1.TOFD Coursenote (TWI)
1.TOFD Coursenote (TWI)
1.TOFD Coursenote (TWI)
Preliminary pages
Standards and Associated Reading
COSHH, H&S, Cautions and Warnings
Introduction to NDT Methods
NDT Certification Schemes
Both schemes offer NDT certification conforming to both EN473 and ISO9712;
Qualification and certification of NDT personnel.
1 History
2 The Principles of ToFD
2.1 General principles
2.2 Diffraction as it applies to ToFD
2.3 Data visualisation
2.4 ToFD advantages and limitations
3 Equipment Used
3.1 Digital control
3.2 Pulsers and receivers
3.3 Scanning equipment
3.4 ToFD systems
4 Calibration and Scanning for Weld Inspections
4.1 Instrument requirements
4.2 ToFD sensitivity requirements
4.3 Modelling the weld inspection
4.4 Summary of ToFD parameters
5 Depth, Ring-Time Issues and Errors
6 Data Displays and Analysis
6.1 Data Displays
6.2 Data Analysis
6.3 Essential ToFD analysis features
7 Data and Quality Analysis
8 Codes and Standards
8.1 ASME code case 2235
8.2 Written test instruction
9 Industrial Applications
9.1 Standard industrial applications
9.2 Turbine applications
Rev 1 November 2010
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Section 1
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1 History
In the 1960s and 70s the construction of nuclear plants around the world
was reaching its highest levels. Dozens of plants were being built every year
and many had been in service for several years. The technology often
required new metallurgy and the service conditions were not always well
understood. This coupled with the extreme safety requirements for nuclear
projects meant that vessel construction was usually thicker than many
previous similar projects.
Pulse-echo ultrasonic testing soon found a popular niche for itself. It could
much easier punch through 300mm of steel than cobalt with no elaborate
radiation safety barriers and regulations to worry about and it was generally
known to be more sensitive to planar flaws that might go undetected by
Dr Maurice G Silk and his staff at the National NDT Centre, in Harwell, UK
are credited with developing the ToFD technique in the early 1970s. The
impetus for their work was the need to know with some accuracy, the
vertical extent of flaws detected in the pressure retaining components.
Around the same time, fracture mechanics engineering was developing into
an important tool in the understanding of how metals fail and the importance
of flaw size and shape in the failure mechanisms.
Fracture mechanics engineers have long known that the flaw dimensions as
well as the metal structural properties and service conditions need to be
quantified in order to determine if a component can operate without failing
(fracturing). This put a new demand on NDT in that accurate flaw sizing was
required as an integral part of the equation for determining whether or not a
component could be left in service, or required removal or repair.
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Until that time (and often even today) the standard method of flaw sizing
using ultrasonic methods relied on the beam boundary methods. Simply
stated, this assumes that the echo amplitude of a flaw has some relationship
to the ultrasonic beam dimensions. Options included:
20dB drop.
1dB drop.
Max. amp. (Another variation on dB drop options).
Relative amplitude (eg AVG/DGS).
-6dB beam
Figure 1.1 shows two views of an angle beam probe and its 6dB sound
envelope in the test medium. If we assume we direct the beam at a reflector
having dimensions greater than the beam dimensions at that distance, a
maximum amplitude signal will result. For an ideal reflector, movement left
or right along the length of the reflector will maintain a constant sound path
and amplitude will remain constant until the edge of the reflector is
When the centreline of the probe aligns with the edge of the reflector one
half of the beam energy is no longer reflected. This reduces the echo signal
to half what it was at maximum, ie a 6dB drop is observed. Determining the
length of such an ideal defect is merely a matter of finding the points where
the signal drops 6dB from its maximum and measuring the distance the
probe has been moved, see figure 1.2a.
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-6dB -6dB
Apparent length
(defect is shorter
b) than beam width)
When the defect dimensions are less than the beam dimensions (see Figure
1.2b) lateral movement from a maximum amplitude results in immediate
reduction of signal amplitude. But the probe displacement is more a result of
beam dimension than defect dimension. This is more pronounced as the
ratio of beam width to defect width increases.
Similar conditions exist for vertical extent determinations. These are made
by moving the angle beam towards and away from the reflector. However in
this plane the amplitude of the reflector changes for two reasons;
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Since most defects will be smaller than the beam in at least one dimension,
amplitude drop methods are usually used with knowledge of beam
divergence and correction (by use of beam spread overlays) is made for this
divergence. The half angle of divergence for a 6dB drop can be estimated
5 D
But this will not accurately correct for refraction differences from a wedge to
metal in contact testing methods. Accurate beam shapes are determined
empirically from calibration blocks. The Institute of Welding (IOW) block is
most often used for this purpose.
Hole ends and sides are used to determine beam width and beam height
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Figure 1.4 illustrates the predicted amplitude drops with increasing distance
for a specific probe (5MHz 16mm diameter) radiating into steel and
compares the rate of decay with distance for four different targets.
Figure 1.4 The predicted amplitude drop for four different targets.
These techniques were the norm throughout the 1970s and engineers had
to rely on the size values provided by NDT technicians using these
techniques. When the pressures of fracture mechanics were made to bear
on the sizing provided by these methods they were proven to be wanting.
Inadequacy of these methods was made clear as a result of a series of
famous round-robin trials.
Over the years there have been many international exercises carried out
comparing ToFD to the traditional inspection methods such as radiography
and pulse echo techniques. These have included the Programme for the
Inspection of Steel Components (PISC) trials for nuclear applications (PISC
I was held in 1979, PISC II in 1986 and PISC III1993), the Defect Detection
Trials (DDT) held by United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKEA) 1983,
as well as trials by the Dutch Welding Institute (NIL), the Electric Power
Research Institute (EPRI) and the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME).
Without exception each of the trials confirmed the ability of ToFD to provide
results for volumetric defects with a greater accuracy than the conventional
methods against which it was compared. Only raster pulse echo, which has
now developed into the phased array technique, had a comparable success
When viewed with respect to the goal of determining the efficacy of sizing
ToFD constantly outperformed the other options. This is clearly illustrated in
Figure 1.5 (from Charlesworth and Temple).
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Figure 1.5 illustrates amplitude versus diffraction sizing methods from DDT
plate 1 (top: all sizing techniques, bottom: ToFD only).
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All plates were examined with the techniques shown and later the results
verified by destructive testing. From these results it follows that the
mechanised pulse echo meander technique results in the highest probability
of detection and ToFD delivers the lowest false call rate. It should however,
be kept in mind that the mechanised pulse echo meander technique (2 axes
motorised raster scan) requires total scanning time many times that of
These studies show that although the original goal of ToFD was to provide
improved sizing capabilities, it is now acknowledged to have the added
benefit of providing a fast and reliable detection method.
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This may have been the case in the very early stages of evolution but ToFD
has now been around for more than 25 years, its effectiveness has been
proven by performance demonstration (more so than all other inspection
methodologies combined) and whatever mystery once surrounded the
technique has been completely dispelled by repeated application success in
the hands of routinely qualified personnel using what is now relatively
standard equipment.
Section 2
But trying to arrange the beam to ALWAYS impinge on a flaw such that a
perpendicular incidence occurs is virtually impossible. This accounts for
some of the lack of detection by manual ultrasonic methods. Even a large
flat reflector may have a 20dB drop by the beam striking it only 5 degrees off
the perpendicular. This could mean that even large flaws could be missed if
detection is based on signal amplitude exceeding a threshold.
But sound (mechanical) waves have several possible interactions when they
strike a boundary. Reflection is only one thing that may occur. Refraction,
mode conversion, polarisation, attenuation and diffraction are also possible.
All these items are covered in basic Level 1 courses on ultrasonic testing. Of
these boundary interactions, diffraction is the important consideration in
ToFD studies (naturally, since the name time-of-flight diffraction derives its
name from the phenomenon!).
The typical examples used to illustrate the effects of diffraction are slits
(openings) in obstructions in a ripple-tank. The wave source generates a
pulse that moves towards the slit and the opening allows a portion of the
wavefront to pass through. As the wavefront moves through the slit the
centre portion of the slits allows the wave to move forward unimpeded but
the portions that touch the slit are retarded and bend the wavefront away
from the path along the central axis.
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The Principles of ToFD
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Long obstruction
source Pulse source
Diffracted wavefront
Single slit
Diffracted wavefront
Diffraction has been long discussed in ultrasonic basics. The single slit
example in Figure 2.1 is also the typical illustration used to explain beam
divergence. The illustration on the right with the model of the long
obstruction is representative of a planar flaw in the soundpath of a pulse
radiating from a probe.
It is the fact that ToFD relies on the detection of diffracted waves that it
differs radically from pulse-echo ultrasonic methods. Perhaps not obvious to
all, is an underlying problem. Unlike a reflected wavefront, the diffracted
wavefront is very weak.
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The Principles of ToFD
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Detection and timing of the low amplitude signals diffracted from the tips of
defects forms a basis for absolute position and size measurement and has
little to do with amplitude response.
In fact there is a sizing method that uses this effect. The tip-echo technique
popular in Japan in the 1980s and documented by Gruber in Southwest
Research Institute in 1980 uses variation on the backscatter effects of the
specular and tip diffraction echoes as illustrated in Figure 2.3.
The individual A-scans (ie the echo responses from a single position in the
test piece) are not generally informative. Only by capturing a series of these
responses and processing them in a useful fashion can they be used to
discriminate flaws from background. Then, with the proper time
measurements the flaw depth and size can be discerned.
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The Principles of ToFD
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As noted above, the normal ToFD setup uses a pair of reasonably matched
probes. Because the element size is relatively small the beam is divergent
(almost spherical instead of planar). This provides extensive volume
coverage so that the technique is not as dependant on variations in probe
position or defect orientation relative to nominal probe angle as would be
traditional pulse-echo methods.
Without the ability to collect and display the signals used for ToFD analysis,
the use of simple A-scans as used in manual pulse-echo ultrasonic testing
would have rendered the new technique nothing more than an interesting
lab experiment. Because so much of the ToFD technique relies on
computing capabilities further coverage on computing and digitisation will be
This results in a characteristic signal pattern when testing welds in plate that
is not excessively thick. The setup and the associated signals are drawn
schematically in Figure 2.4.
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Transmitter Receiver
Lateral wave
Back-wall reflection
If the plate thickness is not too great a portion of the pulse will travel to the
far side of the plate and reflect to produce the signal identified as the back-
wall. Flaws within the plate thickness will be seen at points between the
lateral wave and back-wall signals. Figure 2.4 indicates the signals as
viewed in un-rectified mode (ie RF) so as to provide phase information.
Assuming the lateral wave is a reference phase, it is illustrated as having a
positive rise time. The diffracted upper tip and reflected back-wall signals
then have negative phase with respect to the lateral wave. When diffraction
is detected from the lower tip its phase will be the same as the lateral wave.
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The Principles of ToFD
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compression mode in the glass sample. Since this is a sub-critical angle for
the compression mode, Snell’s Law indicates that the conditions will also
result in a 34 degrees transverse mode.
Descriptions of the events along the pulse-path are included in the Figure
2.5 components. The notch is 1mm x 3mm and the vertical line is merely the
seam where the glass has been optically bonded to prevent acoustic
reflections at the bond boundary.
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The Principles of ToFD
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Lateral wave Shear Arcs due to the diffraction effects from the
headwave upper and lower tips of the piezo-element
Bulk shear are seen for both modes.
As well, a well defined shear headwave is
Lower arc from forming as the lateral wave interacts at the
lower tip of element near surface at glancing incidence.
Upper tip The lower tip signal lags the upper and
both are seen to have the shape of circles
centred on their respective upper and
lower notch surfaces.
Lower tip
The shear headwave diffracts a separate
pair of tip signals.
The upper tip diffracted signal enters the
wedge and is seen to be soon followed by
the lower tip.
Lower tip
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The Principles of ToFD
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The signal not illustrated in Figure 2.5 is the strong backwall reflection. This
too is a complex item in that the arc formed by the diverging beam produces
another arc on reflection from the back-wall and this both reflects and mode-
Mode converted
from backwall reflection
The above conditions require several aspects be captured in order that the
results are sensible to the operator. Capturing several A-scans is necessary
and results in:
This has been best accomplished using a grey scale imaging of the RF
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The Principles of ToFD
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Amplitude A-scan
- Black
It must be noted however, the grey scale display is used for the overall
display when a scan is completed but it is a requirement of the ToFD system
to store the underlying A-scans that made up the grey scale image!
A single line of grey scale is not very informative. The great strength of this
display is seen when motion is added and an A-scan is capture and
converted to grey-scale at regular intervals along the scan. The effect of
adding motion to this display is seen in figure 2.9.
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The Principles of ToFD
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Probe Motion
Lateral Back-wall
Figure 2.9 A-scan converted to grey-scale with probe motion.
However, in some situations the operator may find it useful to move the
probe-pair perpendicular to the weld centreline. Of course this motion may
be limited if the weld cap has not been removed.
Terminology has resulted from relative probe motion and the associated
resultant displays. This has provided a source of some confusion and even
the experts are not always consistent in usage.
Figure 2.10 illustrates that the probe motion relative to the beam direction
defines the scan type. When the probes are moved along the weld length
the motion is perpendicular to the beam direction so the scan is called a
non-parallel scan. When the probes are moved in the same direction as the
beam is directed the scan type is called a parallel scan.
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The Principles of ToFD
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Non-parallel scan
Parallel scan
This terminology is not consistent with all users. In fact, the De-facto code
on the matter (EN 583-6 Non-destructive testing, Ultrasonic examination,
Part 6: Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a method for defect detection
and sizing) uses B-scan for both displays.
A brief list of ToFD pros and cons should help the practitioner to decide how
and when to best use this NDT tool.
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The Principles of ToFD
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ToFD (especially when used with a positioning encoded provides
measurements in real units (eg millimetres) that are much more useful to
engineers than dBs or equivalent scales of response. A scan made of a
weld with a ToFD setup by one operator will be essentially identical to a
ToFD scan made by another operator (assuming both use similar probes
and settings). This makes ToFD ideal for flaw monitoring.
Generally levels of accuracy attainable by ToFD are within ±0.5mm in terms
of (critical) through wall extent and ±0.5-1.0mm in terms of length. Position
along the weld and with respect to the weld centreline can usually be
established to within 0.5mm and angular dispositions can be resolved to
within a few degrees when appropriate scan procedures are used. This
accuracy and reliability makes ToFD a suitable NDT tool for fracture
mechanics assessment (otherwise destructive methods and physical
measurement would be required).
Data storage
ToFD systems now provide digital storage of all relevant parameters. They
can be retrieved and redisplayed at any time. Position information can
ensure that flaw locations can be reliably identified and results from periodic
inspections compared for changes. Digital data storage allows elaborate
analysis techniques including noise-suppression, pattern recognition
processes, signal subtraction and extraction and a variety of other digital
signal processes (DSP).
Detection speed
When a ToFD scan can be made using a single non-parallelscan, results
are fast (almost immediate) and limited by only the scanning speed. The
great debate about reliability being compromised by speed is not of the
same magnitude concern for ToFD. The many round-robins have shown
that it is fast AND efficient, having some of the highest probability of
detection of any of the NDT methods.
Volume coverage
Most NDT methods have volume coverage and resolution linked to speed.
However, ToFD provides volumetric coverage by linearly scanning wide
beam transducers at relatively high speed and processing all positional and
inspection data in nearly real time. So unlike radiography where thicker
sections would require longer exposures on slower film (to maintain the
same resolution), it is possible to inspect thicker sections without a reduction
in speed or resolution when scanning with ToFD.
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The full volumes of weld material and HAZs at speeds which cannot even
be considered by conventional ultrasonic methods are made easily and
quickly with ToFD. Scan rates of 100-150mm/sec are common even using
manual probe movement and even higher rates of coverage can be
achieved when automated scanning is used. It should be remembered that
these rates relate to the length of weld volumetrically inspected in a single
pass of the transducers and not just the scanning speed of the probes.
This item may be an advantage or disadvantage. It depends on your point of
view. ToFD is generally configured to see everything. This can mean
everything right down to grain structure. When the test specimen is relatively
clean or the material highly refined there is no issue with the sensitivity.
However, where the test materials contains many major anomalies to be
reported or in coarse material where the grain boundaries are on the order
of size of the flaws, ToFD sensitivity can be construed as a hindrance and in
certain circumstances, can make interpretation and sentencing a time
consuming ordeal.
Flaw orientation
Because of the omni-directional aspect of diffracted signals ToFD is
sensitive to virtually all types of defects regardless of orientation. This is also
partly attributable to the very wide angular coverage of the divergent beam
used. Providing the flaw falls within the effective beam envelope, the low
amplitude signals diffracted from its edges will be captured and displayed in
correct relative position.
Coupling status
ToFD data can be collected by manual or mechanised methods of probe
motion. Any manual ultrasonic operator doing pulse-echo testing monitors
the A-scan and can recognise when the coupling is not as effective by a loss
of the grass level.
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The Principles of ToFD
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However, in the case of ToFD scanning the operator does not monitor the
A-scan and when scans are lengthy or when mechanised, the operator has
no sense of the coupling condition by simply looking at the probes moving
on the surface.
By observing the data collected for the lateral wave amplitude and the
associated grain-noise the ToFD display is an effective indicator of how well
the probes were coupled. Maintaining coupling is made somewhat more
difficult than standard manual scanning because both the transmitter and
receiver must be well coupled to the test surface.
Weak signals
Typically the diffracted signals associated with ToFD are 20-30dB lower
than those associated with specular reflections using pulse-echo
techniques. This tends to put a strain on the ultrasonic receiver units and
most are operated near their maximum amplification capabilities. Electrical
noise is a common problem with many ToFD systems and attempts to
reduce this noise generally involve the use of pre-amplifiers near the probe
or remote pulser/pre-amp combinations.
Dead zones
The most widely accepted limitation to ToFD is the loss of information due to
ring time. This is especially noticeable at the entry surface but a similar zone
occurs on the far side (back-wall).
Brown points out that ToFD does suffer from a near surface effect caused
by its inherent lateral wave but his is not a serious problem unless very near
surface sizing is called for.
He further points out that very few near surface (included) defects can be
considered integrity critical and it is debatable whether the near field
characteristics of single compression probes and the inherent dead zone
effects of twin probes could provide better resolution using conventional
reflectivity methods.
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The Principles of ToFD
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Radiography may (or may not) have some improved near-surface sensitivity
but provides no worthwhile through wall positional information.
1 Point-like.
2 Thread-like.
3 Planar.
Point-like flaws have neither length nor height (typically these are isolated
pores or very small inclusions).
Thread-like flaws have length but a vertical extent cannot be assessed from
the ToFD display. This means that the lower-tip signal cannot be discerned.
Planar flaws have both vertical extent and length (meaning a lower-tip signal
is discernable).
From a fracture mechanics point of view these categories are all that is
required to assess the effect that a flaw may have on the intended use of a
Section 3
Equipment Used
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Equipment Used
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3 Equipment Used
An ultrasonic system for ToFD must be capable of providing a means of
transmitting, receiving, storing, displaying and analysing ultrasonic signals. It
must also provide a fixed spacing between the transmitting and receiving
probes. Although not essential, it is generally considered preferable to
ensure that probe motion is encoded and the position of the probe-pair
maintained within prescribed tolerances with respect to a reference position
such as the weld centreline.
Pulser control
Position control
Search unit
& encoder
Tx R
Monitor Data
Probes are indicated in Figure 3.1 as being held in place with a fixture.
Noted on the probe holder (but not drawn) is the encoder used for accurate
positioning of the probes. The pulser uses a co-axial cable directly to the
transmitter probe and another co-axial cable connects the receiver probe to
the receiver amplifier and the amplified signals are then digitised.
The encoder (when used) requires a voltage source and pulses generated
in the encoder are transferred and counted through the position control
mechanism. These features (pulser parameters, receiver parameters and
encoded position) are collected in a computer and the data when assembled
in a sensible way can be stored and displayed on the monitor.
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Equipment Used
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These are quantified in packets and this process is the foundation for digital
electronics. Incorporating digital control of analogue functions is now
common on many NDT instruments. Digital control allows ease of operation
and even remote operation via computer lines. Some aspects of UT are not
practical or possible to make digital; input power supply and the transmitted
and received ultrasound are always analogue. However, many input
controls and some outputs are feasible as digital signals.
Essentially all that is required to vibrate a piezoelectric transducer is an
alternating voltage. However, characteristics of the pulse voltage will dictate
how the element vibrates. This is analogous to pushing a person on a
swing. If pushes are applied at the natural frequency of the loaded swing,
large amplitudes can be achieved. If not, a rough, low-amplitude ride results.
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Three pulse shapes are commonly used in ultrasonic flaw detection units;
spiked, bipolar tone burst and square wave. These are illustrated in Figure
Spike pulse
Spike pulsers
dc power transducer
resistor tuned
charging circuit (with
+ capacitor damping resistor)
When the capacitor discharges, the rapidly applied voltage across the
transducer causes it to vibrate. The purpose of the damping resistor
(inductor) is used to increase the rate of voltage decay. This is the damping
available to the operator and is used to control the ring-down time.
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Tone burst
Tone burst pulsers allow maximum energy output from transducers by
adjusting the frequency of the voltage applied. This can be done in several
ways. A chopped voltage from a waveform generator allows selection of
pulses of different shapes, frequencies and durations, as in Figure 3.4.
Sine wave
Saw-tooth wave
Tone burst signals usually consist of several cycles. These are preferred for
velocity determination using interferometry. As well, since very high
frequencies can be derived using tone burst pulsing it is used in acoustic
microscopy where frequencies in the gigahertz range are used.
Adjustment of pulse voltage and pulse width is possible with square wave
pulsers making them a versatile tool to optimise transducer performance. By
choosing the best pulse width to obtain constructive interference, less
voltage need be applied to the probe thereby reducing noise level. By
pulsing at a frequency higher than that for maximum output, bandwidth can
be increased and lower frequency components reduced. Pulsing a
transducer at a frequency lower than that for maximum amplitude increases
mechanical damping and provides a sharper cleaner signal with little ring-
on. These features of the square wave pulser are illustrated in Figure 3.5.
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In Figure 3.5 the square wave pulse shape is shown on the left. In the first
case the pulse is set to a fairly short duration, 12.375 nanoseconds (ns) and
the applied voltage is -498 volts. To the right of the received pulse shape is
the signal of a co-polymer transducer, nominally 30MHz, using a glass
target. Signal amplitude is relatively low implying that the transducer output
is not maximised. However, an advantage to this signal is that none of the
low frequency components of the transducer are excited and the bandwidth
is high.
In the second case in Figure 3.5, the pulse width has been adjusted to
provide a maximum output from the transducer at 25.15ns. Voltage applied
is -547 volts, up slightly from the first case (in the first case voltage was the
maximum possible for the pulse width applied). Lower frequency
components may be added to this signal compared to the first case, but the
bandwidth is reduced by the greater output near the resonant frequency.
In the third case the pulse has been increased to 51ns and the voltage is
essentially the same as applied in the second case. Transducer output is
reduced and the ring-on is virtually eliminated. It is therefore possible to
increase the damping of the transducers vibration by decreasing the pulse
length beyond the resonant frequency.
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According to Krautkramer (Ultrasonic Testing of Materials text), pulsers
apply voltages of 100-1000 volts to the probe. However, received signals
are three to four orders of magnitude smaller (a few milli-volts to a few volts
(0.001-1V). This causes a couple of problems. One is the shock of the pulse
voltage that is transferred to the receiver in pulse-echo mode of operation.
The other problem is the need to amplify the relatively small signal from
flaws without amplifying noise. The latter is further complicated because the
frequency of the received signal may not be the same as the transmitted
pulse envelope (accounting for even smaller signals from the transducer).
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First stage is the circuit protection that protects the preamplifier from the
pulser voltage when in pulse-echo mode. The preamplifier can use
transistor type amplifiers that provide about 20-40dB of gain, frequency
response of the preamplifier is usually broadband and some high pass
filtering may be incorporated to improve signal-to-noise ratio by eliminating
some radial mode components of the probe and line interference.
Preamplifier bandwidths are usually flat from about 1-15MHz and this is not
operator adjustable.
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2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (MHz)
Essential to computer imaging of ultrasonic data is the ability to extract
information from regions of time that can be selected to monitor for signals
in that time. The region being monitored is said to be gated.
Time along the gated region or amplitude within the gate when a signal
occurs or both time and amplitude can be gated. Alarm or recording
thresholds can be set for signals occurring in the gate. Gates are an
essential component in automating inspection systems. Gate positions are
usually facilitated by auxiliary controls. Gate positions on the screen are
noted by extra traces or markers on the A-scan display.
Figure 3.8 shows a digital A-scan display with 3 gates available. Data
collection options for gated regions may include time, amplitude and
waveform. When time or amplitude is selected a threshold is set by
positioning the vertical level (amplitude) of the gate. When Waveform
information is selected there is no amplitude threshold and the entire
waveform over a specified time interval is collected. It is in fact waveform
data that is collected in ToFD.
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Rev 1 November 2010
Equipment Used
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Instrument outputs
Electrical data can be considered a signal or waveform. This is usually a
voltage varying with time. Signals can be either analogue or digital.
Analogue signals are continuous and can change an arbitrary amount in an
arbitrarily small time interval. Computers use digital signals. These are
discrete values in specified constant time intervals. If the digital signal
amplitude intervals are small and the time intervals are also small the
resultant digital waveform can closely approximate the analogue waveform.
The difference in signal quality between analogue and digital is
demonstrated in Figure 3.9.
0 7 9 10 11 12 8 5 7 7 6 7 11 14 9 5 7 7 5 6 6 4 6 9 9 5 4 8 6 4 6 10 4 3 7 13 5 3 7 5 5
Figure 3.9 shows the steps in converting the continuous analogue signal to
a digital signal by a computer.
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Rev 1 November 2010
Equipment Used
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A minimum sampling rate of four times the nominal frequency of the probe
used is recommended. This will ensure the digitised amplitude will be within
3dB of the analogue value. Five times the nominal probe frequency is
preferred for ToFD and if the digitised sample is to be within less than 1dB
of the analogue signal amplitude. Eg for a 10MHz probe, an ADC rate of at
least 50MHz is recommended for amplitude critical work. As well, it will be
seen by the operators that the quality of the recorded signal at a higher ADC
rate is much closer to the original (analogue) and makes for improved signal
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Equipment Used
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Rev 1 November 2010
Equipment Used
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For the RF signal the same 8 Bit ADC has no bias and signals are positive
and negative. The dynamic range is determined from the zero point to the
maximum displacement (128). 1/128 or 20 log10 (1/128) = 42dB.
Large amplitude signals that are 100% or greater can, of course, not be
assigned a real value. They are simply considered saturating. This applies
to analogue or digital displays.
When amplitude is an important factor and its absolute value is required this
means that a re-scan is required to assess the actual amplitude with respect
to the reference level. In an 8-Bit digitised rectified signal once the signal
has reached the 256 level it is saturated. A signal greater than 256 levels
may be 101% or it may be >500% with respect to the full scale display.
With a 10-bit digitisation rate we would then have the vertical range of any
signal divided into 1024 equal intervals. This would allow us to collect
signals at a lower receiver gain and electronically add gain after the data
had been collected. With 1024 amplitude levels we have four times the
resolution of the 8-Bit systems.
Either the display or a numeric gated output can be used to indicate the
greater amplitudes. Figure 3.12 illustrates where the gates are used to
measure the amplitude and even though the display no longer shows an
increase in signal level, the operator can read the measure amplitude as a
digital numeric output.
In the example, the digitisation is a 9-bit and the gate output of amplitude
shows that the signal on the extreme left is indicated as having a 200%
amplitude and occurs at 26.55mm. The next signal has a separate gate
(green) and the signal also saturates the display but not the gate level. That
signal is indicated as having amplitude of 176% and occurring at 39.03mm.
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Figure 3.13 illustrates soft gain added to the display. The original scan is on
the left and a soft gain of 2dB is added to the view on the right.
For the simple B-scan in Figure 3.13 used a 5MHz ToFD beam probe on a
50mm thick plate the gated time interval to include the mode converted
signals was 10µs. To maintain good quality A-scans we use the minimum
ADC rate of 5 times the nominal probe frequency or 25MHz. The scan
length was 275mm and a sample (full A-scan waveform) was taken every
At 25MHz ADC 25 samples are made each µs, so for the gated time of
10µs, 250 amplitude samples will be recorded for each A-scan. At each
point 8 bits of amplitude information are collected (8 bits = 1 byte).
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Our B-scan is collected along the 275mm weld length so the data generated
would be:
Data processing
One of the added features of data acquisition systems is the ability to
perform subsequent processing of the stored signals. Since the advent of
digital storage, several techniques have been derived to enhance the
information collected. This process is generally termed digital signal
processing (DSP).
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One dimensional DSP has been touched on briefly. Use of fast Fourier
transforms in signal processing or simple averaging for increased signal to
noise ratio may be used. When noise is known to originate at a higher or
lower frequency than the pertinent UT signal, a bandpass filtering process
can be applied. This selectively removes spurious components from the A-
scan. Figure 3.15 illustrates such a process.
Data Enhanced signal
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When parts are moved past a probe the relative position is rarely recorded
precisely. Tube inspection stations are often equipped with strip-chart
recorders. Feed-speed and position of the indication on the chart can be
used to locate the indication. In pipe mills audio alarms and paint sprayer
markers alert the operator to when and where an echo breaks threshold.
The spray maker is located downstream of the probes and its operation is
delayed from the time of the alarm based on the travel speed of the pipe
past the probes.
When probe movement is made over a fixed object, several options exist for
mechanisation. In order to fix some sort of reference position, a probe
holder and associated framework is required. Position may be provided by
some form of encoder and the probe moved by hand. Alternatively,
movement may be facilitated by motors on the framework and again,
encoders may provide positional information.
On long scan gantries the gantry support may set up vibrations and shake
the probe so that coupling path or coupling quality is reduced. Or the
scanner may simply shake some components loose. The risk of damage by
something as simple as a small speck of weld spatter may be greater at
higher scan speeds than at lower speeds.
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Today, the phased array systems can scan a 12 zone weld and collect full
waveform scans for ToFD, and 8 full waveform B-scans at more than double
the speed of the older systems (now about 80-100mm/s).
This is all the more impressive when the file size is considered. File sizes of
the older systems were on the order of 100kB and provided only amplitude
and time information, any projection scans (B-scans) were only images so
were given the term mappings as they did not preserve the waveform and
no ToFD was being provided. The modern system typically collects over
1,000 times more data (10-15MB) at twice the speed.
Scanning Speed
ADC rates have already been discussed and, if large gated times are
required for B-scans the ability of the computer CPU to process the
information may present a speed limitation. If the computer has not had
enough time between samples blank lines on the B-scan result indicating
missed data points.
However, computer CPU is not the only limiting factor. Even if computers
are not used for data acquisition, another limiting factor is the pulse
repetition frequency. Response times of the recording devices such as strip-
chart recorders may require several pulse signals to ensure the true
maximum amplitude is indicated. Therefore a probe must be in the vicinity of
a reflector or diffrator for a time sufficient for the recording equipment to
respond. This will be, in part, determined by the size of the beam and by the
size of the calibration or minimum target dimension.
Static calibration may indicate a gain setting to achieve the required signal
amplitude but when a dynamic run is made over the calibration at too high a
speed, the amplitude recorded will be something less than that for the static
calibration. Empirically established scanning speeds may be found or
specification or code can stipulate maximum speeds based on probe or
beam size and PRF.
In a system where many probes are sequenced via a multiplexer the PRF is
divided amongst the total number of probes. Although many units have
PRFs of 2kHz, when 10 probes are used in the system, the effective PRF at
each probe is only 200Hz.
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Many more small checks and functions are carried out but the overall effect
this tries to convey is that many functions are occurring based on the
initiating pulse from the encoder. Some systems have scan speeds around
100mm/sec. This means that the sequence of events that are required to
carry out all the steps in a single millimetre are repeated 100 times each
There is still a limit to what a computer can do in a short period of time and if
the scanning speed is too fast to complete all the functions required in that
1mm interval then all or some of the information for that step is lost.
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The equation does not apply for encoder-triggered data acquisition systems.
Instead, the fact that each firing of the pulser is dictated by the encoded
distance-interval means that the operator needs to determine the dimension
of the 6dB beam width (Wc) and ensure that the encoded sample interval is
less than 1/3 that distance to conform to the intend to the specification
A rotary optical encoder is a sensor that uses light to sense the speed,
angle and direction of a rotary shaft. A linear encoder reads a linear strip
instead of a disk to provide the same information for linear motion. Optical
encoders use light instead of contacts to detect position, so they are
inherently free from contact wear and the digital outputs are bounceless (no
contact bounce). Accuracy of an optical encoder is as good as the code
wheel. The code wheel patterns are created using precision digital plotters
and cut using either a punching system or a laser, each guided by closed
loop precision vision systems.
The light source used for encoders is usually a point source LED, rather
than a conventional LED or filament. Most optical encoders are transmissive
type, meaning that the light is collimated light into parallel light rays and
passes through the disk (or strip) pattern. The image of the pattern is
detected using a phased array monolithic sensor and converted to transistor
to transistor logic (TTL) digital quadrature outputs. Reflective type encoders
bounce collimated light off a patterned reflective code wheel. Fitting all of
the electronics of a reflective encoder onto one side of the code wheel
makes it a more compact design than transmissive types.
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Most incremental encoders have a second set of pulses that is offset (out of
phase) from the first set of pulses, and a single pulse that indicates each
time the encoder wheel has made one complete revolution. If the A pulse
occurs before the B pulse, the shaft is turning clockwise and if the B pulse
occurs before the A pulse, the shaft is turning counter clockwise. The C
pulse occurs once per revolution. Figure 3.19 illustrates the pulse pattern of
a quadrature encoder that provides the direction information (with channel C
being the reference pulse).
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Synchronising the UT pulsing with the position pulses ensures all channels
are fired in the sample interval. Only limit is computer through-put rate.
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Wc * prf
This was addressed when considering scanning speeds. As noted there, the
equivalent is maintained for synchronous systems by having three samples
within the 6dB beam width. Therefore for synchronous or fire on position
systems, 1 sample every 1mm will achieve this if the beam width is 3mm or
greater. This is suitable for pulse-echo techniques; however, for ToFD the
beam is very wide and it may seem adequate to pulse less often (eg once
every 2 or 3mm). But this tends to pixelate the B-scan image (ie make it
appear blocky due to the large jumps between samples) and subtle trends
that may help characterise indications may be lost if the sample interval
along the encoded axis is greater than 1mm.
1 Probe pair.
Probe holder (to maintain probe spacing).
Pulser-receiver (basic).
Data acquisition system (computer with data display).
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UT system
with DSP-
data display
Irrigation probes Probe-holder frames with adjustable
supply header standoffs and magnetic wheels
Section 4
With the use of digital controls and displays, many of the measured
properties that applied to analogue displays are no longer universally
applicable. Some standards and codes have yet to address these changes.
Degree of precision required in the test may not always demand tight
tolerances. In such cases field verification of performance is often suitable.
Recent studies however, have shown that variability in field verification may
be far greater than was originally thought to exist. This is especially true for
some measurements made using contact test methods.
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Traditional performance tests are still required and useful even for ToFD
Digital instruments now operate by easily controlled and very precise digital
clocks and ADC converters for amplitude placement of displayed signals.
These are never bumped out of alignment and minor voltage fluctuations in
power supply are regulated such that the system cuts off rather than
deteriorate the time or amplitude tolerances.
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Rev 1 November 2010
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The pulse length of both the lateral wave and the backwall echo shall not
exceed two cycles, measured at 10% of the peak amplitude.
Pulse repetition rate shall be set such that no interference occurs
between acoustical signals caused by successive transmission pulses.
Although ToFD does not have the same requirement for distance amplitude
corrections, ToFD does require some means of assuring a minimum
sensitivity to ensure indications are seen over the background noise level
and also as a means of repeating the sensitivity used in subsequent
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To this end there are three methods by which ToFD may be configured for
sensitivity calibration:
For all examination levels the sensitivity shall be set on the test object. The
amplitude of the lateral wave shall be between 40-80% full screen height
(FSH). In cases where the use of the lateral wave is not appropriate (eg
surface conditions, use of steep beam-angles), the sensitivity shall be set
such that the amplitude of the back wall signal is between 18-30dB above
FSH. When the use of neither a lateral wave, nor a back wall signal is
appropriate, sensitivity should be set such that the material grain noise is
somewhere between 5-10 %FSH.
In fact the BS 7706 document identifies two specific targets and do not
actually identify a reference signal per se. The four BS 7706 methods are:
In our classification we can group the target signals (slits and side drilled
holes) together and consider them as any machined target.
Artificial reflectors (and diffractors) do not respond in the same was as real
flaws. But since for ToFD there is generally no direct correlation between
the amplitude of the signal and the severity of the flaw, these machined
targets are merely a convenient method of providing an easily reproducible
target that allows others to produce similar sensitivities. (When one thinks
about it the same can be said for setting responses off targets for the pulse-
echo methods).
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Notches may provide a similar planar shape with respect to length and
height but are generally wider. Square or V notches be made by mill cutting
if the depths of cuts are not too deep.
In order that a true diffracted signal be obtained, the width dimension of the
notch must be small (again less than half a wavelength) otherwise the signal
will be of a reflective nature and the signal will be relatively strong compared
to the diffractive signals from the narrower slits or V notches.
Side drilled holes provide a similarly useful target for setting sensitivity but
as with notches, the effect (off the top) may more accurately be considered
a reflection rather than diffraction. In order to discern the bottom diffraction
signal from a side drilled hole the diameter should be at least two
One way of ensuring that the signal is a diffraction is to arrange the notch or
slit to be surface breaking on the same side as the probe pair.
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Saw cut
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Using the response from a target (either a reflected response from a notch
or side drilled hole) provides some advantages when configuring a ToFD
When using side drilled holes as the reference target the maximised
response set to 80% peak-to-peak may not provide adequate scanning
sensitivity so it may be necessary to add a fixed amount of gain over that
level (15-30dB may be required depending on the material and hole
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Placing the probe pair on the test object at the calculated probe separation
the operator displays the lateral wave and compression back wall reflection
(if appropriate). The pulse duration is optimised to provide the optimal pulse
shape with maximum signal-to-noise ratio. Gain is then adjusted by
observing the grass level after the lateral wave so that acoustic grain-scatter
is set to about 10% screen height. Amplitude of the electronic noise prior to
the arrival of the lateral wave should be at least 6dB below the amplitude of
the grain noise (ie 5%).
Note: This technique operates on the assumption that flaws of concern will
provide greater amplitude diffractions than the grain boundaries. This may
not always be the case and care should be taken in abnormally coarse
structures, such as austenitic materials and electroslag or heavy wall
submerged arc welding.
Surface flaw
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Material tested.
Geometry of component.
Instrumentation available (single or multi-channel).
Probes (size, frequency, angle(s), number of pairs).
Detection requirements.
Sizing requirements.
Inspection speed and accuracy requirements.
Then the probe size is considered and this is also based, at least partially,
on the material tested. To some extent larger probe dimensions produce a
higher intensity pulse over a greater distance. But the need for divergence is
better addressed using smaller probe dimensions.
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Table 4.1 Recommended ToFD set-ups for simple butt-welds dependent on wall-
Thickness Number of Depth- Centre Beam-angle Element Beam
t ( mm) ToFD range frequency (degrees) – intersection
set-ups ∆t / mm f / MHz (α long size
waves) (mm)
6-10 1 0-t 15 70 2-3 2/3 of t
10-15 1 0-t 15-10 70 2-3 2/3 of t
15-35 1 0-t 10-5 70-60 2-6 2/3 of t
35-50 1 0-t 5-3 70-60 3-6 2/3 of t
50-100 2 0-t/2 5-3 70-60 3-6 1/3 of t
t/2-t 5-3 60-45 6-12 5/6 of t;
or t for
45 C )
Having selected the appropriate probe pair parameters for the application
the operator need to then position the probes to provide appropriate volume
coverage. But this should also take into consideration the effects of energy
re-distribution upon diffraction.
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An offset of approximately 7mm would indicate the limits of detection for the
setup of a 6mm diameter 5MHz probe for nominal 60o refraction. In ToFD
the exit points of the wedges are used as the reference for setting the probe
separations. The probe centre separation is abbreviated PCS and used as
the parameter of measure for probe placement.
As noted, although only one probe is used in transmit mode, the centre ray
that corresponds to the nominal refracting angle is drawn for both the
transmitter and receiver probes. The crossing point is set based on these
centre rays. This is used to determine the beam Intersection referred to in
Table 4.1 above.
In the Figure 4.4 above the front of beam edge is not actually seen and it
may be expected that a lateral wave can be detected. For a probe with a
smaller divergence (such as would occur for a 10MHz probe under the
same conditions) the front of beam could be assessed by the detection of a
side drilled hole placed near the test surface. This is indicated in Figure 4.5.
Beam assessments (to establish coverage) are in fact one of the functions
of the calibration blocks and machined targets described above (in addition
to setting sensitivity).
EN 583-6 suggests that a working region of -35-+45 degrees from this value
may still provide useful signals. This produces an incident angle range of
about 8-38 degrees with the vertical slit. However, at the 38 degree
incidence nearly all compression energy is lost as that coincides with the
critical angle. Therefore examinations that rely on angles in that range (35-
40 degrees) should be avoided.
In addition to the pressure drop associated with the transmitted beam, there
is a further consideration for the beam pressure distribution. Figure 4.6
illustrates a pulse emitted from a probe striking a vertical oriented crack.
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This figure illustrates how a specular reflection occurs for the bulk of the
beam and as it radiates off the crack it has a directivity that includes lobes.
The rings representing the diffraction off the crack tips. These diffraction
rings are also subject to directivity effects. The elaborate nature of the
pressure distributions are covered in an Appendix in Charlesworth and
In the lower part of the image the intensities are colourised for an incident
compression wave striking an angled planar crack. The pulse is moving
from the top of the figure to the bottom with the incident pulse having just
arrived at the bottom of the figure.
The longer arrow points in the direction of the strongest portion of the
diffracted wave from the upper tip while the shorter arrow is drawn from its
source at the lower tip along the path that it produces the strongest
diffracted signal.
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The angles are not exactly equal. The diffraction directivity is dependent on
many parameters including the probe frequency, the flaw size and the flaw
orientation. (Modelled image courtesy Prof. R. Marklein, University of
Kassel, EFIT Simulations for Ultrasonic NDE).
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As noted previously, the precise angle used is not normally critical and
deviation or 5o is usually tolerable.
Under some conditions where the Table 4.1 indicates that one probe set-up
may be adequate to fulfil all inspection requirements, the operator may still
decide that more than one probe pair and more than one PCS may be
required in order to obtain improved coverage and resolution. This may then
require more than one scan.
Spread-sheet based.
Simple ray tracing.
Complex ray tracing.
Finite element modelling.
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Fortunately there are now computers to make this aspect easier. CAD and
other drawing software can provide one method of designing the probe with
associated ray paths and moving them around on the component cross-
These can even permit the design of techniques using multiple ToFD
configurations with different PCSs, see Figure 4.8.
In order to meet the requirements of codes and the stated need for
technique details, a detailed list of parameters on the probe, scan sample
increment (eg 1 sample/mm) digitisation rate, calibrations, ranges, etc would
be added to the images showing angles, volume coverage and scanning
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Figure 4.8 illustrates the use of multiple probes on a 100mm thick section.
Probe dimensions are 3mm diameter 10MHz 70o for the uppermost 15mm;
6mm diameter 5Mz 60o for the region from 12-70mm and 6mm diameter
4MHz at 50 degrees for the region from about 50-100mm.
The placement of the probes is seen as symmetric about the weld centreline
but probes 2 and 3 (for the middle and deepest zones) require off-setting to
allow the probes to be positioned without overlapping. Either probe pair 2 or
3 could have been positioned behind probe pair 1. This would result in
reducing the length along the weld of the scanner.
Even the probe configured for the upper 15mm must be carefully monitored
once placed on the actual part. Technique design makes some allowance
for weld geometry such as weld cap width but this is not always well
controlled in the fabrication so slight adjustments from the design may be
In the example in Figure 4.9, parameter input is made in a data entry table
and the programme then calculates and displays the approximate beam
coverage for the probe defined. In this example the application of Snell’s law
is simplified to omit the divergence effects in the wedge and moves directly
to the metal with allowance for equivalent wedge path.
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Z-axis (mm.)
X-axis (mm.)
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But not all applications have the advantage of working to EN 14751 so some
degree of pre-job documentation will be required. The written instructions
should include the following items:
Section 5
However, some users of ToFD seem to be unaware that the same effect
occurs at every diffraction interface below the surface and a similar effect is
had from the backwall reflection boundary.
These three dead zones are identified and approximated in the EN standard
EN-583-6. No special corrections are made for wedge angle variations with
depth and the assumption is made that the indication is at the midpoint of
the Probe centre Spacing; the approximations are generally adequate for
most applications.
This seems to have been the result of an assumption that the improved time
resolution as one approaches the far wall would allow sizing and detection
on this minute scale. This assumption optimistically ignored the ring-time
limits. Even when using a 10MHz probe with a 45 degrees L wave, detection
and sizing capability of <0.5mm would be unlikely.
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Depth, Ring-Time Issues and Errors
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Where c is the acoustic velocity, t the time in the metal, t0 the time in the
wedge and S is half the probe spacing (ie half the PCS).
Transmitter Receiver
t0 t0
2 S 2
d2 2t c
d t 2t0 S 2
c 2
Initial pulse
Simply identifying the same parameters for the lower tip signal allows the
flaw height to be determined. This is seen in Figure 5.2.
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Depth d2 is calculated using the same formula as used for the upper tip so
we need only subtract the depths to determine the flaw height. This is then
given as:
To calculate the equivalent depth in the test piece we need only solve
Pythagorean’s theorem using the acoustic velocity and pulse duration to
determine the travelled equivalent distance for the lateral wave (correcting
for the fact that it is the total distance from transmitter to receiver and half
the PCS.
The ring time near the test surface is then defined by the pulse-duration
From the equation we can see that reduction of lateral wave dead zone is by
decreasing PCS or use probes with shorter pulse duration (and to some
extent a higher angle).
Backwall signals present another source of lost information again due to the
ring time of the pulse. However, because the angle made at the backwall is
smaller, the equivalent depth for the same time is less. The equation to
calculate the backwall dead zone uses that fact that the reflection of the
pulse uses up the equivalent depth and subtracts the wall thickness from the
total pulse-duration equivalent depth.
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The equivalent depth ring time near the backwall surface is defined by the
Spatial resolution defines ability to resolve upper and lower tip signals
(between the lateral wave and backwall):
td tp
For the most part ToFD probes are relatively broadband, ie have short pulse
durations on the order of a single cycle or 1.5 cycles. Since these are
approximations for ideal conditions they are to be used as a guide only.
A worked example is given below. The data in Table 5.1 illustrates the
parameter entry (yellow) and calculated values (green) for a test setup on a
32mm wall thickness. The user must decide the depth at which the flaw is
located to determine the depth resolution. In the example in Table 5.1 this is
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Rev 1 November 2010
Depth, Ring-Time Issues and Errors
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Near and far surface dead zones are also calculated and illustrated in the
ESBeam images (eg Figures 4.4, 4.5 and 4.8) and the old RD Tech display
(Figure 4.9).
To validate the calculations the following images in Figure 5.6 are provided.
The scan is of a weld section 32mm thick using a 7MHz probe with a
100mm PCS.
Timing error
Timing errors result from the fact that our timebase becomes digitised in
order to display data on the computer. Error in timing is primarily a function
of the digitisation rate. For 100MHz ADC rate the error would be plus or
minus one sample interval, or 10ns. For 50MHz the error band increases to
δd = c δt [d2 + S2]½/2d
Where c is the acoustic velocity, d the depth to the flaw, δt the timing
uncertainty and S half the PCS. This incorporates the timing uncertainty into
the pythagorean equation so the depth error due to timing uncertainty is also
a function of flaw depth.
Using the parameters in our example in Figure 5.6 the error in depth
estimate at 16mm assumed depth for a digitisation rate of 50MHz (ie 20ns
per sample interval) would result in a depth uncertainty of 0.2mm.
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The effect on depth estimate error due to just acoustic velocity error is given
by the equation:
Where c is the acoustic velocity, d the depth to the flaw, δc the acoustic
velocity uncertainty and S half the PCS.
Using the parameters in our example in Figure 5.6 the error in depth
estimate for a possible error in velocity assumption of 50m/s from the
assumed 5920m/s would result in a depth uncertainty of 0.07mm at an
assumed depth of 16mm.
Although velocity can vary with angle in a specimen (called anisotropy) the
effect is not usually significant in ToFD. Velocity of a material can easily be
determined using the ultrasonic instrument in a pulse-echo mode with a zero
degrees probe. This is done by accurately measuring a section with parallel
faces using a vernier calliper and obtaining the pulse-echo time between the
backwall and next multiple using a digitisation rate of 100MHz. Velocity is
then obtained by
V = velocity
d = sample thickness (physically measured)
t = time interval (measured by pulse-echo)
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PCS error
Probe centre spacing (PCS) might be considered an assumed absolute
value. However, this setting is usually set by a ruler being slid under the
probes and a simple alignment of the exit point marks with the ruler
markings. Parallax error is one source of error here as is rounding of the
value. Another source of error arises during the scanning. The probes
mounted in holders are often seen to move slightly due to mechanical
springing. The probes can be seen to be moving relative to each other.
These motions can be of two basic forms; closer and farther apart
(especially when weld caps are large and can catch the probes) and
skewing (one probe centreline does not align with the probe opposite). The
skewing may occur due to rough surfaces or mechanical recoil as the probe
pair is slide along the weld causing one probe to be slightly ahead or behind
the other. These effects are easily seen as a wandering of the lateral wave.
The effect on depth estimate error due to PCS variation is given by the
Here only the depth estimate and the PCS are involved in the error
calculation. In this equation d is the depth to the flaw, δS the error (variation)
in PCS and S half the PCS.
Using the parameters in our example in Figure 5.6 the error in depth
estimate for a possible variation of 1mm from the assumed 100mm would
result in a depth uncertainty of 0.14mm at an assumed depth of 16mm. This
parameter has a fairly significant effect on results. Variations of 3-4mm due
to mechanical springing are not uncommon and depth variation of a
millimetre or more can easily result depending on the depth to the flaw.
This lateral uncertainty is given the notation δy and is best explained by the
illustration in Figure 5.7 where it is seen as the displacement of the actual
flaw from the theoretical centreline between the probe exit points.
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S S Receiver
t0 t0
Figure 5.7 Lateral uncertainty of flaw position.
Depth error estimation then incorporates the lateral uncertainty using the
In a weld inspection there is some practical limit to how far off the centreline
the flaw might occur. Typically this will not be further than the heat affected
zone (HAZ) dimension. For our example in Figure 5.6, the error in depth
estimate for a flaw 10mm from the weld centreline would be 0.25mm at an
assumed depth of 16mm.
In Figure 5.8 it is seen that this is constant time traces out a semi-ellipse
with focuses at the probe exit points. This implies that, theoretically, a flaw
seen on the A-scan at a given time could have originated from any point
along that locus. However, there is a practical limit to this set of points. In
order for a flaw to be detected it need be located in the effective beam of the
probe. This then limits the lateral positional off-set that the flaw MIGHT
have. In Figure 5.8 the shaded region indicates the effective beam area
where a flaw might be detectable. If the flaw was located at the mid-point
between the transmitter and receiver it would have a maximum assessed
depth for that time. If the flaw was off-set to one edge or another in the
beam its actual depth would be slightly less (as calculated using the depth
error estimation for the lateral uncertainty equation).
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Depth, Ring-Time Issues and Errors
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Transmitter Receiver
dmin dma
t1 t2
The practical observation in this theory relates to how the parallel scan is
used in ToFD. Since lateral position uncertainty prevents us assessing the
true depth of a flaw with just a non-parallel scan it will be necessary to
perform a parallel scan to improve depth estimates. Once the operator has
located the flaw using the nonparallel scan they then position the probe pair
at the flaw and offset the pair so the transmitter or receiver exit point is
centred over the weld centreline (if the weld cap is not removed this extent
of offset may be restricted). The encoder would then need to be rotated 90
degrees if the positional data was to be collected or a free-running data
collection could be made (ie time based as opposed to accurate positional
based data acquisition). The operator then moves the probe pair
perpendicular to the weld centreline such that the opposite probe-exit point
reaches the weld centreline.
The result is an arc as the beam passes over the flaw. The point on the arc
exhibiting the shortest time (apex of the arc) will correspond to the probe-
pair position that straddles the flaw such that the transmitter and receiver
are equidistant. Figure 5.9 illustrates the sort of motion (left) and the image
shape that would result with a parallel scan. The B-scan on the right side of
Figure 5.9 illustrates the arcs that form from a parallel scan over 5 notches
on the opposite wall ranging in size from 0.5-5mm height.
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For those concerned by the effect of local dips (areas blended by surface
grinding) where the couplant thickness might locally increase, there is a
correction equation:
δd = δW v d/(4c(d2 + S2)½)
Using the parameters in our example in Figure 5.6 the error in depth
estimate at 16mm assumed depth for a 1mm water gap would result in a
depth uncertainty of 0.01mm.
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Where fu is the upper frequency at the 6dB drop, fl is the lower frequency at
the 6dB drop and fc is the centre frequency.
Since a probe has more than one frequency in the pulse content, it follows
that the diffraction patterns for each frequency must obey the laws of
diffraction. This implies that beam divergence for lower frequencies is
greater than higher frequencies for pulses off the same aperture (probe
diameter). Figure 5.11 illustrates the effect of variation in beam spreads with
the frequency content from a broadband probe. Figure 5.11 models a
nominal 5MHz probe with frequencies ranging from 2-10MHz. The 2MHz
has the broadest divergence (portions from 2-4MHz form the lateral wave)
and the 10MHz region is limited to small angles off the centre beam.
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Depth, Ring-Time Issues and Errors
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Section 6
Ultrasonic setup.
Data acquisition.
Software menus provide the operator with the options to control the probe
parameters set the displays used to monitor acquisition in near real-time
and to subsequently analyse the data for identification, location and sizing of
A typical menu for A-scan and probe parameter setup is seen in Figure 6.1.
Since the ToFD technique is used with a standard pulser-receiver system it
is common for some of the controls to be unrelated to ToFD applications.
DAC, TCG and some gate aspects (eg amplitude, time and trigger on peak
or shoulder) may therefore be available but not used for ToFD.
Table 6.1 gives a description of the parameter controls seen on the setup
display for the image in Figure 6.1.
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Acquisition options
Acquisition menu details are generally those items that relate to how the
probes and scanner are configured so as to allow the operator to
subsequently analyse the data acquired. There is no consistently from one
manufacturer to another how the division between setup and acquisition are
separated. Some of the items that might be considered ultrasonic setup
parameters by one company are grouped with acquisition menus by
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Windows and tabs are the common displays for these menus. Figure 6.2
illustrates the collection hardware setup window for the A-scan seen in
figure 6.1. It is seen with the channel tab opened.
Part details would include the acoustic velocities, wave type (compression
or shear), thickness, curvature (when option for correction due to ID or OD
testing is available) and the scan direction (eg parallel or non-parallel). An
example of some of the data entry options for the probe and part options is
seen in Figure 6.3.
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Figure 6.3 ToFD probe and part entry menu. (Courtesy AGR).
Associated with the data acquisition information is the scanner input details.
This information is required to identify scan direction(s), scan length,
encoder accuracy and sampling interval (eg 1 A-scan waveform every 1mm
or 0.5mm, etc.) and the display seen during the data collection. Figure 6.4
illustrates an example of scanner some of the scanner inputs on one tab of
a scanner setup window.
It is this window that some manufacturers might provide option to set the
data collection in free run mode. If in free run mode the data acquisition is
then triggered by the internal clock and timed intervals are used to display
the A-scan changes (eg five samples per second).
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Once all parameters have been input the entire setup is usually saved to a
setup file. This ensures that if anything is seen to be incorrect or inadequate
that only minor adjustments are necessary to the setup instead of having to
start over and make entries in each data entry box.
When the operator is satisfied that a good scan will result based on the
settings used they can start the actual data acquisition by simply pressing a
start function button on the software. This puts the computer into a mode
that is geared to collecting the A-scans from the gated region. The scan can
be stopped manually or will automatically stop once the distance entered
has been reached or the timed interval (for free-run mode) has elapsed.
During the data acquisition there is usually a display of the scan in progress.
A set display that should be used is not possible to make for all applications.
The operator will need to determine what views are best for the application
at hand.
Generally, for a single channel ToFD scan the basic B-scan display is
adequate. However, some applications may have multiple ToFD channels
(and perhaps pulse-echo as well). All scans displayed on the monitor at the
same time may not be suitable.
Using multiple displays will result in each displayed B-scan having its
resolution reduced in order to fit all the others on the monitor. Since one of
the concerns for ToFD (and any automated or semi-automated) scan is
consistency of coupling, it is probably best to select a channel that indicates
the most pronounced lateral wave. By monitoring the amplitude of the lateral
wave the operator can assess the efficacy of coupling (at least for that probe
pair). If problems are seen during data acquisition the scan can be aborted
and a re-scan made.
Having saved the file of the acquired ToFD scan to a specified location on
the computer the operator can then open the file with the analysis software.
Unlike the medical industry where every manufacturer must ensure that their
software can be read by any other medical industry software, file formats in
NDT do not have such a nice compatibility. This means that data made by
one system can only be viewed by the software provided for analysis by that
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As with data acquisition displays, data analysis displays are also configured
to meet the needs of the application and operator’s preferences.
There are only limited options for the data displays. Views will be composed
of either B- or A-scans. Usually both are used in analysis. Operators may
choose which goes where on the monitor and the orientation (rotation) of
Examples of some ToFD displays are shown in Figure 6.5. Although the A-
scan on its own is not useful, all ToFD analysis software display should
have the ability to extract the specific A-scan from the B-scan so as to
improve the phase and time analysis features.
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Figure 6.5 indicates that all manufacturers have a very similar selection of
ToFD display options.
Soft gain.
Palette adjustment.
Zoom (in and out).
Lateral wave straightening.
Lateral wave removal (or backwall removal).
Synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT).
Parabolic cursors.
Lateral wave amplitude equalisation.
Notation addition.
Geometry corrections (cylindrical, T, other).
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When the scan is encoded scan axes cursors are linked to the encoded
position and a scan coordinate is indicated at the cursor or somewhere on
the display. It is usual to have a reference cursor and a measurement
cursor. Typically, the reference cursor is also the location of the A-scan that
is displayed (when A-scan display is configured as part of the data analysis
Figure 6.6 illustrates the basic display with two scan axis cursors. The
reference cursor (left) is also the location along the scan axis from which the
A-scan (right) was extracted. There are digital readouts on this display at the
top of the cursors indicating the position along the scan (62 and 95mm are
indicated). The horizontal axis is therefore the scan axis and the cursors are
aligned with the scale.
Reference Measurement
Cursor Cursor
The vertical scale in Figure 6.6 is the time axis (the units illustrated are in
microseconds). Distance relates to depth and the A-scan extracted can be
used to precisely identify the phase peak of the waveforms. To ensure that
the measurements for sound-travel are made at well-defined points on the
waveform (eg peak positive, peak negative of the zero crossing points) a
second set of cursors is required on the time scale. These should be
available to the A-scan as well. Figure 6.7 illustrates the same display as in
figure 6.6 but with the time cursors added to both the B- and A-scan so as to
allow identification of the upper and lower tip signals.
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time cursor
Figure 6.7 illustrates the reference time cursor at the lateral wave (16.6µs) and the
measurement cursor at the backwall (19.7µs). The reference time cursor is located
at the maximum negative peak of the A-scan at the lateral wave and the
measurement time cursor at the maximum positive peak of the backwall. These
peaks are easier to locate on the A-scan than on the B-scan. The same process of
identifying the upper and lower tips by phase orientation and aligning the time-axis
cursors is used to determine flaw depth and vertical extent.
Linearization algorithms
The other essential requirement for analysis software is the linearisation of
the data displayed. A flaw seen at 17.4µs is useless to the operator and the
client. Only when the depth and height of a flaw can be provided in real units
of distance are they meaningful. The process of translating the time along
the A-scan into real units of distance is called linearisation.
d t 2t0 S 2
This is effectively solving the Pythagorean equation for depth. Right angle
triangles are made by the three points; the exit point from the probe, the
point above the flaw and the depth to the flaw. The triangles legs are formed
by half the PCS (indicated as S in Figure 6.8), the hypotenuse made by the
soundpath ctx where c is the acoustic velocity and tx the time of travel to the
specified depth and the depths are indicated by dx. This indicates that the
depth is determined by taking the square root of the hypotenuse squared
less the half PCS squared. Flaws need not be present and since the PCS
defines the base of the triangle then it is possible to calculate a scale along
the Y axis (depth) based on the distance travelled for different soudpaths to
the line at distance S on the X axis.
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d1 ct1
d2 ct2
Y d3
When the cursors are linearised for the image we used in Figures 6.6 and
6.7 the reference time cursor is seen as 0mm depth and the measurement
time cursor is seen to be located at 25mm (on a 25mm thick plate). This is
illustrated in figure 6.9.
The other option provides a linear scale and stretches the A-scans as
required to ensure the linear scale. Figure 6.10 is a B-scan image using
linearised data. The display shows the depth as the horizontal scale with the
lateral wave positive peak set to 0mm and stretched.
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Both methods require input of reference values. In all cases the PCS will be
entered. In some cases there will be a reference signal that can be used.
This may be the lateral wave, in which case its depth is known and for a
plate is considered 0mm. Under some conditions there will be no lateral
wave and it may be the backwall that is seen. This too can be entered as a
known depth. Under some conditions (eg multi-zone ToFD where no lateral
wave and no backwall signals are seen) the PCS, the estimated acoustic
velocity and the wedge delay (total time of the sound in the transmitting and
receiving wedges) will be required to linearise the ToFD data or cursors.
These steps are usually reduced to a simple data entry window such as are
seen in Figure 6.11.
Soft gain
Software gain re-calculates the amplitude of each time-sample along the A-
scan using the amplitude basic dB ratio (ie dB=20Log(A1/A2). This gain is
usually applied to the whole data set and can be positive or negative. Figure
6.12 indicates an original scan on the left and the same scan with 6dB
removed by software gain correction on the right. Note that saturating
signals cannot be reduced and will always be indicated as saturating.
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Palette adjustment
Palette adjustment can be of two varieties. Most common is to change the
amplitude level to which the maximum grey scale goes to. This has the
advantage of enhancing the contrast between small amplitude signals.
Alternatively, the palette may be changed to other colours; however, this
has limitations in that some of the detail can be lost if the palette is too
Examples of these two palette options are provided in Figure 6.13. On the
left is a symmetric adjustment of greyscale with the +100% and -100%
signals corresponding to the maximum white and black respectively. The
adjacent two examples show the maximum values to achieve white and
black are reduced to ±60% and then ±40%. To the right is a selection of
alternative colour options for the palette.
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For accurate sizing of length or depth the ability to magnify the image is
necessary. In Figure 6.14 the detail of the notches are poorly seen in the full
view but the individual time and scan steps can be seen on the zoomed
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Straightened region
By straightening the lateral wave (and backwall) the reference signal (ie the
lateral wave or backwall) is seen to be generally quite uniform over
significant lengths of the scan. By identifying the shape of the dominant
reference signal it can be mathematically removed. This processing is
usually a vector addition of the inverse of that shape.
When the processing is completed the lateral (or backwall) signal is nulled
and any signal shapes that were not the same as the lateral or backwall can
be exposed. This allows detection of the flaws in regions often considered to
be blind spots.
Figure 6.16 illustrates the two step procedure. On the left the raw data is
prepared by locating the region of concern (between the blue cursors) and
the reference waveform is selected between the green and red cursors.
After subtraction the image on the right is shown with the upper tip of the
flaw not seen in the raw data now clearly defined and available for sizing. (A
small section was similarly treated for backwall signal removal and is also
indicated on the right side image in Figure 6.16).
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Upper tip
Lateral seen
removal Backwall
region removed
The intent of SAFT is to remove the arcs that form as a result of the beam
divergence and to provide an improved size (usually length) for the flaws.
Figure 6.17 is an example of before and after SAFT processing.
Parabolic cursors
SAFT processing is a complicated mathematic process requiring every A-
scan portion of the affected region to have the SAFT algorithm applied to it.
A less computer intensive option to correct for the over-sizing that beam
divergence causes is to simply overlay the hyperbolic curve on the B-scan
image. Identified as either a hyperbolic or, less correctly, a parabolic cursor,
this curve is calculated from the probe parameters for the depth at which the
indication is seen.
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By fitting the curves of the cursors (usually two are used) to the indication
tails the portion between the centres of the curves are approximately the
length of the flaw. This ultimately addresses the same problem as the SAFT
post-processing algorithms but with far less processing time required. Figure
6.18 illustrates an example of the ToFD cursors used on an indication.
Some reference A-scan must be selected as the primary A-scan. This is the
A-scan that all other A-Scans will be amplified to. The process is usually
limited to a specific scan length so the left and right sides of the affected
area are selected and data outside of this area are amplitude corrected.
Figure 6.19 illustrates the before and after condition for amplitude.
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Notation addition
A simple feature useful for reporting is the ability to add text and arrow to a
scan display. This makes for informative reporting when the operator needs
to provide specific details on one or more features on a report.
Equations for depth estimates use the wall thickness as the nominal zero
and maximum depths with respect to the probe exit points. When mounted
on a cylinder as in the upper left image in Figure 6.21 the probes are lower
than the zero depth at the midpoint of the PCS. This makes the apparent
depth to the backwall (and flaws) less than the actual depth.
When ToFD is carried out from the inside surface of the cylinder (as in the
lower image of Figure 6.21) the probe exit points are higher than they would
be for the plate condition so the apparent depth is greater than it would be
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for the flat plate condition. However, there is no straight path available for
the compression wave so it must travel the long route just under the surface
as the diffracted (creeping) wave so the ring time is not as big a problem for
the near surface as it was for the inspection from the OD surface.
Section 7
Quality assessment.
Data assessment.
Data assessment
Can only follow if the data collected is of sufficient quality that indications of
potential flaws can be reliably detected. Data assessment is also a multi-
stage operation. B-scans are reviewed and if any indications are seen their
origins need to be determined. Not all indications are flaws and not all flaws
are defects. Usually there is a set of expectations for quality level
(acceptance criteria) and the flaws need to be compared to the allowed
limits to assess if the component is acceptable or not.
Quality assessment
ToFD scanning is subject to a variety of conditions that may not always be
optimum. There are some common problems that can occur when
performing a ToFD data acquisition. These will be described below. The
results may or may not render the data un-interpretable. This will need to be
determined prior to saving the data to a file. Such concern is similar to
producing a radiograph. If, for example, the radiograph is too dark, too light
or has interfering scratches or chemical marks due to processing, it will be
necessary to re-shoot the film. For ToFD the deleterious effects may require
re-scanning the section.
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These issues are described with examples in the following figures; however,
the first image is one of a good quality scan. (Images courtesy of M.D.C
Moles, ONDT).
OD surface-breaking flaw
Acceptable noise levels, flaws, lateral wave and longitudinal wave backwall.
invisible in
this area.
The lateral wave and some of the diffracted signals are starting to
disappear. At yet lower gain levels, some of the diffracted signals would
become undetectable.
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Lateral wave
and flaw
signals have
Ghost signal
Lateral wave
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The example shows the gate set too late. The lateral wave is not visible.
The first signal is the backwall and the second signal is the shear wave
backwall. With this setup, all the outside (OD) near-surface flaws will be
Lateral wave
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The example illustrates the gate set too long. Though this is not technically
incorrect, the image will show the diffracted backwall shear-shear wave
signal. These S-S waves may show additional and confirmatory information.
The diffracted shear waves show the porosity more clearly than the
diffracted longitudinal waves and there is a strong mode-converted signal
that occurs just before the shear wave, which could cause interpretation
Distorted L-wave
backwall signal or
unusually strong
Weak L-wave
backwall signal
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Noise spikes can seriously impair ToFD interpretation. Noise can come from
a number of sources such as surrounding electrical equipment or ultrasonic
instrument or probe issues. Unlike noise from coarse grain scatter which
occurs only in the material (ie after the lateral wave) electrical noise appears
as isolated spikes and sometimes as an interference pattern, depending on
the noise source. Once the occurrence of the electrical noise increases
beyond a certain point, interpretation becomes essentially impossible.
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When data acquisition is occurring at a rate faster than the computer can
handle there will be portions of the A-scan data not held in memory. The
method of data handling may be different from one system to another.
Figure 7.10 illustrates lines of the uniform grey (zero amplitude level). In this
system the computer has not had time to process and allocate the A-scan to
a memory location before the scanner moved on to the next encoded 1mm
sample interval. As a result, the entire A-scan has been missed.
Some systems are able to store the portions collected. They may be able to
salvage a portion of the A-scan before moving to the next encoded interval,
but the dropped data remains the same in that there is a grey line with zero
Some missing data may be tolerated. IN some ToFD codes the amount
permitted missing is regulated (typically not more than 10% of the scan with
no two adjacent sample interval missing).
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Excessive coupling feed or using probe wear-pins that protrude can result in
a reflection within the couplant gap that forms a second lateral wave signal.
This will be seen as an extra ringing under the initial lateral wave signal and
can be misinterpreted as a flaw or may mask other flaws.
This effect may also be seen when there are surface irregularities that
cause the couplant to increase in slightly hollowed areas where the probe
edges are on a surface that is higher than where the pulse enters the test
Data assessment
Having corrected any issues with image quality, the next step after data
acquisition is to assess the ToFD images for potential flaw indications. In
addition to actual flaw identification, ToFD is also useful to help identify the
geometric condition of mismatch (or high-low) which is not generally
considered a flaw in ultrasonic testing.
Point-like flaws have neither length nor height (typically these are isolated
pores or very small inclusions). Thread-like flaws have length but a vertical
extent cannot be assessed from the ToFD display. This means that the
lower-tip signal cannot be discerned. Planar flaws have both vertical extent
and length (meaning a lower-tip signal is discernable).
Many of the following flaw examples are from a book on phased array
technology (Introduction to phased array utrasonic technology applications
by published by RD Tech). However, a similar set of images has appeared
earlier in BS 7706 and more recently in the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code Section V.
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Point flaws usually show parabolic tails where the signal drops off towards
the backwall with no associated length between the two tails. This is
illustrated in figure 7.13 where the hyperbolic cursor has been fit to the arc
shape of the indication.
It can be seen that there is reasonably good fit of the calculated curvature to
the shape of the indication. When the peak of the curve matches the peak of
the indication the tails fit both sides of the indication (ie the second cursor is
not required as there is no length and no lower tip is discernable.
Concave root
Incomplete penetration
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Midwall flaws
Midwall flaws show complete lateral and backwall signals, plus diffraction
signals. For a planar flaw the presence of both the top and bottom tip
diffracted signals on the B-scan image will depend on the depth and vertical
extent of the flaw and the PCS of the ToFD setup. Flaw tip echoes (if
observable) can provide a good profile of the actual flaw.
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If the flaw is sidewall lack of fusion, as in Figure 7.17 the depth would
probably not coincide with the root and the parallel scan would place the
shortest time travel with the probes centred at some point off the weld
Lack of sidewall fusion may often occur near the test surface. This can
result in the upper tip occurring in the dead zone, ie partly buried in the
lateral wave. This may increase the amplitude of the lateral wave as a clue
at the upper tip will not be possible to identify without lateral wave
Transverse flaws
Transverse flaws when detected using a nonparallel scan are similar to a
point diffractor. The ToFD scan displays a typical hyperbola. Normally, it
would not be possible to differentiate transverse flaws from near-surface
pores using ToFD. Further inspection using other techniques would be
recommended (eg pulse-echo UT or MPI or LPI) would be needed to better
establish the nature of the flaw causing the indication.
Figure 7.18 indicates a signal seen from a parallel scan past a transverse
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Some techniques have used a supplemental scan with the ToFD probe-pair
skewed 45o to the weld axis. This is intended to increase the diffracting area
and thereby increase the signal amplitude to enhance the probability of
detection. Ability to use this option depends on the weld cap size.
Interpass non-fusion
The only difference (from a UT perspective) between interpass (inter-run)
non-fusion and lack of side-wall fusion is the orientation of the unfused
metal. Interpass non-fusion presents a large area for the beam to interact
with. As a result, the beam is reflected rather than diffracted. The result is a
very large amplitude signal. The principles and signals are shown in Figure
Transmitter Receiver
Back wall
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Porosity appears as a series of hyperbolic curves of varying amplitudes,
depths and lateral positions as illustrated in Figure 7.20. B-scan images of
cluster porosity superimpose the hyperbolic curves since the individual
pores are closely spaced.
Since the scattering nature of pores can provide multiple paths after
interactions with several adjacent pores, there is no way to use the depth of
the lower arcs to estimate the lower bound of the pore cluster. ToFD may be
a useful method to detect the porosity but other methods should be used to
improve sizing.
Cracking has a variety of causes and shapes. Therefore no single
description is appropriate to describe the ToFD signals associated with
The B-scan image in figure 7.21 illustrates the signal that results from
copper pickup in a gas metal arc weld (GMAW) process. The copper
introduced into the melt embrittles the metal and a dendritic crack forms as
the molten metal solidifies. As subsequent weld passes are made the
remelting of the lower metal puts the copper back into solution and draws it
up to higher and higher levels. The indication is generally short (the
illustrated crack is only about 20-30mm long) but extends from the region
near the root up to the penultimate weld pass nearest the test surface.
Due to its dendritic nature, this flaw is poorly (if ever) detected by pulse-
echo UT. Cracks in tension tend to ensure the facets are open to air,
however, under compression the facets may be pressed hard against one
another and the acoustic impedance at the boundary will be closely
matched. This can make some cracks transparent.
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Mismatch (high-low)
Mismatch is not a welding flaw. It is a geometric condition whereby one side
of a butt weld is higher or lower than the other (and assumes equal
thicknesses are being joined). Although it is not a flaw condition, it is of
concern because it can be the source of real welding flaws.
This is problematic for ToFD in that the most likely place the non-fusion
occurs in the root is on the low side. In the ToFD configuration the low side
is lost in the backwall and so the flaw may go undetected.
Figure 7.22 illustrates the conditions leading to the ToFD signals and Figure
7.23 illustrates the typical splitting that is seen on the backwall signal where
mismatch occurs.
The image in Figure 7.22 uses a 2mm difference between the low side (left)
and high side (right). A heavy black line on the bottom of the figure
illustrates the nominal wall thickness for the plates when equally positioned
and the ToFD beam divergence for the nominal condition is illustrated in
The soundpath from the midpoint of the backwall to the ToFD receiver is
indicated as approximately 32mm. When the mismatch occurs the probe on
the right is raised and path from the low side increases to 36mm and on the
high side it decreases to 31mm.
Both the high and the low side backwall signals are detected but the high
side now occurs earlier than the arrival for the condition when both were at
the same height and the low side occurs later than when both sides were at
the same height.
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High side
Low side
Sides Even
This is not a complete coverage of all possible defects and conditions that
could be detected and assessed with ToFD. As noted earlier, the sort of
characterisation of flaws typically allowed by manual pulse-echo (or
radiography) is not possible when using ToFD so the methodology of
classification as noted in BS 7706 (point, threadlike and planar) is
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1 2 3 5
1 Initial compression.
2 Shear headwave.
3 Upper tip compression.
4 Lower tip compression.
5 Mode converted shear off upper tip.
6 Mode converted compression off shear headwave.
The compression mode (1) is generating the shear headwave (2) at the part
surface. The compression wave velocity ensures that it is the first arrival at
the notch and forms the upper and lower diffracted compression waves (3
and 4). But this diffraction of the compression mode also generates a mode
converted shear (5).
Then as the shear headwave hits the notch it too diffracts a shear mode but
also mode converts to form a compression wave (6). Since it is nearly
double the velocity, the mode converted compression (6) will arrive at the
receiver before the mode converted shear (5).
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When the flaw is so close to the receiver the travel time for the mode
converted compression off the shear headwave may arrive prior to the
compression reflected backwall signal.
Depending on the depth and the relative signal strengths, it may be possible
to see both the direct compression mode diffracted signals (3 and 4) and the
diffracted mode converted shear signals. This is common enough for signals
seen after the backwall verifying the presence of a flaw seen (sometimes
poorly) from the longitudinal diffractions.
Conditions for both signals to arrive prior to the backwall must satisfy certain
timing requirements. These are indicated in Figure 7.25.
T2 L1 T1
Ls T4 S3 T3
L6 T6 L5
Similarly, the mode converted shear from the direct incident compression
wave may also provide a signal that can arrive prior to the backwall.
When the full time range is displayed the indication can be seen multiple
times. This is indicated in Figure 7.26 for a flaw 5mm below the surface with
a vertical extent of 8mm. The upper tip indication is seen again at 22mm
depth and the multiples are seen in the mode converted region after the
Rev 1 November 2010
Data and Quality Analysis
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Section 8
In 2000 an ASME code case (Code case 2235) was published that
permitted the use of ultrasonic test methods in lieu of radiography on all
ASME Section VIII welds one half inch (12.5mm) thickness and greater.
Provided the ultrasonic technique used met a list of prerequisites any
ultrasonic technique could be used.
1 The ultrasonic examination area shall include the volume of the weld,
plus the HAZ plus 6mm beyond the heat affected zone on each side of
the weld, provided the following requirements are met:
a The extent of the weld HAZ is measured and documented during the
weld qualification process.
b The ultrasonic (UT) transducer positioning and scanning device is
controlled using a reference mark (paint or low stress stamp adjacent
to the weld) to ensure that the actual HAZ plus an additional 1⁄4in.
(6mm) of base metal is examined.
Rev 1 November 2010
Codes and Standards
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a One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the vessel OD
b One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the vessel ID
c One subsurface flaw.
d If the block can be flipped during UT examination, then one flaw may
represent both the ID and OD surfaces.
Flaw size shall be no larger than the flaw in tables provided in the code
case for the thickness to be examined. Acceptable performance is
defined as response from the maximum allowable flaw and other flaws of
interest demonstrated to exceed the reference level.
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Codes and Standards
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This is not the complete set of details in the code case (now revised
numerous times) but from this we can see the highlights include requirement
for a computerised UT system with data recording, sizing capabilities of
height and length of flaws and a demonstration of detection capabilities.
Although the European Standards BS 706 and EN583-6 relating to the use
of ToFD predated the ASME Code Case 2235, they had no acceptance
criteria so it remained a good idea that was not widely used. The concepts
on which the ASME Code Case 2235 is based are called fitness-for-purpose
and these establish the tolerance to a flaw based on the toughness of the
material and its thickness and service conditions.
Subsequent to the ASME code case several other codes have incorporated
similar acceptance criteria based on the height of detected flaws. The list of
useful codes that allow ToFD and incorporate acceptance criteria includes:
The tables found in these standards are summarised below. Note: That
Tables 1 and 2 of the ASME code case do not provide a direct value.
Instead, an aspect ratio is indicated that requires a specific calculation for
the material thickness tested.
Rev 1 November 2010
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Note: This code is subject to revision check tables for actual values.
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Rev 1 November 2010
Codes and Standards
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Not all codes and standards provide acceptance criteria. Some provide just
the test requirements and leave it to construction standards to provide the
acceptance criteria.
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Codes and Standards
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Standards such as those listed above are the attempts of industry to ensure
a minimum level of functionality or quality. When a new method arrives
industry often lacks the research and development associated with that new
method. This was the case with ToFD where it took over twenty years from
its introduction in 1976 to establish the first Standards. It took another
fourteen to then establish the tools to use ToFD in day to day applications.
Section 9
Industrial Applications
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Industrial Applications
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9 Industrial Applications
ToFD may have had a slow start getting into industrial applications but now
several examples exist where users have found the advantages superior to
that of conventional manual UT. Several examples are provided in this
It was decided that the increased speed of ToFD could be used to increase
the amount of inspection and thereby increase probability of detecting any
serious flaws. The wall thickness (nearly 60mm) would have made it
necessary to use Cobalt 60 compounding the safety issues and reducing
the detection capability.
Figure 9.1 Butane sphere ToFD inspection, Image courtesy NDT do Brazil.
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The technique employed for this problem used a ToFD profiling of the
backwall because conventional (zero degree compression wave) wall
thickness measurement techniques were inappropriate due to poor surface
access and inability to accurately determine the mis-oriented surfaces of the
irregular flaw conditions involved. The principles are illustrated in Figure 9.2.
Figure 9.2 Weld root erosion Images, courtesy NDT Inspection and Testing Ltd.
Figure 9.3 illustrates the combination of ToFD and normal beam corrosion
mapping on a Monel clad vessel in a refinery in India. Areas of cladding
breakdown were identified and depth assessed. This allowed the affected
areas to be monitored and repaired.
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Cladding breakdown
Cladding interface
Fatigue cracking
Vibrations or cyclic loading can set up conditions that risk fatigue on
components. When potential areas are identified for this failure mechanism
they can be monitored. An internal attachment in a heat exchanger was the
site for such a problem.
Figure 9.4 illustrates the location and ToFD detection of a deep (80%
through wall) crack. Note: In spite of being 80% through wall the backwall is
not completely washed out in the ToFD image (although this
characterisation of washed out backwall is often used as the identifier of a
deep surface connected flaw). MPI was used for confirmation of flaw
removal prior to repair and ToFD was again used to assess the quality of
the weld repair.
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Figure 9.4 Fatigue cracking detection, Images courtesy NDT Inspection and
Testing Ltd.
A notable difference can be made when the material and geometry is more
uniform like that of butt welds. On nuclear materials using much shorter λ
and perfect geometry, repeatable accuracies of ± 0.1mm have been
achieved using shear mode ToFD1. Lindenshmidt used an immersion ToFD
configuration with 25MHz probes and a 45 degrees shear mode to size
cracks in Zirconium/Niobium tubing having a wall thickness of only 4mm.
On the right is a ToFD scan using a 7.5MHz phased array probe using
twelve elements (equivalent to a 12mm element) on a 32mm wall thickness.
The only differences are those relating to signal duration. The phased array
results are seen to have lower frequency content (as determined by the
longer duration of lateral wave).
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The phased array operator has the ability to use a focused beam to improve
sizing resolution. Phased array features such as multiple beam angles and
beam divergence characteristics can be carried out simultaneously in a
single scan whereas a single element process would require a large
scanning array or multiple scans of the same test specimen.
Backscatter sizing
Early in this manual we defined ToFD to be the ultrasonic technique that
uses diffracted signals from forward scattering so uses two probes.
However, diffraction effects result in a spherical or cylindrical wave so also
has components that are scattered backwards towards the transmitter.
When we reviewed the requirements in the ASME code case 2235 it was
seen that the techniques used could be non-amplitude based. It was also a
requirement that the technique used had to be capable of sizing flaws
detected. Some have opted to use the traditional pulse-echo techniques as
the detection method and then use a time-of-flight, or tip-echo technique to
size any flaws detected by the pulse-echo inspection.
Figure 9.6 illustrates the principles of the backscatter sizing technique for a
surface-breaking flaw. Note: The same principles can be used for both
single element and bi-modal dual element probe techniques but the
examples indicate a simple shear mode with the two conditions of the probe
positioned to peak on the flaw tip in the first half skip (upper) or second half
skip (lower).
Rev 1 November 2010
Industrial Applications
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For a midwall planar flaw the general condition for the origin of tip diffracted
signals can be described as in Figure 9.7. The delta time between D1 and D2
does allow for some estimate of sizing via the equation
t sin
Where D is the distance between the defect extremities and θ is the angle
that the incident beam makes with the line perpendicular to the planar
Flaw of Size D
D1 D2
Rev 1 November 2010
Industrial Applications
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This information on backscatter tip diffraction sizing has been added here
merely to indicate that not all time of flight diffraction signals are treated the
same; however, the origin of the diffracted pulses is identical in both cases.
The gantry from which the probes are moved is moveable from disk to disk
and the scans carried out by rotating the turbine unit so the entire volume of
concern is scanned.
Figure 9.8 illustrates the turbine with the cover removed and the probe
gantry positioned to access one of the disks. The image on the right
illustrates the scans made. These include a small angle shear pulse-echo
relying on the corner effect, a high angle shear pulse-echo relying on the
tangential effect, a zero degree in the radial direction to assess for corrosion
and ToFD to size and flaws detected by the pulse-echo techniques.
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Industrial Applications
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Turbine rotors
Another application of ToFD is carried out on the turbine rotor shaft. This is
machined to hold the disks and couple to the generator. The transitions from
one diameter to another present a particular concern for thermal fatigue
Space is limited and the elevation differences between the probe access
surfaces means that the ToFD techniques for some of these geometries
provides no lateral or backwall signal. Figure 9.9 illustrates a turbine rotor
shaft packed on a rail car ready to deliver to the location where the turbine
disks will be shrunk-fit.
Figure 9.9 Turbine rotor shaft photo courtesy Japan Steel Works.
Rev 1 November 2010
Industrial Applications
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Section 10
NDT-Inspection – UK (several case examples).
Automated Ultrasonic Inspection of Welds, IIW Sub-Commission VC, The
International Institute of Welding 1989.
Rev 1 November 2010
Other Reading and References
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Journal articles
Sizing crack like defects by ultrasonic means, by M.G. Silk, in Research
Techniques in Non-destructive Testing, vol. 3, ed. by R S Sharpe, Academic
Press, London, 1977.
Rev 1 November 2010
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The terms found in this glossary are the result of a contribution from several
of the industry manufacturers and users.
Probe centre spacing The distance between the marked exit points
(PCS) of a pair of ToFD probes for a specific