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Article history: The performance of a planar Perovskite Solar Cell (PSC), having a novel TiO2 /SnO2 bilayer as Electron
Received 6 December 2020 Transport Layer (ETL), has been optimized. To achieve this, an artificial neural network (ANN) was
Received in revised form 27 November 2021 trained to predict the Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE) as a function of five technological parameters
Accepted 2 December 2021
of the PSC namely; Active layer thickness, Hole Transport Layer (HTL) thickness, HTL dopant concen-
Available online xxxx
tration, Electron Transport Layer (ETL) thickness, and ETL dopant concentration. The model was able to
Keywords: predict the data accurately, with an overall Mean Square Error (MSE) of 0.0002302, Root Mean Square
Artificial neural network Error of (RMSE) of 0.01502, Sum of Squares Error of (SSE) of 0.4712, and correlation coefficient (R)
Particle Swarm Optimization of 0.9991. Subsequently, the optimum values of independent variables giving the maximum efficiency
SCAPS were determined by applying the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to maximize the ANN-derived
Objective function
model. The optimum solutions predicted were then simulated using the SCAPS 1-D program, yielding
Transport Layer
a PCE of 14.94%. This paper presents a straightforward and efficient methodology by which ANN
modeling and nonlinear programming can be applied to carry out multi-property optimization of PSC
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
2352-4847/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Fig. 1. A Schematic diagram of the device structure. Fig. 2. Illuminated J–V characteristics of the Simulated and experimental solar
Source: Adapted from Mozhgan et al. (2020). cell.
Table 1
djp PV simulated parameters compared with Experimental values reported in the
=G−R (3) literature.
Parameters Experimental results Simulation results
Current density equation for electrons
Forward scan Reverse scan
Voc (V) 1.03 1.1 1.03
dn d∅ Jsc (mA/cm2 ) 17.68 19.61 18.57
Jn = Dn + µn n (4) FF (%) 66 32 62.4
dx dx
PCE (%) 11.96 6.97 11.91
Current density equation for holes
dp d∅
Jp = Dp + µp p (5) 2.2. Data collection
dx dx
where p and n are the are free holes and electrons densities
Very little work has been done in this area to provide a
respectively, ND is the ionized-donor density, NA is the ionized-
rich data set showing the collective effect of HTL thickness, ETL
acceptor density, G is the photo-generation rate of electron–hole
thickness, active layer thickness, HTL dopant concentration, and
pairs, R is the recombination rate, ε0 is vacuum permittivity, εr ETL dopant concentration on PCE of the novel PSC device under
is the relative permittivity, ψ is the electrical potential, e is the study. Hence, for our intents and purposes, this paper leverages
electron charge,µn and µp are the electron and hole mobilities, Jn the batch and recorder features of the conventionally accepted
is the electron current density, and Jp is the current density for SCAPS Program. The dataset used for developing the ANN model
holes. in this study was obtained from the recorded batch simulations
Together with appropriate boundary conditions at the inter- of the well-validated SCAPS model of the PSC device. This dataset
faces and contacts, a system of coupled differential equations in comprises 2047 data points. The dataset consists of five input pa-
(ψ , n, and p) is obtained by SCAPS and then a steady-state and rameters, namely HTL thickness (dHTL ), HTL dopant concentration
a small signal solution of this system is computed numerically. (NAHTL ), ETL thickness (dETL ), active layer thickness (dActive layer ),
The software accounts for deep bulk level and interface defect and ETL dopant concentration (NDETL ). The output parameter con-
recombination (non-radiative recombination) in simulated Solar sidered is the PCE. The data ranges for each parameter were fixed
cells. The recombination loss majorly present in the device under based on an analysis of the effect of each parameter on the PCE
consideration is interface recombination which is accounted for (Sections 3.1 and 3.2). A statistical description of the data accrued
by the Shockley–Read–Hall recombination (propagated by defects from SCAPS is presented in Table 2.
or traps). In other to examine the effect of one or a few parameters on
The configuration of the simulated cell is Glass substrate/FTO/ the solar cell characteristics, one can take profit from the SCAPS
TiO2 /SnO2 /Active layer/Spiro-Ometad/Au. TiO2 acts as the (ETL), batch option (Burgelman et al., 2019). When you click ‘Batch set-
Spiro-Ometad as the (HTL), Cs0.05 (MA0.17 FA0.83 )0.95 Pb (I0.83 Br0.17 )3 up’, a panel opens which allows you to select the parameters to
as the active layer, fluorine-doped Tin Oxide (FTO) as the anode be varied and the range over which they are to be varied. Up to
(front contact), and gold (Au) as the cathode (back contact). Fig. 1 nine batch parameters can be defined and varied simultaneously.
shows the main structure of the simulated cell with the different The batch recorder interface is shown in Fig. 3.
layers. During regular single shot or batch calculation, only the detail
The physical and technological parameters of the layers of panels for the last measurement points are available. To examine
the PSC defined in the simulation are reported in detail in the the OSC properties as a function of the batch parameters, you
published work. can launch a record calculation. Clicking ‘Record set-up’ allows
For detailed characterization and verification of solar cell, the you to select the properties which you want to analyze but to
illuminated J–V characteristics were simulated and the experi- launch a recorder calculation (shown in Fig. 4), one needs to
mental results of the compared specimen were plotted against click ‘calculate recorder’; a recorder calculation is then launched.
the corresponding simulation results (shown in Fig. 2) showing Cell parameters are varied according to the Batch set-up, and
an excellent match. only those simulations which are needed to calculate the asked
Also, the Photovoltaic parameters of the experimental solar properties are performed.
cell were compared with that of the simulation in Table 1 and With the Recorder facility, you can do a batch calculation
the results show that the simulated technological and physical and record selected cell properties as a function of the batch
parameter matches their real values excellently. parameter(s). For example, the cell efficiency can be recorded
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Table 2
A statistical description of the dataset used for developing the ANN.
Statistic Active layer HTL thickness HTL dopant ETL thickness ETL dopant PCE%
thickness µm µm concentration cm−3 µm concentration cm−3
Minimum 0.95 0.08 1 × 1019 0.02 1 × 1019 14
Maximum 1.25 0.15 5 × 1020 0.04 5 × 1020 15.2
Range 0.3 0.07 4.9 × 1020 0.02 4.9 × 1020 1.2
Mean 1.1 0.115 1.65 × 1020 0.03 1.65 × 1020 14.8
Standard 0.093587 0.021833 1.66896 × 1020 0.006244 1.66896 × 1020 0.359132
Table 3
Parameter settings for training ANN model.
Parameters Values
Training data set 1433 (70% of data set)
Testing data set 307 (15% of data set)
Validation data set 307 (15% of data set)
Cross-validation data set 243
Number of hidden layers 1
Number of neurons in the hidden layer 1–20
Activation function (hidden layer) Tansig
Activation function (output layer) Purelin
Training Algorithm Levenberg Marquardt
Number of epochs 1000
Learning rate Default
Target goal mean square error 0
Minimum performance gradient 10−17
Maximum validation Checks 6
and output layer, Nh is the total number of hidden layer neurons, optimization problem is given. The general aim of the present
zk are the outputs of the output layer, and fL is the linear transfer study is to propose the optimum set of some technological pa-
function (Fazeli et al., 2013). rameters namely; active layer thickness, HTL thickness, ETL thick-
The neural network is trained by optimization of the weights ness, HTL dopant concentration, and ETL dopant concentration for
for each node interconnection and bias terms to achieve the low- which the PCE is maximized, using nonlinear programming. There
est possible MSE between the predicted output values and their are two main advantages to this approach:
actual values. The MSE of the network is defined by (a) The nonlinear optimization algorithms employed can probe
Eq. (2). the optimization search space for the global optimum more thor-
G Nh
oughly than the hand tuning approach previously applied
1 ∑∑[ ]2 (b) The proposed method allows flexibility in the re-definition of
MSE = yj (a) − Tj (a) (9)
2 the side constraints of the optimization problem.
a=1 j=1
The ANN derived explicit equation was taken as the objective
G is the number of training samples and yj (a) is the predicted function of the maximization problem and then the upper and
output and Tj (a) is the actual output. lower bounds of the input variables (defined in Table 2) were
set as the initial constraints. The optimization problem can be
2.3.1. Development of the ANN model defined as,
The neural fitting toolbox of MATLAB 2015a software which is
Minimize: − f (x)
equipped with early stopping regularization technique was used
to train an ANN to predict the PCE of the PSC device under study. Where: f (x) = f (dActiv elayer , dHTL , dETL , NAHTL , NDETL ) (10)
The neural fitting toolbox screens the data set into three parts: Subject to:
the training set, validation set, and test set. While the training
data set serves to develop the model, the validation data set 0.95 ≤ dactiv elayer ≤ 1.25 (11)
are used to assess the accuracy of the ANN model and avoid 0.08 ≤ dHTL ≤ 0.15 (12)
overfitting, and the testing data are used to assess the network
performance after which no further adjustments are made (Ling 0.02 ≤ dETL ≤ 0.04 (13)
et al., 2017). The default values of stopping criteria such as the 1019 ≤ NAHTL ≤ 5 × 1020 (14)
MSE, number of epochs reached and number of validation checks
1019 ≤ NDETL ≤ 5 × 1020 (15)
were used for the feed-forward, backpropagation network. In his
work only one hidden layer was investigated. Just as in Balin In Eq. (6), f(x) represents the objective or goal function where
et al. (2019) and Chaudhary et al. (2019), it is understood that x is the input vector consisting of the design variables that are
using more than one hidden layer makes the ANN-derived ob- modified to obtain the optimum. The searchable design space is
jective function rather complex and in our case, increases the defined by the upper and lower bounds of the design variables
computational cost of solving the optimization problem greatly. (inequalities (11)–(15)) known as the side constraints. The objec-
The neural fitting toolbox allows cross-validation of the trained tive function is nonlinear. The additive inverse of the objective
network with a new data set thus facilitating further confirmation function is minimized which is mathematically the same as max-
of the generalization capability of the model. The settings used for imizing f (x), (Arora, 2015). Consequently, we take the negative of
the ANN training are listed in Table 3. the resulting optimum function value as the desired maximum.
The raw input data generated form SCAPS was transformed Due to the nature of the ANN-derived equation, we require
using the natural logarithm function before training. This was an optimization algorithm for non-linear, non-continuous, non-
done to improve the accuracy of the ANN-derived model by differentiable, and unconstrained objective functions (with
reducing the skewedness of the data, thus making the pattern in bounds). The MATLAB global optimization Toolbox offers four
the data more interpretable and helping to meet the assumptions algorithms that would suffice to solve such a problem. These are
of inferential analysis (ODSC-Open Data Science, 2019). A plot the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Algorithm (PSO), Sim-
of efficiency versus HTL dopant concentration before and after ulated Annealing Algorithm (SA), and Pattern-Search Algorithm
logarithmic transformation is shown in Fig. 5. (PS) respectively. The entire optimization procedure employed in
this work is illustrated in Fig. 6.
2.4. Optimization of the ANN derived model
2.4.1. Genetic algorithm
In this section, an overview of the constraints, objective func- GAs are evolutionary optimization algorithms based on Dar-
tion, and the global optimization algorithms considered for the win’s principle of survival of the fittest. In genetic algorithm,
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Fig. 5. (a) Scatter plots of efficiency as a function of, (a) HTL dopant concentration (b) logarithm of HTL dopant concentration.
− new
E −Eold
( )
Step 4: Compute else if e Eold
( )
pbesti,k = pi,k and gbesti = minimum pbesti,k (18) then Eold = Enew (30)
The location of pbesti,k and gbest is given by pxik and gix
else xi+1 = xi − ∆xi (31)
Step 5: Update velocity
Step 7: Go to Step 4 until termination criterion (function not
Vi+1,k = w1 vi,k + ∅1 px,k − xi,k ui + ∅2 gi,x − xi,k ui
( ) ( )
improving for certain number of Iterations) is satisfied
(19) Where xi,min and xi,max are the bounds of the variable xi and ui
Step 6: Update position are random number generated between 0 and 1 (uniform distri-
bution). The energy Eold of this variable is given by its objective
xi+1,k = xi,k + vi+1,k (20) function value f (xi ), the energy state for the new point is Enew ,
∆xi is the perturbation of xi in its neighborhood, and ε is a small
Step 7: Update fitness number fixed at the start of the simulation.
( )
pi+1,k = f xi+1,k (21)
2.4.4. Pattern search
Step 8: If pi+1,k < pbesti,k PS follows the general form of most optimization methods:
given an initial guess at a solution x0 and an initial choice of
then pbesti+1,k = pi+1,k (22) a step length parameter ∆0 > 0. Pattern search methods only
require simple, as opposed to sufficient, decrease on the objective
Step 9: Update function. This weaker condition is possible because we require
that the step be defined by ∆k and the pattern Pk and we place
( )
gbesti+1 = minimum pbesti+1,k (23)
certain mild conditions on both the Exploratory moves and the
Step 10: If i < imax then increment i and go to Step 5, else stop. way in which we update ∆k to guarantee global convergence.
A pattern Pk is defined by two components, a real nonsingular
Where xi,min and xi,max are the bounds of the variable xi and matrix B ∈ Rn×n and an integer generating matrix Ck ∈ Z n×p ,
ui are random numbers generated between 0 and 1 (uniform where p > 2n. In addition, the columns of Ck must contain a core
distribution). Here i, is the iteration number, and wi , ∅1 , and pattern (Mesh) represented by Mk ∈ M ∁Z n×n and its negative
∅2 are the tuning factors of the algorithm. −Mk , where M is a finite set of nonsingular matrices. A pattern
Pk is defined by the columns of the matrix Pk = BCk . Since both
2.4.3. Simulated annealing B and Ck have rank n, the columns of Pk span Rn .The steps are of
As implied by its name, simulated annealing is an optimization the form sk = ∆k Bck , where ck ∈ Ck . The basic steps for executing
technique which is analogous to the process of annealing of solids a General Pattern Search are outlined below (Torczon, 1998).
where a solid is heated and then allowed to slowly cool until
Algorithm for General Pattern Search
the minimum energy of molecules is reached. In comparison, the
optimization problem represents the solid which is transformed Step 1: Initialization: for k = 0, 1, 2,. . .
to an ‘‘ordered state’’ or a desired optimized state. When heated, Step 2: Check for convergence
the molecules are free to move and the freedom gets restricted Step 3: Compute f (x)
as the solid is cooled. In like fashion, SA optimization algorithm Step 4: Determine a step sk using Exploratory Moves (∆k , Pk )
allows ‘‘hill climbing’’ when the temperature is high. That is, these
points that are in the near vicinity of the search point, but have a If f (x) > f (xk + sk ) , then xk+1 = xk + sk . (32a)
higher objective function value can still be selected with certain Otherwise xk+1 = xk . (32b)
probability. This allows the algorithm to escape from local optima
and thus increase the chances of finding a global optimum. The Step 5: Update (∆k , Pk )
basic steps for implementing SA are as follows (Arora, 2015),
2.4.5. Selection criteria
Algorithm for Simulated Annealing To select the most compatible global optimization algorithm
for our problem, four criteria were considered, namely; the ability
Step 1: Initialize ε and variable bounds xi,min and xi,max
of the algorithm to converge to the optimum value, the ability
Step 2: Compute the starting value of the variables as of the algorithm to generate new design alternatives, the com-
putational time required (number of function counts required
( )
xi = xi,min + xi,max − xi,min ui (24)
for convergence), and the reproducibility of the optimum result
Step 3: Compute obtained (Doris et al., 2019). The four algorithms were assessed
based on all four criteria and the highest performing option was
Eold = f (xi ) (25) chosen.
Step 4: Compute It is noteworthy here, that the Genetic algorithm is a con-
strained optimization solver and thus will require linear and/or
∆x1+i = ε xi ui and xi+1 = xi + ∆xi (26) nonlinear constraints along with the upper and lower bounds.
This issue can be addressed by simply using empty square brack-
if ∆x1+i exceeds bounds then ets in those fields where the constraints are required. This implies
that for this problem, such constraints are not applicable. Also, to
( )
xi+1 = xi,min + xi,max − xi,min ui (27)
improve the predicted optimum function value, hybrid functions
Step 5: Compute were used along with the tested algorithms. The hybrid function
is an optimization function that runs after the main optimization
Enew = f (xi+1 ) (28) algorithm terminates and serves to improve the probability that
Step 6: If Enew < Eold the main algorithm converges to a global optimum value. The
hybrid function uses the final point from the main algorithm as
then, Eold = Enew (29) its initial point.
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Fig. 7. Effect of active layer thickness variation on (a) Jsc (b) Voc (c) FF and (d) PCE.
Table 4
Variation of series resistance and fill factor with active layer thickness recorded
from SCAPS.
d (nm) Rs ( cm−2 ) FF (%)
550 1.20 62.4
610 1.47 62.0
660 1.73 61.7
720 2.00 61.3
3.1. Effect of thickness of active layer on OSC performance Fig. 8. Dark J–V characteristic for various values of active layer thickness.
Fig. 9. Variation of Efficiency with (a) HTL dopant concentration (b) HTL Thickness (c) ETL Thickness (d) ETL Dopant concentration.
Fig. 10. The influence of the number of hidden layer neurons on cross validation (a) MSE and (b) Correlation coefficient (R).
Fig. 12. Regression plots of ANN predicted PCE versus the actual PCE.
Table 5
List of aggregate weights and biases used for the ANN model in Eq. (33).
Input layer weight matrix Input layer bias Hidden layer Output bias
vector weight vector vector
j=1 j = 2 j = 3 j = 4 j = 5 b1 W2 b2
28.669052 −0.543831 −17.755598 −1.252405 11.252986 −26.098511 0.087710 −0.299481
12.274599 −0.132103 36.273538 −0.182863 −0.056163 −32.656469 0.046729
10.275873 0.271306 −10.299286 0.666327 −0.144383 −3.883817 −0.035892
3.707060 −0.015362 0.226731 0.144391 −0.818371 0.750819 2.307570
−3.570771 0.013466 −0.236239 −0.151887 0.841071 −0.771435 2.339044
0.068188 0.004852 1.139217 0.016780 −0.020376 0.602967 1.030396
−1.475345 0.004248 −0.228030 0.026589 0.006401 −1.500353 −0.375515
is defined by Eq. (34). SSE are used to assess the performance of the ANN model. This
2 is summarized in Table 6. From Table 6, the assessment is based
Tansig(n) = (34) on the cross-validation MSE. Based on this, a combination of the
(1 + exp (−2∗n)) − 1
lowest obtained MSE, SSE, and RMSE values, as well as the highest
LW and IW are the weights of connections from the input layer R value obtained for cross-validation, makes the model the best
to the hidden layer and from the hidden layer to the input layer, choice.
respectively. The values in Table 5 can be used to predict the PCE
using Eq. (33). 3.4. Sensitivity analysis of the developed model
Furthermore, the value of xi in Eq. (33) represents the individ-
ual data points for each of the input variables where x represents Sensitivity analysis aims to identify how dependent the out-
the input variables namely active layer thickness, HTL thickness, put is, on the value of each input. In this sense, a sensitivity
HTL dopant concentration, ETL thickness, and ETL dopant con- analysis, therefore, helps to spot the weak points of a model
centration; N represents the number of neurons (in this instance (Lawson and Marion, 2008). In comparison to the other variables,
is seven); j represents the number of input variables, (in this the contribution of an independent variable to the prediction of
instance are five) b1 represents the bias of the hidden layer, and the output variable is known as the relative importance of that
b2 represents the bias of the output layer. Using the procedure variable. Various methods exist in the literature for calculating
outlined by Abidoye et al. (2018), a nonlinear equation (which is the relative importance of input variables. Examples include the
quoted in the Appendix A of this work) was extracted using the use of partial derivatives, connection weights algorithm, Lek’s
weights and biases of the developed ANN model. profile method, Garson’s algorithm, etc. However, for this study,
Fig. 13 shows a comparison between actual output values and the connection weights algorithm was employed. The choice is
model-predicted output values. based on the results of previous work in this area, by Olden
From Fig. 13, the model output from ANN shows a good et al. (2004), who compared different techniques for assessing
match with the actual data. This indicates that the model maps the contributions of input variables in ANNs. Their work showed
each point in the search space quite well. However, to measure that of all the methods, the connection weights algorithm was
numerically, how well the model’s output matches the target data the least biased. According to the connection weights algorithm
values, the following statistical models namely R, MSE, RMSE, and as proposed by Olden and Jackson (2002), the relative importance
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Fig. 13. Comparison between model-predicted efficiency and actual efficiency values.
Table 6
Summary of ANN model performance.
Performance Training Validation Testing Overall Cross-
metric validation
R 0.9992 0.999 0.9987 0.9991 0.9972
MSE 0.0002071 0.0002722 0.00029595 0.0002302 0.001529
RMSE 0.01439 0.0165 0.0172 0.01502 0.03910
SSE 0.4239 0.5572 0.6058 0.4712 0.03715
Table 7
Connection weights products, sums, and rank of inputs.
Active Layer HTL HTL dopant ETL ETL dopant
thickness thickness Concentration Thickness Concentration
Hidden layer 1 2.514588 −0.047699 −1.55736 −0.109845 0.987009
Hidden layer 2 0.573582 −0.006173 1.695032 −0.008545 −0.002624
Hidden layer 3 −0.36883 −0.009737 0.369667 −0.023916 0.005182
Hidden layer 4 8.554303 −0.035450 0.523197 0.333192 −1.888449
Hidden layer 5 −8.35219 0.031498 −1.23826 −0.355270 2.473078
Hidden layer 6 0.070261 0.004999 1.173845 0.017290 −0.020996
Hidden layer 7 0.554014 −0.001595 0.085629 −0.009984 −0.002404
Sum 3.545731 −0.064158 1.051754 −0.157082 1.550797
Rank 1 5 3 4 2
of the input variable x can be computed as the sum of products direction in which each input affects the output. A positive sign
of final weights of the connections from input neurons to hidden indicates that increasing this input variable will increase the
neurons with the connections from hidden neurons to output output parameter, while a negative sign indicates that increasing
neurons for all input neurons. The connection weights from input this input variable will decrease the output variable.
neurons to hidden neurons and, connection weights from the With this understanding, it can be surmised that an increase
hidden to output neurons for all the input variables are presented in active layer thickness, ETL dopant concentration, and HTL
in Table 9. The relative importance of a given input variable can dopant concentration would lead to increased PCE. However, the
be defined as shown in Eq. (35). negative sign for the ETL thickness and HTL thickness indicates
that increasing these variables would lead to a drop in the PCE.
∑ These findings are corroborated by the results from the inferential
.RIx = wxy wyz (35)
analysis in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 (see Table 7).
Table 8
Comparison of the optimum results gotten from each algorithm using the entire search space as upper and lower
Parameter G.A PSO SA PS
examined (Patternsearch) (fmincon) (Patternsearch) (none required)
NAETL (cm−3 ) 4.61 × 1020 5 × 1020 5 × 1020 5 × 1020
dETL (µm) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
NAHTL (cm−3 ) 2.39 × 1020 3.3 × 1020 5 × 1020 5 × 1020
dHTL (µm) 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
dactiv elayer (µm) 1.244 1.25 1.117 1.117
ηmax 15.274 15.287 15.227 15.227
F-Counts (required to 3770 438 3896 556
reach optimum)
No. of iterations 74 12 3770 88
Table 9
Comparison of optimization results with the re-defined optimization problem.
Parameter Side constraints Tested Algorithms
Lower Upper G.A PSO SA PS
bounds bounds (Patternsearch) (fmincon) (Patternsearch) (none required)
NAETL (cm−3 ) 1019 3 × 1020 6.99 × 1019 5.89 × 1019 3 × 1020 3 × 1020
dETL (µm) 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04
NAHTL (cm−3 ) 1019 2 × 1019 1.98 × 1019 2 × 1019 2 × 1019 2 × 1019
dHTL (µm) 0.08 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
dactivelayer (µm) 0.95 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.12 1.2
ηmax – – 14.584 14.588 14.58 14.58
(F-Counts required – – 3850 88 2586 129
to reach optimum)
No. of iterations – – 76 40 2500 20
Table 10
The final results from PSO optimization.
Parameter NAETL (cm−3 ) dETL (µm) NDHTL (cm−3 ) dHTL (µm) dactivelayer (µm) ηmax % f-Counts NoIterations
Lower Bounds 10 0.02 1 × 1019 0.08 0.95 – – –
Optimum 1019 0.04 1020 0.148 1.138 14.99 171 32
Upper Bounds 2 × 1020 0.04 1020 0.15 1.15 – – –
iterations to find the global optimum. Subsequently, the ability of fabrication, and PCE, we report a simulated optimum efficiency
of the algorithms to generate new alternatives was assessed. of 14.94%.
One of the key contributions of this study is to show how the
performance of the novel OSC structure can be improved with
3.6. Feasibility of the proposed optimization scheme
flexibility in the re-definition of the multivariable optimization
problem. Therefore, the algorithm chosen must be capable of
generating new design alternatives upon re-definition of the side The major cause of the deviation of observed PCE of solar
constraints. To test for this capability of the algorithms, the upper cells from their theoretically estimated values is the drop in the
bounds of the side constraints were adjusted and the new results estimated Voc upon fabrication, while the J sc usually remains
were compared in Table 9. From Table 9, the PSO algorithm shows settled around the values theoretically estimated (Alharbi and
the most innovative response to the change in the bounds of the Kais, 2015; Alharbi et al., 2015; Hossain et al., 2015). However,
problem. Also, the particle swarm algorithm offers the highest a different trend obtains for PSCs. Jung et al. (2019) reported a
maximum efficiency within the lowest computational time (88 certified Jsc value of 24.92 mA/cm2 which was significantly less
F-Counts). Hence, the particle swarm algorithm is chosen as the than the theoretical value of 29.51 mA/cm2 (Alharbi and Kais,
Algorithm for solving the optimization problem. 2015,?). This drop in J sc is majorly due to the reduced thickness
The PSO algorithm was deployed using MATLAB scripts of of the absorber layer in PSCs to curtail the effects of non-radiative
codes. Further re-definition of the problem was done to obtain the recombination (Johnston and Herz, 2015). These effects occur due
lowest values of the input variables possible without reducing the to decadence in crystal quality and can be mitigated by improv-
efficiency below 15%. The final results are presented in Table 15. ing the growth process quality, maximum charge extraction and
The swarm size was set to 5 and fmincon was used as the hybrid minimum recombination for transport mediums. That is, such
function. effects are non-intrinsic, can be minimized and therefore do not
For all other settings, their default values were used. To give determine the feasibility limits of the PSC PCE. More so, in the
the results a firmer footing, the results were simulated in SCAPS PSC simulation model optimized in this work, the effects of non-
which yielded an Efficiency of 14.94%, Voc = 1.0326 V, radiative recombination are already accounted for (Layer and
Jsc = 22.68 mA/cm2 , and FF = 63.81%. It stands to reason interface defects). Therefore, the simulated optimum values of
that the difference between the PSO predicted PCE in Tables 13 technological parameters and the corresponding PCE reported in
and 15, (from 14.99% to 15.29%) is not worth the correspondingly this study are based on minimum defects state which have been
significant increase in optimum Dopant concentrations of the achieved in practice (Mozhgan et al., 2020).
Transport layers, HTL thickness, and active layer thickness. Hence Comparing the simulated optimized PV parameters with their
to achieve the best tradeoff between the cost of fabrication, ease previous values without optimization (shown in Table 11) it is
easy to see that the rise in PCE is mainly due to the rise in
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Table 11
A Comparison of the PV parameters of the reported experimental PSC simulation with results from the proposed optimization scheme.
Reference Device structure Voc (V) Jsc (mA/cm2 ) FF % PCE %
Mozhgan et al. (2020) FTO/TiO2 /SnO2 / Perovskite 1.03 18.57 62.4 11.91
This study FTO/TiO2 /SnO2 / Perovskite 1.033 22.68 63.81 14.94
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Appendix A
I.O. Oboh, U.H. Offor and N.D. Okon Energy Reports 8 (2022) 973–988
Table 12
Material parameters set for simulation of the Solar cell under study at 300 K and with A.M 1.5 G illumination.
Fig. 16. A plot of the Quantum efficiency (IPCE) against the photon energy of
incident light.
Fig. 15. A comparison of dark J–V characteristics of the PSC device before (red)
and after (blue) Optimization. Calculated by SCAPS.. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
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