RFP For Facility Management-562
RFP For Facility Management-562
RFP For Facility Management-562
Table of Contents
1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ................................................................................................................... 3 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................... ..3 TERMS OF THE RFP .................................................................................................................................... 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 4 PROPOSAL DEADLINES ....................................................................................................................................... 4 COMPANYS OBLIGATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 4 PROPOSAL EVALUATION .................................................................................................................................... 4 RFP TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLIED TO FINAL CONTRACT ........................................................................... 5 TERMS BINDING ON BIDDER .............................................................................................................................. 5 HOLD HARMLESS ............................................................................................................................................... 5 CONFIDENTIALITY PROVISION ........................................................................................................................... 5 SUB-CONTRACTING ........................................................................................................................................... 6 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSALS ............................................................................................................................. 6 EVALUATION AND SELECTION ........................................................................................................................... 6 LIABILITY FOR ERRORS ...................................................................................................................................... 6 ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS .................................................................................................................................... 6 OWNERSHIP OF PROPOSALS ............................................................................................................................... 6 USE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ....................................................................................................................... 7 TIME SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................................ 7 DELAY IN PERFORMANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS BY THE BIDDER.................................................................... 7 PROPOSAL FORMAT ........................................................................................................................................... 7 NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES .............................................................................................................................. 8 CHANGES TO PROPOSED WORDING.................................................................................................................... 8 BIDDERS EXPENSES .......................................................................................................................................... 8 CURRENCY AND TAXES ..................................................................................................................................... 8 COMPLETENESS OF PROPOSAL ........................................................................................................................... 8 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.1 CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 4.2 Pricing Model........................................................................................................................ ...............................9 5.0 INTENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1 DEVIATION SHEET ................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 SALARY DISBURSEMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 10 5.3 COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.4 HR PREREQUISITES ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited (Company) is carrying on life insurance business in India. As part of supporting its operations and processes, the Company is soliciting proposals for Facility Management & Housekeeping Services for all locations for which this RFP is being issued. 1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this RFP is to inform potential Bidders of a business opportunity and to solicit proposals for Facility Management and Housekeeping Services detailed in this document as currently contemplated by the Company. Based upon the review and evaluation of proposals
offered in response to this RFP, Company intends to select Two (2) successful bidders to provide similar services as defined in the Tender. Notwithstanding anything elsewhere stated in this Tender, the Company at its sole discretion may decide to allocate or assign any location(s) i.e. Head Office and Hub offices, among the two selected bidders as per its requirement on each location. For detailed office address, please refer our website.
Notwithstanding any other provision herein, Bidder participation in this process is voluntary and at Bidder's sole discretion. Price will be a consideration but will not be the sole factor in Companys decision to award a contractual relationship. Company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids from a specific or multiple Bidders for any reason at any time. Company also reserves the right at its sole discretion to select or reject any or all Bidder(s) in this process and will not be responsible for any direct or indirect costs incurred by the Bidders in this process. 1.2 Request for Proposal Definitions Bidder means an company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956, that submits, or intends to submit, a proposal in response to this Request for Proposal; Vendor means the Bidder(s) awarded a Contract resulting from this RFP; Contract means the agreement formed between the Company and the successful bidder as evidenced by an Agreement issued to the Company; Contract Documents means the Agreement, the Bidders proposal document, the RFP and such other documents as listed in the Agreement, including all amendments or addenda agreed between the parties; Must, mandatory or required means an absolute minimum function or capacity, which, if not satisfied in the proposal, may result in disqualification in the final evaluation; De-identification is the process of removing from data any information from electronic media that identifies a particular individual.
Throughout this Request for Proposal, the following definitions are used:
RFP means this request for proposal including any amendments, attachments, and/or clarifications pertaining to this RFP that may be issued prior to the closing date; and, Should, may or is desirable means desirable but not mandatory functions or capacities. Bidders who are able to provide these functions or capacities may be evaluated more favorably than those who cannot. 2.0 2.1 Terms of the RFP Acknowledgement
Company is going to release the RFP for Facility Management & Housekeeping Services online on its website (www.canarahsbclife.com) with the sole aim of making the process free, fair & transparent and user friendly. The Bid (as per attached formats) duly sealed and super scribed Facility Management & Housekeeping Services should be addressed to Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited, Augusta Point, 2nd Floor, DLF Golf Course Road, Sector-53, Gurgaon- Haryana (INDIA) 122002 . Please note that the Technical and Commercial bid has to be in separate sealed envelopes duly marked as Technical Bid and Commercial Bids respectively. Company is not responsible for non-receipt of quotations by the specified date and time due to any reason including holidays. All questions / clarifications should be communicated only on email id [email protected] or [email protected] . Last date for receipt of any query is 18/07/2012. Bids received after the stipulated time or the Due date or incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 2.2 Proposal Deadlines
Company must receive duly completed and signed proposals no later than 04/08/2012. 2.3 Companys Obligations
The submission and receipt of proposals does not obligate Company in any way. Company shall not be liable for any costs incurred by Bidders in the preparation, presentation or any other aspect of the proposals received by reason of this request, nor is Company obligated to negotiate separately with any sources whatsoever in any manner necessary to serve Bidder's best interests. Company makes no representation, implied or express, that it will accept and approve any proposal submitted. Any and all Contracts which result from this RFP shall be non-exclusive, non-commitment, as-ordered agreements. Company shall not have any liability to bidders for any interruption or delay in access to the site irrespective of the cause. Company will also be not responsible for any damages, including damages that result from, but are not limited to negligence. Also Company will not be held responsible for consequential damages, including but not limited to systems problems, inability to use the system, loss of electronic information etc. 2.4 Proposal Evaluation Proposals submitted may be reviewed and evaluated by any person at the discretion of Companys internal evaluation team, including non-allied and independent consultants retained by Company now or in the future for the sole purpose of obtaining evaluations to proposals. Bidders may be asked to further explain or clarify areas of their proposal in writing during the evaluation process. Bidders are expected to submit their best bid in response to the RFP. The bids quoted shall be according to the scope of work ( Refer Annexure I ) in this document. The only information regarding status of the evaluation of proposals that the team will give to any
inquiring Bidder shall be whether or not that Bidder has been awarded a Contract. Company may, at its sole discretion, inform any inquiring Bidder of the reason(s) why it was not awarded the bid. Company reserves the right to conduct a reverse e-auction after the completion of the RFP process, the schedule of which will be intimated later to all the pre-qualified bidders. 2.5 RFP Terms and Conditions Applied to Final Contract The terms and conditions of the RFP, including the specifications and the completed proposal, will become, at Companys sole discretion, part of the final Contract (the "Contract") between Company and the selected Bidder. In the event that responses to the terms and conditions will materially impair a Bidder's ability to respond to the RFP, Bidder should notify Company in writing of the impairment. If Bidder fails to object to any condition incorporated herein, it shall mean that Bidder agrees with, and will comply with the conditions set forth herein. Any exceptions to the terms and conditions or any additions, which Bidder may wish to include in the RFP, should be made in writing and included in the form of an attachment to the applicable Section in the RFP. 2.6 Terms Binding on Bidder Following the date for submission of proposals, and prior to Contract award, the RFP shall be binding upon Bidder in all respects for a period of 180 days. 2.7 Hold Harmless In submitting a proposal, Bidder understands that Company will determine at its sole discretion which proposal, if any, is accepted. Bidder waives any right to claim damages of any nature whatsoever based on the selection process, final selection, and any communications associated with the selection. Company reserves the right to award the Contract to the Bidder(s) whose proposal is deemed to be the most advantageous in meeting the specifications of the RFP. In addition, Company reserves the right to add or waive any requirements contained in this RFP at its sole discretion with regard to proposals submitted. Company decision on award of Contract shall be final and binding on all the Bidders. Company shall be at liberty to cancel the online RFP / online reverse auction process at any time, before ordering, without assigning any reason. 2.8 Confidentiality Provision The terms of this RFP, the information provided by Company herein and all other information provided by Bidder in connection with the services offered to be provided by the Bidder pursuant to this RFP, are to be treated by Bidder as strictly confidential and proprietary. Such materials are to be used solely for the purpose of responding to this request. Access shall not be granted to third parties except upon prior consent of Company and upon the written agreement of the intended recipient to treat the same as confidential. Company may request at any time that any of Companys material be returned or destroyed. Should Bidder choose not to respond to this RFP, please return all materials and any duplicates thereof at: Title: RFP for Facility Management & Housekeeping Services Kind Attn: Mr. Anil Raina Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Ltd. Augusta Point 2nd Floor,DLF Golf Course Road, Sector-53, Gurgaon- Haryana (INDIA) 122002
2.9 Sub-Contracting The Services offered to be undertaken in response to this RFP shall be undertaken to be provided by the Bidder directly employing their on roll employees. However, in case if any sub-contracting of Services or any part of Service is required then such sub-contracting shall not be done without the prior written consent of the Company. The Company, upon receiving any such request regarding Sub-Contracting from the bidder, may ask any information regarding such subcontractor from the Bidder and any such request shall be binding on the Bidder. Further, the Service Provider shall ensure that all the Covenants, Representations, Warranties and obligations under the prospective agreement with the Company shall be adhered and complied by the SubContractor. Notwithstanding anything else stated in this RFP, in case of breach of any such Covenants, Representations, Warranties and obligations by the Sub-Contractor in the said Agreement, the Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company from and against any losses, liabilities, damages, claims, costs and expenses (including attorney's fee and expenses, any third party claims) which the Company or any of its Directors or officers may incur or suffer as a result of or in connection with such breach by the Sub-Contractor." .
2.10 Acceptance of Proposals
Company reserves the right to modify the terms of the RFP at any time at its sole discretion and the same will be uploaded on the website http://www.canarahsbclife.com. The bidders have to remain updated about the same from the website and Company will not be responsible for such information not being downloaded by the bidder. Subsequent to the submission of proposals, interviews and negotiations may be conducted with one or more Bidders, but there will be no obligation to receive further information, whether written or oral, from any Bidder not to disclose the nature of any proposal received. This RFP should not be construed as an agreement to purchase products or services. Company is not bound to accept the lowest price or any proposal of those submitted. Proposals will be assessed in accordance with the evaluation criteria. 2.11 Evaluation and Selection A committee will evaluate proposals against the mandatory criteria as detailed herein. Proposals meeting all the mandatory criteria will then be assessed and scored against the evaluation criteria. Companys decision on evaluation shall be final and binding on all the bidders. Bidders who qualify the evaluation criteria will be empanelled for services. Commercial bids will be opened for the empanelled bidders post technical evaluation. Any deviations from the skill set / experience / prerequisites/ requirements and/or the terms and conditions of the Tender Document shall be submitted explicitly along with convincing reasons in the format attached (refer Clause 5.1). Company will not provide any justification in case rejects deviation and Company reserves all rights to reject or accept any deviation.
2.12 Liability for Errors While Company has used considerable efforts to ensure an accurate representation of outsourced, the information contained in this RFP is supplied as a guideline for Bidders. The information is not guaranteed or warranted accurate by Company, nor is it necessarily comprehensive or exhaustive. Nothing in this RFP is intended to relieve information in this RFP as per its current understanding of the requirements under various activities to be Bidders from forming their own opinions and conclusions with respect to the matters addressed in this RFP. In the event Company finds that the objectives of the intended outsourcing is better achieved by processes/procedures other than those mentioned in this document, Company shall have the right irrespective of the fact whether it has already received proposals from intending bidders or not, to effect such changes
and enter into negotiations with one or more Bidders at its sole discretion for such changed/modified processes. 2.13 Acceptance of Terms All the terms and conditions of this RFP shall be deemed to be accepted by the Bidder and incorporated in its proposal unless specifically notified otherwise. 2.14 Ownership of Proposals All documentation, including proposals, submitted to Company will become the property of Company. 2.15 Use of Request for Proposal This document or any portion thereof, is the property of Company and may not be used or copied for any purpose other than the submission of the Bidders proposal. 2.16 RFP Schedule Company advertises RFP on its website Bidder confirms receipt to Company All inquiries regarding RFP due by close of business Bidders deadline for submitting responses to RFP Company informs final selection to bidders (Tentative) Independent Handling by Selected Bidder 05/07/2012 09/07/2012 18/07/2012 04/08/2012 15/08/2012 20/08/2012
2.17 Delay in performance of the obligations by the Bidder The Bidder must strictly adhere to the schedule, specified in the purchase agreement to be executed between the Company and the Bidder for performance of the obligations arising out of the purchase agreement and any delay will enable Company to resort to any or both of the following: i. ii. Time and date stipulated for completion of work is the essence of the contract. If any part of the contract is not satisfactorily remedied within reasonable time, Company may proceed to do the work at Bidders risk and expenses without prejudice to any other contractual rights, which Company may have against Bidder in respect of any such non performance.
Proposal Preparation
This section defines the proposal preparation and submission procedures, which are to be followed by all Bidders. Bidders are cautioned to carefully read and follow the procedures required by this RFP. Please note that deviations may be cause for rejection of your proposal. 3.1 Proposal Format
The Bid (attached formats) duly sealed and super scribed Facility Management & Housekeeping Services should be addressed to Mr. Anil Raina, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce
Life Insurance Company Limited, Augusta Point, 2nd Floor, DLF Golf Course Road, Sector-53, Gurgaon- Haryana (INDIA) 122002. Please note that the Technical and Commercial bid has to be in separate sealed envelopes duly marked as Technical Bid and Commercial Bids respectively. Company is not responsible for non-receipt of quotations by the specified date and time due to any reason including holidays. All questions / clarifications should be communicated only on email id [email protected] or [email protected] . Last date for receipt of any query is 18/07/2012. Quotations received after the stipulated time of the Due date or incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. a) Bidders name and address, Bidders telephone number, email address and a contact person. b) One page letter of introduction identifying the Bidder and signed by the person or persons authorised to sign and bind the Bidder to statements made in the proposal. The returned RFP will be referenced as an attachment if/when a contractual agreement is executed. This document has to be uploaded and mapped with this corresponding schedule. c) Please follow the format of this RFP, placing answers in the text box immediately after sections requiring responses. Please do not enter any information into any part of this document other than the boxes provided. The boxes will expand to accommodate responses of any length. d) Price for each item to be submitted in separate envelopes. e) NO CHANGES TO THE LINES, FORMAT OR STRUCTURE OF ANY SPREADSHEETS IS PERMITTED. CHANGING THE SPREADSHEETS IN ANY WAY, OTHER THAN INSERTING THE REQUIRED INFORMATION, SHALL BE CONSIDERED CAUSE FOR YOUR COMPANYS DISQUALIFICATION FROM FURTHER ANALYSIS AND PARTICIPATION IN THE RFP PROCESS. f) Any additional information, brochures, etc., can be provided at the discretion of the Bidder and should be clearly labelled and uploaded. 3.2 Notification of Changes All recipients of this RFP will be notified of any changes if any made to this document prior to the due date of submission of proposals. 3.3 Changes to Proposed Wording The Bidder will not be permitted to change the wording of its proposal after submission to Company. No words or comments will be added to the general conditions or detailed specifications unless requested by Company for the purposes of clarification. 3.4 Bidders Expenses Bidders are solely responsible for their own expenses in preparing and submitting a proposal to Company, if any. 3.5 Currency and Taxes Prices quoted are to be: o In Indian rupees; o Exclusive of all taxes. 3.6 Completeness of Proposal By submission of a proposal, the Bidder warrants that all components required to manage the program have been identified in the proposal or will be provided by the Company at no charge.
The scope of services and existing structure of deployment across offices covered by this RFP is provided in Annexure - 1 below. It primarily deals with the provide the Facility Management & Housekeeping Services across the offices of company. 4.1 Criteria The purpose of this section is for Bidders to provide information to demonstrate to Company that its services offering satisfy Companys requirements. The bidder should also demonstrate that it has the financial and organizational infrastructure to fulfil the fundamental requirements set out in this RFP. Bidders not meeting them or not demonstrating that they do meet them may not receive further consideration during the evaluation process. A complete listing of the specific bid evaluation criteria is given below (Filling all the details is mandatory):
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Criteria List of current clients (To be attached) Year of Incorporation ( document to be attached as a proof) Presence across Company Locations (Offices As per list in the RFP) Quality Certification ( ISO Certification) , if any Copies to be attached Type of Firm ( Private / Partnership) Proof to be attached Total Area in Sq. feet within India where Facility Management Services are being provided at Present (documentary Proof to be attached) Total no. of Employees on Company's roll (Proof to be attached) Do you carry out Background Check of employees / vendor staff specially Address & Police verification? (Y/N) Annual Turn Over ( RFP Specific) Furnish documentary proof Balance sheet Last 3 years ( Financial strength) with documentary proof Vendor Response
7 8 9 10 11 A B C D
ESI code number (both main and sub, where obtained) allotted by ESIC in the name of the establishment Professional Tax Registration certificate issued by relevant authority (where applicable) LWF establishment code issued by relevant authority (where applicable)
H I J K L 12 13 14
PAN and TAN number allotment letter Memorandum and Article of Association Service Tax Registration certificate The bidder will maintain all statutory registers and records, updated at all times, in the format prescribed for the location. The bidder will pay the higher of Central/State Wage for the Said location, as application from time to time (Y/N) Customized Monthly Management Report (Draft Format to be attached) Profile of clients (To be attached along with references with details i.e. (Contact Person, contact no & address) Agreement for one year which states that the vendor will have all tax liability (Y/N)
15 16 17
Primary and Secondary Contact for Canara HSBC Insurance with their contact Nos. Address for Communication Does your Company take a Group Term Plan for all its employees (resources deputed at our premises)? What is the sum assured under this. Has your company been issued a notice by any of the statutory authorities in the last one year? Please furnish the details if any. Has your company been imposed any fine, penalty, interest, summon etc. in the last one year? Please furnish the details if any.
Bidders are expected to fill all the details and support the responses with all necessary documents for the purpose of evaluations failing which their bid is liable to be rejected.
All necessary statutory Compliance related payments (PF, ESI, Bonus, LWF, TAX etc) should be taken care while providing the prices Bidder is expected to take GTL (General Term Life Insurance Cover) of INR 2 lakhs per deputed resource. Cost of same to be quoted in the price format.
Other applicable taxes not mentioned above can be paid after adequate justification and documentation as required by THE Company .
5.0 Intent Please find the detail scope of activities proposed to be outsourced, as per Companys current understanding of the processes.
a) Key Goals & Objectives
Maintain & Upkeep the COMPANY facilities to ensure that it is clean and properly managed at all times. Ensure hygiene and safety aspect of the facility & Equipments. Carry out periodic audit of the premises and equipments, Conduct training for all the deputed staff of the service provider considering technological changes.
b) Single Point of Contact One of the critical success factors for this service is a fulltime, dedicated, single point of contact assigned by the service provider. He / She will have authority over all staff and resources that are involved in service delivery.
c) Employee Development & Training
The staff dedicated to this account may comprise of new hires & or existing on site staff. All resources will need to be trained by the service providers to ensure COMPANY facility management & housekeeping services are managed as per best practice in the industry.
One of the objectives of COMPANY is to improve the consistency of services and minimize the time taken to deliver outcomes while reducing costs and risks. The service provider will need to continuously review their service delivery model and operation to ensure there is constant process improvement. e) Performance Measurement The service provider will be measured qualitatively and quantitatively through the usage of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These SLAs and KPIs will be agreed during the contract negotiation process. Bidders should propose specimen SLAs and KPIs to cater to the stated scope of services in Attachment 1. g)
Procurement and Competitive Bid Process
The service provider will be responsible for the procurement of all service contracts, goods & repairs for the scope of service with regard to this contract. The service provider will ensure that all COMPANY processes are adhered to during the bidding process and recommendations are submitted before award of contract.
g) Information Systems to be provided in supporting COMPANY
A key benefit COMPANY sees from engaging a Facility Management vendor is to improve the quality of reporting and decision support. The bidders are required to provide samples of such reports with clarity of frequency. Any technology used in delivery of services should be highlighted and costs clearly stated.
Deviation Sheet
Deviations from Technical Specifications and Terms and Conditions of the Tender RFP Document Technical Deviation Clause Specification or offered Terms and Condition in the RFP document 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Note: Deviations from any of the terms and conditions of the tender document should be specified If any deviations from the technical specifications are warranted, reasons for such variations should be specified and if such deviations/ variations add to improvement of the overall performance of the systems, those should be specifically mentioned and supported by relevant technical documentation as specified above. Reasons and whether deviation adds to the operational efficiency in case of the systems
Facilities Management Services at HUB Offices Sl No Location Agra Ahmedabad Amritsar Bangalore 1 Bangalore 2 Bareilly Bhopal Calicut Chandigarh Guwahati Hubli Jaipur Karnal Kolkata Lucknow Ludhiana Madurai Mumbai 2 Delhi Patna Pune Trivandrum Chennai Mumbai 1 Coimbatore Bhubaneshwar Sq. Ft. Area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2000 3009 900 4050 2600 2500 2500 2293 2300 851 2575 2619 2000 5890 2500 3000 860 3656 5004 2065 3403 3111 3051 2620 1614 1075
Scope of Work The FM Company shall be required to provide operational and maintenance services on 24 X 7 basis to Company. The FM Service Provider will be directly responsible for ensuring operational service levels and that the performance is met. They will be directly reporting to the Site Facility / Admin Management Team of Company. Facilities Team of Company will have responsibilities to define policies, procedures and standards, and provide advice to the FM Service Provider from time to time, as required. FM Service Provider shall design the manpower for Company considering the following equipments and Services that are to be provided the Service Provider to the Company.
UPS Transformers Fire Suppression System Mechanical & Electrical Facilities Fire, Life, Safety Building Management System General Services Reports
Horticulture Services Carpet Cleaning Window / Faade Cleaning Sewer Cleaning Pantry Services Waste management Help Desk Overall Guidelines
Apart from above the FM Service provider is expected to carry out total facility audit once in 6 months by internal experts focusing on areas like Safety, Energy, Cost savings and overall systems.
Technical Services
1. HVAC Services To ensure AHUs are operated in a way to maintain following parameters Temp : 22+/- 2 Operation and daily maintenance of the Split ACs, AHUs, PAHUs / PACs and FSUs in accordance with the Manufacturers Instruction manual and in coordination with AMC Vendors Routine Checks of AHUs Blowers, Blower Motors, and adjustment of Belt Tension Check and lubricate all Bearings for AHUs Cleaning of AHU filter on every weekends or in night hours on need basis Observe Noise Levels and report for abnormal condition Preventive Maintenance Schedule to be followed with 100% compliance and Predictive maintenance techniques to be followed
Need to co-ordinate with Vendors for carrying out maintenance of equipment under AMC or warranty Need to maintain a record of all the Equipment at facility, keep record of the Vendors details, keep track of the dates of AMC/Warranty validity and inform Company when the validity is within 2 months of completion Need to prepare the records of routine service visits provided by AMC providers and tracking to be done against actual visits Keep the Inventory status of all spares and consumables required for the maintenance of the facility and update on weekly basis All the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Reports and Checklists to be adhered to 100% FM Service provider needs to conduct quarterly systems & equipment health audits with and through the AMC Service provider and submit a health status report to the Head of FM in Company. 2. UPS Under any circumstances there should not be any power black out to Data Centers Operation and daily maintenance of the UPS and related equipments in accordance with the Manufacturers Instruction Manual and in coordination with AMC Vendors Daily check for UPS loading, neutral current and back up time and record them Daily visual inspection for batteries for any abnormalities to be intimated to Company immediate Need to co-ordinate with Vendors for carrying out maintenance of equipment under AMC or warranty Any breakdown/malfunctioning of the Equipment will be attended as per procedures of the original manufacturers and suppliers of UPS & associated equipment(s). Weekly prepare reports on UPS loading and back up time with battery condition keep updated to Company Ensure 100% uptime for UPS. This will be monitored on Quarterly basis. All the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Reports and Checklists to be adhered to 100% FM Service provider needs to conduct quarterly systems & equipment health audits with and through the AMC Service provider and submit a health status report to the Head of FM in Company. 3. Fire Suppression System Operation and daily maintenance of the FSS and related equipments in accordance with the Manufacturers Instruction Manual and in coordination with AMC Vendors Daily check for gas pressure Ensure that the Checklists are adhered with utmost care and regularity Any breakdown/malfunctioning of the Equipment will be attended as per procedures of the original manufacturers and suppliers of associated equipment(s). All the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Reports and Checklists to be adhered to 100% FM Service provider needs to conduct quarterly systems & equipment health audits with and through the AMC Service provider and submit a health status report to the Head of FM in Company
FM Service provider needs to conduct Fire Audit for every 6 months through internal FM Company specialists 4. Mechanical & Electrical Facilities A) Electrical System FM Service Provider will ensure smooth operation of the electrical switch gears, cables etc FM Service Provider will be responsible for availability of requisite power at all utility points. Check for tightness of connections, any overheating. Regular cleaning of panels on weekly basis. All sockets should be tested once every six months for the voltage levels and earthing All power cables should be checked for continuity, any broken conductor or damage to the insulation Cables of portable equipment like vacuum cleaners, Xerox machines, laptops should be checked once in three months, while for desktop Computers and other stationary equipment it should be once in six months Earthing should be checked regularly as part of maintenance for tightness, corrosion etc. and should be rectified in case any deficiency is found. The Resistance of earthing pits should be checked regularly and action to be taken for correction with approval of Company. A log of earthing values should be maintained quarterly Check all motors across facility against Noise, Temp, Vibration, Imbalance of Phase current on weekly basis and record them Ensure that the Checklists are adhered with utmost care and regularity Preventive Maintenance Schedule to be followed with 100% compliance for all motors and other electrical equipments, Predictive maintenance techniques to be followed History of maintenance to be maintained for each and every equipment Co-ordination of all activities with outside agencies for the purpose of maintenance and upkeep of equipment will be carried out by the FM Service Provider Maintain proper inventory of all bulbs / tube lights / spares Ensure all the fused bulbs / tube lights are replaced as and when required Log down Electrical Meter readings All alarms to be checked and logged FM needs to procure all the engineering consumables as per Company Procurement policy FM Service provider needs to conduct Electro mechanical equipment audit for every 6 months through internal FM Company specialists. B) Civil Works & Maintenance: Carpentry: Check all Door closers Floor springs Handles Hinges Locks Latches Shutters Doors Attend to complaints/requests within 30minutes of lodging of the complaints for repairing the chair, opening a stuck drawer etc. Minor repairs to be carried out immediate.
Co-ordinate with chair repairing technician, floor spring/door closer technicians, blinds repairman etc. Plumbing: Check all Cloakrooms W/C, urinals, and clear blockages if any. Attend to complaints/requests within 30 minutes of lodging of the complaints Clear blockages in main line as and when required. Co-ordinate with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of auto flush system Check inventory of spares & consumables General Repairs Co-ordinate for works like painting, polishing, tiling, ceiling works etc.
Fire, Life, Safety (Fire detection, alarm system) 5.1 Fire detection and alarm system: (Smoke Detector panel) Daily Checks Check the power supply position of all the panels Check the LED of panels through lamp test switch Check the health of battery Check the battery, if used; boost charges of the same after restoration of power supply. Check any fault if indicated on panels and rectify the same immediate. Fortnightly checks: Operational readiness of system during main power failures. Check the operation of external hooters. Monthly Checks Check the fire circuit of each zone from the panels Check whether signal of fire and fault gets transmitted to main panel. Quarterly checks Check fault circuit to each zone by actually deactivating wire or by removing detection. Check fire circuits by actually giving smoke to each detector of each zone Cleaning of all type of detectors with a cloth piece from outside Check the sensitivity of the detectors. Half yearly checks Properly clean all detectors with vacuum cleaner or a blower. Annual Inspection Test All the tests, which are carried out in quarterly inspection Operation of at least 10% of the detectors in an installation should be checked each month and the selection should be done in such a way that all the detectors in any installations shall have been checked at least once in every year. Replacement of faulty ones with new ones in coordination with AMC service provider
5.2 Fire Extinguishers Clean the exterior of the extinguisher. Brass parts with metal polish, and chromium plated parts with silver polish. Check the nozzle outlet and vent holes and the threaded portion of the cap for clogging and check the plunger is in working position and is clean.
Check the cap washer, grease the threads of cap plunger Check pressure of all fire extinguishers. Check for validity of Fire extinguisher as mentioned by OEM and should take necessary steps to intimate Company Admin for their timely refilling. . 6. Building Management System (Access Control, CCTV & System Operations): To Operate and maintain the complete Access Control system, CCTV System, System as installed in the said premises. The FM Service Provider needs to Manage & co-ordinate (through their service Providers OEMs/others) for day to day operation, monitoring and management of the systems as per the design of the system and usage requirements of Company FM Service provider needs to conduct quarterly systems & equipment health audits with and through the AMC Service provider and submit a health status report to the Head of FM in Company 7. General Services Co-ordinate with AMC vendors for scheduled maintenance of all equipment Shredders maintenance Photocopier and Fax machines maintenance Ovens / Microwave maintenance Track all annual maintenance service contracts and ensure timely renewals Maintain and regularly update the preventive maintenance plan. Manage inventory of all required spares & consumables Ensure all planned repair and maintenance works are carried out Ensure all routine operations of equipment and systems are carried out. Ensure adequate supervision of all operations & maintenance activities Ensure adequate manpower available to carry out all the services mentioned in this schedule. Negotiate & recommend for all works / purchases as per Company procurement guidelines Ensure all vendors are on Company approved vendor list. Help desk to be maintained and operational for at least 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Ensure all works are carried out as per Safety guidelines laid down by the Company. Check and authorize the receipt of material, satisfactory completion of work, etc.
Help Desk o o Operational 10 hrs, 6 days a week(As per the guidelines issued by Company) Responsibilities of the help desk: Attend call from the premise on all the services mentioned in this RFP. Direct the complaint to the concerned vendor. Track every complaint, 95% of complaints should be resolved on the same day. Escalate the unresolved complaint to Company. Any critical complaint to be reported to Company immediate on receipt of complaint Provide daily, weekly, monthly MIS on the complaints received with status. Standard Maintenance Requirements All employees / security shall contact the Help Desk whenever there is a problem, the Help Desk then lodge maintenance requests and reconfirm the location and contact numbers. Help Desk personnel will prepare a Work Order accordingly and communicate the same to an appropriate maintenance contractor already authorized by Company Help Desk will communicate date and time when the maintenance Engineer / Contractor will visit the premise of the complaint. This will be fixed as per the convenience of the complainant and communicated by telephone or via email.
The complainant must sign the Work Order, confirming satisfactory completion of works and consumption of material, if any. Depending upon the nature of the work, this may be followed up by a call/ visit of the Maintenance Engineer in order to ensure the completion and quality of the works that has been carried out
High Cost Maintenance Requirements In case the maintenance requirement involves the replacement of a high cost item like a repair of a wall with seepage, etc. or a new requirement, Help Desk shall seek prior approval from Company. Help Desk shall keep the complainant briefed about the progress and arrange for the completion of the assignment on receipt of such approval. Type of Services Help Desk is the sole service for the physical maintenance of the premises and the scope of services will include electrical, plumbing, masonry, painting, polishing, air-conditioning and carpentry problems, co-ordination for installation and maintenance of airconditioner or other equipment,, etc. Operating Hours. Help Desk must have a dedicated computer with an internet connection for logging the complaints and generation of MIS reports. Complaint must be logged immediately upon receipt.
Reports The following reports will be submitted to Company 1. Facility Management Monthly Report containing the following Consumption of consumables i. Soft Service ii. Mechanical iii. Electrical iv. Civil v. Miscellaneous AMC activities for the month detailing actual Vs scheduled Help Desk MIS Expense report committed & Invoice amounts Energy consumption by utility, by premise All deviations and exceptions Facility Inspection The service provider must conduct regular comprehensive facility inspection and perform any additional ones that will maintain / enhance the appearance, operation, and safety aspects of all the facility as approved by Company. The service provider shall indicate frequency of inspection covering all premises. 2. Monthly occupancy report 3. Facility Management Quarterly Report containing the following Energy consumption analysis Self Analysis of performance Suggestions, if any, for modifications, up gradation with supporting estimate 4. Quarterly Self-Assessment Report in the prescribed format, with all necessary supporting documents 5. Facility Management Bi-annual Report containing the following: Comprehensive Analysis of each service Highlight Critical Issues / Problems with recommended solutions which should contain the technical recommendations / alternatives, cost, time schedules, etc.
Customer Feedback Analysis 6. Facility Management Annual Report containing the following: Energy Audit / Conservation measures Progress Report 7. MIS on procurement, statutory payments & on any other invoices processed by Company 8. Any other reports as needed from time to time 10. Overall Guidelines The FM Service Provider shall develop Business Continuity Plan for all the premises in agreement and coordination with the Company team within three (3) months of signing of the agreement The FM Service Provider operate the facility in line with occupancy so that energy efficiency is achieved Need to propose Company team for new products, Technology, which may lead to efficient operations of facility Need to keep track of Specific energy consumptions of all major utilities Provide multi-skilled and trained staff Painting work should be organized on call basis Carpet shampooing needs to be done on need basis The staff should be trained on all the services mentioned in the RFP The staff should have good communication skills, should preferably speak / write in English There should be minimum staff on-site at all times (staffing levels should not compromise on service delivery) The staff should be dressed in standard uniform. There should be adequate off-site backup, trained, to ensure 100% service delivery. The FM Service Provider will liaise with external parties (government bodies), including, payment of power / water / property tax bills. The FM Service Provider shall develop rate contract for the repair work at all premises within 3 months signing the agreement All sub-contractors / vendors working under the Facility Manager, should complete the due diligence formalities as specified by Company The FM Service Provider shall ensure that all statutory compliances (PF, ESIC, Minimum wages, contract labour act, etc.) as applicable are adhered to for any person employed by them directly or indirectly. Company reserves the right to terminate the agreement in case there is any flouting of the law The FM Service Provider shall co-ordinate the procurement of all consumables / technical material. The material will be paid separately at actual Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage equivalent to the minimum amount required by law All sub-contractors / vendors working under the FM Service Provider, should complete the due diligence formalities as specified by the Company FM Service Provider will provide and manage all safety equipments and shall be responsible for the safety of his staff/ personnel deputed at the said premises. The Service Provider shall maintain updated all statutory records at our premises regarding duty schedules, attendance and leave, salary disbursement etc. pertaining to the personnel deployed by him in the said premises.
The Service Provider should carry out Police and address verification of all manpower deployed by him in the said premises.
Soft Services
The Service Provider shall also provide the following soft Services : Housekeeping FM Service provider is required to carry the following equipment for housekeeping services Equipment Vacuum Cleaner Wet & Dry Carpet Vacuum cleaner Single Disk with all attachments for scrubbing only Hi Pressure jet Glass cleaning kits Wet and Dry mopping sets Signage boards Number Preferred Make Vaccume@22 Equivalent Tapiset 30 Ergo 165 John Master -
as reqd as reqd
1 Overview Company requires the provision of a professional Cleaning Service which shall include: Routine cleaning of the internal and external areas to meet the required service standard. A responsive service to maintain the full use of the facilities and the safety and well being of all users A periodic and deep clean service. FM Service Provider shall also provide additional housekeeping services as and when required by Company. FM Service Provider shall bring in its own equipment for cleaning and shall be responsible for maintaining these equipments at all time. All costs for purchase/repair/spares/maintenance etc for these equipments will be borne by FM Service Provider. FM Service Provider shall be responsible for the safekeeping of these equipments at the Company site and shall not take out these equipments any time during the term of contract other than for repairs. In case such repairs take more than a week, FM Service Provider shall arrange to provide alternate equipment to Company. 1.1 The FM Service Provider is encouraged to take a holistic view of the Estate and to adopt a proactive approach to the delivery of this Service. As such, they are required to report immediately any defects, deterioration, or damage to Company property as soon as they become aware of such defects in the course of their duties under this Contract. In particular the Cleaning Service shall include but not be limited to Dusting / polishing of all furniture, sills etc Polishing / vacuum cleaning / cleaning of floors Cleaning of all toilets and shower / changing rooms (where applicable) Replenishing of soap, towels, toilet rolls etc General cleaning of staff kitchens and tea points Cleaning walls, ceilings, internal glass surfaces
Cleaning of internal and external windows. The clearing of gutters/roofs to remove debris (where applicable); The removal of graffiti and other stains to the internal / external of Premises (where applicable); Cleaning/litter picking of external areas; Shampooing of carpet and chairs. FM Service provider needs to conduct House keeping audit for every 6 months through internal FM Company specialists Only Johnson Diversy or Green building/USGBC council approved cleaning chemicals must be used as per Company guidelines.
2 Routine Cleaning The FM Service Provider is required to provide a high quality service within the scope of the Specification defined in Annexure A-1. The FM Service Provider will undertake all tasks normally associated with routine office cleaning, to ensure that the offices, toilets, meeting areas, public areas and all other Company working areas, furniture and floor spaces are maintained to a high level of general cleanliness and remain presentable and fit for their intended purpose. 2.1 Dusting / polishing of all furniture, sills. All chairs and soft furnishings must be clean, dry and free from dust. All work stations, screens, upholstered partitions, bookcases, chairs, shelves, cabinets, tables, pictures and coat racks must be free from debris, stains, marks and dust. They must be clean and dry with no evidence of residual cleaning agents. In addition, they must be free from finger marks and smears. All telephones should be free from dust and smears. Light fittings must be free from dust All blinds and curtains should be free of stains, marks, and dust. All signage, including emergency signage should be clean, dry and free of stains, marks and dust. Bins must be empty, clean and dry inside and out, bin-liners replaced where necessary and placed in their original locations. Liners should be used in all containers. 2.2 Polishing / vacuum cleaning / cleaning of floors All hard floor surfaces must be free from debris, clean, dry and free from stains, marks and dust. There must be no evidence of any accumulation of slurry of soaps, or residues of other cleaning agents. Floors must be safe and not slippery. The dressing must be complete and intact without evidence of powdering, discoloration or build up. Chewing gum and other sticky substances shall be removed before any cleaning procedure is carried out using an appropriate cleaning technique and chewing gum remover. Special care shall be utilized to ensure that all methods formulated agents and tools are not injurious to the surfaces being cleaned and redressed. All carpets, carpet tiles, mats and mat wells must be free from grit, dust and debris with no apparent stains. They must be clean and dry. All carpeted areas are to be cleaned by the manufactures recommended methods and recommended intervals. The pile in the main traffic areas must be evenly brushed and opened against the flow of incoming traffic. Care is to be exercised when staff is still on the premises. Wet floors should be sign-posted. Trailing cables and open sockets should be made safe. All cleaning methods used must be of a sufficient quality to meet these standards and to maintain any guarantees on the floor covering 2.3 Cleaning of all toilets
The required service standard is to be evident before the start of business activity and, in addition, should be brought up to this standard during the operating hours. All furniture and fittings must be free from debris, stains, marks and dust. They must be clean and dry with no evidence of residual cleaning agents. All sanitary ware, including showers, shower heads, sinks, wash hand basins, WC bowls, seats, covers, hinges, tops, undersides, rims, taps, overflows, outlets, chains, plugs, urinals, brushes, toilet roll holders, tiled surfaces, splash backs, and vanity units must be free from scum, grease, hair, scale, dust, soil, spillages and removable stains. In addition, the surfaces should be disinfected. Floors should be cleaned to the same standard as other building floors. In addition there should be no evidence of scum, grease, hair, and scale and the floors must be disinfected. All walls, skirting, dado-rails, coving, radiators, pipes, vents, grilles, doors, doorframes, fittings and glass panels, window frames and sills must be free from debris, marks, and dust. They must be clean and dry with no evidence of residual cleaning agents. In particular, they must be free from finger marks, verdigris stains, runs, and cobwebs to full height. Walls, doors and cubicle partitions shall be washed by a disinfectant solution regularly. Mirrors must be clean and free from smears. Soap dispensers must be filled, operating correctly with clean nozzles, the external surfaces must be clean dry and free from smears. Solid bars of soap must be clean and replaced as necessary. All toilets should be kept fully stocked with supplies and should be made available at all times. Towel holders/ dispensers must be clean, dry and free from dust, marks and smears with clean towels fitted. Hot air dryers must be clean, dry and free from dust, marks and smears. Bins must be emptied, cleaned and dried inside and out, bin-liners replaced where necessary and placed in their original locations. Liners must be used at all times. Company expects a holistic washroom supplies service. The Vendor shall provide options on the consolidation of existing and proposed washroom products 2.4 Walls, Ceilings, Doors, Window and Staircase All walls, skirting, dado-rails, coving, radiators, pipes, vents, grilles, doors, doorframes, fittings and glass panels, window frames and sills must be free from debris, marks, and dust. They must be clean and dry with no evidence of residual cleaning agents. In particular, they must be free from finger marks, verdigris stains, runs, and cobwebs to full height All ceilings, ventilation diffusers and ceiling light fittings must be free from debris, marks, dust and cobwebs. They must be dry with no evidence of residual cleaning agents Stairs including treads, risers, nosing, banisters, balustrades, handrails, ledges and protective wire guards where present must be free from dust, debris, stains and marks Treads and risers are to be treated same as floors Walls and high level surfaces and fittings must be free from dust, cobwebs and marks to the full height 2.5 Corridors, Lifts and Lobbies All hard floor surfaces must be free from debris, clean, dry and free from stains, marks and dust. There must be no evidence of any accumulation of slurry of soaps, or residues of other cleaning agents. Floors must be safe and not slippery. Some slight scuffing may be apparent but the dressing must be complete and intact without evidence of powdering, discoloration or build up All walls, skirting, dado-rails, coving, radiators, pipes, vents, grilles, doors, doorframes, fittings and glass panels, window frames and sills must be free from debris, marks and dust. They must be clean and dry with no evidence of residual cleaning agents. In particular, they must be free from finger marks, verdigris stains, runs and cobwebs
All carpets, mats and mat wells must be free from grit, dust and debris with no apparent stains. They must be clean and dry Stainless steel surfaces must be treated with an appropriate cleaning and polishing agent
2.6 Kitchenette Areas, Cafeteria and Vending Area The floor, walls, ceilings, doors, Window Frames should be clean as per the specifications for other areas The cleaning should be evident before the start of business activity and, in addition, should be brought up to this standard during the operating hours Fridges within the areas should be kept clean inside and out, and defrosted when appropriate Microwaves within the kitchen and kitchenette areas are required to be cleaned inside and out Areas behind, below and around vending machines shall be included in all cleaning ongoing requirements 2.7 External Areas Company requires the provision of a professionally managed Cleaning service to the external areas of the buildings The required service standard is to be evident before the start of business activity and, in addition, should be brought up to this standard during the business day Entrances, service areas, car parks, paving, paths, grounds and the outside premises must be maintained so that no graffiti, debris, litter cigarette ends, dirt or spillages are apparent after cleaning. Empty all waste bins and replace in their original locations All areas protected by security, screening, netting, protective cages etc shall have the protection removed temporarily to remove graffiti, debris, dirt dust, weeds and litter. The protection must be replaced to the original standard prior to invasion. The FM Service Provider shall report any defects encountered during carrying out external areas maintenance tasks to Company
3 Periodic cleaning In addition to the above, the FM Service Provider is required to carry out any periodic or deep clean activities not included in the routine cleaning activities to achieve the service standards, as defined in Annexure A-1. This can include, but is not limited to, deep cleaning and periodic cleaning activities of the communal and public areas and deep cleaning activities that require more frequent cleaning than routine cleaning including kitchens, vending points and cafeteria. Special cleaning instructions need to be followed for below mentioned area: 3.2 Telephone sanitizing Service The FM Service Provider shall sanitize telephone equipment using a suitable method to prevent cross-contamination from one handset 3.3 Server Room, Communication Room and Hub Rooms Cleaning will be scheduled by arrangement with the person responsible for giving access to that particular area This specification relates to the special cleaning in the communications and equipment areas within the premises These areas must be free from dust, static electricity and be left clinically clean. There must be no evidence of dust, run marks, removable stains, finger marks or cobwebs on any surface
under no circumstances must any computer or computer related equipment be disturbed in any way other than the cleaning actions The FM Service Provider must ensure that only the appropriate cleaners power sockets are used for cleaning equipment, not those specifically dedicated for computer use. If in doubt the cleaners should consult the Company. Mats and carpets must be free from dust, debris and stains. Their attendant mat wells must be free from grit, dust and debris and must be left clean and dry Hard floor areas must be entirely free from dust and left clean and dry Where possible items of furniture that are removable are not to be cleaned within the area. They are to be removed dirty, cleaned outside the area and returned in a clean anti-static state All non-computer equipment and furniture must be suction cleaned free from dust and left free from grease and smears. Switch areas at the front of tape units or disk drives must not be dusted The use of water for cleaning in these areas is forbidden 4 Reactive Cleaning A reactive service is required to maintain the full and safe use of the facilities. Tasks can include, but are not limited to, responding to spillages, replenishing consumables and monitoring the cleanliness of the sanitary facilities Remove spills and treat to minimize damage to floor coverings and reduce the risk of staining. Use only approved specialist materials within the indicated timescales for the removal and treatment of spills 5 Safety Guidelines The FM Service Provider must know and follow their duties related to safety for all personnel. These guidelines are applicable to FM Service Providers as well as sub-contractors deployed by them at the site All FM Service Provider workmen should be provided with a uniform by the FM Service Provider and shall work within the Company premises in their prescribed uniform The FM Service Provider shall ensure that no access (passages / access to emergency apparatus / exits) is blocked, unless so authorized by Company personnel beforehand The FM Service Provider shall provide prior information to the Company representative about any hazardous material being brought on the site and shall ensure security storage of such material The FM Service Provider must leave work areas in a clean, tidy and safe condition at the end of each working period The FM Service Provider should ensure that their personnel do not consume alcohol / do not smoke / do not take drugs on site All workmen of the FM Service Provider or their sub-contractors must have valid identifications cards verified by the Company Security Department & shall display at all times during duty hours
Operating Schedule for House Keeping Services Description General cleaning Parameters Toilets Cleaning pantry and cafeteria Floor and Carpet Service Area Stairs Lifts Cleaning of workstation Clearing of dustbins from workstations Garbage Disposal Cleaning of security and transport cabins Brooming and cleaning of outside parking /building surrounding area Housekeeping supplies like toilet rolls, soap, c fold Refilling of water, tea and other beverages, biscuits and disposables Deep cleaning of toilets, pantry, floor and carpet, service area, building surrounding area, workstations, office equipment, glass surfaces etc. Light fixtures and AC grilles AHU, DG rooms (except Equipment ) Roof drains Lighting fixtures Peripheral walls and grills Electrical and plumbing fittings Secured areas like Hub room, server room, transport room, mail room, stores etc Brass fittings Wall paneling , wood work and metal area Cleaning of office equipments such as PCs , printers, fax machines, Photocopiers, TV, etc Building structures like columns, beams etc Workstations, cabinets, other furniture such as tables and chairs Cleaning of notice boards, Task Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Frequency Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Remarks
Twice a day
Ref Ref
Refilling will be done as per need basis also Refilling will be done as per need basis also
Micro Cleaning
Serv/CLN Serv/CLN
Weekly Weekly
Periodic cleaning
paintings, fire fighting equipments etc Carpet Vacuuming and Carpet spotting Washing of low height walls and windows Cleaning of linen such as sheets Cleaning of Venetian blinds Sanitizing of telephone equipments Cleaning of all rain water drain line system. Cleaning of all rain water main holes Cleaning of all sewer water drain line system Cleaning of all sewer water man holes Cleaning of all basement sumps Cleaning of all basement drain lines Wet wipe of glass and wall paper Vacuuming of fabric wall Washing of garbage room and steam wash of garbage container Checking stock of housekeeping and pantry supplies and making inventory and ordering report Carpet and chairs shampoo, Glass Faade cleaning, Deep cleaning of Marble surface Crystallization of floor
Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN
Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Monthly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Monthly Weekly Weekly MT Weekly
Pest Control The FM Service Provider is to provide a total pest control service for the Premises in order to keep Company Premises free from rodents, birds, insects etc. The FM Service Provider shall provide a full action plan for dealing with the range of pests encountered within the Premises. The FM Service Provider is required to carry out a detailed survey of the site. The findings and results of the survey, together with other information, are then used in formulating the action plan, of which control is a major part. The FM Service Provider shall determine the site conditions and make a list of all the pests identified during the site visit. All Health & Safety issues must be addressed, regarding access, dangers regarding the type of pest and possible treatments, and therefore the relevant legislation that has to be adhered to. Company requires a pest control service that would control, if not eradicate all pests from site, including the removal of dead creatures. Company will look for the FM Service Provider to use the most effective and humane methods possible. Within the Pest Control service the FM Service Provider shall provide a pigeon and bird control service, to minimize the presence of pigeons and other birds at the Premises, and to clean the exteriors of Premises to keep the Premises regularly free of bird droppings (where applicable).
FM Service Provider should possess Central Insecticide Board Certification and shall provide the same (CIBI Number) to Company. Inspection and service will take place during visits to the premises by the FM Service Provider. Visits will be of three types and conditions should be developed covering each: A pre-arranged number of regular inspections will be carried out by the FM Service Provider sufficient to meet all statutory and best practice requirements. Emergency call outs and follow up treatments should be regarded as additional to routine inspections. The FM Service Provider may include a routine inspection during an emergency call out or follow up only if: All inspection points are covered in addition to emergency or follow up work. Additional follow up visits may be required to reinforce control measures. These will often occur at the beginning of a contract to rid premises of existing infestations and following emergency call outs to ensure that actions taken prevent infestations from developing. Legislation restricts what pesticides can be used, where and how. Only adequately trained personnel may use pesticides or make decisions about how they are used. The FM Service Provider is required to comply with all National, local or other statutory or governmental directives, orders, acts, laws, codes, regulations, or rules relating to Biological Agents. Selection of the appropriate pesticide is the FM Service Providers responsibility. Methods are to be efficient but carried out in a humane way. Reports should be written at the survey stage and after each site visit. The reports should be clear, concise and complete. They should contain a summary of what was found, what action and what precautions should be taken in future. The FM Service Provider shall institute a system of written reports on all site visits. These should be dated and describe the extent of treatments undertaken. Only approved pesticides must be recommended, and used in accordance with the label instructions and conditions and all National, local or other statutory or governmental directives, orders, acts, laws, codes, regulations, or rules The identity of all pesticides applied should be recorded, together with any warnings/ precautions to be undertaken by Company staff in relation to the pesticides applied/ work carried out. FM Service Provider shall provide material data sheets of the pesticides/chemical used in Company premises. Certificates must be provided showing each of the technicians qualifications and aptitudes in the Pest Control techniques and processes (where applicable). Operating Schedule for Pest Control Services Description Routine treatment Parameters General pest control Rodent and Lizard control, Fumigation, fogging Cockroach Gel Treatment for specific seasonal pest problems before the start of season Special service for Birds, Honey bee, cats and snakes Termite treatment Task Oper, Chk Oper, Chk Oper, Chk Oper, Chk Oper, Chk Oper, Chk Freq Fort nightly, Need basis Monthly Quarterly Need Basis Need Basis Need Basis Remarks
Special service
Office Plants and Flowers This section shall include but not be limited to the following
All office planting works shall be undertaken in a manner so as to maintain a pleasing, tidy appearance All plant specimens shall be maintained so that they are in healthy growth All plant specimens shall be kept to an acceptable height and form and shall be pruned in accordance with good horticultural practice A fully detailed asset register detailing all plant specimens shall be kept by the FM Service Provider detailing type, location, condition and frequency of visit for all plants on display at each location All pots/ containers shall be cleaned and replaced where necessary All plant specimens, which have or appear to be dying shall be removed and replaced as soon as possible following removal of dead plant(s) by a suitable replacement
Carpet cleaning Company requires the provision of a professionally managed carpet Cleaning service. The FM Service Provider shall clean complete carpet area as per the cycle decided by The FM Service Provider shall provide all equipment, supplies, and manpower for completing this activity FM Service Provider shall have the provision of both dry and wet shampooing as per the requirement of Company. FM Service Provider shall get the equipment approved from Company for the load and other technical specifications FM Service Provider shall have dedicated set of machines only for Company site and these should always be available at any given point of time A schedule of such cleaning would be given by the FM Service Provider and approved by Company. FM Service Provider shall begin the cleaning operation by removing all movable furnishings from the carpeted areas, placing the furnishing in appropriate temporary locations and shall conclude the operation by replacing furnishings to their original locations once the carpet is dry Caution signs needs to be set up before the commencement of work Appropriate time should be given for the drying of the shampooed area and till such time the area should be barricaded All paper, gum, rubber bands, staples, paper clips and other debris shall be removed from the carpeted area FM Service Provider to use appropriate industrial wide commercial standard material pre approved by Company. All spots and stains shall be treated with an approved spot cleaning solution and a soft bristle brush and shall continue until as much of the spot or stain as possible has been removed. Clean all carpet area throughout the premises, unless otherwise stated. Access to locked areas is to be arranged with the Clients Representative. Leave carpet clean, dry and free from any stains. There must be no evidence of any tea coffee stains, FM Service Provider shall take precautions against furniture damage and post shampooing splash, cleanup walls etc. FM Service Provider shall redo the shampooing of the area that is done unsatisfactorily at no additional cost. Company shall provide storage space for cleaning material and equipment. It is the responsibility of the FM Service Provider to maintain the area in neat and orderly manner. FM Service Provider shall follow the safety regulations of Company.
FM Service Provider shall follow the security regulations of Company like usage of access cards, wearing and displaying ID cards etc Carpet shampooing will be done on need basis at extra cost
Window cleaning Company requires the provision of a professionally managed Window Cleaning service. The FM Service Provider shall clean all external glass surfaces and internal surface of specific areas FM Service Provider shall either provide these services by using the equipment provided by Company or bring its own equipment if required FM Service Provider shall also have provision of using different techniques like spider technique etc for areas requiring the same FM Service Provider shall provide all cleaning material and ensure that meets the quality specifications required for the cleaning The FM Service Provider would appoint a site supervisor who would be responsible for monitoring the services and shall inform Company representative before starting and after completing the job on a daily basis during the cleaning cycle The FM Service Provider shall ensure that the manpower used are trained and experienced and are wearing proper safety gear and uniform FM Service Provider will be required to sign off Company safety guideline document FM Service Provider would produce necessary license/ approvals if required under health and safety norms All floors and furniture are to be adequately protected before the commencement of work Clean all glazing throughout the premises, unless otherwise stated. Access to locked areas is to be arranged with the Company representative Leave glazing clean, dry and free from smears. There must be no evidence of run marks, stains or finger marks on glass, window ledges, sills, paintwork or surrounds It is incumbent upon the FM Service Provider to apprise Himself of any safety measures necessary for the discharging of His obligations and to make adequate arrangements for their provision. Where these are available from Company the FM Service Provider must ensure that he satisfies himself as to their proper working order. Where such equipment is not provided or available from Company the FM Service Provider shall provide it. The cost of providing such safety equipment shall be borne by the FM Service Provider. Risk assessments must be carried out and a site-specific insurance policy must be submitted and agreed with Company, prior to the commencement of work. The FM Service Provider shall be responsible for any loss or damage to Company property due to negligence of FM Service Provider team & will pay the repair / replacement cost. FM Service Provider shall redo the cleaning of the glass/ area that is done unsatisfactorily at no additional cost Sewer cleaning FM Service Provider shall carry out the Tank Cleaning on regular intervals depending upon the usage of the Tank/ contamination FM Service Provider shall clean the tank on Half yearly basis for any o o o Deposits Sediments Algae Growth
FM Service Provider shall carry out these activities as per standard operating procedures which shall include but not be limited to the following activities o o o o o o activity FM Service Provider shall get the equipment approved from Company for the load and other technical specifications Caution signs needs to be set up before the commencement of work FM Service Provider shall follow the safety regulations of Company. FM Service Provider shall follow the security regulations of Company like usage of access cards, wearing and displaying ID cards etc FM Service Provider shall get any specialized chemicals if required for cleaning depending upon the contamination. Approved by Company before use The FM Service Provider will ensure that all trash is properly disposed outside Company site and the affected area cleared and cleaned at the end of the job Draining the contents Ventilation of the Tank for any gases Vacuumising Pressure Wash Manual Scrubbing Suck out
The FM Service Provider shall provide all equipment, supplies, and manpower for completing this
Operating Schedule for Sewer Cleaning Description Sewer and tank cleaning Parameters Cleaning of all rain water drain line system. Cleaning of all rain water main holes. Cleaning of all sewer water drain line system Cleaning of all sewer water man holes. Cleaning of all basement sumps Cleaning of all basement drain lines Cleaning of all overhead water tanks. Cleaning of all under-ground water tanks. Cleaning of all under-ground fire tanks Pantry Service F.M Service Provider will provide professional pantry service at Company premises by deployment of requisite staff as Instructed by the Company. As per Companys instructions, the deployment, timings of working and work schedules would be strictly under the Supervision and control of the Service Provider at Companys site from time to time. This is a service arrangement and does not include supply of any material or consumables by the F.M Task Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Serv/CLN Freq Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Half Yearly Half Yearly Half Yearly Remarks
Areas of Operation: The scope of the services would include the entire pantry related activities as defined below for the entire office area defined and stated as the said premises including all the workstations, cabins and seating space used by the staff of the occupant within the said premises. The detailed scope of service is as under: To ensure cleanliness and maintenance of all pantries & dining areas/Cafeteria within the said premises all the time on daily basis. Pantry consumables etc. manufactured by reputed companies to be used for Tea/Coffee operation, serving of cold drinks, biscuits etc. purposes in the said premises would be purchased and supplied by the Company The pantry consumables, material which is bought by the Company would be handed over to F.M Service Provider for your safe keeping, storing and subsequent usage. The consumables, cutlery, crockery & other kitchen and pantry material, inventory including its storage and usage details are to be maintained by the FM and the Client would be entitled for periodical check & audit by the Company at the said premises In case of absenteeism, F.M Service Provider will provide replacement If no replacement is provided in case of workmen absenteeism, pro-rata deductions shall be made on per day basis and deducted from gross monthly contract payments If the F.M Service Provider does not provide adequate replacement in case of absenteeism or the work/service is/are incomplete or not to the satisfactory levels , any additional expenditure incurred by the Company incurred for the services will either be debited to F.M Service Providers account or it will be deducted from F.M Service Providers monthly contractual payments Specific registers including attendance record of F.M Service Providers personnel , materials stocks and consumption records of pantry related materials brought into the said premises and handed over to the FM shall be maintained by the F.M Service Provider, which shall be open to verification by the housekeeping co-coordinator nominated by the Company. The COMPANY at the said premises would provide instructions regarding broad work schedule of all the Pantry boys/stewards employed at the said premises to the Service Providers Supervisor and Manager, who shall take up the things accordingly. However from time to time, the COMPANY may change the work and time schedules as per the site requirements F.M would ensure that the Kitchen/Pantry equipment/ machinery are used due care, skill and diligence and judiciously. Further, the F.M Service Provider shall ensure the following set of services are provided at the site To Service tea/coffee/cold drinks/snacks/lunch etc. in the conference areas & to the visitors as per the schedule given by the Company & as and when required To maintain pantry equipment and ensure the following o o o o o o Keep all the vending machines and dispensers clean and in hygienic condition at all times Top up all vending machines / water dispensers as and when required Wash guest crockery, dry them and properly store them immediate after use. Clean the pantry working area and maintain proper hygiene level. Check the inventory of crockery and cutlery at regular intervals and report to the Client Maintain and manage inventory of all pantry consumables
Co-ordinate with maintenance of the vending machines and dispensers with the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)/authorized service agent To maintain and properly & carefully use, store and manage the crockery & cutlery provided by the CLIENT. The safekeeping, security would also be the responsibility of the F.M Service Provider
Waste Management
Kitchen Waste: a. All food waste from the Cafeteria and the Pantries are to be collected and stored at the designated areas at regular intervals Paper Waste: a. a. All paper waste to be removed as and when required and at regular intervals Renovation Debris is to be stored at designated space at designated area Renovation Debris: The FM Service Provider undertaking the renovation work would remove the debris when it amasses to a volume equivalent to a tempo load If the FM Service Provider fails to remove the debris, it is to be removed by the Building Management Team, at the FM Service Providers cost. Responsibility of Facility Manager to ensure adherence FM Service Provider should ensures that 100% of recyclable waste is being recycled
Services to be undertaken by the Service Provider for Facility Management Services. Front Desk (Reception) The person should be a Graduate from any discipline with at least 5-6 years of exposure in relevant field. She/he would provide all the activities and coordination services as detailed. Promptly, accurately, professionally and courteously receives 100% of all telephone calls and visitors Promptly, accurately, professionally and courteously assesses 100% of received calls/inquiries and directs and/or records and relays messages
Facility Manager Should be able diagnose and rectify major/minor faults in Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing etc Should be able contribute in initiatives like Energy, Water savings and Waste reduction Good leadership qualities Command over PC literacy Good communications skills
Electrician Should have hands on exp in operation and maintenance of Electrical installations like DG sets, Breakers, Contactors, Relays, DBs, Lighting systems, cable terminations and wiring etc Must possess Electric Wireman License
AC Mechanic Should have hands on exp in operation and maintenance of AC Plant (Chillers, AHUs, Chilled water lines, PAHUs, CSUs, Splitt ACs etc) Should have knowledge of Operational parameters adjustment Plumber/Carpenter/Painter Will take care of all plumbing work at Company Premises Fire Officer Should be able to diagnose and rectify major/minor faults related to Fire
Access Control /Building Management System (BMS) Operator Should have knowledge of BMS and Access Control System. Assistant Manager-Soft Services Exposure to event management Good at PC literacy Good communications skills Supervisor- Soft Services Exposure to event management Good communications skills Pantry Boys Should be able to understand basic English Should be able to serve clients various flavors like clod coffee, Black coffee, Lemon Tea, Filter Coffee etc They must have atleast 1 year exp of working in any corporate office Should be able to handle board rooms, Meeting rooms House keeping boys Should have basic knowledge of Housekeeping chemicals and their delusions etc Should have experience in operating Single disc machines, vacuum cleaners etc.
,PORTFOLIO LOCATIONS AND EXISTING DEPLOYMENT STRUCTURE The location of the facility that is the subject of this RFP are the existing offices of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited. It may be noted the Deployment structure given below is for understanding purposes and may change depending upon the requirements of the Company from time to time. The same may not be treated as the commitment. a) Gurgaon HO (Augusta Point & UTC) & Hyderabad site
Augusta Point (Gurgaon) Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sl No. 1 2 Description Helpdesk Executive Technical Supervisor Multiskilled Technicians Field Boy Office Boy Housekeeping Supervisior
General Shift A Shift B Shift C Shift
Total Manpower 1 1 4 2 1 1 6 1 2
1 1 1 2 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Description Facility Manager Asst ManagerTransport Helpdesk Executive Multiskilled Technicians Housekeeping Supervisior Housekeeping Boys Chambermaid Pantry Boys
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
General Shift
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
C Shift
Total Manpower 1 1 1 4 1 12 1 2
6 5 0 0 1 1 (Hyderabad)
A Shift B Shift
1 0
0 1
0 1
0 1
Total Manpower 1 3
3 4 5 6 7 8
Housekeeping Supervisior Housekeeping Boys Chambermaid Pantry Boys Field Boy Office Boy
1 0 0 1 1 1
0 2 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3 2 1 1 1
Pantry Boy
Hk Boy
DG Operator
2000 3009 900 4050 2600 2500 2500 2293 2300 851 2575 2619 2000 5890 2500 3000 860 3656 5004 2065 3403 3111 3051 2620 1614 1075
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 25
1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 35
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1. 2. 2. 3. 4 5. 6.
- Important Notes - Resource Cost for Gurgaon HO (AP & UTC) & Hyderabad Sites - Resource Cost for Individual HUB Offices - Cost for Housekeeping Machinery & Equipment and Cleaning Material - Cost of Toiletories & Soft Furnishing Maintenance - Management Fee - Manpower Cost Calculation format (break-up to be provided for all
Attachments as above
Annexure IIA Annexure IIB Annexure IIC Annexure IID -Cost Annexure IIE - Cost Annexure IIF Important Notes.xlsx Resource Cost for Gurgaon Resource HO Cost (AP & for UTC) Individual for & Hyd Housekeeping Sites.xls HUB Offices.xls Machinery&EqptS of Toiletories &and Soft Cleaning Furnishing Management Material.xls Maintenance.xls Fee.xls
Important Notes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Price sheet to be submitted separately in a sealed Envelope Commercial Information apart from the technical information (to be submitted in Separate Envelope). For Resource costing - please provide the detailed break of each position as per the "Manpower Cost Calculation format" attached separately. You are requested to provide location wise price based on the Template Normal office working house per day with 6 days a week The bidders are expected to quote higher of the Central and/or State Minimum Wages Rates, as applicable to the respective location and enclose copy of both the notifications on minimum wages. All necessary Compliance are taken care while providing the prices Bidders are requested to provide per hour cost in case of any additional hour of work is done by the deputed resource. Same should be in compliance with the wages act / statutory regulations. OT and Leave Salary (encashment) is not included in above calculation as these are variable in nature. OT payment, if any, has to be calculated in line with the Act and number of hours should not exceed the max specified in the quarter. Leave Salary, if any, has to be paid in line with the policy of the vendor company.
11 12 13 14 15 16
ESI is applicable on OT payment. Employee Prof Tax must be recovered, where applicable. Employer Prof tax and GTL for INR 2 lakhs per staff will be on actuals. Please enclose the Minimum wages documents (both state and Central) applicable as on date for the said locations as a back-up document. Bidders not submitting this document are liable to be rejected. For material cost please include VAT charges while quoted unit rates. Only Service Tax will be paid extra Payment shall be based on the actual consumption/utilization
,MANDATORY DECLARATION BY BIDDER Bidders are requested to submit duly signed declarations as mentioned in the attached
Declaration by Bidder
I agree that post my Companys empanelment and commencement of services, Canara HSBC will conduct a quarterly audit to satisfy itself on both statutory and related compliances being met by us. In the event of any non-compliance, I agree that Canara HSBC will recover the short payment , if any, with interest towards any violation of the statutory payments from my monthly billing amount.
I also agree to provide Canara HSBC a copy of the statutory documents, acknowledgements and the staff related data (i.e. of my staff who will be assigned to Canara HSBC) as required by them from time to time.
Name : Date :