Tender Document For ERP Solution - 5a64

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F.No. PLICL/Proc.02/2022 dated at Islamabad, the 13 th December, 2022.


Postal Life Insurance Company Limited intends to invite sealed bids from the repute firms/vendors
for supply of ERP solution in a software as services (SaaS) model to be procured during financial year 2022-
23. The bidder must be registered with sale tax / income tax department are on Active Taxpayers List (ALT)
of FBR having their own office in Islamabad/Rawalpindi of Pakistan.

The tender documents containing the specifications (features & functions) of the applications along with
detailed terms & conditions may be obtained from Government Liaison and Admin Officer, Postal Life
Insurance Co. Limited-Head Office, Postal Staff College, Sector G-8/4, Islamabad during office hours.

The Financial Bids must be accompanied with a Pay Order amounting to Rs. 100,000/-, on account of Bid
Security, drawn in favor of Postal Life Insurance Company Limited. Tender procedure will be based upon
“Single Stage-Two Envelopes” bidding method as prescribed under PPRA rules. Each envelop shall be as
“Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” in Bold to avoid confusion & the same will be considered with
a weightage i.e. 70% & 30% respectively. The Financial Proposals of technically qualified bids will only be

Tender Documents are also available at www.Plic.com.pk and www.ppra.org.pk and may be
downloaded free of cost.

The closing date for receiving of the proposal will be 29-12-2022 at 14:30 Hours and it will be opened on the
same date at 15:00 Hours, in PLICL Head Office, Islamabad

The PLICL reserve the right to accept or reject Tenders and reduce or enhance the requirements as per
PPRA Rules.

(Ata Hussain Shah Hashmi)

Government Liaison and Admin Officer
Postal Life Insurance Company Limited.
2nd floor, Postal Staff College,
G8/4, Islamabad
Phone No. 051-9192902


Table of Contents
1. ABOUT POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE...........................................................................................................2
2. RFP INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................2
3. SCOPE OF WORK (SoW).........................................................................................................................2
4. EVALUATION OF BIDS............................................................................................................................2
5. BID QUALIFICATION CRITERIA (Initial Screening)..................................................................................2
6. BID EVALUATION CRITERIA....................................................................................................................2
7. INVITATION TO BID................................................................................................................................2
8. BIDDING DETAILS (INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS)...................................................................................2
9. TENDER COST.........................................................................................................................................2
10. EXAMINATION OF THE TENDER DOCUMENT....................................................................................2
11. CLARIFICATION OF THE TENDER DOCUMENT....................................................................................2
12. AMENDMENT OF THE TENDER DOCUMENT......................................................................................2
13. TENDER PRICE....................................................................................................................................2
14. PAYMENT TERMS...............................................................................................................................2
15. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT..............................................................................................................2
16. SUPPORT & WARRANTIES..................................................................................................................2
17. ANNEXURE-A (BID FORM)..................................................................................................................2
18. ANNEXURE - B (BILL OF MATERIAL (BoM).........................................................................................2
20. ANNEXURE-D FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FORM......................................................................................2
21. ANNEXURE – E (Financial Proposal Submission Form (Part of Financial Bid Envelope)...................2
22. ANNEXURE-F (UNDERTAKING)...........................................................................................................2
23. ANNEXURE-G (GENERAL CONDITIONS OF DRAFT CONTRACT).........................................................2
Bidders must ensure that they submit all the required documents indicated in the Bidding Documents
without fail. Bids received without, undertakings, valid documentary evidence, supporting documents and
the manner for the various requirements mentioned in the Bidding Documents or test certificates are
liable to be rejected at the initial stage itself. The data sheets, valid documentary evidences for the critical
components as detailed hereinafter should be submitted by the Bidder for scrutiny.


This Bidding Process will be governed under Public Procurement Rules, 2004, as amended from time to
time and instructions of the Federal Government received during the completion of the project.
Postal Life Insurance Company Limited (“PLIC” or “the Company”) is a life insurance company registered
under the Insurance Ordinance 2000. The Company is a fully owned subsidiary of the Federal Government
of Pakistan and will be taking over the portfolio of Postal Life Insurance Company “PLI”), an Agency of
Pakistan Post which is a government department operating under the Ministry of Communications. PLIC has
a portfolio consisting of both group life policies and individual life policies.

The PLIC has derived a long term roadmap for transformation of its business and operational processes.
As part of the plan the PLIC wants to implement a standard, and robust Enterprise Resource Plan (ERP)
Solution in order to integrate and automate business processes.
This RFP has been prepared solely to enable PLIC to appoint a suitable Bidder for supplying of ERP
solution in a SaaS model.


PLIC intends to acquire ERP solution with the following capabilities on rental basis. The ERP must be a SaaS
Model, installed on cloud environment within Pakistan. The proposed solution must have all the features,
functions and capabilities that is required to perform PLIC operational activities. The proposed solution must
be fully integrated with all listed & required ERP modules. (i.e) G/L, HRMS, Payroll, Investment, PLIC core
application and other systems and integrators.
The bidder must ensure that the proposed solution must be complaint with information /cyber security
standards. Detail of SoW is mentioned in section#18 (Annex-B)

The technical proposals of only qualified bids after preliminary evaluation shall be evaluated in detail. The
technical compliance and other commercial requirements of the bidding documents will be evaluated totally
on Quality and Cost.

Technical Proposal will be given70% weightage in the overall score whereas, 30% weightage will be given to

Total Score = (TS * 0.7) + (FS * 0.3)

Sr.# Category Qualification Criteria (Initial Screening)

Valid Income Tax Registration *Registered for at least last one

1 Required
(01) year

2 Valid General Sales Tax Registration (Status = Active with FBR) Required

i. Submission of undertaking that the firm is not blacklisted by
any of Provincial or Federal Government Department
anywhere in
ii. In full compliance of the Execution Schedule and Delivery
3 Required
Period mentioned in tender document (Undertaking).

iii. Compliance to the technical specifications of application (all

items) to be procured mentioned vide Annexure-B of this
document and product technical Brochure that should include
version with clarity of offered specifications must be enclosed
with the bid.

Has authorization certificate/License copy/document of the

4 principal / manufacturer of the software incase supplier using Required
third party software.
Following scoring criteria will be used to evaluate the technical bids:

The criteria listed below are presented by major category, so that Bidders will know which areas require
emphasis in the preparation of their proposals. Bidders should note that these criteria serve as the standard
against which all technical information will be evaluated and serve to identify the significant matters which
Bidders should address.

Sr. Max.
Evaluation Factor Evaluation Aspects Points
# Points
A fully functional office other than
Number of Offices and Support
1 100
Facilities in Pakistan. A fully functional office in

Number of implementations of 2 30
2 similar solution/project within 4 50 100
Pakistan. 5 or more 100

Support response time within 2 hours

and resolution or work around for 50
24x7 technical support response and
severity 1 issues, within 8 hours.
resolution times.
5 (The bidder must demonstrate in the 100
bid how the committed response Support response time within 1 hour
time will be achieved). and resolution or work around for 100
severity 1 issues, within 4 hours.

1 to 25

6 Human Resource, Professional Number of Employees 26 & 50 100

51 &
Ability to fully meet technical To be fully compliant with technical
7 174
requirements listed in Annexure-B specifications

Total Maximum Points


Public Procurement Rules, 2004 will be strictly followed. These may be obtained from PPRA’s
In this document, unless otherwise mentioned to the contrary, "Rule" means a Rule under the Public
Procurement Rules, 2004.

As per Rule 12(2), this Tender is also placed online at the websites of Purchaser and PPRA. The tender
document is available in the office of Postal Life Insurance Co. Limited-Head Office, Postal Staff College,
Sector G-8/4, Islamabad.

Tender Document is also available at www.Plic.com.pk and www.ppra.org.pk and may be downloaded
free of cost.


The Financial Bids must be accompanied with a Pay Order amounting to Rs. 100,000/-, on account of Bid
Security, drawn in favor of Postal Life Insurance Company Limited. The successful Bidder shall be required
to deposit in the form of a Bank Guarantee, a Performance Bond upon execution of the procurement
contract, a sum equivalent to two percent (2%) of the total procurement Cost, on the Form and in the
manner prescribed by the Procuring Agency. This Bank Guarantee shall be issued by a scheduled bank
operating in Pakistan and shall be kept valid from the date of issue, and should cover the warranty
period after all contractual obligations have been fulfilled.


As per Rule 36 (b), Single Stage - Two Envelope Bidding Procedure shall be followed. The said procedure
is reproduced as follows:

i) The bid shall be a single package consisting of two separate envelopes, containing separately
the financial and the technical proposals;
ii) The envelopes shall be marked as “Financial Proposal” and “Technical Proposal”;
iii) In the first instance, the “Technical Proposal” shall be opened and the envelope marked as
“Financial Proposal” shall be retained unopened in the custody of the procuring agency;
iv) The procuring agency shall evaluate the technical proposal in the manner prescribed in
advance, without reference to the price and shall reject any proposal which does not conform
to the specified requirements;
v) During the technical evaluation no amendments in the technical proposal shall be permitted;
vi) After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposals, the procuring agency shall open
the financial proposals of the technically accepted bids, publically at the time, date and venue
announced and communicated to the bidders in advance, within the bid validity period;
vii) The financial bids found technically nonresponsive shall be returned un-opened to the
respective bidders; and
viii) The selection criteria will be based on Quality and Cost.
The complete bids as per required under this tender document must be delivered into the Tender Box,
placed at reception of Postal Life Insurance Company Ltd, not later than 1430 hours on last date of
submission of bids i.e. 29th D e c e m b e r , 2022, late bids shall not be considered. The Technical bids
shall be publicly opened in the Committee Room of Postal Life Insurance Co. Limited-Head Office, Postal
Staff College, Sector G-8/4, Islamabad, at 1500 hours on 29th December, 2022. In case the last date of bid
submission falls in / within the official holidays / weekends of the Purchaser, the last date for submission
of the bids shall be the next working day.

The bidder shall submit bids which comply with the Bidding Document. Alternative bids and options shall
not be considered. The attention of bidders is drawn to the provisions of this tender document Clause
regarding “Determination of Responsiveness of Bid” and “Rejection
/ Acceptance of the Tender” for making their bids substantially responsive to the requirements of the
Bidding Document.

It will be the responsibility of the Bidder that all factors have been investigated and considered while
submitting the Bid and no claim whatsoever including those of financial adjustments to the contract
awarded under this Bid Process will be entertained by the Purchaser. Neither any time schedule, nor
financial adjustments arising thereof shall be permitted on account of failure by the Bidder.

It must be clearly understood that the Terms and Conditions and Specifications are intended to be strictly
enforced. No escalation of cost except arising from increase in quantity by the Bidder on the demand and
approval of the Purchaser will be permitted throughout the period of completion of the contract.
The Bidder should be fully and completely responsible for all the deliveries and deliverables to the

The Contact for all correspondence in relation to this bid is as follows:

(Ata Hussain Shah Hashmi)

Government Liaison and Admin Officer
Postal Life Insurance Company Limited.
2nd floor, Postal Staff College,
G8/4, Islamabad
Phone No. 051-9192902

Bidders should note that during the period from the receipt of the bid and until further notice from the
Primary Contact, all queries should be communicated via the Primary Contact and in writing (e-mail) only.
In the case of an urgent situation where the Primary Contact cannot be contacted, the bidder may
alternatively direct their enquiries through the Secondary Contact.
Bidders are also required to state, in their proposals, the name, title, contact number (landline, mobile),
fax number and e-mail address of the bidder’s authorized representative through whom all
communications shall be directed until the process has been completed or terminated.
The Purchaser will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with
the preparation or delivery of bids.
The Bidder shall bear all costs / expenses associated with the preparation and submission of the
Tender(s) and the Purchaser shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses.


The Bidder is expected to examine the Tender Document, including all instructions and terms and


The Bidder may require further information or clarification of the Tender Document, within 05 (five)
calendar days of issuance of tender in writing. The clarification and its replies will be shared with all
prospective bidders.

Bidders should note that during the period from the receipt of the bid and until further notice from the
Primary Contact given herein this document, all queries should be communicated via the Primary
Contact and in writing (e.g. e-mail & letter) only. In the case of an urgent situation where the Primary
Contact cannot be contacted, the bidder may alternatively direct their enquiries through the Secondary


a. The Purchaser may, at any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Tender, at its own
initiative or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder(s), amend the Tender
Document, on any account, for any reason. All amendment(s) shall be part of the Tender
Document and binding on the Bidder(s) as per Public Procurement Rules, 2004.
b. The Purchaser shall notify the amendment(s) in writing to the prospective Bidders as per
Public Procurement Rules, 2004.
c. The Purchaser may, at its exclusive discretion, amend the Tender Document to extend
the deadline for the submission of the Tender as per Rule-23(3) of Public Procurement Rules,


a. The quoted price shall be:
b. Best / final / fixed and valid until completion of all obligations under the Contract i.e. not subject
to variation / escalation;
c. In Pak Rupees;
d. Inclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, insurance, freight, etc.
e. Including all charges up to the delivery point as mentioned in the tender document.
f. If not specifically mentioned in the Tender(s), it shall be presumed that the quoted price is as per
the above requirements.
g. Where no prices are entered against any item(s), the price of that item shall be deemed be free of
charge, and no separate payment shall be made for that item(s).
h. In case of locally produced Equipment/Service, the price shall include all customs duties and sales
and other taxes already paid or payable on the components and raw materials used in the
manufacture or assembly of the item. In case of Contract of imported Equipment/Services offered
Ex-Warehouse/Off-the-Shelf from within the Purchaser’s country, import duties and sales and
other taxes already paid shall be shown separately (if required by the Purchaser).


All prices quoted should be in Pak Rupees. Price quoted should include all costs and applicable taxes. PLIC
will withhold applicable taxes on payments (as per prevailing tax laws of Pakistan).
The Bidder must submit a payment proposal with milestones which the Procuring Agency has to agree.
All invoices must be made on the bidder official letterhead in favor of PLIC and duly signed & stamped by the
relevant authority from the bidder.


Selected Bidder shall be required to sign Service Level Agreement (SLA) for ERP solution which at-least
should cover service availability (uptime), initial response time and resolution time for resolving the issues. In
addition to this the selected bidder should provide turnaround time for new developments in agreement
with the PLIC.


The Bidders should mention the warranties they propose for products and services to be rendered.



Tender Form

Note: (1) Contractors / Venders must fill in all the detail as required in the form.
(2) Use Capital Letters.

Company Name: ___________________________________________________

NTN: ___________________________________________________

Sales Tax Registration No (ISB): ___________________________________________________

Date of Registration: ___________________________________________________

Proof of being active on FBR ATL. __________________________________________________

Name of CEO: ___________________________________________________

Name(s) of Directors: ___________________________________________________

Business Address: ___________________________________________________


Telephone: (Land Line)/Mobile …………………………………….Fax.----------------------------------------------

E-mail: --------------------------------------------------
Authorized Signatures/ Stamp
(Chief Executive or the person Authorized to sign on his behalf)


1. Copy of CNIC
2. Copy of Company Registration Certificate
3. Proof of being active on ATL FBR website.
4. Copy of Sales Tax Registration in Islamabad.
5. An affidavit on judicial stamp paper regarding non-black list of the firm by any
Government /semi-govt / autonomous body, and firm is not under litigation in any court of

Tender Submission Date: --------------------------------------------------

Bank Draft / Pay Order No: --------------------------------------------------


Bidder Response
FC= Fully Compliant=10
S.NO Module Requirements PC=Partially
NC = Non-Compliant=0
1 Chart of Accounts (20 digits)
2 Cost Centre Setup
3 Trial balance (Many combinations)
4 Ledger (Many Combinations)
5 Budget Entry Setup
6 Revised Budget Setup
7 Budget Comparison
8 Voucher Entry/ printing
9 Multi-Currency
10 Foreign Currency gain / loss voucher
11 Tax deductions
12 GENERAL Vendor Tax Certificates
13 Payment approvals
14 User Security Groups
15 Activity Logs
Bank & Cash
16 Modules) Balance Sheet
17 Profit & Loss
18 Cheque Payment
19 System Generated Cheque Printing
20 Bank Reconciliation (Auto & Manual)
21 Bank Statement
22 Cheque Book Management (Single & Multiple)
23 Cash Management
24 Revise Payment
25 Flexible Report writer tool
26 Excel-Adin tool for user defined reports
27 Flexible Interface
28 Invoice
29 Bank Receipt
30 Cash Receipt
31 Customer Debit Note
32 ACCOUNTS Customer Credit Note
33 RECEIVABLE Aging report of Customer Receivable
34 MODULE Month wise detail of Revenue reports
35 Month wise detailed Receipt reports
36 Customer Balances
37 Customer Ledger
38 Ageing Analysis
40 Cheque Payment
41 Cash Payment
42 Supplier Debit Note
43 Supplier Credit Note
44 Supplier Ledger
45 Supplier Balances
46 Supplier credit aging
47 Purchase Requisition
48 Request for Quotation
49 Purchase Quotation
50 Comparative Statement
51 Purchase Order
52 Gate Pass In
53 Goods Inspection
54 Goods Received Note
55 Purchase Return
56 Debit/Credit Note (Supplier)
57 Unlimited document types
58 Integration with G. Ledger
59 Sales Tax Provisions
Direct / Non-Inventory Items Purchase for
60 Departments
61 Multiple Stores/Preferences
62 Material Requisition Note
63 Material Issue Note
64 Material Return Slip
65 Balance Transfer Notes
66 INVENTORY Stock Adjustments/ Stock Transfers
67 MANAGEMEN Recalculate Inventory
68 T Year/Period End
69 Date/Period Closing/Opening
70 Period/Year Status Report
71 Inventory List/ Stock Status
72 Inventory Below Safety Stock
73 List of Documents
74 Asset Maintain
75 Asset Tracking
76 Auto Depreciation
77 Asset Transfer
78 Asset Reclassification
79 FIXED ASSET Asset Disposal
80 MANAGEMEN Asset Write Off
81 T Asset Integration with GL
82 Dynamic Barcode Setup
83 Barcode Printing
84 Fixed Asset Register Detail Report
85 Fixed Asset Register Summarized Report
86 Asset Physical Verification Setup
87 Asset Transfer Report
88 Asset Disposal Report
89 Asset Write Off Report
90 Monthly depreciation Process
91 Employee Profile
92 Salary processing
93 Income Tax
94 Leave Management
95 Loans Management
96 Overtime Calculation
97 Bonus/Arrears Calculation
98 Contributions / EOBI / Social Security / Gratuity
99 Provident Fund
100 Medical Reimbursement
101 Final Settlement
102 Payslip emailing
103 Tax Certificate Emailing
104 Income Tax exemptions & adjustments
105 Employee Family information
106 Next of Kin information
107 Personnel
108 Job profiling
109 Online CV component
Recruitment & Selection (Paperless – Linking with client
110 Website)
111 Performance & evaluation Management
112 Post review actions
113 Training Management
114 Course enrolment & assessment
115 Correspondence
116 Workflow (Dynamic Workflow)
117 Employee Self Service
118 Company Announcements
119 Organization Organogram
120 Paperless workflows
121 ATTENDANCE Workflow alerts Popups & Emails
122 Online Leave Request approval
123 Online Loan request & approval
124 Online Travel authorization & approval
125 Integration with Attendance devices
126 Offline & Online attendance management
127 Shift Management
Dynamic Leave Rules linking with attendance
128 device
Auto Payroll preparation through Attendance
129 system
130 Data verification & validation by Admin users
131 Time Management
132 Training & Event Management
133 Training Needs Management
134 Integration with Payroll
135 Organizational Management
136 Travel Management
137 Master Data Management
Expiry alerts on CNIN, Driving License, Contract and
138 many more
139 Hiring, Leaving, Transfer, Promotion actions
Warning or Appreciation letters (e-Letter’s -
140 Paperless)
141 Over time Management / Approval
142 Manager Self-assessment
143 Employee Self-Assessment
INVESTMENT a) System should be able to handle complete life
PORTFOLIO cycle of Purchase, Sale, Capital Gain, Coupon receipt
144 MANAGEMNE and payment of following investments:
T (i) Pakistan Investment Bonds, MTBs and any
145 security issued by the Government
(ii) Corporate debt instruments such as Term
146 Finance Certificates & Sukkuks
(iii) Mutual Fund Units (Open & closed end
147 schemes)
(iv) National Savings Schemes
(v) TDRs, COIs
(vi) Marginal trading system
(vii) Equity investments in PSX (listed equity)
b) Investment Portfolio is a unique and distinctive
feature of the accounting software. They must adhere
to the relevant Accounting Standards, IFRS, IAS, Rules
152 and regulations of the Fund.
c) Provision must be available to take into account
and record the Corporate action (Dividends & Coupons)
153 associated with these instruments.
d) System should contain feature to enter the
term structure of investments and associated corporate
154 action and be able to generate a report for viewing.
e) System should be able to generate deal tickets
155 for the purchase & sales of financial instruments
f) system should be flexible to generate Portfolio
Reports for the Investments of each class separately
156 and a consolidated view should also be available
157 g) System should be able to calculate the income
on each financial system automatically and should
complete the whole life cycle of a financial instruments
since inception
h) Multiple companies option to handle portfolios
158 of multiple funds of PLICL
i) System should have an upload option for
159 valuation of PKRV, Corporate Bond rates
j) IDS & Non-IDS purchase and sales are necessary
160 along with KATS sheet upload option for better control
a. PLIC is acquiring SaaS model, all underline
Application infrastructure (i.e.) Database, hardware server’s storage
161 Architecture & and network devices will be vendor responsibility.
Underline b. All modification to the production will be tested in
Infrastructure: UAT environment and no change shall be made
162 directory in production environment.
a. The Vendor is responsible to maintain daily, weekly,
Data Backups
163 monthly and yearly data backups.
a. Currently, PLIC does not have an ERP Solution
therefore legacy data conversion/migration would be
Data Migration negligible. In case data conversion is required, the
Vendor is expected to assist PLIC in the conversion of
164 both electronic and manual data to the new system.
a. For annual audit inspection, vendor will allow PLIC
Annual Audits audit team to conduct the audit activity as and when
165 needed.
a. A complete change management process will be
Change adopted for implementation of CR. Vendor will share
Requests: the change management process along with the
166 turnaround time for the new developments.
a. Vendor will maintain and ensure 99.98% uptime to
167 Uptime & DR the systems.
Site b. Vendor will also maintain DR site as it should be the
168 replica of the production environment.
a. Vendor will ensure complete set of data security
169 standards are in place.
Information & b. The Vendor shall ensure that the provided ERP
Data Security solution is based on appropriate architecture to ensure
data security and no unauthorized access to PLIC data is
170 allowed.
System a. After successful testing and demonstration, the ERP
Availability & solution should be ready within 30 working days. The
171 Go-Live timeline may be extended on sole discretion of PLIC.
Training and a. Vendor shall provide user manuals and online help
documentatio for use by PLIC as part of the initial training (these are
n: different from the training material for the trainings)
and on-going operational support. Additionally, the
Vendor is expected to provide technical documentation
for user management, backups and system
172 administration tasks.
173 b. The Vendor will be required to develop a Training
Strategy to ensure that all identified Systems Users and
Technical Support Staff is thoroughly trained in the use
and support of the system. Training for Key Users must
be imparted early in the implementation stage,
preferably in the first month, to enable them to actively
participate in the Configuration/Realization process.
c. Training will be required in two main areas:
(a) Technical Staff, and
(b) Key System/Power Users. Key System/Power Users
are currently identified as Key Users/Business Process
Owners. The Vendor will be required to develop a
Training Strategy to ensure that all identified Systems
Users and Technical Support Staff is thoroughly trained
in the use and support of the system. Training for Key
Users must be imparted early in the implementation
stage, preferably in the first month, to enable them to
actively participate in the Configuration/Realization
process. The Vendor is required to provide materials for
174 training users.

To (Name and address of Client / Purchaser)

[Location, Date]

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the (insert title of assignment) _ in accordance with your Request for
Proposal/Tender Document No. dated _ (insert date) _ and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our
Proposal, which includes the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal sealed in two separate

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to provide supply of___________ related to the assignment.

We also confirm that the Government of Pakistan has not declared us, or any, ineligible on charges of
engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in
such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and we are aware of the relevant provisions of
the Proposal Document.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain,
Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature (Original)

(In full and initials)

Name and Designation of Signatory

Name of Firm

S. No. Item / Monthly Hosting Sales Tax Total
Module(Mentioned Fees (In PKR
in the Tender Excluding Taxes.



4. Total

Terms and Conditions for Financial Proposal:

 Rate quoted on vendor designed / composed document will be rejected.

 Quoted rate should be inclusive of all applicable taxes.
 Quoted rate shall be in Pakistani Currency.
 Quoted rate shall be in digits and clearly readable.
 This page (i.e.) financial proposal of the tender documents shall be sealed in separate
 This page will be opened after the approval of the Technical Proposal.


This is to certify that I have read and completely understood the Tender Notice as well as the Terms
and Conditions of this Tender Documents, and hereby accept the same.
In case of any dispute, the decision of Pakistan Post will be final and shall not be challengeable for
litigation. It is also certified that Firm or any of its sponsors/ Directors / Partners is not Black Listed
by any Government Company. It is also certified that the items provided by my company, if found
sub-standard, below prescribed specification on anything misstated deliberately, the procuring
agency shall have the right to forfeit my earnest money.

Name of the vendor & Complete Address


Date & Stamp

Phone & Mobile No.

21. ANNEXURE – E (Financial Proposal Submission Form (Part of Financial Bid Envelope)

[Location, Date]

To _ (Name and address of Client / Purchaser)

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the _ (Insert title of assignment) _ in accordance with your Request for
Proposal No. dated _ (insert date) _ and our Technical Proposal. Our attached Financial Proposal is for
the sum of (insert amount in words and figures). This amount is inclusive of all taxes.

Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e.
before the date indicated in of the Proposal Data Sheet.

We also declare that the Government of Pakistan has not declared us or any Sub-Contractors for any part of
the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices. We
furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and are
aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.


In the capacity of:

Duly authorized to sign the proposal on behalf of the Applicant.

It is certified that the information furnished here in and as per the document submitted is true and correct
and nothing has been concealed or tampered with. We have gone through all the conditions of tender and
are liable to any punitive action for furnishing false information / documents.

Dated this__________ day of__________20_______________

(Company Seal)

In the capacity of
Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:

The Purchaser shall, after receipt of the Performance Security from the successful Bidder, send the Contract
provided in the Tender Document, to the successful Bidder. Within three working days of the receipt of such
Contract, the Bidder shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchaser.

The Contract duration shall be for one (1) year, starting from the date of service /application usage (User
acceptance) with full features & functionalities till end date of service period.


The Contractor shall not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, make use of the Contract, or any
provision thereof, or any document(s), specifications, pattern(s), sample(s) or information furnished by or on
behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, except for purposes of performing the Contract or disclose
the same to any person other than a person employed by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract.
Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only as far as may be
necessary for purposes of such performance.

The Contract and all documents relating to the Contract, exchanged between the Contractor and the
Purchaser, shall be in English. The Contractor shall bear all costs of translation to English and all risks of the
accuracy of such translation.

The services provided under this Contract shall conform to the authoritative latest industry standards.

The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Purchaser harmless against all third party claims of infringement
of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the Service or any part thereof.

The Contractor shall deliver/enable the service within eight (08) weeks from the issuance of Intent Letter.


The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties and other such levies imposed make
inquiries on income tax / sales tax to the concerned authorities of Income Tax and Sales Tax Department,
Government of Pakistan.

The Contractor shall bear all costs / expenses associated with the preparation of the Contract and the
Purchaser shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses. The successful bidder shall
provide legal stamp papers of relevant value according to Govt. rules and regulations for signing of the
formal contract.

i. The Contractor shall indicate his delivery approach clearly specifying the requirements of software and
its documentation.
ii. The Contractor shall ensure that the Service shall be delivered complete to enable the testing and
training to proceed without interruption.

i. The Contractor shall be responsible for the addition of bilingual warnings and caution notices, where
hazards cannot be eliminated or risks cannot be reduced.
ii. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the power sources, controls, and critical
components of the redundant systems and subsystems by shielding or physical separation when


I. The Client shall inspect and test the Goods supplied, the Services provided or the Works carried out,
under the Contract, to verify their conformity to the Technical Specifications.
II. The inspections and tests shall be conducted at the premises of the Contractor / at the final destination.
Where conducted at the premises of the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide all-reasonable facilities
and assistance.
III. The Purchaser may reject the Goods, the Services or the Works if they fail to conform to the Technical
Specifications, in any test(s) or inspection(s) and the Contractor shall either replace the rejected Goods,
Services or Works or make all alterations necessary to meet the Technical Specifications, within three
working days, free of cost to the Purchaser.
IV. The Purchaser’s post-delivery right to inspect, test and, where necessary, reject the Goods shall in no
way be limited or waived by reason of pre-delivery inspection, testing or passing of the Goods.
V. Nothing contained in this document shall, in any way, release the Contractor from any Warranty or other
obligations under the Contract.

The Bidders should mention the warranties they propose for products and services to be rendered.

I. The Contractor shall provide all necessary supporting documents along with invoice.
II. The Purchaser shall get verified the details of Goods/Services delivered against the invoice from the
concerned Technical Team of PLICL and Payment shall be made on complete delivery of
hardware/equipment and after issuance of satisfactory certificate by concerned Technical Team PLICL, as
per details given in relevant Letter of Intent.
IV. The Purchaser shall pay the amount verified within thirty (30) days. Payment shall not be made in
advance and against partial deliveries. The Purchaser shall make payment for the Goods/Services
provided to the Contractor, as per Government policy, in Pak Rupees, through treasury Cheque.
V. The Contractor shall cause the validity period of the performance security to be extended for such
period(s) as the contract performance may be extended.
VI. All payments shall be subject to any and all taxes, duties and levies applicable under the laws of Pakistan
for the whole period starting from issuance of Letter of Intent (LOI) till termination of the signed contract
in this regard.
I. The Purchaser may at any time, by written notice served to the Contractor, alter or amend the contract
for any identified need/requirement in the light of prevailing rules and regulations.
II. The Contractor shall not execute any Change until and unless the Purchaser has allowed the said Change,
by written order served on the Contractor with a copy to the Client.
III. The Change, mutually agreed upon, shall constitute part of the obligations under this Contract, and the
provisions of the Contract shall apply to the said Change.
IV. No variation in or modification in the Contract shall be made, except by written amendment signed by
both the Purchaser and the Contractor.


I. The Contractor shall not assign or sub-contract its obligations under the Contract, in whole or in part,
except with the Purchaser's prior written consent.
II. The Contractor shall guarantee that any and all assignees / subcontractors of the Contractor shall, for
performance of any part / whole of the work under the contract, comply fully with the terms and
conditions of the Contract applicable to such part / whole of the work under the contract.


If the Contractor encounters conditions impeding timely performance of any of the obligations, under the
Contract, at any time, the Contractor shall, by written notice served on the Purchaser with a copy to the
Client, promptly indicate the facts of the delay, its likely duration and its cause(s). As soon as practicable
after receipt of such notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may, at its exclusive discretion,
without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, by written order served on the Contractor with a copy to
the Client, extend the Contractor's time for performance of its obligations under the Contract.


If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of
the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract the
Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, deduct from the
Contract Price against undelivered portion, as liquidated damages, a sum of money @0.25% of the total
Contract Price which is attributable to such part of the Services / the Works, in consequence of the failure /
delay, be put to the intended use, for every day between the scheduled delivery date(s), with any extension
of time thereof granted by the Purchaser, and the actual delivery date(s). Provided that the amount so
deducted shall not exceed, in the aggregate, 10% of the Contract Price.

If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract
/ violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the
Contract or found to have engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the award of contract
or during the execution of the contract, the Purchaser may without prejudice to any other right of action /
remedy it may have, blacklist the Contractor, either indefinitely or for a stated period, for future tenders in
public sector, as per provision of Public Procurement Rules, 2004 and PLICL Procurement Regulations and


I. The Performance Security shall be forfeited by the Purchaser, on occurrence of any / all of the following
II. If the Contractor commits a default under the Contract;
III. If the Contractor fails to fulfill any of the obligations under the Contract;
IV. If the Contractor violates any of the terms and conditions of the Contract.
V. The Contractor shall cause the validity period of the performance security to be extended for such
period(s) as the contract performance may be extended.
VI. If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any
of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract
the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, forfeit
Performance Security of the Contractor.
VII. Failure to supply required items/services within the specified time period will invoke penalty as specified
in this document. In addition to that, Performance Security amount will be forfeited and the company
will not be allowed to participate in future tenders as well.


If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of
the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract the
Purchaser may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, by written
notice served on the Contractor with a copy to the Client, indicate the nature of the default(s) and terminate
the Contract, in whole or in part, without any compensation to the Contractor. Provided that the
termination of the Contract shall be resorted to only if the Contractor does not cure its failure / delay, within
fifteen working days (or such longer period as the Client may allow in writing), after receipt of such notice.


If the Contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, the Purchaser may, at any time, without
prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, by written notice served on the Contractor with
a copy to the Client, indicate the nature of the insolvency and terminate the Contract, in whole or in part,
without any compensation to the Contractor.


I. Any of the parties may, at any time, by written notice served on the other party with a copy to the
Client, terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, for its convenience, without any compensation to
the other party.
II. The Services which are complete or to be completed by the Contractor, within thirty working days
after the receipt of such notice, shall be accepted by the Purchaser. For the remaining Services, the
Purchaser may elect:
a. To have any portion thereof completed and delivered; and/or
b. To cancel the remainder and pay to the Contractor an agreed amount for partially
completed Services, Works and materials / parts previously procured by the Contractor for
the purpose of the Contract.


I. For the purpose of this contract “Force Majeure” means an event which is beyond the reasonable
control of a party and which makes a party’s performance of its obligations under the Contract
impossible or so impractical as to be considered impossible under the circumstances, and includes, but is
not limited to, War, Riots, Storm, Flood or other industrial actions (except where such strikes, lockouts
or other industrial actions are within the power of the party invoking Force Majeure), confiscation or any
other action by Government agencies. In all disputes between the parties as to matters arising pursuant
to this Contract, the dispute be referred for resolution by arbitration under the Pakistan Arbitration Act,
1940, as amended, by one or more arbitrators selected in accordance with said Law. The place for
arbitration shall be Lahore, Pakistan. The award shall be final and binding on the parties.
II. The Contractor shall not be liable for liquidated damages, forfeiture of its Performance Security,
blacklisting for future tenders, termination for default, if and to the extent his failure / delay in
performance /discharge of obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
III. If a Force Majeure situation arises, The Contractor shall, by written notice served on the Purchaser,
indicate such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by The Purchaser in writing,
The Contractor shall continue to perform under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall
seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
IV. Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a
Party or Agents or Employees, nor (ii) any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been
expected to both (A) take into account at the time of the conclusion of this Contract and (B) avoid or
overcome in the carrying out of its obligations here under.
V. Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any payment required


I. The Purchaser and the Contractor shall make every effort to amicably resolve, by direct informal
negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the
II. If, after thirty working days, from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the Purchaser and
the Contractor have been unable to amicably resolve a Contract dispute, either party may, require that
the dispute be referred for resolution by arbitration under the Pakistan Arbitration Act, 1940, as
amended, by one or more arbitrators selected in accordance with said Law. The place for arbitration
shall be Lahore, Pakistan. The award shall be final and binding on the parties.


I. The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Pakistan.
II. The Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract, conform, in all respects,
with the provisions of all Central, Provincial and Local Laws, Statutes, Regulations and By-Laws in force in
Pakistan, and shall give all notices and pay all fees required to be given or paid and shall keep the
Purchaser indemnified against all penalties and liability of any kind for breach of any of the same.
III. The Courts at Lahore shall have the exclusive territorial jurisdiction in respect of any dispute or
difference of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Contract.


I. The Client shall only carry out such duties and exercise such authority as specified in the Contract. The
Client shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract,
except as expressly stated in the Contract.
II. The Contractor shall proceed with the decisions, instructions or approvals given by the Client in
accordance with these Conditions.
III. The Client shall conform to all the relevant clauses of this Tender Document to carry out all
responsibilities assigned thereto in a timely manner.


I. The Purchaser, the Client or the Contractor may, at their exclusive discretion, appoint their Authorized
Representative and may, from time to time, delegate any / all of the duties / authority, vested in them,
to their authorized Representative(s), including but not limited to, signing on their behalf to legally bind
them, and may, at any time, revoke such delegation.
II. The Authorized Representative shall only carry out such duties and exercise such authority as may be
delegated to him, by the Purchaser, the Client or the Contractor.
III. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until notified to the other
parties to the Contract.
IV. Any decision, instruction or approval given by the Authorized Representative, in accordance with such
delegation, shall have the same effect as though it had been given by the Principal.
V. Notwithstanding Clause 33 (II), any failure of the Authorized Representative to disapprove any Goods or
Services or Works shall not prejudice the right of the Client to disapprove such Goods or Services or
Works and to give instructions for the rectification thereof.
VI. If the Contractor questions any decision or instruction of the Authorized Representative of the Purchaser
/ the Client, the Contractor may refer the matter to the Purchaser / the Client who shall confirm, reverse
or vary such decision or instruction.

Failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of the obligations of the other party, under the
Contract, shall in no way be deemed or construed to affect in any way the right of that party to require such

The Contractor shall furnish the user documentation, the operation manuals other information pertaining to
the ERP, in soft copy format and in the form of on-line help.

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