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Chapter 6


6.1 Introduction
Many practical systems are sufficiently nonlinear so that the important features of their
performance may be completely overlooked if they are analyzed and designed through
linear techniques. The mathematical models of the nonlinear systems are represented by
nonlinear differential equations. Hence, there are no general methods for the analysis and
synthesis of nonlinear control systems. The fact that superposition principle does not
apply to nonlinear systems makes generalisation difficult and study of many nonlinear
systems has to be specific for typical situations.

6.2 Behaviour of Nonlinear Systems

The most important feature of nonlinear systems is that nonlinear systems do not obey the
principle of superposition. Due to this reason, in contrast to the linear case, the response
of nonlinear systems to a particular test signal is no guide to their behaviour to other
inputs. The nonlinear system response may be highly sensitive to input amplitude. For
example, a nonlinear system giving best response for a certain step input may exhibit
highly unsatisfactory behaviour when the input amplitude is changed. Hence, in a
nonlinear system, the stability is very much dependent on the input and also the initial
Further, the nonlinear systems may exhibit limit cycles which are self-sustained
oscillations of fixed frequency and amplitude. Once the system trajectories converge to a
limit cycle, it will continue to remain in the closed trajectory in the state space identified
as limit cycles. In many systems the limit cycles are undesirable particularly when the
amplitude is not small and result in some unwanted phenomena.

Figure 6.1
A nonlinear system, when excited by a sinusoidal input, may generate several harmonics
in addition to the fundamental corresponding to the input frequency. The amplitude of
the fundamental is usually the largest, but the harmonics may be of significant amplitude
in many situations.
Another peculiar characteristic exhibited by nonlinear systems is called jump
phenomenon. For example, let us consider the frequency response curve of spring-massdamper system. The frequency responses of the system with a linear spring, hard spring
and soft spring are as shown in Fig. 6.2(a), Fig. 6.2(b) and Fig. 6.2(c) respectively. For a
hard spring, as the input frequency is gradually increased from zero, the measured

response follows the curve through the A, B and C, but at C an increment in frequency
results in discontinuous jump down to the point D, after which with further increase in
frequency, the response curve follows through DE. If the frequency is now decreased, the
response follows the curve EDF with a jump up to B from the point F and then the
response curve moves towards A. This phenomenon which is peculiar to nonlinear
systems is known as jump resonance. For a soft spring, jump phenomenon will happen as
shown in fig. 6.2(c).

Fig. 6.2(a)

Fig. 6.2(b)

Fig. 6.2 (c)

When excited by a sinusoidal input of constant frequency and the amplitude is increased
from low values, the output frequency at some point exactly matches with the input
frequency and continue to remain as such thereafter. This phenomenon which results in a
synchronisation or matching of the output frequency with the input frequency is called
frequency entrainment or synchronisation.

6.3 Methods of Analysis

Nonlinear systems are difficult to analyse and arriving at general conclusions are tedious.
However, starting with the classical techniques for the solution of standard nonlinear
differential equations, several techniques have been evolved which suit different types of
analysis. It should be emphasised that very often the conclusions arrived at will be useful
for the system under specified conditions and do not always lead to generalisations. The
commonly used methods are listed below.
Linearization Techniques: In reality all systems are nonlinear and linear systems are
only approximations of the nonlinear systems. In some cases, the linearization yields
useful information whereas in some other cases, linearised model has to be modified
when the operating point moves from one to another. Many techniques like perturbation
method, series approximation techniques, quasi-linearization techniques etc. are used for
linearise a nonlinear system.
Phase Plane Analysis: This method is applicable to second order linear or nonlinear
systems for the study of the nature of phase trajectories near the equilibrium points. The
system behaviour is qualitatively analysed along with design of system parameters so as
to get the desired response from the system. The periodic oscillations in nonlinear
systems called limit cycle can be identified with this method which helps in investigating
the stability of the system.
Describing Function Analysis: This method is based on the principle of harmonic
linearization in which for certain class of nonlinear systems with low pass characteristic.
This method is useful for the study of existence of limit cycles and determination of the
amplitude, frequency and stability of these limit cycles. Accuracy is better for higher
order systems as they have better low pass characteristic.

Liapunovs Method for Stability: The analytical solution of a nonlinear system is rarely
possible. If a numerical solution is attempted, the question of stability behaviour can not
be fully answered as solutions to an infinite set of initial conditions are needed. The
Russian mathematician A.M. Liapunov introduced and formalised a method which allows
one to conclude about the stability without solving the system equations.

6.4 Classification of Nonlinearities

The nonlinearities are classified into i) Inherent nonlinearities and ii) Intentional
The nonlinearities which are present in the components used in system due to the inherent
imperfections or properties of the system are known as inherent nonlinearities. Examples
are saturation in magnetic circuits, dead zone, back lash in gears etc. However in some
cases introduction of nonlinearity may improve the performance of the system, make the
system more economical consuming less space and more reliable than the linear system
designed to achieve the same objective. Such nonlinearities introduced intentionally to
improve the system performance are known as intentional nonlinearities. Examples are
different types of relays which are very frequently used to perform various tasks. But it
should be noted that the improvement in system performance due to nonlinearity is
possible only under specific operating conditions. For other conditions, generally
nonlinearity degrades the performance of the system.

6.5 Common Physical Nonlinearities: The common examples of physical

nonlinearities are saturation, dead zone, coulomb friction, stiction, backlash, different
types of springs, different types of relays etc.
Saturation: This is the most common of all nonlinearities. All practical systems, when
driven by sufficiently large signals, exhibit the phenomenon of saturation due to
limitations of physical capabilities of their components. Saturation is a common
phenomenon in magnetic circuits and amplifiers.
Dead zone: Some systems do not respond to very small input signals. For a particular
range of input, the output is zero. This is called dead zone existing in a system. The
input-output curve is shown in figure.

Figure 6.3
Backlash: Another important nonlinearity commonly occurring in physical systems is
hysteresis in mechanical transmission such as gear trains and linkages. This nonlinearity
is somewhat different from magnetic hysteresis and is commonly referred to as backlash.
In servo systems, the gear backlash may cause sustained oscillations or chattering
phenomenon and the system may even turn unstable for large backlash.

Figure 6.4
Relay: A relay is a nonlinear power amplifier which can provide large power
amplification inexpensively and is therefore deliberately introduced in control systems. A
relay controlled system can be switched abruptly between several discrete states which
are usually off, full forward and full reverse. Relay controlled systems find wide
applications in the control field. The characteristic of an ideal relay is as shown in figure.
In practice a relay has a definite amount of dead zone as shown. This dead zone is caused
by the facts that relay coil requires a finite amount of current to actuate the relay. Further,
since a larger coil current is needed to close the relay than the current at which the relay
drops out, the characteristic always exhibits hysteresis.
Multivariable Nonlinearity: Some nonlinearities such as the torque-speed characteristics
of a servomotor, transistor characteristics etc., are functions of more than one variable.
Such nonlinearities are called multivariable nonlinearities.

Chapter 7

Phase Plane Analysis

7.1 Introduction
Phase plane analysis is one of the earliest techniques developed for the study of second
order nonlinear system. It may be noted that in the state space formulation, the state
variables chosen are usually the output and its derivatives. The phase plane is thus a state
plane where the two state variables x1 and x2 are analysed which may be the output
variable y and its derivative . The method was first introduced by Poincare, a French
mathematician. The method is used for obtaining graphically a solution of the following
two simultaneous equations of an autonomous system.

are either linear or nonlinear functions of the
state variables x1 and x2 respectively. The state plane with coordinate axes x1 and x2 is
called the phase plain. In many cases, particularly in the phase variable representation of
systems, take the form

The plot of the state trajectories or phase trajectories of above said equation thus gives an
idea of the solution of the state as time t evolves without explicitly solving for the state.
The phase plane analysis is particularly suited to second order nonlinear systems with no
input or constant inputs. It can be extended to cover other inputs as well such as ramp
inputs, pulse inputs and impulse inputs.

7.2 Phase Portraits

From the fundamental theorem of uniqueness of solutions of the state equations or
differential equations, it can be seen that the solution of the state equation starting from an
initial state in the state space is unique. This will be true if
analytic. For such a system, consider the points in the state space at which the derivatives
of all the state variables are zero. These points are called singular points. These are in
fact equilibrium points of the system. If the system is placed at such a point, it will
continue to lie there if left undisturbed. A family of phase trajectories starting from
different initial states is called a phase portrait. As time t increases, the phase portrait
graphically shows how the system moves in the entire state plane from the initial states in
the different regions. Since the solutions from each of the initial conditions are unique,
the phase trajectories do not cross one another. If the system has nonlinear elements
which are piece-wise linear, the complete state space can be divided into different regions
and phase plane trajectories constructed for each of the regions separately.

7.3 Phase Plane Method

Consider the homogenous second order system with differential equations

This equation may be written in the standard form

where and n are the damping factor and undamped natural frequency of the system.
Defining the state variables as x = x1 and
variable form as

= x2, we get the state equation in the state

These equations may then be solved for phase variables x1 and x2. The time response
plots of x1, x2 for various values of damping with initial conditions can be plotted. When
the differential equations describing the dynamics of the system are nonlinear, it is in
general not possible to obtain a closed form solution of x1, x2. For example, if the spring
force is nonlinear say (k1x + k2x3) the state equation takes the form

Solving these equations by integration is no more an easy task. In such situations, a

graphical method known as the phase-plane method is found to be very helpful. The
coordinate plane with axes that correspond to the dependent variable x 1 and x2 is called
phase-plane. The curve described by the state point (x1,x2) in the phase-plane with
respect to time is called a phase trajectory. A phase trajectory can be easily constructed
by graphical techniques.
7.3.1 Isoclines Method:
Let the state equations for a nonlinear system be in the form

Where both


are analytic.

From the above equation, the slope of the trajectory is given by

Therefore, the locus of constant slope of the trajectory is given by

f2(x1,x2) = Mf1(x1,x2)
The above equation gives the equation to the family of isoclines. For different values of
M, the slope of the trajectory, different isoclines can be drawn in the phase plane.
Knowing the value of M on a given isoclines, it is easy to draw line segments on each of
these isoclines.
Consider a simple linear system with state equations

Dividing the above equations we get the slope of the state trajectory in the x1-x2 plane as

For a constant value of this slope say M, we get a set of equations

which is a straight line in the x1-x2 plane. We can draw different lines in the x1-x2 plane
for different values of M; called isoclines. If draw sufficiently large number of isoclines
to cover the complete state space as shown, we can see how the state trajectories are
moving in the state plane. Different trajectories can be drawn from different initial
conditions. A large number of such trajectories together form a phase portrait. A few
typical trajectories are shown in figure given below.

Figure 7.1
The Procedure for construction of the phase trajectories can be summarised as
1. For the given nonlinear differential equation, define the state variables as x1 and x2
and obtain the state equations as
2. Determine the equation to the isoclines as

3. For typical values of M, draw a large number of isoclines in x1-x2 plane

4. On each of the isoclines, draw small line segments with a slope M.
5. From an initial condition point, draw a trajectory following the line segments with
slopes M on each of the isoclines.
Example 7.1: For the system having the transfer function

and a relay with dead

zone as nonlinear element, draw the phase trajectory originating from the initial condition

The differential equation for the system is

where u is given by

Since the input is zero, e = r c = -c and the differential equation in terms of error will be
Defining the state variables as x1 = e and x2 =

we get the state equations as

The slope of the trajectory is given by

Equation to the isoclines is given by

We can identify three regions in the state plane depending on the values of e = x1.
Region 1:
Here u = 1, so that the isoclines are given by


For different values of M, these are a number of straight lines parallel to the x-axis.















Region 2:

Here u = 0, so that the isoclines are given by

or M = -1, which are parallel lines
having constant slope of -1. Trajectories are lines of constant slope -1.
Region 3:
Here u = -1 so that on substitution we get


These are also lines parallel to x axis at a constant distance decided by the value of the
slope of the trajectory M.














Figure 7.2: Phase portrait of Example 1

Isoclines drawn for all three regions are as shown in figure. It is seen that trajectories
from either region 1 or 2 approach the boundary between the regions and approach the
origin along a line at -1 slope. The state can settle at any value of x1 between -1 and +1 as
this being a dead zone and no further movement to the origin along the x 1-axis will be
possible. This will result in a steady state error, the maximum value of which is equal to
half the dead zone. However, the presence of dead zone can reduce the oscillations and
result in a faster response. In order that the steady state error in the output is reduced, it is
better to have as small a dead zone as possible.
Example 7.2: For the system having a closed loop transfer function
phase trajectory originating from the initial condition (-1,0).

, plot the

The differential equation for the system is given by


The slope of the trajectory is given by

When x2 = 0,

ie., all the isoclines will pass through the point x1 = 2, x2 = 0.

When M = 0,

When M = 2,

When M = 4,

When M = 8,

When M = -2,
When M = -4,

When M = -6,

When M = -10,


Figure 7.3
The isoclines are drawn as shown in figure. The starting point of the trajectory is marked
at (-1,0). At (-1,0), the slope is , ie., the trajectory will start at an angle 90o. From the
next isoclines, the average slope is (8+4)/2 = 6, ie., a line segment with a slope 6 is drawn
(at an angle 80.5o).The same procedure is repeated and the complete phase trajectory will
be obtained as shown in figure.
7.3.2 Delta Method:
The delta method of constructing phase trajectories is applied to systems of the form
may be linear or nonlinear and may even be time varying but must be
continuous and single valued.
With the help of this method, phase trajectory for any system with step or ramp or any
time varying input can be conveniently drawn. The method results in considerable time
saving when a single or a few phase trajectories are required rather than a complete phase
While applying the delta method, the above equation is first converted to the form
In general,
depends upon the variables x, and t, but for short intervals the
changes in these variables are negligible. Thus over a short interval, we have
, where is a constant.
Let us choose the state variables as x1 = x;

, then


Therefore, the slope equation over a short interval is given by

With known at any point P on the trajectory and assumed constant for a short interval,
we can draw a short segment of the trajectory by using the trajectory slope dx 2/dx1 given
in the above equation. A simple geometrical construction given below can be used for
this purpose.
1. From the initial point, calculate the value of .
2. Draw a short arc segment through the initial point with (-, 0) as centre, thereby
determining a new point on the trajectory.
3. Repeat the process at the new point and continue.
Example 7.3: For the system described by the equation given below, construct the
trajectory starting at the initial point (1, 0) using delta method.


The above equation can be rearranged as

So that
At initial point is calculated as = 0+1-1 = 0. Therefore, the initial arc is centred at
point (0, 0). The mean value of the coordinates of the two ends of the arc is used to
calculate the next value of and the procedure is continued. By constructing the small
arcs in this way the complete trajectory will be obtained as shown in figure.

Figure 7.4

7.4 Limit Cycles:

Limit cycles have a distinct geometric configuration in the phase plane portrait, namely,
that of an isolated closed path in the phase plane. A given system may have more than
one limit cycle. A limit cycle represents a steady state oscillation, to which or from
which all trajectories nearby will converge or diverge. In a nonlinear system, limit cycles
describes the amplitude and period of a self sustained oscillation. It should be pointed out
that not all closed curves in the phase plane are limit cycles. A phase-plane portrait of a
conservative system, in which there is no damping to dissipate energy, is a continuous
family of closed curves. Closed curves of this kind are not limit cycles because none of
these curves are isolated from one another. Such trajectories always occur as a
continuous family, so that there are closed curves in any neighbourhood of any particular
closed curve. On the other hand, limit cycles are periodic motions exhibited only by
nonlinear non conservative systems.
As an example, let us consider the well known Vander Pols differential equation

which describes physical situations in many nonlinear systems.

In terms of the state variables

, we obtain

The figure shows the phase trajectories of the system for > 0 and < 0. In case of > 0
we observe that for large values of x1(0), the system response is damped and the
amplitude of x1(t) decreases till the system state enters the limit cycle as shown by the
outer trajectory. On the other hand, if initially x1(0) is small, the damping is negative, and
hence the amplitude of x1(t) increases till the system state enters the limit cycle as shown
by the inner trajectory. When < 0, the trajectories moves in the opposite directions as
shown in figure.

Figure 7.5
A limit cycle is called stable if trajectories near the limit cycle, originating from outside
or inside, converge to that limit cycle. In this case, the system exhibits a sustained


oscillation with constant amplitude. This is shown in figure (i). The inside of the limit
cycle is an unstable region in the sense that trajectories diverge to the limit cycle, and the
outside is a stable region in the sense that trajectories converge to the limit cycle.
A limit cycle is called an unstable one if trajectories near it diverge from this limit cycle.
In this case, an unstable region surrounds a stable region. If a trajectory starts within the
stable region, it converges to a singular point within the limit cycle. If a trajectory starts
in the unstable region, it diverges with time to infinity as shown in figure (ii). The inside
of an unstable limit cycle is the stable region, and the outside the unstable region.
7.5 Analysis and Classification of Singular Points:
Singular points are points in the state plane where
. At these points the slope
of the trajectory dx2/dx1 is indeterminate. These points can also be the equilibrium points
of the nonlinear system depending whether the state trajectories can reach these or not.
Consider a linearised second order system represented by

Using linear transformation x = Mz, the equation can be transformed to canonical form

Where, 1 and 2 are the roots of the characteristic equation of the system.
The transformation given simply transforms the coordinate axes from x1-x2 plane to z1-z2
plane having the same origin, but does not affect the nature of the roots of the
characteristic equation. The phase trajectories obtained by using this transformed state
equation still carry the same information except that the trajectories may be skewed or
stretched along the coordinate axes. In general, the new coordinate axes will not be
The solution to the state equation being given by

The slope of the trajectory in the z1 z2 plane is given by

Based on the nature of these eigen values and the trajectory in z 1 z2 plane, the singular
points are classified as follows.
Nodal Point:
Consider eigen values are real, distinct and negative as shown in figure (a). For this case
the equation of the phase trajectory follows as


Where, k1 = (2/1) 0 so that the trajectories

become a set of parabola as shown in figure (b) and
the equilibrium point is called a node. In the
original system of coordinates, these trajectories
appear to be skewed as shown in figure (c).
If the eigen values are both positive, the nature of
the trajectories does not change, except that the
trajectories diverge out from the equilibrium point
as both z1(t) and z2(t) are increasing exponentially.
The phase trajectories in the x1-x2 plane are as
shown in figure (d). This type of singularity is
identified as a node, but it is an unstable node as the
trajectories diverge from the equilibrium point.
Saddle Point:
Consider now a system with eigen values are real,
distinct one positive and one negative. Here, one of
the states corresponding to the negative eigen value
converges and the one corresponding to positive eigen value diverges so that the
trajectories are given by z2 = c(z1)-k or (z1)kz2 = c which is an equation to a rectangular
hyperbola for positive values of k. The location of the eigen values, the phase portrait in
z1 z2 plane and in the x1 x2 plane are as shown in figure. The equilibrium point
around which the trajectories are of this type is called a saddle point.

Figure 7.7
Focus Point:
Consider a system with complex conjugate eigen values. The canonical form of the state
equation can be written as

Using linear transformation, the equation becomes


The slope

We get,

This is an equation for a spiral in the polar coordinates. A plot of this equation for
negative values of real part is a family of equiangular spirals. The origin which is a
singular point in this case is called a stable focus. When the eigen values are complex
conjugate with positive real parts, the phase portrait consists of expanding spirals as
shown in figure and the singular point is an unstable focus. When transformed into the
x1-x2 plane, the phase portrait in the above two cases is essentially spiralling in nature,
except that the spirals are now somewhat twisted in shape.

Figure 7.8
Centre or Vortex Point:
Consider now the case of complex conjugate eigen values with zero real parts.
ie., 1, 2 = j


Integrating the above equation, we get

which is an equation to a circle of
radius R. The radius R can be evaluated from the initial conditions. The trajectories are
thus concentric circles in y1-y2 plane and ellipses in the x1-x2 plane as shown in figure.
Such a singular points, around which the state trajectories are concentric circles or
ellipses, are called a centre or vortex.

Figure 7.9
Example 7.4:
Determine the kind of singularity for the following differential equation.
Let the state variables be
The corresponding state model is

At singular points,


Therefore, the singular point is at (0,0)

The characteristic equation is I - A= 0



2 + 3 + 2 = 0

1, 2 = -2, -1. Since the roots are real and negative, the type of singular point is stable
Example 7.5: For the nonlinear system having differential equation:
find all singularities.
Defining the state variables as

, the state equations are


At singular points,
So that the singular points
The singularities are thus at (0,0) and (-1,0).
Linearization about the singularities:

The Jacobean matrix J =

Linearization around (0,0), i.e., substituting x1 = 0 and x2 = 0

The characteristic equation is I - A= 0

i.e., (-0.1)+1 = 0 or 2 0.1 + 1 = 0

The eigen values are complex with positive real part. The singular point is an unstable
Linearization around (-1,0)

The characteristic equation will be

Therefore 2 0.1 - 1 = 0
1, 2 = 1.05 and -0.98. Since the roots are real and one negative and another positive, the
singular point is a saddle point.
Example 7.6:
Determine the kind of singularity for the following differential equation.
Let the state variables be
The corresponding state model is


At singular points,
So that the singular points
The singularities are thus at (0,0) and (-2,0).
Linearization about the singularities:

The Jacobean matrix J =

Linearization around (0,0), i.e., substituting x1 = 0 and x2 = 0

The characteristic equation is I - A= 0

i.e., ( + 0.5) + 2 = 0 or 2 + 0.5 + 2 = 0

The eigen values are complex with negative real parts. The singular point is a stable
Linearization around (-2,0)

The characteristic equation will be

Therefore 2 + 0.5 - 2 = 0
1, 2 = 1.19 and -1.69. Since the roots are real and one negative and another positive, the
singular point is a saddle point.


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