@lesson 1 Faina, Rosela F. Iii-Bsed Filipino B

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Lesson 1

Meaning of Educational Technology

Name: FAINA, ROSELA F. Date: September 04, 2022

Year/Course: III-BSED FILIPINO B Lecturer: Sir, Ledda Bonifacio

A. Objectives:

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

a.Define technology.

● Refers to the advancements in the methods and tools people use to solve problems and achieve
a goal. In the classroom, technology can encompass all kinds of tools from low – tech (pencil,
paper, chalkboard) to high – tech (presentation software, tablets, computer, etc.).

b. How technology facilitate teaching learning process.

1. Technology will help students in the future career especially those who need wireless technology. 2.
Technology addresses diversity in learning styles.

3. Technology gives students the chance to interact.

4. Technology helps teachers prepare students for the real world environment.

5. Technology keeps students engaged.

6. Technology makes the classroom a happier place.

7. Technology allows students to access updated information faster than before.

8. Technology makes students more responsible.

9. Technology breaks the tradition of passive learning. 10. Technology allows students to access digital
materials and databases.

B. Terms/Concept to Understand: What is the importance in education except no1.


2.Technology-provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun

opportunities to practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their
understanding of difficult concepts.

3.Teaching-Thanks to technology, teachers can customize learning for students. It enables them to
improve their instruction methods and personalize learning, thus increasing their productivity and
efficiency as instructors. Through these helpful tools, teachers can provide exciting activities.

4.Learning-Educational technology in education is important because it helps today’s teachers to

integrate new technologies and tools into their classroom. Teachers are able to upgrade and improve
the learner-centeredness of their classroom. It enables teachers to engage their students in unique,
innovative, and equitable ways.
C. Self-Assessment Activities:

1.What does the term “technology for education”, “technology for learning” and teaching for learning”
mean to you?


Undoubtedly, technology increased the interest in learning by many folds and modern technology
helped the student improve their critical thinking and analytical skills which is very much necessary to
face any kind of challenge. It has not only helped the students to become successful but also to excel.


Technology has a big impact on me, as a learner it helps me to do everything even without the guide or
help of the adults, I can learn it on my own. It makes my work easier like school works and everything
and also it helps me to learn, discover, explore everything that new to me.


Technology provides instant accessibility to information, which is why its presence in the
classroom is so vital. Smart phones, computers, and tablets are already an omnipresent element
of everyday life for students and teachers alike. It’s only natural that the use of technological
devices in the classroom are explored to create meaningful learning experiences for students of
all ages.

Utilizing different types of technology in the classroom, including a virtual classroom, creates
learners who are actively engaged with learning objectives. The implementation of technology
also creates pathways for differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of students as
individual learners within a broader classroom climate.

D. Brainstorm Session:

Cite on the relevance of at least two psychological theories / laws / principles to technology for


● Behaviorism
● Cognitivism


● Readiness
● Exercise and effect


● Growth mindset-students’ beliefs or perceptions about intelligence and ability affect their
cognitive functioning and learning.
● Prior knowledge-what students already know affects their learning.

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