IIT Block Codes

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Channel Coding

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

Block Codes

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

After reading this lesson, you will learn about
¾ Hamming Code;
¾ Hamming Decoder;
¾ Reed-Solomon Codes;

In this lesson, we will have short and specific discussions on two block codes, viz.
the Hamming code and the Reed- Solomon code. The Hamming code is historically
important and it is also very suitable for explaining several subtle aspects of encoding and
decoding of linear binary block codes. The Reed- Solomon code is an important example
of linear non-binary code, which can correct random as well as burst errors. It is one of
the most extensively applied block codes in digital transmission an digital storage media.

Hamming Code
Invented in 1948 by R. W. Hamming, this single error correcting code is an
elegant one. It should be easy to follow the encoding and decoding methods. Though the
original code, developed by Hamming, was a specific (7,4) code with n = 7 and k = 4,
subsequently all single error correcting linear block codes have come to be known as
Hamming codes too.

( )
In general, a Hamming code is specified as 2 m − 1, 2 m − m − 1 , i.e., a block of k =
( ) (
2 m − m − 1 bits are encoded together to produce a codeword of length n = 2 m − 1 bits.)
So, ‘m’ parity bits are added for every ‘k’ information bits. Some examples of Hamming
codes are (7, 4), (15, 11), (31, 26) and (63, 57). All these codes are capable of detecting 2
errors and correcting single error as the Hamming distance for them is 3.

By adding an overall parity bit, an (n, k) Hamming code can be modified to yield
an (n+1, k+1) code with minimum distance 4. Such a code is known as extended
Hamming code.

We follow the polynomial approach to describe the (7,4) Hamming code. The
generator polynomial for (7,4) Hamming code is:
g(x)= Generator polynomial = x3+x+1 6.34.1
Here, the coefficients of x –s are elements of GF(2), i.e. the coefficients are ‘0’ or ‘1’.

However, all the polynomials are defined over an ‘extended’ field of GF(2). The
extension field for (7,4) Hamming code is GF (23). In general, the extension field, over
( )
which the generator polynomial is defined, for 2 m − 1, 2 m − m − 1 Hamming code is

A finite field of polynomials is defined in terms of i) a finite set of polynomials as

its elements and ii) a clearly defined set of rules for algebraic operations. For
convenience, the algebraic operations are often named as ‘addition’, ‘subtraction’,
‘multiplication’ and ‘inverse’. It is also mandatory that there will be one identity element
for addition (which is termed as ‘0’) and one identity element for ‘multiplication’ (which

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is termed as ‘1’) in the set of polynomials. Note that ‘0’ and ‘1’ are viewed as
polynomials in ‘x’, which is an indeterminate. The field is said to be finite as the result of
any allowed algebraic operations one two or more elements will be a polynomial
belonging to the same finite set of polynomials.

Interestingly, if we can identify a polynomial in ‘x’, say p(x) defined over GF(2),
such that p(x) is a prime and irreducible polynomial with degree ‘m’, then we can define
a finite field with 2m polynomial elements, i.e., GF(2m) easily. Degree of a polynomial is
the highest exponent of ‘x’ in the polynomial.

For the (7,4) Hamming code, m =3 and a desired prime, irreducible p(x) = g(x) =
x3 + x +1. Table 6.34.1 shows one possible representation of GF(23). Note that all
polynomials whose degree are less than m = 3, are elements of GF(23) and it takes only a
group of ‘m’ bits to represent one element in binary form.

Field Elements Polynomials Possible binary representation

0 0 000
α 0 =1 = α 7 1 001
α X 010
α2 X2 100
α3 x3 = x + 1 011
α4 x 4 = x.x 3 = x 2 + x 110
α5 x 5 = x.x 4 = x 2 + x + 1 111
α6 x 6 = x.x 5 = x 2 + 1 101

Table 6.34.1: An illustration on the elements of GF(23). Note that, x7 = 1, x8= x and so on

Let us note that, for the (7,4) Hamming code, the degree of a message polynomial
m(x) ≤ 3, the degree of the generator polynomial g(x) = 3 = (n – k) and the degree of a
codeword polynomial c(x) ≤ 6.

As an example, let us consider a block of 4 message bits (0111) where ‘0’ is the
last bit in the sequence. So, the corresponding message polynomial is, m(x)= x2 + x + 1.
If we follow non-systematic coding, the codeword polynomial is:
c(x) = m(x).g(x) = (x2 + x + 1) (x3 + x + 1) = x5 + x3 + x2 + x4 + x2 + x + x3 + x + 1
= x5 + x4 + (x3 ⊕ x3) + (x2 ⊕ x2)+ (x ⊕ x) + 1 = x5 + x4 + 1
So in binary form, we get the code word (0110001).
Similarly, if the message polynomial is m(x) = x3 + x2 + x + 1, verify that the codeword is

If we consider a general form of the message polynomial, m(x) = m3 x3 + m2 x2 +

m1 x + m0 where mi ∈ GF(2), a general form of the code word is
c ( x ) = m3 x 6 + m2 x 5 + ( m3 ⊕ m1 ) x 4 + ( m3 ⊕ m2 ⊕ m0 ) x 3 + (m2 ⊕ m1 ) x 2 + ( m1 ⊕ m0 ) x + m0

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The above expression can used for direct implementation of the encoder with five two-
input Exclusive-OR gates.

If we wish to go for systematic encoding where the parity bits will be appended to
the message bits, we use the following expression for the codeword polynomial as
introduced in Lesson #33:
c′ ( x ) = x n − k m ( x ) − R g(x) ⎡⎣ x n −k m ( x ) ⎤⎦ 6.34.3

Now, m(x) = x2 + x + 1.

∴ xn-k.m(x) = x3 (x2 + x + 1) = x5 + x4 + x3

Now, divide this by the generator polynomial g(x) as bellow and remember that addition
and subtraction operations are the same over GF(2).

x3+x+1 x5+x4+x3 x2+x

x5+ +x3+x2
x4+ +x2 +x
So, the remainder is x.

Therefore, the codeword in systematic form is:

c ′( x ) = (x5+x4+x3) + x
=(0 1 1 1 0 1 0)

bits Parity

Hamming Decoder
Upon receiving a polynomial r(x) = c(x) + e(x), the decoder computes the syndrome
polynomial s(x) = Rg ( x ) [ r ( x )] . If the remainder is ‘0’, the decoder declares the
received word as a correct one. If s(x) is a non-zero polynomial, the decoder assumes
that there is a single error in one of the 7 bits. In fact, the precise location of the
erroneous bit is uniquely related to the syndrome polynomial. Note that the degree of
the syndrome polynomial is 2 or less. So, the number of non-zero syndrome
polynomials is (23-1) = 7. Each polynomial form indicates a single error at a bit
position. Once the location of the erroneous bit is found from the syndrome
polynomial, the bit is simply inverted to obtain the correct transmitted codeword. For
a systematic code, the information bits can be retrieved easily from the corrected

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

codeword. For a nonsystematic code, another division operation is necessary.
However, for practical implementation, one can use a Look Up Table (LUT) for the

Reed-Solomon Codes
Reed Solomon (R-S) codes form an important sub-class of the family of Bose-
Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes and are very powerful linear non-binary block
codes capable of correcting multiple random as well as burst errors. They have an
important feature that the generator polynomial and the code symbols are derived from
the same finite field. This enables to reduce the complexity and also the number of
computations involved in their implementation. A large number of R-S codes are
available with different code rates. A few R-S codes with their code parameters are
shown in Table 6.34.2.

Block No.of information Error

Code Code Name Length symbols in a code correcting Code Field of
No. (n) word (k) power (t) Rate (R) Definition

1 (31, 27) R – S 31 27 2 0.871

2 (31, 21) R – S 31 21 5 0.677
3 (31, 15) R – S 31 15 8 0.484 GF(25)
4 (31, 11) R – S 31 11 10 0.355
5 (63, 55) R – S 63 55 4 0.873
6 (63, 47) R – S 63 47 8 0.746
7 (63, 39) R – S 63 39 12 0.619 GF(26)
8 (63, 31) R – S 63 31 16 0.492
9 (63, 23) R – S 63 23 20 0.365
10 (63, 15) R – S 63 15 24 0.238
11 (255, 233) R – S 255 233 11 0.913
12 (255, 225) R – S 255 225 15 0.882
13 (255, 205) R – S 255 205 25 0.804
14 (255, 191) R – S 255 191 32 0.749 GF(28)
15 (255, 183) R – S 255 183 36 0.718
16 (255, 175) R – S 255 175 40 0.686
17 (255, 165) R – S 255 165 45 0.647
18 (255, 135) R – S 255 135 60 0.529

Table 6.34.2 Parameters of a few selected Reed Solomon codes

Like other forward error correcting (FEC) decoders the decoding of the R-S codes
is more complex than their encoding operation. An iterative algorithm due to E.R
Berlekamp with J. L. Massey’s extension, a search algorithm due to R. T. Chien and G.
D. Forney’s method for calculation for error values, together constitute a basic approach
for decoding the R-S codes.

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

An R-S code is described by a generator polynomial g(x) and other usual
important code parameters such as the number of message symbols per block (k), number
of code symbols per block (n), maximum number of erroneous symbols (t) that can surely
be corrected per block of received symbols and the designed minimum symbol Hamming
distance (d). A parity-check polynomial h (X) of order k also plays a role in designing the
code. The symbol x, used in polynomials is an indeterminate which usually implies unit
amount of delay. Even though the R-S codes are non-binary in construction and defined
over GF(2m), the symbols can be expressed and processed in groups of ‘m’ bits.

For positive integers m and t, a primitive (n, k, t) R-S code is defined as below:
Number of encoded symbols per block: n = 2m – 1
Number of message symbols per block: k
Code rate: R= k/n
Number of parity symbols per block: n – k = 2t
Minimum symbol Hamming distance per block: d = 2t +1.

It can be noted that the block length n of an (n, k, t) R-S code is bounded by the
corresponding finite field GF(2m). Moreover, as n – k = 2t, an (n, k, t) R-S code has
optimum error correcting capability. As we have seen earlier in this lesson, each field
elements can be represented by m bits. So, a codeword of (n,k,t) R-S code over GF (2m),
consisting of n symbols, can be represented by (n × m) bits and the code has sufficient
inherent algebraic structure to correct at least t erroneous symbols per block. If the
number of erroneous symbols per block exceeds t, there is no guarantee that the errors
will be corrected. Practical decoders in such cases behave differently depending on the
error pattern. Possibility of correcting more than t erroneous symbols, for some error
pattern, also exists. The t erroneous symbols, when represented by m bits each, can be
affected in two extreme cases in the following manner:
(i) one bit of each of the t-symbols is corrupted.
(ii) all m bits of each of the t-symbols are corrupted.

So, the random error correcting capability of an (n,k,t) R-S code is up to at least t bits per
block of (n × m) bits. When errors due to a communication channel are not totally
uncorrelated, i.e. the errors tend to be bursty in nature, the use of R-S code becomes more
relevant and important. Note that a particular symbol, consisting of m bits, may be
erroneous due to error in one or more (up to m) bits and the code ensures correct
decoding of up to t such erroneous symbols. Thus if there are (m × t) or less erroneous
bits, distributed in t symbols only, the code corrects the erroneous symbols without

The generator polynomial g(X) for the (n, k, t) R-S code is written as,
g ( x ) = ∏ (x − α i )
i =1
Here ‘ α ‘ is the primitive root of an irreducible polynomial of degree ‘m’ over GF(2) and
‘ α ’ is defined over GF(2m),the extension field. We have briefly discussed about the
definition of GF(2m) earlier in this lesson.

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Let us consider an example of an R-S code:

Example #6.34.1: Let the allowable bandwidth expansion for error correcting code alone
be about 50% and let the hardware complexity permit us to consider block length of 31.

For such a situation one can think of an R-S code with following parameters:
N = 31 = 25 – 1; m = 5;
Based on the allowed bandwidth expansion, the approximate code rate is 2/3.
So, we can choose k = 21; R = 21/31 = 0.678.
n-k = 2t =10; t = 5 and d = 2t +1 = 11.
Thus the chosen code is a (31, 21, 5) R-S code.

The generator polynomial g(x) of this code is given below:

g (X) = ∏ X + ai( )
i =1
= X10 + a X 9 + X8 + a 25X 7 + a10 X 6 + a 9 X 5 + a12 X 4 + a16 X 3 + a 2 X 2 + X + a 24
Here, ‘ α ’ is the primitive root of the irreducible polynomial p (x) = x5 +x2 +1 of degree 5
and defined over GF (2)

A general block diagram of a digital communication system employing Reed-
Solomon forward error correcting codec is shown in Fig. 6.34.1. Serial message bits at
the output of the source encoder are de-multiplexed suitably and groups of such m bits
are fed to the R-S encoder at a time. Let the polynomial m (x) of degree (k – 1) or less
denote the message polynomial and the polynomial rem( x ) of degree (n – k – 1) or less
denote the remainder parity polynomial.

Message Source S/P Reed P/S

Source Encoder Converter Encoder


Receiver &

Message Source P/S Reed S/P

Converter Solomon Converter
sink Decoder Decoder

Fig 6.34.1 Block diagram of a digital communication system using Reed-Solomon codes
for error control

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

We can write the encoded codeword polynomial v (x) of degree (n – 1) or less in the
following form:

n −k
v ( x ) = ∑ v i x i = x n −k .m ( x ) + rem ( x ) = q ( x ) .g ( x ) 6.34.6
i =0

Here q (X) is a polynomial of degree (k – 1) or less. The coefficients of all the

polynomials are elements of GF(2m). The parity-check polynomial rem( x ) can be found
as the remainder polynomial when the message polynomial, shifted by (n – k) times, is
divided by the generator polynomial g(x). Fig.6.34.2 shows a block diagram of a
systematic Reed-Solomon encoder employing (n – k) stage shift registers. Each stage
consists of ‘m’ set of delay units. The encoder outputs m bits at a time and this set of m
bits are multiplexed suitably depending on the front-end modulation technique employed.


X g0 X g1 X g3 X gn-2 X gn-1

+ + + SR2t-2 + +

symbols O/P
° .

Message symbols °

+ Adder for two elements of Galois Field

X Multiplier that multiplies gi with an incoming element of Galois Field

SR0 Set of m – delay elements that stores an element of Galois Field

Fig 6.34.2 Reed-Solomon encoder employing (n – k) shift register stages

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At the input-end of the R-S decoder in the receiver path in Fig. 6.34.1, hard-
quantization of received signal has been assumed. Now, due to noisy transmission
channel or receiver imperfection or constraints in other system parameters (e.g.
transmitter power limitation, intentional degradation of difficult-to-maintain system
components etc.) the code symbols received by the R-S decoder may be erroneous. The
task of the decoder is to recover correct set of message symbols efficiently from these
received symbols. A logical approach towards this is outlined in the form of a flow chart
shown in Fig. 6.34.3. The received code symbols are represented sequentially by the
coefficients of the received code polynomial f (x). This polynomial can be considered as
the sum of the transmitted code polynomial v(x) and the error polynomial e(x). Since v(x)
is a valid code polynomial, it is divisible by the generator polynomial g(x).
( )
Moreover, as g ( x ) = ∏ x − α i it can be easily seen that, v(a j ) = 0 , for 1 ≤ j ≤ 2t
i =1

so, we can write, for1 ≤ j ≤ 2t,

n −1
f (a j ) = ∑ f t (a j ) i = v(a j ) + e(a j ) = 0 + e(a j )
i =0

( )
This shows that the quantities f α j contain information about the error
polynomial e(x) only. These quantities, named syndromes, are only 2t in number and they
play pivotal role in the decoding process.

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

Enter f(x), the received code polynomial

Compute 2t syndromes, defined as

n −1
( ) ( )
S j
= f a j = ∑ fi a j ;(1 ≤ j ≤ 2t)
i =0

Find the coefficients of Error –Locater

polynomial Q(x) and the polynomial A(x)
from the syndromes using the Berlekamp –
Massey algorithm

Find the error locations by determining

zero’s of Q(x) following the Chien – Search

Find the error magnitudes from the

knowledge of error locations and the
polynomial A(x) using Forney’s Method

Add (Modulo-2) the error magnitudes with

the received symbols at respective error-
locations to recover the transmitted symbols

Fig 6.34.3 Major steps in the decoding of the Reed-Solomon codes

After determining the syndromes, the next step is to find the coefficients of a
suitably defined error-locator polynomial Q(x). This is carried out following the
Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. The coefficients of the error-locator polynomial are
necessary for finding the error-locations which is done following the cyclic Chien search

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

procedure in the third step. The next task of finding the error magnitudes is performed
efficiently using Forney’s method. The remaining task is to subtract the error polynomial
from the received polynomial and then extract the message polynomial from the
corrected codeword.

Version 2 ECE IIT, Kharagpur

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