Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
• Bearing capacity
• Slope stability
• Lateral earth pressure on earth retaining structures
• Pavement
• Shear strength is the most important property of soil. It is resistance provided
by soil to sliding along any plane inside it.
• Shear strength depends on interaction between particles and shear failure occur
when particles slides over each other due to excessive shearing stresses.
• Shearing resistance of soil is constituted basically of the structural resistance,
the frictional resistance and cohesion. The shear resistance in cohesion less
soil is of friction alone and in other soils is result of both friction and cohesion.
The shear strength of soil is determined in laboratory as well as in field
o = γh
The total stress in o = γh + q
the ground is only o = γsath + γwhw
due to overburden The total stress in
The total stress in the the ground is only
pressure only ground is only due to due to overburden
overburden pressure + pressure + surcharge
hydrostatic pressure load
Total and Effective stresses
Stress in the ground; For a case with gwt occurance, ‘
γ γsat γ h
h hw gwt
γsat hw
• Water in the pores of sat soil has a pressure known as the pore pressure, u.
• If hw is represent the height of water in a standpipe then the pore presure is
given by, u = γwhw 2) gwt above ground
1) gwt beneath ground gwt
• The pore pressure, u is surface
in positive as in case 1) ground surface ground surface
& 2) which is located
under water table.
• However what if pore hw
pressure located is
above water table....?? u = γwhw
u = γwh w 21
Negative pore pressures;
• This is a case where the
This area is pore pressure above
still fully
water table remains
due to saturated because of the
capillary capillary rise in the pore
rise BUT
pore spaces.
pressure is
in • In this zone the pore
negative pressures are negative.
• Between the dry and
saturated zones, there is
a zone of unsaturated
soil which contains
solid, water and air.
• The porewater pressure
due to capillarity is
negative (suction) and
is a function of the size
of the soil pores and the
water content.
• The capillary zone in
fine sands will be larger
than for the medium or
coarse sands
Shear Strength R
(Coulomb’s failure criterion) T
Tlimit = N
= N tan ‘
τf= c + σ tan f
τf - the shear strength of the soil
c – the cohesion of the soil which represents the
attraction forces between the particles
s – the normal stress applied to the soil
f – the angle of internal friction of the soil
Shear Strength
Normal stress
induced are s1 and s3,
where s1 > s3. So this
have cause shear t.
(a) Cohesionless Soil (c = 0) (b) Pure cohesive soil (f = 0) (c) Cohesive-frictional soil
c’ for sand and inorganic silt is 0
c’ for normally consolidated clays can be approximated at 0
c’ for overconsolidated clays are greater than 0
• Mohr's circle may also be applied to three-dimensional
stress. In this case, the diagram has three circles, two within
a third. Envelopes for peak and ultimate stress ratios are
obtained by drawing the best straight line through the plot
• Engineers use Mohr's circle to find the planes of maximum
normal and shear stresses, as well as the stresses on known
weak planes.
• For example, if the material is brittle, the engineer might use
Mohr's circle to find the maximum component of normal
stress (tension or compression); and for ductile materials,
the engineer might look for the maximum shear stress.
Learning outcome
At the end of the lecture, student should be able to:
dv = vertical displacement
dh = horizontal displacement
Data analysis
Plot of shear stress and change in height of specimen versus shear
displacement for loose and dense dry sand
Peak & ultimate strength
c' = 0, f’ = 31o.
Triaxial test
Triaxial test
• Triaxial is the most reliable methods available for determining shear
strength parameters
• Soil specimen about 38mm in diameter and 76mm long is generally
• Specimen is encased by a thin rubber membrane and placed inside a
plastic cylindrical chamber that usually filled with water
• Porous disks are placed at the bottom and at the top of the specimen.
• The specimen is mounted on the base pedestal and the end of the rubber
membrane is stretch over the pedestal and seal it with O ring
• The saturated specimen is subjected to a confining pressure by
compression of the fluid in the chamber
• To cause shear failure, one must apply axial stress through a vertical
loading ram
• Pore pressure generated inside the specimen during testing may be
measured by means of pressure transducers
Equipment for the triaxial test.
Stages involve in
conducting triaxial test
u are;
3 1.Sample preparation
(cylindrical sample with
ratio of size D:H1:2)
2.Saturation stage, B =
u /3 (B 0.95 ~ where
B is Skempton’s pore
pressure parameter.
Normally sample
prepared in stage 1 is in
unsaturated condition)
3.Consolidation stage
(to investigate stress
history and
compression behaviour)
4.Shearing stage
(to investigate failure
Principle Plane is the plane that is acted upon by a normal stress only.
No shear stress present on a principal plane. Principal stress is the
normal stress acting on a principal plane. σ1 and σ3 are known as the
major and minor principal stresses respectively.
Failure Plane
The test is repeated for several different values of cell pressure σ3 and
the corresponding values of σ1 at failure found in each case. This
enables a set (at least 3) of Mohr’s circles to be drawn.
Types of Triaxial Test
• Unconsolidated-undrained (UU)Test
• Consolidated-drained (CD)Test
• Consolidated-undrained (CU)Test
Unconsolidated-undrained test
• This test is performed with the drain valve closed for all phases of the test.
• Axial loading is commenced immediately after the chamber pressure s3 is stabilized.
Consolidated-undrained test,
• In this test, drainage or consolidation is allowed to take place during the application of the
confining pressure s3.
• Loading does not commence until the sample ceases to drain (or consolidate).
• The axial load is then applied to the specimen, with no attempt made to control the formation of
excess pore pressure.
• For this test, the drain valve is closed during axial loading, and excess pore pressures can be
Consolidated-drained test
• In this test, the drain valve is opened and is left open for the duration of the test, with complete
sample drainage prior to application of the vertical load.
• The load is applied at such a slow strain rate that particle readjustments in the specimen do not
induce any excess pore pressure.
• Since there is no excess pore pressure total stresses will equal effective stresses.
• Also the volume change of the sample during shear can be measured.
Unconsolidated-undrained (UU) Test
• Effective Stress
τ = c’ + σn’ tanf’
• Pore pressure
u = σ1 - σ1’ or σ3 – σ3’
CU Test Failure Envelope
Determine the values of the apparent cohesion, c and the angle of internal
i)With respect to total stresses
ii) With respect to effective stresses
Cell pressure 150 250 350
Pore pressure 50 100 150
Deviator stress 150 300 400
σ1 = σ3 + σd 300 550 750
σ3' = σ3 – u 100 150 200
σ1' = σ1 - u 250 450 600
From the graph of the effective stress parameters
c’ = 20
’ = 26 ͦ
Answer :
• (a) Since there is some consolidation during construction of the embankment, a
consolidated undrained triaxial test with pore water pressure measurements would be
appropriate in this case.
• (b) A footing on saturated clay will initially increase the pore water pressure of the clay
and only gradually, as consolidation occurs, will the effective stresses increase. The
appropriate test in this case, therefore, would be an unconsolidated undrained triaxial test.
• (c) The long-term stability of a slope in a stiff fissured clay would depend on the effects
of consolidation and water seepage. A consolidated drained test would give the necessary
information about the long-term shearing resistance of the clay
i/ Determine the shear strength parameters for drained and undrained conditions
ii/ If a specimen of the same soil is tested in a triaxial undrained test with a cell
pressure of 300 kN/m2, what are the values of the major principle total stress at
failure, σ1 and the deviator stress, σd
iii/ Determine the value of the apparent cohesion that is expected from an
unconfined compression test on the same soil
Unconfined Compression Test
Unconfined Compression Test
Unconfined Compression Test