Abstract. We conjecture that the nilpotent points of Calogero-Moser space for reflection groups are
parametrised naturally by the two-sided cells of the group with unequal parameters. The nilpotent points
correspond to blocks of restricted Cherednik algebras and we describe these blocks in the case G = Sn
and show that in type B our description produces an existing conjectural description of two-sided cells.
1. Introduction
1.1. Smooth points are all alike; every singular point is singular in its own way. Calogero-Moser space
associated to the symmetric group has remarkable applications in a broad range of topics; in [3], Etingof
and Ginzburg introduced a generalisation associated to any complex reflection group which has also found a
variety of uses. The Calogero-Moser spaces associated to a complex reflection group, however, exhibit new
behaviour: they are often singular. The nature of these singularities remains a mystery, but their existence
has been used to solve the problem of the existence of crepant resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities.
The generalised Calogero-Moser spaces are moduli spaces of representations of rational Cherednik algebras
and so their geometry reflects the representation theory of these algebras: smooth points correspond to irreducible representations of maximal dimension; singular points to smaller, more interesting representations.
In this note we conjecture a strong link between the representations corresponding to some particularly
interesting nilpotent points of Calogero-Moser space and Kazhdan-Lusztig cell theory for Hecke algebras
with unequal parameters. To justify the conjecture we give a combinatorial parametrisation of these points,
thus answering a question of [7], and then relate this parametrisation to the conjectures of [1] on the cell
theory for Weyl groups of type B.
1.2. Let W be a complex reflection group and h its reflection representation over C. Let S denote the set
of complex reflections in W . Let be the canonical symplectic form on V = h h . For s S, let s be the
skew-symmetric form that coincides with on im(idV s) and has ker(idV s) as its radical. Let c : S C
be a W -invariant function sending s to cs . The rational Cherednik algebra at parameter t = 0 (depending
on c) is the quotient of the skew group algebra of the tensor algebra on V , T V W , by the relations
[x, y] =
cs s (x, y)s
Let Zc denote the centre of Hc and set A = C[h ]W C[h]W . Thanks to [3, Proposition 4.15] A Zc for
any parameter c and Zc is a free A-module of rank |W |. Let Xc denote the spectrum of Zc : this is called
the Calogero-Moser space associated to W . Corresponding to the inclusion A Zc there is a finite surjective
morphism c : Xc h /W h/W.
Let m be the homogeneous maximal ideal of A. The restricted rational Cherednik algebra is H c = Hc /mHc .
By [3, PBW theorem 1.3] it has dimension |W |3 over C. General theory asserts that the blocks of H c are
labelled by the closed points of the scheme-theoretic fibre (0). We call these points the nilpotent points
of Xc . By [7, 5.4] there is a surjective mapping
c : Irr W {closed points of c (0)} = {blocks of H c },
constructed by associating to any Irr W an indecomposable H c -module, the baby Verma module Mc ().
The fibres of c partition Irr W . We will call this the CMc -partition.
1.3. Let W be a Weyl group. Let L : W Q be a weight function (in the sense of [1, Section 2]). Let H
be the corresponding Iwahori-Hecke algebra at unequal parameters, an algebra over the group algebra of Q,
A = qQ Zv q , which has a basis Tw for w W , with multiplication given by the rule
if l(sw) = l(w) + 1
Ts Tw =
Both the a-function and the c-function are constant across fibres of c , [6, Lemma 5.3 and Proposition
9.2]. This should be a property of two-sided cells.
An advantage of the Cherednik algeras is that the CMc -partition exists for any complex reflection group
whereas, at the moment, a cell theory only exists for Coxeter groups.
1.5. In Theorem 2.5 we will give a combinatorial description of the CMc -partition when W = G(, 1, n) =
Sn , and then in Theorem 3.3 we will provide evidence for the conjecture by showing that the CMc partition agrees with the conjectural description of the KLL -partition for W = G(2, 1, n), the Weyl group
of type Bn , given in [1, Section 4.2].
2. Blocks for W = G(, 1, n)
2.1. Let and n be positive integers. Let be the group of -th roots of unity in C with generator and
let Sn be the symmetric group on n letters. Let W be the wreath product G(, 1, n) = Sn = ( )n Sn
acting naturally on h = Cn .
2.2. Let P(n) denote the set of partitions of n and P(, n) the set of -multipartitions of n. The set Irr W
can be identified naturally with P(, n) so that the trivial representation corresponds to ((n), , . . . , ), e.g.
[8, Theorem 4.4.3]. Given an element s Z0 = {(s1 , . . . , s ) Z : s1 + + s = 0} there is an associated
-core (a partition from which no -hooks can be removed). The inverse of the process assigning to a partition
its -core and -quotient defines a bijection
P(, n)
(s, ) 7 s ().
A detailed discussion of this can be found in [8, Section 2.7] or [6, Section 6].
2.3. The Young diagram of a partition will always be justified to the northwest (one of the authors is
English); we will label the box in the pth row and qth column of by spq . With this convention the residue
of spq is defined to be congruence class of p q modulo . Recall that spq is said to be j-removable for some
0 j 1 if it has residue j and if \ {spq } is the Young diagram of another partition, a predecessor of
. We say that spq is j-addable to \ {spq }.
Let J {0, . . . , 1}. We define the J-heart of to be the sub-partition of which is obtained by
removing as often as possible j-removable boxes with j J from and its predecessors. A subset of P(n)
whose elements are the partitions with a given J-heart is called a J-class.
2.4. We will use the stability parameters of [6] (c) = (0 , . . . , 1 ) defined by k = 0k c(i,j) +
P1 tk
t=1 ct for 0 k 1, a primitive l-th root of unity and an arbitrary transposition (i, j) Sn :
they contain the same information as c. Following [6, Theorem 4.1] we set = {(0 , . . . , 1 ) Q } and
1 = { : 0 + + 1 = 1}.
2.6. Remarks. (1) The assumption (c) 1 imposes two restrictions. First it places a rationality condition on the entries of c; guided by corresponding results for Hecke algebras, [2, Theorem 1.1], we hope that
this is not really a serious restriction. Second it forces c(i,j) 6= 0; if c(i,j) 6= 0 then we can rescale to produce
an isomorphism Hc
= Hc and hence ensure 0 + + 1 = 1.
(2) A generic choice of (c) 1 will have type J = . The corresonding CMc -partition will then be
trivial and thus Xc will be smooth, [3, Corollary 1.14(i)].
3. The case W = G(2, 1, n)
3.1. We now focus on the situation where W = G(2, 1, n), the Weyl group of type Bn . Here there are
two conjugacy classes of reflections s and t, containing (i, j) and respectively. We will always assume
that c = (cs , ct ) Q2 has the property that cs , ct 6= 0. Corresponding to the two group homomorphisms
1 , 2 : W C , k (i, j) = (1)k for all (i, j) s and k () = (1)k+1 , there exist algebra isomorphisms
H(cs ,ct )
= H(cs ,ct ) and H(cs ,ct )
= H(cs ,ct ) , [5, 5.4.1]. So, without loss of generality, we may assume that
c Q2>0 .
3.2. There is a conjectural description of the two-sided cells in [1, Section 4.2] which we recall very briefly;
more details can be found in both [loc.cit] and [10].
We assume L(s) = a, L(t) = b with a, b Q>0 and set d = b/a. If d
/ Z then the partition is conjectured
to be trivial, [1, Conjecture A(c)]. If d = r +1 Z then let Pr (n) be the set of partitions of size 12 r(r +1)+2n
with 2-core (r, r 1, . . . , 1). A domino tableau T on Pr (n) is a filling of the Young diagram of with
0s in the 2-core and then n dominoes in the remaining boxes, each labelled by a distinct integer between 1
and n which are weakly increasing both vertically and horizontally. There is a process called moving through
an open cycle which leads to an equivalence relation on the set of domino tableaux. This in turn leads to
an equivalence relation on partitions in Pr (n) where and are related if there is a sequence of partitions
= 0 , 1 , . . . , s1 , s = such that for each 1 i s, i1 and i are the underlying shapes of some
domino tableaux related by moving through an open cycle. The equivalence classes of this relation are called
r-cells. [1, Conjecture D] conjectures that the two-sided cells are in natural bijection with the r-cells.
3.3. The result of this section is the following.
Theorem. Under the bijection (2) the CMc -partition of Irr W is identified with the above conjectural description of the KLL -partition for L(s) = cs , L(t) = ct .
This theorem shows that core-quotient algorithm provides a natural identification of the CMc -partition
and the conjectural KLL -partition. We do not know in general whether Lusztigs conjectured mapping from
Irr W to the KLL -cells is given by this algorithm.
There are special cases where [1, Conjecture D] has been checked for instance the asymptotic case
ct > (n 1)cs , [1, Remark 1.3] and thus in those cases we really do get a natural identification between
the CMc -classes and KLc -cells.
3.4. We will need the following technical lemma to prove the theorem.
Lemma. Let Pr (n) and set j = r modulo 2 with j {0, 1}. Suppose that spq is a j-removable box and
stu is a j-addable box such that p t and q u and there are no other j-addable or j-removable boxes, svw ,
with p v t and q w u. Then there is a domino tableau T of shape and an open cycle c of T such
that the shape of the domino obtained by moving through c is obtained by replacing spq with stu .
Proof. We use the notation of [10, Sections 2.1 and 2.3] freely. We consider the rim ribbon which begins at
spq and ends at st,u1 . We claim that this rim ribbon can be paved by dominoes. In fact this is a general
property of a ribbon connecting a box, s, of residue j and a box, e, of residue j +1. Let R be such a ribbon. If
R contains only two boxes then R = {s, e} so it is clear. In general the box adjacent to s, say sad , has residue
j + 1 so that R \ {s, sad } is a ribbon of smaller length and so the result follows by induction. In our situation
we can specify more. Starting at spq we tile our rim ribbon, R, as far as possible with vertical dominoes up to
and including D = {spm+1,q , spm,q } where spm,q has residue j +1. If spm,q = st,u1 we have finished our
tiling. Otherwise spm,q+1 R so the square spm,q+1 will be j-removable unless {spm,q+1 , spm,q+2 } R.
We now tile with as many horizontal dominoes as possible until we get to E = {spm,q+k1 , spm,q+k } with
spm,q+k having residue j + 1. If spm,q+k = st,u1 then our tiling stops. Otherwise we must have the next
domino as F = {spm1,q+k , spm2,q+k } to avoid spm,q+k+1 being j-addable. We can now repeat this
process to obtain our tiling of R. From this description we obtain the following consequences. Let svw R
have residue j + 1 and suppose that svw 6= st,u1 . Then
(i) The domino which contains svw is either of the form {sv+1,w , svw } or {sv,w1 , svw };
(ii) If sv1,w+1 then sv,w+1 R. Furthermore, if svw is contained in a horizontal domino then
/ R;
(iii) If sv1,w+1
/ then sv1,w R.
Let R denote the rim ribbon above and suppose it can be tiled by t dominoes. Let be the shape \ R.
In particular contains
2 r(r
is a Young diagram with the same 2-core as and so there exists a T Pr (n t) with shape . Take
such a T filled with the numbers 1 to n t. Now add R to T . We can tile R by dominoes by the previous
paragraph and we fill the dominoes with the numbers n t + 1, . . . , n where the filling is weakly increasing
on the rows and columns of R. This gives a domino tableau T = T R of shape .
We claim that R T is an open cycle, and that when we move through this cycle we remove spq from T
and add stu . This will prove the lemma.
As we have seen in (i) a domino D R is either of the form D = {svw , sv+1,w } or D = {sv,w1 , svw }
with svw having residue j + 1. In the case that D = {svw , sv+1,w } we have to study the square sv1,w+1
to calculate D . One of two things can happen. If this box does not belong to T then D = {svw , sv1,w }
and D R by (iii). Otherwise sv1,w+1 does belong to T . In this situation the box is not in the rim so is
filled with a lower value than D and so D = {svw , sv,w+1 }. In particular, by (ii) above either D R or
D = {st,u1 , stu }.
Now suppose D = {sv,w1 , svw }. If the square sv1,w+1 is not in T then D = {sv1,w , svw } and D R
by (iii). If sv1,w+1 is in T then it is not in the rim by (ii) and so is filled with a value lower than that of
D. Thus D = {svw , sv,w+1 } and D R unless svw = st,u1 , in which case D = {st,u1 , stu }.
It is now clear R that is a cycle and moving through this cycle changes the shape of by removing spq
and adding stu .
3.5. Proof of Theorem 3.3. We have (c) = (cs + ct , ct ) and by rescaling, see Remark 2.6(1), we
consider (c) = (1
ct ct
cs , cs )
2 on 1 is given by 0 (0 , 1 ) = (0 , 1 + 20 )
1 . The action of S
and 1 (0 , 1 ) = (0 + 21 , 1 ). The walls are {(d, d + 1) 1 : d Z}; they are of type {0} if
d 2Z and of type {1} if d 1 + 2Z. The fundamental alcove is A0 = {(d, d + 1) : 0 < d < 1},
and the alcove Ar = {(d, d + 1) : r < d < r + 1} is then labelled by either (( r2 , r
2 ), e) Z0 S2 or
(( r+1
2 , 2 ), 1 ) Z0 S2 depending on whether r is even or odd.
/ Z then (c) has type and the CMc -partition of Irr W is trivial by Theorem 2.5 since -classes
are all singletons: this agrees with the conjectured triviality of the two-sided cells in this case. Thus we may
assume that r =
1 Z0 . Then (c) = (r, r + 1) will be in the closure of two alcoves, Ar1 and
Ar . We consider the latter. Let s be the element in Z20 coming from the labelling of Ar ; thens of (2)
produces a bijection between Irr W = P(2, n) and Pr (n). If we set j = r modulo 2 and J = {j}, the content
of the theorem is simply the assertion that the r-cells in Pr (n) consist of the partitions in Pr (n) with the
same J-heart.
Let us show first that if , Pr (n) have the same J-heart, say , then they belong to the same r-cell.
The J-heart has no j-removable boxes, but we can construct the partition from by adding, say, t jaddable boxes. Now let be the partition obtained from by adding t j-addable boxes as far left as possible.
We note that by [8, Theorem 2.7.41] Pr (n). Of course and could be the same, but usually they will
be different. Now we apply Lemma 3.4 again and again to , taking first the rightmost j-removable box
from to the position of the rightmost j-removable box on and then repeating with the next j-removable
box on the successor of . We continue until we have obtained a partition with shape . By Lemma 3.4, this
process is obtained by moving through open cycles. On the other hand, we can perform this operation in
the opposite direction to move from to via open cycles (for this we use the same algorithm and the fact
that for a cycle c, moving through c twice takes us back where we started, [4, Proof of Proposition 1.5.31]).
It follows that and belong to the same r-cell.
Finally, we need to see that if , Pr (n) belong to the same r-cell, then they have the same J-heart.
For this it is enough to assume that is the shape of a tableau obtained by moving through an open cycle
on a tableau of shape . But in this case the underlying shapes differ only in some j-removable boxes, [10,
Section 2.3] and so they necessarily have the same J-heart.
Acknowledgements. The second author gratefully acknowledges the support of The Leverhulme Trust through
a Study Abroad Studentship (SAS/2005/0125).
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