Assays For Controlling Host-Cell Impurities in Biopharmaceuticals
Assays For Controlling Host-Cell Impurities in Biopharmaceuticals
Assays For Controlling Host-Cell Impurities in Biopharmaceuticals
ne critical task during Other references suggest that higher
the manufacture of levels may be acceptable (2). The 100-
biopharmaceuticals pg limit requires a purification process
is purification of the that is very effective and robust in
drug substance. The removing DNA — as well as analytical
downstream process must remove methods that are extremely sensitive
all contaminants, including host and reliable to prove it. Host-cell
cell material such as DNA and proteins in the drug substance should
cellular protein. Trace amounts of be “below detectable levels using a
host-cell DNA and proteins can highly sensitive analytical method”
be copurified along with the drug (1). As a rule, that amount should
substance. Such contaminants are not exceed a level of about 100 ppm.
obviously undesirable because But no exact limit is set for proteins;
of possible consequences if they therefore, the specification for proteins
are injected into patients along must be determined case by case.
with it. They could potentially According to the European
cause allergic reactions (proteins) Agency for the Evaluation of WWW.PHOTOS.COM