Bnab 014
Bnab 014
Bnab 014
1, 160–197
Abbreviations: AR, androgen receptor; BC, breast cancer; ER, estrogen receptor; GAR, glycine and arginine-rich motif;
GC, glucocorticoid; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; JHDM, JmjC domain-containing histone
demethylase; KMT, lysine methyltransferase; LBD, ligand binding domain; MS, mass spectrometry; NLS, nuclear localization
signal; NR, nuclear receptor; NTD, aminoterminal domain; PC, prostate cancer; PR, progesterone receptor; PRMT, protein
arginine methyltransferase; PTM, post-translational modification; SR, steroid receptor; TF, transcription factor.
Received: 16 February 2021; Editorial Decision: 15 April 2021; First Published Online: 5 May 2021; Corrected and Typeset:
23 July 2021.
Steroid receptors (SRs) are members of the nuclear hormonal receptor family, many of
which are transcription factors regulated by ligand binding. SRs regulate various human
physiological functions essential for maintenance of vital biological pathways, including
development, reproduction, and metabolic homeostasis. In addition, aberrant expres-
sion of SRs or dysregulation of their signaling has been observed in a wide variety of
pathologies. SR activity is tightly and finely controlled by post-translational modifica-
tions (PTMs) targeting the receptors and/or their coregulators. Whereas major attention
has been focused on phosphorylation, growing evidence shows that methylation is also
an important regulator of SRs. Interestingly, the protein methyltransferases depositing
methyl marks are involved in many functions, from development to adult life. They have
also been associated with pathologies such as inflammation, as well as cardiovascular
and neuronal disorders, and cancer. This article provides an overview of SR methylation/
demethylation events, along with their functional effects and biological consequences.
An in-depth understanding of the landscape of these methylation events could provide
new information on SR regulation in physiology, as well as promising perspectives for
the development of new therapeutic strategies, illustrated by the specific inhibitors of
protein methyltransferases that are currently available.
Key Words: ERα, PR, AR, GR, protein arginine methyltransferases, lysine methyltransferases, protein demethylases,
coregulators, steroid receptors, methylation
Graphical Abstract
Introduction lifespan. The female hormone estrogen is well known for its
Steroid hormones play critical roles in various target tis- effects on mammary gland and reproductive tract develop-
sues regulating body homeostasis. Their ability to easily ment. Progesterone, the other female hormone, plays a vital
transit through cell membranes aroused interest of scien- role during pregnancy. In males, the androgen hormone is
tists for their therapeutic potential. Glucocorticoid (GC) was important for sexual development and reproductive func-
the first type of steroid to be used in the clinic. The phys- tion. The mediators of these hormones remained elusive
ician Philip Hench successfully treated rheumatoid arthritis until the early 1960s, when radiolabeled lipophilic ligands
symptoms with cortisone, a discovery for which the Nobel were developed by Jensen and Jacobson (2). Their innova-
Prize in Medicine was awarded in 1950 (1). Thereafter, a tive experiments led to the identification of “radioligand-
plethora of experiments documented the influence of steroid binding proteins,” now known as steroid receptors (SRs).
hormones on many biological processes throughout the Interestingly, these receptors were able to migrate from the
162 Endocrine Reviews, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1
cytoplasm to the nucleus, implying that ligand-bound recep- and reversible process controlled by the activity of protein
tors could influence transcription. This hypothesis was con- demethylases, which are able to remove methyl marks.
firmed by Ashburner, who showed that the addition of the It is particularly relevant to note that KMTs and PRMTs
ecdysteroid hormone was responsible for the activation of are frequently overexpressed in cancer cells compared with
a specific subset of genes in drosophila salivary glands (3). normal cells, and that their upregulation is often associated
This “Ashburner hormonal model” was the foundation for with poor prognosis. In line with this, specific inhibitors
our current knowledge on the regulation of transcription by targeting the methyltransferase activities have recently been
these receptors and is still, nowadays, unexpectedly relevant. developed to assess the involvement of this PTM in tumori-
Since then, numerous clinical therapies have been devel- genesis, making these enzymes interesting targets to modu-
oped based on this hormone–receptor association. Among late SR properties (14, 15).
them, mifepristone targets the progesterone receptor (PR) to The aim of this review is to summarize current and
treat endometriosis (4); dexamethasone acts on the gluco- emerging knowledge about the influence of protein methy-
(or D domain). This domain supports the DBD in the tran- Biological and Pathological Roles
scriptional activity of SRs (29, 30) by ensuring their nuclear SRs are ligand-inducible TFs playing crucial roles in the
localization with a nuclear localization signal, and by co- regulation of diverse and essential aspects of mamma-
operating with the LBD to mediate SR dimerization (31) lian physiology, by controlling the expression of genetic
and its interactions with certain coregulators (32). At the programs to achieve synchronized and accurate func-
N-terminal end, each member exhibits an aminoterminal tional responses (36–38). Responding to endocrine hor-
domain (NTD or A/B domain), highly variable in size, mones, they trigger adaptive signals and serve as a potent
amino acid composition, and PTMs (33) (Fig. 1B). This regulatory interface between the cellular and organismal
A/B domain notably includes a ligand-independent trans- environment and the genome. However, they also drive
activation domain (or AF-1), which can act independently, pathological states when their signaling pathways become
although optimal receptor activity generally requires a dysregulated. This feature has led to the development of
synergistic cooperation between AF-1 and the ligand- numerous treatments to control endocrine-associated dis-
dependent transactivation domain AF-2 (34). At the other eases, including neurological disorders, chronic inflamma-
extremity, the F region is highly variable and not present tory diseases, or cancers (39).
in all members of the superfamily. Although little is known ERα acts in concert with PR to regulate the physio-
about it, mutations or complete deletions can strongly alter logical development of female reproductive tissues and
the transcriptional activity of the receptor, ligand binding, mammary glands. Variable concentrations of ovarian pro-
as well as interactions with coregulators (35). gesterone and estrogen hormones regulate decisive phases
164 Endocrine Reviews, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1
of human female life (puberty, pregnancy, and menopause). growth, and glucose and lipid metabolism. It seems that
ERα knockout in pubescent mice totally impairs mammary the receptor acts as a negative regulator of adipocyte de-
gland development (40), whereas in mature women, ERα velopment in adult males, resulting in late-onset obesity
is a crucial modulator of breast cell proliferation and sur- when knocked out (53). Similarly to other SRs, the field
vival, strongly influencing their risk of developing BC. In of action of AR is vast, and a decisive role for androgen-
bone tissue, ERα modulators such as tamoxifen maintain activated receptors in neurodegenerative processes, such as
bone mineral density in postmenopausal women and pre- spinal bulbar muscular atrophy, has been depicted (54, 55).
vent osteoporosis. A set of studies has also reported that Interestingly, in vivo studies highlighted underestimated
ERα signaling is deeply involved in metabolic homeostasis and essential roles for AR and androgen signaling in female
and metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, reproduction, including ovarian and breast physiology,
or obesity, and influences numerous biological systems, such that dysregulation leads to dysfunctions and cancers
including the immune and cardiovascular systems, due to (51, 56–58). In contrast, a recent work showed that AR
showed that unliganded receptors can bind their own tar- (73, 74). Nevertheless, it is not surprising that SRs can exert
gets, resulting in a proper and optimal expression of sin- strong and decisive effects independently of ligands, as they
gular genetic programs (growth, apoptosis, development, evolved from an ancestral SR unable to bind ligands (75).
etc.) (72). They act as active repressors and target the basal In addition to these nuclear effects, SRs exhibit
transcription machinery. How these unliganded forms are nongenomic regulatory properties (76) (Fig. 2). Generally,
addressed to the nucleus rather than to the membrane/ too rapid to be dependent on gene transcription and pro-
cytosol is still unknown, but some mechanistic studies have tein synthesis, and insensitive to mRNA or protein syn-
revealed that the presence of specific marks on chromatin thesis inhibitors, they involve SRs at the cell surface and/
(ie, histone methylation marks) most of the time associ- or in the cytoplasm. In human mammary cancer cell
ated with collaborating epigenetic silencers definitely could lines for instance, the addition of hormones (ie, estradiol
play a role in the targeting and the binding of native recep- and progesterone) leads to the formation of cytoplasmic
tors to chromatin (72). Interaction with the ligand reverses multiprotein complexes in which SRs coexist with pro-
the epigenetic landscape, consistent with the hypothesis tein kinases and adaptor proteins. The steroid ligand,
that liganded SRs undergo a conformational change that as well as some decisive growth factors acting through
enables the loading of coactivators needed for chromatin their receptors, like epidermal growth factor (77), acti-
remodeling and gene activation. Further investigations are vate a membrane-associated receptor and downstream-
required to fully understand this regulation, certainly de- associated pathways, such as the tyrosine kinase/p21ras/
pendent on kinase-inducing regulatory phosphorylation mitogen-activated protein kinase, Src, and PI3K/Akt
and growth factor signaling, similarly to ligand-induced SRs (phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B) (78–80).
166 Endocrine Reviews, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1
Importantly, the final and overall biological effects of the physiological responses that are dependent on a given TF
hormone in the target tissue correspond to the conver- (89). Since the first SR (ie, GR) was described, over 300
gence of both cytoplasmic and nuclear effects. Indeed, coregulators have been discovered (93). Different combin-
cytoplasmic kinase-dependent phosphorylation of SRs ations of these coregulators are required for hormonal regu-
converts them into a transcriptionally active form, sug- lation of different target genes of the same SR in a given cell
gesting a convergence between classic genomic and rapid, type, enabling the independent regulation of different subsets
nongenomic signaling pathways (81) (Fig. 2). While many of the SR target genes to control different physiological re-
studies have revealed a strong impact of the nongenomic sponse pathways (89).
effects on SR nuclear signaling, recent data illustrated
how, inversely, hormone-mediated gene activation could
affect nongenomic responses. The regulation of calcium Protein Methyltransferases/Demethylases
homeostasis, playing a crucial role in tumorigenic pro- Protein methylation is a common covalent PTM that
( )
1000 proteins with 1 form of methyllysine (102). To date, specificity (105). In their structure, SET KMTs also ex-
2 KMT families have been described: the SET KMT family, press the peptide binding and the AdoMet binding
containing the majority of KMTs (103), and the seven pockets (95). The SET KMT family is classified into sub-
β-strand methyltransferases (7βS) or class I family (104). families, based on the sequence of the pre- and post-SET
The SET KMT family is characterized by the presence domains.
of the evolutionarily conserved Su(var)3-9n Enhancer-of- The 7βS family differs from the SET KMTs family by the
zeste and trithorax (SET) domain. This is the catalytic catalytic domain. It is composed of 4 motifs, designated I,
core of the enzymes, flanked by the pre- and post-SET post-I, -II, and -III. Motifs I and post-I play an important
domains, each displaying a defined substrate and product role in the interaction with the methyl donor AdoMet.
168 Endocrine Reviews, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1
However, many KMTs in this family do not possess all of its substrates, as only the LF-K motif has been identified
the motifs but may harbor different ones. Although this (178).
family of KMTs is smaller than the SET family, a proteomic SMYD2-deficient zebrafish show malformation of both
study predicted that the human genome encodes more than the atrium and ventricle, and a reduced heart rate and
100 7βS KMTs (106). cardiac function (179). Mechanistically, in the cytoplasm
KMT substrates are involved in various cellular path- of cardiomyocytes, SMYD2 monomethylates the heat
ways including transcription, cell proliferation, DNA shock protein 90 (HSP90) at K616 and interacts with the
damage repair, inflammation and immune response (Table sarcomeric I-band region at the titin N2A domain via its
1) (107). They were first described as histone KMTs, be- N-terminal and extreme C-terminal regions to influence
cause numerous KMTs methylate lysine residues in histone cardiac contraction (180). Since aberrant SMYD2 expres-
N-terminal tails (169). However, recent technical advances sion and its dysfunction are often closely related to car-
in mass spectrometry (MS)–based proteomics have high- diovascular diseases and cancer, SMYD2 is a promising
KLF-4 R374, R376, R377 Inhibits its ubiquitination, maintaining genome stability (327)
LSH R309 Decreases stem-like properties (328)
PDCD4 R110 Inhibits its tumor suppressive activity (329)
RPS10 R158, 160 Facilitates its assembly into ribosome (330)
ZNF326 R175 Regulates alternative splicing (331)
PRMT6 FOXO3 R188, R249 Activates transcriptional activity (332)
HIV-1 Tat R52, R53 Inhibits Tat transcriptional activation (333)
HIV-1 R10, R32 Inhibits reverse transcription (334)
RFX5 R466, R468 Down-regulates transcription (335)
TOP3B R833, R835 Promotes transcription (249)
When the type of methylation is not specified it is Rme2a for PRMT1, CARM1, and PRMT6, and Rme2s for PRMT5.
Methylation/Demethylation of Steroid Recep We can thus speculate that the well-known association be-
tors: Biological Implications tween ERα and HSP90 in the cytoplasm before hormonal
stimulation could involve SMYD2 in order to maintain
Estrogen Receptor α, or ERα
ERα in an inactive state in the absence of estrogen.
Lysine methylation/demethylation K235. The latest described ERα methylation on lysine is
K302. In 2008, Vertino’s team identified the first lysine catalyzed by the KMT G9a, which dimethylates the re-
methylation of a SR (375). They found that SET7/9 cata- ceptor at K235, in its DBD (Fig. 4A and Table 3). This
lyzes ERα methylation on lysine 302 (K302), located in the modification functions as an activator for the expression of
hinge region, to promote ERα transactivation. Moreover, some estrogen target genes, activating the growth of ERα-
they linked K302 methylation with the stabilization of positive BC cells (377). K235 dimethylation is a recogni-
ERα protein levels (Fig. 4A and Table 3). Indeed, estrogen- tion site for the Tudor domain of PHF20, a member of the
induced ubiquitylation of ERα and its subsequent deg- MOF histone acetyltransferase complex, which catalyzes
radation by the proteasome is an important step in the
IGF-1 signaling in BC, highlighting that targeting PRMT1 is located in the AF-1 hormone-independent transactivation
activity could be a good strategy to concomitantly impact domain, previously narrowed down to a 91 amino acid
estrogen and IGF-1 pathways (384). sequence preceding the DBD in PRs (Fig. 4B) (401). Site-
Together, these results emphasize the importance directed mutagenesis on PR revealed that nonmethylable
of PRMT1 as a regulator of both estrogen and IGF-1 mutants display a higher ligand-independent activation, in
signaling, highlighting PRMT1 as a promising target for particular perceptible by an increase in PR phosphorylation
treating ERα-positive BC patients. at S400, a basally phosphorylated site (402). Importantly,
As ERα methylation is a transient event, we investigated K464 mutations have a significant effect on ligand-induced
whether a demethylase could be involved in the regulation activity of PR, implying that K464 methylation impedes the
of ERα methylation. We showed that, upon estrogen stimu- transcriptional activity of PR.
lation, JMJD6 is integrated into the hallmark nongenomic A more recent study identified K481me1 acting in co-
complex metER/Src/PI3K, where it demethylates ERα, operation with K464 in the ligand-induced transcriptional
Endocrine Reviews, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1 179
K, lysine; R, arginine; Kme1, monomethyllysine; Kme2, dimethyllysine; Rme1, monomethyarginine; Rme2a, asymmetric dimethyarginine; Rme2s, symmetric
dimethylarginine; ND, nondetermined; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor; SBMA, spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. ND, not determined
Figure 4. Biological consequences of SR methylation. All the methylation events targeting the steroid receptors on arginine (R) and lysine (K) res-
idues and reported at this time are represented for (A) ERα, (B) PR, (C) AR, and (D) GR. When identified, the protein methyltransferases involved
are noted in black and the demethylases in brown. The methylation events leading to repressive functions are represented in red and the activating
functions are in green. For ERα, we enlarged the hinge domain as it is the main region modified by methylation. When decrypted and reported, the
biological consequences of the methylation event on the physiology/pathology have been indicated (in green for activating functions, red for repres-
sive functions and blue when no effect). NTD, N-terminal domain; DBD, DNA-binding domain; h, hinge; LBD, ligand binding domain; NLS, nuclear
localization signal; NES, nuclear export signal; BC, breast cancer; PC, prostate cancer.
180 Endocrine Reviews, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1
point. Nonetheless, these 2 methylation sites belong to a AR (binding to an androgen response element present in
rich acetylation target domain. Indeed, K630, 632, and 633 PRMT6 promoter) is necessary for AR-controlled sperm-
residues are acetylated by p300, p/CAF (408), and TIP60 atogenesis (415).
(409), suggesting, similarly to ERα, a crosstalk between R761. PRMT5 has been shown to methylate AR on R761
acetylation and methylation. in the LBD (Fig. 4C and Table 3). This modification was
K349. Lysine methylation is also involved in the regulation described in PC cases expressing the TMPRSS2:ERG fu-
of AR transcriptional activity, through the binding of 2 long sion gene. Mechanistically, the TF ERG recruits PRMT5 to
noncoding RNAs, namely PRNCR1 and PCGEM1, in PC AR target genes involved in prostate differentiation, where
cells. The KMT DOT1L was required for AR binding to the enzyme methylates the receptor (387). This event at-
PCGEM1. Indeed, DOT1L methylates AR on K349, located tenuates AR recruitment to these sites and subsequent tran-
in the N-terminal region, a critical step for the recruitment scription from the associated gene promoter. Consistently,
of PCGEM1 to AR (189) (Fig. 4C and Table 3). Moreover, R761 methylation supports proliferative functions of the
Lysine Methylation/Demethylation of both AR and its main splice variant, AR-V7, which
G9a/GLP methylation and GR regulation has been implicated in resistance to androgen deprivation
G9a and its paralogue GLP are interesting illustrations therapy in castration-resistant PC (427). Overall, through
of KMTs involved in SR transcriptional activity through enhanced transactivation of AR (and possibly AR variants),
more indirect mechanisms than those previously described. LSD1 may favor proliferation and invasiveness of PC cells
First identified as KMTs methylating the repressive mark and impair apoptosis under androgen deprivation therapy
H3K9, these enzymes also act as GR coactivators under (425, 428).
certain circumstances (90). The self-methylation of G9a/ Interestingly, phosphorylation of H3T6 by pro-
GLP on K185 and K205, respectively, provide a binding tein kinase C beta I prevents LSD1 from demethylating
site for HP1γ, which facilitates the recruitment of RNA H3K4me1/2 and induces a switch in substrate specificity
polymerase II, activating the transcription of a subset of from H3K4me1/2 to H3K9me1/2, orienting LSD1 towards
GR target genes in specific cell contexts (Fig. 5A). In con- a transcriptional coactivator role (208, 429). Again, this set
Figure 5. Indirect methylation events regulating SR signaling. Here, we highlight 2 examples, in (A) GR and in (B) ERα, of indirect methylation events
(ie, not directly on SRs), regulating the transcriptional activity of these 2 receptors. This concerns the methylation of histone tails on chromatin and/
or the methylation of coregulators. When identified, the targeted lysines (K) or arginines (R) and the methyltransferases are noted in black and the
demethylases in brown. The methylation events leading to repressive functions are represented with red lines and the activating functions with green
arrows. Me, methylation; GRE, GR response elements; ERE, estrogen response elements; H3, histone H3; H4, histone H4; CoA, coactivators; Dex,
dexamethasone; E2, estrogens; BC, breast cancer.
184 Endocrine Reviews, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 1
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