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(A joint venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of UP)

Administrative Building VipinKhand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010
Phone: 0522 – 2304014-15
VACANCY NOTICE NO: UPMRC/HR/D/7/2023 Date: 05.09.2023

Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (UPMRC), a 50:50 jointly owned Company of Government of India
and Government of Uttar Pradesh has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation and operation of
the rail based Mass Rapid Transit System (Metro) in various cities in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Metro is
operational in the city of Lucknow and Kanpur (priority corridor).The works of Kanpur Metro Project for the balance corridor
and Agra Metro Project are going on in full swing. The corporation is planning to position itself as one of the best
employers by adopting modern HR practices and is designing an employee’s friendly HR policy. To work with
UPMRC will not only give exposure to its employees in terms of best in class technology but will also provide
other benefits. The Company invites application from Non-Executives of Finance/Accounts Department
working in various Public Sector Undertakings, Government Metro Companies, Government entities
functioning in Double Entry Accounting Environment and where books of accounts are maintained as
per the Companies Act’ 2013 and the Companies(Accounts) Rule 2014 for the post of SO Gr II (Accounts)
/ Senior Accounts Assistant on permanent absorption / deputation basis. Pay Scales, age limit, educational
qualification, experience and job description are as per detail mentioned below:-
Organization Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited
Title of the post SO Gr II (Accounts) / Senior Accounts Assistant
No of Posts 01 (One)
(i) For SO Gr II (Accounts) - Rs. 34,000-69,300/-(IDA Scale) on permanent
absorption basis.
Parent Pay plus deputation allowance on deputation basis.
Scale of pay
(ii) For Senior Accounts Assistant - Rs. 33,000 – 67,300/- (IDA Scale) on
permanent absorption basis.
Parent Pay plus deputation allowance on deputation basis.

Educational B.Com (Three year course) from a Government recognized University/Institute.

Qualification CA Inter / CMA Inter will be preferred.
(i)For SO Gr II (Accounts) - Candidates working in Rs.9300-34800 (Grade Pay
–Rs. 4200) (Level 6 of the 7th Pay Commission) or equivalent IDA scale with 04
years in this pay scale as on closing date of vacancy notice. Candidates shall
submit proper documents establishing the equivalent IDA scale issued by the
organisation where candidate is presently working.
Candidate should have a total post qualification experience of at least 12 years
in PSU , Govt entities, Private Sector Company etc exclusively functioning in
Double Entry Accounting Environment (IAS/Ind AS).

Eligibility Criteria & (ii) For Senior Accounts Assistant - Candidates either working in Rs.9300-
Experience 34800 (Grade Pay –Rs. 4200) (Level 6 of the 7th Pay Commission) or equivalent
IDA scale OR,
working in 5200-20200 (Grade Pay – 2800) (Level 5 of the 7th Pay Commission)
or equivalent IDA scale with 04 years in this pay scale as on closing date of
vacancy notice. Candidates shall submit proper documents establishing the
equivalent IDA scale issued by the organisation where candidate is presently
Candidate should have a total post qualification experience of at least 8 years in
PSU , Govt entities, Private Sector Company etc exclusively functioning in
Double Entry Accounting Environment (IAS/Ind AS).
Must not have crossed 45 years (upper age limit) as on closing date of
Age vacancy notice.

Eligible candidates would be called for interview & selection is based on

Interview basis. The Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited reserves the
right to shortlist candidates for interview. . In the event of number of applications
being large, UPMRC will adopt short listing criteria to restrict the number of
candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number by any or more of
the following methods:
(i) On the basis of Desirable Qualification (DQ) or any one or all of the
DQs if more than one DQ is prescribed.
Mode of Selection (ii) On the basis of additional educational qualifications than the
minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
(iii) On the basis of higher experience in the relevant field than the
minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
The candidate should, therefore, mention all his/her qualifications and
experience in the relevant field over and above the minimum qualifications.

No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. The candidate should

be free from DAR/ Vigilance.
Candidate should have a post qualification experience of at least 12 years for
SO Gr II (Accounts) and 8 years for Senior Accounts Assistant in PSU, Govt
entities, Private Sector Company etc exclusively functioning in Double Entry
Accounting Environment (IAS/Ind AS). Candidates must have exposure of
Work Experience
processing of Vendors payments for Large contracts, GST, Bank Guarantees,
Closing of Accounts, Statutory Audit, MIS, Budgets, IDA/CDA salary payments,
Misc payments in ERP environment.

Past experience of working in Government Metro Project or Railway PSUs.


The candidates should submit their application to “JGM/HR /Uttar Pradesh

Metro Rail Corporation Limited, Administrative Building, Near Ambedkar
Samajik Parivatan Sthal,Vipin Khand, Gomtinagar,Lucknow-226010” as per
enclosed application form before closing date. The candidate applying should
How to Apply submit application through proper channel as per enclosed application
form requesting their parent organization to forward their application along with
NOC, D&AR and Vigilance Clearance and APARs ratings for the preceding 04
years. Submission of NOC before interview is must for participating in the
interview process.
Web Address www.upmetrorail.com
Whether the
has been exempted from
the rule of permanent Yes
absorption and if so the
date up to which the
exemption is valid.
Closing Date 30 days from the date of issue.
NOTE: 1. Cut-off date for Age & Eligibility would be reckoned as on closing date of vacancy notice.
2. The applicant should not only be fit in related field but should also be physically and medically fit.
3. The applicant should continue with their email address and mobile/phone number so as to reach them as
and when required.
4. Applications received through proper channel and with verification of service particulars, SPE/ D&AR/
VIGILANCE clearance and enclosure of APARs will be preferred. However, a copy of application may also be
sent by the applicant in advance to UPMRC. Applications received after closing date and time and incomplete
applications shall not be entertained. The advance copy of the application along with all the supporting
documents may be sent at the email id [email protected], however sending hard copy of the
application is mandatory.

Additional information for candidates applying for the post on absorption basis-

1. Character & Antecedents - The success in the screening process does not confer any right to appointment
unless the Corporation is satisfied after such an enquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate
having regard to his / her character & antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.
2.Surety Bond - Applicable to those who will join on permanent absorption basis from Govt./PSUs and not
applicable to candidates who will join on deputation basis.The candidate selected for the post will have to
execute a Surety Bond of Rs. 1,50,000/- if selected for the post of SO Gr II (Accounts) and Senior Accounts
Assistant to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years (exclusive of the period in which one
remained on LWP or EOL) and also a three months prior notice, will be required before seeking resignation
from the Corporation.
3. Physical & Medical Fitness: The applicant should not only be suitable in related field, but should be
physically and medically fit. Candidate selected on permanent absorption basis will have to undergo for
prescribed medical examination as per UPMRC Rules. Candidates, who fail in the prescribed medical test,
will not be given any alternative employment and decision of the corporation shall be final on this issue.

4. Probation - The selected candidate on appointment will be on probation for a period of two years (including
the period of training).

For Managing Director


Vacancy Notice No.

(appears on the top right side of notice)
(please don’t leave

File No.

(appears on the left side of vacancy notice)

Post against which application has

been submitted
Choice of station
(wherever applicable)

1. Name :

2. Father / Husband Name :

3. Gender :

4. Service :

5. Department :

6. Category :

7. Date of Birth :
(Date of entry into Time Scale)
Date of entry in Gr.B :
(wherever applicable)
Present pay band with Grade Pay and :
basic pay as on date of application
11. Present Designation & Organization

Correspondence Address

Permanent Address
12 B.

13. Contact Details

(a) Email ID :

(b) Telephone (O) :

(c) Telephone (R) :

(d) Mobile Number :

14. Educational Qualifications (Attach supporting documents):-
Qualification/ % or Passing
S.No. Subjects University,
Degree CGPA Year

15. Experience Details (separate sheet may be attached along with supporting documents):-
For applicants in CDA PAY SCALES / IDA PAY SCALES :-
(Complete details of service / position held since joining)
Period (From – To)
Organization Name ( Mention the substantive Pay
Post Held dd/mm/yy –
with place of posting Scale with GP/Level) (MACP
not to be mentioned)

16. Essential Work Experience :-

Candidate should have a post qualification experience of at least 12 years for SO
Gr II (Accounts) and 8 years for Senior Accounts Assistant in PSU, Govt entities,
Private Sector Company etc exclusively functioning in Double Entry Accounting
Environment (IAS/Ind AS). Candidates must have exposure of processing of
Vendors payments for Large contracts, GST, Bank Guarantees, Closing of
Accounts, Statutory Audit, MIS, Budgets, IDA/CDA salary payments, Misc
payments in ERP environment.

Candidates working in Rs.9300-34800 (Grade Pay –Rs. 4200) (Level 6 of the 7th
Pay Commission) or equivalent IDA scale with 04 years in this pay scale as on
closing date of vacancy notice. Candidates shall submit proper documents
establishing the equivalent IDA scale issued by the organisation where candidate
is presently working.

Candidates either working in Rs.9300-34800 (Grade Pay –Rs. 4200) (Level 6 of

the 7th Pay Commission) or equivalent IDA scale OR,
working in 5200-20200 (Grade Pay – 2800) (Level 5 of the 7th Pay Commission)
or equivalent IDA scale with 04 years in this pay scale as on closing date of
vacancy notice. Candidates shall submit proper documents establishing the
equivalent IDA scale issued by the organisation where candidate is presently
17. APAR Ratings for last 04 years (Attach supporting documents):-
Year Rating

18. Awards, if any (Attach supporting documents):-

S.No. Name of Award Brief Details

Whether any conviction (by court of Law)

/punishment/penalty (due to disciplinary action by YES/NO
19. employer) was awarded to applicant in last 10 years.
If yes, details of case. Separate sheet may be enclosed
Whether at present any case is pending in the court
of law or any disciplinary enquiry is going on, against YES / NO
20. applicant.
If yes, details of case Separate sheet may be enclosed
NOC, Vigilance and D&AR status from current
21. employer enclosed.
Copies of Annual performance appraisal report for
22. last 04 years enclosed. YES / NO

Whether appeared for interview in UPMRC in past. (If yes, details of the interview)

I certify that the details furnished by me above are true and I am eligible for the post as per the criteria laid
down in the vacancy notice.

(Name and Signature of the applicant)


Certificate by the Employer

a) The date of birth, qualifications and experience and other details furnished by Shri/Smt. indicated at S
No. 1 to 23 in the application form have been verified and found correct as per service records of the officer.
b) The department will be informed at the earliest, if any disciplinary proceeding is initiated or contemplated
against the officer after his / her application is forwarded.
c) Up-to date ACRs/APARs dossiers of the concerned officer for the last 04 years is enclosed or would be
forwarded within the due date.

(Signature of the Employer with stamp)

Checklist of documents to be enclosed:
1. Educational Certificates. (Matric / B.Com from a Govt. recognized University / Institute / CA Inter/ CMA
2. Work Experience Certificate.
3. NOC from present Employer.
4. Vigilance and D&AR Clearance from present Employer.
5. APARs of the Last 04 years.

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