L-9 Effective Stress
L-9 Effective Stress
L-9 Effective Stress
Soil Mechanics
Unit-02 (Part 1) Effective stress
If you dig a hole into a soil mass that has all the voids filled with
water (fully saturated),you will observe water in the hole up to a
certain level. This water level is called groundwater level or
groundwater table.
The top of the groundwater level is under atmospheric pressure and
is sometimes called the free surface.
We will denote groundwater level by the symbol ▾ or ∇.
The water table invariably fluctuates depending on environmental
conditions (e.g., rainfall patterns, winter rains, monsoons, drought),
human activities (e.g., pumping groundwater from wells and
drawdown during construction), and geological conditions.
Vertical total stress
Vertical subsurface stress resulting from the
soil mass
σv = γt*z
• Both total stress and pore water pressure u are physically meaningful parameters;
stresses that can actually be measured in the field.
• Effective stress, by definition, can be determined only by arithmetic manipulation.
• Unlike total stress and pre pressure, σv' is thus not a physical parameter.
• It is thus only a mathematical concept but obviously a useful parameter since it has
empirically been observed to be the determinant of the engineering behaviour of
Intergranular stress
For granular soils, silts, and clays of low plasticity, the magnitudes of A’ and R’ are small;
so for all practical purposes, the intergranular stress becomes
• In clay soils mineral crystals are not in direct contact since they are surrounded
by adsorbed layers of water.
• It is assumed that inter- granular forces can be transmitted through the adsorbed
Effective Stress
• The principle of effective stress is the most
important principle in soil mechanics.
• Deformations of soils are a function of
effective stresses, not total stresses. The
principle of effective stresses applies only to
normal stresses and not to shear stresses.
• Also, it is applicable only to saturated soils.
• The effective stress is not the contact stress
between the soil solids.
• Rather, it is the average stress on a plane
through the soil mass.
• Soils cannot sustain tension. Consequently,
the effective stress cannot be less than zero.
• Porewater pressure can be positive or
Effective stress in a partially saturated soil
Total stress at any point = (effective stress + pore air + pore water pressure)
• For water table below ground surface, a rise of water table causes a reduction in the
effective stress and a fall in the water table produces an increase in effective stress.
• For water table above ground surface, a fluctuation in the exposed water level does
not alter the effective stress in the soil.
Let us consider some facts noted each year during monsoon through personal
observation or news paper reports:
• During monsoon the GWT is known to rise and hence effective stress reduces. so
does shear strength. When shear strength reduces below the magnitude of shear
stresses in soil slides /collapses occur.
Increase in a occurs instantaneously whereas an increase in effective stress is not
instantaneous, since particle adjustment and readjustment is not instantaneous.
• Determine the total, neutral and effective stress at different level
G.S. AA, BB, CC. Take unit weight of water = 10kN/m3.
Plot the stresses distribution with depth for:
• A) Water table is at 2m below the ground surface
• B) Water table is at the ground surface
• A) Water table is at 2m above the ground surface
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