Assembly Line Balancing With Fractional Task Allocations
Assembly Line Balancing With Fractional Task Allocations
Assembly Line Balancing With Fractional Task Allocations
To cite this article: Thiago Cantos Lopes , Nadia Brauner & Leandro Magatão (2021): Assembly
line balancing with fractional task allocations, International Journal of Production Research, DOI:
a Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering (CPGEI), Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Curitiba, Brazil;
b University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, G-SCOP, Grenoble, France
1. Introduction
stations. Nonetheless, this represents an additional bal-
Assembly lines are product-oriented production layouts ancing flexibility, and the common conclusion drawn
commonly employed in various industrial settings. The from these literature bodies is this added flexibility allows
most classical optimisation problem associated to them higher throughputs (or equivalently, lower cycle times).
is the assembly line balancing problem (Scholl 1999), The concept of fractional task allocations is also found
which consists in assigning task to stations. The most in lines with station parallelism: in them, tasks are per-
basic of such problems is the Simple Assembly Line Bal- formed 50% of the time in each of the parallel stations
ancing Problem (SALBP), which has multiple simplifying (assuming there are two of them). This body of liter-
assumptions (Baybars 1986). These have been questioned ature also concludes that higher throughput is achiev-
and relaxed by many authors, defining many general able under the greater assignment flexibilities. However,
problem variants (Boysen, Fliedner, and Scholl 2008). parallel stations require significant layout changes and
Out of SALBP’s basic hypotheses, fewer works challenge increased worker training costs due to the increase in
the binary nature of the task-station assignments. number of tasks performed. A current limitation of the
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, two overlap- work-sharing and dynamic balancing literatures is not
ping bodies of literature have considered challenging this adequately describing the costs and trade-offs required
hypothesis: dynamic balancing and work-sharing (Chen by the fractional allocation of tasks. Consequently, task-
and Askin 2006; Anuar and Bukchin 2006). sharing has not yet been formalised in terms of a proper
These literature bodies allow some tasks to be per- variant of the assembly line balancing problem: The
formed sometimes at one station and sometimes at the most recent reviews on the topic (Boysen, Fliedner, and
next or previous one. This means that for that task, its Scholl 2008; Battaïa and Dolgui 2013) do not address this
allocation decision variable is a fraction that states how potential flexibility.
often the task is performed on each station. Naturally, This paper formally defines the Fractional Alloca-
some restrictions apply: e.g. each station pair can only tion Assembly Line Balancing Problem (FA-ALBP) as a
share one task, and each task can only be shared by two direct variant from SALBP. Its main contribution to the
related literature is the description of how internal stor- share a task with both its upstream and downstream
age costs are tied to these fractional allocations for each neighbour simultaneously. Bukchin and Sofer (2011) go
line type. This formalisation allows a better understand- further by allowing more general task sequences. Both
ing of the trade-offs tied to this performance enhancing works, however, limit their analyses to asynchronous
opportunity. unpaced lines and the costs of task-sharing are con-
The article is structured as follows: Section 2 presents sidered given parameters which do ‘not depend on
the relevant literature and contextualises the article’s con- the sharing proportion of the task’ – a hypothesis
tribution. Section 3 presents the formal notation and that is questioned by the present paper. Furthermore,
general definitions of the considered problem. Section 4 the bi-directional work-sharing complicates analytical
presents the cycle time minimisation (throughput max- descriptions of buffer requirements, requiring simula-
imisation) aspect of the problem, while Section 4.2 tions to address that aspect of the problem (Anuar and
presents the internal storage minimisation one. Experi- Bukchin 2006). Nonetheless, work-sharing tends to offer
ments are presented in Section 5 and the key discussions better efficiency, both as lower cycle times (Bukchin
and contributions are presented in Section 6. and Sofer 2011) and as lower makespan (Gultekin 2012;
Bukchin and Wexler 2015).
Other examples of work-sharing encompass perform-
2. Literature review
ing tasks in different stations for different product mod-
Assembly line balancing problems are generally NP-Hard els (Yang, Gao, and Li 2014) and splitting some tasks
optimisation problems (Álvarez-Miranda and Pereira via alterations in the precedence diagram (Grzechca
2019). Its most basic version, the Simple Assembly and Foulds 2015). Hence, task splitting/sharing, or par-
Line Balancing Problem (SALBP) has several simplifying tial/fractional task-station allocations are research top-
hypotheses that reflect the earliest studies on produc- ics that were addressed by some authors in multiple
tion lines. In the definition presented by Baybars (1986), manners.
the hypothesis that ‘a task cannot be split among two In a recent paper, Jeong and Jeon (2020) further inves-
or more stations’ is second only to ‘all input parame- tigated the conditions for balanceability (reaching the
ters are known with certainty’. Multiple problem variants minimum possible cycle time) tied to work-sharing for
are defined by deviating from the other hypothesis, but both straight and U-shapped assembly lines. However,
are beyond the scope of this review. Readers can refer the authors consider unlimited buffers between stations
to Boysen, Fliedner, and Scholl (2008) and Battaïa and and do not investigate the impact of work-sharing on
Dolgui (2013) for classifications of such variants. Chen internal storage requirements.
and Askin (2006) define flexibility on task-station assign- However, a limitation of the aforementioned literature
ments for specific tasks as ‘dynamic line balancing’: some is that line control (Boysen, Fliedner, and Scholl 2007)
tasks are fixed to stations while others are allowed to be is either not discussed or presumed to be unpaced asyn-
shared between two adjacent stations. In their experi- chronous, a context in which buffers are naturally used
ments, this flexibility leads to higher productivity. How- to compensate performance oscillations and to allow
ever, other authors define dynamic balancing differently: higher throughputs (Lopes, Sikora et al. 2020; Lopes,
Shtub (1993) discusses it as part of the just-in-time phi- Michels et al. 2020). Recent works showed that a line’s
losophy of Japanese manufacturers (Schonberger 1982), control can influence its performance (Lopes et al. 2018).
and Ahn and Righter (2006) present it in terms of a Paced lines can also employ line length to compensate
flexible assignment of cross-trained workers to stations. for fluctuations in processing times (Boysen, Fliedner,
These works often employ simulations to analyse policies and Scholl 2008), a feature that has also been shown
or combine them to optimisation approaches (Dagkakis, to allow lower cycle time (Lopes, Pastre et al. 2020) in
Rotondo, and Heavey 2019). specific contexts. Work-sharing or fractional task allo-
For instance, Pasupa and Suzuki (2019) recently pre- cations naturally cause station-wise performance oscil-
sented a simulation-based case study for dynamic line lations, which must be compensated by internal storage.
balancing under heterogeneous workers. In this litera- However, the current literature on the subject lacks an
ture, a common theme is the achievement of a higher analytical description on how internal storage is tied to
throughput. Anuar and Bukchin (2006) share Chen fractional allocations.
and Askin (2006)’s definition of dynamic line balanc- Lastly, it is important to compare the flexibilities of
ing, but later works (Bukchin and Sofer 2011; Bukchin task-sharing to those of parallel stations. The later are
and Wexler 2015) simply refer to it as ‘work-sharing’. common to various practical contexts and have been
Anuar and Bukchin (2006) consider that the assem- extensively studied (Sawik 2012; Öztürk et al. 2015;
bly sequence is fully given, and that each station can Michels et al. 2018). In some contexts, parallelism is
employed if a task exceeds the cycle time in duration (3) Precedence relations must be respected for all prod-
(Becker and Scholl 2009) or as a manner to add addi- ucts that flow through the line;
tional scheduling flexibility to mixed-model lines (Lopes, (4) Only one task can be shared between two stations;
Michels et al. 2019). Parallel stations can be seen as a form (5) Each station can share tasks with either their
of fractional task allocation, i.e. tasks are 50% (assuming upstream or downstream neighbour, but not both at
two simple parallel stations) assigned to each worksta- once;
tions. This means that they tend to have most of the (6) Both stations that share the task can perform it,
allocation flexibilities of task-sharing. However, not all and the task’s duration is constant, regardless of the
contexts are adequate for parallel stations: loss of worker station that performs it.
specialisation, layout complications, and increases in tool
duplication costs tend to be larger for parallel stations Figure 1 presents a precedence diagram and illustrates
than to fractional task allocations. the differences between SALBP and FA-ALBP, as well as
In fact works that consider parallel stations often seek some requirements of the latter. These definitions reflect
to limit or minimise their number (Álvarez-Miranda, a series of feasibility and practical considerations, such
Chace, and Pereira 2020) in order to minimise these as producing a solution that can be straightforwardly
costs. implemented. For instance, allowing stations to share
This paper defines a deterministic fractional alloca- tasks with both the upstream and downstream neigh-
tion assembly line balancing problem in which each sta- bour makes the problem easier to solve (Polynomial time
tion is only allowed to share one task. By doing so, it is for cycle time minimisation) and allows maximum cycle
possible to define analytically the required internal stor- time reduction (Bukchin and Sofer 2011). However, this
age costs for both paced and unpaced lines, without any can also produce confusing scheduling solutions that
simulation requirement (Anuar and Bukchin 2006). would be very impractical to implement. Hence, for each
station, fractional task allocations are limited to either the
previous or the next one. This means that the line can
3. Problem description
be seen as a set of regular stations and task-sharing sta-
The Fractional Allocation Assembly Line Balancing tion blocks. The former are typical of traditional assembly
Problem (FA-ALBP) consists in assigning a set of tasks lines, and always processes the current product within the
T (each with a given duration Dt ) to a set of stations cycle time. The latter consists of two adjacent stations that
S, while respecting the precedence relations Pt for each share a task, meaning the processing time of each station
task. Two problem goals are considered: first, to minimise oscillates between a value higher than CT and another
the line’s cycle time, second, to minimise the line’s space one lower than CT. In average, however, these blocks (and
requirements. its stations) must process one product every cycle time,
In this paper, these objectives are treated as hierar- meaning its oscillations must be compensated by internal
chical in nature, meaning that minimising cycle time storage (buffers or line length). Cyclical scheduling can be
is considered strictly more important than minimising used to validate the block’s capacity to reach the required
space requirements. This leads to a two-stage approach: average cycle time with the available internal storage.
in the first stage, the line’s cycle time is minimised; in the
second, space requirements are minimised, while impos-
4. Proposed MILP model
ing as a constraint cycle time performance obtained by
the first stage. This section presents the proposed mathematical model
In this paper, the number of stations is considered used to describe the studied problem. The employed
given, hence line efficiency is measured in terms of the notation is presented by Table 1. In this section, the model
cycle time CT. Space costs are measured in terms of either describes the cycle time minimisation step.
line length or buffer requirements, depending on the line In order to represent this task-station allocation prob-
control. While tasks are indivisible for each individual lem, three sets of decision variables are employed: xt,s ,
product, tasks can be fractionally assigned to stations in yt,s , and zt,s . Each variable in the first one (xt,s ) is set to 1
the following sense: when task t is fully assigned to station s, meaning it is per-
formed in it for all products. The second one (yt,s ) is set to
(1) The fractional assignment value states the percent- 1 when task t is shared between stations s and s + 1. The
age of products for which the task will be performed third one (zt,s ) states the percentage of products for which
at each station; task t is performed at station s, e.g. z1,2 = 0.5 means that
(2) A task can only be split/shared by two adjacent for 50% of products, task 1 is performed at station 2.
stations; The proposed model for time efficiency maximisation is
! !
Table 1. Employed notation. s · zp,s ≤ s · zt,s ∀t ∈ T, p ∈ Pt (5)
Parameter Type Description s∈S s∈S
T Set of integers Lists all tasks t
Dt Integer Duration of task t (a non-negative Dt · zt,s ≤ CT ∀s ∈ S (6)
integer) t∈T
S Set of integers Lists all stations s !" #
Pt List of integers List of direct predecessors p of each yt,s−1 + yt,s ≤ 1 ∀s ∈ S : s > 1 (7)
task t
K Integer Denominator for fractional
allocations zt,s ≥ xt,s ∀t ∈ T, s ∈ S (8)
Variable Type Description
CT Integer Cycle time (a non-negative integer) zt,s ≤ xt,s + yt,s + yt,s−1 ∀t ∈ T, s ∈ S : s > 1 (9)
xt,s Binary Set to 1 if task t is assigned to
station s zt,1 ≤ xt,1 + yt,1 ∀t ∈ T (10)
yt,s Binary Set to 1 if task t is shared between
stations s and s + 1 xt,s , yt,s ∈ {0, 1} ∀t ∈ T, s ∈ S (11)
zt,s Fractional Percentage of products for which
task t is performed at station s, a K · zt,s ∈ Z+ ∀t ∈ T, s ∈ S (12)
fraction with denominator K
Inequality (7) states that a station cannot simultane- partitioned between the second and third stations. There-
ously share tasks with both the previous and following fore, the FA-ALBP instance is feasible if and only if the
neighbour, and that only one task can be shared per sta- bi-partition has a solution.
tion. Constraints (8) –(10) logically tie the variable sets x If the number of stations is part of the instance, FA-
and y to z. Expression (11) presents the binary require- ALBP is NP-complete in the strong sense. This is proven
ments for variable sets x and y. Last, Expression (12) based on the fact that the 3-Partition (Garey and John-
states an optional special integer requirement for the oth- son 1979) problem reduces to FA-ALBP. Given $ integers
erwise continuous variable set z: by adding it, z is allowed a1 , . . . , a3·n , b such that b/4 < aj < b/2 and j aj = n ·
to be a fraction of a given integer denominator K. b, the following instance of FA-ALBP can be constructed
For instance, if K = 4, the fractional allocations vari- with 4 · n tasks and 2 · n stations:
ables zt,s can only assume the values 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and
1. Section 4.2 discusses the relevance of this factor for • CT = 2 · b
each assembly line type. • Dt = at ∀t ∈ {1, . . . , 3 · n}
Regarding implementation by general solvers, this • Dt = 3 · b ∀t ∈ {3 · n + 1, . . . , 4 · n}
constraint can be added using auxiliary integer variables. • Pt = ∅ ∀t ∈ {1, . . . , 4 · n}
Furthermore, upon implementation, pre-processing can
eliminate some variables, by fixing their values as zero: In order for this instance to be feasible, the n large tasks
a valid upper bound on CT allows discarding some of (Dt = 3 · b) must all be shared: their duration exceeds
the xt,s variables using natural adaptations of the earliest cycle time. There are 2 · n stations, each can only share
and latest stations concepts (Gökçen and Erel 1997). Sim- one task with one of its neighbours (either previous or
ilarly, the yt,s variables at the last station s = |S| are always next station). This means only n tasks can be shared,
zero because there is no station s + 1 in this case. If, for therefore, only the n large tasks are shared. This defines n
any practical reason a specific task t cannot be shared, all blocks of two stations with b time available. The instance
the associated yt,s variables should also be set to zero as is feasible if and only if the first 3 · n tasks (integers aj )
well. can be partitioned in blocks of sum b. That is, if and only
if the 3-Partition has a solution.
illustrated in Figure 2. The following sections present are performed at each station, the line length increases
goal functions that reflect worst-case bounds for these linearly with the shared task’s duration, as indicated by
space costs for each of these line types. Equation (14).
Figure 2. Comparison of internal storage costs for different line controls (T.U. = time units).
Figure 3. Length cost factor F behaviour. (a) As a function of the fraction. (b) As a function of the denominator.
The sufficiency of this value is proven first, by contra- K steps, a repeated position must be reached (Pigeon-
diction: suppose that there is a position p in the walk hole principle). If that repeated position is 0, the result
such that both p + δ + > K − 1 and p − δ − < 0. Because is true. Otherwise, the repetition occurred in less than K
δ + + δ − = K, those inequalities can be re-arranged to steps. This would imply that there is a smaller walk that
show that δ − − 1 < p < δ − , meaning either p or δ − is defines a cyclical schedule with fewer than K products.
not an integer (Figure 4). This is impossible because both However, this is impossible because the relative prime
differences are integer by hypothesis and the walk is a nature of the integers differences (δ + and δ − ) means their
walk on integer numbers. Therefore, it is always possible minimal common divisor is their product which can only
to perform a step and stay within the range [0, K − 1]. be reached with n steps forward (+δ + ) and (K − n) steps
This means that K−1 should be sufficient to define a backward (−δ − ), which total K steps. This is relevant
walk of arbitrary length. Its necessity is proven next: Con- because a cyclical schedule means a walk in integer val-
sider that the starting position of the walk is 0. After K ues such that the sum of movements forward equals the
steps it is possible to return to the initial position. This is sum of movements backward. Therefore, K−1 is both
true because there are K positions in the range and after sufficient and necessary for the cyclical schedule. This
result can be easily generalised for other values of D and 4.2.2. Buffer cost on asynchronous lines
fractional values of cycle time. The former follows from In unpaced asynchronous lines, internal storage (buffers)
observing that, for the same allocation fraction z, the δ are commonly used to compensate for temporary dis-
steps are proportional to D (Figure 4). The latter reduces turbances in processing times such as mixed-model pro-
to a case with integer cycle time by multiplying all task duction (Boysen, Fliedner, and Scholl 2008). In this
durations by the cycle time’s denominator. section, the worst-case for the minimum number of
This leads to two conclusions, first, that having lower buffers required by a given fractional task allocation is
denominators in the fractional task allocations lead to analysed. Once again, in order to reach a target cycle
lower costs, which might motivate using a low value for time CT, a cyclical schedule based on K products is used.
K, such as 2 or 4. Second, the length cost of the fractional Similar to paced lines, this analysis is based on defin-
task allocations is bounded between one and two times ing the worst-case for each block of task-sharing stations.
the duration of shared tasks. In order to do so, no intra-station idle time is allowed:
This means that Expression (15) presents a worst-case Neighbouring regular stations have processing times of
MILP formulation for line length cost minimisation step CT time units, and the sum of processing times of station
of FA-ALBP in the case of paced lines. If only fractions pairs in blocks is 2 · CT. This implies that the duration
of up to a denominator K are used, then Expression (16) D of the shared task is necessarily smaller than twice the
can be used instead. cycle time. The analysis is presented in two parts: first on
! ! buffer costs between regular stations and blocks, second
Minimise 2 · Dt · yt,s on buffer costs within and between blocks.
t∈T s∈S (15) Given a balancing solution, for a task-sharing block,
subject to : (2)−(13) the minimal buffer requirements can be derived by defin-
ing a cyclical scheduling and buffer allocation residual
! ! problem. This can be viewed as residual version of a com-
Minimise Fd (K) · Dt · yt,s
bined balancing and buffer allocation problem (Lopes,
t∈T s∈S (16)
Sikora et al. 2019).
subject to : (2)−(13)
Figure 6. Cyclic scheduling for a task sharing block between two regular stations.
Table 2. Values of Gt,s in function of station s and task t. for both paced and unpaced lines as L-cost and B-cost,
General case 50–50 Case respectively. B-costs state the number of required buffers,
Fraction a straightforward cost. In order to more adequately com-
station s Middle Begin/end Middle Begin/end
pare paced to unpaced lines, L-cost states the normalised
Dt ≤ CT 4 3 2 1
Dt > CT 8 6 2 1
line length cost: Products enter the line every CT time
units, meaning this is the temporal length of a regu-
lar workstation (Thomopoulos 1968). This means that
parameter Gt,s assumes the discrete values presented in dividing the line length cost (which is measured in time
Table 2. units by Expression (16)) by CT informs a normalised
line length cost (e.g ‘1.5 products’) that can be directly
!! compared to the buffer cost (e.g. ‘buffers with capacity for
Minimise Gt,s · yt,s 2 products’).
t∈T s∈S (24) For each number of stations and value of K, three
subject to : (2)−(13) MILP models are solved: The first minimises cycle time
and defines the performance requirement value CT ∗ for
the latter two. The second minimises the line length cost
5. Experiments and results
(L-cost) required by a paced line to meet the perfor-
The proposed models were tested in three complemen- mance requirement. The third minimises the buffer cost
tary experiments: First, Section 5.1 presents an illustra- (B-cost) required by an asynchronous line to meet the
tive and motivating example for a specific instance of the same performance requirement.
classical assembly line balancing dataset (Scholl 1999). Table 3 shows that the flexibility FA-ALBP allows is
Second, Section 5.2 presents a screening on 1050 often capable of realising all the improvement poten-
instances of a more recent extended dataset Otto, Otto, tial of the associated SALBP instance, i.e. the difference
and Scholl (2013). Lastly, Section 5.3 presents a case between its CT ∗ and the previously mentioned trivial
study in which the core studied concepts are applied to lower bound, LB. For some combinations of parameters,
industrial data. however, this potential will be small or inexistent (nine
The first experiment discusses in detail the advantages stations). Furthermore, it is noticeable that higher val-
and trade-offs of the flexibility afforded by the fractional ues of K allow greater cycle time reduction for some
allocations. The second inquires on how specific instance cases, although they also require higher internal stor-
parameters affect the aforementioned trade-offs. age costs. Lastly, paced lines seem to require generally
The third one discusses how to adapt the formulation lower space costs to realise the cycle time improvement
to mixed-model lines as well as insights on the relevance potential afforded by the fractional allocations.
of demand stability for the solutions’ performance. All Figure 7 presents a visual comparison between SALBP
MILP models were solved using Gurobi 9.0 on a Core and FA-ALBP in regards to feasible values of cycle time.
i7-8700 CPU (3.2 GHz, 6 CPUs, 12 threads) with 32 GB Notice that for some numbers of stations, the FA-ALBP
RAM and a 300 second time limit. performs as well as (and even better than) SALBP with
one full additional station. This is particularly interesting
as CT reductions and requiring fewer stations to reach the
5.1. Illustrative example
same CT translate to continuous monetary returns, while
The Gunter instance was chosen from the Scholl (1999) the line length and buffer costs that are required for the
dataset for the following reasons: First, it’s optimal FA-ALBP solution are essentially one-time investments.
SALBP-2 solutions$ differed significantly from the triv-
ial lower bound (( t Dt /|S|)) for multiple numbers of
5.2. Screening
stations. Second, it is an instance that originates from a
practical case study, meaning it is representative rather Additional tests on 1050 instances were performed in
than randomly generated. order to verify more general trends about the problem
The FA-ALBP models were applied to this instance and the relevance of its parameters, in particular ordering
with all benchmark number’s of stations (7–14) and with strength (how restrictive precedence relations are) and
three values of K (2, 12, and ∞). Table 3 presents the opti- task duration distributions. Otto, Otto, and Scholl (2013)
mal cycle time value (CT ∗ ) for each instance,$ and com- provided systematically generated instances for simple
pares it to the trivial lower-bound (LB = ( t Dt /|S|)). assembly line balancing, which were used for this screen-
The internal storage costs required to realise the cycle ing. Instances were first solved for SALBP-2 with a fixed
time differences to the SALBP solutions is presented number of stations. The equivalent FA-ALBP instances
Figure 7. Feasible cycle time comparison between SALBP and FA-ALBP for the Gunther instance.
were then solved with a cycle time minimisation objec- Tables 4 and 5 present the results for small and
tive (Expressions (1)–(12)) so that the obtained FA-ALBP medium instances, respectively: average time required
cycle times can be compared to SALBP ones. Two fur- (in seconds) per instance is informed. The cycle time
ther executions of the FA-ALBP model used the obtained differences are described in three terms: the average the-
cycle time as a constraint, and employed the described oretical potential (avg. Theo.) compares $ the obtained
internal storage minimisation goals for paced (Expres- SALBP cycle time to the lower bound (( t Dt /|S|)); the
sions (16) and (2)–(12)) and unpaced lines (Expres- average realised potential (avg. Real.) means the average
sions (24) and (2)–(12)). All FA-ALBP instances set difference between cycle times obtained for SALBP and
K = 2. Furthermore, the CT minimisation FA-ALBP run FA-ALBP as a percentage of the SALBP’s cycle time. The
used SALBP’s answer for warmstarts, and the space cost best case column (Best Real.) presents the highest such
minimisation FA-ALBP runs used the CT minimisation percentage value. Internal storage costs are informed as
FA-ALBP one. average increases in line length compared to the line’s
base length (7 for small instances and 15 for large ones).
Table 4. Screening results for small instances (20 tasks 7 stations; CPU times in seconds).
FA-ALBP CT Difference Avg. costs (%)
Parameter SALBP
OS/dist(Dt ) Time CT time L time B time Avg. Theo. Avg. Real. Best Real. L-cost B-cost
0.2 0.8 26.5 33.9 28 2.0% 1.4% 15.1% 9.9% 42.9%
0.6 0.1 3.9 2.1 1.8 3.6% 2.1% 9.9% 9.4% 40.1%
0.9 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 8.2% 3.9% 17.2% 8.1% 33.7%
PB 0.3 7.6 9.3 7.6 3.4% 1.9% 9.9% 9.4% 39.6%
PM 0.7 26 30.7 23.8 3.5% 1.9% 7.9% 8.9% 39.4%
BM 0.2 5.9 6.3 7.1 3.9% 2.3% 17.2% 9.6% 40.3%
Table 5. Screening results for medium instances (50 tasks, 15 stations; CPU times in seconds).
FA-ALBP CT Difference Avg. costs (%)
Parameter SALBP
OS/dist(Dt ) Time CT time L time B time Avg. Theo. Avg. Real. Best Real. L-cost B-cost
0.2 298.7 300 14.3 14.7 0.7% 0.0% 3.4% 0.2% 0.9%
0.6 197.9 300 103.1 100.6 1.4% 0.3% 20.5% 2.4% 14.1%
0.9 8.1 64.2 68.2 55.2 7.0% 3.7% 9.2% 1.7% 8.6%
PB 202.4 262 47.9 48.3 1.9% 0.7% 20.5% 1.7% 8.6%
PM 248.7 276 60.1 54.1 1.8% 0.5% 5.7% 1.1% 6.7%
BM 191 261 72 69.6 2.0% 0.8% 9.2% 2.4% 12.4%
Figure 9. Realised cycle time versus required internal storage cost. (a) Paced lines. (b) Unpaced lines.
Figure 10. Processing times for each balancing solution. (a) Cyclical scheduling benchmark. (b) Fractional allocation.
and a more complex one with lower demand. The line Section 4’s model, as presented by Expressions (25)–(27).
is asynchronous unpaced, has seven workstations as In it, M is the set of product models (in this case, M =
well as physical space available for two unitary buffers {1, 2}), Constraint (26) is the adapted version of Con-
(Bmax = 2). This line was first studied in the context of straint (6): each task t is modelled as having a specific
cyclical scheduling (Lopes, Sikora et al. 2020) – which duration Dt,m for each product model m. If a task does
requires stable demands. The present paper described not exist for a product model, its duration is set as zero.
fractional allocations for single model assembly lines, Constraint (27) states the buffer resource limit. In this
therefore, some adaptations were required for the present case study, K = 2 was used because it offers a reasonable
case study. First, each product model m is modelled as trade-off between cycle time reduction, space require-
having its own cycle time CTm . Second, models have ments and implementation simplicity. In this case study,
expected relative demand Om , which must sum to 100%. expected relative demands are, approximately, of 83% and
This case study discusses what happens if these demands 17% for product models 1 and 2, respectively – 5 units
are not stable. Third, the throughput of a line with frac- of the first product model per unit of the second one,
tional task allocations is measured as a weighted average similarly to Lopes, Sikora et al. (2020).
of these model-wise cycle times. Finally, task allocations
are required to be the same for both product models,
in order to maintain the benefits of worker specialisa- !
tion. Data required to reproduce this case study is made Minimise Om · CTm (25)
available as this paper’s supplementary material. m∈M
This allows a mixed-model version of the proposed subject to :
formulation to be defined using most of the constraints of
Constraints (2)−(5), (7)−(12)
Dt,m · zt,s ≤ CTm ∀s ∈ S, m ∈ M (26) these formulations in terms of their average cycle time
t∈T values (Avg. CT), as well as their theoretical efficiency
!! (Theo. Eff.), i.e. comparison to a simple division of total
Gt,s · yt,s ≤ Bmax (27) task time by the number of stations. Lastly, the solu-
s∈S t∈T tions’ relative performance is computed by dividing their
The balancing solution obtained using this formulation average cycle times.
is compared to that obtained by a recent simultane- Notice that, on the one hand, the benchmark out-
ous balancing-sequencing-buffer allocation one (Lopes, performs the fractional task allocations solution for the
Sikora et al. 2019), using the same buffer limit. This original or ‘expected scenario’ (highlighted in italic), as
benchmark is hereafter referred to as ‘Cyclical Schedul- well as for the neighbouring 80–20% one. On the other
ing’. These model-wise processing ties of these solutions hand, the cyclical scheduling benchmark is outperformed
are presented by Figure 10. In it, the darker bars repre- for both product models individually ( 100–0% and
sent product model one, and the lighter ones represent 0–100% scenarios), as well as all other demand scenarios.
product model two. In Figure 10(b), the second and third Indeed, the benchmark’s solution performance is contin-
stations have have two processing times for each prod- gent on the stability of demands. This leads to increas-
uct model – representing the cases in which the shared ingly poorer performance the more realised demands
task is and is not performed at that station. For those differ from the expected ones. Furthermore, the worst
stations, the model-wise cycle time is bounded by the relative performance by the fractional allocations formu-
average between the high and low values. Consequently, lation was 98.5% (1.5% worse), while its highest relative
Figure 10(b) presents lower model-wise cycle time val- performance was over 20% better than the benchmark.
ues than Figure 10(a). However, this better performance This suggests that fractional task allocations can lead to
is associated to processing time oscillations that require more robust solutions in the context of mixed-model
a model-wise cyclical scheduling to be realised. The lines.
buffer allocations for each solution also differ: for the
benchmark, single unitary buffers are optimally assigned
6. Discussions and conclusions
after stations one and two. Meanwhile the fractional task
allocations solution assigns buffers to after stations one This paper questions the assumption of the binary nature
and three. of task-station assignments in assembly line balancing
The solutions’ performances are compared by consid- problems. While other works had addressed some aspects
ering multiple realised demand scenarios that differ from of what amounts to adjacent stations ‘sharing tasks’,
the expected scenario ( 83–17%). For both formulations, none had analytically investigated the internal storage
the balancing solution is fixed and its average cycle time costs required to realise the cycle time reduction poten-
(Avg. CT) is computed for each realised demand sce- tial. A mathematical model for the Fractional Allocation
nario. For the fractional allocations solution, the perfor- Assembly Line Balancing Problem (FA-ALBP) is pre-
mance is measured as a weighted average of the model- sented, with three variants: one that seeks to minimise
wise cycle times. For the cyclical scheduling benchmark, the line’s cycle time, and two that seek to minimise the
an additional residual cyclical sequencing and scheduling internal storage required to realise a given cycle time
problem is solved. Table 6 compares the performance of value.
Line length is the cost metric for paced lines; on the case of paced lines, these costs are trivially proportional
other hand, buffer requirements is the cost metric for (WIP) or equal (TIS) to the line length cost measured
asynchronous unpaced ones. These costs are determined in time units. For unpaced lines, the WIP and TIS costs
using worst-case analysis for both types of line control. In can easily be shown to equal those of paced lines with the
both cases, these costs are shown to be functions of the same balancing solution.
shared task’s duration and of the allocation fraction, in With minor adaptations, the proposed methodology
particular its irreducible integer denominator (contrary was also applied to industrial data of a mixed-model
to previously hypothesised by Bukchin and Sofer (2011)). assembly line. The resulting solution offered better cycle
For paced lines, line costs are continuous and propor- time performance than a previous cyclical scheduling
tional to the shared task’s duration. For unpaced ones, benchmark solution for both product models. The result-
the buffer requirements are discrete, they depend on ing line balancing also lead to better performance the
task’s duration relative to the cycle time, on whether more realised demands differ from the expected ones.
the allocation fraction is 1/2 (K = 2) or not, and on That was achieved with the simplest possible sharing
whether the assignment happens on the first/last stations (50–50%) of a single task.
or not. The following key managerial insights can be drawn
This paper shows that for specific instances, fractional from the present work: fractional allocations are a per-
allocations allow lower cycle times with the same num- formance enhancing possibility tied to an internal storage
ber of stations or the same cycle time with fewer stations cost trade-off. They can be seen as an alternative to par-
than what is possible with SALBP. Furthermore, con- allel stations with some advantages tied to the fact that
trary to the base problem, the longest task is not a bound only one task is shared: Regarding worker training, they
on cycle time, meaning that lower values of cycle time require less and are also tied to less specialisation losses.
are possible for FA-ALBP than SALBP even when the Regarding physical structure, they require fewer layout
latter has unlimited stations. Increasing the fractional changes, as well as less tool duplication costs, specially
allocation’s maximum integer denominator K can allow for asynchronous lines. The main disadvantage of frac-
greater reductions, but is also associated with higher tional allocations are the internal storage costs, which are
internal storage costs and more complex cyclical schedul- tied to greater work-in-progress and time-in-system than
ing. The most adequate value for K can, therefore, depend the parallel stations alternative. Furthermore, while this
on instance and context-specific managerial preferences, paper focuses on single model assembly lines, the indus-
although the smallest value of K = 2 seems to offer a trial data case study suggests that fractional allocations
simple and effective compromise. can also be useful for mixed-model lines. Indeed, the
This difference in cycle time is not, however, guar- case’s balancing solutions was remarkably more robust
anteed to exist. Screening on a 1050-instance dataset regarding demand fluctuations.
showed that for many instances, SALBP optimal solu- Finally, FA-ALBP is shown to be at least either weakly
tions are close to a perfect division of tasks’ durations or strongly NP-complete, depending on how the num-
amongst stations. However, some instances lead to cycle ber of stations scales with instance size. This means that
time reductions as high as 20%. Experiments suggest larger instances might be intractable for generic solvers:
that this difference tends to be larger for more restric- experiments suggest that just the cycle time minimisa-
tive instances (precedence diagrams with high order tion effort tends to be significantly harder than SALBP.
strength), and that the distributions of task durations is Indeed, a drawback of the proposed mathematical model
not an as relevant factor. In terms of the internal stor- is its difficulty in solving larger size instances. Consid-
age cost required to realise these cycle time differences, ering that a follow-up step of internal storage cost min-
paced lines tend to outperform their unpaced counter- imisation is also desirable, further works should seek
parts assuming that buffers are similar in size to stations to adapt effective SALBP (meta)-heuristic procedures
for the latter. The required storage costs vary signifi- or exact solution methods, such as branch, bound and
cantly on an instance by instance basis. However, these remember (Li, Kucukkoc, and Tang 2020), for FA-ALBP
are mostly one-time investments and cycle time reduc- in order to produce high quality solutions for larger
tions represent continuous gains. This suggests fractional instance sizes. Another direction for further works is
allocations can be an interesting alternative to increase exploring in more detail work-sharing on mixed-model
performance: contrary to increasing the number of work- lines. The industrial case study highlighted robustness
stations, internal storage usually has relatively low con- against demand uncertainty. However, more research
tinuous operating costs. Such indirect costs tied to inter- can investigate adequate throughput performance met-
nal storage such as Work in Progress (WIP) and Time in rics and the explicit incorporation of mixed-model
System (TIS) can be analysed for both line types: In the sequencing.
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