Water Saturation From Generic Capillary Pressure Curves

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The 17th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, September 29 - 30, 2011



Ko Ko Kyi and A. H. Asari Ramli


This paper was selected for presentation by a JFES program committee following calculated using resistivity logs is still the preferred
review of an abstract submitted by the author(s). standard method in the oil and gas industry. Spuriously
high water saturation has often been computed in
ABSTRACT hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs with low formation
resistivity. In thinly laminated sands or so called Low
Spuriously high water saturation has often been Resistivity Low Contrast pay sands, the water saturation
computed in hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs with low based on resistivity logs usually tends to be pessimistic.
formation resistivity, resulting in underestimation of This has invariably resulted in underestimation of
hydrocarbon resources. One common approach to hydrocarbon resources. Over the years several methods
overcome this problem is to use capillary pressure data have been developed to overcome this problem. Some of
from cores. Although technically sound, its main them are relatively simple and some more complicated,
drawback is that most wells often lack appropriate core involving resistivity modeling based on resistivity
data. This paper proposes that generic capillary pressure imaging tools or by deploying sophisticated resistivity
curves generated using core data from typical sandstone logging tools such as the Triaxial Induction Resistivity
reservoirs can be used to compute water saturation in tool. The results have been somewhat mixed. Another
other similar sandstone reservoirs from different fields, common approach is to use capillary pressure data from
areas or regions. This is based on the assumption that core analysis. Although this has a sound technical basis,
sandstone reservoirs having similar Rock Quality Index its main drawback is that most wells often do not have
(RQI) and wetability, will exhibit similar capillary appropriate core data. Several papers have been written
pressure behavior with respect to the water saturation. on this subject and methods described to derive
Generic capillary pressure curves have been generated resistivity-independent water saturation based on
using actual core data from several wells in Malaysia. capillary pressure data. In this paper, it is proposed that
Empirical relationships were established between curve generic capillary pressure curves generated using core
fitting parameters and RQI values of the core plugs. The data from several typical sandstone reservoirs can be
generic capillary pressure curves were then used to used to compute water saturation in other similar
compute water saturation in other wells, which do not sandstone reservoirs from different fields, areas or
have core data. The pseudo RQI values for these wells regions. This is based on the assumption that sandstone
were computed using the log derived porosity and reservoirs, which have similar “Rock Quality Index or
permeability. With these pseudo RQI values and height RQI”, expressed by the square root of the ratio of
above the Free Water Level, a water saturation equation absolute permeability and porosity, will exhibit similar
was derived, as a function of RQI and height. The results capillary pressure behavior with respect to the wetting
have been verified in test wells, which have their own phase saturation, namely water saturation. The authors
core data. In wells without core data, water saturation have produced generic capillary pressure curves based on
derived from generic capillary curves was compared with actual core data from several wells in Malaysia.
that computed from resistivity logs. These water Skelt-Harrison method is used to perform curve fitting
saturation values were found to be more realistic than on the measured capillary pressure curves. Empirical
those computed from resistivity logs alone. Well test relationships are then established between the curve
results, where available, also confirmed the validity of fitting parameters and the RQI values of these core plugs.
the method used and the reliability of the computed Based on these empirical relationships, generic capillary
water saturation. The results from these experiments curves are produced. These generic capillary pressure
confirmed the assumption that the generic capillary curves are then used to compute water saturation in other
pressure curves can be used to predict water saturation in wells, which do not have core data. The pseudo RQI
wells without core data. values for these wells can be generated using the log
derived porosity and permeability, computed either from
suitable porosity-permeability transforms or empirical
INTRODUCTION equations. Based on these pseudo RQI values and
“Height above the Free Water Level”, a water saturation
Water saturation computation is a crucial and integral Sw curve is generated. The resulting water saturation,
part of any petrophysical evaluation. Water saturation Sw

The 17th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, September 29 - 30, 2011

computed from the generic capillary pressure curves, has as a function of capillary pressure Pc, Rock Quality
been verified in test wells, which have their own core Index RQI and interfacial tension between water and
data. In other wells, without core data, the water hydrocarbon in the reservoir rock. The capillary pressure
saturation derived from generic capillary pressure curves at any height above the Free Water Level in the reservoir
has been compared with that computed from resistivity can be computed using the pressure gradients of water
logs. The water saturation values, derived from the and hydrocarbon. RQI is computed from the log derived
generic capillary pressure curves, were found to be more porosity and permeability or using a suitable
realistic than those computed from resistivity logs alone. porosity-permeability relationship derived from core data,
Well test results, available in some of the wells, also when available. Industry standard values of Interfacial
confirmed the validity of the method used and the Tension and Contact Angle can be used for appropriate
credibility of the computed water saturation. The results hydrocarbon type; to convert the laboratory measured
from this study demonstrate that generic capillary capillary pressure curves (which have been used to
pressure data can be used to compute water saturation in derive the Saturation Height Function) to reservoir
sandstone reservoirs for different fields, areas or regions, conditions. An appropriate pair of water and hydrocarbon
provided that the RQI values of these reservoirs are type should be used for the conversion to reservoir
similar to those from the wells where the core data was conditions.
taken. A Saturation Height Function has also been built
based on these generic capillary pressure curves. This
Saturation Height Function has been used successfully to PROCEDURE
distribute water saturation in geo-cellular models and
reservoir dynamic models for several oil and gas fields After carrying out quality check on available core data,
operated by PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. ten capillary pressure curves were chosen to cover a wide
range of Rock Quality Index (RQI) in different types of
reservoirs. These capillary pressure curves are then used
OBJECTIVE to build the water saturation model.

To develop a method which can be used to compute Using the Skelt-Harrison capillary pressure equation
water saturation independent of resistivity logs. This will (Eqn.1), curve fitting operation was performed to
give an estimation of water saturation based on the determine the curve fitting parameters a1, a2, a3 and a4.
displacement of formation water by hydrocarbon during Since there are ten capillary pressure curves, ten different
the drainage cycle of hydrocarbon migration. Water values of a1, a2, a3 and a4 were obtained.
saturation estimated using this method will be more
representative of the actual formation water saturation
based on resistivity logs, thereby leading to better Water saturation computation using Pc data
estimation of hydrocarbon resources.
Water saturation Sw can be computed from Pc using the
following equation (Eqn.1):
Pc a 4
100 a1.e
Drainage cycle capillary pressure data of several core SW _ SKELT
plugs were chosen from selected wells in the Malay 100
Basin, offshore Malaysia. Quality check was performed Where: a1, a2, a3 and a4 are curve fitting parameters (see
to validate the capillary pressure data from these core Figure 2)
plugs. Curve fitting of each capillary curve was
performed using the Skelt-Harrison method, whereby
curve fitting parameters a1, a2, a3 and a4 were computed. Rock Quality Index (RQI) computation
Correlations between these constants and RQI (Rock
Quality Index) of the core plugs were established and The RQI of the reservoir rock can be computed using the
equations for these constants as a function RQI were following equation (Eqn.2):
obtained. Synthetic capillary pressure curves can then be
created based on these equations, thereby relating the K
water saturation Sw as a function of PC (capillary
pressure), RQI (Rock Quality Index) and Interfacial
Tension of the rock at any depth above the Free Water Where: RQI = Rock Quality Index
Level. This Saturation Height Function allows the K = Permeability in md
estimation of Sw at any depth above the Free Water Level = Porosity in decimal fraction
in the field depending on the RQI of the reservoir rock at
that depth. It provides an equation for water saturation Sw

The 17th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, September 29 - 30, 2011

Curve fitting parameters as a function of RQI computed from resistivity logs. These water saturation
values were found to be more realistic than those
Draw crossplots for all a1 values vs RQI and obtain an computed from resistivity logs alone. Well test results,
equation for a1 as a function of RQI. Do the same for a 2, where available, also confirmed the validity of the
a3 and a4 values as follows: method used and the credibility of the computed water
saturation. The results from these experiments confirm
a1 = b1.Ln(RQI) + c1 the assumption that generic capillary curves can be used
a2 = b2.Ln(RQI) + c2 to predict water saturation in wells without core data.
a3 = b3.Ln(RQI) + c3
a3 = b4.Ln(RQI) + c4 This saturation height function has been tested and used
to compute water saturation in several geocellular static
Where: b1, b2, b3, b4, c1, c2, c3 and c4 are constants models for Full Field Reviews and Field Development
derived from appropriate crossplots relating curve fitting Plans. It has also been used successfully in reservoir
parameters as a function of RQI (see Figures 4 to 7). simulation models for the same fields. Hence
PETRONAS Carigali has adopted this Saturation Height
Function to be used to compute water saturation
Capillary pressure computation in the reservoir independent of resistivity logs.

At any point in the hydrocarbon bearing reservoir, a Figures 9 to 16 illustrate the comparison between the Sw
capillary pressure can be computed using the following computed from resistivity logs and the Sw derived from
equation (Eqn.3): generic capillary pressure curves, in several test wells. It
can be seen that the Sw from generic capillary pressure
Pc = (gw – gh).H curves is either similar or more optimistic than Sw from
resistivity logs. The solid curve is Sw from resistivity
Where: Pc = Computed capillary pressure (psi) logs and the dashed curve Sw from generic capillary
gw = Pressure gradient of water (psi/ft) pressure curves. These examples indicate that the
gh = Pressure gradient of hydrocarbon (psi/ft) saturation height function works well in both gas and oil
H = Height above Free Water Level (feet) bearing reservoirs from several different fields in
H = (FWL – Depth) in feet Malaysia, Myanmar and Egypt.

By substituting this Pc formula into Eqn.1 and replacing

the parameters a1, a2, a3 and a4 with their appropriate IMPACT OF WATER SATURATION
equations, the Skelt-Harrison water saturation equation
(Eqn.1) will now become an Sw equation as a function of Accurate computation of water saturation Sw will result
height above FWL and RQI of the reservoir rock. in better estimation of hydrocarbon volumes, leading to
more reliable assessment of the oil or gas field. This will
have a big impact on the economic viability of a project.
UNDERLYING CONCEPT A robust Saturation Height Function will result in more
accurate geo-cellular and reservoir simulation models.
Sandstone reservoirs with similar RQI (expressed as the This will subsequently lead to better prediction of
Square Root of K/ and wetability will exhibit similar production forecast, reservoir management plan and
capillary pressure behavior with respect to the wetting monetization scheme for the field. Therefore, substantial
phase saturation, namely water saturation. Therefore, the amount of revenue, in terms of millions of dollars, can be
Saturation Height Function derived from the core plugs generated by proper and accurate estimate of water
taken from the Malay Basin, offshore Malaysia, can be saturation using this Saturation Height Function.
used to predict water saturation in similar sandstone
reservoirs in other fields, regions or areas.

PROOF OF CONCEPT The results from the experiments conducted in this study
confirm the assumption that sandstone reservoirs with
The Saturation Height Function developed based on similar RQI and wetability will exhibit similar capillary
generic capillary pressure curves, using the method pressure behavior with respect to the water saturation.
outlined above, has been tested in many wells, both in Hence generic capillary pressure curves created using
Malaysia as well as overseas. The results have been capillary pressure data from a cored well can be used to
verified in test wells, which have their own core data. In predict water saturation in wells without core data,
wells without core data, water saturation derived from provided that the sandstone reservoirs have similar rock
generic capillary curves was compared with that quality index.

The 17th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, September 29 - 30, 2011


Figure: 3: Correlation between actual and reconstructed

water saturation curves

Figure 1: Selected capillary pressure curves

a1 f (K , )


Figure 4: a1 vs RQI plot, a1 = f(RQI)

a3 a4a4 a2 f (K , )

Figure 2: Curve fitting parameters controlling the shape

of a capillary pressure curve.
(a1 controls the irreducible water saturation, a2 and a3 control
the curvature and a4 controls the entry height pressure)
Note: a1, a2, a3 and a4 are obtained by using the
“Equation Solver” function in spreadsheet software.

Figure 5: a2 vs RQI plot, a2 = f(RQI)

The 17th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, September 29 - 30, 2011

Figure 6: a3 vs RQI plot, a3 = f(RQI)

a4 f (K , )

Figure 9 - Field-A, Well: A01, Location- Malaysia

Figure 7: a4 vs RQI plot, a4 = f(RQI)

Figure 10 - Field: B, Well: B01, Location: Malaysia

Figure 8: Comparison of Sw from capillary pressure

and Sw from Waxman Smits equation

The 17th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, September 29 - 30, 2011

Figure 11 - Well: C01, Location: Malaysia Figure: 13 - Well: E01, Location: Myanmar

Figure 12 - Field: D, Well: D01, Location: Malaysia Figure: 14 - Well: F01, Location: Myanmar

The 17th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, September 29 - 30, 2011


The authors wish to express their gratitude to the

management of PETRONAS and PETRONAS Carigali
for granting permission to present this paper.


Skelt, C and Harrison R., 1995, An integrated approach

to saturation height analysis: SPWLA 36th Annual
Logging Symposium, paper NNN.

Harrison, B. and Jing. X.D.,2001, Saturation height

methods and their impact on volumetric hydrocarbon in
place estimates, SPE Annual Conference and Exhibition,
paper SPE71326.


Ko Ko Kyi is a Principal Petrophysicist with

PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. and has over thirty years
of experience in the petroleum and energy industries,
having started his career in the oil patch as an engineer
with Schlumberger. He has worked in several countries
in various capacities, as a service company personnel,
Figure: 15 - Well: G01, Location: Egypt consultant and staff with operating companies. He has a
Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Rangoon
Institute of Technology. He is a member of SPWLA and

A H Asari Ramli is a Senior Petrophysicist with

PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. He graduated with First
Class honours BEng. in Mechanical Engineering,
minoring in Petroleum Engineering from Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS and joined PETRONAS Carigali
in 2006. He is a member of SPWLA.

Figure: 16 - Field: H, Well: H01, Location: Egypt


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