Chapeter 4 - The Knowledge Dimension
Chapeter 4 - The Knowledge Dimension
Chapeter 4 - The Knowledge Dimension
own constructions of the subject matter content may differ from authentic or
normative conceptions. Nevertheless, adopting this cognitive and construc-
tivist perspective does not imply that there is no knowledge worth learning or
that all knowledge is of equal worth. Teachers can, do, and should make deci-
sions about what is worth teaching in their classrooms. As we pointed out in
Chapters 1 and 2, a key question concerns what students should learn in
school. Educational objectives offer teachers some guidance as they try to de-
termine what to teach.
The four types of knowledge described in this chapter can help educators
distinguish what to teach. They are designed to reflect the intermediate level of
specificity associated with educational objectives. As such, their level of gener-
ality allows them to be applied to all grade levels and subject matters. Of
course, some grade levels or subject matters may be more likely to have a
greater number of objectives that can be classified as, say, Conceptual knowledge.
This is most likely a function of the content of the subject matter, beliefs about
students and the way they learn, the way in which the subject matter is viewed
by the teacher, or some combination of these factors. Nonetheless, we argue
that the four types of knowledge included in our framework are useful for
thinking about teaching in a wide variety of subject matters as well as at differ-
ent-grade levels.
human condition. In terms of the Taxonomy Table, she is concemed with Con-
ceptual knowledge.
Mr. Jefferson believes that Macbeth is but one of many plays that could be
included in the English literature curriculum. His goal is to use Macbeth as a ve-
hicle for teaching students how to think about plays in general. Toward this
end, he has developed a general approach that he wants students to use as they
read a play. The approach begins by having the dass discuss the plot, then ex-
amine the relationships among the characters, then discem the messages being
conveyed by the playwright, and finally consider the way the play was written
and its cultural context. Given that these four general steps make up a proce-
dure that can be applied to all plays, not just Macbeth, Mr. Jefferson seems tobe
focused on applying Procedural knowledge, in the language of the Taxonomy
Like Mr. Jefferson, Mrs. Weinberg sees Macbeth as one of many plays that
students will encounter in high school as weil as beyond. She also wants her
students to leam a set of general procedures or "tools" they can use to study,
understand, analyze, and appreciate other plays. However, Mrs. Weinberg is
also concerned that students do not just apply or use these tools in a rote or
mechanical fashion. She wants her students to "think about what they are do-
ing as they do it," tobe self-reflective and metacognitive about how they are
using these tools. For example, she wants them to note any problems they
have in using the procedures (e.g., confusing plot with character development)
and learn from these problems. Finally, she hopes that students will learn
something about themselves, perhaps their own ambitions or their own
strengths and weaknesses, by identifying with the characters in the play. In the
language of the Taxonomy Table, Mrs. Weinberg is concemed with Metacogni-
tive knowledge.
In all four examples the content of the play is the same. However, the four
teachers use this content in different ways to focus on varied objectives that
emphasize different types of knowledge. All subject matters are composed of
specific content, but how this content is structured. by teachers in terms of their
objectives and instructional activities results in different types of knowledge
being emphasized in the unit. Accordingly, how teachers set their educational
objectives, organize their instruction to meet these objectives, and even assess
student leaming of the objectives results in different outcomes, even when the
content is ostensibly the same.
between stimuli and responses (although some surely is) or merely a quantitative
increase in bits of infonnation (a hallmark of the empiricist tradition-see Case,
1998; Keil, 1998). Rather, our perspective reflects the idea that knowledge is orga-
nized and structured by the leamer in line with a rationalist-constructivist tradi-
ti.on. Reflecting recent cognitive and developmental psychological research (e.g.,
Case, 1998), however, we also do not adhere to the idea that knowledge is orga-
nized in "stages" or in system-wide logical structures as in traditional develop-
mental stage models of thinking (e.g., Piagetian models).
Based on cognitive science research on the development of expertise, ex-
pert thinking, and problem solving, our perspective is that knowledge is do-
main specific and contextualized. Our understanding of knowledge should
reflect this domain specificity and the role that social experiences and context
play in the construction and development of knowledge (Bereiter and Scar-
damalia, 1998; Bransford, Brown, and Cocking, 1999; Case, 1998; Keil, 1998;
Mandler, 1998; Wellman and, 1998).
There are many different types of knowledge and seemingly even more
terms used to describe them. In alphabetical order, some of the terms are: con-
ceptual knowledge, conditional knowledge, content knowledge, declarative
knowledge, disciplinary knowledge, discourse knowledge, domain knowledge,
episodic knowledge, explicit knowledge, factual knowledge, metacognitive
knowledge, prior knowledge, procedural knowledge, semantic knowledge, sit-
uational knowledge, sociocultural knowledge, strategic knowledge, and tacit
knowledge (see, for example, Alexander, Schallert, and Hare, 1991; deJong and
Ferguson-Hessler, 1996; Dochy and Alexander, 1995; Ryle, 1949).
Some of the different terms signify important differences among the vari-
eties of knowledge, whereas others are apparently just different labels for the
same knowledge category. Later in this chapter we point out that the distinction
between "important dHferences" and "different labels" is central to the different
types and subtypes of knowledge in the revised Taxonomy. Given the many dif-
ferent terms and the lack of agreement about the many aspects of the knowledge
dimension, it is a difficult task to develop a taxonomy of knowledge that cap-
tures the complexity and comprehensiveness of our knowledge base while be-
ing relatively simple, practical, and easy to use, as well as maintaining some par-
simony in the number of categories. In considering these multiple constraints,
we arrived at our four general types of knowledge: (1) Factual Knowledge, (2) Con-
ceptual Knowledge, (3) Procedural Knowledge, and (4) Metacognitive Knowledge.
In the next major section of this chapter we define all four types of knowl-
edge along with their associated subtypes. First, however, we give our reasons
for including both factual and conceptual knowledge and for including
metacognitive knowledge.
length. This knowledge can be (1) specific content elements such as terms and
facts or (2) more general concepts, principles, models, or theories (Alexander,
Schallert, and Hare, 1991; Anderson, 1983; deJong and Ferguson-Hessler, 1996;
Dochy and Alexander, 1995). In the revised Taxonomy, we wanted to distin-
guish knowledge of discrete, isolated content elements (i.e., terms and facts)
from knowledge of larger, more organized bodies of knowledge (i.e., concepts,
principles, models, or theories).
Titls differentiation parallels a general distinction in cognitive psychology
between the knowledge of "bits of information" and more general "mental
models," "schemas," or "theories" (implicit or explicit) that individuals may
use to help them organize a body of information in an interconnected, non-
arbitrary, and system.atic manner. Accordingly, we have reserved the term
Factital Knowledge for the knowledge of discrete, isolated "bits of information"
and the term Conceptual Knowledge for more complex, organized knowledge
forms. We think this is an important distinction for teachers and other educa-
tors to make.
Moreover, research has shown that many students do not make the
important connections between and among the facts they leam in class-
rooms and the larger system of ideas reflected in an expert's knowledge of a
discipline. Although developing expertise in an academic discipline and dis-
ciplinary ways of thinking is certainly an important goal of education,
students often do not even learn to transfer or apply the facts and ideas they
leam in classrooms to understanding their experiences in the everyday world.
This is often labeled the problem of "inert" knowledge; that is, students often
seem to acquire a great deal of factual knowledge, but they do not understand
it at a deeper level or integrate or systematically organize it in disciplinary or
useful ways (Bereiter and Scardamalia, 1998; Bransford, Brown, and,
One of the hallmarks of experts is that not only do they know a lot about
their discipline, but also their knowledge is organized and reflects a deep un-
derstanding of the subject matter. In combination, Conceptual knowledge and
deep understanding can help individuals as they attempt to transfer what they
have learned to new situations, thereby overcoming some of the problems of
inert knowl~dge (Bransford, Brown, and Cocking, 1999).
Accordingly, on both empirical and practical grounds, we distinguish be-
tween Factual knowledge and Conceptual knowledge. Tne distinction may not be
appropriate in terms of formal psychological models of knowledge representa-
tion (e.g., propositional network models or connectionist models), but we do
think it has meaning for classroom instruction and assessment. Educati.onal ob-
jectives can focus both the teacher and students on acquiring small bits and
pieces of knowledge without concem for how they "fit" within a larger disci-
plinary or more systematic perspective. By separating Factual knowledge from
Conceptual knowledge, we highlight the need for educators to teach for deep u.n-
derstanding of Conceptual knowledge, not just for remembering isolated and
small bits of Factual knowledge.
Chapter 4 The Knowledge Dimension 43
Factual knowledge encompasses the basic elements that experts use in commu-
nicating about their academic discipline, understanding it, and organizing it
systematically. These elements are usually serviceable to people who work in
the discipline in the very form in which they are presented; they need little or
no alteration from one use or application to another. Factual knowledge contains
the basic elements students must know if they are to be acquainted with the
discipline or to solve any of the problems in it. The elements are usually symbols
associated with some concrete referents, or "strings of symbols" that convey
important information. For the most part, Factual knowledge exists at a relatively
low level of abstraction.
Because there is a tremendous wealth of these basic elements, it is ahnost
inconceivable that a student could leam all of them relevant to a particular sub-
ject matter. As our knowledge increases in the social sciences, sciences, and hu-
manities, even experts in these fields have difficulty keeping up with all the
new elements. Consequently, some selection for educational purposes is almost
always required. For classification purposes, Factual knowledge may be distin-
guished from Conceptual knowledge by virtue of its very specificity; that is, Fac-
tual knowledge can be isolated as elements or bits of information that are be-
lieved to have some value in and of themselves. The two subtypes of Factual
knowledge are knowledge of terminology (Aa} and knowledge of specific details and
elements (Ab).
A. P'ACTUAL KNOWL.•DGE-The basic elemmts studenls must know tobe acquainted with a
discipline or sol\·e problems in it
AA. Knowledge of terminology Technical vocabulary, musical symbols
Aa. Knowledge of specific details and Major natural resources, reliable sources of
elements information
11. CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEINIS-The inten'eYtionships among the basic elements within a larger
structure that cnable them to function toget:her
BA. Knowledge of classificati.ons and Periods of geological time, forms of business
categories ownership
Ba. Knowledge of principles and Pythagorean theorem, law of supply and demand
Be. Knowledge of theories, models, and Theory of evoluti.on, structure of Congress
The novice leamer must be cognizant of these labels and symbols and
leam the generally accepted referents that are attached to them. As the expert
must communicate with these terms, so must those learning the discipline
have a knowledge of the terms and their referents as they attempt to compre-
hend or think about the phenomena of the discipline.
Here, to a greater ext~nt than in any other category of knowledge, ex-
perts find their own labels and symbols so useful and precise that they are
likely to want the leamer to know more than the leamer really needs to know
or can leam. This may be especial!y true in the sciences, where attempts are
made to use labels and symbols with great precision. Scientists find it diffi-
cult to express ideas or discuss particular phenomena with the use of other
symbols or with "popular" or "folk knowledge" terms more familiar to a lay
Conceptual knowledge includes knowledge of categories and classifications and
the relationships between and among them-m.ore complex, organized. knowl-
edge forms. Conceptual knowledge includes schemas, mental models, or implicit
or explicit theories in different cognitive psychological models. These schemas,
models, and theories represent the knowledge an individual has about how a
particular subject matter is organized and structured, how the different parts
or bits of information are interconnected and interrelated in a more systematic
manner, and how these parts function together. For example, a mental model
for why the seasons occur may include ideas about the earth, the sun, the rota-
tion of the earth around the sun, and the tilt of the earth toward the sun at dif-
ferent times during the year. These are not just simple, isolated facts about the
earth and sun but rather ideas about the relationships between them and how
they are linked to the seasonal changes. This type of conceptual knowledge
might be one aspect of ~hat is termed "disciplinary knowledge," or the way
experts in the discipline think about a phenomenon-in this case the scientific
explanation for the occurrence of the seasons.
Chapter 4 The I<nowledge Dimension 49
great range of specific details, classifications and categories, and principles and
generalizations. This subtype, Be, differs from Bb in its emphasis on a set of
principles and generalizations related in some way to form a theory, model, or
structure. The principles and generalizations in subtype Bb do not need to be
related in any meaningful way.
Subtype Be includes knowledge of the different paradigms, epistemolo-
gies, theories, and models that different disciplines use to describe, under-
stand, explain, and predict phenomena. Disciplines have different paradigms
and epistemologies for structuring inquiry, and students should come to know
these different ways of conceptualizing and organizing subject matter and ar-
eas of research within the subject matter. In biology, for example, knowledge of
the theory of evolution and how to think in evolutionary terms to explain dif-
ferent biological phenomena is an important aspect of this subtype of Concep-
tual knowledge. Similarly, behavioral, cognitive, and social constructivist theo-
ries in psychology make different epistemological assumptions and reflect
different perspectives on human behavior. An expert in a discipline knows not
only the different disciplinary theories, models, and structures but also their
relative strengths and weaknesses and can think "within" one of them as well
as "outside" any of them.
Procedural knowledge is the "knowledge of how" to do something. The "some-
thing" might range from completing fairly routine exercises to solving novel
problems. Procedural knowledge often takes the form of a series or sequence of
steps to be followed. lt includes knowledge of skills, algorithms, techniques,
and methods, collectively known as procedures (Alexander, Schallert, and
Hare, 1991; Anderson, 1983; deJong and Ferguson-Hessler, 1996; Dochy and
Alexander, 1995). Procedural knowledge also includes knowledge of the criteria
used to determine when to use various procedures. In fact, as Bransford,
Brown, and Cocking (1999) noted, not only do experts have a great deal of
knowledge about their subject matter, but their knowledge is "conditionalized"
so that they know when and where to use it.
Whereas Factual knowledge and Conceptual knowledge represent the "what"
of knowledge, procedural knowledge concerns the "how." In other words, Pro-
cedural knowledge reflects knowledge of different "processes," whereas Factual
Chapter 4 The I<nowledge Dimension S3
knowledge and Conceptual knowledge deal with what might be termed "prod-
ucts." lt is important to note that Procedural knowledge represents only the
knowledge of these procedures; their actual use is discussed in Chapter 5.
In contrast to Metacognitive knowledge (which includes knowledge of more
general strategies that cut across subject matters or academic disciplines), Pro-
cedural knowledge is specific or germane to particular subject matters or aca-
demic disciplines. Accordingly, we reserve the term Procedural knowledge for the
knowledge of skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods that are subject spe-
cific or discipline specific. In mathematics, for example, there are algorithms
for performing long division, solving quadratic equations, and establishing the
congruence of triangles. In science, there are general methods for designing
and performing experiments. In social studies, there are procedures for read-
ing maps, estimating the age of physical artifacts, and collecting historical data.
In language arts, there are procedures for spelling words in English and for
generating grammatically correct sentences. Because of the subject-specific na-
ture of these procedures, knowledge of them also reflects specific disciplinary
knowledge or specific disciplinary ways of thinking in contrast to general
strategies for problem solving that can be applied across many disciplines.
In contrast with specific skills and algorithrns that usually end in a fixed result,
some procedures do not lead to a single predetermined answer or solution. We
can follow the general scientific method in a somewhat sequential manner to
design a study, for example, but the resulting experimental design can vary
greatly depending on a host of factors. In this subtype, Cb, of Procedural knowl-
edge, then, the result is more open and not fixed, in contrast to subtype Ca,
Knowledge of skills and algarithms.
Knowledge of subject-specific techniques and methods includes knowledge that
is largely the result of consensus, agreement, or disciplinary norms rather than
knowledge that is more directly an outcome of observation, experimentation,
or discovery. This subtype of knowledge generally reflects how experts in the
field or discipline think and attack problems rather than the results of such
thought or problem solving. For example, knowledge of the general scientific
method and how to apply it to different situations, including social situations
and policy problems, reflects a "scientific" way of thinking. Another example
is the "mathematization" of problems not originally presented as mathematics
problems. For example, the simple problern of choosing a checkout line in a
grocery store can be made into a mathematical problem that draws on mathe-
matical knowledge and procedures (e.g., number of people in each line, num-
ber of items per person).
their knowledge. They have criteria that help them make decisions about when
and where to use different types of subject-specific procedural knowledge; that
is, their knowledge is "conditionalized," in that they know the conditions un-
der which the procedures are tobe applied (Chi, Feltovich, and Glaser, 1981).
For example, in solving a physics problem, an expert can recognize the type of
physics problem and apply the appropriate procedure (e.g., a problem that in-
volves Newton's second law, F = ma). Students therefore may be expected to
make use of the criteria as weil as have knowledge of them.
The ways in which the criteria are used in actual problem situations is dis-
cussed in Chapter 5. Here, we refer only to knowledge of criteria for determining
when to use appropriate procedures. The criteria vary markedly from subject mat-
ter to subject matter. Initially, they are likely to appear complex and ·abstract to
students; they acquire meaning as they are related to concrete situations and
Metacognitive knowledge is knowledge about cognition in general as weil as
awareness of and knowledge about one's own cognition. One of the hallmarks
of theory and research on leaming since the publication of the original Hand-
book is the emphasis on making students more aware of and responsible for
their own knowledge and thought. This change cuts across different theoretical
approaches to leaming and development from neo-Piagetian models, to cogni-
tive and information processing models, to Vygotskian and cultural or situated
learning models. Regardless of their theoretical perspective, researchers gener-
ally agree that with development students will become more aware of their
own thinking as well as more knowledgeable about cognition in general, and
as they act on this awareness they will tend to learn better (Bransford, Brown,
and Cocking, 1999). The labels for this general developmental trend vary from
theory to theory but include metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive aware-
ness, self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-regulation.
As we mentioned earlier, an important distinction in the field is between
knowledge of cognition and the monitoring, control, and regulation of cog-
nition (e.g., Bransford, Brown, and Cocking, 1999; Brown, Bransford, Ferrara,
56 Section II The Revised Taxonomy Structure
and Campione, 1983; Flavell, 1979; Paris and Winograd, 1990; Pintrich,
Wolters, and Baxter, in press; Schneiderand Pressley, 1997; Zimmerman and
Schunk, 1998). Recognizing this distinction, in this chapter we describe only
students' knowledge of various aspects of cognition, not the actual monitor-
ing, control, and regulation of their cognition. In the way that the other types
of knowledge described in this chapter are acted upon in some way by the
cognitive processes described in Chapter 5, the same is true of Metacognitive
In Flavell's (1979) classic article on metacognition, he suggested that
metacognition included knowledge of strategy, task, and person variables. We
have represented this general framework in our categories by including stu-
dents' knowledge of general strategies for learning and thinking (strategic
knowledge) and thei.r knowledge of cognitive tasks as well as when and why to
use these different strategies (knowledge about cognitive tasks). Finally, wein-
clude knowledge about the self (the person variable) in relation to both cogni-
tive and motivational components of performance (self-knowledge).
Along with knowledge of different strategies and cognitive tasks, Flavell (1979)
proposed that self-knowledge was an important component of metacognition. In
his model self-knowledge includes knowledge of one's strengths and weak-
nesses in relation to cognition and learning. For example, students who know
they generally do better on rnultiple-choice tests than on essay tests have some
self-knowledge about their test-taking skills. This knowledge may be useful to
students as they study for the two different types of tests. In addition, one hall-
mark of experts is that they know when they do not know something and they
then have some general strategies for finding the needed and appropriate in-
formation. Self-awareness of the breadth and depth of one's own knowledge
base is an important aspect of self-knowledge. Finally, students need tobe
aware of the different types of general strategies they are likely to rely on in dif-
ferent situations. An awareness that one tends to overrely on a particular strat-
egy, when there may be other more adaptive strategies for the task, could lead
to a change in strategy use.
In addition to knowledge of one's general cognition, individuals have be-
liefs about their motivation. Motivation is a complicated and confusing area,
with many models and theories available. Although motivational beliefs are
usually not considered in cognitive models, a fairly substantial body of litera-
ture is emerging that shows important links between students' motivational
beliefs and their cognition and learning (Snow, Corno, and Jackson, 1996; Pin-
trich and Schrauben, 1992; Pintrich and Schunk, 1996).
A consensus has emerged, however, around general social cognitive models
of motivation that propose three sets of motivational beliefs (Pintrich and
Schunk, 1996). Because these beliefs are social cognitive in nature, they fit into a
taxonomy of knowledge. The first set consists of self-efficacy beliefs, that is, stu-
dents' judgments of their capability to accomplish a specific task. The second set
includes beliefs about the goals or reasons students have for pursuing a specific
task (e.g., leaming vs. getting a good grade}. The third set contains value and
interest beliefs, which represent students' perceptions of their personal interest
(liking) for a task as well as their judgments of how important and useful the
task is to them. Just as students need to develop self-knowledge and awareness
about their own knowledge and cognition, they also need to develop self-
knowledge and awareness about their own motivation. Again, awareness of
eo Section II The Revised Taxonomy Structure
these different motivational beliefs may enable leamers to monitor and regulate
their behavior in leaming situati.ons in a more adaptive manner.
Self-knowledge is an important aspect of Metacognitive knowledge, but the
accuracy of self-knowledge seems tobe most crucial for learning. We are not
advocating that teachers try to boost students' "self-esteem" (a completely dif-
ferent construct from self-knowledge) by providing students with positive but
false, inaccurate, and misleading feedback about their academic strengths and
weaknesses. It is much more important for students to have accurate percep-
tions and judgments of their knowledge base and expertise than to have 'in-
flated and inaccurate self-knowledge (Pintrich and Schunk, 1996). If students are
not aware they do not know some aspect of Factual knowledge or Conceptual
knowledge or that they don't know how to do something (Procedural knowledge),
it is unlikely they will make any effort to leam the new material. A hallinark of
experts is that they know what they know and what they do not know, and
they do not have inflated or false impressions of their actual knowledge and
abilities. Accordingly, we emphasize the need for teachers to help students
make accurate assessments of their seif-knowledge and not attempt to inflate stu-
dents' academic self-esteem.
that involves remembering factual knowledge, the date on which Lincoln delivered
the Gettysburg Address is the same for all students. For objectives that involve
Metacognitive knowledge, in contrast, there may be important individual
differences and perspectives on the IIcorrect" answer. Further, each of the three
subtypes of Metacogn.itive knowledge may require a different perspective on
the II correct" answer.
For the first subtype, strategic knowledge, some knowledge about general
strategies may be "correct.'' For exam.ple, if students are asked to simply recall
some information about general strategies for memory (e.g., the use of
acronyms), then there is in fact a correct answer. On the other hand, if students
are asked to apply this knowledge to a new situation, then there may be many
possible ways for them to use acronyms to help them remember the important
The other two subtypes of Metacogn.itive knowledge provide even more pos-
sibilities for individual differences to emerge in assessment. The subtype per-
taining to cognitive tasks does include some knowledge that calls for a correct
answer. For example, it is a truism that recognition tasks are easier than recall
tasks, so a question about this relationship does have a correct answer. On the
other hand, there are many different conditions, situations, contexts, and cul-
tures that change the way general cognitive strategies can be applied. lt is diffi-
cult to specify a correct answer to an assessment task without some knowledge
of these different conditions and contexts.
Finally, assessing self-knowledge presents even more possibilities for indi-
vidual differences. Within this subtype it is assumed that individual students
vary in their knowledge and motivation. Moreover, how does one determine
"correct" answers for self-knowledge? Self-knowledge may even be faulty
(e.g., a student believes that he does best on tests if he eats pepperoni pizza the
night before), and there should be occasions to correct these faulty and super-
stitious beliefs. Perhaps the best way of assessing self-knowledge, however, is
by helping students become more aware and conscious of their own beliefs,
helping them determine the feasibility of these beliefs in light of what currently
is known about learning, and helping them learn how to monitor and evaluate
these beliefs.
lt is difficult to assess Metacognitive knowledge usjng simple paper-and-
pencil measures (Pintrich, Wolter, and Baxter, in press). Consequently, objec-
tives that relate to Metacognitive knowledge may be best assessed in the context
of classroom activities and discussions of various strategies. Certainly, courses
designed to teach students general strategies for leaming and thinking (e.g.,
classes on leaming strategies, thinking skills, study skills) engage students in
leaming about all three aspects of Metacognitive knowledge. Students can leam
about general strategies as weil as how other students use strategies. They then
can compare their own strategies with those used by other students. Moreover,
dass discussions in any course, not just strategy courses, that focus on the is-
sues of learning and thinking can help students become aware of their own
Metacognitive knowledge. As teachers listen to students talk about their strate-
gies in these discussions, have conversations with students individually, or
review student journals about their own learning, teachers may gain some
62 Section II The Revised Taxonomy Structure