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SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015



Paul Pillai, Keith Boyle, Emmanuel Toumelin, Chevron Australia

Djisan Kho, Schlumberger

Copyright 2015, held jointly by the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log A continuous permeability measurement can usually be
Analysts (SPWLA) and the submitting authors.
inferred by the magnetic resonance log based on the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPWLA 56th Annual Logging
Symposium held in Long Beach, California, July 18-22, 2015.
free fluid and bound fluid ratio using the Timur-Coates
equation. The bound fluid volume is determined by
ABSTRACT using a typical T2, 33 ms cutoff. However, the
paramagnetic minerals in the formation are known to
The economic decision to develop a new field depends cause alteration in magnetic resonance relaxation time.
heavily on the reservoir quality which, in turn, is based In this example, the paramagnetic minerals caused a
on two factors: the storage capacity and the flow faster transverse relaxation time, hence a higher bound
capacity of the reservoir. The former is controlled by fluid will be computed if the T2 cutoff is not adjusted.
the porosity and hydrocarbon saturation and the latter is This phenomenon has been a difficult challenge to
control by the permeability. This crucial information solve in our industry. A new approach to compute the
are computed using sets of logging measurement which permeability was tried in this study where the
is often supported by routine and advanced core irreducible water computed from the dielectric log was
analysis data. The process of comparing the log based used as the bound fluid. The free fluid was computed
interpretation with the core results can be time by subtracting the total porosity with the dielectric
consuming and costly. New developments in logging irreducible water. The Timur-Coates permeability using
technology especially in geochemical and dielectric these inputs is more consistent with offset data and R
logging are aiming to improve the log derived confirmed by the mobilities from the formation
interpretation and reduce the uncertainties of the pressure testing tool. The new approach reveals an
evaluation. This paper presents a case study where the almost 300% increase of flow capacity compared to
integration of the advanced and standard logging tool is conventional methods in the studied section.
used to reveal the true potential of a gas reservoir.

For Chevron in Western Australia the standard

formation evaluation is usually based on spectral
gamma ray, resistivity, density, neutron, sonic and The Wheatstone field is located in the Northern
magnetic resonance logs. This logging suite has been Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia within adjacent,
proven successful in determining the reservoir quality north-northeast trending horst blocks comprised of
in clean gas sand reservoirs. However in new frontier Triassic age sediments capped by Jurassic and
fields the uncertainty becomes larger due to complex Cretaceous sealing shales. It is gas bearing and spans
mineralogy, the choice of saturation equation, unknown more than 600m of tilted Triassic age stratigraphy.
formation salinity and the paucity of SCAL data. In this Reservoirs generally exhibit excellent properties, with
case study, the standard logging suites does provide a permeabilities ranging up to several Darcies and
reasonable result, however, the introduction of the porosities between 18 and 27%.
geochemical log reveals the existence of iron-rich
heavy minerals, which suggests a higher calculated Three clastic reservoir intervals are typical of fields in
porosity after mineralogy correction. The dielectric log this region: Mungaroo Fluvials, Mungaroo Deltaics and
being sensitivity to water permittivity was used to Brigadier Shallow Marine deposits (Figure 1).
measure the irreducible water volume independent of
the inputs needed by a typical conventional water The Late Triassic marine Brigadier Formation overlies
saturation method. In oil base mud environments, the the Mungaroo Formation. It is composed of alternating
dielectric log can measure the irreducible water in the sand and shale beds whose thickness range from
reservoir as it is not displaced by the oil base filtrate. centimeters to decimeters. The beds are laterally
This advanced formation evaluation shows an increase continuous but the unit as a whole has low vertical
of 22% gas in place in a particular compartment. permeability. There is evidence in the Upper Mungaroo
and Lower Brigadier of a transition from a deltaic
SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

environment to marginal marine, upper to lower

shoreface, environment. These laminated sequence are APPLICATION OF KH
not resolvable on seismic. A reservoir acceptance criteria was generated based on
achieving an initial predicted well deliverability within
FORMATION EVALUATION OBJECTIVE adopted screen flux and reservoir drawdown
constraints. Using the petrophysical interpretation, a
Whilst the fluvial Mungaroo reservoirs are fairly
nominal development well completion interval was
straightforward to evaluate from a petrophysical point
picked based on maximising reservoir inflow while
of view, the same cannot be said of the Brigadier
preserving stand-off between the toe of the completion
reservoirs due to presence of thin beds coupled with
and the free water level.
complex minerals that affects the logs. This case study
focusses on the challenges in this formation.
Reservoir inflow modelling was undertaken using the
log derived permeability profile along the proposed
Legacy petrophysical interpretations through the
completion length. The open-hole gravel pack (OHGP)
Brigadier Formation typically relied on the traditional
screen flux profile at initial reservoir pressure was then
GR, Neutron and Density logs. Utilization of advanced,
calculated as a function of total flow rate to reflect
higher-resolution logs in the wireline program for the
inflow heterogeneity along the planned completion
development drilling campaign enabled more
interval. Results were measured against adopted peak
sophisticated and accurate workflows for determining
flux limits to assess whether or not well deliverability
key reservoir properties including reservoir net to gross,
would be expected to be flux limited at initial
porosity and permeability that provide a better match to
core data.
A probabilistic estimate of drawdown limited well
Obtaining a better understanding the Brigadier
deliverability at initial conditions used ranges of
formation has been a key objective of more recent data
average permeability along the proposed completion,
acquisition program. Improved characterization of the
combined with net pay and skin (mechanical and non-
Brigadier Formation not only has significant volumetric
Darcy) ranges.
implications, but also underpinned operational R
decisions during drilling, as the decision to complete or
Development wells are drilled to either twin an existing
abandon a well was based on the interpreted cumulative
appraisal well or drilled next to a dedicated pilot hole.
permeability thickness or flow capacity (kH), if the
Net pay ranges reflected both structural uncertainty
penetrated section did not meet the necessary kH it
between the pilot or twinned well and the planned
would be abandoned and a different orientation would
producer along with uncertainty in the final reservoir
be drilled. High quality interpretations were achieved
through acquisition of advanced logs including mineral penetration angle of the development hole section.
spectroscopy, dielectric and image logs. In addition, a
newer method of evaluation using a multi mineral FORMATION EVALUATION CHALLENGES
solver interpretation method improved the The main formation evaluation challenge in the study
understanding of the Brigadier formation by identifying area is the Brigadier formation where high iron contents
a rapidly varying grain density across the reservoir due in the form of siderite and pyrites are observed in the
to the presence of iron-rich minerals. core data (Table 1). The main mineralogy is quartz with
less than 10% of clay and around 5% K-Feldspar. The
Log data acquired in the pilot holes provided porosity is between 20 to 27%. A small presence of iron
interpretations of cumulative kH that formed a major mineral increases the grain density significantly from a
component of the well deliverability estimates. These typical 2.65 gm/cc of clean sandstone. Solving the
cumulative kH interpretations were made within a few mineralogy composition using conventional logs is
hours of drilling that helped decisions on whether to quite difficult considering the similarity of clay and iron
keep or side-track the well, and to provide TD estimates mineral effects to the density-neutron log response and
for the production holes. While drilling the production corresponding reverse gas effect. Additional log data is
holes, only real time LWD data is available, needed to overcome this challenge.
consequently the acquisition programme is focused to
gather essential data for making reliable petrophysical The Density-Magnetic Resonance (DMRP) method
interpretations in real-time for TD decisions. (Freedman et al, 1998) is commonly used to obtain
Understanding the effects and limitations of real time robust gas-corrected porosity and permeability in gas
LWD data in thin beds and high angled wells (~50-60 sandstone reservoir. The method is based on the
degrees) is crucial in estimating permeability and net simultaneous solution of the petrophysical responses for
SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

the formation bulk density and NMR measurements, 𝐾𝑡𝑖𝑚,𝑑𝑚𝑟𝑝 = KTIM, gas-corrected permeability (mD)
i.e: 𝜙𝐷𝑀𝑅𝑃 = gas-corrected magnetic resonance porosity
𝜙𝐵𝐹 = Bound fluid porosity using T2 cutoff
𝜌𝑏 = 𝜌𝑚𝑎 (1 − ∅) + 𝜌𝑓 . ∅. (1 − 𝑆𝑔,𝑥𝑜 ) + 𝜌𝑔 . ∅. 𝑆𝑔,𝑥𝑜 (1) 𝐴 = KTIM permeability mulitiplier
𝐵 = KTIM porosity exponent
𝑇𝐶𝑀𝑅 = ∅. 𝑆𝑔,𝑥𝑜 . (𝐻𝐼)𝑔 ∗ 𝑃𝑔 + ∅. (1 − 𝑆𝑔,𝑥𝑜 )(𝐻𝐼)𝑓 (2) 𝐶 = KTIM porosity ratio exponent

Where: The DMRP method gives good results in clean

𝜌𝑏 = measured formation bulk density (g/cc) sandstone reservoirs but is expected to be inaccurate in
iron-rich sandstone reservoirs. This is due to a
𝜌𝑚𝑎 = formation matrix density (g/cc)
combination of; the formation matrix density
𝜌𝑓 = flushed zone liquid phase density (g/cc) uncertainty which causes underestimation of the
porosity and the T2 cutoff shift from the presence of
𝜌𝑔 = gas density at reservoir condition (g/cc) iron which causes overestimation of irreducible water
∅ = total formation porosity (v/v) volume if the standard 33 ms cutoff is used. This will
result in an underestimation of permeability.
(𝐻𝐼)𝑔 = Hydrogen Index of gas at reservoir condition
(𝐻𝐼)𝑓 = Hydrogen Index of liquid phase One of the inputs to compute the DMRP gas-corrected
porosity is the density-derived porosity (eq 3), this
𝑆𝑔,𝑥𝑜 = flushed zone gas saturation requires accurate formation matrix density data.
𝑊 Unfortunately, it is difficult to calculate the mineralogy
𝑃𝑔 = 1 − exp(− ) = gas polarization function composition from conventional logs for the
aforementioned reasons. In most cases, the matrix
W = wait time of magnetic resonance pulse sequence density is assumed to be 2.65 gm/cc. Figure 3 shows the
𝑇1,𝑔 = gas longitudinal relaxation time percentage of porosity error in this assumption if the
actual formation density happens to be 2.70 or 2.75
gm/cc. A significant percentage error can be seen in
The simultaneous solution of those two equations for low porosity reservoirs. However, based on the core
the gas-corrected total porosity is given in the following data in Table 1, the error in this case study is expected
equation: to be around 10 to 20%. Additional data from
geochemical logs will be able to overcome this issue by
(𝐻𝐼)𝑔 ∗𝑃𝑔 𝜆∗𝑇𝐶𝑀𝑅
resolving the mineral composition in the matrix.
𝐷𝑃𝐻𝐼∗(1− )+( )
(𝐻𝐼)𝑓 (𝐻𝐼)𝑓
𝜙𝐷𝑀𝑅𝑃 = (𝐻𝐼)𝑔 ∗𝑃𝑔
(3) The effect of iron minerals on magnetic resonance T2
(1− )+𝜆 relaxation time was studied and reported in the past
(Dodge et al, 1995, Rueslatten et al, 1998, Zhang et al,
Where: 1998). The high magnetic susceptibility of iron
𝜌𝑓 −𝜌𝑔 provides a stronger surface and diffusion relaxation,
λ=𝜌 (4) hence increased T2 relaxation rate. Errors in irreducible
𝑚𝑎 −𝜌𝑓
water volume based on the standard T2 cutoff in iron-
rich sandstone is confirmed by laboratory NMR
And DPHI (Density derived porosity): measurements and drainage capillary pressure
𝜌 −𝜌
measurements. Lowering the T2 cutoff is the only way
𝐷𝑃𝐻𝐼 = 𝜌𝑏 −𝜌𝑚𝑎 (5) to obtain the correct irreducible water volume, however
𝑓 𝑚𝑎
it is difficult to quantify a variable T2 cutoff using the
conventional logs. Multifrequency dielectric dispersion
Once the corrected total gas porosity is obtained, the logs were reported to be capable of obtaining
corrected magnetic resonance permeability can be irreducible water volume in gas reservoirs drilled with
computed using the gas-corrected porosity in the oil base mud (Bean et al, 2013). Combining the
Timur-Coates equation as follows: dielectric log’s water volume and the corrected total
porosity using Timur-Coates permeability equation will
𝐾𝑡𝑖𝑚,𝑑𝑚𝑟𝑝 = 𝐴. 104 . 𝜙𝐷𝑀𝑅𝑃 𝐵 ( ) (6) provide more robust permeability estimates.


SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

GEOCHEMICAL LOGGING FOR BETTER reservoir. The interest in this technology declined by
POROSITY COMPUTATION early 1990s because of wellbore environment problems
such as borehole rugosity and that caused
Geochemical logging for petrophysical application was inconsistencies in the measurements.
introduced over 30 years ago. The tool designs evolved
from a pulsed-neutron generator (PNG) and a thallium- A new generation of dielectric tool was introduced in
doped sodium Iodide (NaI (Tl)) scintillator detectors 2007 and has several features designed to overcome the
(Hertzog, 1980), to tools based on gadolinium shortcomings of previous tools (Hizem et al., 2008).
oxyorthosilicate (GSO) (Scott et al, 1991), and bismuth The tool has a new antenna array with collocated
germanate (BGO) (Herron and Herron, 1996). Similar transverse and longitudinal transmitters and receivers in
technology with NaI detectors is also available in a fully articulated pad that is run in contact with the
logging while drilling (LWD) environments (Weller et borehole wall, thus avoiding many of the environmental
al, 2005). effects that plagued the first generation tool. The new
tool operates at multiple frequencies from
The most recent development in geochemical tools approximately 20 MHz to 1 GHz, allowing evaluation
utilizes a deuterium-tritium PNG and a large cerium- of dielectric dispersion, i.e. the change in dielectric
doped lanthanum bromide (LaBr3: Ce) gamma ray properties as a function of frequency. Analysis of
detector which has high-temperature performance and dielectric dispersion enables the separation and
high spectral resolution (Radtke, et al., 2012). The PNG quantification of different effects influencing the
inside the tool emits high energy neutrons (14-MeV) dielectric measurement, such as water volume, water
which interact with the atoms in the surrounding salinity and rock texture. It also allows for
formation and induces the emission of gamma rays via reconstruction of resistivity at the direct current limit,
inelastic scattering and thermal neutron capture equivalent to extrapolating the dispersion to zero
interactions. The resultant overall gamma ray spectrum frequency.
is then deconstructed into elemental yields based on the
characteristic standard spectrum of each element. By The ability of the tool in OBM environments to
definition, the elemental yields are “relative” in that the measure accurate irreducible water volume of gas
sum of either the capture or the inelastic yields for each sandstone reservoir located far enough up-dip from a R
spectrum is separately equal to unity. Elemental yields gas-water contact has been tested against Dean-Stark
are a function of the volumetric proportion of an core plug measurements and magnetic resonance logs
element in the measurement region, as well as the (Bean et al., 2013). This measurement is independent of
sensitivity of the tool to each element. These yields are resistivity logs and the T2 relaxation cutoff. However,
the starting point for determining quantitative elemental the data processing requires accurate total porosity and
concentration and mineralogical volumes. matrix permittivity inputs, hence running the tool with
geochemical tool is an advantage and highly
The conversion of relative spectral yields from neutron recommended. In this case study, the effect of iron-rich
capture into absolute elemental concentrations in term minerals on magnetic resonance make the
of dry weight elements is accomplished via a modified determination of irreducible water volume quite
geochemical oxide closure model (Grau and Scheitzer, challenging without adjusting the T2 cutoff. The
1989; grau et al., 1989). The dry weight elements are dielectric tool was thus run to overcome this issue.
used as the inputs into a multi-mineral solver together
along with conventional density-neutron logs to The Timur-Coates permeability equation (eq. 6)
compute the mineralogy fractions and the corrected requires total porosity and bound fluid inputs. An
porosity. This approach can achieve a better porosity improved total porosity can be achieved by utilizing
value in iron-rich sand reservoirs. Figure 4 shows the geochemical logs. The combination with accurate
data flow from the geochemical log measurement to the bound fluid measured by dielectric log will give a better
final interpretation result. estimation of the formation permeability. Equation 6
can be re-written as:
𝐾𝑇𝐼𝑀 = 𝐴. 104 . 𝜙 𝑇 𝐵 ( ) (7)

The first dielectric logging was introduced in the late Where:

1970’s (Calvert et al., 1977) as single frequency
measurements to measure water-filled porosity 𝐾𝑇𝐼𝑀 = Timur-Coates Permeability
independent of resistivity logs especially in thin bed 𝜙 𝑇 = Total porosity
𝑃𝑊𝑋𝑂 = Water porosity from dielectric log
SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

𝐴 = KTIM permeability mulitiplier bound fluid volume is expected if the standard 33 ms

𝐵 = KTIM porosity exponent cutoff is used. The irreducible water measured by the
𝐶 = KTIM porosity ratio exponent Dielectric Scanner (PWXO_ADT) is not affected by
iron content and is smaller than the BFV (track 7). The
The resultant computed permeability compares very new data shows significant increase of gas volumes
favorably with the mobility values from formation especially in the iron-rich interval (tracks 7 and 8).
testing. In turn, we can relate these improved
permeability estimates to core by leveraging the The combination of higher total porosity and the
historically good match of mobility values to core Dielectric Scanner’s irreducible water measurement
permeability measurements (Fig. 5). (PWXO_ADT) can be used to estimate the formation
permeability using Timor-Coates permeability equation
WORKFLOW (eq. 7). The free fluid volume can be calculated by
The following workflow was employed to determine subtracting the PWXO_ADT from the total porosity.
well deliverability. The new permeability from the ADT is almost one
- Wireline geochemical data was used to derive order of magnitude higher in the iron-rich zone as
porosity with the mineral-based evaluation. The compared to DMRP permeability (track 9). Based on
multi-mineral solver model calculates the regional knowledge of mobility data and its established
abundance of heavy minerals resulting in a higher proxy to permeability (Fig. 5), the formation mobility
average porosity and improved calibration to core measured by the formation pressure testing tool
data in the appraisal wells. confirms the higher permeability in this zone. The new
- The next step was to use this porosity with the flow profile shows significant contribution from the
dielectric data water porosity (PWXO) to derive upper zone which was previously under estimated by
permeability using Equation 7. Permeability was conventional log data. An almost three fold of initial
validated using mobility data from the formation gas flow capacity is expected in this particular sand
tester tool. A high sample density mobility profile package (track 10).
was obtained in the Pilot wells which proved to be
very beneficial in the validation process. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS
- The net reservoir was derived using high resolution Advanced formation evaluation, integrating
neutron/density logs as well as image logs. geochemical and dielectric logs, results in more robust
estimates of reservoir quality in the iron-rich gas sand
CONVENTIONAL LOG EVALUATION reservoir of the Wheatstone field. Geochemical logs
Figure 6 shows typical conventional logs across a provide significant additional value in obtaining an
package of gas sand. Density Magnetic Resonance accurate matrix density and gas-corrected porosity.
Porosity (DMRP) processing is used to calculate gas- New generation dielectric logs provide an independent
corrected porosity (track 5) and gas-corrected irreducible water porosity that further strengthens the
permeability (track 7). All the logs seem to converge to interpretation. Computed Timur-Coates permeability
the same conclusion that the reservoir is fining upward values using these inputs is more reliable compared to
with poorer quality reservoir towards the top of the formation tester mobility data. This encouraging result
section. The flow capacity and the predicted flow has provided Chevron with a significant input for
profile predominantly come from the bottom part of the optimizing placement and expected results from
sand package and there is no significant contribution production wells.
from the upper portion of the reservoir. The computed
hydrocarbon porosity thickness and kH using the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
conventional logs only are given in Table 2. The authors acknowledge Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
for its support and permission to publish the data shown
ADVANCED FORMATION EVALUATION in this paper. We also thank the technical reviewers for
Figure 7 shows the advanced log data set. The neutron their inputs and feedbacks.
induced gamma ray spectroscopy tool indicates iron
content increases towards the top of the interval, hence REFERENCES
increasing the matrix grain density (track 5). Once Bean, C., Cole, S., Boyle, K., Kho, D., Neville, T. J.,
corrected for the mineralogy, the computed porosity is 2013, New Wireline Dielectric Dispersion Logging
higher than conventional method. This increased iron Tool Result in Fluvio-Deltaic Sands Drilled with Oil-
content also relates to an increase in the surface Based Mud, presented at SPWLA 54th Annual Logging
relaxation in the formation and hence a faster magnetic Symposium, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, 22-16 June.
resonance decay. A higher magnetic resonance of the

SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

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basin, Western Australia, presented at SPWLA 51st Hizem, M., 2009, Dielectric Dispersion Logging in
Annual Logging Symposium, Perth, Australia, 19–23 Heavy Oil: A Case Study from the Orinoco Belt,
June. presented at SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium
held in The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 21–24 June.
Calvert, T.J., Rau, R.N., and Wells, L.E., 1977,
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California Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, California, Comeback: Applications in Oman for a New
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SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, Perth,
Dodge, S., Shafer, J. L., Garcia, A. G., 1995, Core and Australia, 19–23 June.
Log NMR measurements of an iron-rich glauconitic
sandstone reservoir, presented at SPWLA 36 th Annual Rueslatten, H., Eidesmo, T., Peterson, C.S., and White,
Logging Symposium, Paris, France, 26-29 June. J., 1998, NMR studies of a n iron-rich sandstone oil
reservoir, presented at International Symposium of the
Freedman, R., Chanh, C. M., Gubelin, G., Freeman, J. Society of Core Analysts, The Haque, Netherlands, 14-
J., McGinnes, T., Terry, B., Rawlence, D., 1998, 16 September.
Combining NMR and Density Logs for Petrophysical
Analysis in Gas-Bearing Formation, presented at Radtke, R. J., Lorente, M., Adolph, B., Berheide, M.,
Keystone, Colorado, USA, 26-29 May. Fricke, S., Grau, J., Herron, S., Horkowitz, J., Jorion,
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Geophysics, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1-9. Annual Logging Symposium, Cartagena, Colombia, 16-
20 June. R
Grau, J., and Schweitzer, J.S., Ellis, D. V., and Hertzog,
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spectroscopy logging measurements, Nuclear and Adolph, R. A., 1991, A new compensated through
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Transactions of 32nd Annual SPWLA Logging
Hertzog, R. C., 1980, Laboratory and field evaluation Symposium, 16-19 June, Midland, Texas, USA, Paper
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spectroscopy, Transactions of the SPWLA 37 th Annual Transaction of the SPWLA 46th Annual Logging
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Lousiana, USA, Paper E. USA., Paper JJ.

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Wireline Petrophysical Measurement, paper SPE measurements, presented at Society of Exploration
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21–24 September. USA, 9-12 August.

Little, J.D., Julander, D.R., Knauer, L.C., Aultman, ABOUT THE AUTHORS
J.T., and Hemingway, J.L., 2010, Dielectric Dispersion
Measurements in California Heavy Oil Reservoirs, Paul Pillai is the Petrophysicist for an Asset team in
presented at SPWLA 51st Annual Logging Symposium, Chevron’s Australian Business unit. After graduating
Perth, Western Australia, 19–23 June. with a BSc (Hons) in Comp Sc and an MBA, he joined
SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

Shell in Malaysia, moving from IT to Project Canada in 1985. The next 30 years were spent working
Management and then to Petrophysics, with a short with several operators in various locations until arriving
broadening in HR. After stints in Aberdeen, Malaysia in Perth with Chevron in 2010.
and Perth with Shell, he joined Chevron, Perth in 2012.
Djisan Kho is the Principal Petrophysicist working as
Emmanuel Toumelin is currently team leader for the Petrophysics Domain Champion for Schlumberger,
Formation Evaluation R&D group in Chevron ETC in overseeing the wireline logging operation in the
Houston. He graduated with a PhD from the University Western Australia region. He received his engineering
of Texas at Austin and has been a petrophysicist with degree (Hons) from Bandung Institute of Technology
Chevron since 2006, first in MidContinent Business and joined Schlumberger as wireline field engineer in
Unit, and then in Energy Technology Company. He 1994. He was assigned in different countries in the Far
published or presented 20 technical papers in the fields East and the Middle East of Asia, before attending
of NMR, dielectrics, conductivity, pore-scale modeling, Schlumberger Log Analyst Training in Houston in
and new NMR logging applications. He also received 2000. He has held several positions including marketing
several honors from the SPWLA. staff, senior petrophysicist, technical team leader, and
project manager. He was the formation evaluation
Keith Boyle is the Petrophysics Team Lead for the advisor for Schlumberger-KOC North Kuwait Jurassic
Chevron Australian Business Unit. After graduating Gas Development project before moving to Perth.
with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from
Carleton University in Ottawa in 1981, he worked for
Schlumberger as a field engineer, until joining Shell

SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

Figure 1: Stratigraphic column for the study area

Figure 2: Seismic data cannot resolve the zone of interest

Figure 3: Porosity error caused by incorrect grain density assumptions. The highlighted area is the porosity range
of interest in the studied reservoir.

SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

Figure 4: Multi mineral solver: data flow

Figure 5: Comparison of core permeability vs formation test mobility values

SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

Figure 6: Conventional log analysis showing degrading reservoir quality upwards.


Figure 7: Advanced logs from spectroscopy shows increased iron content upwards causing increased magnetic
resonance irreducible water volume. Dielectric log water volume shows better reservoir quality than conventional
logs. Permeability estimates derived from combining the dielectric’s water volume and matrix corrected porosity is
higher than DMRP permeability and is confirmed by formation tester measurements.

SPWLA 56th Annual Logging Symposium, July 18-22, 2015

Porosity Density Quartz K-Feldspar Siderite Pyrite Hematite Clay
v/v gr/cc % Weight % Weight % Weight % Weight % Weight % Weight
0.277 2.808 76.00% 4.00% 0.00% 10.00% 0.50% 6.00%
0.143 2.672 72.00% 5.00% 0.90% 0.50% 0.00% 4.00%
0.288 2.724 82.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.00%
0.201 2.691 76.00% 5.00% 4.00% 0.50% 0.00% 10.00%
0.252 2.668 75.00% 7.00% 2.00% 0.30% 0.00% 10.00%
0.272 2.652 81.00% 7.00% 0.90% 0.50% 0.00% 10.00%
0.267 2.648 89.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.20% 0.00% 6.00%
0.257 2.633 84.00% 7.00% 2.00% 0.30% 0.00% 6.00%
0.255 2.690 82.00% 7.00% 4.00% 0.30% 0.00% 6.00%

Table 1: XRD data from a nearby well showing the presence of siderite and pyrite.

Comparison of Storage and Flow capacity

Formation Evaluation Hydrocarbon Porosity Flow Capacity – K.h Table subhead
Methods Thickness (m) (mD.m)
Conventional data set 1.68 10,603 Table text
Advanced data set 2.05 31,324 Table text
Ratio 1.22 2.95 Table text

Table 2: Result comparison between conventional data and advanced data showing an increase of 22%
hydrocarbon porosity thickness and 295% of expected flow capacity. R


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