A Generalization of The Atiyah-Segal Completion Theorem: J. P. May
A Generalization of The Atiyah-Segal Completion Theorem: J. P. May
A Generalization of The Atiyah-Segal Completion Theorem: J. P. May
WE SHALL give a geodesic path from the equivariant Bott periodicity theorem to the generalized completion theorem in equivariant K-theory. Let G be a compact Lie group. Our G-spaces are understood to be G-C W complexes and we let KE denote the progroup valued G-cohomology theory specified by KnG = {KnG(X.)}, (X) where X, runs over the finite subcomplexes of X. For a subgroup H of G, we have a restriction homomorphism I~. R(G)-+R(H) and we let 1; be its kernel. (Subgroups are understood to be G* closed.) A set # of subgroups of G closed under subconjugacy is called a family. We let (Kg);, the y-adic completion of Kg, denote the progroup valued G-cohomology theory specified by K:(X)? = {K;(X,)/JKG(X,)}, where J runs over the finite products of ideals Z$ with HEY. (The relevant information about progroups is summarized in [2, 923.)
THEOREM1.1. If a G-mapf: X+
The same assertion holds with Ko and R(G) replaced by KOo and RO(G). Theorem 1.l was first conjectured in 1976 [S] and was first proven, independently, by two of us in 1983 [7,9]. The case 2 = {11 is the Atiyah-Segal completion theorem of [4], and the proof in [7] follows [4] in outline. The proof in [9] contained the key idea of proceeding by direct induction rather than giving unitary groups and tori a privileged role. Our variant of this idea exploits an argument due to Carlsson [5] in cohomotopy to obtain an immediate reduction to quotation of Bott periodicity for the equivariant K-theory of G-spheres. It is to be emphasized that our argument, like that of [9], includes a new proof of the original Atiyah-Segal theorem. We use (1.1) to compute equivariant K-theory characteristic classes in 52. We prove (1.1) in 53 and make a few remarks on it in 45. In $4, we use (1.1) to prove the following mixed localization and completion theorem. Its cohomotopy analog was the main result of our paper [2], and more discussion of such invariance theorems may be found there. Pro-R(G)modules are localized termwise, S- {M,} = {S-M,}.
THEOREM 1.2. Let S c R(G) be a multiplicative set, let I c R(G) be an ideal, and define
and PzI}.
!f a G-map f: X-, Y restricts to a homotopy equivalence f: XH+ YH for all HE_@, then s-(f*);: S_KE(Y-)/ +s- K;(X); is an isomorphism. The same assertion holds with K, and R(G) replaced by KO, and RO(G). Here P runs over prime ideals of R(G) and Supp(P) not come from any Kc H. Segal shows that Supp(P) is the support is a single of P as defined conjugacy by
Segal [ 131: HE Supp(P) if P comes from H via the restriction (topologically) cyclic subgroups H. The theorem has content
map R(G)+R(H)
(which is
Let E% be a universal j-free G-space, so that (EJ?)~ is contractible if HE% and is empty if H&F. For any G-space X, the projection Ey xX+X restricts to a homotopy equivalence (Ey x X)+ X for each HE$, so (1.1) gives an isomorphism K E(X); +K E(E# x X)2. For a G-space Y, such as E% x X, all of whose isotropy groups are in 2, the groups of the inverse system KE( Y) are j-adically complete. For a finite G-C W complex X, the inverse system K:(X)> satisfies the Mittag-Leffler condition. These facts imply that the algebraic completion KE(X)a is isomorphic to the topological completion KE(Ey x X).
COROLLARY 2.1. If X is ajinite G-C Wcomplex, then the projection E# x X-+X induces an isomorphism Kg (X);+KE (Ey x X).
McClure has obtained interesting applications [12]. For example, he has shown that K:(X) is detected by the family of finite subgroups of G, so that a G-vector bundle is stably trivial if it is stably trivial when regarded as an H-vector bundle for each finite subgroup H of G. With X a point, the calculation of the K-theory original Atiyah-Segal completion theorem of classifying spaces in terms of completions specializes to a of representation
rings. There is an analogous specialization of (2.1) to the calculation of the KG-theory of classifying G-spaces. To see this, let lT be a normal subgroup of a compact Lie group r with quotient group G. The orbit projection q: Y+ Y/II of a T&free r-space is a kind of equivariant bundle, and there is a universal bundle E(lI; T)+B(lI; r) of this sort. Classically, r = G x IT, and q is then called a principal (G, lT)-bundle. For example, a smooth G-n-plane bundle has an associated principal (G, O(n))-bundle. The universal n-free r-space E(II; r) is just E#, where # = #(IT; f) is the family of subgroups A of r such that AnlT = e, and we have the following calculation of K,(B(II; r)).
Parenthetically, we insert the analogous specialization Segals original version of the Segal conjecture.
induces an isomorphism
The right-hand change of groups isomorphisms in (2.2) and (2.3) are standard; see [ 14, 2.11 for K-theory, [l, 5.33 for cohomotopy, and [ll, II@] for general theories.
Since (Ka)i is a progroup valued cohomology theory (as explained in [2]), exact sequences derived from cofibre sequences imply that (1.1) is equivalent to the following vanishing theorem.
THEOREM3.1. R E (X)2 is pro-zero for every based G-space such that XH is contractible for
We deduce this from a special case. Let U be the sum of countably many copies of each of a countable set of non-trivial representations Viof G such that each VP = 0 and some V/ # 0 if H is a proper subgroup of G. For K& we restrict attention to complex representations. For KOE, we restrict attention to Spin representations with dimension divisible by eight. Since the arguments are otherwise identical, we concentrate on the complex case from now on. Let Y be the colimit of the one-point compactifications S of the finite dimensional subrepresentations V of U. Since each v = 0, YG= So. If Vc W and ( W- V) #O, where W- V is the complement of V in W, then the inclusion S +Sw is null H-homotopic. It follows that YHis contractible and Y is H-contractible for H # G.
LEMMA 3.2. If # is proper (G&9), then R;(Y);
is pro-zero.
To deduce (3.1) from (3.2), we need to know the behavior of (R;F;)j with respect to restriction to subgroups. For H c G, let 2/H be the family of subgroups of H which are in $.
LEMMA 3.3. For any based G-space X,
so + Y+ Y/SO. Taking smash products with X, we obtain a cofibre sequence X-bXA Y-+XA(Y/SO). It suffices to prove that Z?E(X A r); and RE(X A ( Y/So))3 are both pro-zero. We claim first that Z?E(WA Y)? is pro-zero for any G-C Wcomplex W. Since the zero skeleton W and the skeletal quotients Wn/ W- for n >O are wedges of G-spaces of the form (G/H) + A s and
since we may as well assume that Wis finite, we need only verify this for W=(G/H)+
thus, by suspension, for W= (G/H)+. Here (3.2) gives the conclusion if H = G and (3.3) and the H-contractibility of Y give the conclusion of H # G. We claim next that KE(X A Z)j is prozero for any G-C W complex Z, such as Y/So, such that Z is a point. Arguing subgroup as above, we need only verify this when Z =(G/H)+ for a proper holds by (3.3) and the induction hypothesis. The argument just given is an adaptation [S]. [3, 141, RE(S) is the free RE(S) -module E., restricts generated by the Segal conjecture Proofof(3.2). H, and here the conclusion steps in Carlssons proof of
of the preliminary
The Euler class x+R(G) = if g(S) is e*(i,), where e: So -+S is the evident inclusion. If H # G and VH# 0, then e is null H-homotopic and XV&. If Vc W, then the inclusion i: S+S is IAe, e: S+Sw-. Since i.,=i.,_,i.,, the homomorphism i*: Rg(SW)+r?E(S) is given by the formula
for x& F(S); that is, i* is multiplication by xw _ . We may view Z?,$(r); as the inverse limit in the category of progroups of the R E( Y)/JR E( I), where J runs over the finite products of ideals lg with HEY (see [2, $21). So it suffices to prove that Z?g( Y)/JI?E( Y) is pro-zero for each such J. This means that, for each V, there exists WI V such that i*: R~(SW)/JRE(Sw)-RE(S)/JRE(S) is zero. If J=Ig, that .. 1: and we choose W- V to be the sum of representations Wi such
Wz#O, then i* is zero since it is multiplication by xw, . . . x,,,,EJ. Since If E((G/H) + A X) z R;;(X) as pro-R(G)-modules, where R(G) acts on R g(X) through r$ R(G)+R(H), the following algebraic fact implies (3.3). LEMMA3.4. The ,/-adic and (f(H)-adic topologies coincide on R(H).
This follows from Segals results on R(G) [13, $31. The key point is the following observation about supports of prime ideals, which can be derived from [13, 3.5 or 3.73. LEMMA 3.5. 1fSc S is a support of P. Proofqf(3.4). If LEjlH, then rg(Z,) R (H) c I, since rfr$ = rf. Conversely, if KEY and if I = r$(l$)R(H), then I contains some product of ideals 1f with LE,$IH. To see this, note that some product of prime ideals Q 11 is contained in I and that any prime ideal QcR(H) contains I,, where SC H is a support of Q. So it suffices to check that S is in 9 when Q contains I. If P = (r$)- l(Q) c R(G), then S is a support of P and P contains I;. Since R(K) is finitely generated and thus integral over R(G)/Zg [ 13,3.2], P = (r$)- (P) for some prime ideal Pc R(K). Therefore P has a support Sc K. Since any two supports of a given prime ideal are conjugate [13, 3.73 and S is in ,/, S is in 3. Remark 3.6. The previous two lemmas remain valid for RO(G). The essential points are that any prime ideal Q of RO(G) is the restriction of a prime ideal P of R(G) and that if P is also the restriction of P #P, then P is the complex conjugate of P. H isa support ofaprime ideal QcR(H)andifP=(r$-(Q)cR(G), then
Again, (1.2) is equivalent to the following vanishing theorem. THEOREM 4.1. S- Z? F(X); is pro-zero for every based G-space such that XH is contractible for each HEX, and similarly for S- (KOE),^.
As a matter of algebra [2,2.3], it suffices to prove that S,RE(X), is pro-zero for each prime ideal PC R(G) such that PnS = 4 and P 1 I. Here SF means localization at P: that is, the multiplicative set S, is the complement of P. Let H&upp(P) and let # be the family of subgroups of G subconjugate to H. By (3.1) R$( ~~ is pro-zero if Y K is contractible for all is KEY. Since P contains I $, it follows that Rz( Y)p^ pro-zero, and a fortiori S; RE( Y); is pro-zero. For X as in (4.1), XH is contractible but XK need not be contractible for KC H. However, we can embed X as a subcomplex of a G-C W complex Y such that YK= X for all K which contain a conjugate of H and Y is contractible for all other K. For example, we can take Y= X A l?g, where 3 is the family of subgroups of G which do not contain a conjugate of H and l?g is the unreduced suspension of E9 with one of the cone points as basepoint; the inclusion of So in ES induces the inclusion of X in Y. The classical localization theorem [14,4.1-j implies that S,KE(Y)+S,RE(X) is a pro-isomorphism; a fortiori S,iC~(Y)p^ +s, I?:(X), is a pro-isomorphism and SF R:(X); is pro-zero. In more detail, let {Y,} run over the finite subcomplexes of Y and let X,=Xn Y,. Then SF I?:( Y&S, R E(X,) is an isomorphism for each c1 induction up the finitely many cells by of Y, not in X, since these cells are of orbit type G/K with K&J and since S; R(K) =O for such K by C13.3.71.
Remark 4.2. Every collection x
several ways, as
determined by the involution, and KRE is a cohomology theory on C-spaces. For a general subgroup L of G, we do not have a good description of KR ,?JG/L)+ A X); if L = I? for a Real subgroup H of G, then this is KR$(X). This suggests that we should restrict attention to Real families in G, but some of our arguments require use of actual families in G.
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D.P.M.M.S., 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 lSB, England. Dept. of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A. Dept. of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Palac Kultury i Nauki IXp, 00-901 Warsaw, Poland. Dept. of Mathematics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.