ADN Suero Ca
ADN Suero Ca
ADN Suero Ca
Comparison of 7 Methods for volved diverse strategies for DNA termined by application of the
Extracting Cell-Free DNA from isolation. The experimental set-up Dunnett T3 test for pairwise multi-
Serum Samples of Colorectal involved DNA isolation from a ple comparisons (Table 1). Because
Cancer Patients 2-mL aliquot of serum in duplicate of the insufficient balance of DNA
followed by DNA quantification by in the other 2 samples, we carried
To the Editor: the fluorescent Quant-iT dsDNA out the second round of rPCR on
HS assay (Invitrogen) and a Taq- bisulfite-converted DNA in 10
The presence of cell-free DNA of
man real-time PCR (rPCR) tech- pooled samples. Among 3 methods
tumor origin in serum or plasma of
nique on the cadherin 1, type 1, E- evaluated, the NaI method exhib-
cancer patients (1 ) has triggered
cadherin (epithelial) (CDH1) gene. ited the most abundant gene copy
numerous studies to explore the
To exclude false results in the numbers of ACTB (amplicon size:
diagnostic and prognostic poten-
Letters to the Editor
By rPCR targeting
By rPCR on CDH1 (relative amount Visible bands on
By fluorescent (relative amount to a to a positive electrophoresis from 1 mL
assay, ng positive control) control) of serum
Extraction method n Median (SE) n Median (SE) N Median (SE) ⬵200 bp ⬵400 bp ⬵500 bp
b c d
quantification of serum DNA by 3 Employment or Leadership: S.L. Fong, Singa- (plasma/serum) of cancer patients. Cancer Me-
pore General Hospital; K.W. Eu, Singapore tastasis Rev 1999;18:65–73.
assays and examination of frag- 2. Jahr S, Hentze H, Englisch S, Hardt D, Fackelmayer FO,
General Hospital; Y. Liu, Singapore General
ment sizes of DNA isolated by elec- Hospital. Hesch RD, Knippers R. DNA fragments in the blood
trophoresis, indicated that the NaI Consultant or Advisory Role: None de- plasma of cancer patients: quantitations and evidence
procedure consistently revealed clared. for their origin from apoptotic and necrotic cells. Can-
cer Res 2001;61:1659–65.
better performance. Therefore, Stock Ownership: None declared.
3. Boddy JL, Gal S, Malone PR, Harris AL, Wain-
this procedure appears to be a suit- Honoraria: None declared.
scoat JS. Prospective study of quantitation of
Research Funding: Grant from the Na-
able method for cell-free DNA ex- tional Medical Research Council (NMRC),
plasma DNA levels in the diagnosis of malignant
traction for many downstream ap- versus benign prostate disease. Clin Cancer Res
Singapore. 2005;11:1394 –9.
plications in cancer research. Expert Testimony: None declared. 4. Wang M, Block TM, Steel L, Brenner DE, Su YH.
Role of Sponsor: The funding organizations Preferential isolation of fragmented DNA en-
played no role in the design of study, choice of hances the detection of circulation mutated K-
enrolled patients, review and interpretation of ras DNA. Clin Chem 2004;50:211–3.
Author Contributions: All authors confirmed
they have contributed to the intellectual content of data, preparation or approval of manuscript.
this paper and have met the following 3 require- Siew Lee Fong2
Acknowledgments: We would thank Bing
ments: (a) significant contributions to the concep- Zhou Li (Research Operation, Duke-NUS Ji Tuan Zhang3
tionanddesign,acquisitionofdataoranalysis,and Graduate Medical School, Singapore) for Che Kang Lim4
interpretation of data; (b) drafting or revising the his assistance in the quantification of DNA. Kong Weng Eu2
article for intellectual content; and (c) final ap-
proval of the published article.
Yanqun Liu2*
Authors’ Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of References 2
Department of Colorectal Surgery
Interest: Upon manuscript submission, all au-
thors completed the Disclosures of Potential Con- 1. Anker P, Mulcahy H, Chen Xq, Stroun M. Detec- Singapore General Hospital
flict of Interest form. Potential conflicts of interest: tion of circulating tumour DNA in the blood Singapore
Department of Orthopedic Surgery arate detection antibodies for am- pounds were separated on the basis
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine phetamine and methamphetamine. of retention time (methamphet-
National University of Singapore The ELISA cutoff for these drugs is amine 5.9 min; phentermine 6.6
Singapore 20 ng/g. All positive screen results are min). Two transitions were selected:
Department of Clinical Research confirmed by GC-MS. The quantifying transition was m/z
Singapore General Hospital We report the investigation of 150.2–91.1 and the qualifying transi-
Singapore an unconfirmed positive amphet- tion was m/z 150.2– 65.1. Ion ratios
amine result. ELISA assay of the were within ⫾20% to meet the crite-
* Address correspondence to this author at: meconium specimen in question rion for a positive result. The moni-
Department of Colorectal Surgery was positive for amphetamine but tored transition for the d5-meth-
Singapore General Hospital negative for methamphetamine. The amphetamine was m/z 155.2–92.1.