All My X's Come From Texas Not!!: Matt Weber Jason Pecor

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All My X’s Come From Texas…Not!!

Matt Weber
Jason Pecor

Silicon Logic Engineering

[email protected]
[email protected]


Undertaking gate level simulation can put you on the fast track to confusion, frustration, and
language more colorful than an X infested simulation waveform. This paper will look at the
reasons for doing gate level simulation anyway, describe design and library "features" that can
cause gate level simulation problems, and discuss potential solutions to these problems.
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Issues caused by Library Models....................................................................................... 4
2.1 Pointing to Library Models ........................................................................................... 4
2.2 Specify Blocks............................................................................................................... 5
2.3 #1 Delays (also called #$%*&^ delays)........................................................................ 5
2.4 Pessimistic X propagation............................................................................................. 6
3.0 Issues caused by Design .................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Registers that don’t get reset ......................................................................................... 8
3.2 Clock dividers ............................................................................................................. 11
4.0 Issues caused by Synthesis .............................................................................................. 15
4.1 Keep resets close to registers....................................................................................... 15
4.2 Incomplete Logic Optimization Interferes With Reset................................................ 16
4.3 Feedback problems...................................................................................................... 17
5.0 Issues when running SDF based gate level simulation ................................................... 18
5.1 Effects of timing failures............................................................................................. 18
5.2 Expected Timing Violations........................................................................................ 19
5.2.1 Synchronizers for clock domain crossings .......................................................... 19
5.2.2 Multi-cycle paths................................................................................................. 20
6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations................................................................................ 20

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Simple Clock Divider .................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Clock Divider with Reset (won't work) ......................................................................... 8
Figure 3: Transfer From Fast Clock to Divide By 2 Clock ......................................................... 11
Figure 4: Race Condition in Transfer to Divide By 2 Clock Domain......................................... 12
Figure 5: SDF Fixes Race Condition to Divide By 2 Clock Domain ........................................ 13
Figure 6: Reset Close to Target Register..................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: Synthesis Result........................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8: AND-OR Combination Prevents Reset From Clearing X's......................................... 16
Figure 9: Logic Optimization Fixes X Problem.......................................................................... 16
Figure 10: Even Better Logic Optimization ................................................................................ 17
Figure 11: Simple Flop to Flop Path ........................................................................................... 17
Figure 12: “Creative” Logic for Simple Flop to Flop Path ......................................................... 18
Figure 13: Synchronizer Circuit .................................................................................................. 19

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1.0 Introduction
With the widespread acceptance static timing and formal verification tools, companies are
increasingly asking the question, “Do we still need to do gate level simulations?” The most
common reason for asking this question is simple:

Gate level simulation is a great, big pain in the ASIC.

In a recent ESNUG article (, eighteen engineers

shared their view of the current usefulness of gate level simulation. Only one of those engineers
has completely removed gate level simulation from their design flow. The other engineers listed
many reasons for continuing to do some level of gate level simulation.
1. Since scan and other test structures are added during and after synthesis, they are not
checked by the rtl simulations and therefore need to be verified by gate level simulation.
2. Static timing analysis tools do not check asynchronous interfaces, so gate level simulation
is required to look at the timing of these interfaces.
3. Careless wildcards in the static timing constraints set false path or mutlicycle path
constraints where they don’t belong.
4. Design changes, typos, or misunderstanding of the design can lead to incorrect false paths
or multicycle paths in the static timing constraints.
5. Using create_clock instead of create_generated_clock leads to incorrect static timing
between clock domains.
6. Gate level simulation can be used to collect switching factor data for power estimation.
7. X’s in RTL simulation can be optimistic or pessimistic. The best way to verify that the
design does not have any unintended dependence on initial conditions is to run gate level
8. It’s a nice “warm fuzzy” that the design has been implemented correctly.

Some design teams use gate level simulation only in a zero-delay, ideal clock mode to check that
the design can come out of reset cleanly or that the test structures have been inserted properly.
Other teams do fully back annotated simulation as a way to check that the static timing
constraints have been set up correctly. In all cases, getting a gate level simulation up and running
is generally accompanied by a series of challenges so frustrating that they precipitate a shower of
adjectives as caustic as those typically directed at your most unreliable internet service provider.

There are many sources of trouble in gate level simulation. This paper will look at examples of
problems that can come from your library vendor, problems that come from the design, and
problems that can come from synthesis. It will also look at some of the additional challenges that
arise when running gate level simulation with back annotated SDF.

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2.0 Issues caused by Library Models
2.1 Pointing to Library Models
One of the first things that needs to be done to set up a gate level simulation is to point to the
technology vendor’s library models. The following VCS command line arguments are used to
accomplish this task:
• -v <path to models file>
The –v option is used to point to a single file which may include verilog modules for one
or more library cells.
• -y <path to models directory>
+libext+<filename extensions used by files in –y directories>
The –y option is used to point to a directory. This directory contains a separate verilog file
for each library cell. For VCS to find the code, the filename must match the module name
and use one of the filename extensions defined by the +libext+ argument.
• +incdir+<directories to look for `include files>
Sometimes (although rarely) a technology vendor’s library files may `include other files.
The +incdir+ option is used to define the directories where VCS will look for the
`included files.

When using the –y option to point to a directory of library cell models, the module name and
filename must match exactly. Sometimes you may find that they do not match; for example, the
module name is uppercase and the filename is lowercase. In these situations you must work
around the problem by using the –v option to point directly to the desired file(s). You should also
fix the problem at its source by informing your technology vendor of the troubles they are
causing you.

Some technology libraries are set up with separate verilog files for each library cell, but the
modules depend on user defined primitives which are collected in another file. In these cases, the
–y option can be used to get the library cell models, but the –v option will also be needed to point
to the file containing the user defined primitives.

Instead of directly including these –y and –v options on the VCS command line, they are often
put together into a technology specific file that can be referenced with VCS’ –f option.

-y /techlibs/your_technology/v6.0/verilog/
-v /techlibs/your_technology/v6.0/verilog/cell_udps.v
-y /techlibs/your_technology/v6.0_rams/verilog/
-y /techlibs/your_technology/v6.0_custom/verilog/

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2.2 Specify Blocks
Many library models include specify blocks which define a delay between a module’s inputs and
outputs. When trying to do a non-SDF, zero-delay simulation, these specify delays can get in
your way. The verilog for a buffer with a specify block may look like this:

module BUFX2 (Z, A);

output Z;
input A;
buf U0(Z, A);
(A *> Z) = (1.0, 1.0);

Typically, the specify blocks of the modules are set up in one of two ways:
1. All library cells are given specify block delays of 1ns as shown for the buffer above. This
arrangement will almost certainly cause simulation failures. If your simulation is running
with a 250MHz clock (4ns cycle time), any logic path with more than four gates will not
finish its updates in time for the next clock cycle to begin. Simulations with this problem
can often be difficult to debug as the logic at first appears to be engaged in all kinds of
interesting, creative, and nonsensical behavior. Adding +nospecify to the VCS command
line (or the technology specific options file described in section 2.1) is the correct way to
work around this problem.
2. The flops in the library may be given specify delays of 1ns or 0.1ns, but all combinational
cells are given specify delays of 0ns. This type of library setup can usually be run without
using the +nospecify option. The +nospecify option may still be needed if your clock is
faster than the specify time. Even if the +nospecify option is not required, you may want
to use it anyway because it does improve simulation performance.
In some cases, the specify blocks are included inside of `ifdef statements and can be avoided by
using the appropriate `define. The define can be set in either your testbench, or on the VCS
command line (or technology specific options file) with the +define+ command line option.

2.3 #1 Delays (also called #$%*&^ delays)

Some library models include # delays instead of, or in addition to, the specify delays described
above. Similar to the problems seen with specify delays, #1 delays primarily cause troubles when
they are used on combinational cells. VCS will igore the # delays when you set
`delay_mode_zero in your testbench code or use the +delay_mode_zero option on the VCS
command line. Using delay_mode_zero has the potential of causing other problems since
testbench code almost always includes some # delays. Fortunately, delay_mode_zero only affects
the delay specifications on gates, switches, continuous assignments and module paths. Delays
that are specified within initial or always blocks are unaffected. If all of the # delays in your
testbench code are inside of initial or always blocks, delay_mode_zero should allow you to work
with the library’s #$%*&^ delays.

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2.4 Pessimistic X propagation
The way that the library cell models are coded can have a significant impact on how effective
your reset signal is at clearing the initial X’s from your design. A classic example is a simple
multiplexer. Consider a multiplexer model coded like this:

primitive MUX2 (Z,D0,D1,SD);

output Z;
input D0,D1,SD;
// D0 D1 SD : Z
1 ? 0 : 1 ;
0 ? 0 : 0 ;
? 1 1 : 1 ;
? 0 1 : 0 ;

While this model is functionally correct, it can be pessimistic in its propagation of X’s. When the
D0 and D1 inputs are both 1’b1, the output of the mux should be 1’b1, regardless of the state of
the SD input. However, with the above code, a 1’bx on the SD will cause a 1’bx on the Z output,
even if D0 and D1 are both 1’b1. The following two lines are typically added to the UDP table
for a mux:

// D0 D1 SD : Z
0 0 x : 0 ;
1 1 x : 1 ;

While we have never seen a vendor’s library with pessimistic X propagation on a multiplexer, we
have seen this problem on more complex gates. Sometimes an element needed to be dropped
from the logic equation as in this example:

// Original : Z = A&!B | A&B&C

// Fixed : Z = A&!B | A&C
// When A=1’b1 and C=1’b1, the output should be 1’b1,
// regardless of the value of the B input. In the
// original equation B=1’bx will cause Z=1’bx. In the
// fixed equation, B=1’bx will correctly result in
// Z=1’b1.
// Note : The fixed equation is logically equivalent
// to the original equation

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Sometimes an element needed to be added to the logic equation:

// Original : Z = A&!B&C | A&B&D

// Fixed : Z = A&!B&C | A&B&D | A&C&D
// When A=1’b1, C=1’b1, and D=1’b1, the output should
// be 1’b1, regardless of the value of the B input.
// In the original equation B=1’bx will cause Z=1’bx.
// In the fixed equation, B=1’bx will correctly
// result in Z=1’b1.
// Note : The fixed equation is logically equivalent
// to the original equation

In all cases, the ultimate fix was obtained by having the technology vendor modify their library

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3.0 Issues caused by Design
3.1 Registers that don’t get reset
Although resetting every register in the design can be an effective way of clearing startup X’s
from a simulation, all those resets can affect not only the area, but also the performance and
routability of the design. Frequently, many designers will leave some registers without a direct
reset. Sometimes, the un-reset registers are expected to run without difficulty, and sometimes the
testbench needs to provide a mechanism to remove the initial X’s from these registers.

One example of a register that may need help to remove its initial X’s is a clock divider. A clock
divider is created by having a register feed back into itself through an inverter.


Figure 1: Simple Clock Divider

The feedback path, however, will prevent the clock divider register from getting out of its initial
X state. While the clock divider logic can include a reset, this can cause other reset problems as
seen in the following example. In this example, the clock divider will be successfully reset.
However, as long as rst is active, clk_divby2 is not toggling. Therefore, none of the flops in the
divby2 domain will be successfully reset.

rst rst_divby2



Figure 2: Clock Divider with Reset (won't work)

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One solution to this problem is to have two resets. One resets the clock dividers in the design and
the other is used to reset all of the other flops. Another solution is to omit the reset signal from
the clock divider as shown in figure 1. This solution will require some extra code to clear the X
out of the register at startup . Prior to synthesis, this code can reside in the RTL. However, it is
usually non-synthesizable code, and it is contained in an `ifdef or synopsys_on/off structure.
output Q;
input CLK;
reg Q;
always @(posedge CLK) Q = ~Q;

initial Q = 1'b0;
endmodule // SLE_CLKDIV_FLOP

After synthesis, the initial block will no longer exist, and some other method is required to force
an initial condition into the register. If the library model for the flop uses a reg construct, the
verilog assign statement can be used at time zero to set an initial condition on the register. Most
technology libraries, however, define the functionality with a user defined primitive (UDP) that
does not have a reg that can be assigned. The following “gate level kicker” code can be used to
initialize such registers.

`define KICK_REG0 testbench.tx_phy. \clkdiv_reg/U1

initial begin : kicker0
reg kick_val;
kick_val = $random(random_seed) % 2 ;
$display("Initializing KICK_REG0 to %b", kick_val);
force `KICK_REG0 .Q = kick_val;
// If flop has inverted output, kickstart that also
//force `KICK_REG0 .QN = ~kick_val;
@(posedge `KICK_REG0 .CLK);
release `KICK_REG0 .Q;
//release `KICK_REG0 .QN;

With this code, the actual internal state of the register has not been changed. However, by
overriding the Q (and/or the QN) output, the initial X in this register is not allowed to propagate
to downstream logic. The value is chosen randomly to ensure that the downstream logic is not
making any assumptions about the initial state of this register. Because of the clock divider’s
feedback loop, the D input to the register now has a non-X value on it, and this will clear the
register when the clock starts running.

You can also “kick” the D input of the register instead of the Q and/or QN outputs. This will
initialize the register when the clock starts. Until then, however, it will still allow the initial X to

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propagate to downstream logic and show you how tolerant that logic is to unknown initial

In Verilog a posedge occurs on any of the following transitions:

1. 0 -> 1
2. 0 -> X
3. 0 -> Z
4. X -> 1
5. Z -> 1
This can cause some complications in the gate level kicker code above. One common case is for
the first clock transition to be from X to 1. Many vendors’ library models will not register the D
input on an X to 1 clock transition. In this case simply waiting for two positive clock edges
allows the register to initialize correctly.

repeat (2) @(posedge `KICK_REG0 .CLK);

The gate level kicker code above also includes a hint that could save you a few hours of
frustrating trial and error debug time. VCS uses a “.” character to separate levels of hierarchy in a
design. When flattening a design using Design Compiler and other tools, the names of the gates
in the flattened design often include the previously hierarchical instance names and a “/”
character is often used between these hierarchical instance names (for example “clkdiv_reg/U1”
above). In verilog, a “/” character is only valid in an escaped identifier. An escaped identifier
starts with a “\” character and ends with a space, tab, or newline. VCS further requires a space in
front of the “\” character that starts the escaped identifier.

In the gate level kicker code above, the testbench instantiates a design as tx_phy. This tx_phy
design has been flattened, so the name of the clock divider flop is now “clkdiv_reg/U1”. There
are several methods to incorrectly reference pins on this flop, and only one correct method.

force testbench.tx_phy.clkdiv_reg/U1.Q = kick_val;

// 1. Incorrect, with “/” in name, needs to be escaped identifier
force \testbench.tx_phy.clkdiv_reg/U1.Q = kick_val;
// 2. Incorrect, escape just the instance name, not the whole path
force testbench.tx_phy.\clkdiv_reg/U1.Q = kick_val;
// 3. Incorrect, escaped identifier needs to end with white space
force testbench.tx_phy.\clkdiv_reg/U1 .Q = kick_val;
// 4. Incorrect, VCS needs a space before the “\” character
force testbench.tx_phy. \clkdiv_reg/U1 .Q = kick_val;
// 5. Correct reference (finally!!)

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3.2 Clock dividers
In addition to the problem of clearing the initial X value described above, clock dividers can also
cause problems with race conditions in gate level netlists. As with other sources of race
conditions, these problems can be very difficult to debug. Different simulators can simulate the
circuit differently; different versions of the same simulator may give you different results, even
different options such as enabling or disabling dumping can expose or hide the problem. The
clock divider induced race condition typically occurs when data is being transferred from the fast
clock domain to the divided clock domain.





Figure 3: Transfer From Fast Clock to Divide By 2 Clock

In RTL simulations, regA and regC are typically described behaviorally, with non blocking
assignments. The clock divider is either described with a blocking assignment, or with the
instantiation of a particular gate from the target library. In either case the simulator will update
the value of the clock divider before updating the regA and regC outputs. In gate level simulation
however, regA, regC, and the clock divider register can be executed in any order. If the simulator
chooses to execute regA, then the clock divider, then regC, the data flowing through this simple
pipeline will be corrupted. In the following example, the data coming out of {regA,regC} is
00,11,00. However, regA executes before the clock divider and regC executes after the clock
divider, and the data coming out of {regB,regD} is 00,10,01. Debugging a problem like this can
take many hours if you have not seen it before.

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Figure 4: Race Condition in Transfer to Divide By 2 Clock Domain

The signal transitions in the shaded area of the waveform above all happen in the same time step.
With typical waveform viewing they would be lined up with each other. Here the time step has
been expanded to highlight the order of execution. This time step expansion can also be done in a
simulation by using VCS’ vcsplusdeltacycleon() feature to record the order of execution of items
within a time step and Virsim’s “Expand Time” feature to show this order of execution.

There are a few different methods for dealing with this problem. The first possibility is to avoid
the problem through careful design. If the fast_clk registers update on the cycles where slow_clk
is falling and hold their values on the cycles when slow_clk is rising, the problem will be
avoided. This constraint does not need to be applied to all fast_clk registers, just those fast_clk
registers that are sending their data into the slow_clk clock domain. Achieving this kind of
synchronization between the clock domains is sometimes difficult and requires advance planning
during rtl design.

Another design change that can be used to avoid the problem is to use a falling edge triggered
flip flop for the clock divider. This guarantees that the rising edges of the original and divided
clocks will be at different times and will therefore eliminate the race condition. While this
solution can make testability and timing closure more difficult, it is a relatively easy change to
make in RTL.

If the problem has not been avoided through the design, there are a few possible methods for
working around it in gate level simulation. Each of these methods seeks to ensure that the
registers in the slow_clk domain will not see a rising clock edge until after all of the fast_clk
domain registers have been updated. Since there is no way to guarantee when the clock divider
register will update relative to the other fast_clk registers, some delay needs to be added between
the clock divider register and the clock inputs of the slow_clk registers. One way to do this is to
use an SDF file to create a CLK->Q delay on the clock divider register. The SDF file may look
like this:

SNUG San Jose 2004 12 All My X’s Come From Texas…Not!!

(DESIGN "sle_spi4_tx_phy")

(INSTANCE clkdiv_reg\/U1)
(IOPATH CLK Q (0.2))

VCS uses the $sdf_annotate system task to apply the SDF to the netlist.

initial $sdf_annotate ("clk_div.sdf",testbench.tx_phy);

When used by the testbench, this SDF file will create 200ps of CLK->Q delay on the divider
flop, ensuring that the fast_clk registers are all updated before the slow_clk registers see a clock







Figure 5: SDF Fixes Race Condition to Divide By 2 Clock Domain

Another potential workaround is typically available after the clock trees have been built. If the
slow_clk clock tree starts with a single clock buffer at the root of the tree, that clock buffer can
be given a nominal delay without the overhead of using an SDF file. In the gate level kicker code
of section 3.1, a constant value was used in a Verilog force statement. The force statement,
however, can also reference a wire or other variable, and when that variable changes, the force
statement will be reevaluated. Adding delay to the slow_clk path can then be as simple as forcing
some delay on the input of the root clock buffer.

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initial force slow_clk_buf0_0.A = #0.2 testbench.tx_phy.
\clkdiv_reg/U1 .Q;

The disadvantage of this method is the care that must be taken when creating this force
statement. If there is logic between the clock divider flop and the root of the clock tree (such as a
bypass mux for testability), the force statement must account for that functionality, otherwise the
functionality of the design will have been changed and the simulation results may not be

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4.0 Issues caused by Synthesis
Even after all of the library and design issues have been addressed, the synthesis process can still
create logic structures that cause trouble for gate level simulation.

4.1 Keep resets close to registers.

When using a synchronous reset methodology, the reset signal becomes part of the logic cloud
feeding the flip flop’s D input. When the reset signal comes in close to the register, it is able to
effectively clear the initial X state from that register, even if the logic cloud is generating an X.

Logic 1'bx 1'b0


rst 1'b1 1'b0

Figure 6: Reset Close to Target Register

During synthesis, however, logic optimization may pull the reset back further into the middle of
the logic cloud. In some cases the resulting logic prevents the reset from being able to clear the
initial X state from the register. Sometimes, the set_ideal_net synthesis constraint that is typically
used on high fanout nets such as reset is sufficient for keeping the reset signal close to the
registers. Another effective method for preventing synthesis from moving the reset signal farther
back in the logic cloud is to set a late arrival time (large input delay) on the reset signal. With a
late arrival time on the reset input, synthesis seeks to meet the required timing constraints by
minimizing the amount of logic between the reset input and the registers that it goes to. The
synthesis constraint may look something like this:

# Allow 500ps for reset logic

set RST_LOGIC 0.5
set_input_dly $RST_IN_DLY -clock clk [get_ports rst]

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4.2 Incomplete Logic Optimization Interferes With Reset
Even when the logic feeding a register does include a reset and steps are taken in synthesis to
ensure that the reset path is kept close to the register, a netlist can still be created which prevents
the reset from clearing the X’s. In one case that we’ve seen recently, we started with RTL which
looked like this:

always @(posedge clk) begin

if (rst) begin
count[4:0] <= 5'h10;
end else begin
<Logic cloud>

And the resulting gates from Design Compiler (v2003.06-SP1) for bit 4 of this register looked
like this:

Logic BF101 count[4]

cloud B1

Figure 7: Synthesis Result

At first glance, this looks good, with the reset signal coming into the final gate before the
register. However, the BF101 gate is an AND-OR combination, so the function really looks like

Logic BF101 count[4]


Figure 8: AND-OR Combination Prevents Reset From Clearing X's
With this logic structure, the reset signal is not able to overcome X’s in the logic cloud and
successfully reset the register. With a little Boolean Algrebra, however, we find that the B1 path
is completely unnecessary and could have been tied to 1’b1:

Logic BF101 count[4]

cloud 1'b1
Figure 9: Logic Optimization Fixes X Problem

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Even simpler yet would be to use a simple OR gate instead of the BF101:


Figure 10: Even Better Logic Optimization
Either of these two modifications will allow the register to reset properly and the gate level
simulation to run better. Of course, manual edits of a gate level netlist are not a popular addition
to the design flow. Instead, we have reverted to Design Compiler 2003.03 where the problem has
not been seen (yet), and we will report the problem to Synopsys Support.

4.3 Feedback problems

This example shows how even simple designs can go horribly wrong. The RTL in one recent
design looked like this:

always @(posedge clk) begin

dout_reg <= din_reg;

It was a simple pipeline stage with no logic between the flops. The expected synthesis output was

din_reg dout_reg


Figure 11: Simple Flop to Flop Path

At simulation startup dout_reg, like all registers, would start with a value of X. Even though
dout_reg did not include a reset, din_reg does get reset, and in one clock cycle, this reset value
should propagate through dout_reg, clearing the startup X’s.

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The target technology included both normal and inverting flops, although the inverting flops
were noticeably faster than the non-inverting variety. The gates that came out of synthesis used
inverting flops that also included an enable input and the circuit looked like this:


Figure 12: “Creative” Logic for Simple Flop to Flop Path

This is certainly a creative way to implement the functionality. However, it causes serious
troubles for gate level simulation. The startup X on dout_reg controls the XOR, preventing the X
from ever getting cleared. While we haven’t seen this synthesis result recently, the fixes at the
time included adding these lines to our synthesis scripts:

set hdlin_keep_inv_feedback {FALSE}

set_dont_use <flops with enable inputs>

5.0 Issues when running SDF based gate level simulation

With continuing improvements in the realms of design verification methodologies, static timing
analysis, and formal equivalency checking, SDF based gate level simulations are gradually
migrating toward obsolescence. However, some companies still choose to perform limited
amounts of back-annotated simulations as a way to double-check static timing analysis results.
Unfortunately, even if all other X sources have been identified and resolved, moving on to SDF
simulations can present a host of new challenges.

The purpose of SDF simulation is to prove that the design will run at the specified operating
frequency while modeling expected timing delays in the circuit. When setup and hold check
error messages or functional failures generated during simulation are true failures, they indicate
areas of your static timing scripts and constraints that need improvement. Unfortunately, timing-
based simulations can also generate false errors so egregious that they will have you thinking
about what size box you want for your personal effects and where you would like you eat your
farewell lunch.

5.1 Effects of timing failures

As one would expect and desire, timing violations occurring in a simulation get appropriately
flagged with an often verbose error message. When the messages are caused by real errors in the
design, all of the effort invested in getting gate level simulation running is suddenly justified.
However, if the error messages are being caused by a false timing violation, especially in a place
where they will repeatedly occur such as an asynchronous boundary, the result can be a flood of
unnecessary and invalid timing errors in your simulation log file. Interpreting and scrutinizing

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these failures can be a long and laborious process, especially when no prior preparation has been
made to anticipate timing failures.

Typically, a timing failure will not only result in a message in the error log, but it will also
propagate an unknown value on to the register output. Obviously, if a particular register is
designed such that it is not intended to meet timing, this behavior will likely introduce terminal
cases of X propagation. Some libraries will allow for modification of this behavior by enabling
certain defines. In other cases, unique, hand-modified local libraries may be required to handle
the problem. In either case, understanding that the issue might develop is a step toward
mitigating the time lost debugging this category of problems.

5.2 Expected Timing Violations

There may be some registers in the design that are expected to fail setup and hold timing checks.
These registers are designed into the logic to provide a specific function and may not ever be
intended to pass flop-to-flop timing checks at operating frequency. While the static timing
assertions are likely to account for this, simulation timing checks will catch the setup/hold
violations, generate errors, and likely become an X source in the block. The most common
circuits that may be expected to have setup/hold violations are synchronizers used for clock
domain crossings and multi-cycle paths.

5.2.1 Synchronizers for clock domain crossings

data_clk1_reg data_sync_reg data_clk2_reg


Figure 13: Synchronizer Circuit

Clock domain synchronizers exist for the sole purpose of resynchronizing a signal from one
clock domain to another. As such, there is never any guarantee for arrival times at the first
capture flop of the synchronizer (data_sync_reg in figure 13). Unfortunately, the timing checks
enabled on the library element that models the capture flop will still activate, and upon any setup
or hold violation (which are frequent on an asynchronous boundary) will fail timing checks.
Enabling successful gate level simulation will typically require removing the synchronizer’s
setup and hold constraints from the SDF file. This modification to the SDF file can be greatly
eased if a consistent naming convention is used for all such asynchronous clock domain
crossings in the design. Another powerful methodology for dealing with this issue was outlined
in Paul Zimmer’s SNUG San Jose 2003 paper, “My Favorite DC/PT TCL Tricks.” Paul’s
methodology uses Primetime scripts to create verilog that a testbench can use to force the notifier
that most library flip-flop models use to do the X assertion.

SNUG San Jose 2004 19 All My X’s Come From Texas…Not!!

5.2.2 Multi-cycle paths

Multi-cycle paths are another design element that can create false errors in timing based
simulations. In this case, the designer understands the need for more than one clock cycle to
propagate through a logic cloud, and the STA environment will be appropriately set up to handle
the multi-cycle requirement. Unfortunately, the simulation model checks could still recognize
and flag timing violations. Similar to the synchronization registers, the endpoints of multicycle
paths generally need to have their setup and hold checks removed from the SDF file.

An alternative is to allow the setup/hold check fail and the resulting X to propagate through the
design. If the path is truly a mutli-cycle path, the register output should not be used during the
cycle when it is at an X value, and allowing the register to go to X during that cycle provides an
extra check to ensure that the functionality truly operates this way. When using this approach,
some post processing of the log file is typically required to filter out the timing violations that
have been accepted on the multi-cycle paths.

6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

The road to successful gate level simulation can be riddled with potholes and profanity. The
obstacles can come from the library models, the design, or the synthesis process. While some of
the problems can be avoided through proper influence on your library vendor’s models or proper
design guidelines and planning, other problems will simply need to be addressed as they are
encountered. By knowing the areas where these problems can occur, we hope that you are able to
more quickly find appropriate solutions and begin to use some of the other four letter

SNUG San Jose 2004 20 All My X’s Come From Texas…Not!!

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