Singh 2016

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A Charge-Plasma-Based Dielectric-Modulated
Junctionless TFET for Biosensor
Label-Free Detection
Deepika Singh, Sunil Pandey, Kaushal Nigam, Dheeraj Sharma, Dharmendra Singh Yadav, and Pravin Kondekar

Abstract— To reduce the fabrication complexity and cost of of noncharged molecules. Apart from this, the scaling of FET
the nanoscale devices, a charge-plasma concept is introduced for (bulk MOSFET) for compactness and performance improve-
the first time to implement a dielectric-modulated junctionless ment of biosensor equipments gives rise to the following
tunnel field-effect transistor (DM-JLTFET) for biosensor label-
free detection. The formation of p+ source and n+ drain regions limitations: detection time is very large due to kT /q limit
in DM-JLTFET is done by the deposition of platinum (work [subthreshold swing (SS) > 60 mV/decade], short channel
function = 5.93 eV) and hafnium (work function = 3.9 eV) mate- effects, drain-induced barrier lowering, low ION /IOFF ratio, high
rials, respectively, over the silicon body. Furthermore, a nanogap power consumption due to leakage, and limitations related
cavity embedded within the gate dielectric is created by etching to scaling of threshold voltage with supply voltage [1]–[9].
the portion of gate oxide layer toward the source end for sensing
biomolecules. For this, the sensing capability of DM-JLTFET For this, a tunnel FET-based biosensor has been extensively
has been investigated in terms of variation in dielectric constant, explored and emerged as a potential candidate due to its
charge density, length, and thickness of the cavity at different bias ability to provide better sensitivity, improved response time,
conditions. Finally, a comparative study between DM-JLTFET and energy efficient due to low leakage, and is proficient to
and MOSFET biosensor is investigated. The implementation of overcome all the aforementioned issues related to FET-based
proposed device and all the simulations have been performed by
using ATLAS device simulator. biosensors [13]–[15]. In addition to these, in an earlier reported
work of FET and physically doped TFET [16], high doping
Index Terms— Band-to-band tunneling (BTBT), biosensors, concentration (in source/drain region) makes the fabrication
charge plasma, dielectric-modulated junctionless tunnel-field-
effect transistor (DM-JLTFET), short channel effect (SCE). process very complex, which results in a higher thermal budget
and expensive thermal annealing technique. Aside from these,
the formation of an abrupt junction profile is also a challenging
I. I NTRODUCTION task due to diffusion of carriers from source/drain to the

R ECENTLY, human interventions and bioterrorism have

created problems related to the pollution of ecosys-
tem, because pollution monitoring and supervision of bio-
channel region [17]. Thus, it suffers from random dopant
fluctuations, which results in the degradation of the device
performance. In this concern, junctionless TFET has been
logical pathogens have become a challenge for early-stage explored in [18], which makes fabrication process simpler as
detection and diagnosis of systems. Therefore, enlargement it does not need abrupt doping and high thermal budget. Thus,
of extremely responsive handheld biosensors with greater an investigation is required to check its potentiability in terms
life, robustness, and effectiveness is the need of the cur- of biosensor label-free detection.
rent generation. They can act as a competent device for Therefore, we investigate a charge-plasma-based
the cost-effective supervision of diseases and inspection of dielectric-modulated junctionless tunnel field-effect
biohazards in the ecosystem. In the literature [1]–[9], FET- transistor (DM-JLTFET) that can be utilized to sense
based label-free biosensors have been widely used because the biomolecules. For this purpose, p+ source and n+ drain
of their potentiality to detect the biological species. Ion- regions are induced by suitable metal work-function
sensitive field-effect transistors have also been introduced as electrodes. Furthermore, a nanogap is created within the
a part of FET family, to detect the biomolecules based on the gate dielectric to accumulate the biomolecules. For this
existence of charge between the dielectric gate and the ionic purpose, the device performance has been analyzed in terms
solution [10], [11]. However, they suffer from the detection of energy band diagram, e− tunneling rate, surface potential,
drain current (Ids ), SS, and sensitivity. However, the main
Manuscript received August 5, 2016; revised September 28, 2016; accepted
October 23, 2016. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor G. Ghione. emphasis in this paper is to find out the impact of charge
The authors are with the Nanoelectronics and VLSI Laboratory, density and dielectric constant variation on the electrical
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, PDPM-Indian characteristics of the proposed device. At the end, sensing
Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur,
Jabalpur 482005, India (e-mail: [email protected]; sunilpandey@ capability of DM-JLTFET and MOSFET-based biosensor has; [email protected]; [email protected]; been analyzed.
[email protected]; [email protected]). This paper is summarized as follows. Section II describes
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at the device structure and simulation setup with model descrip-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2016.2622403 tions. Simulation results of the proposed DM-JLTFET are
0018-9383 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


have considered the nonlocal BTBT model in the simulation

to calculate the generation rate at the tunneling junction.
To enable tunneling, a quantum tunneling region is defined
at the source/channel interface. Along with these, Shockley–
Read–Hall (for recombination), Auger (for minority carriers),
Fermi–Dirac statistics, and the field-dependent mobility are
also considered in the simulation. Trap-assisted tunneling
model described in [20] is also incorporated in simulation, as
it shows dominance in the OFF-state. Moreover, the Wentzel–
Kramers–Brillouin approach is used to evaluate the numerical
tunneling probability. A nonuniform denser meshing is con-
sidered at the junction for the computational precision.
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional view of the nanogap-embedded charge-plasma-based In the case of DM-JLTFET, the dielectric constant and
DM-JLTFET biosensor.
charge density of nanogap cavity are the governing parame-
ters for the gate controlling over the tunneling junction at
discussed in Section III. Finally, in Section IV, the conclusion the source/channel interface. Thus, the drain current changes
and important points about work are presented. significantly with the change in dielectric constant and charge
density. The nanogap cavity is considered toward the source
side, because it has significant impact on the electrical charac-
teristics of the proposed device [15]. The detailed description
The cross-sectional view of a double-gate charge-plasma- of the formation of nanogap cavity (L cavity) under the gate
based DM-JLTFET is shown in Fig. 1. In DM-JLTFET, region has been mentioned in [14]. Initially, nanogap is filled
indicated p+ and n+ regions are created by the deposition with air (k = 1), whereas the dielectric constant k > 1 is
of appropriate metal work-function electrodes [17], [19]. The used to represent the nanogap filled with biomolecules. As the
essential requirement to induce n+ drain region (through cavity is filled with the biomolecules, there is an increment
charge plasma) is that the work function of drain contact in gate capacitance, thus resulting in an improvement in the
should be less than intrinsic silicon (φ m D < χ Si + Eg /2), drain current in the case of DM-JLTFET, which can be used
where χ Si is the electron affinity of silicon (χ Si = 4.17 eV) for sensing the biomolecules in the label-free biosensor. The
and Eg denotes the bandgap of Si material [17], [19], whereas behavior of biomolecules in the nanogap cavity is analyzed in
to induce p+ source region, the work-function of metallic terms of negative charge density for the DNA analysis [15].
contact should be more than intrinsic Si (φ m S > χ Si + Eg /2).
However, the thickness of Si must be less than the Debye
length (( Si VT )/e · N))1/2, where  Si is the dielectric constant
of Si, VT is the thermal voltage, and N is the carrier concen- In this section, first, we focus on the tunneling mechanism
tration in Si material. Thus, the platinum and hafnium with from source to channel through the BTBT process using
work-functions as 5.93 and 3.9 eV are considered to fulfill the biomolecules in terms of variation in dielectric constant and
essential requirement of the charge-plasma concept. However, charge density. It may be noted that the band bending in
silicon thickness (tsi = 10 nm) less than the Debye length is the channel portion under the nanogap cavity is the most
employed, which is similar to [17]; therefore, it accomplishes important requirement in the context of biomolecules conju-
the next requirement of the charge-plasma concept. gation [15], [16]. In Fig. 2(a), the energy band diagram of
The length (L in ) between gate electrode and the electrode DM-JLTFET is shown under OFF state, while Fig. 2(b) and (c)
required for inducing the drain region is 5 nm. A space (L gap ) shows the energy band diagram under ON state along horizon-
between the cavity and the electrode required for inducing tal X-position with different dielectric constants and charge
the source region is 2 nm. The other parameters of device densities. Under OFF condition (Vgs = 0 V and Vds = 0.5 V),
shown in Fig. 1 are the gate length (L g ) = 53 nm, length the barrier width between the source and the channel is
of the source (L s ) and drain (L d ) region = 45 nm, length large, which means that more energy is required to tunnel the
of the nanogap cavity (L cavity) = 23 nm, thickness of the electrons from the valence band of source to the conduction
nanogap cavity (tcavity) = 5.5 nm, and gate work-function band of the channel region.
(φ g ) = 4.1 eV. The work-functions of 5.93 eV (platinum) Fig. 2(b) shows the relevant energy band diagram of
and 3.9 eV (hafnium) are used for source and drain con- DM-JLTFET under the ON-state condition (Vgs = 1.5 V and
tacts at the edges of the silicon body. The simulations are Vds = 0.5 V) for different dielectric constants (k). It shows
performed by using the 2-D ATLAS device simulator from that band bending increases due to the increase in the dielectric
the Silvaco V5.19.20 [20]. In TFET’s simulation, most impor- constant, which leads to reduction in barrier width. However,
tant part is the choice of band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) Fig. 2(c) shows the impact of charge density on the energy
model. In [21], local model is used for the calculation of band diagram of DM-JLTFET under the nanogap cavity. It can
tunneling rate at each point of the electric field. On the be noted that the barrier width under the nanogap cavity
other hand, nonlocal model calculates the tunneling rate increases with the increase in the negative charge density.
by the variation in energy band diagram. Therefore, we In this respect, it is important to analyze the effect of change in
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 2. Energy band diagram of DM-JLTFET along X-position

in (a) OFF-state (Vgs = 0 V and Vds = 0.5 V). Energy band diagram of
DM-JLTFET along X-position with different (b) dielectric constants (ρ = 0)
and (c) charge densities (k = 5) in ON-state (Vgs = 1.5 V and Vds = 0.5 V).
Fig. 4. Plots of surface potential of the DM-JLTFET along X-position with
different (a) dielectric constants (ρ = 0) and (b) charge densities (k = 5) at
Vds = 0.5 V.

It can be seen that in the presence of biomolecules (k > 1),

barrier width reduces; hence, increment in the e− tunneling
rate and ION is observed (see the inset). On the other hand,
Fig. 3(b) shows that as the density of the negative charge
increases, the e− tunneling rate and ION decreases due to the
increment in the tunneling barrier width.
To understand the behavior of DM-JLTFET biosensor in
terms of electrostatic potential, it is essential to investigate
the surface potential under the nanogap cavity [14].
Fig. 4(a) and (b) shows the surface potential along the
X-position with different dielectric constants and charge
densities, respectively. It can be seen that the surface potential
attains a smaller value in the absence of biomolecules
(k = 1), whereas it achieves a higher value in the presence of
biomolecules (k > 1) under the nanogap cavity. It is due to
the fact that, as the dielectric constant increases, the barrier
width reduces at the source–channel interface due to better
coupling between the gate and the channel, which results in
an effective rise in the surface potential. In a similar way,
with an increase in the negative charge density, the flat band
voltage (Vfb ) increases by a term of (eρ/C) in the nanogap
Fig. 3. e− tunneling rate of the DM-JLTFET with different (a) dielectric
cavity [15], where ρ is the charge density and C is the
constants (ρ = 0) and (b) charge densities (k = 5) at Vgs = 1.5 V and capacitance. Hence, the surface potential under the nanogap
Vds = 0.5 V. cavity decreases [see Fig. 4(b)]. Fig. 5(a) and (b) shows
the relevant Ids –Vgs characteristics of the DM-JLTFET for
the energy band diagram of DM-JLTFET on the e− tunneling different dielectric constants and charge densities. With the
rate. Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows the behavior of the e− tunneling air cavity (k = 1), Ids attains a lower value in the order of
rate with different dielectric constants and charge densities. 10−13 (A/μm) at Vgs = 1.5 V and Vds = 0.5 V. In addition to
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Ids –Vgs characteristics of DM-JLTFET with different (a) dielec- Fig. 6. Ids –Vds characteristics of DM-JLTFET with different (a) dielectric
tric constants (ρ = 0) and (b) charge densities (in the range from constants (ρ = 0) and (b) charge densities (k = 5) (in the range from
−1011 to −1015 cm−2 ) at Vds = 1.5 V. −1011 to −1015 cm−2 ) at Vgs = 0.5 V.

this, a significant increment in Ids is seen in the presence of

biomolecules (k > 1). However, Fig. 5(b) follows an opposite
behavior with an increment in the negative charge density.
Its main reason is that, increment in the negative charge
density leads to a decrement in the surface potential, which
results in degradation in drain current [15]. It is important
to highlight that the significant variation in the drain current
is achieved from ρ = −5 × 1011 to −1×1015 cm−2 (with
Fig. 7. Plots of ION /IOFF ratio of DM-JLTFET biosensor are shown with
k = 5). Fig. 6(a) and (b) shows Ids –Vds characteristics of different (a) dielectric constants (ρ = 0) and (b) charge densities (k = 5).
DM-JLTFET, where a similar behavior like that in
Fig. 5(a) and (b) is observed in respective manner with differ-
ent dielectric constants and charge densities. Fig. 7(a) and (b) air and I bio are the drain currents when biomole-
In (1), Idrain drain
shows the behavior of the ION /IOFF ratio with different cules are absent or present in the nanogap cavity, respectively.
dielectric constants and charge densities, respectively. It can Fig. 8(a) and (b) shows the drain current (Ids ) sensitivity as a
be seen that ION /IOFF ratio increases with an increase in the function of Vgs with different dielectric constants and charge
dielectric constant. On the other hand, it decreases with an densities. It can be seen that Ids sensitivity increases with an
increase in the negative charge density. It is necessary to increase in the dielectric constant. The significant shift in
point out that the increment/decrement in the ION /IOFF ratio Ids sensitivity along the gate bias denotes the capability of
with the dielectric constant/charge density is due to respective DM-JLTFET to sense the charge in the cavity [14], [23].
increment/decrement in ION current [as shown in However, a reduction in Ids sensitivity is noticed with an
Fig. 3(a) and (b) (inset)]. To explain the robustness of increase in the negative charge density [22], which can be
the DM-JLTFET biosensor, it is important to analyze drain analyzed from Fig. 8(b). The significant variation in Ids
current sensitivity with the bias across where sensitivity is sensitivity shows the detectability of the proposed device as
defined as [14] a label-free biosensor in the range of −1011 to −1015 cm−2 .
  Fig. 8(c) and (d) shows the Ids sensitivity as a function of drain
bio − I air
Sdrain = drain
. (1) bias with different dielectric constants and charge densities.
Idrain It is apparent from these plots that the improvement in Ids
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 10. Impact of cavity length variation (k = 2) on (a) transfer

characteristics and (b) Ids sensitivity of the DM-JLTFET at Vds = 0.5 V.

Fig. 8. Characteristics of Ids sensitivity of DM-JLTFET along Vgs with

different (a) dielectric constants (ρ = 0) and (b) charge densities (in the
range from −1011 to −1015 cm−2 ) at Vds = 0.5 V (k = 5). Char-
acteristics of Ids sensitivity of the DM-JLTFET along Vds with different
(c) dielectric constants (ρ = 0) and (d) charge densities (in the range from
−1011 to −1015 cm−2 ) at Vgs = 1.5 V (k = 5).

Fig. 11. Plots of Ids –Vgs characteristics of DM-JLTFET with different values
of tcavity (k = 2) at Vds = 0.5 V.

A. Impact of Geometry Parameters on Device Performance

The impact of variation in cavity length (L cavity) on
Fig. 9. Plots of (a) SS and (b) SS sensitivity of the DM-JLTFET with Ids –Vgs characteristics is shown in Fig. 10(a) for the
different dielectric constants (ρ = 0).
DM-JLTFET biosensor. As the length of the cavity changes,
no significant change in Ids with gate bias is observed. Thus,
the variation in cavity length does not have much impact on
sensitivity is higher at lower drain bias with different dielectric
the transfer characteristics, because working mechanism in
constants and charge densities. Apart from this, the SS is also
DM-JLTFET is based on the tunneling phenomenon rather
one of the important parameters for analyzing the performance
than diffusion mechanism as in the case of conventional
of the TFET-based biosensor [13]. The SS is a measure of its
FET [15]. Fig. 10(b) shows the Ids sensitivity variation with
effectiveness of gate voltage over the channel region, which
gate bias for different values of L cavity . It can be seen that
is defined as follows [21]:
a slight change in Ids sensitivity occurs with the reduction
  in L cavity .
SS = mV/decade. (2) Fig. 11 shows the effect of change in tcavity on the
δ log Ids
Ids –Vgs characteristics. It can be seen that, as tcavity increases,
It is clear from (2) that SS is highly dependent on the gate drain current decreases due to increment in the tunneling
bias. It is described in [21] that SS of a conventional FET barrier at the source–channel interface, which results in the
is affected by the diffusion current mechanism. On the other conduction of device at higher Vgs . Fig. 12(a) shows the effect
hand, SS of TFET relies mainly on the tunneling phenomenon of L cavity variation on the Ids sensitivity. With the increment
rather than thermionic emission as in the case of MOSFET. in L cavity , a small change in Ids sensitivity is achieved [as seen
Fig. 9(a) and (b) shows SS and its dependence on the dielectric in Fig. 12(a)], because sensitivity is not much affected by vari-
constant, where biomolecule conjugation increases the gate ation in cavity length [15]. As reported in [15], ION changes
controlling, and thus a reduction in SS with an increase with the change in L cavity only when the cavity is filled
in dielectric constant is observed. As a result, a significant with air (i.e., k = 1) in the case of TFET. However, in
enhancement in SS sensitivity with respect to dielectric con- the case when cavity is filled with biomolecules (k > 1),
stant is achieved [Fig. 9(b)]. This implies that a smaller SS ION does not vary with L cavity because of its dependence
leads to a superior detection capability and better electrical only on dielectric constant of the biomolecules for TFET [15].
response of DM-JLTFET biosensor. Apart from this, the change in SS values for different values
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 12. Plots of (a) Ids sensitivity, (b) SS, and (c) SS sensitivity with
different values of L cavity (k = 2).

Fig. 13. Impact of charge density of biomolecules on ON-state current of

(a) DM-JLTFET and (b) MOSFET for various dielectric constant values at
of L cavity at Vds = 0.5 V can be seen from Fig. 12(b). It can Vgs = 1.5 V and Vds = 0.5 V. Plots of ION /IOFF ratio of (c) DM-JLTFET
and (d) MOSFET as a function of dielectric constant at different lengths of
be viewed that as the L cavity increases, a very small change cavity (L cavity ) at Vgs = 1.5 V and Vds = 0.5 V. Plots of ION /IOFF ratio
in the SS value is observed due to a respective change in of (e) DM-JLTFET and (f) MOSFET as a function of dielectric constant at
its Ids characteristics, as shown in Fig. 10(a). Moreover, a different thicknesses of cavity (tcavity ) at Vgs = 1.5 V and Vds = 0.5 V.
small change in SS sensitivity (0.12 for a gap of 3 nm from
14–17 nm and 0.03 for a gap of 3 nm from 17–20 nm) is
observed with variation in L cavity , as shown in Fig. 12(c). that of k = 5 (with L cavity = 17 nm), whereas for an MOSFET
Furthermore, a comparison of DM-JLTFET with FET-based biosensor, there is no significant change in the ION /IOFF ratio
biosensor has been shown in Fig. 13(a)–(d). From with dielectric constant values, since ION and IOFF do not
Fig. 13(a) and (b), the order of current in the case of change significantly, even though the ION /IOFF ratio of the
DM-JLTFET is lower than the MOSFET-based biosensor due MOSFET biosensor is large as compared with DM-JLTFET. In
to the different mechanism of current flow. Furthermore, terms of absolute values, there is only 1.3 times increment in
Fig. 13(a)–(d) shows the plots of ION and ION /IOFF ratio ION /IOFF ratio for the MOSFET biosensor. In a similar fashion,
for DM-JLTFET and MOSFET, where both the parameters it can be analyzed from Fig. 13(e) and (f) that there is a
are used as sensing parameters and a large variation in significant increment in the ION /IOFF ratio of DM-JLTFET with
characteristic of DM-JLTFET shows better sensitivity of the tcavity as compared with that for an MOSFET-based biosensor.
proposed device. In this concern, it can be noticed from Hence, these results reveal that DM-JLTFET shows superior
these plots that the variation in ION and ION /IOFF ratio for characteristics for biosensor label-free detection in comparison
DM-JLTFET with different dielectric constants at distinct with the MOSFET-based biosensor.
L cavity is extremely high in comparison with that of MOSFET.
From Fig. 13(a) and (b), it can be seen that change in ON IV. C ONCLUSION
current in the case of DM-JLTFET with charged biomolecules In this paper, we presented a charge-plasma-based
(having a charge density of −1012 cm−2 ) is approximately ten DM-JLTFET biosensor for the detection of biomolecules. The
times as compared with that of −1011 cm−2 . On the other p+ and n+ in source and drain regions of DM-JLTEFT are
hand, the change is approximately two times in the case of an induced by the charge-plasma concept on an ultrathin silicon
MOSFET biosensor. film by using suitable metal work-function electrodes, making
Similarly, the benefit of using DM-JLTFET over an it superior in terms of low thermal budget, simpler fabrication
MOSFET-based biosensor can be analyzed in terms of process, and low cost. The impacts of dielectric constant and
ION /IOFF ratio with variation in L cavity and tcavity. From charge density on the drain current, ION /IOFF ratio, Ids , and
Fig. 13(c) and (d), it can be viewed that ION /IOFF ratio increases SS sensitivity are investigated. The simulation results show
with an increase in dielectric constant values, and there is that the DM-JLTFET can be used for making an ultrasensitive
a drastic improvement in the ION /IOFF ratio of DM-JLTFET label-free bio-equipment. Furthermore, it has also been noticed
(80 times at k = 10 and L cavity = 17 nm) as compared with that the DM-JLTFET shows superior results for the detection
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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short-gate tunnel FET-based biosensors,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Dharmendra Singh Yadav received the Pravin Kondekar received the M.Tech. degree from
M.E. degree in electronics and telecommunication the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, and the
from the Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Ph.D. degree from IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Technology and Science, Indore, India, in 2011. He held a faculty position in Korea Adanced
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Institute of Scienec and Technology, Daejeon,
electronics and communication engineering South Korea. He is currently a Professor with
from the PDPM-Indian Institute of Information the ECE Department, PDPM-Indian Institute of
Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur, Information Technology Design and Manufacturing
Jabalpur, India. Jabalpur, Jabalpur, India.
His current research interest includes simulation
and modeling for ultralow power and high-frequency
application-based devices and circuit.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

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