05 CGCE SNP Published
05 CGCE SNP Published
05 CGCE SNP Published
require the ability to process enormous amounts of gen- In 2003 we have originally introduced the cycling gra-
erated data. Therefore, such systems currently find their dient CE (CGCE), sometimes also referred to as the
main use in pharmaceutical industry and large research cycling temperature CE, as a simplified CE version of
centers capable to absorb the associated equipment classic temperature gradient gel electrophoresis with
cost. For common clinical diagnostics, disease risk increased sample throughput [15]. The method is
assessment or therapy response prediction, the required based on electrophoretic separation of homoduplex
throughput is usually lower as the number of individual and heteroduplex DNA fragment forms under partial
polymorphisms with confirmed functional relevance and melting conditions in denaturing gel matrix. The two
clinical outcome is still relatively low [5]. This opens a strands in each fragment are held together on one end
possibility for utilization of low to medium throughput by a 40 bp artificial high-temperature melting domain
technologies exhibiting sufficient capacity to deliver up to (GC clamp) attached to a 100–150 bp target sequence.
hundreds, rather than thousands, of assays per experi- The melting of the target sequence is achieved by
ment. applying periodical cycles of temporal temperature
gradients. Similar to the other methods based on par-
Technologies for low- to medium-throughput SNP geno- tial denaturation, the CGCE/cycling temperature CE
typing often employ tools and protocols commonly technique exhibits superior resolution allowing to
accepted in other molecular biology applications such as separate wild-type and mutant homoduplex and het-
DNA sequence analysis or detection of somatic muta- eroduplex forms for any mutant appearing within the
tions. Experimental setup is usually based on existing target sequence. The method has already been routi-
instrumentation such as standard PAGE, UV/Vis or fluo- nely applied to detect unknown somatic mutations
rescence spectrometers, PCR thermocyclers with or from cancer tissue [16, 17].
without real-time quantification capability, etc. Some of
the techniques are based on DNA electromigration and In this work, we present further validation of the technique
performed with the help of CE as the separation platform. by optimization of experimental conditions with sub-
Since the attainment of the human genome, CE instru- sequent screening of indiscriminate sets of SNP markers
mentation has been routinely used in molecular biology. in larger patient cohorts. Following optimization and
Capillary electrophoretic systems with 1, 8, 16 or 96 cap- elimination of unsuccessful markers from an initial group
illary arrays became routine inventory in many labora- of marker candidates, we present screening of 13 SNPs in
tories. Over the past years, their original mainstream use a homogeneous population of 85 patients diagnosed with
in DNA sequencing and microsatellite genotyping (mainly schizophrenia and another 31 SNPs in a population of 487
for human identification and paternity testing) has gradu- prostate cancer patients and controls. In these two clin-
ally been extended to other applications, most impor- ical projects we demonstrate the utilization of sample
tantly in the area of discovery and screening of somatic pooling in parallel assay optimization of multiple SNP
mutations and typing of SNPs. Various adaptations of markers [18] and utilization of multiple injection to
common gel electrophoresis methods and applications increase sample throughput and to shorten the overall
previously developed on home-built CE instruments have analysis times.
thus become routine on commercial systems. The most
popular CE applications, other than sequencing or
microsatellite genotyping, utilize fragment sizing by RFLP
[6], amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) [7], or 2 Materials and methods
following multiplexed ligation [8, 9] and allele separation
by SSCP [10] or heteroduplex analysis [11]. A special 2.1 Patients and SNP markers
group of methods employs separation due to partial DNA
melting in CE-adapted versions of denaturing gradient gel The present work includes data from two separate pro-
electrophoresis techniques [12–14]. The universal appli- jects aiming at inherited factors of disease predisposition.
cability of CE instrumentation and simple transition Blood samples from patients diagnosed with schizo-
among sequencing, genotyping and mutation detection phrenia were obtained from the Center for Neu-
applications is appealing to medium throughput environ- ropsychiatric Studies at the Prague Psychiatric Center,
ments such as core laboratories or diagnostic centers. and blood samples from a group of prostate cancer
The CE-based SNP typing methods usually exhibit a patients and controls with clinically confirmed benign
higher cost per single genotype in comparison to the prostatic hyperplasia were obtained from the Urological
previously mentioned ultrahigh capacity platforms; how- clinic, Faculty Hospital in Prague. Both projects were
ever, the main advantage is in their immediate availability approved by the ethical committee of the 3rd Faculty of
and the low setup cost. Medicine, Charles University, Prague.
possibility of a false positive due to the presence of candidates analyzed in the present work is summarized in
another SNP at a different position within the same target Table 1 with detailed information on marker type, allele
sequence, identity of each marker was confirmed by se- frequency and resulting CGCE quality.
quencing. Since sequencing only reveals a minor allele if
present in approximately 30–50% ratio, it was performed After the above described optimization phase was com-
on PCR pools of at most five samples [21]. If no hetero- pleted, SNP markers from A, B and C quality groups could
zygous position was detected a new pool of another five finally be evaluated in large numbers of patient samples.
samples was taken. During screening, each sample was first analyzed to dis-
tinguish homozygous status (only a single homoduplex
From the initial group of 55 SNP candidates, the optimi- peak in the electropherogram), heterozygous status
zation phase produced positive results (unambiguous (characteristic pattern of homo- and heteroduplex peaks)
identification of all duplex forms) in 44 markers. This or to uncover failure of the PCR reaction (no peaks). If a
represents a success rate of 80%. All SNPs could be homozygous status was detected, the sample was sub-
divided into four groups according to the quality of sequently injected following heteroduplex formation with
resulting peak profiles (see Fig. 2). The first group includ- a PCR product of a known homozygous control. If the
ed markers that showed clearly separated peaks for all second analysis again resulted in a single homoduplex
duplex forms and due to the distinct patterns their scoring peak, the genotype of the tested sample was the same as
could be done automatically by the software (Fig. 2A). A the homozygous control. On the other hand, if the second
second group included markers whose heterozygous analysis produced a characteristic heteroduplex pattern,
profiles did not always reveal all four duplex forms, but then the inspected sample was assigned genotype
where the separated alleles could still be assigned with opposite to the control.
minimal intervention (Fig. 2B). The last group contained
markers showing irregular profiles with asymmetrical In order to speed up the screening phase of the project,
peaks or additional system peaks (Fig. 2C); however, we decided to employ a multiple-injection technique. This
based on clear differences in peak patterns between technique, originally used to increase sample throughput
homozygous and heterozygous control, genotypes could of MTHFR mutation screening [22], takes advantage of
still be obtained after manual inspection and careful the fact that during CE analysis, separating analytes
comparison of individual sample profiles. The remaining usually occupy only a small portion of the entire capillary
markers did not produce any conclusive peak patterns length. Consequently, the remaining open distance allows
and therefore did not pass the CGCE test (Fig. 2D). Out of injecting a fresh sample mixture even before the separa-
the 44 SNP markers passing the CGCE test, 24 (55%) tion of previously injected analytes is completed. Frag-
were assigned as top quality, 12 (27%) as medium quality, ments from different injections are thus separated within
and 8 (18%) as low quality. An overview of all SNP marker individual non-overlapping regions in the capillary. We
have previously illustrated application of this approach in injections could be performed even while the previously
CGCE for the detection of somatic mutations, where the introduced samples passed though the detector with no
repeated injections were carried out in synchronization distortion of the resulting electropherograms. The number
with the temperature gradient cycles. The early as well as of possible injections performed within one analysis run
the late injected samples were thus subjected to the same was limited by the longevity of the separation gel matrix
temperature conditions [15]. In this work we have further and the buffering capacity of the running buffer. In addi-
refined this approach. Prior to each subsequent injection, tion, periodical voltage interruptions, during which a
the CE voltage was interrupted and the data collection longitudinal diffusion in the gel occurs, also affected the
was paused. Following the injection, data collection and overall resolution by peak-broadening, especially if large
the CE voltage were renewed. As a result, subsequent numbers of injections were performed within a single run.
Therefore, under given experimental conditions, the analysis time can be calculated as ttotal = t0 1 ti6n
maximum number of injections was set at four. Using this where n is the number of injections. Therefore, each
condition no notable distortion of resolution was consecutive injection increases the total analysis time
observed. A typical result from such experiment is pre- only by the ti., while in a conventional series of CE runs
sented in Fig. 3 showing a four injection run with various the time is increased by t0 1 ti. In the present work, the
SNP markers. In the presented case the alleles were first peak (usually a primer) typically appeared 25 min
assigned with the use of an internal heterozygous stand- after the start and the last peak (usually a residual sin-
ard. An increase in one of the wild-type or mutant homo- gle-stranded fragment) eluted in approximately 45 min.
duplex peaks indicates a homozygous sample, symme- Hence, for every subsequent injection the net gain in
trical proportion of the two peaks indicates a hetero- analysis time was approximately 25 min. In addition,
zygous sample call. time needed to replace gel matrix and run pre-
conditioning [23] was also saved. Figure 4 demonstrates
An estimated gain in sample throughput using multiple- the difference in overall sample throughput between a
injection method can be determined using a simple normal series of CE runs and a series of multiple runs,
calculation. For a given analysis during which the first each including four sample injections. The plot reflects
fragments elute after a “dead” time of t0, and where the the t0 and ti values, additional time required to perform
time between the first and the last eluting peak is ti, the each sampling within one multiple-injection experiment
total analysis time can be expressed as t0 1 ti. In a as well as setup time needed to replace gel matrix and
standard series of multiple CE runs the total time can be to perform pre-conditioning prior to each CE run. It is
expressed as ttotal = (t0 1 ti) 6 n, where n is the number clear that with the multiple injections the overall
of runs. If multiple injections are performed, the total throughput is close to double.