage
o For ASTM A1085 and ASTM A1065,
thicknesses, then miscellaneous thicknesses.design thickness = nominal thickness.
• Order ▪ of For circular, shapes are listed in order of decreasing thickness.
o For square and rectangular, thicknesses divisible by 16 are listed first, then gage
• The nominal weight isthen
thicknesses, based on the nominal
miscellaneous thickness.
o For circular, shapes are listed in order of decreasing thickness.
• ID, A, I, S, Z, r, J, C all are based on design thickness.
• The nominal weight is based on the nominal thickness.
•• Corner
ID, A, I,radii
S, Z, r, J, C all are based on design thickness.
• Corner ▪ 2t des for A500 and A1085
o 2tdesA1065,
▪ For for A500corner
and radii
A1085 are based on 3t des for large shapes and 2tdes for smaller
shapes (shapes based on 2t are shaded in the tables).
o For A1065, corner radii aredes based on 3tdes for large shapes and 2tdes for smaller
• b/t and h/t shapes (shapes
are based onbased
R = 1.5ton 2tdes are shaded in the tables).
• b/t and h/t are based on R = 1.5tdes.
•• Workable
Workableflats flatsare
basedon onthethenominal
andbased on 2.25t
are based on nom fornom
2.25t A500
for and
A500A1085. For A1065,
and A1085. workable
For A1065, flats are
workable based
flats on 3tnom
are based onfor
large shapes and 2.25tnom for smaller shapes (shapes based on 2.25t nom are shaded in
3tnom for large shapes and 2.25tnom for smaller shapes (shapes based on 2.25tnom are
the tables). Values of two inches or smaller are not shown.
shaded in the tables). Values of two inches or smaller are not shown.
•• Properties
oo Moment
inertia,I I
Square and rectangular:
𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
I= (𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 − 2𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅)3 + (𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 − 2𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅) + (𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 − 2𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅)(𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 − 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 )2 + 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 +
6 6 2
1 2
𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 [(𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 − 2𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅) ∗ + 𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 ]
Circular: I = (𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂4 − 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂4 )
o Elastic section modulus, S
Square and rectangular: 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = 2
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 29
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS20x0.625 0.625 0.581 20 18.838 129.45 35.4 34.4 1670 167 6.87 219 3340 334
x0.500 0.5 0.465 20 19.07 104.23 28.5 43.0 1360 136 6.91 177 2720 272
X0.375 0.375 0.349 20 19.302 78.67 21.5 57.3 1040 104 6.95 135 2080 208
x0.250 0.25 0.233 20 19.534 52.78 14.5 85.8 707 70.7 6.99 91.0 1410 141
HSS18x0.625 0.625 0.581 18 16.838 116.09 31.8 31.0 1210 134 6.16 176 2410 268
x0.500 0.5 0.465 18 17.07 93.54 25.6 38.7 985 109 6.20 143 1970 219
X0.375 0.375 0.349 18 17.302 70.66 19.4 51.6 754 83.8 6.24 109 1510 167
x0.250 0.25 0.233 18 17.534 47.44 13.0 77.3 513 57.0 6.28 73.6 1030 114
HSS16x0.625 0.625 0.581 16 14.838 102.73 28.1 27.5 838 105 5.46 138 1680 209
x0.500 0.5 0.465 16 15.07 82.85 22.7 34.4 685 85.7 5.49 112 1370 171
x0.438 0.438 0.407 16 15.186 72.87 19.9 39.3 606 75.8 5.51 99.0 1210 151
x0.375 0.375 0.349 16 15.302 62.64 17.2 45.8 526 65.7 5.53 85.5 1050 131
x0.312 0.312 0.290 16 15.42 52.32 14.3 55.2 442 55.2 5.56 71.6 883 110
x0.250 0.25 0.233 16 15.534 42.09 11.5 68.7 359 44.8 5.58 57.9 717 89.6
HSS14x0.625 0.625 0.581 14 12.838 89.36 24.5 24.1 552 78.9 4.75 105 1100 157
x0.593 0.593 0.551 14 12.898 84.99 23.3 25.4 527 75.3 4.76 99.7 1050 150
x0.500 0.5 0.465 14 13.07 72.16 19.8 30.1 453 64.8 4.79 85.2 907 129
x0.375 0.375 0.349 14 13.302 54.62 15.0 40.1 349 49.8 4.83 65.1 698 99.6
x0.312 0.312 0.290 14 13.42 45.65 12.5 48.3 294 41.9 4.85 54.5 587 83.8
x0.250 0.25 0.233 14 13.534 36.75 10.1 60.1 239 34.1 4.87 44.2 478 68.2
HSS13.375x0.625 0.625 0.581 13.375 12.213 85.19 23.4 23.0 479 71.6 4.53 95.2 958 143
x0.500 0.5 0.465 13.375 12.445 68.82 18.9 28.8 393 58.8 4.57 77.5 787 117
x0.375 0.375 0.349 13.375 12.677 52.11 14.3 38.3 303 45.3 4.61 59.2 606 90.5
30 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS13.375x0.250 0.25 0.233 13.375 12.909 35.08 9.62 57.4 208 31.1 4.65 40.2 415 62.1
HSS12.75x0.687 0.687 0.639 12.75 11.472 88.59 24.3 20.0 447 70.1 4.29 93.8 894 140
x0.625 0.625 0.581 12.75 11.588 81.01 22.2 21.9 412 64.6 4.31 86.1 824 129
x0.562 0.562 0.523 12.75 11.704 73.22 20.1 24.4 376 59.0 4.33 78.2 752 118
x0.500 0.5 0.465 12.75 11.82 65.48 17.9 27.4 339 53.2 4.35 70.2 678 106
x0.406 0.406 0.378 12.75 11.994 53.58 14.7 33.7 281 44.1 4.38 57.9 563 88.1
x0.393 0.393 0.365 12.75 12.02 51.91 14.2 34.9 273 42.8 4.38 56.0 545 85.4
x0.375 0.375 0.349 12.75 12.052 49.61 13.6 36.5 262 41.0 4.39 53.7 523 82.0
x0.250 0.25 0.233 12.75 12.284 33.41 9.16 54.7 180 28.2 4.43 36.5 359 56.3
x0.180 0.18 0.167 12.75 12.416 24.19 6.60 76.3 131 20.5 4.45 26.4 261 41.0
HSS12x0.625 0.625 0.581 12 10.838 76.00 20.8 20.7 341 56.8 4.04 75.8 681 113
x0.500 0.5 0.465 12 11.07 61.47 16.9 25.8 281 46.8 4.08 61.9 561 93.3
x0.375 0.375 0.349 12 11.302 46.60 12.8 34.4 217 36.2 4.12 47.4 434 72.2
x0.250 0.25 0.233 12 11.534 31.40 8.61 51.5 149 24.9 4.16 32.3 298 49.7
HSS11.75x0.625 0.625 0.581 11.75 10.588 74.33 20.4 20.2 319 54.3 3.95 72.5 638 108
x0.500 0.5 0.465 11.75 10.82 60.13 16.5 25.3 263 44.7 3.99 59.3 526 89.2
x0.375 0.375 0.349 11.75 11.052 45.60 12.5 33.7 203 34.6 4.03 45.4 407 69.1
x0.337 0.337 0.313 11.75 11.124 41.12 11.2 37.5 184 31.3 4.05 41.0 368 62.6
x0.250 0.25 0.233 11.75 11.284 30.73 8.43 50.4 140 23.8 4.07 30.9 280 47.6
HSS10.75x0.625 0.625 0.581 10.75 9.588 67.65 18.6 18.5 241 44.8 3.60 60.1 481 89.1
x0.593 0.593 0.551 10.75 9.648 64.39 17.7 19.5 230 42.8 3.61 57.4 460 85.2
x0.500 0.5 0.465 10.75 9.82 54.79 15.0 23.1 199 37.0 3.64 49.2 398 73.8
x0.375 0.375 0.349 10.75 10.052 41.59 11.4 30.8 154 28.7 3.68 37.8 309 57.3
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 31
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS10.75x0.365 0.365 0.339 10.75 10.072 40.52 11.1 31.7 150 28.0 3.68 36.8 301 55.9
x0.313 0.313 0.291 10.75 10.168 34.92 9.56 36.9 131 24.3 3.70 31.8 262 48.6
HSS10.75x0.250 0.25 0.233 10.75 10.284 28.06 7.70 46.1 106 19.8 3.72 25.8 213 39.6
x0.188 0.188 0.175 10.75 10.4 21.23 5.81 61.4 81.3 15.1 3.74 19.6 163 30.2
x0.165 0.165 0.153 10.75 10.444 18.67 5.09 70.3 71.5 13.3 3.75 17.2 143 26.6
HSS10x0.625 0.625 0.581 10 8.838 62.64 17.2 17.2 191 38.3 3.34 51.6 383 76.0
x0.500 0.5 0.465 10 9.07 50.78 13.9 21.5 159 31.7 3.38 42.3 317 63.2
x0.375 0.375 0.349 10 9.302 38.58 10.6 28.7 123 24.7 3.41 32.5 247 49.2
x0.312 0.312 0.290 10 9.42 32.31 8.85 34.5 104 20.9 3.43 27.4 209 41.7
x0.250 0.25 0.233 10 9.534 26.06 7.15 42.9 85.3 17.1 3.45 22.2 171 34.1
x0.188 0.188 0.175 10 9.65 19.72 5.40 57.1 65.2 13.0 3.47 16.9 130 26.1
HSS9.625x0.625 0.625 0.581 9.625 8.463 60.13 16.5 16.6 169 35.2 3.20 47.6 339 69.9
x0.500 0.5 0.465 9.625 8.695 48.77 13.4 20.7 141 29.2 3.24 39.0 281 58.2
x0.375 0.375 0.349 9.625 8.927 37.08 10.2 27.6 110 22.8 3.28 30.0 219 45.4
x0.342 0.342 0.318 9.625 8.989 33.94 9.30 30.3 101 20.9 3.29 27.6 202 41.8
x0.312 0.312 0.290 9.625 9.045 31.06 8.50 33.2 92.7 19.3 3.30 25.3 185 38.5
x0.250 0.25 0.233 9.625 9.159 25.06 6.87 41.3 75.9 15.8 3.32 20.6 152 31.5
x0.188 0.188 0.175 9.625 9.275 18.97 5.20 55.0 58.0 12.1 3.34 15.6 116 24.1
HSS8.625x0.625 0.625 0.581 8.625 7.463 53.45 14.7 14.8 119 27.7 2.85 37.7 239 54.9
x0.594 0.594 0.552 8.625 7.521 51.00 14.0 15.6 115 26.6 2.86 36.0 229 52.7
x0.500 0.5 0.465 8.625 7.695 43.43 11.9 18.5 99.5 23.1 2.89 31.0 199 45.9
x0.375 0.375 0.349 8.625 7.927 33.07 9.07 24.7 77.8 18.0 2.93 23.9 156 36.0
x0.322 0.322 0.299 8.625 8.027 28.58 7.82 28.8 67.9 15.7 2.95 20.7 136 31.4
32 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS8.625x0.250 0.25 0.233 8.625 8.159 22.38 6.14 37.0 54.1 12.5 2.97 16.4 108 25.1
x0.188 0.188 0.175 8.625 8.275 16.96 4.65 49.3 41.5 9.62 2.99 12.5 83.0 19.2
x0.148 0.148 0.138 8.625 8.349 13.41 3.68 62.5 33.1 7.68 3.00 9.94 66.3 15.4
x0.125 0.125 0.116 8.625 8.393 11.36 3.10 74.4 28.1 6.51 3.01 8.40 56.1 13.0
HSS7.625x0.375 0.375 0.349 7.625 6.927 29.06 7.98 21.8 52.9 13.9 2.58 18.5 106 27.6
x0.328 0.328 0.305 7.625 7.015 25.59 7.01 25.0 47.1 12.3 2.59 16.4 94.1 24.6
HSS7.5x0.500 0.5 0.465 7.5 6.57 37.42 10.3 16.1 63.9 17.0 2.49 23.0 128 33.8
x0.375 0.375 0.349 7.5 6.802 28.56 7.84 21.5 50.2 13.4 2.53 17.9 100 26.7
x0.312 0.312 0.290 7.5 6.92 23.97 6.57 25.9 42.8 11.4 2.55 15.1 85.5 22.7
x0.250 0.25 0.233 7.5 7.034 19.38 5.32 32.2 35.2 9.37 2.57 12.3 70.3 18.7
x0.188 0.188 0.175 7.5 7.15 14.70 4.03 42.9 27.0 7.21 2.59 9.39 54.1 14.4
HSS7x0.500 0.5 0.465 7 6.07 34.74 9.55 15.1 51.2 14.6 2.32 19.9 102 29.0
x0.375 0.375 0.349 7 6.302 26.56 7.29 20.1 40.4 11.6 2.35 15.5 80.9 23.0
x0.312 0.312 0.290 7 6.42 22.31 6.11 24.1 34.5 9.85 2.37 13.1 68.9 19.6
x0.250 0.25 0.233 7 6.534 18.04 4.95 30.0 28.4 8.11 2.39 10.7 56.8 16.2
x0.188 0.188 0.175 7 6.65 13.69 3.75 40.0 21.9 6.25 2.41 8.15 43.7 12.5
HSS6.875x0.500 0.5 0.465 6.875 5.945 34.07 9.36 14.8 48.3 14.1 2.27 19.1 96.7 27.9
x0.375 0.375 0.349 6.875 6.177 26.06 7.16 19.7 38.2 11.1 2.31 14.9 76.4 22.1
x0.312 0.312 0.290 6.875 6.295 21.89 6.00 23.7 32.6 9.48 2.33 12.6 65.2 18.9
x0.250 0.25 0.233 6.875 6.409 17.71 4.86 29.5 26.8 7.81 2.35 10.3 53.7 15.6
x0.188 0.188 0.175 6.875 6.525 13.44 3.68 39.3 20.7 6.02 2.37 7.86 41.4 12.0
HSS6.625x0.562 0.562 0.523 6.625 5.579 36.43 10.0 12.7 47.0 14.2 2.17 19.5 94.0 28.0
x0.500 0.5 0.465 6.625 5.695 32.74 9.00 14.2 42.9 13.0 2.18 17.7 85.9 25.7
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 33
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS6.625x0.437 0.437 0.406 6.625 5.813 28.91 7.93 16.3 38.5 11.6 2.20 15.7 77.0 23.1
x0.432 0.432 0.402 6.625 5.821 28.60 7.86 16.5 38.2 11.5 2.20 15.6 76.4 22.9
x0.375 0.375 0.349 6.625 5.927 25.06 6.88 19.0 34.0 10.3 2.22 13.8 68.0 20.4
x0.312 0.312 0.290 6.625 6.045 21.06 5.77 22.8 29.0 8.76 2.24 11.6 58.0 17.5
x0.280 0.28 0.260 6.625 6.105 18.99 5.20 25.5 26.4 7.96 2.25 10.5 52.7 15.9
x0.250 0.25 0.233 6.625 6.159 17.04 4.68 28.4 23.9 7.22 2.26 9.52 47.9 14.4
x0.188 0.188 0.175 6.625 6.275 12.94 3.55 37.9 18.5 5.57 2.28 7.28 36.9 11.1
x0.134 0.134 0.125 6.625 6.375 9.30 2.55 53.0 13.5 4.07 2.30 5.28 27.0 8.14
x0.125 0.125 0.116 6.625 6.393 8.69 2.37 57.1 12.6 3.79 2.30 4.92 25.1 7.58
HSS6x0.500 0.5 0.465 6 5.07 29.40 8.09 12.9 31.2 10.4 1.96 14.3 62.4 20.5
x0.375 0.375 0.349 6 5.302 22.55 6.20 17.2 24.8 8.28 2.00 11.2 49.7 16.4
x0.312 0.312 0.290 6 5.42 18.97 5.20 20.7 21.3 7.09 2.02 9.46 42.5 14.1
x0.280 0.28 0.260 6 5.48 17.12 4.69 23.1 19.3 6.45 2.03 8.57 38.7 12.9
x0.250 0.25 0.233 6 5.534 15.37 4.22 25.8 17.6 5.86 2.04 7.75 35.2 11.7
x0.188 0.188 0.175 6 5.65 11.68 3.20 34.3 13.6 4.53 2.06 5.94 27.2 9.05
x0.125 0.125 0.116 6 5.768 7.85 2.14 51.7 9.28 3.09 2.08 4.02 18.6 6.18
HSS5.563x0.500 0.5 0.465 5.563 4.633 27.06 7.45 12.0 24.4 8.77 1.81 12.1 48.8 17.3
x0.375 0.375 0.349 5.563 4.865 20.80 5.72 15.9 19.5 7.02 1.85 9.50 39.0 13.9
x0.258 0.258 0.240 5.563 5.083 14.63 4.01 23.2 14.2 5.12 1.88 6.80 28.5 10.2
x0.250 0.25 0.233 5.563 5.097 14.20 3.90 23.9 13.9 4.99 1.89 6.62 27.8 10.0
x0.188 0.188 0.175 5.563 5.213 10.80 2.96 31.8 10.8 3.87 1.91 5.08 21.5 7.72
x0.134 0.134 0.125 5.563 5.313 7.78 2.14 44.5 7.90 2.84 1.92 3.70 15.8 5.67
HSS5.5x0.500 0.5 0.465 5.5 4.57 26.73 7.36 11.8 23.5 8.55 1.79 11.8 47.0 16.8
34 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS5.5x0.375 0.375 0.349 5.5 4.802 20.55 5.65 15.8 18.8 6.84 1.83 9.27 37.6 13.6
x0.258 0.258 0.240 5.5 5.02 14.46 3.97 22.9 13.7 5.00 1.86 6.64 27.5 10.0
HSS5x0.500 0.5 0.465 5 4.07 24.05 6.62 10.8 17.2 6.88 1.61 9.60 34.4 13.5
x0.375 0.375 0.349 5 4.302 18.54 5.10 14.3 13.9 5.55 1.65 7.56 27.7 11.0
x0.355 0.355 0.330 5 4.34 17.63 4.84 15.2 13.3 5.31 1.66 7.21 26.5 10.5
x0.313 0.313 0.291 5 4.418 15.68 4.30 17.2 12.0 4.79 1.67 6.46 24.0 9.52
x0.312 0.312 0.290 5 4.42 15.64 4.29 17.2 11.9 4.78 1.67 6.44 23.9 9.49
x0.258 0.258 0.240 5 4.52 13.08 3.59 20.8 10.2 4.08 1.69 5.44 20.4 8.12
x0.250 0.25 0.233 5 4.534 12.69 3.49 21.5 9.94 3.97 1.69 5.30 19.9 7.92
x0.247 0.247 0.230 5 4.54 12.55 3.45 21.7 9.83 3.93 1.69 5.24 19.7 7.83
x0.188 0.188 0.175 5 4.65 9.67 2.65 28.6 7.73 3.09 1.71 4.08 15.5 6.17
x0.134 0.134 0.125 5 4.75 6.97 1.91 40.0 5.69 2.28 1.72 2.97 11.4 4.55
x0.125 0.125 0.116 5 4.768 6.51 1.78 43.1 5.31 2.12 1.73 2.77 10.6 4.24
x0.120 0.12 0.112 5 4.776 6.26 1.72 44.6 5.14 2.06 1.73 2.68 10.3 4.11
HSS4.5x0.375 0.375 0.349 4.5 3.802 16.54 4.55 12.9 9.87 4.39 1.47 6.03 19.7 8.67
x0.337 0.337 0.313 4.5 3.874 15.00 4.12 14.4 9.07 4.03 1.48 5.50 18.1 7.99
x0.313 0.313 0.291 4.5 3.918 14.01 3.85 15.5 8.56 3.81 1.49 5.16 17.1 7.55
x0.250 0.25 0.233 4.5 4.034 11.36 3.12 19.3 7.13 3.17 1.51 4.25 14.3 6.30
x0.237 0.237 0.220 4.5 4.06 10.80 2.96 20.5 6.79 3.02 1.52 4.03 13.6 6.01
x0.188 0.188 0.175 4.5 4.15 8.67 2.38 25.7 5.57 2.48 1.53 3.28 11.1 4.94
x0.134 0.134 0.125 4.5 4.25 6.25 1.72 36.0 4.11 1.83 1.55 2.39 8.23 3.65
x0.125 0.125 0.116 4.5 4.268 5.85 1.60 38.8 3.84 1.71 1.55 2.23 7.68 3.41
x0.120 0.12 0.112 4.5 4.276 5.62 1.54 40.2 3.72 1.65 1.55 2.16 7.44 3.30
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 35
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS4x0.318 0.318 0.296 4 3.408 12.52 3.44 13.5 5.94 2.97 1.31 4.07 11.9 5.88
x0.313 0.313 0.291 4 3.418 12.34 3.39 13.7 5.87 2.93 1.32 4.01 11.7 5.80
x0.250 0.25 0.233 4 3.534 10.02 2.76 17.2 4.91 2.45 1.33 3.31 9.82 4.88
x0.237 0.237 0.220 4 3.56 9.53 2.61 18.2 4.68 2.34 1.34 3.15 9.36 4.65
x0.226 0.226 0.210 4 3.58 9.12 2.50 19.0 4.50 2.25 1.34 3.02 9.01 4.48
x0.220 0.22 0.205 4 3.59 8.89 2.44 19.5 4.41 2.21 1.34 2.96 8.83 4.39
x0.188 0.188 0.175 4 3.65 7.66 2.10 22.9 3.85 1.93 1.35 2.56 7.71 3.84
x0.125 0.125 0.116 4 3.768 5.18 1.42 34.5 2.67 1.34 1.37 1.75 5.34 2.67
x0.120 0.12 0.112 4 3.776 4.98 1.37 35.7 2.59 1.29 1.38 1.69 5.17 2.58
HSS3.5x0.313 0.313 0.291 3.5 2.918 10.66 2.93 12.0 3.81 2.18 1.14 3.00 7.61 4.29
x0.300 0.3 0.279 3.5 2.942 10.26 2.82 12.5 3.69 2.11 1.14 2.90 7.38 4.16
x0.250 0.25 0.233 3.5 3.034 8.69 2.39 15.0 3.21 1.83 1.16 2.49 6.41 3.63
x0.216 0.216 0.201 3.5 3.098 7.58 2.08 17.4 2.84 1.63 1.17 2.19 5.69 3.23
x0.203 0.203 0.189 3.5 3.122 7.15 1.97 18.5 2.70 1.54 1.17 2.07 5.41 3.07
x0.188 0.188 0.175 3.5 3.15 6.66 1.83 20.0 2.53 1.45 1.18 1.94 5.07 2.88
x0.125 0.125 0.116 3.5 3.268 4.51 1.23 30.2 1.77 1.01 1.20 1.33 3.53 2.02
x0.120 0.12 0.112 3.5 3.276 4.34 1.19 31.3 1.71 0.987 1.20 1.29 3.42 1.95
HSS3x0.250 0.25 0.233 3 2.534 7.35 2.03 12.9 1.95 1.30 0.982 1.79 3.90 2.57
x0.216 0.216 0.201 3 2.598 6.43 1.77 14.9 1.74 1.16 0.992 1.58 3.48 2.30
x0.203 0.203 0.189 3 2.622 6.07 1.67 15.9 1.66 1.10 0.996 1.50 3.31 2.19
x0.188 0.188 0.175 3 2.65 5.65 1.55 17.1 1.56 1.04 1.00 1.40 3.11 2.06
x0.152 0.152 0.141 3 2.718 4.63 1.27 21.3 1.30 0.865 1.01 1.15 2.59 1.72
x0.134 0.134 0.125 3 2.75 4.11 1.13 24.0 1.17 0.779 1.02 1.03 2.34 1.55
36 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS3x0.125 0.125 0.116 3 2.768 3.84 1.05 25.9 1.09 0.730 1.02 0.965 2.19 1.46
x0.120 0.12 0.112 3 2.776 3.69 1.02 26.8 1.06 0.707 1.02 0.935 2.12 1.41
HSS2.875x0.276 0.276 0.257 2.875 2.361 7.67 2.11 11.2 1.83 1.27 0.930 1.77 3.66 2.50
x0.250 0.25 0.233 2.875 2.409 7.02 1.93 12.3 1.70 1.18 0.938 1.63 3.40 2.33
x0.203 0.203 0.189 2.875 2.497 5.80 1.59 15.2 1.45 1.01 0.952 1.37 2.89 1.99
x0.188 0.188 0.175 2.875 2.525 5.40 1.48 16.4 1.36 0.945 0.957 1.28 2.72 1.88
x0.125 0.125 0.116 2.875 2.643 3.67 1.01 24.8 0.958 0.667 0.976 0.884 1.92 1.33
x0.120 0.12 0.112 2.875 2.651 3.53 0.97 25.7 0.929 0.646 0.978 0.855 1.86 1.29
HSS2.5x0.250 0.25 0.233 2.5 2.034 6.01 1.66 10.7 1.08 0.862 0.806 1.20 2.15 1.69
x0.238 0.238 0.221 2.5 2.058 5.76 1.58 11.3 1.04 0.830 0.810 1.15 2.07 1.63
x0.188 0.188 0.175 2.5 2.15 4.65 1.28 14.3 0.869 0.695 0.824 0.948 1.74 1.38
x0.179 0.179 0.166 2.5 2.168 4.44 1.22 15.1 0.833 0.666 0.827 0.906 1.67 1.32
x0.125 0.125 0.116 2.5 2.268 3.17 0.869 21.6 0.619 0.495 0.844 0.660 1.24 0.986
x0.120 0.12 0.112 2.5 2.276 3.05 0.972 22.3 0.600 0.480 0.845 0.639 1.20 0.957
HSS2.375x0.250 0.25 0.233 2.375 1.909 5.68 1.57 10.2 0.910 0.766 0.762 1.07 1.82 1.50
x0.218 0.218 0.203 2.375 1.969 5.03 1.39 11.7 0.824 0.694 0.771 0.960 1.65 1.37
x0.188 0.188 0.175 2.375 2.025 4.40 1.21 13.6 0.736 0.620 0.780 0.849 1.47 1.23
x0.154 0.154 0.143 2.375 2.089 3.66 1.00 16.6 0.627 0.528 0.791 0.713 1.25 1.05
x0.134 0.134 0.125 2.375 2.125 3.21 0.884 19.0 0.561 0.472 0.797 0.633 1.12 0.940
x0.125 0.125 0.116 2.375 2.143 3.01 0.823 20.5 0.527 0.443 0.800 0.592 1.05 0.883
x0.109 0.109 0.101 2.375 2.173 2.64 0.722 23.5 0.467 0.394 0.805 0.523 0.935 0.784
HSS2.25x0.250 0.25 0.233 2.25 1.784 5.35 1.48 9.66 0.761 0.676 0.718 0.952 1.52 1.32
x0.188 0.188 0.175 2.25 1.9 4.14 1.14 12.9 0.618 0.550 0.736 0.755 1.24 1.09
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 37
A500/A847 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3
HSS2.25x0.125 0.125 0.116 2.25 2.018 2.84 0.778 19.4 0.444 0.395 0.756 0.529 0.888 0.785
HSS1.9x0.200 0.2 0.186 1.9 1.528 3.63 1.00 10.2 0.372 0.392 0.610 0.549 0.744 0.768
x0.188 0.188 0.175 1.9 1.55 3.44 0.948 10.9 0.356 0.375 0.613 0.523 0.713 0.737
x0.180 0.18 0.167 1.9 1.566 3.31 0.909 11.4 0.344 0.363 0.616 0.503 0.689 0.714
x0.145 0.145 0.135 1.9 1.63 2.72 0.749 14.1 0.293 0.309 0.626 0.421 0.586 0.611
x0.125 0.125 0.116 1.9 1.668 2.37 0.650 16.4 0.260 0.273 0.632 0.370 0.519 0.543
x0.120 0.12 0.112 1.9 1.676 2.28 0.629 17.0 0.252 0.266 0.633 0.359 0.505 0.528
x0.109 0.109 0.101 1.9 1.698 2.09 0.571 18.8 0.232 0.244 0.637 0.327 0.463 0.485
x0.100 0.1 0.093 1.9 1.714 1.92 0.528 20.4 0.216 0.227 0.640 0.304 0.432 0.453
HSS1.66x0.191 0.191 0.178 1.66 1.304 3.00 0.829 9.33 0.231 0.278 0.528 0.393 0.462 0.543
x0.140 0.14 0.130 1.66 1.4 2.27 0.625 12.8 0.184 0.222 0.543 0.305 0.368 0.438
x0.134 0.134 0.125 1.66 1.41 2.19 0.603 13.3 0.179 0.215 0.545 0.295 0.357 0.426
x0.125 0.125 0.116 1.66 1.428 2.05 0.563 14.3 0.169 0.203 0.547 0.277 0.337 0.402
x0.109 0.109 0.101 1.66 1.458 1.81 0.495 16.4 0.151 0.182 0.552 0.246 0.302 0.361
x0.083 0.083 0.077 1.66 1.506 1.40 0.383 21.6 0.120 0.145 0.560 0.193 0.240 0.289
HSS1.315x0.133 0.133 0.124 1.315 1.067 1.68 0.464 10.6 0.0832 0.126 0.423 0.177 0.166 0.248
x0.125 0.125 0.116 1.315 1.083 1.59 0.437 11.3 0.0793 0.121 0.426 0.167 0.159 0.237
x0.109 0.109 0.101 1.315 1.113 1.41 0.385 13.0 0.0715 0.109 0.431 0.149 0.143 0.215
x0.083 0.083 0.077 1.315 1.161 1.09 0.299 17.1 0.0576 0.0876 0.439 0.118 0.115 0.174
HSS1.05x0.113 0.113 0.105 1.05 0.84 1.13 0.312 10.0 0.0352 0.0671 0.336 0.0942 0.0705 0.131
HSS0.84x0.109 0.109 0.101 0.84 0.638 0.85 0.234 8.32 0.0163 0.0388 0.264 0.0555 0.0326 0.0752
38 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS22x22x7/8 22 22 0.875 0.814 244.88 67.3 24.0 24.0 4970 452 8.59 530 7890 729 7.10 18 1/16
x3/4 22 22 0.75 0.698 212.00 58.2 28.5 28.5 4350 395 8.65 462 6860 632 7.13 18 5/8
HSS20X20X7/8 20 20 0.875 0.814 221.06 60.8 21.6 21.6 3670 367 7.77 433 5870 597 6.43 16 1/16
x3/4 20 20 0.75 0.698 191.58 52.6 25.7 25.7 3230 323 7.84 378 5110 519 6.47 16 5/8
x5/8 20 20 0.625 0.581 161.40 44.3 31.4 31.4 2750 275 7.88 320 4320 437 6.50 17 3/16
x1/2 20 20 0.5 0.465 130.52 35.8 40.0 40.0 2260 226 7.95 261 3510 355 6.53 17 3/4
x3/8 20 20 0.375 0.349 98.94 27.1 54.3 54.3 1740 174 8.01 199 2680 269 6.57 18 5/16
HSS18x18x7/8 18 18 0.875 0.814 197.24 54.3 19.1 19.1 2630 292 6.96 346 4220 479 5.77 14 1/16
x3/4 18 18 0.75 0.698 171.16 47.1 22.8 22.8 2320 258 7.02 302 3690 417 5.80 14 5/8
x5/8 18 18 0.625 0.581 144.39 39.6 28.0 28.0 1980 220 7.07 257 3120 352 5.83 15 3/16
x1/2 18 18 0.5 0.465 116.91 32.1 35.7 35.7 1630 181 7.13 210 2540 286 5.87 15 3/4
x3/8 18 18 0.375 0.349 88.73 24.3 48.6 48.6 1250 139 7.17 160 1940 217 5.90 16 5/16
HSS16x16x7/8 16 16 0.875 0.814 173.43 47.7 16.7 16.7 1800 225 6.14 268 2920 373 5.10 12 1/16
x3/4 16 16 0.75 0.698 150.75 41.5 19.9 19.9 1590 199 6.19 235 2560 326 5.13 12 5/8
x5/8 16 16 0.625 0.581 127.37 35.0 24.5 24.5 1370 171 6.26 200 2170 276 5.17 13 3/16
x1/2 16 16 0.5 0.465 103.30 28.3 31.4 31.4 1130 141 6.32 164 1770 224 5.20 13 3/4
x3/8 16 16 0.375 0.349 78.52 21.5 42.8 42.8 873 109 6.37 126 1350 171 5.23 14 5/16
x5/16 16 16 0.3125 0.291 65.87 18.1 52.0 52.0 739 92.4 6.39 106 1140 144 5.25 14 5/8
x1/4 16 16 0.25 0.233 53.05 14.6 65.7 65.7 600 75.0 6.41 85.8 921 116 5.27 14 7/8
HSS14x14x7/8 14 14 0.875 0.814 149.61 41.2 14.2 14.2 1170 167 5.33 201 1910 281 4.43 10 1/16
x3/4 14 14 0.75 0.698 130.33 35.9 17.1 17.1 1040 149 5.38 177 1680 246 4.47 10 5/8
x5/8 14 14 0.625 0.581 110.36 30.3 21.1 21.1 897 128 5.44 151 1430 208 4.50 11 3/16
x1/2 14 14 0.5 0.465 89.68 24.6 27.1 27.1 743 106 5.50 124 1170 170 4.53 11 3/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 39
A500/A847 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS14x14x3/8 14 14 0.375 0.349 68.31 18.7 37.1 37.1 577 82.4 5.55 95.4 900 130 4.57 12 5/16
x5/16 14 14 0.3125 0.291 57.36 15.7 45.1 45.1 490 70.0 5.59 80.5 759 109 4.58 12 5/8
x1/4 14 14 0.25 0.233 46.24 12.7 57.1 57.1 399 57.0 5.61 65.3 614 88.3 4.60 12 7/8
HSS12x12x3/4 12 12 0.75 0.698 109.91 30.3 14.2 14.2 631 105 4.56 127 1030 177 3.80 8 5/8
x5/8 12 12 0.625 0.581 93.34 25.7 17.7 17.7 548 91.3 4.62 109 885 151 3.83 9 3/16
x1/2 12 12 0.5 0.465 76.07 20.9 22.8 22.8 457 76.2 4.68 89.6 728 123 3.87 9 3/4
x3/8 12 12 0.375 0.349 58.10 16.0 31.4 31.4 357 59.5 4.72 69.2 561 94.6 3.90 10 5/16
x5/16 12 12 0.3125 0.291 48.86 13.4 38.2 38.2 304 50.7 4.76 58.6 474 79.7 3.92 10 5/8
x1/4 12 12 0.25 0.233 39.43 10.8 48.5 48.5 248 41.3 4.79 47.6 384 64.5 3.93 10 7/8
x3/16 12 12 0.1875 0.174 29.84 8.15 66.0 66.0 189 31.5 4.82 36.0 290 48.6 3.95 11 3/16
HSS10x10x3/4 10 10 0.75 0.698 89.50 24.7 11.3 11.3 347 69.4 3.75 84.7 578 119 3.13 6 5/8
x5/8 10 10 0.625 0.581 76.33 21.0 14.2 14.2 304 60.8 3.80 73.2 498 102 3.17 7 3/16
x1/2 10 10 0.5 0.465 62.46 17.2 18.5 18.5 256 51.2 3.86 60.7 412 84.2 3.20 7 3/4
x3/8 10 10 0.375 0.349 47.90 13.2 25.7 25.7 202 40.4 3.91 47.2 320 64.8 3.23 8 5/16
x5/16 10 10 0.3125 0.291 40.35 11.1 31.4 31.4 172 34.4 3.94 40.1 271 54.8 3.25 8 5/8
x1/4 10 10 0.25 0.233 32.63 8.96 39.9 39.9 141 28.2 3.97 32.7 220 44.4 3.27 8 7/8
x3/16 10 10 0.1875 0.174 24.73 6.76 54.5 54.5 108 21.6 4.00 24.8 167 33.6 3.28 9 3/16
HSS9x9x5/8 9 9 0.625 0.581 67.82 18.7 12.5 12.5 216 48.0 3.40 58.1 356 81.6 2.83 6 3/16
x1/2 9 9 0.5 0.465 55.66 15.3 16.4 16.4 183 40.7 3.46 48.4 296 67.4 2.87 6 3/4
x3/8 9 9 0.375 0.349 42.79 11.8 22.8 22.8 145 32.2 3.51 37.8 231 52.1 2.90 7 5/16
x5/16 9 9 0.3125 0.291 36.10 9.92 27.9 27.9 124 27.6 3.54 32.1 196 44.0 2.92 7 5/8
x1/4 9 9 0.25 0.233 29.23 8.03 35.6 35.6 102 22.7 3.56 26.2 159 35.8 2.93 7 7/8
x3/16 9 9 0.1875 0.174 22.18 6.06 48.7 48.7 78.2 17.4 3.59 20.0 121 27.1 2.95 8 3/16
40 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS9x9x1/8 9 9 0.125 0.116 14.96 4.09 74.6 74.6 53.5 11.9 3.62 13.6 82.0 18.3 2.97 8 7/16
HSS8x8x5/8 8 8 0.625 0.581 59.32 16.4 10.8 10.8 146 36.5 2.98 44.7 244 63.2 2.50 5 3/16
x1/2 8 8 0.5 0.465 48.85 13.5 14.2 14.2 125 31.3 3.04 37.5 204 52.4 2.53 5 3/4
x3/8 8 8 0.375 0.349 37.69 10.4 19.9 19.9 99.6 24.9 3.09 29.4 160 40.7 2.57 6 5/16
x5/16 8 8 0.3125 0.291 31.84 8.76 24.5 24.5 85.6 21.4 3.13 25.1 136 34.5 2.58 6 5/8
x1/4 8 8 0.25 0.233 25.82 7.10 31.3 31.3 70.7 17.7 3.16 20.5 111 28.1 2.60 6 7/8
x3/16 8 8 0.1875 0.174 19.63 5.37 43.0 43.0 54.4 13.6 3.18 15.7 84.5 21.3 2.62 7 3/16
x1/8 8 8 0.125 0.116 13.26 3.62 66.0 66.0 37.4 9.35 3.21 10.7 57.3 14.4 2.63 7 7/16
HSS7x7x5/8 7 7 0.625 0.581 50.81 14.0 9.05 9.05 93.4 26.7 2.58 33.1 158 47.1 2.17 4 3/16
x1/2 7 7 0.5 0.465 42.05 11.6 12.1 12.1 80.5 23.0 2.63 27.9 133 39.3 2.20 4 3/4
x3/8 7 7 0.375 0.349 32.58 8.97 17.1 17.1 65.0 18.6 2.69 22.1 105 30.7 2.23 5 5/16
x5/16 7 7 0.3125 0.291 27.59 7.59 21.1 21.1 56.1 16.0 2.72 18.9 89.7 26.1 2.25 5 5/8
x1/4 7 7 0.25 0.233 22.42 6.17 27.0 27.0 46.5 13.3 2.75 15.5 73.5 21.3 2.27 5 7/8
x3/16 7 7 0.1875 0.174 17.08 4.67 37.2 37.2 36.0 10.3 2.78 11.9 56.1 16.2 2.28 6 3/16
x1/8 7 7 0.125 0.116 11.56 3.16 57.3 57.3 24.8 7.09 2.80 8.13 38.2 11.0 2.30 6 7/16
HSS6x6x5/8 6 6 0.625 0.581 42.30 11.7 7.33 7.33 55.2 18.4 2.17 23.2 94.9 33.4 1.83 3 3/16
x1/2 6 6 0.5 0.465 35.24 9.74 9.90 9.90 48.3 16.1 2.23 19.8 81.1 28.1 1.87 3 3/4
x3/8 6 6 0.375 0.349 27.48 7.58 14.2 14.2 39.5 13.2 2.28 15.8 64.6 22.1 1.90 4 5/16
x5/16 6 6 0.3125 0.291 23.34 6.43 17.6 17.6 34.3 11.4 2.31 13.6 55.4 18.9 1.92 4 5/8
x1/4 6 6 0.25 0.233 19.02 5.24 22.8 22.8 28.6 9.53 2.34 11.2 45.6 15.4 1.93 4 7/8
x3/16 6 6 0.1875 0.174 14.53 3.98 31.5 31.5 22.3 7.43 2.37 8.63 35.0 11.8 1.95 5 3/16
x1/8 6 6 0.125 0.116 9.86 2.70 48.7 48.7 15.5 5.17 2.40 5.92 23.9 8.03 1.97 5 7/16
x11GA 6 6 0.12 0.112 9.48 2.61 50.6 50.6 15.0 5.00 2.40 5.73 23.1 7.76 1.97 5 7/16
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 41
A500/A847 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS5-1/2x5-1/2x3/8 5.5 5.5 0.375 0.349 24.93 6.88 12.8 12.8 29.7 10.8 2.08 13.1 49.0 18.4 1.73 3 13/16
x5/16 5.5 5.5 0.3125 0.291 21.21 5.85 15.9 15.9 25.9 9.42 2.10 11.3 42.2 15.7 1.75 4 1/8
x1/4 5.5 5.5 0.25 0.233 17.32 4.77 20.6 20.6 21.7 7.89 2.13 9.32 34.8 12.9 1.77 4 3/8
x3/16 5.5 5.5 0.1875 0.174 13.25 3.63 28.6 28.6 17.0 6.18 2.16 7.19 26.7 9.85 1.78 4 11/16
x1/8 5.5 5.5 0.125 0.116 9.01 2.46 44.4 44.4 11.8 4.29 2.19 4.95 18.3 6.72 1.80 4 15/16
HSS5x5x1/2 5 5 0.5 0.465 28.43 7.88 7.75 7.75 26.0 10.4 1.82 13.1 44.6 18.7 1.53 2 3/4
x3/8 5 5 0.375 0.349 22.37 6.18 11.3 11.3 21.7 8.68 1.87 10.6 36.1 14.9 1.57 3 5/16
x5/16 5 5 0.3125 0.291 19.08 5.26 14.2 14.2 19.0 7.60 1.90 9.16 31.2 12.8 1.58 3 5/8
x1/4 5 5 0.25 0.233 15.62 4.30 18.5 18.5 16.0 6.40 1.93 7.61 25.8 10.5 1.60 3 7/8
x3/16 5 5 0.1875 0.174 11.97 3.28 25.7 25.7 12.6 5.04 1.96 5.89 19.9 8.08 1.62 4 3/16
x1/8 5 5 0.125 0.116 8.16 2.23 40.1 40.1 8.80 3.52 1.99 4.07 13.7 5.53 1.63 4 7/16
11GA 5 5 0.12 0.112 7.84 2.16 41.6 41.6 8.53 3.41 1.99 3.93 13.2 5.35 1.63 4 7/16
HSS4-1/2x4-1/2x1/2 4.5 4.5 0.5 0.465 25.03 6.95 6.68 6.68 18.1 8.04 1.61 10.2 31.3 14.8 1.37 2 1/4
x3/8 4.5 4.5 0.375 0.349 19.82 5.48 9.89 9.89 15.3 6.80 1.67 8.36 25.7 11.9 1.40 2 13/16
x5/16 4.5 4.5 0.3125 0.291 16.96 4.68 12.5 12.5 13.5 6.00 1.70 7.27 22.3 10.2 1.42 3 1/8
x1/4 4.5 4.5 0.25 0.233 13.91 3.84 16.3 16.3 11.4 5.07 1.72 6.06 18.5 8.44 1.43 3 3/8
x3/16 4.5 4.5 0.1875 0.174 10.70 2.93 22.9 22.9 9.02 4.01 1.75 4.71 14.4 6.49 1.45 3 11/16
x1/8 4.5 4.5 0.125 0.116 7.31 2.00 35.8 35.8 6.35 2.82 1.78 3.27 9.92 4.45 1.47 3 15/16
HSS4x4x1/2 4 4 0.5 0.465 21.63 6.02 5.60 5.60 11.9 5.95 1.41 7.70 21.0 11.2 1.20 --
x3/8 4 4 0.375 0.349 17.27 4.78 8.46 8.46 10.3 5.15 1.47 6.39 17.5 9.14 1.23 2 5/16
x5/16 4 4 0.3125 0.291 14.83 4.10 10.7 10.7 9.14 4.57 1.49 5.59 15.3 7.91 1.25 2 5/8
x1/4 4 4 0.25 0.233 12.21 3.37 14.2 14.2 7.80 3.90 1.52 4.69 12.8 6.56 1.27 2 7/8
x3/16 4 4 0.1875 0.174 9.42 2.58 20.0 20.0 6.21 3.11 1.55 3.67 9.96 5.07 1.28 3 3/16
42 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS4x4x1/8 4 4 0.125 0.116 6.46 1.77 31.5 31.5 4.40 2.20 1.58 2.56 6.91 3.49 1.30 3 7/16
x11GA 4 4 0.12 0.112 6.21 1.71 32.7 32.7 4.27 2.14 1.58 2.48 6.69 3.38 1.30 3 7/16
HSS3-1/2x3-1/2x3/8 3.5 3.5 0.375 0.349 14.72 4.09 7.03 7.03 6.49 3.71 1.26 4.69 11.2 6.77 1.07 --
x5/16 3.5 3.5 0.3125 0.291 12.70 3.52 9.03 9.03 5.84 3.34 1.29 4.14 9.89 5.90 1.08 2 1/8
x1/4 3.5 3.5 0.25 0.233 10.51 2.91 12.0 12.0 5.04 2.88 1.32 3.50 8.35 4.92 1.10 2 3/8
x3/16 3.5 3.5 0.1875 0.174 8.15 2.24 17.1 17.1 4.05 2.31 1.34 2.76 6.56 3.83 1.12 2 11/16
x1/8 3.5 3.5 0.125 0.116 5.61 1.54 27.2 27.2 2.90 1.66 1.37 1.93 4.58 2.65 1.13 2 15/16
x11GA 3.5 3.5 0.12 0.112 5.39 1.49 28.3 28.3 2.81 1.61 1.37 1.87 4.43 2.57 1.13 2 15/16
HSS3x3x3/8 3 3 0.375 0.349 12.17 3.39 5.60 5.60 3.78 2.52 1.06 3.25 6.64 4.74 0.900 --
x5/16 3 3 0.3125 0.291 10.58 2.94 7.31 7.31 3.45 2.30 1.08 2.90 5.94 4.18 0.917 --
x1/4 3 3 0.25 0.233 8.81 2.44 9.88 9.88 3.02 2.01 1.11 2.48 5.08 3.52 0.933 --
x3/16 3 3 0.1875 0.174 6.87 1.89 14.2 14.2 2.46 1.64 1.14 1.97 4.03 2.76 0.950 2 3/16
x1/8 3 3 0.125 0.116 4.75 1.30 22.9 22.9 1.78 1.19 1.17 1.40 2.84 1.92 0.967 2 7/16
x3GA 3 3 0.238 0.221 8.45 2.33 10.6 10.6 2.92 1.95 1.12 2.38 4.88 3.37 0.937 --
x8GA 3 3 0.165 0.153 6.13 1.68 16.6 16.6 2.23 1.49 1.15 1.77 3.62 2.47 0.956 2 1/4
x11GA 3 3 0.12 0.112 4.58 1.26 23.8 23.8 1.73 1.15 1.17 1.35 2.75 1.86 0.968 2 7/16
HSS2-1/2x2-1/2x5/16 2.5 2.5 0.3125 0.291 8.45 2.35 5.59 5.59 1.82 1.46 0.880 1.88 3.20 2.74 0.750 --
x1/4 2.5 2.5 0.25 0.233 7.11 1.97 7.73 7.73 1.63 1.30 0.910 1.63 2.79 2.35 0.767 --
x3/16 2.5 2.5 0.1875 0.174 5.59 1.54 11.4 11.4 1.35 1.08 0.936 1.32 2.25 1.86 0.784 --
x1/8 2.5 2.5 0.125 0.116 3.90 1.07 18.6 18.6 0.998 0.798 0.966 0.947 1.61 1.31 0.800 --
x3GA 2.5 2.5 0.238 0.221 6.83 1.89 8.31 8.31 1.58 1.26 0.914 1.58 2.69 2.25 0.770 --
x8GA 2.5 2.5 0.165 0.153 5.01 1.38 13.3 13.3 1.23 0.984 0.944 1.19 2.03 1.67 0.790 --
x11GA 2.5 2.5 0.12 0.112 3.76 1.04 19.3 19.3 0.970 0.776 0.966 0.919 1.56 1.27 0.801 --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 43
A500/A847 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS2-1/4x2-1/4x1/4 2.25 2.25 0.25 0.233 6.26 1.74 6.66 6.66 1.13 1.00 0.806 1.28 1.96 1.85 0.683 --
x3/16 2.25 2.25 0.1875 0.174 4.96 1.37 9.93 9.93 0.953 0.847 0.834 1.04 1.60 1.48 0.700 --
x1/8 2.25 2.25 0.125 0.116 3.48 0.956 16.4 16.4 0.712 0.633 0.863 0.755 1.15 1.05 0.717 --
x10GA 2.25 2.25 0.134 0.125 3.70 1.02 15.0 15.0 0.754 0.670 0.860 0.803 1.23 1.12 0.714 --
HSS2x2x1/4 2 2 0.25 0.233 5.41 1.51 5.58 5.58 0.747 0.747 0.703 0.964 1.31 1.41 0.600 --
x3/16 2 2 0.1875 0.174 4.32 1.19 8.49 8.49 0.641 0.641 0.734 0.797 1.09 1.14 0.617 --
x1/8 2 2 0.125 0.116 3.05 0.840 14.2 14.2 0.486 0.486 0.761 0.584 0.796 0.817 0.633 --
x8GA 2 2 0.165 0.153 3.88 1.07 10.1 10.1 0.591 0.591 0.743 0.726 0.992 1.03 0.623 --
x10GA 2 2 0.134 0.125 3.25 0.897 13.0 13.0 0.514 0.514 0.757 0.621 0.846 0.871 0.631 --
x11GA 2 2 0.12 0.112 2.94 0.814 14.9 14.9 0.473 0.473 0.762 0.568 0.773 0.793 0.635 --
x14GA 2 2 0.083 0.077 2.11 0.577 23.0 23.0 0.351 0.351 0.780 0.412 0.559 0.568 0.645 --
x0.100 2 2 0.1 0.093 2.50 0.687 18.5 18.5 0.410 0.410 0.773 0.486 0.660 0.673 0.640 --
HSS1-1/2x1-1/2x1/4 1.5 1.5 0.25 0.233 3.71 1.04 3.44 3.44 0.260 0.347 0.500 0.469 0.470 0.699 0.433 --
x3/16 1.5 1.5 0.1875 0.174 3.04 0.845 5.62 5.62 0.236 0.315 0.528 0.406 0.414 0.592 0.450 --
x1/8 1.5 1.5 0.125 0.116 2.20 0.608 9.93 9.93 0.188 0.251 0.556 0.309 0.316 0.438 0.467 --
x7GA 1.5 1.5 0.18 0.167 2.95 0.819 5.98 5.98 0.232 0.309 0.532 0.396 0.405 0.575 0.452 --
x8GA 1.5 1.5 0.165 0.153 2.76 0.764 6.80 6.80 0.222 0.296 0.539 0.375 0.384 0.541 0.456 --
x11GA 1.5 1.5 0.12 0.112 2.13 0.590 10.4 10.4 0.184 0.245 0.558 0.301 0.308 0.426 0.468 --
x14GA 1.5 1.5 0.083 0.077 1.54 0.423 16.5 16.5 0.140 0.187 0.575 0.223 0.227 0.310 0.478 --
x0.100 1.5 1.5 0.1 0.093 1.82 0.501 13.1 13.1 0.162 0.216 0.569 0.260 0.266 0.365 0.473 --
HSS1-1/4x1-1/4x1/8 1.25 1.25 0.125 0.116 1.78 0.492 7.78 7.78 0.102 0.163 0.455 0.204 0.174 0.292 0.383 --
x7GA 1.25 1.25 0.18 0.167 2.34 0.652 4.49 4.49 0.120 0.192 0.429 0.254 0.214 0.374 0.369 --
x11GA 1.25 1.25 0.12 0.112 1.72 0.478 8.16 8.16 0.0996 0.159 0.456 0.199 0.170 0.285 0.385 --
44 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS1-1/4x1-1/4x14GA 1.25 1.25 0.083 0.077 1.26 0.346 13.2 13.2 0.0776 0.124 0.474 0.150 0.128 0.210 0.395 --
x0.100 1.25 1.25 0.1 0.093 1.48 0.408 10.4 10.4 0.0885 0.142 0.466 0.174 0.148 0.246 0.390 --
HSS1x1x1/8 1 1 0.125 0.116 1.35 0.376 5.62 5.62 0.0466 0.0932 0.352 0.120 0.0818 0.175 0.300 --
x11GA 1 1 0.12 0.112 1.31 0.366 5.93 5.93 0.0459 0.0918 0.354 0.118 0.0802 0.171 0.301 --
x14GA 1 1 0.083 0.077 0.980 0.269 9.99 9.99 0.0371 0.0742 0.371 0.0912 0.0623 0.129 0.311 --
x0.100 1 1 0.1 0.093 1.14 0.315 7.75 7.75 0.0416 0.0832 0.363 0.104 0.0713 0.150 0.307 --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 45
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS24x12x3/4 24 12 0.75 0.698 171.16 47.1 14.2 31.4 3440 287 8.55 359 1170 195 4.98 221 2850 366 5.80 20 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 24 12 0.625 0.581 144.39 39.6 17.7 38.3 2940 245 8.62 304 1000 167 5.03 188 2430 310 5.83 21 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 24 12 0.5 0.465 116.91 32.1 22.8 48.6 2420 202 8.68 248 829 138 5.08 154 1980 252 5.87 21 3/4 9 3/4
HSS20x12x3/4 20 12 0.75 0.698 150.75 41.5 14.2 25.7 2190 219 7.26 270 988 165 4.88 190 2220 303 5.13 16 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 20 12 0.625 0.581 127.37 35.0 17.7 31.4 1880 188 7.33 230 851 142 4.93 162 1890 257 5.17 17 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 20 12 0.5 0.465 103.30 28.3 22.8 40.0 1550 155 7.40 188 705 118 4.99 132 1540 209 5.20 17 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 20 12 0.375 0.349 78.52 21.5 31.4 54.3 1200 120 7.47 144 547 91.2 5.04 102 1180 160 5.23 18 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 20 12 0.3125 0.291 65.87 18.1 38.2 65.7 1010 101 7.47 122 464 77.3 5.06 85.8 997 134 5.25 18 5/8 10 5/8
x1/4 20 12 0.25 0.233 53.05 14.6 48.5 82.8 822 82.2 7.50 98.3 377 62.8 5.08 69.5 806 108 5.27 18 7/8 10 7/8
HSS20x8x5/8 20 8 0.625 0.581 110.36 30.3 10.8 31.4 1440 144 6.89 185 338 84.5 3.34 96.4 916 167 4.50 17 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 20 8 0.5 0.465 89.68 24.6 14.2 40.0 1190 119 6.96 152 283 70.8 3.39 79.5 757 137 4.53 17 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 20 8 0.375 0.349 68.31 18.7 19.9 54.3 926 92.6 7.04 117 222 55.5 3.45 61.5 586 105 4.57 18 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 20 8 0.3125 0.291 57.36 15.7 24.5 65.7 786 78.6 7.08 98.6 189 47.3 3.47 52.0 496 88.3 4.58 18 5/8 6 5/8
x1/4 20 8 0.25 0.233 46.24 12.7 31.3 82.8 640 64.0 7.10 79.9 155 38.8 3.49 42.3 403 71.5 4.60 18 7/8 6 7/8
HSS20x4x1/2 20 4 0.5 0.465 76.07 20.9 5.60 40.0 838 83.8 6.33 115 58.7 29.4 1.68 34.0 195 63.8 3.87 17 3/4 --
x3/8 20 4 0.375 0.349 58.10 16.0 8.46 54.3 657 65.7 6.41 89.3 47.6 23.8 1.72 26.8 156 49.9 3.90 18 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 20 4 0.3125 0.291 48.86 13.4 10.7 65.7 560 56.0 6.46 75.6 41.2 20.6 1.75 22.9 134 42.4 3.92 18 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 20 4 0.25 0.233 39.43 10.8 14.2 82.8 458 45.8 6.51 61.5 34.3 17.2 1.78 18.7 111 34.7 3.93 18 7/8 2 7/8
HSS18x6x5/8 18 6 0.625 0.581 93.34 25.7 7.33 28.0 923 103 5.99 135 158 52.7 2.48 61.0 462 109 3.83 15 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 18 6 0.5 0.465 76.07 20.9 9.90 35.7 770 85.6 6.07 112 134 44.7 2.53 50.7 387 89.9 3.87 15 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 18 6 0.375 0.349 58.10 16.0 14.2 48.6 602 66.9 6.13 86.4 106 35.3 2.57 39.5 302 69.5 3.90 16 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 18 6 0.3125 0.291 48.86 13.4 17.6 58.9 513 57.0 6.19 73.1 91.3 30.4 2.61 33.5 257 58.7 3.92 16 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 18 6 0.25 0.233 39.43 10.8 22.8 74.3 419 46.6 6.23 59.4 75.1 25.0 2.64 27.3 210 47.7 3.93 16 7/8 4 7/8
HSS16x12x3/4 16 12 0.75 0.698 130.33 35.9 14.2 19.9 1270 159 5.95 193 810 135 4.75 158 1610 240 4.47 12 5/8 8 5/8
46 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS16x12x5/8 16 12 0.625 0.581 110.36 30.3 17.7 24.5 1090 136 6.00 165 700 117 4.81 135 1370 204 4.50 13 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 16 12 0.5 0.465 89.68 24.6 22.8 31.4 904 113 6.06 135 581 96.8 4.86 111 1120 166 4.53 13 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 16 12 0.375 0.349 68.31 18.7 31.4 42.8 702 87.8 6.13 104 452 75.3 4.92 85.5 862 127 4.57 14 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 16 12 0.3125 0.291 57.36 15.7 38.2 52.0 595 74.4 6.16 87.7 384 64.0 4.95 72.2 727 107 4.58 14 5/8 10 5/8
x1/4 16 12 0.25 0.233 46.24 12.7 48.5 65.7 484 60.5 6.17 71.1 313 52.2 4.96 58.5 588 86.4 4.60 14 7/8 10 7/8
HSS16x8x5/8 16 8 0.625 0.581 93.34 25.7 10.8 24.5 815 102 5.63 129 274 68.5 3.27 79.2 681 132 3.83 13 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 16 8 0.5 0.465 76.07 20.9 14.2 31.4 679 84.9 5.70 106 230 57.5 3.32 65.5 563 108 3.87 13 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 16 8 0.375 0.349 58.10 16.0 19.9 42.8 531 66.4 5.76 82.1 181 45.3 3.36 50.8 436 83.4 3.90 14 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 16 8 0.3125 0.291 48.86 13.4 24.5 52.0 451 56.4 5.80 69.4 155 38.8 3.40 43.0 369 70.4 3.92 14 5/8 6 5/8
x1/4 16 8 0.25 0.233 39.43 10.8 31.3 65.7 368 46.0 5.84 56.4 127 31.8 3.43 35.0 300 57.0 3.93 14 7/8 6 7/8
HSS16x4x5/8 16 4 0.625 0.581 76.33 21.0 3.88 24.5 539 67.4 5.07 92.9 54.1 27.1 1.61 32.5 174 60.5 3.17 13 3/16 --
x1/2 16 4 0.5 0.465 62.46 17.2 5.60 31.4 455 56.9 5.14 77.3 47.0 23.5 1.65 27.4 150 50.7 3.20 13 3/4 --
x3/8 16 4 0.375 0.349 47.90 13.2 8.46 42.8 360 45.0 5.22 60.2 38.3 19.2 1.70 21.7 120 39.7 3.23 14 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 16 4 0.3125 0.291 40.35 11.1 10.7 52.0 308 38.5 5.27 51.1 33.2 16.6 1.73 18.5 103 33.8 3.25 14 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 16 4 0.25 0.233 32.63 8.96 14.2 65.7 253 31.6 5.31 41.7 27.7 13.9 1.76 15.2 85.2 27.6 3.27 14 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 16 4 0.1875 0.174 24.73 6.76 20.0 89.0 193 24.1 5.34 31.7 21.5 10.8 1.78 11.7 65.5 21.1 3.28 15 3/16 3 3/16
HSS14x10x5/8 14 10 0.625 0.581 93.34 25.7 14.2 21.1 687 98.1 5.17 120 407 81.4 3.98 95.1 832 146 3.83 11 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 14 10 0.5 0.465 76.07 20.9 18.5 27.1 573 81.9 5.24 98.8 341 68.2 4.04 78.5 685 120 3.87 11 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 14 10 0.375 0.349 58.10 16.0 25.7 37.1 447 63.9 5.29 76.3 267 53.4 4.09 60.7 528 91.8 3.90 12 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 14 10 0.3125 0.291 48.86 13.4 31.4 45.1 380 54.3 5.33 64.6 227 45.4 4.12 51.4 446 77.4 3.92 12 5/8 8 5/8
x1/4 14 10 0.25 0.233 39.43 10.8 39.9 57.1 310 44.3 5.36 52.4 186 37.2 4.15 41.8 362 62.6 3.93 12 7/8 8 7/8
HSS14x6x5/8 14 6 0.625 0.581 76.33 21.0 7.33 21.1 478 68.3 4.77 88.7 124 41.3 2.43 48.4 334 83.7 3.17 11 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 14 6 0.5 0.465 62.46 17.2 9.90 27.1 402 57.4 4.83 73.6 105 35.0 2.47 40.4 279 69.3 3.20 11 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 14 6 0.375 0.349 47.90 13.2 14.2 37.1 317 45.3 4.90 57.3 84.1 28.0 2.52 31.6 219 53.7 3.23 12 5/16 4 5/16
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 47
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS14x6x5/16 14 6 0.3125 0.291 40.35 11.1 17.6 45.1 271 38.7 4.94 48.6 72.3 24.1 2.55 26.9 186 45.5 3.25 12 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 14 6 0.25 0.233 32.63 8.96 22.8 57.1 222 31.7 4.98 39.6 59.6 19.9 2.58 22.0 152 36.9 3.27 12 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 14 6 0.1875 0.174 24.73 6.76 31.5 77.5 170 24.3 5.01 30.1 45.9 15.3 2.61 16.7 116 28.0 3.28 13 3/16 5 3/16
HSS14x4x5/8 14 4 0.625 0.581 67.82 18.7 3.88 21.1 373 53.3 4.47 73.1 47.2 23.6 1.59 28.5 148 52.6 2.83 11 3/16 --
x1/2 14 4 0.5 0.465 55.66 15.3 5.60 27.1 317 45.3 4.55 61.0 41.2 20.6 1.64 24.1 127 44.1 2.87 11 3/4 --
x3/8 14 4 0.375 0.349 42.79 11.8 8.46 37.1 252 36.0 4.62 47.8 33.6 16.8 1.69 19.1 102 34.6 2.90 12 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 14 4 0.3125 0.291 36.10 9.92 10.7 45.1 216 30.9 4.67 40.6 29.2 14.6 1.72 16.4 87.7 29.5 2.92 12 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 14 4 0.25 0.233 29.23 8.03 14.2 57.1 178 25.4 4.71 33.2 24.4 12.2 1.74 13.5 72.4 24.1 2.93 12 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 14 4 0.1875 0.174 22.18 6.06 20.0 77.5 137 19.6 4.75 25.3 19.0 9.50 1.77 10.3 55.8 18.4 2.95 13 3/16 3 3/16
HSS12x10x5/8 12 10 0.625 0.581 84.84 23.3 14.2 17.7 472 78.7 4.50 95.3 356 71.2 3.91 84.1 661 124 3.50 9 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 12 10 0.5 0.465 69.27 19.0 18.5 22.8 395 65.8 4.56 78.8 298 59.6 3.96 69.6 545 102 3.53 9 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 12 10 0.375 0.349 53.00 14.6 25.7 31.4 310 51.7 4.61 61.1 234 46.8 4.00 54.0 421 78.3 3.57 10 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 12 10 0.3125 0.291 44.60 12.2 31.4 38.2 264 44.0 4.65 51.7 200 40.0 4.05 45.7 356 66.1 3.58 10 5/8 8 5/8
x1/4 12 10 0.25 0.233 36.03 9.90 39.9 48.5 216 36.0 4.67 42.1 164 32.8 4.07 37.2 289 53.5 3.60 10 7/8 8 7/8
HSS12x8x5/8 12 8 0.625 0.581 76.33 21.0 10.8 17.7 397 66.2 4.35 82.1 210 52.5 3.16 61.9 454 97.7 3.17 9 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 12 8 0.5 0.465 62.46 17.2 14.2 22.8 333 55.5 4.40 68.1 178 44.5 3.22 51.5 377 80.4 3.20 9 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 12 8 0.375 0.349 47.90 13.2 19.9 31.4 262 43.7 4.46 53.0 140 35.0 3.26 40.1 293 62.1 3.23 10 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 12 8 0.3125 0.291 40.35 11.1 24.5 38.2 224 37.3 4.49 44.9 120 30.0 3.29 34.1 248 52.4 3.25 10 5/8 6 5/8
x1/4 12 8 0.25 0.233 32.63 8.96 31.3 48.5 184 30.7 4.53 36.6 98.8 24.7 3.32 27.8 202 42.5 3.27 10 7/8 6 7/8
x3/16 12 8 0.1875 0.174 24.73 6.76 43.0 66.0 140 23.3 4.55 27.8 75.7 18.9 3.35 21.1 153 32.2 3.28 11 3/16 7 3/16
HSS12x6x5/8 12 6 0.625 0.581 67.82 18.7 7.33 17.7 321 53.5 4.14 68.8 107 35.7 2.39 42.1 271 71.1 2.83 9 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 12 6 0.5 0.465 55.66 15.3 9.90 22.8 271 45.2 4.21 57.4 91.1 30.4 2.44 35.2 227 59.0 2.87 9 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 12 6 0.375 0.349 42.79 11.8 14.2 31.4 215 35.8 4.27 44.8 72.9 24.3 2.49 27.7 178 45.8 2.90 10 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 12 6 0.3125 0.291 36.10 9.92 17.6 38.2 184 30.7 4.31 38.1 62.8 20.9 2.52 23.6 152 38.8 2.92 10 5/8 4 5/8
48 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS12x6x1/4 12 6 0.25 0.233 29.23 8.03 22.8 48.5 151 25.2 4.34 31.1 51.9 17.3 2.54 19.3 124 31.6 2.93 10 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 12 6 0.1875 0.174 22.18 6.06 31.5 66.0 116 19.3 4.38 23.7 40.0 13.3 2.57 14.7 94.6 24.0 2.95 11 3/16 5 3/16
HSS12x4x5/8 12 4 0.625 0.581 59.32 16.4 3.88 17.7 245 40.8 3.87 55.5 40.4 20.2 1.57 24.5 122 44.6 2.50 9 3/16 --
x1/2 12 4 0.5 0.465 48.85 13.5 5.60 22.8 210 35.0 3.94 46.7 35.3 17.7 1.62 20.9 105 37.5 2.53 9 3/4 --
x3/8 12 4 0.375 0.349 37.69 10.4 8.46 31.4 168 28.0 4.02 36.7 28.9 14.5 1.67 16.6 84.1 29.5 2.57 10 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 12 4 0.3125 0.291 31.84 8.76 10.7 38.2 144 24.0 4.05 31.3 25.2 12.6 1.70 14.2 72.4 25.2 2.58 10 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 12 4 0.25 0.233 25.82 7.10 14.2 48.5 119 19.8 4.09 25.6 21.0 10.5 1.72 11.7 59.8 20.6 2.60 10 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 12 4 0.1875 0.174 19.63 5.37 20.0 66.0 91.8 15.3 4.13 19.6 16.4 8.20 1.75 9.00 46.1 15.7 2.62 11 3/16 3 3/16
HSS12x3-1/2x3/8 12 3.5 0.375 0.349 36.41 10.0 7.03 31.4 156 26.0 3.95 34.7 21.3 12.2 1.46 14.0 64.7 25.5 2.48 10 5/16 --
x5/16 12 3.5 0.3125 0.291 30.78 8.46 9.03 38.2 134 22.3 3.98 29.6 18.6 10.6 1.48 12.1 56.0 21.8 2.50 10 5/8 --
HSS12x3x5/16 12 3 0.3125 0.291 29.72 8.17 7.31 38.2 124 20.7 3.90 27.9 13.1 8.73 1.27 10.0 41.3 18.4 2.42 10 5/8 --
x1/4 12 3 0.25 0.233 24.12 6.63 9.88 48.5 103 17.2 3.94 22.9 11.1 7.40 1.29 8.28 34.5 15.1 2.43 10 7/8 --
x3/16 12 3 0.1875 0.174 18.35 5.02 14.2 66.0 79.6 13.3 3.98 17.5 8.72 5.81 1.32 6.40 26.8 11.6 2.45 11 3/16 2 3/16
HSS12x2x5/16 12 2 0.3125 0.291 27.59 7.59 3.87 38.2 104 17.3 3.70 24.5 5.10 5.10 0.820 6.05 17.6 11.6 2.25 10 5/8 --
x1/4 12 2 0.25 0.233 22.42 6.17 5.58 48.5 86.9 14.5 3.75 20.1 4.41 4.41 0.845 5.08 15.1 9.64 2.27 10 7/8 --
x3/16 12 2 0.1875 0.174 17.08 4.67 8.49 66.0 67.4 11.2 3.80 15.5 3.55 3.55 0.872 3.97 12.0 7.49 2.28 11 3/16 --
HSS10x8x5/8 10 8 0.625 0.581 67.82 18.7 10.8 14.2 253 50.6 3.68 62.2 178 44.5 3.09 53.3 346 80.4 2.83 7 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 10 8 0.5 0.465 55.66 15.3 14.2 18.5 214 42.8 3.74 51.9 151 37.8 3.14 44.5 288 66.4 2.87 7 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 10 8 0.375 0.349 42.79 11.8 19.9 25.7 169 33.8 3.78 40.5 120 30.0 3.19 34.8 224 51.4 2.90 8 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 10 8 0.3125 0.291 36.10 9.92 24.5 31.4 145 29.0 3.82 34.4 103 25.8 3.22 29.6 190 43.5 2.92 8 5/8 6 5/8
x1/4 10 8 0.25 0.233 29.23 8.03 31.3 39.9 119 23.8 3.85 28.1 84.7 21.2 3.25 24.2 155 35.3 2.93 8 7/8 6 7/8
x3/16 10 8 0.1875 0.174 22.18 6.06 43.0 54.5 91.4 18.3 3.88 21.4 65.1 16.3 3.28 18.4 118 26.7 2.95 9 3/16 7 3/16
HSS10x6x5/8 10 6 0.625 0.581 59.32 16.4 7.33 14.2 201 40.2 3.50 51.3 89.4 29.8 2.33 35.8 209 58.6 2.50 7 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 10 6 0.5 0.465 48.85 13.5 9.90 18.5 171 34.2 3.56 43.0 76.8 25.6 2.39 30.1 176 48.7 2.53 7 3/4 3 3/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 49
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS10x6x3/8 10 6 0.375 0.349 37.69 10.4 14.2 25.7 137 27.4 3.63 33.8 61.8 20.6 2.44 23.7 139 37.9 2.57 8 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 10 6 0.3125 0.291 31.84 8.76 17.6 31.4 118 23.6 3.67 28.8 53.3 17.8 2.47 20.2 118 32.2 2.58 8 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 10 6 0.25 0.233 25.82 7.10 22.8 39.9 96.9 19.4 3.69 23.6 44.1 14.7 2.49 16.6 96.7 26.2 2.60 8 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 10 6 0.1875 0.174 19.63 5.37 31.5 54.5 74.6 14.9 3.73 18.0 34.1 11.4 2.52 12.7 73.8 19.9 2.62 9 3/16 5 3/16
HSS10x5x3/8 10 5 0.375 0.349 35.13 9.67 11.3 25.7 120 24.0 3.52 30.4 40.6 16.2 2.05 18.7 100 31.2 2.40 8 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 10 5 0.3125 0.291 29.72 8.17 14.2 31.4 104 20.8 3.57 26.0 35.2 14.1 2.08 16.0 86.0 26.5 2.42 8 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 10 5 0.25 0.233 24.12 6.63 18.5 39.9 85.8 17.2 3.60 21.3 29.3 11.7 2.10 13.2 70.7 21.6 2.43 8 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 10 5 0.1875 0.174 18.35 5.02 25.7 54.5 66.2 13.2 3.63 16.3 22.7 9.08 2.13 10.1 54.1 16.5 2.45 9 3/16 4 3/16
HSS10x4x5/8 10 4 0.625 0.581 50.81 14.0 3.88 14.2 149 29.8 3.26 40.3 33.5 16.8 1.55 20.6 95.7 36.7 2.17 7 3/16 --
x1/2 10 4 0.5 0.465 42.05 11.6 5.60 18.5 129 25.8 3.33 34.1 29.5 14.8 1.59 17.6 82.6 31.0 2.20 7 3/4 --
x3/8 10 4 0.375 0.349 32.58 8.97 8.46 25.7 104 20.8 3.41 27.0 24.3 12.2 1.65 14.0 66.5 24.4 2.23 8 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 10 4 0.3125 0.291 27.59 7.59 10.7 31.4 90.1 18.0 3.45 23.1 21.2 10.6 1.67 12.1 57.3 20.9 2.25 8 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 10 4 0.25 0.233 22.42 6.17 14.2 39.9 74.7 14.9 3.48 19.0 17.7 8.85 1.69 9.96 47.4 17.1 2.27 8 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 10 4 0.1875 0.174 17.08 4.67 20.0 54.5 57.8 11.6 3.52 14.6 13.9 6.95 1.73 7.66 36.5 13.1 2.28 9 3/16 3 3/16
x1/8 10 4 0.125 0.116 11.56 3.16 31.5 83.2 39.8 7.96 3.55 9.95 9.65 4.83 1.75 5.26 25.1 8.90 2.30 9 7/16 3 7/16
HSS10x3-1/2x1/2 10 3.5 0.5 0.465 40.34 11.1 4.53 18.5 118 23.6 3.26 31.9 21.4 12.2 1.39 14.7 63.2 26.5 2.12 7 3/4 --
x3/8 10 3.5 0.375 0.349 31.31 8.62 7.03 25.7 96.1 19.2 3.34 25.3 17.8 10.2 1.44 11.8 51.5 21.1 2.15 8 5/16 --
x5/16 10 3.5 0.3125 0.291 26.53 7.30 9.03 31.4 83.2 16.6 3.38 21.7 15.6 8.91 1.46 10.2 44.6 18.0 2.17 8 5/8 2 1/8
x1/4 10 3.5 0.25 0.233 21.57 5.93 12.0 39.9 69.1 13.8 3.41 17.9 13.1 7.49 1.49 8.45 37.0 14.8 2.18 8 7/8 2 3/8
x3/16 10 3.5 0.1875 0.174 16.44 4.50 17.1 54.5 53.6 10.7 3.45 13.7 10.3 5.89 1.51 6.52 28.6 11.4 2.20 9 3/16 2 11/16
x1/8 10 3.5 0.125 0.116 11.13 3.04 27.2 83.2 37.0 7.40 3.49 9.37 7.22 4.13 1.54 4.48 19.8 7.75 2.22 9 7/16 2 15/16
x10GA 10 3.5 0.134 0.125 11.91 3.27 25.0 77.0 39.6 7.92 3.48 10.1 7.72 4.41 1.54 4.81 21.2 8.32 2.21 9 3/8 2 7/8
HSS10x3x3/8 10 3 0.375 0.349 30.03 8.27 5.60 25.7 88.0 17.6 3.26 23.7 12.4 8.27 1.22 9.73 37.8 17.7 2.07 8 5/16 --
x5/16 10 3 0.3125 0.291 25.46 7.01 7.31 31.4 76.3 15.3 3.30 20.3 11.0 7.33 1.25 8.42 33.0 15.2 2.08 8 5/8 --
50 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS10x3x1/4 10 3 0.25 0.233 20.72 5.70 9.88 39.9 63.6 12.7 3.34 16.7 9.28 6.19 1.28 6.99 27.6 12.5 2.10 8 7/8 --
x3/16 10 3 0.1875 0.174 15.80 4.32 14.2 54.5 49.4 9.88 3.38 12.8 7.33 4.89 1.30 5.41 21.5 9.64 2.12 9 3/16 2 3/16
x1/8 10 3 0.125 0.116 10.71 2.93 22.9 83.2 34.2 6.84 3.42 8.80 5.16 3.44 1.33 3.74 14.9 6.61 2.13 9 7/16 2 7/16
x10GA 10 3 0.134 0.125 11.45 3.15 21.0 77.0 36.6 7.32 3.41 9.44 5.52 3.68 1.32 4.01 16.0 7.09 2.13 9 3/8 2 3/8
HSS10x2x3/8 10 2 0.375 0.349 27.48 7.58 2.73 25.7 71.7 14.3 3.08 20.3 4.70 4.70 0.787 5.76 15.9 11.0 1.90 8 5/16 --
x5/16 10 2 0.3125 0.291 23.34 6.43 3.87 31.4 62.6 12.5 3.12 17.5 4.24 4.24 0.812 5.06 14.2 9.56 1.92 8 5/8 --
x1/4 10 2 0.25 0.233 19.02 5.24 5.58 39.9 52.5 10.5 3.17 14.4 3.67 3.67 0.837 4.26 12.2 7.99 1.93 8 7/8 --
x3/16 10 2 0.1875 0.174 14.53 3.98 8.49 54.5 41.0 8.20 3.21 11.1 2.97 2.97 0.864 3.34 9.74 6.22 1.95 9 3/16 --
x1/8 10 2 0.125 0.116 9.86 2.70 14.2 83.2 28.5 5.70 3.25 7.65 2.14 2.14 0.890 2.33 6.90 4.31 1.97 9 7/16 --
HSS9x7x5/8 9 7 0.625 0.581 59.32 16.4 9.05 12.5 174 38.7 3.26 48.3 117 33.4 2.67 40.5 235 62.0 2.50 6 3/16 4 3/16
x1/2 9 7 0.5 0.465 48.85 13.5 12.1 16.4 149 33.1 3.32 40.5 100 28.6 2.72 34.0 197 51.5 2.53 6 3/4 4 3/4
x3/8 9 7 0.375 0.349 37.69 10.4 17.1 22.8 119 26.4 3.38 31.8 80.4 23.0 2.78 26.7 154 40.0 2.57 7 5/16 5 5/16
x5/16 9 7 0.3125 0.291 31.84 8.76 21.1 27.9 102 22.7 3.41 27.1 69.2 19.8 2.81 22.8 131 33.9 2.58 7 5/8 5 5/8
x1/4 9 7 0.25 0.233 25.82 7.10 27.0 35.6 84.1 18.7 3.44 22.2 57.2 16.3 2.84 18.7 107 27.6 2.60 7 7/8 5 7/8
x3/16 9 7 0.1875 0.174 19.63 5.37 37.2 48.7 64.7 14.4 3.47 16.9 44.1 12.6 2.87 14.3 81.7 20.9 2.62 8 3/16 6 3/16
HSS9x5x5/8 9 5 0.625 0.581 50.81 14.0 5.61 12.5 133 29.6 3.08 38.5 52.0 20.8 1.93 25.3 128 42.5 2.17 6 3/16 2 3/16
x1/2 9 5 0.5 0.465 42.05 11.6 7.75 16.4 115 25.6 3.15 32.5 45.2 18.1 1.97 21.5 109 35.6 2.20 6 3/4 2 3/4
x3/8 9 5 0.375 0.349 32.58 8.97 11.3 22.8 92.5 20.6 3.21 25.7 36.8 14.7 2.03 17.1 86.9 27.9 2.23 7 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 9 5 0.3125 0.291 27.59 7.59 14.2 27.9 79.8 17.7 3.24 22.0 32.0 12.8 2.05 14.6 74.4 23.8 2.25 7 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 9 5 0.25 0.233 22.42 6.17 18.5 35.6 66.1 14.7 3.27 18.1 26.6 10.6 2.08 12.0 61.2 19.4 2.27 7 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 9 5 0.1875 0.174 17.08 4.67 25.7 48.7 51.1 11.4 3.31 13.8 20.7 8.28 2.11 9.25 46.9 14.8 2.28 8 3/16 4 3/16
HSS9x3x1/2 9 3 0.5 0.465 35.24 9.74 3.45 16.4 80.8 18.0 2.88 24.6 13.2 8.80 1.16 10.8 40.0 19.7 1.87 6 3/4 --
x3/8 9 3 0.375 0.349 27.48 7.58 5.60 22.8 66.3 14.7 2.96 19.7 11.2 7.47 1.22 8.80 33.1 15.8 1.90 7 5/16 --
x5/16 9 3 0.3125 0.291 23.34 6.43 7.31 27.9 57.7 12.8 3.00 16.9 9.88 6.59 1.24 7.63 28.9 13.6 1.92 7 5/8 --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 51
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS9x3x1/4 9 3 0.25 0.233 19.02 5.24 9.88 35.6 48.2 10.7 3.03 14.0 8.38 5.59 1.26 6.35 24.2 11.3 1.93 7 7/8 --
x3/16 9 3 0.1875 0.174 14.53 3.98 14.2 48.7 37.6 8.36 3.07 10.8 6.64 4.43 1.29 4.92 18.9 8.66 1.95 8 3/16 2 3/16
HSS8x6x5/8 8 6 0.625 0.581 50.81 14.0 7.33 10.8 114 28.5 2.85 36.1 72.3 24.1 2.27 29.5 150 46.0 2.17 5 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 8 6 0.5 0.465 42.05 11.6 9.90 14.2 98.2 24.6 2.91 30.5 62.5 20.8 2.32 24.9 127 38.4 2.20 5 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 8 6 0.375 0.349 32.58 8.97 14.2 19.9 79.1 19.8 2.97 24.1 50.6 16.9 2.38 19.8 100 30.0 2.23 6 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 8 6 0.3125 0.291 27.59 7.59 17.6 24.5 68.3 17.1 3.00 20.6 43.8 14.6 2.40 16.9 85.8 25.5 2.25 6 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 8 6 0.25 0.233 22.42 6.17 22.8 31.3 56.6 14.2 3.03 16.9 36.4 12.1 2.43 13.9 70.3 20.8 2.27 6 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 8 6 0.1875 0.174 17.08 4.67 31.5 43.0 43.7 10.9 3.06 13.0 28.2 9.40 2.46 10.7 53.7 15.8 2.28 7 3/16 5 3/16
HSS8x4x5/8 8 4 0.625 0.581 42.30 11.7 3.88 10.8 82.0 20.5 2.65 27.4 26.6 13.3 1.51 16.6 70.3 28.7 1.83 5 3/16 --
x1/2 8 4 0.5 0.465 35.24 9.74 5.60 14.2 71.8 18.0 2.72 23.5 23.6 11.8 1.56 14.3 61.1 24.4 1.87 5 3/4 --
x3/8 8 4 0.375 0.349 27.48 7.58 8.46 19.9 58.7 14.7 2.78 18.8 19.6 9.80 1.61 11.5 49.3 19.3 1.90 6 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 8 4 0.3125 0.291 23.34 6.43 10.7 24.5 51.0 12.8 2.82 16.1 17.2 8.60 1.64 9.91 42.6 16.5 1.92 6 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 8 4 0.25 0.233 19.02 5.24 14.2 31.3 42.5 10.6 2.85 13.3 14.4 7.20 1.66 8.20 35.3 13.6 1.93 6 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 8 4 0.1875 0.174 14.53 3.98 20.0 43.0 33.1 8.28 2.88 10.2 11.3 5.65 1.68 6.33 27.2 10.4 1.95 7 3/16 3 3/16
x1/8 8 4 0.125 0.116 9.86 2.70 31.5 66.0 22.9 5.73 2.91 7.02 7.90 3.95 1.71 4.36 18.7 7.10 1.97 7 7/16 3 7/16
x11GA 8 4 0.12 0.112 9.48 2.61 32.7 68.4 22.2 5.55 2.92 6.79 7.65 3.83 1.71 4.22 18.1 6.86 1.97 7 7/16 3 7/16
HSS8x3x1/2 8 3 0.5 0.465 31.84 8.81 3.45 14.2 58.6 14.7 2.58 20.0 11.7 7.80 1.15 9.64 34.3 17.4 1.70 5 3/4 --
x3/8 8 3 0.375 0.349 24.93 6.88 5.60 19.9 48.5 12.1 2.66 16.1 9.95 6.63 1.20 7.88 28.5 14.0 1.73 6 5/16 --
x5/16 8 3 0.3125 0.291 21.21 5.85 7.31 24.5 42.4 10.6 2.69 13.9 8.81 5.87 1.23 6.84 24.9 12.1 1.75 6 5/8 --
x1/4 8 3 0.25 0.233 17.32 4.77 9.88 31.3 35.5 8.88 2.73 11.5 7.49 4.99 1.25 5.70 20.8 9.97 1.77 6 7/8 --
x3/16 8 3 0.1875 0.174 13.25 3.63 14.2 43.0 27.8 6.95 2.77 8.87 5.94 3.96 1.28 4.43 16.2 7.68 1.78 7 3/16 2 3/16
x1/8 8 3 0.125 0.116 9.01 2.46 22.9 66.0 19.3 4.83 2.80 6.11 4.20 2.80 1.31 3.07 11.3 5.27 1.80 7 7/16 2 7/16
x11GA 8 3 0.12 0.112 8.66 2.38 23.8 68.4 18.7 4.68 2.80 5.91 4.07 2.71 1.31 2.97 10.9 5.10 1.80 7 7/16 2 7/16
HSS8x2x1/2 8 2 0.5 0.465 28.43 7.88 1.30 14.2 45.3 11.3 2.40 16.5 4.19 4.19 0.729 5.47 13.6 10.4 1.53 5 3/4 --
52 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS8x2x3/8 8 2 0.375 0.349 22.37 6.18 2.73 19.9 38.2 9.55 2.49 13.4 3.73 3.73 0.777 4.61 12.1 8.65 1.57 6 5/16 --
x5/16 8 2 0.3125 0.291 19.08 5.26 3.87 24.5 33.7 8.43 2.53 11.6 3.38 3.38 0.802 4.06 10.9 7.57 1.58 6 5/8 --
x1/4 8 2 0.25 0.233 15.62 4.30 5.58 31.3 28.5 7.13 2.57 9.68 2.94 2.94 0.827 3.43 9.36 6.35 1.60 6 7/8 --
x3/16 8 2 0.1875 0.174 11.97 3.28 8.49 43.0 22.4 5.60 2.61 7.51 2.39 2.39 0.854 2.70 7.48 4.95 1.62 7 3/16 --
x1/8 8 2 0.125 0.116 8.16 2.23 14.2 66.0 15.7 3.93 2.65 5.19 1.72 1.72 0.878 1.90 5.30 3.44 1.63 7 7/16 --
x11GA 8 2 0.12 0.112 7.84 2.16 14.9 68.4 15.2 3.80 2.65 5.02 1.67 1.67 0.879 1.84 5.14 3.33 1.63 7 7/16 --
HSS7x5x1/2 7 5 0.5 0.465 35.24 9.74 7.75 12.1 60.6 17.3 2.49 21.9 35.6 14.2 1.91 17.3 75.8 27.2 1.87 4 3/4 2 3/4
x3/8 7 5 0.375 0.349 27.48 7.58 11.3 17.1 49.5 14.1 2.56 17.5 29.3 11.7 1.97 13.8 60.6 21.4 1.90 5 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 7 5 0.3125 0.291 23.34 6.43 14.2 21.1 43.0 12.3 2.59 15.0 25.5 10.2 1.99 11.9 52.1 18.3 1.92 5 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 7 5 0.25 0.233 19.02 5.24 18.5 27.0 35.9 10.3 2.62 12.4 21.3 8.52 2.02 9.83 42.9 15.0 1.93 5 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 7 5 0.1875 0.174 14.53 3.98 25.7 37.2 27.9 7.97 2.65 9.52 16.6 6.64 2.04 7.57 32.9 11.4 1.95 6 3/16 4 3/16
x1/8 7 5 0.125 0.116 9.86 2.70 40.1 57.3 19.3 5.51 2.67 6.53 11.6 4.64 2.07 5.20 22.5 7.79 1.97 6 7/16 4 7/16
x11GA 7 5 0.12 0.112 9.48 2.61 41.6 59.5 18.7 5.34 2.68 6.32 11.2 4.48 2.07 5.03 21.8 7.54 1.97 6 7/16 4 7/16
HSS7x4x1/2 7 4 0.5 0.465 31.84 8.81 5.60 12.1 50.7 14.5 2.40 18.8 20.7 10.4 1.53 12.6 50.5 21.1 1.70 4 3/4 --
x3/8 7 4 0.375 0.349 24.93 6.88 8.46 17.1 41.8 11.9 2.46 15.1 17.3 8.65 1.59 10.2 41.0 16.8 1.73 5 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 7 4 0.3125 0.291 21.21 5.85 10.7 21.1 36.5 10.4 2.50 13.1 15.2 7.60 1.61 8.83 35.4 14.4 1.75 5 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 7 4 0.25 0.233 17.32 4.77 14.2 27.0 30.5 8.71 2.53 10.8 12.8 6.40 1.64 7.33 29.3 11.8 1.77 5 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 7 4 0.1875 0.174 13.25 3.63 20.0 37.2 23.8 6.80 2.56 8.33 10.0 5.00 1.66 5.67 22.7 9.07 1.78 6 3/16 3 3/16
x1/8 7 4 0.125 0.116 9.01 2.46 31.5 57.3 16.6 4.74 2.60 5.73 7.03 3.52 1.69 3.91 15.6 6.20 1.80 6 7/16 3 7/16
HSS7x3x1/2 7 3 0.5 0.465 28.43 7.88 3.45 12.1 40.7 11.6 2.27 15.8 10.2 6.80 1.14 8.46 28.6 15.0 1.53 4 3/4 --
x3/8 7 3 0.375 0.349 22.37 6.18 5.60 17.1 34.1 9.74 2.35 12.8 8.71 5.81 1.19 6.95 23.9 12.1 1.57 5 5/16 --
x5/16 7 3 0.3125 0.291 19.08 5.26 7.31 21.1 29.9 8.54 2.38 11.1 7.74 5.16 1.21 6.05 20.9 10.5 1.58 5 5/8 --
x1/4 7 3 0.25 0.233 15.62 4.30 9.88 27.0 25.2 7.20 2.42 9.22 6.60 4.40 1.24 5.06 17.5 8.68 1.60 5 7/8 --
x3/16 7 3 0.1875 0.174 11.97 3.28 14.2 37.2 19.8 5.66 2.46 7.14 5.24 3.49 1.26 3.94 13.7 6.69 1.62 6 3/16 2 3/16
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 53
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS7x3x1/8 7 3 0.125 0.116 8.16 2.23 22.9 57.3 13.8 3.94 2.49 4.93 3.71 2.47 1.29 2.73 9.48 4.60 1.63 6 7/16 2 7/16
x11GA 7 3 0.12 0.112 7.84 2.16 23.8 59.5 13.4 3.83 2.49 4.77 3.60 2.40 1.29 2.65 9.18 4.45 1.63 6 7/16 2 7/16
HSS7x2x1/4 7 2 0.25 0.233 13.91 3.84 5.58 27.0 19.8 5.66 2.27 7.64 2.58 2.58 0.820 3.02 7.95 5.52 1.43 5 7/8 --
x3/16 7 2 0.1875 0.174 10.70 2.93 8.49 37.2 15.7 4.49 2.31 5.95 2.10 2.10 0.847 2.39 6.35 4.32 1.45 6 3/16 --
x1/8 7 2 0.125 0.116 7.31 2.00 14.2 57.3 11.1 3.17 2.36 4.13 1.52 1.52 0.872 1.68 4.51 3.00 1.47 6 7/16 --
HSS6x5x1/2 6 5 0.5 0.465 31.84 8.81 7.75 9.90 41.1 13.7 2.16 17.2 30.8 12.3 1.87 15.2 59.8 23.0 1.70 3 3/4 2 3/4
x3/8 6 5 0.375 0.349 24.93 6.88 11.3 14.2 33.9 11.3 2.22 13.8 25.5 10.2 1.93 12.2 48.1 18.2 1.73 4 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 6 5 0.3125 0.291 21.21 5.85 14.2 17.6 29.6 9.87 2.25 11.9 22.3 8.92 1.95 10.5 41.4 15.6 1.75 4 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 6 5 0.25 0.233 17.32 4.77 18.5 22.8 24.7 8.23 2.28 9.87 18.7 7.48 1.98 8.72 34.2 12.8 1.77 4 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 6 5 0.1875 0.174 13.25 3.63 25.7 31.5 19.3 6.43 2.31 7.62 14.6 5.84 2.01 6.73 26.3 9.76 1.78 5 3/16 4 3/16
x1/8 6 5 0.125 0.116 9.01 2.46 40.1 48.7 13.4 4.47 2.33 5.24 10.2 4.08 2.04 4.63 18.0 6.66 1.80 5 7/16 4 7/16
x11GA 6 5 0.12 0.112 8.66 2.38 41.6 50.6 13.0 4.33 2.34 5.07 9.86 3.94 2.04 4.48 17.4 6.44 1.80 5 7/16 4 7/16
HSS6x4x1/2 6 4 0.5 0.465 28.43 7.88 5.60 9.90 34.0 11.3 2.08 14.6 17.8 8.90 1.50 11.0 40.3 17.8 1.53 3 3/4 --
x3/8 6 4 0.375 0.349 22.37 6.18 8.46 14.2 28.3 9.43 2.14 11.9 14.9 7.45 1.55 8.94 32.8 14.2 1.57 4 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 6 4 0.3125 0.291 19.08 5.26 10.7 17.6 24.8 8.27 2.17 10.3 13.2 6.60 1.58 7.75 28.4 12.2 1.58 4 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 6 4 0.25 0.233 15.62 4.30 14.2 22.8 20.9 6.97 2.20 8.53 11.1 5.55 1.61 6.45 23.6 10.1 1.60 4 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 6 4 0.1875 0.174 11.97 3.28 20.0 31.5 16.4 5.47 2.24 6.60 8.76 4.38 1.63 5.00 18.2 7.74 1.62 5 3/16 3 3/16
x1/8 6 4 0.125 0.116 8.16 2.23 31.5 48.7 11.4 3.80 2.26 4.56 6.15 3.08 1.66 3.46 12.6 5.30 1.63 5 7/16 3 7/16
x11GA 6 4 0.12 0.112 7.84 2.16 32.7 50.6 11.1 3.70 2.27 4.41 5.96 2.98 1.66 3.35 12.2 5.12 1.63 5 7/16 3 7/16
HSS6x3x1/2 6 3 0.5 0.465 25.03 6.95 3.45 9.90 26.8 8.93 1.96 12.1 8.69 5.79 1.12 7.28 23.1 12.7 1.37 3 3/4 --
x3/8 6 3 0.375 0.349 19.82 5.48 5.60 14.2 22.7 7.57 2.04 9.90 7.48 4.99 1.17 6.03 19.3 10.3 1.40 4 5/16 --
x5/16 6 3 0.3125 0.291 16.96 4.68 7.31 17.6 20.1 6.70 2.07 8.61 6.67 4.45 1.19 5.27 16.9 8.91 1.42 4 5/8 --
x1/4 6 3 0.25 0.233 13.91 3.84 9.88 22.8 17.0 5.67 2.10 7.19 5.70 3.80 1.22 4.41 14.2 7.39 1.43 4 7/8 --
x3/16 6 3 0.1875 0.174 10.70 2.93 14.2 31.5 13.4 4.47 2.14 5.59 4.55 3.03 1.25 3.45 11.1 5.71 1.45 5 3/16 2 3/16
54 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS6x3x1/8 6 3 0.125 0.116 7.31 2.00 22.9 48.7 9.43 3.14 2.17 3.87 3.23 2.15 1.27 2.40 7.73 3.93 1.47 5 7/16 2 7/16
x11GA 6 3 0.12 0.112 7.03 1.93 23.8 50.6 9.14 3.05 2.18 3.75 3.13 2.09 1.27 2.32 7.48 3.80 1.47 5 7/16 2 7/16
HSS6x2x3/8 6 2 0.375 0.349 17.27 4.78 2.73 14.2 17.1 5.70 1.89 7.93 2.77 2.77 0.761 3.46 8.42 6.35 1.23 4 5/16 --
x5/16 6 2 0.3125 0.291 14.83 4.10 3.87 17.6 15.3 5.10 1.93 6.95 2.52 2.52 0.784 3.07 7.60 5.58 1.25 4 5/8 --
x1/4 6 2 0.25 0.233 12.21 3.37 5.58 22.8 13.1 4.37 1.97 5.84 2.21 2.21 0.810 2.61 6.55 4.70 1.27 4 7/8 --
x3/16 6 2 0.1875 0.174 9.42 2.58 8.49 31.5 10.5 3.50 2.02 4.58 1.80 1.80 0.835 2.07 5.24 3.68 1.28 5 3/16 --
x1/8 6 2 0.125 0.116 6.46 1.77 14.2 48.7 7.42 2.47 2.05 3.19 1.31 1.31 0.860 1.46 3.72 2.57 1.30 5 7/16 --
x11GA 6 2 0.12 0.112 6.21 1.71 14.9 50.6 7.19 2.40 2.05 3.09 1.27 1.27 0.862 1.41 3.61 2.48 1.30 5 7/16 --
HSS5x4x1/2 5 4 0.5 0.465 25.03 6.95 5.60 7.75 21.2 8.48 1.75 10.9 14.9 7.45 1.46 9.35 30.3 14.5 1.37 2 3/4 --
x3/8 5 4 0.375 0.349 19.82 5.48 8.46 11.3 17.9 7.16 1.81 8.96 12.6 6.30 1.52 7.67 24.9 11.7 1.40 3 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 5 4 0.3125 0.291 16.96 4.68 10.7 14.2 15.8 6.32 1.84 7.79 11.1 5.55 1.54 6.67 21.7 10.1 1.42 3 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 5 4 0.25 0.233 13.91 3.84 14.2 18.5 13.4 5.36 1.87 6.49 9.46 4.73 1.57 5.57 18.0 8.32 1.43 3 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 5 4 0.1875 0.174 10.70 2.93 20.0 25.7 10.6 4.24 1.90 5.05 7.48 3.74 1.60 4.34 14.0 6.41 1.45 4 3/16 3 3/16
x1/8 5 4 0.125 0.116 7.31 2.00 31.5 40.1 7.42 2.97 1.93 3.50 5.27 2.64 1.62 3.01 9.66 4.39 1.47 4 7/16 3 7/16
x11GA 5 4 0.12 0.112 7.03 1.93 32.7 41.6 7.19 2.88 1.93 3.39 5.11 2.56 1.63 2.91 9.35 4.25 1.47 4 7/16 3 7/16
HSS5x3x1/2 5 3 0.5 0.465 21.63 6.02 3.45 7.75 16.4 6.56 1.65 8.83 7.18 4.79 1.09 6.10 17.6 10.3 1.20 2 3/4 --
x3/8 5 3 0.375 0.349 17.27 4.78 5.60 11.3 14.1 5.64 1.72 7.34 6.25 4.17 1.14 5.10 14.9 8.44 1.23 3 5/16 --
x5/16 5 3 0.3125 0.291 14.83 4.10 7.31 14.2 12.6 5.04 1.75 6.42 5.60 3.73 1.17 4.48 13.1 7.33 1.25 3 5/8 --
x1/4 5 3 0.25 0.233 12.21 3.37 9.88 18.5 10.7 4.28 1.78 5.38 4.81 3.21 1.19 3.77 11.0 6.10 1.27 3 7/8 --
x3/16 5 3 0.1875 0.174 9.42 2.58 14.2 25.7 8.53 3.41 1.82 4.21 3.85 2.57 1.22 2.96 8.64 4.73 1.28 4 3/16 2 3/16
x1/8 5 3 0.125 0.116 6.46 1.77 22.9 40.1 6.03 2.41 1.85 2.93 2.75 1.83 1.25 2.07 6.02 3.26 1.30 4 7/16 2 7/16
x11GA 5 3 0.12 0.112 6.21 1.71 23.8 41.6 5.85 2.34 1.85 2.84 2.67 1.78 1.25 2.00 5.83 3.16 1.30 4 7/16 2 7/16
HSS5x2-1/2x1/4 5 2.5 0.25 0.233 11.36 3.14 7.73 18.5 9.40 3.76 1.73 4.83 3.13 2.50 0.998 2.95 7.93 4.99 1.18 3 7/8 --
x3/16 5 2.5 0.1875 0.174 8.78 2.41 11.4 25.7 7.51 3.00 1.77 3.79 2.53 2.02 1.02 2.33 6.26 3.89 1.20 4 3/16 --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 55
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS5x2-1/2x1/8 5 2.5 0.125 0.116 6.03 1.65 18.6 40.1 5.34 2.14 1.80 2.65 1.82 1.46 1.05 1.64 4.40 2.70 1.22 4 7/16 --
x8GA 5 2.5 0.165 0.153 7.81 2.14 13.3 29.7 6.76 2.70 1.78 3.39 2.29 1.83 1.03 2.09 5.61 3.47 1.21 4 1/4 --
HSS5x2x3/8 5 2 0.375 0.349 14.72 4.09 2.73 11.3 10.4 4.16 1.59 5.71 2.28 2.28 0.747 2.88 6.61 5.20 1.07 3 5/16 --
x5/16 5 2 0.3125 0.291 12.70 3.52 3.87 14.2 9.35 3.74 1.63 5.05 2.10 2.10 0.772 2.57 5.99 4.59 1.08 3 5/8 --
x1/4 5 2 0.25 0.233 10.51 2.91 5.58 18.5 8.08 3.23 1.67 4.27 1.84 1.84 0.795 2.20 5.17 3.88 1.10 3 7/8 --
x3/16 5 2 0.1875 0.174 8.15 2.24 8.49 25.7 6.50 2.60 1.70 3.37 1.51 1.51 0.821 1.75 4.15 3.05 1.12 4 3/16 --
x1/8 5 2 0.125 0.116 5.61 1.54 14.2 40.1 4.65 1.86 1.74 2.37 1.10 1.10 0.845 1.24 2.95 2.13 1.13 4 7/16 --
x11GA 5 2 0.12 0.112 5.39 1.49 14.9 41.6 4.51 1.80 1.74 2.29 1.07 1.07 0.847 1.20 2.86 2.06 1.13 4 7/16 --
HSS4x3x3/8 4 3 0.375 0.349 14.72 4.09 5.60 8.46 7.93 3.97 1.39 5.12 5.01 3.34 1.11 4.18 10.6 6.59 1.07 2 5/16 --
x5/16 4 3 0.3125 0.291 12.70 3.52 7.31 10.7 7.14 3.57 1.42 4.51 4.52 3.01 1.13 3.69 9.41 5.75 1.08 2 5/8 --
x1/4 4 3 0.25 0.233 10.51 2.91 9.88 14.2 6.15 3.08 1.45 3.81 3.91 2.61 1.16 3.12 7.96 4.81 1.10 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 3 0.1875 0.174 8.15 2.24 14.2 20.0 4.93 2.47 1.48 3.00 3.16 2.11 1.19 2.46 6.26 3.74 1.12 3 3/16 2 3/16
x1/8 4 3 0.125 0.116 5.61 1.54 22.9 31.5 3.52 1.76 1.51 2.11 2.27 1.51 1.21 1.73 4.38 2.59 1.13 3 7/16 2 7/16
x11GA 4 3 0.12 0.112 5.39 1.49 23.8 32.7 3.42 1.71 1.52 2.04 2.20 1.47 1.22 1.68 4.24 2.51 1.13 3 7/16 2 7/16
HSS4x2-1/2x3/8 4 2.5 0.375 0.349 13.44 3.74 4.16 8.46 6.77 3.39 1.35 4.48 3.17 2.54 0.921 3.20 7.57 5.32 0.983 2 5/16 --
x5/16 4 2.5 0.3125 0.291 11.64 3.23 5.59 10.7 6.13 3.07 1.38 3.97 2.89 2.31 0.946 2.85 6.77 4.67 1.00 2 5/8 --
x1/4 4 2.5 0.25 0.233 9.66 2.67 7.73 14.2 5.32 2.66 1.41 3.38 2.53 2.02 0.973 2.43 5.78 3.93 1.02 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 2.5 0.1875 0.174 7.51 2.06 11.4 20.0 4.30 2.15 1.44 2.67 2.06 1.65 1.00 1.93 4.59 3.08 1.03 3 3/16 --
HSS4x2x3/8 4 2 0.375 0.349 12.17 3.39 2.73 8.46 5.60 2.80 1.29 3.84 1.80 1.80 0.729 2.31 4.83 4.04 0.900 2 5/16 --
x5/16 4 2 0.3125 0.291 10.58 2.94 3.87 10.7 5.13 2.57 1.32 3.43 1.67 1.67 0.754 2.08 4.40 3.59 0.917 2 5/8 --
x1/4 4 2 0.25 0.233 8.81 2.44 5.58 14.2 4.49 2.25 1.36 2.94 1.48 1.48 0.779 1.79 3.82 3.05 0.933 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 2 0.1875 0.174 6.87 1.89 8.49 20.0 3.66 1.83 1.39 2.34 1.22 1.22 0.803 1.43 3.08 2.41 0.950 3 3/16 --
x1/8 4 2 0.125 0.116 4.75 1.30 14.2 31.5 2.65 1.33 1.43 1.66 0.898 0.898 0.831 1.02 2.20 1.69 0.967 3 7/16 --
x8GA 4 2 0.165 0.153 6.13 1.68 10.1 23.1 3.32 1.66 1.41 2.10 1.11 1.11 0.813 1.29 2.77 2.16 0.956 3 1/4 --
56 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS4x2x11GA 4 2 0.12 0.112 4.58 1.26 14.9 32.7 2.57 1.29 1.43 1.61 0.873 0.873 0.832 0.991 2.13 1.64 0.968 3 7/16 --
HSS4x1-1/2x1/4 4 1.5 0.25 0.233 7.96 2.21 3.44 14.2 3.66 1.83 1.29 2.50 0.733 0.98 0.576 1.21 2.14 2.18 0.850 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 1.5 0.1875 0.174 6.23 1.71 5.62 20.0 3.02 1.51 1.33 2.01 0.621 0.977 0.603 0.982 1.78 1.75 0.867 3 3/16 --
x1/8 4 1.5 0.125 0.116 4.33 1.19 9.93 31.5 2.21 1.11 1.36 1.43 0.467 0.623 0.626 0.710 1.30 1.24 0.883 3 7/16 --
x8GA 4 1.5 0.165 0.153 5.57 1.53 6.80 23.1 2.75 1.38 1.34 1.81 0.570 0.760 0.610 0.890 1.62 1.57 0.873 3 1/4 --
HSS3-1/2x2-1/2x3/8 3.5 2.5 0.375 0.349 12.17 3.39 4.16 7.03 4.75 2.71 1.18 3.59 2.77 2.22 0.904 2.82 6.16 4.57 0.900 -- --
x5/16 3.5 2.5 0.3125 0.291 10.58 2.94 5.59 9.03 4.34 2.48 1.21 3.20 2.54 2.03 0.929 2.52 5.53 4.03 0.917 2 1/8 --
x1/4 3.5 2.5 0.25 0.233 8.81 2.44 7.73 12.0 3.79 2.17 1.25 2.74 2.23 1.78 0.956 2.16 4.75 3.40 0.933 2 3/8 --
x3/16 3.5 2.5 0.1875 0.174 6.87 1.89 11.4 17.1 3.09 1.77 1.28 2.18 1.82 1.46 0.981 1.72 3.78 2.67 0.950 2 11/16 --
x1/8 3.5 2.5 0.125 0.116 4.75 1.30 18.6 27.2 2.23 1.27 1.31 1.54 1.33 1.06 1.01 1.22 2.67 1.87 0.967 2 15/16 --
x8GA 3.5 2.5 0.165 0.153 6.13 1.68 13.3 19.9 2.80 1.60 1.29 1.96 1.66 1.33 0.994 1.55 3.40 2.39 0.956 2 3/4 --
x11GA 3.5 2.5 0.12 0.112 4.58 1.26 19.3 28.3 2.17 1.24 1.31 1.49 1.29 1.03 1.01 1.19 2.59 1.81 0.968 2 15/16 --
HSS3-1/2x2x1/4 3.5 2 0.25 0.233 7.96 2.21 5.58 12.0 3.17 1.81 1.20 2.36 1.30 1.30 0.767 1.58 3.16 2.64 0.850 2 3/8 --
x3/16 3.5 2 0.1875 0.174 6.23 1.71 8.49 17.1 2.61 1.49 1.24 1.89 1.08 1.08 0.795 1.27 2.55 2.09 0.867 2 11/16 --
x1/8 3.5 2 0.125 0.116 4.33 1.19 14.2 27.2 1.90 1.09 1.26 1.34 0.795 0.795 0.817 0.912 1.83 1.47 0.883 2 15/16 --
HSS3-1/2x1-1/2x1/4 3.5 1.5 0.25 0.233 7.11 1.97 3.44 12.0 2.55 1.46 1.14 1.98 0.638 0.851 0.569 1.06 1.79 1.88 0.767 2 3/8 --
x3/16 3.5 1.5 0.1875 0.174 5.59 1.54 5.62 17.1 2.12 1.21 1.17 1.60 0.544 0.725 0.594 0.867 1.49 1.51 0.784 2 11/16 --
x1/8 3.5 1.5 0.125 0.116 3.90 1.07 9.93 27.2 1.57 0.897 1.21 1.15 0.411 0.548 0.620 0.630 1.09 1.08 0.800 2 15/16 --
x8GA 3.5 1.5 0.165 0.153 5.01 1.38 6.80 19.9 1.94 1.11 1.19 1.44 0.500 0.667 0.602 0.787 1.36 1.37 0.790 2 3/4 --
HSS3x2-1/2x5/16 3 2.5 0.3125 0.291 9.51 2.64 5.59 7.31 2.92 1.95 1.05 2.51 2.18 1.74 0.909 2.20 4.34 3.39 0.833 -- --
x1/4 3 2.5 0.25 0.233 7.96 2.21 7.73 9.88 2.57 1.71 1.08 2.16 1.93 1.54 0.935 1.90 3.74 2.87 0.850 -- --
x3/16 3 2.5 0.1875 0.174 6.23 1.71 11.4 14.2 2.11 1.41 1.11 1.73 1.59 1.27 0.964 1.52 3.00 2.27 0.867 2 3/16 --
x1/8 3 2.5 0.125 0.116 4.33 1.19 18.6 22.9 1.54 1.03 1.14 1.23 1.16 0.928 0.987 1.09 2.13 1.59 0.883 2 7/16 --
HSS3x2x5/16 3 2 0.3125 0.291 8.45 2.35 3.87 7.31 2.38 1.59 1.01 2.11 1.24 1.24 0.726 1.58 2.87 2.60 0.750 -- --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 57
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS3x2x1/4 3 2 0.25 0.233 7.11 1.97 5.58 9.88 2.13 1.42 1.04 1.83 1.11 1.11 0.751 1.38 2.52 2.23 0.767 -- --
x3/16 3 2 0.1875 0.174 5.59 1.54 8.49 14.2 1.77 1.18 1.07 1.48 0.932 0.932 0.778 1.12 2.05 1.78 0.784 2 3/16 --
x1/8 3 2 0.125 0.116 3.90 1.07 14.2 22.9 1.30 0.867 1.10 1.06 0.692 0.692 0.804 0.803 1.47 1.25 0.800 2 7/16 --
x8GA 3 2 0.165 0.153 5.01 1.38 10.1 16.6 1.61 1.07 1.08 1.34 0.852 0.852 0.786 1.01 1.85 1.60 0.790 2 1/4 --
x11GA 3 2 0.12 0.112 3.76 1.04 14.9 23.8 1.26 0.840 1.10 1.03 0.673 0.673 0.804 0.779 1.43 1.22 0.801 2 7/16 --
HSS3x1-1/2x1/4 3 1.5 0.25 0.233 6.26 1.74 3.44 9.88 1.68 1.12 0.983 1.51 0.543 0.724 0.559 0.911 1.44 1.58 0.683 -- --
x3/16 3 1.5 0.1875 0.174 4.96 1.37 5.62 14.2 1.42 0.947 1.02 1.24 0.467 0.623 0.584 0.752 1.21 1.28 0.700 2 3/16 --
x1/8 3 1.5 0.125 0.116 3.48 0.956 9.93 22.9 1.06 0.707 1.05 0.895 0.355 0.473 0.609 0.550 0.886 0.920 0.717 2 7/16 --
x7GA 3 1.5 0.18 0.167 4.79 1.32 5.98 15.0 1.38 0.920 1.02 1.20 0.455 0.607 0.587 0.730 1.17 1.24 0.702 2 3/16 --
x8GA 3 1.5 0.165 0.153 4.44 1.22 6.80 16.6 1.30 0.867 1.03 1.12 0.431 0.575 0.594 0.684 1.10 1.16 0.706 2 1/4 --
HSS3x1x1/4 3 1 0.25 0.233 5.41 1.51 1.29 9.88 1.23 0.820 0.903 1.19 0.192 0.384 0.357 0.506 0.586 0.940 0.600 -- --
x3/16 3 1 0.1875 0.174 4.32 1.19 2.75 14.2 1.07 0.713 0.948 0.989 0.173 0.346 0.381 0.432 0.526 0.792 0.617 2 3/16 --
x1/8 3 1 0.125 0.116 3.05 0.840 5.62 22.9 0.817 0.545 0.986 0.728 0.138 0.276 0.405 0.325 0.408 0.585 0.633 2 7/16 --
x8GA 3 1 0.165 0.153 3.88 1.07 3.54 16.6 0.989 0.659 0.961 0.902 0.162 0.324 0.389 0.397 0.490 0.724 0.623 2 1/4 --
HSS2-1/2x2x1/4 2.5 2 0.25 0.233 6.26 1.74 5.58 7.73 1.33 1.06 0.874 1.37 0.930 0.930 0.731 1.17 1.90 1.82 0.683 -- --
x3/16 2.5 2 0.1875 0.174 4.96 1.37 8.49 11.4 1.12 0.896 0.904 1.12 0.786 0.786 0.757 0.956 1.55 1.46 0.700 -- --
x1/8 2.5 2 0.125 0.116 3.48 0.956 14.2 18.6 0.833 0.666 0.933 0.809 0.589 0.589 0.785 0.694 1.12 1.04 0.717 -- --
x8GA 2.5 2 0.165 0.153 4.44 1.22 10.1 13.3 1.02 0.816 0.914 1.01 0.722 0.722 0.769 0.867 1.41 1.31 0.706 -- --
HSS2-1/2x1-1/2x1/4 2.5 1.5 0.25 0.233 5.41 1.51 3.44 7.73 1.03 0.824 0.826 1.11 0.449 0.599 0.545 0.764 1.10 1.29 0.600 -- --
x3/16 2.5 1.5 0.1875 0.174 4.32 1.19 5.62 11.4 0.882 0.706 0.861 0.915 0.390 0.520 0.572 0.636 0.929 1.05 0.617 -- --
x1/8 2.5 1.5 0.125 0.116 3.05 0.840 9.93 18.6 0.668 0.534 0.892 0.671 0.300 0.400 0.598 0.469 0.687 0.759 0.633 -- --
x8GA 2.5 1.5 0.165 0.153 3.88 1.07 6.80 13.3 0.813 0.650 0.872 0.833 0.361 0.481 0.581 0.581 0.850 0.954 0.623 -- --
x10GA 2.5 1.5 0.134 0.125 3.25 0.897 9.00 17.0 0.706 0.565 0.887 0.712 0.316 0.421 0.594 0.498 0.729 0.809 0.631 -- --
x11GA 2.5 1.5 0.12 0.112 2.94 0.814 10.4 19.3 0.651 0.521 0.894 0.652 0.292 0.389 0.599 0.456 0.668 0.737 0.635 -- --
58 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A500/A847 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS2-1/2x1x3/16 2.5 1 0.1875 0.174 3.68 1.02 2.75 11.4 0.646 0.517 0.796 0.713 0.143 0.286 0.374 0.360 0.412 0.648 0.534 -- --
x1/8 2.5 1 0.125 0.116 2.63 0.724 5.62 18.6 0.503 0.402 0.834 0.532 0.115 0.230 0.399 0.274 0.322 0.483 0.550 -- --
HSS2-1/4x2x3/16 2.25 2 0.1875 0.174 4.64 1.28 8.49 9.93 0.859 0.764 0.819 0.952 0.713 0.713 0.746 0.877 1.32 1.30 0.659 -- --
x1/8 2.25 2 0.125 0.116 3.27 0.898 14.2 16.4 0.646 0.574 0.848 0.693 0.538 0.538 0.774 0.639 0.957 0.927 0.675 -- --
HSS2x1-1/2x3/16 2 1.5 0.1875 0.174 3.68 1.02 5.62 8.49 0.495 0.495 0.697 0.639 0.313 0.417 0.554 0.521 0.664 0.822 0.534 -- --
x1/8 2 1.5 0.125 0.116 2.63 0.724 9.93 14.2 0.383 0.383 0.727 0.475 0.244 0.325 0.581 0.389 0.496 0.599 0.550 -- --
x8GA 2 1.5 0.165 0.153 3.32 0.917 6.80 10.1 0.460 0.460 0.708 0.585 0.291 0.388 0.563 0.478 0.609 0.747 0.540 -- --
HSS2x1x3/16 2 1 0.1875 0.174 3.04 0.845 2.75 8.49 0.350 0.350 0.644 0.480 0.112 0.224 0.364 0.288 0.301 0.505 0.450 -- --
x1/8 2 1 0.125 0.116 2.20 0.608 5.62 14.2 0.280 0.280 0.679 0.366 0.0922 0.184 0.389 0.223 0.238 0.380 0.467 -- --
x8GA 2 1 0.165 0.153 2.76 0.764 3.54 10.1 0.329 0.329 0.656 0.444 0.107 0.214 0.374 0.268 0.283 0.465 0.456 -- --
x11GA 2 1 0.12 0.112 2.13 0.590 5.93 14.9 0.274 0.274 0.681 0.356 0.0903 0.181 0.391 0.217 0.232 0.370 0.468 -- --
x14GA 2 1 0.083 0.077 1.54 0.423 9.99 23.0 0.208 0.208 0.701 0.264 0.0700 0.140 0.407 0.162 0.174 0.272 0.478 -- --
x0.100 2 1 0.1 0.093 1.82 0.501 7.75 18.5 0.240 0.240 0.692 0.308 0.0800 0.160 0.400 0.189 0.203 0.319 0.473 -- --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 59
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
60 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 61
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
62 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 63
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
64 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 65
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
66 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Round HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Design Torsion
Wall Nominal
tnom OD ID Area, A I S r Z
Shape Thickness, Wt D/t J C
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 67
A1085 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
I S r Z Workable
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area
t Flat
68 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
I S r Z Workable
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area
t Flat
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 69
A1085 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
I S r Z Workable
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area
t Flat
70 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
I S r Z Workable
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area
t Flat
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 71
A1085 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
I S r Z Workable
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area
t Flat
72 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS24X12x3/4 24 12 0.75 0.750 171.16 50.3 13.0 29.0 3650 304 8.52 382 1240 207 4.97 235 3030 391 5.79 20 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 24 12 0.625 0.625 144.39 42.4 16.2 35.4 3130 261 8.59 325 1070 178 5.02 201 2590 331 5.82 21 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 24 12 0.5 0.500 116.91 34.4 21.0 45.0 2580 215 8.66 266 883 147 5.07 164 2120 270 5.86 21 3/4 9 3/4
HSS20X12x3/4 20 12 0.75 0.750 150.75 44.3 13.0 23.7 2320 232 7.24 287 1050 175 4.87 202 2360 323 5.12 16 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 20 12 0.625 0.625 127.37 37.4 16.2 29.0 2000 200 7.31 245 904 151 4.92 172 2010 275 5.15 17 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 20 12 0.5 0.500 103.30 30.4 21.0 37.0 1650 165 7.37 201 750 125 4.97 141 1650 224 5.19 17 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 20 12 0.375 0.375 78.52 23.1 29.0 50.3 1280 128 7.44 154 583 97.2 5.02 109 1270 171 5.23 18 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 20 12 0.3125 0.313 65.87 19.4 35.3 60.9 1080 108 7.46 130 495 82.5 5.05 91.9 1070 144 5.24 18 5/8 10 5/8
x1/4 20 12 0.25 0.250 53.05 15.6 45.0 77.0 878 87.8 7.50 105 403 67.2 5.08 74.3 863 116 5.26 18 7/8 10 7/8
HSS20x8x5/8 20 8 0.625 0.625 110.36 32.4 9.80 29.0 1530 153 6.87 197 358 89.5 3.32 103 973 178 4.49 17 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 20 8 0.5 0.500 89.68 26.4 13.0 37.0 1270 127 6.94 162 300 75.0 3.37 84.7 806 146 4.52 17 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 20 8 0.375 0.375 68.31 20.1 18.3 50.3 988 98.8 7.01 125 236 59.0 3.43 65.6 625 112 4.56 18 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 20 8 0.3125 0.313 57.36 16.9 22.6 60.9 840 84.0 7.05 106 202 50.5 3.46 55.6 530 94.6 4.58 18 5/8 6 5/8
x1/4 20 8 0.25 0.250 46.24 13.6 29.0 77.0 683 68.3 7.09 85.4 165 41.3 3.48 45.1 430 76.5 4.60 18 7/8 6 7/8
HSS20x4x1/2 20 4 0.5 0.500 76.07 22.4 5.00 37.0 889 88.9 6.30 123 61.6 30.8 1.66 36.0 205 67.8 3.86 17 3/4 --
x3/8 20 4 0.375 0.375 58.10 17.1 7.67 50.3 699 69.9 6.39 95.3 50.3 25.2 1.72 28.5 165 53.2 3.89 18 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 20 4 0.3125 0.313 48.86 14.4 9.78 60.9 597 59.7 6.44 80.9 43.7 21.9 1.74 24.4 143 45.3 3.91 18 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 20 4 0.25 0.250 39.43 11.6 13.0 77.0 488 48.8 6.49 65.7 36.4 18.2 1.77 20.0 118 37.0 3.93 18 7/8 2 7/8
HSS18x6x5/8 18 6 0.625 0.625 93.34 27.4 6.60 25.8 977 109 5.97 144 166 55.3 2.46 64.6 489 116 3.82 15 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 18 6 0.5 0.500 76.07 22.4 9.00 33.0 818 90.9 6.04 119 142 47.3 2.52 53.9 410 95.8 3.86 15 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 18 6 0.375 0.375 58.10 17.1 13.0 45.0 641 71.2 6.12 92.2 113 37.7 2.57 42.1 322 74.2 3.89 16 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 18 6 0.3125 0.313 48.86 14.4 16.2 54.5 547 60.8 6.16 78.2 97.1 32.4 2.60 35.8 275 62.8 3.91 16 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 18 6 0.25 0.250 39.43 11.6 21.0 69.0 447 49.7 6.21 63.5 80.0 26.7 2.63 29.2 224 51.0 3.93 16 7/8 4 7/8
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 73
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS16x12x3/4 16 12 0.75 0.750 130.33 38.3 13.0 18.3 1340 168 5.91 205 856 143 4.73 168 1710 256 4.45 12 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 16 12 0.625 0.625 110.36 32.4 16.2 22.6 1160 145 5.98 175 742 124 4.79 144 1460 218 4.49 13 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 16 12 0.5 0.500 89.68 26.4 21.0 29.0 962 120 6.04 144 618 103 4.84 118 1200 178 4.52 13 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 16 12 0.375 0.375 68.31 20.1 29.0 39.7 748 93.5 6.10 111 482 80.3 4.90 91.3 922 136 4.56 14 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 16 12 0.3125 0.313 57.36 16.9 35.3 48.1 636 79.5 6.13 93.9 410 68.3 4.93 77.3 779 115 4.58 14 5/8 10 5/8
x1/4 16 12 0.25 0.250 46.24 13.6 45.0 61.0 517 64.6 6.17 76.0 334 55.7 4.96 62.6 629 92.5 4.60 14 7/8 10 7/8
HSS16x8x5/8 16 8 0.625 0.625 93.34 27.4 9.80 22.6 863 108 5.61 137 290 72.5 3.25 84.1 723 141 3.82 13 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 16 8 0.5 0.500 76.07 22.4 13.0 29.0 722 90.3 5.68 113 244 61.0 3.30 69.7 599 116 3.86 13 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 16 8 0.375 0.375 58.10 17.1 18.3 39.7 565 70.6 5.75 87.6 193 48.3 3.36 54.2 465 89.2 3.89 14 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 16 8 0.3125 0.313 48.86 14.4 22.6 48.1 482 60.3 5.79 74.3 165 41.3 3.39 46.0 395 75.4 3.91 14 5/8 6 5/8
x1/4 16 8 0.25 0.250 39.43 11.6 29.0 61.0 393 49.1 5.82 60.3 135 33.8 3.41 37.4 321 61.0 3.93 14 7/8 6 7/8
HSS16x4x5/8 16 4 0.625 0.625 76.33 22.4 3.40 22.6 568 71.0 5.04 98.5 56.4 28.2 1.59 34.2 182 63.9 3.15 13 3/16 --
x1/2 16 4 0.5 0.500 62.46 18.4 5.00 29.0 481 60.1 5.11 82.2 49.3 24.7 1.64 29.0 157 53.8 3.19 13 3/4 --
x3/8 16 4 0.375 0.375 47.90 14.1 7.67 39.7 382 47.8 5.21 64.2 40.4 20.2 1.69 23.0 127 42.3 3.23 14 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 16 4 0.3125 0.313 40.35 11.9 9.78 48.1 328 41.0 5.25 54.6 35.2 17.6 1.72 19.8 110 36.1 3.24 14 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 16 4 0.25 0.250 32.63 9.59 13.0 61.0 269 33.6 5.30 44.5 29.3 14.7 1.75 16.2 90.6 29.5 3.26 14 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 16 4 0.1875 0.188 24.73 7.29 18.3 82.1 208 26.0 5.34 34.1 23.0 11.5 1.78 12.5 70.3 22.6 3.28 15 3/16 3 3/16
HSS14x10x5/8 14 10 0.625 0.625 93.34 27.4 13.0 19.4 728 104 5.15 127 431 86.2 3.97 101 885 156 3.82 11 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 14 10 0.5 0.500 76.07 22.4 17.0 25.0 608 86.9 5.21 105 361 72.2 4.01 83.6 730 128 3.86 11 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 14 10 0.375 0.375 58.10 17.1 23.7 34.3 476 68.0 5.28 81.5 284 56.8 4.08 64.8 564 98.2 3.89 12 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 14 10 0.3125 0.313 48.86 14.4 28.9 41.7 406 58.0 5.31 69.1 242 48.4 4.10 55.0 478 82.9 3.91 12 5/8 8 5/8
x1/4 14 10 0.25 0.250 39.43 11.6 37.0 53.0 331 47.3 5.34 56.0 198 39.6 4.13 44.6 387 67.0 3.93 12 7/8 8 7/8
HSS14x6x5/8 14 6 0.625 0.625 76.33 22.4 6.60 19.4 504 72.0 4.74 94.0 130 43.3 2.41 51.2 352 88.9 3.15 11 3/16 3 3/16
74 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS14x6x1/2 14 6 0.5 0.500 62.46 18.4 9.00 25.0 426 60.9 4.81 78.3 111 37.0 2.46 42.9 296 73.8 3.19 11 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 14 6 0.375 0.375 47.90 14.1 13.0 34.3 337 48.1 4.89 61.1 89.1 29.7 2.51 33.6 233 57.3 3.23 12 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 14 6 0.3125 0.313 40.35 11.9 16.2 41.7 289 41.3 4.93 51.9 76.9 25.6 2.54 28.7 199 48.6 3.24 12 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 14 6 0.25 0.250 32.63 9.59 21.0 53.0 237 33.9 4.97 42.3 63.4 21.1 2.57 23.4 162 39.5 3.26 12 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 14 6 0.1875 0.188 24.73 7.29 28.9 71.5 182 26.0 5.00 32.4 49.2 16.4 2.60 18.0 125 30.2 3.28 13 3/16 5 3/16
HSS14x4x5/8 14 4 0.625 0.625 67.82 19.9 3.40 19.4 392 56.0 4.44 77.3 49.2 24.6 1.57 30.0 154 55.5 2.82 11 3/16 --
x1/2 14 4 0.5 0.500 55.66 16.4 5.00 25.0 335 47.9 4.52 64.8 43.1 21.6 1.62 25.5 134 46.8 2.86 11 3/4 --
x3/8 14 4 0.375 0.375 42.79 12.6 7.67 34.3 267 38.1 4.60 50.8 35.4 17.7 1.68 20.3 108 36.8 2.89 12 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 14 4 0.3125 0.313 36.10 10.6 9.78 41.7 230 32.9 4.66 43.4 30.9 15.5 1.71 17.4 93.2 31.5 2.91 12 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 14 4 0.25 0.250 29.23 8.59 13.0 53.0 189 27.0 4.69 35.4 25.8 12.9 1.73 14.3 77.0 25.7 2.93 12 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 14 4 0.1875 0.188 22.18 6.54 18.3 71.5 147 21.0 4.74 27.2 20.3 10.2 1.76 11.1 59.8 19.8 2.95 13 3/16 3 3/16
HSS12x10x5/8 12 10 0.625 0.625 84.84 24.9 13.0 16.2 499 83.2 4.48 101 376 75.2 3.89 89.3 703 132 3.49 9 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 12 10 0.5 0.500 69.27 20.4 17.0 21.0 419 69.8 4.53 83.9 316 63.2 3.94 74.1 581 109 3.52 9 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 12 10 0.375 0.375 53.00 15.6 23.7 29.0 330 55.0 4.60 65.2 249 49.8 4.00 57.6 450 83.7 3.56 10 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 12 10 0.3125 0.313 44.60 13.1 28.9 35.3 282 47.0 4.64 55.3 213 42.6 4.03 48.9 381 70.8 3.58 10 5/8 8 5/8
x1/4 12 10 0.25 0.250 36.03 10.6 37.0 45.0 230 38.3 4.66 44.9 174 34.8 4.05 39.7 309 57.2 3.60 10 7/8 8 7/8
HSS12x8x5/8 12 8 0.625 0.625 76.33 22.4 9.80 16.2 419 69.8 4.32 87.1 221 55.3 3.14 65.6 481 104 3.15 9 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 12 8 0.5 0.500 62.46 18.4 13.0 21.0 353 58.8 4.38 72.4 188 47.0 3.20 54.7 401 85.8 3.19 9 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 12 8 0.375 0.375 47.90 14.1 18.3 29.0 279 46.5 4.45 56.5 149 37.3 3.25 42.7 312 66.3 3.23 10 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 12 8 0.3125 0.313 40.35 11.9 22.6 35.3 239 39.8 4.48 48.0 128 32.0 3.28 36.4 265 56.1 3.24 10 5/8 6 5/8
x1/4 12 8 0.25 0.250 32.63 9.59 29.0 45.0 196 32.7 4.52 39.1 105 26.3 3.31 29.6 216 45.5 3.26 10 7/8 6 7/8
x3/16 12 8 0.1875 0.188 24.73 7.29 39.6 60.8 151 25.2 4.55 29.9 81.3 20.3 3.34 22.7 165 34.7 3.28 11 3/16 7 3/16
HSS12x6x5/8 12 6 0.625 0.625 67.82 19.9 6.60 16.2 338 56.3 4.12 72.9 112 37.3 2.37 44.5 286 75.5 2.82 9 3/16 3 3/16
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 75
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS12x6x1/2 12 6 0.5 0.500 55.66 16.4 9.00 21.0 287 47.8 4.18 60.9 96.0 32.0 2.42 37.4 241 62.8 2.86 9 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 12 6 0.375 0.375 42.79 12.6 13.0 29.0 228 38.0 4.25 47.7 77.3 25.8 2.48 29.4 190 48.8 2.89 10 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 12 6 0.3125 0.313 36.10 10.6 16.2 35.3 196 32.7 4.30 40.7 66.7 22.2 2.51 25.1 162 41.5 2.91 10 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 12 6 0.25 0.250 29.23 8.59 21.0 45.0 161 26.8 4.33 33.2 55.2 18.4 2.53 20.6 132 33.7 2.93 10 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 12 6 0.1875 0.188 22.18 6.54 28.9 60.8 125 20.8 4.37 25.5 42.9 14.3 2.56 15.8 102 25.8 2.95 11 3/16 5 3/16
HSS12x4x5/8 12 4 0.625 0.625 59.32 17.4 3.40 16.2 257 42.8 3.84 58.6 42.0 21.0 1.55 25.8 127 47.0 2.49 9 3/16 --
x1/2 12 4 0.5 0.500 48.85 14.4 5.00 21.0 221 36.8 3.92 49.4 37.0 18.5 1.60 22.0 110 39.8 2.52 9 3/4 --
x3/8 12 4 0.375 0.375 37.69 11.1 7.67 29.0 178 29.7 4.00 39.0 30.5 15.3 1.66 17.6 89.0 31.4 2.56 10 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 12 4 0.3125 0.313 31.84 9.37 9.78 35.3 153 25.5 4.04 33.4 26.7 13.4 1.69 15.1 77.0 26.9 2.58 10 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 12 4 0.25 0.250 25.82 7.59 13.0 45.0 127 21.2 4.09 27.3 22.3 11.2 1.71 12.5 63.6 22.0 2.60 10 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 12 4 0.1875 0.188 19.63 5.78 18.3 60.8 98.4 16.4 4.13 21.0 17.5 8.75 1.74 9.66 49.4 16.9 2.61 11 3/16 3 3/16
HSS12x3-1/2x3/8 12 3.5 0.375 0.375 36.41 10.7 6.33 29.0 165 27.5 3.93 36.8 22.4 12.8 1.45 14.9 68.3 27.0 2.48 10 5/16 --
x5/16 12 3.5 0.3125 0.313 30.78 9.06 8.18 35.3 143 23.8 3.97 31.6 19.7 11.3 1.47 12.8 59.4 23.2 2.49 10 5/8 2 1/8
HSS12x3x5/16 12 3 0.3125 0.313 29.72 8.75 6.58 35.3 132 22.0 3.88 29.7 13.8 9.20 1.26 10.6 43.7 19.5 2.41 10 5/8 --
x1/4 12 3 0.25 0.250 24.12 7.09 9.00 45.0 109 18.2 3.92 24.4 11.7 7.80 1.28 8.80 36.5 16.1 2.43 10 7/8 --
x3/16 12 3 0.1875 0.188 18.35 5.41 13.0 60.8 85.3 14.2 3.97 18.8 9.30 6.20 1.31 6.86 28.7 12.5 2.45 11 3/16 2 3/16
HSS12x2x5/16 12 2 0.3125 0.313 27.59 8.12 3.39 35.3 111 18.5 3.70 26.1 5.33 5.33 0.810 6.39 18.4 12.2 2.24 10 5/8 --
x1/4 12 2 0.25 0.250 22.42 6.59 5.00 45.0 92.2 15.4 3.74 21.4 4.62 4.62 0.837 5.38 15.9 10.2 2.26 10 7/8 --
x3/16 12 2 0.1875 0.188 17.08 5.03 7.64 60.8 72.2 12.0 3.79 16.6 3.77 3.77 0.866 4.25 12.8 8.02 2.28 11 3/16 --
HSS10x8x5/8 10 8 0.625 0.625 67.82 19.9 9.80 13.0 266 53.2 3.66 65.9 187 46.8 3.07 56.4 367 85.5 2.82 7 3/16 5 3/16
x1/2 10 8 0.5 0.500 55.66 16.4 13.0 17.0 226 45.2 3.71 55.1 160 40.0 3.12 47.2 306 70.8 2.86 7 3/4 5 3/4
x3/8 10 8 0.375 0.375 42.79 12.6 18.3 23.7 180 36.0 3.78 43.1 127 31.8 3.17 37.0 239 54.8 2.89 8 5/16 6 5/16
x5/16 10 8 0.3125 0.313 36.10 10.6 22.6 28.9 154 30.8 3.81 36.8 110 27.5 3.22 31.6 203 46.5 2.91 8 5/8 6 5/8
76 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS10x8x1/4 10 8 0.25 0.250 29.23 8.59 29.0 37.0 127 25.4 3.85 30.0 90.2 22.6 3.24 25.8 166 37.7 2.93 8 7/8 6 7/8
x3/16 10 8 0.1875 0.188 22.18 6.54 39.6 50.2 98.1 19.6 3.87 23.0 69.8 17.5 3.27 19.8 127 28.8 2.95 9 3/16 7 3/16
HSS10x6x5/8 10 6 0.625 0.625 59.32 17.4 6.60 13.0 211 42.2 3.48 54.2 93.6 31.2 2.32 37.7 221 62.0 2.49 7 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 10 6 0.5 0.500 48.85 14.4 9.00 17.0 181 36.2 3.55 45.6 80.9 27.0 2.37 31.9 187 51.8 2.52 7 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 10 6 0.375 0.375 37.69 11.1 13.0 23.7 145 29.0 3.61 35.9 65.4 21.8 2.43 25.2 147 40.4 2.56 8 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 10 6 0.3125 0.313 31.84 9.37 16.2 28.9 125 25.0 3.65 30.7 56.6 18.9 2.46 21.6 126 34.4 2.58 8 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 10 6 0.25 0.250 25.82 7.59 21.0 37.0 103 20.6 3.68 25.1 46.9 15.6 2.49 17.7 103 28.0 2.60 8 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 10 6 0.1875 0.188 19.63 5.78 28.9 50.2 80.0 16.0 3.72 19.3 36.5 12.2 2.51 13.6 79.3 21.4 2.61 9 3/16 5 3/16
HSS10x5x3/8 10 5 0.375 0.375 35.13 10.3 10.3 23.7 128 25.6 3.53 32.3 42.9 17.2 2.04 19.9 107 33.2 2.39 8 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 10 5 0.3125 0.313 29.72 8.75 13.0 28.9 110 22.0 3.55 27.7 37.3 14.9 2.06 17.0 91.6 28.3 2.41 8 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 10 5 0.25 0.250 24.12 7.09 17.0 37.0 91.2 18.2 3.59 22.7 31.1 12.4 2.09 14.0 75.2 23.1 2.43 8 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 10 5 0.1875 0.188 18.35 5.41 23.6 50.2 70.9 14.2 3.62 17.5 24.3 9.72 2.12 10.8 58.1 17.7 2.45 9 3/16 4 3/16
HSS10x4x5/8 10 4 0.625 0.625 50.81 14.9 3.40 13.0 156 31.2 3.24 42.5 34.8 17.4 1.53 21.6 99.8 38.6 2.15 7 3/16 --
x1/2 10 4 0.5 0.500 42.05 12.4 5.00 17.0 136 27.2 3.31 36.1 30.8 15.4 1.58 18.5 86.9 32.8 2.19 7 3/4 --
x3/8 10 4 0.375 0.375 32.58 9.58 7.67 23.7 110 22.0 3.39 28.7 25.5 12.8 1.63 14.9 70.4 26.0 2.23 8 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 10 4 0.3125 0.313 27.59 8.12 9.78 28.9 95.6 19.1 3.43 24.6 22.4 11.2 1.66 12.8 60.9 22.2 2.24 8 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 10 4 0.25 0.250 22.42 6.59 13.0 37.0 79.3 15.9 3.47 20.2 18.8 9.40 1.69 10.6 50.4 18.2 2.26 8 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 10 4 0.1875 0.188 17.08 5.03 18.3 50.2 61.9 12.4 3.51 15.6 14.8 7.40 1.72 8.22 39.2 14.0 2.28 9 3/16 3 3/16
HSS10x3-1/2x1/2 10 3.5 0.5 0.500 40.34 11.9 4.00 17.0 124 24.8 3.23 33.7 22.3 12.7 1.37 15.5 66.2 28.0 2.11 7 3/4 --
x3/8 10 3.5 0.375 0.375 31.31 9.20 6.33 23.7 102 20.4 3.33 26.9 18.7 10.7 1.43 12.5 54.3 22.4 2.14 8 5/16 --
x5/16 10 3.5 0.3125 0.313 26.53 7.81 8.18 28.9 88.2 17.6 3.36 23.1 16.5 9.43 1.45 10.8 47.3 19.2 2.16 8 5/8 2 1/8
x1/4 10 3.5 0.25 0.250 21.57 6.34 11.0 37.0 73.4 14.7 3.40 19.0 13.9 7.94 1.48 8.98 39.3 15.8 2.18 8 7/8 2 3/8
x3/16 10 3.5 0.1875 0.188 16.44 4.84 15.6 50.2 57.4 11.5 3.44 14.7 11.0 6.29 1.51 6.99 30.7 12.2 2.20 9 3/16 2 11/16
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 77
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS10x3x3/8 10 3 0.375 0.375 30.03 8.83 5.00 23.7 92.8 18.6 3.24 25.1 13.0 8.67 1.21 10.3 39.8 18.7 2.06 8 5/16 --
x5/16 10 3 0.3125 0.313 25.46 7.49 6.58 28.9 80.9 16.2 3.29 21.6 11.5 7.67 1.24 8.93 34.9 16.2 2.08 8 5/8 --
x1/4 10 3 0.25 0.250 20.72 6.09 9.00 37.0 67.4 13.5 3.33 17.8 9.79 6.53 1.27 7.42 29.3 13.3 2.10 8 7/8 --
x3/16 10 3 0.1875 0.188 15.80 4.66 13.0 50.2 52.8 10.6 3.37 13.8 7.82 5.21 1.30 5.80 23.0 10.3 2.11 9 3/16 2 3/16
HSS10x2x3/8 10 2 0.375 0.375 27.48 8.08 2.33 23.7 75.4 15.1 3.05 21.5 4.87 4.87 0.776 6.05 16.5 11.5 1.89 8 5/16 --
x5/16 10 2 0.3125 0.313 23.34 6.87 3.39 28.9 66.2 13.2 3.10 18.6 4.43 4.43 0.803 5.34 14.9 10.1 1.91 8 5/8 --
x1/4 10 2 0.25 0.250 19.02 5.59 5.00 37.0 55.6 11.1 3.15 15.4 3.85 3.85 0.830 4.50 12.8 8.47 1.93 8 7/8 --
x3/16 10 2 0.1875 0.188 14.53 4.28 7.64 50.2 43.8 8.76 3.20 11.9 3.15 3.15 0.858 3.57 10.4 6.66 1.95 9 3/16 --
HSS9x7x5/8 9 7 0.625 0.625 59.32 17.4 8.20 11.4 183 40.7 3.24 51.0 123 35.1 2.66 42.8 248 65.8 2.49 6 3/16 4 3/16
x1/2 9 7 0.5 0.500 48.85 14.4 11.0 15.0 157 34.9 3.30 42.9 106 30.3 2.71 36.1 209 54.8 2.52 6 3/4 4 3/4
x3/8 9 7 0.375 0.375 37.69 11.1 15.7 21.0 126 28.0 3.37 33.8 85.2 24.3 2.77 28.4 164 42.7 2.56 7 5/16 5 5/16
x5/16 9 7 0.3125 0.313 31.84 9.37 19.4 25.8 108 24.0 3.40 28.9 73.6 21.0 2.80 24.3 140 36.2 2.58 7 5/8 5 5/8
x1/4 9 7 0.25 0.250 25.82 7.59 25.0 33.0 89.4 19.9 3.43 23.6 60.8 17.4 2.83 19.9 114 29.5 2.60 7 7/8 5 7/8
x3/16 9 7 0.1875 0.188 19.63 5.78 34.2 44.9 69.4 15.4 3.47 18.2 47.3 13.5 2.86 15.3 87.9 22.5 2.61 8 3/16 6 3/16
HSS9x5x5/8 9 5 0.625 0.625 50.81 14.9 5.00 11.4 139 30.9 3.05 40.5 54.1 21.6 1.91 26.6 135 44.9 2.15 6 3/16 2 3/16
x1/2 9 5 0.5 0.500 42.05 12.4 7.00 15.0 121 26.9 3.12 34.4 47.4 19.0 1.96 22.7 115 37.8 2.19 6 3/4 2 3/4
x3/8 9 5 0.375 0.375 32.58 9.58 10.3 21.0 97.8 21.7 3.20 27.3 38.9 15.6 2.02 18.1 92.2 29.7 2.23 7 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 9 5 0.3125 0.313 27.59 8.12 13.0 25.8 84.7 18.8 3.23 23.4 33.9 13.6 2.04 15.6 79.3 25.4 2.24 7 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 9 5 0.25 0.250 22.42 6.59 17.0 33.0 70.3 15.6 3.27 19.3 28.2 11.3 2.07 12.8 65.2 20.7 2.26 7 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 9 5 0.1875 0.188 17.08 5.03 23.6 44.9 54.8 12.2 3.30 14.9 22.1 8.84 2.10 9.93 50.4 15.9 2.28 8 3/16 4 3/16
HSS9x3x1/2 9 3 0.5 0.500 35.24 10.4 3.00 15.0 84.5 18.8 2.85 25.9 13.7 9.13 1.15 11.3 41.6 20.8 1.86 6 3/4 --
x3/8 9 3 0.375 0.375 27.48 8.08 5.00 21.0 69.9 15.5 2.94 20.9 11.7 7.80 1.20 9.29 34.9 16.8 1.89 7 5/16 --
x5/16 9 3 0.3125 0.313 23.34 6.87 6.58 25.8 61.1 13.6 2.98 18.0 10.4 6.93 1.23 8.09 30.6 14.5 1.91 7 5/8 --
78 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS9x3x1/4 9 3 0.25 0.250 19.02 5.59 9.00 33.0 51.1 11.4 3.02 14.9 8.85 5.90 1.26 6.73 25.6 12.0 1.93 7 7/8 --
x3/16 9 3 0.1875 0.188 14.53 4.28 13.0 44.9 40.2 8.93 3.06 11.6 7.07 4.71 1.29 5.27 20.2 9.29 1.95 8 3/16 2 3/16
HSS8x6x5/8 8 6 0.625 0.625 50.81 14.9 6.60 9.80 119 29.8 2.83 38.0 75.5 25.2 2.25 31.0 158 48.6 2.15 5 3/16 3 3/16
x1/2 8 6 0.5 0.500 42.05 12.4 9.00 13.0 103 25.8 2.88 32.2 65.7 21.9 2.30 26.4 135 40.8 2.19 5 3/4 3 3/4
x3/8 8 6 0.375 0.375 32.58 9.58 13.0 18.3 83.7 20.9 2.96 25.6 53.5 17.8 2.36 21.0 107 32.0 2.23 6 5/16 4 5/16
x5/16 8 6 0.3125 0.313 27.59 8.12 16.2 22.6 72.5 18.1 2.99 22.0 46.5 15.5 2.39 18.0 91.4 27.2 2.24 6 5/8 4 5/8
x1/4 8 6 0.25 0.250 22.42 6.59 21.0 29.0 60.1 15.0 3.02 18.0 38.6 12.9 2.42 14.8 74.9 22.2 2.26 6 7/8 4 7/8
x3/16 8 6 0.1875 0.188 17.08 5.03 28.9 39.6 46.9 11.7 3.05 13.9 30.2 10.1 2.45 11.4 57.7 17.0 2.28 7 3/16 5 3/16
HSS8x4x5/8 8 4 0.625 0.625 42.30 12.4 3.40 9.80 85.2 21.3 2.62 28.8 27.6 13.8 1.49 17.3 73.2 30.2 1.82 5 3/16 --
x1/2 8 4 0.5 0.500 35.24 10.4 5.00 13.0 75.2 18.8 2.69 24.7 24.6 12.3 1.54 15.0 64.1 25.8 1.86 5 3/4 --
x3/8 8 4 0.375 0.375 27.48 8.08 7.67 18.3 61.9 15.5 2.77 19.9 20.6 10.3 1.60 12.2 52.2 20.5 1.89 6 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 8 4 0.3125 0.313 23.34 6.87 9.78 22.6 54.0 13.5 2.80 17.1 18.1 9.05 1.62 10.5 45.2 17.6 1.91 6 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 8 4 0.25 0.250 19.02 5.59 13.0 29.0 45.1 11.3 2.84 14.1 15.3 7.65 1.65 8.72 37.5 14.5 1.93 6 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 8 4 0.1875 0.188 14.53 4.28 18.3 39.6 35.4 8.85 2.88 11.0 12.1 6.05 1.68 6.79 29.2 11.2 1.95 7 3/16 3 3/16
HSS8x3x1/2 8 3 0.5 0.500 31.84 9.36 3.00 13.0 61.1 15.3 2.55 21.0 12.1 8.07 1.14 10.1 35.7 18.3 1.69 5 3/4 --
x3/8 8 3 0.375 0.375 24.93 7.33 5.00 18.3 51.0 12.8 2.64 17.0 10.4 6.93 1.19 8.31 29.9 14.8 1.73 6 5/16 --
x5/16 8 3 0.3125 0.313 21.21 6.24 6.58 22.6 44.8 11.2 2.68 14.7 9.26 6.17 1.22 7.25 26.3 12.8 1.74 6 5/8 --
x1/4 8 3 0.25 0.250 17.32 5.09 9.00 29.0 37.6 9.40 2.72 12.2 7.90 5.27 1.25 6.05 22.1 10.6 1.76 6 7/8 --
x3/16 8 3 0.1875 0.188 13.25 3.90 13.0 39.6 29.7 7.43 2.76 9.51 6.33 4.22 1.27 4.74 17.4 8.23 1.78 7 3/16 2 3/16
HSS8x2x1/2 8 2 0.5 0.500 28.43 8.36 1.00 13.0 47.0 11.8 2.37 17.2 4.28 4.28 0.716 5.67 13.9 10.8 1.52 5 3/4 --
x3/8 8 2 0.375 0.375 22.37 6.58 2.33 18.3 40.1 10.0 2.47 14.2 3.86 3.86 0.766 4.83 12.6 9.09 1.56 6 5/16 --
x5/16 8 2 0.3125 0.313 19.08 5.62 3.39 22.6 35.5 8.88 2.51 12.3 3.53 3.53 0.793 4.28 11.4 8.00 1.58 6 5/8 --
x1/4 8 2 0.25 0.250 15.62 4.59 5.00 29.0 30.1 7.53 2.56 10.3 3.08 3.08 0.819 3.63 9.84 6.72 1.60 6 7/8 --
x3/16 8 2 0.1875 0.188 11.97 3.53 7.64 39.6 23.9 5.98 2.60 8.04 2.53 2.53 0.847 2.89 7.95 5.30 1.61 7 3/16 --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 79
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS7x5x1/2 7 5 0.5 0.500 35.24 10.4 7.00 11.0 63.5 18.1 2.47 23.1 37.3 14.9 1.89 18.2 79.9 28.8 1.86 4 3/4 2 3/4
x3/8 7 5 0.375 0.375 27.48 8.08 10.3 15.7 52.2 14.9 2.54 18.5 30.8 12.3 1.95 14.6 64.2 22.8 1.89 5 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 7 5 0.3125 0.313 23.34 6.87 13.0 19.4 45.5 13.0 2.57 16.0 27.0 10.8 1.98 12.6 55.4 19.5 1.91 5 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 7 5 0.25 0.250 19.02 5.59 17.0 25.0 38.0 10.9 2.61 13.2 22.6 9.04 2.01 10.4 45.6 16.0 1.93 5 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 7 5 0.1875 0.188 14.53 4.28 23.6 34.2 29.8 8.51 2.64 10.2 17.8 7.12 2.04 8.12 35.3 12.3 1.95 6 3/16 4 3/16
HSS7x4x1/2 7 4 0.5 0.500 31.84 9.36 5.00 11.0 52.9 15.1 2.38 19.8 21.6 10.8 1.52 13.3 53.0 22.3 1.69 4 3/4 --
x3/8 7 4 0.375 0.375 24.93 7.33 7.67 15.7 44.0 12.6 2.45 16.0 18.1 9.05 1.57 10.8 43.3 17.8 1.73 5 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 7 4 0.3125 0.313 21.21 6.24 9.78 19.4 38.5 11.0 2.48 13.9 16.0 8.00 1.60 9.37 37.6 15.3 1.74 5 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 7 4 0.25 0.250 17.32 5.09 13.0 25.0 32.3 9.23 2.52 11.5 13.5 6.75 1.63 7.78 31.2 12.6 1.76 5 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 7 4 0.1875 0.188 13.25 3.90 18.3 34.2 25.5 7.29 2.56 8.93 10.7 5.35 1.66 6.07 24.3 9.74 1.78 6 3/16 3 3/16
HSS7x3x1/2 7 3 0.5 0.500 28.43 8.36 3.00 11.0 42.3 12.1 2.25 16.6 10.5 7.00 1.12 8.84 29.8 15.8 1.52 4 3/4 --
x3/8 7 3 0.375 0.375 22.37 6.58 5.00 15.7 35.7 10.2 2.33 13.5 9.10 6.07 1.18 7.32 25.1 12.8 1.56 5 5/16 --
x5/16 7 3 0.3125 0.313 19.08 5.62 6.58 19.4 31.5 9.00 2.37 11.8 8.13 5.42 1.20 6.41 22.1 11.1 1.58 5 5/8 --
x1/4 7 3 0.25 0.250 15.62 4.59 9.00 25.0 26.6 7.60 2.41 9.79 6.95 4.63 1.23 5.36 18.5 9.22 1.60 5 7/8 --
x3/16 7 3 0.1875 0.188 11.97 3.53 13.0 34.2 21.1 6.03 2.44 7.65 5.58 3.72 1.26 4.21 14.6 7.18 1.61 6 3/16 2 3/16
HSS7x2x1/4 7 2 0.25 0.250 13.91 4.09 5.00 25.0 20.9 5.97 2.26 8.10 2.70 2.70 0.812 3.19 8.36 5.85 1.43 5 7/8 --
x3/16 7 2 0.1875 0.188 10.70 3.15 7.64 34.2 16.7 4.77 2.30 6.37 2.22 2.22 0.840 2.54 6.76 4.62 1.45 6 3/16 --
HSS6x5x1/2 6 5 0.5 0.500 31.84 9.36 7.00 9.00 43.0 14.3 2.14 18.1 32.2 12.9 1.85 16.0 62.9 24.3 1.69 3 3/4 2 3/4
x3/8 6 5 0.375 0.375 24.93 7.33 10.3 13.0 35.7 11.9 2.21 14.7 26.8 10.7 1.91 12.9 50.9 19.3 1.73 4 5/16 3 5/16
x5/16 6 5 0.3125 0.313 21.21 6.24 13.0 16.2 31.3 10.4 2.24 12.7 23.5 9.40 1.94 11.2 44.0 16.6 1.74 4 5/8 3 5/8
x1/4 6 5 0.25 0.250 17.32 5.09 17.0 21.0 26.2 8.73 2.27 10.5 19.8 7.92 1.97 9.26 36.3 13.6 1.76 4 7/8 3 7/8
x3/16 6 5 0.1875 0.188 13.25 3.90 23.6 28.9 20.7 6.90 2.30 8.17 15.6 6.24 2.00 7.21 28.2 10.5 1.78 5 3/16 4 3/16
HSS6x4x1/2 6 4 0.5 0.500 28.43 8.36 5.00 9.00 35.4 11.8 2.06 15.4 18.5 9.25 1.49 11.5 42.1 18.8 1.52 3 3/4 --
x3/8 6 4 0.375 0.375 22.37 6.58 7.67 13.0 29.7 9.90 2.12 12.5 15.7 7.85 1.54 9.44 34.6 15.1 1.56 4 5/16 2 5/16
80 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS6x4x5/16 6 4 0.3125 0.313 19.08 5.62 9.78 16.2 26.2 8.73 2.16 10.9 13.9 6.95 1.57 8.22 30.1 13.0 1.58 4 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 6 4 0.25 0.250 15.62 4.59 13.0 21.0 22.1 7.37 2.19 9.06 11.7 5.85 1.60 6.84 25.0 10.7 1.60 4 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 6 4 0.1875 0.188 11.97 3.53 18.3 28.9 17.5 5.83 2.23 7.07 9.34 4.67 1.63 5.36 19.6 8.30 1.61 5 3/16 3 3/16
HSS6x3x1/2 6 3 0.5 0.500 25.03 7.36 3.00 9.00 27.8 9.27 1.94 12.6 8.96 5.97 1.10 7.59 23.9 13.3 1.36 3 3/4 --
x3/8 6 3 0.375 0.375 19.82 5.83 5.00 13.0 23.8 7.93 2.02 10.4 7.80 5.20 1.16 6.34 20.3 10.9 1.39 4 5/16 --
x5/16 6 3 0.3125 0.313 16.96 4.99 6.58 16.2 21.1 7.03 2.06 9.12 6.99 4.66 1.18 5.56 17.9 9.45 1.41 4 5/8 --
x1/4 6 3 0.25 0.250 13.91 4.09 9.00 21.0 17.9 5.97 2.09 7.62 6.00 4.00 1.21 4.67 15.1 7.85 1.43 4 7/8 --
x3/16 6 3 0.1875 0.188 10.70 3.15 13.0 28.9 14.3 4.77 2.13 5.98 4.84 3.23 1.24 3.69 11.9 6.12 1.45 5 3/16 2 3/16
HSS6x2x3/8 6 2 0.375 0.375 17.27 5.08 2.33 13.0 17.8 5.93 1.87 8.33 2.85 2.85 0.749 3.61 8.72 6.65 1.23 4 5/16 --
x5/16 6 2 0.3125 0.313 14.83 4.36 3.39 16.2 16.1 5.37 1.92 7.34 2.62 2.62 0.775 3.23 7.94 5.89 1.24 4 5/8 --
x1/4 6 2 0.25 0.250 12.21 3.59 5.00 21.0 13.8 4.60 1.96 6.18 2.31 2.31 0.802 2.75 6.88 4.97 1.26 4 7/8 --
x3/16 6 2 0.1875 0.188 9.42 2.78 7.64 28.9 11.1 3.70 2.00 4.89 1.91 1.91 0.829 2.20 5.58 3.93 1.28 5 3/16 --
HSS5x4x1/2 5 4 0.5 0.500 25.03 7.36 5.00 7.00 22.0 8.80 1.73 11.5 15.4 7.70 1.45 9.77 31.7 15.3 1.36 2 3/4 --
x3/8 5 4 0.375 0.375 19.82 5.83 7.67 10.3 18.8 7.52 1.80 9.44 13.2 6.60 1.50 8.08 26.3 12.4 1.39 3 5/16 2 5/16
x5/16 5 4 0.3125 0.313 16.96 4.99 9.78 13.0 16.6 6.64 1.82 8.25 11.7 5.85 1.53 7.06 22.9 10.7 1.41 3 5/8 2 5/8
x1/4 5 4 0.25 0.250 13.91 4.09 13.0 17.0 14.1 5.64 1.86 6.89 9.98 4.99 1.56 5.90 19.1 8.85 1.43 3 7/8 2 7/8
x3/16 5 4 0.1875 0.188 10.70 3.15 18.3 23.6 11.3 4.52 1.89 5.40 7.98 3.99 1.59 4.64 15.0 6.87 1.45 4 3/16 3 3/16
HSS5x3x1/2 5 3 0.5 0.500 21.63 6.36 3.00 7.00 16.9 6.76 1.63 9.20 7.37 4.91 1.08 6.34 18.2 10.8 1.19 2 3/4 --
x3/8 5 3 0.375 0.375 17.27 5.08 5.00 10.3 14.7 5.88 1.70 7.71 6.50 4.33 1.13 5.35 15.6 8.90 1.23 3 5/16 --
x5/16 5 3 0.3125 0.313 14.83 4.36 6.58 13.0 13.2 5.28 1.74 6.78 5.86 3.91 1.16 4.72 13.8 7.77 1.24 3 5/8 --
x1/4 5 3 0.25 0.250 12.21 3.59 9.00 17.0 11.3 4.52 1.77 5.70 5.05 3.37 1.19 3.98 11.7 6.47 1.26 3 7/8 --
x3/16 5 3 0.1875 0.188 9.42 2.78 13.0 23.6 9.08 3.63 1.81 4.50 4.09 2.73 1.21 3.16 9.23 5.06 1.28 4 3/16 2 3/16
HSS5x2-1/2x1/4 5 2.5 0.25 0.250 11.36 3.34 7.00 17.0 9.89 3.96 1.72 5.11 3.28 2.62 0.991 3.12 8.36 5.28 1.18 3 7/8 --
x3/16 5 2.5 0.1875 0.188 8.78 2.59 10.3 23.6 7.99 3.20 1.76 4.05 2.69 2.15 1.02 2.49 6.68 4.16 1.20 4 3/16 --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 81
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS5x2-1/2x8GA 5 2.5 0.165 0.165 7.81 2.30 12.2 27.3 7.20 2.88 1.77 3.62 2.43 1.94 1.03 2.23 5.99 3.71 1.20 4 1/4 --
HSS5x2x3/8 5 2 0.375 0.375 14.72 4.33 2.33 10.3 10.7 4.28 1.57 5.98 2.35 2.35 0.737 3.00 6.82 5.43 1.06 3 5/16 --
x5/16 5 2 0.3125 0.313 12.70 3.74 3.39 13.0 9.76 3.90 1.62 5.31 2.17 2.17 0.762 2.70 6.24 4.83 1.08 3 5/8 --
x1/4 5 2 0.25 0.250 10.51 3.09 5.00 17.0 8.48 3.39 1.66 4.51 1.93 1.93 0.790 2.32 5.43 4.10 1.10 3 7/8 --
x3/16 5 2 0.1875 0.188 8.15 2.40 7.64 23.6 6.90 2.76 1.70 3.59 1.60 1.60 0.816 1.86 4.41 3.25 1.11 4 3/16 --
HSS4x3x3/8 4 3 0.375 0.375 14.72 4.33 5.00 7.67 8.23 4.12 1.38 5.36 5.19 3.46 1.09 4.37 11.1 6.93 1.06 2 5/16 --
x5/16 4 3 0.3125 0.313 12.70 3.74 6.58 9.78 7.46 3.73 1.41 4.75 4.72 3.15 1.12 3.88 9.90 6.08 1.08 2 5/8 --
x1/4 4 3 0.25 0.250 10.51 3.09 9.00 13.0 6.46 3.23 1.45 4.03 4.11 2.74 1.15 3.30 8.41 5.10 1.10 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 3 0.1875 0.188 8.15 2.40 13.0 18.3 5.24 2.62 1.48 3.21 3.35 2.23 1.18 2.63 6.68 4.00 1.11 3 3/16 2 3/16
HSS4x2-1/2x3/8 4 2.5 0.375 0.375 13.44 3.95 3.67 7.67 7.00 3.50 1.33 4.68 3.27 2.62 0.910 3.33 7.86 5.57 0.976 2 5/16 --
x5/16 4 2.5 0.3125 0.313 11.64 3.42 4.99 9.78 6.39 3.20 1.37 4.18 3.01 2.41 0.938 2.99 7.09 4.93 0.994 2 5/8 --
x1/4 4 2.5 0.25 0.250 9.66 2.84 7.00 13.0 5.58 2.79 1.40 3.56 2.65 2.12 0.966 2.56 6.09 4.16 1.01 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 2.5 0.1875 0.188 7.51 2.21 10.3 18.3 4.56 2.28 1.44 2.85 2.18 1.74 0.993 2.05 4.89 3.29 1.03 3 3/16 --
HSS4x2x3/8 4 2 0.375 0.375 12.17 3.58 2.33 7.67 5.76 2.88 1.27 4.00 1.84 1.84 0.717 2.39 4.97 4.21 0.893 2 5/16 --
x5/16 4 2 0.3125 0.313 10.58 3.11 3.39 9.78 5.33 2.67 1.31 3.60 1.72 1.72 0.744 2.17 4.58 3.78 0.910 2 5/8 --
x1/4 4 2 0.25 0.250 8.81 2.59 5.00 13.0 4.70 2.35 1.35 3.09 1.54 1.54 0.771 1.88 4.01 3.22 0.928 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 2 0.1875 0.188 6.87 2.02 7.64 18.3 3.88 1.94 1.39 2.49 1.29 1.29 0.799 1.52 3.27 2.57 0.946 3 3/16 --
x8GA 4 2 0.165 0.165 6.13 1.80 9.12 21.2 3.52 1.76 1.40 2.24 1.18 1.18 0.810 1.37 2.95 2.30 0.953 3 1/4 --
HSS4x1-1/2x1/4 4 1.5 0.25 0.250 7.96 2.34 3.00 13.0 3.82 1.91 1.28 2.62 0.758 1.01 0.569 1.26 2.23 2.28 0.845 2 7/8 --
x3/16 4 1.5 0.1875 0.188 6.23 1.84 4.98 18.3 3.19 1.60 1.32 2.13 0.651 0.868 0.595 1.04 1.87 1.85 0.863 3 3/16 --
x8GA 4 1.5 0.165 0.165 5.57 1.64 6.09 21.2 2.91 1.46 1.33 1.92 0.600 0.800 0.605 0.944 1.71 1.67 0.869 3 1/4 --
HSS3-1/2x2-1/2x3/8 3.5 2.5 0.375 0.375 12.17 3.58 3.67 6.33 4.90 2.80 1.17 3.74 2.84 2.27 0.891 2.94 6.38 4.78 0.893 -- --
x5/16 3.5 2.5 0.3125 0.313 10.58 3.11 4.99 8.18 4.51 2.58 1.20 3.36 2.63 2.10 0.920 2.64 5.79 4.24 0.910 2 1/8 --
x1/4 3.5 2.5 0.25 0.250 8.81 2.59 7.00 11.0 3.97 2.27 1.24 2.88 2.33 1.86 0.948 2.28 4.99 3.60 0.928 2 3/8 --
82 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS3-1/2x2-1/2x3/16 3.5 2.5 0.1875 0.188 6.87 2.02 10.3 15.6 3.27 1.87 1.27 2.32 1.93 1.54 0.977 1.83 4.02 2.85 0.946 2 11/16 --
x8GA 3.5 2.5 0.165 0.165 6.13 1.80 12.2 18.2 2.97 1.70 1.28 2.08 1.75 1.40 0.986 1.65 3.62 2.55 0.953 2 3/4 --
HSS3-1/2x2x1/4 3.5 2 0.25 0.250 7.96 2.34 5.00 11.0 3.31 1.89 1.19 2.48 1.35 1.35 0.760 1.66 3.31 2.78 0.845 2 3/8 --
x3/16 3.5 2 0.1875 0.188 6.23 1.84 7.64 15.6 2.75 1.57 1.22 2.01 1.13 1.13 0.784 1.35 2.71 2.23 0.863 2 11/16 --
HSS3-1/2x1-1/2x1/4 3.5 1.5 0.25 0.250 7.11 2.09 3.00 11.0 2.65 1.51 1.13 2.07 0.659 0.879 0.562 1.11 1.86 1.97 0.762 2 3/8 --
x3/16 3.5 1.5 0.1875 0.188 5.59 1.65 4.98 15.6 2.24 1.28 1.17 1.70 0.569 0.759 0.587 0.917 1.57 1.61 0.780 2 11/16 --
x8GA 3.5 1.5 0.165 0.165 5.01 1.47 6.09 18.2 2.05 1.17 1.18 1.53 0.526 0.701 0.598 0.833 1.43 1.45 0.786 2 3/4 --
HSS3x2-1/2x5/16 3 2.5 0.3125 0.313 9.51 2.80 4.99 6.58 3.02 2.01 1.04 2.62 2.26 1.81 0.898 2.30 4.53 3.56 0.827 -- --
x1/4 3 2.5 0.25 0.250 7.96 2.34 7.00 9.00 2.68 1.79 1.07 2.27 2.01 1.61 0.927 1.99 3.93 3.03 0.845 -- --
x3/16 3 2.5 0.1875 0.188 6.23 1.84 10.3 13.0 2.23 1.49 1.10 1.84 1.68 1.34 0.956 1.62 3.19 2.42 0.863 2 3/16 --
HSS3x2x5/16 3 2 0.3125 0.313 8.45 2.49 3.39 6.58 2.45 1.63 0.992 2.20 1.27 1.27 0.714 1.64 2.97 2.72 0.744 -- --
x1/4 3 2 0.25 0.250 7.11 2.09 5.00 9.00 2.21 1.47 1.03 1.92 1.15 1.15 0.742 1.44 2.63 2.35 0.762 -- --
x3/16 3 2 0.1875 0.188 5.59 1.65 7.64 13.0 1.86 1.24 1.06 1.57 0.980 0.980 0.771 1.18 2.17 1.89 0.780 2 3/16 --
x8GA 3 2 0.165 0.165 5.01 1.47 9.12 15.2 1.70 1.13 1.08 1.42 0.899 0.899 0.782 1.07 1.96 1.70 0.786 2 1/4 --
HSS3x1-1/2x1/4 3 1.5 0.25 0.250 6.26 1.84 3.00 9.00 1.74 1.16 0.972 1.58 0.560 0.747 0.552 0.949 1.50 1.66 0.678 -- --
x3/16 3 1.5 0.1875 0.188 4.96 1.46 4.98 13.0 1.49 0.993 1.01 1.31 0.488 0.651 0.578 0.794 1.27 1.36 0.696 2 3/16 --
x7GA 3 1.5 0.18 0.180 4.79 1.41 5.33 13.7 1.45 0.967 1.01 1.27 0.476 0.635 0.581 0.770 1.23 1.32 0.698 2 3/16 --
x8GA 3 1.5 0.165 0.165 4.44 1.31 6.09 15.2 1.37 0.913 1.02 1.19 0.452 0.603 0.587 0.723 1.160 1.23 0.703 2 1/4 --
HSS3x1x1/4 3 1 0.25 0.250 5.41 1.59 1.00 9.00 1.26 0.840 0.890 1.23 0.195 0.390 0.350 0.521 0.593 0.971 0.595 -- --
x3/16 3 1 0.1875 0.188 4.32 1.27 2.32 13.0 1.12 0.747 0.939 1.04 0.178 0.356 0.374 0.452 0.546 0.833 0.613 2 3/16 --
x8GA 3 1 0.165 0.165 3.88 1.14 3.06 15.2 1.04 0.693 0.955 0.953 0.168 0.336 0.384 0.417 0.511 0.764 0.619 2 1/4 --
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 83
A1085 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion Workable Flat
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Thickness, Wt A Area
Shape H B tnom b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS2-1/2x2x1/4 2.5 2 0.25 0.250 6.26 1.84 5.00 7.00 1.38 1.10 0.866 1.43 0.962 0.962 0.723 1.22 1.98 1.91 0.678 -- --
x3/16 2.5 2 0.1875 0.188 4.96 1.46 7.64 10.3 1.17 0.936 0.895 1.18 0.825 0.825 0.752 1.01 1.64 1.55 0.696 -- --
x8GA 2.5 2 0.165 0.165 4.44 1.31 9.12 12.2 1.08 0.864 0.908 1.07 0.759 0.759 0.761 0.919 1.49 1.40 0.703 -- --
HSS2-1/2x1-1/2x1/4 2.5 1.5 0.25 0.250 5.41 1.59 3.00 7.00 1.06 0.848 0.816 1.15 0.461 0.615 0.538 0.793 1.14 1.35 0.595 -- --
x3/16 2.5 1.5 0.1875 0.188 4.32 1.27 4.98 10.3 0.923 0.738 0.853 0.965 0.407 0.543 0.566 0.670 0.977 1.11 0.613 -- --
x8GA 2.5 1.5 0.165 0.165 3.88 1.14 6.09 12.2 0.853 0.682 0.865 0.881 0.378 0.504 0.576 0.613 0.896 1.01 0.619 -- --
HSS2-1/2x1x3/16 2.5 1 0.1875 0.188 3.68 1.08 2.32 10.3 0.671 0.537 0.788 0.748 0.147 0.294 0.369 0.376 0.427 0.680 0.530 -- --
HSS2-1/4x2x3/16 2.25 2 0.1875 0.188 4.64 1.37 7.64 8.97 0.901 0.801 0.811 1.01 0.748 0.748 0.739 0.927 1.39 1.38 0.655 -- --
HSS2x1-1/2x3/16 2 1.5 0.1875 0.188 3.68 1.08 4.98 7.64 0.515 0.515 0.691 0.671 0.325 0.433 0.549 0.547 0.696 0.868 0.530 -- --
x8GA 2 1.5 0.165 0.165 3.32 0.976 6.09 9.12 0.481 0.481 0.702 0.616 0.304 0.405 0.558 0.503 0.641 0.791 0.536 -- --
HSS2x1x3/16 2 1 0.1875 0.188 3.04 0.896 2.32 7.64 0.360 0.360 0.634 0.501 0.115 0.230 0.358 0.300 0.311 0.528 0.446 -- --
x8GA 2 1 0.165 0.165 2.76 0.811 3.06 9.12 0.342 0.342 0.649 0.465 0.110 0.220 0.368 0.280 0.294 0.488 0.453 -- --
84 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS50x50x1 50 50 1 1.000 652.34 192 47.0 47.0 75800 3030 19.9 3490 120000 4790 16.2 44
x3/4 50 50 0.75 0.750 494.55 145 63.7 63.7 58200 2330 20.0 2670 90900 3630 16.3 45 1/2
x5/8 50 50 0.625 0.625 414.33 122 77.0 77.0 49100 1960 20.1 2240 76100 3040 16.4 46 1/4
x1/2 50 50 0.5 0.500 333.22 97.9 97.0 97.0 39800 1590 20.2 1810 61200 2450 16.5 47
HSS49x49x1 49 49 1 1.000 638.73 188 46.0 46.0 71200 2910 19.5 3350 113000 4600 15.9 43
x3/4 49 49 0.75 0.750 484.34 142 62.3 62.3 54700 2230 19.6 2560 85500 3490 16.0 44 1/2
x5/8 49 49 0.625 0.625 405.82 119 75.4 75.4 46200 1890 19.7 2150 71600 2920 16.1 45 1/4
x1/2 49 49 0.5 0.500 326.42 95.9 95.0 95.0 37400 1530 19.7 1740 57600 2350 16.1 46
HSS48x48x1 48 48 1 1.000 625.12 184 45.0 45.0 66800 2780 19.1 3210 106000 4410 15.6 42
x3/4 48 48 0.75 0.750 474.13 139 61.0 61.0 51400 2140 19.2 2450 80300 3340 15.7 43 1/2
x5/8 48 48 0.625 0.625 397.31 117 73.8 73.8 43300 1800 19.2 2060 67300 2800 15.7 44 1/4
x1/2 48 48 0.5 0.500 319.61 93.9 93.0 93.0 35100 1460 19.3 1670 54100 2250 15.8 45
HSS47x47x1 47 47 1 1.000 611.51 180 44.0 44.0 62600 2660 18.6 3070 99200 4220 15.2 41
x3/4 47 47 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 59.7 59.7 48200 2050 18.8 2350 75300 3200 15.3 42 1/2
x5/8 47 47 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 72.2 72.2 40600 1730 18.9 1980 63100 2690 15.4 43 1/4
x1/2 47 47 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 91.0 91.0 32900 1400 18.9 1600 50800 2160 15.5 44
HSS46x46x1 46 46 1 1.000 597.90 176 43.0 43.0 58500 2540 18.2 2940 92900 4040 14.9 40
x3/4 46 46 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 58.3 58.3 45100 1960 18.4 2250 70500 3070 15.0 41 1/2
x5/8 46 46 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 70.6 70.6 38000 1650 18.4 1890 59100 2570 15.1 42 1/4
x1/2 46 46 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 89.0 89.0 30800 1340 18.5 1530 47600 2070 15.1 43
HSS45x45x1 45 45 1 1.000 584.28 172 42.0 42.0 54700 2430 17.8 2810 86800 3860 14.6 39
x3/4 45 45 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 57.0 57.0 42100 1870 18.0 2150 66000 2930 14.7 40 1/2
x5/8 45 45 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 69.0 69.0 35600 1580 18.1 1810 55300 2460 14.7 41 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 85
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS45x45x1/2 45 45 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 87.0 87.0 28800 1280 18.1 1460 44500 1980 14.8 42
HSS44x44x1 44 44 1 1.000 570.67 168 41.0 41.0 51000 2320 17.4 2680 81100 3690 14.2 38
x3/4 44 44 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 55.7 55.7 39300 1790 17.6 2050 61600 2800 14.3 39 1/2
x5/8 44 44 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 67.4 67.4 33200 1510 17.6 1730 51700 2350 14.4 40 1/4
x1/2 44 44 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 85.0 85.0 26900 1220 17.7 1400 41600 1890 14.5 41
HSS43x43x1 43 43 1 1.000 557.06 164 40.0 40.0 47500 2210 17.0 2550 75600 3520 13.9 37
x3/4 43 43 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 54.3 54.3 36600 1700 17.2 1960 57500 2670 14.0 38 1/2
x5/8 43 43 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 65.8 65.8 30900 1440 17.2 1650 48200 2240 14.1 39 1/4
x1/2 43 43 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 83.0 83.0 25100 1170 17.3 1330 38800 1800 14.1 40
HSS42x42x1 42 42 1 1.000 543.45 160 39.0 39.0 44100 2100 16.6 2430 70300 3350 13.6 36
x3/4 42 42 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 53.0 53.0 34000 1620 16.8 1860 53500 2550 13.7 37 1/2
x5/8 42 42 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 64.2 64.2 28800 1370 16.8 1570 44900 2140 13.7 38 1/4
x1/2 42 42 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 81.0 81.0 23400 1110 16.9 1270 36100 1720 13.8 39
HSS41x41x1 41 41 1 1.000 529.84 156 38.0 38.0 40900 2000 16.2 2310 65300 3190 13.2 35
x3/4 41 41 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 51.7 51.7 31600 1540 16.4 1770 49700 2430 13.3 36 1/2
x5/8 41 41 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 62.6 62.6 26700 1300 16.4 1490 41700 2040 13.4 37 1/4
x1/2 41 41 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 79.0 79.0 21700 1060 16.5 1210 33600 1640 13.5 38
HSS40x40x1 40 40 1 1.000 516.23 152 37.0 37.0 37900 1900 15.8 2200 60600 3030 12.9 34
x3/4 40 40 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 50.3 50.3 29300 1470 16.0 1690 46100 2310 13.0 35 1/2
x5/8 40 40 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 61.0 61.0 24800 1240 16.0 1420 38700 1940 13.1 36 1/4
x1/2 40 40 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 77.0 77.0 20100 1010 16.1 1150 31200 1560 13.1 37
HSS39x39x1 39 39 1 1.000 502.62 148 36.0 36.0 35000 1790 15.4 2080 56000 2880 12.6 33
x3/4 39 39 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 49.0 49.0 27100 1390 15.6 1600 42700 2190 12.7 34 1/2
86 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS39x39x5/8 39 39 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 59.4 59.4 22900 1170 15.6 1350 35800 1840 12.7 35 1/4
x1/2 39 39 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 75.0 75.0 18600 954 15.7 1090 28900 1480 12.8 36
HSS38x38x1 38 38 1 1.000 489.01 144 35.0 35.0 32300 1700 15.0 1970 51800 2730 12.2 32
x3/4 38 38 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 47.7 47.7 25000 1320 15.1 1520 39400 2080 12.3 33 1/2
x5/8 38 38 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 57.8 57.8 21200 1120 15.2 1280 33100 1740 12.4 34 1/4
x1/2 38 38 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 73.0 73.0 17200 905 15.3 1030 26700 1400 12.5 35
HSS37x37x1 37 37 1 1.000 475.40 140 34.0 34.0 29700 1610 14.6 1870 47700 2580 11.9 31
x3/4 37 37 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 46.3 46.3 23000 1240 14.7 1430 36400 1970 12.0 32 1/2
x5/8 37 37 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 56.2 56.2 19500 1050 14.8 1210 30500 1650 12.1 33 1/4
x1/2 37 37 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 71.0 71.0 15800 854 14.8 979 24600 1330 12.1 34
HSS36x36x1 36 36 1 1.000 461.78 136 33.0 33.0 27200 1510 14.1 1760 43800 2440 11.6 30
x3/4 36 36 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 45.0 45.0 21100 1170 14.3 1350 33500 1860 11.7 31 1/2
x5/8 36 36 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 54.6 54.6 17900 994 14.4 1140 28100 1560 11.7 32 1/4
x1/2 36 36 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 69.0 69.0 14600 811 14.5 926 22700 1260 11.8 33
HSS35x35x1 35 35 1 1.000 448.17 132 32.0 32.0 24900 1420 13.7 1660 40200 2300 11.2 29
x3/4 35 35 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 43.7 43.7 19400 1110 13.9 1280 30700 1760 11.3 30 1/2
x5/8 35 35 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 53.0 53.0 16400 937 13.9 1080 25800 1470 11.4 31 1/4
x1/2 35 35 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 67.0 67.0 13400 766 14.0 874 20800 1190 11.5 32
HSS34x34x1 34 34 1 1.000 434.56 128 31.0 31.0 22800 1340 13.3 1560 36800 2170 10.9 28
x3/4 34 34 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 42.3 42.3 17700 1040 13.5 1200 28100 1650 11.0 29 1/2
x5/8 34 34 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 51.4 51.4 15000 882 13.5 1020 23600 1390 11.1 30 1/4
x1/2 34 34 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 65.0 65.0 12200 718 13.6 824 19100 1120 11.1 31
HSS33x33x1 33 33 1 1.000 420.95 124 30.0 30.0 20700 1250 12.9 1470 33600 2040 10.6 27
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 87
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS33x33x3/4 33 33 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 41.0 41.0 16100 976 13.1 1130 25700 1560 10.7 28 1/2
x5/8 33 33 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 49.8 49.8 13700 830 13.1 955 21600 1310 10.7 29 1/4
x1/2 33 33 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 63.0 63.0 11200 679 13.2 775 17400 1050 10.8 30
HSS32x32x1 32 32 1 1.000 407.34 120 29.0 29.0 18800 1180 12.5 1370 30500 1910 10.2 26
x3/4 32 32 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 39.7 39.7 14700 919 12.7 1060 23300 1460 10.3 27 1/2
x5/8 32 32 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 48.2 48.2 12400 775 12.7 896 19600 1230 10.4 28 1/4
x1/2 32 32 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 61.0 61.0 10100 631 12.8 727 15900 991 10.5 29
HSS31x31x1 31 31 1 1.000 393.73 116 28.0 28.0 17000 1100 12.1 1280 27700 1790 9.90 25
x3/4 31 31 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 38.3 38.3 13300 858 12.3 992 21200 1370 10.0 26 1/2
x5/8 31 31 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 46.6 46.6 11300 729 12.3 839 17800 1150 10.1 27 1/4
x1/2 31 31 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 59.0 59.0 9200 594 12.4 681 14400 929 10.1 28
HSS30x30x1 30 30 1 1.000 380.12 112 27.0 27.0 15300 1020 11.7 1200 25000 1670 9.57 24
x3/4 30 30 0.75 0.750 290.38 85.3 37.0 37.0 12000 800 11.9 927 19200 1280 9.68 25 1/2
x5/8 30 30 0.625 0.625 244.19 71.8 45.0 45.0 10200 680 11.9 784 16100 1080 9.73 26 1/4
x1/2 30 30 0.5 0.500 197.11 57.9 57.0 57.0 8320 555 12.0 637 13000 869 9.79 27
x3/8 30 30 0.375 0.375 149.16 43.8 77.0 77.0 6370 425 12.1 485 9870 658 9.84 27 3/4
HSS29x29x1 29 29 1 1.000 366.51 108 26.0 26.0 13800 952 11.3 1110 22500 1560 9.24 23
x3/4 29 29 0.75 0.750 280.17 82.3 35.7 35.7 10800 745 11.5 863 17300 1190 9.34 24 1/2
x5/8 29 29 0.625 0.625 235.68 69.3 43.4 43.4 9170 632 11.5 731 14500 1000 9.40 25 1/4
x1/2 29 29 0.5 0.500 190.31 55.9 55.0 55.0 7490 517 11.6 594 11800 811 9.45 26
x3/8 29 29 0.375 0.375 144.05 42.3 74.3 74.3 5740 396 11.6 452 8900 614 9.51 26 3/4
HSS28x28x1 28 28 1 1.000 352.90 104 25.0 25.0 12300 879 10.9 1030 20200 1450 8.90 22
x3/4 28 28 0.75 0.750 269.96 79.3 34.3 34.3 9660 690 11.0 802 15500 1110 9.01 23 1/2
88 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS28x28x5/8 28 28 0.625 0.625 227.17 66.8 41.8 41.8 8230 588 11.1 679 13100 934 9.07 24 1/4
x1/2 28 28 0.5 0.500 183.50 53.9 53.0 53.0 6730 481 11.2 552 10600 755 9.12 25
x3/8 28 28 0.375 0.375 138.95 40.8 71.7 71.7 5150 368 11.2 421 8010 572 9.17 25 3/4
HSS27x27x1 27 27 1 1.000 339.28 100 24.0 24.0 11000 815 10.5 957 18000 1340 8.57 21
x3/4 27 27 0.75 0.750 259.75 76.3 33.0 33.0 8620 639 10.6 743 13900 1030 8.68 22 1/2
x5/8 27 27 0.625 0.625 218.67 64.3 40.2 40.2 7350 544 10.7 630 11700 867 8.73 23 1/4
x1/2 27 27 0.5 0.500 176.70 51.9 51.0 51.0 6010 445 10.8 512 9460 701 8.79 24
x3/8 27 27 0.375 0.375 133.84 39.3 69.0 69.0 4610 341 10.8 391 7170 531 8.84 24 3/4
HSS26x26x1 26 26 1 1.000 325.67 95.7 23.0 23.0 9720 748 10.1 882 16000 1240 8.24 20
x3/4 26 26 0.75 0.750 249.55 73.3 31.7 31.7 7650 588 10.2 686 12400 952 8.34 21 1/2
x5/8 26 26 0.625 0.625 210.16 61.8 38.6 38.6 6530 502 10.3 582 10400 802 8.40 22 1/4
x1/2 26 26 0.5 0.500 169.89 49.9 49.0 49.0 5350 412 10.4 474 8430 649 8.45 23
x3/8 26 26 0.375 0.375 128.74 37.8 66.3 66.3 4110 316 10.4 362 6400 492 8.51 23 3/4
HSS25x25x1 25 25 1 1.000 312.06 91.7 22.0 22.0 8570 686 9.67 811 14200 1140 7.90 19
x3/4 25 25 0.75 0.750 239.34 70.3 30.3 30.3 6760 541 9.81 632 10900 878 8.01 20 1/2
x5/8 25 25 0.625 0.625 201.65 59.3 37.0 37.0 5780 462 9.87 536 9240 740 8.07 21 1/4
x1/2 25 25 0.5 0.500 163.08 47.9 47.0 47.0 4740 379 9.95 437 7480 599 8.12 22
x3/8 25 25 0.375 0.375 123.64 36.3 63.7 63.7 3640 291 10.0 334 5680 454 8.17 22 3/4
HSS24x24x1 24 24 1 1.000 298.45 87.7 21.0 21.0 7520 627 9.26 743 12500 1050 7.57 18
x3/4 24 24 0.75 0.750 229.13 67.3 29.0 29.0 5950 496 9.40 579 9660 806 7.68 19 1/2
x5/8 24 24 0.625 0.625 193.14 56.8 35.4 35.4 5090 424 9.47 492 8160 680 7.73 20 1/4
x1/2 24 24 0.5 0.500 156.28 45.9 45.0 45.0 4170 348 9.53 401 6610 551 7.79 21
x3/8 24 24 0.375 0.375 118.53 34.8 61.0 61.0 3210 268 9.60 307 5020 418 7.84 21 3/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 89
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS23x23x1 23 23 1 1.000 284.84 83.7 20.0 20.0 6560 570 8.85 677 10900 957 7.24 17
x3/4 23 23 0.75 0.750 218.92 64.3 27.7 27.7 5200 452 8.99 529 8470 738 7.34 18 1/2
x5/8 23 23 0.625 0.625 184.64 54.3 33.8 33.8 4450 387 9.05 450 7160 623 7.40 19 1/4
x1/2 23 23 0.5 0.500 149.47 43.9 43.0 43.0 3660 318 9.13 367 5800 505 7.45 20
x3/8 23 23 0.375 0.375 113.43 33.3 58.3 58.3 2820 245 9.20 281 4410 383 7.51 20 3/4
HSS22x22x1 22 22 1 1.000 277.07 81.4 19.0 19.0 5890 535 8.51 634 9470 878 7.05 17 1/2
x3/4 22 22 0.75 0.750 212.00 62.3 26.3 26.3 4630 421 8.62 492 7330 676 7.12 18 5/8
x5/8 22 22 0.625 0.625 178.41 52.4 32.2 32.2 3950 359 8.68 418 6200 570 7.15 19 3/16
x1/2 22 22 0.5 0.500 144.13 42.4 41.0 41.0 3240 295 8.74 340 5030 462 7.19 19 3/4
x3/8 22 22 0.375 0.375 109.15 32.1 55.7 55.7 2490 226 8.81 259 3830 351 7.23 20 5/16
HSS21x21x1 21 21 1 1.000 263.46 77.4 18.0 18.0 5070 483 8.09 574 8190 796 6.71 16 1/2
x3/4 21 21 0.75 0.750 201.79 59.3 25.0 25.0 4000 381 8.21 447 6350 613 6.79 17 5/8
x5/8 21 21 0.625 0.625 169.91 49.9 30.6 30.6 3420 326 8.28 379 5370 518 6.82 18 3/16
x1/2 21 21 0.5 0.500 137.32 40.4 39.0 39.0 2800 267 8.33 309 4370 420 6.86 18 3/4
x3/8 21 21 0.375 0.375 104.04 30.6 53.0 53.0 2150 205 8.38 236 3320 319 6.89 19 5/16
HSS20x20x1 20 20 1 1.000 249.85 73.4 17.0 17.0 4340 434 7.69 517 7020 718 6.38 15 1/2
x3/4 20 20 0.75 0.750 191.58 56.3 23.7 23.7 3430 343 7.81 403 5460 554 6.45 16 5/8
x5/8 20 20 0.625 0.625 161.40 47.4 29.0 29.0 2940 294 7.88 342 4620 468 6.49 17 3/16
x1/2 20 20 0.5 0.500 130.52 38.4 37.0 37.0 2410 241 7.92 279 3760 380 6.52 17 3/4
x3/8 20 20 0.375 0.375 98.94 29.1 50.3 50.3 1850 185 7.97 213 2870 289 6.56 18 5/16
x5/16 20 20 0.3125 0.313 82.88 24.4 60.9 60.9 1570 157 8.02 179 2410 243 6.58 18 5/8
HSS19x19x1 19 19 1 1.000 236.24 69.4 16.0 16.0 3680 387 7.28 463 5980 644 6.05 14 1/2
x3/4 19 19 0.75 0.750 181.37 53.3 22.3 22.3 2920 307 7.40 361 4650 498 6.12 15 5/8
90 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS19x19x5/8 19 19 0.625 0.625 152.89 44.9 27.4 27.4 2500 263 7.46 307 3950 421 6.15 16 3/16
x1/2 19 19 0.5 0.500 123.71 36.4 35.0 35.0 2060 217 7.52 251 3210 342 6.19 16 3/4
x3/8 19 19 0.375 0.375 93.83 27.6 47.7 47.7 1580 166 7.57 192 2450 260 6.23 17 5/16
x5/16 19 19 0.3125 0.313 78.63 23.1 57.7 57.7 1340 141 7.62 162 2060 218 6.24 17 5/8
HSS18x18x1 18 18 1 1.000 222.63 65.4 15.0 15.0 3090 343 6.87 411 5040 574 5.71 13 1/2
x3/4 18 18 0.75 0.750 171.16 50.3 21.0 21.0 2460 273 6.99 322 3930 445 5.79 14 5/8
x5/8 18 18 0.625 0.625 144.39 42.4 25.8 25.8 2110 234 7.05 274 3340 376 5.82 15 3/16
x1/2 18 18 0.5 0.500 116.91 34.4 33.0 33.0 1740 193 7.11 224 2720 306 5.86 15 3/4
x3/8 18 18 0.375 0.375 88.73 26.1 45.0 45.0 1340 149 7.17 172 2080 233 5.89 16 5/16
x5/16 18 18 0.3125 0.313 74.38 21.9 54.5 54.5 1130 126 7.18 145 1750 196 5.91 16 5/8
HSS17x17x1 17 17 1 1.000 209.01 61.4 14.0 14.0 2560 301 6.46 363 4200 508 5.38 12 1/2
x3/4 17 17 0.75 0.750 160.96 47.3 19.7 19.7 2050 241 6.58 285 3290 394 5.45 13 5/8
x5/8 17 17 0.625 0.625 135.88 39.9 24.2 24.2 1760 207 6.64 243 2800 334 5.49 14 3/16
x1/2 17 17 0.5 0.500 110.10 32.4 31.0 31.0 1450 171 6.69 199 2280 272 5.52 14 3/4
x3/8 17 17 0.375 0.375 83.62 24.6 42.3 42.3 1120 132 6.75 152 1750 207 5.56 15 5/16
x5/16 17 17 0.3125 0.313 70.12 20.6 51.3 51.3 952 112 6.80 129 1470 174 5.58 15 5/8
HSS16x16x1 16 16 1 1.000 195.40 57.4 13.0 13.0 2100 263 6.05 318 3470 446 5.05 11 1/2
x3/4 16 16 0.75 0.750 150.75 44.3 18.3 18.3 1690 211 6.18 250 2720 347 5.12 12 5/8
x5/8 16 16 0.625 0.625 127.37 37.4 22.6 22.6 1450 181 6.23 214 2320 295 5.15 13 3/16
x1/2 16 16 0.5 0.500 103.30 30.4 29.0 29.0 1200 150 6.28 175 1890 240 5.19 13 3/4
x3/8 16 16 0.375 0.375 78.52 23.1 39.7 39.7 931 116 6.35 134 1450 183 5.23 14 5/16
x5/16 16 16 0.3125 0.313 65.87 19.4 48.1 48.1 790 98.8 6.38 114 1220 154 5.24 14 5/8
HSS15x15x1 15 15 1 1.000 181.79 53.4 12.0 12.0 1700 227 5.64 276 2820 388 4.71 10 1/2
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 91
A1065 Square HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface Workable
I S r Z
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t J C Area Flat
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in
HSS15x15x3/4 15 15 0.75 0.750 140.54 41.3 17.0 17.0 1370 183 5.76 218 2220 303 4.79 11 5/8
x5/8 15 15 0.625 0.625 118.86 34.9 21.0 21.0 1190 159 5.84 186 1900 257 4.82 12 3/16
x1/2 15 15 0.5 0.500 96.49 28.4 27.0 27.0 982 131 5.88 153 1550 210 4.86 12 3/4
x3/8 15 15 0.375 0.375 73.42 21.6 37.0 37.0 763 102 5.94 118 1190 160 4.89 13 5/16
x5/16 15 15 0.3125 0.313 61.62 18.1 44.9 44.9 647 86.3 5.98 99.4 1000 135 4.91 13 5/8
HSS14x14x3/4 14 14 0.75 0.750 130.33 38.3 15.7 15.7 1100 157 5.36 188 1790 262 4.45 10 5/8
x5/8 14 14 0.625 0.625 110.36 32.4 19.4 19.4 952 136 5.42 161 1530 223 4.49 11 3/16
x1/2 14 14 0.5 0.500 89.68 26.4 25.0 25.0 791 113 5.47 132 1250 182 4.52 11 3/4
x3/8 14 14 0.375 0.375 68.31 20.1 34.3 34.3 615 87.9 5.53 102 963 139 4.56 12 5/16
x5/16 14 14 0.3125 0.313 57.36 16.9 41.7 41.7 523 74.7 5.56 86.2 813 117 4.58 12 5/8
HSS13x13x3/4 13 13 0.75 0.750 120.12 35.3 14.3 14.3 864 133 4.95 160 1410 223 4.12 9 5/8
x5/8 13 13 0.625 0.625 101.85 29.9 17.8 17.8 751 116 5.01 137 1210 190 4.15 10 3/16
x1/2 13 13 0.5 0.500 82.88 24.4 23.0 23.0 626 96.3 5.07 113 996 156 4.19 10 3/4
x3/8 13 13 0.375 0.375 63.21 18.6 31.7 31.7 489 75.2 5.13 87.4 767 119 4.23 11 5/16
x5/16 13 13 0.3125 0.313 53.11 15.6 38.5 38.5 416 64.0 5.16 74.0 648 101 4.24 11 5/8
HSS12x12x3/4 12 12 0.75 0.750 109.91 32.3 13.0 13.0 666 111 4.54 134 1100 188 3.79 8 5/8
x5/8 12 12 0.625 0.625 93.34 27.4 16.2 16.2 580 96.7 4.60 116 943 161 3.82 9 3/16
x1/2 12 12 0.5 0.500 76.07 22.4 21.0 21.0 486 81.0 4.66 95.4 777 132 3.86 9 3/4
x3/8 12 12 0.375 0.375 58.10 17.1 29.0 29.0 380 63.3 4.71 73.9 599 101 3.89 10 5/16
x5/16 12 12 0.3125 0.313 48.86 14.4 35.3 35.3 324 54.0 4.74 62.6 507 85.4 3.91 10 5/8
92 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS60x40x1 60 40 1 1.000 652.34 192 37.0 57.0 98300 3280 22.6 3910 53100 2660 16.6 2980 110000 4590 16.2 54 34
x3/4 60 40 0.75 0.750 494.55 145 50.3 77.0 75500 2520 22.8 2990 40800 2040 16.8 2270 83500 3480 16.3 55 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 60 40 0.625 0.625 414.33 122 61.0 93.0 63700 2120 22.9 2510 34500 1730 16.8 1910 70000 2920 16.4 56 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 60 40 0.5 0.500 333.22 97.9 77.0 117 51600 1720 23.0 2030 27900 1400 16.9 1540 56300 2350 16.5 57 37
HSS60x38x1 60 38 1 1.000 638.73 188 35.0 57.0 94800 3160 22.5 3800 47300 2490 15.9 2790 101000 4360 15.9 54 32
x3/4 60 38 0.75 0.750 484.34 142 47.7 77.0 72900 2430 22.7 2900 36400 1920 16.0 2130 76800 3310 16.0 55 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 60 38 0.625 0.625 405.82 119 57.8 93.0 61500 2050 22.7 2440 30800 1620 16.1 1790 64400 2770 16.1 56 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 60 38 0.5 0.500 326.42 95.9 73.0 117 49800 1660 22.8 1970 24900 1310 16.1 1450 51800 2230 16.1 57 35
HSS60x36x1 60 36 1 1.000 625.12 184 33.0 57.0 91300 3040 22.3 3680 41900 2330 15.1 2600 92400 4120 15.6 54 30
x3/4 60 36 0.75 0.750 474.13 139 45.0 77.0 70300 2340 22.5 2810 32300 1790 15.2 1990 70200 3130 15.7 55 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 60 36 0.625 0.625 397.31 117 54.6 93.0 59300 1980 22.5 2360 27300 1520 15.3 1670 58900 2620 15.7 56 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 60 36 0.5 0.500 319.61 93.9 69.0 117 48000 1600 22.6 1910 22100 1230 15.3 1350 47400 2110 15.8 57 33
HSS60x34x1 60 34 1 1.000 611.51 180 31.0 57.0 87900 2930 22.1 3560 36900 2170 14.3 2420 83900 3880 15.2 54 28
x3/4 60 34 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 42.3 77.0 67600 2250 22.3 2720 28500 1680 14.5 1850 63900 2950 15.3 55 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 60 34 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 51.4 93.0 57100 1900 22.4 2290 24100 1420 14.5 1560 53600 2470 15.4 56 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 60 34 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 65.0 117 46200 1540 22.4 1850 19500 1150 14.6 1260 43200 1990 15.5 57 31
HSS60x32x1 60 32 1 1.000 597.90 176 29.0 57.0 84400 2810 21.9 3440 32300 2020 13.5 2240 75700 3650 14.9 54 26
x3/4 60 32 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 39.7 77.0 65000 2170 22.1 2630 24900 1560 13.7 1720 57700 2770 15.0 55 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 60 32 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 48.2 93.0 54900 1830 22.1 2220 21100 1320 13.7 1450 48400 2330 15.1 56 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 60 32 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 61.0 117 44500 1480 22.2 1790 17100 1070 13.8 1170 39000 1870 15.1 57 29
HSS60x30x1 60 30 1 1.000 584.28 172 27.0 57.0 80900 2700 21.7 3320 27900 1860 12.7 2070 67800 3410 14.6 54 24
x3/4 60 30 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 37.0 77.0 62400 2080 21.9 2540 21600 1440 12.9 1580 51700 2600 14.7 55 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 60 30 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 45.0 93.0 52700 1760 22.0 2140 18300 1220 13.0 1330 43400 2180 14.7 56 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 60 30 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 57.0 117 42700 1420 22.0 1730 14800 987 13.0 1080 35000 1750 14.8 57 27
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 93
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS60x28x1 60 28 1 1.000 570.67 168 25.0 57.0 77400 2580 21.5 3210 24000 1710 12.0 1900 60100 3180 14.2 54 22
x3/4 60 28 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 34.3 77.0 59700 1990 21.7 2460 18600 1330 12.1 1460 45900 2420 14.3 55 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 60 28 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 41.8 93.0 50500 1680 21.7 2070 15700 1120 12.1 1230 38600 2030 14.4 56 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 60 28 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 53.0 117 40900 1360 21.8 1670 12800 914 12.2 992 31100 1630 14.5 57 25
HSS60x26x1 60 26 1 1.000 557.06 164 23.0 57.0 73900 2460 21.2 3090 20300 1560 11.1 1730 52800 2940 13.9 54 20
x3/4 60 26 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 31.7 77.0 57100 1900 21.5 2370 15800 1220 11.3 1330 40300 2240 14.0 55 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 60 26 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 38.6 93.0 48300 1610 21.6 1990 13400 1030 11.4 1120 33900 1880 14.1 56 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 60 26 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 49.0 117 39200 1310 21.6 1610 10900 838 11.4 907 27400 1520 14.1 57 23
HSS60x24x3/4 60 24 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 29.0 77.0 54500 1820 21.2 2280 13200 1100 10.4 1210 35000 2060 13.7 55 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 60 24 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 35.4 93.0 46100 1540 21.3 1920 11200 933 10.5 1020 29500 1730 13.7 56 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 60 24 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 45.0 117 37400 1250 21.4 1550 9150 763 10.6 824 23800 1400 13.8 57 21
HSS58x42x1 58 42 1 1.000 652.34 192 39.0 55.0 93900 3240 22.1 3840 57500 2740 17.3 3090 113000 4660 16.2 52 36
x3/4 58 42 0.75 0.750 494.55 145 53.0 74.3 72100 2490 22.3 2930 44300 2110 17.5 2360 86100 3540 16.3 53 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 58 42 0.625 0.625 414.33 122 64.2 89.8 60800 2100 22.3 2460 37300 1780 17.5 1980 72200 2960 16.4 54 1/4 38 1/4
x1/2 58 42 0.5 0.500 333.22 97.9 81.0 113 49200 1700 22.4 1990 30200 1440 17.6 1600 58100 2380 16.5 55 39
HSS58x40x1 58 40 1 1.000 638.73 188 37.0 55.0 90700 3130 22.0 3720 51600 2580 16.6 2900 105000 4440 15.9 52 34
x3/4 58 40 0.75 0.750 484.34 142 50.3 74.3 69700 2400 22.2 2840 39700 1990 16.7 2220 79600 3370 16.0 53 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 58 40 0.625 0.625 405.82 119 61.0 89.8 58800 2030 22.2 2390 33500 1680 16.8 1860 66700 2820 16.1 54 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 58 40 0.5 0.500 326.42 95.9 77.0 113 47600 1640 22.3 1930 27100 1360 16.8 1500 53700 2270 16.1 55 37
HSS58x38x1 58 38 1 1.000 625.12 184 35.0 55.0 87400 3010 21.8 3610 46000 2420 15.8 2710 96400 4210 15.6 52 32
x3/4 58 38 0.75 0.750 474.13 139 47.7 74.3 67200 2320 22.0 2760 35400 1860 16.0 2070 73200 3190 15.7 53 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 58 38 0.625 0.625 397.31 117 57.8 89.8 56700 1960 22.0 2320 29900 1570 16.0 1750 61400 2680 15.7 54 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 58 38 0.5 0.500 319.61 93.9 73.0 113 45900 1580 22.1 1870 24200 1270 16.1 1410 49400 2150 15.8 55 35
HSS58x36x1 58 36 1 1.000 611.51 180 33.0 55.0 84200 2900 21.6 3500 40700 2260 15.0 2530 88100 3980 15.2 52 30
94 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS58x36x3/4 58 36 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 45.0 74.3 64800 2230 21.8 2670 31400 1740 15.2 1940 67000 3020 15.3 53 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 58 36 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 54.6 89.8 54700 1890 21.9 2250 26500 1470 15.2 1630 56200 2530 15.4 54 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 58 36 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 69.0 113 44300 1530 22.0 1820 21500 1190 15.3 1320 45300 2040 15.5 55 33
HSS58x34x1 58 34 1 1.000 597.90 176 31.0 55.0 80900 2790 21.4 3380 35800 2110 14.3 2350 80100 3750 14.9 52 28
x3/4 58 34 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 42.3 74.3 62300 2150 21.6 2590 27600 1620 14.4 1800 61000 2850 15.0 53 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 58 34 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 51.4 89.8 52600 1810 21.7 2180 23400 1380 14.5 1520 51200 2390 15.1 54 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 58 34 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 65.0 113 42600 1470 21.8 1760 19000 1120 14.5 1230 41200 1920 15.1 55 31
HSS58x32x1 58 32 1 1.000 584.28 172 29.0 55.0 77700 2680 21.3 3270 31300 1960 13.5 2180 72300 3520 14.6 52 26
x3/4 58 32 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 39.7 74.3 59900 2070 21.5 2500 24200 1510 13.6 1670 55100 2680 14.7 53 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 58 32 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 48.2 89.8 50600 1740 21.5 2110 20400 1280 13.7 1410 46200 2250 14.7 54 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 58 32 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 61.0 113 41000 1410 21.6 1700 16600 1040 13.7 1140 37300 1810 14.8 55 29
HSS58x30x1 58 30 1 1.000 570.67 168 27.0 55.0 74400 2570 21.0 3150 27100 1810 12.7 2010 64700 3300 14.2 52 24
x3/4 58 30 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 37.0 74.3 57400 1980 21.3 2420 21000 1400 12.9 1540 49400 2510 14.3 53 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 58 30 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 45.0 89.8 48500 1670 21.3 2030 17700 1180 12.9 1300 41500 2100 14.4 54 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 58 30 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 57.0 113 39300 1360 21.4 1640 14400 960 12.9 1050 33400 1690 14.5 55 27
HSS58x28x1 58 28 1 1.000 557.06 164 25.0 55.0 71200 2460 20.8 3040 23300 1660 11.9 1840 57500 3070 13.9 52 22
x3/4 58 28 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 34.3 74.3 54900 1890 21.0 2330 18000 1290 12.0 1420 43900 2340 14.0 53 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 58 28 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 41.8 89.8 46400 1600 21.1 1960 15300 1090 12.1 1190 36900 1960 14.1 54 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 58 28 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 53.0 113 37700 1300 21.2 1590 12400 886 12.2 965 29700 1580 14.1 55 25
HSS58x26x1 58 26 1 1.000 543.45 160 23.0 55.0 67900 2340 20.6 2930 19700 1520 11.1 1680 50500 2840 13.6 52 20
x3/4 58 26 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 31.7 74.3 52500 1810 20.8 2240 15300 1180 11.2 1290 38600 2160 13.7 53 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 58 26 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 38.6 89.8 44400 1530 20.9 1890 13000 1000 11.3 1090 32500 1820 13.7 54 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 58 26 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 49.0 113 36000 1240 21.0 1530 10600 815 11.4 882 26200 1460 13.8 55 23
HSS58x24x1 58 24 1 1.000 529.84 156 21.0 55.0 64700 2230 20.4 2810 16500 1380 10.3 1520 43800 2610 13.2 52 18
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 95
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS58x24x3/4 58 24 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 29.0 74.3 50000 1720 20.6 2160 12800 1070 10.4 1170 33500 1990 13.3 53 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 58 24 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 35.4 89.8 42300 1460 20.6 1820 10900 908 10.5 989 28200 1670 13.4 54 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 58 24 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 45.0 113 34400 1190 20.7 1470 8870 739 10.5 801 22800 1350 13.5 55 21
HSS56x44x1 56 44 1 1.000 652.34 192 41.0 53.0 89500 3200 21.6 3760 62100 2820 18.0 3200 116000 4720 16.2 50 38
x3/4 56 44 0.75 0.750 494.55 145 55.7 71.7 68700 2450 21.8 2870 47700 2170 18.1 2440 88200 3580 16.3 51 1/2 39 1/2
x5/8 56 44 0.625 0.625 414.33 122 67.4 86.6 57900 2070 21.8 2410 40300 1830 18.2 2050 73900 3000 16.4 52 1/4 40 1/4
x1/2 56 44 0.5 0.500 333.22 97.9 85.0 109 46900 1680 21.9 1950 32600 1480 18.2 1660 59500 2410 16.5 53 41
HSS56x42x1 56 42 1 1.000 638.73 188 39.0 53.0 86400 3090 21.4 3650 55900 2660 17.2 3010 108000 4500 15.9 50 36
x3/4 56 42 0.75 0.750 484.34 142 53.0 71.7 66400 2370 21.6 2790 43000 2050 17.4 2300 81900 3410 16.0 51 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 56 42 0.625 0.625 405.82 119 64.2 86.6 56000 2000 21.7 2340 36300 1730 17.5 1930 68600 2860 16.1 52 1/4 38 1/4
x1/2 56 42 0.5 0.500 326.42 95.9 81.0 109 45400 1620 21.8 1890 29400 1400 17.5 1560 55200 2300 16.1 53 39
HSS56x40x1 56 40 1 1.000 625.12 184 37.0 53.0 83400 2980 21.3 3540 50000 2500 16.5 2820 99700 4280 15.6 50 34
x3/4 56 40 0.75 0.750 474.13 139 50.3 71.7 64100 2290 21.5 2700 38500 1930 16.6 2160 75700 3250 15.7 51 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 56 40 0.625 0.625 397.31 117 61.0 86.6 54100 1930 21.5 2270 32500 1630 16.7 1810 63500 2720 15.7 52 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 56 40 0.5 0.500 319.61 93.9 77.0 109 43800 1560 21.6 1840 26400 1320 16.8 1460 51100 2190 15.8 53 37
HSS56x38x1 56 38 1 1.000 611.51 180 35.0 53.0 80400 2870 21.1 3430 44600 2350 15.7 2640 91700 4060 15.2 50 32
x3/4 56 38 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 47.7 71.7 61900 2210 21.3 2620 34400 1810 15.9 2020 69700 3080 15.3 51 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 56 38 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 57.8 86.6 52200 1860 21.4 2210 29000 1530 15.9 1700 58500 2580 15.4 52 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 56 38 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 73.0 109 42300 1510 21.5 1780 23500 1240 16.0 1370 47100 2080 15.5 53 35
HSS56x36x1 56 36 1 1.000 597.90 176 33.0 53.0 77400 2760 21.0 3320 39500 2190 15.0 2460 83900 3840 14.9 50 30
x3/4 56 36 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 45.0 71.7 59600 2130 21.2 2540 30500 1690 15.1 1880 63800 2920 15.0 51 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 56 36 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 54.6 86.6 50300 1800 21.2 2140 25700 1430 15.1 1590 53500 2450 15.1 52 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 56 36 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 69.0 109 40700 1450 21.3 1730 20900 1160 15.2 1280 43100 1970 15.1 53 33
HSS56x34x1 56 34 1 1.000 584.28 172 31.0 53.0 74300 2650 20.8 3210 34700 2040 14.2 2290 76300 3620 14.6 50 28
96 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS56x34x3/4 56 34 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 42.3 71.7 57300 2050 21.0 2460 26800 1580 14.4 1750 58100 2750 14.7 51 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 56 34 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 51.4 86.6 48400 1730 21.1 2070 22700 1340 14.4 1470 48700 2310 14.7 52 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 56 34 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 65.0 109 39200 1400 21.1 1670 18400 1080 14.5 1190 39300 1860 14.8 53 31
HSS56x32x1 56 32 1 1.000 570.67 168 29.0 53.0 71300 2550 20.6 3100 30300 1890 13.4 2120 68900 3400 14.2 50 26
x3/4 56 32 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 39.7 71.7 55000 1960 20.8 2370 23400 1460 13.6 1620 52500 2590 14.3 51 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 56 32 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 48.2 86.6 46400 1660 20.8 2000 19800 1240 13.6 1370 44100 2170 14.4 52 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 56 32 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 61.0 109 37700 1350 20.9 1610 16100 1010 13.7 1110 35500 1750 14.5 53 29
HSS56x30x1 56 30 1 1.000 557.06 164 27.0 53.0 68300 2440 20.4 2990 26300 1750 12.7 1950 61700 3180 13.9 50 24
x3/4 56 30 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 37.0 71.7 52700 1880 20.6 2290 20300 1350 12.8 1500 47100 2420 14.0 51 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 56 30 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 45.0 86.6 44500 1590 20.7 1930 17200 1150 12.9 1260 39600 2030 14.1 52 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 56 30 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 57.0 109 36100 1290 20.7 1560 14000 933 12.9 1020 31900 1640 14.1 53 27
HSS56x28x1 56 28 1 1.000 543.45 160 25.0 53.0 65300 2330 20.2 2880 22500 1610 11.9 1790 54800 2960 13.6 50 22
x3/4 56 28 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 34.3 71.7 50400 1800 20.4 2210 17500 1250 12.0 1370 41900 2250 13.7 51 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 56 28 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 41.8 86.6 42600 1520 20.4 1860 14800 1060 12.0 1160 35200 1890 13.7 52 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 56 28 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 53.0 109 34600 1240 20.6 1500 12000 857 12.1 937 28400 1520 13.8 53 25
HSS56x26x1 56 26 1 1.000 529.84 156 23.0 53.0 62200 2220 20.0 2770 19100 1470 11.1 1630 48200 2740 13.2 50 20
x3/4 56 26 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 31.7 71.7 48100 1720 20.2 2120 14800 1140 11.2 1250 36800 2090 13.3 51 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 56 26 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 38.6 86.6 40700 1450 20.2 1790 12600 969 11.3 1060 31000 1750 13.4 52 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 56 26 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 49.0 109 33000 1180 20.3 1450 10200 785 11.3 856 25000 1410 13.5 53 23
HSS56x24x1 56 24 1 1.000 516.23 152 21.0 53.0 59200 2110 19.7 2660 16000 1330 10.3 1480 41800 2520 12.9 50 18
x3/4 56 24 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 29.0 71.7 45800 1640 20.0 2040 12400 1030 10.4 1140 32000 1920 13.0 51 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 56 24 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 35.4 86.6 38800 1390 20.0 1720 10600 883 10.5 960 27000 1620 13.1 52 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 56 24 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 45.0 109 31500 1130 20.1 1390 8590 716 10.5 777 21800 1300 13.1 53 21
HSS54x46x1 54 46 1 1.000 652.34 192 43.0 51.0 84900 3140 21.0 3670 66600 2900 18.6 3300 118000 4760 16.2 48 40
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 97
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS54x46x3/4 54 46 0.75 0.750 494.55 145 58.3 69.0 65300 2420 21.2 2810 51200 2230 18.8 2520 89700 3610 16.3 49 1/2 41 1/2
x5/8 54 46 0.625 0.625 414.33 122 70.6 83.4 55000 2040 21.2 2360 43200 1880 18.8 2120 75100 3020 16.4 50 1/4 42 1/4
x1/2 54 46 0.5 0.500 333.22 97.9 89.0 105 44500 1650 21.3 1900 35000 1520 18.9 1710 60400 2430 16.5 51 43
HSS54x44x1 54 44 1 1.000 638.73 188 41.0 51.0 82100 3040 20.9 3570 60200 2740 17.9 3110 110000 4550 15.9 48 38
x3/4 54 44 0.75 0.750 484.34 142 55.7 69.0 63100 2340 21.1 2730 46300 2100 18.1 2380 83600 3450 16.0 49 1/2 39 1/2
x5/8 54 44 0.625 0.625 405.82 119 67.4 83.4 53200 1970 21.1 2290 39100 1780 18.1 2000 70100 2890 16.1 50 1/4 40 1/4
x1/2 54 44 0.5 0.500 326.42 95.9 85.0 105 43100 1600 21.2 1850 31700 1440 18.2 1610 56400 2330 16.1 51 41
HSS54x42x1 54 42 1 1.000 625.12 184 39.0 51.0 79300 2940 20.8 3460 54200 2580 17.2 2920 102000 4340 15.6 48 36
x3/4 54 42 0.75 0.750 474.13 139 53.0 69.0 61000 2260 20.9 2650 41700 1990 17.3 2240 77700 3290 15.7 49 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 54 42 0.625 0.625 397.31 117 64.2 83.4 51500 1910 21.0 2230 35200 1680 17.3 1880 65100 2760 15.7 50 1/4 38 1/4
x1/2 54 42 0.5 0.500 319.61 93.9 81.0 105 41700 1540 21.1 1800 28500 1360 17.4 1520 52400 2220 15.8 51 39
HSS54x40x1 54 40 1 1.000 611.51 180 37.0 51.0 76500 2830 20.6 3360 48500 2430 16.4 2740 94600 4120 15.2 48 34
x3/4 54 40 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 50.3 69.0 58900 2180 20.8 2570 37400 1870 16.6 2100 71900 3130 15.3 49 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 54 40 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 61.0 83.4 49700 1840 20.9 2160 31600 1580 16.6 1760 60300 2620 15.4 50 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 54 40 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 77.0 105 40200 1490 20.9 1740 25600 1280 16.7 1430 48500 2110 15.5 51 37
HSS54x38x1 54 38 1 1.000 597.90 176 35.0 51.0 73700 2730 20.5 3250 43200 2270 15.7 2560 87100 3910 14.9 48 32
x3/4 54 38 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 47.7 69.0 56700 2100 20.6 2490 33300 1750 15.8 1960 66200 2970 15.0 49 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 54 38 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 57.8 83.4 47900 1770 20.7 2090 28100 1480 15.8 1650 55500 2490 15.1 50 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 54 38 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 73.0 105 38800 1440 20.8 1690 22800 1200 15.9 1330 44700 2000 15.1 51 35
HSS54x36x1 54 36 1 1.000 584.28 172 33.0 51.0 70900 2630 20.3 3140 38300 2130 14.9 2390 79700 3700 14.6 48 30
x3/4 54 36 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 45.0 69.0 54600 2020 20.5 2410 29500 1640 15.1 1830 60600 2810 14.7 49 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 54 36 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 54.6 83.4 46100 1710 20.6 2030 25000 1390 15.1 1540 50900 2360 14.7 50 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 54 36 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 69.0 105 37400 1390 20.6 1640 20200 1120 15.2 1250 41000 1900 14.8 51 33
HSS54x34x1 54 34 1 1.000 570.67 168 31.0 51.0 68100 2520 20.1 3040 33600 1980 14.1 2220 72500 3490 14.2 48 28
98 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS54x34x3/4 54 34 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 42.3 69.0 52500 1940 20.3 2330 26000 1530 14.3 1700 55200 2650 14.3 49 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 54 34 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 51.4 83.4 44300 1640 20.3 1960 22000 1290 14.3 1430 46300 2220 14.4 50 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 54 34 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 65.0 105 36000 1330 20.5 1580 17800 1050 14.4 1160 37300 1790 14.5 51 31
HSS54x32x1 54 32 1 1.000 557.06 164 29.0 51.0 65300 2420 20.0 2930 29400 1840 13.4 2060 65500 3280 13.9 48 26
x3/4 54 32 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 39.7 69.0 50400 1870 20.2 2250 22700 1420 13.5 1580 49900 2490 14.0 49 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 54 32 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 48.2 83.4 42600 1580 20.2 1890 19200 1200 13.6 1330 41900 2090 14.1 50 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 54 32 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 61.0 105 34500 1280 20.3 1530 15600 975 13.6 1070 33800 1680 14.1 51 29
HSS54x30x1 54 30 1 1.000 543.45 160 27.0 51.0 62500 2310 19.8 2830 25400 1690 12.6 1890 58800 3060 13.6 48 24
x3/4 54 30 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 37.0 69.0 48200 1790 20.0 2170 19700 1310 12.8 1450 44800 2330 13.7 49 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 54 30 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 45.0 83.4 40800 1510 20.0 1830 16700 1110 12.8 1220 37600 1960 13.7 50 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 54 30 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 57.0 105 33100 1230 20.1 1480 13500 900 12.8 991 30400 1580 13.8 51 27
HSS54x28x1 54 28 1 1.000 529.84 156 25.0 51.0 59700 2210 19.6 2720 21800 1560 11.8 1740 52200 2850 13.2 48 22
x3/4 54 28 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 34.3 69.0 46100 1710 19.8 2090 16900 1210 12.0 1330 39900 2170 13.3 49 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 54 28 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 41.8 83.4 39000 1440 19.8 1760 14300 1020 12.0 1120 33500 1820 13.4 50 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 54 28 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 53.0 105 31700 1170 19.9 1420 11600 829 12.0 910 27000 1470 13.5 51 25
HSS54x26x1 54 26 1 1.000 516.23 152 23.0 51.0 56800 2100 19.3 2610 18500 1420 11.0 1580 45900 2640 12.9 48 20
x3/4 54 26 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 31.7 69.0 44000 1630 19.6 2010 14300 1100 11.2 1220 35100 2010 13.0 49 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 54 26 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 38.6 83.4 37200 1380 19.6 1690 12200 938 11.2 1030 29500 1690 13.1 50 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 54 26 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 49.0 105 30200 1120 19.7 1370 9900 762 11.3 831 23800 1360 13.1 51 23
HSS54x24x1 54 24 1 1.000 502.62 148 21.0 51.0 54000 2000 19.1 2510 15500 1290 10.2 1430 39900 2430 12.6 48 18
x3/4 54 24 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 29.0 69.0 41900 1550 19.3 1930 12000 1000 10.4 1100 30600 1850 12.7 49 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 54 24 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 35.4 83.4 35400 1310 19.4 1620 10200 850 10.4 931 25700 1560 12.7 50 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 54 24 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 45.0 105 28800 1070 19.5 1320 8320 693 10.5 754 20800 1260 12.8 51 21
HSS52x48x1 52 48 1 1.000 652.34 192 45.0 49.0 80400 3090 20.5 3590 71200 2970 19.3 3400 119000 4780 16.2 46 42
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 99
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS52x48x3/4 52 48 0.75 0.750 494.55 145 61.0 66.3 61800 2380 20.6 2740 54700 2280 19.4 2600 90600 3630 16.3 47 1/2 43 1/2
x5/8 52 48 0.625 0.625 414.33 122 73.8 80.2 52100 2000 20.7 2300 46200 1930 19.5 2180 75900 3040 16.4 48 1/4 44 1/4
x1/2 52 48 0.5 0.500 333.22 97.9 93.0 101 42200 1620 20.8 1860 37400 1560 19.5 1760 61000 2440 16.5 49 45
HSS52x46x1 52 46 1 1.000 638.73 188 43.0 49.0 77800 2990 20.3 3480 64600 2810 18.5 3210 112000 4580 15.9 46 40
x3/4 52 46 0.75 0.750 484.34 142 58.3 66.3 59800 2300 20.5 2660 49700 2160 18.7 2450 84800 3470 16.0 47 1/2 41 1/2
x5/8 52 46 0.625 0.625 405.82 119 70.6 80.2 50400 1940 20.6 2240 41900 1820 18.8 2060 71100 2910 16.1 48 1/4 42 1/4
x1/2 52 46 0.5 0.500 326.42 95.9 89.0 101 40800 1570 20.6 1810 33900 1470 18.8 1660 57200 2340 16.1 49 43
HSS52x44x1 52 44 1 1.000 625.12 184 41.0 49.0 75200 2890 20.2 3380 58400 2650 17.8 3020 104000 4380 15.6 46 38
x3/4 52 44 0.75 0.750 474.13 139 55.7 66.3 57800 2220 20.4 2580 44900 2040 18.0 2310 79100 3320 15.7 47 1/2 39 1/2
x5/8 52 44 0.625 0.625 397.31 117 67.4 80.2 48800 1880 20.4 2170 37900 1720 18.0 1940 66300 2780 15.7 48 1/4 40 1/4
x1/2 52 44 0.5 0.500 319.61 93.9 85.0 101 39500 1520 20.5 1760 30700 1400 18.1 1570 53400 2240 15.8 49 41
HSS52x42x1 52 42 1 1.000 611.51 180 39.0 49.0 72600 2790 20.1 3280 52500 2500 17.1 2840 96800 4170 15.2 46 36
x3/4 52 42 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 53.0 66.3 55800 2150 20.3 2510 40400 1920 17.2 2170 73500 3170 15.3 47 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 52 42 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 64.2 80.2 47100 1810 20.3 2110 34100 1620 17.3 1830 61700 2650 15.4 48 1/4 38 1/4
x1/2 52 42 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 81.0 101 38200 1470 20.4 1700 27700 1320 17.4 1480 49600 2140 15.5 49 39
HSS52x40x1 52 40 1 1.000 597.90 176 37.0 49.0 70000 2690 19.9 3180 47000 2350 16.3 2660 89600 3970 14.9 46 34
x3/4 52 40 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 50.3 66.3 53900 2070 20.1 2430 36200 1810 16.5 2040 68100 3010 15.0 47 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 52 40 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 61.0 80.2 45500 1750 20.2 2050 30600 1530 16.5 1720 57100 2530 15.1 48 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 52 40 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 77.0 101 36900 1420 20.3 1650 24800 1240 16.6 1390 46000 2030 15.1 49 37
HSS52x38x1 52 38 1 1.000 584.28 172 35.0 49.0 67400 2590 19.8 3080 41800 2200 15.6 2490 82500 3760 14.6 46 32
x3/4 52 38 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 47.7 66.3 51900 2000 20.0 2350 32300 1700 15.8 1910 62700 2860 14.7 47 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 52 38 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 57.8 80.2 43800 1680 20.0 1980 27300 1440 15.8 1600 52600 2400 14.7 48 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 52 38 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 73.0 101 35500 1370 20.1 1600 22100 1160 15.9 1300 42400 1930 14.8 49 35
HSS52x36x1 52 36 1 1.000 570.67 168 33.0 49.0 64800 2490 19.6 2970 37000 2060 14.8 2320 75500 3560 14.2 46 30
100 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS52x36x3/4 52 36 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 45.0 66.3 49900 1920 19.8 2280 28600 1590 15.0 1780 57500 2710 14.3 47 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 52 36 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 54.6 80.2 42200 1620 19.9 1920 24200 1340 15.0 1500 48200 2270 14.4 48 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 52 36 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 69.0 101 34200 1320 20.0 1550 19600 1090 15.1 1210 38800 1830 14.5 49 33
HSS52x34x1 52 34 1 1.000 557.06 164 31.0 49.0 62200 2390 19.5 2870 32600 1920 14.1 2160 68800 3360 13.9 46 28
x3/4 52 34 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 42.3 66.3 48000 1850 19.7 2200 25200 1480 14.3 1650 52400 2550 14.0 47 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 52 34 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 51.4 80.2 40500 1560 19.7 1850 21300 1250 14.3 1390 44000 2140 14.1 48 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 52 34 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 65.0 101 32900 1270 19.8 1500 17300 1020 14.4 1130 35400 1720 14.1 49 31
HSS52x32x1 52 32 1 1.000 543.45 160 29.0 49.0 59600 2290 19.3 2770 28400 1780 13.3 1990 62200 3150 13.6 46 26
x3/4 52 32 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 39.7 66.3 46000 1770 19.5 2120 22000 1380 13.5 1530 47400 2400 13.7 47 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 52 32 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 48.2 80.2 38900 1500 19.5 1790 18600 1160 13.5 1290 39800 2010 13.7 48 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 52 32 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 61.0 101 31500 1210 19.6 1450 15100 944 13.6 1040 32100 1620 13.8 49 29
HSS52x30x1 52 30 1 1.000 529.84 156 27.0 49.0 57000 2190 19.1 2670 24600 1640 12.6 1840 55800 2950 13.2 46 24
x3/4 52 30 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 37.0 66.3 44000 1690 19.3 2050 19000 1270 12.7 1410 42600 2240 13.3 47 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 52 30 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 45.0 80.2 37200 1430 19.4 1720 16100 1070 12.7 1190 35800 1880 13.4 48 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 52 30 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 57.0 101 30200 1160 19.4 1390 13100 873 12.8 961 28800 1520 13.5 49 27
HSS52x28x1 52 28 1 1.000 516.23 152 25.0 49.0 54400 2090 18.9 2570 21100 1510 11.8 1680 49600 2740 12.9 46 22
x3/4 52 28 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 34.3 66.3 42100 1620 19.1 1970 16300 1160 11.9 1290 37900 2090 13.0 47 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 52 28 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 41.8 80.2 35600 1370 19.2 1660 13800 986 11.9 1090 31800 1760 13.1 48 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 52 28 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 53.0 101 28900 1110 19.3 1340 11300 807 12.0 882 25700 1410 13.1 49 25
HSS52x26x1 52 26 1 1.000 502.62 148 23.0 49.0 51800 1990 18.7 2460 17800 1370 11.0 1530 43700 2540 12.6 46 20
x3/4 52 26 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 31.7 66.3 40100 1540 18.9 1890 13900 1070 11.1 1180 33400 1940 12.7 47 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 52 26 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 38.6 80.2 33900 1300 19.0 1600 11800 908 11.2 994 28100 1630 12.7 48 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 52 26 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 49.0 101 27600 1060 19.1 1290 9580 737 11.2 805 22700 1310 12.8 49 23
HSS52x24x1 52 24 1 1.000 489.01 144 21.0 49.0 49200 1890 18.5 2360 14900 1240 10.2 1390 37900 2340 12.2 46 18
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 101
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS52x24x3/4 52 24 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 29.0 66.3 38100 1470 18.7 1820 11600 967 10.3 1070 29100 1780 12.3 47 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 52 24 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 35.4 80.2 32300 1240 18.8 1530 9870 823 10.4 901 24500 1500 12.4 48 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 52 24 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 45.0 101 26200 1010 18.8 1240 8040 670 10.4 730 19800 1210 12.5 49 21
HSS50x48x1 50 48 1 1.000 638.73 188 45.0 47.0 73400 2940 19.8 3400 69000 2880 19.2 3310 112000 4600 15.9 44 42
x3/4 50 48 0.75 0.750 484.34 142 61.0 63.7 56400 2260 19.9 2590 53000 2210 19.3 2520 85400 3490 16.0 45 1/2 43 1/2
x5/8 50 48 0.625 0.625 405.82 119 73.8 77.0 47600 1900 20.0 2180 44800 1870 19.4 2120 71600 2920 16.1 46 1/4 44 1/4
x1/2 50 48 0.5 0.500 326.42 95.9 93.0 97.0 38500 1540 20.0 1760 36200 1510 19.4 1710 57600 2350 16.1 47 45
x3/8 50 48 0.375 0.375 246.14 72.3 125 130 29300 1170 20.1 1330 27500 1150 19.5 1300 43400 1770 16.2 47 3/4 45 3/4
HSS50x46x1 50 46 1 1.000 625.12 184 43.0 47.0 71000 2840 19.6 3300 62600 2720 18.4 3120 105000 4400 15.6 44 40
x3/4 50 46 0.75 0.750 474.13 139 58.3 63.7 54600 2180 19.8 2520 48100 2090 18.6 2380 80000 3340 15.7 45 1/2 41 1/2
x5/8 50 46 0.625 0.625 397.31 117 70.6 77.0 46100 1840 19.8 2120 40600 1770 18.6 2010 67000 2800 15.7 46 1/4 42 1/4
x1/2 50 46 0.5 0.500 319.61 93.9 89.0 97.0 37300 1490 19.9 1710 32900 1430 18.7 1620 53900 2250 15.8 47 43
x3/8 50 46 0.375 0.375 241.03 70.8 120 130 28300 1130 20.0 1300 25000 1090 18.8 1230 40700 1700 15.8 47 3/4 43 3/4
HSS50x44x1 50 44 1 1.000 611.51 180 41.0 47.0 68600 2740 19.5 3200 56500 2570 17.7 2940 98300 4200 15.2 44 38
x3/4 50 44 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 55.7 63.7 52800 2110 19.7 2450 43500 1980 17.9 2250 74700 3190 15.3 45 1/2 39 1/2
x5/8 50 44 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 67.4 77.0 44500 1780 19.8 2060 36700 1670 17.9 1890 62600 2670 15.4 46 1/4 40 1/4
x1/2 50 44 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 85.0 97.0 36100 1440 19.8 1660 29800 1350 18.0 1530 50400 2150 15.5 47 41
x3/8 50 44 0.375 0.375 235.93 69.3 114 130 27400 1100 19.9 1260 22600 1030 18.1 1160 38000 1620 15.5 47 3/4 41 3/4
HSS50x42x1 50 42 1 1.000 597.90 176 39.0 47.0 66200 2650 19.4 3100 50800 2420 17.0 2760 91400 4010 14.9 44 36
x3/4 50 42 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 53.0 63.7 51000 2040 19.6 2370 39200 1870 17.2 2110 69400 3040 15.0 45 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 50 42 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 64.2 77.0 43000 1720 19.6 2000 33100 1580 17.2 1780 58200 2550 15.1 46 1/4 38 1/4
x1/2 50 42 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 81.0 97.0 34900 1400 19.7 1610 26800 1280 17.3 1440 46900 2050 15.1 47 39
x3/8 50 42 0.375 0.375 230.82 67.8 109 130 26500 1060 19.8 1220 20400 971 17.3 1090 35400 1550 15.2 47 3/4 39 3/4
HSS50x40x1 50 40 1 1.000 584.28 172 37.0 47.0 63800 2550 19.3 3000 45500 2280 16.3 2590 84600 3810 14.6 44 34
102 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS50x40x3/4 50 40 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 50.3 63.7 49100 1960 19.4 2300 35100 1760 16.4 1980 64300 2900 14.7 45 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 50 40 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 61.0 77.0 41500 1660 19.5 1940 29600 1480 16.5 1670 53900 2430 14.7 46 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 50 40 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 77.0 97.0 33600 1340 19.6 1560 24000 1200 16.5 1350 43400 1950 14.8 47 37
x3/8 50 40 0.375 0.375 225.72 66.3 104 130 25600 1020 19.7 1180 18300 915 16.6 1020 32800 1470 14.8 47 3/4 37 3/4
HSS50x38x1 50 38 1 1.000 570.67 168 35.0 47.0 61400 2460 19.1 2910 40500 2130 15.5 2420 77900 3620 14.2 44 32
x3/4 50 38 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 47.7 63.7 47300 1890 19.3 2230 31200 1640 15.7 1850 59300 2750 14.3 45 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 50 38 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 57.8 77.0 40000 1600 19.3 1870 26400 1390 15.7 1560 49700 2300 14.4 46 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 50 38 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 73.0 97.0 32400 1300 19.4 1510 21400 1130 15.8 1260 40000 1850 14.5 47 35
x3/8 50 38 0.375 0.375 220.62 64.8 98.3 130 24600 984 19.5 1150 16300 858 15.9 954 30200 1400 14.5 47 3/4 35 3/4
HSS50x36x1 50 36 1 1.000 557.06 164 33.0 47.0 59000 2360 19.0 2810 35800 1990 14.8 2250 71400 3420 13.9 44 30
x3/4 50 36 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 45.0 63.7 45500 1820 19.2 2150 27700 1540 14.9 1720 54400 2600 14.0 45 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 50 36 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 54.6 77.0 38500 1540 19.2 1810 23400 1300 15.0 1450 45600 2180 14.1 46 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 50 36 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 69.0 97.0 31200 1250 19.3 1460 19000 1060 15.0 1170 36700 1760 14.1 47 33
x3/8 50 36 0.375 0.375 215.51 63.3 93.0 130 23700 948 19.3 1110 14400 800 15.1 890 27700 1330 14.2 47 3/4 33 3/4
HSS50x34x1 50 34 1 1.000 543.45 160 31.0 47.0 56600 2260 18.8 2710 31500 1850 14.0 2090 65100 3220 13.6 44 28
x3/4 50 34 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 42.3 63.7 43700 1750 19.0 2080 24300 1430 14.2 1600 49500 2450 13.7 45 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 50 34 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 51.4 77.0 36900 1480 19.0 1750 20600 1210 14.2 1350 41600 2060 13.7 46 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 50 34 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 65.0 97.0 30000 1200 19.1 1410 16700 982 14.3 1090 33500 1660 13.8 47 31
x3/8 50 34 0.375 0.375 210.41 61.8 87.7 130 22800 912 19.2 1070 12700 747 14.3 828 25300 1250 13.8 47 3/4 31 3/4
HSS50x32x1 50 32 1 1.000 529.84 156 29.0 47.0 54200 2170 18.6 2610 27400 1710 13.3 1930 58900 3030 13.2 44 26
x3/4 50 32 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 39.7 63.7 41900 1680 18.8 2000 21200 1330 13.4 1480 44900 2300 13.3 45 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 50 32 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 48.2 77.0 35400 1420 18.9 1690 18000 1130 13.5 1250 37700 1930 13.4 46 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 50 32 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 61.0 97.0 28700 1150 19.0 1370 14600 913 13.5 1010 30400 1560 13.5 47 29
x3/8 50 32 0.375 0.375 205.30 60.3 82.3 130 21900 876 19.1 1040 11100 694 13.6 766 22900 1180 13.5 47 3/4 29 3/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 103
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS50x30x1 50 30 1 1.000 516.23 152 27.0 47.0 51800 2070 18.5 2510 23700 1580 12.5 1780 52800 2830 12.9 44 24
x3/4 50 30 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 37.0 63.7 40000 1600 18.7 1930 18400 1230 12.6 1370 40300 2160 13.0 45 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 50 30 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 45.0 77.0 33900 1360 18.7 1630 15600 1040 12.7 1150 33900 1810 13.1 46 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 50 30 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 57.0 97.0 27500 1100 18.8 1320 12700 847 12.8 932 27300 1460 13.1 47 27
x3/8 50 30 0.375 0.375 200.20 58.8 77.0 130 20900 836 18.9 998 9660 644 12.8 707 20600 1100 13.2 47 3/4 27 3/4
HSS50x28x1 50 28 1 1.000 502.62 148 25.0 47.0 49400 1980 18.3 2420 20300 1450 11.7 1630 47000 2640 12.6 44 22
x3/4 50 28 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 34.3 63.7 38200 1530 18.5 1860 15800 1130 11.9 1250 35900 2010 12.7 45 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 50 28 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 41.8 77.0 32400 1300 18.5 1560 13400 957 11.9 1060 30200 1690 12.7 46 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 50 28 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 53.0 97.0 26300 1050 18.6 1270 10900 779 12.0 855 24400 1360 12.8 47 25
x3/8 50 28 0.375 0.375 195.09 57.3 71.7 130 20000 800 18.7 961 8300 593 12.0 649 18400 1030 12.8 47 3/4 25 3/4
HSS50x26x1 50 26 1 1.000 489.01 144 23.0 47.0 47000 1880 18.1 2320 17200 1320 10.9 1480 41400 2440 12.2 44 20
x3/4 50 26 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 31.7 63.7 36400 1460 18.3 1780 13400 1030 11.1 1140 31700 1860 12.3 45 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 50 26 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 38.6 77.0 30800 1230 18.3 1500 11400 877 11.1 963 26600 1560 12.4 46 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 50 26 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 49.0 97.0 25100 1000 18.4 1220 9250 712 11.2 780 21500 1260 12.5 47 23
x3/8 50 26 0.375 0.375 189.99 55.8 66.3 130 19100 764 18.5 924 7060 543 11.2 592 16300 953 12.5 47 3/4 23 3/4
HSS50x24x1 50 24 1 1.000 475.40 140 21.0 47.0 44600 1780 17.8 2220 14400 1200 10.1 1340 36000 2240 11.9 44 18
x3/4 50 24 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 29.0 63.7 34600 1380 18.1 1710 11200 933 10.3 1030 27600 1710 12.0 45 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 50 24 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 35.4 77.0 29300 1170 18.1 1440 9530 794 10.3 872 23200 1440 12.1 46 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 50 24 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 45.0 97.0 23800 952 18.2 1170 7760 647 10.4 707 18800 1160 12.1 47 21
x3/8 50 24 0.375 0.375 184.89 54.3 61.0 130 18200 728 18.3 886 5930 494 10.5 537 14200 879 12.2 47 3/4 21 3/4
HSS50x22x1 50 22 1 1.000 461.78 136 19.0 47.0 42200 1690 17.6 2120 11900 1080 9.35 1200 30900 2050 11.6 44 16
x3/4 50 22 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 26.3 63.7 32800 1310 17.8 1630 9260 842 9.48 928 23700 1570 11.7 45 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 50 22 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 32.2 77.0 27800 1110 17.9 1380 7870 715 9.52 784 20000 1320 11.7 46 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 50 22 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 41.0 97.0 22600 904 18.0 1120 6420 584 9.58 636 16200 1060 11.8 47 19
104 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS50x22x3/8 50 22 0.375 0.375 179.78 52.8 55.7 130 17200 688 18.0 849 4910 446 9.64 484 12200 804 11.8 47 3/4 19 3/4
HSS50x20x1 50 20 1 1.000 448.17 132 17.0 47.0 39800 1590 17.4 2020 9590 959 8.52 1070 26000 1850 11.2 44 14
x3/4 50 20 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 23.7 63.7 31000 1240 17.6 1560 7510 751 8.67 826 20000 1420 11.3 45 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 50 20 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 29.0 77.0 26300 1050 17.7 1320 6390 639 8.71 699 16900 1190 11.4 46 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 50 20 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 37.0 97.0 21400 856 17.8 1070 5220 522 8.77 567 13700 964 11.5 47 17
x3/8 50 20 0.375 0.375 174.68 51.3 50.3 130 16300 652 17.8 812 4000 400 8.83 431 10400 730 11.5 47 3/4 17 3/4
HSS50x18x1 50 18 1 1.000 434.56 128 15.0 47.0 37400 1500 17.1 1930 7580 842 7.70 940 21500 1660 10.9 44 12
x3/4 50 18 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 21.0 63.7 29100 1160 17.3 1490 5950 661 7.82 727 16600 1270 11.0 45 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 50 18 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 25.8 77.0 24700 988 17.4 1260 5070 563 7.87 616 14000 1070 11.1 46 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 50 18 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 33.0 97.0 20200 808 17.5 1020 4150 461 7.94 500 11300 865 11.1 47 15
x3/8 50 18 0.375 0.375 169.57 49.8 45.0 130 15400 616 17.6 775 3180 353 7.99 381 8620 655 11.2 47 3/4 15 3/4
HSS48x46x1 48 46 1 1.000 611.51 180 43.0 45.0 64600 2690 18.9 3120 60600 2630 18.3 3030 99100 4220 15.2 42 40
x3/4 48 46 0.75 0.750 463.92 136 58.3 61.0 49700 2070 19.1 2380 46600 2030 18.5 2320 75200 3200 15.3 43 1/2 41 1/2
x5/8 48 46 0.625 0.625 388.80 114 70.6 73.8 41900 1750 19.2 2000 39300 1710 18.6 1950 63100 2680 15.4 44 1/4 42 1/4
x1/2 48 46 0.5 0.500 312.81 91.9 89.0 93.0 34000 1420 19.2 1620 31900 1390 18.6 1570 50700 2160 15.5 45 43
x3/8 48 46 0.375 0.375 235.93 69.3 120 125 25800 1080 19.3 1230 24200 1050 18.7 1190 38300 1630 15.5 45 3/4 43 3/4
HSS48x44x1 48 44 1 1.000 597.90 176 41.0 45.0 62400 2600 18.8 3020 54700 2490 17.6 2850 92500 4030 14.9 42 38
x3/4 48 44 0.75 0.750 453.71 133 55.7 61.0 48000 2000 19.0 2310 42100 1910 17.8 2180 70300 3060 15.0 43 1/2 39 1/2
x5/8 48 44 0.625 0.625 380.30 112 67.4 73.8 40500 1690 19.0 1950 35600 1620 17.8 1840 58900 2570 15.1 44 1/4 40 1/4
x1/2 48 44 0.5 0.500 306.00 89.9 85.0 93.0 32900 1370 19.1 1570 28800 1310 17.9 1480 47400 2060 15.1 45 41
x3/8 48 44 0.375 0.375 230.82 67.8 114 125 25000 1040 19.2 1190 21900 995 18.0 1120 35800 1560 15.2 45 3/4 41 3/4
HSS48x42x1 48 42 1 1.000 584.28 172 39.0 45.0 60200 2510 18.7 2930 49100 2340 16.9 2680 86000 3840 14.6 42 36
x3/4 48 42 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 53.0 61.0 46300 1930 18.9 2240 37900 1800 17.1 2050 65400 2920 14.7 43 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 48 42 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 64.2 73.8 39100 1630 18.9 1890 32000 1520 17.1 1730 54800 2450 14.7 44 1/4 38 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 105
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS48x42x1/2 48 42 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 81.0 93.0 31700 1320 19.0 1520 25900 1230 17.2 1390 44100 1970 14.8 45 39
x3/8 48 42 0.375 0.375 225.72 66.3 109 125 24100 1000 19.1 1150 19700 938 17.2 1060 33300 1490 14.8 45 3/4 39 3/4
HSS48x40x1 48 40 1 1.000 570.67 168 37.0 45.0 58000 2420 18.6 2840 44000 2200 16.2 2510 79700 3660 14.2 42 34
x3/4 48 40 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 50.3 61.0 44700 1860 18.8 2170 33900 1700 16.3 1920 60600 2780 14.3 43 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 48 40 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 61.0 73.8 37700 1570 18.8 1830 28700 1440 16.4 1620 50800 2330 14.4 44 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 48 40 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 77.0 93.0 30600 1280 18.9 1480 23200 1160 16.4 1310 40900 1870 14.5 45 37
x3/8 48 40 0.375 0.375 220.62 64.8 104 125 23300 971 19.0 1120 17700 885 16.5 990 30900 1410 14.5 45 3/4 37 3/4
HSS48x38x1 48 38 1 1.000 557.06 164 35.0 45.0 55700 2320 18.4 2740 39100 2060 15.4 2340 73400 3470 13.9 42 32
x3/4 48 38 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 47.7 61.0 43000 1790 18.6 2100 30200 1590 15.6 1790 55900 2640 14.0 43 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 48 38 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 57.8 73.8 36300 1510 18.7 1770 25500 1340 15.7 1510 46900 2210 14.1 44 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 48 38 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 73.0 93.0 29500 1230 18.8 1430 20700 1090 15.7 1220 37700 1780 14.1 45 35
x3/8 48 38 0.375 0.375 215.51 63.3 98.3 125 22400 933 18.8 1080 15800 832 15.8 926 28500 1340 14.2 45 3/4 35 3/4
HSS48x36x1 48 36 1 1.000 543.45 160 33.0 45.0 53500 2230 18.3 2650 34600 1920 14.7 2180 67300 3280 13.6 42 30
x3/4 48 36 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 45.0 61.0 41300 1720 18.5 2030 26700 1480 14.9 1670 51300 2490 13.7 43 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 48 36 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 54.6 73.8 34900 1450 18.5 1710 22600 1260 14.9 1410 43000 2090 13.7 44 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 48 36 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 69.0 93.0 28300 1180 18.6 1380 18400 1020 15.0 1140 34700 1680 13.8 45 33
x3/8 48 36 0.375 0.375 210.41 61.8 93.0 125 21600 900 18.7 1050 14000 778 15.1 863 26200 1270 13.8 45 3/4 33 3/4
HSS48x34x1 48 34 1 1.000 529.84 156 31.0 45.0 51300 2140 18.1 2550 30400 1790 14.0 2020 61400 3090 13.2 42 28
x3/4 48 34 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 42.3 61.0 39700 1650 18.3 1960 23500 1380 14.1 1550 46800 2350 13.3 43 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 48 34 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 51.4 73.8 33500 1400 18.4 1650 19900 1170 14.2 1310 39200 1970 13.4 44 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 48 34 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 65.0 93.0 27200 1130 18.5 1330 16200 953 14.2 1060 31600 1590 13.5 45 31
x3/8 48 34 0.375 0.375 205.30 60.3 87.7 125 20700 863 18.5 1010 12300 724 14.3 802 23900 1200 13.5 45 3/4 31 3/4
HSS48x32x1 48 32 1 1.000 516.23 152 29.0 45.0 49100 2050 18.0 2460 26500 1660 13.2 1870 55600 2900 12.9 42 26
x3/4 48 32 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 39.7 61.0 38000 1580 18.2 1890 20500 1280 13.4 1440 42400 2210 13.0 43 1/2 27 1/2
106 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS48x32x5/8 48 32 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 48.2 73.8 32100 1340 18.2 1590 17400 1090 13.4 1210 35600 1860 13.1 44 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 48 32 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 61.0 93.0 26100 1090 18.3 1290 14100 881 13.5 979 28700 1490 13.1 45 29
x3/8 48 32 0.375 0.375 200.20 58.8 82.3 125 19900 829 18.4 976 10800 675 13.6 743 21700 1130 13.2 45 3/4 29 3/4
HSS48x30x1 48 30 1 1.000 502.62 148 27.0 45.0 46900 1950 17.8 2370 22900 1530 12.4 1720 49900 2720 12.6 42 24
x3/4 48 30 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 37.0 61.0 36300 1510 18.0 1820 17800 1190 12.6 1320 38100 2070 12.7 43 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 48 30 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 45.0 73.8 30700 1280 18.0 1530 15000 1000 12.6 1110 32000 1740 12.7 44 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 48 30 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 57.0 93.0 25000 1040 18.1 1240 12200 813 12.7 902 25800 1400 12.8 45 27
x3/8 48 30 0.375 0.375 195.09 57.3 77.0 125 19000 792 18.2 940 9330 622 12.8 685 19500 1060 12.8 45 3/4 27 3/4
HSS48x28x1 48 28 1 1.000 489.01 144 25.0 45.0 44700 1860 17.6 2270 19600 1400 11.7 1570 44400 2530 12.2 42 22
x3/4 48 28 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 34.3 61.0 34600 1440 17.8 1750 15200 1090 11.8 1210 34000 1930 12.3 43 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 48 28 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 41.8 73.8 29300 1220 17.9 1470 12900 921 11.9 1020 28500 1620 12.4 44 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 48 28 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 53.0 93.0 23800 992 17.9 1190 10500 750 11.9 827 23000 1300 12.5 45 25
x3/8 48 28 0.375 0.375 189.99 55.8 71.7 125 18200 758 18.1 904 8020 573 12.0 628 17400 986 12.5 45 3/4 25 3/4
HSS48x26x1 48 26 1 1.000 475.40 140 23.0 45.0 42500 1770 17.4 2180 16600 1280 10.9 1430 39200 2340 11.9 42 20
x3/4 48 26 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 31.7 61.0 33000 1380 17.6 1670 12900 992 11.0 1100 30000 1790 12.0 43 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 48 26 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 38.6 73.8 27900 1160 17.7 1410 11000 846 11.1 931 25200 1500 12.1 44 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 48 26 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 49.0 93.0 22700 946 17.8 1140 8930 687 11.1 754 20400 1210 12.1 45 23
x3/8 48 26 0.375 0.375 184.89 54.3 66.3 125 17300 721 17.8 868 6810 524 11.2 573 15400 915 12.2 45 3/4 23 3/4
HSS48x24x1 48 24 1 1.000 461.78 136 21.0 45.0 40300 1680 17.2 2080 13900 1160 10.1 1290 34100 2150 11.6 42 18
x3/4 48 24 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 29.0 61.0 31300 1300 17.4 1600 10800 900 10.2 998 26100 1640 11.7 43 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 48 24 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 35.4 73.8 26500 1100 17.5 1350 9190 766 10.3 843 22000 1380 11.7 44 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 48 24 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 45.0 93.0 21600 900 17.6 1100 7490 624 10.4 683 17800 1110 11.8 45 21
x3/8 48 24 0.375 0.375 179.78 52.8 61.0 125 16500 688 17.7 833 5720 477 10.4 519 13500 843 11.8 45 3/4 21 3/4
HSS48x22x1 48 22 1 1.000 448.17 132 19.0 45.0 38100 1590 17.0 1990 11400 1040 9.29 1160 29300 1960 11.2 42 16
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 107
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS48x22x3/4 48 22 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 26.3 61.0 29600 1230 17.2 1530 8920 811 9.44 896 22500 1500 11.3 43 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 48 22 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 32.2 73.8 25100 1050 17.3 1290 7590 690 9.49 757 18900 1260 11.4 44 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 48 22 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 41.0 93.0 20400 850 17.3 1050 6190 563 9.55 614 15300 1020 11.5 45 19
x3/8 48 22 0.375 0.375 174.68 51.3 55.7 125 15600 650 17.4 797 4740 431 9.61 467 11600 772 11.5 45 3/4 19 3/4
HSS48x20x1 48 20 1 1.000 434.56 128 17.0 45.0 35900 1500 16.7 1900 9220 922 8.49 1030 24700 1780 10.9 42 14
x3/4 48 20 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 23.7 61.0 27900 1160 16.9 1460 7230 723 8.62 797 19000 1360 11.0 43 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 48 20 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 29.0 73.8 23700 988 17.0 1230 6150 615 8.67 674 16000 1140 11.1 44 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 48 20 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 37.0 93.0 19300 804 17.1 1000 5030 503 8.74 548 13000 925 11.1 45 17
x3/8 48 20 0.375 0.375 169.57 49.8 50.3 125 14800 617 17.2 761 3850 385 8.79 417 9840 700 11.2 45 3/4 17 3/4
HSS48x18x1 48 18 1 1.000 420.95 124 15.0 45.0 33700 1400 16.5 1800 7290 810 7.67 906 20400 1590 10.6 42 12
x3/4 48 18 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 21.0 61.0 26300 1100 16.7 1390 5730 637 7.80 701 15700 1220 10.7 43 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 48 18 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 25.8 73.8 22300 929 16.8 1180 4890 543 7.85 594 13300 1030 10.7 44 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 48 18 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 33.0 93.0 18200 758 16.9 954 4000 444 7.91 483 10800 830 10.8 45 15
x3/8 48 18 0.375 0.375 164.47 48.3 45.0 125 13900 579 17.0 726 3070 341 7.97 368 8180 629 10.8 45 3/4 15 3/4
HSS46x44x1 46 44 1 1.000 584.28 172 41.0 43.0 56500 2460 18.1 2850 52800 2400 17.5 2770 86700 3860 14.6 40 38
x3/4 46 44 0.75 0.750 443.50 130 55.7 58.3 43500 1890 18.3 2180 40700 1850 17.7 2120 65900 2930 14.7 41 1/2 39 1/2
x5/8 46 44 0.625 0.625 371.79 109 67.4 70.6 36800 1600 18.4 1840 34400 1560 17.8 1780 55300 2460 14.7 42 1/4 40 1/4
x1/2 46 44 0.5 0.500 299.20 87.9 85.0 89.0 29800 1300 18.4 1480 27900 1270 17.8 1440 44500 1980 14.8 43 41
x3/8 46 44 0.375 0.375 225.72 66.3 114 120 22600 983 18.5 1120 21200 964 17.9 1090 33600 1490 14.8 43 3/4 41 3/4
HSS46x42x1 46 42 1 1.000 570.67 168 39.0 43.0 54500 2370 18.0 2760 47500 2260 16.8 2600 80700 3680 14.2 40 36
x3/4 46 42 0.75 0.750 433.30 127 53.0 58.3 42000 1830 18.2 2110 36600 1740 17.0 1990 61400 2800 14.3 41 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 46 42 0.625 0.625 363.28 107 64.2 70.6 35500 1540 18.2 1780 30900 1470 17.0 1670 51500 2340 14.4 42 1/4 38 1/4
x1/2 46 42 0.5 0.500 292.39 85.9 81.0 89.0 28800 1250 18.3 1440 25100 1200 17.1 1350 41400 1890 14.5 43 39
x3/8 46 42 0.375 0.375 220.62 64.8 109 120 21900 952 18.4 1090 19100 910 17.2 1020 31300 1420 14.5 43 3/4 39 3/4
108 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS46x40x1 46 40 1 1.000 557.06 164 37.0 43.0 52400 2280 17.9 2670 42400 2120 16.1 2430 74800 3500 13.9 40 34
x3/4 46 40 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 50.3 58.3 40500 1760 18.1 2040 32800 1640 16.3 1860 56900 2660 14.0 41 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 46 40 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 61.0 70.6 34200 1490 18.1 1720 27700 1390 16.3 1570 47700 2230 14.1 42 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 46 40 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 77.0 89.0 27700 1200 18.2 1390 22500 1130 16.4 1270 38400 1800 14.1 43 37
x3/8 46 40 0.375 0.375 215.51 63.3 104 120 21100 917 18.3 1050 17100 855 16.4 960 29000 1360 14.2 43 3/4 37 3/4
HSS46x38x1 46 38 1 1.000 543.45 160 35.0 43.0 50400 2190 17.7 2580 37700 1980 15.4 2270 69000 3320 13.6 40 32
x3/4 46 38 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 47.7 58.3 38900 1690 17.9 1980 29200 1540 15.5 1740 52500 2520 13.7 41 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 46 38 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 57.8 70.6 32900 1430 18.0 1660 24600 1290 15.5 1460 44100 2120 13.7 42 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 46 38 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 73.0 89.0 26700 1160 18.1 1350 20000 1050 15.6 1180 35500 1700 13.8 43 35
x3/8 46 38 0.375 0.375 210.41 61.8 98.3 120 20300 883 18.1 1020 15200 800 15.7 898 26800 1290 13.8 43 3/4 35 3/4
HSS46x36x1 46 36 1 1.000 529.84 156 33.0 43.0 48400 2100 17.6 2490 33400 1860 14.6 2110 63300 3140 13.2 40 30
x3/4 46 36 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 45.0 58.3 37400 1630 17.8 1910 25800 1430 14.8 1620 48200 2390 13.3 41 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 46 36 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 54.6 70.6 31600 1370 17.8 1610 21800 1210 14.8 1360 40500 2000 13.4 42 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 46 36 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 69.0 89.0 25700 1120 17.9 1300 17700 983 14.9 1100 32600 1610 13.5 43 33
x3/8 46 36 0.375 0.375 205.30 60.3 93.0 120 19500 848 18.0 986 13500 750 15.0 837 24600 1220 13.5 43 3/4 33 3/4
HSS46x34x1 46 34 1 1.000 516.23 152 31.0 43.0 46400 2020 17.5 2400 29300 1720 13.9 1960 57700 2960 12.9 40 28
x3/4 46 34 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 42.3 58.3 35900 1560 17.7 1840 22700 1340 14.0 1500 44000 2250 13.0 41 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 46 34 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 51.4 70.6 30300 1320 17.7 1550 19200 1130 14.1 1270 36900 1890 13.1 42 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 46 34 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 65.0 89.0 24600 1070 17.8 1260 15600 918 14.2 1020 29800 1520 13.1 43 31
x3/8 46 34 0.375 0.375 200.20 58.8 87.7 120 18700 813 17.8 952 11900 700 14.2 777 22500 1150 13.2 43 3/4 31 3/4
HSS46x32x1 46 32 1 1.000 502.62 148 29.0 43.0 44300 1930 17.3 2310 25500 1590 13.1 1810 52300 2780 12.6 40 26
x3/4 46 32 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 39.7 58.3 34300 1490 17.5 1770 19800 1240 13.3 1390 39900 2120 12.7 41 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 46 32 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 48.2 70.6 29000 1260 17.5 1490 16800 1050 13.3 1170 33500 1780 12.7 42 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 46 32 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 61.0 89.0 23600 1030 17.6 1210 13600 850 13.4 948 27000 1430 12.8 43 29
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 109
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS46x32x3/8 46 32 0.375 0.375 195.09 57.3 82.3 120 18000 783 17.7 918 10400 650 13.5 719 20400 1080 12.8 43 3/4 29 3/4
HSS46x30x1 46 30 1 1.000 489.01 144 27.0 43.0 42300 1840 17.1 2220 22100 1470 12.4 1660 47000 2600 12.2 40 24
x3/4 46 30 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 37.0 58.3 32800 1430 17.3 1710 17100 1140 12.5 1280 35900 1980 12.3 41 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 46 30 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 45.0 70.6 27800 1210 17.4 1440 14500 967 12.6 1080 30200 1660 12.4 42 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 46 30 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 57.0 89.0 22600 983 17.5 1160 11800 787 12.6 873 24300 1340 12.5 43 27
x3/8 46 30 0.375 0.375 189.99 55.8 77.0 120 17200 748 17.6 883 9000 600 12.7 662 18400 1010 12.5 43 3/4 27 3/4
HSS46x28x1 46 28 1 1.000 475.40 140 25.0 43.0 40300 1750 17.0 2130 18900 1350 11.6 1520 41900 2420 11.9 40 22
x3/4 46 28 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 34.3 58.3 31200 1360 17.2 1640 14700 1050 11.8 1170 32000 1850 12.0 41 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 46 28 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 41.8 70.6 26500 1150 17.2 1380 12400 886 11.8 987 26900 1550 12.1 42 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 46 28 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 53.0 89.0 21500 935 17.3 1120 10100 721 11.9 800 21700 1250 12.1 43 25
x3/8 46 28 0.375 0.375 184.89 54.3 71.7 120 16400 713 17.4 849 7730 552 11.9 607 16400 945 12.2 43 3/4 25 3/4
HSS46x26x1 46 26 1 1.000 461.78 136 23.0 43.0 38300 1670 16.8 2040 16000 1230 10.8 1380 36900 2240 11.6 40 20
x3/4 46 26 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 31.7 58.3 29700 1290 17.0 1570 12400 954 11.0 1060 28300 1710 11.7 41 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 46 26 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 38.6 70.6 25200 1100 17.0 1320 10600 815 11.1 899 23800 1440 11.7 42 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 46 26 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 49.0 89.0 20500 891 17.1 1070 8600 662 11.1 729 19200 1160 11.8 43 23
x3/8 46 26 0.375 0.375 179.78 52.8 66.3 120 15600 678 17.2 815 6570 505 11.2 554 14500 876 11.8 43 3/4 23 3/4
HSS46x24x1 46 24 1 1.000 448.17 132 21.0 43.0 36200 1570 16.6 1950 13300 1110 10.0 1250 32200 2060 11.2 40 18
x3/4 46 24 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 29.0 58.3 28200 1230 16.8 1500 10400 867 10.2 963 24700 1570 11.3 41 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 46 24 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 35.4 70.6 23900 1040 16.8 1270 8840 737 10.2 814 20800 1320 11.4 42 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 46 24 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 45.0 89.0 19400 843 16.9 1030 7210 601 10.3 660 16800 1070 11.5 43 21
x3/8 46 24 0.375 0.375 174.68 51.3 61.0 120 14800 643 17.0 781 5510 459 10.4 502 12700 808 11.5 43 3/4 21 3/4
HSS46x22x1 46 22 1 1.000 434.56 128 19.0 43.0 34200 1490 16.3 1860 11000 1000 9.27 1120 27700 1880 10.9 40 16
x3/4 46 22 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 26.3 58.3 26600 1160 16.5 1430 8580 780 9.39 864 21200 1440 11.0 41 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 46 22 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 32.2 70.6 22600 983 16.6 1210 7300 664 9.45 731 17900 1210 11.1 42 1/4 18 1/4
110 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS46x22x1/2 46 22 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 41.0 89.0 18400 800 16.7 982 5960 542 9.51 593 14500 977 11.1 43 19
x3/8 46 22 0.375 0.375 169.57 49.8 55.7 120 14100 613 16.8 746 4560 415 9.57 451 11000 739 11.2 43 3/4 19 3/4
HSS46x20x1 46 20 1 1.000 420.95 124 17.0 43.0 32200 1400 16.1 1770 8860 886 8.45 993 23300 1700 10.6 40 14
x3/4 46 20 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 23.7 58.3 25100 1090 16.3 1370 6950 695 8.58 768 18000 1300 10.7 41 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 46 20 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 29.0 70.6 21300 926 16.4 1150 5920 592 8.64 650 15200 1100 10.7 42 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 46 20 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 37.0 89.0 17400 757 16.5 937 4840 484 8.70 528 12300 886 10.8 43 17
x3/8 46 20 0.375 0.375 164.47 48.3 50.3 120 13300 578 16.6 712 3710 371 8.76 402 9310 671 10.8 43 3/4 17 3/4
HSS46x18x1 46 18 1 1.000 407.34 120 15.0 43.0 30200 1310 15.9 1680 7000 778 7.64 872 19300 1520 10.2 40 12
x3/4 46 18 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 21.0 58.3 23600 1030 16.1 1300 5510 612 7.77 676 14900 1170 10.3 41 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 46 18 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 25.8 70.6 20000 870 16.1 1100 4700 522 7.82 572 12600 983 10.4 42 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 46 18 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 33.0 89.0 16300 709 16.2 891 3850 428 7.89 465 10200 795 10.5 43 15
x3/8 46 18 0.375 0.375 159.37 46.8 45.0 120 12500 543 16.3 678 2950 328 7.94 354 7750 603 10.5 43 3/4 15 3/4
HSS44x42x1 44 42 1 1.000 557.06 164 39.0 41.0 49100 2230 17.3 2590 45800 2180 16.7 2510 75500 3520 13.9 38 36
x3/4 44 42 0.75 0.750 423.09 124 53.0 55.7 37900 1720 17.5 1990 35300 1680 16.9 1930 57400 2670 14.0 39 1/2 37 1/2
x5/8 44 42 0.625 0.625 354.78 104 64.2 67.4 32000 1450 17.5 1670 29900 1420 17.0 1620 48200 2240 14.1 40 1/4 38 1/4
x1/2 44 42 0.5 0.500 285.58 83.9 81.0 85.0 26000 1180 17.6 1350 24200 1150 17.0 1310 38800 1800 14.1 41 39
x3/8 44 42 0.375 0.375 215.51 63.3 109 114 19800 900 17.7 1020 18400 876 17.0 993 29300 1360 14.2 41 3/4 39 3/4
HSS44x40x1 44 40 1 1.000 543.45 160 37.0 41.0 47300 2150 17.2 2510 40900 2050 16.0 2350 70000 3340 13.6 38 34
x3/4 44 40 0.75 0.750 412.88 121 50.3 55.7 36500 1660 17.4 1920 31600 1580 16.2 1800 53200 2540 13.7 39 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 44 40 0.625 0.625 346.27 102 61.0 67.4 30800 1400 17.4 1620 26700 1340 16.2 1520 44700 2130 13.7 40 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 44 40 0.5 0.500 278.78 81.9 77.0 85.0 25000 1140 17.5 1310 21700 1090 16.3 1230 36000 1720 13.8 41 37
x3/8 44 40 0.375 0.375 210.41 61.8 104 114 19000 864 17.5 992 16500 825 16.3 931 27200 1300 13.8 41 3/4 37 3/4
HSS44x38x1 44 38 1 1.000 529.84 156 35.0 41.0 45400 2060 17.1 2420 36400 1920 15.3 2190 64600 3170 13.2 38 32
x3/4 44 38 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 47.7 55.7 35100 1600 17.2 1860 28100 1480 15.4 1680 49200 2410 13.3 39 1/2 33 1/2
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 111
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS44x38x5/8 44 38 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 57.8 67.4 29700 1350 17.3 1560 23800 1250 15.5 1420 41300 2020 13.4 40 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 44 38 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 73.0 85.0 24100 1100 17.4 1270 19300 1020 15.5 1150 33200 1630 13.5 41 35
x3/8 44 38 0.375 0.375 205.30 60.3 98.3 114 18300 832 17.4 959 14700 774 15.6 870 25100 1230 13.5 41 3/4 35 3/4
HSS44x36x1 44 36 1 1.000 516.23 152 33.0 41.0 43600 1980 16.9 2340 32100 1780 14.5 2040 59300 3000 12.9 38 30
x3/4 44 36 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 45.0 55.7 33700 1530 17.1 1790 24900 1380 14.7 1570 45200 2280 13.0 39 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 44 36 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 54.6 67.4 28500 1300 17.2 1510 21000 1170 14.7 1320 37900 1920 13.1 40 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 44 36 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 69.0 85.0 23100 1050 17.2 1220 17100 950 14.8 1070 30500 1540 13.1 41 33
x3/8 44 36 0.375 0.375 200.20 58.8 93.0 114 17600 800 17.3 926 13000 722 14.9 810 23100 1170 13.2 41 3/4 33 3/4
HSS44x34x1 44 34 1 1.000 502.62 148 31.0 41.0 41700 1900 16.8 2250 28200 1660 13.8 1890 54100 2830 12.6 38 28
x3/4 44 34 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 42.3 55.7 32300 1470 17.0 1730 21800 1280 14.0 1450 41200 2150 12.7 39 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 44 34 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 51.4 67.4 27300 1240 17.0 1460 18500 1090 14.0 1220 34600 1810 12.7 40 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 44 34 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 65.0 85.0 22200 1010 17.1 1180 15000 882 14.1 991 27900 1460 12.8 41 31
x3/8 44 34 0.375 0.375 195.09 57.3 87.7 114 16900 768 17.2 894 11500 676 14.2 752 21100 1100 12.8 41 3/4 31 3/4
HSS44x32x1 44 32 1 1.000 489.01 144 29.0 41.0 39900 1810 16.6 2160 24600 1540 13.1 1750 49100 2660 12.2 38 26
x3/4 44 32 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 39.7 55.7 30900 1400 16.8 1660 19000 1190 13.2 1340 37400 2020 12.3 39 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 44 32 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 48.2 67.4 26100 1190 16.9 1400 16100 1010 13.2 1130 31400 1700 12.4 40 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 44 32 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 61.0 85.0 21200 964 16.9 1130 13100 819 13.3 916 25300 1370 12.5 41 29
x3/8 44 32 0.375 0.375 189.99 55.8 82.3 114 16200 736 17.0 861 10000 625 13.4 695 19200 1030 12.5 41 3/4 29 3/4
HSS44x30x1 44 30 1 1.000 475.40 140 27.0 41.0 38000 1730 16.5 2080 21200 1410 12.3 1600 44100 2480 11.9 38 24
x3/4 44 30 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 37.0 55.7 29500 1340 16.7 1600 16500 1100 12.5 1230 33700 1890 12.0 39 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 44 30 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 45.0 67.4 25000 1140 16.7 1350 14000 933 12.5 1040 28300 1590 12.1 40 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 44 30 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 57.0 85.0 20300 923 16.8 1090 11400 760 12.6 843 22800 1280 12.1 41 27
x3/8 44 30 0.375 0.375 184.89 54.3 77.0 114 15500 705 16.9 828 8670 578 12.6 640 17300 969 12.2 41 3/4 27 3/4
HSS44x28x1 44 28 1 1.000 461.78 136 25.0 41.0 36200 1650 16.3 1990 18100 1290 11.5 1470 39400 2310 11.6 38 22
112 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS44x28x3/4 44 28 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 34.3 55.7 28100 1280 16.5 1530 14100 1010 11.7 1130 30100 1760 11.7 39 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 44 28 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 41.8 67.4 23800 1080 16.6 1290 12000 857 11.8 953 25300 1480 11.7 40 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 44 28 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 53.0 85.0 19400 882 16.7 1050 9750 696 11.8 772 20400 1190 11.8 41 25
x3/8 44 28 0.375 0.375 179.78 52.8 71.7 114 14800 673 16.7 796 7440 531 11.9 587 15400 903 11.8 41 3/4 25 3/4
HSS44x26x1 44 26 1 1.000 448.17 132 23.0 41.0 34300 1560 16.1 1910 15300 1180 10.8 1330 34700 2140 11.2 38 20
x3/4 44 26 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 31.7 55.7 26700 1210 16.3 1470 12000 923 11.0 1030 26600 1630 11.3 39 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 44 26 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 38.6 67.4 22600 1030 16.4 1240 10200 785 11.0 867 22400 1370 11.4 40 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 44 26 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 49.0 85.0 18400 836 16.5 1000 8280 637 11.0 703 18100 1110 11.5 41 23
x3/8 44 26 0.375 0.375 174.68 51.3 66.3 114 14000 636 16.5 763 6320 486 11.1 535 13700 838 11.5 41 3/4 23 3/4
HSS44x24x1 44 24 1 1.000 434.56 128 21.0 41.0 32500 1480 15.9 1820 12800 1070 10.0 1200 30300 1970 10.9 38 18
x3/4 44 24 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 29.0 55.7 25300 1150 16.1 1400 10000 833 10.1 928 23200 1500 11.0 39 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 44 24 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 35.4 67.4 21400 973 16.2 1180 8500 708 10.2 784 19600 1260 11.1 40 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 44 24 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 45.0 85.0 17500 795 16.3 961 6940 578 10.3 636 15800 1020 11.1 41 21
x3/8 44 24 0.375 0.375 169.57 49.8 61.0 114 13300 605 16.3 730 5300 442 10.3 484 12000 772 11.2 41 3/4 21 3/4
HSS44x22x1 44 22 1 1.000 420.95 124 19.0 41.0 30600 1390 15.7 1730 10500 955 9.20 1080 26100 1800 10.6 38 16
x3/4 44 22 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 26.3 55.7 23900 1090 15.9 1340 8240 749 9.35 832 20000 1370 10.7 39 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 44 22 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 32.2 67.4 20300 923 16.0 1130 7010 637 9.40 704 16900 1160 10.7 40 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 44 22 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 41.0 85.0 16500 750 16.1 917 5730 521 9.47 571 13600 934 10.8 41 19
x3/8 44 22 0.375 0.375 164.47 48.3 55.7 114 12600 573 16.2 697 4390 399 9.53 435 10300 707 10.8 41 3/4 19 3/4
HSS44x20x1 44 20 1 1.000 407.34 120 17.0 41.0 28800 1310 15.5 1650 8500 850 8.42 955 22000 1620 10.2 38 14
x3/4 44 20 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 23.7 55.7 22500 1020 15.7 1270 6670 667 8.55 740 17000 1240 10.3 39 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 44 20 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 29.0 67.4 19100 868 15.8 1080 5680 568 8.60 626 14300 1050 10.4 40 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 44 20 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 37.0 85.0 15600 709 15.9 874 4650 465 8.67 509 11600 847 10.5 41 17
x3/8 44 20 0.375 0.375 159.37 46.8 50.3 114 11900 541 15.9 665 3560 356 8.72 387 8790 642 10.5 41 3/4 17 3/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 113
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS44x18x1 44 18 1 1.000 393.73 116 15.0 41.0 26900 1220 15.2 1560 6710 746 7.61 838 18200 1450 9.90 38 12
x3/4 44 18 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 21.0 55.7 21100 959 15.5 1210 5280 587 7.73 650 14100 1110 10.0 39 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 44 18 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 25.8 67.4 17900 814 15.5 1020 4510 501 7.79 550 11900 939 10.1 40 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 44 18 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 33.0 85.0 14600 664 15.6 830 3690 410 7.85 448 9640 760 10.1 41 15
x3/8 44 18 0.375 0.375 154.26 45.3 45.0 114 11200 509 15.7 632 2840 316 7.92 341 7320 576 10.2 41 3/4 15 3/4
HSS42x40x1 42 40 1 1.000 529.84 156 37.0 39.0 42400 2020 16.5 2350 39400 1970 15.9 2270 65200 3190 13.2 36 34
x3/4 42 40 0.75 0.750 402.67 118 50.3 53.0 32800 1560 16.7 1800 30400 1520 16.1 1740 49700 2420 13.3 37 1/2 35 1/2
x5/8 42 40 0.625 0.625 337.76 99.3 61.0 64.2 27700 1320 16.7 1520 25700 1290 16.1 1470 41700 2030 13.4 38 1/4 36 1/4
x1/2 42 40 0.5 0.500 271.97 79.9 77.0 81.0 22500 1070 16.8 1230 20900 1050 16.2 1190 33600 1640 13.5 39 37
x3/8 42 40 0.375 0.375 205.30 60.3 104 109 17100 814 16.8 931 15900 795 16.2 901 25300 1240 13.5 39 3/4 37 3/4
HSS42x38x1 42 38 1 1.000 516.23 152 35.0 39.0 40700 1940 16.4 2270 35000 1840 15.2 2120 60200 3020 12.9 36 32
x3/4 42 38 0.75 0.750 392.46 115 47.7 53.0 31500 1500 16.6 1740 27100 1430 15.4 1630 45900 2300 13.0 37 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 42 38 0.625 0.625 329.26 96.8 57.8 64.2 26600 1270 16.6 1470 22900 1210 15.4 1370 38500 1930 13.1 38 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 42 38 0.5 0.500 265.17 77.9 73.0 81.0 21600 1030 16.7 1190 18600 979 15.5 1110 31000 1550 13.1 39 35
x3/8 42 38 0.375 0.375 200.20 58.8 98.3 109 16500 786 16.8 900 14200 747 15.5 841 23400 1170 13.2 39 3/4 35 3/4
HSS42x36x1 42 36 1 1.000 502.62 148 33.0 39.0 39100 1860 16.3 2190 30900 1720 14.4 1970 55300 2860 12.6 36 30
x3/4 42 36 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 45.0 53.0 30200 1440 16.4 1680 23900 1330 14.6 1510 42200 2180 12.7 37 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 42 36 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 54.6 64.2 25600 1220 16.5 1410 20300 1130 14.7 1280 35400 1830 12.7 38 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 42 36 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 69.0 81.0 20800 990 16.6 1140 16500 917 14.7 1030 28500 1470 12.8 39 33
x3/8 42 36 0.375 0.375 195.09 57.3 93.0 109 15800 752 16.6 868 12500 694 14.8 783 21600 1110 12.8 39 3/4 33 3/4
HSS42x34x1 42 34 1 1.000 489.01 144 31.0 39.0 37400 1780 16.1 2100 27100 1590 13.7 1830 50600 2700 12.2 36 28
x3/4 42 34 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 42.3 53.0 28900 1380 16.3 1620 21000 1240 13.9 1400 38500 2050 12.3 37 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 42 34 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 51.4 64.2 24500 1170 16.3 1360 17800 1050 13.9 1180 32400 1720 12.4 38 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 42 34 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 65.0 81.0 19900 948 16.4 1100 14500 853 14.0 958 26100 1390 12.5 39 31
114 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS42x34x3/8 42 34 0.375 0.375 189.99 55.8 87.7 109 15200 724 16.5 837 11000 647 14.0 727 19700 1050 12.5 39 3/4 31 3/4
HSS42x32x1 42 32 1 1.000 475.40 140 29.0 39.0 35700 1700 16.0 2020 23600 1480 13.0 1680 45900 2530 11.9 36 26
x3/4 42 32 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 39.7 53.0 27700 1320 16.2 1550 18300 1140 13.1 1290 35000 1930 12.0 37 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 42 32 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 48.2 64.2 23400 1110 16.2 1310 15500 969 13.2 1090 29400 1620 12.1 38 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 42 32 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 61.0 81.0 19100 910 16.3 1060 12600 788 13.2 885 23700 1310 12.1 39 29
x3/8 42 32 0.375 0.375 184.89 54.3 82.3 109 14500 690 16.3 806 9630 602 13.3 672 17900 987 12.2 39 3/4 29 3/4
HSS42x30x1 42 30 1 1.000 461.78 136 27.0 39.0 34000 1620 15.8 1940 20400 1360 12.2 1550 41300 2370 11.6 36 24
x3/4 42 30 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 37.0 53.0 26400 1260 16.0 1490 15800 1050 12.4 1190 31500 1810 11.7 37 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 42 30 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 45.0 64.2 22400 1070 16.1 1260 13400 893 12.4 1000 26500 1520 11.7 38 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 42 30 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 57.0 81.0 18200 867 16.1 1020 10900 727 12.5 814 21400 1220 11.8 39 27
x3/8 42 30 0.375 0.375 179.78 52.8 77.0 109 13900 662 16.2 775 8340 556 12.6 618 16200 924 11.8 39 3/4 27 3/4
HSS42x28x1 42 28 1 1.000 448.17 132 25.0 39.0 32300 1540 15.6 1860 17400 1240 11.5 1410 36900 2200 11.2 36 22
x3/4 42 28 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 34.3 53.0 25100 1200 15.8 1430 13600 971 11.7 1090 28200 1680 11.3 37 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 42 28 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 41.8 64.2 21300 1010 15.9 1210 11500 821 11.7 919 23700 1410 11.4 38 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 42 28 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 53.0 81.0 17300 824 16.0 979 9370 669 11.7 745 19100 1140 11.5 39 25
x3/8 42 28 0.375 0.375 174.68 51.3 71.7 109 13200 629 16.0 743 7160 511 11.8 566 14500 862 11.5 39 3/4 25 3/4
HSS42x26x1 42 26 1 1.000 434.56 128 23.0 39.0 30600 1460 15.5 1780 14700 1130 10.7 1280 32600 2040 10.9 36 20
x3/4 42 26 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 31.7 53.0 23800 1130 15.6 1370 11500 885 10.9 989 24900 1560 11.0 37 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 42 26 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 38.6 64.2 20200 962 15.7 1160 9750 750 10.9 836 21000 1310 11.1 38 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 42 26 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 49.0 81.0 16500 786 15.8 937 7950 612 11.0 678 16900 1060 11.1 39 23
x3/8 42 26 0.375 0.375 169.57 49.8 66.3 109 12600 600 15.9 712 6080 468 11.0 515 12800 799 11.2 39 3/4 23 3/4
HSS42x24x1 42 24 1 1.000 420.95 124 21.0 39.0 29000 1380 15.3 1690 12300 1030 9.96 1160 28400 1880 10.6 36 18
x3/4 42 24 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 29.0 53.0 22600 1080 15.5 1310 9600 800 10.1 893 21800 1430 10.7 37 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 42 24 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 35.4 64.2 19200 914 15.6 1100 8160 680 10.1 755 18400 1210 10.7 38 1/4 20 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 115
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS42x24x1/2 42 24 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 45.0 81.0 15600 743 15.6 896 6660 555 10.2 613 14800 974 10.8 39 21
x3/8 42 24 0.375 0.375 164.47 48.3 61.0 109 11900 567 15.7 681 5090 424 10.3 466 11200 737 10.8 39 3/4 21 3/4
HSS42x22x1 42 22 1 1.000 407.34 120 19.0 39.0 27300 1300 15.1 1610 10100 918 9.17 1030 24500 1710 10.2 36 16
x3/4 42 22 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 26.3 53.0 21300 1010 15.3 1250 7900 718 9.30 801 18800 1310 10.3 37 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 42 22 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 32.2 64.2 18100 862 15.4 1050 6730 612 9.36 677 15800 1100 10.4 38 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 42 22 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 41.0 81.0 14700 700 15.4 854 5500 500 9.43 550 12800 891 10.5 39 19
x3/8 42 22 0.375 0.375 159.37 46.8 55.7 109 11300 538 15.5 650 4210 383 9.48 419 9720 675 10.5 39 3/4 19 3/4
HSS42x20x1 42 20 1 1.000 393.73 116 17.0 39.0 25600 1220 14.9 1530 8140 814 8.38 917 20700 1550 9.90 36 14
x3/4 42 20 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 23.7 53.0 20000 952 15.0 1180 6390 639 8.51 711 15900 1190 10.0 37 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 42 20 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 29.0 64.2 17000 810 15.1 1000 5450 545 8.56 602 13500 999 10.1 38 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 42 20 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 37.0 81.0 13900 662 15.2 813 4460 446 8.63 489 10900 808 10.1 39 17
x3/8 42 20 0.375 0.375 154.26 45.3 50.3 109 10600 505 15.3 619 3420 342 8.69 373 8260 612 10.2 39 3/4 17 3/4
HSS42x18x1 42 18 1 1.000 380.12 112 15.0 39.0 23900 1140 14.6 1450 6420 713 7.57 804 17100 1380 9.57 36 12
x3/4 42 18 0.75 0.750 290.38 85.3 21.0 53.0 18700 890 14.8 1120 5060 562 7.70 624 13200 1060 9.68 37 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 42 18 0.625 0.625 244.19 71.8 25.8 64.2 15900 757 14.9 949 4320 480 7.76 529 11200 896 9.73 38 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 42 18 0.5 0.500 197.11 57.9 33.0 81.0 13000 619 15.0 771 3540 393 7.82 430 9070 725 9.79 39 15
x3/8 42 18 0.375 0.375 149.16 43.8 45.0 109 9970 475 15.1 587 2720 302 7.88 328 6890 550 9.84 39 3/4 15 3/4
HSS40x38x1 40 38 1 1.000 502.62 148 35.0 37.0 36300 1820 15.7 2120 33600 1770 15.1 2050 56000 2880 12.6 34 32
x3/4 40 38 0.75 0.750 382.25 112 47.7 50.3 28100 1410 15.8 1630 26000 1370 15.2 1570 42600 2190 12.7 35 1/2 33 1/2
x5/8 40 38 0.625 0.625 320.75 94.3 57.8 61.0 23800 1190 15.9 1370 22000 1160 15.3 1320 35800 1840 12.7 36 1/4 34 1/4
x1/2 40 38 0.5 0.500 258.36 75.9 73.0 77.0 19300 965 15.9 1110 17900 942 15.4 1070 28800 1480 12.8 37 35
x3/8 40 38 0.375 0.375 195.09 57.3 98.3 104 14700 735 16.0 841 13600 716 15.4 813 21800 1120 12.8 37 3/4 35 3/4
HSS40x36x1 40 36 1 1.000 489.01 144 33.0 37.0 34800 1740 15.5 2040 29700 1650 14.4 1900 51500 2720 12.2 34 30
x3/4 40 36 0.75 0.750 372.05 109 45.0 50.3 27000 1350 15.7 1570 23000 1280 14.5 1460 39200 2070 12.3 35 1/2 31 1/2
116 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS40x36x5/8 40 36 0.625 0.625 312.24 91.8 54.6 61.0 22800 1140 15.8 1320 19500 1080 14.6 1230 32900 1740 12.4 36 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 40 36 0.5 0.500 251.56 73.9 69.0 77.0 18600 930 15.9 1070 15800 878 14.6 997 26500 1400 12.5 37 33
x3/8 40 36 0.375 0.375 189.99 55.8 93.0 104 14100 705 15.9 812 12100 672 14.7 757 20100 1060 12.5 37 3/4 33 3/4
HSS40x34x1 40 34 1 1.000 475.40 140 31.0 37.0 33300 1670 15.4 1960 26000 1530 13.6 1760 47000 2560 11.9 34 28
x3/4 40 34 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 42.3 50.3 25800 1290 15.6 1510 20200 1190 13.8 1350 35900 1950 12.0 35 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 40 34 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 51.4 61.0 21900 1100 15.7 1270 17100 1010 13.8 1140 30100 1640 12.1 36 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 40 34 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 65.0 77.0 17800 890 15.7 1030 13900 818 13.9 924 24300 1320 12.1 37 31
x3/8 40 34 0.375 0.375 184.89 54.3 87.7 104 13500 675 15.8 782 10600 624 14.0 701 18400 999 12.2 37 3/4 31 3/4
HSS40x32x1 40 32 1 1.000 461.78 136 29.0 37.0 31800 1590 15.3 1880 22600 1410 12.9 1620 42700 2410 11.6 34 26
x3/4 40 32 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 39.7 50.3 24700 1240 15.5 1450 17600 1100 13.1 1250 32600 1840 11.7 35 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 40 32 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 48.2 61.0 20900 1050 15.5 1220 14900 931 13.1 1050 27400 1540 11.7 36 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 40 32 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 61.0 77.0 17000 850 15.6 991 12100 756 13.2 853 22100 1240 11.8 37 29
x3/8 40 32 0.375 0.375 179.78 52.8 82.3 104 13000 650 15.7 752 9250 578 13.2 648 16700 939 11.8 37 3/4 29 3/4
HSS40x30x1 40 30 1 1.000 448.17 132 27.0 37.0 30300 1520 15.2 1810 19500 1300 12.2 1490 38500 2250 11.2 34 24
x3/4 40 30 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 37.0 50.3 23500 1180 15.3 1390 15200 1010 12.3 1150 29400 1720 11.3 35 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 40 30 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 45.0 61.0 19900 995 15.4 1170 12900 860 12.4 968 24700 1440 11.4 36 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 40 30 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 57.0 77.0 16200 810 15.4 951 10500 700 12.4 784 19900 1160 11.5 37 27
x3/8 40 30 0.375 0.375 174.68 51.3 77.0 104 12400 620 15.5 723 8010 534 12.5 596 15100 880 11.5 37 3/4 27 3/4
HSS40x28x1 40 28 1 1.000 434.56 128 25.0 37.0 28700 1440 15.0 1730 16700 1190 11.4 1360 34400 2100 10.9 34 22
x3/4 40 28 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 34.3 50.3 22400 1120 15.2 1330 13000 929 11.6 1050 26300 1600 11.0 35 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 40 28 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 41.8 61.0 19000 950 15.2 1120 11000 786 11.6 885 22100 1340 11.1 36 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 40 28 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 53.0 77.0 15400 770 15.3 912 8990 642 11.7 717 17900 1080 11.1 37 25
x3/8 40 28 0.375 0.375 169.57 49.8 71.7 104 11800 590 15.4 693 6870 491 11.7 545 13500 820 11.2 37 3/4 25 3/4
HSS40x26x1 40 26 1 1.000 420.95 124 23.0 37.0 27200 1360 14.8 1650 14100 1080 10.7 1230 30400 1940 10.6 34 20
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 117
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS40x26x3/4 40 26 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 31.7 50.3 21200 1060 15.0 1270 11000 846 10.8 951 23300 1480 10.7 35 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 40 26 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 38.6 61.0 18000 900 15.1 1080 9350 719 10.9 804 19600 1250 10.7 36 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 40 26 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 49.0 77.0 14700 735 15.2 872 7630 587 10.9 652 15800 1010 10.8 37 23
x3/8 40 26 0.375 0.375 164.47 48.3 66.3 104 11200 560 15.2 663 5830 448 11.0 496 12000 761 10.8 37 3/4 23 3/4
HSS40x24x1 40 24 1 1.000 407.34 120 21.0 37.0 25700 1290 14.6 1570 11800 983 9.92 1110 26600 1780 10.2 34 18
x3/4 40 24 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 29.0 50.3 20000 1000 14.8 1210 9190 766 10.0 858 20400 1360 10.3 35 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 40 24 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 35.4 61.0 17000 850 14.9 1030 7820 652 10.1 726 17200 1150 10.4 36 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 40 24 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 45.0 77.0 13900 695 15.0 833 6380 532 10.2 589 13900 927 10.5 37 21
x3/8 40 24 0.375 0.375 159.37 46.8 61.0 104 10600 530 15.0 633 4890 408 10.2 448 10500 702 10.5 37 3/4 21 3/4
HSS40x22x1 40 22 1 1.000 393.73 116 19.0 37.0 24200 1210 14.4 1490 9650 877 9.12 993 22900 1630 9.90 34 16
x3/4 40 22 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 26.3 50.3 18900 945 14.6 1160 7560 687 9.25 769 17600 1250 10.0 35 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 40 22 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 32.2 61.0 16100 805 14.7 977 6440 585 9.31 651 14800 1050 10.1 36 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 40 22 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 41.0 77.0 13100 655 14.8 793 5270 479 9.38 528 12000 848 10.1 37 19
x3/8 40 22 0.375 0.375 154.26 45.3 55.7 104 10000 500 14.9 604 4030 366 9.43 402 9090 642 10.2 37 3/4 19 3/4
HSS40x20x1 40 20 1 1.000 380.12 112 17.0 37.0 22700 1140 14.2 1420 7780 778 8.33 879 19400 1470 9.57 34 14
x3/4 40 20 0.75 0.750 290.38 85.3 23.7 50.3 17700 885 14.4 1100 6110 611 8.46 682 14900 1130 9.68 35 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 40 20 0.625 0.625 244.19 71.8 29.0 61.0 15100 755 14.5 928 5210 521 8.52 578 12600 951 9.73 36 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 40 20 0.5 0.500 197.11 57.9 37.0 77.0 12300 615 14.6 754 4270 427 8.59 470 10200 769 9.79 37 17
x3/8 40 20 0.375 0.375 149.16 43.8 50.3 104 9430 472 14.7 574 3270 327 8.64 358 7750 583 9.84 37 3/4 17 3/4
HSS40x18x1 40 18 1 1.000 366.51 108 15.0 37.0 21100 1060 14.0 1340 6130 681 7.53 770 16100 1320 9.24 34 12
x3/4 40 18 0.75 0.750 280.17 82.3 21.0 50.3 16600 830 14.2 1040 4840 538 7.67 598 12400 1010 9.34 35 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 40 18 0.625 0.625 235.68 69.3 25.8 61.0 14100 705 14.3 879 4130 459 7.72 507 10500 853 9.40 36 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 40 18 0.5 0.500 190.31 55.9 33.0 77.0 11500 575 14.3 714 3390 377 7.79 413 8510 690 9.45 37 15
x3/8 40 18 0.375 0.375 144.05 42.3 45.0 104 8840 442 14.5 544 2600 289 7.84 315 6470 523 9.51 37 3/4 15 3/4
118 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS38x36x1 38 36 1 1.000 475.40 140 33.0 35.0 30900 1630 14.9 1900 28500 1580 14.3 1830 47600 2580 11.9 32 30
x3/4 38 36 0.75 0.750 361.84 106 45.0 47.7 23900 1260 15.0 1460 22100 1230 14.4 1410 36300 1970 12.0 33 1/2 31 1/2
x5/8 38 36 0.625 0.625 303.74 89.3 54.6 57.8 20300 1070 15.1 1230 18700 1040 14.5 1190 30500 1650 12.1 34 1/4 32 1/4
x1/2 38 36 0.5 0.500 244.75 71.9 69.0 73.0 16500 868 15.1 997 15200 844 14.5 961 24600 1330 12.1 35 33
x3/8 38 36 0.375 0.375 184.89 54.3 93.0 98.3 12600 663 15.2 757 11600 644 14.6 730 18600 1000 12.2 35 3/4 33 3/4
HSS38x34x1 38 34 1 1.000 461.78 136 31.0 35.0 29500 1550 14.7 1820 24900 1460 13.5 1690 43600 2430 11.6 32 28
x3/4 38 34 0.75 0.750 351.63 103 42.3 47.7 22900 1210 14.9 1400 19400 1140 13.7 1300 33200 1850 11.7 33 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 38 34 0.625 0.625 295.23 86.8 51.4 57.8 19400 1020 14.9 1180 16400 965 13.7 1100 27900 1560 11.7 34 1/4 30 1/4
x1/2 38 34 0.5 0.500 237.95 69.9 65.0 73.0 15800 832 15.0 959 13300 782 13.8 891 22500 1250 11.8 35 31
HSS38x32x1 38 32 1 1.000 448.17 132 29.0 35.0 28100 1480 14.6 1750 21700 1360 12.8 1560 39600 2280 11.2 32 26
x3/4 38 32 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 39.7 47.7 21900 1150 14.8 1350 16900 1060 13.0 1200 30200 1740 11.3 33 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 38 32 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 48.2 57.8 18500 974 14.8 1140 14300 894 13.0 1010 25400 1460 11.4 34 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 38 32 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 61.0 73.0 15100 795 14.9 922 11600 725 13.1 822 20500 1180 11.5 35 29
HSS38x30x1 38 30 1 1.000 434.56 128 27.0 35.0 26800 1410 14.5 1680 18700 1250 12.1 1430 35700 2140 10.9 32 24
x3/4 38 30 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 37.0 47.7 20800 1090 14.6 1290 14500 967 12.2 1100 27300 1630 11.0 33 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 38 30 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 45.0 57.8 17700 932 14.7 1090 12300 820 12.3 931 22900 1370 11.1 34 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 38 30 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 57.0 73.0 14400 758 14.8 884 10100 673 12.4 755 18500 1100 11.1 35 27
HSS38x28x1 38 28 1 1.000 420.95 124 25.0 35.0 25400 1340 14.3 1600 16000 1140 11.4 1300 31900 1990 10.6 32 22
x3/4 38 28 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 34.3 47.7 19800 1040 14.5 1240 12400 886 11.5 1010 24400 1520 10.7 33 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 38 28 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 41.8 57.8 16800 884 14.6 1040 10600 757 11.6 850 20600 1280 10.7 34 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 38 28 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 53.0 73.0 13700 721 14.6 847 8620 616 11.6 690 16600 1030 10.8 35 25
HSS38x26x1 38 26 1 1.000 407.34 120 23.0 35.0 24000 1260 14.1 1530 13500 1040 10.6 1180 28300 1840 10.2 32 20
x3/4 38 26 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 31.7 47.7 18700 984 14.3 1180 10500 808 10.7 913 21700 1410 10.3 33 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 38 26 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 38.6 57.8 15900 837 14.4 998 8950 688 10.8 772 18200 1180 10.4 34 1/4 22 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 119
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS38x26x1/2 38 26 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 49.0 73.0 13000 684 14.5 809 7300 562 10.9 627 14700 955 10.5 35 23
HSS38x24x1 38 24 1 1.000 393.73 116 21.0 35.0 22700 1190 14.0 1450 11200 933 9.83 1060 24700 1690 9.90 32 18
x3/4 38 24 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 29.0 47.7 17700 932 14.2 1120 8790 733 9.98 824 19000 1290 10.0 33 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 38 24 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 35.4 57.8 15000 789 14.2 951 7480 623 10.0 697 16000 1090 10.1 34 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 38 24 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 45.0 73.0 12300 647 14.3 772 6110 509 10.1 566 12900 880 10.1 35 21
HSS38x22x1 38 22 1 1.000 380.12 112 19.0 35.0 21300 1120 13.8 1380 9210 837 9.07 951 21300 1540 9.57 32 16
x3/4 38 22 0.75 0.750 290.38 85.3 26.3 47.7 16700 879 14.0 1070 7230 657 9.21 737 16400 1180 9.68 33 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 38 22 0.625 0.625 244.19 71.8 32.2 57.8 14200 747 14.1 904 6160 560 9.26 624 13800 996 9.73 34 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 38 22 0.5 0.500 197.11 57.9 41.0 73.0 11600 611 14.2 734 5040 458 9.33 507 11200 805 9.79 35 19
HSS38x20x1 38 20 1 1.000 366.51 108 17.0 35.0 19900 1050 13.6 1310 7420 742 8.29 841 18100 1400 9.24 32 14
x3/4 38 20 0.75 0.750 280.17 82.3 23.7 47.7 15600 821 13.8 1010 5840 584 8.42 653 13900 1070 9.34 33 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 38 20 0.625 0.625 235.68 69.3 29.0 57.8 13300 700 13.9 857 4980 498 8.48 553 11800 903 9.40 34 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 38 20 0.5 0.500 190.31 55.9 37.0 73.0 10900 574 14.0 697 4080 408 8.54 450 9530 730 9.45 35 17
HSS38x18x1 38 18 1 1.000 352.90 104 15.0 35.0 18600 979 13.4 1230 5840 649 7.49 736 15000 1250 8.90 32 12
x3/4 38 18 0.75 0.750 269.96 79.3 21.0 47.7 14600 768 13.6 957 4610 512 7.62 572 11600 959 9.01 33 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 38 18 0.625 0.625 227.17 66.8 25.8 57.8 12400 653 13.6 811 3940 438 7.68 485 9810 809 9.07 34 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 38 18 0.5 0.500 183.50 53.9 33.0 73.0 10200 537 13.8 659 3230 359 7.74 395 7950 655 9.12 35 15
HSS38x16x1 38 16 1 1.000 339.28 99.7 13.0 35.0 17200 905 13.1 1160 4470 559 6.70 634 12100 1100 8.57 32 10
x3/4 38 16 0.75 0.750 259.75 76.3 18.3 47.7 13500 711 13.3 901 3550 444 6.82 494 9410 848 8.68 33 1/2 11 1/2
x5/8 38 16 0.625 0.625 218.67 64.3 22.6 57.8 11600 611 13.4 764 3040 380 6.88 420 7970 716 8.73 34 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 38 16 0.5 0.500 176.70 51.9 29.0 73.0 9460 498 13.5 622 2500 313 6.94 342 6480 580 8.79 35 13
HSS36x34x1 36 34 1 1.000 448.17 132 31.0 33.0 26000 1440 14.0 1690 23800 1400 13.4 1630 40100 2300 11.2 30 28
x3/4 36 34 0.75 0.750 341.42 100 42.3 45.0 20200 1120 14.2 1300 18500 1090 13.6 1250 30600 1750 11.3 31 1/2 29 1/2
x5/8 36 34 0.625 0.625 286.72 84.3 51.4 54.6 17100 950 14.2 1100 15700 924 13.6 1060 25800 1470 11.4 32 1/4 30 1/4
120 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS36x34x1/2 36 34 0.5 0.500 231.14 67.9 65.0 69.0 13900 772 14.3 890 12800 753 13.7 857 20800 1190 11.5 33 31
HSS36x32x1 36 32 1 1.000 434.56 128 29.0 33.0 24800 1380 13.9 1620 20700 1290 12.7 1500 36500 2160 10.9 30 26
x3/4 36 32 0.75 0.750 331.21 97.3 39.7 45.0 19300 1070 14.1 1250 16100 1010 12.9 1150 27900 1650 11.0 31 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 36 32 0.625 0.625 278.21 81.8 48.2 54.6 16300 906 14.1 1050 13700 856 12.9 975 23500 1380 11.1 32 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 36 32 0.5 0.500 224.33 65.9 61.0 69.0 13300 739 14.2 855 11100 694 13.0 790 18900 1120 11.1 33 29
HSS36x30x1 36 30 1 1.000 420.95 124 27.0 33.0 23600 1310 13.8 1550 17800 1190 12.0 1370 33000 2020 10.6 30 24
x3/4 36 30 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 37.0 45.0 18300 1020 13.9 1200 13900 927 12.1 1060 25200 1540 10.7 31 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 36 30 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 45.0 54.6 15600 867 14.0 1010 11800 787 12.2 894 21200 1300 10.7 32 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 36 30 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 57.0 69.0 12700 706 14.1 819 9630 642 12.3 725 17100 1050 10.8 33 27
HSS36x28x1 36 28 1 1.000 407.34 120 25.0 33.0 22300 1240 13.6 1480 15200 1090 11.3 1250 29500 1880 10.2 30 22
x3/4 36 28 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 34.3 45.0 17400 967 13.8 1140 11900 850 11.4 965 22600 1440 10.3 31 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 36 28 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 41.8 54.6 14800 822 13.9 966 10100 721 11.5 816 19000 1210 10.4 32 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 36 28 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 53.0 69.0 12000 667 13.9 784 8240 589 11.5 662 15300 975 10.5 33 25
HSS36x26x1 36 26 1 1.000 393.73 116 23.0 33.0 21100 1170 13.5 1410 12800 985 10.5 1130 26100 1740 9.90 30 20
x3/4 36 26 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 31.7 45.0 16500 917 13.7 1090 10000 769 10.6 876 20000 1330 10.0 31 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 36 26 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 38.6 54.6 14000 778 13.7 922 8540 657 10.7 741 16900 1120 10.1 32 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 36 26 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 49.0 69.0 11400 633 13.8 748 6970 536 10.8 601 13600 904 10.1 33 23
HSS36x24x1 36 24 1 1.000 380.12 112 21.0 33.0 19900 1110 13.3 1340 10700 892 9.77 1020 22900 1600 9.57 30 18
x3/4 36 24 0.75 0.750 290.38 85.3 29.0 45.0 15500 861 13.5 1040 8380 698 9.91 789 17600 1220 9.68 31 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 36 24 0.625 0.625 244.19 71.8 35.4 54.6 13200 733 13.6 878 7140 595 9.97 668 14800 1030 9.73 32 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 36 24 0.5 0.500 197.11 57.9 45.0 69.0 10800 600 13.7 713 5830 486 10.0 542 12000 833 9.79 33 21
HSS36x22x1 36 22 1 1.000 366.51 108 19.0 33.0 18700 1040 13.2 1270 8770 797 9.01 909 19800 1460 9.24 30 16
x3/4 36 22 0.75 0.750 280.17 82.3 26.3 45.0 14600 811 13.3 985 6890 626 9.15 705 15200 1120 9.34 31 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 36 22 0.625 0.625 235.68 69.3 32.2 54.6 12400 689 13.4 834 5870 534 9.20 597 12800 943 9.40 32 1/4 18 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 121
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS36x22x1/2 36 22 0.5 0.500 190.31 55.9 41.0 69.0 10200 567 13.5 677 4800 436 9.27 485 10400 762 9.45 33 19
HSS36x20x1 36 20 1 1.000 352.90 104 17.0 33.0 17400 967 12.9 1200 7060 706 8.24 803 16800 1320 8.90 30 14
x3/4 36 20 0.75 0.750 269.96 79.3 23.7 45.0 13700 761 13.1 932 5560 556 8.37 624 12900 1010 9.01 31 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 36 20 0.625 0.625 227.17 66.8 29.0 54.6 11700 650 13.2 789 4750 475 8.43 529 10900 854 9.07 32 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 36 20 0.5 0.500 183.50 53.9 37.0 69.0 9530 529 13.3 642 3890 389 8.50 431 8850 691 9.12 33 17
HSS36x18x1 36 18 1 1.000 339.28 99.7 15.0 33.0 16200 900 12.7 1130 5550 617 7.46 702 13900 1180 8.57 30 12
x3/4 36 18 0.75 0.750 259.75 76.3 21.0 45.0 12700 706 12.9 879 4390 488 7.59 546 10800 908 8.68 31 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 36 18 0.625 0.625 218.67 64.3 25.8 54.6 10900 606 13.0 745 3750 417 7.64 464 9120 766 8.73 32 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 36 18 0.5 0.500 176.70 51.9 33.0 69.0 8900 494 13.1 606 3080 342 7.70 378 7400 620 8.79 33 15
HSS36x16x1 36 16 1 1.000 325.67 95.7 13.0 33.0 15000 833 12.5 1060 4250 531 6.66 604 11300 1040 8.24 30 10
x3/4 36 16 0.75 0.750 249.55 73.3 18.3 45.0 11800 656 12.7 826 3370 421 6.78 471 8770 802 8.34 31 1/2 11 1/2
x5/8 36 16 0.625 0.625 210.16 61.8 22.6 54.6 10100 561 12.8 701 2890 361 6.84 401 7430 677 8.40 32 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 36 16 0.5 0.500 169.89 49.9 29.0 69.0 8270 459 12.9 571 2380 298 6.91 327 6030 549 8.45 33 13
HSS36x14x1 36 14 1 1.000 312.06 91.7 11.0 33.0 13800 767 12.3 991 3130 447 5.84 510 8820 899 7.90 30 8
x3/4 36 14 0.75 0.750 239.34 70.3 15.7 45.0 10900 606 12.5 773 2500 357 5.96 400 6890 696 8.01 31 1/2 9 1/2
x5/8 36 14 0.625 0.625 201.65 59.3 19.4 54.6 9310 517 12.5 657 2150 307 6.02 340 5850 589 8.07 32 1/4 10 1/4
x1/2 36 14 0.5 0.500 163.08 47.9 25.0 69.0 7640 424 12.6 535 1770 253 6.08 278 4770 478 8.12 33 11
HSS34x32x1 34 32 1 1.000 420.95 124 29.0 31.0 21700 1280 13.2 1500 19800 1240 12.6 1440 33500 2040 10.6 28 26
x3/4 34 32 0.75 0.750 321.00 94.3 39.7 42.3 16900 994 13.4 1150 15400 963 12.8 1110 25600 1550 10.7 29 1/2 27 1/2
x5/8 34 32 0.625 0.625 269.71 79.3 48.2 51.4 14300 841 13.4 974 13100 819 12.9 935 21500 1310 10.7 30 1/4 28 1/4
x1/2 34 32 0.5 0.500 217.53 63.9 61.0 65.0 11700 688 13.5 790 10600 663 12.9 759 17400 1050 10.8 31 29
HSS34x30x1 34 30 1 1.000 407.34 120 27.0 31.0 20600 1210 13.1 1430 17000 1130 11.9 1310 30300 1900 10.2 28 24
x3/4 34 30 0.75 0.750 310.80 91.3 37.0 42.3 16000 941 13.2 1100 13300 887 12.1 1010 23200 1450 10.3 29 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 34 30 0.625 0.625 261.20 76.8 45.0 51.4 13600 800 13.3 933 11300 753 12.1 857 19500 1220 10.4 30 1/4 26 1/4
122 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS34x30x1/2 34 30 0.5 0.500 210.72 61.9 57.0 65.0 11100 653 13.4 757 9190 613 12.2 696 15700 987 10.5 31 27
HSS34x28x1 34 28 1 1.000 393.73 116 25.0 31.0 19500 1150 13.0 1360 14500 1040 11.2 1200 27100 1770 9.90 28 22
x3/4 34 28 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 34.3 42.3 15200 894 13.1 1050 11300 807 11.3 925 20800 1350 10.0 29 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 34 28 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 41.8 51.4 12900 759 13.2 891 9630 688 11.4 782 17500 1140 10.1 30 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 34 28 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 53.0 65.0 10500 618 13.2 723 7860 561 11.5 635 14100 920 10.1 31 25
HSS34x26x1 34 26 1 1.000 380.12 112 23.0 31.0 18400 1080 12.8 1300 12200 938 10.4 1080 24100 1640 9.57 28 20
x3/4 34 26 0.75 0.750 290.38 85.3 31.7 42.3 14400 847 13.0 1000 9570 736 10.6 838 18500 1250 9.68 29 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 34 26 0.625 0.625 244.19 71.8 38.6 51.4 12200 718 13.0 849 8140 626 10.6 709 15500 1060 9.73 30 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 34 26 0.5 0.500 197.11 57.9 49.0 65.0 9980 587 13.1 690 6650 512 10.7 576 12600 853 9.79 31 23
HSS34x24x1 34 24 1 1.000 366.51 108 21.0 31.0 17300 1020 12.7 1230 10200 850 9.72 973 21100 1510 9.24 28 18
x3/4 34 24 0.75 0.750 280.17 82.3 29.0 42.3 13500 794 12.8 954 7970 664 9.84 754 16200 1160 9.34 29 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 34 24 0.625 0.625 235.68 69.3 35.4 51.4 11500 676 12.9 807 6790 566 9.90 638 13700 973 9.40 30 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 34 24 0.5 0.500 190.31 55.9 45.0 65.0 9420 554 13.0 656 5560 463 9.97 519 11000 786 9.45 31 21
HSS34x22x1 34 22 1 1.000 352.90 104 19.0 31.0 16200 953 12.5 1170 8330 757 8.95 867 18200 1380 8.90 28 16
x3/4 34 22 0.75 0.750 269.96 79.3 26.3 42.3 12700 747 12.7 904 6550 595 9.09 673 14000 1060 9.01 29 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 34 22 0.625 0.625 227.17 66.8 32.2 51.4 10800 635 12.7 766 5590 508 9.15 570 11800 889 9.07 30 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 34 22 0.5 0.500 183.50 53.9 41.0 65.0 8860 521 12.8 623 4570 415 9.21 464 9580 719 9.12 31 19
HSS34x20x1 34 20 1 1.000 339.28 99.7 17.0 31.0 15100 888 12.3 1100 6700 670 8.20 765 15500 1240 8.57 28 14
x3/4 34 20 0.75 0.750 259.75 76.3 23.7 42.3 11900 700 12.5 854 5280 528 8.32 595 12000 956 8.68 29 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 34 20 0.625 0.625 218.67 64.3 29.0 51.4 10100 594 12.5 724 4510 451 8.37 505 10100 806 8.73 30 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 34 20 0.5 0.500 176.70 51.9 37.0 65.0 8300 488 12.6 589 3700 370 8.44 411 8180 652 8.79 31 17
HSS34x18x1 34 18 1 1.000 325.67 95.7 15.0 31.0 14000 824 12.1 1030 5260 584 7.41 668 12900 1110 8.24 28 12
x3/4 34 18 0.75 0.750 249.55 73.3 21.0 42.3 11100 653 12.3 804 4170 463 7.54 520 9990 856 8.34 29 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 34 18 0.625 0.625 210.16 61.8 25.8 51.4 9440 555 12.4 682 3560 396 7.59 442 8450 722 8.40 30 1/4 14 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 123
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS34x18x1/2 34 18 0.5 0.500 169.89 49.9 33.0 65.0 7740 455 12.5 556 2930 326 7.66 360 6850 585 8.45 31 15
HSS34x16x1 34 16 1 1.000 312.06 91.7 13.0 31.0 12900 759 11.9 967 4020 503 6.62 574 10500 979 7.90 28 10
x3/4 34 16 0.75 0.750 239.34 70.3 18.3 42.3 10200 600 12.0 754 3200 400 6.75 448 8130 756 8.01 29 1/2 11 1/2
x5/8 34 16 0.625 0.625 201.65 59.3 22.6 51.4 8750 515 12.1 640 2740 343 6.80 381 6890 639 8.07 30 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 34 16 0.5 0.500 163.08 47.9 29.0 65.0 7180 422 12.2 522 2260 283 6.87 311 5600 518 8.12 31 13
HSS34x14x1 34 14 1 1.000 298.45 87.7 11.0 31.0 11900 700 11.6 901 2970 424 5.82 484 8180 847 7.57 28 8
x3/4 34 14 0.75 0.750 229.13 67.3 15.7 42.3 9400 553 11.8 704 2370 339 5.93 380 6400 656 7.68 29 1/2 9 1/2
x5/8 34 14 0.625 0.625 193.14 56.8 19.4 51.4 8050 474 11.9 599 2040 291 5.99 323 5430 555 7.73 30 1/4 10 1/4
x1/2 34 14 0.5 0.500 156.28 45.9 25.0 65.0 6610 389 12.0 489 1680 240 6.05 264 4430 451 7.79 31 11
HSS32x30x1 32 30 1 1.000 393.73 116 27.0 29.0 17800 1110 12.4 1310 16200 1080 11.8 1260 27600 1790 9.90 26 24
x3/4 32 30 0.75 0.750 300.59 88.3 37.0 39.7 13900 869 12.5 1010 12600 840 11.9 970 21100 1370 10.0 27 1/2 25 1/2
x5/8 32 30 0.625 0.625 252.69 74.3 45.0 48.2 11800 738 12.6 857 10700 713 12.0 821 17800 1150 10.1 28 1/4 26 1/4
x1/2 32 30 0.5 0.500 203.92 59.9 57.0 61.0 9650 603 12.7 696 8750 583 12.1 666 14400 928 10.1 29 27
HSS32x28x1 32 28 1 1.000 380.12 112 25.0 29.0 16900 1060 12.3 1250 13800 986 11.1 1140 24800 1660 9.57 26 22
x3/4 32 28 0.75 0.750 290.38 85.3 34.3 39.7 13200 825 12.4 967 10800 771 11.3 884 19000 1270 9.68 27 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 32 28 0.625 0.625 244.19 71.8 41.8 48.2 11200 700 12.5 818 9160 654 11.3 748 16000 1070 9.73 28 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 32 28 0.5 0.500 197.11 57.9 53.0 61.0 9160 573 12.6 664 7480 534 11.4 607 12900 865 9.79 29 25
HSS32x26x1 32 26 1 1.000 366.51 108 23.0 29.0 15900 994 12.1 1190 11600 892 10.4 1030 22000 1540 9.24 26 20
x3/4 32 26 0.75 0.750 280.17 82.3 31.7 39.7 12500 781 12.3 920 9090 699 10.5 800 16900 1180 9.34 27 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 32 26 0.625 0.625 235.68 69.3 38.6 48.2 10600 663 12.4 779 7740 595 10.6 677 14200 993 9.40 28 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 32 26 0.5 0.500 190.31 55.9 49.0 61.0 8660 541 12.4 633 6320 486 10.6 550 11500 802 9.45 29 23
HSS32x24x1 32 24 1 1.000 352.90 104 21.0 29.0 14900 931 12.0 1130 9640 803 9.63 927 19300 1420 8.90 26 18
x3/4 32 24 0.75 0.750 269.96 79.3 29.0 39.7 11700 731 12.1 873 7570 631 9.77 719 14800 1090 9.01 27 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 32 24 0.625 0.625 227.17 66.8 35.4 48.2 9990 624 12.2 739 6450 538 9.83 609 12500 914 9.07 28 1/4 20 1/4
124 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS32x24x1/2 32 24 0.5 0.500 183.50 53.9 45.0 61.0 8160 510 12.3 601 5280 440 9.90 495 10100 739 9.12 29 21
HSS32x22x1 32 22 1 1.000 339.28 99.7 19.0 29.0 14000 875 11.8 1060 7890 717 8.90 825 16700 1290 8.57 26 16
x3/4 32 22 0.75 0.750 259.75 76.3 26.3 39.7 11000 688 12.0 826 6210 565 9.02 641 12900 992 8.68 27 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 32 22 0.625 0.625 218.67 64.3 32.2 48.2 9370 586 12.1 700 5300 482 9.08 544 10900 836 8.73 28 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 32 22 0.5 0.500 176.70 51.9 41.0 61.0 7670 479 12.2 570 4340 395 9.14 442 8800 676 8.79 29 19
HSS32x20x1 32 20 1 1.000 325.67 95.7 17.0 29.0 13000 813 11.7 1000 6330 633 8.13 727 14200 1170 8.24 26 14
x3/4 32 20 0.75 0.750 249.55 73.3 23.7 39.7 10300 644 11.9 779 5000 500 8.26 566 11000 898 8.34 27 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 32 20 0.625 0.625 210.16 61.8 29.0 48.2 8760 548 11.9 661 4280 428 8.32 481 9280 757 8.40 28 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 32 20 0.5 0.500 169.89 49.9 37.0 61.0 7170 448 12.0 538 3510 351 8.39 392 7520 613 8.45 29 17
HSS32x18x1 32 18 1 1.000 312.06 91.7 15.0 29.0 12100 756 11.5 940 4970 552 7.36 634 11900 1040 7.90 26 12
x3/4 32 18 0.75 0.750 239.34 70.3 21.0 39.7 9530 596 11.6 732 3940 438 7.49 494 9190 804 8.01 27 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 32 18 0.625 0.625 201.65 59.3 25.8 48.2 8140 509 11.7 622 3380 376 7.55 420 7780 679 8.07 28 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 32 18 0.5 0.500 163.08 47.9 33.0 61.0 6670 417 11.8 507 2770 308 7.60 343 6310 550 8.12 29 15
HSS32x16x1 32 16 1 1.000 298.45 87.7 13.0 29.0 11100 694 11.3 878 3800 475 6.58 544 9630 919 7.57 26 10
x3/4 32 16 0.75 0.750 229.13 67.3 18.3 39.7 8790 549 11.4 685 3020 378 6.70 426 7490 710 7.68 27 1/2 11 1/2
x5/8 32 16 0.625 0.625 193.14 56.8 22.6 48.2 7520 470 11.5 582 2590 324 6.75 362 6350 600 7.73 28 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 32 16 0.5 0.500 156.28 45.9 29.0 61.0 6180 386 11.6 475 2140 268 6.83 296 5160 487 7.79 29 13
HSS32x14x1 32 14 1 1.000 284.84 83.7 11.0 29.0 10100 631 11.0 816 2800 400 5.78 458 7560 795 7.24 26 8
x3/4 32 14 0.75 0.750 218.92 64.3 15.7 39.7 8060 504 11.2 638 2240 320 5.90 360 5910 617 7.34 27 1/2 9 1/2
x5/8 32 14 0.625 0.625 184.64 54.3 19.4 48.2 6910 432 11.3 543 1930 276 5.96 307 5020 522 7.40 28 1/4 10 1/4
x1/2 32 14 0.5 0.500 149.47 43.9 25.0 61.0 5680 355 11.4 444 1590 227 6.02 251 4090 424 7.45 29 11
HSS32x12x1 32 12 1 1.000 271.23 79.7 9.00 29.0 9180 574 10.7 754 1960 327 4.96 376 5650 671 6.90 26 6
x3/4 32 12 0.75 0.750 208.71 61.3 13.0 39.7 7330 458 10.9 592 1580 263 5.08 297 4460 523 7.01 27 1/2 7 1/2
x5/8 32 12 0.625 0.625 176.13 51.8 16.2 48.2 6290 393 11.0 504 1370 228 5.14 254 3800 443 7.07 28 1/4 8 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 125
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS32x12x1/2 32 12 0.5 0.500 142.67 41.9 21.0 61.0 5190 324 11.1 412 1130 188 5.19 208 3110 361 7.12 29 9
HSS30x28x1 30 28 1 1.000 366.51 108 25.0 27.0 14500 967 11.6 1140 13000 929 11.0 1090 22500 1560 9.24 24 22
x3/4 30 28 0.75 0.750 280.17 82.3 34.3 37.0 11300 753 11.7 883 10200 729 11.1 843 17200 1190 9.34 25 1/2 23 1/2
x5/8 30 28 0.625 0.625 235.68 69.3 41.8 45.0 9650 643 11.8 747 8690 621 11.2 713 14500 1000 9.40 26 1/4 24 1/4
x1/2 30 28 0.5 0.500 190.31 55.9 53.0 57.0 7880 525 11.9 607 7100 507 11.3 580 11700 810 9.45 27 25
x3/8 30 28 0.375 0.375 144.05 42.3 71.7 77.0 6040 403 11.9 462 5440 389 11.3 442 8880 613 9.51 27 3/4 25 3/4
HSS30x26x1 30 26 1 1.000 352.90 104 23.0 27.0 13600 907 11.4 1080 11000 846 10.3 982 20000 1440 8.90 24 20
x3/4 30 26 0.75 0.750 269.96 79.3 31.7 37.0 10700 713 11.6 839 8610 662 10.4 762 15300 1100 9.01 25 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 30 26 0.625 0.625 227.17 66.8 38.6 45.0 9110 607 11.7 711 7340 565 10.5 645 12900 929 9.07 26 1/4 22 1/4
x1/2 30 26 0.5 0.500 183.50 53.9 49.0 57.0 7450 497 11.8 578 6000 462 10.6 525 10500 751 9.12 27 23
HSS30x24x1 30 24 1 1.000 339.28 99.7 21.0 27.0 12800 853 11.3 1020 9110 759 9.56 881 17600 1320 8.57 24 18
x3/4 30 24 0.75 0.750 259.75 76.3 29.0 37.0 10100 673 11.5 795 7160 597 9.69 684 13500 1020 8.68 25 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 30 24 0.625 0.625 218.67 64.3 35.4 45.0 8570 571 11.5 674 6110 509 9.75 580 11400 856 8.73 26 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 30 24 0.5 0.500 176.70 51.9 45.0 57.0 7010 467 11.6 548 5000 417 9.82 472 9220 692 8.79 27 21
x3/8 30 24 0.375 0.375 133.84 39.3 61.0 77.0 5380 359 11.7 418 3840 320 9.88 360 6990 524 8.84 27 3/4 21 3/4
HSS30x22x1 30 22 1 1.000 325.67 95.7 19.0 27.0 12000 800 11.2 966 7440 676 8.82 783 15200 1210 8.24 24 16
x3/4 30 22 0.75 0.750 249.55 73.3 26.3 37.0 9410 627 11.3 751 5870 534 8.95 609 11700 928 8.34 25 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 30 22 0.625 0.625 210.16 61.8 32.2 45.0 8030 535 11.4 637 5010 455 9.00 517 9910 782 8.40 26 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 30 22 0.5 0.500 169.89 49.9 41.0 57.0 6580 439 11.5 519 4110 374 9.08 421 8020 633 8.45 27 19
x3/8 30 22 0.375 0.375 128.74 37.8 55.7 77.0 5050 337 11.6 396 3160 287 9.14 321 6090 480 8.51 27 3/4 19 3/4
HSS30x20x1 30 20 1 1.000 312.06 91.7 17.0 27.0 11100 740 11.0 908 5970 597 8.07 689 13000 1090 7.90 24 14
x3/4 30 20 0.75 0.750 239.34 70.3 23.7 37.0 8770 585 11.2 707 4720 472 8.19 537 10000 840 8.01 25 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 30 20 0.625 0.625 201.65 59.3 29.0 45.0 7490 499 11.2 600 4040 404 8.25 456 8480 709 8.07 26 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 30 20 0.5 0.500 163.08 47.9 37.0 57.0 6140 409 11.3 489 3320 332 8.33 372 6870 574 8.12 27 17
126 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS30x20x3/8 30 20 0.375 0.375 123.64 36.3 50.3 77.0 4720 315 11.4 374 2550 255 8.38 284 5220 435 8.17 27 3/4 17 3/4
HSS30x18x1 30 18 1 1.000 298.45 87.7 15.0 27.0 10300 687 10.8 850 4680 520 7.31 600 10800 975 7.57 24 12
x3/4 30 18 0.75 0.750 229.13 67.3 21.0 37.0 8130 542 11.0 663 3720 413 7.43 469 8410 752 7.68 25 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 30 18 0.625 0.625 193.14 56.8 25.8 45.0 6960 464 11.1 564 3190 354 7.49 398 7110 635 7.73 26 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 30 18 0.5 0.500 156.28 45.9 33.0 57.0 5710 381 11.2 460 2620 291 7.56 325 5770 515 7.79 27 15
x3/8 30 18 0.375 0.375 118.53 34.8 45.0 77.0 4390 293 11.2 351 2020 224 7.62 249 4390 391 7.84 27 3/4 15 3/4
HSS30x16x1 30 16 1 1.000 284.84 83.7 13.0 27.0 9440 629 10.6 792 3570 446 6.53 514 8820 859 7.24 24 10
x3/4 30 16 0.75 0.750 218.92 64.3 18.3 37.0 7490 499 10.8 619 2850 356 6.66 403 6860 665 7.34 25 1/2 11 1/2
x5/8 30 16 0.625 0.625 184.64 54.3 22.6 45.0 6420 428 10.9 527 2450 306 6.72 343 5820 562 7.40 26 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 30 16 0.5 0.500 149.47 43.9 29.0 57.0 5270 351 11.0 430 2020 253 6.78 280 4730 456 7.45 27 13
x3/8 30 16 0.375 0.375 113.43 33.3 39.7 77.0 4060 271 11.0 329 1560 195 6.84 215 3600 347 7.51 27 3/4 13 3/4
HSS30x14x1 30 14 1 1.000 271.23 79.7 11.0 27.0 8590 573 10.4 734 2630 376 5.74 432 6930 743 6.90 24 8
x3/4 30 14 0.75 0.750 208.71 61.3 15.7 37.0 6850 457 10.6 576 2110 301 5.87 340 5420 577 7.01 25 1/2 9 1/2
x5/8 30 14 0.625 0.625 176.13 51.8 19.4 45.0 5880 392 10.7 490 1810 259 5.91 290 4610 488 7.07 26 1/4 10 1/4
x1/2 30 14 0.5 0.500 142.67 41.9 25.0 57.0 4840 323 10.7 401 1500 214 5.98 237 3760 397 7.12 27 11
x3/8 30 14 0.375 0.375 108.32 31.8 34.3 77.0 3730 249 10.8 307 1160 166 6.04 182 2870 302 7.17 27 3/4 11 3/4
HSS30x12x1 30 12 1 1.000 257.62 75.7 9.00 27.0 7750 517 10.1 676 1840 307 4.93 354 5200 627 6.57 24 6
x3/4 30 12 0.75 0.750 198.50 58.3 13.0 37.0 6210 414 10.3 532 1490 248 5.06 280 4100 489 6.68 25 1/2 7 1/2
x5/8 30 12 0.625 0.625 167.62 49.3 16.2 45.0 5340 356 10.4 454 1280 213 5.10 239 3500 415 6.73 26 1/4 8 1/4
x1/2 30 12 0.5 0.500 135.86 39.9 21.0 57.0 4400 293 10.5 371 1070 178 5.18 196 2860 338 6.79 27 9
x3/8 30 12 0.375 0.375 103.22 30.3 29.0 77.0 3400 227 10.6 285 828 138 5.23 151 2190 258 6.84 27 3/4 9 3/4
HSS28x26x1 28 26 1 1.000 339.28 99.7 23.0 25.0 11600 829 10.8 980 10300 792 10.2 932 18000 1340 8.57 22 20
x3/4 28 26 0.75 0.750 259.75 76.3 31.7 34.3 9100 650 10.9 761 8130 625 10.3 724 13800 1030 8.68 23 1/2 21 1/2
x5/8 28 26 0.625 0.625 218.67 64.3 38.6 41.8 7760 554 11.0 645 6930 533 10.4 614 11700 866 8.73 24 1/4 22 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 127
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS28x26x1/2 28 26 0.5 0.500 176.70 51.9 49.0 53.0 6350 454 11.1 525 5670 436 10.5 499 9430 700 8.79 25 23
x3/8 28 26 0.375 0.375 133.84 39.3 66.3 71.7 4870 348 11.1 400 4350 335 10.5 381 7150 530 8.84 25 3/4 23 3/4
HSS28x24x1 28 24 1 1.000 325.67 95.7 21.0 25.0 10900 779 10.7 926 8580 715 9.47 835 15800 1230 8.24 22 18
x3/4 28 24 0.75 0.750 249.55 73.3 29.0 34.3 8540 610 10.8 720 6760 563 9.60 649 12200 946 8.34 23 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 28 24 0.625 0.625 210.16 61.8 35.4 41.8 7290 521 10.9 611 5770 481 9.66 551 10300 797 8.40 24 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 28 24 0.5 0.500 169.89 49.9 45.0 53.0 5970 426 10.9 497 4730 394 9.74 448 8330 645 8.45 25 21
x3/8 28 24 0.375 0.375 128.74 37.8 61.0 71.7 4580 327 11.0 379 3630 303 9.80 342 6320 489 8.51 25 3/4 21 3/4
HSS28x22x1 28 22 1 1.000 312.06 91.7 19.0 25.0 10100 721 10.5 872 7000 636 8.74 741 13800 1120 7.90 22 16
x3/4 28 22 0.75 0.750 239.34 70.3 26.3 34.3 7990 571 10.7 679 5530 503 8.87 577 10600 864 8.01 23 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 28 22 0.625 0.625 201.65 59.3 32.2 41.8 6820 487 10.7 577 4730 430 8.93 490 8960 729 8.07 24 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 28 22 0.5 0.500 163.08 47.9 41.0 53.0 5590 399 10.8 470 3880 353 9.00 399 7260 590 8.12 25 19
x3/8 28 22 0.375 0.375 123.64 36.3 55.7 71.7 4290 306 10.9 359 2980 271 9.06 305 5510 447 8.17 25 3/4 19 3/4
HSS28x20x1 28 20 1 1.000 298.45 87.7 17.0 25.0 9390 671 10.3 818 5610 561 8.00 651 11800 1020 7.57 22 14
x3/4 28 20 0.75 0.750 229.13 67.3 23.7 34.3 7430 531 10.5 638 4450 445 8.13 509 9090 782 7.68 23 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 28 20 0.625 0.625 193.14 56.8 29.0 41.8 6350 454 10.6 542 3810 381 8.19 432 7680 660 7.73 24 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 28 20 0.5 0.500 156.28 45.9 37.0 53.0 5210 372 10.7 442 3130 313 8.26 353 6230 535 7.79 25 17
x3/8 28 20 0.375 0.375 118.53 34.8 50.3 71.7 4010 286 10.7 338 2410 241 8.32 270 4730 406 7.84 25 3/4 17 3/4
HSS28x18x1 28 18 1 1.000 284.84 83.7 15.0 25.0 8660 619 10.2 764 4400 489 7.25 566 9830 907 7.24 22 12
x3/4 28 18 0.75 0.750 218.92 64.3 21.0 34.3 6870 491 10.3 598 3500 389 7.38 443 7630 701 7.34 23 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 28 18 0.625 0.625 184.64 54.3 25.8 41.8 5880 420 10.4 508 3000 333 7.43 377 6460 592 7.40 24 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 28 18 0.5 0.500 149.47 43.9 33.0 53.0 4830 345 10.5 415 2470 274 7.50 308 5240 480 7.45 25 15
x3/8 28 18 0.375 0.375 113.43 33.3 45.0 71.7 3720 266 10.6 317 1900 211 7.55 235 3990 365 7.51 25 3/4 15 3/4
HSS28x16x1 28 16 1 1.000 271.23 79.7 13.0 25.0 7930 566 9.97 710 3350 419 6.48 484 8010 799 6.90 22 10
x3/4 28 16 0.75 0.750 208.71 61.3 18.3 34.3 6310 451 10.1 557 2670 334 6.60 380 6240 619 7.01 23 1/2 11 1/2
128 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS28x16x5/8 28 16 0.625 0.625 176.13 51.8 22.6 41.8 5420 387 10.2 474 2300 288 6.66 324 5290 523 7.07 24 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 28 16 0.5 0.500 142.67 41.9 29.0 53.0 4460 319 10.3 387 1900 238 6.73 265 4310 425 7.12 25 13
x3/8 28 16 0.375 0.375 108.32 31.8 39.7 71.7 3440 246 10.4 297 1470 184 6.80 203 3280 323 7.17 25 3/4 13 3/4
HSS28x14x1 28 14 1 1.000 257.62 75.7 11.0 25.0 7210 515 9.76 656 2460 351 5.70 406 6310 691 6.57 22 8
x3/4 28 14 0.75 0.750 198.50 58.3 15.7 34.3 5760 411 9.94 516 1970 281 5.81 320 4940 537 6.68 23 1/2 9 1/2
x5/8 28 14 0.625 0.625 167.62 49.3 19.4 41.8 4950 354 10.0 440 1700 243 5.87 273 4200 455 6.73 24 1/4 10 1/4
x1/2 28 14 0.5 0.500 135.86 39.9 25.0 53.0 4080 291 10.1 360 1410 201 5.94 224 3430 370 6.79 25 11
x3/8 28 14 0.375 0.375 103.22 30.3 34.3 71.7 3150 225 10.2 276 1090 156 6.00 172 2620 282 6.84 25 3/4 11 3/4
HSS28x12x1 28 12 1 1.000 244.01 71.7 9.00 25.0 6480 463 9.51 602 1720 287 4.90 332 4740 583 6.24 22 6
x3/4 28 12 0.75 0.750 188.30 55.3 13.0 34.3 5200 371 9.70 475 1390 232 5.01 263 3750 455 6.34 23 1/2 7 1/2
x5/8 28 12 0.625 0.625 159.12 46.8 16.2 41.8 4480 320 9.78 406 1200 200 5.06 225 3200 387 6.40 24 1/4 8 1/4
x1/2 28 12 0.5 0.500 129.06 37.9 21.0 53.0 3700 264 9.88 332 999 167 5.13 185 2610 315 6.45 25 9
x3/8 28 12 0.375 0.375 98.12 28.8 29.0 71.7 2860 204 9.97 255 777 130 5.19 142 2000 240 6.51 25 3/4 9 3/4
HSS28x10x5/8 28 10 0.625 0.625 150.61 44.3 13.0 41.8 4010 286 9.51 371 799 160 4.25 180 2290 318 6.07 24 1/4 6 1/4
x1/2 28 10 0.5 0.500 122.25 35.9 17.0 53.0 3320 237 9.62 305 667 133 4.31 148 1880 260 6.12 25 7
x3/8 28 10 0.375 0.375 93.01 27.3 23.7 71.7 2580 184 9.72 234 521 104 4.37 114 1450 199 6.17 25 3/4 7 3/4
HSS26x24x1 26 24 1 1.000 312.06 91.7 21.0 23.0 9090 699 9.96 832 8050 671 9.37 789 14200 1140 7.90 20 18
x3/4 26 24 0.75 0.750 239.34 70.3 29.0 31.7 7170 552 10.1 648 6350 529 9.50 614 10900 876 8.01 21 1/2 19 1/2
x5/8 26 24 0.625 0.625 201.65 59.3 35.4 38.6 6130 472 10.2 550 5430 453 9.57 522 9210 739 8.07 22 1/4 20 1/4
x1/2 26 24 0.5 0.500 163.08 47.9 45.0 49.0 5020 386 10.2 448 4450 371 9.64 425 7460 598 8.12 23 21
x3/8 26 24 0.375 0.375 123.64 36.3 61.0 66.3 3860 297 10.3 342 3420 285 9.71 324 5660 453 8.17 23 3/4 21 3/4
HSS26x22x1 26 22 1 1.000 298.45 87.7 19.0 23.0 8470 652 9.83 782 6560 596 8.65 699 12300 1040 7.57 20 16
x3/4 26 22 0.75 0.750 229.13 67.3 26.3 31.7 6700 515 9.98 610 5190 472 8.78 546 9510 800 7.68 21 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 26 22 0.625 0.625 193.14 56.8 32.2 38.6 5730 441 10.0 519 4440 404 8.84 464 8040 675 7.73 22 1/4 18 1/4
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 129
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS26x22x1/2 26 22 0.5 0.500 156.28 45.9 41.0 49.0 4700 362 10.1 423 3650 332 8.92 378 6510 547 7.79 23 19
x3/8 26 22 0.375 0.375 118.53 34.8 55.7 66.3 3610 278 10.2 323 2810 255 8.99 289 4950 415 7.84 23 3/4 19 3/4
HSS26x20x1 26 20 1 1.000 284.84 83.7 17.0 23.0 7840 603 9.68 732 5250 525 7.92 613 10500 939 7.24 20 14
x3/4 26 20 0.75 0.750 218.92 64.3 23.7 31.7 6220 478 9.84 573 4170 417 8.05 480 8160 725 7.34 21 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 26 20 0.625 0.625 184.64 54.3 29.0 38.6 5320 409 9.90 487 3570 357 8.11 408 6900 612 7.40 22 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 26 20 0.5 0.500 149.47 43.9 37.0 49.0 4370 336 9.98 397 2940 294 8.18 333 5600 496 7.45 23 17
x3/8 26 20 0.375 0.375 113.43 33.3 50.3 66.3 3370 259 10.1 304 2260 226 8.24 255 4250 377 7.51 23 3/4 17 3/4
HSS26x18x1 26 18 1 1.000 271.23 79.7 15.0 23.0 7220 555 9.52 682 4110 457 7.18 532 8840 839 6.90 20 12
x3/4 26 18 0.75 0.750 208.71 61.3 21.0 31.7 5740 442 9.68 535 3270 363 7.30 417 6860 649 7.01 21 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 26 18 0.625 0.625 176.13 51.8 25.8 38.6 4920 378 9.75 455 2810 312 7.37 355 5810 548 7.07 22 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 26 18 0.5 0.500 142.67 41.9 33.0 49.0 4050 312 9.83 372 2310 257 7.43 290 4720 445 7.12 23 15
x3/8 26 18 0.375 0.375 108.32 31.8 45.0 66.3 3120 240 9.91 285 1790 199 7.50 222 3590 338 7.17 23 3/4 15 3/4
HSS26x16x1 26 16 1 1.000 257.62 75.7 13.0 23.0 6590 507 9.33 632 3120 390 6.42 454 7220 739 6.57 20 10
x3/4 26 16 0.75 0.750 198.50 58.3 18.3 31.7 5260 405 9.50 497 2500 313 6.55 357 5630 573 6.68 21 1/2 11 1/2
x5/8 26 16 0.625 0.625 167.62 49.3 22.6 38.6 4520 348 9.58 423 2150 269 6.60 304 4780 485 6.73 22 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 26 16 0.5 0.500 135.86 39.9 29.0 49.0 3720 286 9.66 346 1780 223 6.68 249 3890 394 6.79 23 13
x3/8 26 16 0.375 0.375 103.22 30.3 39.7 66.3 2870 221 9.73 265 1370 171 6.72 191 2960 300 6.84 23 3/4 13 3/4
HSS26x14x1 26 14 1 1.000 244.01 71.7 11.0 23.0 5970 459 9.12 582 2290 327 5.65 380 5700 639 6.24 20 8
x3/4 26 14 0.75 0.750 188.30 55.3 15.7 31.7 4780 368 9.30 459 1840 263 5.77 300 4470 497 6.34 21 1/2 9 1/2
x5/8 26 14 0.625 0.625 159.12 46.8 19.4 38.6 4120 317 9.38 392 1590 227 5.83 256 3800 422 6.40 22 1/4 10 1/4
x1/2 26 14 0.5 0.500 129.06 37.9 25.0 49.0 3400 262 9.47 321 1320 189 5.90 210 3100 343 6.45 23 11
x3/8 26 14 0.375 0.375 98.12 28.8 34.3 66.3 2630 202 9.56 246 1020 146 5.95 162 2370 261 6.51 23 3/4 11 3/4
HSS26x12x3/4 26 12 0.75 0.750 178.09 52.3 13.0 31.7 4300 331 9.07 421 1300 217 4.99 246 3400 422 6.01 21 1/2 7 1/2
x5/8 26 12 0.625 0.625 150.61 44.3 16.2 38.6 3710 285 9.15 360 1120 187 5.03 211 2900 358 6.07 22 1/4 8 1/4
130 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS26x12x1/2 26 12 0.5 0.500 122.25 35.9 21.0 49.0 3070 236 9.25 295 933 156 5.10 173 2370 292 6.12 23 9
x3/8 26 12 0.375 0.375 93.01 27.3 29.0 66.3 2380 183 9.34 227 727 121 5.16 133 1820 223 6.17 23 3/4 9 3/4
HSS26x10x5/8 26 10 0.625 0.625 142.10 41.8 13.0 38.6 3310 255 8.90 328 744 149 4.22 168 2080 295 5.73 22 1/4 6 1/4
x1/2 26 10 0.5 0.500 115.45 33.9 17.0 49.0 2750 212 9.01 270 622 124 4.28 138 1710 241 5.79 23 7
x3/8 26 10 0.375 0.375 87.91 25.8 23.7 66.3 2140 165 9.11 208 486 97.2 4.34 107 1320 184 5.84 23 3/4 7 3/4
HSS24x22x1 24 22 1 1.000 284.84 83.7 19.0 21.0 6990 583 9.14 697 6120 556 8.55 657 10900 955 7.24 18 16
x3/4 24 22 0.75 0.750 218.92 64.3 26.3 29.0 5540 462 9.28 545 4850 441 8.68 514 8430 737 7.34 19 1/2 17 1/2
x5/8 24 22 0.625 0.625 184.64 54.3 32.2 35.4 4740 395 9.34 463 4160 378 8.75 437 7130 622 7.40 20 1/4 18 1/4
x1/2 24 22 0.5 0.500 149.47 43.9 41.0 45.0 3900 325 9.43 378 3420 311 8.83 356 5780 504 7.45 21 19
x3/8 24 22 0.375 0.375 113.43 33.3 55.7 61.0 3000 250 9.49 289 2630 239 8.89 273 4390 383 7.51 21 3/4 19 3/4
HSS24x20x1 24 20 1 1.000 271.23 79.7 17.0 21.0 6460 538 9.00 651 4890 489 7.83 575 9350 863 6.90 18 14
x3/4 24 20 0.75 0.750 208.71 61.3 23.7 29.0 5140 428 9.16 510 3890 389 7.97 451 7250 667 7.01 19 1/2 15 1/2
x5/8 24 20 0.625 0.625 176.13 51.8 29.0 35.4 4400 367 9.22 434 3340 334 8.03 384 6130 563 7.07 20 1/4 16 1/4
x1/2 24 20 0.5 0.500 142.67 41.9 37.0 45.0 3620 302 9.29 354 2750 275 8.10 314 4980 457 7.12 21 17
x3/8 24 20 0.375 0.375 108.32 31.8 50.3 61.0 2790 233 9.37 271 2120 212 8.16 240 3790 347 7.17 21 3/4 17 3/4
HSS24x18x1 24 18 1 1.000 257.62 75.7 15.0 21.0 5930 494 8.85 605 3820 424 7.10 498 7860 771 6.57 18 12
x3/4 24 18 0.75 0.750 198.50 58.3 21.0 29.0 4730 394 9.01 475 3050 339 7.23 391 6110 597 6.68 19 1/2 13 1/2
x5/8 24 18 0.625 0.625 167.62 49.3 25.8 35.4 4060 338 9.07 405 2620 291 7.29 333 5180 505 6.73 20 1/4 14 1/4
x1/2 24 18 0.5 0.500 135.86 39.9 33.0 45.0 3350 279 9.16 331 2160 240 7.36 273 4210 410 6.79 21 15
x3/8 24 18 0.375 0.375 103.22 30.3 45.0 61.0 2580 215 9.23 254 1670 186 7.42 209 3200 312 6.84 21 3/4 15 3/4
HSS24x16x1 24 16 1 1.000 244.01 71.7 13.0 21.0 5400 450 8.68 559 2900 363 6.36 424 6430 679 6.24 18 10
x3/4 24 16 0.75 0.750 188.30 55.3 18.3 29.0 4320 360 8.84 440 2320 290 6.48 334 5030 527 6.34 19 1/2 11 1/2
x5/8 24 16 0.625 0.625 159.12 46.8 22.6 35.4 3720 310 8.92 375 2000 250 6.54 285 4270 447 6.40 20 1/4 12 1/4
x1/2 24 16 0.5 0.500 129.06 37.9 29.0 45.0 3070 256 9.00 307 1660 208 6.62 234 3470 363 6.45 21 13
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 131
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS24x16x3/8 24 16 0.375 0.375 98.12 28.8 39.7 61.0 2370 198 9.07 236 1280 160 6.67 179 2650 276 6.51 21 3/4 13 3/4
HSS24x14x3/4 24 14 0.75 0.750 178.09 52.3 15.7 29.0 3920 327 8.66 405 1710 244 5.72 280 4000 458 6.01 19 1/2 9 1/2
x5/8 24 14 0.625 0.625 150.61 44.3 19.4 35.4 3380 282 8.73 346 1480 211 5.78 240 3400 388 6.07 20 1/4 10 1/4
x1/2 24 14 0.5 0.500 122.25 35.9 25.0 45.0 2790 233 8.82 284 1230 176 5.85 197 2780 316 6.12 21 11
x3/8 24 14 0.375 0.375 93.01 27.3 34.3 61.0 2160 180 8.89 218 952 136 5.91 151 2120 241 6.17 21 3/4 11 3/4
HSS24x12x3/4 24 12 0.75 0.750 171.16 50.3 13.0 29.0 3650 304 8.52 382 1240 207 4.97 235 3030 391 5.79 20 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 24 12 0.625 0.625 144.39 42.4 16.2 35.4 3130 261 8.59 325 1070 178 5.02 201 2590 331 5.82 21 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 24 12 0.5 0.500 116.91 34.4 21.0 45.0 2580 215 8.66 266 883 147 5.07 164 2120 270 5.86 21 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 24 12 0.375 0.375 88.73 26.1 29.0 61.0 1990 166 8.73 203 685 114 5.12 126 1620 206 5.89 22 5/16 10 5/16
HSS24x10x5/8 24 10 0.625 0.625 135.88 39.9 13.0 35.4 2790 233 8.36 296 706 141 4.21 160 1870 273 5.49 21 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 24 10 0.5 0.500 110.10 32.4 17.0 45.0 2300 192 8.43 242 587 117 4.26 131 1530 223 5.52 21 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 24 10 0.375 0.375 83.62 24.6 23.7 61.0 1780 148 8.51 186 458 91.6 4.31 101.0 1180 170 5.56 22 5/16 8 5/16
HSS22x20x1 22 20 1 1.000 263.46 77.4 17.0 19.0 5450 495 8.39 592 4700 470 7.79 555 8150 794 6.71 17 1/2 15 1/2
x3/4 22 20 0.75 0.750 201.79 59.3 23.7 26.3 4290 390 8.51 461 3710 371 7.91 432 6320 612 6.79 18 5/8 16 5/8
x5/8 22 20 0.625 0.625 169.91 49.9 29.0 32.2 3670 334 8.58 391 3170 317 7.97 366 5350 517 6.82 19 3/16 17 3/16
x1/2 22 20 0.5 0.500 137.32 40.4 37.0 41.0 3010 274 8.63 318 2600 260 8.02 298 4350 419 6.86 19 3/4 17 3/4
x3/8 22 20 0.375 0.375 104.04 30.6 50.3 55.7 2310 210 8.69 243 2000 200 8.08 228 3310 318 6.89 20 5/16 18 5/16
HSS22x18x1 22 18 1 1.000 249.85 73.4 15.0 19.0 5010 455 8.26 550 3670 408 7.07 479 6870 710 6.38 17 1/2 13 1/2
x3/4 22 18 0.75 0.750 191.58 56.3 21.0 26.3 3960 360 8.39 429 2900 322 7.18 374 5340 548 6.45 18 5/8 14 5/8
x5/8 22 18 0.625 0.625 161.40 47.4 25.8 32.2 3380 307 8.44 364 2490 277 7.25 318 4530 463 6.49 19 3/16 15 3/16
x1/2 22 18 0.5 0.500 130.52 38.4 33.0 41.0 2780 253 8.51 297 2040 227 7.29 259 3680 376 6.52 19 3/4 15 3/4
x3/8 22 18 0.375 0.375 98.94 29.1 45.0 55.7 2130 194 8.56 227 1570 174 7.35 198 2810 286 6.56 20 5/16 16 5/16
HSS22x16x1 22 16 1 1.000 236.24 69.4 13.0 19.0 4560 415 8.11 508 2780 348 6.33 408 5650 626 6.05 17 1/2 11 1/2
x3/4 22 16 0.75 0.750 181.37 53.3 18.3 26.3 3620 329 8.24 397 2210 276 6.44 319 4400 484 6.12 18 5/8 12 5/8
132 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS22x16x5/8 22 16 0.625 0.625 152.89 44.9 22.6 32.2 3100 282 8.31 337 1900 238 6.51 271 3740 410 6.15 19 3/16 13 3/16
x1/2 22 16 0.5 0.500 123.71 36.4 29.0 41.0 2540 231 8.35 275 1560 195 6.55 222 3050 333 6.19 19 3/4 13 3/4
x3/8 22 16 0.375 0.375 93.83 27.6 39.7 55.7 1960 178 8.43 210 1210 151 6.62 170 2330 253 6.23 20 5/16 14 5/16
HSS22x14x1 22 14 1 1.000 222.63 65.4 11.0 19.0 4120 375 7.94 466 2030 290 5.57 340 4490 542 5.71 17 1/2 9 1/2
x3/4 22 14 0.75 0.750 171.16 50.3 15.7 26.3 3280 298 8.08 365 1630 233 5.69 267 3520 421 5.79 18 5/8 10 5/8
x5/8 22 14 0.625 0.625 144.39 42.4 19.4 32.2 2810 255 8.14 311 1400 200 5.75 228 2990 356 5.82 19 3/16 11 3/16
x1/2 22 14 0.5 0.500 116.91 34.4 25.0 41.0 2310 210 8.19 254 1160 166 5.81 186 2440 290 5.86 19 3/4 11 3/4
x3/8 22 14 0.375 0.375 88.73 26.1 34.3 55.7 1780 162 8.26 194 894 128 5.85 143 1870 221 5.89 20 5/16 12 5/16
HSS22x12x3/4 22 12 0.75 0.750 160.96 47.3 13.0 26.3 2940 267 7.88 333 1140 190 4.91 218 2690 357 5.45 18 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 22 12 0.625 0.625 135.88 39.9 16.2 32.2 2530 230 7.96 284 985 164 4.97 187 2300 303 5.49 19 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 22 12 0.5 0.500 110.10 32.4 21.0 41.0 2080 189 8.01 232 816 136 5.02 153 1880 247 5.52 19 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 22 12 0.375 0.375 83.62 24.6 29.0 55.7 1610 146 8.09 178 634 106 5.08 117 1440 188 5.56 20 5/16 10 5/16
HSS22x10x5/8 22 10 0.625 0.625 127.37 37.4 13.0 32.2 2240 204 7.74 257 651 130 4.17 148 1660 250 5.15 19 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 22 10 0.5 0.500 103.30 30.4 17.0 41.0 1850 168 7.80 211 542 108 4.22 122 1370 204 5.19 19 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 22 10 0.375 0.375 78.52 23.1 23.7 55.7 1430 130 7.87 162 423 84.6 4.28 93.7 1050 156 5.23 20 5/16 8 5/16
HSS20x18x1 20 18 1 1.000 236.24 69.4 15.0 17.0 3980 398 7.57 479 3380 376 6.98 445 5940 642 6.05 15 1/2 13 1/2
x3/4 20 18 0.75 0.750 181.37 53.3 21.0 23.7 3150 315 7.69 374 2680 298 7.09 348 4620 496 6.12 16 5/8 14 5/8
x5/8 20 18 0.625 0.625 152.89 44.9 25.8 29.0 2700 270 7.75 318 2300 256 7.16 296 3920 420 6.15 17 3/16 15 3/16
x1/2 20 18 0.5 0.500 123.71 36.4 33.0 37.0 2220 222 7.81 259 1890 210 7.21 242 3190 341 6.19 17 3/4 15 3/4
x3/8 20 18 0.375 0.375 93.83 27.6 45.0 50.3 1710 171 7.87 198 1460 162 7.27 185 2440 259 6.23 18 5/16 16 5/16
x5/16 20 18 0.3125 0.313 78.63 23.1 54.5 60.9 1450 145 7.92 167 1230 137 7.30 156 2050 218 6.24 18 5/8 16 5/8
HSS20x16x1 20 16 1 1.000 222.63 65.4 13.0 17.0 3620 362 7.44 441 2550 319 6.24 378 4900 566 5.71 15 1/2 11 1/2
x3/4 20 16 0.75 0.750 171.16 50.3 18.3 23.7 2880 288 7.57 345 2040 255 6.37 296 3830 439 5.79 16 5/8 12 5/8
x5/8 20 16 0.625 0.625 144.39 42.4 22.6 29.0 2470 247 7.63 294 1750 219 6.42 252 3250 371 5.82 17 3/16 13 3/16
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 133
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS20x16x1/2 20 16 0.5 0.500 116.91 34.4 29.0 37.0 2030 203 7.68 240 1440 180 6.47 206 2650 302 5.86 17 3/4 13 3/4
x3/8 20 16 0.375 0.375 88.73 26.1 39.7 50.3 1570 157 7.76 184 1110 139 6.52 158 2020 230 5.89 18 5/16 14 5/16
x5/16 20 16 0.3125 0.313 74.38 21.9 48.1 60.9 1330 133 7.79 155 944 118 6.57 133 1710 193 5.91 18 5/8 14 5/8
HSS20x14x1 20 14 1 1.000 209.01 61.4 11.0 17.0 3250 325 7.28 403 1860 266 5.50 314 3910 490 5.38 15 1/2 9 1/2
x3/4 20 14 0.75 0.750 160.96 47.3 15.7 23.7 2600 260 7.41 316 1490 213 5.61 247 3070 381 5.45 16 5/8 10 5/8
x5/8 20 14 0.625 0.625 135.88 39.9 19.4 29.0 2230 223 7.48 269 1290 184 5.69 211 2610 323 5.49 17 3/16 11 3/16
x1/2 20 14 0.5 0.500 110.10 32.4 25.0 37.0 1840 184 7.54 220 1060 151 5.72 173 2130 263 5.52 17 3/4 11 3/4
x3/8 20 14 0.375 0.375 83.62 24.6 34.3 50.3 1420 142 7.60 169 824 118 5.79 133 1630 200 5.56 18 5/16 12 5/16
x5/16 20 14 0.3125 0.313 70.12 20.6 41.7 60.9 1200 120 7.63 143 699 99.9 5.83 112 1380 169 5.58 18 5/8 12 5/8
HSS20x12x3/4 20 12 0.75 0.750 150.75 44.3 13.0 23.7 2320 232 7.24 287 1050 175 4.87 202 2360 323 5.12 16 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 20 12 0.625 0.625 127.37 37.4 16.2 29.0 2000 200 7.31 245 904 151 4.92 172 2010 275 5.15 17 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 20 12 0.5 0.500 103.30 30.4 21.0 37.0 1650 165 7.37 201 750 125 4.97 141 1650 224 5.19 17 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 20 12 0.375 0.375 78.52 23.1 29.0 50.3 1280 128 7.44 154 583 97.2 5.02 109 1270 171 5.23 18 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 20 12 0.3125 0.313 65.87 19.4 35.3 60.9 1080 108 7.46 130 495 82.5 5.05 91.9 1070 144 5.24 18 5/8 10 5/8
HSS20x10x5/8 20 10 0.625 0.625 118.86 34.9 13.0 29.0 1760 176 7.10 221 596 119 4.13 136 1460 226 4.82 17 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 20 10 0.5 0.500 96.49 28.4 17.0 37.0 1460 146 7.17 181 497 99.4 4.18 112 1200 185 4.86 17 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 20 10 0.375 0.375 73.42 21.6 23.7 50.3 1130 113 7.23 139 388 77.6 4.24 86.4 928 141 4.89 18 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 20 10 0.3125 0.313 61.62 18.1 28.9 60.9 961 96.1 7.29 118 331 66.2 4.28 73.1 784 119 4.91 18 5/8 8 5/8
HSS18x16x1 18 16 1 1.000 209.01 61.4 13.0 15.0 2800 311 6.75 377 2330 291 6.16 348 4170 506 5.38 13 1/2 11 1/2
x3/4 18 16 0.75 0.750 160.96 47.3 18.3 21.0 2230 248 6.87 296 1860 233 6.27 273 3260 393 5.45 14 5/8 12 5/8
x5/8 18 16 0.625 0.625 135.88 39.9 22.6 25.8 1920 213 6.94 252 1600 200 6.33 233 2780 333 5.49 15 3/16 13 3/16
x1/2 18 16 0.5 0.500 110.10 32.4 29.0 33.0 1580 176 6.98 207 1320 165 6.38 191 2270 271 5.52 15 3/4 13 3/4
x3/8 18 16 0.375 0.375 83.62 24.6 39.7 45.0 1220 136 7.04 158 1020 128 6.44 146 1730 206 5.56 16 5/16 14 5/16
x5/16 18 16 0.3125 0.313 70.12 20.6 48.1 54.5 1040 116 7.11 134 867 108 6.49 123 1460 174 5.58 16 5/8 14 5/8
134 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS18x14x3/4 18 14 0.75 0.750 150.75 44.3 15.7 21.0 2010 223 6.74 270 1360 194 5.54 228 2630 341 5.12 14 5/8 10 5/8
x5/8 18 14 0.625 0.625 127.37 37.4 19.4 25.8 1730 192 6.80 231 1180 169 5.62 194 2240 290 5.15 15 3/16 11 3/16
x1/2 18 14 0.5 0.500 103.30 30.4 25.0 33.0 1430 159 6.86 189 973 139 5.66 159 1830 236 5.19 15 3/4 11 3/4
x3/8 18 14 0.375 0.375 78.52 23.1 34.3 45.0 1110 123 6.93 145 755 108 5.72 122 1400 180 5.23 16 5/16 12 5/16
x5/16 18 14 0.3125 0.313 65.87 19.4 41.7 54.5 939 104 6.96 122 640 91.4 5.74 103 1180 151 5.24 16 5/8 12 5/8
HSS18x12x3/4 18 12 0.75 0.750 140.54 41.3 13.0 21.0 1790 199 6.58 245 951 159 4.80 185 2030 289 4.79 14 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 18 12 0.625 0.625 118.86 34.9 16.2 25.8 1540 171 6.64 209 823 137 4.86 158 1730 246 4.82 15 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 18 12 0.5 0.500 96.49 28.4 21.0 33.0 1280 142 6.71 172 684 114 4.91 130 1420 201 4.86 15 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 18 12 0.375 0.375 73.42 21.6 29.0 45.0 991 110 6.77 132 533 88.8 4.97 100 1090 153 4.89 16 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 18 12 0.3125 0.313 61.62 18.1 35.3 54.5 841 93.4 6.82 111 453 75.5 5.00 84.6 922 129 4.91 16 5/8 10 5/8
HSS18x10x5/8 18 10 0.625 0.625 110.36 32.4 13.0 25.8 1350 150 6.45 187 541 108 4.09 124 1270 203 4.49 15 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 18 10 0.5 0.500 89.68 26.4 17.0 33.0 1120 124 6.51 154 452 90.4 4.14 103 1040 166 4.52 15 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 18 10 0.375 0.375 68.31 20.1 23.7 45.0 874 97.1 6.59 119 354 70.8 4.20 79.2 804 127 4.56 16 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 18 10 0.3125 0.313 57.36 16.9 28.9 54.5 743 82.6 6.63 100 301 60.2 4.22 67.1 680 107 4.58 16 5/8 8 5/8
HSS16x14x3/4 16 14 0.75 0.750 140.54 41.3 15.7 18.3 1510 189 6.05 228 1230 176 5.46 208 2200 301 4.79 12 5/8 10 5/8
x5/8 16 14 0.625 0.625 118.86 34.9 19.4 22.6 1310 164 6.13 195 1060 151 5.51 178 1880 256 4.82 13 3/16 11 3/16
x1/2 16 14 0.5 0.500 96.49 28.4 25.0 29.0 1080 135 6.17 160 882 126 5.57 146 1540 209 4.86 13 3/4 11 3/4
x3/8 16 14 0.375 0.375 73.42 21.6 34.3 39.7 840 105 6.24 123 685 97.9 5.63 112 1180 159 4.89 14 5/16 12 5/16
x5/16 16 14 0.3125 0.313 61.62 18.1 41.7 48.1 713 89.1 6.28 104 582 83.1 5.67 94.8 994 134 4.91 14 5/8 12 5/8
HSS16x12x3/4 16 12 0.75 0.750 130.33 38.3 13.0 18.3 1340 168 5.91 205 856 143 4.73 168 1710 256 4.45 12 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 16 12 0.625 0.625 110.36 32.4 16.2 22.6 1160 145 5.98 175 742 124 4.79 144 1460 218 4.49 13 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 16 12 0.5 0.500 89.68 26.4 21.0 29.0 962 120 6.04 144 618 103 4.84 118 1200 178 4.52 13 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 16 12 0.375 0.375 68.31 20.1 29.0 39.7 748 93.5 6.10 111 482 80.3 4.90 91.3 922 136 4.56 14 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 16 12 0.3125 0.313 57.36 16.9 35.3 48.1 636 79.5 6.13 93.9 410 68.3 4.93 77.3 779 115 4.58 14 5/8 10 5/8
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 135
A1065 Rectangle HSS
Dimensions and Properties
Shape Design Workable Flat
Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Torsion
Wall Nominal Area, Surface
Shape H B tnom Thickness, Wt A b/t h/t I S r Z I S r Z J C Area Depth Width
in in in in lb/ft in2 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 in in3 in4 in3 ft2/ft in in
HSS16x10x5/8 16 10 0.625 0.625 101.85 29.9 13.0 22.6 1010 126 5.81 156 486 97.2 4.03 113 1070 179 4.15 13 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 16 10 0.5 0.500 82.88 24.4 17.0 29.0 842 105 5.87 129 407 81.4 4.08 93.1 884 147 4.19 13 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 16 10 0.375 0.375 63.21 18.6 23.7 39.7 657 82.1 5.94 99.3 319 63.8 4.14 72.0 682 113 4.23 14 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 16 10 0.3125 0.313 53.11 15.6 28.9 48.1 559 69.9 5.99 84.1 272 54.4 4.18 61.0 577 95.0 4.24 14 5/8 8 5/8
HSS14x12x3/4 14 12 0.75 0.750 120.12 35.3 13.0 15.7 967 138 5.23 168 761 127 4.64 151 1400 222 4.12 10 5/8 8 5/8
x5/8 14 12 0.625 0.625 101.85 29.9 16.2 19.4 840 120 5.30 144 661 110 4.70 130 1200 189 4.15 11 3/16 9 3/16
x1/2 14 12 0.5 0.500 82.88 24.4 21.0 25.0 699 99.9 5.35 119 552 92.0 4.76 107 983 155 4.19 11 3/4 9 3/4
x3/8 14 12 0.375 0.375 63.21 18.6 29.0 34.3 546 78.0 5.42 91.7 431 71.8 4.81 82.6 757 119 4.23 12 5/16 10 5/16
x5/16 14 12 0.3125 0.313 53.11 15.6 35.3 41.7 465 66.4 5.46 77.6 367 61.2 4.85 70.0 640 100 4.24 12 5/8 10 5/8
HSS14x10x5/8 14 10 0.625 0.625 93.34 27.4 13.0 19.4 728 104 5.15 127 431 86.2 3.97 100 885 156 3.82 11 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 14 10 0.5 0.500 76.07 22.4 17.0 25.0 608 86.9 5.21 105 361 72.2 4.01 83.6 730 128 3.86 11 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 14 10 0.375 0.375 58.10 17.1 23.7 34.3 476 68.0 5.28 81.5 284 56.8 4.08 64.8 564 98.2 3.89 12 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 14 10 0.3125 0.313 48.86 14.4 28.9 41.7 406 58.0 5.31 69.1 242 48.4 4.10 55.0 478 82.9 3.91 12 5/8 8 5/8
HSS12x10x5/8 12 10 0.625 0.625 84.84 24.9 13.0 16.2 499 83.2 4.48 101 376 75.2 3.89 89.3 703 132 3.49 9 3/16 7 3/16
x1/2 12 10 0.5 0.500 69.27 20.4 17.0 21.0 419 69.8 4.53 83.9 316 63.2 3.94 74.1 581 109 3.52 9 3/4 7 3/4
x3/8 12 10 0.375 0.375 53.00 15.6 23.7 29.0 330 55.0 4.60 65.2 249 49.8 4.00 57.6 450 83.7 3.56 10 5/16 8 5/16
x5/16 12 10 0.3125 0.313 44.60 13.1 28.9 35.3 282 47.0 4.64 55.3 213 42.6 4.03 48.9 381 70.8 3.58 10 5/8 8 5/8
136 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
Efficient Connections
Efficient Connections
A major difference
A major difference between between hollow structural
hollow structural section
section (HSS) (HSS) connections
connections and otherand other section
connections is theto
is the inability inability to economically
economically reinforce reinforce HSS connection
HSS for large for large connection forces. When
forces. When
using other other sections,
sections, adding stiffeners
adding stiffeners and web and webplates
doubler doubler plates
is easy andis easy and commonplace.
commonplace. But But
similar reinforcing to a closed section is difficult. The first step to ensuring
similar reinforcing to a closed section is difficult. The first step to ensuring efficient and efficient and
is to checkis that
to check thatsizing
original original sizing
of the of the members
members is done withis done
the with the
connections in mind. It may be more prudent to slightly increase the tube’s thicknessthickness
connections in mind. It may be more prudent to slightly increase the tube’s to achieve to achieve
a simpler aand
simpler and more economical
more-economical connectionconnection than to to
than to attempt attempt to reinforce
reinforce a flexibleaHSS
wall HSS
at a wall at a
point. point.
• Through
• Through plates plates
are the mostare the mostshear
expensive expensive shear connection
connection to an HSS
to an HSS column. column. Instead,
increase theincrease theofthickness
thickness the column of the
so thatwall so that
the plate thebeplate
can can be to
connected connected
the face.to the face.
The increased increased material
cost still willcost still expensive
be less will be lessthan
expensive than the
the through through plate
connection. Only use a through plate connection when axial loads are present.are present.
connection. Only use a through plate connection when axial loads
• For a truss,
• minimizing
For a truss, truss weighttruss
minimizing doesweight
not necessarily
does not minimize the
necessarily cost. It isthe
minimize best to It is best to
select thicker chord members and thinner branch or web members. This means
select thicker chord members and thinner branch or web members. This means
selecting chord members
selecting chordwith the following
members with thecriteria:
following criteria:
o 15 ≤ D/t ≤ 30 for round sections
▪ 15 ≤ D/t ≤ 30 for round sections
o 15
▪ 15 ≤ B/t
≤ B/t ≤ 30
≤ 30 for for rectangular
rectangular sections
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 137
• For branch members, keep the ratio of branch thickness to chord thickness low, and keep the
branch width to chord width high.
• For a K truss connection
For branch with
members, round
keep members,
the ratio use
of branch a gapped
thickness connection
to chord thickness(see
and keep the
Profiling in two
ratio of directions
branch widthtotoaccommodate
chord width high.an overlapped connection (see below) is
For branch members, keep the ratio of branch thickness to chord thickness low, and keep the
• ratio
For aofK branch width to chord
truss connection width high.
with round members, use a gapped connection (see below).
Profiling in two directions to accommodate an overlapped connection (see below) is
• For a K truss connection with round members, use a gapped connection (see below).
difficult and expensive.
Profiling in two directions to accommodate an overlapped connection (see below) is
difficult and expensive.
Gapped K‐Connection(suggested)
K-Connection (suggested)
Gapped K‐Connection (suggested)
138 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
138 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
• In a truss, minimize the number of connections that have to be made by minimizing the
number of branch or web members. Choose a K-type truss over a KT-type or N-type. This will
•• In increase
In aa truss,
truss, the size
minimize theofnumber
the the chord
number of member, butthat
of connections
connections thehave
that increased
have to be cost
to be made
made ofby
by material isthe
minimizing insignificant
number whenbranch
comparedweb with the cost of additional connections.
number of of branch or
or web members.
members. Choose
Choose aa K-type
K-type truss
truss over
over aa K-T
K-T type
type or
or N-type.
N-type. This
This will
increase the size of the chord member, but the increased cost of the material is insignificant
increase the size of the chord member, but the increased cost of the material is insignificant
when compared
compared with
with the
the cost
cost of
of additional
additional connections.
K-Type Truss
Bracing Members - 8
Bracing Members
Bracing Members- 16-- 88
Connections -- 16
STI Tube tools
produces Institute
tools to produces
to aid
aid design tools
design to aid design
professionals in professionals
in designing
designing HSS in designing
HSS members
members and HSS
and members and
including including
including several
several several
software software
tools. The tools.
STI website
website (steeltubeinstitute.org/hss)
(steeltubeinstitute.org/hss) has
has many
many Excel
spreadsheets, TEDDS® (a software program by TEKLA, a Trimble Company) calculation
spreadsheets, TEDDS® (a software program by TEKLA, a Trimble Company) calculation tools, tools,
andSteel Tube Institute
suggestions to aidwebsite
to aid in (steeltubeinstitute.org/hss)
in drawing
drawing production.
production. has many Excel spreadsheets, TEDDS®
(a software program by TEKLA, a Trimble Company) calculation tools, and suggestions to aid in
drawing production.
Steel Tube
Tube Institute
Institute |
HSS Design
Design Guide:
Guide: Section
Section Properties
Properties &
& Design
Design Information
Information 139
Welding is a process used to join two separate pieces of metal together by melting, mixing, and
re-solidifying a portion of the metals to each other such that they are fused together. This
process can be performed with or without filler metals and with or without application of
pressure. The full spectrum of processes and the science of modern welding is extensive and
cannot be fully described in this document. For additional information regarding specific
aspects of the welding process, refer to American Welding Society (AWS) documentation. Refer
to AISC Steel Design Guide 24, Chapter 2, and AISC Steel Design Guide 21 for guidelines on
specifying welds. For the welding process specific to fabrication of HSS, refer to the
“Introduction to HSS” section in this manual.
Fillet Welds. Fillet welds typically are preferred over other weld types because they
require little to no weld profile preparation of the base metal. They most often are used
to join two members oriented 45 to 135 degrees apart, as shown in Figure 1 on the next
page. Some examples of HSS connections that can utilize fillet welds are:
• Base, cap, or end plates
• Slotted BASICSat gusset plates
Slotted connections at gusset plates
• Truss connections in which the geometry does not create gaps or angles that exceed
Truss connections in which the geometry does not create gaps or angles that exceed
the geometrical limitations for fillet weld, as outlined by the AWS welding codes
the Slotted connections atfor
limitations gusset
weld, as outlined by the AWS welding codes
Truss connections in which the geometry does not create gaps or angles that exceed
the geometrical limitations for fillet weld, as outlined by the AWS welding codes
Steel Tube
HSS DESIGN Institute
MANUAL, | HSS Design
V. 1: SECTION Guide:&Section
PROPERTIES DESIGNProperties & Design
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 141
CJP groove welds require the geometry at the joint to be prepared in such a way that the
Figure 3: Flare bevel
beveland flare VVweldweldgeometries
resulting weld3:will Flare
be stronger and flare
than the base geometries
metal to which it is joined, thereby achieving the
full strength of the attached
CJP groove welds require the geometry at the joint to be prepared in suchportion of the members. These welds
a way have
that thespecific procedural
resulting weld will requirements,
be stronger than and most the base requiremetal successful
to whichcompletion
it is joined, of non‐destructive
thereby achieving the testing to pass code
strength required
of the attached inspections.
portion ofAdditionally,
the members. forThese
CJP welds athave
HSS members, lack of access to the rear of
CJP Welds. theCJP groove
welds welds dictates
typically require the
the geometry
use of a at welds
be prepared
Figurein4.such a
Fabricating a backer
way that the resultingand most
weld require
will be successful
stronger completion
than the base of non‐destructive
metal to which it testing
is joined,to pass
thereby code‐
required 3: Flare bar to
inspections. and fitflare
the inside
Additionally, V weld ofgeometries
for an HSS
CJP welds member
at HSS ismembers,
time consuming
lack due toto
of welds
access thethevariations
rear of and imperfectio
achieving the full strength
in the of
shapethethe attached
of use
the of radius portion
corners of the members. These have specific
the weldsrequirements,
procedural typically dictatesand a backer bar,for square
shown or
ascompletion rectangular
in Figure HSS or due
4. Fabricating to slight imperfections
a backer
oove welds require the geometry at thatthecan joint tomost
occur be
in require
circular successful
HSSin such
shapes. a wayIn that theofinnon‐destructive
situations which a backer testing
bar to be used or
bar to
pass code fit the inside
required of an
inspections. HSS member is time consuming due to the variations and imperfections
ng weld will be stronger than the base
cannot metal to which
left in place it isafter
joined,the thereby
weld is made, achieving the
in the shape of the radius for square or rectangular HSSsuch
or dueas those
to slight involving some seismic joints or
ength of the attached portion of the members. These welds have specific procedural
that can occur
Additionally, incyclically
for CJP circular
at HSSshapes.structures,
use ofina which
In situations
lack of access
specialized CJP weld
a backer barthe that includes
cannot usedaor
backup weld at the ro
ements, and most require successful of completion
the CJP joint ofis non‐destructive
required. This testing to
specialized to the
weld code‐of
requires a special welder certification, called
dictates be left
use in
of place
backerafter theasweld
bar, shown is made,
inlack such4.as
Figure those involving
Fabricating a backersome barseismic joints
to fit the or
inside of
ed inspections. Additionally, for CJP 6GR at HSS
certification, members,
which of
typicallyCJP access
results to
in the rear
added of
cost atobackup
the fabricator and ultimately to the
an HSS loaded structures, use of a specialized weld that includes weld at the root
lds typically dictates themember
use of aisbacker
time consuming
project. bar, asthese
ForThis shown dueintoFigurethe variations
reasons, weld CJP4.welds
and imperfections
Fabricating a backer more
in the shape of the
than othercalledwelds, and they should
radiusthe CJP joint is required. specialized requires special welder certification,
fit the inside of an HSScorners
memberfor square
is only
timebe or rectangular
specified due
when toHSStheorvariations
due to slight imperfections that
and imperfections
can occur in
6GR certification,
circular HSSforshapes. which
In or typicallyinresults
situations which in added costcannot
a backer to the fabricator
be used orand ultimately
be leftto in the
shape of the radius corners square rectangular HSS or due to bar slight imperfections cannot place
after the For these
weld isInmade, reasons, CJP
suchinaswhich welds cost
thoseainvolving significantly
some more
seismic than other welds, and they
jointsoror cyclically loaded structures, should
n occur in circular HSS shapes. situations backer bar cannot be used
use of be
a specified when
specialized CJP absolutely
weld that necessary.
includes a backup weld at the rootorof the CJP joint is required.
be left in place after the weld is made, such as those involving some seismic joints
ly loaded structures, use of a specialized CJP weld that includes a backup weld at the root
This specialized
CJP joint is required. weld weld
This specialized requires a special
requires welder
a special certification,
welder certification, calledcalled
6GR certification, which
typically results in added cost to the fabricator and ultimately to the project. For these reasons,
rtification, which typically results in added cost to the fabricator and ultimately to the
CJP welds cost significantly more than other welds, and they should only be specified when
. For these reasons, CJP welds cost significantly more than other welds, and they should
absolutely necessary.
e specified when absolutely necessary.
142 HSSFigure
4: Guide: Section
CJP bevel Properties
groove & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
weld geometries
142 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
With respect to weldability and metallurgy, structural steel exhibits a surprising degree of
variation. It is best to specify steel that has been prequalified for use with prequalified welds, as
noted in the previous section. Table 3.1 of AWS D1.1 provides a list of steel material that is
prequalified, as well as guidance on which weld electrode (i.e., weld filler metal) is
recommended for corresponding steel types. Selection of appropriate weld electrodes is one of
the most important parts of all welding procedure specifications (WPS), and adherence to AWS
guidance is recommended. Typically, a weld electrode is chosen such that the weld will have a
higher strength than the base metal in the weld joint.
Referencing Table 3.1 of AWS D1.1, it can be seen that A36 and A500 steel are listed in Group I,
while A572 and A992 steel are listed in Group II. This means that when an HSS member of A500
material is welded to a connection plate of A36 material, it may require a different weld
electrode than when welded to a connection plate of A572 material. ASTM A1085 will join the
prequalified steel of Table 3.1 in the 2016 version of AWS D1.1. In general, selection of weld
electrodes on most projects is the responsibility of the fabricator or a qualified welding expert,
as it is part of the WPS process.
Capacity Design
The capacity design approach typically requires that the weld be proportioned to develop the
capacity of the HSS member at the connection, which often leads to very large welds. For
compression members and flexural members, this approach often is overly conservative due to
the inherent high strength of HSS.
When specifying fillet welds at HSS connections, designers must take these special
considerations into account:
1. The fillet weld size that can be considered in design, or the effective fillet weld size,
may be controlled by the strength of the base metal. This limitation on the fillet weld
is conveniently presented as a comparison of fillet weld size vs. HSS wall thickness, as
is shown in Table 2-3 of AISC Steel Design Guide 24.
2. The length of a fillet weld in HSS connections may be limited when welding across the
face of a square or rectangular HSS member. Weld length reduction is due to the
relative difference in stiffness of the HSS wall, based on proximity to the HSS sidewalls.
Guidance on the effective weld length is provided in AISC 360, section K, and in AISC
Steel Design Guide 24, section 2.4. After determining the effective fillet weld size and effective
fillet weld length, the fillet welds at HSS connections can be designed in the same manner as
other connections, per AISC 360, section J2. One exception: The directionality factor, per AISC
360 equation J2-5, is not recommended for welds across the face of square or rectangular HSS.
When specifying PJP groove welds at HSS-to-HSS connections, the designer should be familiar
with the effect of the radius corner region of square or rectangular HSS on the geometry of the
weld joint. Similarly, for a round-HSS-to-round-HSS connection, the relative angles of the weld
joint at different locations on the perimeter of the HSS will affect the weld joint. Detailed
limitations and geometry criteria for these types of connections can be found in AWS D1.1,
section 2, part D, and in the AISC Steel Construction Manual, part 8. PJP groove welds at these
connections can be designed in accordance with AISC 360, section J2.
Bolting to HSS
Bolting to HSS
The main challenge designers face when bolting to hollow structural section (HSS) members is a
lack of access to the member interior. Conventional bolts require access to both sides of the
The main challenge designers face when bolting to hollow structural section (HSS) members is a
bolt during installation.
lack of access to the member interior. Conventional bolts require access to both sides of the
bolt during installation.
Conventional high-strength bolts can be used when installed near the end of the member,
assuming the
Conventional member does
high-strength notcan
bolts have
be aused
cap when
or endinstalled
plate, ornear
when theaccess
end ofholes are provided.
the member,
Access the
assuming holes can be does
member placed in have
not a location
a capwhere
or endthey are
plate, ornot critical
when to the
access holesmembers’ strength or
are provided.
Access thecan
holes holesbecan be sealed
placed and/orwhere
in a location reinforced
they so
notthe section
critical meets
to the strength
members’ strength or
where the holes can be sealed and/or reinforced so that the section meets strength or other
requirements (Figure 1). Another common technique involves shop welding plates
connection (Figure
requirements material1).toAnother
the HSScommon
in a way that allowsinvolves
technique the members to be bolted
shop welding platestogether
or otherin the
connection material to the HSS in a way that allows the members to be bolted togetherhas
field (Figure 2 on the next page). The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) in the
field (Figure 2discussions
on the nextonpage).
the use
bolts withInstitute
HSS members
of SteelinConstruction
Chapter 3 of(AISC)
AISC Steel
has Design
Guide 24
published and in Parton7 the
discussions of the
useAISC Steelwith
of bolts Construction
HSS members Manual, in the section
in Chapter 3 of AISCentitled “Special
Steel Design
Considerations for Hollow Structural Sections.” Both resources discuss the following options for
Guide 24 and in Part 7 of the AISC Steel Construction Manual, in the section entitled “Special
bolting to an HSS member:
Considerations for Hollow Structural Sections.” Both resources discuss the following options for
bolting to an HSS member:
• Through bolts
• Through
• Blindbolts
• Blind • Threaded
bolts studs
• Flow-drilled
• Threaded studs bolts
• Flow-drilled bolts
DESIGN InstituteV.| 1:
HSS Design
SECTION Guide: Section
& DESIGN & DesignI Information
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 147
Figure4:4:Blind bolts
Blind bolts
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 147
Several blind bolt manufacturers were identified when this manual was published:
Several blind bolt manufacturers were identified when this manual was published:
• ONESIDE structural Fastener from Ajax Fasteners (ajaxfast.com)
• Hollo-Bolt structural Fastener
by Lindapter* from Ajax Fasteners (ajaxfast.com)
• Hollo-Bolt
• Blind by Lindapter*
Bolt by Blind Bolt Company(lindapter.com)
• Bolt
• Box Blindby
Blind Bolt (lnasolutions.com)
Company (blindbolt.com)
• Box ICC-ES®
*Indicates Bolt by LNA Solutions*
certification (lnasolutions.com)
*Indicates ICC-ES® certification available.
Threaded studs can be field or shop welded to an HSS member with a stud-welding gun. The
connection Studs
design is similar to a typical bolted connection, with the strength check of the stud
in tension
Threaded or studs
shear can
beingbebased onshop
field or the manufacturer’s
welded to an HSS guidelines.
member In addition,
with the HSS must
a stud-welding be
gun. The
checked for wall distortion when the studs are in tension. The bolt holes in the connected parts
connection design is similar to a typical bolted connection, with the strength check of the stud
generally are countersunk or oversized to clear the fillet weld between the stud and the HSS
in tension or shear being based on the manufacturer’s guidelines. In addition, the HSS must be
wall. At oversized holes, a plate washer welded to the connection material may be required to
checked for wall distortion when the studs are in tension. The bolt holes in the connected parts
transfer shear forces. Threaded studs are typically available in 3/4-inch and 7/8-inch diameters.
generally are countersunk or oversized to clear the fillet weld between the stud and the HSS
wall. At oversized holes, a plate washer welded to the connection material may be required to
transfer shear forces.BOLTSThreaded studs are typically available in 3/4-inch and 7/8-inch diameters.
Flow-drilling is a process that creates a threaded hole in an HSS wall. The process forces a hole
through Bolts
the HSS wall that forms an interior, truncated, hollow cone and hardens the steel. A
tap is used to create the threads after the drilling is complete (Figure 5). This process yields a
threaded is a has
hole that process that creates
dimensions a threaded
and hardness hole in an
properties HSS wall.
similar The of
to those process forces
a heavy a hole
hex nut.
Morethrough the HSSonwall
information thethat forms
process is an interior,
available in truncated,
CIDECT Designhollow cone
Guide and hardens
9 Structural the steel.
Hollow A
tap isConnections
Column used to create andthe threads
from after the drilling
the manufacturer, is complete
Flowdrill (Figure 5). This process yields a
b.v. (www.flowdrill.nl).
threaded hole that has dimensions and hardness properties similar to those of a heavy hex nut.
More information on the process is available in CIDECT Design Guide 9 Structural Hollow Section
Column Connections and from the manufacturer, Flowdrill b.v. (www.flowdrill.nl).
AISC Steel Design Guide 24 has many specific design examples that illustrate how to apply the
three limit states that apply to the HSS member for bolted connections. The series of design
guides published by Comité International pour le Développement et l’Etude de la
Construction Tubulaire (CIDECT) provides a wealth of information on the use and connections
of HSS members, including bolting. These design guides are available as downloads (free for
AISC members) from the HSS Channel on the AISC website (aisc.org/hss). The book, “Hollow
Structural Section Connection and Trusses,” by J.A. Packer and J.E. Henderson, also is a valuable
reference for the design of connections to HSS.
Reinforced concrete elements are known to spall under blast loading, creating projectiles that
can lead to serious injury from flying debris. Additionally, disengagement of the concrete cover
around the steel reinforcement results in a loss of sectional strength. Steel elements, on the
other hand, fragment under blast into considerably fewer pieces, if any.
Compared with wide-flange (WF) sections, round or square hollow structural sections (HSS) are ideal
design elements for blast-resilient members for the following reasons:
• Blast loading may be imposed on a structure from any direction. As discussed earlier,
unlike WF sections, round or square HSS have no “weak axis” in bending.
• HSS have inherently higher torsional rigidity.
• WF sections are more susceptible than HSS walls to flange folding or web
dishing under high blast pressure. Such local distortions of the cross-section reduce
the radius of gyration and further compromise the buckling strength of the member.
• The use of composite, concrete-filled HSS members is possible and offers numerous
benefits. With concrete filling, a higher load-carrying capacity can be achieved
without increasing the member’s outer dimensions. And compared to a bare steel
member, the post-blast fire resilience can be considerably increased by adding
concrete filling. Also, because the HSS member shields the concrete inside from
direct exposure to blast, the severity of post-failure fragments for composite HSS
members is significantly lower than for reinforced concrete members alone.
The mechanical properties of steel material vary with the rate of dynamic loading. Compared
with the static values normally used in design, the mechanical properties of steel vary for blast
loading as follows:
When designing blast-resilient steel members, dynamic increase factors (DIFy and DIFu)
When designing
commonly blast-resilient
are used to account steel
for themembers,
increasesdynamic increase
in yield (Fy) factors (DIF
and ultimate (Fu)y and DIFu) to
account for are
theused to account
increased capacity forunder
the increases in yield
high strain rates.(FThe
y) and
and DIFu(Fu)values
strengths, to
for various forstructural
the increased
steelscapacity under high strain
under low-pressure rates. (for
explosions DIFy and
Thestrain DIFinu values
rates the order(multipliers)
of 0.1
for various
per second)structural
suggestedsteels under
by AISC Steellow-pressure
Design Guide explosions
26 are listed(forinstrain
1. in the order of 0.1
per second) suggested by AISC Steel Design Guide 26 are listed in Table 1.
Scientific investigations have shown that steel with a higher static yield strength is less
Scientific investigations
susceptible have effect
to the strain-rate shown(i.e.,
steel withDIFy
lower a higher staticvalues).
and DIFu yield strength is lesssurvey of
An extensive
these to the strain-rate
investigations can be found effect
in (i.e. has lower DIF
the Engineering y and DIFuarticle,
Structures values). An extensive
“High Strain Rate survey of
these investigations can be found in the Engineering Structures article
Behavior of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections.” As seen in Table 1, among the ASTM “High Strain Rate
steels, A36ofsteel,
with the Rectangular
lowest minimum Hollow Sections.”
specified yieldAsstrength
seen in (36Table 1, has
ksi), amongthe the ASTM
DIFy A36 steel,
values. with the
Conversely, lowest
A514 minimum
steel, with thespecified yield strength
highest minimum (36 ksi)
specified yield, has the highest
strength (100 ksi),
DIF values. Conversely, A514 steel, with the highest minimum specified
has ythe lowest DIFy values. The DIFy values of A588 and A992 steels are similar, and these yield strength (100 ksi),
has thehave
grades lowest DIFy strength
a yield values. The DIFyto
similar values of A500
that of A588 and
and A1085,
A992 steels are similar,
so these values can andbe these ASTM
for HSS have
undera low-pressure
yield strengthexplosions.
similar to that of A500 and A1085, so these values can be utilized
for HSS under low-pressure explosions.
For higher-pressure explosions, UFC 3-340-02 recommends that the DIFy for strain rates up to
For higher-pressure
100 s-1 for ASTM A36explosions,
steel and forUFCA514
3-340-02 recommends
steel be determinedthat theFigure
using DIFy for strain
1. As rates
shown inup to
100 s-11,for
Figure theASTM A36 steel
DIFy values forand
bothfor A514
steel steel beincrease
materials determined using Figure
significantly as the1. strain
As shownratein
Figure 1, the DIFy values for both steel materials increase significantly
increases. Research at the University of Toronto published in the Engineering Structuresas the strain rate
article Researchabove
referenced at thehas
Toronto published
HSS also in theaEngineering
experience clear dynamic Structures
article referenced
increase under high above
strainhas indicated
rate. that HSS
Experimental also experience
results showed that a clear dynamic
the DIF y value strength
for CAN/CSA-
increase under high strain rate. Experimental results showed
G40.20-13/G40.21-13 Gr. 350W HSS (similar to ASTM A500 and A1085 HSS) can be that the DIFy value forup to 1.68
at Gr. 350W
the strain rate of 100 s-1, depending onHSS
the (similar to ASTM
actual static yieldA500 and A1085
strength. HSS) Figure
In general, can be1up to
could be used to give reasonable predictions of the lower bound (using the A514 line) andFigure 1
1.68 at the strain rate of 100 s-1, depending on the actual static yield strength. In general,
could be
upper used(using
bound to givethe
A36 line) predictions
of the dynamic of the lower
yield boundof(using
strength ASTMthe A500A514andline) and
used HSS. (using the A36 line) of the dynamic yield strength of ASTM A500 and A1085
used in HSS.
Both the lower and upper bounds are essential for blast design. For example, when checking the
Both the of
strength lower andmember
an HSS upper bounds are to
subjected essential for blast
blast loading, design.
the lowerFor example,
bound can bewhenused checking
for the
strength of an HSS member subjected to blast loading, the lower bound can be used for
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 151
conservative resistance calculations. On the other hand, for blast design the connections should
be designed to be stronger than the HSS members they join. Thus, the welds and bolts should be
sized for forces resistance
conservative larger thancalculations.
the capacity Onof the
theHSS member,
other hand, forbased
the member’s upper should
the connections
bound yield strength.
be designed This protects
to be stronger against
than the HSScatastrophic
members theyfailure
join.by ensuring
Thus, that the
the welds andHSS member
bolts should be
will fail in a ductile manner by yielding rather than through a connection failure.
sized for forces larger than the capacity of the HSS member, based on the member’s upper Guidance and detailed
bound examples for HSS This
yield strength. connections
protectsare readily
against available infailure
catastrophic AISC Steel Design Guide
by ensuring 24.HSS member
that the
will fail ductily by yielding rather than through a connection failure. Guidance and detailed
design examples for HSS connections are readily available in AISC Steel Design Guide 24.
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Strain rate (s )
Figure 1: DIFy values at various strain rates for ASTM A36 and A514 steels
[Adapted from UFC 3-340-02]
HSS, A1085
ASTM material
A1085 is preferred
material for for
is preferred blast-resilient designs
blast-resilient because
designs this specification
because this specification
includes a Charpy V-notch requirement (25 ft/lb at 40oF), owhich ensures a product with
includes a Charpy V-notch requirement (25 ft/lb at 40 F), which ensures a product with
improved toughness over ASTM A500.
improved toughness over ASTM A500.
further investigate
further thethe
investigate dynamic performance
dynamic performanceof HSS under
of HSS blastblast
under loading, the University
loading, of of
the University
Toronto is conducting
Toronto research
is conducting involving
research large-scale
involving fieldfield
large-scale blastblast
(Figures 2 and2 3);
(Figures and 3);
laboratorysimulation; andand
simulation; subsequent non-linear,
subsequent dynamic-finite
non-linear, dynamic-finiteelement analysis.
element analysis.
152 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 153
The most comprehensive documents for progressive collapse resistance design are the U.S.
Department of Defense’s UFC 4-023-03, Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse and
the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Alternate Path Analysis and Design Guidelines for
Progressive Collapse Resistance.
GSA guidelines permit only the alternate-path method. Both the tie-force method and alternate
load path methods are intended to increase the ability of a structure to transfer loads from a
damaged portion to an undamaged portion. In particular, the alternate load path method
requires that the structure be capable of bridging over load-bearing elements that are
removed, one at a time, at specific plan and elevation locations. Load redistribution generally
can be achieved by catenary action, Vierendeel action, and suspension action, per Best
Practices for Reducing the Potential for Progressive Collapse in Buildings (NISTIR 7396) by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology. Steel frames made with hollow structural
section (HSS) members are ideal for the development of these actions, as outlined below.
Catenary action (Figure 1 on the next page) is one of the most desired mechanisms for
allowing a damaged structure to reach load redistribution. It implies the development of large
deflections in beams after damage or removal of a supporting column. Such beams, which
were designed to support the gravity load through flexural behavior, then also will act as
tension members, and the redistributed gravity load will be resisted mainly by the vertical
components of the axial tensile forces in the beams. In this case, the adjacent columns need
to be able to resist: (1) the extra gravity load due to the loss of one or more interior columns,
and (2) the large flexural loadings due to the horizontal components of the axial tensile forces
in the beams.
A two‐way steel frame has inherently greater robustness than a one‐way steel frame, because
in a two‐way frame, the catenary action can be developed in both horizontal directions.
A two‐way steel frame has inherently greater robustness than a one‐way steel frame, because
in a two‐way with a wide‐flange
frame the catenarysection,
actiona can
be or square HSS
developed withhorizontal
in both the same weight has a larger
minimum radius of gyration and no “weak axis” in bending. Thus, round or square HSS columns
are ideal for
Compared progressive
with collapse
a wide‐flange resistance
section, design
a round because
or square HSSthey
the sameresist thehas
weight extra axial
a larger
compression and biaxial flexure in association with the catenary action.
minimum radius of gyration and no “weak axis” in bending. Thus, round or square HSS columns
are ideal for progressive collapse resistance design because they efficiently resist the extra axial
To develop the
compression andcatenary action, in
biaxial flexure theassociation
the catenaryhave to be designed with
sufficient stiffness and strength. Guidance and detailed design examples for HSS connections
To readily available in AISC
the catenary Steelthe
action, Design Guide 24.connections have to be designed with
sufficient stiffness and strength. Guidance and detailed design examples for HSS connections
are readily available in AISC Steel Design Guide 24.
Another desired mechanism to resist progressive collapse is Vierendeel action (Figure 1),
Another desired mechanism to resist progressive collapse is Vierendeel action (Figure 1),
which engages the moment frame adjacent to the damaged/removed column. Beams are
which engages the moment frame adjacent to the damaged/removed column. Beams are
expected to experience severe deformation, and the columns are subjected to severe flexural
expected to experience severe deformation, and the columns are subjected to severe flexural
loading. Again, since the location of the damaged column is unforeseen, round or square HSS
loading. Again, since the location of the damaged column is unforeseen, round or square HSS
are ideal design elements for columns because they are capable of developing significant
are ideal design elements for columns because they are capable of developing significant
Vierendeel action in both horizontal directions. However, this action requires proper
Vierendeel action in both horizontal directions. However, this action requires proper
connection design for such potentially extreme moment loading.
connection design for such potentially extreme moment loading.
The progressive collapse resistance of existing buildings can be enhanced by adding diagonal
The progressive
members at uppercollapse resistance
levels to of existing buildings
turn a beam‐column can abetruss
system into enhanced
The diagonal
members at upper levels to turn a beam‐column system into a truss (Figure 2). The
suspension action will be developed if a lower‐level column is damaged or removed. HSS also
are particularly suitable elements for these diagonal members due to their high strength‐to‐
weight ratio.
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 155
suspension action will be developed if a lower‐level column is damaged or removed. HSS also
are particularly suitable elements for these diagonal members due to their high
strength‐to-weight ratio.
In addition to achieving load redistribution after damage, HSS can increase the robustness of a
building In
through structural
addition hardening
to achieving by reducing the
load redistribution extent
after of theHSS
damage, initial
robustness of a
design ofbuilding
key structural elements (e.g., perimeter columns) to resist a specific load,
through structural hardening by reducing the extent of the initial damage. such as blast
For the
or vehicle impact,
design concrete‐filled
of key HSS or jumbo
structural elements square HSScolumns)
(e.g. perimeter can be used. These
to resist products
a specific offer
load, a as blast
superioror and cost‐effective
vehicle alternative to open
impact, concrete‐filled HSS orsections
jumbo and built‐up,
square HSS can welded box These
be used. sections used offer a
in structures with a high load demand. Additionally, they already have been used successfully
superior and cost‐effective alternative to open sections and built‐up, welded box sections in used
vertical column and diagonal
in structures bracing
with a high loadapplications and as members
demand. Additionally, of large,
they already long‐span
have trusses.
been used successfully in
vertical column and diagonal bracing applications and as members of large, long‐span trusses.
In the design of either braced frame or moment frame systems, several criteria influence the
HSS design of the lateral system, including material properties and geometric limits.
As an example, in a concentrically braced frame (CBF) system, the diagonal HSS braces are
designed as DCEs and the surrounding elements—including the beams, columns, and
connections—are designed as FCE.
As mentioned, in capacity design the “fuse” element must be the weakest link. Consequently,
one must account for variability in material properties, particularly in those instances in which
material strength exceeds the minimum required strength. This material variability is managed
by applying a material over-strength factor. The over-strength factor is essentially a multiplier
that increases the design loads to account for the possibility of a higher-strength material.
In the past, two HSS materials were used predominantly in seismic-force-resisting systems:
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) A500 and ASTM A53, as approved by AISC 341
Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 341-10).
ASTM A500 and A53 specify a minimum yield strength, but not a maximum yield strength. As
noted previously, any material over-strength must be considered during capacity design.
Because a wide range of strengths were found during testing of manufactured tubes, A500 and
A53 are associated with relatively high Ry and Rt values, per Table A3.1 of AISC 341.
Other steel sections, such as A992 used in wide-flange members, have an advantage over HSS
because their material specification designates a maximum strength, in addition to a minimum.
AISC 341 subsequently decreases their respective Ry and Rt values. Historically, when using
braces subjected to inelastic behavior, HSS members have been underused due to their lack of
a defined maximum yield stress.
By specifying a maximum allowable yield strength, the variability of the material strength is
reduced and a lower over-strength factor (Ry & Rt) is possible. Toward that goal, a new ASTM
specification has been developed: ASTM A1085. ASTM A1085 is the only specification for HSS
that limits both the maximum (70 ksi) and minimum (50 ksi) yield stress. As a result, this
material has a distinct advantage over ASTM A500 for seismic design and is on a par with other
material specifications, such as A992. Currently being manufactured, ASTM A1085 is expected
to be included as part of the next edition of the AISC 341.
As mentioned above, HSS sections are desirable in steel frames that experience multidirectional
loading. Square and circular HSS sections have very efficient shapes for multi-axis loading due
to their uniform geometry along each cross-sectional axis.
In addition to superior multi-axis properties, HSS sections are inherently more efficient
compression members than other structural steel sections, including wide flanges. The reason
for this efficiency centers upon their geometric shape. The radius of gyration (rx, ry), particularly
about the minor axis, is significantly greater than that of an open section of a similar size, area,
and weight. This robust radius of gyration results in a much lower slenderness ratio for the
same effective length, resulting in a greater compression capacity.
Braced frame systems are particularly efficient at minimizing drift, which often controls the
lateral design of a building. Braced frames generally are more economical than moment frame
systems when measuring material, fabrication, and erection costs.
However, braced frames can significantly reduce the flexibility in floor plan layout, exterior
window openings, and mechanical and electrical routing. Braced frames often can be concealed
within walls and around elevator and stair shafts, minimizing architectural impact and
improving the layout and flexibility of other systems. Alternatively, braced frames can be
intentionally expressed as part of the architecture of a building. HSS members often are used as
the bracing element in a braced frame.
Moment frame systems resist lateral loads by flexure and shear in beams and columns. The
flexural stiffness of the frame and the relative rotational restraint between beams and columns
at connections are the measure of the frame’s ability to resist lateral displacements. Because
beams and columns in moment frames are controlled almost exclusively by drift requirements
(as opposed to stress), moment frame beams and columns typically are larger than those in
braced frames. Moment frames are more advantageous for designers (compared with braced
frames), as they provide greater flexibility in the building layout. In addition, moment frames
provide flexibility in the electrical and mechanical routing due to the absence of wall braces.
Special attention should be given to the design of rigid architectural cladding systems when
attaching to a relatively flexible moment frame supported building. HSS shapes often are used
as beams or columns in moment frames.
When designing a braced frame system, several classifications are available: concentrically braced
frames (CBF), buckling restrained braced frames (BRBF), and eccentrically braced frames (EBF).
There are various sub-categories of CBFs, including ordinary concentrically braced frame (OCBF)
and special concentrically braced frame (SCBF) systems:
Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frame (OCBF) Systems. OCBF systems often are used in lower
seismic zones. HSS members often are used as both the column and the bracing elements in an
OCBF system.
Special Concentrically Braced Frame (SCBF) Systems. SCBF systems can be used in high seismic
zones, as there are increased ductility requirements for these systems. Typically, HSS members
are the most efficient bracing section to use in a SCBF system, as shown on the following page.
Figure 1:
1: Building
Building using
using aa special
special concentrically
concentrically braced
braced frame
frame (SCBF)
(SCBF) system,
wide flange beams and columns, and HSS braces (courtesy of C.M.
wide-flange beams and columns, and HSS braces (courtesy of C.M. Uang) Uang)
The configuration of braces also impacts upon system performance. For a given brace size, a
Themember will buckle
configuration in compression
of braces also impactsand yield
upon in tension
system during a For
performance. cyclic seismic
a given event.
brace size,Typically,
the initial
member compressive
will buckle buckling capacity
in compression and yieldisinsmaller
tensionthan the atensile
during cyclic yield
seismicforce of an
event. HSS brace.
the In subsequent
initial seismic
compressive cycles,capacity
buckling the buckling capacity
is smaller thanisthe
further compromised
tensile yield force ofdue
an to
HSSthe prior
inelastic behavior,
In subsequent seismic while
thetension yielding
buckling capacitystrength remains
is further constant.due
compromised Therefore, bracing
to the prior
inelastic behavior,systems
while the should be yielding
tension balancedstrength
remains soconstant.
that the lateral resistance
Therefore, bracingin tension
and compression is similar in both directions.
configuration systems should be balanced geometrically so that the lateral resistance in tension
compression is similar
Restrained in both
Braced directions.
Frame (BRBF) Systems
Buckling Restrained
BRBF systems Braced Frame
are permitted (BRBF)
in seismic Systems
design categories B, C, D, and E, with a height limit of
BRBF160 feet, and
systems areFpermitted
with a height limit ofdesign
in seismic 100 feet, per ASCE/SEI
categories B, C, D,7-10.
and E, with a height limit of
160 feet, and F with a height limit of 100 feet, per ASCE/SEI 7-10.
The centerlines of the BRBF framing members (beams, columns, and braces) meet at a common
Thejoint (Figure of
centerlines 2).the
BRBF systems
BRBF framing resist lateral (beams,
members forces and displacements
columns, primarily
and braces) meet through axial
at a common
(Figure and the stiffness
2). BRBF systems of the lateral
resist brace members.
forces andAdisplacements
BRBF brace has a steel core
primarily surrounded
through axial by
an HSS
strength andmember that has
the stiffness been
of the coated
brace with a low-friction
members. A BRBF bracematerial and then
has a steel grouted withbya
core surrounded
specialized mortar. The encasing and mortar prohibit the steel core from
an HSS member that has been coated with a low-friction material and then grouted with buckling during
compression, while the coating prevents axial load from being transferred
specialized mortar. The encasing and mortar prohibit the steel core from buckling during to the encasement.
compression, while the coating prevents axial load from being transferred to the encasement.
BRBF systems have more ductility and energy dissipation than other concentric braced frame
systems. The buckling restrained brace casing resists the global buckling of the brace. This
BRBF systems have more ductility and energy dissipation than other concentric braced frame
increased buckling capacity allows BRBFs to yield similarly in compression and tension.
systems. The buckling restrained brace casing resists the global buckling of the brace. This
increased buckling capacity allows BRBFs to yield similarly in compression and tension.
160 HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information | Steel Tube Institute
wide flange beams and columns, and HSS brace casing
wide-flange beams and columns, and HSS brace casing (courtesyofofCoreBrace)
(courtesy CoreBrace)
Another significant advantage of BRBF design is that single diagonal braces may be used. The
Anotherdistribution of forces toofaBRBF
significant advantage givendesign
line ofisresistance
that singleisdiagonal
not restricted
bracesfor a BRBF
may system,
be used. The
unlike some other bracing systems.
relative distribution of forces to a given line of resistance is not restricted for a BRBF system,
unlike some other bracing systems.
Typically a square or round HSS section is used in a BRBF system. BRBF systems are more
economical than other framing systems when considering material, fabrication, and erection
Typically a square or round HSS section is used in a BRBF system. BRBF systems are more
costs. While the concept of the BRBF is not proprietary, the configuration and details of the
economical than other framing systems when considering material, fabrication, and erection
brace assembly are subject to exclusive rights under U.S. patent laws. These patents may
costs. While the concept of the BRBF is not proprietary, the configuration and details of the
include the connections, de-bonding of core or gap between concrete fill and core, and
brace assembly are subject to exclusive rights under U.S. patent laws. These patents may
assembly processes. In the last decade, increased competition among buckling restrained brace
include the connections, de-bonding of core or gap between concrete fill and core, and
manufacturers has resulted in competitive bidding, leading to increased use of these systems.
assembly processes. In the last decade, increased competition among buckling restrained brace
BRBF systems musthas resulted in competitive
be designed based upon bidding,
resultsleading to increased
from qualifying cyclicuse of these
tests. systems.
In most
systems, members are selected to meet minimum code requirements, but buckling restrained
BRBF systems
braces must be designed
are manufactured to meetbased
each upon results
project’s fromdesign
unique qualifying cyclic tests. In most
systems, members are selected to meet minimum code requirements, but buckling restrained
braces are manufactured
Eccentrically to (EBF)
Braced Frame meet Systems
each project’s unique design requirements.
EBF systems are permitted in all seismic zones. HSS members often are used as the bracing
Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF) Systems
element in anare
EBF systems EBF system. in all seismic zones. HSS members often are used as the bracing
element in an EBF system.
EBFs can be considered a hybrid between a moment frame and a CBF. The distinguishing
characteristic of an EBF system is that at least one end of a brace is connected so that the brace
force is transmitted either to another brace or to a column through shear and bending in a
“link.” Inelastic behavior under earthquake loading is limited to the “link” and the braces are
designed not to buckle. Therefore, the link serves as a “fuse” for the bracing member loads.
When designing a moment frame system, the designer may choose from several available
classifications: ordinary moment frames (OMF), intermediate moment frames (IMF), and
special moment frames (SMF).
Intermediate Moment Frame (IMF) and Special Moment Frame (SMF) Systems
IMF systems are permitted in mid- to low-seismic zones. SMF systems are permitted in all
seismic design categories and have no height limitations.
Connections used in IMF and SMF systems are required to be pre-qualified connections
approved by AISC 358-10 Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment
Frames for Seismic Applications, or they must be tested in a laboratory, as specified by AISC
341. Numerous public domain connections for moment-resisting frames under high seismic
loading are available as prequalified designs in AISC 358. However, none directly pertain to HSS
members. This absence of AISC-endorsed, generic, seismic moment connections is a substantial
barrier to using HSS columns in such frames in North America.
A 2002 comparison of HSS use in the United States and Japan, published in “Progress in
Structural Engineering and Materials,” found limited use of HSS in America, but a significant
usage (in greater than 90 percent of steel buildings) in seismically active Japan. Significant
research is ongoing concerning pre-qualification of HSS moment frames into daily practice in
the United States. One study funded by AISC, “Seismic Applications of Hollow Structural
Sections in Moment Resisting Frames,” is led by Dr. Jason McCormick at the University of
Michigan. This research focuses on developing innovative connection methods for HSS
members in high-seismic structures. The investigation involves a detailed examination of the
behavior of HSS members, the development of connection details for various HSS moment
connections, and the testing of the most promising connection configurations for use in both
IMF and SMF systems (Figure 3 on the next page).
(Courtesy of Dr. Jason McCormick)
(Couresy of Dr. Jason McCormick)
However, until this research and the pre-qualification process are complete, connections not
pre-qualified by AISC 358 must be tested in accordance with Appendix S of AISC 341. In the case
However, until this research and the pre-qualification process are complete, connections not
of HSS column (or beam) moment frame applications, the beam-column joint should be tested
pre-qualified by AISC 358 must be tested in accordance with Appendix S of AISC 341. In the case
per guidelines, mimicking the actual proposed configuration.
of HSS column (or beam) moment frame applications, the beam-column joint should be tested
per guidelines,
Of note, mimicking
AISC 358 the actual
does permit proposedproprietary
a prequalified configuration.product that allows for using HSS
shapes as moment frame columns. The ConXtech ConXL moment connection for SMFs and
Of note,
IMFs AISC 358 does
is permitted withpermit
specifica beam
prequalified proprietary product
clear span-to-depth that16-inch-square
ratios and allows for usingcolumns.
shapes as moment
This proprietary frame columns.
connection fastensThe ConXtech
a wide flangeConXL
to a collar connection for SMFsa and
assembly around square
IMFs is permitted with specific beam clear span-to-depth ratios and 16-inch-square
HSS column with high-strength, pre-tensioned bolts. To decrease cost, current practice columns.
This proprietary
generally connection
minimizes fastens
the number of astandard
wide-flange beam to a collar
moment-resisting assembly
frames. around
A major a square
benefit of the
HSS column with high-strength, pre-tensioned bolts. To decrease cost, current
ConXtech framing system is that a redundant, well-distributed, moment-resisting space frame practice
generally minimizes
is achieved, theallnumber
as nearly of standard
beam-column moment-resisting
connections are moment frames. A major
resisting. This benefit of the
number of framing
resultsisinthat a redundant,
greater well-distributed,
robustness, moment-resisting
a more well-distributed space frame
achieved, as nearly all beam-column connections
and increased resistance to progressive collapse. are moment resisting. This increased
number of frames results in greater robustness, a more well-distributed seismic-resisting
system, and increased resistance to progressive collapse.
Steel Tube Institute | HSS Design Guide: Section Properties & Design Information 163
In addition to braced frame and moment frame systems, several other less commonly used
lateral systems rely on HSS members, including cantilever column systems.
Cantilever column systems inherently lack redundancy, as the inelastic behavior desired in a
seismic event is concentrated at the base of the column, which produces a collapse mechanism.
Additionally, the system’s excessive flexibility leads to high drift ratios and P-delta instabilities.
HSS columns often are used in this application due to their superior compressive strength and
bi-axial capabilities.
When performing seismic design, it is important to select a lateral-force-resisting system that
will adequately address the necessary ductility requirements for the given level of seismicity.
HSS members often are the most economical and efficient steel shape due to their inherent
compactness and symmetry. Recent progress in HSS material standards provides further
advantages when performing seismic design. Ongoing research in connection capabilities will
continue to make HSS the superior shape when performing seismic design.
Maruichi Oregon Steel Tube