1 s2.0 S0377221721009942 Main
1 s2.0 S0377221721009942 Main
1 s2.0 S0377221721009942 Main
Invited Review
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Ever since the times of Henry Ford up to today’s industry 4.0 era, flow-oriented assembly processes,
Received 20 August 2021 where an assembly line conveys the workpieces from workstation to workstation, are very important for
Accepted 22 November 2021
mass-producers in manifold branches of industry. Among the most elementary optimization problems in
Available online 29 November 2021
this context is the assembly line balancing problem, which decides on the division of labor among the
Keywords: stations of an assembly line. This paper surveys the scientific literature on assembly line balancing that
Production has been published since the last major review papers have appeared in 2006 and 2007, respectively. We
Assembly line balancing cover all essential stages of the decision making process: we address novel methods to efficiently gather
Optimization the relevant (precedence graph) data, review especially new problem variants and models treated in the
Survey literature, and survey the most important algorithmic developments. Furthermore, we outline a possible
research agenda for the next fifteen years.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
1. Introduction gle worker and each worker receives the same payment). Note that
alternative model SALBP-2 takes the alternative view on the work-
To explain the importance of the simple assembly line balanc- load division trade-off and minimizes the cycle time for a given
ing problem (SALBP) to an operations researcher who has not yet number of stations. The general aim of SALBP-1 is realized within
heard of this optimization problem, one could say that SALBP is the objective function (1) by minimizing the station index to which
pendant for the production domain what the traveling salesman final task n is assigned to. Constraints (2) ensure that each task
problem is for the transportation area. SALBP is an elementary op- is assigned to a station, and constraints (3) enforce that the cycle
timization problem, which subdivides the total workload of an as- time is not violated in any station. Observation of precedence con-
sembly process, consisting of a set of tasks subject to precedence straints are ensured by constraints (4), and, finally, constraints (5)
constraints, among multiple stations that are arranged in a serial define the domain of the variables.
production process. Applying the notation summarized in Table 1, Ever since the first mathematical formulation of an assembly
a basic mixed-integer programming (MIP) model formulation for line balancing (ALB) problem by Salveson (1955), this field has at-
SALBP-1 is given in Fig. 1(a). tracted plenty research. Dozens of exact and heuristic solution pro-
The basic problem of any workload division is to maximize the cedures for SALBP have been introduced. These efforts are, for in-
output of a process for a given amount of available resources. Al- stance, documented in the survey paper of Scholl & Becker (2006).
ternatively, a predefined output level can be fixed, while minimiz- In addition to SALBP, which reduces workload division to the very
ing the costs for the necessary resources. SALBP-1 follows the latter basics, a parallel research stream denoted general assembly line
approach and assumes a given output level, which can be realized balancing problem (GALBP) has established. GALBP focuses on gen-
if a given cycle time c (i.e., the maximum or average time available eral ALB problems, where additional aspects such as U-shaped
per station and workpiece) is not exceeded in any station. Given lines, parallel stations, or processing alternatives extend the ba-
this output level, SALBP-1 aims to minimize the number of stations sic problem. The differentiation of SALBP and GALBP has been in-
(and, thus, the wage costs, if each station is equipped with a sin- troduced by Baybars (1986), and the research efforts in the field
of GALBP are, for instance, summarized in the survey paper of
Becker & Scholl (2006). Furthermore, Boysen, Fliedner, & Scholl
Corresponding author. (2007) provide a detailed classification scheme for the most im-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Boysen), philipp.schulze@uni-
portant GALBP extensions.
jena.de (P. Schulze), [email protected] (A. Scholl).
However, the gap between the SALBP-1 model depicted within
URL: https://www.om.uni-jena.de (N. Boysen), https://www.mansci.uni-jena.de
(A. Scholl) Fig. 1(a) and configuration planning of a real-world assembly line
0377-2217/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
Table 1
Notation for SALBP.
Fig. 1. Optimization model versus real-world assembly line (the picture on the right is public domain published under the CC BY 2.0 license).
(see Fig. 1(b)) with all its complexities is vast. Assembly lines are 6): more general models addressing the interdependencies of ALB
applied by mass-producers in many branches of industry, e.g., for with neighboring planning tasks, a customization of ALB for vary-
the assembly of white-goods, consumer electronics, trucks, and air- ing planning occasions during the life cycle of an assembly system,
planes (Boysen, Fliedner, & Scholl, 2008). The most famous appli- and breaking up the linear flow of assembly lines to enable the
cation is certainly the assembly of cars. In a typical automotive as- flexibilities targeted by smart factories of the industry 4.0 era.
sembly line, hundreds of workers have to assemble thousands of
parts and need to be coordinated with machinery in hundreds of 2. Scope of survey
stations at a typical cycle time between 60 and 90 seconds (Battini,
Boysen, & Emde, 2013). Due to these vast dimensions and the man- To precisely define the scope of this survey, we have to pro-
ifold interdependencies with related processes such as part logis- vide a definition of ALB. This, however, is no simple task, because
tics (see Boysen, Emde, Hoeck, & Kauderer, 2015), the layout design the literature generally subsumed to the ALB field is vast and hun-
of a novel assembly line and the operational adaptations of exist- dreds of extensions of SALBP have been introduced to support the
ing lines become very challenging planning tasks, which involve planning tasks of real-world assembly lines. To give an impression
large planning departments. In spite of all research efforts to sup- of the huge variety of ALB problems, we summarize the basic as-
port these complex planning tasks with suitable optimization pro- sumptions contained in SALBP-1 (see Boysen et al., 2007) and give
cedures, it is our subjective impression from plenty factory visits some examples from the ALB literature how each assumption can
in the past decades that the empirical findings already made in the be relaxed (indicated by the → symbol):
1970s (Chase, 1974) and 1980s (Schöniger & Spingler, 1989) are still
• Mass-production of one homogeneous product. → While the
valid today: Only a small percentage of companies apply sophisti-
single-model line was the standard innovated by Henry Ford,
cated optimization procedures for setting up and operating their
today’s assembly lines are either multi-model lines, where sig-
assembly lines. This is an ongoing challenge for the ALB research
nificant setup operations are required to change from one pro-
community, and this paper is intended to review the progress that
duction lot to another (see Burns & Daganzo, 1987; Dobson
has been made in the past fifteen years.
& Yano, 1994), or mixed-model lines, where setups are fast
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section
enough to produce in lot-size one (see Boysen, Fliedner, &
2, we define the scope of this survey and describe our paper re-
Scholl, 2009b; Thomopoulos, 1967).
trieval approach. As we see a demand for research along the com-
• All tasks are processed in a predetermined mode. → When set-
plete (quantitative) decision making process, we address the fol-
ting up an assembly line, the inherent cost-performance trade-
lowing three stages each in a separate section: research efforts on
off requires to either decide for a more costly but faster (au-
data retrieval methods to obtain the input data for optimization,
tomated) processing mode or a less costly but slower (man-
i.e., the precedence graph (Section 3), the new problems and mod-
ual) alternative. Integrating such a mode choice into ALB has
els of ALB (Section 4), and the most important algorithmic devel-
a long-lasting tradition (e.g., see Bukchin & Tzur, 20 0 0; Graves
opments of the past fifteen years (Section 5). Afterwards, it is our
& Lamar, 1983; Pinto, Dannenbring, & Khumawala, 1983).
aim to recalibrate the research agenda for the next fifteen years.
• Paced line with a fixed common cycle time according to a de-
Specifically, we see three fruitful fields for future research (Section
sired output quantity. → The standard case is a continuously
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
moving conveyor belt, which enforces observance of the cycle ancing of parallel lines (Lusa, 2008), cost and profit oriented ALB
time per station and workpiece. However, unpaced assembly (Hazır, Delorme, & Dolgui, 2015), unbalanced lines (Hudson, Mc-
lines, where each station works at individual speed and input Namara, & Shaaban, 2014), disassembly line balancing (Özceylan,
and output buffers in between subsequent stations regulate the Kalayci, Güngör, & Gupta, 2019), and ALB in an industry 4.0 context
handover of workpieces, require that the average cycle time is (Dolgui, Sgarbossa, & Simonetto, 2021). A bibliographic analysis is
balanced, at least over a mid-term planning horizon (e.g., see proposed by Eghtesadifard, Khalifeh, & Khorram (2020). The only
Buzacott, 1967; Hillier, So, & Boling, 1993; Powell, 1994). exception is the paper of Battaïa & Dolgui (2013), which is also a
• A single serial assembly line is considered. → The assembly general survey paper covering the complete field of ALB. However,
flow in real-world systems may be more complicated than a plenty more papers have been published since then, and they do
straight line, so that U-shaped lines (Miltenburg & Wijngaard, not apply our concise classification scheme for ALB (Boysen et al.,
1994; Urban, 1998), parallel stations (Bard, 1989; Buxey, 1974), 2007) to precisely and systematically explore the existing litera-
or parallel line segments (Gökçen, Ağpak, & Benzer, 2006; ture. Therefore, we think that yet another general survey paper on
Scholl & Boysen, 2009) need to be considered. ALB is well justified.
• The processing sequence of tasks is subject to precedence re- Finally, we briefly specify our paper retrieval procedure (for a
strictions. → Various precedence constraints are the norm in general description of how to set up a systematic literature search
assembly operations (e.g., first assemble the rubber seal, then see, e.g., Hochrein, Glock et al., 2013). We started with a search
the sunroof), so that they are a constituting element of ALB. in two scholarly databases, namely Science Direct and Business
However, alternative processing modes of a task may have al- Source Premier. As search string we applied “assembly line” AND
ternative precedence constraints, so that also varying subgraphs (“line balancing” OR “balancing problem”) OR “production line bal-
within a precedence graph have been considered in the ALB lit- ancing”. All English-language papers published in peer-reviewed
erature (Scholl, Boysen, & Fliedner, 2009). journals that have been retrieved and those cited in their refer-
• Deterministic task times p j . → Especially manual work (and its ence lists (snowball approach) were checked for relevance, novelty,
larger variation compared to automated tasks) is often better and significance of their contributions to the field, at least by an-
modeled by stochastic task times, so that it is not surprising alyzing their abstracts. Since we build up on our aforementioned
that stochastic ALB also has a long-lasting tradition (e.g., see survey papers, we only consider papers published after 2006 (ex-
Kottas & Lau, 1976; Moodie & Young, 1965). cept for noteworthy exceptions). To precisely record the problem
• No assignment restrictions of tasks besides precedence con- settings of the obtained ALB papers, we apply our classification
straints. → For instance, a task requiring a lifted workpiece to scheme (Boysen et al., 2007) and classify every paper that fits into
be safely executed on a car’s under-floor is incompatible with a this scheme. Furthermore, we discuss novel extensions that are not
simultaneous assembly of the sunroof. Such task incompatibili- already within our classification scheme. In order to keep the pa-
ties have, e.g., been considered by Johnson (1983) and Bartholdi per short and readable, the classification is given in the Online-
(1993). Appendix, while the most noteworthy contributions are explicitly
• Tasks cannot be split among two or more stations. → Espe- described in the text. In total, we examined more than 10 0 0 pa-
cially tasks whose durations exceed the cycle time can be as- pers in the retrieval phase and selected almost 500 relevant and
signed to multiple stations, so that task execution on subse- novel contributions for this survey.
quent workpieces can alternate. Then, each station has to ex-
ecute the laborious task only on every other workpiece, which 3. Data retrieval: how to determine the precedence graph
gives them time to recover. Split tasks have, e.g., been consid-
ered by Pinto, Dannenbring, & Khumawala (1975) and Boysen & To model and solve real-world ALB problems, plenty of (valid
Fliedner (2008). and reliable) data is required. Since more than 65 years of ALB re-
• All stations are equally equipped with respect to machines and search, the vast majority of scientific papers simply state that the
workers. → In real-world assembly systems, workstations vary problem data has to be collected and provided as an input to mod-
considerably, e.g., with regard to the applied machinery and the els and solution procedures. Only a few application-oriented re-
number of workers whose skill levels may vary. In this case, searchers have ever dealt with the question how to actually obtain
SALBP-1’s approach to minimize the number of stations may be the necessary data in a suitable and effective manner. According to
a too strong simplification. Instead, cost-oriented (Amen, 20 0 0; our experience, this is one major reason for the lack of applying
2001) or profit-oriented (Rosenblatt & Carlson, 1985; Zäpfel, ALB solution approaches in practice. In the following, we highlight
1975) objective functions have to be applied. some recent approaches that focus on data retrieval of the prece-
dence graph.
To cover this wide range of possible extensions, we follow the As defined for SALBP-1 in Table 1 and Fig. 1(a), the core data
definition given in Boysen et al. (2007) and define ALB (and, thus, of each line balancing problem are the tasks, their task times, and
the scope of this survey) as “all optimization models which aim at the precedence relations among them. These elements are visual-
supporting that part of assembly line configuration that deals with ized by a (directed) precedence graph with each task being repre-
grouping tasks and their required resources to stations”, such that sented by a node j ∈ V ; task times p j are given as node weights.
a coordination according to a cycle time is enabled. A precedence relation (i, j ) means that task i ∈ V must be finished
This survey provides an update on our previous survey papers before task j ∈ V can be executed (e.g., rubber seal before sunroof).
on SALBP (Scholl & Becker, 2006), GALBP (Becker & Scholl, 2006), The direct precedence relations define the arc set E of the prece-
and the ALB classification scheme (Boysen et al., 2007), which dence graph, while indirect ones are represented by chains of two
have appeared in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Our literature sur- ore more arcs from E. Fig. 2 shows an example of a precedence
vey will show that a vast amount of new literature has appeared graph with n = 6 tasks.
since then. Furthermore, all other surveys which have been pub- In practice, there are established procedures to subdivide the
lished since then only cover specific aspects, e.g., two-sided as- total work content into tasks and to estimate task times by so-
sembly lines (Make, Rashid, & Razali, 2017), the requirements of called predetermined motion time systems like MTM – “Methods-
different real-world applications (Boysen et al., 2008), ALB solved Time Measurement” (Maynard, Stegemerten, & Schwab, 1948) or
with soft computing (Fathi & Ghobakhloo, 2014; Rashid, Hutabarat, MOST – “Maynard Operation Sequence Technique” (Zandin, 2002).
& Tiwari, 2012) or genetic algorithms (Tasan & Tunali, 2008), bal- Such methods subdivide assembly tasks into elementary motions
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
ist FTS where i is executed before j and vice versa. This process
is repeated as long as new FTS are available and further prece-
dence relations can be removed from MxG. In each iteration of
this learning approach, the current maximum graph MxG can
be applied to (heuristically) balance the line, because it guar-
antees feasible line balances. Note that removing arcs requires
Fig. 2. Precedence graph.
adjusting the transitive closure of MxG in each iteration.
• A minimum graph MnG is a subgraph of target graph T G with
such as lifting and gripping, whose durations are pre-defined based the same set of nodes and a subset of the arcs (i.e., MnG is at
on an in-depth analysis of the typical motions of an average most as restricting regarding the line balance as T G). Starting
worker. The task times are obtained by aggregating the intercon- with an empty arc set, precedence relations that definitely exist
nected motion times in a suitable manner. Beyond task times, it is are added, once they are verified by a traditional approach such
also necessary to evaluate the ergonomic conditions under which as an expert interview or the interpretation of CAD data.
assembly tasks are performed, in order to design healthy and ef- • In this manner, precedence relations are subsequently removed
ficient working places. The method EAWS – “European Assembly from MxG in a bottom-up approach and added to MnG in
Worksheet” (Schaub, Caragnano, Britzke, & Bruder, 2013), for in- a top-down manner. Whenever MxG = MnG is achieved, the
stance, is used by many major European automobile manufactur- target graph T G is finally detected, without having to estab-
ers. More recent systems like MTM-HWD – “Human Workplace lish each precedence constraint manually. Naturally, real-world
Design” integrate time and ergonomic analyses (e.g., Faber et al., precedence graphs are large, and, thus, T G is not easily obtain-
2019). These methods are widely used in practice and continuously able by this approach. However, the experiments of Klindworth
improved based on modern digitization techniques such as digi- et al. (2012) for SALBP-1 show that near-optimal line balances
tal human models (e.g., Caputo, Greco, Fera, & Macchiaroli, 2019; can be obtained from MxG even if there remains a considerable
Schaub et al., 2012) and virtual reality (e.g., Kunz, Zank, Nescher, & gap between MxG and MnG. Even optimality of a line balance
Wegener, 2016). can be confirmed, whenever MxG and MnG result in the same
While task-related data thus can be collected in an established number of stations. This is a very useful feature for practice:
manner by the mentioned tools, there is still a lack of practica- We can find feasible and even optimal solutions to a problem,
ble methods to obtain the required precedence relations. Tradition- whose data is only partly known.
ally, research focused on explicitly detecting all or some promis-
ing feasible sequences of task execution rather than on the com- Example: Let the precedence graph of Fig. 2 be the unknown
plete precedence graph, which implicitly represents all feasible se- target graph T G. Given a cycle time of c = 5 for SALBP-1, F LB1 =
quences. The traditional proposals include expert interviews, the ({1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6} ) represents a first feasible line balance with
usage of CAD data, and case-based reasoning approaches (see the four stations (the sets represent the station loads from station 1–
summary in Klindworth, Otto, & Scholl, 2012). None of these meth- 4), found by manual planning. The resulting first MxG is just a
ods, however, is widely applied in industry, because they come for chain according to the given sequence F T S1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ). Af-
the price of extensive manual effort (e.g., interview-based tech- ter some time, the line gets re-balanced, so that we receive a sec-
niques) and often produce incomplete or incoherent results that ond assembly sequence F T S2 = (1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 2 ) with line balance
can hardly be kept up-to-date during the steady evolution of prod- F LB2 = ({1}, {3, 6}, {4, 5}, {2} ). Merging the information of F T S1
ucts and processes. For example, CAD models often lack the spec- and F T S2 , leads to T G: task 2 has no successors (i.e., it is the last
ification of soft components such as clips and seals (Altemeier, task in F T S2 ), and task 6 is executed before its former predecessors
2009) and are often not available for all components of the prod- 4 and 5 in F T S2 . Thus, all these contradicted precedence relations
uct. As a consequence, precise precedence information is often not can be removed.
available and/or up-to-date, so that most manufacturers do not use To reduce the gap between MxG and MnG in real-life applica-
automated or semi-automated decision support but employ nu- tions, a rather long learning phase and a lot of effort with deter-
merous human planners to solve the line balancing task manually. mining confirmed precedence relations are required. Furthermore,
One promising approach to overcome these problems is de- planners often tend to not considerably change an existing line bal-
noted the learning precedence graph concept and was proposed by ance and rather make small adaptations. Naturally, this reduces the
Klindworth et al. (2012) based on findings of Minzu, Bratcu, & Hen- potential to remove many precedence constraints from MxG. Con-
rioud (1999), Altemeier (2009), and Altemeier, Brodkorb, & Dangel- firming precedence relations is often a laborious task, which takes
maier (2010). Antani et al. (2013, 2014) show that this approach is experts plenty of time. To accelerate the learning process, Otto &
actually helpful in practical applications. Otto (2014b) extend the approach by deducing many precedence
The procedure of Klindworth et al. (2012) assumes that there relations between tasks from a high-level module graph, which
is an (at first) unknown precedence graph (called target graph T G), is often available in the real world. Furthermore, they propose to
which is approximated bottom-up and top-down as follows: identify critical precedence relations, so that the effort for experts
when confirming precedence relations can be focused on the ele-
• A maximum graph MxG is a supergraph of T G with the same set mentary ones.
of nodes and a superset of arcs (i.e., MxG is at least as restrict- Another problem related to obtaining reliable precedence data
ing regarding the line balance as T G). It is obtained from feasi- is due to the ever increasing product variety that is produced on
ble (historic) task sequences (FTS), which have been used in for- today’s assembly lines. Traditional approaches to obtain a joint
mer production periods. The procedure starts with a single FTS, precedence graph for multiple products that are jointly produced
so that MxG is a chain of all tasks as defined by the first fea- on the same line (e.g. Macaskill, 1972; Thomopoulos, 1970) presup-
sible production sequence. With each additional FTS, obtained pose that each product comes along with its own individual prece-
from altered production processes of later periods, arcs can be dence graph. Nowadays, however, customers can customize their
removed from MxG as follows: If there is an arc (i, j ) in MxG products by (de-)selecting different options, and modern cars pro-
and task j is at an earlier position of the new FTS than i, then vide hundreds of options to choose from. Hence, individual prece-
arc (i, j ) is contradicted and can be removed. There is obviously dence graphs for each possible product variant are not at hand. In-
no precedence relation between tasks i and j, because there ex- stead, Boysen, Fliedner, & Scholl (2009a) propose an option-based
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
Table 2
Structure of the classification scheme.
scheme for generating a joint precedence graph for mixed-model 4.1.1. Parallel workplaces
production. In this single graph, options are represented by sub- Two-sided ALB (TALBP, β3 = pwork2 ): The two-sided ALBP, ini-
graphs that occur with a specific probability equal to the occur- tially introduced by Bartholdi (1993), assumes two workplaces
rence of the specific option. in each station, one at the left-hand side and one at the right-
When comparing the few papers reviewed in this section with hand side of the line. Some of the tasks are fixed to one of the
the large number of publications of the next section on new ALB sides, others can be performed on either side. The latter type of
extensions, we can conclude that data retrieval is still not in the tasks leads to a complicating restriction, which requires an explicit
focus of ALB research. This, however, does not mirror the outstand- scheduling of tasks within the workplaces: a workplace executing
ing importance of generating reliable problem data in real-world a task j has to wait for the opposite workplace if there a preceding
applications. Thus, we want to encourage the next generation of task of j is performed (“workplace interaction problem” for short).
ALB researchers to not repeat the mistake of their predecessors. Recently, some interesting extensions to TALBP have been pro-
The application of machine learning techniques to support prece- posed, which we elaborate in the following. For a more compre-
dence graph generation, for instance, should be a fruitful field for hensive overview on different versions of TALBP, see Make et al.
future research. For instance, it could be possible to learn from past (2017); different heuristic approaches for TALBP are surveyed and
CAD drawings of parts and their relative positions in the motor benchmarked by Li, Kucukkoc, & Nilakantan (2017):
compartment whether or not this leads to precedence constraints.
• Typically, large workpieces are manufactured on a two-sided
In this way, a machine-generated proposal list for potential prece-
line. Some of the tasks require cooperation of the workers of
dence relations could be derived in order to further speed up the
both opposing stations in a synchronized manner (e.g., for jointly
data retrieval process.
mounting the bumper of a bus). This problem extension (new
4. Problems and models: new ALB extensions symbol α5 = sync) has been introduced by Simaria & Vilarinho
(2009). This problem setting is also considered in a remark-
Once the necessary input data is available, the relevant part of able number of follow-up papers (see Online-Appendix, Section
an assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) has to be transferred A.2.2), which additionally consider further trends like assign-
into a suitable optimization model. As elaborated above, ALB re- ment restrictions, multiple objectives and meta-heuristic search
search has to cover a wide range of practical assembly settings, procedures.
so that there was always a wide arsenal of different yet closely • Since most real-world assembly lines produce multiple prod-
related problem settings and models. In the following, we sum- ucts, TALBP is extended to mixed-model lines (α1 = mix) based
marize central new developments in ALB research. We subdivide on average or even model-specific task times by, e.g., Simaria &
the text according to current research trends with respect to ex- Vilarinho (2009), Özcan & Toklu (2009a), Huang, Mao, Fang, &
tended and new decision problems (each trend gets a shortcut Yuan (2021).
given in the subsection title). In each case, we focus on important • Kucukkoc, Li, Karaoglan, & Zhang (2018) extend TALBP to a
papers, which have created the considered trend or made a par- three-sided problem by additionally considering underground
ticularly important contribution to it. This selection is due to our workplaces, which perform work underneath large workpieces
own experience-based evaluation. Where available, the established (e.g., buses) that cannot be titled by an overhead conveyor.
problem names and abbreviations as well as the respective classifi- Multi-manned ALB (MMALBP, β3 = pwork): Large workpieces al-
cation identifiers are given. These and further works can be found low for several workers mounting parts at the same station si-
in the extensive classification provided in the Online-Appendix, multaneously. For example, up to four workers work in parallel
where we specify the classification tuple according to Boysen et al. without excessive interference at automobile assembly lines. That
(2007), the methodical contributions, and the trends it refers to (if is, each station can contain one, two, three, or four parallel work-
existent) for each paper. Table 2 summarizes the structure of the places that are bound by the workplace interaction problem. Differ-
classification scheme, the entire scheme is explained in the Online- ent MMALBP versions concerning the flexibility of workplace lay-
Appendix. outs and mutual interference of workers are proposed:
4.1. Flexible and parallel work (FPW) • A basic MMALBP considers multiple flexible workplaces per sta-
tion (with a product-specific maximum degree of parallelism).
Due to the ever increasing complexity and variety of products In contrast to TALBP, the workplaces are not fixed to certain
manufactured on assembly lines, flexibility and parallelism are in- areas of the station but flexibly result from the assigned tasks
creasingly important in order to allow for an efficient production of (e.g. Dimitriadis, 2006; Kellegöz & Toklu, 2012; Michels, Lopes,
customized products. In car production, for instance, not only dif- Sikora, & Magatão, 2019; Roshani & Giglio, 2016).
ferent models of the same car type but also considerably differing • Lopes, Pastre, Michels, & Magatão (2020a) consider a varia-
car types (e.g., big SUVs and small city cars) are manufactured on tion of the problem, called Flexible multi-manned ALB (FM-
the same line. Two main approaches for making lines more flexible MALBP), where the workplaces are located without a rigid sta-
is to introduce some degree of parallelism or to arrange stations tion scheme, only defined by start and end times, in order to
more flexible than the traditional serial line layout. reduce the line length.
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
• In practice, it is not possible to define workplaces arbitrarily, are not arranged in a straight line but in a U-form such that
because workers must not interfere with each other by work- workers can perform tasks on two stations within the same cy-
ing at the same part of the workpiece at the same time. This cle in so-called cross-over workplaces. The balancing of U-lines as
problem is avoided by defining a grid of mounting positions as- an optimization problem (UALBP for short) was first considered by
sociated with the workpiece and the station space around it. Miltenburg & Wijngaard (1994). Since then, a large number of pa-
Assigning tasks to a workplace induces a set of required mount- pers on U-lines has accumulated. We highlight the main U-line re-
ing positions flexibly defining the area of the workplace. To search trends and give selected references in the following:
avoid interference, it is not allowed that a mounting position
• Mixed-model U-lines face the operational complexity of the
is assigned to more than one workplace. Furthermore, to get
varying model-dependent task times. This problem is ap-
compact workplaces, the assigned mounting positions should
proached by considering a joint balancing and sequencing prob-
be neighboring or at least be near to each other. Becker & Scholl
lem (e.g., Kara, Ozcan, & Peker, 2007; Özcan, Kellegöz, & Toklu,
(2009) call this problem ALB with variable workplaces (VWALBP)
2011) and/or extended objective functions that limit or mini-
and additionally include assignment restrictions and extra-long
mize time variations among models (e.g., Hwang & Katayama,
tasks which are to be performed by subsequent stations (multi-
2009; Rabbani, Kazemi, & Manavizadeh, 2012).
station workplaces).
• Analogously to straight lines, even U-lines may be connectable
• Sternatz (2014) simplifies VWALBP by avoiding the workplace
with some type of parallelism, although it seems rather compli-
interaction problem. The latter is an NP-hard scheduling sub-
cated to nest multiple U-lines into a clear overall layout. Par-
problem for each station given the task assignment to its work-
allel (two-sided) workplaces for U-lines are considered by, e.g.,
places. The simplification is based on an observation from prac-
Ağpak, Yegül, & Gökçen (2012) and Delice, Aydoğan, Özcan, &
tice: Managers strictly avoid assigning precedence-related tasks
İlkay (2017), parallel stations by Hamzadayi & Yildiz (2012), and
to two or more parallel workplaces in order to keep line con-
parallel U-lines by Kucukkoc & Zhang (2015, 2017).
trol simple and error-resistant. Furthermore, in a mixed-model
• The assumption of deterministic and static task times is relaxed
setting, task times vary from cycle to cycle such that a detailed
for U-lines in alternative ways: Non-deterministic processing
scheduling of tasks within stations seems even counterproduc-
times are considered, e.g., by Ağpak & Gökçen (2007) (stochas-
tic times, α3 = t sto), Hazır & Dolgui (2015) (interval times, α3 =
t int ), and Alavidoost, Babazadeh, & Sayyari (2016) (fuzzy times,
4.1.2. Parallel ALB (PALBP, β3 = pline) α3 = t f uz ). Dynamic task times (α3 = t dy ) due to learning ef-
Parallel assembly lines are a common lever to increase produc- fects are integrated into U-lines by Toksarı, İşleyen, Güner, &
tivity, flexibility, and robustness of an assembly system. Gökçen Baykoç (2008). Based on processing alternatives, Kara, Özgüven,
et al. (2006) were the first to formulate an independent decision Yalçın, & Atasagun (2011) and Bukchin & Raviv (2018) deal
problem (PALBP for short), which simultaneously balances parallel with resource-dependent task times. Further aspects of non-
lines. By installing so-called multi-line stations that share work deterministic processing times and processing alternatives are
among lines, the total number of required workers can be reduced. discussed in Section 4.4 and Section 4.9, respectively.
The worker of a multi-line workplace receives tasks from parallel
stations of two adjacent lines, so that within her cycle she has to 4.1.4. ALB with traveling workers (TWALBP)
switch among lines. Naturally, this requires that neighboring lines The basic idea behind U-lines is that workers can share their
are near to each other, such that the setup times for walking to workload among stations located on different sides of the U. Shar-
the other line are negligible. Multi-line workplaces connect the line ing workload among different stations, however, is also possible
balancing problems of all parallel lines to a single combined prob- in straight lines, which is considered by Sikora, Lopes, & Maga-
lem. Several extensions have been considered (for more detailed tão (2017). Analogously to UALBP, TWALBP assumes that workers
surveys on parallel and multiple line layouts and related decision can be assigned to more than one station observing cycle time and
problems see Aguilar, García-Villoria, & Pastor, 2020; Lusa, 2008): precedence relations. Due to the considerable distances between
• Scholl & Boysen (2009) extend PALBP by additionally consider- stations in a serial line, however, the walking times of workers
ing the assignment of multiple products (models) to the parallel among stations are considered explicitly. That is, the sum of task
lines (called MPALBP). In this way, the reduction effect of work- times and movement times must not exceed the cycle time for
places is increased if compatible models that support a work- each worker. To determine minimum movement times, a travel-
place sharing are assigned to neighboring lines. ing salesman problem has to be solved as a subproblem for each
• Gökçen, Kara, & Atasagun (2010) consider multiple straight as- worker. A similar problem in a multi-manned setting is considered
sembly lines (MSLB), which are connected in several ways to ob- by Sahin & Kellegoz (2019).
tain flexibility and to reduce the required workforce. Besides
the concept of parallel lines, they consider a consecutive and 4.2. Worker assignment (WA)
perpendicular arrangement of straight lines to form multi-line
workplaces at the connecting stations where two lines meet. If the simplifying assumption that all stations are equipped
With these arrangements, they aim to achieve flexible assembly with exactly one homogeneous worker is removed (see Section 2),
systems (following the Shojinka-principle of the well-known the assignment of workers to stations becomes part of the deci-
Toyota production system) even if U-shaped lines are not pos- sion. Workers mainly differ in terms of processing speed and qual-
sible (see Section 4.1.3). ification level (α6 = pa).
• The balancing of multiple parallel two-sided lines (PTALBP) is • The case where workers have different processing speed (i.e.,
considered by Özcan, Gökçen, & Toklu (2010). As discussed for worker-dependent task times) is considered in the so-called As-
TALBP in Section 4.1.1, additional restrictions for assigning tasks sembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem (ALWABP)
to the sides of the lines have to be observed. (e.g., Blum & Miralles, 2011; Miralles, García-Sabater, Andrés, &
Cardos, 2007; Miralles, García-Sabater, Andrés, & Cardós, 2008;
4.1.3. ALB with U-lines (UALBP, β3 = u) Pereira, 2018). The problem is inspired by sheltered work cen-
A U-shaped line (U-line for short) is another layout type, which ters for workers with disabilities (Miralles et al., 2007). Tasks
is intended to increase flexibility and productivity. The stations and workers are simultaneously assigned to stations, such that
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
some efficiency measure, e.g., the cycle time, is optimized (β4 = lines are proposed by Ağpak & Gökçen (2007), Özcan (2010,
equip). A version of ALWABP with stochastic worker availability 2018), Tang, Li, Zhang, & Zhang (2017). An unpaced line setup
is considered by Ritt, Costa, & Miralles (2015). with synchronized conveyor movement is analyzed for stochas-
• A quite similar problem setting (with the same classification tu- tic task times, e.g., by Chiang, Urban, & Xu (2011) and Urban &
ple β4 = equip) is called the Assembly Line Worker Integration Chiang (2016). Stochastic unpaced lines with buffers and further
and Balancing Problem (ALWIBP) (e.g., Moreira, Miralles, & Costa, extensions such as mixed-model production, parallel stations,
2015b; Moreira, Pastor, Costa, & Miralles, 2017). Here, a distinc- and resource selection are considered by, e.g., Tiacci (2015a,
tion is only made between two types of workers in terms of 2015b, 2017).
processing speed: Either a worker with or one without disabili- • Interval processing times (α3 = t int ): As a more convenient
ties has to be assigned to each station and the given workforce way to model variable task times in practice, Hazır & Dolgui
of workers with disabilities has to be integrated into the line. (2013) consider interval processing times with a nominal value
• Different worker qualifications (or skill levels) are considered in for normal task execution as the lower bound and a worst case
the ALB with Hierarchical Worker Assignment (ALBHWP) (Sungur value as the upper bound of the intervals. Based on these in-
& Yavuz, 2015). Each task requires a minimum skill level. The terval times, min-max robust optimization versions of ALB are
workers have to be assigned to the stations in such a way that developed with different objective functions. Specifically, Hazır
they can perform all the assigned tasks based on their qualifica- & Dolgui (2013) minimize the cycle time, and Gurevsky, Hazır,
tion (β4 = equip, resmax ). Since workers with a higher skill level Battaïa, & Dolgui (2013) as well as Pereira & Álvarez-Miranda
cause higher wage costs, the goal is to find a station-worker- (2018) minimize the number of stations. Moreover, Moreira,
task-assignment that minimizes total costs. Cordeau, Costa, & Laporte (2015a) and Pereira (2018) combine
interval times with worker assignment (see Section 4.2), while
4.3. Robotic ALB (Rob) Hazır & Dolgui (2015) consider U-lines with interval times.
• Fuzzy processing times (α3 = t f uz ): Non-deterministic process-
In the Robotic ALB (RALBP, see Rubinovitz, Bukchin, & Lenz, ing times can also be modeled by fuzzy numbers (i.e., typ-
1993), each station is equipped with a single robot from a set of ically based on a triangular membership function) to define
different robot types (β4 = equip). The individual processing times a fuzzy ALB (FALBP for short). A basic FALBP with the objec-
of the tasks depend on the robot type assigned to the respective tive of maximizing the line efficiency is considered by Zacharia
station (α6 = pa). Thus, the ALB problem is connected with a robot & Nearchou (2013). Further problem versiona are obtained by
selection problem. Concerning the problem structure, similarities to combining FALBP with multiple objectives and/or U-lines (e.g.,
the worker assignment problems exist (see Section 4.2). Different Alavidoost, Tarimoradi, & Zarandi, 2015; Babazadeh & Javadian,
versions of RALBP have been proposed (a more detailed survey is 2019; Zacharia & Nearchou, 2012) as well as with different
given by Chutima, 2020): worker skills (Salehi, Maleki, & Niroomand, 2018).
• In a considerable number of papers, the cycle time is mini-
mized (e.g., Borba, Ritt, & Miralles, 2018; Gao, Sun, Wang, & 4.5. Sequence-dependent task time increments (ST)
Gen, 2009) in order to efficiently utilize robots and increase the
line’s productivity. Usually, tasks times are assumed to be independent of the
• Many papers focus on alternative cost functions that con- mounting positions of the tasks and the assembly state of the
tain one or more of the following cost types: robot installa- workpiece. In practice, however, this assumption is often not jus-
tion and life cycle costs (e.g., Pereira, Ritt, & Vásquez, 2018), tified, because walking times and tool changes significantly con-
robot setup costs (e.g., Rabbani, Mousavi, & Farrokhi-Asl, 2016; tribute to station times. Furthermore, parts mounted before may
Yoosefelahi, Aminnayeri, Mosadegh, & Ardakani, 2012), en- complicate adding a current part and, thus, lead to increased pro-
ergy costs (e.g., Li, Tang, & Zhang, 2016; Nilakantan, Huang, cessing times.
& Ponnambalam, 2015), robot-dependent task execution costs
• General ALB with setups (GALBPS, α4 = tdir ): Andrés, Miralles,
(Nilakantan, Nielsen, Ponnambalam, & Venkataramanaiah, 2017;
& Pastor (2008) and Pastor, Andrés, & Miralles (2010) define
Pereira et al., 2018).
the basic problem, which contains setup times between two
• Analogously to manual assembly lines, different further exten-
tasks executed in direct succession by the same worker. If these
sions such as mixed-model production, different types of par-
tasks do not correspond to the same mounting position or re-
allelism, U-lines, and sequence-dependent setup times can be
quire additional parts or other tools, a sequence-dependent in-
combined with robots (e.g., Aghajani, Ghodsi, & Javadi, 2014;
crement to the “normal” task time becomes relevant. Scholl,
Çil, Mete, Özceylan, & Ağpak, 2017; Li et al., 2016; Lopes
Boysen, & Fliedner (2013) additionally distinguish between for-
et al., 2017; Nilakantan, Li, Bocewicz, Banaszak, & Nielsen, 2019;
ward setup times if two tasks are executed in the same cy-
Zhang, Tang, Li, & Zhang, 2019).
cle and backward setup times when a worker has to trans-
fer to the next workpiece in between two tasks. This extended
4.4. Non-deterministic processing times (NDPT)
case is also considered by Esmaeilbeigi, Naderi, & Charkhgard
(2016) and Zohali, Naderi, & Roshanaei (2021). Different ex-
Due to variation of human work pace, machine failures, or
tensions of the problem with respect to mixed-model pro-
breakdowns, task times can be variable. While former research fo-
duction, learning effects, and/or parallelism are also proposed
cused on stochastic processing times based on theoretic probabil-
(see Akpinar, Elmi, & Bektaş, 2017; Akpinar, Mirac Bayhan, &
ity distributions, more recent research also addresses interval and
Baykasoğlu, 2013; Hamta, Fatemi Ghomi, Jolai, & Akbarpour Shi-
fuzzy processing times:
razi, 2013; Özcan, 2019; Özcan & Toklu, 2010).
• Stochastic processing times (α3 = t sto): A considerable number • Sequence-dependent ALB (SDALBP, α4 = tind ): In this problem
of papers consider SALBP-versions with stochastic task times. version, introduced by Scholl, Boysen, & Fliedner (2008), the
Besides proposing solution procedures, stability analyses of so- task time increments do not depend on the direct succession
lutions are performed (e.g. Gurevsky, Battaïa, & Dolgui, 2012; of tasks but consider the assembly state of the workpiece that
Lai, Sotskov, Dolgui, & Zatsiupa, 2016). Stochastic ALBPs com- depends on the previous tasks already executed. The “normal”
bined with two-sided workplaces, parallelism and/or U-shaped task time refers to an unobstructed task execution, which how-
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
ever may be complicated if other parts at the same or near-by (station-independent) space requirement a j depending on its
mounting positions are already installed. In this case, task time part supply mode (e.g., parts are provided in small or large
increments are considered. boxes). The space restriction is a cumulated assignment restric-
tion that guarantees that the sum of space required by the as-
4.6. Ergonomics (Ergo) signed tasks per station does not exceed A. Mathematically, it
has the same form as the cycle time restriction such that it con-
In the last decade, ergonomic aspects have gained increasing at- tains a time and a space “capacity” restriction. Further papers
tention in practice and research due to an aging workforce, espe- consider different types of TSALBP versions including single or
cially in many industrialized countries. Workers are exposed to a multiple objectives, robustness, multi-manned lines, and a third
tremendous physical and mental stress when completing repetitive “capacity” constraint for limiting the ergonomic stress per sta-
assembly work over a longer time. Otto & Battaïa (2017) provide a tion (Bautista et al., 2016; Chica, Bautista, Cordón, & Damas,
recent survey on research focusing on the integration of ergonomic 2016; Chica, Cordón, Damas, & Bautista, 2013; Zhang, Tang, &
aspects into ALB and job rotation as another lever to reduce er- Chica, 2020b).
gonomic stress over time. There exist quite a few alternative ap- • While the above problems are direct extensions of SALBP, dif-
proaches depending on the focused stress factor (e.g., repetitive- ferent researchers combine additional assignment restrictions
ness, static postures, unhealthy positions, required forces, and en- with other problem extensions, such as parallelism, worker as-
ergy expenditures) and suitable methods for risk assessment (like signment, and mixed-model production (e.g., Aghajani et al.,
NIOSH, OCRA, and EAWS). For details we refer to Otto & Battaïa 2014; Miralles et al., 2007; Simaria & Vilarinho, 2009; Sternatz,
(2017). We concentrate on the following main trends in ergonomic 2014; Zhang, Hu, & Wu, 2020a).
• Some papers include ergonomic aspects as restrictions (α5 = 4.8. Accessibility windows (AW)
cum). Based on a given assessment method, the ergonomic risks
of a workplace, depending on the assigned tasks, is evaluated In some cases, station areas are not long enough that the en-
and limited by a predefined maximum ergonomic risk value tire workpiece can be accessed at the same time. In this case, it is
(e.g., Kara, Atasagun, Gökçen, Hezer, & Demirel, 2014; Mutlu & required to consider a so-called moving accessibility window, i.e.,
Özgörmüş, 2012; Otto & Scholl, 2011; Sternatz, 2014). the mounting positions that are in reach of the worker at a certain
• Alternatively, the ergonomic situation can be improved by point in time t.
including an ergonomic term in the objective function (e.g., The Accessibility Windows ALB (AWALBP, α2 = spec; α5 = f ix) of
Battini, Delorme, Dolgui, Persona, & Sgarbossa, 2016b; Choi, Calleja, Corominas, García-Villoria, & Pastor (2013) connects dif-
2009; Ozdemir et al., 2021; Rajabalipour Cheshmehgaz, Haron, ferent decision problems: the assignment of tasks to stations, the
Kazemipour, & Desa, 2012). In automotive practice, a traffic movement scheme of the line, the machine configuration in case
light system (green: no risk, yellow: moderate risk, red: large of automated stations, and the line configuration (line length and
risk) is frequently applied to asses the risk level of each work- type of stations). Different subproblems containing one or more
place (Sternatz, 2014). A straightforward practical system can of those interdependent decisions are considered, e.g., by Müller-
then exclude red workplaces by restrictions, while minimizing Hannemann & Weihe (2006), Calleja et al. (2013), Fleszar (2017),
the number of yellow workplaces (Otto & Scholl, 2011). and García-Villoria, Corominas, Nadal, & Pastor (2018).
• Finally, ergonomic aspects are also combined with other practi-
cal aspects, such as mixed-model production, parallel and/or U- 4.9. Processing alternatives (PA)
lines (e.g., Mokhtarzadeh, Rabbani, & Manavizadeh, 2021; Sgar-
bossa, Battini, Persona, & Visentin, 2016; Tiacci & Mimmi, 2018), Traditionally, ALB problems assume that the production process
worker assignment (e.g., Akyol & Baykasoğlu, 2019; Zhang, (tasks, their times, and precedence relations) is fixed and given.
Tang, Ruiz, & Zhang, 2020c), space constraints (Bautista, Batalla- In practice, however, there are often processing alternatives, which
García, & Alfaro-Pozo, 2016), and part feeding (e.g., Battini, provide different processing times and/or costs. Recent research fo-
Calzavara, Otto, & Sgarbossa, 2017; Bortolini, Faccio, Gamberi, cused on the following ALB problems with processing alternatives:
& Pilati, 2017).
• The Alternative subgraphs ALB (ASALBP, α6 = pasubgraph ) consid-
ers a precedence graph, which contains alternative subgraphs
4.7. Additional assignment restrictions (AAR)
(i.e., different tasks, task times, and/or precedence relations)
for a sub-process to realize a specific product function. In the
In SALBP, the task-station-assignment is only restricted by
basic case that directly extends SALBP-1, the ALB decision is
precedence relations and the cycle time. Real-world assembly lines
connected with the selection of one subgraph per alternative,
often require the consideration of further assignment restrictions,
such that the number of required stations is minimized (e.g.,
such as linked or incompatible tasks, fixed or forbidden stations,
Capacho & Pastor, 2008; Capacho, Pastor, Dolgui, & Guschin-
and minimum or maximum distances between tasks. These “stan-
skaya, 2009; Scholl et al., 2009).
dard” assignment restrictions are well-known in ALB research (see
• The Resource dependent ALB (RDALBP, α6 = pa) connects ALB
the overview in Scholl, Fliedner, & Boysen, 2010). In the recent
with an equipment selection problem, such that the task times
years, these and more specific assignment restrictions have been
are equipment-dependent. In the objective function, the costs
considered in order to cover the demands of real-world assembly
for the selected equipment are aggregated with other cost types
lines in a more detailed manner:
or alternative (time or capacity-oriented) objectives (e.g., Kara
• Scholl et al. (2010) extend SALBP to ARALBP (Assignment- et al., 2011; Triki, Mellouli, & Masmoudi, 2017). These problem
Restricted ALB, α5 = {link, inc, cum, excl, f ix, type, min, max}). versions build up on the previously considered assembly line
Here, minimizing the number of stations is restricted by all design problem (see Bukchin & Tzur, 20 0 0; Pinto et al., 1983).
kinds of additional assignment restrictions. • Hamta, Fatemi Ghomi, Jolai, & Bahalke (2011) propose an bi-
• In the Time and Space constrained ALB (TSALBP, α5 = cum), criteria extension of SALBP-2, which they call Flexible task time
Bautista & Pereira (2007) consider an available space A per sta- ALB (FTALBP, α6 = pa). Here, the processing of tasks can be
tion, which is required for material supply. Each task j has a accelerated in a limited manner, i.e., the task times can be
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
reduced by utilizing better equipment, which increases costs. way, the minimization of c is, for instance, considered together
Thus, reduced task times result in shorter cycle time but come with workload balancing (Nearchou, 2011), energy consumption
at a higher cost. Hence, the objective function minimizes a (Nilakantan, Li, Tang, & Nielsen, 2017a), and costs (Yoosefelahi
weighted sum of cycle time and acceleration costs. et al., 2012).
• Originally introduced decades ago (e.g., Moodie & Young, 1965; In the light of the large number of novel problem settings and
Rachamadugu & Talbot, 1991), different objectives for smoothing variations summarized in the preceding sections, it is neither pos-
the workloads (γ = SSLline ) of the stations have been used as a sible nor helpful to give an overview of all applied solution meth-
single (or primary) objective only recently. For instance, quite ods on a detail level. Instead, we summarize and classify remark-
a few versions of SALBP (SALBP-SX for short) with fixed m and able novel developments of solution principles and methodologies
c that minimize some smoothness index SX (e.g., the variance here. The details on the methodical contributions of all classified
of station times) have been considered (e.g., Azizoğlu & İmat, articles are given in the Tables of the Online-Appendix. Note that
2018; Hazır, Agi, & Guérin, 2020; 2021; Walter & Schulze, 2021; the abbreviations used there to specify the solution methods are
Walter, Schulze, & Scholl, 2021). also referred to in the following sections. Since almost all ALB
• In connection with different GALBP extensions, such as equip- problems are NP-hard (see Álvarez-Miranda & Pereira, 2019), it
ment selection, automated stations, and varying worker skills, is particularly important to have powerful solution principles on
a cost function (γ = Co) is minimized. Depending on the actual hand, which are applicable to a broader range of problem settings.
problem setting, various cost types (fixed installation and in-
vestment cost, variable operating cost as well as fixed and vari- 5.1. Models and application of default solvers (M)
able wage costs) have to be included (see Sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.9).
For a recent review on cost- and profit-related ALB problems, In the recent years, default solvers for mixed-integer program-
we refer to Hazır et al. (2015). ming have made remarkable progress. Hence, solving ALBPs – even
with real-world dimensions – by applying such a solver more and
Plenty of recent papers model ALB problems with multiple ob-
more comes within reach. Therefore, it is a fruitful task for future
jectives (γ = MO(∗ )). These approaches differ in the way the objec-
research to systematically compare the traditional MIP formula-
tives are aggregated:
tions for SALBP, which originally stem from the 1960s (Bowman,
• Weighted sum of objective functions: A quite common MO- 1960; White, 1961), with novel MIP formulations that have been
approach is to construct an overall objective function by sum- suggested in the recent years. Especially, Pastor & Ferrer (2009),
ming up single objectives. The objectives are given individual Ho & Emrouznejad (2009), Pastor, Garcia-Villoria, & Corominas
weights (often connected with a normalization of values to (2011), Esmaeilbeigi, Naderi, & Charkhgard (2015), and Ritt & Costa
[0,1]), which enable the decision maker to define the relative (2018) were successful for different versions of SALBP, such that
importance of goals. A weighted sum aggregation is often ap- the solution time of default solvers is considerably reduced.
plied to connect classical capacity- or time-oriented goals, such Also for more general ALBPs, considerable progress in math-
as the minimization of c or m, and goals focusing on novel as- ematical programming approaches has been made. For instance,
pects such as workload balancing, ergonomics, or further cost the following problem versions have successfully been tackled:
component (e.g., Hamta et al., 2013; Nearchou, 2008; Otto & GALBPS (Esmaeilbeigi et al., 2016), ALWABP (Fleszar, 2017), TSALBP
Scholl, 2011). In other cases, deviations from (ideal) target val- with time, space and ergonomic constraints (Bautista et al., 2016),
ues are considered in a goal programming approach (e.g., Choi, UALBP (Fattahi & Turkay, 2015). Furthermore, default solvers for
2009). constraint programming approaches have successfully been applied
• Lexicographic ordering of objectives: A further straightforward to some ALBPs (e.g., Bukchin & Raviv, 2018; Çil & Kizilay, 2020) and
and widely-applied approach is to define a primary goal and should thus be included into a systematic performance test.
to balance the line according to this objective function. Only
if multiple solutions are optimal, a secondary objective func- 5.2. Exact solution procedures
tion becomes relevant as a “tie breaker”. The above mentioned
smoothness index, for instance, is often applied as a secondary Between the 1950s and the 1990s, a lot of exact procedures
goal with “minimize m” or “minimize c” as a primary objec- for different versions of SALBP have been developed, based on dy-
tive (e.g., Eswaramoorthi, Kathiresan, Jayasudhan, Prasad, & Mo- namic programming (e.g., Held, Karp, & Shareshian, 1963; Jackson,
hanram, 2012; Mozdgir, Mahdavi, Badeleh, & Solimanpur, 2013). 1956) or branch-and-bound. Noteworthy competitors of the latter
The so-called Lexicographic Bottleneck ALB (LB-ALBP) of Pastor class are FABLE of Johnson (1988), EUREKA of Hoffmann (1992),
(2011) considers a cascade of goals, which first minimizes the SALOME for SALBP-2 of Klein & Scholl (1996) and for SALBP-1
station time of the largest station. In a second step, this max- of Scholl & Klein (1997), as well as the procedures of Sprecher
imal time is fixed and the second largest station time is mini- (1999) and Vilà & Pereira (2013). The well-established exact so-
mized. This is repeated until the station times of m − 1 stations lution methods contain different elaborate enumeration schemes,
are fixed in this way. Note that a lexicographic ordering can be bounding procedures, and dominance rules. They are able to solve
modeled via a weighted sum provided that the weights of sub- small- to medium-sized problem instances to optimality but still
ordinated objectives are set to sufficiently small values. struggle with very large instances.
• Pareto-optimality: If multiple objectives are not combined to A remarkable new branch-and-bound procedure, called branch,
construct an overall objective function, the optimization seeks bound, and remember (BBR), has been introduced by Sewell & Ja-
for all (or a subset of) the Pareto-optimal solutions. In this cobson (2012) as well as Morrison, Sewell, & Jacobson (2014) for
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
SALBP-1. It considerably outperforms previous exact methods and (2014) are able to solve different relevant GALBP extensions of
clearly increases the problem sizes that can successfully be solved SALBP even in a combined manner.
within reasonable computational time. In contrast to former ap- Another stream of research attempts to improve priority-rule
proaches like SALOME, which fail to solve the most challenging based procedures, because they are well-suited to obtain initial so-
instances of the classical benchmark data set of Scholl (1993) in lutions quickly (even for very large-sized instances) and can flex-
reasonable time, BBR solves all instances with an average compu- ibly be adapted to other problem types. A lot of single prior-
tational time of about half a second. Concerning the novel bench- ity rules, two basic planning schemes (task and station oriented),
mark data set of Otto, Otto, & Scholl (2013), BBR solves all small and three planning directions (forward, backward, bidirectional)
and medium-sized instances, all but a few of the large-sized ones, are available with each rule having specific pros and cons (see
and two-thirds of the very large-sized ones in an hour of compu- Otto & Otto, 2014a; Scholl & Voß, 1996). Multi-pass procedures ap-
tational time each. BBR consists of three phases: ply different rule-scheme combinations in order to combine their
strengths, and additional random components diversify the result-
1. The well-known heuristic of Hoffmann (1963) is applied in a ing solution set. Both ideas are combined in the greedy random-
slightly modified manner to quickly determine a first feasible ized adaptive search procedure (GRASP), a general strategy intro-
solution. duced by Feo & Resende (1995). GRASPs for different ALBPs are,
2. A station-oriented branching scheme is combined with a so- e.g., developed and tested by Andrés et al. (2008), Martino & Pas-
called cyclic-best-first search (CBFS). Briefly, this search strat- tor (2010), Scholl et al. (2013), Moreira & Costa (2013), Pastor,
egy repeatedly follows the most promising path from the root García-Villoria, Laguna, & Martí (2015), and Chica, Cordón, Damas,
to leaf nodes where feasible solutions can be found, if not fath- & Bautista (2010). Different principles and methods to design well-
omed before. In this way, the search process is much more flex- performing priority rules for different ALB problems and a compre-
ible compared to a depth-first search, which is used by most hensive computational study are presented by Otto & Otto (2014a).
predecessors. CBFS stores all considered partial solutions in a A quite interesting approach attempts to identify well-performing
hash table in order to avoid double handling (tree dominance composite rules: Martino & Pastor (2010) determine a composite
rule). It is combined with further dominance rules (e.g., Jack- rule for GALBPS with the rule weights being determined and fine-
son dominance rule and maximal load rule, see Scholl & Becker, tuned by a nonlinear optimization technique (Nelder-Mead) which
2006) and classical lower bounds. As a further, powerful lower performs considerable better than single priority rules and other
bound, the bin packing-relaxation of SALBP-1 is solved (again combined rules. Machine learning could be a fruitful approach to
by another BBR algorithm). Often, the minimal number of bins adapt the rule weights even more flexibly and to improve over
(or a lower bound on this value) is a very tight bound for these predecessors.
SALBP-1. Finally, BBR includes an intelligent decision rule for se- Naturally, all enumerative exact procedures can be restricted
lecting the planning direction, which is a well-known key factor concerning the computational time and/or the search space to
for a fast solution of SALBP-1 (Scholl & Klein, 1997). obtain heuristics. Among others, Blum & Miralles (2011), Çil
3. In step (2), the maximum number of followers (station loads) et al. (2017), and Li, Janardhanan, & Rahman (2021b), Li et al.
per node is restricted, such that an optimal solution has not (2021c) propose beam search procedures for different ALB prob-
been found or optimality of the incumbent solution could not lems. They restrict the size of the enumeration tree by defining
be proven yet. In this case, a breadth-first search is applied to a beam width, i.e., maximal number of transitions from a state at
form and traverse a new tree to finally find and prove the op- stage k of the tree to the next stage. In the Beam-ACO of Blum
timal solution. (2008), the selection of accepted transitions is done randomly by
an ant colony optimization (ACO) approach. Bounded DP is a rather
An in-depth performance analysis of BBR and its individual
similar approach. It is based on a station-oriented DP enumeration
components is provided by Li, Kucukkoc, & Tang (2019). BBR is, for
scheme, which is additionally bounded by the use of lower bounds
instance, adapted to SALBP-2 by Li, Kucukkoc, & Tang (2021c), to
(Bautista & Pereira, 2009; Pape, 2015).
TALBP by Li, Kucukkoc, & Zhang (2020), to UALBP by Li, Kucukkoc,
& Zhang (2018c), to RALBP by Borba et al. (2018), and to a robust
ALB by Pereira & Álvarez-Miranda (2018).
5.4. Meta-heuristics
In addition to the mentioned enumerative procedures, decom-
position approaches more and more become serious competitors for
Nowadays, operations research offers a rich arsenal of meta-
custom-made exact (and heuristic) solution procedures due to the
heuristics that are applied to determine near-optimal solutions
recent progress of default solvers. Promising approaches based on
wherever possible. In ALB research too, all kinds of meta-heuristics
Benders’ decomposition (BD) are provided for a robust ALBP (Hazır
are applied to different problem types. Our summary covers the
& Dolgui, 2013; 2015), GALBPS (Akpinar et al., 2017; Zohali et al.,
different types of meta-heuristics that have mainly been applied
2021), MMALBP (Michels, Lopes, & Magatão, 2020; Michels et al.,
to ALB problems in the last fifteen years and only can provide a
2019), and mixed-model TALBP (Huang et al., 2021).
selection of references. Again a detailed breakdown is provided in
the column “Contribution” of the Tables in the Online-Appendix.
5.3. Construction heuristics Local-search-based meta-heuristics: These classical meta-
heuristics interact with and steer local improvement (local
Feasible ALB solutions are required as a starting point for lo- search) procedures in order to overcome the problem of getting
cal search procedures or to obtain initial upper (lower) bounds for stuck in local optima.
exact solution procedures in case of minimization (maximization)
objectives. Traditionally, such solutions are determined by priority • Though there exist principle difficulties in applying tabu search
rule-based approaches or by some partial enumeration method like (TS) to ALB (Scholl & Voß, 1996), TS procedures are proposed
the well-known Hoffmann heuristic (Hoffmann, 1963). for different basic and extended ALBPs like: SALBP-1 (Lapierre,
More recently, flexible procedures, that are able to solve a Ruiz, & Soriano, 2006; Pape, 2015), parallel and/or two-sided
broader range of ALBPs, have been proposed. The ant-colony lines (Özcan, 2018; Özcan et al., 2010; Özcan & Toklu, 2009b),
based shortest-path approach (Avalanche) by Boysen & Fliedner LB-ALBP (Pastor et al., 2015), re-balancing (Girit & Azizoğlu,
(2008) and the enhanced multi-Hoffmann heuristic by Sternatz 2021), and ALWABP (Moreira & Costa, 2013).
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
• Simulated annealing (SA) schemes are, for instance, proposed • Akpinar et al. (2013) consider a hybrid of ACO and GA for a
for: RALBP (Aghajani et al., 2014; Li, Janardhanan, Nielsen, mixed-model ALBP with setup times and other extensions. As
& Tang, 2018b), AWALBP (García-Villoria, Corominas, & Pastor, mentioned before, Beam-ACO of Blum (2008) combines a beam
2015), UALBP with resource dependent task times (Jayaswal & search with an ant colony evaluation and selection mechanism.
Agarwal, 2014), and mixed-model UALBP (Hamzadayi & Yildiz, • An emerging trend in heuristic optimization are so-called
2013). matheuristics (MH) (e.g., see Maniezzo, Stützle, & Voß, 2009).
• Variable neighborhood search (VNS) is, for instance applied to: They combine the high performance of default MIP solvers
TALBP (Lei & Guo, 2016), ALWABP (Polat, Kalayci, Mutlu, & with other heuristic meta-strategies providing a large toolbox
Gupta, 2015), and mixed-model balancing (Sadeghi, Rebelo, & of solution approaches. First applications to ALB problems are:
Ferreira, 2018). an MH-based VNS for MMALBP (Álvarez-Miranda, Chace, &
Pereira, 2021) and MH-based approaches for different versions
Population-based and nature-inspired meta-heuristics: A vast
of AWALBP (Calleja, Corominas, García-Villoria, & Pastor, 2014;
number of papers propose diverse methods that are based on pop-
2016; García-Villoria et al., 2018).
ulations of solutions and mostly are inspired by (strong or loose)
analogies to nature. In some cases, the choice of the procedures It is our impression that the ALB research community should
seems somewhat arbitrary as it is not explained why just this and not progress and combine each problem version of ALB with any
not another scheme is selected for the considered problem. (new, established, or combined) heuristic search scheme. Instead, a
rather systematic evaluation, which general solution scheme works
• Genetic algorithms (GA) and other evolutionary algorithms (EA)
good for which problem classes seems more meaningful in this do-
are, e.g., proposed for: different versions of SALBP (Nearchou,
2008; Yu & Yin, 2010; Zhang, 2019), TSALBP (Chica, Cordón,
& Damas, 2011), RALBP (Dalle Mura & Dini, 2019), single
6. Future research agenda and conclusions
and mixed-model UALBP (Hwang, Katayama, & Gen, 2008),
MMALBP (Kellegöz & Toklu, 2015), TALBP (Kim, Song, & Kim,
In spite of the manifold research efforts reported in the pre-
2009), ALWABP (Moreira, Ritt, Costa, & Chaves, 2012), GALBPS
vious sections, there is still a gap to be bridged between ALB re-
(Yolmeh & Kianfar, 2012), and FALBP (Zacharia & Nearchou,
search and the configuration planning of real-world assembly lines.
There is thus enough work left for future generations of operations
• Among the numerous papers that propose heuristics that are
researchers in the ALB domain, and we see special demand in the
inspired by nature or other real-world phenomena, we select
following three areas:
some examples that show the diversity of the approaches and
the considered problems: • Combined models that integrate ALB with related decision
• Ant colony optimization and other ant systems (ANT): SALBP- tasks,
2 (Zheng, Li, Li, & Tang, 2013), TSALBP (Bautista & Pereira, • ALBPs customized for the different life cycle phases of an as-
2007; Chica et al., 2010), UALBP (Sabuncuoglu, Erel, & Alp, sembly line,
2009), different types of TALBP (Kucukkoc & Zhang, 2014a; • ALBPs for smart factories of the industry 4.0 era.
Simaria & Vilarinho, 2009).
• Particle swarm optimization (PSO): different versions of 6.1. Combined models
SALBP (Dou, Li, & Su, 2013; Nearchou, 2011; Petropoulos &
Nearchou, 2011), stochastic UALBP and/or TALBP (Aydogan, As we have seen, deciding on the division of labor with the help
Delice, Ozcan, Gencer, & Bali, 2019; Chiang, Urban, & Luo, of an ALBP is already challenging enough. However, improvements
2016; Delice, Kızılkaya Aydoğan, & Özcan, 2016), RALBP in computing power, the impressive development of default MIP
(Nilakantan et al., 2015), MMALBP with resources (Şahin & solvers, and methodological progress in fields such as decompo-
Kellegöz, 2019). sition as well as meta- and matheuristics more and more allow
• Imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA): deterministic and to fulfill the demand of practitioners for combined models. The
stochastic UALBP (Bagher, Zandieh, & Farsijani, 2011; configuration of an assembly line is heavily interdependent with
Nourmohammadi, Zandieh, & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, 2013), related fields, such as part logistics or personnel planning. Sub-
mixed-model line with parallelism (Li, Zhang, Tian, Shao, & sequently solved separate planning models, related to each other
Li, 2018a; Ramezanian & Ezzatpanah, 2015), TALBP (Wang, in a decision hierarchy, neglect these interdependencies and risk
Guan, Li, Zhang, & Chen, 2014). worse total planning results. However, combined models still come
• Bee colony algorithm (BC): Mixed-model two-sided RALBP for a price, namely complex models but also more involved orga-
(Çil & Kizilay, 2020), RALBP with setup times (Li, Janard- nizational decision processes. Therefore, they are not automatically
hanan, & Ponnambalam, 2021a), parallel TALBP with walk- preferable. Instead, identifying suitable separations among related
ing times (Tapkan, Özbakır, & Baykasoğlu, 2016), U-shaped decision tasks that can nonetheless be decomposed without too
RALBP (Zhang et al., 2019). much plan deterioration are also a most valuable research result.
• Like in other fields of optimization, there are numerous To identify these decision tasks, however, a combined model is
other nature-inspired approaches like Cuckoo Search (CS) nonetheless inevitable, at least in order to quantify the achievable
and Honey Bee Mating Optimization (HBMO), which we do and to benchmark alternative decision processes.
not mention here explicitly as their value for the develop- Traditionally, combined models in the ALB domain mainly unify
ment of meta-heuristics is questionable (Sörensen, 2015). balancing and sequencing. Recent contributions of the past decade
are, for instance, provided by Kucukkoc & Zhang (2014a,b) and
Hybrid meta-heuristics: Recently, there is another emerging
Lopes, Michels, Sikora, Molina, & Magatão (2018), Lopes, Sikora,
trend to combine different meta-heuristics to form hybrid meta-
Michels, & Magatao (2020b). Mixed-model assembly lines also give
strategies such as the following:
rise to a short-term sequencing problem, which decides on the
• A hybrid of VNS with SA is proposed by Roshani, Paolucci, production sequence of workpieces launched down the line. Since
Giglio, & Tonelli (2021) for MMALBP and a hybrid with PSO is different products demand different assembly times in the sta-
developed by Hamta et al. (2013) for an multi-objective ALBP tions, sequence planning aims to avoid a work overload of as-
with setup-times and learning effects. sembly workers (for a survey, see Boysen et al., 2009b). Certainly,
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
balancing and sequencing are heavily interdependent. Specifically, Otto, 2014b; Toksarı, İşleyen, Güner, & Baykoç, 2010). Even in
the former determines the workload at the stations and thus pro- this established area, however, new trends or current challenges
vides the basic input data for the sequencing problem. Vice versa, demand new combined ALB models. For instance, integrating
the result of the sequencing problem, namely the amount of work minimum distances among human workers during all the posi-
overload, is also an important performance measure for a line bal- tional changes within a production cycle is an important aspect
ance. However, the main obstacle of solving both problems jointly in times of a pandemic to stop virus spread.
in the same model are their different time frames. When balanc- • Model assignment: Another important decision that is heav-
ing a line, typically, the exact production program is yet unknown. ily related with line balancing is the decision which models
Hence, some researchers suggest to integrate stochastic sequence should be produced on a mixed-model assembly line. The main
problems with line balancing (e.g., see Özcan et al., 2011). This trade-off this decision faces is between flexibility and costs (see
results in very complex decision tasks, so that it may be prefer- Jordan & Graves, 1995). The more assembly lines are equipped
able to rather roughly anticipate the impact of the line balance on to produce a specific product, the more flexibly production
sequencing with a workload smoothing approach (e.g., see Emde, quantities can be adapted to unforeseen shifts in customer de-
Boysen, & Scholl, 2010). The latter is a well-researched approach mands. However, equipping a line for a specific product pro-
that has shown successful in many applications. Consequently, we duces flexibility costs, such as additional worker qualification
suggest to focus future research rather on the integration of alter- and product-specific machinery. There is already some research
native interdependent decision tasks: on balancing parallel lines, and there is also a special survey pa-
per dedicated to this area (Lusa, 2008). However, most of these
• Part logistics: Depending on the exact positioning of the bins, predecessors only focus on one specific aspect, e.g., the usage
racks, and containers for parts in a workstation, assembly work of workers splitting their work content among two adjacent
contains a considerable amount of unproductive walking for lines in the same factory (e.g. Gökçen et al., 2006; Scholl & Boy-
fetching parts (Sedding, 2020). If the line balance assigns mul- sen, 2009). Today’s car manufacturers, however, offer more and
tiple tasks to a single station that demand large part contain- more models and variants, so that a systematic evaluation of
ers and compete for a similar positioning regarding a worker’s the pros and cons of different partitions of the product program
optimal walking triangle along the moving conveyor, then un- among assembly lines, along with the resulting equipment de-
productive walking can increase considerably. Therefore, decid- cisions and the impact on the line balances remain very chal-
ing between a more costly, yet less space consuming small-lot lenging tasks for future research.
supply, e.g., via a close-by parts supermarket, or bulk delivery
by forklift (for more details, see Boysen et al., 2015) as well as
the positioning of part containers along the line is heavily in- 6.2. ALBPs for different phases of the life cycle
terdependent with ALB. First combined models integrating part
feeding are, for instance, provided by Sternatz (2015), Battini, Future research should address varying ALBP models that are
Calzavara, Otto, & Sgarbossa (2016a), Nourmohammadi & Es- required for the different phases of the life cycle of an assembly
kandari (2017), and Nourmohammadi, Eskandari, & Fathi (2018). line and the products it manufactures. Existing research mainly fo-
However, including the large variety of real-world part-feeding cuses on the initial line balance, where all tasks are to be placed
policies still requires further research. for the first time and can be arbitrarily moved along the line. How-
• Quality: The line balance determines the stations’ work con- ever, it much more often occurs that an existing assembly line is
tents, so that it also decides on the complexity and amount to be re-balanced (Boysen et al., 2008), and already several months
of work to be handled by each worker. There are plenty of or even years before the start of production the very first line bal-
empirical findings that complexity and lack of idle time in- ances need to be derived. We thus suggest that future research not
crease the occurrence of quality defects in assembly work (e.g. exclusively focuses on initial line balancing. Instead, there are, for
Eklund, 1995; Fast-Berglund, Fässberg, Hellman, Davidsson, & instance, the following triggers for ALB that require the solution of
Stahre, 2013). Thus, deriving suitable work contents for work- substantially different ALBPs:
ers that fairly distribute stress, complexities, and idle time in
order to reduce quality defects are an important field for fu- • Several months before start of production: A modern assembly
ture research. This not only requires an adaption of ALB mod- line with all its conveyor technology, machinery, and manifold
els but also interdisciplinary work in order to develop proactive relations to other departments is a complex entity by itself.
measures to evaluate work contents concerning these qualita- Hence, several months up to two years before the start of pro-
tive factors. Also, where to place inspection and rework stations duction, the first line balances have to be determined. The re-
to detect and repair quality defects, respectively, are important sult is, for instance, required to dimension and position racks,
decision tasks that impact the line balance. Since some assem- supermarkets, and automated storage and retrieval systems for
bly tasks depend on predecessor tasks, it can be advantageous part logistics (e.g. Boysen et al., 2015) and to layout conveyor
to remove neuralgic quality defects within the line and not just paths and wiring that strongly depend on the positions of im-
at the end in extra rework areas (Boysen, Scholl, & Wopperer, portant machinery, such as the wedding station where engine
2012). Then, dependent tasks can be completed in subsequent and chassis are united. Naturally, during this time the product
stations as planned and do not add to the amount of rework to to be produced is still in the design phase by itself and thus
be accomplished after assembly. ALB faces a lot of uncertainties. In this phase, especially the
• Personnel: As already elaborated in Section 4.2, integrating per- data retrieval is a huge challenge. Since the product is not fi-
sonnel planning and worker assignment into line balancing is nally specified, precedence relations are also widely uncertain.
already a current trend to be witnessed in the past decade. Developing suitable data retrieval methods that, e.g., take over
For instance, previous research considers that workers may vary (most likely) precedence relations from predecessor or related
in their processing speeds (e.g. Miralles et al., 2007; Miralles products is an important task for future research. Moreover, line
et al., 2008) and qualification for specific tasks (e.g. Sungur & balancing should also be allowed to influence product develop-
Yavuz, 2015). Other human factors such as learning effects over ment. If a specific precedence constraint severely reduces the
time are among the classics of the ALB community for sev- flexibility of ALB and, for instance, leads to more stations, it
eral decades (for some recent contributions see, e.g., Otto & may still be possible to remove this constraint by an adaption
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
of the product design. More research on how such a feed-back longer continuously conveyed through the stations, there is no
loop can successfully be established is required. need for a strict cycle time that is identical in all stations. In
• Change of model mix: After first time installation, assembly lines spite of these severe alterations, however, a balancing of the
are frequently re-balanced. Such a re-balance might be trig- workload among stations is still inevitable, although not nec-
gered by a considerable demand shift or an altered model mix essarily in every production cycle. But as soon as one station
of products to be assembled. Since workers with given qualifi- continuously receives more workload over a longer period of
cation and some immobile machinery already exist, the flexibil- time, it becomes the unique bottleneck and leads to inefficien-
ity to move tasks to other stations is restricted. This may help cies. Hence, while the general ALB structure is still relevant,
to decompose the line into sections that can be re-balanced adaptions are required to consider alternative paths through the
separately. Since real-world automotive assembly lines with stations, which are arranged in a non-linear manner and vari-
their hundreds of stations are still a huge algorithmic challenge, able transportation times among stations are to be considered.
future research should evaluate where a line can be separated A first approach in this direction is provided by Hottenrott &
at a justifiable loss of planning quality. Grunow (2019), but there is certainly more research required
• Change of cycle time: If customer demands alter only moder- until the new flexibility offered by smart factories can be fully
ately, it may be sufficient to adapt the cycle time. In this case, utilized.
we generally face a SALBP-1 setting, where we aim to minimize
the number of stations (and the workforce to staff them) for
the new given cycle time. Moreover, it seems advantageous to 6.4. Concluding remarks
alter the work content for the assembly workers least as possi-
ble (Sancı & Azizoğlu, 2017). Otherwise, additional qualification We want to end with a few personal remarks on lessons-
costs and losses of previous learning effects might occur. learned from an implementation project of a tailor-made line bal-
ancing software at a major German automotive producer. Finally,
We can conclude that there is a need for substantially different
the project was successful but it was also a huge effort, and we
ALBPs in different phases of the life cycle. A systematic evaluation
accompanied it with scientific advice for more than a decade.
of each phase and all its basic requirements, including the ALBPs to
be solved and suitable data retrieval methods, is still a challenging
• First, we conclude that identifying suitable ALBPs and deriving
task for future research.
efficient solution algorithms is an important, yet by far not the
most time-consuming task. Gaining reliable data (foremost the
6.3. ALBPs for smart factories
precedence graph) especially during early life-cycle phases of
new car models and keeping it updated with economically jus-
Ongoing technological developments such as digitization, au-
tifiable effort is a tremendous task not only for software de-
tonomous robots, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology influence
velopment but especially for the management to overcome all
not only the appearance and capabilities of assembly lines, but
organizational burdens. Moreover, designing a suitable graphi-
they also require an adaption of the ALB problems to be solved.
cal user interface that displays the results in a well-arranged
Two exemplary settings of future smart factories that demand
manner and allows planners to conveniently adapt the plan-
novel models and solution approaches are briefly described in the
ning result in order to integrate special human knowledge that
is hardly codable for an algorithm is of utmost importance for
• Flexible shift models: Many car producers, especially in indus- user acceptance.
trialized countries, face an aging workforce and are thus anx- • The latter leads us to our second point. A line balance gained by
ious to establish more flexible work shift models, even in fi- an algorithm cannot be expected to represent the final solution
nal assembly. The established modus operandi is a fixed shift that is actually realized. An ALB software only delivers decision
scheme, where the complete workforce starts and ends each support and is a starting point for the inevitable adaptations of
work shift, e.g., of seven hours, unanimously. In a more flex- human planners. In line with this finding, it is our experience
ible environment, there is no unique start point but workers that it is often not the quality of the solution that is consider-
can start work at different (yet potentially predefined) points ably improved by an ALB optimization procedure. Experienced
in time. Workers identify themselves directly on the shop floor planners typically reach the solution quality of an optimization
and are assigned their current workload on the fly. This requires procedure, it only takes them several weeks of manual read-
a re-balancing under real-time restrictions that withdraws work justments. Hence, it is our experience that the main advantage
content from the established workforce and reassigns it to the of an optimization-based ALB software is a dramatic reduction
new workers. The resulting re-balancing problem under real- of planning time and effort. However, given the steady decrease
time constraints has to consider the qualification of workers, of today’s product life cycles, this is an important competitive
should only assign nearby tasks to each new worker to reduce advantage.
the resulting walking distances. Furthermore, it should not re- • Finally, it is our experience that once a suitable decision sup-
assign too much workload among the established workforce in port tool for line balancing exists and has proven its usefulness,
order to ensure a smooth adaption process. In this way, the cy- further organizational units in charge of related decision tasks
cle time can flexibly be readjusted during a shift, depending on such as part logistics, ergonomics, and personnel planning for-
the current workforce. mulate their demands for more and more extensions and addi-
• Flexible assembly paths: If the workpieces are no longer trans- tional optimization support. Hence, the line balancing software
ported by a conveyor but each by its own autonomous trans- can become an indispensable central planning instrument of to-
port robot, the traditional assembly line concept dating back day’s assembly processes.
to Henry Ford is altered in two fundamental ways: First, the
workpieces need not follow all the same linear path through To conclude, there are still many important and interesting fu-
the assembly stations. Instead, they can visit the stations in ture research tasks to be investigated. Hence, we are positive that
a more flexible manner, and robots can adapt their paths ac- in another fifteen years a further survey paper that has to cope
cording the stations’ current occupation, as long as no prece- with a comparable number of new scientific contributions can be
dence constraints are violated. Second, since workpieces are no written.
N. Boysen, P. Schulze and A. Scholl European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2022) 797–814
Supplementary material Battini, D., Calzavara, M., Otto, A., & Sgarbossa, F. (2016a). The integrated assem-
bly line balancing and parts feeding problem with ergonomics considerations.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(12), 191–196.
Supplementary material associated with this article can be Battini, D., Calzavara, M., Otto, A., & Sgarbossa, F. (2017). Preventing ergonomic risks
found, in the online version, at 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.11.043. with integrated planning on assembly line balancing and parts feeding. Interna-
tional Journal of Production Research, 55(24), 7452–7472.
Battini, D., Delorme, X., Dolgui, A., Persona, A., & Sgarbossa, F. (2016b). Ergonomics
in assembly line balancing based on energy expenditure: A multi-objective
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