VC SpyGlass Functional Safety Manual

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VC SpyGlass™

Functional Safety Manual

Version S-2021.09, September 2021
Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.
Copyright and Proprietary Information Notice
© 2021 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and proprietary information that is the
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All technical data contained in this publication is subject to the export control laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to
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Synopsys and certain Synopsys product names are trademarks of Synopsys, as set forth at
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Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

1 Customer Support .............................................................................................................................. 4
Accessing SolvNetPlus ..................................................................................................................... 4
Availability of Product Documentation ............................................................................................... 4
Contacting Synopsys Support ........................................................................................................... 4
2 Scope of This Document .................................................................................................................... 5
Using This Document ........................................................................................................................ 5
Terms and Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 5
3 Confidence in the Use of Software Tools According to ISO 26262-8, Clause 11 ............................... 9
Overview of ISO 26262-8, Clause 11................................................................................................ 9
Work Split between Synopsys and Tool Users ............................................................................... 10
4 VC SpyGlass Description ................................................................................................................. 15
Coverage ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Compliance with ISO 26262............................................................................................................ 15
Product Documentation and Support .............................................................................................. 15
Installation and Supported Platforms .............................................................................................. 16
User Competence ........................................................................................................................... 16
Managing Known Safety-Related Defects ...................................................................................... 17
Managing New Releases ................................................................................................................ 17
5 Synopsys Verification Tool Chain ..................................................................................................... 18
6 Use Cases ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Use Case 1: Design Read and Syntax Check................................................................................. 19
Use Case 2: VC SpyGlass Lint ....................................................................................................... 21
Use Case 3: VC SpyGlass CDC ..................................................................................................... 22
Use Case 4: VC SpyGlass RDC ..................................................................................................... 23
7 Limitations of Use Cases .................................................................................................................. 26
Appendix A Software Tool Information ............................................................................................ 27
Appendix B Complete List of CoU and AoU IDs .............................................................................. 30

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

Customer Support
This section describes the customer support that is available through the Synopsys SolvNetPlus®
customer support website or by contacting the Synopsys support center.

Accessing SolvNetPlus
The SolvNetPlus support site includes an electronic knowledge base of technical articles and
answers to frequently asked questions about Synopsys tools. The site also gives you access to a
wide range of Synopsys online services, which include downloading software, viewing
documentation, and entering a call to the Support Center.
To access the SolvNetPlus site:
1. Go to the web page at
2. If prompted, enter your user name and password. (If you do not have a Synopsys user name and
password, follow the instructions to register.)

If you need help using the site, click Help on the menu bar.

Availability of Product Documentation

The product documentation for the VC SpyGlass product is available at VC SpyGlass Online Help on

Contacting Synopsys Support

If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, you can contact the Synopsys support center in the
following ways:
• Go to the Synopsys Global Support Centers site on There you can find e-mail
addresses and telephone numbers for Synopsys support centers throughout the world.
• Go to either the Synopsys SolvNetPlus site or the Synopsys Global Support Centers site and
open a case online (Synopsys user name and password required).

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Scope of This Document
This section describes the scope of this document and defines terms used in this document.

Using This Document

The VC SpyGlass Functional Safety Manual describes the proper use of the VC SpyGlass tool in
safety-related applications according to the ISO 26262 standard, and is intended to confirm the
compliance of the VC SpyGlass tool to the standard when used in the context of a tool chain.
VC SpyGlass provides designers with insight about their design, early in the process at RTL, using
many advanced algorithms and analysis techniques. It enables them to solve various design issues in
the early stages of the design, so as to facilitate successful implementation for complex SoCs.

Section 3 describes an overview of the ISO 26262-8, clause 11 and the approach adopted by
Synopsys to comply with the requirements of the standard. Section 4 defines the general information
such as where to find the latest documentation and installation requirements regarding the use of the
VC SpyGlass tool as a software tool in the development of safety-related applications. Section 5
shows the high-level overview of the tool chain that this product belongs to. Section 6 details the
safety-related requirements for safety-qualified use cases of the VC SpyGlass tool. Section 7 lists the
known limitations of the use cases.
Specific documentation for performing design and analysis as part of an ISO 26262 compliant flow is
provided in Section 3, Section 5, Section 6, Appendix A, and Appendix B of this document, the VC
SpyGlass Functional Safety Manual.

Terms and Definitions

Term Definition
AoU Assumption of Use.
An action that is assumed and required to be taken by the user of a
software tool.

ASIL Automotive Safety Integrity Level.

This is a risk classification scheme defined by the standard ISO 26262.
The standard identifies four levels: ASIL A, ASIL B, ASIL C, and ASIL D.
ASIL D dictates the highest integrity requirements on a product and ASIL
A dictates the lowest.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Term Definition
CDC Clock Domain Crossing

Component A part of an electronic system that implements a function in a vehicle. See

also Part 1 of the standard ISO 26262 for the definition. The standard also
refers to elements and items, but for the VC SpyGlass Functional Safety
Manual, there is no difference.

CoU Condition of Use.

A condition of the design, software tool, design environment, or situation
that is assumed and required to be fulfilled by the user.

.db A binary file format for storing logic library data.

DC Design Compiler
Standard Synopsys Tool

Defect Product nonconformance.

Error An error is a discrepancy between the actual and the specified or

theoretically correct operation of an element.
The root causes of an error can be manifold. In this document, the focus
is on errors that are introduced or left undetected in a design, due to the
malfunction in a software tool (e.g. generation of bad logic by a logic
synthesis tool, failure of a static timing analysis tool to detect a timing

Fault An abnormal condition that can cause an element or item to fail.

Fault analysis An analysis that determines the behavior of a system when a fault is

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.

An analysis that looks at different parts of a system, identifies ways the
parts could fail, and determines the causes and effects of these potential

HDL Hardware Description Language

Language for describing designs at RTL. Supports Verilog,
SystemVerilog, and VHDL.

ICC IC Compiler
Standard Synopsys Tool

JIRA Internal Synopsys database that manages customer STARs.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

Term Definition
PT PrimeTime
Standard Synopsys Tool

RDC Reset Domain Crossing

RTL Register transfer level.

High-level description of the chip functionality.

SDC Synopsys Design Constraints.

Standard file format for timing constraints.
<sessionName>_cpdb A binary file format for storing the session using
checkpoint_session command, where <sessionName> is the name
specified with -session argument.

Software tool criteria Analysis according to ISO 26262 to determine the required TCL of a
evaluation software tool.

Software tool Means to create evidence, that a software tool with low or medium TCL is
qualification suitable to be used in the development of safety related products
according to ISO 26262.

SolvNetPlus Synopsys customer support site.

Standard In this document, refers to ISO 26262 Road Vehicles – Functional Safety,
2011 and 2018 versions.

STAR Synopsys Technical Action Request.

A STAR documents and tracks a product Bug or Enhancement request
(called a B-STAR or an E-STAR, respectively). It is stored in the
Synopsys CRM database.
Only Synopsys employees can access the CRM database. However,
limited STAR information is available from SolvNetPlus for customers who
are associated with the user site of a STAR. Customer contacts are
notified automatically when a STAR is filed or when its status changes.

TD Tool error detection, as defined in ISO 26262-8, clause 11.

TI Tool impact, as defined in ISO 26262-8, clause 11.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Term Definition
Use case A use case is a specific way of using a software tool, that can be
characterized by:
- a limited set of tool functions and features that are used;
- a set of restrictions and constraints that are regarded while using
the tool; and
- a specific goal to be achieved or output to be generated by using
the software tool
Use cases may be associated with different steps or phases in the design
process, or they may describe alternative ways of using the tool for a
specific design step.

VCS Verilog Compiler and Simulator

Standard Synopsys Tool

VCSPG Abbreviation for the tool name.

VC SpyGlass The tool name.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

Confidence in the Use of Software Tools According to
ISO 26262-8, Clause 11
This section provides an overview of the ISO 26262-8, clause 11. It then describes the approach
adopted by Synopsys to comply with the requirements of the standard, and how this is mapped to
activities performed by Synopsys and the end user of the Synopsys tools.

Overview of ISO 26262-8, Clause 11

Synopsys EDA software tools contribute significantly to the design specification, implementation,
integration, verification and validation of electrical and electronic (E/E) systems and components. If
these E/E systems and components are used as part of a safety-related automotive product, an error
in these systems or components could have severe consequences on functional safety. Such an error
may arise as a result of unforeseen operating conditions or due to a fault introduced during product
development, which in turn may be caused by a software tool malfunction. ISO 26262-8, clause 11
(Confidence in the Use of Software Tools) addresses this issue and specifies requirements and
methods which aim to minimize the risk of faults in the developed product due to malfunctions of a
software tool affecting the product’s functional safety.
According to ISO 26262, to determine the required level of confidence in a software tool that is used
in the development of a safety-related automotive product, the following criteria are evaluated:
• The possibility that the malfunctioning software tool and its corresponding erroneous output can
introduce or fail to detect errors in a safety-related element being developed.
• The confidence in preventing or detecting such errors in its corresponding output.
This procedure is called Software Tool Criteria Evaluation, and it must be performed for all software
tools that are involved in the development of a safety-related element, resulting in a required Tool
Confidence Level (TCL) for each software tool.
If the software tool criteria evaluation determines that a medium or high TCL is required, then
appropriate Software Qualification methods must be applied, effectively reducing the risk of a critical
software tool error. The choice of software qualification methods depends on the required TCL and
the maximum ASIL of all the safety requirements allocated to the element developed using the
software tool. However, if the software tool criteria evaluation determines that only a low TCL is
required, then there is no need to apply such software qualification methods.
The software tool criteria evaluation and software tool qualification flow is summarized in Figure 1.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Figure 1: Software tool criteria evaluation and software tool qualification flow

Work Split between Synopsys and Tool Users

A software tool criteria evaluation must always be performed in the development environment of the
final tool user, and in the context of the actual product development. It is in this context, where
potential tool malfunctions, their effect on the safety-related product, and the effectiveness of
prevention and detection measures must be analyzed.
However, the tool vendor can support the tool user by performing a software tool criteria evaluation
(and, if required, a software tool qualification) on their own, based on assumed tool use cases and an
assumed development environment. If the assumptions made by the tool vendor match the actual
situation at the tool user, then the user can take over the evaluation (and qualification) results from
the tool vendor. Besides significantly reducing the effort for the tool user, this approach can also
result in a better quality for the software tool criteria evaluation and qualification, since the tool vendor
typically has a more detailed understanding of the inner working and possible malfunctions of the
software tool.
Synopsys has adopted exactly this approach, which is summarized in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Work Split between Synopsys and Tool Users

Synopsys performs the following activities:

1. Software tool criteria evaluation
• Identification of possible use cases for the software tool, together with required inputs and
expected outputs
• Specification of conditions of use (CoU) for each use case, related to the development
environment in which the tool is assumed to be deployed, including tool usage procedures and
• Analysis of potential software tool malfunctions, and their effect on a safety-related product
that is developed with this tool
• Analysis of prevention and detection measures internal to the software tool, to avoid tool
malfunctions, or to control and mitigate their effects
• Specification of assumptions of use (AoU), which are additional prevention and detection
measures assumed to be performed by the end user of the tool

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

• Estimation of the Tool Impact (TI) for each malfunction, and the probability of Tool error
Detection (TD) by the prevention and detection mechanisms (including assumptions of use)
• Determination of the required Tool Confidence Level (TCL) for each software tool
malfunction, based on TI and TD
• Determination of the maximum TCL from all software tool malfunctions related to a use case.
This is called the pre-determined TCL for the software tool use case
• Summary of the results in a software tool criteria evaluation report

2. Software tool qualification

• If the pre-determined TCL indicates, that a medium (TCL2) or high (TCL3) tool confidence
level is required for the software tool, then Synopsys may decide to perform a software tool
• The specific methods applied for tool qualification can vary for different tools and use cases,
and they may include an evaluation of the software tool development process, the validation of
the complete software tool, the validation of critical tool malfunctions with insufficient
prevention and detection measures, or other methods
• Summary of the qualification methods, procedures and results in a software tool qualification

3. Safety manual for the software tool

• The VC SpyGlass Functional Safety Manual (this document) is an important deliverable to the
tool users, as it includes all end user-relevant information from the Synopsys software tool
criteria evaluation and qualification
• Software tool criteria evaluation related information, documented in Section 6, includes:
o Description of software tool use cases
o Description of the required inputs and expected outputs for each use case
o Specification of conditions of use (CoU – conditions of the design, software tool, design
environment, or situation that are assumed and required to be fulfilled by the user) for
each use case
o Specification of assumptions of use (AoU – actions that are assumed and required to be
taken by the user of a software tool) for each use case
o Pre-determined TCL for each use case
• Software tool qualification related information (not required for the VC SpyGlass tool and
therefore not included in this safety manual)
o Description of the scope of the software tool qualification, including malfunctions and
scenarios covered by the qualification
o Specification of additional conditions of use (CoU) derived from the software tool
o Specification of additional assumptions of use (AoU) derived from the software tool
• Other information included in this safety manual
o General information about the software tool needed by the tool user (see Appendix A)
o Known limitations of the software tool, related to the described use cases as
documented in Section 7

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4. Certification and assessment report
• Synopsys may decide to perform a functional safety assessment, to confirm the correctness,
completeness and ISO 26262 conformance of the performed software tool criteria evaluation
and qualification
• Synopsys may also decide to achieve certification from an accredited third-party certification
body, in addition to the functional safety assessment
• The results of these activities are summarized in a functional safety assessment report and a
certificate which can be viewed at exida Certificate for ISO 26262 Compliance

If the tool user wants to benefit from the work done by Synopsys, then according to Figure 2 above,
the user shall perform the following activities for each software tool:

1. Software tool criteria evaluation

• Review and verify that the software tool criteria evaluation (and qualification) performed by
Synopsys, as documented in the tool‘s Functional Safety Manual, matches the actual situation
of the user’s product development process
o Verify whether the actual use case(s) of the software tool match those evaluated by
o Verify whether the actual inputs and outputs are identical to or a sub-set of those as
evaluated by Synopsys
o Verify that all conditions of use (CoU) specified by Synopsys are met, or whether the
development process can be adjusted to meet these CoU(s)
o Verify that all assumptions of use (AoU) specified by Synopsys are met, or whether the
development process can be adjusted to meet these AoU(s)
o Verify that the pre-determined Tool Confidence Level (TCL) for the relevant use case(s)
are TCL1, or
o Verify that Synopsys has successfully performed an additional software tool qualification
for all TCL2 and TCL3 scenarios to conclude that the tool is suitable to be used for the
development of a safety-related element of the same or higher ASIL than required by
the user
• If all the verification steps described above are successful, then the results of the Synopsys
software tool criterial evaluation (and qualification) are applicable to the tool user, which
o The required TCL pre-determined by Synopsys can be taken over by the tool user for
actual product development
o If the pre-determined TCL is TCL1, then the tool can be used without the need to
perform any additional software tool qualification
o If the pre-determined TCL is TCL2 or TCL3, then the software tool qualification
performed by Synopsys is sufficient, and the tool can be used without the need for
further software tool qualification by the end user
• All of the steps above must be documented in a software tool criteria evaluation report,
including evidence for the successful conclusion of all verification steps, which may include
reference to the Synopsys Functional Safety Manual, and optionally, to the Synopsys
certification and assessment report

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

2. Software tool qualification
• If any of the verification steps described above as part of the tool user’s software tool criteria
evaluation fails (e.g. different use case, CoU or AoU cannot be met, pre-determined TCL is not
TCL1 and Synopsys has not performed a software tool qualification), then the user must
perform his/her own software tool qualification
• The specific methods applied for tool qualification are decided and planned by the tool user --
Synopsys does not recommend any specific methods or procedures
• The summary of the qualification methods, procedures and results shall be documented in a
software tool qualification report

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

VC SpyGlass Description
This section provides a general description regarding the use of the VC SpyGlass tool as a software
tool in the development of safety-related applications and describes where to get the latest product
documentation and the runtime environment required to use the VC SpyGlass tool.

The VC SpyGlass Functional Safety Manual is intended to be used starting with version 2019.06-1
and later versions of the VC SpyGlass tool per the use cases presented in this document. In general,
unless otherwise noted, the failure modes and detection mechanisms noted in the use cases
presented in Section 6 are tool version independent.

Compliance with ISO 26262

The VC SpyGlass tool can be used in the development of safety-related elements according to
ISO 26262, with allocated safety requirements up to a maximum Automotive Safety Integrity Level D
(ASIL D), if the tool is used in the context of a tool chain and in compliance with this document, the
VC SpyGlass Functional Safety Manual.
See the Exida Certificate for ISO 26262 Compliance of Synopsys VC SpyGlass when used in a tool
chain flow.

Product Documentation and Support

Comprehensive documentation for using the VC SpyGlass tool is provided on SolvNetPlus. The latest
documentation for the VC SpyGlass tool can be accessed at VC SpyGlass Online Help on
Specific documentation for performing design and analysis as part of an ISO 26262 compliant flow is
provided in Section 3, Section 5, Section 6 and Appendix A of this document, the VC SpyGlass
Functional Safety Manual.
Synopsys provides online customer support for the VC SpyGlass tool. See Section 1 for more

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Installation and Supported Platforms
The installation of the VC SpyGlass tool must follow the guidelines in the Synopsys® Installation
Guide as well as the specific VC SpyGlass Installation Notes document.
Users are required to download the tool executable and INSTALL_README from the SolvNetPlus
site at
Supported platforms and operating systems requirements:
• For installation instructions, see the Synopsys® Installation Guide at
• For the latest supported binary-compatible hardware platform or operating system, including
required operating system patches, see
• If updates (including security patches) to computing environments (including operating systems)
are backward compatible with previous versions of the computing environment used to test the VC
SpyGlass tool, the results of the testing performed by Synopsys using such previous versions are
Additional information:
• For information about the compute platforms roadmap, go to
• For platform notices, go to
• For information regarding the license key retrieval process, go to

User Competence
To properly use the VC SpyGlass tool, a user must have a good understanding and working
knowledge of the following:
• Semiconductor Design and Verification Methods
• RTL Coding in Verilog, SystemVerilog and VHDL
• The ISO 26262 standard
• Documentation of the VC SpyGlass tool, such as the User Guides, at VC SpyGlass
Online Help on SolvNetPlus.
• This Functional Safety Manual
• The published list of safety-related defects for the VC SpyGlass tool available at
VC SpyGlass Master List of Safety-Related Issues on SolvNetPlus.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

• Applicability of the VC SpyGlass tool in the overall tool chain

Managing Known Safety-Related Defects

Synopsys maintains current information for every reported defect through STARs. The VC SpyGlass
team evaluates each reported issue for potential impact on functional safety.
A list of all known safety-related defects for each release of the VC SpyGlass tool is available on a
SolvNetPlus knowledge base article and is referenced from the VC SpyGlass Release Notes.
VC SpyGlass users must assess, as part of their own software tool criteria evaluation, the potential
impact of the known safety-related defects in their design and must ensure mitigation of any relevant
safety-related defects.

Managing New Releases

Synopsys can release new versions of the VC SpyGlass tool at any time to extend its functionality or
to fix defects. When a new version is available, notification is posted on the SolvNetPlus site. A
subscription service is available for users to be notified of any new product releases.
When installing a new version of the VC SpyGlass tool, users must evaluate the impact of any known
safety-related defects in their design by checking the accompanying VC SpyGlass Release Notes for
the following:
• Any changes that apply to safety-related use cases
• List of known safety-related defects in the new version of the VC SpyGlass tool
In addition, users must refer to the latest version of this document, the VC SpyGlass Functional
Safety Manual, available with the product release contents.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Synopsys Verification Tool Chain
This section provides an overview of where the VC SpyGlass tool is used in the tool chain.
The ISO 26262 standard provides a methodology and requirements for software tool criteria
evaluation and qualification (see ISO 26262-8, clause 11). It applies to software tools used for the
development of safety-related designs where it is essential that the tool operates correctly without
introducing or failing to detect errors in the safety-related design.
The suitability of a software tool to be used in the development of a safety-related design is
determined in the software tool criteria evaluation, which results in a Tool Confidence Level (TCL): a
level of confidence that the software tool does not introduce or fail to detect an error in the design
without being noticed, and mitigated before the design is released as a safety-related product. This
evaluation is best performed in the context of the overall software tool chain and development flow, in
which the individual software tool is used. The following high-level diagram reflects the tool chain for
which the VC SpyGlass tool is applicable.

Figure 3: Synopsys Verification Tool Chain

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

Use Cases
This section describes the safety-qualified use cases of the VC SpyGlass tool. Users should also
perform TCL determination based on their specific Use Cases.
The VC SpyGlass tool enables the user to solve various design issues in the early stages of the
design. It provides the following functionality:
1. Design Read and Syntax Check
During Design Read and Syntax Checks, the tool performs syntax and semantic checks on the

2. VC SpyGlass Lint
During VC SpyGlass Lint step, the tool checks HDL designs for coding style, language
construct usage, simulation performance, and synthesizability.

3. VC SpyGlass CDC
During VC SpyGlass CDC step, the tool detects clock-domain crossing at a very early stage of
design cycle.

4. VC SpyGlass RDC
During VC SpyGlass RDC step, the tool detects reset-domain crossing at a very early stage of
design cycle.

Use Case 1: Design Read and Syntax Check

In the Design Read and Syntax Check use case, the goal is to perform syntax and semantic checks
on the design.
In this use case, the VC SpyGlass tool uses and generates the following main inputs and outputs.
• Input data:
o RTL/Netlist (.v, .vhd, .sv)
o Library file (.db)
o Execution scripts: TCL script (.tcl)
o Constraint file: SDC (.sdc)
o Waiver (.tcl)
o <sessionName>_cpdb
• Expected Outputs:

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

o Reports: report_read.rpt
o Log files: vcst_session.log, vnrstat.txt (performance data)
o Optional outputs: <sessionName>_cpdb and waiver (.tcl)

For this use case of the VC SpyGlass tool, the following conditions of use (constraints for the design
and design environment, recommended procedures for the tool usage, etc.) shall be met:
• CoU-VCSPG-001: User shall follow the VC SpyGlass User Methodology or use equivalent
• CoU-VCSPG-002: The tool shall be used in batch mode. Only for debugging GUI may be

For this use case of the VC SpyGlass tool, the following assumptions of use (required actions to be
taken by the tool user to prevent or detect design errors due to possible tool malfunctions) shall be
• AoU-VCSPG-001: User shall review and attend to all the errors and warnings in report_read.rpt
and vcst_session.log.
• AoU-VCSPG-005: User shall review report_read.rpt and vcst_session.log files for the expected
content and results.
• AoU-VCSPG-006: User shall check that all the expected outputs are generated with an up-to-
date timestamp.
• AoU-VCSPG-007: User shall look for errors or warnings in down-stream tools (such as Design
Compiler, VCS, ICC or PrimeTime) which may indicate any syntax error that was overlooked by
VC SpyGlass.

All analyzed failure modes and prevention, detection and mitigation measures (including conditions
and assumptions of use listed above) are independent of the exact VC SpyGlass tool version.

A software tool criteria evaluation performed by Synopsys according to ISO 26262-8, clause 11,
which assumes the fulfillment of all conditions of use (CoU) and assumptions of use (AoU) as
described above, results in a required tool confidence level:

TCL1 for VC SpyGlass Use Case 1: Design Read and Syntax Check

In this case, no further activities for software tool qualification are required.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

Use Case 2: VC SpyGlass Lint
In the VC SpyGlass Lint use case, the goal is to check HDL designs for coding style, language construct
usage, simulation performance, and synthesizability.
In this use case, the VC SpyGlass tool uses and generates the following main inputs and outputs.
• Input data:
o RTL/Netlist (.v, .vhd, .sv)
o Library file (.db)
o Execution script: TCL script (.tcl)
o Waiver (.tcl)
o <sessionName>_cpdb
• Expected Outputs:
o Reports: report_lint.rpt
o Log files: vcst_session.log, vnrstat.txt (performance data)
o Optional outputs: <sessionName>_cpdb and waiver (.tcl)

For this use case of the VC SpyGlass tool, the following conditions of use (constraints for the design
and design environment, recommended procedures for the tool usage, etc.) shall be met:
• CoU-VCSPG-001: User shall follow the VC SpyGlass User Methodology or use equivalent
• CoU-VCSPG-002: The tool shall be used in batch mode. Only for debugging GUI may be
For this use case of the VC SpyGlass tool, the following assumptions of use (required actions to be
taken by the tool user to prevent or detect design errors due to possible tool malfunctions) shall be
• AoU-VCSPG-001: User shall review and attend to all the errors and warnings in report_read.rpt
and vcst_session.log.
• AoU-VCSPG-002: User shall review report_lint.rpt for related errors and warnings.
• AoU-VCSPG-005: User shall review report_read.rpt and vcst_session.log files for the expected
content and results.
• AoU-VCSPG-006: User shall check that all the expected outputs are generated with an up-to-
date timestamp.
• AoU-VCSPG-008: User shall look for errors or warnings in down-stream tools (such as Design
Compiler or VCS), which may indicate any linting error that was overlooked by VC SpyGlass

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

All analyzed failure modes and prevention, detection and mitigation measures (including conditions
and assumptions of use listed above) are independent of the exact VC SpyGlass tool version.

A software tool criteria evaluation performed by Synopsys according to ISO 26262-8, clause 11,
which assumes the fulfillment of all conditions of use (CoU) and assumptions of use (AoU) as
described above, results in a required tool confidence level:

TCL1 for VC SpyGlass Use Case 2: VC SpyGlass Lint

In this case, no further activities for software tool qualification are required.

Use Case 3: VC SpyGlass CDC

In the VC SpyGlass CDC use case, the goal is to detect clock-domain crossing (CDC) related issue at
a very early stage of design cycle.
In this use case, the VC SpyGlass tool uses and generates the following main inputs and outputs.
• Input data:
o RTL/Netlist (.v, .vhd, .sv)
o Library file (.db)
o Execution script: TCL script (.tcl)
o Constraint file (.sdc)
o Waiver (.tcl)
o <sessionName>_cpdb
• Expected Outputs:
o Reports: report_cdc.rpt
o Log files: vcst_session.log, vnrstat.txt (performance data)
o Optional outputs: <sessionName>_cpdb, waiver (.tcl), assertion file (.sv).

For this use case of the VC SpyGlass tool, the following conditions of use (constraints for the design
and design environment, recommended procedures for the tool usage, etc.) shall be met:
• CoU-VCSPG-001: User shall follow the VC SpyGlass User Methodology or use equivalent
• CoU-VCSPG-002: The tool shall be used in batch mode. Only for debugging GUI may be

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

For this use case of VC SpyGlass tool, the following assumptions of use (required actions to be taken
by the tool user to prevent or detect design errors due to possible tool malfunctions) shall be met:
• AoU-VCSPG-001: User shall review and attend to all the errors and warnings in report_read.rpt
and vcst_session.log.
• AoU-VCSPG-003: User shall review report_cdc.rpt for related errors and warnings.
• AoU-VCSPG-005: User shall review report_read.rpt and vcst_session.log files for the expected
content and results.
• AoU-VCSPG-006: User shall check that all the expected outputs are generated with an up-to-
date timestamp.
• AoU-VCSPG-009: User shall look for errors or warnings in static timing analysis tool (such as
Primetime) for any missing clock synchronization issue overlooked by VC SpyGlass.
• AoU-VCSPG-010: User shall generate assertions by running VC SpyGlass CDC and verify the
results through RTL simulation by using a simulator (such as VCS) for Convergence, Data
enable sequencing, Data loss issues, and through gate-level simulation for Glitch issues
overlooked by VC SpyGlass.

All analyzed failure modes and prevention, detection and mitigation measures (including conditions
and assumptions of use listed above) are independent of the exact VC SpyGlass tool version.

A software tool criteria evaluation performed by Synopsys according to ISO 26262-8, clause 11,
which assumes the fulfillment of all conditions of use (CoU) and assumptions of use (AoU) as
described above, results in a required tool confidence level:

TCL1 for VC SpyGlass Use Case 3: VC SpyGlass CDC

In this case, no further activities for software tool qualification are required.

Use Case 4: VC SpyGlass RDC

In the VC SpyGlass RDC use case, the goal is to detect reset-domain crossing (RDC) related issues
at a very early stage of design cycle.
In this use case, the VC SpyGlass tool uses and generates the following main inputs and outputs.
• Input data:
o RTL/Netlist (.v, .vhd, .sv)
o Library file (.db)

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

o Execution script: TCL script (.tcl)
o Constraint file (.sdc)
o Waiver (.tcl)
o <sessionName>_cpdb
• Expected Outputs:
o Reports: report_rdc.rpt
o Log files: vcst_session.log, vnrstat.txt (performance data)
o Optional outputs: <sessionName>_cpdb, waiver (.tcl), assertion file (.sv).

For this use case of the VC SpyGlass tool, the following conditions of use (constraints for the design
and design environment, recommended procedures for the tool usage, etc.) shall be met:
• CoU-VCSPG-001: User shall follow the VC SpyGlass User Methodology or use equivalent
• CoU-VCSPG-002: The tool shall be used in batch mode. Only for debugging GUI may be
For this use case of VC SpyGlass tool, the following assumptions of use (required actions to be taken
by the tool user to prevent or detect design errors due to possible tool malfunctions) shall be met:
• AoU-VCSPG-001: User shall review and attend to all the errors and warnings in report_read.rpt
and vcst_session.log.
• AoU-VCSPG-004: User shall review report_rdc.rpt for related errors and warnings.
• AoU-VCSPG-005: User shall review report_read.rpt and vcst_session.log files for the expected
content and results.
• AoU-VCSPG-006: User shall check that all the expected outputs are generated with an up-to-
date timestamp.
• AoU-VCSPG-011: User shall generate assertions by running VC SpyGlass RDC and verify the
results through RTL simulation by using a simulator (such as VCS) for RDC issues overlooked
by VC SpyGlass.

All analyzed failure modes and prevention, detection and mitigation measures (including conditions
and assumptions of use listed above) are independent of the exact VC SpyGlass tool version.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

A software tool criteria evaluation performed by Synopsys according to ISO 26262-8, clause 11,
which assumes the fulfillment of all conditions of use (CoU) and assumptions of use (AoU) as
described above, results in a required tool confidence level:

TCL1 for VC SpyGlass Use Case 4: VC SpyGlass RDC

In this case, no further activities for software tool qualification are required.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Limitations of Use Cases
This section describes all known limitations of the use cases mentioned in the previous section.

All known safety-related issues for the VC SpyGlass tool are listed in the VC SpyGlass Master List of
Safety-Related Issues on SolvNetPlus.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

Appendix A
Software Tool Information
This section provides general information about the VC SpyGlass software tool, which is needed by
the tool user for performing his/her software tool criteria evaluation.

The following information about the VC SpyGlass tool is required according to ISO 26262-8, for the
planning of the usage of a software tool (clause 11.4.4) and the preparation of the own software tool
criteria evaluation (clause 11.4.5).
Please note that some of the information below provided by Synopsys simply needs to be confirmed
by the tool user and can be used without modification. Other information must be completed or
updated by the tool user to reflect his/her actual situation.
Required Info Tool Information Reference / Comment
Tool vendor Synopsys, Inc. ISO 26262-8,
Tool name and VC SpyGlass ISO 26262-8,
version To determine tool version,
vc_static_shell -id
Tool use cases ISO 26262-8,
ISO 26262-8,
To be completed by the tool
user. Align with / verify
against use cases
described in Section 6 of
this document.
Tool inputs and ISO 26262-8,
expected To be completed by the tool
outputs user. Align with / verify
against inputs and outputs
described in Section 6 of
this document.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Required Info Tool Information Reference / Comment
Tool ISO 26262-8,
configuration ISO 26262-8,
and constraints
To be completed by the tool
user. Align with / verify
against CoU for the use
cases described in Section
6 of this document.
Tool Refer to the VC SpyGlass Installation Notes at ISO 26262-8,
environment To be completed by the tool
(OS) Click the VC SpyGlass tool name, release number, user. Align with / verify
and then "View installation guide" for tool version- against the OS version
specific OS support. evaluated by Synopsys.
To determine Linux version,
uname -osr
Tool ISO 26262-8,
environment To be completed by the tool
(CAD tool user. To determine name
chain) and version of your tool
chain, please consult your
CAD department.
Maximum ASIL ASIL D ISO 26262-8,
Tool Not applicable ISO 26262-8,
qualification Software tool qualification
methods is not required for VC
User manual VC SpyGlass Online Help ISO 26262-8, – d
and other usage VC SpyGlass Reference Methodologies Tool user to include a link
guide to these documents
documents (Synopsys SolvNetPlus or
local copy), and to add any
additional company-internal
tool usage guidelines.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

Required Info Tool Information Reference / Comment
Known software For limitations, refer to Section 7 of this document. ISO 26262-8,
tool VC SpyGlassMaster List of Safety-Related Issues Tool user to include a link
malfunctions, to these documents
and appropriate (Synopsys SolvNetPlus or
work arounds local copy), and to add any
additional company-internal
work around descriptions.
Measures for ISO 26262-8,
the detection of To be completed by the tool
tool user. Align with / verify
malfunctions against AoU for the use
cases described in Section
6 of this document.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.

Appendix B
Complete List of CoU and AoU IDs
The complete list of Conditions of Use (CoU) for VC SpyGlass is in the table below. CoU defines a
condition of the design, software tool, design environment, or situation that is assumed and required
to be fulfilled by the user.

ID Description

CoU-VCSPG-001 User shall follow the VC SpyGlass User Methodology or use equivalent scripts.

CoU-VCSPG-002 The tool shall be used in batch mode. Only for debugging GUI may be used.

The complete list of Assumptions of Use (AoU) for VC SpyGlass is in the table below. AoU defines
an action that is assumed and required to be taken by the user of a software tool.

ID Description

User shall review and attend to all the errors and warnings in report_read.rpt
and vcst_session.log.

AoU-VCSPG-002 User shall review report_lint.rpt for related errors and warnings.

AoU-VCSPG-003 User shall review report_cdc.rpt for related errors and warnings.

AoU-VCSPG-004 User shall review report_rdc.rpt for related errors and warnings.

AoU-VCSPG-005 User shall review report_read.rpt and vcst_session.log files for the expected
content and results.

AoU-VCSPG-006 User shall check that all the expected outputs are generated with an up-to-
date timestamp.

AoU-VCSPG-007 User shall look for errors or warnings in down-stream tools (such as Design
Compiler, VCS, ICC or PrimeTime) which may indicate any syntax error that
was overlooked by VC SpyGlass.

AoU-VCSPG-008 User shall look for errors or warnings in down-stream tools (such as Design
Compiler or VCS), which may indicate any linting error that was overlooked by
VC SpyGlass Lint.

Synopsys, Inc. Version S-2021.09, September 2021

ID Description

AoU-VCSPG-009 User shall look for errors or warnings in static timing analysis tool (such as
Primetime) for any missing clock synchronization issue overlooked by VC SpyGlass.

Version S-2021.09, September 2021 Synopsys, Inc.


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