Span Efficiency Factor

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An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a

Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

Daniel Böhnke, Jonas Jepsen, Till Pfeiffer, Björn Nagel, Volker Gollnick
Air Transportation Systems, DLR e.V., Blohmstr. 18, 21079 Hamburg
Carsten Liersch
Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, DLR e.V., Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig

Keywords: Multi-Fidelity, CPACS, Distributed Design Environment

Abstract 1 Introduction

At early stages of design large parts of the over-

Aircraft conceptual design often focuses on un- all costs are fixed, since decisions have a major
conventional configurations like for example for- influence on the global configuration, [1]. It is
ward swept wings. Assessing the characteristics therefore important to determine the characteris-
of these configurations usually requires the use tics of an aircraft as early and accurately as pos-
of physic based analysis modules. This is due sible.
to the fact that for unconventional configurations In a simplified treatment, analysis modules can
no sufficient database for historic based analysis be grouped into historic and physic based mod-
modules is available. els. Historic based models are quick to evaluate
Nevertheless, physic based models require a due to their statistic approach and deliver reliable
lot of input data and their computational cost can results for conventional configurations. The nec-
be high. Generating input values in a trade study essary inputs are few. Physic based models are,
manually is work-intensive and error-prone. depending on the level of detail, more cost inten-
Conceptual design modules can be used to sive to evaluate and require more input, e.g. a de-
generate sufficient input data for physic based tailed geometry description. Nevertheless, these
models and their results can be re-integrated into modules are more accurate, especially for uncon-
the conceptual design phase. In this study a di- ventional configurations.
rect link between a conceptual design module Hence, at the earliest stages of the design only
and an aerodynamic design module is presented. historic based models can be applied, since the
Geometric information is generated by the con- necessary input data for physic based models
ceptual design module and the physic based re- is not available yet. These models are how-
sults, in form of the Oswald factor, are then fed ever unsuitable for most new configurations since
back. they are based on the existing design space, and
Apart from the direct link, an equation for de- can not be used for assessment in the diverging
termination of the Oswald factor is derived via a phases of design, [2]. At this point in time, un-
Symbolic Regression Approach. conventional configurations should already be a

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

part of the design space. In a simplified declara- tion 3. A trade study is then carried out and ex-
tion, historic models are categorized in concep- amined in Section 4. Finally, a discussion of the
tual design and physic based models in prelimi- results is given in Section 5 and some conclusions
nary design. and an outlook in Section 6.
The question arises whether it is possible to
close the gap between conceptual and prelimi- 2 State of the Art
nary design, i.e. historic and physic based analy-
sis. Preferably this should be accomplished in an In this section an overview is given for the calcu-
automated manner, to make the results of physic lation of the Oswald factor (e) in conceptual and
based analysis available at an earlier point of the preliminary design. The Oswald factor is needed
design. for the estimation of the lift induced drag (C DI ),
Requirements whereas drag due to lift (C DL ) in this paper is
meant to take into account lift induced drag and
drag due to viscous forces (C DV ). The calculation
Loop of the wave drag (C DW ) is not considered any fur-
C ther. The lift induced drag in conceptual design
Conceptual A Aerodynamics is usually noted as in Eq. 1:
S 1 C L2
Knowledge e= (1)
Base πAR C DI
Additionally, the drift for the zero lift angle of
Fig. 1: Multi-Fidelity Process attack (C L0 ) needs to be taken into account. Fur-
thermore, local lift distributions may result in lift
Within this study a central model approach
induced drag even if the overall lift sums up to
(CPACS) is proposed that combines a historic
zero, e.g. for twist distributions. Therefore a pa-
based conceptual design module (VAMPzero)
rameter for induced drag at zero lift (C DI0 ) is in-
with a physic based aerodynamic module (LIFT-
troduced. Equation 1 is then extended to Eq. 2:
ING_LINE), [3, 4]. As use-case the calculation
of the Oswald factor is chosen. On a first step, 1 (C L − C L0 )2
a set of requirements is defined and fed into the e= (2)
πAR (C DI − C DI0 )
conceptual design tool. With knowledge based
engineering techniques a detailed geometry defi- The first outlined approach originates from
nition is derived from the conceptual design and Raymer and is based on the aspect ratio (AR) and
stored in the central model data format. The aero- the leading edge sweep angle of the wing (Λ), [6].
dynamic module is linked to the central model Two different equations valid for unswept (Eq. 3)
and triggered without further user input. The re- and swept (Eq. 4) wings are defined.
sulting aerodynamic performance map is subse-
quently reduced to the Oswald factor and reused
e = 1.78(1 − 0.045AR0.68 ) − 0.64 (3)
within the conceptual design module. Provided
that a sufficient number of trades is carried out, e = 4.61(1 − 0.045AR 0.68
− 3.1 (4)
a symbolic regression approach, [5] is applied to with Λ > 30
derive new conceptual design methods from the
multi-fidelity loop, as displayed in Figure 1. These equations can be evaluated quickly as
The paper is grouped into six sections: This the number of variables is low. Drawbacks exist
section gives a short introduction. Section 2 elab- because the design space is limited to a specific
orates on existing methods for the determination area via the limitations on the leading edge sweep
for the Oswald factor in conceptual design. The angle.
proposed design environment is described in Sec- An approach by Howe (Eq. 5) takes into ac-
count additional parameters like the flight Mach

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

number (MN ), the taper ratio (λ) and the thick- will be extended by a set of relvant vaiables with
ness to chord ratio (t/c), [7]. The equations de- their corresponding formulation.
rived by Howe are defined for drag due to lift and
it is hard to extract an exact formulation for the 3 Design Environment
Oswald factor. Nevertheless, they are included in
this overview to display complex symbolic equa- In a generalized manner, a distributed design en-
tions known in conceptual design as we will de- vironment consists of three components. The
rive such an equation at a later point of this study. basis for all communication is a common lan-
The functions for the taper ratio and aspect ratio guage that is achieved via a central model ap-
are given in Eq. 6 and Eq. 7: proach. The second component is a set of analy-
sis modules that can exchange information using
(1 + 0.12MN6 ) the common language. The benefits of using a
C DI = (5) central model are depicted in Figure 3. Due to
0.142 + AR f (λ)(10t/c)0.33
# the fact that communication now only exists be-
1 + g(AR) + tween the analysis modules and the central model
h i the number of interfaces decreases. Additionally,
f (λ) = 0.005 1 + 1.5(λ − 0.6)2 (6) interaction between the analysis modules is de-
0.1 creased in a way that different modules can be
g(AR) = (7)
(4 + AR)0.8 utilized for similar tasks. For example a fuse-
lage weight prediction can be made using a his-
A semi physic based approach is described by toric based or a physic based, either beam or
Jenkinson for the induced drag utilizing lifting- CPACS
shell, model. Regardless from the chosen anal-
line theory, [8, 9]. The approach leads to a func- ysis strategy, the fuselage mass is included in the
tion (C1 ) depending on the taper ratio and aspect overall design and available for further modules.
ratio, as shown in Figure 2.

► n(n-1) ► 2n

Fig. 3: Central Model Approach

This process of communication is guided by an

engineering framework. The engineering frame- Folie 15

Fig. 2: C1 depending on λ and AR, from [8] work also takes over general tasks like process
Aeroconf 2011 > Daniel Böhnke > 09.03.2011

control and optimization. As can be seen from

Subsequently, the results are corrected for con- Figure 1, in the current study the Common Para-
ventional (Eq. 8) and CFD (Eq. 9) wing design metric Aircraft Configuration Schema (CPACS)
so that e results in C2 over C1 . For the change in is used as the central model and VAMPzero and
drag due to lift due to viscous forces a formula- LIFTING_LINE as the analysis modules. For the
tion is used that is based on the zero lift drag. engineering framework the Remote Component
Environment (RCE) is used.

C2 = 1.235 − 0.0245AR (8) 3.1 CPACS

C2 = 1.113 − 0.0116AR (9)
Since 2005 CPACS is under development at
The results from Jenkinson already implement DLR, [3]. It is a XML-based definition of the
a physic based model. In this study this appraoch air transportation system. Historically, the fo-

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

cus is set on aircraft nevertheless the bandwidth

of applications spreads from conceptual and pre-
liminary aircraft design to climate impact mod-
eling and engine design, [4, 10, 11]. Using a
central model enables an easy communication for
designers as the underlying model stays the same.
Additionally, tool development becomes more ef-
ficient as core tasks can be unified. For exam-
ple CPACS comes with supplementary libraries Fig. 5: Lift Distribution for Baseline Aircraft
for geometry handling and visualization as well
as CPACS specific XML functionalities. Further- LIFTING_LINE enables a calculation of the
more, XML toolboxes are available for most pro- lift induced drag from which the Oswald factor
gramming languages both commercial and open is derived. A lift distribution for the baseline ge-
source. One important feature of CPACS is the ometry is depicted in Figure 5.
handling of product and process information, i. e. Additionally, the outlined research benefits
not only the aircraft is described but also tool- from the low computing cost of a single compu-
specific information to control parts of the analy- tation. Calculation times from LIFTING_LINE
sis process, e. g. the number of panels on a wing are in the order of few seconds and only minor
for aerodynamic analysis. overhead occurs due to file transfer and model

3.3 VAMPzero
For the purposes of DLR’s distributed multi-
disciplinary design environment a new concep-
utal design module is developed. VAMPzero is
based on handbook methods taken from well-
known design literature, [6, 7, 12]. The key mod-
eling aspects of VAMPzero are described in more
detail in [4].
Fig. 4: Baseline Geometry In a design environment that is mostly based
on preliminary level, two possible tasks remain
In Figure 4 a sample geometry in CPACS for a conceptual design tool. The first one is the
is displayed. This geometry is generated by initialization of the datasets. Designers usually
VAMPzero (s. Section 3.3) and is the baseline need to start working with only the top level air-
for the trade study (s. Section 4). It shows a craft requirements (TLAR) at hand. In this case
conventional short range configuration in a quasi- the conceptual design code can close the gap be-
symmetrical view. tween the TLAR and sufficient information to
trigger preliminary analysis modules.
To overcome the gap, the results from the con-
ceptual design are transferred into CPACS via
3.2 LIFTING_LINE a knowledge based engineering approach. For
the conceptual design calculations and sizing
In the aerodynamic analysis the CPACS dataset is VAMPzero uses a single trapez wing shape. For
imported via an interface tool to trigger the mul- the export the wing shape can be mapped to a
tiple lifting line program LIFTING_LINE, [9]. double trapez with an additional rectangular sec-
The interface from LIFTING_LINE to CPACS tion up to the wing-fuselage intersection. Fig-
and the interaction with other analysis modules ure 6 shows the geometry. The wing planform
is outlined in more detail by Liersch et. al. in [3] is described by the wing span (bW ), the leading

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

edge sweep, the aspect ratio, the taper ratio, and The second task for a conceptual design tool
the kink ratio (ηk ). The trailing edge from root to in a preliminary design environment is the inte-
kink is perpendicular to the fuselage. The twist gration of results. Results from several higher
angle (ϑ) is applied in a linear distribution from level analysis modules need to be aggregated to
root to tip. Thickness to chord ratios at root and obtain the effects on the overall aircraft configu-
tip stations are a result from VAMPzero. For ration. For example, the wing mass in the mass
the empenage symmetrical airfoils are used. The breakdown is overwritten by higher level analysis
wing geometry is generated with NACA-6 series module (e.g. FEM) and VAMPzero takes these
airfoil. Further airfoil sets and their assortment changes into account when re-calculating the air-
is an ongoing topic within the development of craft. In the case of this study, VAMPzero inter-
VAMPzero. prets the results from LIFTING_LINE to derive
y the Oswald factor and calculate a new configura-
x tion.
ηk bw
3.4 RCE

ti VAMPzero and LIFTING_LINE exchange infor-

mation via CPACS. To establish this connec-
yf Λ tion also in a distributed environment where par-
allelization, optimization and design of experi-
ta ments are possible an engineering framework is
needed. RCE is a general engineering framework
that is specialized for this task via the Chameleon
Fig. 6: Double Trapezoid Wing tool suite, [15, 16]. Chameleon orginiates from
the beginnings of CPACS development within the
Using the Π-Theorem by Buckingham dimen- Technology Integration for the Virtual Aircraft
sionless parameters for the description of the (TIVA) project and is now integrated into RCE.
geometry can be defined as in Table 1 to de- RCE offers a graphical user interface to con-
scribe the introduced wing geometry [13, 14]. nect analysis modules and run different stages of
During the mapping to CPACS Π1 to Π4 are the design process. As a first step a workflow is
constant to assure geometric similarity to the set up and is sent to executing computers. All in-
single trapez wing. Π5 and Π6 are then de- formation created during the analysis, e.g. inter-
 for a constant wing reference area (S re f =
rived mediate results, tool-specific outputs, transferred
f ti , ta , bW , η f , ηk , ϕ ) and the fuselage diameter. datasets, is available via an integrated data man-
agement system.

Table 1: Dimensionless Constants

Π1 = Λ Π2 = ϑ Π3 = λ = ta
4b2W y
Π4 = AR = S re f
Π 5 = ηk = yk
Π6 = η f = bwf

The fuselage shape is derived from a baseline

configuration that is afterwards scaled to fit to the
results from the conceptual design. The empe-
nage is exported as is as single trapez surfaces.
In this way the conceptual design tool can gener-
ate geometries as shown in Figure 4 and all addi-
tional data to trigger a LIFTING_LINE analysis. Fig. 7: Distributed Design Environment

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

The integrated Chameleon tool suite enables

disciplinary experts to wrap their tools in the dis- Table 2: Design Space
tributed design environment. Global operations Variable Symbol Range
like file transfer, remote execution and XML- Sweep Angle Λ -20.0 - 30.0
mappings, as well as local operations like the Aspect Ratio AR 6.0 - 16.0
interpretation of CPACS files are supported by Taper Ratio λ 0.1 - 0.6
Chameleon. Addtionally, a geometric library of- Twist Angle ϑ -10.0 - 0.0
fers CPACS-specific operations to extract infor- Kink Ratio ηk 0.2 - 0.4
mation from datasets.

3.5 Eureqa In a distributed design environment one has

to cope with the drawbacks of data transfer and
The goal of this study is to derive a method for interpretation. This leads to some overhead in
determination of the Oswald factor that is both the calculation time. Nevertheless, more time is
accurate and available at low computational cost. spent on the symbolic regression and post pro-
Symbolic regression is a suitable tool to find cessing as the runtimes of VAMPzero and LIFT-
equations from experimental data, [5]. ING_LINE are low.
The input for Eureqa, the symbolic regression The trade study is grouped into two parts. In
toolbox used in this study, consists of a set of in- the first part design variables are varied indepen-
put variables along with the corresponding exper- dently from each other. These calculations are
imental results. Additionally, mathematical oper- used as control data and the analysis of the ef-
ators are specified that shall be used in the equa- fects from the different input variables benefits
tion. Several combinations of operators and vari- from the transparency of this setup.
ables are then generated by a genetic algorythm The second part of the study consists of a
to find a suitable approximation in form of a sym- Latin Hypercube sampling in the complete de-
bolic equation. Derived equations are rated for sign space. Subsequently, a symbolic regression
their complexity and fit. approach is applied to the results to derive an
In the current study Eureqa is used as a post equation for determination of the Oswald factor.
processor. Future research might include it in The results of the symbolic regression are then
the calculation loop. In this way Eureqa can de- compared to the control data.
fine new design points where the current solution
does not fit to the design space. Therefore the
number of necessary runs could be decreased. BL ◦

0.01 ◦ × SW ×
× × × ×
C DI ×
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
× × × × × × × × × ◦ ×
× ◦ ×
◦ × ◦ ×
◦ × ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

4 Trade Study
The baseline configuration for this study is a sin-
gle aisle (nPAX = 150), medium range (R = -20 -10 0 10 20 30
3000km, Mach = 0.78) aircraft. Λ
To determine the effects of different parame-

ters on the lift induced drag, design variables are ◦
× SR

varied as shown in Table 2. Due to the fact that

× BL ◦

the number of dimensions and the range of the 0.01 ×

× SW ×
C DI ◦
× ◦
× ◦ ◦
variables are large, a full factorial design is un- × ×
◦ ◦
◦ ◦
× ×
◦ ◦ ◦
× ×
× × ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
suitable. Instead the design space is explored by × × ×
Latin-Hypercube sampling. Apart from the spec-
ified values for the baseline configuration the ref- 6 8 10 12 14 16
erence area for the wing is kept constant. AR

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

of 500 samples throughout the complete design

SR space is calculated. The data from this sampling
BL ◦
is fed into a symbolic regression toolbox to de-
0.01 SW ×
C DI ◦ ×
× ◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ ×
◦ × ◦ ×
◦ × ◦ × ◦ ×
◦ × ◦ × ◦ ◦ ◦
◦ × × × rive a symbolic formulation for the lift induced
drag in dependence on the design variables.
0.005 For comparison of the method these simplified
graphs are shown as SR in Figure 8. The sym-
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 bolic formulations are noted in Eq. 10. The solu-
λ tion derived from the Latin-Hypercube sampling
is valid in the full range of the design space.
◦ ◦
BL ◦
◦ ◦
0.01 ◦ ◦ ◦
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ SW ×
5 Discussion
C DI × × × × ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
× × × × × × × × × × × ◦ ◦ ◦ ×
× × × × × ◦

This chapter contains a discussion of the results

0.005 found from Figure 8 as well as more general re-
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 view of the introduced design environment and
ϑ calculation strategy.
For the wing sweep the minimum for the lift
SR induced drag for the single trapez is at a forward
BL ◦ swept position. The double trapez minimum lies
0.01 at approximately Λ = 23. The difference in the
C DI ◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦ results can be explained by the additional taper
for the double trapez wing that already shifts the
0.005 load distribution in spanwise direction.
0.2 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.4 The results for the aspect ratio both for the
ηk single and the double trapez wing show similar
trends. As the results are plotted for the lift in-
Fig. 8: Trade Study Results duced drag the influence of the aspect ratio is
increased, see Eq. 1, where the Oswald factor
In the first part the baseline parameters (Λ = is now also a function of the aspect ratio. At
28, AR = 9.5, λ = 0.2, ϑ = −2, ηk = 0.35) are medium aspect ratios the derived equation over-
kept constant and only one design variable is var- predicts the lift induced drag.
ied. The results are displayed as baseline (BL) Curves for the taper ratio align at smaller ta-
in Figure 8. Additionally, a set of the trades was per ratios. For the unswept wing the minimum
carried out with a single trapez geometry. The pa- lift induced drag is located at taper ratios larger
rameters are varied in the same design space but than the considered design space. The minimum
the wing is unswept and untapered, i.e. Λ = 0, for the unswept single trapez lies within the de-
AR = 9.5, λ = 1, ϑ = 0. For the singe trapez the sign space but sensitivity is low compared to the
kink parameter is ignored. The results are marked aspect ratio. For larger taper ratios the derived
as (SW) in Figure 8. All plots are made on the equation produces higher values of lift induced
same scale to illustrate the impact on the lift in- drag.
duced drag in comparison. Displayed values are Twist is applied linear on both wings. For
shown for a constant lift coefficient (C L = 0.5). the double trapez there are three twisted sec-
These parts of the trade study serve as the con- tions: fuselage section, kink section and tip sec-
trol data for the derived equation from the Latin- tion. The single trapez wing is only twisted at the
Hypercube sampling. tip. For the double trapez the lift induced drag
The second part consists of the previously can not be decreased by additional twist. A cou-
named Latin-Hypercube sampling. A number pling with a structural tool would give more de-

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

e = 0.04 − 0.0007AR − 0.00019Λϑ + λ0.03 cos(0.16 − 0.0007ARΛ − 0.0007ARΛη − 0.55λ) (10)

tails on the benefits from twist due to load reduc- trol data. It is assumed that reliable results can be
tion at the tip. The single trapez wing can still obtained within the area of the design space. A
benefit from the twist. The fitted curve is in ac- detailed assumption on the validity of the equa-
cordance with the baseline. The twist has a high tion outside of the design space is not yet given.
influence on C DI0 . The aerodynamic (in)efficency Finally, it is possible to automize large parts of
can therefore not be described by the Oswald fac- the analysis chain. Nevertheless the extraction of
tor alone. knowledge is not yet possible in a similar way.
As already mentioned, the change in the kink This is due to practical reasons, as the process
ratio only applies to the double trapez wing. The works also well regardless of faulty data. For val-
more the kink moves outward the higher the lift idation and verification the Engineer in the Loop
induced drag. This is due to the fact that the is a necessity.
inward area increases rapidly in comparison the
outer part of the wing. The symbolic regression
constantly over estimates the lift induced drag.
The plots show a good agreement between the 6 Conclusion
derived equations and the single parameter varia-
tions. The root mean squared error for the Os- The current study outlines a methodology to de-
wald factor is 0.011. This gives confidence to rive the Oswald factor in a multi-fidelity envi-
implement the derived equation (Eq. 10) into the ronment. This methodology can be extended for
conceptual design tool VAMPzero. As all param- different use cases targeting single higher fidelity
eters that are needed to generate the higher level analysis modules, e.g. for mass estimation. For
geometry are avaiblable in VAMPzero no addi- future research the target is to analyze couplings
tional customizations of the code are necessary. of higher fidelity tools, as for example in aeroe-
The outlined study focuses on the interaction lastics, and try to reflect these couplings also on
of analysis modules on different levels of fidelity. the level of a simple analysis module such as
As it was desired to derive a new calculation VAMPzero. These coulings are not necessarily
method in a large design space the number of de- limited to different disciplines but may also cou-
sign evaluations was high. In this case the study ple analysis modules of different fidelity levels.
benefitted from the fact that LIFTING_LINE of- Within the outlined approach the curse of di-
fers a physic based approach at low computa- mensionality is of crucial importance, [17]. Due
tional cost. It is questionable at which cost a sim- to the fact that the number of design variables
ilar appraoch is possible with higher detail mod- is usually beyond two, the number of calculation
els, e.g. CFD. runs increases rapidly. Determining the number
Integration of higher level analysis modules of- of required runs for a good fit is currently only a
ten is done using response surface models. In this smart guess. Integrating the symbolic regression
way the computational time is kept low, as most toolbox into the design loop may give the chance
of it is spent a-priori. Within the outlined method to optimize this process. The symbolic regression
this approach is possible as seen from the derived algorithm is capable of deriving new experiments
equation. Additionally, the direct link between at locations in the design space where the current
VAMPzero and the disciplinary analysis module error is high. Starting from a small number of
LIFTING_LINE is existent and needs to be trig- calculation, e.g. a full factorial design only on
gered as soon as the design space is enlarged the outer limits of the design space, the design
It is shown that the derived equation from the loop could be configured until the overall error
symbolic regression approach fits well to the con- reaches a certain minimum.

CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

Acknowlegdements [9] Horstmann, K. H., “Ein Mehrfach-

Traglinienverfahren und seine Verwendung
The authors would like to thank Markus Litz, für Entwurf und Nachrechnung nicht-
Markus Kunde, Arne Bachmann and Doreen Sei- planarer Flügelanordnungen,” DFVLR-FB
der from DLR Simulation and Software Technol- 87-51, 1981.
ogy for their support on the engineering frame-
work and Chameleon. Additionally, the authors [10] Zill, T., Böhnke, D., Nagel, B., and
would like to thank Markus Schmidt and Hod Gollnick, V., “Preliminary Aircraft Design
Lipson from Cornell University for making the in a Collaborative Multidisciplinary De-
Eureqa toolbox available. sign Environment,” AIAA Aviation Tech-
nology, Integration and Operations Confer-
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CEAS 2011 The International Conference of the European Aerospace Societies

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