Trigonometry For Navigation
Trigonometry For Navigation
Trigonometry For Navigation
This activity is designed to support students who have experience applying the
trigonometric ratios to find missing sides in right-angled triangles.
Visible learning
Learning intention
To be able to apply trigonometry to solve practical problems involving distance.
Success criteria
I can construct a right-angled triangle around a diagonal distance on a map.
I can locate positions on a map in the direction of north, east, south and west.
I can explain how an angle communicates direction from a given location.
I can interpret information from a problem to construct a right-angled triangle.
Syllabus outcomes
A student:
Mathematics Stage 5 – trigonometry for navigation | 2
Mathematics K–10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the
State of New South Wales, 2022.
Activity structure
1. Display Figure 1.
Figure 1 – map 1 of Australia with the distance from Melbourne to Brisbane marked
2. Explain to students that we often want to know how far north, south, east or west one
location is from another. Location affects things such as temperature, sea breezes
and rainfall.
3. In this image, we can see the distance between Melbourne and Brisbane.
4. Have students engage in a Think-Pair-Share ( to discuss
what further information we need to be able to find the northerly distance displayed
on the diagram.
Possible answers could include measuring the easterly direction and using Pythagoras'
theorem or simply measuring the distance on Google Maps, both of which require us to
locate a point that forms a right-angled triangle.
Figure 2 – compass
7. Explain that a compass allows us to find angles that describe the direction from one
position to another. The main points of north, south, east and west are called the
cardinal directions or cardinal points.
Teachers could spend time showing students how to use a compass on their phone. They
could find the direction or angle to familiar landmarks around the school or town.
Figure 3 – map 2 of Australia with the distance from Melbourne to Brisbane marked
9. Take suggested answers from students. Share any answers with an interesting or
correct approach. Refer to Figure 2 when discussing the right angles in this situation.
The initial bearing needed to travel from Melbourne directly to Brisbane is approximately
31o. Students do not need any knowledge of bearings to be able to complete this task.
1. Display Figure 4.
2. Instruct students that they have been tasked with mapping NSW and need to make
sure that everything is recorded to scale. It won't be enough to know how far apart 2
places are. We will need to find how far north each of the towns and cities of Albury,
Deniliquin, Narrandera, Bathurst, Cobar and Ballina are from one another.
3. Display Figure 5.
4. Inform students that we have found the approximate distance between each location
by travelling as close as possible in a straight line from one town to the next.
Figure 5 – map of NSW with distances between towns and cities marked
5. Hand students a copy of Appendix A and ask them to read the examples individually.
6. Students can place their hand on the desk as a thumbs up when they have finished
7. Students are then to engage in a pair-share, discussing what is going on in each step
of the worked solution.
8. Students should attempt to answer the self-explanation questions.
1. Give all students a copy of Appendix B.
2. Have students complete this task, finding the distance north-south and east-west of
the 2 locations in each example to one decimal place.
By obtaining a map of the local area, teachers can construct a more relevant map.
Distances can be found using Google and angles are preserved in a map, so
directions can be found by using a protractor.
Bearings are acknowledged as being possible to set the scene for students, but
these measurements are given to students in all examples to reduce the cognitive
Challenge students to develop their own navigation on a blank map of the school or a
known location, showing all north-south and east-west distances.
Appendix A
North-south distance
o N
cos 68 =
N=205× cos 68
N=76.8 km
East-west distance
o W
sin 68 =
W =205 ×sin 68
W =190.1 km
Self-explanation prompts
Appendix B
Finding distances
Find both the north-south distance (N) and the east-west distance (W) between the 2
locations in each example, correct to one decimal place.
Remembering that the first northerly distance from Albury to Deniliquin was 76.8 km,
how far north have we travelled in total from Albury to Ballina?
The distance from Albury to Deniliquin was 190.1 km west. How far east or west
have we travelled in total from Albury to Ballina?
Sample solutions
o N
cos 31 =
N=1776 × cos 31
N=1522.33 km
Appendix B
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