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SRyxI- A`TvIN (2023-24)
pwT pusqk dy AiBAws dy pRSnW dw h`l (English)
-:iqAwr krqw:-

Hardeep Singh
swieMs mwstr
srkwrI sInIAr sYkMfrI skUl Bwm huiSAwrpur

Sr.No. Chapter Page No
1 Crop Production And Management 1
2 Micro-Organisms:
Organisms: Friends and Foe 4
3 Coal And Petroleum 6
4 Combustion and Flame 8
5 Conservation of plants and animals 10
6 Reproduction in animals 12
7 Reaching the Age of Adolescence 14
8 Force And Pressure 16
9 Friction 19
10 Sound 21
11 Chemical Effects of Electricity 25
12 Some Natural Phenomena 28
13 Light 30
֍8th Class (Science) 2023-24 –(Chapter-1 Crop Production and management) (G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍

Chapter –①- Crop Production And Management

A. Fill in the blanks. 3) Earthworm is used for preparing:
Answers:- a) Compost b) Manure
1) Any micro-organism or animal that attacks on crops is c) Green manure d) Vermicompost
called a Pest. Ans.:- d) Vermicompost

2) Only one type of plants grown in a field is called a Crop. 4)The process of growing crop without using inorganic
3) Crops grown in winter are called Rabi crops. fertilizer is called -
a) Organic farming b) Hybridization
4) Production and management of fish is called pisciculture. c) Mixed cropping d) Crop rotation
5) Selling of crop yield in market is called marketing. Ans.:- a) Organic farming
5) Three macronutrients are:-
6) Production and management of honey is called
a) Phosphorus, carbon and iron
b) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
7) Grains are stored at home in iron sheet silos .
c) Potassium, calcium and magnesium
B. Write True (T) or False (F). d) Nitrogen, hydrogen and chlorine

1) Pisciculture deals with growing of fruits and vegetables. Ans.:- b) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
Ans- False 6) The process of cleaning grains from chaff is called:
2) Excessive use of fertilizers can turn soil acidic or basic. a) Harvesting b) Broadcasting
Ans- True c) Thrashing d) Winnowing
3) Manure contains more nutrients (in quantity) than Ans.:- d) Winnowing
Ans- False E. Very Short Answer type questions.
4) A wooden plank is used for digging the soil. 1) Name any two animals reared for milk.
Ans- False Ans:- a) Cows b) buffaloes.
5) A plough is an agricultural tool used for tilling the soil.
Ans- True 2) Name any two ancient methods of irrigation.
Ans:- a) Persian wheel (Halt) b) Dhekli
C. Match column A with B column:
Ans- Correct matching is as Follows:- 3) What is a plough?
Ans:- Plough is used for ploughing, tilling, turning over the
Column A Column B
soil and mixing the manure into the soil.
1) It is an agriculture tool/ A. Urea
4) Where are vegetables and fruits stored?
machinery which can reap
Ans:- Vegetables and fruits are stored in cold storages.
and thresh grains.
F. Short Answer type Questions.
2) Keeping birds for meat and B. Rabi crops
5) What is a weed? Name any two weeds, and one
eggs is called.
method of removing them.
3) It is nitrogen rich fertilizer C. Kharif crops Ans:- a) Weeds are unwanted plants that grow along with
4) Barley and mustard D. Poultry the crop.
b) examples- Amaranthus (Chulai) and Chenopodium
5) Maize and paddy E. Combine
c) Removal of weed from the field is called weeding. One
D. Choose the correct answer: method of removing weeds is uprooting weeds with
1) Broadcasting is a method of-
a) Weeding b) Sowing 6) What is hybridization? How is it useful?
c) Irrigation d) Reaping Ans:- a) Producing new crop varieties with crossing two or
Ans.:- b) Sowing more plants of unlike genetic constitution is called
2) The type of irrigation best suited for the place where there b) Hybridization increases crop yield and disease resistance
is scarcity of water is- of crops.
a) Furrow irrigation b) Sprinkle irrigation
7) What are bio fertilizers?
c) Drip irrigation d) Basin irrigation
Ans:- Micro organisms like Rhizobium (bacteria) and
Ans.:- c) Drip irrigation
Azotobacter that act to increase soil fertility are called
bio fertilizers . Their action, like nitrogen fixation
directly increases soil fertility.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 1

֍8th Class (Science) 2023-24 –(Chapter-1 Crop Production and management) (G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍

8) What are different ways of sowing seeds? :- For improved crop yield following practices are involved:-
Ans:- There are three main ways of sowing seeds:- 1) Selection of good and healthy seeds of traditional crops
1) Broadcasting were selected and sown.
2) Seeds of exotic breeds of crops were imported and
2) Sowing by hand.
3) Sowing with seed drill. 3) Hybridisation of Indian crop varieties with imported
ones produce new breeds which are able to withstand the
9) What do you mean by transplantation? local climate along with giving higher yields.
Ans:- Transplantation is the process of growing seeds of 4) With the use of tractors and other modern machines,
agriculture has been accelerated which has increased the
some plants in nursery and transplantation of grown
plantlets in the fields manually. 5) Use of fertilizers, insecticides and weedicides promoted
for example paddy is grown in small beds and after 20-30 to increase the crop yield.
days it is transplanted in the fields. 13) Explain how vermicompost is prepared?
Ans:- Earthworms convert decomposed animal dung into
10) What is a pest. Give examples? nutrient rich manure called vermicompost.
Ans:- Any type of micro-organisms or animals that attack
Steps of making vermicompost is as Follows:-
crops plants is called a Pest. Examples are- insects, birds,
1. Two adjacent beds (Pits) are made by using bricks and
rodents, big animals etc. cement. These pits are made at ground level and
G. Long Answer type questions. connected to each other by alternate holes.
2. Mixture of animal dung and leaves are watered and left to
11) Write differences between manure and fertilizer? decay in first pit for about 30 days.
Ans.- Differences are as follows-
3. Now earthworms are released in the pit and animal dung,
Manure Fertilizer
1. Manure is organic in nature -Fertilizer is inorganic in leaves and water are put in second pit. both the pits is
nature. kept moist by sprinkling water over it.
2. Manure is prepared in the -Fertilizer is prepared in 4. After 40-45 days, the compost in first pit is changed to
fields. factories.
3. Manure is made up of animal - Fertilizer is made up of vermicompost and it made to dry.
dung and other organic wastes. inorganic salts. 5. after this vermicompost is sieved and cocoons of
4. Manure provides a lot of humus -Fertilizer does not provide earthworms along with earthworms are put in the second
to the soil. humus to the soil. pit.
5. Manure is relatively less rich - Fertilizer is very rich in
in plant macronutrients. plant macronutrients like 6. Again first pit is filled with animal dung, water and
nitrogen, potassium , leaves. And this process is repeated again and again.
6. More space is needed to store - Fertilizer can be stored 14) What are various agricultural practices? Explain any
manure. in bags. two?
7. Manure does not get spoiled in - Fertilizer got spoiled in
rain or sunlight. rain or excess sunlight.
Ans.- Production of crops involves many activities which are
8. Manure is sparingly soluble -Fertilizer is readily soluble known as agricultural practices. These are as Follows-
in water , so slowly absorbed by in water and quickly A) Preparation of soil
plants. absorbed by plants. B) Sowing seeds
12) What do you mean by crop improvement? Explain C) Addition of manure and fertilizers
various practices of crop improvement? D) Irrigation
Ans. Crop improvement refers to the ways of developing E) Removal of weeds
and breeding of crop varieties which are better than the F) Protection from pests
pre-existing crop varieties in a number of characters for G) Harvesting and threshing
a better yield. H) Storage.
For needs of growing population crop production had to 1) Sowing seeds :- Seeds are sown with different methods in
be improved. During seventh decade of 20th century there field. Crops are sown in fields by following methods.
was a revolution in agricultural practices. This was a) Broadcasting :Seeds of crops like, wheat, maize,
named green revolution. mustard, sesame may be scattered by hand. This method
is called broadcasting.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 2

֍8th Class (Science) 2023-24 –(Chapter-1 Crop Production and management) (G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍

b)Sowing by hand: After ploughing the field, a person .

drops seeds in furrows with hand. Potatoes are sown in .
furrows by hand.
c) Seed drill :It is a tool used for sowing seeds into a
specific depth and at proper distances in a field so that
seeds should germinate properly. Seed drill is also used
with tractor.
2) Removal of weeds- Weeds are unwanted plants that grow
along with the crop. They can be removed by :
a) Uprooting with hands.
b)Uprooting using harrow(dandral) or khurpa. Small
harrow driven by hand is called rake.
c) By using weedicides like 2,4-D Chemical.

12) What is meant by dairy farming? Describe the

various methods of dairy farming.
Answer- Rearing of cattle for milk is called dairy farming.
Cows and buffaloes are reared for milk. Methods of
Dairy Farming:-
a) Breeding double breeds of dairy cattle with long
lactation periods.
b) Providing adequate nutritious fodder to cattle.
c) Arranging a clean ventilated shed for the animals.
d) Protecting cattle from diseases and parasites.
e) Preparation of milk as well as milk based products.

End of chapter

Think and Answer-

1 ) Give any one factor responsible for sprouting of seeds.
Ans- Presence of proper moisture in soil.

2. Which occupation was the first step towards civilization?

Ans. Agriculture.

3. Are Floating seeds fit for sowing?

Ans. No. Floating seeds are not fit for sowing.

4. Which seeds get settled at the bottom?

Ans. Healthy seeds with good sprouting capacity get settled
at the bottom.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 3

֍8th Class (Science) Session 2023-24 –(( Chapter organisms:Friends and Foe (G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍
Chapter-2- Micro-organisms:Friends

Chapter –②- Micro-Organisms:

Organisms: Friends and Foe
Exercise E. Very Short Answer type questions.
A. Fill in the blanks. 1. Name the major groups of micro--organisms ?
Answers:- Ans.- 1) Bacteria 2) Fungi
a)Micro-organisms can be seen
en with the help of 3) Protozoa 4) Algae
microscope. 5) Virus

b) Lactobacillus is the bacterium that helps in the formation 2. What is food poisoning?
Ans.- Some harmful micro-organisms
organisms produce toxin in food
of curd. this process is called food poisoning.
poisoning Clostridium ,
c) Fungi like Aspergillus cause food poisoning. Aspergillus etc. are microorganisms that cause food
d) During pasteurization, milk is heated about 70°C to
3. Name three diseases caused by fungi in plants.
100°C then suddenly chilled and stored. Ans.- 1) smut of wheat and rice 2) Rust of wheat
3) Red rot of sugarcane
B.. Write true (T) or false (F):
4. Name two diseases caused by bacteria in cattle?
a) All living organisms can be seen with naked eye
eye. F Ans.- 1) Anthrax 2) Tuberculosis
b) Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to observe
F. Short Answer type Questions.
and describe single celled organism. T
5. What are viruses, name three
hree disease caused by
c) Penicillin is produced from Penicillium notatum. T viruses?
Ans.- Viruses are microorganisms that have characteristics
d) Micro-organisms
organisms which are helpful to plants and animals of both living and non-living
living things. They cannot
are called as pathogens. F reproduce on their own.. Their size is very small. They
cause many diseases like AIDS, COVID-19, Polio,
C-Match column A with column B Influenza etc.
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
6. Define vaccination, name three disease which can be
prevented through vaccination?
Ans.- Vaccination is the process of producing specific
types of antibodies by introducing less active
microbes into the body of a healthy individual.
With this our body can fight against those specific
microbes. In this way we can protect ourselves
against a particular
ticular disease. Diseases like P Polio,
D. Choose the correct answer: Chicken pox, Tetanus and Rabies can be prevented
a) Which one of following is not a bacterial disease? by vaccination.
i) Typhoid ii) Tetanus
G. Long Answer type questions.
iii) Cholera iv) Malaria
Ans.:- (iv) Malaria 7. How micro-organisms
organisms help in the following:
b) Which one of following cannot definitely be called living 1) Food industry 2) Sewage disposal
or non living. 3) Recycling of matter 4) Making of medicine
i) Virus ii) Algae 5) Retting of fibers 6) Tanning of leather
iii) Bacteria iv) Fungi
Ans:- (i) Virus 1) Food industry:- Lactobacillus is the bacterium that helps
in the formation of curd. Certain bacteria and fungi also
(c) Which one of these can make its own food? help in making of cheese.. Yeast converts sug sugar into
i) Algae ii) Bread mould alcohol by fermentation action. Yeast is also useful in
iii) Diatom iv) Amoeba bakery industries; it is used in making of bread, pastry
Ans. Algae/Diatom etc.
d)Which one of these diseases is prevented by vaccination. 2) Sewage disposal:- Some bacteria are used in biological
i) Malaria ii) Polio treatment of sewage and industrial waste waste. micro-
iii) Ring worm iv) Cholera organisms break down the organic content present in
Ans. (ii) Polio sewage. In this way, sewage treatment becomes easy.

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 4
֍8th Class (Science) Session 2023-24 –(( Chapter organisms:Friends and Foe (G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍
Chapter-2- Micro-organisms:Friends

3) Recycling of matter:- Microorganisms help in recycling

of matter by decomposing dead plants and animals. In 9. Draw shapes for various types of bacteria.
this way they enable nutrients (like carbon, nitrogen, Ans. Shapes for various types of bacteria are as shown in
figure below-
phosphorus, etc.) to go back to the soil.

4) Making of medicine :- Microorganisms (probiotics)

help in the proper functioning of the digestive system.
Antibiotics such as penicillin are made from fungi.

5) Retting of fibers :- Flax plant stalks are kept in water so

that the bacteria enter into the stem and destroy stem
tissue and loosen the supporting fibers. This is known as
retting. These fibers are used to make linen thread.

6) Tanning of leather :- Bacteria attack the skin of dead

animals and make it soft and pliable. After
fter This leather
can be dyed and used for making various items.

8. Describe various
arious methods to preserve food.
Ans.- The process by which food is preserved for a long time End of chapter
without losing its nutrients is called food preservation.
Think and Answer
Some methods of food preservation are as follows:
1. ) What is scientific name of bread mould?
1) Drying:- In this method water content is sufficiently Ans- Rhizopus.
reduced to prevent and to delay the growth of micro-
2) In which season most of the things in our house get
organisms. e.g. maize ,wheat, rice etc. are preserved for contaminated with fungus?
a long time by drying. Ans.- In warm ,humid summer.
2) Preservation using sugar and salt:- Sugar and salt 3) What gives green colour to algae?
withdraw water content from food and microorganisms. Ans. Chlorophyll.
This way the food stays safe. Meat, fish, vegetables etc.
4) Where is spirogyra found?
are preserved by applying salt. Fruit marmalade, jam, etc. Ans. In fresh water habitats like lakes and ponds.
are examples of food preservation with sugar.

3) Preservation using Acetic acid:- Vinegar stops the

growth of micro-organisms
organisms for this reason it is used as a
preservative in a variety of fruit and vegetable pickles.

4) Heat and cold treatment:- Food stuffs are usually boiled

before use or storage.. In pasteurization, milk is heated to
70°C to 100°C and then immediately cooled and stored.stored
By this process milk becomes free of microorganisms
and can be preserved for a long time.

5) Vacuum packaging:- Keeping dry fruits and oily food

items in airtight packaging prevents rancidity.

6) Freezing:- Many food items are stored below freezing

point. Low temperature kills or slow down growth of
microorganisms. In this way, food items can be
preserved for a long time.

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 5
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-3 Coal and Petroleum) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Chapter –③- Coal And Petroleum

I. Fill in the blanks. V. Very Short answer type questions:
Answers:- Q.1. Name any two In exhaustible sources of energy.
i) Coal and Petroleum are Fossil fuels. Ans- Sunlight , air
ii) Air, sunlight which can not be totally consumed by Q.2. What are petrochemicals ?
human beings are called Inexhaustible Natural Ans- Petrochemicals are useful substances that are obtained
Resources. from petroleum.
iii) Conversion of buried dead vegetation into coal is called
Q.3. In which state of India is the largest coal mine /field
iv) Burning of coal in air or oxygen produces Carbon
Ans- Jharkhand
dioxide gas.
Q.3(a) Expand CNG and LPG.
II. Write True (T) or False (F) for the following. Ans- CNG- Compressed Natural Gas
LPG- Liquefied Petroleum Gas
i) Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory. F
Q.4. Which variety of coal is found in most of the coal-
ii) CNG is more polluting than diesel. F mines in India?
iii) Coke is almost purest form of carbon. T Ans- Bituminous type of coal is most commonly found in
India. Coal in India is found in Jharkhand, West Bengal,
iv) Coal and petroleum are in exhaustible natural resources
Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.
of energy. F
Q.5. Where is Natural Gas found in India?
v) Coal-tar is mixture of various substance. T Ans- Rajasthan, Tripura, Maharashtra and in the Krishana
Godavari delta.
III. Match the correct answers from column with their VI. Short answer type questions :
alternatives in column -I
6. What are various varieties of coal ?
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
Ans- 1) Anthracite 2) Bituminous
Column –I Column II 3) Sub Bituminous 4) Lignite
(i) Used as fuel in kitchens (a) CNG 5) Peat
7. What are exhaustible Natural Resources? Give
(ii) Least polluting fuel for (b) Coal gas examples.
vehicles Ans The amount of exhaustible Natural Resources in
(iii) This gas is produced (c) L.P.G nature is limited. They can be exhausted by human use
during heating of coal. and activities. Examples of these resources are coal,
(In absence of air) petroleum, natural gas etc.
IV. Choose the correct answer from the multiple answers 8. What do you mean by Carbonisation?
(MCQ) Ans- Conversion of buried dead vegetation into coal is
called Carbonization.
i)The best quality coal is :
(a) Peat (b) Lignite 9. How are various products of Coal obtained ?
(c) Bituminous (d) Anthracite Ans- Some useful products are obtained by destructive
Ans- (d) Anthracite distillation of coal, such as coke, coal tar and coal gas. In
ii) It is a renewable energy resource- this process coal is heated in the absence of air or
(a) Coal (b) Petroleum oxygen.
(c) Wind (d) Natural Gas
Ans- (c) Wind 10. Why is Natural gas called cleaner fuel?
Ans- Natural gas called cleaner fuel because-
iii) This state does not have any coal mine- 1) It is less polluting.
(a) Odissa (b) Punjab 2) No residue remains after its combustion.
(c) Jharkhand (d) West Bengal
Ans- (b) Punjab 11. Write some harmful effects of burning of fossil fuels.
Ans- 1) Fossil fuels cause air pollution.
iv) This product of coal is used to repel moths (Insects)-
(a) Coal tar (b) Coke 2. Fossil fuels cause global warming.
(e) Naphthalene (d) Benzene 3. Fossil fuels cause acid rain.
Ans- (e) Naphthalene 4. Fossil fuels are Exhaustible sources of energy.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 6

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-3 Coal and Petroleum) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
VII. Long answer type questions : (Think And Answer)
Q.1. What would have been the right approach of
12. Write the tips advised by Petroleum conservation student groups (generations) towards consumption, of
Research Association (PCRA) to save petrol/diesel. natural resources.
Ans- Natural resources should be used judiciously only
Ans- (PCRA) advises people how to save petrol/diesel while
when necessary.
driving. Their tips are :-
1) Drive at a constant and moderate speed as far as Q.2.Define Natural and Man - made resources.
Ans- a) Some of materials used are available in nature and
are used in natural form. These materials are called
2) Switch off the engine at traffic lights or at a place where natural materials. For example - Sunlight, Wood, etc.
you have to wait. b) Some materials are manufactured by human beings in
industries. These are called man-made materials. For
3) Ensure correct tyre pressure.
example :- plastic, glass etc.
4) Ensure regular maintenance of the vehicle.
Q.3. Define exhaustible and inexhaustible natural
resources. Give example.
13. Write various constituents obtained from fractional
Ans- a) In exhaustible Natural Resources: These
distillation of Petroleum. Also write their uses. resources are present in unlimited quantity in nature and
Ans- In fractional distillation of petroleum, different are not likely to be exhausted by human activities. For
fractions of petroleum are separated according to their example sunlight, air.
b) Exhaustible Natural Resources: The amount of these
boiling point. These fractions and their uses are as
resources in nature is limited. They can be exhausted by
follows- human activities. Examples of these resources are coal,
S. Constituents of Uses petroleum, natural gas etc.
No. Petroleum
Q.4. …….is known as the process of formation of coal.
Petroleum Gas in Fuel for home and industry.
1 Ans- Carbonization. is known as the process of formation
Liquid form (LPG).
of coal.
Motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent
2 Petrol.
for dry cleaning. Q.5. Coke, …..and ………. are obtained from industrial
Fuel for stoves, lamps and for processing of coal.
3 Kerosene.
jet aircrafts. Ans- Coke, Coal tar and coal gas are obtained from
Fuel for heavy motor vehicles,
4 Diesel. industrial processing of coal.
electric generators.
5 Lubricating Oil. Lubrication. Q.6. The word petroleum is derived from two words….
In Making of Ointment, Ans- Petra and oleum.
6 Paraffin Wax.
candles, vaseline etc.
In making of paints, road Q.7. 'Black gold' is another name for.
7 Bitumen.
surfacing Ans- Petroleum.

14. Write uses of coke and coal tar. Q.8. Name the fertilizer that is obtained from hydrogen
Ans- Uses of Coke:- gas.
1. It is used as fuel. Ans- Urea.
2. It is used in extraction of metals. Q.9.Can you suggest some practices to be followed in
3. It is used in the Steel manufacturing. kitchen while cooking food to save fuel and reduce
4. It is used as a reducing agent. pollution?
5. It helps in production of water gas. Ans- 1. Pollution can be reduced by using L P G for
::- Uses of Coal tar- cooking.
1) It is used in preparation of synthetic dyes. 2. Fuel can be saved by cooking pulses in a pressure
2. It is used in making of paints and photographic cooker.
materials. 3. Oxygen supply should be abundant while burning the
3. It is used in explosive substances. fuel.
4. Naphthalene balls are obtained from Coal tar.
5. It is used in making of roof construction material.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 7

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-4 Combustion and Flame) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

‰‰ CHAPTER- ④ ‰‰
Combustion and Flame
Exercise E. Very Short Answer type questions.
I. Multiple Choice Questions :
1. List the conditions under which combustion can take
i) Which of the following gases is used in combustion? place.
a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen Ans:- Necessary conditions for combustion are as follows-
a). Presence of combustible substance.
c) Nitrogen d) Carbon dioxide
b).Ignition temperature of given combustible substance.
Ans.- b) Oxygen c). Presence of air or oxygen.
ii) The burning of CNG (compressed Natural Gas) is an 2. Define Ignition temperature.
example of- Ans:- The minimum temperature at which a substance
a) Rapid combustion b)Spontaneous combustion catches fire is called its ignition temperature.
c) Slow combustion d) None of the above
F. Short Answer type Questions.
Ans.- a) Rapid combustion.
i) Water is not used to control fires involving electrical
(iii) Which of the following is an example of spontaneous equipment. Why ?
combustion? Ans:- We should not use water to control fire if electrical
equipment is on fire, because impure water can conduct
a) Burning of petrol.
electricity and may harm us.
b) Burning of magnesium ribbon.
c) Burning of camphor. (ii) Paper by itself catches fire easily whereas a piece of
d) Burning of white phosphorous. paper wrapped around an aluminium pipe does not.
Ans.- d) Burning of white phosphorous.
Ans:- Paper catches fire easily because it has low ignition
(iv) The minimum temperature at which a fuel catches fire is- temperature but when a paper is wrapped around an
aluminium pipe paper's ignition temperature isn't
a) Melting temperature b) Boling temperature
attained easily. This is because the Aluminium metal
c) Ignition temperature d) None of these absorbs and transfers the heat given to the paper and
Ans.- c) Ignition temperature keeps the temperature below the ignition temperature
of the paper for a considerable period of time.
II. Fill in the blanks.
Answers:- (iii) Name the unit to measure the calorific value of fuel.
i) Calorific value of LPG is 55000 (kJ/kg) Ans:- Kilojoules per kilogram ( kJ/kg )
ii) Outermost part of a flame is the hottest. (iv) It is difficult to burn heap of green leaf but dry leaves
iii) Oxygen gas or air is necessary for combustion. catch fire easily. Explain.
Ans:- A heap of green leaves is difficult to burn because the
iv) Burning of wood and coal causes pollution of air. heap of green leaves has a high moisture or water
v) A liquid fuel, used in homes is L.P.G. content and the oxygen supply in the heap of green
vi) Fuel must be heated to its ignition temperature before leaves is very low.
it starts burning. On the other hand, a heap of dry leaves catches fire easily
vii) Fire produced by oil cannot be controlled by water. because the moisture content of dry leaves is very low
and oxygen supply in the heap of dry leaves is very
B. True (T) and false (F): high.
i) Burning of camphor is rapid combustion. F G. Long Answer type questions.
ii) Combustion is a physical change. F (i) What are different parts of a Candle flame? Explain
iii) Air is essential for combustion. T using labelled diagram.
Ans:- A candle flame has three parts:-
iv) Fire caused due to oil can be extinguished by water. F
1. Inner part:- It is the black colored part closest to the wick
C- C-Match the followings and contains un burnt carbon or wax particles. This
part of the flame is the least hot.
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows- 2. Middle part:- It is the largest, yellow or orange colored
Column-A Column-B part of the flame . Incomplete combustion takes place
i) L.P.G. i) kJ/kg in this part of flame. This part of the flame is
ii) Calorific value ii) rapid combustion moderately hot.
3. Outer part:- It is the outermost blue colored part of the
iii) Fire extinguisher iii) Non-combustible flame . Complete combustion takes place in this part of
iv) Glass iv) CO₂ flame. This part of the flame is non-luminous and the
hottest part of flame. Image:-

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 8

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter
(Chapter-4 Combustion and Flame) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

1. Rapid combustion:- If the combustion process takes

place rapidly then it is called rapid combustion.
For example cooking gas starts burning rapidly
after attaining its ignition temperature.
2. Spontaneous Combustion:- The type of combustion in
which a material suddenly bursts ts into flames, without
the application of any apparent cause is called
spontaneous combustion. e.g. white phosphorus starts
burning spontaneously in air at room temperature.
3. Slow combustion :- If the combustion process takes
(ii) Explain how a fire extinguisher works. place slowly then it is called slow combustion process
Ans:- A cylinder thatt contains the fire extinguishing agent is
e.g. burning of wood.
called a fire extinguisher. It mainly uses carbon dioxide
4. Explosive Combustion:- Combustion is said to be
(CO2) gas. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the best
explosive combustion iff large amount of gases and
extinguishing agent for fires involving electrical
sound produced during the combustion process.
process For
appliances and flammable materials such as petrol.
example the burning of firecrackers.
Carbon dioxide can be stored at high pressure as a
liquid in cylinders. When released from the cylinder,
CO₂ expands ds enormously in volume and cools down.
So it not only forms a blanket around the fire, it also
(Think And Answer)
brings down the temperature of the fuel. That is why it
is an excellent fire extinguisher. Another way to get Q-1. What happens in the three cases?
Carbon dioxide (CO2),, is to release a lot of dry powder
of chemicals like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or
potassium bicarbonate. Near the fire, these chemicals
give off CO2 . In this way the fire can be controlled.

Ans:- In diagram 'A’ Complete combustion is taking place

due to the presence of air.
2. In diagram 'B', incomplete burning of the candle occurs
due to insufficient air supply.
3. In diagram C, the candle is not burning due to absence of
air or oxygen.

2. When does the flame flicker off?
Ans:- When Oxygen supply is stopped.

3. When does it flicker and give smoke?
Ans:- When Oxygen supply is reduced.

(iii) Define calorific value of a fuel? Give units. Q-4. Does it burn unaffected?
Ans:- Amount of heat produced by the complete combustion Ans:- The candle burns unaffected if it has regular and rich
of unit mass of a fuel is called calorific value of that supply of air or oxygen.
fuel. Units of calorific value ue are Kilojoules per
5. Can you infer anything at all about the role played
kilogram ( kJ/kg )
by air in the process of burning?
(iv) What is combustion ? Write its types. Ans:- presence of air or oxygen is necessary for the process
Ans:- Combustion is the basic chemical process of releasing of combustion.
energy from chemical reaction between fuel and
oxygen. Types of combustion:-

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 9
֍8th Class (Science) Session 2023-24 –( Chapter-5-Conservation of plants and animals)(G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍

Chapter –⑤- Conservation of plants and animals

I. Fill in the blanks. 3. Flying Squirrel is an endemic species of
Answers:- a) Gir Forest Gujrat
1. Migratory birds come to India in winter season. b) Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve
c) Kaziranga National park
2. Endemic species are found only in a particular area.
d) Jim Corbett National Park
3. Black buck the state mammal of Punjab is also an Ans. (b) Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve
endangered animal.
4. First week of October is celebrated as wild life protection 4. This species has become extinct from India
a) Cheetah b) Bengal Tiger
c)Wild dog d) Wild Ass
5. Kanjli wetland is situated in Kapurthala district of Ans.- Cheetah.
6. The process of converting fertile land into a desert is 5. This species is endemic to Gujrat-
called desertification. a) Wild Ass b) Bengal Tiger
c) Rhinoceros d) Elephant
II Write True (T) or False (F) Ans:- a) Wild Ass.

Answers- V- Very short answer type questions-

1. Name any two natural causes of deforestation.
1. Cutting of trees is a natural cause of deforestation.F
Ans:- Draughts and forest fire.
2. Wetlands of International level are called Ramsar sites.T
3. Rehmapur Takhni wild life sanctuary is situated in 2. Which plant is considered best for checking soil
Hoshiarpur district in Punjab. T erosion?
4. Panda is endemic animal of Rajasthan. F Ans:- Bamboo plant.
5. Camel is the state animal of Punjab. F 3. In which district are these wild life sanctuaries situated ?
6. Fauna of a place include Herbs, Shrubs and trees. F (i) Sito Gunno wild life sanctuary
(ii) Kathlour wild life sanctuary
III. Match Column A with Column B-
Ans:- i) Sito Gunno wild life sanctuary
Column A Column B In Fazilka (Abohar) District
(i) State mammal of Punjab a) Red data book ii) Kathlour wild life sanctuary
(ii) Goat like wild deer b) Biodiversity In Pathankot District.
found in Kandi Area
of Punjab and lower 4. Name any two endangered species in India.
Himachal Ans:- Tiger and Black buck
VI. Short Answer Type Questions:
(iii) A book having record c) Extinct
of endangered species of 5. What do you mean by Deforestation and Reforestation ?
organisms Ans:- The process of cutting down forests due to various
activities is called deforestation. Forests are being
iv) Presence of so many d) Barking deer destroyed for following reasons-
species of plants, Animals 1) For obtaining fire wood and furniture wood.
and micro-organisms 2) for industrialization and agriculture.
3) for mining activities.
(v) Species which have e) Black buck The process of planting new saplings in place of uprooted
totally vanished forests is called reforestation.

IV Choose the correct Answer:- 6. What is the difference between endangered species and
extinct species?
1. International Biodiversity day is celebrated on- Ans:- Differences are as follows-
a) 22 February b)22 March Endangered Species Extinct Species
c) 22 April d) 22 May 1.These species are at the - These species are extinct
Ans:- 22 May verge of extinction. from the earth.
2. Their number has fallen - Even their last member
2. 100% of this species of animals is found in India. rapidly. is gone from the earth.
a) Elephants b) Tigers 3. e.g. Tiger - e.g. Dodo
c) Asian Lions d) Wild Buffaloes
Ans:- Asian Lions

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 10

֍8th Class (Science) Session 2023-24 –( Chapter-5-Conservation of plants and animals)(G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍

7. What is Red Data Book ? 4) Because of urbanization.

Ans:- IUCN has prepared a book called Red Data Book in 5) Because of mining in forests.
which the record of endangered species is kept. Different 6) For Construction of dams, roads etc.
red data books are prepared for plants and animals. 7) Due to over grazing.
8. How does a wild life sanctuary help in conservation of 14. What is an ecosystem? Explain its Biotic and Abiotic
wild life? components.
Ans:- A wildlife sanctuary is an area of forest where hunting Ans:- A single self sustained structural and functional unit
is prohibited and wild habitats are also protected. These of the biosphere is called ecosystem. The components of
sanctuaries provide a natural habitat to the wild animals. the ecosystem are of two types, biotic components and
abiotic components.
9. Write three causes of extinction of animals. Biotic components includes plants, animals and
Ans:- 1) Loss of natural habitat. microorganisms. These are classified into producers,
2) Over hunting of animals by humans. consumers and decomposers according to their
3) Lack of adaptations in animals. interactions.
VII. Long Answer Type Questions: Abiotic components are soil, water, air and energy.
10. What do you mean by shifting agriculture?
15. What are the consequences of deforestation ?
Ans:- Shifting agriculture, is a practice of clearing an area of
Ans:- The consequences of deforestation are as follows:-
a forest for growing crops after a regular interval. After
1) The water cycle will be disturbed.
an interval of 2-3 years this practice is repeated in
2) There will be increase in air pollution.
different parts of the forest. In the meantime, forests are
3) The problem of Global warming will increase.
left to regenerate. In this way shifting agriculture
4) Soil erosion will increase.
adversely affects the forest ecosystem.
5) Wildlife habitats will be destroyed.
11. What is the purpose of celebrating these days: 6) Drought problem and desertification will increase.
a) World Sparrow day b) Forest day
c) International Biodiversity day d) World Wetland day Think and answer
Ans:- a) World Sparrow day:- World sparrow day is Q. 1. Name any two districts of Kandi area of Punjab.
celebrated on 20th of march every year, to bring Answer:- Roopnagar and Hoshiarpur
awareness about small birds.
Q.2. Write any two causes of deforestation.
b) Forest day:- World forest day is celebrated on March 21
Answer:- 1) Agricultural reasons.
every year. World Forestry Day is celebrated to create
2) Due to industrialization
awareness about the importance of forests and our duty
Q. 3. Name the wildlife sanctuary in your district or
towards conservation of forests.
adjoining district and write its location.
c) International Biodiversity Day:- International
Ans- 1) Takhni Rahmapur Wildlife Sanctuary in
Biodiversity Day is celebrated on 22 May every year. On
this day, awareness is created about our duty towards
2) Sito Gunno Wildlife Sanctuary in Fazilka (Abohar).
conservation of forests and biodiversity.
d) World Wetland day:- Every year February 2nd is Q. 4. Name any two wild animals seen in the sanctuary.
celebrated as World Wetland Day. On this day, Answer:-1) Black buck and Barking Deer.
awareness is created about the importance of wetlands Q.5. Name one endemic species of plant and one of
and the need for their conservation. animal found in the forests of kandi area of Punjab.
Ans:- Local species of mango and bamboo in plants and
12. How is paper made? How does the manufacturing of
barking deer in animals.
paper cause deforestation? What can you do to save
Q.6. Write habitat of endemic species of plants and
Ans:- Paper is prepared from trees. Pulp is prepared by
Ans:- Endemic species of mango and Endemic species of
adding caustic soda and other chemicals to crushed wood
bamboo found in the forests of Kandi Area while Barking
and grass. Paper sheets are made from this pulp after
Deer (Kakkar) is found in forests adjacent to Himachal in
decolouring it.
Kandi area of punjab.
17 fully grown trees are required to make 1 tonne of paper.
Q.7. Name two migratory birds that you have watched
Thus paper production can destroy forests. We can save
at the lake or wetland..
paper in the following ways:-
1) We will recycle paper. Ans:- Birds such as spoonbill, shell duck, painted stork etc.
2) We will use both sides of the paper completely. can be seen near Harike wetland.
3) We will use paper wisely. 8. .......... to ........... months are suitable for watching
4) We will also sensitize others to save paper. migratory birds.
Answer: December to February months are suitable for
13. Write various causes of deforestation. watching migratory birds.
Ans:- Causes of Deforestation:-
1) Forests were cleared to prepare agricultural land.
2) Forests were cleared for industrialization.
3) For obtaining fire wood and furniture wood.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 11

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-6 Reproduction in animals) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Chapter –⑥- Reproduction in animals

A. Fill in the blanks.
Answers:- E. Very Short Answer type questions.
1. The process of fusion of sperm and ovum is known as
fertilization. 1. Define the following:
2. Union of gametes does not take place during Asexual a) Fertilization b) Metamorphosis
reproduction. c) Hermaphrodite animals d) Reproduction
3. Binary fission occurs in Amoeba. Ans.- a) Fertilization :- The process of fusion of male
4. In human, fertilization is internal. gamete and female gamete to form zygote is known as
5. The zygote after repeated division gives rise to embryo/ fertilization.
foetus . b) Metamorphosis:- The process of transformation of larva
into an adult through drastic changes is called
B. Write true (T) or false (F): metamorphosis.
1. The animals which lay eggs are called oviparous. T c) Hermaphrodite animals:- In some organisms both male
2. Each sperm is a single cell. T and female gametes are present in the same individual,
3. Hydra reproduces by binary fission. F such organisms are called hermaphrodite animals.
d) Reproduction:- Reproduction in organisms is the process
4. A zygote is formed as a result of fertilization. T of producing young ones of their own kind (Offspring).
5. In human external fertilization takes place. F
2. What is male gamete in human called?
C-Match column A with column B Ans:- Sperm
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
Column-A Column-B 3. Name various stages in the life cycle of a butterfly.
1. The process of producing a. Oviparous animals Ans:- a) Egg b) Larva c) Pupa d) adult butterfly
young ones of own kind.
4. What is a zygote?
2. A method of asexual b. Zygote Ans:- When sperm (male gamete) and ovum (Female
reproduction in Hydra. gamete) fuse, they form a new cell called zygote.
3. Its fertilization takes c. Reproduction F. Short Answer type Questions.
place inside water.
5. What is cell division ?
4. Egg-laying animals. d. Frog Ans:- The process in which zygote after repeated division
5. Sperm and egg/ovum e. Budding gives rise to embryo is called cell division.
fuse to form. 6. What is the difference between asexual reproduction
D. Choose the correct answer: and sexual reproduction?
1. Which of these are the male reproductive organs in Ans:- Differences are as follows-
humans:- Asexual reproduction sexual reproduction
a) Sperms b) Ova 1. Single parent can produce - Two parents i.e. male and
c) Testes d) Ovaries new individual. female needed to produce
Ans:- c) Testes offspring.
2. Gametes are not formed in - Gametes are formed in this
2. Which of the following is a hermaphrodite animal? this process. process
a) Frog b) Cow 3. Fertilization does not occur. - Fertilization is main step
c) Dog d) Earthworm in this process.
4. Zygote is not formed. - Zygote is formed by fusion
Ans:- d) Earthworm of male and female gametes.
3. In humans, fertilization occurs in - 5. New individuals are identical - New individuals (offspring)
a) Oviduct b) Uterus show variation from parents.
c) Ovary d) Vagina 7. Why is reproduction important?
Ans:- a) Oviduct (Fallopian Tube) Ans:- 1. Reproduction is important for continuity of species
4. In a mosquito, the eggs hatch to produce:- on earth.
a) Pupa b) Embryo 2. Reproduction plays important role in evolution as it
c) Larva d) Adult mosquito creates variations.
Ans:- c) Larva 8. What is binary fission?
5. The fusion of sperm and egg produces:- Ans:- Binary fission is a mode of asexual reproduction. In
a) Zygote b) Gamete the process of binary fission, an organism duplicates its
c) Embryo d) Oviduct genetic material, and then divides into two parts.
Ans:- a) Zygote Amoeba reproduces by binary fission.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 12

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter
(Chapter-6 Reproduction in animals) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

9. How does Hydra reproduce?

Ans:- Hydra reproduces by budding. It is an asexual mode of 14. Describe the process of fertilization in human beings.
Ans:- In human beings fertilization is of internal type. In
reproduction. In this process a small bud grows on lower
human beings male gamete is called-
called sperm and female
part of body of hydra. This bud detaches from parent
gamete is called- ovum. Single ovum is produced by one
body and develops into a young hydra.
of the ovaries in female reproductive system. Ovum or
10. Explain the difference between viviparous and egg reaches the oviduct or fallopian tube. In human
oviparous animals? beings fertilization or fusion of sperm with ovum to
Ans:- Differences are as follows:- produce a zygote takes place in oviduct.
Viviparous animals Oviparous animals Sperm + Ovum Zygote
1. They give birth to young - They lay eggs and these eggs (Male gamete) +(Female Gamete) (Zygote)
ones. hatch outside the body of female
to produce young ones. 15. Explain the life cycle of frog with the help of a
2. examples- cat, dog, cow. - Examples- hen, crow,
crow lizards. labelled diagram.
11. How does fertilization occurs in frogs? Ans:- Three distinct stages are seen in the life cycle of frog.
Ans:- In frogs external fertilizationn takes place. In this Egg turns into tadpole (larva) and tadpole develops into
process male gametes and female gametes fuse together an adult. A tadpole looks very different from an adult
in water, outside the body of female. frog. The process of drastic changes by which a tadpole
(larva) changes into an adult is called metamorphosis.
G. Long Answer type questions. Diagram:-
12. Explain the importance of reproduction in organisms.
Give two differences between zygote and foetus.
Ans:- 1) Importance of reproduction:-
a). Reproduction is important for continuity of species on
b). Reproduction plays important role in evolution as it
creates variations.
2) Differences between zygote and foetus are as follows
zygote Foetus
1. Male gamete and female -An
An embryo at stage, when most of
gamete Fuses to form its body parts can be identified
zygote. is called foetus.
2. Zygote is formed after - Foetus is formed from zygote
fertilization. after cell division and cell
Different stages of life cycle of frog
3. Zygote is a single cell. - Foetus is a multi cellular structure.
(Think And Answer)
13. Explain fertilization. What is the difference between
external fertilization
ilization and internal fertilization? -:: True or false ::-
Ans:- The process of fusion of male gamete and female 1. Binary fission is common
ommon in unicellular organisms.
gamete to form zygote is known as fertilization.
ertilization. it is of Ans:- (True)
two types- Internal fertilization and external fertilization. 2. Amoeba reproduces by budding.
differences between Internal fertilization and external Ans:- (False)
fertilization:- 3. Asexual reproduction is seen only in single celled
Internal fertilization External fertilization organisms.
1. It takes place inside the body - It takes place outside the body Ans:- (False)
of female. of female. 4.. Name various stages in the life cycle of a Frog.
2. Less gametes are produced - Comparatively more number of Ans.- a) Eggs
in internal fertilization gametes are produced in
b) Tadpole larva
external fertilization.
c) Tadpole larva with two legs
3. This is more efficient form - This is less efficient than internal
of fertilization. fertilization. d) Tadpole larva with four legs
4. examples-In cat, cow etc. - Examples- In fishes, frogs etc. e) Adult Frog

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 13
֍8th (Science)(2023-24) (Chapter-7–Reaching the age of Adolescence)(G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Chapter –⑦- Reaching the Age of Adolescence

(iv) Deficiency of iodine in diet causes :
A. Fill in the blanks.
a) Goitre b) Diabetes
c) Menopause d) Menstruation
a) If the ovum is fertilized by sperm, a zygote is formed.
Ans:- a) Goitre
b) Endocrine glands release hormones directly into the
blood. (v) The hormone whose deficiency may cause diabetes is :
a) Estrogen c) Insulin
c) The sex chromosome of male/ father determines the sex
b) Testosterone d) Thyroxine
of the unborn baby. Ans:- c) Insulin
d) The chemical substances secreted by the glands are called
hormones. E. Very Short answer type questions:
e) Acne and pimples are common during puberty due to the 1. Define adolescence.
increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands. Ans:- Ans:- The period of life, when the body undergoes
some changes, leading to reproductive maturity is called
B. Write true (T) or false (F) adolescence. Adolescence begins at the age of 10 or 11
a) Balanced diet is not essential for adolescents. and lasts up to 18 or 19 years of age.
Ans:- False
2. What will happen if tadpoles are in iodine deficient
b) The stoppage of menstruation is termed as menarche. pond water?
Ans:- False Ans:- If there is no sufficient iodine in water in which
c) Ovaries produce testosterone hormone. tadpoles are growing they cannot become an adult. This
Ans:- False is because thyroxine hormone production requires the
d) The change from larva to an adult frog is known as presence of iodine in water.
metamorphosis. 3. Why are endocrine glands known as ductless glands?
Ans:- True Ans:- This is because endocrine glands do not have ducts to
e) Hormones have no role in the growth and development of secrete hormones and they pour their secretions directly
the body. into the blood.
Ans:- False F. Short answer type questions :

C. Match the correct answers from column II with their 4. Differentiate between menopause and menarche.
alternatives in column I. Ans:- Differences are as follows:-
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows- Menopause Menarche
1. It is the end of It is the first menstrual
A B menstruation cycle in period in human females.
:- Pancreas - Goitre human females.
2. It occurs at the end of It comes at the beginning of
:- Thyroid Gland - Insulin
reproductive phase of a adolescence.
:- Testes - Estrogen female.
3. Menopause comes at the Menarche comes at the age
:- Pituitary Gland - Testosterone age of 45 to 50 years. of 10 to 11 years.
:- Ovary - Growth Hormone
5. Why adolescents get acne and pimples on the face at
D. Multiple Choice Questions (M.C.Q.) the time of puberty?
Ans:- Adolescents get acne and pimples on the face due to
i) Reproductive age in a woman starts when their : the increased secretions of sweat glands and sebaceous
a) Menstruation starts b) Height increases glands (oil glands).
c) Weight increases d) Menopause starts
Ans:- a) Menstruation starts 6. What is menstruation? Explain.
Ans:- The series of events between one menstruation and
(ii) The right meal for the adolescents is : next in female body is called menstrual cycle.
a) Noodles, coke and chips
In females, after puberty one matured ovum is released by
b) Pizza, chips and coke
c) Pizza, Noodles and burger one of the ovaries in about 28 to 30 days. During this
d) Chapati, pulses and vegetables period the uterus prepares itself to receive the fertilized
Ans:- d) Chapati, pulses and vegetables ovum by forming thick lining of blood vessels. If
fertilization does not occur, the ovum and the thickened
(iii) Testes in the males produce :
a) Estrogen b) Testosterone walls of the uterus along with its blood vessels are shed
c) Insulin d) Progesterone off. This causes bleeding in women which is called
Ans:- b) Testosterone menstruation. This happens once in about 28 to 30 days.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 14

֍8th (Science)(2023-24) (Chapter-7––Reaching the age of Adolescence)(G.S.S.S.
(G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur)֍

7. Why is physical exercise important for adolescents?

Ans:- Uses of physical exercise or exercise-
1) Physical exercise keeps an adolescent fit and healthy.
2) Physical exercise helps in proper digestion
3) Physical exercise helps the body in excretion.
4) Physical exercise improves blood circulation
rculation and lung
5) Physical exercise is essential for good mental health.

G. Long answer type questions :

8. List the changes that take place at puberty.
Ans:- a) Changes that take place at puberty in boys
1. Shoulders become broader. During fertilization, if an ovum (Egg) fuses with a sperm
2. Body muscles grow more prominently than in girls. having Y chromosome. the zygote will develop into a
3. Chest becomes wider. male child and if an ovum (Egg) fuses with sperm having
4. Facial and Pubic hair growth.
5. Voice becomes coarse. X chromosome, the resultant zygote will be a female
:---b) Changes that take place at puberty in girls-
girls child.
1. The region below the waist becomes wider.
2. Muscles grow lesser as compared to boys. Think and answer
3. Breasts develop and increase in size. Mammary glands
develop inside the breasts.
Q.1.. In which rate of growth is more during adolescent
4. Pubic hair growth.
5. Pitch of voice increases. age, Boys or girls?
Ans:- During adolescent age initially the rate of growth of
9. What are hormones? What is the role of hormones in
human body? girls is more than the boys, but by the age of 18 to 19
Ans:- Hormones are the chemical substances secreted by years, both boys and girls attain their maximum height.
endocrine glands.. Hormones are secreted by endocrine
glands directly into the blood. Hormones are chemical
messengers. e.g. Testosterone and estrogen page 92
Role of hormones in the body:-
1) Hormones initiate puberty. Q.2. Name the food items which are good for adolescents.
2) Hormones help in development of secondary sexual
Ans:- A balanced diet is essential for proper growth and
characters by developing sex organs.
3) Hormones affect a specific organ, called a target organ. development of adolescents.. The diet of adolescents
4) Hormones help in chemical coordination of body. should include milk, fruits, leafy vegetables, jaggery,
5) Hormones regulate the growth and development of the
meat, citrus fruits, Indian
ndian gooseberry, wheat, rice,
pulses, nuts and pulses.
10. How is the sex of a human child determined?
Ans:- Sex of humans child is determined by sex
chromosomes. In human beings, male has XY sex Q.3. What is a balanced diet?
chromosomes and the female has XX sex Ans:- A balanced diet contains the right amount of proteins,
chromosomes. The number of chromosomes
romosomes is halved carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
during the process of gamete formation.. Consequently,
all the ova ( Female gamete) in femaleale have X sex
chromosomes.. On the other hand, half of the male
gametes (sperm) have Y sex chromosomes
romosomes and half of
the male gametes have X sex chromosomes

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 15
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter-8
(Chapter Force and Pressure) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

‰‰ CHAPTER- ⑧ ‰‰
Force And Pressure

1. What is force? 9. Differentiate between contact and non-contact

non forces.
Ans.- Any pull or push which acts on a body which either Ans.- Differences are as follows:-
generates motion in it, stops its state of motion or Contact Forces Non contact forces
1. Contact forces comes into -Non-contact
contact forces comes
changes its direction of motion is called a force
Play only when there is into play when objects do
2. What are contact forces? contact between two not have physical contact
Ans.- Forces that comes into play only when there is bodies. between them.
2. Contact forces cannot be - Non-contact
contact forces can be
contact between two bodies are called contact forces.
applied from a distance. applied from a distance.
e.g. kicking a football. 3. e.g. Force of friction. - e.g. magnetic force.
3. What are non-contact forces? 10. What are types of forces?
Ans.- Non-contact forces come into play when objects do Ans.- Forces are of two types:-
not have physical contact between them. a) Contact forces b) Non
on contact forces.
Give two examples each of contact forces and non 11. Give an activity to show that air exerts pressure.
contact forces? Ans.- Take a glass (tumbler) and
Ans.- i) Contact forces:- fill it fully with water. Take a
Muscular force:- a) Weight lifting b) Lifting a suitcase. sheet of card board and cover
Force of friction:- a)Stopping
Stopping of fan after switching off. the mouth of glass with the
card board. Put your palm
b) Stopping of football after kicking.
over the card board , press
ii) Non contact forces:- gently and invert the glass
Magnetic force:- a) Attraction between magnet and holding with your palm.
magnetic material. Now gently
b) Repulsion between like poles of two magnet
magnets. remove the palm.
Gravitational force:- a) Falling
alling of a ball towards ground You will observe that
after a throw. water will not come out
in spite of the inversion
b) Coin
oin falls to the ground when it slips off from hand.
of the glass.
5. What is gravitational force? This is because the atmospheric air exerts an upward force
Ans.- The gravitational force is a force of attraction (pressure) on the sheet of cardboard. The above action
between any two objects with mass. It is a non contact shows that air exerts pressure.
12. What is pressure?
6. What is force of friction? Ans.- Force per unit area is known as pressure. We can
Ans.- Force of friction is a type of contact force that calculate pressure as follows-
opposes the state of motion. It always acts in the
Pressure =
direction opposite to the direction of motion. ( )
Force of friction come into play when one object comes 13. What is atmosphere and atmospheric pressure?
into contact with the surface of another object and Ans.- The thick layer of air surrounding the earth is called
begins to move. atmosphere.. The pressure exerted by this air on all
things on Earth is called atmospheric pressure.
7. What is electrostatic force?
14. Why it is easier to cut the apple with knife of sharp
Ans.- Force exerted by a charged body on another
edge than a blunt one?
uncharged or charged body is known as electrostatic Ans.- A sharp knife provides less area for the force we
force. Electrostatic force is non contact force. apply. Due to this,, more pressure is created on the
surface of the apple .In this way it is easier to cut the
8. Can force change the direction of the motion of the apple with knife of sharp edge than a blunt one.
Ans.- Yes. Force can change the direction of the motion of 15. Why the tools meant for cutting and piercing always
the body. For example, we can turn a bicycle moving in have sharp edges?
Ans.- Cutting and piercing tools have a sharp edge because
a straight line path by applying muscular force on the the force applied with sharp edge acts on a smaller area.
handle of bicycle. This force exerts more pressure and makes it easier to
cut the material.

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 16
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter-8
(Chapter Force and Pressure) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
16. Why it is easier to push a nail in the wood with 19. Why are we not crushed under the huge atmosphere
pointed end than the head? pressure?
Ans.- This is because the force exerted on surface of wood Ans.- This is because there is a pressure inside our body
by the sharp end of the nail acts on a smaller area. By which is equal to the atmospheric pressure. Thus the
doing this, the amount of force per unit area is high
higher, effect of atmospheric pressure is not felt by us.
so more pressure is applied. In this way it is easier to
push a nail in the wood with pointed
ted end than the head
head. 20 Why walls of the dam always made thicker at the
17. Show with an activity that liquid pressure increases Ans.- Walls of dams are made thicker at the bottom as the
with depth. pressure of water on the walls of dams increases with
Ans.- Take a plastic bottle and make three small holes in depth.
one side of it at different heights. fill the bottle with
water and observe. You will see water at the hole near 21. Choose the correct answers(True/False).
to bottom goes farthest and that from highest hole falls
nearest and that from the middle hole falls between the
two. 1. Liquid pressure is least at the bottom of the container.
2. Force of friction is a non-contact
contact force.
3. North pole of the magnet repels the south pole of the
another magnet?
4. Gravitational force is a contact force.
5. Force can change the state of motion of the body.
As the height of the water column is highest above the 22. Fill in the Blanks with suitable words.
bottom hole, the water from it comes out with highest
pressure, for the hole at the maximum height of water
column is lowest resulting in least pressure of water 1) Pressure is Force per unit area.
which falls nearest to the bottle. It shows that liquid 2) Gravitation force is non contact force
pressure increases with depth.
3) South pole of a magnet attracts north pole of another
18. Show with an activity that atmosphere exerts magnet.
pressure. 4) To draw water from a well we have to pull at rope.
Ans.- Take a good
ood quality rubber sucker. Press it hard on a
smooth plane surface. When you press the sucker, most 5) A charged body attracts an uncharged body towards it.
of the air between its cup and surface escapes out, the
23. Match the terms given in column I with those given in column-
sucker sticks to the surface because the atmospheric
pressure acts on it. Large force is required to pull the
sucker off the surface to overcome the atmospheric Column I Column II
pressure. It shows atmosphere exerts pressure.
1. Pressure Pull or Push

2. Gravitational force Working of a dropper

3. Atmospheric Pressure Force /Area


4. Force Opposes the motion of the body.

5. Friction Force Non Contact Force.

End of Chapter

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

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֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter-8
(Chapter Force and Pressure) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Think and answer Think and answer

Q.1. Is it always necessary that force make an object to Q.8. The pressure of liquids depends on the height of its
move? column in the vessel. Explain with an example.
Ans.- No, it is not necessary. Ans.- 1) Take a transparent glass tube or a plastic pipe.
Q.2. Can force only increase or decreases the speed of 2) Take
ake a piece of thin sheet of a good quality rubber, say,
the object?
a rubber balloon. Stretch the rubber sheet tightly over
Ans.- A force can also change state of motion to state of
rest, and can change the direction of motion. one end of the pipe.
3) Hold the pipe at the middle, keeping it in a vertical
Q.3. When a plastic scale is rubbed with hairs and
position and to pour some water (liquid) in the pipe.
brought near bits of paper, they stick to the scale.
Why? 4) You will observe that rubber sheet bulges out. Also
Ans.- This is due to electrostatic force.. The pplastic sheet get note
ote the height of the water column in the pipe.
charged after rubbing with hairs and it attracts the
5) Pour some more water. Observe again the bulge
bul in the
uncharged pieces of paper.
rubber sheet and the height of the water column in the
Q.4. Is Gravitational force a universal force? pipe.
Ans.- Yes, Gravitational force is a universal force.
6) Repeat this process a few more times.
Q.5. In which direction the force of friction acts to the It is clear from the above activity that as the height of the
direction of motion of the objects?
Ans.- Force of friction always acts in the direction opposite liquid in the vessel/tube increases, the pressure exerted
to the direction of motion. by the liquid on the bottom of the vessel also increases,

Q.6. Pressure = Force /.............. (Fill in the blank) i.e. the pressure exerted by the liquids at the bottom of
Ans.- Pressure= Force/ area (over which force acts) the container ,depends
depends on the height of its column.

Q.7. Show that liquid exerts equal pressure at same

Ans.- Take an empty plastic bottle Drill four holes all
around near the bottom of the bottle at same height
from the bottom. Now fill the bottle with water. You
will observe that water comes from all four holes with
equal pressure and falls to same distance from the
bottle. This shows that liquid exerts equal pressure at
same depth .

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 18
֍Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-9 -Friction) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Chapter –⑨- Friction

A. Fill in the blanks.
Answers:- iii) We adopt following measures to increase friction-

(i) Friction is an opposing force which comes into play a) Use rollers b) treads on tyres

when one surface moves over another surface. c) use oil or grease d) make surfaces smooth

(ii) Friction on the bodies moving through fluids is called Ans:- b) treads on tyres

fluid friction or drag. iv) Which of the following is an example of sliding

(iii) Rubbing both hands produces heat due to friction. friction.
B. Write true or false (T/F) for following: a) Dragging a sand bag on floor.
Answers:- b) use of rollers in a trolley.
i) Use of rollers in trolley bags makes it difficult to pull the c) use of ball bearings.
trolley. d) laborers use rollers to pull logs of wood.
Ans:- F Ans:- a) Dragging a sand bag on floor.
ii) Oiling and greasing minimize the friction.
vi) This shape help aquatic animals to swim in water.
Ans:- T
a) Flat body b) streamlined body
iii) We throw sand on a slippery path to increase friction.
c) broad body d) rough body
Ans:- T
Ans:- b) streamlined body
C. Match the correct answers from column II with their
alternatives in column I. E. Very Short answer type questions:
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows- Q.1. How did early man learnt to make fire?
Column –I Column II Ans:- Early man learned to make fire from the friction
between two stones. The rough surface of the stones
i) Ships, boats and (a) ball-bearings
generates heat by friction.
airplanes are made
in this shape.
Q.2. What is drag?
ii)The sole of shoes (b) atmospheric friction Ans:- Frictional force exerted by fluids to the motion of
of the athletes have bodies through them is called fluid friction or drag .
special features called-
Q.3. Why do we use roller trolley to pull luggage?
iii)The opposing force (c) grooves
due to fluid friction.
Ans:- Rollers convert sliding friction into rolling friction
while pulling the trolley. Rolling friction is less than
iv) This phenomenon (d) streamlined sliding friction so it becomes easier to pull the trolley
saves us from meteors
or shooting stars-
v) Machinery parts (e) drag Q.4. Write two methods to increase friction?
having least friction due to- Ans:- Friction can be increased in following ways-:
1. By making surfaces in contact extra rough or uneven
D. Multiple Choice Questions (M.C.Q.)
friction can be increased.
i) Which type of friction is greatest ? 2. By creating grooves and treads on the moving objects or
a) Sliding friction b) Rolling friction surfaces, like grooves and treads on tyres.
c) Static friction d) None of these
Ans:- c) Static friction Q.5. Write any two situations where friction is
ii) We use these measures to minimize friction.
Ans:- We can experience friction:-
a) Make surfaces smooth (b) use ball-bearings
1) When a moving ball stops by its own after some time.
c) Apply oil or grease (d) all of these
2) When a vehicle stops on application of brakes.
Ans:- d) all of these

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 19

֍Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-9 -Friction) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

F. Short answer type questions : G. Long answer type questions :

Q.6. Write two methods to increase friction.
Ans:- Friction can be increased in following ways- Q.11. Friction is a necessary evil. Explain with examples.
1. By making surfaces in contact extra rough or uneven Ans:- Friction is harmful for the following reasons:-
friction can be increased. Roughness increases 1) The soles of the shoes wear out due to friction.
projections on the surfaces and hence increases
interlockings to a great extent increasing friction 2) Vehicle tyres wear out due to friction.
2. By creating grooves and treads on the moving objects or 3) Moving machine parts are also wear out due to Friction.
surfaces. Grooves are shallow depressions made on the
4) Frictional force opposes motion of moving vehicle, This
soles of the shoes to make them rough to increase friction
while running or walking. results in wastage of fuel.
5) Friction produces undesired amount of heat.
Q.7. How does atmosphere save us from shooting stars?
Ans:- When a meteor or shooting star moving with high :- Friction is useful for the following reasons:-

speed , comes into contact with the Earth's atmosphere, 1) With friction we can hold objects , as Friction enables us

heat is generated due to fluid friction. This heat causes to write by holding a pen .

the meteor to catch fire and burn up in the atmosphere. 2) We can walk with the help of friction.

Thus the atmosphere protects us from falling meteors or 3) Friction produces desired amount of heat..

shooting stars with the help of friction. 4) With the help of friction with brake pad we can stop or
slow down a moving vehicle.
Q.8. Write any three situations where friction is harmful 5) With the help of friction we can sharpen a knife or any
for us? other sharp tool.
Ans:- Friction is harmful for us because:- :- It is clear from the above that friction is harmful but it also
1) Friction causes wear and tear :- Friction causes wear has uses that make our life easier. So we can say that
and tear in soles of the shoes , tyres of vehicles and Friction is a necessary evil.
moving parts of the machines. Q.12. Write few methods to reduce friction.
2) Friction slows down the motion of object when it is not Ans:- 1) Making the surfaces in contact, even or smooth
desired. For example, on a muddy road friction is so high reduces projections on the surfaces and hence prevent
that it decreases the speed of the vehicle. interlockings to a great extent reducing friction.
3) Friction produces undesired amount of heat. Undesired 2) By applying oil, grease ( lubricant) on the contact surfaces
heat produced by friction cause damage to machine parts creates a layer between interlockings due to which
and tyres. Sometimes friction produces so much heat that interlocking is prevented between projections of the two
it makes the tyres burst on roads. surfaces thus friction reduced.

Q.9. Why do the ships, boats and airplanes are made 3) By using rollers, ball- bearings and wheels we can convert

streamlined? sliding friction into rolling friction. Because in rolling

Ans:- Ships, boats and airplanes are made streamlined to friction there is less surface area in contact so it is less

minimise fluid friction. Because of reduced fluid friction than sliding friction.

movement of these objects in water and air becomes 4) Fluid Friction can be reduced by making shape of objects

easy. Thus the energy consumption in these means of streamlined.

transport is also reduced. Q.13. What is a lubricant?

Q.10. Why do we rub our hands in winter? Ans:- A lubricant is a substance that helps to reduce friction
Ans:- We rub our hands together in winter because rubbing between surfaces in mutual contact. e.g. oil and grease.
our hands produces heat due to friction. It makes our
hands warm.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 20

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-10 -Sound) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
Chapter –⑩- Sound
Exercise Column –I Column II

A. Fill in the blanks. 1) Noise (a) Unit of frequency.

Answers:- 2) Larynx (b) Human organ which produces
a) Time taken by an object to complete one vibration is
called time period.
b) Sound requires a Medium to travel. 3) Hertz (c) Loudness
c) Sound travels fastest in Solids. 4) Decibel (d) Musical instrument
d) Hertz (Hz) is the unit of frequency. 5) Flute (e) Unwanted sound
e) Unwanted sound is called noise.
f) Sound having frequency more than 20000 Hz E. Very Short answer type questions:
is called ultrasound. Q.1. Name the organ which produces sound in humans.
g) Shrillness of the sound is called pitch. Ans:- Voice box or Lyrynx
B. Write (T) for true or (F) for false statement. Q.2. What is difference between noise and music?
Ans:- Differences are as follows-
a) Sound having frequency less than 20 Hz is known as Noise Music
Infrasonic. 1. Noise is a sound which Music is a sound which
produces unpleasing produces pleasing effect to
Ans.- T
effect to the ears. the ears.
b) Sound can travel in vacuum. 2. We feel uncomfortable in We feel comfortable in
Ans.- F noise. Music.
c) Sound having frequency more than 80dB is harmful. 3. Noise is produced by Music is produced by
irregular vibrations. regular vibrations.
Ans.- T 4. Example- sound of an air Example- Sound produced
d) Sound of lion has more frequency than the sound of a jet by a musical instrument.
mosquito. Q.3. Define one vibration.
Ans.- F Ans:- To and fro motion of an vibrating object about its
e) Pitch of the sound depends upon amplitude of vibrations. mean position is called vibration (or oscillation).
Ans.- F Q.4. What are ultrasonics and infrasonics ?
f) Sound cannot travel through a string. Ans:- Sound having frequency more than 20000 Hz is
Ans.- F known as ultrasonic and having frequency less than 20
Hz is called Infrasonic.
C. Multiple Choice Questions Q.5. Name the units for measuring loudness and pitch.
Ans:- Units of loudness :- Decibel (dB)
a) The amplitude of the sound decides its- Units of pitch :- Hertz (Hz)
(1) speed (3) pitch
(2) loudness (4) source Q.6. What is the relation between frequency and time
Ans.- (2) loudness
Ans:- frequency and time period are inversely proportional
(b) Sound can travel in:- to each other.
Frequency = 1
(1) Gases only (2) liquids only

Time Period
(3) Solids only (4) Gases, liquids and solids, all.
Ans.- (4) Gases, liquids and solids, all. F. Short answer type questions :
(c) When you hold the ringing bell with hand Q.7. A pendulum oscillates 50 times in 5 seconds. Find its
time period and frequency.
(1) Bell stops vibrating and stops ringing.
Ans:- Given :- Number of oscillations = 50 oscillations
(2) Bell starts vibrating with inaudible frequency. Time Taken for oscillations = 5 seconds
Time Taken
(3) No change in vibration Now :- Time Period of Pendulum =
Number of oscillations
(4) Amplitude increases
= = Second
Ans.- (1) Bell stops vibrating and stops ringing.
Now Frequency = 1 .

D. Match the correct answers from column with their Time Period
alternatives in column -I
= 10 Hz.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 1

֍ Class -8th
h (Science) (2023-24)
(2023 (Chapter-10 -Sound) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Q.7(a). A pendulum oscillates 5 times in 5 seconds. Find b) Harmful effects of noise pollution :-
1) Exposure to sound more than 80 decibels can lead to
its time period and frequency.
Ans:- Given :- Number of oscillations = 5 oscillations
oscillation 2) Noise pollution can cause high blood pressure.
Time Taken for oscillationss = 5 seconds 3) Continuous noise pollution can also cause heart disease.
Time Taken 4) Sound pollution can lead to anxiety, sleeplessness,stress.
Now :- Time Period of Pendulum =
Number of oscillations 5)Noise pollution causes problems in mental concentration.

= = = 1Second Q.12. Describe the structure of human ear and explain its
Now Frequency = 1 . Ans:- The human ear is divided into three parts. Outer ear,
middle ear and inner ear. The structure and working
Time Period mechanism of each part is as follows:-
A) External ear:-
= = 1 Hz. We can see funnel like outer part of human ear it is called
pinna, , it collects external sound waves and sends them
into the ear canal. Sound waves reach the eardrum
Q.8. The sound from a mosquito is produced when it through the ear canal. The vibrations of the sound waves
vibrates its wings at an average rate of 500 vibrations per cause
use vibrations in the eardrum. From here the
second. What is the time period of vibration. vibrations are passed to the inner ear.
Ans:- Given:- Frequency = 500 Hz
1 B) Middle ear-
hux:- Time period =
Frequency There are threee bones in the middle ear. Malleus, Incus
Time period =
= 0.002 Second and Stapes.. They multiply the amplitude of the
500 vibrations received from the outer ear and transmit the
vibrations to the inner ear.
9. What is audible and inaudible frequency range for C) Inner ear:-
human. Vibrations from the middle ear reach the cochlea in the
Ans:- audible frequency range for human is :- inner ear. The inner ear also contains fluid-filled
20Hz to 20000 Hz semicircular canals that help in balancing of our body.
The inner ear converts these vibrations into electrical
Inaudible frequency range for human is :-
signals and sends them to the brain through auditory
Below 20Hz and above 20000 Hz . nerve. In this way we hear the sound.
10. Define the following relating to sound :
(a) Loudness (b) Pitch (f) Quality (or timbre)
Ans:- a) Loudness:- Loudness depends upon the amplitude
of sound waves. More the amplitude,, more will be the
loudness of a sound and vice versa.
b) Pitch :- Shrillness of the sound is called Pitch , More is
frequency of the sound wave,, more will be the pitch of
sound and vice versa.
c) Quality (or timbre):- Quality (or timbre) is that
characteristic of sound which enables us to distinguish
between the sounds of same pitch and loudness.

G.. Long answer type questions : Q.13.

13. Lightning and thunder take place in the sky at the
same time and at the same distance from us Lighting
List sources of noise pollution in your surroundings. is seen earlier and thunder is seen later explain why?
Explain why noise pollution
ollution is harmful for humans. Ans:- Light from lightning
tning travels faster than thunder sound.
Ans:- a) The sources of noise pollution are as follows-
follows Soo lightning reaches us first and thunder sound reaches
1) Pressure horns of vehicles. us later. This is why we see the lightning first and hear
2) sound of Fans and coolers the thunder sound later.
3) sound of loudspeakers. Q.14.
14. List some methods to reduce noise pollution.
4) Loud sound of television. Ans:- methods to reduce noise pollution:
5) Sound of crackers. 1) There should be complete ban on loud crackers.
6) Sound of machines. 2) Trees should be planted alongside roads.
3) Thick curtains should be used inside our homes .
7) Sounds of students shouting in a classroom

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 2
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-10 -Sound) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
4) Domestic appliances should be lubricated and maintained Page-133
timely. Q.5. Can astronauts hear the sound on moon? Why or
5) Use of loudspeakers should be permitted for limited why not?
period with low intensity. Ans:- No, an astronauts cannot hear the sound on moon
6) TV, radio and other musical instruments should be heard because sound requires medium to travel and there is no
at low level of noise. atmosphere on the Moon.
7) There should be complete ban on pressure horns. Q.6. Can sound travel through vacuum? If not,
8) Machines in factories should be checked regualrly and demonstrate it by an activity.
repaired time to time. Ans:- No, sound cannot travel through vacuum. We can
Q.15. Can sound travel through solids. If yes explain with show this with the help of following activity:-
an activity. Material Required:- A glass tumbler, a cell phone.
Ans:- Materials required :- Two empty plastic cups, a long
Procedure:- Take a dry glass tumbler. Put a cell phone in it.
Procedure:- Take two empty plastic cups and make a hole Ask your friend to give ring on this cell phone. Listen to
at the bottom of each cup. Pass a string through the holes the sound carefully. Now, cover the rim of the tumbler
of both the cups, Make knots at the ends of the string so with your hands. Put your mouth on the opening between
that string is tightly fitted with the glasses. This is a toy your hands. Suck the air from tumbler and indicate your
telephone. Stretch the string tightly and ask your friend friend to ring the bell again.
to speak into one of the cup and listen the voice from the
Observation:- We can note that sound become fainter when
other cup.
Observation:- You will hear the sound of your friend. we suck the air from tumbler . If we remove complete air
Result :- This activity clearly indicates that sound travel from tumbler ringing phone becomes inaudible.
through string or solids. Result:- Sound cannot travel in vacuum because sound
( Think And Answer ) requires medium to travel.
Page-129 Q.7. When you place your ear at one end of the table and
1.1. What is sound? your friend keeps on tapping the table on the other
Ans:- Sound is a form of energy that makes us able to hear. end, Can you hear the sound? If yes, what conclusion
1.2. When grains are put on a drum after striking it with did you draw?
a stick, why grains start moving? Ans:- after this activity we can say that sound can travel
Ans:- Because membrane of drum vibrates to produce through solids.
sound. Q.8. When you shake a bell in water, you hear the sound
1.3. Can a body produce sound without vibration? of the bell. What does it prove?
Ans:- No, a body Cannot produce sound without vibration. Ans:- It proves that sound can travel through liquids or
Page-130 water.
Q.1.4 Define the terms :- (a) Amplitude (b) Frequency (c) Page-135
Time Period Q.9. What do you understand by the pitch and loudness
Ans:- a) Amplitude:- Maximum displacement of the of the sound?
vibrating body from its mean position is called amplitude Ans:- Pitch :- Shrillness of the sound is called Pitch , More
(A). is frequency of the sound wave, more will be the pitch
b) Frequency :- Number of vibrations per second is called
of sound and vice versa.
c) Time Period:- Time taken by the body to complete one a) Loudness:- Loudness depends upon the amplitude of
vibration (oscillation) is called Time Period (T). sound waves. More the amplitude, more will be the
loudness of a sound and vice versa.
Q.10. Which sound has more pitch, sound of a child or an
Q.2. When the ball of the pendulum is at rest position;
what is the name of this position? adult?
Ans:- Mean position. Ans:- Sound of a child has more frequency so it has more
pitch than sound of an adult .
Q.3. Name and define the unit of frequency.
Ans:- Unit of frequency is hertz (Hz). If a body completes Q.11. On which factor does the loudness of the sound
one vibration in one second then frequency is one hertz
Ans:- Loudness of the sound depends on amplitude of sound
Q.4. What is the relation between time period and wave.
frequency? Q.12. Name three characteristics of sound.
Ans:- Time period and frequency are inversely proportional
Ans:- A sound has three main characteristics :-
to each other.
1 1. Loudness
Time Period = 2. Pitch
3. Quality or timbre

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 3

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-10 -Sound) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Page-136 Q.18. What are the bad effects of noise pollution?

Q.13. What is ultrasound and what are its uses in Ans:- Bad effects of noise pollution:-
medical treatments? 1) Exposure to sound more than 80dB can cause permanent
Ans:- Sound having frequency more than 20000 Hz is hear loss.
known as ultra sound . Uses of ultrasounds in medical 2) Noise pollution can cause high blood pressure.
treatments:- 3) Continuous exposure to Noise pollution can cause heart
1) By using ultrasound imaging we can detect defects in diseases.
the internal body parts . 4) Sound pollution can lead to anxiety, sleeplessness, stress.
2) In pregnancy growth of the foetus can also be 5) Sound pollution can lead to lack of concentration.
determined using Ultrasounds .
Q.19. How can you reduce noise pollution?
3) Ultrasounds are also used to break kidney stones.
Ans:- Methods for reducing noise pollution:-
Q.14. What is audible frequency range for humans? 1) There should be complete ban on loud fire crackers.
Ans:- From 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. 2) Trees shouls be planted alongside roads.
3) Thick curtains should be used in homes .
Q.15. What is the difference between infrasonic and ultra
4) Domestic appliances should be lubricated and maintained
sonic vibrations ? timely.
5) Use of loudspeakers should be permitted for limited
Ans:- 1) Ultrasonic vibrations:- Vibrations (Sound) having
period with low intensity.
frequency more than 20000 Hz is known as ultra sonic. 6) TV, radio and other musical instruments should be heard
at low level of noise.
2) Infrasonic vibrations:- Vibrations (Sound) having
7) There should be complete ban on pressure horns.
frequency less than 20 Hz is called Infrasonic.
8) Machines in factories should be checked regualrly and
repaired time to time.
Q.16. What is the difference between noise and music? Page-138
Ans:- Differences are as follows- Q. 9.1. Explain the working of ear drum with an activity.
Noise Music Ans:- We can explain working of eardrum by following
1. Noise is a sound which Music is a sound which activity:-
produces unpleasing produces pleasing effect to
Material Required:- Plastic can, cutter, rubber balloon,
effect to the ears. the ears.
rubber band, grains of cereal like rice.
2. We feel uncomfortable in We feel comfortable in
Procedure:- Take a plastic can. Cut its ends. Stretch a piece
noise. Music.
of rubber balloon across one end of the can and fasten it
3. Noise is produced by Music is produced by
irregular vibrations. regular vibrations. with a rubber band. Put four or five grains of dry cereal

4. Example- sound of an air Example- Sound produced on the stretched balloon. Now ask your friend to speak
jet by a musical instrument. "Hello, Hello" from the open end and Observe what
happens to the grains.
Q.17. What is noise pollution? Observation:- Grains start moving when we speak hello
Ans:- Presence of excessive, unwanted, loud and offensive hello.
sounds in the environment which have harmful effects on Result:- Grains start moving because sound waves creates
human health is called as noise pollution. Sound having vibrations in stretched balloon. The ear drum is also like
loudness above 80 dB is harmful and counted as noise a stretched rubber sheet. Sound vibrations make the ear
pollution. drum vibrate.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 4

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-11 Chemical effects of electricity ) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

‰‰ CHAPTER- ⑪ ‰‰

Chemical Effects of Electricity D- Match the following with correct options:

Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
S.No. Column-I S.No. Column-II
A. Fill in the blanks :-
Answers- 1) The flow of charge. A. Chromium
i. Metals are good Conductor of electricity. 2) A source of current. B. Electroplating
ii. Magnetic tester uses magnetic effect of current. 3) Cycle handles are C. Galvanization
iii. Electric tester uses heating effect of current. coated by this metal

iv. An electrolyte dissociate into ions when direct current 4) Coating of superior
passes through it. metal over inferior D. Current
metal using electric
v. Copper and brass utensils are coated with Tin metal. current.

5) Coating of Zinc E. An Electric Cell

B. True (T) or false (F): over Iron sheets.
E. Very Short Answer type questions. (Answer these
i. Electric current does not flow through liquids. F question in one or two sentences)
ii. Electroplating uses heating effects of current. F 1. What is an LED?
Ans.- LED stands for light emitting diode. They are made of
iii. An electric tester is used to check if a wire or appliance
carries current. T semiconductors. Two wires are connected to the LED,
iv. Artificial jewellery is costlier than gold jewellery. F the long wire connects to the positive terminal of the
v. Coating of chromium over iron is called galvanization. F battery while the short wire connects to the negative
terminal of the battery. LEDs light up even with a very
C- Choose the single correct option
small current.
i. This is a good conductor of electricity.
a) Bakelite b) Rubber 2. Define electric current.
c) PVC d) Graphite Ans.- The charge flowing through a conductor per unit time
Ans. d) Graphite
is called electric current.
ii. Galvanisation is coating of this metal over iron-
a) Gold b) Silver 3. What is conductor? Give examples.
c) Zinc d) Mercury Ans.- Materials, which allow electric current to pass through
Ans. c) Zinc
them are called conductors. For example Copper and
iii. Which liquid is not a good conductor of electricity? Silver.
a) Lemon juice b) Distilled water
c) Common salt solution d) Copper Sulphate solution 4. Give two examples of electrolytes.
Ans. b) Distilled water
Ans.- 1. Sodium Chloride (NaCl )
iv. It is based on chemical effects of electricity.
a) Electroplating b) Glowing of bulb 2. Copper sulphate (CuSO4)
c) Sublimation d) Distillation.
5. Name the instrument used to detect current flowing
Ans. a) Electroplating
through a wire.
V. Rims of vehicles are usually are coated with
Ans.- An electric tester is used to detect the electric current
a) Gold b) Silver
c) Chromium d) Copper. passing through a wire. The tester which is made by
Ans. c) Chromium using an electric bulb or LED is called an electric tester
and the tester which is made by using a magnetic needle
is called a magnetic tester.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 25

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter
(Chapter-11 Chemical effects of electricity ) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

F. Short Answer type Questions. G. Long Answer type questions.

6. How can a pure water be made an electrolyte ? 10. How are impure metals purified using electric
Ans.- Pure water does not conduct electricity. If we add any current? Explain using diagram
salt like common salt (NaCl) in pure water, it becomes Ans.- Pure metals can be obtained from impure samples of
an electrolyte solution. Electrolyte solution contains ions metals by using electric current through the process of
that make it a conductor of electricity. electrolysis. In this process we take electrodes of the
metal and an electrolyte solution
on of the same metal which
7. Draw a labelled diagram of an electric tester.
is to be purified in a vessel. For example if we want to
Ans.- An electric tester is used to test whether a particular
get pure copper then copper electrode and copper
material allows an electric current to pass through it.
sulphate solution will be taken in the vessel.
vessel Now the
Diagram is as follows-
plate of impure copper (which contains impurities) will
be connected to the positive terminal of the battery and
the pure copper plate will be connected to the negative
terminal of the battery. When an electric current is
passed through the electrolyte, Copper
C ions from the
positive electrode (impure
impure copper plate) will move into
the solution. These copper ions will be deposited on the
negative electrode after neutralization.
neutralization In this way
mpure Copper plate keep on dissolving in the solution
on the same time pure copper keep on depositing on
negative electrode or cathode.
8. Why do electricians wear rubber shoes and rubber
Ans.- Electricians wear rubber gloves and rubber shoes
when repairing electrical supply lines or electrical
circuits because rubber gloves and shoes are poor
conductor of electricity.. In this way electricians ar
protected from electric shock. So by using rubber gloves 11. Write five uses of electroplating.
and rubber shoes accidents of electrical
trical shock can be Ans.- Uses of electroplating:-
avoided. 1. A layer of superior metal can be deposited on inferior
metal by electroplating. This improves the look of
9. Write some effects of electric current.
inferior metal.
Ans.- Some effects of electric current are as follows-
2. Chromium metal is bright and resists scratching due to its
1) Chemical effect:- An electric current can cause a
hardness. Chromium coating is applied to cheap metal
hemical change. For example the electrolysis of water.
objects like rims, gas burners, car parts
p etc. by the
2) Heating effect:- Heat can be produced by electric
process of electroplating.
current. For example an electric heater produces heat.
3. Electroplating protects the Iron
ron from rusting by
Light can be produced by using the
he heating effect of
depositing a layer of Zinc metal on the iron through the
electric current in a bulb, which is called the lighting
process of galvanization.
effect of electricity.
4. A layer off gold or silver is applied to Jewellery
J made of
3) Magnetic effect:- When electric current flows through a
cheap metals through an electroplating process.
wire, a magnetic field is produced around wire. This is
5) Iron vessels for storing food items are coated with tin by
called magnetic effect of current. We can make an
electroplating. With this
his food items do not come in
electromagnet using electric current.
contact with iron and spoilage of food is avoided.

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 26
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter
(Chapter-11 Chemical effects of electricity ) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
12. With the help of labelled diagram explain how a (Think And Answer)
Copper plate is electroplated by Tin
in metal? Q.3. How does a magnetic compass needle behave when a
Ans.- A Copper
opper plate is electroplated by tin metal through current carrying wire passes over it ?
the process of electroplating. In this process, electrodes Ans.- When a current-carrying
carrying wire passes over a magnetic
of Copper and Tin metals are taken along with an needle, then the magnetic compass needle shows
electrolyte solution in a vessel. Tin plate is connected to deflection.. This happens because the current carrying
the positive terminal
erminal of the battery and the C
Copper plate conductor also behaves like a magnet.
is connected to the negative terminal of the battery.
When an electric current is passed through the Q.4. What is a magnetic compass?
electrolyte, Tin ions move from the positives electrode Ans.- A magnetic compass is a device containing a magnetic
into the electrolyte solution and got deposited on copper needle pivoted in a horizontal plane that points in north-
plate after neutralization. In this way a layer of T
Tin metal south when placed on the Earth's surface. It can also be
will be deposited
sited on the copper plate. The Tin
T coating used to make tester which can be used to test flow of
prevents the copper from corroding. electric current.

(Think And Answer)

Q.1. Why bulb does not glow even when liquid is
Ans.- If the bulb of the electric tester does not glow even
when liquid is conducting,, then the electric current
passing through the circuit (Bulb) is weak, due to which
the filament of the bulb does not get heated sufficiently
and it does not glow.

Q.2. Does the strength of current has any effect on the

Ans.- If the electric current passing through the circuit of
electric tester is weak, then the filament of the bulb does
not get heated sufficiently and it does not glow.

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 27
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter-12-Some Natural Phenomena) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
D. Match the correct alternative from
Chapter –⑫- Some Natural Phenomena Column II with Column I:-
Exercise Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
A. Fill in the blanks.
Column –I Column II .
1. Covid-19 is a pandemic disease. 1. In 2020 the pandemic that a) Gold leaf
hit the whole world. electroscope
2. On rubbing two bodies we get positive and negative
charges. 2. Cyclone that hit Orissa b) Lightning
in May 2020.
3. An epidemic is the rapid spread of a disease in a large
population in a particular area. 3.When two charged clouds c) Hypocentre
4. Air in motion is called wind. approach each other it cause.
5. An uncharged body can be charged by rubbing.
4 .This is used to detect d) Corona
B. Write (T) for true or (F) for the followings- charge on a body. (COVID-19)
1. Cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons are all tropical storms.
5.Point inside the Earth where e) Amphan
Ans:- ( T )
earthquake originates.
2. During lightning and thunder we should stand under a tall
tree or an electric pole. E. Very Short answer questions:
Ans:- ( F )
Q.1. What is an Epidemic?
3. Lightning Conductor is used to save tall buildings and Ans:- An epidemic is the rapid spread of a disease among a
towers from lightning. large number of people in a given population of a given
Ans:- ( T ) area for a short time e.g. Dengue, Cholera etc.
4. The speed of wind is measured by seismograph.
Q.2. Define wind.
Ans:- ( F ) Ans:- Air in motion is called wind.
5. Do not use an umbrella during lightning.
Q.3. Where do the cyclones originate which hit the west-
Ans:- ( T )
coast of India?
C. Choose the correct answer from given Ans:- Cyclones which hit Western coast of India originate in
Arabian Sea.
Multiple answers (MCQ).
1. Which of these are epidemic- Q.4. Name two methods to charge an uncharged body?
Ans:- 1) By rubbing two substances with each other.
(a) Dengue (b) Swine flu
2) With the help of electrostatic induction.
(c) Cholera (d) All of the above
Ans:- (d) All of the above. Q.5. Define epicentre of an Earth quake.
Ans:- The point inside the crust where earthquake originates
2. It is not an epidemic but a Pandemic is called Hypocentre. The point just above the hypocentre
(a) Dengue in Delhi (b) Covid-19 on the surface of earth is called Epicentre.
(c) Plague of Bengal (d) Draught in Ethiopia
F. Short answer type question
Ans:- (b) Covid-19. (Answer in 4-5 sentences):-
3. The frequency of Earthquake is measured by. Q.6. What is pandemic? Name any two pandemics.
(a) Barometer (b) Anemometer Ans:- A pandemic is a disease that spreads over a large area
(c) Seismograph (d) Lactometer of many countries and causes deaths of millions of
Ans:- (c) Seismograph. people. examples COVID-19, AIDS (HIV) etc.
4. Charge is produced by transfer of Q.7. What is epidemic? Give examples.
(a) Electrons (b) Protons Ans:- An epidemic is the rapid spread of a disease among a
(c) Atoms (d) neutrons large number of people in a given population of a given
Ans:- (a) Electrons. area for a short time e.g. Dengue, swine flu , Cholera etc.
5. During lightning and thunder we should take shelter- Q.8. Draw a labelled diagram of gold leaf Electroscope.
(a) Under a tall tree (b) Near an electric tower Give its construction.
(c) Inside a building (d) Under an umbrella Ans:- The charge on a body can be detected by using a Gold
Ans:- (c) Inside a building. leaf electroscope.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 28

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24)
24) (Chapter
(Chapter-12-Some Natural Phenomena)) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
A gold leaf electroscope consists of a glass bell jar with a
G. Long answer type questions
wooden base. A metal wire hangs from a metal plate with
(Answer in 10-12 sentences):-
wire inside the electroscope. The leaves made of metals
(Aluminium or gold ) are fitted at the end of wire. Q.11.
11. Write some precautions to minimize damage
during an Earthquake.
Ans:- 1) Earthquake proof buildings should
shoul be constructed.
2) The heavy objects of the house should be fixed to walls
so that they cannot fall during an earthquake.
3) Tall buildings should have fire fighting system.
4) Stay away from long and heavy objects.
5) Take shelter under a strong table during an earthquake.
6) Slow down the moving vehicle during an earthquake
and park vehicle in an open place.

12. With the help of labelled diagram. Explain the
working of lightning conductor.
Ans:- Lightning conductor is a safety device used in tall
buildings. It is in the shape of a metallic trident(Trishul)
On touching the electroscope plate by a charged body the connected to the earth through a copper wire. During
charge flows to the leaves. Being the same charge on lightning the charge flows to the Earth through this wire and
both the leaves, they repel each other. building is saved from damage.

9.Write any three safety measures during lightning.
Ans:- 1) Take shelter inside a building.
2) Stay away from electrical poles and other metal metallic
3) Lightning conductors should be used on tall buildings.
4) Never use an umbrella during lightning.
5) If you are in the field, sit with your head down and your
feet crossed.
6) Switch off all the electrical appliances and remove the
plugs from sockets.

Q.10. How does a Seismograph work?

Ans:- The tremors produced at hypocenter of earthquake
produce waves at epicentre and around it. These are
called seismic waves. These waves are recorded by an
instrument called seismograph. Seismograph has a
vibrating rod with which a pen is attached. It moves on
the graph paper wrapped on a roller, which records
seismic waves. ( Think And Answer )
Q.1. What is electrostatic induction ?
Ans:- Gaining charge by an uncharged body due to a
charged body near it is called electrostatic induction.
If an uncharged body is placed near a charged body, the
near end of the uncharged body gets opposite charge than
charged body and farthest end gets the same charge
temporarily till the charged body is placed near it.

2. If you place a positively charged
charge rod near an
uncharged rod; which charge will be induced on the
near end of uncharged rod?
Ans:- Negative charge will be induced on the near end of
uncharged rod.

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 29
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter- 13- Light) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

Chapter –⑬- Light

Exercise 3. Eye fluid present behind the lens in eye-ball.
A. Fill in the blanks. (a) Aqueous Humour (b) Vitreous Humour
Answers:- (c) tears (d) saliva
1. Absence of light is called darkness. Ans.- (b) Vitreous Humour

2. Light can pass through transparent bodies/medium. 4. It can rotate one eye towards backside and other towards
front side.
3. Sunlight is made of seven colours.
(a) Butterfly (b) Chameleon
4. In human eye image is formed at retina (c) Housefly (d) Owl
5. Chameleon can rotate its eyes in various directions. Ans.- (b) Chameleon

5. It is used to see different beautiful patterns.

B. Write (T) for true or (F) for the followings statements-
(a) Solar filter (b) Mirror
1. A candle is a natural source of light. (c) Telescope (d) Kaleidoscope
Ans:- ( F ) Ans.- (d) Kaleidoscope
2. Retina is the outermost layer of eye-ball.
Ans:- ( F ) E. Very Short answer questions:-
3. Central hole of iris is called pupil.
1. Define opaque body.
Ans:- ( T ) Ans.- Objects through which light cannot pass through are
4. Nocturnal animals can see only in bright light. called opaque.
Ans:- ( F )
2. What is a mirror?
5. Braille system of writing for blinds was invented by Helen Ans.- A mirror is a piece of glass with one surface polished
Keller. and other surface reflective. With mirror we can get
Ans:- ( F ) regular reflection that can create an image.
D. Match the correct alternative from 3. What are nocturnal animals?
Column II with Column I:- Ans.- The animals which can see in the dark or at night are
called nocturnal animals.
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
4. How can visually challenged persons read and write.
Column –I Column II . Ans.- Visually challenged persons can read and write using
1. During reflection through a. Cornea Braille system of writing.
mirrors the angle of 5. Name two organisms whose eyes have multiple lenses.
reflection is equal to. Ans.- Houseflies and cockroaches.
2. This part of eye gives b. Sun
F. Short answer questions:-
colour to eyes.
3. It is a natural source c. Owl 6. What is Newton's disc.?
of light. Ans.- A circular disc with bands of seven colours of solar
spectrum on its top is called Newton's disc. On
4. It is the front d. Angle of incidence
transparent part of
spinning, top of this disc appears white. This activity
sclerotic or sclera. shows that white light is made of seven colours.

5. It is a nocturnal animal. e. Iris 7. Name various colours of spectrum of white light in a

C. Find the correct answer from the
Ans.- Colours of spectrum from top to bottom-
Multiple answers (MCQ).
Red , Orange, Yellow , Green , Blue , Indigo , Violet.
1. Carry the sensation of sight to brain.
(a) Rainbow (b) Yellow spot 8. How will you arrange (set) two plane mirrors to obtain
(c) Blind spot (d) Optic Nerve five images of a body.
Ans.- (d) Optic Nerve Ans.- Given :– Number of images = 5

2. The least distance of distinct vision of a normal human Now, Angle between plane mirrors=
eye is at about.
(a) Infinity (b) 50 m = = = 60֯
(c) 25cm (d) 05cm Or , Angle between two mirrors to obtain 5 images = 60֯
Ans.- (c) 25cm

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 30

֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023
(2023-24) (Chapter- 13- Light) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍
Q. 9. What is persistence of vision? 11. Yellow spot:- It is the
he part of retina just opposite to eye
Ans.- Our brain and eyes retain a visual impression of an lens has most light sensing cells, rods and cones.
object seen for about 1/30 of a second ev
even if the
object is removed. This ability of eye, to retain an image
is known as persistence of vision. In movies
movies, it is the
persistence of vision which helps us to see an object
moving when the next image comes before 1/30th of a
second before our eyes.

10. Write some precautions for the safety of eyes.

Ans.- 1) Never look directly at a bright source of light.
2) Do not look directly at the solar eclipse.
3) Do not read in too dim or too bright light.
12. Write laws of reflection of light and draw diagram.
4) Take special care of eyes while Playing or working. Ans.- Laws of reflection:-
5) Wash your eyes with cool and clean water. 1. Angle of incidence (i) and the angle of reflection
r (r) are
6) Eyes should not be rubbed. always equal.

G. Long answer type questions 2. Incident Ray, reflected ray and the normal all lie in the
same plane.
With the help of labelled diagram, explain human eye.
Ans.- Different parts of human eye is as follows:-
1. Sclerotic:- The outermost layer of eye is called sclerotic
or sclera. It provides shape and protection to inner eye.
2. Cornea:- Front, Bulging and transparent part of sclerotic
is called cornea.
3. Iris:- It is colourful front part of choroid layer of eye. It
regulates the size of pupil.
4. Pupil:- It is a small opening in the centre of iris.
iris Light
enters the eye through pupil.
5. Retina:- Retina is the inner most layer of eye ball. It acts 13. What is a Kaleidoscope. What are its uses.

as screen in eye. Images are formed on retina . Retina is Ans.- kaleidoscope is an optical instrument which can

sensitive to light. produce beautiful patterns of colours using multiple

6. Lens:- At front side of retina there is biconvex lens. It reflections.

forms images of different

fferent objects on retina. It consists of three strips of plane mirrors. These mirrors are

7. Cilliary muscles:- Lens

ens is held by cilliary muscles which joined in shape of prism and kept in tubes of different

help to adjust the focal length of the lens. diameters. Some pieces of coloured glass are placed at one

8. Eye Fluids:- The region in front of lens has Aqueous end of this prism. Through the tiny hole on other we can see

humour and behind the lens has Vitreous humour. variety of patterns in the tube. An interesting feature of a

9. Optic nerve:- Optic nerve carry the sensation of sight kaleidoscope is that we will never see the same pattern

from retina to the optic centre of brain. again. Designers of fabrics and wallpapers use kaleidoscope

10.Blind spot:- At the junction of optic nerves and retina, to get ideas for new patterns.

there are no sensory cells. This region is called blind

spot. Image formed on blind spot is not visible.

...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur)

HScreations...........(Hardeep Page 31
֍ Class -8th (Science) (2023-24) (Chapter- 13- Light) (G.S.S.S. Bham, Hoshiarpur) ֍

14. How will you demonstrate that white light is made of Q.2. Name the phenomenon of splitting of white light into
seven colours? seven colours.
Ans.- Take a Newton's disc painted with seven colours on Ans.- Splitting of white light in to seven colours is called
its disc according to the solar spectrum. Now rotate dispersion of light.
Newton's disc with fingers. You will see that top of this
Newton's disc appears white. This activity shows that white Page-171
light is made of seven colours. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
Blue , Indigo , Violet. Q.3. What is persistence of vision?
We can also use a prism in white sunlight to see this visible Ans.- Our brain and eyes retain a visual impression of an
spectrum of seven colours. On passing through a prism white object seen for about 1/30th of a second even if the
light splits into seven colours it is called dispersion of light. object is removed. This ability of eye, to retain an image
is known as persistence of vision. In movies, it is the
persistence of vision which helps us to see an object
moving when the next image comes before 1/30th of a
second before our eyes.

Q.4. For how long does the effect of image remain on our
eye/ brain?

Ans.- Effect of image remain on our eye/ brain For


( Think And Answer )


Q.1.How many images can you see if angle between

mirrors is 72°?
Ans.- Given - Angle between mirrors = 72°

We know- Number of images = [ ]-1

Or- Number of images between mirrors = [ ]-1

= 5-1 = 4 images
Number of images between mirrors when place at 72° = 4

Page- 169
Q.2. What is Newton's disc?
Ans.- A circular disc with bands of seven colours of solar
spectrum on its top is called Newton's disc. On
spinning, top of this disc appears white. This activity
shows that white light is made of seven colours.

HScreations...........(Hardeep Singh, Science master , GSSS Bham, Hoshiarpur) Page 32

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