8th Sci New Book Fully Soved (ENGLISH)
8th Sci New Book Fully Soved (ENGLISH)
8th Sci New Book Fully Soved (ENGLISH)
SRyxI- A`TvIN (2023-24)
pwT pusqk dy AiBAws dy pRSnW dw h`l (English)
-:iqAwr krqw:-
Hardeep Singh
swieMs mwstr
srkwrI sInIAr sYkMfrI skUl Bwm huiSAwrpur
Sr.No. Chapter Page No
1 Crop Production And Management 1
2 Micro-Organisms:
Organisms: Friends and Foe 4
3 Coal And Petroleum 6
4 Combustion and Flame 8
5 Conservation of plants and animals 10
6 Reproduction in animals 12
7 Reaching the Age of Adolescence 14
8 Force And Pressure 16
9 Friction 19
10 Sound 21
11 Chemical Effects of Electricity 25
12 Some Natural Phenomena 28
13 Light 30
֍8th Class (Science) 2023-24 –(Chapter-1 Crop Production and management) (G.S.S.S. BHAM HOSHIARPUR) ֍
2) Only one type of plants grown in a field is called a Crop. 4)The process of growing crop without using inorganic
3) Crops grown in winter are called Rabi crops. fertilizer is called -
a) Organic farming b) Hybridization
4) Production and management of fish is called pisciculture. c) Mixed cropping d) Crop rotation
5) Selling of crop yield in market is called marketing. Ans.:- a) Organic farming
5) Three macronutrients are:-
6) Production and management of honey is called
a) Phosphorus, carbon and iron
b) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
7) Grains are stored at home in iron sheet silos .
c) Potassium, calcium and magnesium
B. Write True (T) or False (F). d) Nitrogen, hydrogen and chlorine
1) Pisciculture deals with growing of fruits and vegetables. Ans.:- b) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
Ans- False 6) The process of cleaning grains from chaff is called:
2) Excessive use of fertilizers can turn soil acidic or basic. a) Harvesting b) Broadcasting
Ans- True c) Thrashing d) Winnowing
3) Manure contains more nutrients (in quantity) than Ans.:- d) Winnowing
Ans- False E. Very Short Answer type questions.
4) A wooden plank is used for digging the soil. 1) Name any two animals reared for milk.
Ans- False Ans:- a) Cows b) buffaloes.
5) A plough is an agricultural tool used for tilling the soil.
Ans- True 2) Name any two ancient methods of irrigation.
Ans:- a) Persian wheel (Halt) b) Dhekli
C. Match column A with B column:
Ans- Correct matching is as Follows:- 3) What is a plough?
Ans:- Plough is used for ploughing, tilling, turning over the
Column A Column B
soil and mixing the manure into the soil.
1) It is an agriculture tool/ A. Urea
4) Where are vegetables and fruits stored?
machinery which can reap
Ans:- Vegetables and fruits are stored in cold storages.
and thresh grains.
F. Short Answer type Questions.
2) Keeping birds for meat and B. Rabi crops
5) What is a weed? Name any two weeds, and one
eggs is called.
method of removing them.
3) It is nitrogen rich fertilizer C. Kharif crops Ans:- a) Weeds are unwanted plants that grow along with
4) Barley and mustard D. Poultry the crop.
b) examples- Amaranthus (Chulai) and Chenopodium
5) Maize and paddy E. Combine
c) Removal of weed from the field is called weeding. One
D. Choose the correct answer: method of removing weeds is uprooting weeds with
1) Broadcasting is a method of-
a) Weeding b) Sowing 6) What is hybridization? How is it useful?
c) Irrigation d) Reaping Ans:- a) Producing new crop varieties with crossing two or
Ans.:- b) Sowing more plants of unlike genetic constitution is called
2) The type of irrigation best suited for the place where there b) Hybridization increases crop yield and disease resistance
is scarcity of water is- of crops.
a) Furrow irrigation b) Sprinkle irrigation
7) What are bio fertilizers?
c) Drip irrigation d) Basin irrigation
Ans:- Micro organisms like Rhizobium (bacteria) and
Ans.:- c) Drip irrigation
Azotobacter that act to increase soil fertility are called
bio fertilizers . Their action, like nitrogen fixation
directly increases soil fertility.
8) What are different ways of sowing seeds? :- For improved crop yield following practices are involved:-
Ans:- There are three main ways of sowing seeds:- 1) Selection of good and healthy seeds of traditional crops
1) Broadcasting were selected and sown.
2) Seeds of exotic breeds of crops were imported and
2) Sowing by hand.
3) Sowing with seed drill. 3) Hybridisation of Indian crop varieties with imported
ones produce new breeds which are able to withstand the
9) What do you mean by transplantation? local climate along with giving higher yields.
Ans:- Transplantation is the process of growing seeds of 4) With the use of tractors and other modern machines,
agriculture has been accelerated which has increased the
some plants in nursery and transplantation of grown
plantlets in the fields manually. 5) Use of fertilizers, insecticides and weedicides promoted
for example paddy is grown in small beds and after 20-30 to increase the crop yield.
days it is transplanted in the fields. 13) Explain how vermicompost is prepared?
Ans:- Earthworms convert decomposed animal dung into
10) What is a pest. Give examples? nutrient rich manure called vermicompost.
Ans:- Any type of micro-organisms or animals that attack
Steps of making vermicompost is as Follows:-
crops plants is called a Pest. Examples are- insects, birds,
1. Two adjacent beds (Pits) are made by using bricks and
rodents, big animals etc. cement. These pits are made at ground level and
G. Long Answer type questions. connected to each other by alternate holes.
2. Mixture of animal dung and leaves are watered and left to
11) Write differences between manure and fertilizer? decay in first pit for about 30 days.
Ans.- Differences are as follows-
3. Now earthworms are released in the pit and animal dung,
Manure Fertilizer
1. Manure is organic in nature -Fertilizer is inorganic in leaves and water are put in second pit. both the pits is
nature. kept moist by sprinkling water over it.
2. Manure is prepared in the -Fertilizer is prepared in 4. After 40-45 days, the compost in first pit is changed to
fields. factories.
3. Manure is made up of animal - Fertilizer is made up of vermicompost and it made to dry.
dung and other organic wastes. inorganic salts. 5. after this vermicompost is sieved and cocoons of
4. Manure provides a lot of humus -Fertilizer does not provide earthworms along with earthworms are put in the second
to the soil. humus to the soil. pit.
5. Manure is relatively less rich - Fertilizer is very rich in
in plant macronutrients. plant macronutrients like 6. Again first pit is filled with animal dung, water and
nitrogen, potassium , leaves. And this process is repeated again and again.
6. More space is needed to store - Fertilizer can be stored 14) What are various agricultural practices? Explain any
manure. in bags. two?
7. Manure does not get spoiled in - Fertilizer got spoiled in
rain or sunlight. rain or excess sunlight.
Ans.- Production of crops involves many activities which are
8. Manure is sparingly soluble -Fertilizer is readily soluble known as agricultural practices. These are as Follows-
in water , so slowly absorbed by in water and quickly A) Preparation of soil
plants. absorbed by plants. B) Sowing seeds
12) What do you mean by crop improvement? Explain C) Addition of manure and fertilizers
various practices of crop improvement? D) Irrigation
Ans. Crop improvement refers to the ways of developing E) Removal of weeds
and breeding of crop varieties which are better than the F) Protection from pests
pre-existing crop varieties in a number of characters for G) Harvesting and threshing
a better yield. H) Storage.
For needs of growing population crop production had to 1) Sowing seeds :- Seeds are sown with different methods in
be improved. During seventh decade of 20th century there field. Crops are sown in fields by following methods.
was a revolution in agricultural practices. This was a) Broadcasting :Seeds of crops like, wheat, maize,
named green revolution. mustard, sesame may be scattered by hand. This method
is called broadcasting.
End of chapter
b) Lactobacillus is the bacterium that helps in the formation 2. What is food poisoning?
Ans.- Some harmful micro-organisms
organisms produce toxin in food
of curd. this process is called food poisoning.
poisoning Clostridium ,
c) Fungi like Aspergillus cause food poisoning. Aspergillus etc. are microorganisms that cause food
d) During pasteurization, milk is heated about 70°C to
3. Name three diseases caused by fungi in plants.
100°C then suddenly chilled and stored. Ans.- 1) smut of wheat and rice 2) Rust of wheat
3) Red rot of sugarcane
B.. Write true (T) or false (F):
4. Name two diseases caused by bacteria in cattle?
a) All living organisms can be seen with naked eye
eye. F Ans.- 1) Anthrax 2) Tuberculosis
b) Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to observe
F. Short Answer type Questions.
and describe single celled organism. T
5. What are viruses, name three
hree disease caused by
c) Penicillin is produced from Penicillium notatum. T viruses?
Ans.- Viruses are microorganisms that have characteristics
d) Micro-organisms
organisms which are helpful to plants and animals of both living and non-living
living things. They cannot
are called as pathogens. F reproduce on their own.. Their size is very small. They
cause many diseases like AIDS, COVID-19, Polio,
C-Match column A with column B Influenza etc.
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows-
6. Define vaccination, name three disease which can be
prevented through vaccination?
Ans.- Vaccination is the process of producing specific
types of antibodies by introducing less active
microbes into the body of a healthy individual.
With this our body can fight against those specific
microbes. In this way we can protect ourselves
against a particular
ticular disease. Diseases like P Polio,
D. Choose the correct answer: Chicken pox, Tetanus and Rabies can be prevented
a) Which one of following is not a bacterial disease? by vaccination.
i) Typhoid ii) Tetanus
G. Long Answer type questions.
iii) Cholera iv) Malaria
Ans.:- (iv) Malaria 7. How micro-organisms
organisms help in the following:
b) Which one of following cannot definitely be called living 1) Food industry 2) Sewage disposal
or non living. 3) Recycling of matter 4) Making of medicine
i) Virus ii) Algae 5) Retting of fibers 6) Tanning of leather
iii) Bacteria iv) Fungi
Ans:- (i) Virus 1) Food industry:- Lactobacillus is the bacterium that helps
in the formation of curd. Certain bacteria and fungi also
(c) Which one of these can make its own food? help in making of cheese.. Yeast converts sug sugar into
i) Algae ii) Bread mould alcohol by fermentation action. Yeast is also useful in
iii) Diatom iv) Amoeba bakery industries; it is used in making of bread, pastry
Ans. Algae/Diatom etc.
d)Which one of these diseases is prevented by vaccination. 2) Sewage disposal:- Some bacteria are used in biological
i) Malaria ii) Polio treatment of sewage and industrial waste waste. micro-
iii) Ring worm iv) Cholera organisms break down the organic content present in
Ans. (ii) Polio sewage. In this way, sewage treatment becomes easy.
8. Describe various
arious methods to preserve food.
Ans.- The process by which food is preserved for a long time End of chapter
without losing its nutrients is called food preservation.
Think and Answer
Some methods of food preservation are as follows:
1. ) What is scientific name of bread mould?
1) Drying:- In this method water content is sufficiently Ans- Rhizopus.
reduced to prevent and to delay the growth of micro-
2) In which season most of the things in our house get
organisms. e.g. maize ,wheat, rice etc. are preserved for contaminated with fungus?
a long time by drying. Ans.- In warm ,humid summer.
2) Preservation using sugar and salt:- Sugar and salt 3) What gives green colour to algae?
withdraw water content from food and microorganisms. Ans. Chlorophyll.
This way the food stays safe. Meat, fish, vegetables etc.
4) Where is spirogyra found?
are preserved by applying salt. Fruit marmalade, jam, etc. Ans. In fresh water habitats like lakes and ponds.
are examples of food preservation with sugar.
14. Write uses of coke and coal tar. Q.8. Name the fertilizer that is obtained from hydrogen
Ans- Uses of Coke:- gas.
1. It is used as fuel. Ans- Urea.
2. It is used in extraction of metals. Q.9.Can you suggest some practices to be followed in
3. It is used in the Steel manufacturing. kitchen while cooking food to save fuel and reduce
4. It is used as a reducing agent. pollution?
5. It helps in production of water gas. Ans- 1. Pollution can be reduced by using L P G for
::- Uses of Coal tar- cooking.
1) It is used in preparation of synthetic dyes. 2. Fuel can be saved by cooking pulses in a pressure
2. It is used in making of paints and photographic cooker.
materials. 3. Oxygen supply should be abundant while burning the
3. It is used in explosive substances. fuel.
4. Naphthalene balls are obtained from Coal tar.
5. It is used in making of roof construction material.
‰‰ CHAPTER- ④ ‰‰
Combustion and Flame
Exercise E. Very Short Answer type questions.
I. Multiple Choice Questions :
1. List the conditions under which combustion can take
i) Which of the following gases is used in combustion? place.
a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen Ans:- Necessary conditions for combustion are as follows-
a). Presence of combustible substance.
c) Nitrogen d) Carbon dioxide
b).Ignition temperature of given combustible substance.
Ans.- b) Oxygen c). Presence of air or oxygen.
ii) The burning of CNG (compressed Natural Gas) is an 2. Define Ignition temperature.
example of- Ans:- The minimum temperature at which a substance
a) Rapid combustion b)Spontaneous combustion catches fire is called its ignition temperature.
c) Slow combustion d) None of the above
F. Short Answer type Questions.
Ans.- a) Rapid combustion.
i) Water is not used to control fires involving electrical
(iii) Which of the following is an example of spontaneous equipment. Why ?
combustion? Ans:- We should not use water to control fire if electrical
equipment is on fire, because impure water can conduct
a) Burning of petrol.
electricity and may harm us.
b) Burning of magnesium ribbon.
c) Burning of camphor. (ii) Paper by itself catches fire easily whereas a piece of
d) Burning of white phosphorous. paper wrapped around an aluminium pipe does not.
Ans.- d) Burning of white phosphorous.
Ans:- Paper catches fire easily because it has low ignition
(iv) The minimum temperature at which a fuel catches fire is- temperature but when a paper is wrapped around an
aluminium pipe paper's ignition temperature isn't
a) Melting temperature b) Boling temperature
attained easily. This is because the Aluminium metal
c) Ignition temperature d) None of these absorbs and transfers the heat given to the paper and
Ans.- c) Ignition temperature keeps the temperature below the ignition temperature
of the paper for a considerable period of time.
II. Fill in the blanks.
Answers:- (iii) Name the unit to measure the calorific value of fuel.
i) Calorific value of LPG is 55000 (kJ/kg) Ans:- Kilojoules per kilogram ( kJ/kg )
ii) Outermost part of a flame is the hottest. (iv) It is difficult to burn heap of green leaf but dry leaves
iii) Oxygen gas or air is necessary for combustion. catch fire easily. Explain.
Ans:- A heap of green leaves is difficult to burn because the
iv) Burning of wood and coal causes pollution of air. heap of green leaves has a high moisture or water
v) A liquid fuel, used in homes is L.P.G. content and the oxygen supply in the heap of green
vi) Fuel must be heated to its ignition temperature before leaves is very low.
it starts burning. On the other hand, a heap of dry leaves catches fire easily
vii) Fire produced by oil cannot be controlled by water. because the moisture content of dry leaves is very low
and oxygen supply in the heap of dry leaves is very
B. True (T) and false (F): high.
i) Burning of camphor is rapid combustion. F G. Long Answer type questions.
ii) Combustion is a physical change. F (i) What are different parts of a Candle flame? Explain
iii) Air is essential for combustion. T using labelled diagram.
Ans:- A candle flame has three parts:-
iv) Fire caused due to oil can be extinguished by water. F
1. Inner part:- It is the black colored part closest to the wick
C- C-Match the followings and contains un burnt carbon or wax particles. This
part of the flame is the least hot.
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows- 2. Middle part:- It is the largest, yellow or orange colored
Column-A Column-B part of the flame . Incomplete combustion takes place
i) L.P.G. i) kJ/kg in this part of flame. This part of the flame is
ii) Calorific value ii) rapid combustion moderately hot.
3. Outer part:- It is the outermost blue colored part of the
iii) Fire extinguisher iii) Non-combustible flame . Complete combustion takes place in this part of
iv) Glass iv) CO₂ flame. This part of the flame is non-luminous and the
hottest part of flame. Image:-
2. When does the flame flicker off?
Ans:- When Oxygen supply is stopped.
3. When does it flicker and give smoke?
Ans:- When Oxygen supply is reduced.
(iii) Define calorific value of a fuel? Give units. Q-4. Does it burn unaffected?
Ans:- Amount of heat produced by the complete combustion Ans:- The candle burns unaffected if it has regular and rich
of unit mass of a fuel is called calorific value of that supply of air or oxygen.
fuel. Units of calorific value ue are Kilojoules per
5. Can you infer anything at all about the role played
kilogram ( kJ/kg )
by air in the process of burning?
(iv) What is combustion ? Write its types. Ans:- presence of air or oxygen is necessary for the process
Ans:- Combustion is the basic chemical process of releasing of combustion.
energy from chemical reaction between fuel and
oxygen. Types of combustion:-
IV Choose the correct Answer:- 6. What is the difference between endangered species and
extinct species?
1. International Biodiversity day is celebrated on- Ans:- Differences are as follows-
a) 22 February b)22 March Endangered Species Extinct Species
c) 22 April d) 22 May 1.These species are at the - These species are extinct
Ans:- 22 May verge of extinction. from the earth.
2. Their number has fallen - Even their last member
2. 100% of this species of animals is found in India. rapidly. is gone from the earth.
a) Elephants b) Tigers 3. e.g. Tiger - e.g. Dodo
c) Asian Lions d) Wild Buffaloes
Ans:- Asian Lions
C. Match the correct answers from column II with their 4. Differentiate between menopause and menarche.
alternatives in column I. Ans:- Differences are as follows:-
Ans.- Correct Matching is as follows- Menopause Menarche
1. It is the end of It is the first menstrual
A B menstruation cycle in period in human females.
:- Pancreas - Goitre human females.
2. It occurs at the end of It comes at the beginning of
:- Thyroid Gland - Insulin
reproductive phase of a adolescence.
:- Testes - Estrogen female.
3. Menopause comes at the Menarche comes at the age
:- Pituitary Gland - Testosterone age of 45 to 50 years. of 10 to 11 years.
:- Ovary - Growth Hormone
5. Why adolescents get acne and pimples on the face at
D. Multiple Choice Questions (M.C.Q.) the time of puberty?
Ans:- Adolescents get acne and pimples on the face due to
i) Reproductive age in a woman starts when their : the increased secretions of sweat glands and sebaceous
a) Menstruation starts b) Height increases glands (oil glands).
c) Weight increases d) Menopause starts
Ans:- a) Menstruation starts 6. What is menstruation? Explain.
Ans:- The series of events between one menstruation and
(ii) The right meal for the adolescents is : next in female body is called menstrual cycle.
a) Noodles, coke and chips
In females, after puberty one matured ovum is released by
b) Pizza, chips and coke
c) Pizza, Noodles and burger one of the ovaries in about 28 to 30 days. During this
d) Chapati, pulses and vegetables period the uterus prepares itself to receive the fertilized
Ans:- d) Chapati, pulses and vegetables ovum by forming thick lining of blood vessels. If
fertilization does not occur, the ovum and the thickened
(iii) Testes in the males produce :
a) Estrogen b) Testosterone walls of the uterus along with its blood vessels are shed
c) Insulin d) Progesterone off. This causes bleeding in women which is called
Ans:- b) Testosterone menstruation. This happens once in about 28 to 30 days.
‰‰ CHAPTER- ⑧ ‰‰
Force And Pressure
End of Chapter
Q.6. Pressure = Force /.............. (Fill in the blank) i.e. the pressure exerted by the liquids at the bottom of
Ans.- Pressure= Force/ area (over which force acts) the container ,depends
depends on the height of its column.
(i) Friction is an opposing force which comes into play a) Use rollers b) treads on tyres
when one surface moves over another surface. c) use oil or grease d) make surfaces smooth
(ii) Friction on the bodies moving through fluids is called Ans:- b) treads on tyres
speed , comes into contact with the Earth's atmosphere, 1) With friction we can hold objects , as Friction enables us
heat is generated due to fluid friction. This heat causes to write by holding a pen .
the meteor to catch fire and burn up in the atmosphere. 2) We can walk with the help of friction.
Thus the atmosphere protects us from falling meteors or 3) Friction produces desired amount of heat..
shooting stars with the help of friction. 4) With the help of friction with brake pad we can stop or
slow down a moving vehicle.
Q.8. Write any three situations where friction is harmful 5) With the help of friction we can sharpen a knife or any
for us? other sharp tool.
Ans:- Friction is harmful for us because:- :- It is clear from the above that friction is harmful but it also
1) Friction causes wear and tear :- Friction causes wear has uses that make our life easier. So we can say that
and tear in soles of the shoes , tyres of vehicles and Friction is a necessary evil.
moving parts of the machines. Q.12. Write few methods to reduce friction.
2) Friction slows down the motion of object when it is not Ans:- 1) Making the surfaces in contact, even or smooth
desired. For example, on a muddy road friction is so high reduces projections on the surfaces and hence prevent
that it decreases the speed of the vehicle. interlockings to a great extent reducing friction.
3) Friction produces undesired amount of heat. Undesired 2) By applying oil, grease ( lubricant) on the contact surfaces
heat produced by friction cause damage to machine parts creates a layer between interlockings due to which
and tyres. Sometimes friction produces so much heat that interlocking is prevented between projections of the two
it makes the tyres burst on roads. surfaces thus friction reduced.
Q.9. Why do the ships, boats and airplanes are made 3) By using rollers, ball- bearings and wheels we can convert
Ans:- Ships, boats and airplanes are made streamlined to friction there is less surface area in contact so it is less
minimise fluid friction. Because of reduced fluid friction than sliding friction.
movement of these objects in water and air becomes 4) Fluid Friction can be reduced by making shape of objects
Time Period
(3) Solids only (4) Gases, liquids and solids, all.
Ans.- (4) Gases, liquids and solids, all. F. Short answer type questions :
(c) When you hold the ringing bell with hand Q.7. A pendulum oscillates 50 times in 5 seconds. Find its
time period and frequency.
(1) Bell stops vibrating and stops ringing.
Ans:- Given :- Number of oscillations = 50 oscillations
(2) Bell starts vibrating with inaudible frequency. Time Taken for oscillations = 5 seconds
Time Taken
(3) No change in vibration Now :- Time Period of Pendulum =
Number of oscillations
(4) Amplitude increases
= = Second
Ans.- (1) Bell stops vibrating and stops ringing.
Now Frequency = 1 .
D. Match the correct answers from column with their Time Period
alternatives in column -I
= 10 Hz.
Q.7(a). A pendulum oscillates 5 times in 5 seconds. Find b) Harmful effects of noise pollution :-
1) Exposure to sound more than 80 decibels can lead to
its time period and frequency.
Ans:- Given :- Number of oscillations = 5 oscillations
oscillation 2) Noise pollution can cause high blood pressure.
Time Taken for oscillationss = 5 seconds 3) Continuous noise pollution can also cause heart disease.
Time Taken 4) Sound pollution can lead to anxiety, sleeplessness,stress.
Now :- Time Period of Pendulum =
Number of oscillations 5)Noise pollution causes problems in mental concentration.
= = = 1Second Q.12. Describe the structure of human ear and explain its
Now Frequency = 1 . Ans:- The human ear is divided into three parts. Outer ear,
middle ear and inner ear. The structure and working
Time Period mechanism of each part is as follows:-
A) External ear:-
= = 1 Hz. We can see funnel like outer part of human ear it is called
pinna, , it collects external sound waves and sends them
into the ear canal. Sound waves reach the eardrum
Q.8. The sound from a mosquito is produced when it through the ear canal. The vibrations of the sound waves
vibrates its wings at an average rate of 500 vibrations per cause
use vibrations in the eardrum. From here the
second. What is the time period of vibration. vibrations are passed to the inner ear.
Ans:- Given:- Frequency = 500 Hz
1 B) Middle ear-
hux:- Time period =
Frequency There are threee bones in the middle ear. Malleus, Incus
Time period =
= 0.002 Second and Stapes.. They multiply the amplitude of the
500 vibrations received from the outer ear and transmit the
vibrations to the inner ear.
9. What is audible and inaudible frequency range for C) Inner ear:-
human. Vibrations from the middle ear reach the cochlea in the
Ans:- audible frequency range for human is :- inner ear. The inner ear also contains fluid-filled
20Hz to 20000 Hz semicircular canals that help in balancing of our body.
The inner ear converts these vibrations into electrical
Inaudible frequency range for human is :-
signals and sends them to the brain through auditory
Below 20Hz and above 20000 Hz . nerve. In this way we hear the sound.
10. Define the following relating to sound :
(a) Loudness (b) Pitch (f) Quality (or timbre)
Ans:- a) Loudness:- Loudness depends upon the amplitude
of sound waves. More the amplitude,, more will be the
loudness of a sound and vice versa.
b) Pitch :- Shrillness of the sound is called Pitch , More is
frequency of the sound wave,, more will be the pitch of
sound and vice versa.
c) Quality (or timbre):- Quality (or timbre) is that
characteristic of sound which enables us to distinguish
between the sounds of same pitch and loudness.
4. Example- sound of an air Example- Sound produced on the stretched balloon. Now ask your friend to speak
jet by a musical instrument. "Hello, Hello" from the open end and Observe what
happens to the grains.
Q.17. What is noise pollution? Observation:- Grains start moving when we speak hello
Ans:- Presence of excessive, unwanted, loud and offensive hello.
sounds in the environment which have harmful effects on Result:- Grains start moving because sound waves creates
human health is called as noise pollution. Sound having vibrations in stretched balloon. The ear drum is also like
loudness above 80 dB is harmful and counted as noise a stretched rubber sheet. Sound vibrations make the ear
pollution. drum vibrate.
‰‰ CHAPTER- ⑪ ‰‰
iv. An electrolyte dissociate into ions when direct current 4) Coating of superior
passes through it. metal over inferior D. Current
metal using electric
v. Copper and brass utensils are coated with Tin metal. current.
12. With the help of labelled diagram. Explain the
working of lightning conductor.
Ans:- Lightning conductor is a safety device used in tall
buildings. It is in the shape of a metallic trident(Trishul)
On touching the electroscope plate by a charged body the connected to the earth through a copper wire. During
charge flows to the leaves. Being the same charge on lightning the charge flows to the Earth through this wire and
both the leaves, they repel each other. building is saved from damage.
9.Write any three safety measures during lightning.
Ans:- 1) Take shelter inside a building.
2) Stay away from electrical poles and other metal metallic
3) Lightning conductors should be used on tall buildings.
4) Never use an umbrella during lightning.
5) If you are in the field, sit with your head down and your
feet crossed.
6) Switch off all the electrical appliances and remove the
plugs from sockets.
2. If you place a positively charged
charge rod near an
uncharged rod; which charge will be induced on the
near end of uncharged rod?
Ans:- Negative charge will be induced on the near end of
uncharged rod.
2. Light can pass through transparent bodies/medium. 4. It can rotate one eye towards backside and other towards
front side.
3. Sunlight is made of seven colours.
(a) Butterfly (b) Chameleon
4. In human eye image is formed at retina (c) Housefly (d) Owl
5. Chameleon can rotate its eyes in various directions. Ans.- (b) Chameleon
2. The least distance of distinct vision of a normal human Now, Angle between plane mirrors=
eye is at about.
(a) Infinity (b) 50 m = = = 60֯
(c) 25cm (d) 05cm Or , Angle between two mirrors to obtain 5 images = 60֯
Ans.- (c) 25cm
G. Long answer type questions 2. Incident Ray, reflected ray and the normal all lie in the
same plane.
With the help of labelled diagram, explain human eye.
Ans.- Different parts of human eye is as follows:-
1. Sclerotic:- The outermost layer of eye is called sclerotic
or sclera. It provides shape and protection to inner eye.
2. Cornea:- Front, Bulging and transparent part of sclerotic
is called cornea.
3. Iris:- It is colourful front part of choroid layer of eye. It
regulates the size of pupil.
4. Pupil:- It is a small opening in the centre of iris.
iris Light
enters the eye through pupil.
5. Retina:- Retina is the inner most layer of eye ball. It acts 13. What is a Kaleidoscope. What are its uses.
as screen in eye. Images are formed on retina . Retina is Ans.- kaleidoscope is an optical instrument which can
help to adjust the focal length of the lens. diameters. Some pieces of coloured glass are placed at one
8. Eye Fluids:- The region in front of lens has Aqueous end of this prism. Through the tiny hole on other we can see
humour and behind the lens has Vitreous humour. variety of patterns in the tube. An interesting feature of a
9. Optic nerve:- Optic nerve carry the sensation of sight kaleidoscope is that we will never see the same pattern
from retina to the optic centre of brain. again. Designers of fabrics and wallpapers use kaleidoscope
10.Blind spot:- At the junction of optic nerves and retina, to get ideas for new patterns.
14. How will you demonstrate that white light is made of Q.2. Name the phenomenon of splitting of white light into
seven colours? seven colours.
Ans.- Take a Newton's disc painted with seven colours on Ans.- Splitting of white light in to seven colours is called
its disc according to the solar spectrum. Now rotate dispersion of light.
Newton's disc with fingers. You will see that top of this
Newton's disc appears white. This activity shows that white Page-171
light is made of seven colours. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
Blue , Indigo , Violet. Q.3. What is persistence of vision?
We can also use a prism in white sunlight to see this visible Ans.- Our brain and eyes retain a visual impression of an
spectrum of seven colours. On passing through a prism white object seen for about 1/30th of a second even if the
light splits into seven colours it is called dispersion of light. object is removed. This ability of eye, to retain an image
is known as persistence of vision. In movies, it is the
persistence of vision which helps us to see an object
moving when the next image comes before 1/30th of a
second before our eyes.
Q.4. For how long does the effect of image remain on our
eye/ brain?
Page- 169
Q.2. What is Newton's disc?
Ans.- A circular disc with bands of seven colours of solar
spectrum on its top is called Newton's disc. On
spinning, top of this disc appears white. This activity
shows that white light is made of seven colours.