Numerical Modelling of Ultra Thin Cu (In, Ga) Se Solar Cells: Energy Procedia
Numerical Modelling of Ultra Thin Cu (In, Ga) Se Solar Cells: Energy Procedia
Numerical Modelling of Ultra Thin Cu (In, Ga) Se Solar Cells: Energy Procedia
Energy Procedia
Procedia 00 (2011)
15 (2012) 291 000–000
– 298
Various thicknesses of copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) absorber layer are incorporated into numerical
simulation by Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator (SCAPS) to investigate the performance of ultra thin CIGS solar
cells. CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer thickness is varied from 0.3-1.0 µm. Results show that the performance of CIGS
solar cells decreases as the absorber layer thickness is decreased. Conversion efficiencies of 10.74% and 14.36% are
achieved for cells with 0.3 µm and 1.0 µm thick absorber layers, respectively. Incorporation of band gap grading or
commonly known as back surface field in the ultra thin CIGS solar cells improves the performance of the cells. In
this study, back surface field is incorporated in the numerical modelling of the ultrathin CIGS solar cells. For the
graded cells, efficiencies of 12.38% and 17.26% are achieved for cells with 0.3 µm and 1.0 µm thick absorber layers.
These improvements are attributed to the less recombination loss at the CIGS/Mo interface. This study shows ultra
thin CIGS solar cells have comparable performance parameters with the conventional CIGS solar cells.
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1. Introduction
Copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) thin film solar cell has achieved the highest conversion
efficiency [1] compared to other Cu-chalcopyrite thin film solar cells as well as CdTe and amorphous Si
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 603 8921 6325; fax: +603 8921 6146
E-mail address: [email protected]
1876-6102 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of International Conference
on Materials for Advanced Technologies.
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Procedia 15 000–000
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thin film solar cells. The active layer of this thin film solar cell is the p-type CuIn1-xGaxSe2 polycrystalline
semiconductor which acts as the absorber layer. CuIn1-xGaxSe2 has a variable band gap of 1.04 to 1.68 eV
[2]. When x=0, the ternary system of CIS has a bandgap of 1.04 eV, while x=1 represents CGS which has
a bandgap 1.68 eV. Currently, CIGS solar cells with x=0.3 which corresponds to a bandgap energy range
of 1.1-1.2 eV yields the best efficiency both in laboratory and commercial modules. CIGS thin film solar
modules exhibit good outdoor stability [3] and also radiation hardness [4].
CdS layer as shown in Fig. 1 acts as the buffer layer between the highly conductive ZnO window layer
and CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer. Since CdS is an n-type semiconductor, a p-n heterojunction is formed
across the CdS/CuIn1-xGaxSe2 interface. Mo and Ni/Al structure act as the back and front electrode for the
cell while MgF2 layer acts as the anti-reflecting coating to minimise the reflection of incident photons.
CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer is generally fabricated by co-evaporation of Cu, In, Ga and Se elements in
vacuum condition. The currently best CIGS solar cell in terms of conversion efficiency is fabricated by a
specially sequenced co-evaporation technique so-called three-stage process [5]. Apart from this
technique, other fabrication method such as selenisation of metal precursors [6] and rapid thermal
processing of stacked elemental layer [7] also produce absorber layers which have reasonable conversion
efficiency. CdS is usually deposited by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique [8] and ZnO window
layer is grown by sputtering method. Practically, the thickness of CuIn 1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer is around
1.5-2.5 µm thick. Optimum thickness of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer determined by numerical
simulation is around 3 µm [9]. Thicker absorber layer means more material usage as well as associated
cost, particularly indium. Indium is an expensive material and its availability is estimated to diminish due
to large indium consumption by flat panel display industry in the coming years [10]. Hence, lesser
material usage leads to lesser overall cost of fabricating CIGS thin film solar cells a promising low-cost
alternative for green energy application. In this study, numerical simulations of CIGS solar cells with
ultra thin absorber layer are carried out to investigate the performance of ultra thin CIGS solar cells.
Investigation on the effects of bandgap grading on the performance of the ultra thin CIGS solar cells are
also carried out.
In this study, numerical modelling of CIGS thin film solar cell has been carried out by SCAPS-1D,
version 2.8.02 computer software to investigate the effects on absorber band gap grading on the overall
CIGS solar cell device performance. SCAPS-1D is a one-dimensional computer software developed at the
University of Ghent under Marc Burgelman [11]. It is developed especially to simulate the AC and DC
characteristics of heterojunction thin film solar cells, especially CIGS and CdTe solar cells. The special
feature of SCAPS-1D version 2.8.02 can analyse the solar cell with graded band gap [12]. In this
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numerical study, CuIn 1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer thickness is varied from 0.3-1.0 µm. A base case
simulation with 2.5 µm thick CuIn 1-xGaxSe2 is also carried for comparison purposes.
Output such as current voltage characteristics in the dark and under illumination can be obtained from
the solution provided by an SCAPS simulation. For solar cell and detector structures, collection
efficiencies as a function of voltage, light bias, and temperature can also be obtained. In addition,
important information such as energy band diagram of the overall cell, occupation probability of deep
defects, carrier generation-recombination profiles, and individual carrier current densities as a function of
position can be extracted from the SCAPS program.
Fig. 2. Energy band diagrams. (a) Uniform band gap; (b) back surface graded band gap
Figure 2 above shows the energy band diagrams of CIGS absorber layer that have been numerical
modelled in this study. By incorporating the various material parameters into SCAPS for all of the
analysis aspects, changes in the values for efficiency, Voc, Jsc and FF are obtained and recorded. Finally,
the performances of the solar cell are analysed via its J-V characteristics and spectral response. Hence,
numerical simulation enables researchers to perform theoretical studies on the overall characteristics and
performance of solar cells. Although the final output of the numerically modelled solar cell and the real
fabricated solar cell is the overall efficiency, there will be definitely some marginal differences between
both results. This is due to the complexity of fabrication process which may induce many other physical
electronic processes in which the numerical modelling cannot replicate or take into account during the
simulation. However, numerical modelling offers a great opportunity to the scientific community to
understand and explore the working principles of various photovoltaic devices prior to the practical cell
fabrication and characterisation.
3.1. Cell performance with variable ultra thin CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer
Thickness of CuIn 1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer is varied from 0.3 µm to 1.0 µm. The performances of the
respective cells are shown in terms of Voc, Jsc, FF and efficiency in Fig. 2. All the performance parameters
in Fig. 3 show an increasing trend as the CuIn 1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer is increased from 0.3 µm to 1.0
µm. Performance of conventional CIGS solar cell with 2.5 µm CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer simulated in
this study yields an efficiency of 19.14% and has been used as a reference case. For a 0.3 µm thick
CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer, the obtained efficiency is 10.74%. The highest efficiency obtained is
14.36% which corresponds to 1 µm thick CuIn 1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer solar cell. The increase in the
conversion efficiency is mainly due to the increase in the p-type CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer. As the p-
type layer is increased more photons with longer wavelength can be collected in the absorber layer [9].
This eventually will contribute to more electron-hole pair (EHP) generation therefore increasing the open
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circuit voltage, Voc and short circuit current, Jsc. An increase in Jsc and Voc will collectively increase the
conversion efficiency of the solar cell. Meanwhile, a very thin absorber layer physically means the back
contact and the depletion region are very close to each other which enhances the capturing of electrons by
the back contact. This form of recombination process is detrimental to the cell performance as it affects
both Voc and Jsc.
Fig. 4. J-V characteristics of solar cells with variable absorber layer thickness
Figure 5 shows the spectral response of the solar cell with variable absorber layer thickness. As
mentioned earlier, when the p-type layer increases, more photons with longer wavelength can be collected
in the absorber layer. This eventually will contribute to more electron-hole pair (EHP) generation and
collection as the longer wavelength photons can be absorbed. The effect can clearly be observed in the
spectral response of the solar cell. The quantum efficiency for a thicker absorber layer is much higher in
the long wavelength portion as minority carrier diffusion length gains positively.
Fig. 5. Spectral response of solar cells with variable CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer thickness
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3.2. Cell performance with variable ultra thin CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer
As mentioned earlier, recombination of electrons at the back contact is due to the depletion region
being very close to the back contact. Furthermore, CIGS/Mo interface is expected to have high
recombination velocity [13] which will enhance the electron capturing process during the cell operation.
In order to increase the efficiency of the ultra thin CIGS solar cells, the carrier recombination at the back
surface must be mitigated. One of the practical ways is to induce quasi-electric field towards the back
contact by back surface band gap grading [14] or more commonly known as back surface field. Back
surface field is created by increasing the level conduction band minimum by incorporating Ga at the back
surface of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer.
In this study, numerical study of ultra thin CIGS solar cells with back surface field is carried out. The
band gap energy at the back surface is increased 0.1 eV. The physical structure of the CIGS solar cell is
not altered for this simulation. By incorporating the back surface field, the efficiency of 0.3 µm thick
CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer increases from aforesaid 10.74% to 12.38% while the efficiency of 1.0 µm
thick CuIn1-xGaxSe2 absorber layer increases from 14.36% to 17.26%. To elucidate the effects of back
surface field more clearly, numerical simulation has been applied to a 0.5 µm and 0.9 µm thick CIGS
absorber layer solar cells. Figure 6 shows the J-V characteristics of graded and non graded ultra thin
CIGS solar cells while Table 1 shows the efficiencies for all the respective J-V curves.
Fig. 6. J-V characteristics of graded and non-graded CIGS solar cells with various thicknesses
Table 1. Efficiency of graded and non graded cell with various CIGS layer thicknesses
CIGS Absorber Layer Thickness Back surface field Efficiency (%)
0.5 µm No grading 12.15
0.5 µm Graded 16.21
0.9 µm No grading 14.09
0.9 µm Graded 17.24
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For non-graded cells, there is a comparable difference in the current density between thinner (0.5 µm)
and thicker (0.9 µm) cell. There are 2 possible factors that contribute to the aforesaid phenomena. First,
the recombination rate in the thinner cell is higher due to high recombination velocity which is caused by
the proximity of p-n junction with the back contact. The second probable factor is the absorption of
thinner cell is lower than the thicker cell which would lead to lower generation of EHPs and subsequently
lower current density. However, the current densities of both thin and thick graded cells are almost equal.
Hence, this fact suggests that the photocurrents of both cells are not limited by absorption. Back surface
field in the graded cell mitigates the recombination mechanism which in turn increases the current
4. Conclusions
Efficiencies as high as 10.74% and 14.36% are achieved for CIGS cells with 0.3 and 1.0 µm thick
absorber layers, respectively. Upon adopting grading at the back contacts, efficiencies of 12.38% and
17.26% are achieved for cells with 0.3 and 1.0 µm thick absorbers. Other the hand, back surface field
increases the efficiency of solar cells with 0.5 and 0.9 µm thick CIGS absorber layer as much as 3%.
Back surface field mitigates the recombination mechanism by repelling electrons away from the
CIGS/Mo interface. Further investigation on the band gap grading in the ultra thin CIGS cells is
recommended. Various band gap profiles such as double grading theoretically can improve the efficiency
of the solar cells. However, when it comes to practical implementation ultra thin absorber film may need
special fabrication technique to incorporate Ga in a unique way in order to create graded band gap profile.
Optimisations of other layers are also recommended in practical implementation to further enhance the
conversion efficiency.
The authors would like to acknowledge the University of Gent, Belgium for providing the SCAPS
simulator and the Solar Energy Research Institute of the National University of Malaysia (UKM) for
giving total support to this study.
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