Adachi J Lipid Res 2004
Adachi J Lipid Res 2004
Adachi J Lipid Res 2004
has been demonstrated to be able to inhibit the prolifera- Pharmaceutical Research Division, Takeda Chemical Industries, 2-17-
85 Jusohonmachi, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-8686, Japan.
tion and/or to induce the differentiation of various types 2 Present address of Y. Honma: Department of Life Science, Shi-
Copyright © 2005 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
46 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 46, 2005 This article is available online at
and bile acid metabolism (9). Liver X receptor ! (LXR!; inoid X receptor (RXR!; accession number NM_002957), and
NR1H3) and LXR" (NR1H2) function as oxysterol recep- mouse peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ! (PPAR!;
tors and regulate cholesterol metabolism in liver, intes- accession number NM_011144), PPAR# (accession number
NM_011145), and PPAR$ (accession number NM_011146) were
tine, adipose tissue, and macrophages. Bile acids, which
inserted into the pCMX-GAL4 vector to make pCMX-GAL4-VDR,
are major metabolites of cholesterol in the body, bind to pCMX-GAL4-FXR, pCMX-GAL4-TR!, pCMX-GAL4-RAR!, pCMX-
farnesoid X receptor (FXR; NR1H4) and induce negative GAL4-LXR!, pCMX-GAL4-CAR, pCMX-GAL4-ER!, pCMX-GAL4-
feedback regulation of their synthesis from cholesterol. RXR!, pCMX-GAL4-PPAR!, pCMX-GAL4-PPAR#, and pCMX-
Primary bile acids, produced in the liver, are excreted in GAL4-PPAR$, respectively. A full-length fragment of human VDR
the bile after conjugation with taurine and glycine and are was inserted into the pCMX-VP16 vector to make pCMX-VP16-
subsequently reabsorbed in the intestine. Bile acids that VDR. Nuclear hormone receptor-interacting domains of steroid
escape reabsorption are converted to secondary bile acids receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) (amino acids 595–771; GenBank
by the intestinal microflora. Pregnane X receptor (PXR; accession number U90661) and nuclear receptor corepressor
(N-CoR) were inserted into the pCMX-GAL4 vector to make
NR1I2), which acts as a receptor for various xenobiotics,
pCMX-GAL4-SRC-1 and pCMX-GAL4-N-CoR (14). Mutations were
senses the levels of secondary bile acids and induces their introduced into pCMX-GAL4-VDR using the QuikChange Site-
metabolism in the liver (10, 11). VDR was also found to Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). hCYP3A4-
function as a receptor for secondary bile acids such as ER-6x3-tk-LUC, IR-1x3-tk-LUC, and GAL4-responsive MH100
lithocholic acid (LCA) and to be involved in bile acid me- (UAS)x4-tk-LUC reporters were used to evaluate the activities of
tabolism by inducing a LCA detoxification mechanism in VDR and PXR, FXR, and GAL4-chimera receptors, respectively.
the liver and intestine (12). All plasmids were sequenced before use to verify DNA sequence
Previously, we analyzed the structure-function relation- fidelity.
directly to VDR in vitro using the competitive binding as- transcription factor GAL4 to examine the effect of LCA
say. Isotopically labeled 1,25(OH)2D3 was incubated with acetate on these receptors. The GAL4-chimera receptors
in vitro translated VDR protein in the absence or presence were cotransfected with a GAL4-responsive luciferase re-
of test compounds. The binding of labeled 1,25(OH)2D3 porter into HEK293 cells (15). Because this reporter is ac-
to VDR was competed by the addition of unlabeled tivated only by GAL4-chimera receptors, the potentially
1,25(OH)2D3 (Fig. 2C). LCA acetate and LCA formate confounding effects of endogenous receptors are elimi-
also inhibited the binding of labeled 1,25(OH)2D3 to nated. LCA acetate at 30 &M induced the activation of
VDR, indicating that these LCA derivatives directly bind to GAL4-VDR (Fig. 3A). It induced weak activation of FXR
VDR. Competition with 3-keto-LCA and LCA was weaker but was not effective on TR!, RAR!, PPAR!, PPAR#,
than that of LCA acetate and LCA formate. Interestingly, PPAR$, LXR!, CAR, RXR!, or ER!. FXR has been previ-
although LCA acetate methyl ester showed enhanced acti- ously shown to respond to various bile acids, such as cheno-
vation of VDR compared with 3-keto-LCA in the luciferase deoxycholic acid and deoxycholic acid (12, 15). Next, we
reporter assay, as shown Fig. 2A, its direct interaction with determined FXR dose-response curves for LCA derivatives
VDR protein was weaker than those of LCA and 3-keto- modified at position 3. As reported previously (15), cheno-
LCA (Fig. 2C). LCA acetate did not inhibit the binding deoxycholic acid was a potent FXR agonist (Fig. 3B). In-
of labeled estradiol to ER! (data not shown). Taken to- terestingly, ursocholanic acid and iso-LCA, which were not
gether, these data indicate that LCA acetate activates VDR effective on VDR (Fig. 1B), strongly induced the activa-
by direct binding. tion of FXR (Fig. 3B). LCA formate and LCA acetate, as
well as LCA, were weak FXR agonists. PXR was reported to
LCA acetate is not a potent agonist for other bile respond to high concentrations of LCA (10, 11). To exam-
acid receptors ine the effects of LCA derivatives on PXR, we transfected
The ligand binding domains of various nuclear recep- VDR or PXR expression vectors with a reporter contain-
tors were fused to the DNA binding domain of the yeast ing a CYP3A4 element, which can be activated by both re-
Fig. 2. LCA acetate is a potent VDR agonist. A: Concentration-dependent activation of VDR by LCA ace-
tate and its related compounds. HEK293 cells were cotransfected with CMX-VDR and CYP3A4-ER-6x3-tk-
LUC reporter and treated with several concentrations of LCA, LCA formate, LCA acetate, LCA acetate me-
thyl ester (LCA acetate ME), and 3-keto-cholanic acid (3-keto-LCA) for 16 h. B: Interactions of VDR with ste-
roid receptor coativator-1 (SRC-1) and nuclear receptor corepressor (N-CoR) induced by LCA acetate and
its related compounds. HEK293 cells were cotransfected with GAL4 control vector or GAL4-chimera vectors
for SRC-1 or N-CoR, in combination with VP16-VDR and MH100(UAS)x4-tk-LUC reporter, and were treated
with ethanol (EtOH) control, 10 &M LCA acetate, or related bile acids. C: Direct binding of LCA acetate to
VDR. In vitro translated VDR proteins were incubated with 1 nM [ 3H]1,25(OH)2D3 in the presence or ab-
sence of nonradioactive 10 nM 1,25(OH)2D3 or 50 &M or 200 &M bile acid derivatives. The values represent
means ' SD.
gated the ability of LCA acetate to activate endogenous the expression of VDR target genes, including CYP24A1,
VDR target genes in intestinal cells. Colon cancer-derived CYP3A4, CaT1, and E-cadherin, was examined. CYP24A1
SW480 cells were incubated with LCA, LCA acetate, and CaT1 are involved in calcium homeostasis and CYP3A4
1,25(OH)2D3, chenodeoxycholic acid, or rifampicin, and metabolizes LCA (1, 24). E-cadherin was reported to be
associated with cell growth inhibition induced by 1,25 acts as a potent VDR agonist in colon cancer cells. There
(OH)2D3 (25). As shown in Fig. 5A, 1,25(OH)2D3 in- were no changes in the expression of VDR and RXR!,
duced the expression of CYP24A1, CYP3A4, CaT1, and which forms a heterodimer with VDR, after treatment
E-cadherin. LCA acetate induced these VDR target genes with the VDR ligands. The FXR agonist chenodeoxycholic
more effectively than LCA, indicating that LCA acetate acid and the PXR agonist rifampicin were not able to in-
(11, 36). By binding to VDR, 1,25(OH)2D3 and LCA in- successful because of their hypercalcemic activities (38).
duce CYP3A expression in the intestine. VDR may serve as Structure-function analysis of vitamin D analogs suggests
a sensor for LCA and function to protect intestinal mu- that 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analogs also induce nonge-
cosa from its harmful effects. Recently, a significant corre- nomic VDR actions and that adverse effects are at least
lation between a VDR polymorphism and colorectal can- partly attributable to nongenomic mechanisms (5, 39).
cer risk was reported in a Singapore Chinese population Ligand-dependent dissociation of nongenomic from ge-
(37). These findings suggest that VDR functions as an an- nomic activity was reported for the estrogen receptor
ticancer factor and indicate that it is a promising molecu- (40). An estrogen receptor ligand, pyrazole, induced the
lar target for chemoprevention against colorectal cancer. transactivation of an estrogen receptor target gene but
Clinical trials of vitamin D and its analogs have been un- had weak nongenomic activity, whereas another ligand, es-