Lues 3 Grade - Shared Social Studies Updated 2015-16 Unit: Locating and Interpreting Geographic Information (3.5a, B, E/3.6) DAY 1: Maps and Globes
Lues 3 Grade - Shared Social Studies Updated 2015-16 Unit: Locating and Interpreting Geographic Information (3.5a, B, E/3.6) DAY 1: Maps and Globes
Lues 3 Grade - Shared Social Studies Updated 2015-16 Unit: Locating and Interpreting Geographic Information (3.5a, B, E/3.6) DAY 1: Maps and Globes
Students will explore their interactive books and show what they already know about
maps and globes.
Have students open their SS textbook to page 6. Read and discuss pages 6 & 7
While reading you could ask students the following questions:
- How is a globe like Earth?
- How are a globe and map similar and different? (Draw a Venn-Diagram)
- What are the hemispheres? Name them.
- What imaginary lines create the Northern and Southern Hemisphere?
- What imaginary lines create the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
When you are finished with discussion and reading. Students should open up their
SS workbook and tear out pages 1-12. World Passport. This is going to make a
Complete with students the pages labeled Globe and Map & Hemisphere in the
pages they just tore out of their book.
SS wkbk, Reproducible 16
Start your lesson by going over the old continent song they learned in 2nd grade or
teach your students new one
Lyrics can be found on the One Drive D1 The Seven Continents Song/Rap
After viewing the song link, tell students that today we will be locating and
identifying the 7 continents and 5 oceans. Have students turn to pages 8-9 in their
social studies textbooks. Read and discuss.
While reading you could discuss the following questions with your students:
- How are continents and oceans different?
- Looking at the map..
o What continent is above South America?
o What continent is beside Antarctica?
o What continents are beside the Pacific Ocean?
o What continent is below Asia?
In the SS workbook, reproducible 16 has the diagram. Your students could fill it out
for continent. You could use this for all vocabulary words in this chapter as the unit
goes on.
What is it?
A large continuous land mass that makes up most of the dry land on Earth.
What is it like?
Big piece of land
What are some examples?
Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, North America, Antarctica, Africa
When you are finished reading and discussing, pass out the students World Passpor
that you collected from yesterday. Have students complete pages 6-9 as a whole
group, with partners, or independently. Students can take this home today!
Have students sing the Seven Continent Rap to begin the lesson.
Students should have their SS wkbks and tear out Reproducible 17 & 18.
Students will cut out the continents and ocean names on reproducible 17 and glue
them onto 18. After gluing, you could have them label each continent with their
correct name.
You could either do this now or give this to students for independent time:
Pass out the Continents and Oceans Mini Book. Use this to review yesterdays lesson.
Students could do this with a partner, as whole group, or independently. Use your
discretion. Give them approximately 10 min and then review for correctness.
I will be able to position and label all seven continents and five oceans.
I will understand that maps contain a title, legend, and compass rose.
When students are finished with the quiz, read and discuss pages 10-11 in students
Social Studies textbooks. While reading you could discuss the following questions
with your students:
o What is a region?
o What things to the regions on the map have in common?
o What are map tools?
o How does a map legend work?
o How does a compass rose work?
Pull up the D4 Map PPT on the OneDrive. You can use this to further introduce the
parts of a map. On the last slide there is a small map. Ask students various questions
about the map. Be sure to point out all the features you just discussed with them.
(Legend, Compass Rose, etc.)
I will be able to understand how to use a map by using a legend, compass rose, and
cardinal directions.
Review and explain the importance of maps to students and how and why they
are used. (Map title, map legend, compass rose, cardinal directions, ect.)
Hand out the guided practice worksheet Gators on the Go model how to
complete this worksheet for students on the ELMO.
Next, pass out the CW assignment Take me Out to the Ballpark. Students should
complete this worksheet independently.
This is a great website if you have extra time.
Interactive Website:
Last nights homework
SS textbook page 10
SS WKBK Reproducible 16
Guided Practice
o Roughing It WS
Scissors & Glue
o Jonas Ski Resort Map WS
Independent Practice Or classwork:
o Our Little Town Map WS
Extra: State Direction WS
HW Zoo Map WS
I will be able to understand how to use a map by using a legend, compass rose, and
cardinal directions.
Review last
What is it like?
A location
What are some examples?
The United States , We live in the Southern Region
Pass out the worksheet Roughing It WS. Students will need scissors and glue.
Students should complete this worksheet on their own. Model how to navigate the
on the ELMO. This worksheet should be used as a guided practice.
Continue guided practice with another worksheet. Jonas Ski Resort Map WS.
When you complete the Jonas Ski WS, pass out the independent practice/ classwor
titled Our Little Town Map. Students should complete this independently or with
partner. When all students are finished, check for understanding.
If time permits, you could have students complete the State Direction WS.
Zoo Map WS
HW Map Grid WS
I will understand the purpose of and how to read a pie chart. I will understand the
purpose of and how to read grid maps.
Open SS textbooks to page 11-13. Read these pages briefly and allow for discussion.
Here are some questions you could ask while reading:
o In what grid do we live in? pg.11
o Which continents are more than 6 million square miles? pg 13
o What continent takes up 9% of Earths surface? Pg.13
HW Geography
Study Guide
Splash Landing WS
o Scissors/Glue
Pass out the worksheet Splash Landing. Complete this worksheet with the
students, modeling how to find each location on the grid. (The cut-outs are bigger
than the actual squares, but it will still work out.)
Next, you are going to check for understanding by giving students the School to
Starbucks WS as a classwork assignment.
If time permits, you could complete the optional Taxi WS. This may be challenging
for students.
Geography Vocabulary WS
Geography Assessment
Geography Assessment