Assembly Line Design
Assembly Line Design
Assembly Line Design
* CAD/CAM Department
Université libre de Bruxelles
Av. F. D. Roosevelt 50, CP 165/14
B -1050 Brussels, Belgium
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: The problem of optimal design of the assembly lines is considered. The paper
is especially focused on the line balancing and resource planning step for the
preliminary design stage. A survey of existing methods and software tools are given.
Copyright © 2002 IFAC
linear assembly line, without confluence of or 2.2. Precedence constraints
separation into sub-lines. The common performance
indices are the cycle time and the number of stations, Precedence graph generation. An ALB problem can
whereas other factors may also heavily affect the be presented as an optimally partitioning the
system performances. Some of these, such as traffic precedence graph. Works dedicated to the systematic
problems, station congestion and transportation generation of the precedence graphs are not so many.
network are often considered to be marginal in the Having conceived LEGA, a powerful software for
design stage of the assembly line. An introduction to obtaining the set of all the assembly trees (sequences)
optimal approaches of the assembly line balancing for a given product (Henrioud and Bourjault, 1991),
(ALB) problem and its varieties can be found in researchers from LAB (Besançon, France) intended
(Baybars, 1986) and (Scholl, 1999). to give a method of connection between this set and
the corresponding precedence graph(s). Thesis of
Chen (1996) and of Bratcu (2001) concern the
2.1. Bin Packing approach systematic generation of the set of precedence graphs
equivalent to a given set of assembly sequences.
The ALB problem usually refers to single product
assembly line. The simplest version of the problem is More recent works have focused on deducing the
the well-known bin packing problem (BPP), where precedence graphs in the multiproduct case (for a
the aim is to pack uni-dimensional ‘objects’ of family of products). The method proposed by
various sizes into as few identical ‘containers’ of a Naphade et al. (1999a, 1999b), consisting in the
given capacity as possible. Assuming that the generation of all the precedence graphs starting from
durations of the tasks to be performed are fixed, they a given set of precedence constraints – failed in
can be taken for the unique dimension of the treating the disjunctive constraints, as it could
‘objects’. Then, casting the cycle time as the capacity produce cyclic graphs. De Lit (2000) proposed the
of the bins, the problem becomes how to distribute improvement of this method, by constructing a tree
operations among stations in such a way that no of all possible solutions, by successively adding
station overflows the cycle time and a minimum precedence constraints.
number of stations is used. Note however that this
simple formulation does not take into account the Optimisation. Salveson (1955) was the first to
precedence constraints between operations, which empirically address the ALB problem. He described
amounts to assume that a product can be assembled it as a set of precedence constraints between tasks
by any succession of operations. Fitted with acyclic that must be adhered to. Salveson formulated the
precedence constraints (Sacerdoti, 1977), the BPP SALB problem as a linear programming problem
becomes the simple assembly line balancing problem including all possible combination of station
(SALB). assignments. His model, by definition, can result in
splitting tasks and may generate infeasible solutions.
Two versions of this problem are known (Scholl, Bowman (1960) was the first to provide a ‘non-
1999): divisibility’ constraint, by changing the linear
programming formulation to a zero-one integer
SALBP-1 consists to assign tasks to stations so that programming. Due to the high number of variables
the number of stations is minimised for a given the method requires, even for small problems, the
production rate. work of both Salveson and Bowman is impractical to
find optimal solutions.
SALBP-2 aims maximising the production rate, or
equivalently, minimising the sum of the idle times for The SALBP can be also represented by a tree in
a given number of stations. which each path corresponds to a feasible solution
with each arc representing a station. Jackson (1956)
Wee and Magazine (1982) showed that SALBP-1 is was the first to propose an algorithm for SALBP-1
NP-hard since it is a special case of the BPP which is using the notion of a tree. A station is termed
known to be NP-hard. The authors proposed to solve maximal if no task can be assigned to it without
the problem by means of the generalised bin packing violating the precedence and the cycle time
heuristics. A B&B method similar to the one used for constraints. The method starts by generating all
the BPP is used. The authors also proposed feasible assignments to the first station (one of these
techniques used in the BPP like the first-fit- feasible assignments will obviously be part of the
decreasing (FFD) rule and the immediate-update optimal solution). Then it generates all feasible
FFD (IUFFD) to the ALBP. In the FFD rule method, assignments to the second station, given the first
the tasks are listed in a non-increasing order of station assignments. Then for each first-second
process time. In the case of IUFFD, the set of station combination, all feasible solutions are
available tasks is immediately updated and arranged constructed for the third station, etc.
in non-increasing order of process time. In general,
these two heuristics give good results. The process is repeated, each time adding one
station. Jackson uses dominance arguments to
eliminate inferior feasible assignments: after
generating all feasible assignments, these sets are precedence constraints applies equally well to the
compared to eliminate subsets that contain exactly hybrid GGA of (Falkenauer, 1996).
the same tasks as other subsets and to eliminate the
dominated subsets. A set is said to be dominated if it 2.3. Process time
contains fewer tasks than another subset and does not
contain any tasks that are not also in the other subset. The task process time is an essential parameter in the
Jackson’s method does not require the generation of assembly line balancing. Indeed, depending on the
all feasible sequences, but still uses exhaustive search nature of tasks and the skills of operators or the
of all remaining possibilities. reliability of the dedicated machine or robot, the
operation time may vary. Simple tasks may have a
Agnetis (1997) addressed the problem of assigning small process time variance, while complex and
and sequencing tasks to stations with the objective of unreliable tasks may have high varying execution
minimising the inventory costs or the completion times. In the case of human workers, factors such as
time of a set of identical jobs. They consider the skills, motivation, communication among the group,
standard (tasks and their pre-processing tasks are etc., have a great influence on the whole assembly
grouped on the same station) and the look-ahead line. The following situations may arise.
(tasks and their pre-processing tasks are not
necessarily grouped on the same station) assignment Deterministic time. In the case of manual assembly
policies. Three types of sequencing policies are line, the task time will stay constant only in case of
proposed where the main difference is the order in highly qualified and motivated workers. Modern
which the tasks assigned to a station are executed. machines and robots are able to work permanently at
The method is limited to a single product and it is a constant speed. The use of deterministic times is
based on the dynamic programming technique. always justified if the expected process time
variability is sufficiently small (this happens case of
Shtub (1990) pointed out the gap existing between simple and well defined tasks).
literature dealing with the ALB problem and
technical documentation used by engineers to Pinto et al. (1983) discussed processing alternatives
describe assembly operations. Comparing the in a manual assembly line as an extension of SALB
precedence graph to the assembly chart, it is obvious by relaxing the assumption that all stations are
that precedence graph which presents tasks by their identical. Each processing alternative was related to a
times and precedence relations does not fully given set of tasks. The problem was to decide which
describes the relations between a task and the alternative (from the existing ones) to use in order to
subassemblies on which this task is performed. An shorten the task duration for a given total cost. Since
ALB method based only on precedence graph is the line is manual, each task may be performed at any
likely to generate solutions that minimise idle time station. The authors proposed an integer
by loading each station with tasks performed on programming formulation of the problem. Their
several subassemblies. Such solutions are in solution procedure consisted of a B&B algorithm in
contradiction with the very basic principles of which a SALB problem is solved in every node of
improving work methods and enriching employee the tree. Therefore, this method may be used only for
jobs. The author proposed two ways to deal with the a small number of possible processing alternatives.
relationship between a task and the subassemblies on This study presented the interesting advantage of
which the task is performed. The first approach aims working on a set of precedence constraints instead of
to minimise the number of subassemblies handled by a fixed sequence.
each station. The second approach aims to constraint
the number of sub-assemblies by each station. The Stochastic time. In automated flow line-production
method is applied to SALBP-1 and SALBP-2. varying production rates may result from machine
breakdowns (Rekiek, 1998). To incorporate the
On the evolutionary algorithm side, to our process time variability (manual or automated line),
knowledge, the first attempt was by Falkenauer and operation time may be modified by adding the
Delchambre (1992) who used a grouping genetic stochastic component reflecting the MTBF (mean
algorithm (GGA). The authors generalised their bin time before failure) and the MTTR (mean time to
packing GGA to obtain a fast algorithm supplying repair). When dealing with manual assembly line, the
high-quality approximated solutions of the ALB process time variability may result from the task
problem. One advantage of their method was its complexity, skills level and motivation of the worker,
ability to handle problems with sparse, even empty etc.
precedence constraints, thanks to its bin packing
‘ancestor’. Another advantage lies with the fact that Moodie and Young (1965) presented a modified
the GA is a gradual improvement method, thus formulation of ALB problem that includes task time
giving the user the possibility when the variability. Tasks times are considered to be
computational resources allow it to extend the search independent normally distributed with known mean
and to continue to improve the currently available and variance. Their standard heuristic places tasks
solution. Note that the mechanism of complying with into stations starting with tasks having the longest
processing time. A task cannot be placed into a
station unless all of its immediate predecessors have radius of optimal line balance with respect to
been already assigned. The shortest time algorithm perturbations of some operation times. It is proven
places tasks into stations according to the shortest the necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of
processing time. an optimal line balance. The authors present upper
bound of stability radius of an optimal line balance. It
Suresh and Sahu (1994) developed a simulated should be noted that all these conditions may be
annealing heuristic for the ALB problem. They tested in polynomial time, which is important for real
considered the problem of stochastic task durations. assembly lines with a large number of operations.
They only considered single objective problems.
Their aim was to minimise the smoothness index Hidden times. In the case of automated stations, the
introduced in (Moodie and Young, 1965). The global duration of a ‘complex’ operation is not
smoothness index intends to distribute work among always the sum of the operating times of every
stations as evenly as possible equipment in the group. A hidden time represents
McMullen and Frazier (1998) presented a ‘simulated parts of the operation that can be executed at the
annealing’ (SA) method to address the ALB with same time than other tasks belonging to the same
multiple objectives. Two kind of objectives were station (Pellichero, 1999).
used: the single and the composite objectives. Three
single objectives which are: (1) minimise the design Minzu and Henrioud (1997) presented a general
cost associated with both labour requirement and algorithm for the stations determination, for mono-
equipment requirement, (2) minimise the smoothness variant products. It was based on the use of a so-
index which intended to distribute work into the called assembly graph, which combines the
station as evenly as possible, and (3) minimise the advantages of the assembly tree and the precedence
probability of lateness to deal with the stochastic graph, i.e. it combines the precedence constraints
nature of task durations. They also introduced three information with geometrical information like the
composite objectives which are expressed as the relative orientations of the components. A method of
weighted sum of the first and the third objective. tasks-to-equipment assignment based on this graph
Different weights were attributed to objectives to lay was proposed, as well as the operative sequences for
stress on the favourite criteria. The choice of relative the equipment and the computation of the process-
weights used for the different composite objectives time of a station. These methods are very interesting,
was quite arbitrary–the approach was very over- especially for the evaluation of the process time of a
fitted. The authors pointed out the difficulty to deal station which allows taking into account the hidden
with the multiple objective nature of the problem times, the operators moving, and the setup time. The
using the weighted sum approach. authors used the ‘constraint propagation’ method
embedded in the ‘Prolog’ language and a
Suresh (1996) used a GA to solve the single model backtracking approach. A depth-first ‘backtracking’
stochastic version of ALBP. A modified GA, method was used during the tasks-to-station phase.
working with two populations (one allowing However, two drawbacks can be mentioned for these
infeasible solutions), and exchange of specimens at methods. The first one was that they did not take cost
regular intervals, is proposed for handling irregular and availability factors into account. The second
search spaces, i.e. the unfeasibility problem due to drawback of these methods, already mentioned in
precedence relations. The authors claimed that a (Petit, 1999), was that they had not been linked to an
population of feasible solutions would lead to a equipment database and were not really considering
fragmented search space, thus increasing probability the technical station design.
of getting trapped in a local minimum. Infeasible
solutions can be allowed in the population only if the Dynamic time. In case of human workers, systematic
genetic operators can lead to feasible solutions from reductions are possible due to learning effects or
infeasible ones. Some solutions are exchanged at successive improvements of the production process.
regular intervals between the two populations; the Thus the manual lines have to be balanced on
exchanged solutions have the same rank of fitness average, the accent must not be highly put on the
value in their own populations. The results of the process time. The equal piles philosophy is well
experiments indicated that the GA working with two suited for such lines (Rekiek et al., 1999, Rekiek
populations can give better results than the GA with 2000).
only feasible population.
Bartholdi and Eisenstein (1996) introduced the
Sotskov and Dolgui (2001) address the SALB-1 concept of ‘operation of bucket brigades’ for manual
~ line, used for example in the automotive industry. It
problem. Subset V of set V of all operations works as follows: each worker carries a task towards
includes manual operations, for which it is hard or completion; when the last worker finishes his product
even impossible to fix processing time for the whole he sends it off and then walks back upstream to take
life cycle of the assembly line. It is assumed that if over the work of his predecessor, who walks back
j ∈ V , then given operation time tj can be different and takes over the work of his predecessor and so on.
for different cycles of production process. They In such a configuration the workers play the role of
introduced the notions of stability ball and stability the buffers, by supporting the variability of the
operating times (due to stochastic phenomena or Gustavson (1986) developed heuristic methods for
differences between the operations according to the solving both the single and multiple product
variants). equipment selection problem. The author proposed
an alternative to avoid the problem of the non-serial
The main advantage of this kind of lines is the self- line layouts. These heuristics were also based on a
balancing: they can be configured to spontaneously fixed assembly sequence with the inconveniences
maintain the optimal production rate. It is sufficient already mentioned above. Of course, being heuristics,
to place the workers from slowest to fastest in the these methods cannot guarantee that an optimal
sense of products advancing. A simulation study of solution will be found.
such lines is reported by Bratcu and Mînzu (1999).
The same authors have shown that bucket brigades Graves and Holmes (1988) considered the design
can be regarded as hybrid dynamic systems (with problem with several equipment alternatives, when
autonomous switching and autonomous jumps), multi-products are assembled on the same line. They
whose stability properties are related to the property assumed a complete ordering of tasks of the same
of self-balancing (Bratcu, 2001; Bratcu and Mînzu, product and large similarities among different
2001). products. These assumptions resulted in a relatively
small number of candidate stations and therefore
simplified the problem considerably. The method
2.4. Equipment selection
seeks to assign tasks to stations and selects
equipments for each of them. It aims to minimise the
Most of the research on balancing deals with the so-
total cost of the assembly line and it is composed of
called SALB problems in which no alternative
two steps. The first step consists in enumerating all
equipments are considered. That is, each task’s
candidate stations for the system and selecting the
process time is fixed, and the aim is to determine the
least-cost resource type for each candidate station.
sets of tasks to be performed on each station. With
The second step consists in finding the least-cost
respect to more than one type of equipment, there are
assembly system. For this purpose, a graph in which
relatively few studies that address this problem. The
each candidate station corresponds to an arc is used,
problem is known as the Resource planning (RP).
the length of the arc being proportional to the cost of
The SALB problem is proven to be a NP-Hard
the station. The least-cost assembly system is then
problem, by the way the RP problem is NP-Hard as
found by solving a shortest-path problem in the
network of feasible stations. They addressed this
problem, using a method similar to the one of
Graves and Withney (1979), in one of the first works
(Gutjahr, 1964). Their algorithm enumerates all
on the field, presented a method for the single
feasible stations, selects the best equipment for each,
product equipment selection problem. The approach
and then chooses the best set of stations. The method
was based on linear programming techniques and
guarantees the feasibility of the layout by restricting
solved by a B&B procedure. The method did not deal
the system to a linear floor layout. However, given
with precedence constraints, rather a sequence, and
the implicit enumeration of all possible stations, the
permitted non-serial line layouts in which an
method is impractical for large problem instances.
assembly unit visits more than once a given station.
The goal was to select equipment and make task-
Falkenauer (1995) proposed a genetic algorithm for
assignment so as to minimise the sum of fixed and
ALB with ‘resource dependant tasks times’ algorithm
variable costs.
based on a GGA and a B&B algorithm. The method
was able to supply a well balanced and cheap
Graves and Lamar (1983) extended the work of
assembly line. The minimal and maximal number of
Graves and Withney (1979) and developed an integer
stations was computed by solving the classical ALB
programming cost-based model to the automated
problem with respectively the fastest and slower
system design problem. A column generation
resource assigned to all tasks. The GGA distributed
procedure was applied to solve the integer
the tasks onto stations, while the B&B algorithm
formulation of the problem. Their aim was to
selected the optimal resource for each station.
determine the type and the number of stations, and
the operations assigned to these stations. The
Sysoev and Dolgui (1999) present an equipment
approach used a fixed assembly sequence, which is a
selection problem as a multi-criteria decision making
first inconvenience, but their main limitation, as in
problem. To solve it, the authors propose an iterative
(Graves and Withney, 1979), was that they permitted
Pareto optimization method with heuristic procedures
non-serial line-layouts. Their model did not explicitly
of selection at each step. The convergence of this
try to balance the total workload across the stations,
method is proved and an application example is
rather the design criterion is to minimise total system
costs, while satisfying a desired production rate. The
station loads were often highly unbalanced. As a
Bukchin and Tzur (2000) developed an optimal
result of allowing unrestricted floor layouts for the
method and a heuristic algorithm to design flexible
problem, the solutions found were not necessarily
assembly line when several equipment alternatives
physically feasible.
are available. Tasks are subject to precedence production objectives (cycle time and number of
constraints. The objective was to minimise total station) as well as worker physical constraints. The
equipment cost, given a pre-determined cycle time. method takes into account the physical requirements
They developed an exact B&B algorithm which was of tasks. The method is based on the GA and applied
capable of solving practical problems. The to the SALBP-2 where the aim is to minimise the
algorithm’s efficiency was enhanced due to the cycle time for a given number of stations. The
development of good lower bounds, as well as the authors used three search algorithms: (1) a multiple
use of dominance rules to reduce the size of the tree. rank heuristic (MRH), (2) a combinatorial GA, and
They also suggested to use a B&B based heuristic (3) a problem space GA (PSGA). The MRH is a
procedure for large problems. For large problems that combination of 81 separate heuristics that utilises
cannot be solved by the optimal algorithm, the three search methods (lower bound, upper bound and
authors developed a heuristic procedure. The binary search), three ranking criteria (rank positional
procedure’s control parameters may be chosen weight, number of successors, number of paths),
according to the size of the problem. The control three tasks assignment (forward, backward, bi-
parameter determines how many nodes of the tree directional) and three weighting factors. The
may be skipped, and therefore was responsible for sequence-oriented coding combinatorial GA assigns
the running time, for the memory requirements, as tasks to stations as the classical GA, the main
well as for the distance from optimality of the difference is the fact that the number of stations is
resulting solution. The method dealt with many fixed. Thus, the cycle time constraint is not enforced
realistic features of assembly line, unfortunately it when assigning tasks to the last station. This ensures
did not deal with the operating mode of tasks which that all tasks will be assigned. Tests let the authors to
is one of the hardest constraints of the problem. conclude that the PSGA perform better than the
MRH and the classical GA.
2.5. Additional constraints Buffers. Malakooti and Kumar (1996) used a multi-
criteria decision-aid method for ALB problems
The classical line balancing problem can be where the objectives were the number of stations, the
improved to include other factors in order to deal cycle time, the buffer size and the total cost of the
with real-world problems. Dealing with constraints operations. For the single objective ALB problem
and user’s preferences reduces the number of task- with buffers, the authors used a three steps interactive
station combination and at the same time the search method to minimise the total cost of the line. The
space of the problem. Such constraints have the same method first balanced the line using the RPW
influence on the complexity of the problem as the algorithm (Helgeson, 1961). It then looked for the
precedence constraints of the product. required buffer size using an empirical formulation.
Finally the total cost of the line is estimated. For the
In spite of the existence of many commercial multiple objective ALB problem, the authors used an
software of ‘balancing’, less than 10% of companies additive utility function based on decision maker’s
use such software. The reason is that industrial preferences (weights). They divided the whole into
balancing problems present most of the time, three simple problems: (1) minimise the number of
particularities which are not always considered by the stations when the cycle time is given, (2) minimise
standard software. Lapierre (1999) presented the the cycle time when the number of stations is given
COMSOAL algorithm (Arcus, 1965) programmed on and (3) minimise the total cost when the cycle time is
the software package Microsoft Access'97. The given and the number of stations has to be
author modified the COMSOAL algorithm in order determined. Solving the three problems for different
to deal with constraints such as the position (rear, values of the cycle time and the number of stations
front, centre, etc.) and the level (high and low) of may lead to different solutions. The best solution
tasks. Thus, the method aims to avoid grouping tasks from the efficient alternatives was chosen using a
having different levels on the same station. Tasks ‘ranking alternatives by strength of preferences’
requiring heavy equipment or parts must not be method. The attributes of the additive utility function
assigned to the same station. The approach is very were the cycle time, the number of stations, the
interesting, however, we think that the ALB problem buffer size and the total cost.
is quite difficult to be solved by a simple
‘spreadsheet’ software. We believe that the simple Dolgui et al., (2002b) consider a buffer allocation
version of the ALB is quite difficult to be solved by problem under machines breakdowns. The line
such a method. Anyway, the author recommends balancing problem is supposed resolved. So, the
using metaheuristics to deal with ALB problem. buffer allocation problem consists in determining the
buffer capacities with respect to a given optimality
Operators. Although different variations of the ALB criterion, which depends on the average production
problem have been explored by researchers (Scholl, rate of the line, the buffer acquisition and installation
1999), little concern has been given to the physical cost, the inventory cost. A genetic algorithm where
demands placed on workers when assigning tasks to the tentative solutions are evaluated with a method
stations. Carnahan et al. (1999) proposed a based on the Markov models is proposed.
methodology for the ALB considering both
3. GENERALIZED PROBLEMS algorithm which is restricted to looking one layer
behind and one layer ahead in filling the stations.
3.1. Heuristic models This heuristic is easy to implement and gives good
Single product line. Since the ALB problem falls into solutions for dense and uniform graphs. The more the
the NP-hard class of combinatorial optimisation graph contains sprays, less the method yields good
problems, numerous research efforts have been balancing.
directed towards the development of computer
efficient approximation or heuristics algorithms Multiple product line (mixed/batch production).
(Ghosh, 1989). Traditionally assembly line balancing and variants
ordering (for mixed-production) have been
One of the first proposed heuristic was the ranked considered as two separate, but related problems.
positional weight (RPW) (Helgeson, 1961). The main Most of the research on assembly line sequencing
idea behind the RPW heuristic is to first assign the considers scheduling products after assembly line
tasks which have long chains of succeeding tasks. balancing. By separating the two problems, sub-
The length of the chain can be measured either by the optimal solutions are often obtained. Rekiek and
number of successor tasks, or by the sum of the task Delchambre (1998) introduce the balance for
times of the successor tasks. In the RPW method, the ordering (BFO) concept to treat both problems
sum of the task process time and the process times of simultaneously.
the successor tasks is defined as the positional weight
of the task. The tasks are ranked in descending order In (McMullen and Frazier, 1998) the trade, transfer,
of the positional weights with ties broken arbitrarily. compression as well as expansion heuristics are used
The tasks are then picked in their ranked order and as local improvements. The initial solution is based
assigned to stations if (1) all predecessors of the task upon the ‘incremental utilisation’ heuristic (Gaither,
have already been assigned and (2) the task fits in the 1996).
remaining time on the station. If a task does not fit in
the remaining time on a station it is skipped and the Lee and Johnson (1991) proposed an iterative method
next task in the ranked order is selected. If no task based on integer programming, depth-first B&B and
fits into the station, the station is closed and a new queuing network analysis. The approach allowed to
station is opened. The tasks are then scanned from deal with multiproduct assembly line. The objective
the beginning of the list and an attempt is made to was to minimise the cost of work-in-process
assign unassigned tasks to the new station. The inventory, machine investment and maintenance and
process is repeated until all tasks are assigned. Since material handling. They considered five design
the weight of an element depends on the process time factors: the number of stations, the number of parallel
of its predecessors, the algorithm tends to treat the machines, the tasks assignment, the number of pallets
elements near the end of precedence graph first. This and fixtures and finally the number of automated
procedure is quite simple, it can deal with user’s guided vehicles. The method suffered from a severe
preferences but gives good results only for simple restriction: each station consists in a single machine
problems. or in identical parallel machines.
duration proportionally to the number of workers on balancing for paced transfer lines with workstations
the station (McMuller and Frazier, 1998). in series and with block of parallel operations at the
workstations. The problem is to minimise a cost
Bard (1989) presented a dynamic programming associated with the number of workstations and the
algorithm for solving the ALB problem with parallel number of blocks, providing a given cycle time and
stations. Solutions represent a trade-off between the specified technological constraints. Two methods are
minimum number of stations required to achieve a developed to solve the problem. The first method is
balance and the cost of installing additional facilities. based on a transformation of the initial problem into
Both equipment cost and task cost are considered. a constrained shortest path problem (Dolgui et al.,
The algorithm takes into account the unproductive 1999, 2000a). The second method uses mixed integer
time during a cycle. programming formulations of the problem (Dolgui et
al., 2000a, 2001, 2002a). Both graph and mixed
Lee et al. (1999) presented a GA to deal with ALB programming methods are combined with some
problem with parallel stations. The GA is hybridised heuristic techniques in order to solve large-scale
with two local search procedures: the trade and problems (Dolgui et al., 2000a).
transfer heuristics. The trade procedure is used to
exchange tasks between two adjacent stations. The Robotic assembly lines. Rubinovitz and Bukchin
transfer procedure has two varieties: the expansion (1993) introduced the robotic assembly line
transfer aims to create additional stations if needed, balancing (RALB) algorithm for solving single
while the compression transfer aims to decrease the model ALB problems. The method was based on a
number of stations. The method aims to minimise the B&B algorithm and aimed to design (balance)
weighted sum of (1) the total cost of the line and (2) robotic assembly line when several robot types are
the lateness across all stations. They used the available. Their model supposed that all the
sequence-oriented representation–the tasks are equipment alternatives have an identical purchasing
sequentially listed in the order in which they are cost. The objective was to find a line balance which
assigned to the stations. This representation is clearly minimises the number of stations for a given
not grouping-oriented and leads to an inefficient production rate. Rubinovitz and Levitin (1995)
encoding. proposed a genetic algorithm for this problem.
reassigns tasks among the stations to smooth the optimisation problem, a special decomposition
workload across stations. It is a kind of local scheme is proposed, which is based on parametric
optimisation used after the global one. The proposed decomposition technique.
method yields better allocation of work in the case of
SALBP-1 and SALBP-2.
3.4. Simulation and Interactivity
SALBP-G: aims to minimise the sum of the idle
times with a varying production rate and a changing On the side of interactive and iterative methods,
number of stations (Scholl, 1999). Nevins and Withney (1989) presented a method
based on technical and economical considerations.
RP: find an assignment of the tasks to stations along The method helps to construct the cheapest
the line, and determine the resources to be allocated technically feasible assembly line. The method
to each task among the possible ones for that task presented the advantage of being complete, but could
(Rekiek et al., 1999). Many objectives can be found become very time consuming to apply if the number
in the literature: minimise total line cost, maximise of operations and the set of usable resources for each
reliability, etc. operation become too important. Another weakness
was that the assembly sequence was fixed before the
MOALBP: (multi-objective line balancing problem): application of the method. This could be too
most real world problems involve multiple restrictive and lead the system to miss the most cost-
objectives. In the assembly line problem, designers effective solutions.
deal with objectives like: line efficiency, smoothness
index (imbalance), cost, reliability, buffers, stations Praça (1999) proposed an architecture based on
space, etc. (Chow, 1990). multi-agent simulation (called SimBa). The system
helps in balancing and distributing the human
Kim et al. (Kim, 1996) developed a GA to solve resources in manual assembly line. The system is
multiple objective ALB problem. They addressed composed of a balancing and simulation modules.
several types of ALB problem. They considered the The balancing module which implements three
following objectives: (1) minimise number of heuristic rules from (Helgeson, 1961) and (Boctor,
stations; (2) minimise cycle time; (3) maximise 1995) allows the user to obtain different line
workload smoothness; (4) maximise work relatedness configurations. The simulation module is used to
(interrelated tasks are allowed to the same station as evaluate the performance of the proposed
much as possible); and (5) a multiple objective with configurations. The aim of agent design is to create
(3) and (4). The authors used a sequence-oriented programs which interact intelligently with their
coding, as well as a repair routine to deal with environment. The multi-agent system is introduced to
infeasible solutions. A set of ordering-oriented simulate the human behaviour in a given assembly
crossover and mutation operators were used. Their line.
emphasis is placed on seeking a set of diverse Pareto
optimal solutions. The multiple objective GAs seem Tsai and Yao (1993) proposed an integer
to be very promising, in contrast the encoding programming model combined with a simulation
scheme is not well suited for the grouping problem adjustment phase. The approach was used to design a
they deal with. flexible robotic assembly line which produces a
family of products. Given the work to be done at
Lee and Stecke (1996) presented an integrated design each station, the demand of each product and a
support method for flexible assembly systems. The budget constraint, the method determined the robot
utility of a multi-criteria optimisation tool is type and number of robots required in each station
underlined in that work. But one of its main along a serial robotic line. Their objective was to
weaknesses is that the optimisation was applied only minimise the standard deviation of the output rates of
to the cost while satisfying a set of constraints. all stations, which is the measure for a balanced line.
Ponnambalam et al. (1998) used the sequence- Okano (1993) proposed a generator of logical
oriented representation for a multiobjective GA expressions able to generate all feasible resource
(MO-GA). They used 14 simple heuristics (Talbot et groupings for a given sequence of assembly
al., 1986) to initialise the population and used operations. After obtaining valid combinations of
classical genetic operators to evolve solutions. The resources, a simulation tool was used to evaluate the
method aims maximising the line efficiency as well different solutions and select the best one. Since the
as the smoothness index. During the execution of the method was based on an assembly sequence, a first
MO-GA, a tentative set of Pareto optimal solutions fit heuristic method was used to group tasks, where
are stored and updated at each generation. the constraint was the cycle time calculated on the
basis of production volume. The criteria for the
In the work (Dolgui et al., 2000b) the goal function is grouping of operations and resource assignment were
to minimise the line life cycle cost per piece. The the production volume and the production cost. The
model is formulated in terms of mixed (discrete and approach was based on the risky assumption that the
non-linear) programming. For solving the
constraints of the problem will avoid the the assembly line design must be formulated as a
combinatorial explosion of the possible solutions set. multi-objective problem rather than to aim at
minimising the number of stations or the imbalance
between the stations. Efficient methods in Assembly
3.5. Software tools Line Balancing (ALB) and Resource Planning (RP)
should be able to deal with conflicting objectives or
A lot of software development companies try to offer take users preferences into account. They should be
the best optimisation solution for the assembly quick enough to allow the designer testing many
systems design. They are confronted with a very alternatives.
sharp concurrency fight, giving a high dynamics to
the concerned market. Starting from some basic REFERENCES
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