Pre-Test: What Do You Know About? DIRECTION. Answer The Following
Pre-Test: What Do You Know About? DIRECTION. Answer The Following
Pre-Test: What Do You Know About? DIRECTION. Answer The Following
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in Teaching and
- Technology should not only be used in the classroom, but it may also be
used to improve administrative procedures, lowering costs while
increasing productivity. In the case of cloud computing, for example,
schools can save a lot of money. Using a digital curriculum reduces the
amount of money spent on buying new textbooks to replace the old ones.
Learning on one's own has never been easier or more efficient. With the
internet, you have access to a wealth of knowledge in virtually any subject.
Whatever you're looking for, you're sure to find it on the internet. Even if
the information and the source are suspect, it is possible to use them as
educational materials even if they are. Teachers and parents do not have to
supervise their students when they are on the internet.
Direction. Fill-in the graphic organizer the possible result of the learning outcomes of
the Educational Technology 1.
1. Learn the pervasiveness of educational technology in society.
2. Be familiar with how educational technology can be utilized as media for the
avenues teaching-learning process in the school.
3. Be uplifted to human learning using learning technology
4. Exhibit skills in planning, designing using and evaluating the technology-
enriched teaching-learning process
5. Be acquainted with the basic aspects of community education, functions of the
school media center.
6. Be familiar with what is recognized as the third revolution in education
Make a Ladderized Diagram with the summary words of the Learning Objectives of Educational
Technology 2.
to provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on
technology integration-in-instruction to learners;
E. Evaluation/ Post Test: Try what you learned...
Direction. Answer the following question comprehensively.
1. Discuss the disparity in educational technology advancement in school of
industrialized Developed Country (such as the U.S., England, Japan, Singapore,
Australia) and a still developing country, namely the Philippines.
- Schools in industrialized first world countries are far ahead of the rest of
the world in terms of educational technology improvement because their
pupils have access to the most up-to-date facilities and equipment,
including the newest software and even gadgets or computers. They have
qualified teachers in every area of teaching skill, as well as well-funded
public schools. The Philippines, for example, is a developing country with
limited access to educational facilities and equipment. Despite this, the
country's teachers continue to develop new applications and seek out new
technology, such as smartphones and laptop computers. Teachers are
especially scarce in schools, due to the fact that some teachers are
appointed to courses beyond their expertise, and certain schools lack
adequate government funding.
2. Given the lack of resources in our rural areas in the Philippines, what media can
still be used for effective learning in schools?
- Despite being a developing country with many rural areas, the Philippines
can still employ many effective learning traditional media in schools
including posters, charts, illustrations, photographs, and drawings as a
substitute despite the lack of resources available to them. A textbook,
chalk, and a blackboard are all options. While the electricity used to print
newspapers, magazines, and books is a drawback, we may still use this as a
resource to aid learners in understanding the content of other classes.
Another option is to have a debate about a certain topic, such as the
distinct parts of a flower if you're a science instructor. The gumamela can
be used as a teaching tool to demonstrate floral anatomy to students.
Students are more engaged in the learning process when instruction is
done this way.
3. Computer shops are pervasive around schools, but these are mainly used for
playing games. Without judging on the possibly dehumanizing effects of excessive
computer game habits, how can a learner best use computer resources as they
may be available in schools or at home?
- Children of this generation are huge fans of technology. However, it is our
duty as educators to educate students on how to make the most of these
technological tools. We must know how to engage while entertaining our
students with the use of technology. When it comes to knowledge needed
for assignments, homework, or even advance insight into certain
topics/subjects, students can and should use computers. There is a lot of
information for them to learn about using this technology as a library.
4. Many college students are presently required to take Computer courses including
word processing (Microsoft Office), spreadsheet preparation (Excel),
presentation techniques (PowerPoint), etc. How do you think his will help
application of skills needed in Educational Technology 2?
- It is crucial for college students, especially those interested in becoming
teachers, to take computer courses because knowing how to use word
processing, spreadsheets, and presentations will make it easier to apply
the skills learned in Educational Technology 2 when it comes to
integrating technology. To be honest, knowing these things will make our
future work as teachers go faster because we'll be producing a lot of slide
presentations for our demos and using excel to simplify grade
computations. Because Educational Technology 2 focuses more on
mediated technology, students must have the basic abilities required for
integration of technology to do well in this course.
6. Do you think there are enough websites for educational purposes? Do you think
there are many users of educational websites?
- Yes, I believe there are a sufficient number of instructional websites, as
well as a large number of people who utilize educational websites. Most of
us are already familiar with the constructivist method of teaching, in
which pupils learn by doing. Since the job of a teacher is solely to help the
students in their learning, teachers are now encouraging their pupils to use
trusted educational websites to perform their internet surfing and learn
more about their teachings.
Describe the technology learners and differentiate its characteristics from traditional learners
through using a Venn diagram.
Evaluation/ Post Test: Try what you learned...
Direction. Answer the following question comprehensively. (10 pts. each)
1. Identify the negative effects of the technology to the learners and discuss how can
we solve or lessen these negative effects.
- Students are no longer reliant on pen and paper in the modern day.
Computers and other technological devices have taken the place of pen
and paper in today's world. In comparison to using pen and paper, these
high-tech devices provide users with many useful advanced functions, but
they are extremely expensive to maintain. The upkeep costs a lot of money,
and updating the obsolete software also costs a good deal of money. As a
result, we might claim that education has become more expensive due to
advancements in technology. The solution to this is on a political and
economic level. The authorities must do what it takes to raise the
standards of living in our country to lessen the cost of products.
- Teachers can no longer use modern teaching methods due to technological
advancements. Students learn best when professors communicate with
them on a personal level. Students learn better when they are actively
involved in the process of instruction, as evidenced by scientific research.
There is no need for interaction anymore thanks to modern technology
and smart technologies. There is no discussion among the pupils about
any of the things they are studying. Students suffer as a result of this.
2. Based on your experience, how technology helps in your learning and how it
becomes distracting in your studies?
- With the help of technology, children can easily access material, learn
faster, and have more fun while doing it. It allows pupils to broaden their
horizons and have a better grasp of complex ideas. Using technology,
educators may create a more interesting and collaborative learning
environment for their students. Students learn through doing and by using
critical thinking rather than by memorization. Taking an interactive exam
in class or participating in tech-enabled group discussions could suffice as
an introduction to this concept. In addition to affecting how you solve
problems, adapt, and think, technological distractions have a pronounced
psychological influence. You could, for example, use a web resource to
learn more about something you saw on television. While this removes
your focus away from the program, it also reduces the ability of your brain
to use its stored information.